Gracie Insider November 2006 Technique of Month - Guillotine

  • Опубліковано 28 лип 2024
    Ryron and Rener Gracie From the Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy in Torrance, CA demonstrate how to effectively apply a guillotine choke. This video is brought to you by the "Gracie Insider" the official newsletter for the Gracie Family. For more information and training videos go to and sign up for the newsletter.
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  • @SoCalDude805
    @SoCalDude805 12 років тому

    After searching youtube for learning a guillotine choke, these guys explain it the best.

  • @roycegracie11
    @roycegracie11 15 років тому

    best teachers i've ever seen in my life. i gotta get my ass to torrance

  • @superboydude54
    @superboydude54 12 років тому +2

    Someone tried to steal my iPod, I used the guillotine on him. HA HA HA

  • @UTBaller22
    @UTBaller22 15 років тому

    get the dvd series man its just as good they r really good teachers

  • @tpd1399
    @tpd1399 9 років тому +1

    I got forced into a street fight by a guy that had Atleast 20 pounds of weight and it was my first and only fight so far. I won without throwing a punch thanks to watching these videos.

  • @brottarnacke
    @brottarnacke 14 років тому +1

    You are a little bit at risk for a few seconds as you arch up to choke him out, but if you've secured a really good hold, the pain will likely keep him from reaching your groin for those few seconds.
    ALSO, The very best way of applying the standing guillotine is if you are wearing some sort of jacket, because then you can grab your opposite lapel with your choking hand, securing the grip one handed, leaving your non choking hand free to protect your groin. This is the optimal way.

  • @hcpiano
    @hcpiano 17 років тому

    man!! I can`t thank you guys enough... keep up the good work and post more videos...

  • @Smallgot83
    @Smallgot83 11 років тому

    I've been doing BJJ for 2 1/2 years, Its so great on so many levels. It also saved my life in a home invasion. I recommend BJJ for everyone, so much benefit comes from it!

  • @ckobo84
    @ckobo84 17 років тому

    Wow, tons of good advice. Loved it, but made me nervous when he started getting so breathless, lol. Yeah this might be fairly natural and instinctive for alot of people, but still it's one of the best (and most often availible) so want to make sure you know how to do it right.

  • @brottarnacke
    @brottarnacke 14 років тому

    The key to not lose the grip while pulling guard, is to make sure that you have a really good grip before you drop to guard. This goes for all guillotines. You shouldn't go for the finish with the guillotine, unless you have secured it really well, so that you know you can take him out fast with it. The position I mentioned before, where you pinch your knees together and crouch slightly is the key here. Stay in that position until you've secured it perfectly.

  • @adry803
    @adry803 16 років тому

    what a video!! you explain very very well!

  • @zakhar1113
    @zakhar1113 16 років тому

    This guys are the best!!

    @FMFC0RPSMAN 13 років тому

    Amazing teaching ability! Obrigado!

  • @Chin9y8302
    @Chin9y8302 16 років тому

    I never knew the name for this move, but I've always knew when to apply it. They can teach you alot of things and you could learn of alot of things, but I think this move is pretty commons sense.

  • @kevinkelley102
    @kevinkelley102 4 роки тому

    Rener: "don't jump guard!" T-City against Swanson: "hold my beer!" lol

  • @UTBaller22
    @UTBaller22 15 років тому

    They are the exact same thing, it just depends what you want to do, they both have there advantages, but i like the DVD's because you dont have to be next to a computer to train, and your watching all this on a lot bigger screen i feel like i get a lot more out of it... They both will work good though it is just whichever you would want.

  • @fatman100
    @fatman100 17 років тому

    Keep it up.This stuff is great!!! Thanks

  • @daddygee37
    @daddygee37 5 років тому

    I've used this in a self defense situation in the past...very effective!!!

  • @95__A
    @95__A 8 років тому +3

    This move gets you the UFC Heavyweight Belt.

  • @tricepsish
    @tricepsish 12 років тому

    lol at 4:22 Mr gracie's voice changes as the choke is applied!

  • @Alio15
    @Alio15 14 років тому

    Its a fight or flight response. Your body can shake off alot of pain in the spur of a moment.

  • @infokemp
    @infokemp 14 років тому

    I box & do Jujitsu I was practicing with my brother he was fighting Jujitsu style & I was boxing he tried a take down which I defended with punches to the hip (with gloves on, no injuries) this also works against kicks. Just thought you could use that in future fights.
    The guileteen does work my other brother used it against me in a practice fight years ago, you can sprall rather than go into guard like in greco-roman wrestling it also sets up well for knee stikes & clinch.
    All best

  • @bluefilmsltd
    @bluefilmsltd 15 років тому

    This video taught me quite a lot. Good job, lads. I want to know how to escape a guillotine now.

  • @acslater017
    @acslater017 16 років тому

    thanks, very detailed.

  • @TheScottskey
    @TheScottskey 10 років тому

    ive used that in so many fights when i was in school

  • @aleksandramierzwicka9339
    @aleksandramierzwicka9339 11 років тому


  • @brottarnacke
    @brottarnacke 14 років тому

    @yeee941 No, if you do it directly from closed guard you're safe, then he doesn't have the space to reach for your groin. I was thinking more from standing or while you're trying to move into closed guard, like they showed in this video. Like I said, there are ways of protecting your groin while you're applying the guillotine, but I still think it's a viable threat, which should be mentioned while going through the guillotine for self defense.

  • @Smallgot83
    @Smallgot83 11 років тому

    air chokes often turn into vascular chokes when applied tight enough. However, if you cant breathe and blood is still able to flow to your brain, it is less dangerous, because your blood is still oxygenated and keeping you awake. For the time being, that is. Any choke can kill you, but vascular chokes will do it much more efficiently.

  • @diabolic42090
    @diabolic42090 17 років тому

    lol you see the back of the triangle shirt when he's in the guy's guard.

  • @GracieGoldsboro
    @GracieGoldsboro 16 років тому

    its common sense if the other guy doesn't know how to defend, but all the details make a difference against a trained opponent

  • @101skanka
    @101skanka 12 років тому

    this is one of the easiest chokes in jiu jitsu but still very effective

  • @adukill
    @adukill 17 років тому

    thx guyss=]

  • @johnnyquest456
    @johnnyquest456 11 років тому

    Yeah that makes sense, thanks. Do you roll yourself?

  • @Elder88
    @Elder88 16 років тому

    depends, if he is swinging upright and swing, IE not just coming at you balls to the walls, it's very hard and there are much better moves from these situations. Some guys will come at you swinging with their head down, which is a mistake on their part but you can capitalize and use the guillotine there. Or if they try to go for a take-down on you. Basically the rule of thumb for this move I'd say is whenever you're opponent tries to get in close to you with his head down.

  • @Cbautista760
    @Cbautista760 8 років тому +2

    got in a fight yesterday at work... guy tried to tackle me.but i had his head and applied the guillotine.,, dude begged to let him go .... which i did,,,, now im jobless but my pride is worth more

    • @eyejab
      @eyejab 8 років тому

      why did you lose your job and what job was it?

  • @shogun120
    @shogun120 16 років тому

    worry about the punches first.. then obtain a body clinch and apply the steps that start after 4:10 of this video.

  • @christhacker666
    @christhacker666 11 років тому

    hes in south michigan

  • @iloveherion
    @iloveherion 16 років тому

    Yes. Thats exactly how its supposed to feel. If not, you just have him in a head lock and he can stay there for as long as he wants with no pain

  • @bm4n11
    @bm4n11 16 років тому

    yeah definatly i've noticed in ufc's with my friends that if its not done right by the time he gets out of it im just so tired trying to wrench his neck that it screws me over

  • @latraviushutchins143
    @latraviushutchins143 3 роки тому

    How do you get out of that

  • @cozfoo
    @cozfoo 17 років тому

    good! but how to get out of it????

  • @ScottYarmel
    @ScottYarmel 16 років тому

    I have used this move lots when i'm messing around with my friends trying to make each other tap out but i was wondering does anyone know some good ways to escape a guillotine? Maybe someone could send me a link to a video of someone breaking out of it? thanks

  • @damiraclemanda
    @damiraclemanda 15 років тому

    dvd combatives or instructional dvd set?

  • @jusjames123
    @jusjames123 16 років тому

    I would give both to train with them

  • @victor7h
    @victor7h 15 років тому

    Has anyone purchased any of the submission series shirts? are they worth the price?

  • @TheSkullCrossbone
    @TheSkullCrossbone 10 років тому +1

    what have I to do to apply it on the ground ? Is there anything about turning myself, my hips, his head or anything else ? Or just leaning backward ?

    • @drownbunny
      @drownbunny 10 років тому +1

      Most important thing is don't lay flat down. If you notice in the video he stays elevated. Laying flat takes away from the leverage of the choke and makes it easier to slip out of and defend by tucking the chin. It also causes muscle fatigue to set in faster no matter how strong you are. I also like to flip the grip of my hand as to put added pressure on both sides of the artery.

  • @johnnyquest456
    @johnnyquest456 12 років тому

    This is more respiratory than vascular right? So what if you're defender doesn't know the signs of the attacker being put to sleep? Would he kill him since it's more of a throat choke?

  • @Cheedillow
    @Cheedillow 16 років тому

    Is guillotine a windpipe hold?

  • @ChopBunny69
    @ChopBunny69 16 років тому

    Vash you own at polar escape 5

  • @WeGotTehPie
    @WeGotTehPie 15 років тому

    Nah bro the guillotine is like one of the most common submissions used in MMA.

  • @dill_lift
    @dill_lift 16 років тому

    I fight that If you do it that way (Squeeze and pressure up) requires way toooooo much stength compared to a way I was showed.

  • @brottarnacke
    @brottarnacke 14 років тому

    If you feel that you can't get a good guillotine on him from that position, then you should try another technique instead.
    Don't do the guillotine unless you get it perfectly, because it is a bit risky, both because of the groin hazard and because you end up on the bottom when you pull guard.
    Sorry for writing an essay here, but I think it's a pretty important topic. :-)

  • @BarakaTheGreat
    @BarakaTheGreat 13 років тому

    @CrackHeadx1 Don't know if you still really want an answer after 5 months :P But It doesn't matter, the only important part is cutting of flow of the carotid arteries which are on the sides of your neck.

  • @MettaliarYanto
    @MettaliarYanto 15 років тому

    i've seen small guys take out big guys with this. If you hang on and keep your guard he'll be out in no time

  • @uddaside
    @uddaside 11 років тому

    Reners example was for a challenge match or a street fight not for somebody with a gun mkay.

  • @M0rb30uS
    @M0rb30uS 15 років тому

    oh man, i remember one time at school
    this dude trys picking me and dropping me like a tackle, i got him in a guillotine i was being suspended in the air, while my legs wrapped around his back and my arms around his head, i was still dropped, but i still had my grip, and the dude passed out.

  • @takidabossen
    @takidabossen 13 років тому

    I almost never do guilitotin from standing position, i always go down and finish it in the guard, much more difficult for the opponent to escape it from the guard.

  • @MincraftPartner
    @MincraftPartner 12 років тому

    Nice t-shirt, but what happens if you put it in the wash and the printing flakes off ;)

  • @bmx7596
    @bmx7596 13 років тому

    I recommend as well that if you decide to pull guard on a stronger opponent be prepared to bridge quickly if you can't hold the choke in. The street fight probably won't last long, and even a pissed off untrained guy can connect with a punch or two if you don't capitalize fast. Also, its not a great idea to be on the ground in a street fight, ever. It happens though, and we must be prepared.

  • @bmx7596
    @bmx7596 12 років тому

    @ellisr75 1 on 1 yeah go to the ground if thats your style, but street fights are rarely 1 vs 1. I don't care how good your bjj is, a swift football kick from an additional attacker will end you. Of course the gracie's would disagree-thats THEIR game is on the ground, their not gonna stand up wtf.
    So I'll pose a question, 2 on 1 do you still pull your shoot? Thats usually street fight mentally, outnumbered.

  • @MettaliarYanto
    @MettaliarYanto 15 років тому

    if you are worried about it, maybe you can drop to the ground. sure he can punch you in the face, but the other guy said, it won't be long untill he's out so if you you can suck up 9 seconds of face or ball shots your good

  • @emanizzle
    @emanizzle 16 років тому

    hahah... "how does this one work"?? lol

  • @bbpuggy
    @bbpuggy 11 років тому

    I hate how people try to use the kimura as an offensive move when it's suspose to be a defensive move;(

  • @PforPZ
    @PforPZ 12 років тому

    Don't jump guard onto your opponent in a street fight. I have to remember that advice.

  • @brottarnacke
    @brottarnacke 14 років тому

    @MettaliarYanto You can probably put up with a few punches to the balls, but if he gets a good hold of them it's a different story..

  • @darkbeam912
    @darkbeam912 16 років тому

    Did you break there shoulder? haha

  • @TheGodofWarGods
    @TheGodofWarGods 11 років тому

    but fall back ofc.

  • @TheLiquidCanvas
    @TheLiquidCanvas 16 років тому

    wow- gracie jiu-jitsu system is the most well respected ground fighting style on the planet- and you made a video for stuff you learn on the first day? seems to me like more of a plug for a clothing line- guillotine shirts? are u guys serious?

  • @skeetzo
    @skeetzo 16 років тому

    ya and i'm the queen of france

  • @MMercM
    @MMercM 16 років тому

    One time, I was surrounded by 18 million guys, but I'm actually Hulk Hogan in a mask, so I won, because Hulk Hogan doesn't lose to anyone, brother. *injects steroids*

  • @darktop1
    @darktop1 15 років тому

    looks like kamasutra^^

  • @christhacker666
    @christhacker666 11 років тому

    ihave atrainer that does it for free he is about to go big and his trainer was thiago silva and when he teaches mei catch on right when he shows me it just sticks to ya foreverwen he teaches you his name is nathen long .. the n9ne finger nightmare

  • @UncaTuck
    @UncaTuck 12 років тому

    Are you two lovers?

  • @TheGodofWarGods
    @TheGodofWarGods 11 років тому

    When you fall the best way to do that is jump instead of just fall just up and wrap legs when you fall :P you'll get it faster and hurt them ..

  • @kennethtaylor9759
    @kennethtaylor9759 8 років тому

    I have used my wrestling but i did a RNC someone after dude slammed the shit out of me. Dude was atleast 250lbs big ass guy. I rolled him off me somehow got full mount. Dude was so big he damn near threw me off full mount one handed. He even managed to almost sit up all the way then I cleared the arm and got his back and applied the choke. he went to sleep within seconds I don't mean to sound racist but that was the first time I have ever seen a black man turn purple.

  • @DynomiteDerek
    @DynomiteDerek 17 років тому

    i won my first fight by choking the guy out that way

  • @jaypack9
    @jaypack9 16 років тому

    sleep ive did it many times in street fights

  • @ARTOFWAR2008
    @ARTOFWAR2008 12 років тому

    I fight everyday.

  • @REE_III
    @REE_III 12 років тому

    The Gracie's would completely disagree with you on not being on the ground ever in a street fact, that's what they teach..take the fight to the ground & use jiu jitsu

  • @UrbemArmis
    @UrbemArmis 10 років тому

    if your main takedown defense is calling the other guy gay, youre not gonna do well in the fighting world. sure you can box or pick another stand-up only sport/art, but if it was a street fighting situation and took you down boxing wont mean shit. i love stand up fighting. hell if i had to choose id choose kick boxing or boxing over anything else, but im no fool. id rather pull guard and sweep the guy so that im on top rather than having to hope one of my friends jumps in and pulls the guy off

  • @Gymrat2006
    @Gymrat2006 11 років тому

    If only you weren't so closed minded it might save your life

  • @Chin9y8302
    @Chin9y8302 16 років тому

    Though this move is effective...I think if you try this move on a guy a whole lot bigger and heavier, he's probably gonna bulldoze right through you. Especially if there's a wall.

  • @ant1939
    @ant1939 16 років тому

    u can put them to sleep

  • @ogan
    @ogan 17 років тому

    Those guys are liars, there gracies', no one would want to fight them.

  • @Lavarpsu10
    @Lavarpsu10 16 років тому

    Untrained newbs like Pat Milletich and Igor Vovchanchyn?

  • @Smallgot83
    @Smallgot83 11 років тому

    No one cares.