You nailed it when you said that judges don't know all the laws and you have to educate them 60% of the time. I had to educate them like 95% of the time. In my custody case, the judge didn't understand the best interests of the child. The judge was an expert in making orders that were in the best interests of the mother... but not of the child. I testified for 28 hours about the best interest factors of our child and won primary custody. Meanwhile in child support court, over about 6 years, we had approximately 14 child support orders... because of various modifications and small issues. I objected and appealed 100% of the orders because they all had errors in law and fact. I had more than 50% of those overturned on appeal. These people don't know the law at all. I find it terrible that so many people have custody and child support orders that are in violation of the Law...And these parents have to live with these erroneous orders. And most people don't know that there are errors and they don't know how to appeal them. Shame on family court for doing this to our fellow citizens.
Hello, Im a mom that has been in court since 2017. If i had any idea that god placed you on this earth with skill sets specifically designed to give from the heart, i wouldn't be in court case #3 & #4 right now in 2022. Every moment of 4 years i have had in court, watching the judge, the lawyers movements, tone changes, vocabulary adjustments and mico social subtitles, took me years to learn. You captured it in mins, so much time saved for other parents just stepping in to this. THANK YOU!!
I represented myself and was so thankful. My former spouse got custody, but once i followed the money trail i discovered my former spouse purchased custody. Saved thousands of dollars. Now I'm teaching others how to be pro se and making the process easier. you give advice? I'm a single mom in WA state..needing an attorney...but can't afford..would like to file papers with a paralegal, but I have to represent myself....
I need your advice please!! I'm taking a narcissist to court for contempt and change of custody. He lied to get custody but he will NOT walk away with my child again! This has been pure hell. I havent seen my daughter in 5 years. Please email if you have any advice for me! THANK YOU!!! #Justice4Justice
Exactly what she's saying all the advice that she's giving that's what I did for my court case, I got myself very educated I used to go to the courts and sit and watch how everything went down, I did it over and over again I followed this to a T but my case was way before she ever made this video I just knew that it was the right thing to do and it worked... and it works very well but I'm just the type of person that's able to represent myself and my case went fabulous👌/ I recommend representing yourself if it's not a "crazy wild case" and if you know the person on the opposing side is a little wacky then don't worry you will win......
So u can just go to a courtroom and sit there? Are u allowed to b there without being kicked out? Didn't know any civilian could just get into a courtroom and sit right there...
@@gisselmartinez5599 I'm gonna do this myself. My soon-to-be ex-spouse and I were originally gonna do a joint simplified divore where we don't even have to show up, but we don't meet the requirements, so we have to do a regular one. I know which judge we will have for our first court date so I'm gonna see if I can go and sit and watch.
I’m so scared right now. I’m up at 3:57am educating myself on all of these things. My court date is aug 14 of this year and I’m extremely ready to stand up for my son. My wife is extremely wacky and abusive but placed the order of protection on me.
This happened to me where my husband kidnapped my children from VA to CA. I submitted for an emergency hearing snd the judge allowed him to keep all four children bc he said it costs less to have you go to CA then bring them here back to VA, even though I didn’t give permission for my children to even go to CA! I struggled and have been separate from my children for 2 years with a few days every month to see them. So much more to this but people who represent themselves also get railroaded which is what happened to me. I was a stay at home mom and I got taken advantage of and even told my kids were “uneducated” which wasn’t true because I homeschooled my kids! Now I’m back to set things right and make sure my kids are home safe with me.
Thank you for being out there for the people! I was served wrongfully for the custody of my child and study gardening NOT law. I literally have no idea what I'm doing. I got a wild hair to research if someone somewhere could offer useful information bc out of 10s of lawyers I've tried consults with are all just telling me to hire before they assist. I have four children on low income. It's impossible. So thank you for offering very useful threads of information I am able to use to better myself and my child's in this situation. Thank you!
I've been representing tf out my self all 2021 and was in the same situation. Best advice, exercise your custodial rights. Fill for emergency/temporary custody + Custody meeting. I was unfortunate that in my case. I was clueless to where they was. So how do you get them served. Where are they? By God's good grace I was able to find him. But I did obtain Emergency custody. Acknowledge that you are worried about his well being and future. I, myself could never be heartless enough. Honor that kid if you really wanna be a PARENT. Full Time working and parenting takes alot of dedication and devotion. But don't take my advice and higher one as soon as possible. Because let me tell yah. Conniving mfs won't let you live in peace on top of all your obligations to maintain now. Persistent-righteous is salvation. But it can be tough mentally. Keep faith and show consistent effort in raising your precious child. "A wise man knows he knows nothing so get a god damn lawyer." But for real start saving because I'm annoyed by the 3 trial in and I wish I had one. Wish me luck Dec. 1st God Bless
Excellent video. I like how you said judges don't know 60% of the laws. I've spent a lot of money on lawyers where I had to get restraining orders to protect me and my kids and also going through a messy divorce. I do a lot of observing and I often find that the judge always deflects back to the council the lawyers and says you guys come up with a solution...
My brother can I ask you some questions ? Please ! I have my very first family court date every next month in August of this year for my 1 year old son. Your story seems similar to mine and I need help please
1:13 went thru the exact scenario, only difference is I had an attorney representing me and we researched the jurisdiction for the state I’m in, didn’t matter the judge kept same decision. good luck to the guy fighting it living in a different state... really wasn’t going to comment but it touched a soft spot.
Zero doubt it is very serious to rep yourself. Trying to pitch your case to do what is in best interest of the kids requires work. That is why they cost so much. They are worth it.
Exactly. This is what so many people don’t understand. You have to do it yourself, but you can file a special appearance motion to argue the merits of Case. I’m not an attorney. I do not practice law. Seek an attorney for legal advice and not necessarily “lawful” advice
I’m literally so broken without my daughter😔💔 How can my child’s mother do this? Hopefully everything goes well I can’t afford a lawyer and if I decide to represent myself I will try my best to keep y’all updated
Don't question why a snake is a snake, or why a demon is a demon, or why garbage is garbage. Just fight for your daughter with everything you got. And when you got nothing left, you still fight. your daughter is going to need you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was invaluable! As of last week, I am pro se, again. Last time was the same case, 7 years ago (I'm still in a custody dispute with my ex after 7+ years) and it turned out AWFUL! It was a couple of months after the dissolution of our marriage and I was in shock from recently finding out that my husband was having an affair for over a year and had impregnated her! My ex then kidnapped our daughters on my custodial Day. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I'm about to binge your channel! Thank you again! P.S. After 7+ years of research and hiring 3 different lawyers who loved my money but weren't compelled to work. I feel like I could ALMOST pass the bar, lol. I'm kidding!!!! My confidence certainly has improved because of lawyers like yourself!
A watchmaker charged a customer $100 dollars to repair an old watch. The customer asked why they were doling out $100 when all the watchmaker did was tighten two tiny screws. The watchmaker replied, "the actual tightening only cost you $1. You paid me $99 for knowing exactly which screws to tighten and how much to turn the screw driver". That's the moral of this video - you wanna represent yourself? That's cool but KNOW what that means and what that takes. It's not a simple matter of showing up because you think you're in the right. The person on the other side of you also thinks they are right and it's up to you to convince a judge. And that takes skill. Thank you, Ms. Grayson.
I have been researching and finally you are the only resource that has made any sense. I am a single dad with full custody of my daughter and I could really use any advise from you for my situation. Please, I beg of you. Sincerely The single dad aka the tree in the forest
Hey man! I’m a dad and I’m trying to educate myself the best I can so I can be prepared for my court date Aug 14th of this year. My wife is abusive and a bit wacky but I don’t hate her nor wanna see her suffer. Yet I believe it’s truly in the best interest for my son to be in my primary care. Can I please email you about a few things if you have the time ?
This is so helpful my son just had a horrible experience with a biased judge. He has proof of his child's mother being abusive to him she had punched him in the face. She has pepper sprayed him. Threatened to kill the baby and said no one will ever know. She has harassed him constantly. When the police are called argue with them curse them out. She leaves the baby with her new man that she just met from buying weed from him. Everyone that was some type of lawyer law enforcement and mediators said he had a solid case. He has proof of everything and then some. If it's not texts it's recordings. She even set him up to pic up his child on Saturday when he had no idea that she had an emergency order put in place for Sundays on for 8 hours only. Once they agreed for him to take the baby hom on Monday she tried to have him locked up for kidnapping. The judge did not want to hear him plea his case at all and he had an attorney representing him. So the end results an 8 hour visit on Sunday with out a secure drop and pick up location for my son so that his child's mother doesn't fight him mase him or whatever she even said she will shoot him all recorded. My son has never hit her ever and he has that recorded.keep in mind that before he even had their child he supported her and her child for 3 years. What kind of judge allows all the laws to be broken by the child's mother constantly and everything plays in her favor. Only in Philly. Yeah that's why it's a mess now
2:50...Then what in THE HELL is the judge good for if you have to TELL them what the laws and rules are???? thats what they are there for! the system is shot!
Once you realize what type of court your in (article I/II/III), family court is article II since it derives it's limited authority from the Hague treaty. Knowing that you are not in front of an article III(judicial branch) judge, and that they are acting on a limited authority position as a result of an active and ratified treaty, then you can build your defense. Active and ratified treaties are supreme law only right below the CONSTITUTION. Knowing that, you should yourself read the treaty and then several others on the books like the ICCPR, there is a provision in it to protect the parent. I'd also look into the dsm-5 and look for any violations. Anyway, just some food for a hungry mind. Thanks 🙈 🙉🙊
@gonzed11 - You do not understand what a court is when you say . "what the hell is the judge good for if you have to tell them what the laws are?" The point of court is to access justice. The phrase "scales of justice" is very correct metaphor for what is happening in court. Litgants load each side of scales with their case (their information). A judge is not the scales. A judge operates the scales. A judge has no need to understand what each party puts in their scale pan. A judge ensures both sides load their scales fairly eg follow the rules of court. A judge only makes a decision on what is infront on him (on the scales) not what he thinks outside of the evidence infront of him. No matter how obvious the judge is meant to be impartial in his views and bias's. To help him the litigants (both claimant and defendant) must present their cases in a formal way. EVENT (FACTS) >ISSUE >CLAIM >DEFENCE >PROOFS >LEGAL REASONING (FACTS vs RULES) >JUDGEMENT >RELIEF An EVENT happens and raises ISSUES which need RELIEF (resolution). FACTS are what happened (in the event). RULES are what should happen (in law). CLAIM is the ISSUE presented in formal manner for court. DEFENCE is the ISSUE RESPONE presented in formal manner for court. PROOF is the evidence to support CLAIM and to support DEFENCE eg scales of justice weight: CLAIM+PROOF1+LEGAL REASONING vs DEFENCE+PROOF2+LEGAL REASONING LEGAL REASONING is literally a process to draw the impartial judge a picture. Look up IRAC : ISSUE >RULES > ANALYSIS >CONCLUSION. (for ISSUE, the RULES are xyz, the FACTS are abc, APPLICATION of rules to facts once analysed draw a legal CONCLUSION). Without litigants doing this for judge the judge is powerless to say he knows best... he can only judge based upon information presented to him... legal reasoning is literally about laying a bread crumb trail to where you want the judge to follow so his JUDGEMENT agrees with your CONCLUSION about the event and issue being examined. I repeat judge has no need to know the law just how to operate the scales of justice and how to follow your legal reasoning. Hence your legal reasoning must include "the law or rules" as well as "the facts". Is not for judge to go and find find the rules. He is just a referee after all - he can hear thousands of cases about many many jurisdictions (types of law)....he cant be an expert in all hence the machinery of the case must present everything in a nice neat bow for him to have a chance at making a best decision. QED !
OMG! Bless You Merissa V. ! You are legit answer to my prayers, I ALSO had to sself-represent. I am a very smart, educated woman, however i stuided earth science and Human Biology, Chemistry.. i did NOT take the Bar exam, nor have i ever been to COURT in my entire 30 years of life, I am VERY ignorant when it comes to Law, because I try to follow it. My now EX husvand had a lawyer from day 1, and he knows loop holes since he's been in and our of jail since the age of 14. I was a stay at home mom, our only son is 7 WITH special needs, hes NON verbal and cannot be interviewed, anyways my ex is just - idk how else to say this- a piece of💩 who knew i couldnt afford a lawyer, i tried 7 and got shot down by legal services twice because of their large caseload... I LEGIT have been fighting for over 2 years to get proper custody of our son back, if i had been studying this entire time on HOW TO BE MY OWN ATTORNY , it ha not been easy but thank God i'm actually doing all the advice in your video today, before I watched it, so this gives me hope. Even though I'm standing alone, I DO have the truth and undeniable mounds of evidence, but these last TWO YEARS to learn, for theres no "How To" gudie when you get divocred then forced to self- represent
is that what is right for the children? if your family is fit. then fundamental rights to all sides are the best fight. i know children need both parents,
diligent and competent key words right there... I have had THREE total potatoes represent me if you want to call it that. Im currently preparing for a dissolution trial in Pierce county WA atm and just finished my trial brief max pages 24 I got in at 19 BUT I should have taken a few pages out of the background/facts and used them in my Arguement albeit I still feel my points where factual to the case and the statutes and I have all the receipts to prove it. BUT I will say this being a male in the family law arena... I have never felt so discriminated against in my 35 years of life its the most awful thing I have endured. But God willing whoever gets assigned our trial is fair and impartial because honestly if not imma just walk away from it all being dragged through the mud as some unhinged women / child beating vet for over a year withholding my children on unsubstantiated allegations of assault its ludacris
I am trying to go all in, I have been told I have a parental alienation case. I can't afford to hire an attorney at this time. The mother had already went against the court order at least 5 times at this point. I been trying to submit a contempt order. Courts telling me I am missing paperwork, will not tell me what though. They denied making copies prior to submitting them and told me I would have to come back for copies once the judge see them and they would call me. It is extremely stressful. All while the mothers boyfriend is holding my child hostage and has been behaving in a threatening manner towards myself for absolutely no good reason. I've already missed all of 2021 with my daughter because of this guy. And now I'm am forced into court in order to see my daughter again.
I just got 20k n child support thrown out 50/50 custody by reading all laws of 4d then state laws and procedures read up everything she knows hay she is saying!!!!!! You go girl thank you for the knowledge
You have to pay to play. No lawyer means you will lose. Judges do not like that you represent yourself. It is corrupt. When you have no lawyer, there is a lot of talk behind the scenes with the lawyer and judge. Lies, lies and more lies are always brought up. Even if they cannot prove it, you say it 100 times, the judge will believe it.
Representing yourself is not for the weak 😩😩😢 I am representing myself right now and I’m thinking about getting an attorney because the other side’s attorney is playing dirty in family law. She’s putting down and documentation that she served me properly and I was not served properly. I know this is 100% sure but she’s saying that she serve me so II am representing myself right now and I’m thinking about getting a attorney because the other side’s attorney is playing dirty in family law. She’s putting down and documentation that she served me properly and I was not served properly. I know this is 100% sure but she’s saying that she serve me so now I’m asking the court to make her show proof.
The Ex- got caught telling lots of lies and both the court counselor and court appointed therapist totally flipped to backing me for custody. The Ex- then disappeared with our toddler daughter from California to the Maryland area. I got full custody, but my California order was a worthless foreign court order in Maryland, and the sheriff & police refused to even do civil standby to prevent violence. In California, the unannotated Family Code was only 50 pages long. It contained a quarter page section on registering foreign court orders. Theoretically, I could have walked up to the right court clerk’s office in Maryland, said I want to register my court order under their registration code, gotten it stamped again making it a Maryland order. Somewhat better process would be to type a cover sheet with the familiar Maryland layout, stating that the attached California order is now also a Maryland order under the registration section. No filing fee, no court cost, no attorney fees. My supposed family law specialist was unaware of this small section. Similar for the Maryland family law specialist. I learned to do my own legal research and write legal briefs that attorneys were happy to put their names on. If I represented myself and other side had an attorney, I always lost. If neither side had an attorney or we both did, I or we always won.
She wont tell you family courts dont have jurisdiction. Challenge jurisdiction. Represent yourself, not the strawman. These courts operate on administrative rule, not judicial.
That is correct and therefore you cannot be “ordered” to do anything. Only impartial, unattached, and neutral judicial judges can issue a final order or judgement. This is what they don’t want the people to know. It’s fraud.
@@Livesacred Check him out. Pretty knowledgeable man who helped me gain understanding about certain things. Dismiss my comment from last year. I was pretty ignorant to a lot of things. But check him out, from personal experience I'd say you may find results by contacting Harry. Contact info is in his about page also.
Can 100% confirm this advice. It is ridiculous that if you cannot afford a lawyer but you work, you have to represent yourself. You are not given the same respect or courtesy that a lawyer would. Judges have entirely too much power. My ex hasn't shown up to court FOUR TIMES and they keep pushing it back, even though I have spoken up about it multiple times.
Nobody will tell my story better than I .. i had to fire my divorce attorney for inadequate representation. I am now at the tail end and settlement phase trial. At this point he tried basing the entire divorce on half the year of 2020 to the year she was fired for insurance fraud and filed for $45,000 I’ve been found out as I had no knowledge of any financial situation or dealings a jointly filed tax return for $98,000
You do not Understand that can support and supporting your child are 2 different items under this program. See the court case Blessing versus Freestone Supreme Court in Minnesota
CONTACT EAGLE SPY ON Whatsapp : Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 to help you too. I am here to talk about my Experience, we were married for about 10 years. we were so in love and so close to Each other and we were blessed with 4 kids, we struggled so much to Make money in the early stages of our marriage, finally God blessed my husband with a very good job with lucrative offers. Few months after, i started noticing some changes on his acts, it was a struggle for him to do so many things in the family, he cared less for the kids, the most annoying of it he started to keep late nights and sometimes not even come home. i was so curious and really worried with this attitude of his, so i was forced to look for a way to get into his phone to really see what he does, Someone referred me to a phone spying company EAGLE SPY, they are simply Amazing they were able to clone his phone for me and provided the password to all his phone and Social media in few hours , i have access to both deleted and incoming messages then i found out my husband has Been keeping a family aside from i and my kid, it was really Sad and disastrous for The few weeks after i knew the reasons for his depression but trust me i live very fine and happy with my kids now. you can contact him on ( Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 ) to help you spy on your narcissist spouse or abuse now to have evidence on them...///
Attorney Grayson, recently in a response to a complaint filed . The respondent stated that " they reserve the right to supplement this position statement with additional material as it is gathered. Company also reserves the use of any and all objections and priviledges that may be raised pursuant to Federal and State rules of evidence in any further proceeding under the law regarding information contained herein. 1. I wanted to ask you if they can present evidence later past the deadline to respond to the complaint. After seeing my rebuttal. Where I may have, stated , they made statement to, but provided no supporting evidence for the statement they made. I am afraid that then they will fabricate evidence after the fact. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Evidence is typically presented at trial or evidentiary hearings, which happen after the discovery stage of your case (where parties are able to collect evidence). Sp to answer your question, may be possible that either party can present new evidence as the case moves forward or at the end. Thanks for watching!
The Judge told me that he will not listen to me without a lawyer. He stated that he will not take me seriously without a lawyer and he told me that it was my last chance to get a lawyer for family court. Don’t I have the right to represent myself without an attorney? He also constantly made fun of me in the courtroom and humiliated me in front of the courtroom
Basically what you're saying is... is if the mom took the child away and was gone for only 3 months ...the father's state had jurisdiction underneath uccjea. (Uniform child custody jurisdiction enforcement act)
I’ve lived In Indiana since 2015 my ex filed in Kankakee Illinois in 2016 I tried to fight the jurisdiction and he had his attorney put into the court order it can not leave this jurisdiction
Is there a way to go with my daughter in a closed court to support her emotionally-while she represents herself- is there a loop hole that can get me on there with her
Im the plaintiff representing myself in court im pressing charges for terroristic threats and i have a restraining order on the defendant. Im deciding to drop the charges but keep the restraining order. Do i really need a lawyer to do this?
Wow that was so helpful. Just one question since most court cases are by phone/video bcuz of covid19 do you have any suggestions for learning the flow of the Judge & the flow of the bench?? Thanks 4Sharing
I'm about to go to trial next month and I've did my extensive research. Question, can I read from my notes 75% of the time? In civil cases can I chose from judge or jury. How much time do you have to plead your side 8n Texas civil
Just now seeing this comment. In case you haven't gone to court yet... I read from my motes all the I imagine it shouldn't be a problem. Many states allow you or the opposing side to choose between a judge/jury depending on the type of case it is, you'll need to check your local court rules. I don't practice law in Texas, so I don't know about the requirements, but a good rule of thumb is to always be prepared to plead your side.
Staying out of the courts is the ultimate goal.... File a claim at local court house.... Juvenile court is a kangaroo court.... Nobody can keep you away from your property
Men, do not hesitate for one moment to put a restraining order against your female partner if you feel your safety and health is in jeopardy. Placing a permanent restraining order on my female partner was absolutely the wisest protective move of my adult lifetime. My only regret is not doing it years earlier. Be safe.
Two things: its hard because most of us are not lawyers...imaging if you had to remove your own appendix. Second, I guess at least some of us represent ourselves because nice attorneys want to take out our spleens, gallbladders and our intestines. I paid one attorney $50,000.00 in less than 2 months only file income and expense and debt and property that fair? Most of us, at least hard working spouse, are forced into a situation like this. The elfin judge in OC, orders support off 140% of my pre tax, pre business expense income....and apparently there is nothing I can do about it...over 1.5 years ago. Meanwhile, the other spouse, sitting on her ass finding bff after bff
CONTACT EAGLE SPY ON Whatsapp : Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 to help you too. I am here to talk about my Experience, we were married for about 10 years. we were so in love and so close to Each other and we were blessed with 4 kids, we struggled so much to Make money in the early stages of our marriage, finally God blessed my husband with a very good job with lucrative offers. Few months after, i started noticing some changes on his acts, it was a struggle for him to do so many things in the family, he cared less for the kids, the most annoying of it he started to keep late nights and sometimes not even come home. i was so curious and really worried with this attitude of his, so i was forced to look for a way to get into his phone to really see what he does, Someone referred me to a phone spying company EAGLE SPY, they are simply Amazing they were able to clone his phone for me and provided the password to all his phone and Social media in few hours , i have access to both deleted and incoming messages then i found out my husband has Been keeping a family aside from i and my kid, it was really Sad and disastrous for The few weeks after i knew the reasons for his depression but trust me i live very fine and happy with my kids now. you can contact him on ( Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 ) to help you spy on your narcissist spouse or abuse now to have evidence on them...///
hey I found your video, were from vt and my partners x is in ny were going in with out a lawyer bc we cant afford one, we have custody of one of the kids and still have to pay child support on him, and we don't quilify for help and being in 2 different states we cant get legal aide or anything so here it goes, we are trying to get full custody for both kids, she has cps cases, and very toxic how do we prepare the testimony evidence etc, were do we start. PLEASE HELP!
Can I ask, if everyone, lawyers and non lawyers, know you have to go by the same rules as an attorney if you represent yourself pro se, why is that even legal if attorneys go to college to earn a degree? The system is corrupt.
You nailed it when you said that judges don't know all the laws and you have to educate them 60% of the time. I had to educate them like 95% of the time.
In my custody case, the judge didn't understand the best interests of the child. The judge was an expert in making orders that were in the best interests of the mother... but not of the child. I testified for 28 hours about the best interest factors of our child and won primary custody.
Meanwhile in child support court, over about 6 years, we had approximately 14 child support orders... because of various modifications and small issues. I objected and appealed 100% of the orders because they all had errors in law and fact. I had more than 50% of those overturned on appeal.
These people don't know the law at all.
I find it terrible that so many people have custody and child support orders that are in violation of the Law...And these parents have to live with these erroneous orders. And most people don't know that there are errors and they don't know how to appeal them. Shame on family court for doing this to our fellow citizens.
I need help.... 😊
“If you’re gonna represent yourself, you gotta represent yourself!” Yesss!!! Feeling this! 👏 💓
Tells me absolutely nothing. 😕😕
@@shannanbrennan612 sorry
I like that
A person who represents yourself has a fool for a client...
Hello, Im a mom that has been in court since 2017. If i had any idea that god placed you on this earth with skill sets specifically designed to give from the heart, i wouldn't be in court case #3 & #4 right now in 2022.
Every moment of 4 years i have had in court, watching the judge, the lawyers movements, tone changes, vocabulary adjustments and mico social subtitles, took me years to learn. You captured it in mins, so much time saved for other parents just stepping in to this.
I represented myself and was so thankful. My former spouse got custody, but once i followed the money trail i discovered my former spouse purchased custody. Saved thousands of dollars. Now I'm teaching others how to be pro se and making the process easier. you give advice?
I'm a single mom in WA state..needing an attorney...but can't afford..would like to file papers with a paralegal, but I have to represent myself....
@@vernmexico go to the pro se page at
I need your advice please!! I'm taking a narcissist to court for contempt and change of custody. He lied to get custody but he will NOT walk away with my child again! This has been pure hell. I havent seen my daughter in 5 years. Please email if you have any advice for me! THANK YOU!!! #Justice4Justice
@@sunshinesunshine2714 more than likely custody was purchased. They sell custody several different ways. Learn more about family court at
@@lynn4460 I believe it!! Thank you so much!
Get a 3 or 6 month paralegal certificate for $2500. You’ll never need an attorney again..
Exactly what she's saying all the advice that she's giving that's what I did for my court case, I got myself very educated I used to go to the courts and sit and watch how everything went down, I did it over and over again I followed this to a T but my case was way before she ever made this video I just knew that it was the right thing to do and it worked... and it works very well but I'm just the type of person that's able to represent myself and my case went fabulous👌/ I recommend representing yourself if it's not a "crazy wild case" and if you know the person on the opposing side is a little wacky then don't worry you will win......
You gave me hope
So u can just go to a courtroom and sit there? Are u allowed to b there without being kicked out? Didn't know any civilian could just get into a courtroom and sit right there...
@@gisselmartinez5599 I'm gonna do this myself. My soon-to-be ex-spouse and I were originally gonna do a joint simplified divore where we don't even have to show up, but we don't meet the requirements, so we have to do a regular one. I know which judge we will have for our first court date so I'm gonna see if I can go and sit and watch.
I think my biggest draw back is I do not know the lingo, I can provide everything (definitely done my research) except how to present all the facts
I’m so scared right now. I’m up at 3:57am educating myself on all of these things. My court date is aug 14 of this year and I’m extremely ready to stand up for my son. My wife is extremely wacky and abusive but placed the order of protection on me.
This happened to me where my husband kidnapped my children from VA to CA. I submitted for an emergency hearing snd the judge allowed him to keep all four children bc he said it costs less to have you go to CA then bring them here back to VA, even though I didn’t give permission for my children to even go to CA! I struggled and have been separate from my children for 2 years with a few days every month to see them. So much more to this but people who represent themselves also get railroaded which is what happened to me. I was a stay at home mom and I got taken advantage of and even told my kids were “uneducated” which wasn’t true because I homeschooled my kids! Now I’m back to set things right and make sure my kids are home safe with me.
Good for you!!! Praying with you!
Why was he able to stay there with them, good luck
Thank you for being out there for the people! I was served wrongfully for the custody of my child and study gardening NOT law. I literally have no idea what I'm doing. I got a wild hair to research if someone somewhere could offer useful information bc out of 10s of lawyers I've tried consults with are all just telling me to hire before they assist. I have four children on low income. It's impossible. So thank you for offering very useful threads of information I am able to use to better myself and my child's in this situation. Thank you!
1.Study procedure (in your state )
2.What criminal laws apply to your case
3.Study a judges Cues when ruling
4.If nothing else consult with a lawyer
I've been representing tf out my self all 2021 and was in the same situation. Best advice, exercise your custodial rights. Fill for emergency/temporary custody + Custody meeting. I was unfortunate that in my case. I was clueless to where they was. So how do you get them served. Where are they? By God's good grace I was able to find him. But I did obtain Emergency custody. Acknowledge that you are worried about his well being and future. I, myself could never be heartless enough. Honor that kid if you really wanna be a PARENT. Full Time working and parenting takes alot of dedication and devotion. But don't take my advice and higher one as soon as possible. Because let me tell yah. Conniving mfs won't let you live in peace on top of all your obligations to maintain now. Persistent-righteous is salvation. But it can be tough mentally. Keep faith and show consistent effort in raising your precious child. "A wise man knows he knows nothing so get a god damn lawyer." But for real start saving because I'm annoyed by the 3 trial in and I wish I had one. Wish me luck Dec. 1st God Bless
Excellent video. I like how you said judges don't know 60% of the laws. I've spent a lot of money on lawyers where I had to get restraining orders to protect me and my kids and also going through a messy divorce. I do a lot of observing and I often find that the judge always deflects back to the council the lawyers and says you guys come up with a solution...
My brother can I ask you some questions ? Please ! I have my very first family court date every next month in August of this year for my 1 year old son. Your story seems similar to mine and I need help please
1:13 went thru the exact scenario, only difference is I had an attorney representing me and we researched the jurisdiction for the state I’m in, didn’t matter the judge kept same decision. good luck to the guy fighting it living in a different state... really wasn’t going to comment but it touched a soft spot.
Zero doubt it is very serious to rep yourself. Trying to pitch your case to do what is in best interest of the kids requires work.
That is why they cost so much. They are worth it.
thank you so much ! I would like to represent my self in court cause hiring a lawyer gives them jurisdiction
Exactly. This is what so many people don’t understand. You have to do it yourself, but you can file a special appearance motion to argue the merits of Case. I’m not an attorney. I do not practice law. Seek an attorney for legal advice and not necessarily “lawful” advice
I’m literally so broken without my daughter😔💔 How can my child’s mother do this? Hopefully everything goes well I can’t afford a lawyer and if I decide to represent myself I will try my best to keep y’all updated
praying for you ❤️
Good luck with everything
Yes keep up updated, I am going to court to see my son. Haven't see that boy in 3 years. Let us know how it goes.
Don't question why a snake is a snake, or why a demon is a demon, or why garbage is garbage. Just fight for your daughter with everything you got. And when you got nothing left, you still fight. your daughter is going to need you.
That’s messed up. I can’t stand parents who use their children as a power tool. I’m so sorry and I know how you feel.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was invaluable! As of last week, I am pro se, again. Last time was the same case, 7 years ago (I'm still in a custody dispute with my ex after 7+ years) and it turned out AWFUL! It was a couple of months after the dissolution of our marriage and I was in shock from recently finding out that my husband was having an affair for over a year and had impregnated her! My ex then kidnapped our daughters on my custodial Day. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I'm about to binge your channel! Thank you again!
P.S. After 7+ years of research and hiring 3 different lawyers who loved my money but weren't compelled to work. I feel like I could ALMOST pass the bar, lol. I'm kidding!!!! My confidence certainly has improved because of lawyers like yourself!
A watchmaker charged a customer $100 dollars to repair an old watch. The customer asked why they were doling out $100 when all the watchmaker did was tighten two tiny screws.
The watchmaker replied, "the actual tightening only cost you $1. You paid me $99 for knowing exactly which screws to tighten and how much to turn the screw driver".
That's the moral of this video - you wanna represent yourself? That's cool but KNOW what that means and what that takes. It's not a simple matter of showing up because you think you're in the right. The person on the other side of you also thinks they are right and it's up to you to convince a judge. And that takes skill.
Thank you, Ms. Grayson.
Thank you for watching! And for the analogy...good stuff 🙂
This was awesome! I’m representing myself in two days lol. 🤞🏽
Thank you! I hope everything went well!
I have been researching and finally you are the only resource that has made any sense. I am a single dad with full custody of my daughter and I could really use any advise from you for my situation. Please, I beg of you.
The single dad aka the tree in the forest
Hey man! I’m a dad and I’m trying to educate myself the best I can so I can be prepared for my court date Aug 14th of this year. My wife is abusive and a bit wacky but I don’t hate her nor wanna see her suffer. Yet I believe it’s truly in the best interest for my son to be in my primary care. Can I please email you about a few things if you have the time ?
Marisa I’m so grateful for this information!
Happy to help. Thanks for watching! 🙏🏾
This is so helpful my son just had a horrible experience with a biased judge. He has proof of his child's mother being abusive to him she had punched him in the face. She has pepper sprayed him. Threatened to kill the baby and said no one will ever know. She has harassed him constantly. When the police are called argue with them curse them out. She leaves the baby with her new man that she just met from buying weed from him. Everyone that was some type of lawyer law enforcement and mediators said he had a solid case. He has proof of everything and then some. If it's not texts it's recordings. She even set him up to pic up his child on Saturday when he had no idea that she had an emergency order put in place for Sundays on for 8 hours only. Once they agreed for him to take the baby hom on Monday she tried to have him locked up for kidnapping. The judge did not want to hear him plea his case at all and he had an attorney representing him. So the end results an 8 hour visit on Sunday with out a secure drop and pick up location for my son so that his child's mother doesn't fight him mase him or whatever she even said she will shoot him all recorded. My son has never hit her ever and he has that recorded.keep in mind that before he even had their child he supported her and her child for 3 years. What kind of judge allows all the laws to be broken by the child's mother constantly and everything plays in her favor. Only in Philly. Yeah that's why it's a mess now
TY so much. I am self represented, I've noticed his attorney has tried to pull some sneaky stuff and the Judge is not having it.
2:50...Then what in THE HELL is the judge good for if you have to TELL them what the laws and rules are???? thats what they are there for! the system is shot!
gonzed11 I think 🤔 u can’t tell the judge 👨⚖️ nothing
Once you realize what type of court your in (article I/II/III), family court is article II since it derives it's limited authority from the Hague treaty.
Knowing that you are not in front of an article III(judicial branch) judge, and that they are acting on a limited authority position as a result of an active and ratified treaty, then you can build your defense.
Active and ratified treaties are supreme law only right below the CONSTITUTION. Knowing that, you should yourself read the treaty and then several others on the books like the ICCPR, there is a provision in it to protect the parent. I'd also look into the dsm-5 and look for any violations.
Anyway, just some food for a hungry mind.
Thanks 🙈 🙉🙊
Exactly. Like they don't have a brain and don't know what to do. They are selling Custody, it's just a farce they use.
@gonzed11 - You do not understand what a court is when you say
"what the hell is the judge good for if you have to tell them what the laws are?"
The point of court is to access justice.
The phrase "scales of justice" is very correct metaphor for what is happening in court.
Litgants load each side of scales with their case (their information).
A judge is not the scales.
A judge operates the scales.
A judge has no need to understand what each party puts in their scale pan.
A judge ensures both sides load their scales fairly eg follow the rules of court.
A judge only makes a decision on what is infront on him (on the scales) not what he thinks outside of the evidence infront of him. No matter how obvious the judge is meant to be impartial in his views and bias's.
To help him the litigants (both claimant and defendant) must present their cases in a formal way.
An EVENT happens and raises ISSUES which need RELIEF (resolution).
FACTS are what happened (in the event).
RULES are what should happen (in law).
CLAIM is the ISSUE presented in formal manner for court.
DEFENCE is the ISSUE RESPONE presented in formal manner for court.
PROOF is the evidence to support CLAIM and to support DEFENCE
LEGAL REASONING is literally a process to draw the impartial judge a picture.
(for ISSUE, the RULES are xyz, the FACTS are abc, APPLICATION of rules to facts once analysed draw a legal CONCLUSION).
Without litigants doing this for judge the judge is powerless to say he knows best...
he can only judge based upon information presented to him...
legal reasoning is literally about laying a bread crumb trail to where you want the judge to follow so his JUDGEMENT agrees with your CONCLUSION about the event and issue being examined.
I repeat judge has no need to know the law just how to operate the scales of justice and how to follow your legal reasoning.
Hence your legal reasoning must include "the law or rules" as well as "the facts". Is not for judge to go and find find the rules.
He is just a referee after all - he can hear thousands of cases about many many jurisdictions (types of law)....he cant be an expert in all hence the machinery of the case must present everything in a nice neat bow for him to have a chance at making a best decision.
@@eddiegreg7064 Wonderful information, thank you so much.
You’re awesome! Wish I could ask you a few questions as I always represent myself
OMG! Bless You Merissa V. ! You are legit answer to my prayers, I ALSO had to sself-represent. I am a very smart, educated woman, however i stuided earth science and Human Biology, Chemistry.. i did NOT take the Bar exam, nor have i ever been to COURT in my entire 30 years of life, I am VERY ignorant when it comes to Law, because I try to follow it. My now EX husvand had a lawyer from day 1, and he knows loop holes since he's been in and our of jail since the age of 14. I was a stay at home mom, our only son is 7 WITH special needs, hes NON verbal and cannot be interviewed, anyways my ex is just - idk how else to say this- a piece of💩 who knew i couldnt afford a lawyer, i tried 7 and got shot down by legal services twice because of their large caseload... I LEGIT have been fighting for over 2 years to get proper custody of our son back, if i had been studying this entire time on HOW TO BE MY OWN ATTORNY , it ha not been easy but thank God i'm actually doing all the advice in your video today, before I watched it, so this gives me hope. Even though I'm standing alone, I DO have the truth and undeniable mounds of evidence, but these last TWO YEARS to learn, for theres no "How To" gudie when you get divocred then forced to self- represent
Thankyouuu so much for this video 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
You're so welcome!
Great advice!
@@oscararaiza3901 thank you for watching 🙏🏾
I need to know from start to finish what documents should be filed for a custody/visitation case in SC.. thank u… great stuff
I'm going through something similar thankyou!
I'm glad I found your channel. I'm a Human Service Professional. i'm currently in a CJ Class
Spotless Advice. Shes a great Attorney!! 5 Stars!!
Awesome video..... Dad needs to file a petition to vacate a void judgment.
Exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you for posting this! I'm dead set on getting full custody over my daughter
is that what is right for the children? if your family is fit. then fundamental rights to all sides are the best fight. i know children need both parents,
God bless you. Thank you so much!
You too!
diligent and competent key words right there... I have had THREE total potatoes represent me if you want to call it that. Im currently preparing for a dissolution trial in Pierce county WA atm and just finished my trial brief max pages 24 I got in at 19 BUT I should have taken a few pages out of the background/facts and used them in my Arguement albeit I still feel my points where factual to the case and the statutes and I have all the receipts to prove it. BUT I will say this being a male in the family law arena... I have never felt so discriminated against in my 35 years of life its the most awful thing I have endured. But God willing whoever gets assigned our trial is fair and impartial because honestly if not imma just walk away from it all being dragged through the mud as some unhinged women / child beating vet for over a year withholding my children on unsubstantiated allegations of assault its ludacris
I am trying to go all in, I have been told I have a parental alienation case. I can't afford to hire an attorney at this time. The mother had already went against the court order at least 5 times at this point. I been trying to submit a contempt order. Courts telling me I am missing paperwork, will not tell me what though. They denied making copies prior to submitting them and told me I would have to come back for copies once the judge see them and they would call me. It is extremely stressful. All while the mothers boyfriend is holding my child hostage and has been behaving in a threatening manner towards myself for absolutely no good reason. I've already missed all of 2021 with my daughter because of this guy. And now I'm am forced into court in order to see my daughter again.
This was great info. Ty
I just got 20k n child support thrown out 50/50 custody by reading all laws of 4d then state laws and procedures read up everything she knows hay she is saying!!!!!! You go girl thank you for the knowledge
You have to pay to play. No lawyer means you will lose. Judges do not like that you represent yourself. It is corrupt. When you have no lawyer, there is a lot of talk behind the scenes with the lawyer and judge. Lies, lies and more lies are always brought up. Even if they cannot prove it, you say it 100 times, the judge will believe it.
Agree 💯
Representing yourself is not for the weak 😩😩😢 I am representing myself right now and I’m thinking about getting an attorney because the other side’s attorney is playing dirty in family law. She’s putting down and documentation that she served me properly and I was not served properly. I know this is 100% sure but she’s saying that she serve me so II am representing myself right now and I’m thinking about getting a attorney because the other side’s attorney is playing dirty in family law. She’s putting down and documentation that she served me properly and I was not served properly. I know this is 100% sure but she’s saying that she serve me so now I’m asking the court to make her show proof.
The Ex- got caught telling lots of lies and both the court counselor and court appointed therapist totally flipped to backing me for custody. The Ex- then disappeared with our toddler daughter from California to the Maryland area. I got full custody, but my California order was a worthless foreign court order in Maryland, and the sheriff & police refused to even do civil standby to prevent violence.
In California, the unannotated Family Code was only 50 pages long. It contained a quarter page section on registering foreign court orders. Theoretically, I could have walked up to the right court clerk’s office in Maryland, said I want to register my court order under their registration code, gotten it stamped again making it a Maryland order. Somewhat better process would be to type a cover sheet with the familiar Maryland layout, stating that the attached California order is now also a Maryland order under the registration section. No filing fee, no court cost, no attorney fees.
My supposed family law specialist was unaware of this small section. Similar for the Maryland family law specialist.
I learned to do my own legal research and write legal briefs that attorneys were happy to put their names on. If I represented myself and other side had an attorney, I always lost.
If neither side had an attorney or we both did, I or we always won.
. Much needed info again.
Thank You for the great information!!! God Bless
She wont tell you family courts dont have jurisdiction. Challenge jurisdiction. Represent yourself, not the strawman. These courts operate on administrative rule, not judicial.
That is correct and therefore you cannot be “ordered” to do anything. Only impartial, unattached, and neutral judicial judges can issue a final order or judgement. This is what they don’t want the people to know. It’s fraud.
Can you tell me how to challenge jurisdictions
@@Livesacred Check him out. Pretty knowledgeable man who helped me gain understanding about certain things. Dismiss my comment from last year. I was pretty ignorant to a lot of things. But check him out, from personal experience I'd say you may find results by contacting Harry. Contact info is in his about page also.
Can 100% confirm this advice. It is ridiculous that if you cannot afford a lawyer but you work, you have to represent yourself. You are not given the same respect or courtesy that a lawyer would. Judges have entirely too much power. My ex hasn't shown up to court FOUR TIMES and they keep pushing it back, even though I have spoken up about it multiple times.
So, u pay a lawyer and still go thru this🤦🏾 not all lawyers are good lawyers
I wish you were my lawyer!! Omg your the best
Nobody will tell my story better than I .. i had to fire my divorce attorney for inadequate representation. I am now at the tail end and settlement phase trial. At this point he tried basing the entire divorce on half the year of 2020 to the year she was fired for insurance fraud and filed for $45,000 I’ve been found out as I had no knowledge of any financial situation or dealings a jointly filed tax return for $98,000
Thank you!!!!!
You do not Understand that can support and supporting your child are 2 different items under this program. See the court case Blessing versus Freestone Supreme Court in Minnesota
Thank.You ! Great Info.
Do you have a video on what questions are usually asked in divorce court and child custody hearings?
Great information!! Thanks so much.
Thanks for watching! :D
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
Thank you for watching! You're very welcome.
Love it!!!! You are awesome!!!
It happen to me three time now in Kentucky
thank you so much,
Good points!
CONTACT EAGLE SPY ON Whatsapp : Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 to help you too.
I am here to talk about my Experience, we were married for about 10 years. we were so in love and so close to Each other and we were blessed with 4 kids, we struggled so much to Make money in the early stages of our marriage, finally God blessed my husband with a very good job with lucrative offers. Few months after, i started noticing some changes on his acts, it was a struggle for him to do so many things in the family, he cared less for the kids, the most annoying of it he started to keep late nights and sometimes not even come home. i was so curious and really worried with this attitude of his, so i was forced to look for a way to get into his phone to really see what he does, Someone referred me to a phone spying company EAGLE SPY, they are simply Amazing they were able to clone his phone for me and provided the password to all his phone and Social media in few hours , i have access to both deleted and incoming messages then i found out my husband has Been keeping a family aside from i and my kid, it was really Sad and disastrous for The few weeks after i knew the reasons for his depression but trust me i live very fine and happy with my kids now. you can contact him on ( Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 ) to help you spy on your narcissist spouse or abuse now to have evidence on them...///
Attorney Grayson, recently in a response to a complaint filed . The respondent stated that " they reserve the right to supplement this position statement with additional material as it is gathered. Company also reserves the use of any and all objections and priviledges that may be raised pursuant to Federal and State rules of evidence in any further proceeding under the law regarding information contained herein.
1. I wanted to ask you if they can present evidence later past the deadline to respond to the complaint. After seeing my rebuttal. Where I may have, stated , they made
statement to, but provided no supporting evidence for the statement they made. I am afraid that then they will fabricate evidence after the fact. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Evidence is typically presented at trial or evidentiary hearings, which happen after the discovery stage of your case (where parties are able to collect evidence). Sp to answer your question, may be possible that either party can present new evidence as the case moves forward or at the end. Thanks for watching!
@@merissavgrayson Thank you.
I have court June 23 for child support custody
I am representing myself pro se. I already embarrassed myself and made a mistake when filing the lawsuit.
You can get motions already written and then tailor then to your case at Motions 4 Sale.
What is a motion? I have a Pre trial in one week and do I need this?
The Judge told me that he will not listen to me without a lawyer. He stated that he will not take me seriously without a lawyer and he told me that it was my last chance to get a lawyer for family court. Don’t I have the right to represent myself without an attorney? He also constantly made fun of me in the courtroom and humiliated me in front of the courtroom
Damn I’m happy my judge isn’t that mean. The best thing to do is stay calm and explain the financial situation
I am going to trial for a custody case. I have to represent myself, I cannot afford a lawyer, are you available to talk at all?
thank you so much for the info 💯
Thank you so much for this!
Can I schedule a consultation with you?
Basically what you're saying is... is if the mom took the child away and was gone for only 3 months ...the father's state had jurisdiction underneath uccjea. (Uniform child custody jurisdiction enforcement act)
I would love to talk to you about a case and get a consultation!
I’ve lived In Indiana since 2015 my ex filed in Kankakee Illinois in 2016 I tried to fight the jurisdiction and he had his attorney put into the court order it can not leave this jurisdiction
Is there a way to go with my daughter in a closed court to support her emotionally-while she represents herself- is there a loop hole that can get me on there with her
I appreciate ur content
Im the plaintiff representing myself in court im pressing charges for terroristic threats and i have a restraining order on the defendant. Im deciding to drop the charges but keep the restraining order. Do i really need a lawyer to do this?
This video is amazing
Where can I find this attorney??
I think what you're saying is AI should replace most court processes. It seems like judges and lawyers are snakes, incompetent, etc.
Wow that was so helpful. Just one question since most court cases are by phone/video bcuz of covid19 do you have any suggestions for learning the flow of the Judge & the flow of the bench??
Thanks 4Sharing
Needs more details
Hi Lynn I need your help for a modification. I don’t know where they get the documents from to fill in the information …
Spend money lawyers and Judy go out to eat together, they all know each other. In Kentucky
Some lawyers don’t take things seriously
Family lawyers are working with the state many families lose
hopefaith love some may, I don’t. Thanks for watching
@@merissavgrayson So have you won family cases then
Merissa where are you located?
@@merissavgrayson do you recommend anyone in Florida?
I'm about to go to trial next month and I've did my extensive research. Question, can I read from my notes 75% of the time? In civil cases can I chose from judge or jury. How much time do you have to plead your side 8n Texas civil
Just now seeing this comment. In case you haven't gone to court yet...
I read from my motes all the I imagine it shouldn't be a problem.
Many states allow you or the opposing side to choose between a judge/jury depending on the type of case it is, you'll need to check your local court rules.
I don't practice law in Texas, so I don't know about the requirements, but a good rule of thumb is to always be prepared to plead your side.
Plz dont say, "I dont recommend it." Girl, I wouldn't go it alone if i didn't have to
I have an ugly trial coming up. Am I allowed to do subpoenas as a pro se?
How can I speak to you
What do you recommend for learning a judge on you case in relation to this pandemic and not being able to sit in their courtroom currently.
I haven't heard on this either did you get any advice?
Staying out of the courts is the ultimate goal.... File a claim at local court house.... Juvenile court is a kangaroo court.... Nobody can keep you away from your property
I'd like some advice for my court Ms ...
Men, do not hesitate for one moment to put a restraining order against your female partner if you feel your safety and health is in jeopardy. Placing a permanent restraining order on my female partner was absolutely the wisest protective move of my adult lifetime. My only regret is not doing it years earlier. Be safe.
Hello Spike, I'm considering getting a restraining order against my former partner
I did so yesterday. Received death threats Harassment
How can we get a Consultation with you and how much 🙂
Doesn’t she have to be there 6 months to obtain residency? Or I missed something? Thx
How could that happen
Can I Hire you???? this information is AWESOME!
I wish this woman was my attorney...and also my wife..
Bro me too.. Im like damn
IS a summary judgement allowed in child welfare cases by the defendant
Two things: its hard because most of us are not lawyers...imaging if you had to remove your own appendix. Second, I guess at least some of us represent ourselves because nice attorneys want to take out our spleens, gallbladders and our intestines. I paid one attorney $50,000.00 in less than 2 months only file income and expense and debt and property that fair? Most of us, at least hard working spouse, are forced into a situation like this. The elfin judge in OC, orders support off 140% of my pre tax, pre business expense income....and apparently there is nothing I can do about it...over 1.5 years ago. Meanwhile, the other spouse, sitting on her ass finding bff after bff
CONTACT EAGLE SPY ON Whatsapp : Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 to help you too.
I am here to talk about my Experience, we were married for about 10 years. we were so in love and so close to Each other and we were blessed with 4 kids, we struggled so much to Make money in the early stages of our marriage, finally God blessed my husband with a very good job with lucrative offers. Few months after, i started noticing some changes on his acts, it was a struggle for him to do so many things in the family, he cared less for the kids, the most annoying of it he started to keep late nights and sometimes not even come home. i was so curious and really worried with this attitude of his, so i was forced to look for a way to get into his phone to really see what he does, Someone referred me to a phone spying company EAGLE SPY, they are simply Amazing they were able to clone his phone for me and provided the password to all his phone and Social media in few hours , i have access to both deleted and incoming messages then i found out my husband has Been keeping a family aside from i and my kid, it was really Sad and disastrous for The few weeks after i knew the reasons for his depression but trust me i live very fine and happy with my kids now. you can contact him on ( Whatsapp :+1 650 246 9893 ) to help you spy on your narcissist spouse or abuse now to have evidence on them...///
hey I found your video, were from vt and my partners x is in ny were going in with out a lawyer bc we cant afford one, we have custody of one of the kids and still have to pay child support on him, and we don't quilify for help and being in 2 different states we cant get legal aide or anything so here it goes, we are trying to get full custody for both kids, she has cps cases, and very toxic how do we prepare the testimony evidence etc, were do we start. PLEASE HELP!
What about guardianship for an adult
What city are you IN
Can I ask, if everyone, lawyers and non lawyers, know you have to go by the same rules as an attorney if you represent yourself pro se, why is that even legal if attorneys go to college to earn a degree? The system is corrupt.