@@NunyaBidness590 Too many different things to list. Just anything with a lingering effect or projectile can get a kill after you're returned from an invasion. One example: The Deathbringer's void seekers it spawns when manually detonated or hits a surface.
Fun fact: In Control Mode of the Crucible, the amount of points you get for capturing an objective is dependent on the number of guardians standing on the point. So if you capture a point with 6 guardians, that’s 6 points. It’s hypothetically possible to win a control match without killing a single person.
#36 at 18:26 : If you put your head into a wall or object the AI-Enemies (Fallen, Vex, etc) will stop shooting at you after a few Seconds because they don't have a line of sight to your Head. You basically are behind a Wall for them. the "Couch Nap" Legendary emote works pretty good for this.
That “grenade holding blocks super” thing exists likely because of the infinite Nova Bomb glitch back in year 1. Holding a grenade with high super recharge rate and then throwing a nova would not drain the super bar, letting you throw them back to back. The super energy regen block was likely the patch that was intended to fix this.
0:50 this is actually potentially very useful. If you're getting invaded on that map, just stand near that portal, and your guns get an automatic buff. If things go wrong, just back up into the portal to escape. Also the fact that you can't pick up a titan throwing hammer by driving over it with a sparrow is the weirdest thing in this game lol
There's a problem with 40 19:56. Yes, Sweet Business is building super energy more, it's dealing significantly more damage (SB is breaking through the shields with the trace rifle isn't doing squat). It's also an exotic which grants more super energy when using it over legendary weapons.
I just found out recently that disruption break grants a 50% damage buff to kinetic weapons for 5.5 secs against guardians. I had never used it in pvp, and it may be hard not to now.
Didn’t realise what disruption break did. The only reason I don’t use it is because the bulk of their HP is gone to the waveframe itself. A HC shot, 1 pulse, anything will finish. I use it as a shotgun because I suck at real shotgun fights
18:52 with the "take out the trash" emote you can fully move your character hit box through a wall to prevent damage from bullets, AOE damage will still hit you though and you cant use it to OOB but still quite useful for avoiding a ton of damage from ADs. plus if your character has a hand cannon on your leg (hunter specific) you won't have a weapon on your back peeking through the wall, you can do this by switching to your power weapon then to your kinetic so your energy weapon is visible on your character and if you have a hand cannon or side arm equipped all you see is a bit of the bucket on the wall.
Regarding number 29: if you move your cursor over items on the "recently discovered" section on that screen (top right side), it will mark those items as viewed. A bit faster than the "hold button" option, depending on how often you do it.
I've noticed that explosive payload is also super good for dealing with threadlings (which is kinda obvious) but it's why I really like it on my Long Arm, which is probably my favourite primary at the moment Also a few "did you knows" of my own! - You can tell a legendary bow's archetype by looking directly at it. Does it look like a compound bow? If so then it's a precision frame. If it doesn't look like a compound bow, it's lightweight. - Like was stated in the video, you can cancel Hunter dodge with a super. If you are using a roaming super and dodge while wearing Dragon's Shadow, you keep the boost to mobility and movement speed.This can make it harder for enemies to avoid your super. - The "cage" on divinity technically counts as being up before the actual visual cage appears. If you are using the Sky/Perdition ornament there's a light on the back that lights up as Divinity charges the cage. When it's fully lit, the cage is "up" despite there being no visual. - Kinetic tremors can break tangles! Combine this with Shoot to Loot to pick up orbs and the right fragments to create tangles while Woven Mail is active, you can easily create and pop your tangles from a distance, letting you stay safe in high-end activities. Warlock and Hunter make use of this setup the best as they have aspects that synergise with breaking tangles. - If you get a kill with a Shoot to Loot bow that has Explosive Head, the explosion will immediately pick up any orb you create, allowing for a similar Strand loop to the one above. Additionally. the radius at which orbs/ammo is picked up is very generous. - Kills with damage dealt by the debuffs of Volatile Rounds or Unraveling Rounds do NOT count when leveling a crafted weapon. Be careful when using these while leveling crafted weapons or you might be wasting your time. Kills directly with the weapon DO count, but if the enemy dies to a debuff, it does not count. Unless the damage comes from a *weapon perk* it will not count as a kill. The only exception to this is Hunter tether which causes your weapon to damage all enemies connected to it and counts as actual weapon damage. - The often overlooked magazine perk Armor-Piercing Rounds deals more damage to shields, which makes sense. What this perk does not tell you however, is that Barrier champion bubbles are counted as shields. This damage increase towards shields also stacks with other damage increases including Vorpal Weapon, Adaptive Munitions, etc. If you plan to craft something to use with the current season's anti-barrier artifact mods or are looking through your vault for Barrier champion coverage, be on a lookout for this perk. - Gunora's Axe is currently the only slug shotgun in the game that can roll with Ricochet Rounds. It also strangely can roll Armor Piercing Rounds & High-Caliber rounds. Since it also rolls with Vorpal, be on the lookout for one with Armor Piercing Rounds if for some reason we ever get anti-barrier shotgun. (which would be extremely funny) - Verity's Brow increases the damage of the suspend blasts from Weaver's Call. These blasts also count as grenade damage, meaning should you get a kill with one of the blasts, it will proc Golden Tricorn x2. This is phenomenal for an add clear setup, especially with the Neomuna machine gun, which can roll Tricorne. You can then use Thread of Ascent to reload whenever you pop Weaver's Call.
In PvE, if an enemy doesn't have view to your head, they will not attack you. So if you do, for example, the green armor-lock emote and your head goes into a wall, enemies will ignore you.
31:26 as of tfs update, chitin slate actually got fixed and now applies a white armor glow. Must have been a glitch that didn’t apply the white and defaulted to a zero value.
Regarding number 7- this is actually an *intentional* mechanic between chaos accelerant and nova bomb. This was bungie's way of fixing an old bug back before they redid how super generation worked. In Y1 and Y2, chaos accelerant actually used super energy to work. In mayhem, your super actually charged faster than it would drain for your grenade. So if you held your grenade button to constantly drain just a little bit of energy, you could *spam out nova bombs*, since your super would be drained mid cast.
so sad to see content creators like this still supporting the firing of all of the devs. very very sad to see they are still supporting that corporate greed
Fun fact about #49 - GL rounds used to get stuck in the water. There was a point of the map, in Cosmodrome, where you could fire them and they get stuck mid-flight, in to the water.
#16/ 7:48 bullets do actually come from the barrel of the gun, which is why shotguns were always really inconsistent between actual guns rather than frame, but it comes from the barrel of your model's gun which is held parallel to the head and will clip through walls.
Chitan slate and testudo remove most glows, vintage timber and vintage algae pulsate the glow, a few crucible ones pulsate red, there's the rgb one and pulp texture a minor rgb, and vex descendant occasionally makes lights look damaged or odd (though not as often anymore it seems, try it on the dawn seasonal ornaments) that's my knowledge on shader glow effects
20:26 certain exotic primaries are really good at this for some reason. Le monarque and polaris lance with their aoe burn effects, along with tommy’s matchbook and Hierarchy of needs
I watch all these videos, and I still appreciate these videos even if I know a bunch of them. I learned something today, which you probably know all too well but I don't remember seeing in any video. Zavala's office has no music. A very nice place to chill. I don't remember if this was any of the videos, but Necrochasm has a unique interaction with weapons of Sorrow. The strand clone can eat your Thorn Remnants, more a bug, but it can interact weirdly with stuff.
For number 63, you can also just hold your melee button and it'll give you the energy back but skip the catching animation. (Can't remember if you can just hold it after throwing or if you need to activate an uncharged melee then hold)
For #60, this also works by aiming the grapple at your feet or by activating it when hugging a wall. If you're too close to the grapple point when you try to use it, it gets interrupted and only remove half of the energy cost just like in the video.
Wasn’t the malfeasance and witherhoard interaction debunked already, in the fact that witherhoard doesn’t make enemies taken but it just buffs malfeasance dmg for some reason.
19:00 arc souls are also helpful in PVE in this regard because they will target lucent moths and fallen web mines, which are a pain to hit in the middle of combat
9:01 The same thing applies for Banner of War and heavy handed. Rather, any melee kill triggers banner of war, but heavy handed only generates orbs on a charged melee kill. Having the crystal and just bopping enemies with it gets you both banner and woven mail by way of an orb pickup if you've got that fragment on
#74 is a little misleading, it doesn't actually change the enemy to be considered taken, as taken spec doesn't do bonus damage against blighted enemies. wishender and malfeasance just have that interaction.
Re: Solar Crystals If you're getting annoyed at getting killed constantly with them, on ANY class, you can just drop the crystal and pick it up for 5s of Restoration x1. So just keep dropping it and picking it back up, and you're practically invincible in anything but the highest difficulty
I knew the solar crystal powered melee thing! Now here's a bonus fact for you: once you complete your solar attunement in the Deck of Whispers, it removes the damage over time aspect from carrying the crystal around. That being said, with the right shards, aspects, mods, etc. alongside your Assassin's Cowl, you essentially have a funny build that grants you infinite health and invisibility so long as you're smacking adds with the crystal
32:02 I’ve found that if your phoenix dive and crouch button are the same, you can hold crouch and jump to activate it without exposing yourself if you have shorter cover, it’s also quicker as you don’t have to go upwards. Timing is a bit close and I don’t know if it works for any other dives but I’ve found it very useful
#7 I think it was mentioned in the OG video's comments for it too, but the super-charge block on Chaos Accelerant is actually a remnant of a bug fix for Mayhem way back when to prevent Voidlocks from spamming infinite Nova Bombs.
Okay so this is semantics, but #71 at 35:53, this is not for tormentors specifically, but, for any mini-boss. A good rule of thumb is that if it's a triangle next to the health bar, it's free game. But a diamond means it isn't a mini-boss, it is a proper Boss enemy, and cannot be CC'd.
8:30, number 16: I’ve spent quite a long time coding a destiny like fps game, and have had quite a few convergent cases matching d2’s sandbox. I suspect it goes like this: bullets are all projectiles, but they act as “hitscan” within the distance they travel within a frame (or server tick, obviously I don’t have complex internal knowledge) and while the line of sight ray cast starts from the camera, the projectile itself spawns at the barrel’s position in the world. So, depending on how the projectile movement is split within updates, it may hit or not hit. I suspect if the target is further away the shots would hit more consistently. Slower projectiles prefer the world position rather than the initial camera start position. Very long ago, bungie put out a patch for fusion rifles increasing their projectile velocity by like 10x. Before that, they were obviously projectiles, but now they are effectively hitscan.
36: you can abuse these sitting emotes to great effect in PvE, such as sitting in the Warsat at the start of Fallen Saber or the front of the boat in the Lightblade strike. In both cases it prevents you from taking damage and prevents enemies from detecting you, handy for those Shriekers!
the reason number 36 doesn't let you fully clip is because the emote "bureaucratic walk" use to let anyone phase through any wall back in year 1, all you had to do was put you back against any wall and start the emote, it became a massive thing for a week and people were able to skip any raid encounters they wanted and reach places they never should, it was super fun but bungie fixed it asap
17:04 I personally like to get on top of threshers and do as much damage as possible while they struggle to even aim at me. It’s the most efficient if you have powerful mele attacks. Used to do this to tanks back when d2 was still new, but they added a blow off mechanic that shoots you off it with a pretty powerful and damaging force.
can’t believe they finally buffed gathering storm. It’s actually usable now (t&c may apply) Also the swirling is very useful for jumps like getting back across the bridge from morgeth without shatterskating. You can do it with eager edge, 2 grapples, and your super if you continue to swipe when available between your double jump
at 27:58 glacier nades also will get more dmg if using something like verity's brow, This is due to crystals being counted as what generated them. Headstone/weapon crystals do more with weapon dmg boosts, glacier do more with nade dmg boosts and howl does more with melee dmg boosts. also at 32:00 you can phoenix dive/shatterdive onto deepsight/depositing will activating it to cancel the animation and allow you to move sooner, idk where else applicable but its there. also at 34:31 hunter's combination blow works the same way and works with assassins cowl
32 is so interesting to me. It’s a neat bit of info but it’s almost like the well, being a well… well of pure healing Solar light, is linking to your guardian to heal you. You see that ray of light coming from the sun orb to the player. Then the Void Tether comes along and if it hits the root of the well, it’s like it overrides the solar light, taking it over with the tether’s damaging grasp. A corrupted well of radiance.
31:25 i believe that calus's selected cancels certain glows but it also removes the moving effects (that move on the armor not the actually moving parts) on the taken king armor aswell as the lamellar armor
the around the wall thing is due to the fact the a small part of the hipfire circle sticks out meaning that there is a very slight chance it will go on that point when hipfiring
Regarding #33; Ticuu's hip fire lock's on to the thresher rockets and a full draw will blow them up instantly regardless of Thresher difficulty Makes it a nice option for the lake of shadows GM
I use the Mara's throne emote all the time to sit inside one of the three walls on the Scarlet Keep elevator. The adds don't see you in the wall and thus won't shoot. Very handy on GM difficulty.
if you’re on the collections page, hovering over the “recently added” section in the upper right will mark those items as seen. Think that’s only in the last season or two. Great way to easily knock out if you just picked up a bunch of items
TDT as a once gambit main and an all out assassins cowl hunter arc punch build, thank you for bringing peace to me for the powerful attraction tip. Cheers have a good day mate and to anyone else who sees this
Thresher missiles have ben destructible since day one. It amazes me how few people have figured that out or been told it over these 7 years. I played the closed beta and they were destructible then, too! Also, in year 1 or 2, forget which but pretty sure 1, there was an emote Bungie had to disable for a while and fix it because it would allow you to glitch through the wall and get into the Speaker's room in the tower. People eventually started using it to explore out of bounds.
If you rank up your guardian-rank or emote next to someone who did you get a speedboost and jumpboost. You can then do the „Floor is lava“ challenge and get another boost to increase your jumphight even further.
#57 throwing knife cancel, must have auto-melee on, disables ability to skate, so unless you wanna change your binds every time you change subclasses, gotta pick one or the other
6:10 i actually saved myself from a sentinel super by accidentally hitting the shield with an arcbolt as it flew at me, when it happens you feel like the luckiest person in the world for a bit
For catching the rope dart in #63, I watched someone utilize grapple to catch their rope dart *twice.* How it works is using the charged melee to catch it, and as soon as that animation starts, you activate your grapple ability and immediately press charged melee again. Unlike trying to activate demolitionist or thread of ascent, this technique doesn't require the usage of grenade energy. If you're fast enough, you can catch your rope dart twice at literally no cost, and it's at least 50% full every time. But this gets me to full melee energy quite frequently, without anything like melee kickstart or invigoration to gain melee energy from other sources. You'd probably guarantee 100% melee uptime with mods like that.
16:56 i found this out accidentally because, for a while, i thought that shooting the turret did more damage to the thresher, similar to how you can destroy the turrets on enemy landing craft. after a while though, i realized that i was shooting the missiles, and not the ship itself
In addition to using ornaments on iron banner armor to gain double the bonus, iron banner weapons also count towards the armor bonus in case anyone didn't know.
#16 I'm pretty sure the difference for glaives and grenades is that they are actually simulated projectiles rather than hitscan. It likely also happens with rockets, etc.
Fun fact, #16 works with throwing knives too. I have a clip of me half peaking and throwing a weighted knife and getting a kill with it. #63 I believe if you hold melee without letting go, as in, press and hold to throw it and maintain the hold, it also auto catches the throwing threadling (the dart)
i knew about the portal recoil thing and ive always thought it was so goofy edit: omg i knew 62 too, i kinda thought i was the only one that knew this! i love quick-welling
The Chiropteran Shell (I think it was a festival of the lost ghost shell from some years back, it's a bat, makes a unique 'eerie' sound when you whip it out. Do any other ones? Also if you look straight down as you're getting pushed back, like at Shiro Chi, you don't get knocked back as far. I don't know if it works with tractor cannon.
at entry 33: if you want to deal with threashers, shoot their guns. If it's timed corectly, you will destroy their missiles as they're being fired and the explosions actualy deal massive amounts of damage to the threasher itself, if they detonate close enough to the ship. bonus entry: in regular pvp ( not trials or comp), if a players light lvl is 50 points or lower, compared to his enemies, that player receives a buff to outgoing damage and reduced incoming damage. Wich is why, when you are runing crucible, you sometimes see players that are at the lowest possible light lvl (1600 curently) and they one shot everybody else.
Dawnblades can slightly curve around corners, allowing you to stay hidden and still be able to hit someone. I tested that one on the tower map in a private match. In the main courtyard, you have that pillar in the middle, stand at the doorways, and throw a dawnblade just at the edge of the pillar. It will go around and track your enemy, lol
@@hi7535 Hate to break it to ya, but after playing since the Alpha, nothing suprises me anymore. Everyone knew they tracked from day 1, except a handfull of people in my chat. So i put that comment up for the 1% that didnt know.
I'm betting with the grenade and water interaction it's because the water isn't coded as a solid object, so the grenade bounces off it, but doesn't register it as a solid surface so it doesn't trigger the charge.
I love how I get excited when I see these vids but then watch them and get disappointed realizing that I'm a well versed destiny 2 player who already knows atleast half of them😂
With the Chitin Slate shader glow cancel tip, it makes glow only armour (VoG titan mark for example) dark turquoise instead of no glow! Not sure if it’s useful but it’s certainly a fact!
The grenade and glaive one firing from the sides their on was a thing all the way back in D1 except instead of glaives this rule applied to rocket launchers. I've had alot of moments in D1 early on where I'd throw a fusion grenade from a corner and it would bounce off the nearby wall and stick to me.
You can stop yourself from falling during heat rises after moving by resetting your glide, just quickly deactivate and reactivate your glide and stay still
If you are responsible for an invader’s death on your side after *you* go through the invasion portal, it counts as an invasion kill
I think they've seen some cases of that in the Spicy Clips videos.
I believe it, but how would that happen? Trip grenade?
@@NunyaBidness590 Too many different things to list. Just anything with a lingering effect or projectile can get a kill after you're returned from an invasion.
One example: The Deathbringer's void seekers it spawns when manually detonated or hits a surface.
Other thing is, no one plays gambit these days
@@NunyaBidness590 I did it on accident once w/ a grenade launcher
Fun fact: In Control Mode of the Crucible, the amount of points you get for capturing an objective is dependent on the number of guardians standing on the point. So if you capture a point with 6 guardians, that’s 6 points. It’s hypothetically possible to win a control match without killing a single person.
Has anyone done this as a challenge ??
@sebfernando4826 I don't think so. It'd make for a great video though
#36 at 18:26 : If you put your head into a wall or object the AI-Enemies (Fallen, Vex, etc) will stop shooting at you after a few Seconds because they don't have a line of sight to your Head. You basically are behind a Wall for them. the "Couch Nap" Legendary emote works pretty good for this.
Great to use on the lift section of The Scarlet Keep GM, too!
@@shottingham works on the Lightblade boat section as well, I usually use the Mara sitting emote
As does the one where you sit on a chair and a skull hovers over your hand
That “grenade holding blocks super” thing exists likely because of the infinite Nova Bomb glitch back in year 1. Holding a grenade with high super recharge rate and then throwing a nova would not drain the super bar, letting you throw them back to back. The super energy regen block was likely the patch that was intended to fix this.
no wonder ikora sits in the tower now, they patched her glitch out since the red war
0:50 this is actually potentially very useful. If you're getting invaded on that map, just stand near that portal, and your guns get an automatic buff. If things go wrong, just back up into the portal to escape. Also the fact that you can't pick up a titan throwing hammer by driving over it with a sparrow is the weirdest thing in this game lol
There's a problem with 40 19:56. Yes, Sweet Business is building super energy more, it's dealing significantly more damage (SB is breaking through the shields with the trace rifle isn't doing squat). It's also an exotic which grants more super energy when using it over legendary weapons.
I just found out recently that disruption break grants a 50% damage buff to kinetic weapons for 5.5 secs against guardians. I had never used it in pvp, and it may be hard not to now.
It’s especially good on explosive personality
@@EreptileDysfunction Which is exactly what I crafted to use it. So good.
Coolguy tested it awhile back on another weapon and found it can stack to x9.
Didn’t realise what disruption break did. The only reason I don’t use it is because the bulk of their HP is gone to the waveframe itself. A HC shot, 1 pulse, anything will finish. I use it as a shotgun because I suck at real shotgun fights
@@firenzarfrenzy4985 I am also hot garbage with a shotgun.
18:52 with the "take out the trash" emote you can fully move your character hit box through a wall to prevent damage from bullets, AOE damage will still hit you though and you cant use it to OOB but still quite useful for avoiding a ton of damage from ADs. plus if your character has a hand cannon on your leg (hunter specific) you won't have a weapon on your back peeking through the wall, you can do this by switching to your power weapon then to your kinetic so your energy weapon is visible on your character and if you have a hand cannon or side arm equipped all you see is a bit of the bucket on the wall.
Regarding number 29: if you move your cursor over items on the "recently discovered" section on that screen (top right side), it will mark those items as viewed. A bit faster than the "hold button" option, depending on how often you do it.
I've noticed that explosive payload is also super good for dealing with threadlings (which is kinda obvious) but it's why I really like it on my Long Arm, which is probably my favourite primary at the moment
Also a few "did you knows" of my own!
- You can tell a legendary bow's archetype by looking directly at it. Does it look like a compound bow? If so then it's a precision frame. If it doesn't look like a compound bow, it's lightweight.
- Like was stated in the video, you can cancel Hunter dodge with a super. If you are using a roaming super and dodge while wearing Dragon's Shadow, you keep the boost to mobility and movement speed.This can make it harder for enemies to avoid your super.
- The "cage" on divinity technically counts as being up before the actual visual cage appears. If you are using the Sky/Perdition ornament there's a light on the back that lights up as Divinity charges the cage. When it's fully lit, the cage is "up" despite there being no visual.
- Kinetic tremors can break tangles! Combine this with Shoot to Loot to pick up orbs and the right fragments to create tangles while Woven Mail is active, you can easily create and pop your tangles from a distance, letting you stay safe in high-end activities. Warlock and Hunter make use of this setup the best as they have aspects that synergise with breaking tangles.
- If you get a kill with a Shoot to Loot bow that has Explosive Head, the explosion will immediately pick up any orb you create, allowing for a similar Strand loop to the one above. Additionally. the radius at which orbs/ammo is picked up is very generous.
- Kills with damage dealt by the debuffs of Volatile Rounds or Unraveling Rounds do NOT count when leveling a crafted weapon. Be careful when using these while leveling crafted weapons or you might be wasting your time. Kills directly with the weapon DO count, but if the enemy dies to a debuff, it does not count. Unless the damage comes from a *weapon perk* it will not count as a kill. The only exception to this is Hunter tether which causes your weapon to damage all enemies connected to it and counts as actual weapon damage.
- The often overlooked magazine perk Armor-Piercing Rounds deals more damage to shields, which makes sense. What this perk does not tell you however, is that Barrier champion bubbles are counted as shields. This damage increase towards shields also stacks with other damage increases including Vorpal Weapon, Adaptive Munitions, etc. If you plan to craft something to use with the current season's anti-barrier artifact mods or are looking through your vault for Barrier champion coverage, be on a lookout for this perk.
- Gunora's Axe is currently the only slug shotgun in the game that can roll with Ricochet Rounds. It also strangely can roll Armor Piercing Rounds & High-Caliber rounds. Since it also rolls with Vorpal, be on the lookout for one with Armor Piercing Rounds if for some reason we ever get anti-barrier shotgun. (which would be extremely funny)
- Verity's Brow increases the damage of the suspend blasts from Weaver's Call. These blasts also count as grenade damage, meaning should you get a kill with one of the blasts, it will proc Golden Tricorn x2. This is phenomenal for an add clear setup, especially with the Neomuna machine gun, which can roll Tricorne. You can then use Thread of Ascent to reload whenever you pop Weaver's Call.
In PvE, if an enemy doesn't have view to your head, they will not attack you. So if you do, for example, the green armor-lock emote and your head goes into a wall, enemies will ignore you.
31:26 as of tfs update, chitin slate actually got fixed and now applies a white armor glow. Must have been a glitch that didn’t apply the white and defaulted to a zero value.
With the new ascension aspect being added in final shape, the movement combo can potentially become even more crazier
Regarding number 7- this is actually an *intentional* mechanic between chaos accelerant and nova bomb. This was bungie's way of fixing an old bug back before they redid how super generation worked. In Y1 and Y2, chaos accelerant actually used super energy to work. In mayhem, your super actually charged faster than it would drain for your grenade. So if you held your grenade button to constantly drain just a little bit of energy, you could *spam out nova bombs*, since your super would be drained mid cast.
It's Joever
so sad to see content creators like this still supporting the firing of all of the devs. very very sad to see they are still supporting that corporate greed
@@mrthor3061none of this is about that
@@mrthor3061who hit this dude in the head. mans on something
I'm Bidone
@@Jekkin8 you got hit in the head? maybe it will help you use your brain then 👍🏼
Fun fact about #49 - GL rounds used to get stuck in the water. There was a point of the map, in Cosmodrome, where you could fire them and they get stuck mid-flight, in to the water.
31:30 Testudo is another shader that often gets rid of glow effects. Sometimes, though, it just turns it to a dark gray.
#16/ 7:48 bullets do actually come from the barrel of the gun, which is why shotguns were always really inconsistent between actual guns rather than frame, but it comes from the barrel of your model's gun which is held parallel to the head and will clip through walls.
Chitan slate and testudo remove most glows, vintage timber and vintage algae pulsate the glow, a few crucible ones pulsate red, there's the rgb one and pulp texture a minor rgb, and vex descendant occasionally makes lights look damaged or odd (though not as often anymore it seems, try it on the dawn seasonal ornaments) that's my knowledge on shader glow effects
Fun fact, for the Threshers, using Ticcu’s Div, the hip fire tracking shots will one shot the rockets making them super super easy to handle 🏹
11:11 this also means pulling out your ghost when you have the perks like osmosis or permeability active it will end the perk
Aiming down sights with the last word is a crime
#33 was the first one I saw that was very useful to me. Helped save me and some friends in GM's. Keep up all the great work with everything.
Second thought? Brother, I don't even have a first thought when I throw a grenade. I routinely ask myself, 'Why don't I have a grenade ready?'
20:26 certain exotic primaries are really good at this for some reason. Le monarque and polaris lance with their aoe burn effects, along with tommy’s matchbook and Hierarchy of needs
I watch all these videos, and I still appreciate these videos even if I know a bunch of them. I learned something today, which you probably know all too well but I don't remember seeing in any video. Zavala's office has no music. A very nice place to chill. I don't remember if this was any of the videos, but Necrochasm has a unique interaction with weapons of Sorrow. The strand clone can eat your Thorn Remnants, more a bug, but it can interact weirdly with stuff.
For number 63, you can also just hold your melee button and it'll give you the energy back but skip the catching animation. (Can't remember if you can just hold it after throwing or if you need to activate an uncharged melee then hold)
You can just hold immediately after throwing. So click melee twice, basically
For #60, this also works by aiming the grapple at your feet or by activating it when hugging a wall. If you're too close to the grapple point when you try to use it, it gets interrupted and only remove half of the energy cost just like in the video.
Wasn’t the malfeasance and witherhoard interaction debunked already, in the fact that witherhoard doesn’t make enemies taken but it just buffs malfeasance dmg for some reason.
Correct. Even just googling "witherhoard taken" lists people debunking it in the top results.
19:00 arc souls are also helpful in PVE in this regard because they will target lucent moths and fallen web mines, which are a pain to hit in the middle of combat
9:01 The same thing applies for Banner of War and heavy handed. Rather, any melee kill triggers banner of war, but heavy handed only generates orbs on a charged melee kill. Having the crystal and just bopping enemies with it gets you both banner and woven mail by way of an orb pickup if you've got that fragment on
#74 is a little misleading, it doesn't actually change the enemy to be considered taken, as taken spec doesn't do bonus damage against blighted enemies. wishender and malfeasance just have that interaction.
You can even combine it when fighting taken letting Malf and WE deal higher damage.
Tip #33 16:57 you can use Ticuu's Divination to auto-lock on the rockets, clearing the threat whilst also dealing some damage to Threshers.
You can also just aim at the cannon that the missiles are coming from and destroy them as they come out while doing continuous damage to the thresher.
Re: Solar Crystals
If you're getting annoyed at getting killed constantly with them, on ANY class, you can just drop the crystal and pick it up for 5s of Restoration x1. So just keep dropping it and picking it back up, and you're practically invincible in anything but the highest difficulty
Does it still burn you after you get the solar card? I know it gives resto 1 but I don't remember burning after that.
I knew the solar crystal powered melee thing! Now here's a bonus fact for you: once you complete your solar attunement in the Deck of Whispers, it removes the damage over time aspect from carrying the crystal around. That being said, with the right shards, aspects, mods, etc. alongside your Assassin's Cowl, you essentially have a funny build that grants you infinite health and invisibility so long as you're smacking adds with the crystal
32:02 I’ve found that if your phoenix dive and crouch button are the same, you can hold crouch and jump to activate it without exposing yourself if you have shorter cover, it’s also quicker as you don’t have to go upwards. Timing is a bit close and I don’t know if it works for any other dives but I’ve found it very useful
#7 I think it was mentioned in the OG video's comments for it too, but the super-charge block on Chaos Accelerant is actually a remnant of a bug fix for Mayhem way back when to prevent Voidlocks from spamming infinite Nova Bombs.
10:33 This works for Abeyant Leaps/Suspending barricade, have fun with it in PvE or PvP
Okay so this is semantics, but #71 at 35:53, this is not for tormentors specifically, but, for any mini-boss. A good rule of thumb is that if it's a triangle next to the health bar, it's free game. But a diamond means it isn't a mini-boss, it is a proper Boss enemy, and cannot be CC'd.
13:50 I actually blocked a blade barrage with my stasis grenade in trials funny enough lol. Was very surprised how well I timed it
8:30, number 16: I’ve spent quite a long time coding a destiny like fps game, and have had quite a few convergent cases matching d2’s sandbox. I suspect it goes like this: bullets are all projectiles, but they act as “hitscan” within the distance they travel within a frame (or server tick, obviously I don’t have complex internal knowledge) and while the line of sight ray cast starts from the camera, the projectile itself spawns at the barrel’s position in the world. So, depending on how the projectile movement is split within updates, it may hit or not hit. I suspect if the target is further away the shots would hit more consistently. Slower projectiles prefer the world position rather than the initial camera start position.
Very long ago, bungie put out a patch for fusion rifles increasing their projectile velocity by like 10x. Before that, they were obviously projectiles, but now they are effectively hitscan.
36: you can abuse these sitting emotes to great effect in PvE, such as sitting in the Warsat at the start of Fallen Saber or the front of the boat in the Lightblade strike. In both cases it prevents you from taking damage and prevents enemies from detecting you, handy for those Shriekers!
the reason number 36 doesn't let you fully clip is because the emote "bureaucratic walk" use to let anyone phase through any wall back in year 1, all you had to do was put you back against any wall and start the emote, it became a massive thing for a week and people were able to skip any raid encounters they wanted and reach places they never should, it was super fun but bungie fixed it asap
I personally like to get on top of threshers and do as much damage as possible while they struggle to even aim at me. It’s the most efficient if you have powerful mele attacks.
Used to do this to tanks back when d2 was still new, but they added a blow off mechanic that shoots you off it with a pretty powerful and damaging force.
Ikora during Red War style haha
can’t believe they finally buffed gathering storm. It’s actually usable now (t&c may apply)
Also the swirling is very useful for jumps like getting back across the bridge from morgeth without shatterskating. You can do it with eager edge, 2 grapples, and your super if you continue to swipe when available between your double jump
God bless you, Mesome. You and the rest of TDT are the best
at 27:58 glacier nades also will get more dmg if using something like verity's brow, This is due to crystals being counted as what generated them. Headstone/weapon crystals do more with weapon dmg boosts, glacier do more with nade dmg boosts and howl does more with melee dmg boosts.
also at 32:00 you can phoenix dive/shatterdive onto deepsight/depositing will activating it to cancel the animation and allow you to move sooner, idk where else applicable but its there.
also at 34:31 hunter's combination blow works the same way and works with assassins cowl
23:54 i discovered this when i threw glacier at the window in operation seraph shield and all the enemies died when i shatterdived
15:05 after the final shape comes out, we'll be able to add that new arc staff helicopter aspect to improve this EVEN FURTHER :0
17:13 Ticuu’s Divination will track the thresher rockets, making them a much easier target to hit.
33: ticuus devinition can auto lock on threshes missiles 😊
They also lock onto the gunpowder gamble grenade, effectively taking the gamble out haha
Mesome, another shader that stops glow effects (I’d argue stopping them even better than Chitin Slate) is Tangled Rust
Chitan Slate
Tangled Rust
The Mad Monk
Braytech Dreamscape
Depending if it's armor guns ships or sparrows each one will affect it differently.
@Seasonofwar1 no one cares bud.
32 is so interesting to me. It’s a neat bit of info but it’s almost like the well, being a well… well of pure healing Solar light, is linking to your guardian to heal you. You see that ray of light coming from the sun orb to the player. Then the Void Tether comes along and if it hits the root of the well, it’s like it overrides the solar light, taking it over with the tether’s damaging grasp. A corrupted well of radiance.
31:25 i believe that calus's selected cancels certain glows but it also removes the moving effects (that move on the armor not the actually moving parts) on the taken king armor aswell as the lamellar armor
Update it does not cancel them. It makes them VERY faint to where I thought it cancelled them. (Thought it still can cancel certain glows)
the around the wall thing is due to the fact the a small part of the hipfire circle sticks out meaning that there is a very slight chance it will go on that point when hipfiring
Regarding #33;
Ticuu's hip fire lock's on to the thresher rockets and a full draw will blow them up instantly regardless of Thresher difficulty
Makes it a nice option for the lake of shadows GM
I use the Mara's throne emote all the time to sit inside one of the three walls on the Scarlet Keep elevator. The adds don't see you in the wall and thus won't shoot. Very handy on GM difficulty.
if you’re on the collections page, hovering over the “recently added” section in the upper right will mark those items as seen. Think that’s only in the last season or two. Great way to easily knock out if you just picked up a bunch of items
TDT as a once gambit main and an all out assassins cowl hunter arc punch build, thank you for bringing peace to me for the powerful attraction tip. Cheers have a good day mate and to anyone else who sees this
Thresher missiles have ben destructible since day one. It amazes me how few people have figured that out or been told it over these 7 years. I played the closed beta and they were destructible then, too!
Also, in year 1 or 2, forget which but pretty sure 1, there was an emote Bungie had to disable for a while and fix it because it would allow you to glitch through the wall and get into the Speaker's room in the tower. People eventually started using it to explore out of bounds.
If you rank up your guardian-rank or emote next to someone who did you get a speedboost and jumpboost.
You can then do the „Floor is lava“ challenge and get another boost to increase your jumphight even further.
Chaos Accelerant was used as a base for Bleak Watcher, and as such, charging a stasis turret, you lose super generation too.
You can also lock on to the rockets from the threshers with the missiles of the tank, it can be useful on vox obscura but they often miss
That poor tormentor he just covers his face like he's crying when you tractor cannon him truly just a bully lol
Number 11 I actually found out a little before lightfall dropped. I'm still convinced that sniper flinch is more visual than tangible.
#57 throwing knife cancel, must have auto-melee on, disables ability to skate, so unless you wanna change your binds every time you change subclasses, gotta pick one or the other
Powerful attraction is so good on hunter builds, arc and void in particular and void in general if you have a devour build
6:10 i actually saved myself from a sentinel super by accidentally hitting the shield with an arcbolt as it flew at me, when it happens you feel like the luckiest person in the world for a bit
For catching the rope dart in #63, I watched someone utilize grapple to catch their rope dart *twice.*
How it works is using the charged melee to catch it, and as soon as that animation starts, you activate your grapple ability and immediately press charged melee again. Unlike trying to activate demolitionist or thread of ascent, this technique doesn't require the usage of grenade energy. If you're fast enough, you can catch your rope dart twice at literally no cost, and it's at least 50% full every time. But this gets me to full melee energy quite frequently, without anything like melee kickstart or invigoration to gain melee energy from other sources. You'd probably guarantee 100% melee uptime with mods like that.
Just watched the last one. Love the series man
U can do the same thing to tormentors w wavesplitter and with any “suppressing” weapon there’s an aspect that will reload your weapon upon supression!
16:56 i found this out accidentally because, for a while, i thought that shooting the turret did more damage to the thresher, similar to how you can destroy the turrets on enemy landing craft. after a while though, i realized that i was shooting the missiles, and not the ship itself
#46 this has always been my go to for titan barricade
5:43 Also enables you to make your adept weapons look like their unadept counterparts and vice versa
Pulling out your ghost also procs Illegally Modded Holster on the Lucky Pants exotic. Very helpful when fighting yellow bar enemies
In addition to using ornaments on iron banner armor to gain double the bonus, iron banner weapons also count towards the armor bonus in case anyone didn't know.
#16 I'm pretty sure the difference for glaives and grenades is that they are actually simulated projectiles rather than hitscan. It likely also happens with rockets, etc.
Fun fact, #16 works with throwing knives too. I have a clip of me half peaking and throwing a weighted knife and getting a kill with it. #63 I believe if you hold melee without letting go, as in, press and hold to throw it and maintain the hold, it also auto catches the throwing threadling (the dart)
46 is my favorite counter to taken vandal bubbles other than just having anti-barrier.
If you pull out the Hierarchy of Needs bow in the HELM near where Rasputin was, you can hear a warmind say something
For 16:41 , ticuus divination takes out all three missiles EZ. Also does pretty good damage on threshers
i knew about the portal recoil thing and ive always thought it was so goofy
edit: omg i knew 62 too, i kinda thought i was the only one that knew this! i love quick-welling
The Chiropteran Shell (I think it was a festival of the lost ghost shell from some years back, it's a bat, makes a unique 'eerie' sound when you whip it out. Do any other ones? Also if you look straight down as you're getting pushed back, like at Shiro Chi, you don't get knocked back as far. I don't know if it works with tractor cannon.
at entry 33: if you want to deal with threashers, shoot their guns. If it's timed corectly, you will destroy their missiles as they're being fired and the explosions actualy deal massive amounts of damage to the threasher itself, if they detonate close enough to the ship.
bonus entry: in regular pvp ( not trials or comp), if a players light lvl is 50 points or lower, compared to his enemies, that player receives a buff to outgoing damage and reduced incoming damage. Wich is why, when you are runing crucible, you sometimes see players that are at the lowest possible light lvl (1600 curently) and they one shot everybody else.
I inadvertently learned from number 40 that Sweet Business can outdamage a well's healing. Hot damn.
Dawnblades can slightly curve around corners, allowing you to stay hidden and still be able to hit someone.
I tested that one on the tower map in a private match.
In the main courtyard, you have that pillar in the middle, stand at the doorways, and throw a dawnblade just at the edge of the pillar.
It will go around and track your enemy, lol
You must be new to have just figured out that the projectiles track
@@hi7535 Hate to break it to ya, but after playing since the Alpha, nothing suprises me anymore.
Everyone knew they tracked from day 1, except a handfull of people in my chat.
So i put that comment up for the 1% that didnt know.
Recently, I acquired all the Reverie Dawn armor on my hunter. When you equip all pieces and use Tinture, the armor glows.
I forgot to mention that you need the Seven Sisters shader on all the armor pieces
10:24 Me, a radiant dance machines main:
I'm betting with the grenade and water interaction it's because the water isn't coded as a solid object, so the grenade bounces off it, but doesn't register it as a solid surface so it doesn't trigger the charge.
I love how I get excited when I see these vids but then watch them and get disappointed realizing that I'm a well versed destiny 2 player who already knows atleast half of them😂
On the topic of threshers, ticuus divination tracks all rockets and destroys them in one hit. This makes the lake of shadow GM just a little easier
#36 (emote wall-phasing) could also allow for grabbing a heal or even lumina buff from behind cover.
You know, that electric shield for the anarchy glaive thing might be a fun exotic glaive idea
With the Chitin Slate shader glow cancel tip, it makes glow only armour (VoG titan mark for example) dark turquoise instead of no glow! Not sure if it’s useful but it’s certainly a fact!
Threaded specter also counters threadlings. The little buggers will attack the decoy if you dodge when they come after you.
The zero recoil by portals is crazy tho . Great video 👍🏽
The grenade and glaive one firing from the sides their on was a thing all the way back in D1 except instead of glaives this rule applied to rocket launchers. I've had alot of moments in D1 early on where I'd throw a fusion grenade from a corner and it would bounce off the nearby wall and stick to me.
You can stop yourself from falling during heat rises after moving by resetting your glide, just quickly deactivate and reactivate your glide and stay still
To add on to 13. Warlocks are the only class that throw their grenade spinning, as the stick style grenades rotate when warlocks throw them.
If you proc devour before carrying the Spire crystal, those swarming thrall become your best friends