"Can a gay person go to Heaven?"

  • Опубліковано 30 чер 2010
  • "ConTXT" Q&A session at Good Shepherd in Charlotte, NC (www.gsumc.org) For more resources and videos, check out jmsmith.org


  • @jakeghostproductions9051
    @jakeghostproductions9051 8 років тому +29

    For the past 13 years, I've been hiding. I am so scared of going to hell. I ask myself every day why do I have to like boys?! I try try try tryy to get attracted to women. So basically , I'm going to help? :((((

    • @jakeghostproductions9051
      @jakeghostproductions9051 8 років тому +5


    • @gamesestates2021
      @gamesestates2021 8 років тому +23

      +Jake GhostWzW Don't listen to homophobes. You are not going to hell for being gay. As it says in the new testament that Jesus came to fulfill the old law. He says that if you follow him, you will love others as you love yourself. As long as you love others, do good to others, and most of all accept Jesus as lord, then hell is not your place. Conservative Christians like them will always say that gays are going to hell. They say this out of their hatred for the gays. They read and interpret the bible to the way they want to hear it. Don't listen to Conservative homophobes. You'll be fine.

    • @johnnyd1972
      @johnnyd1972 8 років тому +2

      +Jake GhostWzW You have a very valid concern.
      The best thing to do is if you don't already have one, go out and purchase a bible for yourself, I recommend the New King James which is easier to read, but start reading the New Testament and you can read what Jesus Christ has to say on this and many other topics. Two really great youtube pastors to listen to as well is Tim Conway & Paul Washer who really know their stuff. Do a search for them.

    • @andrejemsion2914
      @andrejemsion2914 8 років тому +6

      +GamesEstates I'm not homophbic, however, the Holy Bible is clear where homosexuals are going if they don't repent, Hell! God destroyed and entire city for sexually immorality, so why would he not allow them to go to Hell??

    • @skylermccloud78
      @skylermccloud78 8 років тому +3

      let it out i held it in for 7 years trust you feel much better when you let it out

  • @marioalvarez4627
    @marioalvarez4627 6 років тому +9

    He didn't answer the question ! He talked around the question....

  • @rebbenful
    @rebbenful 9 років тому

    Well said Brother, GOD bless you!

  • @OneGodApostolic210
    @OneGodApostolic210 6 років тому +7

    Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
    but Jesus can still forgive them if they repent.

    • @DonCornelius366
      @DonCornelius366 6 років тому

      IF he/she repents? Yes.
      See, the problem is, you people want them to change their NATURE. God never told them to change their NATURE, He told them to change their HEARTS! Who among you stopped being HETEROSEXUAL when you repented? And you're going to lie to me that you have NO attraction to the opposite sex? Then why be HYPOCRITES when it comes to the homosexual? Did Jesus tell the adulteress to change her nature? No. So why are you telling a homosexual to change his/her NATURE (sexual attraction) when you can't even change yours, hypocrites?
      If they repent, and they decide to live for Jesus, resisting their sexual urges ALL THE DAYS OF THEIR LIVES, aren't they doing exactly what Jesus commands of them? Resisting their flesh and "enduring to the end"?
      I'm telling you, such gay people will enter paradise before MANY of you heterosexuals ever will! Mark my words. YOu foolish hypocrites think that just because you are heterosexual, that your ADULTERY and FORNICATION are less sins, or not punishable with HELLFIRE?
      Yeah, well, you keep judging and being hypocrites. See where you land on Judgment Day.
      To him that OVERCOMES... but not all can overcome. Some must carry their cross all the days of their life.
      To him that ENDURES to the end... So endure!

    • @vincentpromise3142
      @vincentpromise3142 6 років тому

      May God bless you

  • @christinedunn-bradshaw3054
    @christinedunn-bradshaw3054 8 років тому

    Why have you no videos lately!??????? Just found this one.

  • @kimyadaarsberry156
    @kimyadaarsberry156 5 років тому +4

    This answer is comforting to the listener! This is what lukewarm sounds/ looks like!!!

  • @LesIsMoreFilms
    @LesIsMoreFilms 7 років тому +7

    so many errors in what he said I don't even know where to start

  • @lupucal532
    @lupucal532 7 років тому

    So if I am trans and gay I won't go to hell? Im still confused

  • @davidkennedy6251
    @davidkennedy6251 10 років тому +12

    I am celibate gay Christian and I think this video is very spiritual and loving. The path I am on just now is extremely lonely and depressing and I certainly doubt if I could keep this up for the rest of my life. Straight Christians - in my experience - say exceptionally harsh and thoughtless things and I now tend to ignore many on this topic. I would not ignore this man as he seems to speak love and truth.

    • @davidkennedy6251
      @davidkennedy6251 9 років тому +1

      Doug McCulloch Thanks for taking the time to post a reply. I agree that homosexual relationships are not honouring to God. When you say 'being gay' I assume you mean having homosexual sex rather than having a totally homosexual orientation. There is nothing much that can be done with the orientation - God has not changed that for me over 25 years. I haven't had sex for almost six months and I still take one day at a time but it hurts so much and I get so lonely, brother.

    • @jjzapata1860
      @jjzapata1860 9 років тому

      Going to start my own UA-cam channel soon to share what I think on subjects like this and others ones as well. The video is very on point. The advice I can give you is this seek God and when I say seek God . I mean really seek him . Let's picture God as a bright light , the "closer" we get to this light then more we can see our selves the more sin we see so to speak. As you're getting closer to God your life should start to change slowly but surely. Keep going keep seeking. The bible says pick up your cross and follow me . It doesn't say that it's gonna be a easy walk , it's not gonna be roses and daisys. You want peace you want joy . True joy and peace . Let go of all the anger you have all the depression the hate you have anything you have in your heart . Ask to God fill you with the Holy Spirit and then you will have true peace and true joy. Fruits of the spirit my friend . Being gay is a sin no doubt about it . But pick up your cross and follow him it's gonna be tough but God will work in you in due time #LifeIsAProcess

    • @davidkennedy6251
      @davidkennedy6251 9 років тому

      Jj Zapata
      Thank you for your thoughts. I agree that I need a close walk with God however I am disturbed by the lack of any healing for me over 25 years. I agree that picking up your cross is what discipleship means and I certainly think that celibacy - when it is the very last thing a person would want - comes into that category. I do get depressed and my doctor is assessing me for mental health issues. I have tried to let go of the anger but I do not know what you mean when you say to let go of my depression. It is not at all as simple as that. Again we need to be careful here - being gay is a sin only in the sense of having homosexual sex or relationships. An exclusively homosexual orientation is not a sin and my experience is that God has done nothing about that for me.
      Blessings to you for this x David x

    • @LordsProfit
      @LordsProfit 9 років тому +1

      Legendary Not the brightest candle are you? Never mind. I've learned to talk down to those a can short of a six pack. The guy says he is celibate. Surely that counts for something? For 25 years he has prayed for 'healing' yet received none. "Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and ye shall find" says the Bible. Well it hasn't happened because maybe there is nothing for God to heal! Therefore to be a gay Christian is the only option God is giving the guy. Therefore gay Christians are part of God's will and must be a deliberate part of His creation. Are you keeping up? Somewhere along the line straights have bastardised and corrupted the Truth.

    • @LordsProfit
      @LordsProfit 9 років тому +1

      David Kennedy Hey there gay brother. I am in a similar situation to you. I found this site a great source of support: hoperemains.webs.com. It shows how the straights have corrupted and misinterpreted the translations in the Bible. And here is a secret. We all go to heaven anyway. Hell is a pagan tradition adopted by the early Christians to fill a gap. Satan only fell as far as Earth, was on Earth in the desert with Jesus and will be on the shore when the beast eventually arises from the sea. Satan is not in hell because it doesn't exist (yet). Jesus was sent to save all mankind and not a select few. His final words on the cross "Father forgive them" meant everyone, and God will accept everyone into His kingdom as the father receives the prodigal son. Enjoy your sexuality. Don't suppress it otherwise you are living a lie.

  • @11dremoss
    @11dremoss 5 років тому +3

    Hebrews 10:26
    26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

  • @bubbabeaudreaux6318
    @bubbabeaudreaux6318 6 років тому +2

    It does not matter who you love, it matters THAT you love. Ignorant people do not, can not and will not attempt to understand what was being taught by those who tried to teach them, today - or two thousand years ago. I am sorry for souls that use scripture to discriminate against anyone - but, knowing they are ignorant, I will pray for them to be enlightened. If you are gay,- do not be afraid, you are loved by God and by all whom you love. God does not discriminate against anyone. Don't procreate hate because because of the ignorance of others. And to quote scripture; Let those without sin cast the first stone.

  • @victoriafigueroa2041
    @victoriafigueroa2041 5 років тому +1

    Wait so if you murder someone it’s the same level as being gay but Jesus died on the cross for our sins and also Jesus said who ever believes in me shall not perish but have ever lasting life no boundary’s and god made me this way I’m confusion 🤨🤔🤔🤔

  • @nataliewalters2759
    @nataliewalters2759 10 років тому +8

    God is ruler of all and is very much alive and well condem the unrighteous at the end of time. He is letting things happen for a reason and hates sin but things must happen for scriptures to continue to be fullfilled. Yaweh the God of all creations says that it is destestable to have sex with the same sex. We live in a sinful backwards world. He loves us all but hates our wickedness. Satan has caused deceit and confusion where good is bad and bad is good.

    • @infaithind
      @infaithind 9 років тому +1

      people have their own way of thinking, but God knows his true children. Jesus is salvation and can save all of those who are gay if they believe in his word, where he clearly states verses about homosexuals. and there is no place in heaven for them. Jesus is coming open your eyes my people he love you i pray for all you

  • @treypierce74
    @treypierce74 6 років тому +9

    Man a simple question requires a simple answer. Why run a 100k around a simple question? Thats what I love about Jesus He gives it to you straight with no hesitation. And the Apostle Paul did the same thing. In the word of God its so clear. Just speak the truth in love. Just answer the question. Its sin you can be forgiven but you must repent period.

  • @thegirldadplus1fletcher716
    @thegirldadplus1fletcher716 6 років тому +5

    This man can't be serious!

  • @SticksNkicks
    @SticksNkicks 7 років тому +8

    Jesus said we're all sinners because we are... if anyone goes to heaven we all will. it's God's will for ALL to be saved.

  • @jamielankford8406
    @jamielankford8406 3 роки тому +1

    I agree that temptation is not sin but to follow through with the temptation is we are born with a sin nature. And Jesus will forgive a sinner if they repent however if a person keep walking in willful sin and tell Jesus or others this is the way I am that person Christian or not will not go to heaven. ( HEB. 5:9 ) ( HEB. 10:26-27 ) are just a few scriptures that we can use for understanding. So if the homesexal is still practicing willful open homesexal lifestyle the person has rejected Jesus and a place in Heaven. No one can practice a willful lifestyle is truly filled with the Holy Spirit. We must repeat and turn from the sin nature. ( 1 Cor. 13:6 ) .

    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up!

  • @barbarabradley1402
    @barbarabradley1402 9 років тому +2

    they can be saved but that saving doesn't mean you can still be gay

    • @wazapxd565
      @wazapxd565 8 років тому

      World doesnt revolve around christianity so shut up and putting laws on other people

    • @wazapxd565
      @wazapxd565 8 років тому

      You disgust

  • @alo1528
    @alo1528 6 років тому +8

    They can go to heaven god hates the sin not the sinner

  • @kevseb66
    @kevseb66 11 років тому +1

    Not a "cross" I'm willing to carry everyday. I as a human I have a sexuality & I'm not going to spending the whole of my life attempting to "crucify" what is an inate part of my humanity. It's a cross a straight Christian can carry because there's hope of marriage one day. To ask someone to accept the notion of being alone forever with no possible outlet for his or her sexual self & call it holiness is cruel to say the least.

  • @neattea3452
    @neattea3452 6 років тому +1

    So... Will I go to hell even if I don’t have intimate relations with the same gender but still like them

    • @tracy7880
      @tracy7880 5 років тому

      Neat Tea NO!

    • @saucekidromix6876
      @saucekidromix6876 3 роки тому

      No, lust is the only downfall of gay people (that have to do with their orientation obv). You’re good

  • @jesusislord4135
    @jesusislord4135 6 років тому +1

    if you believe in Jesus

  • @lexilebron9818
    @lexilebron9818 10 років тому +2

    Amen amen and amen

    • @infaithind
      @infaithind 9 років тому

      ***** thier is a God and he created everything including you and he sent his only begotten son to earth to die for ours sins if you repent and believe in him. He will return so soon its not a game. i pray everyboddy who dont believe in the name of Jesus.

  • @EarsToHear23
    @EarsToHear23 8 років тому

    Not one scripture was mentioned to support his view. Tell me, If homosexuals and drunkards can enter the Kingdom of God then who cannot enter? What distinctions do Christians have from the world? Shall we listen to the teachings of men or to the teachings of God's Word?
    "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

  • @drbhope3673
    @drbhope3673 6 років тому +1

    Romans 1:26-31

  • @Marinamxlina
    @Marinamxlina 6 років тому

    I literally force myself to like guys and when i do i feel very wrong about myself. I believe its best to follow your heart because ever since i was born i liked girls n my mom dosnt have one problem with it. Oh and the translation for the bible of homosexuality is poorly translated.

  • @dandom01
    @dandom01 12 років тому +1

    @FaithonHigh Salvation is out of sin not to continue sinning. if you (or anyone) don't stop sinning you are dead in your sins and you won't enter the kingdom of God.So the old you has to die,crucify the flesh(carnal mind) with its passions and desires and serve God in a new and living way,and of course gay or any other sinner can be saved if you give up yourself "your lifestyle">that's what "faith means that you believe that God has greater blessings for you if you give up sinful way's

  • @dewerbylhserf
    @dewerbylhserf 10 років тому +1

    The Man on the right did not know the Bible. ROM 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • @J_flics
    @J_flics 9 років тому +1

    It was a good life I'm might go to hell but I am Christian and I always pray but that does mean I might still go to hell and I'm scared of Satan and demons god please forgive me.

    • @LEELS11
      @LEELS11 4 роки тому

      IM XTEZ this could just be lies, I believe in god and I’m scared as well that I might burn. Don’t listen to this, just ask the REAL preachers

  • @MrKevinjones41
    @MrKevinjones41 6 років тому

    Greater the sin greater the mercy good people have rejected the holy spirit that have not understood what they have done and even jesus on the cross shouted eli forgive them they not know what they have done god bless may jesus bless us all

  • @maryhart9874
    @maryhart9874 6 років тому

    Temptation and desire if it's not God's will or purpose comes from the Devil. God can heal you

  • @alstmanmarinae9095
    @alstmanmarinae9095 7 років тому

    God creates both the gay and the straight person, and He unconditionally loves them. Gay people have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as straight people. Gay people having sex with gay people is natural and right (as it is with straight people) and gay people are entitled to fall in love, have sex , get married and have a family.

  • @theBeatsbyj
    @theBeatsbyj 4 роки тому +1

    Faith alone saves

    • @holmspeterson7544
      @holmspeterson7544 4 роки тому

      For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
      ( James 2:26 )

  • @dewerbylhserf
    @dewerbylhserf 10 років тому

    Trash is Trash Big or Small, Sin is Sin. But In the Law it is not the same .A lie is not the same as killing someone

  • @dandom01
    @dandom01 12 років тому

    @FaithonHigh Rev 22:14 Blessed are they who do His commandments, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life, and they may enter in by the gates into the city.
    Rev 22:15 But outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes a lie.Do not be deceived if you live by the desires of you carnal mind you are not saved, but if by the spirit you put to death the the carnal mind you will live GBU.

  • @Wwe1981.
    @Wwe1981. 8 років тому +1

    none of us really know anything everyone has sumthin different to say alot are judging a lot are saying wat they think is true a lot are ignorant

  • @tim58850
    @tim58850 9 років тому +8

    flip flops don't look good at all

    • @AZSocks
      @AZSocks 9 років тому +1

      I think the flip-flops look fine, but given the nature of the video I absolutely refuse to watch it. In fact, the way that guy is dressed with the flip flops actually looks really sexy.

    • @wazapxd565
      @wazapxd565 8 років тому

      Im laughing my ass of ^^

    • @stewmeat92
      @stewmeat92 6 років тому

      Timothy kramer I said the same thing lol

    • @archieliburd4327
      @archieliburd4327 5 років тому

      1 CORINTHIANS 6 v 9 .

  • @katylouise8608
    @katylouise8608 2 роки тому

    This was video was so long ago but the comments are disgusting I’m sorry to tell you being gay is not a sin😂it’s not a choice you can’t turn it off it’s who you are you was born that way no one should hide who they are or try and change

  • @annacatney9913
    @annacatney9913 7 років тому +1

    this guy is completely dodging the question. read romans 1.

  • @kaneywaney5805
    @kaneywaney5805 11 років тому +1

    Some of the things in the bible are either exaggerated or twisted to what people precieve it as. Supposivly suicide is a sin, I was at the O2 Arena recently in London watching "Sally Morgon" britains best psychic. She told a mother that her son was watching her from Heaven, he killed himself two years before from being bullied. So that sin is obviously false, if he was in hell, he wouldn't be able to make contact because theirs no escape from hell.

    • @davidbillingslea2720
      @davidbillingslea2720 5 років тому


    • @archieliburd4327
      @archieliburd4327 5 років тому

      Do you read the Bible? Please read John3 v13? John 5 v 28 and 29.please read also Deuteronomy 18 v 10 and 11.

    • @holmspeterson7544
      @holmspeterson7544 4 роки тому

      Can you prove that psychic's claim was true? We live in a world where people will do anything to gain fame and fortune. The Bible is clear about whether homosexual people will go to Heaven or Hell. The Bible says " Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God". ( 1 Corinthians 6:9 ). No one goes to Heaven on their own terms but God's Terms. False hope is no substitute for the truth.

  • @ramonaricketts765
    @ramonaricketts765 3 роки тому +1

    I don't know what to do 😭😞

    • @jordanjohncarloj.8878
      @jordanjohncarloj.8878 3 роки тому +1

      Jesus loves you the way you are he never mentioned homosexuality if it's really important he must say something about it

    • @ramonaricketts765
      @ramonaricketts765 3 роки тому +1

      @@jordanjohncarloj.8878 thank you for telling me

    • @michauxborns
      @michauxborns 3 роки тому +1

      @@jordanjohncarloj.8878 - He never mentioned idiocy either.

  • @kaynewalker4578
    @kaynewalker4578 8 років тому +4

    "Can a gay person go to Heaven?" or drunkards. no you cannot inherit gods kingdom being gay a drunkard
    you must be a born again christian .you can not enter the kingdom of god being a born again gay no way
    one faith one lord one baptism

  • @NtheNow
    @NtheNow 10 років тому +6

    1 John 5:17 says, "All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death." Because Yahweh is Righteous and Holy, then no unrighteousness (sin) can dwell in Yahweh's presence. To say that a homosexual, murder, liar, fornicator, or thief can enter into the heaven where Yahweh rules from His throne is not scriptural. Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin death". Yahweh sent His Son Yeshua (Jesus) to die for our sins so we could be set free from the bondage of sin. I don't agree with most of the statements in this Video. Yahweh is Holy, and he was Holy before He created man.

    • @godschildyes
      @godschildyes 9 років тому +1

      That's right!

    • @DonCornelius366
      @DonCornelius366 6 років тому

      IF he/she repents? Yes.
      See, the problem is, you people want them to change their NATURE. God never told them to change their NATURE, He told them to change their HEARTS! Who among you stopped being HETEROSEXUAL when you repented? And you're going to lie to me that you have NO attraction to the opposite sex? Then why be HYPOCRITES when it comes to the homosexual? Did Jesus tell the adulteress to change her nature? No. So why are you telling a homosexual to change his/her NATURE (sexual attraction) when you can't even change yours, hypocrites?
      If they repent, and they decide to live for Jesus, resisting their sexual urges ALL THE DAYS OF THEIR LIVES, aren't they doing exactly what Jesus commands of them? Resisting their flesh and "enduring to the end"?
      I'm telling you, such gay people will enter paradise before MANY of you heterosexuals ever will! Mark my words. YOu foolish hypocrites think that just because you are heterosexual, that your ADULTERY and FORNICATION are less sins, or not punishable with HELLFIRE?
      Yeah, well, you keep judging and being hypocrites. See where you land on Judgment Day.
      To him that OVERCOMES... but not all can overcome. Some must carry their cross all the days of their life.
      To him that ENDURES to the end... So endure!

  • @EverydayGraceTV
    @EverydayGraceTV 10 років тому

    I agree for the most part. It's good to hear another Christian with "like minded" thinking.

    • @chrisstone5934
      @chrisstone5934 10 років тому +1


    • @oscardavidd7036
      @oscardavidd7036 10 років тому

      Chris Stone religion is bullshit

    • @chrisstone5934
      @chrisstone5934 10 років тому +2

      I agree thats why jesus is the way!:)

  • @Marksnotebook
    @Marksnotebook 11 років тому

    We are to stop sinning. That is the point. Not to excuse all sins as that will not work. We can be better people. To suggest we can't do a darn thing and just allow the bad to happen will reap bad things.

    • @archieliburd4327
      @archieliburd4327 5 років тому

      1 CORINTHIANS 6 v 9 and Romans 1 v 32 ( 26 to 32)

  • @sora609
    @sora609 6 років тому +1

    If you're gay and you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will go to Heaven. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. He made you exactly how He wanted you.

    • @holmspeterson7544
      @holmspeterson7544 4 роки тому

      The Bible is clear about whether homosexual people will go to Heaven or Hell. The Bible says " Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God". ( 1 Corinthians 6:9 ). No one goes to Heaven on their own terms but God's Terms. False hope is no substitute for the truth.

    • @HandsomeBoyGarion
      @HandsomeBoyGarion 6 місяців тому

      Facts you will

  • @KountryKowboy29
    @KountryKowboy29 9 років тому +1

    No one can go to heaven not unless they are saved believeing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Anyone that asked Jesus Christ in their heart believeing he died for their sins believeing that his blood shed for every sin they committed believeing that God risen him from the dead and be baptisted in the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They cannot get to heaven without that sincere heart believeing that he did this for them. Why you asked a silly question about gays can they get to heaven I wouldn't never know what that title has to do with anything. We all where born by the corrupt seed that corrupt seed is called sperm it brought us all here through darkness and in sin. The only one that can forgive sins permently is Jesus Christ. It takes faith by believeing he did this for you without that belief they are a scripture concerning this matter Mark 16 16 says; He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. God told us plainly its not his will that any of us should perish but all come under repentence and turn from our wicked ways and follow him. Those who trust in Jesus Christ has eternal life they are another scripture concerning this matter John 5-39 tells us to search the scriptures for in them ye think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me meaning Jesus those who stays in the will of God have eternal life. They are another location and meaning to this it talks about in Romans 8th chapter it says: There is therefor now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. That is meaning doing the will of God in their lives telling their lost brothers and sisters out here in the world that is staying in the will of God. Those who are ashamed of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ will be ashamed of them someday by not calling your name in front of his holy angels and his Father. It is not I nor you that does anything it is God that does it for us. They are no need in argueing with me you hyprocites that has something to say that tries to justify themselves you cannot justify yourselves it takes Jesus Christ to justify you underneath his perfect blood that was covered for your remissions of sins. If you argue with me your argueing in vain toward me these are not my words they are the words of God that sent me here to talk with you for I do nothing it is God that does it for me these are his words that he uses me to type on here to sow the seed into thy heart if you do not want to listen that is your choice God knows his people whom are for him or not. God knows who is going to worship him. No matter what you say about Jesus or God you cannot change that they are real if you like it or not you can say Jesus isn't real all day long you can say God isn't real all day long if you speak against his Holy Spirit and say that too him you blasphemy they are no forgiveness of it. God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are real the holy angels are real you are going back to God someday if you like it or not you cannot escape the judgement. If you die in sin you are accountable for everyone of them that you did on this earth. You will give an account for them you been told about Jesus Christ if you die don't get in judgement and say Lord no one told me about you, you'd be a liar to him. You can't get in judgement and say Jesus the devil made me say those awful things about you, Satan cannot make you do nothing. You do it on your own you have free will. God isn't going to come down here to make you serve him he gives you the freedom of choice be for God or be against him its your choice. If you are not for God your of your Father the Devil.

  • @alyssaburgers6622
    @alyssaburgers6622 9 років тому +1

    So a straight guy could have sex with 20 women and still go to Heaven because hes straight. But a man who has no control over who he loves is a sinner and goes to hell?

    • @alyssaburgers6622
      @alyssaburgers6622 9 років тому +1

      rebbenful I agree fully. A lot of people think love is the same as sex and that's what get's me mad. Thank you for thinking the way u do.

    • @Mr1991kid
      @Mr1991kid 8 років тому

      +rebbenful I understand what you mean. One thing though a gay person IS NOT attracted to women AT ALL so is it best to simply remain celibate? What about bi people? Straight men ARE attracted to women. They get to actually love the person and they feel a physical attraction towards the women. What is sad is that gay people, it seems basically have been denied that. This is just my opinion by the way. I completely respect what your personal beliefs are.

  • @Marksnotebook
    @Marksnotebook 11 років тому

    Yes they can. But you need to abstain from sex. Or try not to sin. It can be done. One can full fill their life without sex. If sex is the only reason to live, we are all in big trouble. It is much more---God.

  • @1963Austria
    @1963Austria 12 років тому

    I am glad how the cherry picking was talked about..If a gay cannot enter heaven, neither can a liar, "adulterer' fornicater...luster etc...so if that is true, then most of the 'christains' are SOL....so gay bashers,..before preaching agaonst gays, look n the mirror and walk a mile in our shoes...the ridicule, discrimination, outcasting.....get a taste of our lives..

    • @archieliburd4327
      @archieliburd4327 5 років тому

      1 CORINTHIANS 6 v 9 and Romans 1 v 32 ( 26 to 32).

  • @MrSelbatross
    @MrSelbatross 5 років тому +1

    Anyone can get to heaven through repentance and exceptance of Jesus christ...There is no other way.

    • @holmspeterson7544
      @holmspeterson7544 4 роки тому

      I don't mean to be disrespectful but how can anyone trust the Bible when it contradicts itself many times over.

    • @Joshua-zj8gm
      @Joshua-zj8gm 2 роки тому

      @@holmspeterson7544 Show me contradictions

    • @holmspeterson7544
      @holmspeterson7544 2 роки тому

      @@Joshua-zj8gm This is one of many examples. "For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me". (Exodus 20:5) vs "The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, neither shall the father bear the guilt of the son". (Ezekiel 18:20).

  • @SunnyTacos
    @SunnyTacos 10 років тому

    So much shit that balls hurt. can't believe that people actually follow the broble.

  • @davidkennedy6251
    @davidkennedy6251 9 років тому +1

    I do not know why conservative evangelicals are so worked up about this.
    Jim Smith is right here. Homosexual relationships and sex are not honouring to God. The relevant passages are in Romans, 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy, and none of these passages is without its problems. But they are negative towards same sex conduct.
    But a homosexual orientation is not a bar to the Kingdom. I am a man who has only ever had same sex attractions. If I do not have any sex with any man from now till I die, but I still have a wholly homosexual constitution / orientation / predisposition, I will be accepted into the Kingdom.
    The plain truth - and the only church I have seen that is honest about it is the LDS church - is that perhaps 5% of homosexual people who repent and pray and seek to become straight do in fact become heterosexual. Such people are all over you tube and many work with ex-gay ministries. I rejoice for them. God be praised!
    The rest of us are bewildered why God does so little for us. We cannot understand why no healing takes place. We want people to mourn with us, but no one does. Fundamentalists seem to assume that the change to straightness will be 100% for everyone. I have no idea from where they get that figure. Trust me it is not true.
    I am a celibate guy, and have been so for the past six months. Prior to that I did have homosexual relationships. I will report to those of you who assume that celibacy must be so easy for me - when in reality you would do anything to avoid being celibate yourselves - that it is every bit as lonely, isolating, frustrating, dispiriting and occasionally depressing as you suppose it would be for you. And I agree with you - colossal and extremely painful sacrifices always do feel better when someone else is making them. I have lost so many friends since I have stopped going out socially and I am being assessed by my doctor for mental health issues, the symptoms of which have grown so much worse since I gave up on intimacy. Some days I cope fine. If I am feeling down, I have no one really close to snuggle into and make me happier; when I feel like celebrating, I have no one really close to share that high with.
    Sorry this is not more positive. Last night was not good for me - I felt so depressed and alone and there was no reason for it.
    David from the UK
    PS - sometimes people respond in ways which make them feel they have discharged a Christian duty, but which feel very rude and hurtful to me. Please avoid the following:
    sending me pictures of Sodom and Gomorrah
    telling me you want me to die now and go to Hell
    telling me that my lifespan will be short
    sending me links to HIV/ AIDS websites
    sending me links to medical websites with photos of injured and diseased anuses.
    OK, so some of these have come straight from trolls. But others have been from fundamentalist believers. Guys, you know it is rude.
    You see, when I forgave all the hurtful comments Christians have made to me over the years, I promised I would not bite back at insults yet to come. Instead I have politely replied to abusers thanking them for their concern. But I do it through gritted teeth and it is humiliating.
    Blessings to you all.

    • @godschildyes
      @godschildyes 9 років тому +1

      David Kennedy David! That was so brave and beautiful! Thank you so much for being so honest. You know how to love others better than so many of us do! I hope I don't come across as a know it all, but as I was reading your lines, I couldn't help but feel that there was a deep need for affirmation that you seem to need. I don't say this lightly at all. I have that need too though I am not gay. I have a brother who is gay as well as an uncle. I remember my brother as a child and he WAS NOT gay at all. Something happened to him and he committed acts with boys that brought the desire into his life. As a child I even experimented sexually with children. Boy and girls because I was so lonely. I wanted love so badly. For some reason, when I was with the girls it felt different and more exciting. To be honest, the excitement was there because I knew it was so unnatural. I hope that makes sense. It made me feel powerful over my own life in some way. But I knew with out a doubt that it was so wrong. I suffered so much abuse and neglect as a child and I am sure that had so much to do with my need for love. But the getting of that love was so extreme because I tried to get it outside off God's way. But God still loved me and He still loves you. We have to remember though that Romans Chp. 1 says that homosexuality is a spirit of idolatry. I had to be honest with myself and not just blame it on my hurts. I had to accept that I have an innate desire to sin against God. We all do.... Also, I had to understand that I made knowing choices to engage in the acts that I did. It is so freeing when we are honest with ourselves. Also, I wonder if you may consider asking God when this desire came into your life. Because I feel deep hurt when I read your lines. I know that God did not make anyone gay, but His word talks about it being a "Spirit". Perhaps you could ask God to deliver you from that spirit and to show you when that spirit began to affect you? I know you have been hurt by so many, but you have handled it so well. Also, perhaps if you try to put yourself in the shoes of the Fundamentalist? Society is trying to push ungodly things on us and our children from every angle and Satan wants to silence the voice of righteousness and uncompramising truth. God's purpose for Marriage and Family is being stripped away and many Fundamentalist feel that we are being backed into a corner. Fundamentalists, (I include myself as well), are being pressured to accept countless ungodly ideas that the word of God is so clear about. So please don't view it as them trying to put you down or hurt you. I am sorry for those who have tried to hurt you, but most are not trying. They too are fighting strong to contend for the faith with their children close on their minds and hearts! Also, if God's design of family is destroyed, then so is a society. The "Elite" of this world know that well, and that is why they are pushing the gay agenda. But God can and will set you free. So often freedom comes when we are totally honest with ourselves and face the hurt which contributes to the desire to sin. And when we recognize and agree with God that we all make choices to sin and that He gives us the means of escaping temptation. I love you my brother and I know that God has and will accept you into heaven because you are truly living for him and are so very sincere. I'm praying for you!

  • @minnickr
    @minnickr 4 роки тому

    I just wonder why he can't just say yes or no it is a sin or not a sin., The bible condemn all sins. But the bible condemn being gay read Roman 1st chapter . Jesus died for all sins but he ask us to repent and be born again. Meaning he will change a person life and give them his Spirit. They will have a new life in Christ' and now seek to follow him. Read this 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 King James Version (KJV)
    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

  • @mariussalvesenmeland
    @mariussalvesenmeland 10 років тому

    in the begining evrybody goes to hell den u chose where u wana bee bk god is like hell and hell is like god

    • @technobutch
      @technobutch 10 років тому


    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up

  • @dandom01
    @dandom01 12 років тому +5

    Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
    Gal 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
    Gal 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

  • @denniscrosland
    @denniscrosland 11 років тому

    It's taking this guy to get to the point.

  • @infaithind
    @infaithind 9 років тому

    all sins are all the same big or small but only Jesus can deliver you. satan has a short amount of time and he knows how to make people convert to him instead of Jesus. God did create hell for us he created it for satan and his fallen angels but those who dont believe and fall into the wickedness of the world have there place in the eternal fire based on what you did on earth before you die. read about in the bible and believe in your heart that Lord Jesus can save you and deliver you from evil.

  • @J.leeHoliday
    @J.leeHoliday 11 років тому

    GOD said he created everything beautiful, then why is it the majority of gay men are so gorgeous and brilliant and straight men are not? I Just want to know....

  • @HandsomeBoyGarion
    @HandsomeBoyGarion 6 місяців тому

    Gays don’t go to hell believe in god

  • @computermanjr.1805
    @computermanjr.1805 6 років тому

    ILL TEL U AWSENR NO NEED TO WATCH>no,not naural it counts same as suaside so what ever u say NOOO

  • @cincinnatihustlers
    @cincinnatihustlers 9 років тому +1

    Yes a Gay Person who turns from their evil ways and turns to Gods Holly word and lives for God and does his will Can go to Heaven just like a drunk or a sex offender or a spousal abuser. Sin was paid on the cross by the Lord Jesus Christ. The big mistake is thinking that you can just say "Oh I confess Jesus" Then continue to live against Gods word thinking your going to Heaven. I think not. Not according to what I have read and what I see in the Bible.

    • @godschildyes
      @godschildyes 9 років тому

      cincinnatihustlers 100% Agreed! What you say is true..... because the Bible is very clear.

    • @wazapxd565
      @wazapxd565 8 років тому

      "the bible is very clear" You say very very sarcasticly XDD

  • @mariussalvesenmeland
    @mariussalvesenmeland 10 років тому +1

    well this isent good

  • @christianjohnson8036
    @christianjohnson8036 8 років тому +13

    It's not a sin

    • @skylermccloud78
      @skylermccloud78 8 років тому +2

      +Aaron King dam straight im gay thank you for realizing that

    • @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf
      @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf 8 років тому

      Skyler Mccloud im sorry but ididnt think you got the point in what I was saying , so peace out :D God loves you

    • @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf
      @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf 8 років тому

      Skyler Mccloud The common sense of human nature

    • @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf
      @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf 8 років тому

      You still dont get it , look at your 1500 and compare it to millions or maybe billions , now tell me is that natural or what.

    • @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf
      @MonkeyDLuffy-pf6hf 8 років тому +1

      Aaron King The matter of fact is being gay is not natural , gays have a saying that they were born this way but really they were 'brought' up this way. How can it be natural when only a few compare to billions are gay.

  • @Irishmama74
    @Irishmama74 7 років тому +11

    lukewarm nonsense

    • @alcabins2722
      @alcabins2722 6 років тому +2

      thats right sister i was born again this year and my sister is marrying a women you think i told her that was cool no i told her i wont attend and please reconsider. i love her but shes headed to hell jut like a drunk. sad this man beat around the bush so much.

    • @douglaspatterson1360
      @douglaspatterson1360 6 років тому

      nicole burke sorry I take that back sis I TOTALLY AGREE WITH U!! I listened to the vid more in depth & sounds like he's skirting the issue

  • @maryhart9874
    @maryhart9874 6 років тому +2

    I am sad and sorry for this kind of teaching. Unrepentant sin will take you to hell. If you are living this lifestyle there is no guarantee that God is going to forgive you on your Deathbed. If you knowingly live this way and know that he disapproves I I really really fear for you. God bless you and show you what is right. I am only a humble servant to him but he sees me as his child. I always want and Hope and pray to tell the truth as he would have me do.

  • @jcgrace1000
    @jcgrace1000 4 роки тому

    Stop talking 🙊

  • @vstrbotten
    @vstrbotten 10 років тому

    Gays don't want to be in heaven with bigots. As big as the universe is, God has made "the heavens". There's a heaven for just gays. Imagine such a place!

    • @technobutch
      @technobutch 10 років тому

      What makes you think biggots will be in Heaven ?????

    • @vstrbotten
      @vstrbotten 10 років тому

      Wherever they're going, why should they think gays would want to spend an eternity with them.

    • @godschildyes
      @godschildyes 9 років тому +1

      vstrbotten That would not be Heaven! That would be the Playboy Mansion. God is Holy! Period!

    • @vstrbotten
      @vstrbotten 9 років тому

      Are you saying that gays arent holy. I never lived in some playgirl mansion. I live in a real white wilderness and that's my heaven. It's taken me 50 years to find my soul mate. Now I'm in heaven and we're healthy and thriving.

  • @archangeljesus4369
    @archangeljesus4369 6 років тому

    Only 144,000 anointed Jehovah witnesses go to heaven

  • @andreaparks9326
    @andreaparks9326 9 років тому +21

    Ok..I hope this man is not a pastor....if you are a homosexual you must repent ...if you die a homosexual lifestyle you can't get in heaven....you must repent and ask for-forgiveness.....ask God to help you....in Jesus Christ name

    • @wazapxd565
      @wazapxd565 8 років тому +3

      #GaysGoToHeavenToo they have no special judgement more than any other person cause if you could not be forgiven for a sin almost everyone would be going to hell including you

    • @potatoking8602
      @potatoking8602 8 років тому +1

      No wonder your previous 10th husband left you

    • @savagechannel6901
      @savagechannel6901 7 років тому +1

      andrea parks u can go to heaven if you gay cause God will love you no matter what u don't go to hell for loving who u truly love

    • @negative-160
      @negative-160 7 років тому +1

      Alyssa Herrera false you cannot go to heaven if you are homosexuals the Bible specifically that

    • @marioalvarez4627
      @marioalvarez4627 6 років тому

      He was new age preaching notice that he didnt reference any bible scriptures on sexual desire and homosexual sin !...

  • @wazapxd565
    @wazapxd565 8 років тому +1

    Christianity isnt the center of the world so stop acting like it is

    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up!

    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up!

    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up!

    @JOCKMCKAY760 6 років тому

    @Andrea Parks Joseph was 99 wen he won mary in a raffle 12yrs old read it up!