Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings - Paul Washer

  • Опубліковано 2 лип 2024
  • Do you trust the Lord even when you have no feelings? We need to remember that God often withdraws His sensible presence from us to test and purify our faith. Will you still follow the Lord even when you don't "feel" Him with you? In this excerpt, Paul Washer considers a truth from Isaiah 50.
    View the full sermon here: • My Soul's Needs and Bi... '
    → View on I'll Be Honest:
    → Paul Washer ‪@Heartcrymissionary‬

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  3 роки тому +178

    This excerpt was taken from the full sermon, "My Soul’s Needs and Biblical Keys For Growth"

    • @keniazacarias7726
      @keniazacarias7726 3 роки тому


    • @dalinasuriel3776
      @dalinasuriel3776 3 роки тому +3

      Thank you so much for this excerpt. Excellent choice of 5 min message of trust in God’s character and his word alone, that is needed for everyone. Stops us from seeking additional stimulants of our faith when His word is enough and perseverance is needed “I know my redeemer lives” type!

    • @wemuk5170
      @wemuk5170 3 роки тому

      @@tas-studios They must have known each other since PW had preached in his church.

    • @kdwarner5
      @kdwarner5 3 роки тому +1

      We are in the great Deception, and even the elect will be Decieved if possible, according to scriptures. What we don't know doesn't get us in trouble, it's what we know for sure that really isn't True, that gets us in trouble. The fact is we live in the backwards world. Everything you were ever taught is a lie. Everyone on this plane existence grows up under Government. Govern = rule Ment= mental or mind. They have been ruling our mind since birth. The only thing we ever learn in life, is what we are taught by our parents, who were raised under Govern- ment. Then you go to a school, A govern- ment school. I mean you really have to, or your parents go to Jail. You have to be programmed. Next you watch public TV, In which they tell you it is programming, we will return to the programming after these messages. Operation mockingbird, a CIA psyop, that started in the late 40s, with subliminal messages and flashes of light, look it up. Scriptures says, All the Information that comes from man is carnal. Most of it comes from the experiences one has had, and that ends up being the knowledge, that He, or she, gathers up in his, or her lifetime. What a person believes has nothing to do with what is fact. Facts are absolute, anything else is false, and from the enemy, and a lie. Even the name Jesus is false.
      Fact: He was born A Hebrew Baby named Yahusha Bar Yoseph. Yahuah the Creator manifest Flesh. Scriptures clearly state, there is one name that you can be saved bye. That name is not Jesus. To deny Yahusha, and call him by a defiled name, when they know his correct name, is Rebellion. 1st Samuel 15:23 for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry, because thou Hast rejected the word of Yahuah, why he has also rejected the.
      Next Yahusha wasn't hung on an cross, he was hung on a almond tree. A sacrifice is not a sacrifice, unless it's done on an altar. A Roman cross is not a alter. The Mount of Olives is the Eternal altar of YAH. The budding almond Rod from the Ark of the Covenant. Was planted there by King David with the skull of Goliath. Which became the tree, Yahusha was hung on. The cross is a 4000 year old death symbol. It comes from Egypt, and represents the sun god Tammuz. Scripture tells us, Yahuah is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So How could He Have Two sets of Rules, old and new Testaments?( Who Did Away with The Eternal Covenant?
      Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahuah; that is my name. I will not give my glory to another, ( who is Jesus?) neither my praise to graven images ( who is Jesus?)
      1st John 3:4 (kjv) Everyone who sins breaks the law, in fact sin is breaking the law (Hebrew) He who sins transgresses the Torah, for sin is transgression of the Torah
      1st John 2:3-4 kjv And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Isaiah 30:9 This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesie deceit. Are you comfortable in your life? Are you where you need to be Spiritually? Do you know everything you need to know, to walk in Freedom and confidence through the coming events? Because the Rapture is a made up doctrine By John Nelson Darby in 1831 ALL lies. 2nd Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Upon his second coming, the heavens, and the Earth are destroyed. Where do all the left-behind people live, come on think about it.
      Are you Saved? I hear I'm saved, or he's not saved. I hear that all the time. When scripture says those who endure to the end Shall be saved. The end hasn't come yet. Who are you kidding? This Is a process, and this process, is a painful process. You have to start over completely. You have to process all this false information you have been indoctrinated into. Learning things that contradict everything, that you ever been taught. Fighting Cognitive Dissonance the whole time. And most everyone suffers from cognitive dissonance. Please look it up. It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person's core beliefs do not align, with new evidence that contradicts that core belief. It may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another. Cognitive dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in many different ways. Anger is the primary defense. So when you mention, The firmament, or the flat Earth, your instantly A nutcase, when in actuality, they have the disorder of Cognitive Dissonance. They cannot stand to even hear it. Immediately they shut you out. We all know that rejection without investigations is the epitome of ignorance. But it's exercised every day, almost every time it's brought up. It starts early, let's take school, your taught that you evolved from a monkey, and that you live on a roundball flying through space. School, Public television (cartoons), NASA and your parents all, taught you we live on a round ball, flying through space at 666 million miles an hour, while you're flying around the sun at 550,000 miles per hour, while your spinning at 1069 miles per hour, that's a lot of movements for you to not feel one thing. The Bible is a flat earth book. Their are over 400 places in the King James 66 book cannon bible, that states somehow that the Earth is stationary, and does not move. The Sun and moon were made on the fourth day, what did earth revolve around until then!! Come on! You don't believe Genesis!!! If Genesis is wrong, then all Scripture is wrong. Scripture is the only truth, in this plane of existence. We do not believe our own eyes, and our own senses, or the holy scriptures, we believe what somebody tells us. Nobody can prove curvature, because there isn't any!!
      A simple Lighthouse proves there is no curvature, NASA says 66 feet of curvature at 10 miles, 6666 feet of curvature at a hundred miles, how can a 70 foot Lighthouse be seen for 30 or 40 miles, Google it. The stature Liberty is 300 ft tall and it can be seen for 60 to 70 miles at 60 miles it would be under over 2,000 feet of curvature. Water is always level, it doesn't bend. It can't be round guys, no matter how much you want it to be, because you've been taught that. It's a LIE, and if they can make you believe a lie that big, what else do you believe.
      Look around you ladies and gentlemen, how many people are wearing masks for no logical reason. Face it none of them are 5 micron masks, they give absolutely no protection. You cannot keep mosquitoes out with chainlink Fence! They are Decieved into doing respiratory, Heart, and lung Damage, to themselves, Because thier breathing thier own carbon monoxide, and bacteria. Unbelievable!! But 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 For this cause YAH (God) shall send great delusion upon them that they should believe a lie. Most everybody in this world worries about what other people think about them. And they don't even care about what the father thinks. When he's s the only one that matters. He knows your every thought, What makes anyone think they can hide anything from him. They lie, brag, put on thier masks ( not the physical ones everyone is duped into wearing) the image, or the portraital, of who they want people to think they are. People use their mouth, to say, I believe, I love the father. But do they show it? 1st John 2:3-4 kjv And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Saying it is one thing, how do they put it into action? Just pay attention to what they do, it doesn't match their words. I call it talking out both sides of their mouth. Scriptures say, For not hears of the law are just before Yahuah, But doers of the law shall be justified. Fear of Yahuah is the beginning of wisdom, proverbs 1:7 . Knowledge has nothing to do with wisdom. Wisdom is putting knowledge into action, and faith is a verb. James 2:18 Yea a man may say, thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Hope this is a wake-up call.

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 роки тому

      Do you know what the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven is? Most believe that those are interchangeable terms and they're not far from wrong. Jesus reigns until he has defeated all of his enemies which are all power dominion and authority and then death itself. Then he returns the kingdom back to the father so that God may be all in all. I happen to know that death will be defeated before the asteroid hits that creates the bottomless pit AKA The abyss. This is mentioned in Revelation 9. So the end of death begins the kingdom of God. In the end the New Jerusalem will come down from space and load into it select individuals and the glory of the Nations. Then it will leave this earth and it's destination is the new Earth. And there is a list of different types of individuals that are not allowed into the New Jerusalem. Revilers and blasphemers and sexually immoral and greedy etc. The point is that once the New Jerusalem leaves this Earth it will then be the kingdom of heaven. I'm just not sure if it takes a thousand years to get there or 10,000 but regardless by that time we will be immortal. But those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy, will not face the second death. The way to win is only through the grave. But these people nowadays wish to live forever in this flesh. Anyone who seeks to save his life will lose it but anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it. This is where the parable of Lazarus and the rich man comes into play.

  • @CowpokeCannoneer
    @CowpokeCannoneer 3 роки тому +2171

    Been dealing with this lack of feeling God’s love a lot recently. Yet I still don’t want to ever quit and go back to the ways of the world and how I lived. But this popped up. If that’s not a sign from the Lord, I don’t know what is. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому +2

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @Monashaa09
      @Monashaa09 3 роки тому +72

      Same with me, I always felt that God is with me, but recently I cannot feel His presence. I begged Him to forgive my sins, but still everything is blank...still holding...

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 3 роки тому +23

      I have had exactly the same issues - I am ashamed that inside I have been sinning still though - complaining to God about my situation which I should not have and worse.

    • @StephenLoney
      @StephenLoney 3 роки тому +29

      @@Monashaa09 He is faithful. Keep going, sister.

    • @StephenLoney
      @StephenLoney 3 роки тому +31

      ​@@thisismonitor4099 I encourage you to remember what God has done. Reflect on his works and promises. He is faithful. Habakkuk 3

  • @dendanskehelt4296
    @dendanskehelt4296 3 роки тому +1743

    Blessed are those, who have not seen, yet still believe.

  • @TheMidnightModder
    @TheMidnightModder 3 роки тому +485

    You are not alone.
    Even when you can't feel Him, He is with you.
    Those who truly seek Him are given the hardest tests.
    God has not given up on you, He is pruning you.
    He is giving you trials to foster strength and resilience.
    When all is said and done, you will feel and know Him more than ever.
    Trust the plan, trust in Him, and Don't Give Up.

    • @marie-marie2617
      @marie-marie2617 3 роки тому +4

      Beautiful reply. I'm now in my fourth year. I turned to the Catholics finally for help as they have a wealth of info on the Dark Night on the internet, help that sadly I couldn't find from my own church. I was in terrible despair. If only I could have found a thread like this in the beginning. People are desperate for help with this experience!! Why, why isn't it preached?

    • @jsavagetooreal
      @jsavagetooreal 2 роки тому +2

      Thank for this comment god bless you

    • @atashakgem
      @atashakgem 2 роки тому +8

      All my life suffering after suffering and troubles, hardships, now very painful foot and ringing in ears due to a very bad ear ache! Truly I have no understanding all these one after one😢😢😢, but I ask him not leave me alone and finally sometime soon I see his miracles in me before I am gone in the name of precious glory holy Lord Jesus Christ , Amen 🙏🤲🤲🤲

    • @glorfindelchocolateflowery6392
      @glorfindelchocolateflowery6392 2 роки тому +2

      It's always a test

    • @ziegen2102
      @ziegen2102 2 роки тому

      Amen 💯

  • @ashleyalston8903
    @ashleyalston8903 3 роки тому +279

    “And yet, you find yourself believing” Glory to God

    • @Spookie425
      @Spookie425 2 роки тому +5

      Amen, that hit in such a way!

    • @DA-yd2ny
      @DA-yd2ny Рік тому

      Believing what?

    • @michelleadonis3416
      @michelleadonis3416 Рік тому +3

      @@DA-yd2ny in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for all our sins and rose from death on the 3rd day

    • @breatheeasily4013
      @breatheeasily4013 Рік тому

      For those who lost the feeling of the presence of God and feel it again, what did you do? Thanks.

    • @Loganmalone100
      @Loganmalone100 4 місяці тому +1

      Glory to god for sure amen

  • @cincin4515
    @cincin4515 2 роки тому +6

    This is so reassuring for a new Christian whose local church think I'm cursed because I cant "feel" the spirit.
    Thank you for this.

  • @tonymattei5866
    @tonymattei5866 3 роки тому +700

    What Paul described I am going through right now. I feel a real spiritual dryness and don’t feel as confident and close to God as I once did, yet I find myself still believing and daily seeking him with out any warm feeling or joy. Thank you brother Paul for your words of encouragement!

    • @artlopes9463
      @artlopes9463 3 роки тому +3

      He must be a psychic or something?

    • @mindspace3863
      @mindspace3863 3 роки тому +15

      Trust that God is all knowing, God knows the beginning and God knows the end. And in God's knowledge you are included, God will pull you through and you will learn more of who God is by knowing He is utterly worthy of all your trust.

    • @reformtalk5123
      @reformtalk5123 3 роки тому +12

      God bless brother keep pressing forward I also have been in those dry seasons.God is good and loves His sheep! This may be a maturing season for you so hold fast!

    • @sorrowinchrist3387
      @sorrowinchrist3387 2 роки тому +1

      I am in a dark place myself but what does Paul mean by i find myself still believing?????

    • @gu3sswh075
      @gu3sswh075 2 роки тому

      @@sorrowinchrist3387 are you still living in sin or have you turned away?

  • @homebody3798
    @homebody3798 3 роки тому +169

    This is so true. My child was critically ill a couple of years ago. I felt no comfort. None. It was the most desperate time of my life. I have never been that low. And I felt nothing but despair. I remember going into the bathroom of the hospital room and crying. That’s the only prayer I could find - tears. And I constantly thought of what Jesus said, “never will I leave you and never will I forsake you.” I told Jesus I believed him over my feelings. I felt abandoned, but I knew I wasn’t. My feelings were not greater than his truth. That was eye opening. My son is healthy now after 6.5 months of medical treatment. But that was the lowest point of my life. And whatever I felt or didn’t feel, He was with me. My faith grew a lot from what I learned in that time.

    • @stunnedmulletblah9714
      @stunnedmulletblah9714 2 роки тому +5

      Aww sweetie. God was always there eh. I have just learned the same thing as you. I prayed for you just because I could.

    • @keiarahjohnston9887
      @keiarahjohnston9887 2 роки тому +6

      Such encouraging words. Thank you for your testimony. Praise God your child is healed. God is good as HIS Word tells us.

    • @GodLovesyou11843
      @GodLovesyou11843 3 місяці тому

      God bless you❤God Jesus and The Holy Spirit love all

    • @daisyg8384
      @daisyg8384 3 місяці тому

      But I find it very difficult to understand, it looks like torture... Would a father do that to his kid to "test his love", to abandon him in the middle of nowhere for several days to "strenghten him" ? What kind of loving parent would do that ? So why a perfectly benevolent god would do that ?

    • @meghamegha3549
      @meghamegha3549 3 місяці тому


  • @abdielbarraza6193
    @abdielbarraza6193 3 роки тому +299

    I will trust God even when I’m crippled with anxiety for no reason. I will trust you Lord

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @drea8024
      @drea8024 Рік тому +6

      Me too

    • @kels4754
      @kels4754 Рік тому +15

      Yes. I am also experiencing crippling anxiety lately too.
      The Lord is faithful, and He will get us through.

    • @matthewhart8125
      @matthewhart8125 Рік тому +10

      I'm crippled by severe OCD and am constantly exhausted by my own mind, constant fear and obsessions.

    • @emilygreco6653
      @emilygreco6653 Рік тому +9

      @@matthewhart8125hi Matthew! I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in this, as I am in a season a OCD and anxiety. I want you to know that God still loves us and you don’t have to go through it alone. I have found immense comfort in God (he has been so faithful), church, and counseling. I know he has used it to strengthen my faith. I will pray for your healing and relief.

  • @h0pfaith
    @h0pfaith 3 роки тому +105

    " Look at my servant who walks in darkness and has not light but trust in my name " These lines sets my soul ablaze, I'm renewed and I have the will to go on even in my darkness.

    • @Will-qk2dj
      @Will-qk2dj 8 місяців тому +1

      Oh me too such a message of Gold for me right now 🙏

    • @daisyg8384
      @daisyg8384 3 місяці тому +1

      But I find it very difficult to understand, it looks like torture... Would a father do that to his kid to "test his love", to abandon him in the middle of nowhere for several days to "strenghten him" ? What kind of loving parent would do that ? So why a perfectly benevolent god would do that ?

    • @hosannayeshua
      @hosannayeshua 3 місяці тому +1

      ⁠@@daisyg8384oh, bless your heart. If He’s your father, why would you have to ask another about Him? With all due respect, perhaps you don’t know Him if you wonder about His character. You would have a blast in His word learning just how loving He is. Just how supreme He is! So open the word and talk to and spend time with Your Father, if He is indeed Yours.

    • @daisyg8384
      @daisyg8384 3 місяці тому +2

      @@hosannayeshua I'm trying to do that. And I would like to believe what you say. I was just saying that there are some aspects of Him, described in the Bible, that seem difficult to understand.

    • @melliexcx
      @melliexcx 2 місяці тому +2

      @@hosannayeshuathere’s nothing wrong with them asking questions, that’s how your convictions are strengthened. Your response is kind of condescending imo.

  • @deborah7992
    @deborah7992 4 місяці тому +21

    This was exactly how I was feeling today, I felt hopeless, unloved, unheard which led me to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to me because I kinda lost the connection. But the Lord is good, WORSHIP is the solution!! I worshiped the Lord when I did not feel His presence and now scrolling here I encountered this 🔥🙌

  • @JasmineaJoseph
    @JasmineaJoseph 3 роки тому +596


    • @sophiejanelee
      @sophiejanelee 3 роки тому +15

      Same! Been going through it for about a year but man... God is faithful to preserve His Saints. Only by His grace do we continue in this race. Like literally! 😭😭😭

    • @garybynoe
      @garybynoe 3 роки тому +1

      Same!!! 🙌🏾

    • @madgzlz
      @madgzlz 3 роки тому


    • @chaseman8665
      @chaseman8665 3 роки тому

      Same here sister!

    • @Garbrielle26
      @Garbrielle26 3 роки тому


  • @user-lh5li8ll7i
    @user-lh5li8ll7i 3 роки тому +468

    This happened to me 15 years ago and I had no idea what was happening. The ecstatic love I felt from God turned to complete darkness, emptiness and pain. I did fall into sin at times as a result as I didn't know what was happening and was hurting a lot. However, from learning scripture I have realized that this is a normal experience. And I feel I have been taught to live by faith as the Israelites were in the wilderness. And I am coming out of the wilderness now with my faith tested and strengthened

    • @jjguyton9641
      @jjguyton9641 3 роки тому +31

      Just remember that the devil and his demons are real. I had my breakthrough last night when I renounced the spirit of apathy. Whenever you have those intrusive thoughts, it's almost always the devil.

    • @lisi1698
      @lisi1698 3 роки тому +12

      Please pray for me

    • @user-lh5li8ll7i
      @user-lh5li8ll7i 3 роки тому +3

      @@lisi1698 will do. God bless

    • @enduring22
      @enduring22 3 роки тому


    • @ardinensengiyumva6194
      @ardinensengiyumva6194 2 роки тому +8

      @@jjguyton9641 I struggle with the thought that I don’t love God as much as I should. How do I love him more?

  • @kenim
    @kenim 3 роки тому +231

    Going through this right now. I cried tears of joy with the analogy of God boasting in Heaven about His servant that trusts in His name. In that instant, I felt that all the hardships made sense and was grateful for the opportunity to glorify His name.

  • @harikaakasapu5726
    @harikaakasapu5726 3 роки тому +275

    I'm praying for my family since 4 years for their salvation,,,they are idol these all years God didn't change my parents but am believing God , sometimes i can't feel his love,, feels like where is he? Did he left me ?
    But He is not ....🙌🏻🙌🏻God is faithful ..
    Please do remember my family in your prayers. Am from INDIA 🇮🇳
    Every prayer counts..

    • @loriemarshall2655
      @loriemarshall2655 3 роки тому +6

      Praying for them

    • @lizzie3724
      @lizzie3724 3 роки тому +12

      It is not in vain. God hear you and answer you

    • @olivia-oz3qe
      @olivia-oz3qe 3 роки тому +5

      I prayed for you!

    • @amandaturner8928
      @amandaturner8928 3 роки тому +5

      @@williamlanecraig752 You are a troll and keep popping up on UA-cam under different names pedalling for donations. Stop pretending to be Christian, God is not mocked and to do what you are doing is NOT of God. You have been reported and I will continue to do so wherever you keep doing this.

    • @thestace7777
      @thestace7777 3 роки тому +9

      I pray that your entire family will be saved, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.🙏🏽

  • @Ijsantana
    @Ijsantana 9 місяців тому +16

    Who else cried with this short sermon!😢❤

  • @keithamandahall8548
    @keithamandahall8548 3 роки тому +73

    I was a drug addict for so many years, and in today's world of instant gratification, I find myself wanting to always jump ahead of the Holy Spirit.. but I'm learning to be patient and trust his promise. Thank you Jesus. 🙏♥️

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

    • @Mark-pe2sh
      @Mark-pe2sh 3 роки тому +1

      Amen. Verify everything you hear. Paul does a nice job with scripture, consistent and truthful

    • @RA-il3rw
      @RA-il3rw 2 роки тому +1

      Woah, what you said just spoke to me, well rather, Jesus has used it to speak to me. I've been praying, and praying and praying and sometimes I ask God "Lord, why haven't you done such and such instantly?" but I realised God wants to take me through a journey of patience, and trusting - relying only on Him and His promises no matter how dire it looks. Sometimes I can be swayed, "Did God really say that, or was it just me?" and then it's confirmed that _Yes, God did say that_ because He shows me another sign! It's hard, it's very hard to be patient and joyful in affliction and suffering but I know that God is in control, and my Redeemer lives! What He has promised, He _will_ perform, all I need to do is just trust and obey. Instead of having this prayer answered instantly, Jesus is using this to make me learn, and so I can preach to more people. What He has promised, He will also perform. I believe. (Ahh sorry for such a long comment!)

    • @keithamandahall8548
      @keithamandahall8548 2 роки тому +1

      @@RA-il3rw we always try to take control, it’s part of our rebellious nature. But God has complete control.. and the more we understand that, the more our faith grows and the more relaxing life becomes. We are a generation that walk by faith, and not sight. And that faith is guided by the Holy Spirit. Bless you friend. I pray for your future growing in Christ. 🙏🏻❤️

  • @discipleaj
    @discipleaj 3 роки тому +191

    Brethren, my wife and I lost our unborn child a few months ago. This spoke to me.
    Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us true fellowship, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for making the way to eternal life and thank you Heavenly Father for your eternal promises.
    Thank you YHWH, you have seen my tears and heard my calls for you in the night. ✝️📜

    • @illbehonest
      @illbehonest  3 роки тому +21

      Sorry to hear about the loss of your unborn child. You may also find encouragement from this video Reflections On The Death Of A Child, in which a pastor shares about the lessons the Lord taught him and his wife when their 19 year old son suddenly died.

    • @elihern8076
      @elihern8076 3 роки тому +3


    • @colton7373
      @colton7373 3 роки тому +5

      I will pray for you.

    • @discipleaj
      @discipleaj 3 роки тому +7

      @@illbehonest Thank you so much. I'll see you in the Kingdom ✝️. God is so very good, all the time.

    • @discipleaj
      @discipleaj 3 роки тому +1

      @@colton7373 Thank you ✝️📜

  • @d0g_0f_Christ0s
    @d0g_0f_Christ0s 3 роки тому +9

    God is good. What we think is irrelevant because God IS. Even if we never knew anything about God, He would still be good because He is.

  • @masonforrester5579
    @masonforrester5579 11 місяців тому +2

    “When you have accepted Christ as your savior, we know he is with us. It is in the moments where you do not feel Christ that he just may be the closest because it is then you must walk by sheer faith.” - Billy Graham

  • @kaybones3529
    @kaybones3529 3 роки тому +54

    I have been experiencing and learning this throughout the past year as well. In the beginning I thought that I was supposed to be “feeling” more, “seeing” more, “experiencing” more. But it is a wicked generation that seeks for a sign from the Lord. Having recently discovered in my walk that it doesn’t matter whether I “feel” something when I pray or cry out to Him. I KNOW, in my faith, that He hears me. He’s God, He is everywhere and He fills the earth: there is no way He can not hear me when I cry to Him. I often remind myself that what Christ did for me is sufficient for the rest of my life, no matter what happens. Christ is sufficient. He is my peace, He is my salvation, He is my love and my forgiveness and my strength, in all the moments I don’t feel that I have it in me. Christ is in me, and I am in Christ. And He is sufficient. ❤️ Reading through Hebrews and soaking up every delicious word was a big help during this process. By faith!

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @ellemababa4023
      @ellemababa4023 2 роки тому +5

      I love your comment, it is so true, Our Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and was killed for our sins, he went to hell and endured sufffering for our sake, so that we who believe in him shall be saved, what right do we as believers have to complain about these petty hardships here on earth which can not be compared to the hardship of enduring even just one second in hell. He has saved us from eternal death. So let us be glad at ALL times because this life is temporary and the challenges we face here are a preaparation and refinement of our character in righteousness so that we may dwell with holiness in the our fathers presence in heaven. Rejoice in the Lord Jesus ALWAYS and he shall direct your path.

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому +1

      Beautiful. 🥰Thank you for your encouraging testimony, to both of y'all.

    • @lindsayskye4244
      @lindsayskye4244 Рік тому +2

      Your comment has encouraged me so much. I recieved the Lord Aug 2020 and its been a hard lonely road. My mind wants to give up but for some reason I just cannot. I cry to the Lord everyday to feel him more and come home. I need to dig deep into my faith and persevere.

    • @kaybones3529
      @kaybones3529 Рік тому +2

      @@lindsayskye4244 one prayer that I feel has helped me so much is it to all the holy spirit to fill me, my mind my heart my whole body soul and spirit, fill me with his truth and his word and himself and his presence. ❤️ don’t lose heart, continue on because Jesus did for us and he will never leave you nor forsake you!

  • @eric5001
    @eric5001 Рік тому +10

    The teacher is often most silent when the student is being tested.

  • @loisgsh7742
    @loisgsh7742 3 роки тому +25

    I’ll be honest, I was crying through all the time it took me to read John chapter 17, earlier this morning! The Lord loves me and prayed for me , died for me on the cross and is now with His Daddy, now my Daddy too!! How could he do that for me, I mean it’s just beyond, my little mind can comprehend!! Praise God !!
    Glory to God theFather♥️GodTheSon♥️GodtheHolySpirit! God bless you pastor Paul for this teaching.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @user-wk3ls7vt9m
      @user-wk3ls7vt9m 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father

  • @NickOtis0707
    @NickOtis0707 Рік тому +1

    This was a very powerful message. I'm glad that came across pastor Paul washer preaching who the Lord character in his nature and who he is. As a Christian I suffer with late-stage Lyme disease and what it did to my body I lost a lot of weight I had to get three bone marrow biopsies done at finding out that I have few less cells in my bone marrow currently at 20% to 25% and should be at 70% for my age. Even though I was misdiagnosed for almost a year wasn't treated correctly and I only can do so much with the income that I have. But through my six years I've been walking with the Lord when I got sick the Lord has been strengthened me build in my character and shaping me and molding me into a pottery other person that he wants me to be in his image to our Savior Jesus. Everyday I'm still learning to be spiritually mature and everyday I'm learning to be mature as a human being as a man. I know for myself and many others we can't go based on our feelings all the time on the days we don't feel the Lord's holy Spirit within us or his love we need to remember to go based on his promises and hisand we can trust everything that he says in his word because the Lord never changes he's the same God yesterday today and forever and for eternity. Now there's days where I think the Lord for my suffering because Paul says suffering produces and what's more. Even though I'm still suffering today with chronic issues and other things I know the Lord it's going to work everything out for good even if it looks bad. But I also need to remember I can't be selfish before him and when I start noticing complaining before him about certain things I need to ask for the Lord's forgiveness and mercy and his grace...✍️✝️🕊️ Isaiah 41:10 Isaiah 12:2 proverbs 3:5-6 Psalms 8: 3-4

  • @jody2873
    @jody2873 2 місяці тому +1

    I remember being a young Christian in my teens and going through the back and forth of "sensing" (feeling) the presence of the Lord. Now, as an older adult, I look back as I grew in age and experience, that my most precious times were when I was physically ill, desolate, in heavy need, desperately alone and abandoned by family, life, and my God during those years.
    I never want to live those times again, but I've got to tell you...he saw me through and I don't know how. Because it wasn't because of my faithfulness or strength or my ability to hang onto the truth of Scripture during that pressure, but because He is the one Who simply will not let go, because He "will not lose a one of those that the Father has given to him"...Before, I only knew about Him, after, I knew Him.
    Such hard times, and I hate to even thank Him for those, but how can I not?...He has the words of life

  • @ethanhansen87
    @ethanhansen87 2 роки тому +21

    After 4 years of running from God, I have been pursuing Him everyday, seeking His face, wanting to see again His face and the glory of Christ that He revealed to me after much prayer and fasting. But 4 years can erase much, but this is so encouraging, for even the feeling of His existence and constant inner fightings with doubts and fears plague me. I grab ahold of His promise that those that seek shall find and He is the rewarded of those that diligently seek after Him. This snippet of the message brought tears to my eyes. All for His glory that He may smile down upon me!

  • @andrewhinson4323
    @andrewhinson4323 3 роки тому +125

    This was a heartbreakingly beautiful reminder! Its been so long since I have "experienced" any sort of emotional sensation, or felt revived. At times it has caused me to become depressed and doubtful, and I have barely been able to simply tell God "I need help, and I trust you, I dont need feelings." Even such few words are a struggle for me to croak out. This message was important for me to hear this morning.

    • @AdetayoAdeoye
      @AdetayoAdeoye 3 роки тому +2

      I hear you loud and clear Andrew. But the truth is, you do need feelings and emotions which is a very vital part of our humanity else we be Vulcans when trying to relate to others in their despair. The issue is, do you trust a good and righteous God enough to govern/rule your feelings/emotions

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @kathleenkwong9864
      @kathleenkwong9864 2 роки тому +5

      I suffer with depression and it's test after test and I begin to think that God has abandoned me but then the scriptures come to me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He will be with me always even unto the end of the age. I struggle with wanting to feel God's presence and when I don't feel it I think he doesn't love me. God doesn't work according to our feelings but what he has promised in his Word. There will always be a battle between the flesh and the spirit until we go to glory.

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому +2

      @@kathleenkwong9864 So TRUE ❣️

    • @Spookie425
      @Spookie425 2 роки тому

      I hope you are doing better Andrew!

  • @faithijn8338
    @faithijn8338 3 роки тому +79

    Oh my I needed this today, have needed it for days... I have just understood I must NEED HIM in spite of not feeling Him. We must believe when I DO NOT FEEL HIM. I had been praying for less & less of me. I know he never leaves me.

  • @HisTruthSetMeFree
    @HisTruthSetMeFree 3 роки тому +194

    Praise the Lord.
    This was my cry out to Him.
    “Lord, please show me.”
    And He did. - Led me to Romans 8:28
    And now to this.
    Thank you Jesus!!!

    • @abbasgirl8153
      @abbasgirl8153 3 роки тому +6

      My life verse..ALL things, amen

    • @theforeigner6988
      @theforeigner6988 3 роки тому +2

      Have you heard his teaching on marriage, regarding this Vers? It's so good.
      Look it up, "the purpose of marriage".

    • @arolemaprarath3248
      @arolemaprarath3248 3 роки тому +12

      My life is meaningless without Jesus.
      I'm an Ex Muslim who reverted to Christianity around 6 years ago. Alhamdulilah, Yesue saved me from the chains of Islam.
      Shakar(Thank you) Yesue Kristo!

    • @abbasgirl8153
      @abbasgirl8153 3 роки тому +2

      @@arolemaprarath3248 hallelujah

    • @theforeigner6988
      @theforeigner6988 3 роки тому +2

      @@arolemaprarath3248 praise the Lord. I assume you have been listening to Christian Prince :D

  • @divinechord7
    @divinechord7 3 роки тому +23

    One of the hardest lessons I've been struggling to learn since I met Christ... I pray that He gives me the strength & helps me to have the faith someday to trust Him even when I can't sense His presence in the darkest times.

  • @KD-eh3qo
    @KD-eh3qo 3 роки тому +41

    There was a time (probably a couple of days) where I clearly felt God's presence had somewhat left me in the sense that I couldn't sense it anymore. I learned that it was a test of trust for me. Stay faithful to God even when it is hard.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @cathymerly3009
      @cathymerly3009 3 роки тому +1

      Same for me too

  • @Dr34Hornet
    @Dr34Hornet 2 роки тому +23

    I am at this point in my life right now...weary from an ongoing battle with depression, anxiety, insomnia for the past year. But I still believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I still believe...holding on by mustard seed faith...I too think of the past...but I never want to go back to the empty days before I was a Christian....not an outward sinful life but a life empty without Christ. I do long to walk closely with the Lord Job said how he used to be before he was severely afflicted.

    • @devorahtenajeros9843
      @devorahtenajeros9843 2 роки тому

      Hello, were you healed already?

    • @Dr34Hornet
      @Dr34Hornet 2 роки тому

      @@devorahtenajeros9843 no. I'm very sorry

    • @devorahtenajeros9843
      @devorahtenajeros9843 2 роки тому +1

      @@Dr34Hornet don't be sorry. I was just asking because God healed me from insomnia. I was not healed right away but God really did heal me and it could happen to you too

    • @Dr34Hornet
      @Dr34Hornet 2 роки тому +1

      @@devorahtenajeros9843 thank you

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому +3

      @@Dr34Hornet As I began praying for your healing, this passage came to my heart and mind and often encourages our family during afflictions that it seems to clearly be God's Will Not to heal us from, until Heaven=
      "Three times I pleaded with the LORD to take it away from me. But He said to me:
      "My Grace is sufficient for you for my Power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me."
      2 Corinthians 12:8-9

  • @solafide6647
    @solafide6647 3 роки тому +32

    Such a tough season to walk through, been walking through it now for over 2 years. If anyone else there reading this is going through it as well, hang on in there. Though he has tested me I will come forth as gold!

    • @marie-marie2617
      @marie-marie2617 3 роки тому +3

      I thought it might be "encouraging" to know that I've been going through this for around four years. I was very blessed to have a Christian friend who warned me about this ahead of time. I've wondered so many times why Christians don't discuss this so that we newbies know what to expect.

    • @sel1714
      @sel1714 2 роки тому +1

      I’m not happy to hear others are experiencing this but I feel understood. I’ve been going through it for 5 years now. It’s very draining. My faith is so low at times that it concerns me. I beat myself up over it almost daily.. it’s torture. It’s not supposed to be like this..

    • @franciscoscaramanga9396
      @franciscoscaramanga9396 2 роки тому

      @@marie-marie2617 It doesn't really get better, but when you fully trust in God, it's worth everything.
      "For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it."
      Ecclesiastes 7:12 KJV

    • @marie-marie2617
      @marie-marie2617 2 роки тому

      @@franciscoscaramanga9396 Funny, I've done a tremendous amount of reading on DNS and except in one instance, a Catholic priest, never till now heard that it "doesn't get better." In fact, have heard the opposite, actually, though it can take many years in some cases. I appreciate your comment, however.

    • @franciscoscaramanga9396
      @franciscoscaramanga9396 2 роки тому

      @@marie-marie2617 Tell that to Watchman Nee, John Wycliffe, John the Baptist, and all the martyrs throughout the ages.

  • @ronnier5349
    @ronnier5349 2 роки тому +19

    This is exactly how I have been feeling lately- no feeling at all. I pray He is still with me, watching over me. I feel alone, without the presence of YHWH in my life.

  • @dinadoobeedoo9558
    @dinadoobeedoo9558 3 роки тому +24

    It feels good to know I’m not alone in this season.

    • @marie-marie2617
      @marie-marie2617 3 роки тому

      There is much on the internet about the darkness. And there is a wonderful book: "When the Well Runs Dry," by Thomas Green. Amazon.

  • @nishanrampershad1869
    @nishanrampershad1869 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Paul washer for sharing the word of God. It's the only word that can sustain us in this fallen world

  • @joelfields9807
    @joelfields9807 3 роки тому +34

    This right where I’m at a season of dryness and just completely drained and yet I’m still hearing from God preaching just trying to press forward in the name of Jesus. Thanks for posting this it was a great encouragement!

    • @meekthegreek1623
      @meekthegreek1623 2 роки тому +2

      Yep, relate after a year of cancer treatment..started strong but mid way the lights went out..physically exhausted. So relate to Job. Thankful for that book. Thankful he holds unto me..where would I go? You have the words of eternal life.

  • @karenraymond7088
    @karenraymond7088 3 роки тому +20

    Please pray for my husband and me, our relationship needs God’s blessing to sustain our family. We stay 10,000 miles apart and it’s been difficult, my harsh words hurt his pure heart. I implore that the Lord holds his hands and blesses him to feel loved and happy again. Please heal us all my Lord. Please.

    • @joaquimjose7870
      @joaquimjose7870 3 роки тому

      Jesus bless you and all your family Always. We are prayer for you. From Brasil.

    • @karenraymond7088
      @karenraymond7088 3 роки тому

      @@joaquimjose7870 🙏

    • @annanwosu5422
      @annanwosu5422 2 роки тому

      Lord heal this family in Jesus name Amen

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому

      Praying for you from Tucson ❤️

    • @bjornsampras5732
      @bjornsampras5732 2 роки тому +1

      Marriage counselling would be more prudent than some fictitious god. And even if he did answer prayers I really hope for humanity’s sake the destitute poverty that half the planet is in would be higher up on the list.

  • @JP-bc2gj
    @JP-bc2gj 2 роки тому +10

    I went through this phase recently, I felt so miserable to not feel the presence of God, felt like God was choosing to be silent. It was so bad that I couldn't take it anymore (because when you have experienced God's presence and guidance every minute, you will feel extremely empty when thats suddenly gone) and decided to pray about it and cried to God, pouring all my heart into that prayer! At the end of that the day I felt the presence of God, through still small voice! Its been a couple of days since that, and I didn't think about it much. Now God spoke to me through this sermon!
    Jesus loves you and He is good!
    Hold onto Him, this season will pass soon and you will be filled with His joy!!

  • @oliviae6132
    @oliviae6132 3 роки тому +14

    I’m in one of those times and God is still nudging me, saying “I’m still hear.” Pray that I will learn to trust God

  • @Mark_68574
    @Mark_68574 3 роки тому +8

    Wow. What a teaching. Was just reading Hebrews 11 earlier and these following verses stood out:
    "they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth."

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому

      Tough passage. Thanks for keeping it Real 😌.
      "For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ NOT only to believe on Him but also to Suffer for Him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have."
      Philippians 1:29-30

  • @losmcdonald
    @losmcdonald 3 роки тому +31

    And there was a cry of joy as all of us praised the Lord because this is 😆 pretty much every single Christian’s experience at one time or another is this. Man this is encouraging.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

  • @crw1733
    @crw1733 2 роки тому +2

    Today I lost my 7 week unborn child. all I could do was crawl in my Prayer closet and cry. I am in the valley of baca. Rewind , February we lost our unborn at 14 weeks to brain development. Three months after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 8 chemo treatment , 20 radiation and a partial lumpectomy later ..:God gave me my baby back just to take him or her again. I don’t understand any of this. I have my life to God 1/2/11 and I’ve faithfully walk with him even though I don’t understand what he is doing. At this point….Though he slay me I’ll will still trust him.

  • @angellynn3938
    @angellynn3938 3 роки тому +11

    I close my eyes..listen to this at 4.42 am in my bed..and weep. This is what I need.

  • @eduardoan777
    @eduardoan777 2 роки тому +11

    I finally found and answer to my darkness and numbness. The Lord hasn’t left me.

  • @so.eonee489
    @so.eonee489 3 роки тому +33

    Thank you so much for this. I'm a new believer and it gets so so hard for me because even if I can't feel God, I get absolutely no signs that He's with me and my situation gets bad every single day. I know He sees me anyway and I'll keep serving Him

    • @georginanewby1204
      @georginanewby1204 2 роки тому +3

      NEVER GIVE UP - keep going - get to know God's promises and realise that God cannot lie, so all those promises God will keep - stand firm on what God promises and this will help you so much!

    • @cincin4515
      @cincin4515 2 роки тому +5

      Me too. The church across thr street from me say that if I can't feel the spirit, I'm cursed. So, being all new to this, I'm struggling along alone with my Bible and wonderful reassuring sermons like this one. I'm still feeling nothing but faith and obedience have nothing to do with feelings.

    • @panman4126
      @panman4126 Рік тому +1

      The one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Persevere and don’t let God slip away. Read the Bible and spend so much time with God that you are ready to go out and live abiding by it, for if you neglect God’s word, you’ll die.

    • @leidyanaceliapenabaez5533
      @leidyanaceliapenabaez5533 Рік тому

      ​@@panman4126mi me pasa igual soy nueva creyente y el día de mi conversion tu paz y alegría luego de ahí pensé que sentiría gozo pero no ha Sido así,yo he sentido alegría y he sentido gozo alegría y satisfacción pero siento que aunque e sentido esto y no lo siento no debo creer en nada solo en cristo,pero yo quiero sentir alegría constante,no lo logro.

  • @IsaiahINRI
    @IsaiahINRI 3 місяці тому +1

    "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." -2 Corinthians 12:9

  • @WiggleJimmy
    @WiggleJimmy 12 годин тому

    This is the EXACT situation I am in currently. I just recently became a Christian, only a few weeks now, and I think back to the day I was baptized and the day I first accepted Jesus and the day I felt the Holy Spirit come to dwell inside me, and for all my doubts I know the truth. Which is why when those glorious feelings are now absent, I wonder if I have committed the unforgivable sin or have lost my salvation.
    Why does God not appear right now to you and me? Because when He leaves, what will we say? Do you have faith in the sky? No, the sky simply is.
    Blessed are those who believe and have not seen, that is what we know, but for we children of Christ today it is blessed are those who believe in light even when basked in sheer darkness.
    The darkness of the world is doubt and loneliness and mistrust in God, how we used to live before we came to Christ. And we see the darkness for what it is now, and even though we are surrounded it in the same things that once gave us pleasure make us feel sick to our stomach.
    The Lord has NEVER abandoned us. How could we ever think that? Christ is proof our creator has NOT left us. It truly is as simple as the understanding that Lord has not abandoned us even when we feel alone. Because it is when we are at our lowest I feel we are closer to God than ever, when the world crushes us that is when God is closest to us. The Master did not come to heal the sick, he came to heal the broken.
    This isn't God leaving us, for God never leaves us. This is God getting us to stand our faith on its own two feet, a father teaching a child to ride a bike by letting go of them as they ride. Blessed be the Lord our God, I can't believe I didn't realize this.
    Thank you, Mr. Washer, you have helped me so much. I have never said this before, but I know it is the truth when I say it now- you are doing God's work. Thank you. May God bless you and I pray I one day get to meet the real you.

  • @smln_world1830
    @smln_world1830 3 роки тому +21

    Why is he doing it?
    That you learn to trust in his nature and his character !!
    We are barren but not barren
    We are in darkness but not in darkness
    We are in trouble but not in trouble
    Because we are never without God.

  • @jeffreyelya9996
    @jeffreyelya9996 3 роки тому +6

    I can finally say that in my struggle, pain and suffering that I feel that I can take on the world in darkness, because He lives, and walks with me.

  • @tangerine8793
    @tangerine8793 3 роки тому +24

    This has been God’s message to me time and time again. Walk by faith and not by sight.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

  • @Emmanuel7
    @Emmanuel7 6 місяців тому +1

    Just reading the comments reminds us believers that we are not in this alone. We are all experiencing stuff in our lives especially when it comes to our relationship with God. It's okay guys because our God is good even when we are not feeling good or doing well in our lives. ❤

  • @mindspace3863
    @mindspace3863 3 роки тому +10

    Amen. I can fully and completely relate to all this. God has put me in places where I feel nothing but utter hopelessness, so much so that even the Cross of Christ and His sacrifice lost all meaning to me. As though it no longer defined the truth but rather it was just an empty opinion that lost all its weight and power. But God has guided me through the darkness. And I now see Christ and His Cross and His sacrifice as the only means of hope I have. Nothing on earth or above can save except through Christ and faith in Him, this hope has been burnt deep upon my heart, upon my understanding of things and the reality that we need a Saviour and there is no one other than Christ Jesus Himself. And I just ask for more of God's grace.
    The Psalm's have been a great comfort to me. Psalm 38, 39, 77 to mention a few.

  • @grantcaldwell1938
    @grantcaldwell1938 3 роки тому +17

    LETS GO OUR GOD NEVER FAILS. I’m literally going through this right now oh my goodness He is so good praise be to our Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ how good is HE.

    • @grantcaldwell1938
      @grantcaldwell1938 3 роки тому

      Literally was praying about this 2 days ago or maybe 3 sheeeeesh

    • @emilyantiqua
      @emilyantiqua 2 роки тому +1

      Let’s freaking goooo 😊 Jesus is so good.

  • @cathibaker7986
    @cathibaker7986 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your messages. This past 22 months have been the darkest of my life. My husband of almost 25 years told me I had God and the church and we were going 2 separate ways. Then he left me know he had found someone else. He betrayed me, abandoned me, and divorced me. I felt hopeless and like my life was over. I had only dated him because he was called to be a missionary and was in Bible College as was I to serve the Lord full time...I felt so deceived and broken after years of abuse and living for God without him. I realized I could change him and wasn't the cause of his choices....and God will bring good our of the evil meant to harm me.

    • @marie-marie2617
      @marie-marie2617 2 роки тому +2

      Cathi, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'll pray for you and may the Lord bless you and comfort you. Don't give up. Lord loves you more than you can even imagine.

  • @jacobflorentino1345
    @jacobflorentino1345 Рік тому +1

    I’ve only been saved for about 8 months (so I think). An this explains me perfectly. I feel so far away an empty when it comes to emotions and feelings an love. I know I’ve slipped up an fell
    Into sin but I no longer swim in it. Even tho I feel far an feel like god is not listening to me I still
    Pray an try to follow his word. But no matter what I could
    Never go back to the pot smoking, partying, porn loving, watching violent movies, games hanging out with the wrong crowd. Because I know that is Sin in the eyes of the lord an I no longer love it. My conscience won’t let me live like that am I truly believe it the Holy Spirit that won’t let me live in darkness again. I pray I’ve been battling with this for months but I pray that I will soon see the full love of the lord and be closer to him then ever. I know I’m
    Still very new as a believer but I could never just walk
    Away completely

  • @christlivesinyou1765
    @christlivesinyou1765 3 роки тому +8

    There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

  • @freyamccauley
    @freyamccauley 3 роки тому +30

    "Because of my God" Amen.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

  • @samuelrosenbalm
    @samuelrosenbalm 2 роки тому +2

    When I was first born again it was absolutely profound. It felt like a window to heaven had opened inside, and all the fear left and was replaced by love and peace. I was glowing. Now going on 4 years later, I feel that only sometimes after intense prayer and worship but even then not always. But when I close my eyes in bed and think about my Savior - my hope, I know ...I can feel my spirit bear witness. But not everyone's experiences are the same. And feelings don't mean jack diddly if you aren't bearing good fruit, looking to Christ.

  • @michaelcruz5896
    @michaelcruz5896 8 днів тому

    God is doing this more in my life. Currently going through trials and consequences in my life and I can only fall back on the nature, the character and the Word of God.
    His promises are true!

  • @addisababa4526
    @addisababa4526 3 роки тому +29

    Listening to this is the best thing that happened to me in a while.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

  • @timothysullivan6456
    @timothysullivan6456 2 роки тому +8

    I totally needed to hear this, my eyes welled up when I heard "God is boasting in Heaven about you, saying look at my servant..."

  • @_sonicfive
    @_sonicfive 2 роки тому +2

    I think sometimes it's better to be in trials, because that is when we reach out to him.
    It scares me to forget about Him because I have my life "figured out" and everything looks to be in place.

  • @GracefulSoul244
    @GracefulSoul244 9 місяців тому +1

    Just 5 minutes that made me grateful for the darkest loneliest past 2 months I've had and thankfully will ever have my entire life! Love you❤

  • @phil-good
    @phil-good 2 роки тому +7

    Very grounded in Scripture !
    I was strengthen by this message!
    I have been struggling with the sense of the absence of God theses past 2 years, a school of wilderness I believe.
    Still hanging on by the grace of God !
    As Peter said to Jesus ….. where else can I go ? You have the words of Life !
    Praise God 🙏🏼

    • @bjornsampras5732
      @bjornsampras5732 2 роки тому

      Go to people! People can be loving and kind and can help you when you are struggling. Open yourself up to new friendships, be willing to get burnt by the bad ones but their are good people out there and those tangible relationships are worth living for. Don’t wait for some made up fairytale to fulfil that void.

  • @thekingschild849
    @thekingschild849 3 роки тому +8

    This is where I'm at right now and you described it perfectly. Thanks Holy Spirit for bringing me here. The Word and God's past Faithfulness are the only things that are holding me up, and that's okay. I'm also celebrating what He's done in my life in the past...Jesus Is Amazing and Awesome without a doubt. Yeah God!

  • @catherinegray1367
    @catherinegray1367 Рік тому +1

    I started feeling like this in 2020, when things were stripped from me. I was angry, and could not figure out how to turn it to righteous anger. I lost my churches because they were false, yet I found teachers of Truth; I lost 40% of my income during the shutdown, and God kept my business running. Each day I'm more acutely aware of my past sins and idols that I had no idea I was worshipping. I'm alone in my household with my praise and worship, and feel the weight of the world and my sin all the time. It's so selfish- I don't want to live life looking through my rear view mirror only.

  • @tilltheend7902
    @tilltheend7902 4 місяці тому +1

    I was feeling like this and in somewhat despair i asked the Lord to show me something, to speak to me something.. that's what i said when i opened UA-cam and this video caught my attention right away..thank You, Lord Jesus!

  • @gaylebublitz4237
    @gaylebublitz4237 2 роки тому +5

    I am here in this spot right now in my life. I will say though that I keep thinking that God is sufficient, he is enough. Paul Washer you just helped an old woman out with your sermon. Thank you!

  • @charmainelee5085
    @charmainelee5085 3 роки тому +4

    I have listened to the entire sermon from which this excerpt was taken from but, I gotta say it's like I'm hearing this message anew. Over the past month, I've been struggling with the feeling that I'm not a Christian whereas the past me would have confidently say I am because I've begun to see just how great a sinner that I am. I thank God that our faith is never (neither should it be nor will be) dependant on how Christian we feel but in his character and words alone. Because the heart is deceitful above all things.(Jer 17:9) Bless and praise God for his character that's the anchor and the truth when storms hit and we find ourselves in darkness.

    • @charmainelee5085
      @charmainelee5085 2 роки тому

      @Musings of a Sheep glad you're encouraged!

    • @charmainelee5085
      @charmainelee5085 2 роки тому

      @@VELVET_WARRIOR Owari no Seraph haha the artist is Aokamei

  • @Goldblooded559
    @Goldblooded559 3 роки тому +2

    My LORD..thank you for this Word.. This is what every believer needs to hear and know. Too many of us are walking by emotions mixed w/ a little faith. God, even in my darkest hour..i will not walk away.. I trust You and i believe in You.
    Thank you Pastor Paul..

  • @georginanewby1204
    @georginanewby1204 2 роки тому +1

    Hearing this today has enabled me to make sense of what happened to me over roughly two and half years of my life. I knew God hadn’t left me, but I thought I must have done something wrong, or not be doing something I should be. It felt like utter darkness and despair...I pleaded with God to help, and yet, it felt like nothing happened. It made no sense to me. I repented, thinking it must be that, but felt no relief. My joy was gone, I fell into confusion and a feeling of such misery. I longed to hear God's voice. I felt stuck. Nothing I did seemed to help.
    Only when I shared my pain with a friend at the end of those two and half years and how I’d got hurt by her, and wanted to move forward with her, and rebuild what I felt I’d lost (that was the thing that hurt so much...I felt everything of the LORD, I.e. all that I cherished, had been taken away). It wasn’t until these conversations with the friend, that things shifted. I am not back to what I was before yet, and it has been a mystery to me wha5 happened to me and many questions. I have struggled with a huge sadness of loss because of this lady's words prior to the 'darkness' coming.
    However, this sermon has made sense to me on so many levels, and I can now see that it is perhaps what I went through myself. God was strengthening me. He was showing me that I would still be ok, despite not feeling Him, and instead feeling utterly in darkness and despair. I thought it was something I had failed to do that He had previously taught me that I wasn’t applying....but I tried everything.
    I wished that I had understood what was happening to me at the time. This was partly why it was so scary, because it was like nothing I knew that could happen to a believer. It scared me.
    I am so glad I have heard this sermon extract today.
    I have felt that I had wasted years of my life because of it...but now I can see nothing was wasted.
    I pray more people understand about these dark-feeling times and that people not be judged by their churches when experiencing them.
    At the time, it felt that I had been cursed - yet, It was a gift.

  • @Izthefaithful
    @Izthefaithful 3 роки тому +50

    Absolutely stunning
    Only someone who loves Jesus and knew God could teach this and know what’s in my heart and mind
    Love that guy Paul Washer

    • @Alejandro_Figueroa
      @Alejandro_Figueroa 3 роки тому +1

      To understand this message, you have to experience that Valley of Shadow and Death in your life.
      Otherwise it is impossible to grasp what he is saying.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

  • @Joe-dz7kj
    @Joe-dz7kj 3 роки тому +4

    We all deserve Hell for eternity for our sins. Thank you Jesus for what you did for us on that wretched tree and pulling us out of the pit. Thank you Father in Heaven for your grace🙏

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life...

  • @elizabethgrace7778
    @elizabethgrace7778 2 роки тому +1

    I have had the most doubt ever in my life. I have been reading more of the Bible, doing more in church, and praying and abstaining from sin more than I ever have (by the grace of God) and yet I have had the most doubt and confusion and my faith has been the least supported that it has ever been. This message was so encouraging and I thank God for it. I will never stop worshipping the true and living God as long as I am able, no matter how little it makes sense or how much doubt I have. God is so good 😊

  • @jazzman1626
    @jazzman1626 4 місяці тому

    I recognise the part where Paul Washer talked about not being able to go back to my old life. When I found myself realising that same thing, the Lord became all the sweeter to me. My lack of feeling and walking in darkness hasn’t been in compleat pitch black, but nevertheless, at first really worried me. The part about relying on God’s character is what I relied on.
    It’s so good to have someone like Paul Washer confirm my experience in this. I’m going to meet a lady from my church for a coffee tomorrow and I’ll be bringing this up in the conversation. One thing keeps coming into my mind a lot lately, and that is God is faithful!
    Praise our God, the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @mygdaliafierro0731
    @mygdaliafierro0731 2 роки тому +3

    I’m having a dark day. I am truly blessed. I see his love ❤️. God is good to me. I have days where I WORK every single second to keep myself knowing I am blessed. The Holy Spirit guides me! I know! I believe! I rebuke the negativity!! Thank you for this message ❤️

  • @jojaneplummer1157
    @jojaneplummer1157 3 роки тому +14

    Thank you so much for this Paul. I feel I am walking in darkness, and am experiencing judgement from other Christians who do not know.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

  • @_gabrielcosta.
    @_gabrielcosta. 4 місяці тому

    This little excerpt really moved me, I had to listen to it several times. I've never heard anything like it, a feeling I've experienced and I didn't even know how to describe it, I thought I was strange because of it. I've been a Christian since I was 7, I grew up going to church, I became really aware of my faith during my teenage years. It's always been hard to be a Christian, especially in today's world where there are constant struggles, more "opportunities" to get lost. And I find myself thinking that I could let go of everything, let go of my faith, since I don't feel so connected to God at times... but I can't, there's something that binds me to Him, I can't distance myself from my God. Glory be to Jesus for that!

  • @jayonnaj18
    @jayonnaj18 10 місяців тому

    Having trust in the Lord Jesus Christ during our times of struggle is all about having FAITH in our God no matter what! The just shall live by faith in HIM!❤

  • @samueljones.
    @samueljones. 3 роки тому +39

    I saw this at the exact right time!! Praise the Living God!

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

  • @joshuakoehler6457
    @joshuakoehler6457 2 роки тому +3

    Surely that which concerneth me
    the Lord will perfect make:
    Lord, still thy mercy lasts; do not
    thine own hands' works forsake.
    Psalm 138:8
    (1650 Scottish Metrical Version)

  • @magicberu
    @magicberu 2 роки тому

    How comforting are these words! Reminds me of John 17:3 when Jesus says that eternal life is "knowing you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent". Not "feeling you" but "knowing you", and trusting in Him even when we don't feel Him.

  • @pessimistprime6318
    @pessimistprime6318 Рік тому

    This is so good I wanna cry! And yet God Beene showing me this the whole time, I’m wasn’t paying attention!
    This is true with everyone of you who are in Christ Jesus. Whether you’re a weak Christian like me, even the weakest, or a strong Christian yet struggling, God is always with you as you are in Christ Jesus!

  • @loveofreedom777
    @loveofreedom777 3 роки тому +3

    Our belief in God is never about feelings, it is based solely on faith ... Today more than ever many churches teach how to "feel" better but never do they teach solely from the word of God ... this "feel based" teaching leaves the believer empty and nearly faithless which many times leads to apostasy

  • @cordeliamarieclairecastori3928
    @cordeliamarieclairecastori3928 3 роки тому +18

    We have to live by Faith!

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

    • @matanyesuallforjesus7373
      @matanyesuallforjesus7373 3 роки тому

      Spot on my late father would say. You are so correct.

  • @classact9557
    @classact9557 2 роки тому

    I cannot count how many times in my life when things got hard, that I’ve prayed and cried out to God for relief, or comfort only to be met with utter silence. I didn’t understand at the time that He was educating me on what Jesus endured when he was tempted in the desert by the evil one. Jesus relied on the character, the nature, and the Word of our Father in Heaven to pass that trial. Brothers and sisters, please hear me. If you are struggling in a recurring sin, dealing with seemingly un-lovable people, enduring un-fair hardship, I encourage you to submit to God by faith, and entrust in Him to see you through to the finish line. Amen?

    • @phlegmbuoyant
      @phlegmbuoyant 2 роки тому

      "So then, those who suffer according to God's Will should commit themselves to their Faithful Creator and continue to do good."
      1 Peter 4:19

  • @savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394
    @savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 21 годину тому

    as long we see the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the HOLY BIBLE we can't be in the darkness that is why HE said I am the light of the world so when we want to walk in the light all we have to do is see how the LORD JESUS CHRIST lived HIS blessed glorious life

  • @clementa2419
    @clementa2419 3 роки тому +4

    Many of us have been fooled enough to think that we must feel something from God always. That's why fake Christianity has been introduced. Dance, music, smoke, yelling..etc.
    Faith is beyond all these fleshly activities and trust His word without a doubt. Things may not happen as I want but I know Jesus Christ is in control.

  • @Rwoarr
    @Rwoarr 2 роки тому +9

    Praise God He is so good and wise! For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so your ways are higher than my ways! I trust in you oh Lord!

  • @danella636
    @danella636 2 роки тому +2

    I’ve been dealing with feeling inadequate to receive God's presence. People around me at church always seem to receive pictures from God but I never received one, or am able to discern whether it's my own thoughts or God. With this in mind I was thinking, what’s the point in believing if I've never had a tangible experience from God besides in worship and tearing up a bit. Why not just live a life far from God and recklessly on my own terms? But no matter what I can't. Deep down I know that God is Good and Faithful and Loving. I know this because I’ve seen it in other people's lives and most importantly all over the Bible. So instead of straying when I don’t hear or feel God, I try to seek more of His presence, read his Word, serve, go to church, etc. I'm more of a thinker anyways, so when I learn more about God, through my growing knowledge of Him, my wonder and faith in Him grows even stronger, even when I don’t feel Him.

    • @Person-dq3dk
      @Person-dq3dk 2 роки тому +1

      Yup same. I asked God to make me weaker so I can rely upon him more and boy did he answer my prayer. When I prayed that I was emotionless and hard hearted, but for the first time in a while I was able to cry out to God again and feel his comfort.

  • @kopi_ling
    @kopi_ling 4 місяці тому

    What a powerful message. Trust in God's character. He will never leave us nor forsake us and if there are times that I am feeling so down, I remind myself that I am praying to the same God who have freed the Israelites from slavery, the same God who saved Daniel from the Den of Lions, the same God who saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace and the same God who does miraculous and wonderful things far beyond comparison. Most of all, I am praying to the same God who gave His one and only son as a ransom for our sins.
    God loves us more than we can imagine.

  • @bethany3371
    @bethany3371 3 роки тому +5

    “Look at my servant, who walks in darkness & has no light but trusts in My name”
    Walking through a dark season. Have had Long Covid since January & health situation 3.5+ years, & facing other challenges circumstances. One day at a hour at a moment at a time in His strength.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life.

    • @matanyesuallforjesus7373
      @matanyesuallforjesus7373 3 роки тому +1

      I would have loved to sing you a song to sooth your heart but I will pen down the lyrics.
      One step at a time,only one step at a time. This is the way the Lord will lead you one step at a time,take that one step carefully walk that one step prayerfully. This is the way to victory ,one step at a time.Hmm hope your are doing great now. Stay blessed sis.

    • @thestace7777
      @thestace7777 3 роки тому

      I pray that God heals you quickly and gives you His comfort, peace, and strength.🙏🏽

    • @bluelily.
      @bluelily. Рік тому

      How are you now ?

  • @whatistruth2810
    @whatistruth2810 3 роки тому +3

    2 Corinthians 5:7
    For we walk by faith, not by sight.
    Brother Paul’s message is so true. We don’t need to feel anything, we have his word, his promise just as Abraham did. Believing without seeing is the key to the life of faith. Whether we are believing for healing, the salvation of a loved one, or any miraculous answer to prayer we must “believe that we receive when we pray and we shall have” Mark 11:24

  • @SkinCareLuver
    @SkinCareLuver 8 місяців тому +1

    Wow. Heard this message from Paul before but I know God wanted me to hear this because I've been feeling so confused, alone, afraid, and in complete darkness for months now.

  • @jenellefernandez9694
    @jenellefernandez9694 2 роки тому +1

    I am a Pastor's wife who has been dignosed with infertility. Recently, my pregnancy test result was positive and then a day after when I tried it again it was negative. I am about to go to my doctor today for a check up. But I am honestly heartbroken because of my last test. I know that God is a miracle worker. I keep on reminding myself of God's promise in Habakkuk 2:3 but I am currently in the season of my life where I feel like my faith is being shaken

  • @banlatbastijohn3067
    @banlatbastijohn3067 2 роки тому +4

    I've feel this kind of feeling, as a testimony with you brethrens and I want to thank God that through sir Paul, I've just realized that to rely to God more to His nature, I've been reading Isaiah I'm in ch. 45 and got some advance reading till 46 and I've been wondering the words of God mostly talking about Himself and I also came across to the verses talking about rivers in the desert and ways in wilderness, etc I've been wondering when I've reading this, what could it be that God wants me to know and I've been feeling lately like a dryness, like a lack yea of feeling, I've been believing and praying having my devotion, it was just like there's something I've been looking for... I was enlightened by this message just right now, and I will thank the LORD for it. To trust God's character even when life seems dry like desert and seems nothing like wilderness. A way in wilderness and a river in the desert.

  • @memowilliam9889
    @memowilliam9889 3 роки тому +4

    I’m heading back out to the mission field by end of June. Today, I woke up not feeling it.
    I was just reminding myself that I can’t trust my feelings and the next youtube video title I saw is this one.
    The Lord confirming that I need to trust him regardless of how I feel.

    • @williamlanecraig752
      @williamlanecraig752 3 роки тому

      Beloved,I don't know if you have a child or you are looking forward to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD.if you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awereness to the foundation,this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message... please donate in life of a babies suffering through cancer in motherless foundation.those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened.their situation is getting worst each day by day in Life of motherless home😢😥😢😥 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most of the children's, children's are all battling for their life now😢😥😢 I couldn't get the requested amount needed,you can join hands together for this donation now😢, please help the motherless baby's, nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven.
      As you help this poor children,your child will never weakness this in life.with faith, as I rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family.Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the foundation to get their details on WhatsApp or Email (+2349045265197)( you shall testify to the glory of God in your life..

  • @jesusrules2731
    @jesusrules2731 Рік тому

    Wow...just wow. Praise the Lord!! How are we not all falling on our faces at a God who is THIS INTIMATE?! A GOD WHO CARES THIS MUCH!? I just love Him. That's all I can say. Ain't no way I'm going back to how I used to be. Ain't no way and no how. It is DEAD WEIGHT. Ain't no way will I stop believing. I believe. I love Him. Never will I stop believing. Never

  • @jovensabido3315
    @jovensabido3315 5 місяців тому

    As a yourh new to the faith I've been complaining to God about my situation and i am ashamed of it Thanks God for his grace always follow me
    From the Philippines keep the fire burning brother and sister in Christ 💖