For those of you who may be new to Paul washer, this is called actual biblical teaching. If you have never experienced it, I hope you fall in love with it, and get led to true salvation.
God gifted him with the ability to deliver His Word powerfully. When I show someone a sermon by Paul Washer and they've never heard of Paul Washer, I love to see their reaction, especially people who I know are saved and they know their God's child, but they have this look like they've heard the Gospel for the first time ever. I always tell them, "You have now been Paul Washer'd, you are now in the know."
@@bobbydean5449 My first PDW sermon brought me to tears…and to my knees. I think I was a false convert up until then. I have great respect for this humble servant of God.
@@Lonesoul9791 Amen! That's awesome to hear. Glory to God! We need more Paul Washer, Adrian Rogers, Charles Lawson, Voddie Baucham type of pastors in pulpits all over America. It's sad that mainstream Christianity is what the lost believes is Christianity, and it's not. It's not motivational seminars and rock concerts and flashy lights, and send me your money and God will make you rich. It's none of that. The church is not a showboat, it's a battleship. Souls are at stake, and the counterfeit christians, the joy boys, are out here making a mockery of the Gospel, promising people nonsense that God didn't promise, constantly wanting money, constantly twisting scripture, they can't get enough to fill their bottomless holes. It's a sin sick world and the only sin today is calling sin, sin. It's a relief to hear the real ones preach, the ones you know are anointed and chosen by God to represent Him.
@@bobbydean5449 Yes, you are right. And the other thing PDW does is send folks always back to scripture. In the first year after I heard that first sermon by him, I watched every sermon by him that I could find. I found myself saying, sometimes even in prayer, “Brother Washer says…” but now I know where scriptures says things, and I know how to look for things in the Bible. I now say, “The Word says…” I listen to several if the preachers you mentioned, and I also listen to old sermons by Charles Spurgeon and am reading the puritan writers that he recommends like John Flavel, John Owen, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards, and Richard Sibbes. I struggle with some of the older writings, but it is a cultivated taste, I think. PDW also encourages folks to stop wasting time with distractions and frivolous things, and I pretty much have. I work 10-12 hour shifts 5 days a week, and on breaks I often scroll through FB or YT for quick scriptures and reflections on Christian things. Thanks so much for your comments today.
Bad idea! Don’t follow men, even if they are good men. We are to only follow Christ and our foundation is to only be Christ. Read 1 Corinthians 12-13. You can listen to him and learn from him but just as Paul washer follows Christ you should do the same. God bless you.
@@emmanuelgarcia8992 he’s saying if you actually believe that passage it should keep you up at night worrying weither or not the work of the gospel your doing for God is worth anything. If your a true believer you yourself will be saved but will you receive any reward at all for your ministry efforts or will your whole life’s work for Him burn and be discarded because it wasn’t done according to the strict guidelines prescribed in His word. I may not be a pastor but this weighs heavy on me all the time because each man’s work will be evaluated we each have our own predetermined work the Lord has appointed for us and I wanna make sure I’m doing it according to His word so it is profitable to them I’m trying to bring to our saviour.
This is important because as a kid I questioned my faith. I would get mad reading the bible, looking at churches and Christians, thinking if you don't understand the word and if you are changing for this God, is he who he says he is? As I got older, I realized that my faith wasn't in churches or people it was in God. It's my responsibility to follow him. His word and prophecy are accurate, we can see it unfolding today. Only God can show a man 3000 or 4000 years ago events happening far into the future and keep that prophecy protected for people like us to read it today. As Christians, the way we behave influences others because I was once questioning God because his people were just as bad or worse than everyone else. We are supposed to be lights, we are representatives of Christ. When we call ourselves Christian we need to act like it, because when we don't, we don't just disgrace ourselves but also Christ. We smear him when we live in sin and say we are his. We need to live in repentance growing to be brighter lights bringing people to God, not flashing signs saying there's nothing to see here move on. Christianity isn't a hobby it's not a thing we do on Sundays. If we aren't on fire for God and if we aren't striving every day to live and conduct ourselves in a way that pleases God, then do we really believe in him? Do we love him, Jesus said if we love him we would keep his commandments. If we Love God then he should be the God of our lives and not just the God of our Sunday mornings before we go back to living for ourselves.
@@emmanuelgarcia8992the passage is about the lord coming back, and if you have built your life using the lord as your cornerstone your life will not crumble and be cast into hell but if you haven’t then you will be. You shouldn’t be able to comfortably sleep knowing you are going to burn for eternity if you do not do something. Hoped that helped you.
@@emmanuelgarcia8992The passage is about how the lord is going to come back, and you will either burn or make it to heaven. If you haven’t built your life with Jesus as your cornerstone then you won’t burn and be cast to hell, but if haven’t then you will. If you believe that, you should not be able to sleep comfortably knowing that if you don’t change something you will burn for eternity. This is the fear of god. Hoped that helped.
I love to listen to these messages from Paul. The music getting louder in the background is a bit irritating and in some places takes away from the message he is preaching Paul Washer is one of the best preachers there is!
May the Holy God keep strengthening you to continue preaching His true gospel like you do. This is the gospel God need the mankind to hear, not the one of trying to please people. The gospel that really brings Godly grief in people and drives them into repentance. May peace and Joy from God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever🙏
Thank you, Lord, for keeping, leading, guiding, teaching, upholding, and sustaining faithful men who will carry forth and proclaim Your good and pure word. Glory be to You alone. By Your grace ❤
It's amazing to be loved by Adonai. Jehova Rapha doesn't choose us, we must choose him, on His terms. That's why we were created as free will beings. I hope my words will help you see things a little differently... BE BLESSED!!!
I was an atheist who was SO close to being a satanist. I'm now on my return to God but some of these "pastors" just remind me of the darkness I'm fleeing from. How do i find a true church where i can I truly worship The Lord and not the world?
Ask the Lord in your heart. Learn to ask in your spirit to be shown not by men but to let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth as Jesus promised. Be like a child in faith, just ask and let the truth in. Listen to your heart. Listen. There is so much counterfeit Christianity, so cleverly fashioned to deceive however you will feel when something is wrong, Listen well. Ask and you will receive. Pray for Wisdom.
You don't need a church right now. what you need is to get into the word habitually. Study the word of God on a daily basis and pray the best way you can. Our God is a God of knowledge and understanding, He knows exactly what you are going through and He's waiting to discover His Self to you in your closet alone.
Praise God for your salvation! Find/look up an expository bible church…they will adhere to scripture and will be focused on proclaiming the truth, not entertaining and growing the congregation. I pray you will find a faithful church and fellowship! It’s vital! As an exmuslim, it took 8 years wandering “through the desert” to find my expository bible church and it’s transformed my walk with Christ and given the necessary discernment to be able to distinguish bad or false teaching! I pray the Lord will guide you to your church home soon! Pray for it! 🫶🏻🥰💖✝️🕊️✨ May God bless and protect you always and cover you with His hands of mercy and grace! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
"Caring for His Bride". This is replacement theologie! The Church is not His Bride! The Church is His Body! Here Paul Washer is wrong. But he is a great story teller and he doesn't read any scripture. Why? Because there is none. By calvinism he is also wrong. St. Paul is right! Read his 14 letters.
@@bernhardbauer5301 Ephesians 5 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
I need help, Lord Jesus Christ deliver me from blasphemy , in Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen, I wash everything that the enemy is projecting in to my heart and mind I wash them of with the blood of Jesus Christ, Amen. Lord show me mercy Amen. Thank You Jesus Christ, Amen.
Men like Paul washer won't make it up to the mainstream media and preaching. Because the real world cannot contain him, devil won't let Paul reveal his secrets. Only a few And true believers can sit and listen to his preaching because of the fire that will burn them within and make anew a being❤
We need more preachers like John Macarthur and Paul Washer whose love for His Word and the Lord come pouring out sincerely and with a desperate cry for people to be saved. And who also lead young men by example.
Pourtant , c’est un vrai désastre! Une logorrhée de paroles sans queue ni tête ! Ses petites cellules grises fonctionnent à l’envers ! Il n’y a pas de saints, ni d’homme transfiguré , c’est bien la preuve que son message ne vaut rien , comme sa petite synagogue sans nom!
Too bad Washers mixes doctrine. It sounds good because he sounds like he is about to break down and cry with every word. All Calvanist are false in so many ways.
Ronnie, Why ignore the one message he’s giving from the Bible of loving and caring for the church of the King? You jump in the comment section to accuse a preacher who’s dedicated himself to the Lord and to the work of evangelism to call him fake and all “Calvinist’s” Fake. God has blessed many people through Brother Paul and yet you fee it is right to call him fake because you do not agree with one of his Theological standpoints? Absurd.
@ronniewylie5115 it's sad and obvious you don't read your Bible, because if you did, you would know that God hates when anyone causes division amongst the brothers. Read Proverbs 6:16-19
Anytime there's Christianity being preached, there's always music put on over the message by only God knows who to distract people from the message! I've noticed this so much over the last while and sometimes it's even louder. In some of the "shorts" videos I noticed they play sweet dreams by the eurythmics, sometimes it's quite heavy sounding rock music. They also do it a lot with the conservative topics refuting thr gender ideology etc.
This Pastor can preach the word. The true word of God no candy coding true facts down and dirty on your face. If you cany see the power of God moving throughout him. Praise be to God.
No music is ever needed in no preaching background. The Word of God is the power alone. Preach the Word, live what you Preach that is more effective. God speed!
A very valid message but I encourage all my brethren of Christ to actually read the chapter of Hebrews that he was referencing to - he is calling out Christians for now making church a mockery of the Bible and of the Lord and yes that’s something that we’ve *always* seen even during the first churches with Apostle Paul. The thing I’m most afraid is that while we are to continually strengthen our relationship with Christ, Paul Washer might be inducing fear into much of his congregation rather than building them up in the confidence of the Lord. The chapter of Hebrews that he was mentioning is *super* important to read if this message left you with a thought of “AM I doing the right thing? I’m trying my best but is it enough?” Hebrews 8 says this - “Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this One also have something to offer. For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah- not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” Hebrews 8:1-13 NKJV
Paul Washer further states... I ask so many people, “How do you know you're saved?” You'd be surprised-especially in Latin America, because of the evangelical preaching that's been there, and the evangelists that come through there, and Europe and other places, and boast about great numbers of people who are converted, and yet are not. How many people answer that question, when I say-“Do you know you have been saved?” They say, “Yes.” “Why?” “I made my decision.” Do you realize they're looking unto a decision and the sincerity of their heart in making that decision. That's their hope. Others tell me, “I prayed that prayer; that's what has me full of confidence that I'm onward to glory!” Paul said, “It's neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” Is there evidence that you are a new creature? And one of the greatest evidences is that you recognize your entire destiny is bound up in the person and the work of the Son. SOURCE: How Do I Know If I'm Saved? Clearly, Paul Washer does not believe that a person can be saved by making a simple DECISION to trust the Gospel. The Bible teaches that a man is saved the moment he BELIEVES the Gospel (Mark 1:15), that is, the GOOD NEWS of Christ's death on the cross for our sins, His burial, and bodily resurrection three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). This is “THE GOSPEL.” Romans 3:19 says that God's Law was given to silence every mouth from self-righteous boasting, so that the whole world would become GUILTY BEFORE GOD!!!
For those of you who may be new to Paul washer, this is called actual biblical teaching. If you have never experienced it, I hope you fall in love with it, and get led to true salvation.
Thanks for listening
Thankyou , he reminds me of the Passion that David Wilkerson had. I see his belief & conviction through his Words. ♥️
So true. It's so sad that 99% of the 24/7 "Christian" tv networks are a bunch of false prophets and charlatans!
All his sermons are Biblical, I love it so much very accurate 🙏🙏
This man’s ministry has helped me so much. I thank God for every sermon he preaches.
Praise God for his blessing
God gifted him with the ability to deliver His Word powerfully. When I show someone a sermon by Paul Washer and they've never heard of Paul Washer, I love to see their reaction, especially people who I know are saved and they know their God's child, but they have this look like they've heard the Gospel for the first time ever. I always tell them, "You have now been Paul Washer'd, you are now in the know."
@@bobbydean5449 My first PDW sermon brought me to tears…and to my knees. I think I was a false convert up until then. I have great respect for this humble servant of God.
@@Lonesoul9791 Amen! That's awesome to hear. Glory to God! We need more Paul Washer, Adrian Rogers, Charles Lawson, Voddie Baucham type of pastors in pulpits all over America. It's sad that mainstream Christianity is what the lost believes is Christianity, and it's not. It's not motivational seminars and rock concerts and flashy lights, and send me your money and God will make you rich. It's none of that.
The church is not a showboat, it's a battleship. Souls are at stake, and the counterfeit christians, the joy boys, are out here making a mockery of the Gospel, promising people nonsense that God didn't promise, constantly wanting money, constantly twisting scripture, they can't get enough to fill their bottomless holes. It's a sin sick world and the only sin today is calling sin, sin. It's a relief to hear the real ones preach, the ones you know are anointed and chosen by God to represent Him.
@@bobbydean5449 Yes, you are right. And the other thing PDW does is send folks always back to scripture. In the first year after I heard that first sermon by him, I watched every sermon by him that I could find. I found myself saying, sometimes even in prayer, “Brother Washer says…” but now I know where scriptures says things, and I know how to look for things in the Bible. I now say, “The Word says…”
I listen to several if the preachers you mentioned, and I also listen to old sermons by Charles Spurgeon and am reading the puritan writers that he recommends like John Flavel, John Owen, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards, and Richard Sibbes. I struggle with some of the older writings, but it is a cultivated taste, I think. PDW also encourages folks to stop wasting time with distractions and frivolous things, and I pretty much have. I work 10-12 hour shifts 5 days a week, and on breaks I often scroll through FB or YT for quick scriptures and reflections on Christian things. Thanks so much for your comments today.
Preachers like Washer are rare
I treasure you sir.
I will follow you as you follow Christ
You should never follow a man. Only Christ. This man is rare, but even he would tell you he points the way to the One you should follow.
Bad idea! Don’t follow men, even if they are good men. We are to only follow Christ and our foundation is to only be Christ. Read 1 Corinthians 12-13. You can listen to him and learn from him but just as Paul washer follows Christ you should do the same. God bless you.
@@mammaduck3863i think the guy tried to kinde quote scripture
I’ve never been disappointed with anything that’s come from his mouth
What does Paul Washer mean when he says that you shouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you believed that passage
@@emmanuelgarcia8992 he’s saying if you actually believe that passage it should keep you up at night worrying weither or not the work of the gospel your doing for God is worth anything. If your a true believer you yourself will be saved but will you receive any reward at all for your ministry efforts or will your whole life’s work for Him burn and be discarded because it wasn’t done according to the strict guidelines prescribed in His word. I may not be a pastor but this weighs heavy on me all the time because each man’s work will be evaluated we each have our own predetermined work the Lord has appointed for us and I wanna make sure I’m doing it according to His word so it is profitable to them I’m trying to bring to our saviour.
@@emmanuelgarcia8992... unless in your conscience you know by the Grace of God... you are carrying out his ministry according to His Word
The holyspirit that dwells in me will lead and guide me into all truth and will testify in me the lord jesuschrist.God bless.
Thank you and GOD continue to bless you and this ministry.
The call to be set apart is what makes the Church a sanctuary in a fallen world.
What exactly does the passage that he read mean?
I love listening to this guy! 😔
Thank you brother paul !! For staying faithful to God and His word ! All glory to God !!!
Thank you Lord for working through a man. Thank you Jesus! Well said pastor Paul.
This is important because as a kid I questioned my faith. I would get mad reading the bible, looking at churches and Christians, thinking if you don't understand the word and if you are changing for this God, is he who he says he is? As I got older, I realized that my faith wasn't in churches or people it was in God. It's my responsibility to follow him. His word and prophecy are accurate, we can see it unfolding today. Only God can show a man 3000 or 4000 years ago events happening far into the future and keep that prophecy protected for people like us to read it today. As Christians, the way we behave influences others because I was once questioning God because his people were just as bad or worse than everyone else. We are supposed to be lights, we are representatives of Christ. When we call ourselves Christian we need to act like it, because when we don't, we don't just disgrace ourselves but also Christ. We smear him when we live in sin and say we are his. We need to live in repentance growing to be brighter lights bringing people to God, not flashing signs saying there's nothing to see here move on. Christianity isn't a hobby it's not a thing we do on Sundays. If we aren't on fire for God and if we aren't striving every day to live and conduct ourselves in a way that pleases God, then do we really believe in him? Do we love him, Jesus said if we love him we would keep his commandments. If we Love God then he should be the God of our lives and not just the God of our Sunday mornings before we go back to living for ourselves.
American Folks love Jesus God..."*
My very first time listening to this Preacher of the Word. So glad I heard him.
I am glad God led you to him..
Love the analogy, it's very what's happening today in the church.
Guys this was lovely and encouraging
Praise king jesus
He is a blessing ❤
Absolutely a preacher of substance- the best. I learned so much from you.
Amen. Thanks for listening
I like this guy, he breaks your heart without breaking your spirit like other ministers do❤
What does Paul Washer mean when he says that you shouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you believed that passage?
@@emmanuelgarcia8992He explains it right away
@@emmanuelgarcia8992the passage is about the lord coming back, and if you have built your life using the lord as your cornerstone your life will not crumble and be cast into hell but if you haven’t then you will be. You shouldn’t be able to comfortably sleep knowing you are going to burn for eternity if you do not do something. Hoped that helped you.
@@emmanuelgarcia8992The passage is about how the lord is going to come back, and you will either burn or make it to heaven. If you haven’t built your life with Jesus as your cornerstone then you won’t burn and be cast to hell, but if haven’t then you will. If you believe that, you should not be able to sleep comfortably knowing that if you don’t change something you will burn for eternity. This is the fear of god. Hoped that helped.
I have been Strengthened by Paul washer Sermons.
May God strengthen you all❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen Thank you . God bless !
Truth spoken. 💯❤️🙏
I pray for you pastor Paul. Endure well
Amen. Thanks for listening
Amen thank you ❤
Heart touching
I love to listen to these messages from Paul. The music getting louder in the background is a bit irritating and in some places takes away from the message he is preaching
Paul Washer is one of the best preachers there is!
The secular ads aren’t the problem?
Listen to the original. You can find it in the description.
May the Holy God keep strengthening you to continue preaching His true gospel like you do. This is the gospel God need the mankind to hear, not the one of trying to please people. The gospel that really brings Godly grief in people and drives them into repentance. May peace and Joy from God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever🙏
Amen. Thanks brethren for that message ❤❤❤. God bless you 🙏
Keep me in prayer Paul Washer your preaching is what I can hear comes truly from the spirit not many are chosen Jesus loves you ❤
Thank you, Lord, for keeping, leading, guiding, teaching, upholding, and sustaining faithful men who will carry forth and proclaim Your good and pure word. Glory be to You alone. By Your grace ❤
Thank you! 🙏
bold, powerful, genuine, hurtful, truth, may our Lord Jesus continue to bless the ministry HE gave you warrior of God🙏🔥
May the Lord bless his gospel
Amen well said
Blessed message, Glory💜!
Passion for God!
HALLELUJAH Amen Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Redeemer ❤
May God increase my fear to him that I might cling to his word !!
Just recently found this man. Wow! We need more like him.
This is the best preacher I've ever listened to God bless you Paul Washer
I can sense Jesus in Paul's Wasa Sermon. His preaching is so powerful. Thank God for that 🙏🙏🙏
Stop that music!
What does Paul Washer mean when he says that you shouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you believed that passage?
Must be nice to be loved by God. To be chosen to be his. Makes it so easy to talk about love of God.
It's amazing to be loved by Adonai. Jehova Rapha doesn't choose us, we must choose him, on His terms. That's why we were created as free will beings.
I hope my words will help you see things a little differently...
John 3:16. You are loved by God. God so loved the WORLD. That includes everyone. ♥️
Lord help us
This man of God living legend for me
Fear God Love the Word Love Jesus
❤❤Thannk you Lord
Thanks for your teaching on the bible can you pray for me please thanks Patrick Louw bless you
Praying for you
I know Pastors who need to hear this.
This ole goat farmer can bring it. Amen alleluia.
I was an atheist who was SO close to being a satanist. I'm now on my return to God but some of these "pastors" just remind me of the darkness I'm fleeing from. How do i find a true church where i can I truly worship The Lord and not the world?
Pray and let the Spirit of God guide you🙏🙏
Ask the Lord in your heart. Learn to ask in your spirit to be shown not by men but to let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth as Jesus promised. Be like a child in faith, just ask and let the truth in. Listen to your heart. Listen. There is so much counterfeit Christianity, so cleverly fashioned to deceive however you will feel when something is wrong, Listen well. Ask and you will receive. Pray for Wisdom.
You don't need a church right now. what you need is to get into the word habitually. Study the word of God on a daily basis and pray the best way you can. Our God is a God of knowledge and understanding, He knows exactly what you are going through and He's waiting to discover His Self to you in your closet alone.
Hey, friend. Give me your city or your zip code, and I'll hook you up ASAP.
Praise God for your salvation! Find/look up an expository bible church…they will adhere to scripture and will be focused on proclaiming the truth, not entertaining and growing the congregation. I pray you will find a faithful church and fellowship! It’s vital! As an exmuslim, it took 8 years wandering “through the desert” to find my expository bible church and it’s transformed my walk with Christ and given the necessary discernment to be able to distinguish bad or false teaching! I pray the Lord will guide you to your church home soon! Pray for it! 🫶🏻🥰💖✝️🕊️✨ May God bless and protect you always and cover you with His hands of mercy and grace! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This isn't background music, this is foreground music..
"Caring for His Bride".
This is replacement theologie!
The Church is not His Bride!
The Church is His Body!
Here Paul Washer is wrong.
But he is a great story teller and he doesn't read any scripture. Why? Because there is none.
By calvinism he is also wrong.
St. Paul is right! Read his 14 letters.
Ephesians 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
And yet the Scripture clearly teaches we are both the body of Christ and the bride of Christ....
You are always welcome to listen to the original. You can find it in the description.
He speaks on behalf of God. It cuts like a sword praise God
Fear not i am thy shield!
Very powerful but the background music is very distracting
Look at his tie! Look at his hair!
Isn't he a good actor?
Telling about bride and prostitute!
Listen to the original. You can find it in the description.
I need help, Lord Jesus Christ deliver me from blasphemy , in Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen, I wash everything that the enemy is projecting in to my heart and mind I wash them of with the blood of Jesus Christ, Amen. Lord show me mercy Amen. Thank You Jesus Christ, Amen.
Hello, do you understand why Jesus died on the cross?
Bt know The LORD watches me sleep. Jehovah
The music is beautiful corresponds with the bibical teaching. ❤
thank you
God bless you🙏
May God give you more grace and boldness to speak the truth.. Praise God
Wow! WOW!
Paul Washer thank you. Thank you for reminding me that I must take the Bible seriously.
Men like Paul washer won't make it up to the mainstream media and preaching. Because the real world cannot contain him, devil won't let Paul reveal his secrets.
Only a few And true believers can sit and listen to his preaching because of the fire that will burn them within and make anew a being❤
Amen. God bless you. That's the reality ❤
Yes, the Music is overshadowing the Message.
You are always welcome to listen to the original. You can find it in the description.
Nailed it.
That podium is awesome.
Makes God seem insane, and out for vengeance
This man teaches falsely.
Romans 12:19
Ist time so bless 🙏🏿
Repent, Repent, Repent!!! For Holy, Holy, Holy is OUR GOD!!
Expository, praise the LORD, Hallelujah!
We need more preachers like John Macarthur and Paul Washer whose love for His Word and the Lord come pouring out sincerely and with a desperate cry for people to be saved. And who also lead young men by example.
The former deny the works of the Holy Spirit ?
Pourtant , c’est un vrai désastre! Une logorrhée de paroles sans queue ni tête ! Ses petites cellules grises fonctionnent à l’envers ! Il n’y a pas de saints, ni d’homme transfiguré , c’est bien la preuve que son message ne vaut rien , comme sa petite synagogue sans nom!
Paul washer is the Titus to whom apostle Paul wrote, " But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine."
Too bad Washers mixes doctrine. It sounds good because he sounds like he is about to break down and cry with every word. All Calvanist are false in so many ways.
Ronnie, Why ignore the one message he’s giving from the Bible of loving and caring for the church of the King? You jump in the comment section to accuse a preacher who’s dedicated himself to the Lord and to the work of evangelism to call him fake and all “Calvinist’s” Fake. God has blessed many people through Brother Paul and yet you fee it is right to call him fake because you do not agree with one of his Theological standpoints? Absurd.
Ok. Gilbert, it is absurd. Calvanist pushes and preaches a false doctrine. I am sorry you do not see that.
@ronniewylie5115 it's sad and obvious you don't read your Bible, because if you did, you would know that God hates when anyone causes division amongst the brothers. Read Proverbs 6:16-19
Wow! What a Sinful People we Are!
Let not your focus be on the music but, the message.
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This is the believer’s judgement. This is what your good works will get you, an eternal treasure in Heaven.
Why the music in the video? It's PAUL WASHER!!! He needs no mood music! If you need mood music to listen to PAUL WASHER, you are probably lost.
The music is too much, no need!!
Anytime there's Christianity being preached, there's always music put on over the message by only God knows who to distract people from the message! I've noticed this so much over the last while and sometimes it's even louder. In some of the "shorts" videos I noticed they play sweet dreams by the eurythmics, sometimes it's quite heavy sounding rock music. They also do it a lot with the conservative topics refuting thr gender ideology etc.
Agreed. The music is not necessary at all. Such a distraction and so annoying and repetitious.
I agree, please turn it off?
This Pastor can preach the word. The true word of God no candy coding true facts down and dirty on your face. If you cany see the power of God moving throughout him. Praise be to God.
God hates it when women paint their face, wear jewerry even wedding ring
Thank you Jesus 🙏
Now that's what Samuel Ward was talking about way back in 1628 in his sermon, A Coale From the Altar to Kindle the Holy Fire of Zeale.
Amen & Amen
Now this is what real biblical preaching looks like.
I would love to hear “Well done good and faithful servant” but doubt I will but I’m trying
No music is ever needed in no preaching background. The Word of God is the power alone. Preach the Word, live what you Preach that is more effective. God speed!
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Why is there music ? I can’t concentrate on the message with that loud music in the background😢
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A very valid message but I encourage all my brethren of Christ to actually read the chapter of Hebrews that he was referencing to - he is calling out Christians for now making church a mockery of the Bible and of the Lord and yes that’s something that we’ve *always* seen even during the first churches with Apostle Paul. The thing I’m most afraid is that while we are to continually strengthen our relationship with Christ, Paul Washer might be inducing fear into much of his congregation rather than building them up in the confidence of the Lord. The chapter of Hebrews that he was mentioning is *super* important to read if this message left you with a thought of “AM I doing the right thing? I’m trying my best but is it enough?” Hebrews 8 says this - “Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this One also have something to offer. For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah- not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”
Hebrews 8:1-13 NKJV
WOW!! Watched many sermons of Mr. Washer...this is MY FAVORITE so far. Just please "lose the music"
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You can tell the different pastors and paul washer.paul preach real Gospel and biblical
Jesus is the night watchman.
Thank you for preaching the truth... undiluted. May God help us to live out His Word without compromise.
Does he had a UA-cam channel where I can go and find more sermons?
Paul Washer further states...
I ask so many people, “How do you know you're saved?” You'd be surprised-especially in Latin America, because of the evangelical preaching that's been there, and the evangelists that come through there, and Europe and other places, and boast about great numbers of people who are converted, and yet are not. How many people answer that question, when I say-“Do you know you have been saved?” They say, “Yes.” “Why?” “I made my decision.”
Do you realize they're looking unto a decision and the sincerity of their heart in making that decision. That's their hope. Others tell me, “I prayed that prayer; that's what has me full of confidence that I'm onward to glory!” Paul said, “It's neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” Is there evidence that you are a new creature? And one of the greatest evidences is that you recognize your entire destiny is bound up in the person and the work of the Son.
SOURCE: How Do I Know If I'm Saved?
Clearly, Paul Washer does not believe that a person can be saved by making a simple DECISION to trust the Gospel. The Bible teaches that a man is saved the moment he BELIEVES the Gospel (Mark 1:15), that is, the GOOD NEWS of Christ's death on the cross for our sins, His burial, and bodily resurrection three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). This is “THE GOSPEL.” Romans 3:19 says that God's Law was given to silence every mouth from self-righteous boasting, so that the whole world would become GUILTY BEFORE GOD!!!
I like this teaching! But why do have the disturbing music in the background? Skip it the next time, please🙏👍🕊
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How can I get the longer version of this sermon,will be very grateful if anyone can help me.
Look in the description
It's ironic that while giving that message, someone made it difficult to understand the message by adding completely unnecessary music.
Listen to the original. You can find it in the description.
What does Paul washer mean when he says that you shouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you believed that passage?
You are going to stand before God and give an account for how you have lived. This should cause you to be up praying at night.
@ understood
Paul Washer does not understand the gospel of grace.