Why is it Hard to Go NO CONTACT with PARENTS? Why do I Feel so GUILTY?

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @evonekky3672
    @evonekky3672 3 роки тому +64

    I've been no contact for 3 years. The hardest part is when friends or other people question this decision. They say things like, "you only have one mother" and "the past is the past. You'll regret it if you dont repair this relationship". When people who dont know the whole story push me to break the no contact or question my decision, I feel a sense of doubt. I have to come back to my quiet center and remind myself why I made this decision and how it has benefited me. No one knows what you truly need except you, and it isnt your responsiblity to explain it to everyone.

    • @lilsunflower9655
      @lilsunflower9655 3 роки тому +3

      Yes I am going through this :(

    • @evonekky3672
      @evonekky3672 3 роки тому +2

      @@lilsunflower9655 I am very sorry you are going through this too. I wish you the best. You are not alone , and you can create a chosen family that is so much better than the broken one you came from. Still going strong on my no contact, its hard sometimes especially around special days of the year. But ultimately I always feel right about my decision to stay no contact, it feels right to me and I'm glad I've been sticking it out.

    • @lifesjourney.9258
      @lifesjourney.9258 3 роки тому +5

      True... You are not alone. Try not to have any hate in your heart but at the same time, protect yourself and keep your distance. Most people won't understand your situation anyways, no matter how you explain it.

    • @40nights40daystv
      @40nights40daystv 2 роки тому +2

      I have to remind myself constantly: the mother my inner child needs is not the one I grew up with. I haven’t gone no contact yet but man once I do I know the amount of guilt and shame I’m going to feel is immense. I think either by this summer or fall I’m going to stop talking to my parents at least for a year. I really need it.

    • @DJ-st4rs
      @DJ-st4rs Рік тому +1

      Get new friends, start a fresh. First of all if you have to...LIE, you do not owe anyone an explination, just flat out lie to them. If they doubt you then they are more than likely not friends & chances are due to narcissistic abuse you have some narcs around you. When people come from narcissistic families they generally either re-marry into one or gather friends who are narcs. When people wake up to this, you should consider flushing everything down the toilet & starting fresh i.e moving country, to a new town, city & moving on.

  • @michellefarrell6190
    @michellefarrell6190 3 роки тому +30

    Being the first person in your family to break ties/differentiate can be isolating and painful at times. The biggest lesson for me has been allowing family members to have their own experiences - the more I’m able to connect to self & embody trust within my own path - the more I’m able to let go and trust theirs. No matter what that looks like ♥️ Thank you Karuna! (also, hi puppy 🥰🥰)

  • @Gravitywalker20
    @Gravitywalker20 2 роки тому +9

    3 years ago, I went no contact with my abusive toxic parents. They've been divorced for 28 years. I don't feel any guilt. Instead, I feel fits of rage, wrath, and sadness for them as a result of many years of betrayals of my boundaries. Many years of controlling behavior from them.
    It wasn't always like that when they first divorced. My mother remained a good mom for many years, and my dad was good too towards me and my siblings. That all changed when she got married for the third time, and became an unapologetic abusive alcoholic. He started smoking pot somewhere into his second marriage, so he was more subtle with his abuse at times.
    Bottom line is I don't trust them anymore. Sure as hell don't respect their addictions. This is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with in my life. Losing contact with my entire family for so long, and not having a friend on Earth to talk to about it. Living in isolation like a monk in his own house. Only question is which direction to go in now going forward?

    • @rachaelbuker
      @rachaelbuker 2 роки тому +3

      You are not alone

    • @dnk4559
      @dnk4559 Рік тому +1

      I so understand this. You’re a brave man for choosing a path of healing. I’ve found a lot of support and have made some amazing friends after fourteen years in the Al-Anon program. They totally get what I experienced in my family. I don’t feel so alone anymore.

  • @amyp4977
    @amyp4977 3 роки тому +15

    Thank you. You’ve reflected my experience very accurately. The ultimate plea for autonomy & differentiation when everything has failed...& at the expense of so much mental /physical health & wellbeing. The hardest journey but vital to survival in some cases.

  • @erockfreedom6399
    @erockfreedom6399 3 роки тому +14

    Thank you. This is a big one for me. It's great to be back on your channel. It feels dreadful to know that love was unrequited by my parents -- my intuition to detach and make the decision to get out of there asap in my teens, was correct. Try as I did to accept financial support and to spend time with them after my sister died when I was 30, trusting them with wounds I would have been previously unwilling to bear to them -- then having them treat me with such un-love, coercive control, and I guess their children were pawns, objects to be exploited, abused, ignored ... and that makes me feel profoundly sad.
    I can never relate what I know now, to my dear sister.
    I can relate what I know now to others, relate with, relate to ... and maybe now, in my late 30s, find my true self.
    They lack insight, self reflection, communication skills, love, light . . . to a horrifying degree.
    Anyway, thank you for this. Hope to catch another video soon 🙏

    • @HubfortheHeart
      @HubfortheHeart  3 роки тому +3

      Glad to see you on the channel again. Your comments are always relevant and helpful for many.

  • @jgoodygoods512
    @jgoodygoods512 Рік тому +3

    Unrequited love….they don’t know how to show or express love. Wow that whole bit was so powerful and the part of my situation that I could never express in words (what my dad has been doing/not doing emotionally for my whole life)

  • @aimeew2762
    @aimeew2762 Рік тому +2

    I want to congratulate everyone on here whose gotten free! I just started my journey on doing the hard part of not being afraid and keeping my no contact rule. It’s been 2 1/2 months and things are getting pretty ugly with the parent. I pray I make it through this one. I’ve tried this before and it failed.😢

  • @shahilagh
    @shahilagh 2 роки тому +3

    For me it was difficult … but one day someone asked me where is your parent. I suddenly said it is dead. Because they don’t really do anything and they don’t live here at all too. And since I said it is dead which is true since then I got over my illusion that it is difficult. Dead is dead

  • @laceygrasser1980
    @laceygrasser1980 3 роки тому +4

    My husband and I have been trying to set a boundary with his mother for years, and now that we are expecting our first child we are discussing going no contact. There is so much guilt because she has health issues and we are concerned for her safety.

  • @mjwritesbooks
    @mjwritesbooks 2 роки тому +2

    I know this video is a year old but I just found it in my search for how to go no contact. I haven’t yet because the guilt has been overwhelming- I grew up in a single parent household where they relied on me for their happiness. I was treated (emotionally) like a partner in some ways. When I would try and set boundaries I would be screamed at for hours. As an adult I’m still treated like I’m a child/teen. For example, they made a comment to my fiancé about how it’s nice he lets me practice driving, when I have been a fully licensed driver for years now. They just refuse to see me as an adult in any capacity. They text me constantly and want me to visit often- but any contact or visits leave me feeling drained for up to weeks afterwards. I know the only reason they want me to visit is so they can dump their drama of the week onto me. They use my accomplishments to show their success and to brag to friends when I’m not even positive they know what I specialized in school for. I don’t think they view me as an individual. I know they have their own mental health disorders and trauma but I’m at the point where I can dive into full blown panic attacks at just getting a notification on my phone from them. I truly feel like I’m suffocating and that I’m struggling to complete daily tasks because of all of this. There’s tons of other events from my childhood that are suddenly causing me a lot of grief and trauma, which is why I’ve been considering no contact. Lately they have been love bombing me via text, though, which has made my guilt over this decision explode.
    (From writing this mostly I realize I need counselling/therapy ahaha)
    Thank you for making this video and validating that this is a real experience and helping even just a little bit. 💓

    • @HubfortheHeart
      @HubfortheHeart  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for sharing here. Glad to have you on the channel. And, yes, those "full blow panic attacks" you mention are very real and raw responses. The "spawning site" for childhood trauma is the family or origin, so no wonder it's charged! Well done in seeing through the fog to healing. If you're interested in my online sessions, feel free to visit my web site at www.hubfortheheart.com or send an email to info@hubfortheheart.com. Sending massive respect to you. x Karuna

  • @Sustainabledoula
    @Sustainabledoula 3 роки тому +3

    My Partner and I are dealing with my Family trauma towards both of us. We are expecting a child and we’re planning a wedding. The wedding has been canceled because we don’t want to be around them. We are experiencing racism towards my Partner, and by default my child. My family does not consider our child mixed even when they haven’t arrived. This is something that has been repressed and ignored for 10+ years. We can’t continue that ignorance for our sake and our child’s sake. In confronting my family I am being met with denial, rejection, gaslighting, lack of acknowledgment or acceptance. It’s to the point where I have to cut them out and not allow them to ever meet my child or know of their arrival. I’m devastated.

    • @dnk4559
      @dnk4559 Рік тому

      I’m so sorry. I hope you can get a good therapist to navigate cutting them off. It’s really such a tragedy when family has such rigid thinking.

  • @Contessa998
    @Contessa998 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you. Very enlightening......I replaced “parents” with my sister. Incredibly helpful and soul wrenching

  • @sparksoflife101
    @sparksoflife101 3 роки тому +8

    Just blocked them its so hard

  • @Contessa998
    @Contessa998 3 роки тому +4

    I have been stuck for a very long while with my Relationship with my sister. But this is definitely opening up a big door to the other side of understanding and freedom

  • @grassgeese3916
    @grassgeese3916 3 роки тому +7

    This was insanely validating. thank u Miss

  • @allyz1241
    @allyz1241 Рік тому

    Thank you for this video. It’s beautifully said. I ended up going NC last year due to a major event that broke me free from the spell of hopefulness, a bit of denial and deep yearning for affection. When I finally walked away, it was hard and heart wrenching, I felt crushing anxiety and guilt. After therapy, I finally was able to let go and take a more objective look at our parent/adult child toxic relationship. I still have hard days but cutting them out of my life has been the best and most loving decision I’ve ever made for myself. As for external responses, I’ve had people go “but their your parents” or “give it time, it’s family”; however, I don’t entertain these statements anymore and tell them straight up I am happier without that toxicity in my life. After so much, I still love my parents but I recognize that not every love is healthy; I’ve come to love and respect myself more every day than the need to find unrequited love from them. For anybody thinking of going NC it’s not an easy journey, it takes healing, love and compassion for oneself. And know sometimes is never the “right time” for NC. Only you will know when you are ready to move forward.

  • @LinushkaD
    @LinushkaD 3 роки тому +9

    Thank you for this video, but what about siblings, that could not develope their own sense of indipendant identity, plus developed narcissistic personality, plus mental problems and addictions. Now I want to leave this toxic house , but I feel like I will not be able to handle my guilt about leaving him alone with narc father, but staying here is also killing me, so I'm very stuck ...

    • @HubfortheHeart
      @HubfortheHeart  3 роки тому +4

      Thank you for viewing. Initially, you must educate yourself and gain clarity; become centered and gather your reserves. Take steps on behalf of personal wellbeing and emotional health. Should we try to educate a sibling who is not yet interested or in denial, we will be further be condemned, potentially even demonised. It's also important to remember that the golden child has absolutely no reason to dive into or even consider deeper family dynamics: S/he has been coddled and groomed by the narcissist; s/he fell in line and has been rewarded accordingly. With siblings, please remember they have their own journey and their own autonomy. And, importantly, please know that your actions, your clarity, your understanding *will* send a signal to them that will most definitely be noticed. If a sibling is open, s/he may come around *in their own time* and begin to ask questions; allow that process to take place (and just know not likely if it's the golden child). Keep educating yourself! Keep following your intuitive wisdom! Sending much support. x Karuna

    • @marlenaeva3813
      @marlenaeva3813 3 роки тому +1

      @@HubfortheHeart thank you, that helps; i have 2 brothers who I must leave behind after NC-they're I assume in denial of the abuse and the golden child is unfortunately a narcissist;

  • @me-fx5yj
    @me-fx5yj 3 роки тому +5

    Yet necessary

  • @jajwjwwuw2137
    @jajwjwwuw2137 2 роки тому +1

    I'm seventeen , eighteen in a matter of days and my father is incredibly controlling. Everything i do is monitored and controlled and when I stand up for myself he tells me what he's doing is normal and how I should be happy he cares. He's only nice when he's getting his own way. He controls who my friends are , if I have a boyfriend and doesn't even let me go out on my own. I am nearly an adult and it's genuinely killing me. I want to leave but I feel guilty. I've ran away twice before but came back due to him begging and crying saying he will change and he never did. I feel as if I have no self identity here , I'm told I can't have opinions or views as I'm a child. I want out , I'm just scared.

    • @melonytips
      @melonytips 2 роки тому

      IM almost 19 this year and this has been my whole life. Dont imagine that they will change cause they wont.

  • @sallywallace851
    @sallywallace851 Рік тому

    I had no contact with father for over a year after my mother died. He remarried 15 months after she died. I stayed away for several more years. It wasn't painful to do. I had had enough of his selfish behavior and just couldn't take it any more. I slowly reestablished our new relationship as time went by. I was not going to let him hurt me emotionally again.

  • @kiskakuznetsova503
    @kiskakuznetsova503 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for this and your work! Has anyone else had their family retaliate with a smear campaign after distancing from them?

    • @HubfortheHeart
      @HubfortheHeart  3 роки тому +3

      Thank you for viewing. Indeed. As a general rule: Be prepared for family members not understanding, digging in and ostracising the adult child who opts for little or no contact. Some may understand, more so over time. But, be prepared for an emotional onslaught and/or personal attacks from other family members. Sending lots of support your way. Others have gotten out of the corral of family dysfunction. You can, too! It takes strength and perseverance......but one day you'll be able to look back and see that is was corral of dysfunction.

  • @merlin6223
    @merlin6223 16 днів тому

    (36yo - New Subscriber)
    Hello Karuna, I've been loving and have been massively positively loving your channel and this video in particular. The validation vibes I am feeling from your content are nothing short of remarkable.
    I'm in this last resort phase with my last living parent (67yo) who with some research and exploration on my part, all signs point to a covert narcissistic parent so far.
    That communication piece you touched on in this video called out to me as along with all our other struggles has been a huge block and hurdle for me. I'm a little foggy about what you mean by developing an airline voice. I'm not sure if you have another video that elaborates on this, if they're is o would appreciate a link reply. I feel that I would benefit from your delivery of this. I think a lot of your viewers would also.
    Keep shining and thriving... ❤

    • @HubfortheHeart
      @HubfortheHeart  13 днів тому

      Thank you for your heartwarming comments. Iʻm so happy to hear my channel is so meaningful for you! Does this video I made help with voice? ua-cam.com/video/kfBRx_FYfgE/v-deo.html

  • @TheRom166
    @TheRom166 3 роки тому +3

    Wonderful thoughts, just wonderful

  • @marlenaeva3813
    @marlenaeva3813 3 роки тому +4

    About unrequited love: do you think we, adult children of narcs have always been feeling this unrequited love in the relationship with our parents? and because of this type of love, they have attracted in their adulthood partners who mirror this unrequited love ? and if this is true, how can we get the parental love we never had as adults? I feel like I love myself but parenting myself has many challenges.

  • @goldgirl163
    @goldgirl163 3 роки тому +4


    • @goldgirl163
      @goldgirl163 3 роки тому +2


    • @goldgirl163
      @goldgirl163 3 роки тому

      This is the hardest s*** to makes sense of.

  • @clearwater7000
    @clearwater7000 3 роки тому +1

    Beautiful! ❤️

  • @brightphoebesays
    @brightphoebesays 3 роки тому +2

    I am in this situation, and starting to loose sleep with the guilt, and worried about my parent who is not responding to my "How are you, I am doing well" email. Should I express myself further to her by email? I did a lot of that a couple months ago, it caused stress, I went to counselling. Last contact before this was 3 weeks ago. Should I drop in to check on her? Am I being a bad daughter? I'm not sure I have much intuitive knowing about this... I'm scared shes going to hurt me just how my other parent did when I reduced contact with him. Yet I want us each to have our own lives.

  • @idontknow-lc8bz
    @idontknow-lc8bz 3 роки тому +3

    Very helpful, just went no contact starting this month off, have been wanting to do so for over a year. Anybody have any advice on how to deal with holidays and birthdays no contact?

    • @gio_ser5120
      @gio_ser5120 2 роки тому

      Enjoy being w urself on the holidays & block their numbers so they can’t contact you on ur birthday & ruin it

  • @mariamalhotra8228
    @mariamalhotra8228 3 роки тому +1

    Unrequited love ... interesting phrase

  • @me-fx5yj
    @me-fx5yj 3 роки тому +5

    Its horrible

  • @heathercouch5075
    @heathercouch5075 3 роки тому +1


  • @oxheysarah
    @oxheysarah 3 роки тому +2
