Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow Cyril gives a warning about Ukraine

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril gives a warning about the Ukraine's Schism.


  • @danieldials7660
    @danieldials7660 6 років тому +49

    God protects His people, everywhere in the whole world, we bind evil in the name of Jesus, rebuke evil and it will flee from you when you do it in the name of Jesus! Only through Jesus can we live and have our being! Thank-you Jesus!

  • @johngalayda8880
    @johngalayda8880 5 років тому +18

    What Patriarch Bartholomew is doing is WRONG!!! I am Ukrainian Orthodox, and I believe that unity with the Holy Rus, and our relationship with our Russian and Belarus-Orthodox brothers is more important than EVER BEFORE!!!
    God bless and keep you Patriarch Cyril. May the Holy Rus be ever protected and strengthened by God, that we may help to save souls and to keep our unity with our Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarus brothers all over the world.

  • @orthodox_slav5286
    @orthodox_slav5286 6 років тому +60


  • @georgesk2506
    @georgesk2506 6 років тому +37

    May god unite orthodox christians all over the world from beirut lebanon

    • @ibrahimrubeiz1742
      @ibrahimrubeiz1742 6 років тому +3

      From Beirut, Lebanon to the Holy Russian Church... Save Antioch and its countries...

  • @ekaterini2957
    @ekaterini2957 6 років тому +5

    The Orthodox Church is worldwide. The question is who is actually playing politics here. So hard to really know. Just pray. God loves and protects his people.

  • @ibrahimrubeiz1742
    @ibrahimrubeiz1742 6 років тому +35

    Unto many years, your Holiness, Father of all Russians who love Christ...Eis Pola Eti Despota.., from Beirut Lebanon.

    • @user-xx2dl3vt6n
      @user-xx2dl3vt6n 6 років тому

      مرحبا بك
      انا موش فاهم ممكن تشرحلي شو هي الحرب الي باكرانيا و ما علاقتها باسرائيل

  • @traptncage
    @traptncage 5 років тому +2

    Everybody be at peace, union is better than being apart, however, time helps healings, BLESS YOU AND PROTECT YOU ALWAYS.

  • @SK-ik9mc
    @SK-ik9mc 6 років тому +25

    Just Brilliant

  • @user-sl7lc9zr4d
    @user-sl7lc9zr4d 6 років тому +14

    It has never been the practice of the Church to create new autocephalous churches for each nation or state that is converted, or otherwise 'appears' within the body of the Church. This is especially true when those asking for autocephaly are the likes of Mykhailo Antonovych Denysenko, who have chosen schism, and stand in open defiance of the Church. The Church canons clearly state that such a man, who has led thousands away from the Church, cannot even hope to be a deacon, let alone a bishop, or God-forbid, a patriarch. It is not my place to dictate to anyone how they should feel, but it is a fact that the Ukranian nation is a product of the 20th century. The driving force in its creation were the Uniates of Western Ukraine, and the Bolsheviks. The Ukrainian ethonym only came into use after the Revolution. Prior to then, the Ukranians called themselves Rus, just like the rest of East Slavs. The Rysin (also derived from 'Rus') ethnonym, used by the ethnic minority of Serbia and Slovakia which hails from Western Ukraine, is testament to that. But, even more importantly, the region of Ukraine has historically always been part of the Moscow Patriarchate, and its direct predecessors, and the Russian Orthodox Church neither is nor has it ever been solely 'Russian', or even Slavic. The 'Rus(ian)' in its name applies equally to Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians, who make the bulk of its faithful, but it is also the Church of numerous other ethic minorities of the former Russian Empire, later USSR, which share our faith.

  • @ncrtrooper427
    @ncrtrooper427 2 роки тому +3

    Now it is certain, our King is coming...

  • @RGTomoenage11
    @RGTomoenage11 5 років тому +3

    Orthodox and Catholic. We need to come back together. It's time

  • @brendandoshi629
    @brendandoshi629 Рік тому +1

    Я американец, это через народ русский и их любовь что, c благодарностью k бог, Я оглашенный y учусь русский язык.

  • @maraki8882
    @maraki8882 6 років тому +33

    I love this man! God grant him many years!

  • @user-sl7lc9zr4d
    @user-sl7lc9zr4d 6 років тому +22

    It would do His All Holiness patriarch Bartholomew and his neo-Phanariots well to remember that we are not the Catholic Church, and he is not the pope. The mere suggestion that it is within his authority to award autocephaly as he pleases, shows a total contempt for the canons of our Holy Church, is contrary to the spirit of our Faith, and is arrogant in the extreme.If such (ab)use of Church for state, national or other purposes could be tolerated in the centuries past, when the Roman state, or individual nations, sought to extend their authority over the Church, they cannot and will not be tolerated now. We are in need of neither a pope nor a secular overlord, be he a Greek, a Russian or a Serb. And, as though the fiasco of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church was not enough. Patriarch Bartholomew and his 'crew' are at it again, stirring up trouble in their endless quest to turn their autocephalous Church into something more than what it actually is: one of many, and neither the greatest nor the oldest. Nominally first, but among equals.

  • @CATboss001
    @CATboss001 6 років тому +10

    As a catholic from the west, you have my prayers.

  • @franciscovasquez9417
    @franciscovasquez9417 6 років тому +7

    Why are there two
    Ukrainian Orthodox Churches,? I’m a new convert to the Orthodox faith...

    • @Alexander_Fuscinianus
      @Alexander_Fuscinianus 6 років тому +10

      There is one canonical Church in Ukraine (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscaw Patriarchate) and over9000 noncanonical scismatics and sects

    • @franciscovasquez9417
      @franciscovasquez9417 6 років тому

      Thank you, for the clarification 🙏☦️

    • @user-sl7lc9zr4d
      @user-sl7lc9zr4d 6 років тому +7

      I hope these matters leave you disillusioned with the Church. It's always worth remembering that the Church is the Body of Christ, but it is also a very real and earthly institution, which exists in history. What you see happening is fully the result of the latter reality. But God's Church will triumph, as it has always triumphed.

  • @ovonijemojaprivatnost
    @ovonijemojaprivatnost 6 років тому +15

    I wish you all the best in your honourable unity aims.

  • @questionmark3583
    @questionmark3583 6 років тому +7

    All in all, one could make a solid case that the Constantinople patriarchate has been working AGAINST the unity of the Holy Orthodox Church.
    Constantinople first began to split the Church between "old" and "new calendarists" with the calendar reform. In principle, the problem is not with the calendar reform itself but with Constantinople's unconcerted unilateral actions which brings more harm than good to Church unity. If today the whole body of Christ does NOT celebrate most of their major feasts in unity on the same dates, for that, we have only the patriarchate of Constantinople to "thank" for... now one can anticipate that a further split of the Holy Orthodox Church will most likely be finalized along these very same lines (old calendarists being mostly pro-Russian Patriarchates). Constantinople started the split, and now sadly, they are about to finalize it.
    Besides that, if one was to establish how little Bartholomew has been invested in the unity his own flock, one only has to look at the following statistic: number of official meetings between Patr. Bartholomew with the Patr. of Moscow during the last 15 years versus meeting with the Pope during that same period. Now, how can one reasonably make sense of Bartholomew meeting his catholic counterpart 3x times more often than he is meeting with the head of the Russian Church ?! Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't our hierarchs meet at least yearly and thereby work more pro-actively on consolidating the unity within the Orthodox Church? The statistic speaks for itself and shows in the clearest way where Bartholomew's interests lay.
    Also, it has not gone unnoticed that with the Pope, Bartholomew speaks the language of brotherly love (which I believe is a good thing) whereas with Moscow and all other Orthodox patriarchs, he speaks the most authoritarian language.
    I say all this while knowing all too well that Moscow is not itself without reproach. If however Bartholomew is right to condemn ethnophiletism -which plagues most Orthodox churches including the Greek one-, I fail to understand how he is so keen to give in to the most ethnophiletists of them all, namely, the neo-fachists from Kiev!! I see only one plausible explanation to this rushed behaviour: Ukranian oligarchs promising huge financial "charitable" donations to the Constantinople patriarchate. Corruption is another very unfortunate well known common practice/"tradition" in Constantinople...

  • @luisbetania
    @luisbetania 6 років тому +6

    I also agree Even when I AM Catholic ortodox Church has to keep its unity

  • @mzhavisham6738
    @mzhavisham6738 6 років тому +1

    My just one is near, my saviour has gone forth....the coastlalnds look for me and wait patiently for my arm. -Isa 51:5

  • @s.bagatar1660
    @s.bagatar1660 5 років тому +3

    Я изУкраины.Кто бы что не говорил мои Патриарх Кирил!А Митрополит всей Украины Онуфрий.Слава Богу!Святая Русь Едина!!!!!!

  • @thebachu786
    @thebachu786 6 років тому

    God loves you and will defend you, and he will unite you with allies from amongst His servants

  • @gaokede7041
    @gaokede7041 6 років тому +37

    As much as I admire Eastern Orthodoxy, this movement to “nationalize” the church is not good. The orthodox faith should truly be catholic, universal, and not limited to people of Slavic nationality.

    • @TheB1nary
      @TheB1nary 6 років тому +12

      Agreed. Orthodoxy has been used as a nationalist tool for some time in some places, and this needs to stop.

    • @jasminapeev191
      @jasminapeev191 6 років тому +4

      @@TheB1nary you are all free to join orthodoxy!

    • @demetriosavdalis5574
      @demetriosavdalis5574 6 років тому +5

      It's more a language thing of anything. You can't understand a service in Slavonic if your Greek usually

    • @markruffalo597
      @markruffalo597 6 років тому +10

      I find "nationalism" to be a far more benign influence than rampant pedophilia and doctrinal/liturgical chaos.

    • @markruffalo597
      @markruffalo597 6 років тому +13

      There is nothing wrong with both loving God and loving nation. The two are not mutually exclusive. You must be another dupe for George Soros.

  • @convertandbeorthodoxpls
    @convertandbeorthodoxpls 6 років тому +3

    Why not show the current Metropolitan of Ukraine Onuphry instead of the old one? Or at least show both?

  • @LQSungkono
    @LQSungkono 2 роки тому +1

    Amen 😇💖

  • @onelife4946
    @onelife4946 5 років тому +3

    Bartholomew sold his soul for money.

  • @user-dx4fm8lv6u
    @user-dx4fm8lv6u 5 місяців тому


  • @michaelsexton8650
    @michaelsexton8650 6 років тому +1

    I pray for the church.

  • @andys3035
    @andys3035 2 роки тому

    Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.
    Matthew 5:9

  • @shannonbaker4975
    @shannonbaker4975 6 років тому +1

    May the Lord forgive US

  • @henrybn14ar
    @henrybn14ar 6 років тому +4

    I suggest that we all make a special effort to pray about this. The important thing is the God's will is done.

  • @danielchang8286
    @danielchang8286 6 років тому +2


  • @user-xs7wn8cn2v
    @user-xs7wn8cn2v Рік тому +1

    Russian 🇷🇺🌹💐☦️

  • @davidorthodox688
    @davidorthodox688 4 роки тому +1

    What’s the name of this chant ?

  • @Jame243
    @Jame243 6 років тому +5


  • @arianadolores5769
    @arianadolores5769 6 років тому +3

    Add Romania on the list, Romania's Orthodox too!

    • @johncalebcollins7803
      @johncalebcollins7803 6 років тому +1

      Romania is not part of the Moscow Patriarchate and is not Slavic. The Romanian Orthodox Church is autocepholous and uses a Latin language.

  • @palm8295able
    @palm8295able 6 років тому +3

    Amen. ❤❤❤

  • @donretsas1791
    @donretsas1791 6 років тому +4

    Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia was excomunicated from Constainople because it did not want to be under MOSCOW so now it is Ukraines turn and everyone is upset. Long live ORTHODOXY and I hope this matter is resolved peacefully. i wish all the ORTHODOX CHURCHES came back as ONE CHURH.

  • @topogigio3924
    @topogigio3924 5 років тому +1

    Being Italian (grew up roman catholic) I converted and found true Christianity in Orthodoxy and admire particularly the MP's and ROCOR's keeping to the true faith. May God grant wisdom, strength and patience to Patriarch Kirill, Metropolitan Onufriy and all clergy and laity of the Orthodox Canonical Churches, especially in Ukraine. Thank you for your Christian example at this time of persecution for the Church. 'If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.' John 15:19

  • @shannonbaker4975
    @shannonbaker4975 6 років тому +3

    So confused

  • @ioanstef1983
    @ioanstef1983 4 місяці тому


  • @mischa1880
    @mischa1880 5 років тому +4

    As a Catholic I highly respect the Patriarch Cyril.

  • @vesnaecka737
    @vesnaecka737 6 років тому

    А, кој е тој Вартоломеј ?
    Во кој филм игра?

  • @user-xx2dl3vt6n
    @user-xx2dl3vt6n 6 років тому +1

    I didn't understand what is the relationship between the war in Ukraine with the Holy orthodox church ⛪

    • @ixnuraq8164
      @ixnuraq8164 6 років тому +6

      It's not about the war in Ukraine, but about Orthodox schism in Ukraine.

  • @agiestherviantwip3776
    @agiestherviantwip3776 6 років тому +4

    I support Patriarch Cyril

  • @fomavictorevitch
    @fomavictorevitch 6 років тому +2

    Let us pray for the unity of our Beloved Orthodox Church of Holy Rus, that the evil west must destroy if they are to achieve their victory over us. Orthodoxy has always triumphed, we shall never surrender.

  • @justinaacuriouswanderer1496
    @justinaacuriouswanderer1496 3 роки тому +1

    ~Patriarch Cyril

  • @OrthoAutist
    @OrthoAutist 2 роки тому +1

    Eis Polla Etie Despota!

  • @svetoslavstanev3741
    @svetoslavstanev3741 6 років тому

    Балшой балшой милиционерскии обман .

  • @alexanderleitner3939
    @alexanderleitner3939 4 роки тому +2

    Anathema to Bartholomew the heretic

  • @paulsdancing5429
    @paulsdancing5429 6 років тому

    I was brought up a Catholic. I never could understand and accept the split of Christianity, especially because it caused a lot of harm to the Slavic Peoples. Thus we cannot accept yet another split and this time within the Orthodox Church itself. It is obvious that this split is caused due to the political split. Unacceptable. God cannot be divided.
    From what I know Catholic priests do not marry. But Orthodox priest marry and have families and children. From all the scandals caused throughout the history by the unmarried catholic priests it is about time that the rules are changed.
    At stake is the existence of Christianity and the White Race. United we stand divided we fall.
    If the Leadership of Christian Churches is not willing to bring about UNITY, it is obvious that THEY ARE NOT in the Service of God.For common sense and with love from a Slavic Canadian.