Mace Windu was basically the man who was too angry to fall to the Dark Side. Sure, anger usually leads to the Dark Side, but for Mace, his anger was always directed *at* the Dark Side, so he was able to use it without falling to it. I know that's not technically how it works, but I just like to think of Mace as the man too angry to fall to the Dark Side.
Being a larger lad myself, Form V always appealed to me. The idea of measured, defensive aggression, breaking down your opponent until you can deliver a single powerful strike while having enough force to smash through a more guarded enemy when needed. Very appealing.
What I like about the forms was how it interplays with each other in the Revenge of the Sith novel. Specifically, during the opening fight with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku. At first, Anakin and Obi-Wan used fake Forms to deceive Dooku into a false sense of security. Obi-Wan used Form 4, Ataru at first. When Dooku saw that, he noted the weakness of that Form which is stabbing thrusts (which is how Qui-Gon went out). When Dooku decided to go for the kill, he began using plenty of stabs at Obi-Wan who promptly deflected them all without a hair out of place. After all, since Obi-Wan's true Form was Soresu, and lightsaber stabs are basically glorified blaster shots, Dooku unpleasantly found out that his strategy wasn't working and he was beginning to tire out. When Dooku decided to outright overpower Obi-Wan with the Force and knock him out of the fight, he turned his attention to Anakin. When Anakin revealed his true Form, Djim So, Dooku noted with dismay that his elegant fencing form, Makashi could not deflect Djim So's powerful attacks as he simply lacked the kinetic energy to properly counter it. Soon Dooku was overpowered and he lost his hands and after that, his life. It was almost like a game of rock paper scissors the way the lightsaber forms were played.
As a capoeira fighter, I'd like to point out that while yes, we do keep moving, as a result our attacks and defense techniques are meant to be more efficient so we save energy to keep moving
To add to this it's the same concept of boxing on your toes vs flat footed, because you're in constant motion the distance to hit the target can shorten by a considerable degree, this can also make it easier to keep up with an opponent that's faster than you. But you have to train for the endurance and stamina to get the benefits of it. This is why Yoda was so effective with it as he had much time to refine and practice and blending his offense and defense so well.
Economy of motion. One of the best examples of this I've seen in a movie is in the movie Troy. When Achilles (Brad Pitt) takes the beach of Troy with his men, the sequence where he charges up the steps to the Temple of Apollo, he uses virtually every motion of his body to add power/speed/force to his next attack/dodge/block, in a continual flow from the first man he kills in the sequence to the last, (if memory serves, we see him deal fatal blows to 15 men in 30-40 seconds) and it's just an excellent example of what you're saying. The idea of using the energy and momentum of one "move" to carry into your next "move" to sustain your stamina longer because you're putting less strain on your body by utilizing the principles of momentum is an incredible thing to behold in practice.
How many of y'all want to get Alan and Dave from Sellsword Arts together to do a serious deep dive into lightsabers and their forms? Alan's nerd knowledge and Dave's real life sword skills could make for some real great conversation.
In defense of form 6, in theory it's the most powerful of the forms since you can easily move in and out of different styles, reacting to any weakness or strength the opponent has. The issue is that the ones who practiced it tended to use it as a last resort after trying to peacefully end things, never really going deeper into it than a means of self defense. Exar Kun is a good example of how form 6 is terrifying when its potential is fully realized.
Cin Drallig even noted that while form 6 is the easiest to use, it can take an entire decade to truly master. He also called it the most versatile of the lightsaber forms as it incorporated a mix of the previous five and could adapt to any opponent. So this either meant you learned form 6 cause you didn't like fighting and wanted something as a last resort, or you were a master duelist who was unpredictable and difficult to fight. The Niman users on Geonosis likely were the former. Also not sure if this is true by Revan was said to be a master of Niman and we all know how awesome Revan is.
@@harishmohan4478 So, in essence, Form VI is the easiest form to learn but the most difficult to master since true mastery requires a minimum basic understanding of the previous five forms and their respective philosophies. At least, that's my personal take.
It might have caused some too. Windu was very judgmental and cold. Anakin didn't respond well to this kind of relationship and might have fallen to the Dark Side sooner from having to channel it when using vaapad.
Dueling Master maybe but absolutely NOT his master. The best candidate for that was Plo Kloon. The combination of experience, compassion, understanding, and willingness to innovate made him the perfect person to be the father figure Anakin so desperately needed. The only other Jedi who even came close to that combination would be Kit Fisto and even he would be a poor second to Master Plo.
@@joshuahogan3475 I know and that’s why I didn’t say his master as I don’t see that working out well. He would do wonders for his dueling skills and controlling his inner darkness during combat.
@@QuintusAntonious I disagree as Anakin already had issues with his dark side regardless of Mace and I wouldn’t want him as his only Master anyways for this reason. Anakin would respect him as a master duelist and would be eager to learn from him. They are very similar when training with a lightsaber and Mace knows how to control his dark side into being useful as he does it all the time himself. That would greatly help Anakin with battle with his darkness.
I recall Sir Alec Guinness saying that in New Hope they were directed that they should use the light sabre as if it weighed as much as a sword. This changed in the later episodes.
9:15 The Dark Side smacktalking has an actual term for it, Dun Möch (the literal Sith term for Temptation). It's a technique wherein the Dark Sider literally coaxes their opponent to embrace the Dark Side, causing the opponent to either slowly give in or shift their focus to avoid giving in and thus need to split their focus in the fight. Each time you see a much stronger Dark Sider seemingly toying with a weaker opponent, they are often using this technique.
Trash talk is only a small part of Dun Möch. Everything of Sith trickery is Dun Möch, whether it's cracks on yo' mama to goad you into a stupid move, or spending years distracting an enemy organization with, say, a speratist army so you can take them all out with a kill command from your biochipped soldiers that the enemy trusts in one fell swoop.
In Revenge of the Sith it is shown that Obi-wan was barely sweating and Anakin was drenched in sweat. Meaning Obi-wan was truly staving off Anakin until he had a prime opening. Which he did perfectly, a true master of the form.
In the Episode III novel version mace windu actually praised Obi wan for mastering Soresu. He basically said something like "I may have invented a new form, but who is greater ? A creator of a new killing form ? Or the master of a invulnerable form ?" Now Mace Windu was one of the best, if not the best duelist on the council, and even him feels Obi wan is a true master of form III
Form 1 draws a lot of inspiration from Kendō. From 2 is more or less just fencing. For the other forms there is no parallel. My guys at the dojo were trying a lot of those techniques we saw used in the series and films. Some stuff straight up doesn’t work. But some can hold up if tweaked a bit.
There is a Chinese hooked sword style that includes techniques for blocking incoming arrows. That is probably about as close you will get to Form III in real life. Form IV...I think some styles of Capoeira that use a machete with their acrobatics? I suppose that might qualify? 🤷 Form V is anything involving larger, heavier swords to increase the power of the strikes. Styles that make use of claymores or nodachi could possibly work. Form VI? ... ... ... Yeah, I got nothing. 😅 Form VII is all offense with little defense. That sounds more like a philosophy you could apply to a lot of styles than a style in and of itself. 🤷
Form 2 hints at fencing in how it’s written but it’s never seen like that. It honestly bugs me that dookus hilt is curved like an epee fencer but he never uses it like one.
@@joshuahogan3475the core philosophy of Niman has parallels to Jkd, absorb what is useful, discard what is not. There's specific aspects of the concept including use of your free hand for force strikes that I would argue has connections to FMA techniques.
@@avwillis5269 unfortunately JKD doesn't use weapons so it probably wouldn't be a good transition. Many Filipino martial arts do though so I think you could be on to something there. 🤔
@@joshuahogan3475 yes and no. The original style put forward by Bruce Lee didn't have weapons, but once of the diverging schools, (led by Morgan Elsbet's father, no less,) incorporates elements from FMA and Silat, under the belief that the art is always evolving. Also, I'd argue that because the original concept drew heavily in movement from fencing, that could be used to make parallels to makashi.
Niman is definitely known as the diplomats form...however the true power of the form is only apparent in the hands of a master. Masters of niman were essentially hybrids comprised of all the previous lightsaber forms. Revan was the perfect example. The fact is there are very few jedi who spent the time (at least 10 years) to master niman.
Another example, Ven allow ( Jedi master who went toe to toe with malgus during the sacking of courascant in the old republic) was a master of form 6. Evident in the fight, as he was using ataru footwork with soresu defense with the power of djem so.
This is why form II makes sense also, because there are so few left your likely only to encounter one v. one. But for me it would be a combo of form II and Trakata ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've always wanted to learn the stuff I'm not supposed to.
Anakin and Luke both love using the falling avalanche move to end duels, I love how it’s more so strength and overpowering strikes to cause your opponent to freak out rather than skill.
Alan (apologies if that is the wrong spelling of your name) this is the sort of content we need for when we get our astromech down the exhaust vent inviting us to the Jedi Temple
One of the chief reasons Obi Wan was still alive after the Clone Wars is because of Form III. He became the Form III master in an age of master duelists. Sith duelists have their own form they use during lightsaber combat, which is basically shit-talking, but amped-up with the Force. I forget what it's called, but the idea behind it is to sow doubt in the mind of their opponent, and to weaken their connection to the Force through self-doubt. So in star Wars lore, the big bad monologing isn't just for the movie, it's the Sith lord casting debuffs.
The problem is more like with the training and relation to the force than the lightsaber fighting form Rey fights with the Light side but being a grand daughter of someone very much with the Dark side, makes her fighting with the Light side unstable and doesn't feel very suited to her Kylo Ren fights with the Dight side and although has a grandfather as a Sith Lord, was trained to be a Light side force user by Luke, not to mention Leia, also trained the same by Luke, gave birth to him, with him trying to fight with the Dark side also causes him to be unstable and it doesn't feel very suited to him, making him all the while not a very good Sith Lord Also Rey and Kylo rose at a time when barely any force users, both Jedi and Sith, still remained to train the next generation, and so they fought clunkily and with inexperienced, even with whatever training they had, the one side of the force they had in relation to make it feel very unsuited to them But still, the sequel trilogy is no better than the OG and prequels, and I maybe looking too deep into this
Count Dooku's sword is actually a pistol grip, one of the standard grips for fencing. Christopher Lee preferred that style of grip at the time of filming.
So in SWTOR Darth Scourge also uses a form 7 variant that taps into his opponent's emotions rather than his own, showing that Vapad wasn't a unique discovery, it did however require a very specific and rare combination of mentality and gifts in the force to work well.
Scourge's ability to feed off of others emotions didn't have anything to do with his lightsaber form. In the Revan novel another sith mentions how it was just an inate gift he had. It couldn't be learned are taught he was born with it. Like how Mace has shatterpoint.
I feel I would be a Form V user. Makes sense for my body-type. Has good attack coverage; plus it utilizes Form III as well, so good defensive coverage on top of it. Then I’d throw in a little Form II, just to keep my opponent guessing and for adaptability 👍🏻
@@PinoyPhill I imagine it'd be very difficult to consciously use two separate lightsaber forms for two separate lightsabers, dual wielding alone would be tough. It'd be cool to pull it off though.
Technically it wasn’t that Qui-Gon chose a form that wasn’t suited for him, it’s that as he got older he didn’t have the stamina to maintain the acrobatic style of the form and so attempted to substitute many of the jumps and flips for instead wide sweeping attacks and heavy strikes. However when Qui-Gon was younger and actually had the stamina to maintain the acrobatic nature of the form it suited him very well
You should do an analysis on the duel between Ahsoka and Baylan; they were both modified form V users. It would also be interesting to see an analysis on the other fights in the Ahsoka series such as when Ahsoka duels Morgan Elsbeth who was wielding a beskar spear as opposed to a lightsaber
Idk if it was just me but it felt like Baylan was more of an Form 4 user than a form 5 one, using different movements to try and get an opening rather than battering defences away with hard parries
@@the_restitutor_orbis Personally that's exactly how I would've described Baylans style, he was swinging his lightsaber around like a longsword trying to hit as hard as he could which was also in part by the fact that he was physically larger than his opponents so it put his opponents on the defensive with large and heavy strikes. But I agree he did even sometimes opt to jump out of the way instead of parry but maybe that was more because of his two handed, centered grip on his saber that made it difficult to block fast strikes?
@@CaptainBigman well the disney wiki suggests he was likely very proficient in form 4, 5 and 6 so maybe we’re both right. Very capable duelists do seem to mix up forms - e.g Anakin, Starkiller, Ahsoka, Sidious, Vader etc.
In my own little "if I were a Jedi" fantasies, I would focus on Form III, supplemented by use of small scale force telekinesis (upward sprays of dirt from around the opponent's feet, yanking the sleeve of the opponent's sword arm, etc.).
In my point of view, form V Djem so is the most balanced, regarding offense and defense, sure the mobility problem was adressed in the revenge of the fallen novel, but anakin got around it by mixing in a little bit of Ataru... By the way, awesome video
From the sort of "it's nice to be alive when everything is said and done" that makes sense to me on a gut level, I think I would gravitate towards form 3.
Niman is underrated. Of course, the basics of Niman are quite simple and it's good for Diplomats who would focus on the force in battles. But elevating it to its ceiling it might be harder than other forms, as it is influenced by most other forms of lightsaber combat, so basically you would need to be a master of the other forms as well. So when learned to its end degree, it would transform from a Diplomat's form to a Battlemaster form. A jack of all trades fighting style, very adaptable and also a a good form for dual blade fighting. It would be my form of choice. Also, some very powerful duelists were Niman masters, like Exar Kun.
Part of the reason that Qui-gon's reliance on the basics of Ataru led to his defeat against Maul, was that in his age he was not able to leverage that speed and the acrobatics the same way as he once did, and it was still tiring in strength of the types of blows that tended to be given in dueling. That was the disadvantage it put him at when facing Maul. Though at least in the Novelization, it is noted that the way he took down Qui-gon felt like a cheap shot and the least honorable, or satisfying to end that phase of the fight. Maul at that point was a very interesting person, as despite being trained extensively and quite frankly, brutally, from a young age. He still had the innate Zabraak sense of honor to a limited degree. Cheap tricks were cheap tricks, and while they may work it's not the preferred method ending a fight.
I think the best form combo is using both 2 and 3. If you have a great defense and find an opening you can attack with the precision of form 2 and take your enemy down.
I would like to add a couple more details based on my own personal analysis. Form 1: simple, traditional, adaptable. Focuses a lot of the theory of combat. Strengths: it is easy to learn and safe, it's attacks are wider and more based around traditional sword fighting techniques or proto saber combat. It keeps its movesets simple, and the angles of attack keep your blade away from you and threaten a wider area for your opponent to deal with. Often, in positions, you can transition to defense if necessary. It can also easily accommodate an additional lightsaber or some more odd variants of lightsaber. It teaches basic strikes and defense theory that more complicated and specialized forms rely on, making this the essential foundation of all forms. Weaknesses: EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Since everyone learns this form and is relatively simple, it makes the form predictable for the most part and thus requires a special kind of persona and knack for creativity to utilize beyond basic training. Form II. Elegant, fast, precise. Strengths: very much one on one dueling centric philosophy. It uses deft parries and fleet footwork to dance around an enemy offense and cut through while their off guard. The jedi used it as a means of disarming (cutting off hands, lol), while the sith used it more lethally. There was a reference somewhere about how this forms also practices methods for protecting oneself against disarming strikes. Energy efficient. Weakness: Dooku mentions in some sources that a concept of "enslavement to form" is a great issue to this form. Requiring every practitioner to adopt a unique approach to it in order to succeed. It is also usually bad against groups or blaster fire, having little or no actual philosophy regarding those types of attacks. Form III. Turtle, energy efficient, safe pick. Strength: Energy efficiency is too good to account for. A defensive philosophy and good against both blasters and lightsabers. You can hardly go wrong with this form as all you have to do is outlast your opponent or opponents, giving you time to think. Hardly struggles against most other forms. Weakness: it has been hinted at in old lore that a form 7 practitioner can break through the defenses of form 3, though the likelihood of coming across them is slim. Would also be hard pressed to say that it will easily do well against form 6 masters. The most noticeable weakness is how long it may take for your fight to end if you don't combine it with some offensive strikes or another form like obi Wan. You could be stuck blocking for a long time. Form IV: Attack, attack hard, attack fast, be a blur. Strength: being an offensive style of just pure speed, it is a very open style that also threatens a whole lot of ground. Preferably dealing with enemies really quickly and threatening a whole room of people with your speed and acrobatics. You don't really need to worry a whole heck of a lot about blasters as you tend to close the gap quickly and are hard to shoot. Weakness: very much single target focused. Splitting attacks is never a good thing. Energy intensive, defeat the enemy quickly. And lacking any real defensive options, essentially using basic blocks that are actually pretty much attacks directed at the enemy weapon. Form V: grounded, powerful, counter attacks. Strengths: You're a powerhouse. Force enhanced strength is super useful here. You have sturdy two-handed blocks and powerful follow-up attacks. It's a simple brute force approach to sword fighting but employs counterattacks. It's whole philosophy revolves around breaking open their defenses and tearing apart their offenses. It is also a decent contender to the rarer form 7 as their use of power and attacks are similar. Weakness: it's not very mobile, so a form 2 or form 4 can use that as an exploit, though i think form 6 masters could also use that. It's not very energy efficient as you're putting your most of your strength behind your attacks. Form 6. Easy to learn but difficult to master, force powered sequences. Strengths: Easy to learn so you can learn other skills like force powers or tech skills. Jack of all trades philosophy with emphasis on force power integration. A true master uses the battlefield to their advantage, integrates a wide variety of force powers into attacks and defense, making the lightsaber essentially an oh shit device or a final strike method (still wouldn't scoff at a balanced fighting style though). Very good against Form 7 if mastered. Weaknesses: it really requires attentiveness, creativity, and a lot of practice to be a good form for fighting. Otherwise, it gets left in the dust. Form 7. Emotion fuels you, unstoppable attacks, unending ferocity. Vaa'paad variation is a small different than what I'm writing here as it depends on the opponent you're fighting a little more. Strengths: rapid, unpredictable, powerful attacks sequences that just forever march forward. Often utilizes emotional attachment to the thrill of battle and the rage of the enemy to fuel more ferocious attacks. Where form five will exploit a gap and tear theough form 7 will break you down in you entirety and smash your walls. It does not care about any subtlety. You will crumble before my might. The only hard counter i can think of to form 3, as form 3 does exactly what this form loves to do... wail on the enemy and crush their defenses upon an endless assault. Weakness: it has a very singular purpose. A practitioner likes to focus on one person or problem at a time and annihilate it. It also focuses so hard on fighting with a lightsaber that a form 6 master has no problems putting the hurt on them with a wide variety of force attacks and environmental advantages (form 7 doesn't seem to often employ force attacks so I'm guessing it's not a focus).
I think I can tweak your analysis a bit or two. Shii-Cho: dynamic long sword techniques. Everything was included. Slashes, stabs, binds, cuts, ripostes, everything needed to wield any type of sword. Discipline, stamina, focus, self-control are the main keys. With the Force, the user lets go of his/her concerns and doubt, let the Force guides fuels and guides your body. If the you want to make a feint then switch to stab the neck, the Force guides you there if you are willing to let it lead you. + Strength: - Versatility, the most OP cheat code if you are super sensitive with the Force (precedents including Nomi Sunrider, Kit Fristo, Luke Skywalker when he attacks).You want to deflect blasters from thugs? Let the Force guide you and don't worry a thing. Facing a Makashi or Soresu-based master? Take a breath, adjust to make quick cuts and binds to soften their guard. No matter how good they are, they must base their technique on Shii-Cho, just remember, hear the flow of the fight, take a deep and slow breath, trust in the Force and go. - The bedrock of every form from wielding the sword, feeling and using the Force to acting in life. Even Anakin Skywalker has to practice slashing a lot to constantly push Dooku back without any opening. Even Luke Skywalker has to place absolute trust the Force to fire that torpedo to a 2-meter wide thermal exhaust port of the Death Star. Even even Darth Vader has to practice meditation so much to both clash the saber and smash you with a flying rock at the same time. + Weakness: Splitting your focus on dueling, blast-deflecting and using the Force in a single day means you are not so precise as the fencing-focused Makashi master, or as skillful deflecting lasers like a Soresu master, or being skillful with the Force like a Niman master, not as cold in the battle like a form V master, and it takes decades to be as refined as a Juyo/Vaaped master. Makashi; focus on the dueling branch of form I, focused more on quick cuts, binds, stabs, feints, ripostes to soften the opponent's defense. Instead of trusting in the Force so fully, the Makashi master only lets it enhance his/her reflexes, speed, strength and thinking, but leaving the decision for them. Force enhancement is now only used just enough to win, the focus can be diverted to more defensive skills like shields, healing, energy-recovering to maximize dueling prowess. You have to have an amour and some energy to confidently charge time after time. Or if you are given more leisure, more influential powers can be developed more effectively. Shaak Ti, Dooku, Darth Vader, Inquisitor Jerec, Darth Sidious, Darth Caedus, Darth Krayt, they all have developed their Force abilities so ridiculously. Therefore, you can consider mastery in form I and II means you can push to form VI pretty early. Form I mastery means you are now the living avatar of the Force, mastery in Makashi means you can act and behave as if you are the Force. And since you have mastered forms I and II, you can jump to form V, blending moves into each other for every imaginable thing you have to solve by igniting the lightsaber and cut off their hands. Soresu (the Force-focused branch developed from Shii-Cho): Technically, Soresu focused more on refining Makashi and Shii-Cho defensive moves, the true meat is doing things with the Force, with blast deflection drills being the focus. In Soresu, Shii-Cho's deep meditation sessions becomes much more intensive. Maybe from one hour before bed to almost a day of meditation, or even longer. Through deep meditation, you are going to increase your sensitivity in the Force, having a bigger pool of Force energy to use, you can take that time to heal from serious injuries too. Increased calmness means you can have more focus, a stronger connection to the Force as being distracted means it can be compromised, so that will happen less. And by deep meditation, you can grow some powers that are very important, either a massive shield to protect everyone instead of just you, lifting many heavy objects to save people, healing many people at once despite severe wounds and injuries, cure sickness, and so on. The Force flows through everything, bonding every life forms together. Being masterful in Soresu is being able to merge yourself into that sea. Ataru: the bare-handed mode of Makashi (at least as the Jedi Path said). Makashi masters are stupidly skilled with the blade, but they have to know what to do when not having it too. Kicks, grapples, punches, wrestles, dodges, jumps, runs, etc, all are included. Blade flourishes don't mean so much. If you already channeled a powerful shield to block lightsaber blades or laser cannons, your hands and legs are already OP. Bultar Swan and Mace Windu approved this. Form V. The Shien branch covers how you deflect the bolts to specific targets, not just avoid getting hit like Soresu. The Djem So is evolves Makashi's moves, making quick cuts, parries and binds with much more force, breaking the guy's guard. But don't just go on and on, in battle, you rarely go alone, you have to know what to do to help your hommies. Don't just muscle everything like Anakin when your dudes haven't kept up with your pace. Be like Plo-Koon and Luke. Be mindful with what you are facing. If he's too solid in defense, try pure Makashi to soften him. If he attacks too well, you can defend strong and knock him out with a rock like Vader, or disarm, simply let your hommie sneak behind and shoot him down. If he has guns, give him taste his own laser. If he has many guys but you have time to prepare yourself, raise a body shield while giving them their own taste. If surprised, you just need to go Soresu mode or unleash a brutal Force wave and retreat, or continue attack in the chaos. If you are alone and have to deal with many guys with lightsabers, keep some distance while slowing them down with the Force and cut down one by one. Form VI: mastery with the Force, form V and form VI are basically two sides of the coin Form VII: it should be used as a final solution, you have no option but to go berserker mode despite being a Jedi. But you have to survive, then just take some anger, and go. maybe I think a bit different since I view the 7 forms being different studies either go linear or branching out from something, but I hope it can support your analysis a bit or two
7:23 hey I’m a professional fencer and I know it’s a nitpick but we don’t really use rapiers anymore due to it being replaced by the superior foil and sabres which do have enough strength to push away a enemies blade which is vital for a parry riposte
Isn’t the foil a purely sporting tool rather than a weapon, per se? Sabre is another animal, more optimized for the cut than the rapier (which can cut but isn’t optimized for it). It’s not better, it’s just different.
Point of order. Ventress's Lightsabers used to belong to Dook's former Dark Apprentice Komari Vosa. In Star Wars Bounty Hunter Dooku put a bounty on her head and Jango Fett (who you play in the game) takes her out. In addition to a sizable bounty this also is why qualified him to be the genetic template for the Clones of the GAR. Dooku did not simply have those Lightsabers made for Ventress.
As I write fan-fiction style novels in which the Jedi are on Earth through various means, it's vids like these that amplify my book's depth. Thanks for this dude! Long live the Republic!
I'm personally fascinated by Form II, and would probably gravitate towards it. But I'd still study Form III very well as it's the most useful in practicality
I love learning about the 7 forms of lightsaber combat. Mine would probably be: Form 2: Combat. Form 4: Flexible and mobile. Form 6: General Knowledge of all the forms/Dual-Blade Fencing.
Jedi: they can't really sneak attack anyone.. Anakin: stabs Merrick in the back aboard the Coronet Ahsoka: Stabs Sobeck in the back in the Citadel Like Master like Padawan
Dooku's style makes the most sense for lightsaber fight, but I think that how they fight is very influenced by fact that when they film those movies, they have real sticks that are not that light and point of balance is not that great as if it was real lightsaber. In modern starwars projects, they use sabers with effects like you can buy, it's pretty heavy and with terrible point of balance, I think it's part of the reason why lightsaber fights now look more like longsword fights, because it's not just lightsaber handle + added later in postprocess, they have to really fight with something that is pretty bulky and heavy. I had a lot of "toy sabers" in my hands and all of them (even expensive ones) are very bad, that core is always the same or very similar with button in the worst place and grip is mostly down, which would work if it was laser, but it's stick in reality and it's point heavy, that's why they can't fight one handed when they film it. In older movies, sabers were 100% fake, there was no problem with point of balance or where to hold it to not toucing on/off button, it was better for film making, I don't know why they use those "toy sabers" in modern Disney projects.
Form 6 did have some crazy powerful users though. Most of them were from the far more tumultuous periods and refined the telekinetic and similar powers to an equal weapon to the lightsaber itself. Namely, Reven and Exar Kun. Both darksiders, but both used form 6 to take full advantage of their power potential. But Clone Wars era users were far weaker as you have noted consistently.
Form V and Form VII are my favorites. If I were a Jedi/Sith or other Force Warrior with a Lightsaber, I'd have gunned to master these two forms for sure.
My personal favorite is form 5 Djem So. I've always enjoyed a more powerful attacks in video games, and this form along with 7 kinda fit my aesthetic of combat
17:14 Clone Wars, not Galactic Civil War 😉 Fantastic video! I participated a whole bunch in a Sith RP group for a while where lightsaber forms were an important piece of deciding how our character fought, and this video would have been extremely useful then! Also, what a lucky find, finding Dooku’s lightsaber in a Serenno garage sale. I wonder who brought it back from Coruscant . . .
When hearing about lightsaber forms (jedi/sith basically are martial artists in my opinion in this regard) -> I recall that old saying, something like = "when I knew nothing about the martial arts a punch was just a punch, a kick was just a kick ... when I became a practitioner a punch was not just a mere punch, a kick was just not a mere kick any more ... when I reached masterhood, a punch became just a punch, a kick became just a kick again" = meaning true masters are not bound by form, etc. -> remember Bruce Lee, and his jeet-kune-do stance/philosophy about martial arts, which can be applied here too -> IMO all jedi/sith are eventually aiming to reach that level, perfect themselves to this level ...
anakin's form during the clone wars was djem so but he created a variant that got around djem so primary weakness lack of mobility by adding ataru footwork and movements into his attacks when he turned into vader he further improved on this by adding makashi to his style creating a hybrid form that was nearly unstoppable there are several videos on this it seems like the most successfull duelist are those people who learn multiple forms and combine aspects of them into a personel style for example anakin,ashoka,obi wan,darth vader
The forms are just cool lore. But i find it interesting how in the Clone Wars era they are so different from before, 1,000 years of peace changing them. Niman was clearly a powerful form as we know people in the Old Republic used it and those guys weren't playing, sith and Jedi were constantly fighting, but after that long peace the Jedi seemed to have lost what made it so strong. Inversely Ahsoka and Windu adapted what are basically completely new form to adapt to their own circumstances rather than what would be 'practical' when Malak send his Dark Jedi after you or whatever.
Yeah Niman seems to have been diluted down over that thousand year period of peace. Technically speaking it seems to me to be the most practical, as you can adapt it to your current situation and environment. Perhaps the Jedi of the prequel era simply learned and mastered the basics of Niman without spending the full ten years to achieve complete mastery, resulting in what is essentially the red shirt of lightsaber forms
Great video but I'd say Soresu's big downfall would be Shien/ Djem So. The power attacks could eventually beat through the defenses and make an opening. Had Anakin kept his head he could have beaten Obi-Wan in time. Dooku the master of Makashi couldn't break through Obi-Wan's Soresu defense in episode III and had to resort to force abilities to incapacitate him.
1:53, To an extent, this is true, but a Force-sensitive’s clairvoyance wasn’t the only factor to often unnatural dexterity and reflexes, as they could also temporarily enhance their physical attributes with their telekinesis, including speed (resulting in what known as “Force Speed” or “Force Dash”), if they knew how to, 12:58, though admittedly to a limited degree, and the strength of an individual’s Force connection, 14:46, and the extent of their own innate physical attributes often determining how much these attributes can be enhanced (18:00, unless, of course, they were channeling intense emotions instead of just willpower to further enhance this effect). This augmented physicality and an individual’s skill as using it is also a prominent factor in an individual’s success in a fight beyond just martial or strategic prowess. 4:21, This, combined with the extrasensory perception innate to Force-sensitive (2:04, In a way, Force-sensitives are like Spiderman in their physical and sensory abilities), is how someone like Kit Fisto can manage to be so successful while using the most basic of combat forms, but also is why he was quickly bested by Palpatine, whose Force connection and skill at utilizing it was far more advanced than his. 12:22, Each of the forms also tend to focus on specific attributes (and strategies applying said attributes) and complimenting individuals who already possess certain attributes (Form 5 emphasizing strength, Form 2 emphasizing dexterity, Form 3 emphasizing stamina and endurance, or both Form 4 and Form 7 emphasizing speed and agility).
They should canonize the existence of a short list of officially recognized Force meditation techniques Technique 1: a style of meditation that allows one to focus their Force abilities Technique 2: a meditation technique for strengthening the bond between Force user and their lightsaber (that way we can fill the plot hole of lightsaber physics by saying different Jedi want different weightiness) Technique 3: a Jedi practice for connecting to the Light Side of the Force Technique 4: a Sith alternative to technique 3 Technique 5: a martial based Force meditation that is forbidden to both Jedi AND Sith as it leads to unnatural growth independent of the Force
@@grahamturner2640 cuz they’d be evolving as martial artists, not as Force wielders. And it’d just be a reminder that Old Republic Commandos only needed tactics to slaughter ancient Sith Acolytes
The really interesting thing about Niman is that it's essentially only as good as it's user. While the other forms guarantee an advantage when utilised in their ideal environment (Makashi against a single opponent, Soresu against a barrage of blaster fire etc.), a Niman practitioner needs to be creative and to think outside of the box at all times, and have a high affinity with force techniques. That's why practitoners such as Revan, Exar Kun, Starkiller, or Jedi Battlemaster Kao Cen Darach were some of the greatest fighters to have ever lived, as they wrung every single drop of potential out of Niman. Niman was weak during the clone wars because the jedi using it weren't fighters, they were consulars, people who needed basic self-defense but would otherwise have non-combat duties, especially diplomatic and peacekeeping missions that required a different skillset. It's personally my favorite form because of how badass it is to incorporate so many force powers into one's fighting style, also because the form encourages the use of Jar'kai.
> "This is actually Count Dooku's lightsaber, I was his apprentice once... and in true Sith tradition killed him and took everything of his as my own."
Can't you take Niman to an extreme level though and make it more a jack of all trades form, or something that can flexibly utilize every form you need at any given moment?
@@quangtrungbui675Revan is also a master of form 6. Granted he knew all the forms into his life as a Jedi, as a sith, and when he turned back into a Jedi.
@@nightwing2032 "knew" is one thing, mastery is another thing. I kinda like that Revan guy since he was the inspiration for Darth Bane to mold his Rule of Two mantra, one of the most critical rules being masterful and enthusiastic refining both physical combat and the Force. That's one reason I don't like Plagueis and Sidious so much while being a fanboy of Darth Caedus.
The funny thing about lightsaber forms is that none of the stunt coordinators actually consider them when doing the choreography for fight scenes. There is no "Ooh this is Soresu" or "Ooh this is Makashi", it's all about what looks best on the screen, not what would be 'effective' in a fight. The forms were made up after the fact to justify the way fights looked. Dooku fights the way he does because he's an old distinguished English gentleman, and they would fight with something more like a cutlass or sabre.
I don’t think lightsabers are weightless because we see the mandolorian so I think it’s more like a regular sword with 2 edges and blunt sides that you can’t see through the blinding light. I mean for example when look is fighting Darth Vader for the last time his saber bounces off of the railing which makes me believe it has a blunt side that is hidden
That's because in the original trilogy they were instructed to treat them as if they weighed as much as a sword. When episode 1 came out, George Lucas changed this direction. We can thank Maul
I've always thought that they were kinda weightless but they were hard to control...kinda like when you try to control two powerful cant see it but you can feel it. Using the force helped you control it...someone without training could take a light saber to the face...kinda like when I was a kid and hit myself with nun chucks when swinging them...
@@toddsmith5316 I've been running with a variation on that hypothesis: that the reason everybody doesn't use the technology is that a lightsaber is too compact to be practical for normal people: the plasma containment field which keeps the energy in "sword form" produces unpredictable torque unless you add enough safety equipment to bring it up to the size and bulk of the mining laser it's basically descended from. So anybody can just hold a lightsaber with the blade ignited, but as soon as you move it the hilt starts twisting out of your hand unless you're moving it in one of the right set of directions... and the right directions keep changing... and the faster you're moving it the worse the problem gets. This neatly matches a lot of what we see from the original films: anybody can hold one, anybody can try to carefully cut something with one (but it's a tool they wouldn't pick if anything else was available), but a regular user, even somebody trained to use a sword, who's lacking either massive mechanical grip strength or an instinctive awareness of how it's about to behave would honestly have a decent chance of decapitating themselves if they gave it one good swing. It also could add an interesting mental aspect to the already precognitive nature of lightsaber dueling: not all of the movements you're physically trained in will actually be available at an effective level at any instant, and every time your saber makes contact with an opponent's the two of you are further restricting each other's next few movements.
@@ImUnadjusted Its been established countless times both in the UE and the new canon that lightsabers have weight. Its not a frozen laser, its a magnetically contained stream of plasma. The plasma itself weighs only a few grams, but the magnetic energy field shaping the blade creates drag when in motion, creating the illusion the weight for the person swinging it.
I've always tried to draw real world parallels to the various forms. Shii Cho - German dussack. German swordmasters used to say that the dussack was the first weapon that any man should learn because everything else builds on that. Makashi - Rapier, obviously. This is because Christopher Lee was a classically trained fencer, so Dooku's style leaned heavily into that. Soresu - Chinese jian. It's the straight sword often seen in Tai Chi and Wushu. That's where Obi-Wan's famous stance comes from. Ataru - Chinese dao. These are the curved sabers seen in Chinese martial arts. The whirling, sweeping strikes just seem to fit. Shien/Djem So - Katana/longsword. It's no secret that the fight choreography in the original trilogy drew heavily on kendo. Both katanas and longswords make heavy use of two handed strikes that employ a push-pull leverage effect to increase power. Niman - ??? Not exactly sure what to put here. It's supposed to be the MMA of styles, drawing elements of other forms. So in theory, Niman could look radically different for each practitioner. Juyo/Vaapad - Escrima. The description of rapid, staccato motions and seemingly unconnected strings of attacks just brings Filipino martial arts to mind. That rapid fire stick fighting is insane.
Well, a lot of Jedi used multiple forms or switched throughout their lives. Obi-wan started with Form 4 but switched the 3 after Qui Gon's Death but was still proficient in the form after (Obi wan has also been shown to use form 2 against Dooku and form 5 against Maul and Savage Oppress during the clone wars). Ahsoka also started with form 4 which she transitioned into form 5 which she learned from Anakin.
I think you are confusing the foul, and even the épée and small sword, with a rapier around 07:30, which was actually (usually) fairly weighty, as a rule.
Hey just wanted to say that i love your videos and just wanted ask for a video on cal kestis’s lightsaber forms and lore. I think he has a bunch of a lore surrounding him that no one seems to care to spotlight on
Form I: Shii-Cho - The Way of the Sarlac (Balanced & Disarming) Form II: Makashi - The Way of the Ysalamir (Fencing Duel & Mental Duel) Form III: Soresu - The Way of the Mynarc (Situational Awareness & Blaster Counter) Form IV: Ataru - The Way of the Heart Bat (Forced Fueled & Speedy Acrobatics) Form V: Shein / Djem So - The Way of the Crate Dragon (Power Strikes & Physical Powerful) Form VI: Ninam - The Way of the Rancor (Force Fighters & Diplomat Jedi) Form VII: Juyo / Vapad - The Way of the Vornskr (Raid-Boss & Strong Emotional Fighting)
I disagree or wish you described Form VI and Form VII better, personally. I would plainly state, as described back in legends at least, it's a "Jack of all trades, master of none" (In regards to its familiarity with the other Forms on a basic or maybe adept forms depending on mastery). Its main pro is it's adaptability to many environments. Form VII: I would have stated more that it's main Pro is that it's the most aggressive Form of all lightsaber forms and is one of the best at breaking a Form III defense. The downsides, leaves you open to counters (Form II for instance or Form V Djem So) Exar Kun, Darth Maul, and Galen Marek are the best examples of the practioners of Form VI and Form VII and they dont necessarily follow your description of both Forms.
I would like to see you do a star wars video on the marital arts styles that exist in the star wars galaxy. I think that would be interesting to watch after seeing this video.
Are there canonical cuts and guards for each of these styles? Aside from Form 5, which is word for word just German Longsword, and Makashi, which is explicitly something like side sword or broadsword fencing, we don't know much about the actual forms.
Form 2 is my favorite simply because of Count Dooku, I just love the way that guy fights and how unique his lightsaber is with the curved hilt; well that and he managed to overcome two of the forms three biggest weaknesses, those being blaster deflection and fighting multiple opponents.... but as Anakin showed, Dooku couldn't overcome Form 2's third weakness, that being generating momentum and withstanding form 5 power strikers.
Anakin was the Master of Form V due to his immense strength, but more importantly, his speed. Dooku overcame every other opponent he faced who used Form V, as well as easily handling some of the strongest lightsaber duelists ever. But the combination of that strength and speed was too much in a singular instance. Dooku's Form II has no weaknesses. It's just that he finally came up against someone in Anakin in ROTS he could not handle. One duel does not a weakness make.
Mace Windu was basically the man who was too angry to fall to the Dark Side. Sure, anger usually leads to the Dark Side, but for Mace, his anger was always directed *at* the Dark Side, so he was able to use it without falling to it. I know that's not technically how it works, but I just like to think of Mace as the man too angry to fall to the Dark Side.
it is Samuel L jackson, to be fair. quite fitting
dark side doesn't want bad *othe*fuck*rs
Mace Windu, the Jedi Motherfucker.
I think Mace has classic Jedi arrogance but Mace makes it work because he is focused directly on arrogant anti-Dark Side thoughts
Also pride. Falling to the dark side means that you are weak and gave up, like a loser.
Being a larger lad myself, Form V always appealed to me. The idea of measured, defensive aggression, breaking down your opponent until you can deliver a single powerful strike while having enough force to smash through a more guarded enemy when needed. Very appealing.
It is the most stamina draining
Yeah I fuck with 4 a lot since I'm small and can maneuver easier. Same with 3 since dodging is a big part of it
What I like about the forms was how it interplays with each other in the Revenge of the Sith novel. Specifically, during the opening fight with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku. At first, Anakin and Obi-Wan used fake Forms to deceive Dooku into a false sense of security. Obi-Wan used Form 4, Ataru at first. When Dooku saw that, he noted the weakness of that Form which is stabbing thrusts (which is how Qui-Gon went out). When Dooku decided to go for the kill, he began using plenty of stabs at Obi-Wan who promptly deflected them all without a hair out of place. After all, since Obi-Wan's true Form was Soresu, and lightsaber stabs are basically glorified blaster shots, Dooku unpleasantly found out that his strategy wasn't working and he was beginning to tire out.
When Dooku decided to outright overpower Obi-Wan with the Force and knock him out of the fight, he turned his attention to Anakin. When Anakin revealed his true Form, Djim So, Dooku noted with dismay that his elegant fencing form, Makashi could not deflect Djim So's powerful attacks as he simply lacked the kinetic energy to properly counter it. Soon Dooku was overpowered and he lost his hands and after that, his life. It was almost like a game of rock paper scissors the way the lightsaber forms were played.
now this is a star wars video
now this is podracing!
They're all excellent from him. I've just started the video, but I love how he connects real world events and concepts to the star wars universe.
Except he says: laser sword...
Form 1 = Croud Control
Form 2 = One-on-One
Form 3 = Blaster Counter
Form 4 = Gymnastics
Form 5 = Brawler
Form 6 = Taskmaster
Form 7 = Hulk
Form 8 = Chuck Norris
Actually, Form 8 is God. Form 9 is Chuck Norris.
Sorry for the confusion.
@@BugRib no
"That's my secret, Darth Sidious. I'm always angry."
*crowd control
As a capoeira fighter, I'd like to point out that while yes, we do keep moving, as a result our attacks and defense techniques are meant to be more efficient so we save energy to keep moving
To add to this it's the same concept of boxing on your toes vs flat footed, because you're in constant motion the distance to hit the target can shorten by a considerable degree, this can also make it easier to keep up with an opponent that's faster than you.
But you have to train for the endurance and stamina to get the benefits of it.
This is why Yoda was so effective with it as he had much time to refine and practice and blending his offense and defense so well.
Economy of motion. One of the best examples of this I've seen in a movie is in the movie Troy.
When Achilles (Brad Pitt) takes the beach of Troy with his men, the sequence where he charges up the steps to the Temple of Apollo, he uses virtually every motion of his body to add power/speed/force to his next attack/dodge/block, in a continual flow from the first man he kills in the sequence to the last, (if memory serves, we see him deal fatal blows to 15 men in 30-40 seconds) and it's just an excellent example of what you're saying.
The idea of using the energy and momentum of one "move" to carry into your next "move" to sustain your stamina longer because you're putting less strain on your body by utilizing the principles of momentum is an incredible thing to behold in practice.
We have a similar thing in American kempo we try to be effective and efficient in our fighting so there is no wasted energy
@roachdoggjr1940Screaming Seagull is not to be trusted.
Combination of Aikido and Judo is very beautiful
How many of y'all want to get Alan and Dave from Sellsword Arts together to do a serious deep dive into lightsabers and their forms? Alan's nerd knowledge and Dave's real life sword skills could make for some real great conversation.
I'll second this. Especially their thoughts on forms two and three.
Count me in. I’m interested now.
I cast my vote for this proposal. These two could combine real-life skills and lore-based knowledge to create an interesting video.
Right?! This is a thing that should happen.
In defense of form 6, in theory it's the most powerful of the forms since you can easily move in and out of different styles, reacting to any weakness or strength the opponent has. The issue is that the ones who practiced it tended to use it as a last resort after trying to peacefully end things, never really going deeper into it than a means of self defense. Exar Kun is a good example of how form 6 is terrifying when its potential is fully realized.
Cin Drallig even noted that while form 6 is the easiest to use, it can take an entire decade to truly master. He also called it the most versatile of the lightsaber forms as it incorporated a mix of the previous five and could adapt to any opponent. So this either meant you learned form 6 cause you didn't like fighting and wanted something as a last resort, or you were a master duelist who was unpredictable and difficult to fight. The Niman users on Geonosis likely were the former. Also not sure if this is true by Revan was said to be a master of Niman and we all know how awesome Revan is.
So, in essence, Form VI is the easiest form to learn but the most difficult to master since true mastery requires a minimum basic understanding of the previous five forms and their respective philosophies. At least, that's my personal take.
This is why Mace Windu should’ve been his master or at the bare minimum his dueling master. This would’ve solved a lot of Anakin’s problems later on.
It might have caused some too. Windu was very judgmental and cold. Anakin didn't respond well to this kind of relationship and might have fallen to the Dark Side sooner from having to channel it when using vaapad.
Dueling Master maybe but absolutely NOT his master. The best candidate for that was Plo Kloon. The combination of experience, compassion, understanding, and willingness to innovate made him the perfect person to be the father figure Anakin so desperately needed. The only other Jedi who even came close to that combination would be Kit Fisto and even he would be a poor second to Master Plo.
@@joshuahogan3475 I know and that’s why I didn’t say his master as I don’t see that working out well. He would do wonders for his dueling skills and controlling his inner darkness during combat.
@@QuintusAntonious I disagree as Anakin already had issues with his dark side regardless of Mace and I wouldn’t want him as his only Master anyways for this reason. Anakin would respect him as a master duelist and would be eager to learn from him. They are very similar when training with a lightsaber and Mace knows how to control his dark side into being useful as he does it all the time himself. That would greatly help Anakin with battle with his darkness.
@@nathansheldahl that I can agree with. Finding a way to channel his anger away from his core and into his combat.
I recall Sir Alec Guinness saying that in New Hope they were directed that they should use the light sabre as if it weighed as much as a sword. This changed in the later episodes.
9:15 The Dark Side smacktalking has an actual term for it, Dun Möch (the literal Sith term for Temptation). It's a technique wherein the Dark Sider literally coaxes their opponent to embrace the Dark Side, causing the opponent to either slowly give in or shift their focus to avoid giving in and thus need to split their focus in the fight.
Each time you see a much stronger Dark Sider seemingly toying with a weaker opponent, they are often using this technique.
Trash talk is only a small part of Dun Möch. Everything of Sith trickery is Dun Möch, whether it's cracks on yo' mama to goad you into a stupid move, or spending years distracting an enemy organization with, say, a speratist army so you can take them all out with a kill command from your biochipped soldiers that the enemy trusts in one fell swoop.
In Revenge of the Sith it is shown that Obi-wan was barely sweating and Anakin was drenched in sweat. Meaning Obi-wan was truly staving off Anakin until he had a prime opening. Which he did perfectly, a true master of the form.
In the Episode III novel version mace windu actually praised Obi wan for mastering Soresu.
He basically said something like "I may have invented a new form, but who is greater ? A creator of a new killing form ? Or the master of a invulnerable form ?"
Now Mace Windu was one of the best, if not the best duelist on the council, and even him feels Obi wan is a true master of form III
Form 1 draws a lot of inspiration from Kendō. From 2 is more or less just fencing. For the other forms there is no parallel. My guys at the dojo were trying a lot of those techniques we saw used in the series and films. Some stuff straight up doesn’t work. But some can hold up if tweaked a bit.
There is a Chinese hooked sword style that includes techniques for blocking incoming arrows. That is probably about as close you will get to Form III in real life.
Form IV...I think some styles of Capoeira that use a machete with their acrobatics? I suppose that might qualify? 🤷
Form V is anything involving larger, heavier swords to increase the power of the strikes. Styles that make use of claymores or nodachi could possibly work.
Form VI?
Yeah, I got nothing. 😅
Form VII is all offense with little defense. That sounds more like a philosophy you could apply to a lot of styles than a style in and of itself. 🤷
Form 2 hints at fencing in how it’s written but it’s never seen like that. It honestly bugs me that dookus hilt is curved like an epee fencer but he never uses it like one.
@@joshuahogan3475the core philosophy of Niman has parallels to Jkd, absorb what is useful, discard what is not. There's specific aspects of the concept including use of your free hand for force strikes that I would argue has connections to FMA techniques.
@@avwillis5269 unfortunately JKD doesn't use weapons so it probably wouldn't be a good transition. Many Filipino martial arts do though so I think you could be on to something there. 🤔
@@joshuahogan3475 yes and no. The original style put forward by Bruce Lee didn't have weapons, but once of the diverging schools, (led by Morgan Elsbet's father, no less,) incorporates elements from FMA and Silat, under the belief that the art is always evolving. Also, I'd argue that because the original concept drew heavily in movement from fencing, that could be used to make parallels to makashi.
Niman is definitely known as the diplomats form...however the true power of the form is only apparent in the hands of a master. Masters of niman were essentially hybrids comprised of all the previous lightsaber forms. Revan was the perfect example. The fact is there are very few jedi who spent the time (at least 10 years) to master niman.
Another example, Ven allow ( Jedi master who went toe to toe with malgus during the sacking of courascant in the old republic) was a master of form 6. Evident in the fight, as he was using ataru footwork with soresu defense with the power of djem so.
After ROTJ I imagine Form 3 makes the most sense, as there are so few lightsaber users left. You are more likely to encounter a blaster.
This is why form II makes sense also, because there are so few left your likely only to encounter one v. one.
But for me it would be a combo of form II and Trakata ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've always wanted to learn the stuff I'm not supposed to.
Anakin and Luke both love using the falling avalanche move to end duels, I love how it’s more so strength and overpowering strikes to cause your opponent to freak out rather than skill.
Alan (apologies if that is the wrong spelling of your name) this is the sort of content we need for when we get our astromech down the exhaust vent inviting us to the Jedi Temple
Looking at the poster in the thumbnail made me think it was Obi Wan who found Anakin and Qui Gon stayed behind to protect the Queen.
Did anyone else immediately get distracted by that leaf that fell outside Alan's window. At least I hope it was a leaf. (3:52)
probably a bird hehe we get pigeons chilling on the sides of the building
@@GenerationTech What about the dolphin menace?
No way was that a leaf
One of the chief reasons Obi Wan was still alive after the Clone Wars is because of Form III. He became the Form III master in an age of master duelists.
Sith duelists have their own form they use during lightsaber combat, which is basically shit-talking, but amped-up with the Force. I forget what it's called, but the idea behind it is to sow doubt in the mind of their opponent, and to weaken their connection to the Force through self-doubt.
So in star Wars lore, the big bad monologing isn't just for the movie, it's the Sith lord casting debuffs.
That's interesting way of putting it. Obi-Wan also seems to have done the debuff casting, as you put it, while maintaining his own defense.
It's called dun möch
Form 6 can be deadly if you take the time to learn it. Exor kun was a deadly sith who used form 6
Revan was a Form 6 practitioner as well, though he almost certainly was not nearly as proficient with the lightsaber as Exar Kun was.
True I was just pointing out that form 6 is deadly if someone took the time to learn it
Not learn it master it
What about the bonus Form 8: Baseball Bat, pioneered by Rey and Kylo Ren in the sequel trilogy?
I laughed
I've never thought of it like this... But I have to say... Accurate.
The problem is more like with the training and relation to the force than the lightsaber fighting form
Rey fights with the Light side but being a grand daughter of someone very much with the Dark side, makes her fighting with the Light side unstable and doesn't feel very suited to her
Kylo Ren fights with the Dight side and although has a grandfather as a Sith Lord, was trained to be a Light side force user by Luke, not to mention Leia, also trained the same by Luke, gave birth to him, with him trying to fight with the Dark side also causes him to be unstable and it doesn't feel very suited to him, making him all the while not a very good Sith Lord
Also Rey and Kylo rose at a time when barely any force users, both Jedi and Sith, still remained to train the next generation, and so they fought clunkily and with inexperienced, even with whatever training they had, the one side of the force they had in relation to make it feel very unsuited to them
But still, the sequel trilogy is no better than the OG and prequels, and I maybe looking too deep into this
Actually LOLed
@@ThomasTubeHDyou’re reading too much into the baseball bat style my friend
Count Dooku's sword is actually a pistol grip, one of the standard grips for fencing. Christopher Lee preferred that style of grip at the time of filming.
So in SWTOR Darth Scourge also uses a form 7 variant that taps into his opponent's emotions rather than his own, showing that Vapad wasn't a unique discovery, it did however require a very specific and rare combination of mentality and gifts in the force to work well.
Scourge's ability to feed off of others emotions didn't have anything to do with his lightsaber form.
In the Revan novel another sith mentions how it was just an inate gift he had. It couldn't be learned are taught he was born with it.
Like how Mace has shatterpoint.
It took along time but now he is one of us
I feel I would be a Form V user. Makes sense for my body-type. Has good attack coverage; plus it utilizes Form III as well, so good defensive coverage on top of it. Then I’d throw in a little Form II, just to keep my opponent guessing and for adaptability 👍🏻
Similar for me, in my head I dual wield shoto sabers and use form 2 with one saber and form 3 with the other
@@PinoyPhill I imagine it'd be very difficult to consciously use two separate lightsaber forms for two separate lightsabers, dual wielding alone would be tough.
It'd be cool to pull it off though.
@@shadowbladesabre1945 oh no doubt it'd be super difficult, but in my fictional head world I'm a super bad ass aha 😅🥳
Technically it wasn’t that Qui-Gon chose a form that wasn’t suited for him, it’s that as he got older he didn’t have the stamina to maintain the acrobatic style of the form and so attempted to substitute many of the jumps and flips for instead wide sweeping attacks and heavy strikes. However when Qui-Gon was younger and actually had the stamina to maintain the acrobatic nature of the form it suited him very well
He should’ve just switched to Form V as he got older, might’ve survived Maul then
This is probably my favorite video that I've been waiting for for a long time.
You should do an analysis on the duel between Ahsoka and Baylan; they were both modified form V users. It would also be interesting to see an analysis on the other fights in the Ahsoka series such as when Ahsoka duels Morgan Elsbeth who was wielding a beskar spear as opposed to a lightsaber
sorry I just remembered the duel between Ahsoka and Elsbeth was in Mandalorian, point still stands though
Idk if it was just me but it felt like Baylan was more of an Form 4 user than a form 5 one, using different movements to try and get an opening rather than battering defences away with hard parries
@@the_restitutor_orbis Personally that's exactly how I would've described Baylans style, he was swinging his lightsaber around like a longsword trying to hit as hard as he could which was also in part by the fact that he was physically larger than his opponents so it put his opponents on the defensive with large and heavy strikes.
But I agree he did even sometimes opt to jump out of the way instead of parry but maybe that was more because of his two handed, centered grip on his saber that made it difficult to block fast strikes?
@@CaptainBigman well the disney wiki suggests he was likely very proficient in form 4, 5 and 6 so maybe we’re both right. Very capable duelists do seem to mix up forms - e.g Anakin, Starkiller, Ahsoka, Sidious, Vader etc.
When you've watched at least 5 lightsaber form videos and then you still learn new things that the others didn't cover.
Great content!
This is one of the best, most well thought lightsaber videos i have ever seen. They should use it in both Jedi and Sith training halls. Excellent job.
In my own little "if I were a Jedi" fantasies, I would focus on Form III, supplemented by use of small scale force telekinesis (upward sprays of dirt from around the opponent's feet, yanking the sleeve of the opponent's sword arm, etc.).
This is really cool to learn about each forms strengths and weaknesses
In my point of view, form V Djem so is the most balanced, regarding offense and defense, sure the mobility problem was adressed in the revenge of the fallen novel, but anakin got around it by mixing in a little bit of Ataru...
By the way, awesome video
From the sort of "it's nice to be alive when everything is said and done" that makes sense to me on a gut level, I think I would gravitate towards form 3.
Niman is underrated. Of course, the basics of Niman are quite simple and it's good for Diplomats who would focus on the force in battles. But elevating it to its ceiling it might be harder than other forms, as it is influenced by most other forms of lightsaber combat, so basically you would need to be a master of the other forms as well. So when learned to its end degree, it would transform from a Diplomat's form to a Battlemaster form. A jack of all trades fighting style, very adaptable and also a a good form for dual blade fighting. It would be my form of choice.
Also, some very powerful duelists were Niman masters, like Exar Kun.
Amazing video, learned so much. Super interesting topic. Cheers!
Part of the reason that Qui-gon's reliance on the basics of Ataru led to his defeat against Maul, was that in his age he was not able to leverage that speed and the acrobatics the same way as he once did, and it was still tiring in strength of the types of blows that tended to be given in dueling. That was the disadvantage it put him at when facing Maul. Though at least in the Novelization, it is noted that the way he took down Qui-gon felt like a cheap shot and the least honorable, or satisfying to end that phase of the fight. Maul at that point was a very interesting person, as despite being trained extensively and quite frankly, brutally, from a young age. He still had the innate Zabraak sense of honor to a limited degree. Cheap tricks were cheap tricks, and while they may work it's not the preferred method ending a fight.
I think the best form combo is using both 2 and 3. If you have a great defense and find an opening you can attack with the precision of form 2 and take your enemy down.
Great content!! You rock bro!
Smooth Chin Alan 😶
😅 nice some Jedi content
I would like to add a couple more details based on my own personal analysis.
Form 1: simple, traditional, adaptable. Focuses a lot of the theory of combat.
Strengths: it is easy to learn and safe, it's attacks are wider and more based around traditional sword fighting techniques or proto saber combat. It keeps its movesets simple, and the angles of attack keep your blade away from you and threaten a wider area for your opponent to deal with. Often, in positions, you can transition to defense if necessary. It can also easily accommodate an additional lightsaber or some more odd variants of lightsaber. It teaches basic strikes and defense theory that more complicated and specialized forms rely on, making this the essential foundation of all forms.
Weaknesses: EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Since everyone learns this form and is relatively simple, it makes the form predictable for the most part and thus requires a special kind of persona and knack for creativity to utilize beyond basic training.
Form II. Elegant, fast, precise.
Strengths: very much one on one dueling centric philosophy. It uses deft parries and fleet footwork to dance around an enemy offense and cut through while their off guard. The jedi used it as a means of disarming (cutting off hands, lol), while the sith used it more lethally. There was a reference somewhere about how this forms also practices methods for protecting oneself against disarming strikes. Energy efficient.
Weakness: Dooku mentions in some sources that a concept of "enslavement to form" is a great issue to this form. Requiring every practitioner to adopt a unique approach to it in order to succeed. It is also usually bad against groups or blaster fire, having little or no actual philosophy regarding those types of attacks.
Form III. Turtle, energy efficient, safe pick.
Strength: Energy efficiency is too good to account for. A defensive philosophy and good against both blasters and lightsabers. You can hardly go wrong with this form as all you have to do is outlast your opponent or opponents, giving you time to think. Hardly struggles against most other forms.
Weakness: it has been hinted at in old lore that a form 7 practitioner can break through the defenses of form 3, though the likelihood of coming across them is slim. Would also be hard pressed to say that it will easily do well against form 6 masters. The most noticeable weakness is how long it may take for your fight to end if you don't combine it with some offensive strikes or another form like obi Wan. You could be stuck blocking for a long time.
Form IV: Attack, attack hard, attack fast, be a blur.
Strength: being an offensive style of just pure speed, it is a very open style that also threatens a whole lot of ground. Preferably dealing with enemies really quickly and threatening a whole room of people with your speed and acrobatics. You don't really need to worry a whole heck of a lot about blasters as you tend to close the gap quickly and are hard to shoot.
Weakness: very much single target focused. Splitting attacks is never a good thing. Energy intensive, defeat the enemy quickly. And lacking any real defensive options, essentially using basic blocks that are actually pretty much attacks directed at the enemy weapon.
Form V: grounded, powerful, counter attacks.
Strengths: You're a powerhouse. Force enhanced strength is super useful here. You have sturdy two-handed blocks and powerful follow-up attacks. It's a simple brute force approach to sword fighting but employs counterattacks. It's whole philosophy revolves around breaking open their defenses and tearing apart their offenses. It is also a decent contender to the rarer form 7 as their use of power and attacks are similar.
Weakness: it's not very mobile, so a form 2 or form 4 can use that as an exploit, though i think form 6 masters could also use that. It's not very energy efficient as you're putting your most of your strength behind your attacks.
Form 6. Easy to learn but difficult to master, force powered sequences.
Strengths: Easy to learn so you can learn other skills like force powers or tech skills. Jack of all trades philosophy with emphasis on force power integration. A true master uses the battlefield to their advantage, integrates a wide variety of force powers into attacks and defense, making the lightsaber essentially an oh shit device or a final strike method (still wouldn't scoff at a balanced fighting style though). Very good against Form 7 if mastered.
Weaknesses: it really requires attentiveness, creativity, and a lot of practice to be a good form for fighting. Otherwise, it gets left in the dust.
Form 7. Emotion fuels you, unstoppable attacks, unending ferocity. Vaa'paad variation is a small different than what I'm writing here as it depends on the opponent you're fighting a little more.
Strengths: rapid, unpredictable, powerful attacks sequences that just forever march forward. Often utilizes emotional attachment to the thrill of battle and the rage of the enemy to fuel more ferocious attacks. Where form five will exploit a gap and tear theough form 7 will break you down in you entirety and smash your walls. It does not care about any subtlety. You will crumble before my might. The only hard counter i can think of to form 3, as form 3 does exactly what this form loves to do... wail on the enemy and crush their defenses upon an endless assault.
Weakness: it has a very singular purpose. A practitioner likes to focus on one person or problem at a time and annihilate it. It also focuses so hard on fighting with a lightsaber that a form 6 master has no problems putting the hurt on them with a wide variety of force attacks and environmental advantages (form 7 doesn't seem to often employ force attacks so I'm guessing it's not a focus).
I think I can tweak your analysis a bit or two.
Shii-Cho: dynamic long sword techniques. Everything was included. Slashes, stabs, binds, cuts, ripostes, everything needed to wield any type of sword. Discipline, stamina, focus, self-control are the main keys. With the Force, the user lets go of his/her concerns and doubt, let the Force guides fuels and guides your body. If the you want to make a feint then switch to stab the neck, the Force guides you there if you are willing to let it lead you.
+ Strength:
- Versatility, the most OP cheat code if you are super sensitive with the Force (precedents including Nomi Sunrider, Kit Fristo, Luke Skywalker when he attacks).You want to deflect blasters from thugs? Let the Force guide you and don't worry a thing. Facing a Makashi or Soresu-based master? Take a breath, adjust to make quick cuts and binds to soften their guard. No matter how good they are, they must base their technique on Shii-Cho, just remember, hear the flow of the fight, take a deep and slow breath, trust in the Force and go.
- The bedrock of every form from wielding the sword, feeling and using the Force to acting in life. Even Anakin Skywalker has to practice slashing a lot to constantly push Dooku back without any opening. Even Luke Skywalker has to place absolute trust the Force to fire that torpedo to a 2-meter wide thermal exhaust port of the Death Star. Even even Darth Vader has to practice meditation so much to both clash the saber and smash you with a flying rock at the same time.
+ Weakness: Splitting your focus on dueling, blast-deflecting and using the Force in a single day means you are not so precise as the fencing-focused Makashi master, or as skillful deflecting lasers like a Soresu master, or being skillful with the Force like a Niman master, not as cold in the battle like a form V master, and it takes decades to be as refined as a Juyo/Vaaped master.
Makashi; focus on the dueling branch of form I, focused more on quick cuts, binds, stabs, feints, ripostes to soften the opponent's defense. Instead of trusting in the Force so fully, the Makashi master only lets it enhance his/her reflexes, speed, strength and thinking, but leaving the decision for them. Force enhancement is now only used just enough to win, the focus can be diverted to more defensive skills like shields, healing, energy-recovering to maximize dueling prowess. You have to have an amour and some energy to confidently charge time after time. Or if you are given more leisure, more influential powers can be developed more effectively. Shaak Ti, Dooku, Darth Vader, Inquisitor Jerec, Darth Sidious, Darth Caedus, Darth Krayt, they all have developed their Force abilities so ridiculously. Therefore, you can consider mastery in form I and II means you can push to form VI pretty early. Form I mastery means you are now the living avatar of the Force, mastery in Makashi means you can act and behave as if you are the Force. And since you have mastered forms I and II, you can jump to form V, blending moves into each other for every imaginable thing you have to solve by igniting the lightsaber and cut off their hands.
Soresu (the Force-focused branch developed from Shii-Cho): Technically, Soresu focused more on refining Makashi and Shii-Cho defensive moves, the true meat is doing things with the Force, with blast deflection drills being the focus. In Soresu, Shii-Cho's deep meditation sessions becomes much more intensive. Maybe from one hour before bed to almost a day of meditation, or even longer. Through deep meditation, you are going to increase your sensitivity in the Force, having a bigger pool of Force energy to use, you can take that time to heal from serious injuries too. Increased calmness means you can have more focus, a stronger connection to the Force as being distracted means it can be compromised, so that will happen less. And by deep meditation, you can grow some powers that are very important, either a massive shield to protect everyone instead of just you, lifting many heavy objects to save people, healing many people at once despite severe wounds and injuries, cure sickness, and so on. The Force flows through everything, bonding every life forms together. Being masterful in Soresu is being able to merge yourself into that sea.
Ataru: the bare-handed mode of Makashi (at least as the Jedi Path said). Makashi masters are stupidly skilled with the blade, but they have to know what to do when not having it too. Kicks, grapples, punches, wrestles, dodges, jumps, runs, etc, all are included. Blade flourishes don't mean so much. If you already channeled a powerful shield to block lightsaber blades or laser cannons, your hands and legs are already OP. Bultar Swan and Mace Windu approved this.
Form V. The Shien branch covers how you deflect the bolts to specific targets, not just avoid getting hit like Soresu. The Djem So is evolves Makashi's moves, making quick cuts, parries and binds with much more force, breaking the guy's guard. But don't just go on and on, in battle, you rarely go alone, you have to know what to do to help your hommies. Don't just muscle everything like Anakin when your dudes haven't kept up with your pace. Be like Plo-Koon and Luke. Be mindful with what you are facing. If he's too solid in defense, try pure Makashi to soften him. If he attacks too well, you can defend strong and knock him out with a rock like Vader, or disarm, simply let your hommie sneak behind and shoot him down. If he has guns, give him taste his own laser. If he has many guys but you have time to prepare yourself, raise a body shield while giving them their own taste. If surprised, you just need to go Soresu mode or unleash a brutal Force wave and retreat, or continue attack in the chaos. If you are alone and have to deal with many guys with lightsabers, keep some distance while slowing them down with the Force and cut down one by one.
Form VI: mastery with the Force, form V and form VI are basically two sides of the coin
Form VII: it should be used as a final solution, you have no option but to go berserker mode despite being a Jedi. But you have to survive, then just take some anger, and go.
maybe I think a bit different since I view the 7 forms being different studies either go linear or branching out from something, but I hope it can support your analysis a bit or two
7:23 hey I’m a professional fencer and I know it’s a nitpick but we don’t really use rapiers anymore due to it being replaced by the superior foil and sabres which do have enough strength to push away a enemies blade which is vital for a parry riposte
Isn’t the foil a purely sporting tool rather than a weapon, per se?
Sabre is another animal, more optimized for the cut than the rapier (which can cut but isn’t optimized for it). It’s not better, it’s just different.
Quick, travel back to the 80s and let George Lucas know
Blade Locking is called The Bind in HEMA which is grappling range where both combatants can apply a lock or a throw or something else in wrestling.
This is where the forms begin.
Point of order. Ventress's Lightsabers used to belong to Dook's former Dark Apprentice Komari Vosa. In Star Wars Bounty Hunter Dooku put a bounty on her head and Jango Fett (who you play in the game) takes her out. In addition to a sizable bounty this also is why qualified him to be the genetic template for the Clones of the GAR. Dooku did not simply have those Lightsabers made for Ventress.
Ventress also loses those sabers when they get stolen and re-emerges in bad batch with yellow blades
I’m already picturing Maul spinning his double bladed lightsaber against Han Solo with his DL-44
Could you please make a video on the ecosystems of Dathomir
As I write fan-fiction style novels in which the Jedi are on Earth through various means, it's vids like these that amplify my book's depth. Thanks for this dude! Long live the Republic!
I'm personally fascinated by Form II, and would probably gravitate towards it. But I'd still study Form III very well as it's the most useful in practicality
I feel the same way
I love learning about the 7 forms of lightsaber combat.
Mine would probably be:
Form 2: Combat.
Form 4: Flexible and mobile.
Form 6: General Knowledge of all the forms/Dual-Blade Fencing.
From the art I've seen the early Je'Daii used an actual sword with a lightsaber style edge.
Yes, those are the force swords of old. In the days before the lightsaber and proto-saber, they would empower their sword with their force energy.
Jedi: they can't really sneak attack anyone..
Anakin: stabs Merrick in the back aboard the Coronet
Ahsoka: Stabs Sobeck in the back in the Citadel
Like Master like Padawan
Obi wan uses flag of truce to win against general loathsome
Anakin fakes surrendered to destroy the ryloth blockade
Bunch of degenerates 🤣
@@GenerationTech well they are all from Dooku's lineage, learned from the best 😂😂
@@devo1977s "Dooku, why are you smiling? We're losing!"
"Can't help it. proud of my Padawan, Grand-padawan, and great-grandpadawan."
Dooku's style makes the most sense for lightsaber fight, but I think that how they fight is very influenced by fact that when they film those movies, they have real sticks that are not that light and point of balance is not that great as if it was real lightsaber. In modern starwars projects, they use sabers with effects like you can buy, it's pretty heavy and with terrible point of balance, I think it's part of the reason why lightsaber fights now look more like longsword fights, because it's not just lightsaber handle + added later in postprocess, they have to really fight with something that is pretty bulky and heavy.
I had a lot of "toy sabers" in my hands and all of them (even expensive ones) are very bad, that core is always the same or very similar with button in the worst place and grip is mostly down, which would work if it was laser, but it's stick in reality and it's point heavy, that's why they can't fight one handed when they film it. In older movies, sabers were 100% fake, there was no problem with point of balance or where to hold it to not toucing on/off button, it was better for film making, I don't know why they use those "toy sabers" in modern Disney projects.
It would be so cool if they introduced lightsaber forms in Jedi 3.
Form 6 did have some crazy powerful users though. Most of them were from the far more tumultuous periods and refined the telekinetic and similar powers to an equal weapon to the lightsaber itself. Namely, Reven and Exar Kun. Both darksiders, but both used form 6 to take full advantage of their power potential. But Clone Wars era users were far weaker as you have noted consistently.
Form V and Form VII are my favorites. If I were a Jedi/Sith or other Force Warrior with a Lightsaber, I'd have gunned to master these two forms for sure.
My personal favorite is form 5 Djem So. I've always enjoyed a more powerful attacks in video games, and this form along with 7 kinda fit my aesthetic of combat
17:14 Clone Wars, not Galactic Civil War 😉
Fantastic video! I participated a whole bunch in a Sith RP group for a while where lightsaber forms were an important piece of deciding how our character fought, and this video would have been extremely useful then! Also, what a lucky find, finding Dooku’s lightsaber in a Serenno garage sale. I wonder who brought it back from Coruscant . . .
I loved Kotor 2 which added lightsaber forms as stat modifies. I really did switch forms depending on the combat scenario.
I just used the force modifiers.
Very good video brotha
19:25 and that is exactly my argument for why I think Mace Windu didn’t die going out that window.
I was 11 upon the release of ep. 4 back in 77 saw it 13 Saturday in a row
When hearing about lightsaber forms (jedi/sith basically are martial artists in my opinion in this regard) -> I recall that old saying, something like = "when I knew nothing about the martial arts a punch was just a punch, a kick was just a kick ... when I became a practitioner a punch was not just a mere punch, a kick was just not a mere kick any more ... when I reached masterhood, a punch became just a punch, a kick became just a kick again" = meaning true masters are not bound by form, etc. -> remember Bruce Lee, and his jeet-kune-do stance/philosophy about martial arts, which can be applied here too -> IMO all jedi/sith are eventually aiming to reach that level, perfect themselves to this level ...
anakin's form during the clone wars was djem so but he created a variant that got around djem so primary weakness lack of mobility by adding ataru footwork and movements into his attacks when he turned into vader he further improved on this by adding makashi to his style creating a hybrid form that was nearly unstoppable there are several videos on this it seems like the most successfull duelist are those people who learn multiple forms and combine aspects of them into a personel style for example anakin,ashoka,obi wan,darth vader
its wild that I've been watching you for years just to add to my star wars knowledge.
Thanks for this video, now i will test form VII against my master!
17:07 wasn’t Exar Kun a form 6 practitioner? Wasn’t he the best duelist in his era?
The forms are just cool lore. But i find it interesting how in the Clone Wars era they are so different from before, 1,000 years of peace changing them. Niman was clearly a powerful form as we know people in the Old Republic used it and those guys weren't playing, sith and Jedi were constantly fighting, but after that long peace the Jedi seemed to have lost what made it so strong.
Inversely Ahsoka and Windu adapted what are basically completely new form to adapt to their own circumstances rather than what would be 'practical' when Malak send his Dark Jedi after you or whatever.
Yeah Niman seems to have been diluted down over that thousand year period of peace. Technically speaking it seems to me to be the most practical, as you can adapt it to your current situation and environment. Perhaps the Jedi of the prequel era simply learned and mastered the basics of Niman without spending the full ten years to achieve complete mastery, resulting in what is essentially the red shirt of lightsaber forms
Great video but I'd say Soresu's big downfall would be Shien/ Djem So. The power attacks could eventually beat through the defenses and make an opening. Had Anakin kept his head he could have beaten Obi-Wan in time. Dooku the master of Makashi couldn't break through Obi-Wan's Soresu defense in episode III and had to resort to force abilities to incapacitate him.
1:53, To an extent, this is true, but a Force-sensitive’s clairvoyance wasn’t the only factor to often unnatural dexterity and reflexes, as they could also temporarily enhance their physical attributes with their telekinesis, including speed (resulting in what known as “Force Speed” or “Force Dash”), if they knew how to, 12:58, though admittedly to a limited degree, and the strength of an individual’s Force connection, 14:46, and the extent of their own innate physical attributes often determining how much these attributes can be enhanced (18:00, unless, of course, they were channeling intense emotions instead of just willpower to further enhance this effect). This augmented physicality and an individual’s skill as using it is also a prominent factor in an individual’s success in a fight beyond just martial or strategic prowess.
4:21, This, combined with the extrasensory perception innate to Force-sensitive (2:04, In a way, Force-sensitives are like Spiderman in their physical and sensory abilities), is how someone like Kit Fisto can manage to be so successful while using the most basic of combat forms, but also is why he was quickly bested by Palpatine, whose Force connection and skill at utilizing it was far more advanced than his.
12:22, Each of the forms also tend to focus on specific attributes (and strategies applying said attributes) and complimenting individuals who already possess certain attributes (Form 5 emphasizing strength, Form 2 emphasizing dexterity, Form 3 emphasizing stamina and endurance, or both Form 4 and Form 7 emphasizing speed and agility).
They should canonize the existence of a short list of officially recognized Force meditation techniques
Technique 1: a style of meditation that allows one to focus their Force abilities
Technique 2: a meditation technique for strengthening the bond between Force user and their lightsaber (that way we can fill the plot hole of lightsaber physics by saying different Jedi want different weightiness)
Technique 3: a Jedi practice for connecting to the Light Side of the Force
Technique 4: a Sith alternative to technique 3
Technique 5: a martial based Force meditation that is forbidden to both Jedi AND Sith as it leads to unnatural growth independent of the Force
Why would the Sith forbid technique 5?
@@grahamturner2640 cuz they’d be evolving as martial artists, not as Force wielders. And it’d just be a reminder that Old Republic Commandos only needed tactics to slaughter ancient Sith Acolytes
I'd have to go with Form II and Trakata. They seem perfectly complementary to one another.
Kreia from KOTOR II had good explanations on the lightsaber forms.
The really interesting thing about Niman is that it's essentially only as good as it's user. While the other forms guarantee an advantage when utilised in their ideal environment (Makashi against a single opponent, Soresu against a barrage of blaster fire etc.), a Niman practitioner needs to be creative and to think outside of the box at all times, and have a high affinity with force techniques. That's why practitoners such as Revan, Exar Kun, Starkiller, or Jedi Battlemaster Kao Cen Darach were some of the greatest fighters to have ever lived, as they wrung every single drop of potential out of Niman. Niman was weak during the clone wars because the jedi using it weren't fighters, they were consulars, people who needed basic self-defense but would otherwise have non-combat duties, especially diplomatic and peacekeeping missions that required a different skillset. It's personally my favorite form because of how badass it is to incorporate so many force powers into one's fighting style, also because the form encourages the use of Jar'kai.
Fun fact, the reason Count Dooku holds his lightsaber like a fencer is because the actor, (Sir Christopher Lee) is a fencer.
> "This is actually Count Dooku's lightsaber, I was his apprentice once... and in true Sith tradition killed him and took everything of his as my own."
10:38 Count Dooku: Whoo the FOOOK is this guy???😂😂😭
I'd do a hybrid form. Form 2 and form 5 shien variant for blast reflection.
Can't you take Niman to an extreme level though and make it more a jack of all trades form, or something that can flexibly utilize every form you need at any given moment?
well yes, there's Dooku and Darth Vader for you to examine, or Kyle Katarn and Darth Caedus if taking things even further.
@@quangtrungbui675Revan is also a master of form 6. Granted he knew all the forms into his life as a Jedi, as a sith, and when he turned back into a Jedi.
@@nightwing2032 "knew" is one thing, mastery is another thing. I kinda like that Revan guy since he was the inspiration for Darth Bane to mold his Rule of Two mantra, one of the most critical rules being masterful and enthusiastic refining both physical combat and the Force. That's one reason I don't like Plagueis and Sidious so much while being a fanboy of Darth Caedus.
The funny thing about lightsaber forms is that none of the stunt coordinators actually consider them when doing the choreography for fight scenes. There is no "Ooh this is Soresu" or "Ooh this is Makashi", it's all about what looks best on the screen, not what would be 'effective' in a fight. The forms were made up after the fact to justify the way fights looked. Dooku fights the way he does because he's an old distinguished English gentleman, and they would fight with something more like a cutlass or sabre.
Amazing as always Alan! (Not sure if I spelled your name right)
> "...the taste of Jedi Younglings."
I can tell from the look on your face that you didn't enjoy the taste of youngling flesh.
I don’t think lightsabers are weightless because we see the mandolorian so I think it’s more like a regular sword with 2 edges and blunt sides that you can’t see through the blinding light. I mean for example when look is fighting Darth Vader for the last time his saber bounces off of the railing which makes me believe it has a blunt side that is hidden
That's because in the original trilogy they were instructed to treat them as if they weighed as much as a sword. When episode 1 came out, George Lucas changed this direction. We can thank Maul
I've always thought that they were kinda weightless but they were hard to control...kinda like when you try to control two powerful cant see it but you can feel it. Using the force helped you control it...someone without training could take a light saber to the face...kinda like when I was a kid and hit myself with nun chucks when swinging them...
@@toddsmith5316 I've been running with a variation on that hypothesis: that the reason everybody doesn't use the technology is that a lightsaber is too compact to be practical for normal people: the plasma containment field which keeps the energy in "sword form" produces unpredictable torque unless you add enough safety equipment to bring it up to the size and bulk of the mining laser it's basically descended from. So anybody can just hold a lightsaber with the blade ignited, but as soon as you move it the hilt starts twisting out of your hand unless you're moving it in one of the right set of directions... and the right directions keep changing... and the faster you're moving it the worse the problem gets.
This neatly matches a lot of what we see from the original films: anybody can hold one, anybody can try to carefully cut something with one (but it's a tool they wouldn't pick if anything else was available), but a regular user, even somebody trained to use a sword, who's lacking either massive mechanical grip strength or an instinctive awareness of how it's about to behave would honestly have a decent chance of decapitating themselves if they gave it one good swing. It also could add an interesting mental aspect to the already precognitive nature of lightsaber dueling: not all of the movements you're physically trained in will actually be available at an effective level at any instant, and every time your saber makes contact with an opponent's the two of you are further restricting each other's next few movements.
@@ImUnadjusted Its been established countless times both in the UE and the new canon that lightsabers have weight.
Its not a frozen laser, its a magnetically contained stream of plasma.
The plasma itself weighs only a few grams, but the magnetic energy field shaping the blade creates drag when in motion, creating the illusion the weight for the person swinging it.
I've always tried to draw real world parallels to the various forms.
Shii Cho - German dussack. German swordmasters used to say that the dussack was the first weapon that any man should learn because everything else builds on that.
Makashi - Rapier, obviously. This is because Christopher Lee was a classically trained fencer, so Dooku's style leaned heavily into that.
Soresu - Chinese jian. It's the straight sword often seen in Tai Chi and Wushu. That's where Obi-Wan's famous stance comes from.
Ataru - Chinese dao. These are the curved sabers seen in Chinese martial arts. The whirling, sweeping strikes just seem to fit.
Shien/Djem So - Katana/longsword. It's no secret that the fight choreography in the original trilogy drew heavily on kendo. Both katanas and longswords make heavy use of two handed strikes that employ a push-pull leverage effect to increase power.
Niman - ??? Not exactly sure what to put here. It's supposed to be the MMA of styles, drawing elements of other forms. So in theory, Niman could look radically different for each practitioner.
Juyo/Vaapad - Escrima. The description of rapid, staccato motions and seemingly unconnected strings of attacks just brings Filipino martial arts to mind. That rapid fire stick fighting is insane.
16:55 Non-Contact fighters vs MMA champions
Allen! Allen !Al! That gopher is classic funny!😅
this just makes me want a light saber fighting game in which you can can change forms mid fight like in ghost of tsushima
14:30 Appreciate the Auralnauts reference.
Well, a lot of Jedi used multiple forms or switched throughout their lives. Obi-wan started with Form 4 but switched the 3 after Qui Gon's Death but was still proficient in the form after (Obi wan has also been shown to use form 2 against Dooku and form 5 against Maul and Savage Oppress during the clone wars). Ahsoka also started with form 4 which she transitioned into form 5 which she learned from Anakin.
I think you are confusing the foul, and even the épée and small sword, with a rapier around 07:30, which was actually (usually) fairly weighty, as a rule.
Hey just wanted to say that i love your videos and just wanted ask for a video on cal kestis’s lightsaber forms and lore. I think he has a bunch of a lore surrounding him that no one seems to care to spotlight on
Shouldn't you have gotten count dooku's saber while scavenging the wreckage of the invisible hand?
Form I: Shii-Cho - The Way of the Sarlac (Balanced & Disarming)
Form II: Makashi - The Way of the Ysalamir (Fencing Duel & Mental Duel)
Form III: Soresu - The Way of the Mynarc (Situational Awareness & Blaster Counter)
Form IV: Ataru - The Way of the Heart Bat (Forced Fueled & Speedy Acrobatics)
Form V: Shein / Djem So - The Way of the Crate Dragon (Power Strikes & Physical Powerful)
Form VI: Ninam - The Way of the Rancor (Force Fighters & Diplomat Jedi)
Form VII: Juyo / Vapad - The Way of the Vornskr (Raid-Boss & Strong Emotional Fighting)
I disagree or wish you described Form VI and Form VII better, personally. I would plainly state, as described back in legends at least, it's a "Jack of all trades, master of none" (In regards to its familiarity with the other Forms on a basic or maybe adept forms depending on mastery). Its main pro is it's adaptability to many environments.
Form VII: I would have stated more that it's main Pro is that it's the most aggressive Form of all lightsaber forms and is one of the best at breaking a Form III defense.
The downsides, leaves you open to counters (Form II for instance or Form V Djem So)
Exar Kun, Darth Maul, and Galen Marek are the best examples of the practioners of Form VI and Form VII and they dont necessarily follow your description of both Forms.
This is a great explanation
I would like to see you do a star wars video on the marital arts styles that exist in the star wars galaxy. I think that would be interesting to watch after seeing this video.
Are there canonical cuts and guards for each of these styles? Aside from Form 5, which is word for word just German Longsword, and Makashi, which is explicitly something like side sword or broadsword fencing, we don't know much about the actual forms.
3:53 something in the background falls past his window
Form 2 is my favorite simply because of Count Dooku, I just love the way that guy fights and how unique his lightsaber is with the curved hilt; well that and he managed to overcome two of the forms three biggest weaknesses, those being blaster deflection and fighting multiple opponents.... but as Anakin showed, Dooku couldn't overcome Form 2's third weakness, that being generating momentum and withstanding form 5 power strikers.
Anakin was the Master of Form V due to his immense strength, but more importantly, his speed. Dooku overcame every other opponent he faced who used Form V, as well as easily handling some of the strongest lightsaber duelists ever. But the combination of that strength and speed was too much in a singular instance. Dooku's Form II has no weaknesses. It's just that he finally came up against someone in Anakin in ROTS he could not handle. One duel does not a weakness make.