ENTP Personality Type Advice

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @PersonalityHackerPodcast
    @PersonalityHackerPodcast  5 років тому +9

    More ENTP Advice: www.personalityhacker.com/results-entp
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    • @neurophilosophers994
      @neurophilosophers994 4 роки тому +1

      I’m an INTP but I am more F so INXP lately. And I’m unsure if I’ve been through an XNTP phase with E or not. I’ve analyzed many people and every goes through 4 phases for each subtype in their life. And I have noticed you stay in the last phase for the rest of your life maybe loss of plasticity in the brain. So I want to know if I’ll end up in this XNTP phase or if I went through it already and didn’t realize it ?

    • @munchkinhut
      @munchkinhut Рік тому

      Maybe you shouldn't spend a bunch of time telling us how bad this assessment is and a few minutes making it without the fear of silence

  • @cecidoo4003
    @cecidoo4003 4 роки тому +373

    "youre an ENTP; if you think you've run out of options you're probably depressed" SO TRUE LOL (fr tho)

    • @Lyllie_
      @Lyllie_ 4 роки тому +10


    • @rhodosu7937
      @rhodosu7937 4 роки тому +10

      Ik I felt so called out

    • @slimemold4767
      @slimemold4767 3 роки тому +4

      oh ya, i was like wait....oh

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +24

      You know it's bad if an ENTP has run out of options!
      NON-BELIVER: the path stops and there is a cliff!
      ENTP: Well I will climb down the cliff!
      NON-BELIVER: There is a large lake in front of you!
      ENTP: Ok I will swim to the other side!
      NON-BELIVER: There are crocodiles
      ENTP: Is there a boat?
      ENTP: I will walk round!
      NON-BELIVER: It's a big lake?
      ENTP: I will go round anti-clockwise! In water sandles it will make it more of a challenge!
      NON-BELIVER: it's 20 miles
      ENTP: It could be worse it could have been 21 miles!

    • @kpritchard2043
      @kpritchard2043 3 роки тому +1


  • @RR64434
    @RR64434 3 роки тому +123

    You know you’re an ENTP when you are watching this video and about the 15 min mark your start fast forwarding the video and when you stop you hear something interesting and then rewind it a bit to get more context... then you have to rewind back a little more because something else caught your attention... then before you know it you are back to where you first fast forwarded.

  • @lenka4031
    @lenka4031 4 роки тому +196

    Thank you for talking faster, Sincerely an entp

  • @broadstreetbum
    @broadstreetbum 4 роки тому +236

    I’m glad you guys break this stuff down. Before I understood my functions, I thought I suffered from a bunch of mental illnesses. A.D.D, Autism from being obsessed with patterns. I recently thought that I might be Bipolar. My whole life I would get insane bursts of motivated energy, i’m talking borderline euphoric with an idea, or activity. The passion was so strong that I became convinced it was going to change my life. As the enthusiasm drained day by day, and I was left staring at a 500 dollar instrument (or whatever it is this month) I didn’t want to learn anymore, I became really depressed. Turns out i’m just an ENTP.

    • @nanadork5746
      @nanadork5746 4 роки тому +15

      Broadstreetbum omg so me :D before I took a test to find out I am entp i just thought I was weird, something is wrong with me, or I was just a bad person. My mom often criticized parts of my character as „laziness“, „lack of interest“ etc but it turns out, that’s just the way I am

    • @sierrafarnum9689
      @sierrafarnum9689 4 роки тому +15

      Definitely still get checked out. Nothing sounds strange from your description, but obviously any personality type can have a mental illness. People who are bipolar go through either hypomanic or manic sections, and the two most common markers for these are increased goal oriented behavior and decreased need for sleep. In mania you start having delusions or hallucinations, but hypomania is harder to catch, because it doesn’t require these. If you find yourself going through depression and bouts of goal oriented happier than the average person bursts, go to a therapist.

    • @percival2726
      @percival2726 4 роки тому +1

      Plplppplpklllllloccopllplkpllppllpllplplppppppplplppl back vppppllpplllllpplplplp vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv cppplllllpvcllllpplppcklpppllppplklpllllllvclcppllllllkppplplpvpppllplpklpppplplplplvppllkpcpppplppplpppppcppppkppllplpllplplbcpllpplplppkpllllpcplvlpvccvppvpppvllkvcpplvlplklplpppppllvplvpçppllplppvppllvlpppvlplpkplpppllvpvclppkpppllppppllpllpplpcllpppvcppkplplpppplpolpllplopppkplppplplpppkpoll bc bcpplkllppplllpkkvvpllplllllpplpplpkplppoolpkppplpplplplkllololllplvlpppplpvppcpkppvpplppl Bob cçpllplllcppvpllclllpkvkklp vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv vkpkllppllkpcllllllllkvpklplkpllklllllpkppppllplkkpcppppppppllppppllcpvkpplpkpplkp cover lcppplppplpppllppplolpkppvkplpplclplkpplllpllllpppppkpp club clllppplollplppplpcpllcopppppvpppppplplpppvpplplplpkkvlplllpplolppplpplpppplpkk vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv cklolpcplolklkkpvokkplllpllppllpplllppkvkckllpvppplplpllpplppppppclpplpppkcpppcklplllvvlplcpllplvlplplppllpppppvpppklpplckpllppllpkllppppplcpppppppplpkplplpllppkkkpkplpllcklplplplllcpkllllpplppllçplpbçlllppppllçpppvplppppppppklplppbvvpppcllpppplplpclppppplpplppvplppplplllppllpplollpl beach ckpppkpppppkppkpplpkvplklkpvplpvkppllpplllppvplppllplkpllpckpppkklpplkkcplplppppppplpppplppllkppplplcppppllpppkkplpplpclplppppkklkkkvklklkplpclplpppbclklpplppplpkpppoppkppvcppkppppcplplkppklpclpppppkpppppplppplpkpllkcklvppkcpplplpkpvlkplkpllppklpppcpklppl.kkcplklpppkl vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv clmllpkolpokpppkplppppcpkkppvplppppplplçlp beyond ckkoppllllpppkcpkplpkpplplcpppplpppplppckcpllpppopcpklppppkpkkckllkvlplkppk vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv ckpklklpkkklckvlpplkkpvmppppkclkkppllplppplplkpkpplplppcpplpllvppppppvkkllkpppppklppplpvppkppkvllkplcpplppplllppppplp been pvklppplkpplkplloclpkppkpkolkckppkcplpcppcpkckkkklkpppcpppllkkkoplpkpkkcppkcpvk night vppplpppppllllccpvpkcppkllplkckpppkkplpmppcpcplcçlkplllpplcclklplllklpllpkpkckclkkpklpclklpvvkcpppkllpklcppvl vcvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbvvvvv kclcppçvlpkclkcpcpccpcpcckpkcplclkplcllpkv cook çpkpcppkllpplclcplcçpvckkkppvclpcpkcpvclp lololololololololol vcpc llc ccckvvppkckcvcpplppvplllppkplpvplklv

    • @DERIVATIVES-mh6ej
      @DERIVATIVES-mh6ej 4 роки тому +9

      It's possible that you don't continue sudden passions is because there're not enough people congratulating you in your progress in that passion; we do have FE as a tertiary function after all. Coinciding to that, you are likely not getting enough feedback about your progress and, therefore, will rely only on yourself to determine how good or knowledgeable you are about a subject. But that brings a problem, ENTPs regularly assume that they know enough or at least know everything they want to about something and, as soon as that occurs, lose interest. The best way to deal with this is to constantly tell yourself that there is always something new to learn, there is always a new perspective you don't know about yet. Another good way of fixing this is to try and get people to criticize and complement you in the subject of the passion. Doing these things will allow you to stay fascinated and enthusiastic about anything.

    • @slimemold4767
      @slimemold4767 3 роки тому +8

      it finally makes sense to me why Ill make a super complicated schedule then stick it in a drawer and never look at it again

  • @ZestyWithTheZa
    @ZestyWithTheZa 4 роки тому +448

    Are you even an ENTP if you're not in the comment section during the podcast??

  • @petrvasicek6857
    @petrvasicek6857 4 роки тому +243

    How many ENTPs were pausing the video every 2-10 min so they could agree, disagree or expand on something mentioned in the video, inside of their heads?
    Btw, the best place to start self-improvement for me was reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Highly recommended

    • @ayupermata1367
      @ayupermata1367 4 роки тому +3

      I'll consider that book

    • @Marteen40
      @Marteen40 4 роки тому +7

      swear I paused at 3:13 that is sooo something I would say....no one cares how you look. We have real intel prepared for the people...feels good to hear someone talk this way.

    • @DreBars
      @DreBars 4 роки тому +4

      Stoicism is changing my life, Im almost a year in.. its given meaning and discipline i never had, or could find in my life

    • @TemplarX2001
      @TemplarX2001 4 роки тому +3

      Currently sitting on my desktop
      Got about halfway through and i haven't looked at it since 😅

    • @efborkov
      @efborkov 3 роки тому +1

      I'm at the point in my life where I still love to learn from a seasoned Professor, but I'm obsessed with research, (however rudimentary, (usually not tho) hence the inherent lack of deep knowledge of the subject, but rather the high points.......then I use my gift of the correlation of unconventional wisdom, totally significant & confoundingly perturbed that such an uncredentialed novice........I MUST overspeak the scripted pro to annoying highlight these pertinent elements, had you yourself had delved down into your own "scripted" delivery.
      Hence, I begin to control the discussion, I'd rather provide radical unexplored yet underpinning issues to get through to ppl, especially so I don't need to calculate the fractional amt of my time & energy was actually spent learning something new in that "progressive" lecture.
      Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to learn new concepts, but if "compassion to an enabling fault" is visible, I just cant STFU!
      some cases in point:
      Is anxiety or hypertension an exacerbating symptom of it's very causation, anxiety, or vice versa? *sounds plausible response. NO, WRONG each exacerbate the other, but theres no confirmation of the dynamics in that cycle yet. YET MH DRs don't GAF really!?!
      MH - Since when has holistic mind/body/spirit EVER been considered independently to achieve good health?!
      That's right! when the legal drug dealers greased enough palms. And the FDA provides approval after they have developed a "risk avoidance" policy by labeling nasty drugs with Black label warnings to "take at your own risk" that the "pusher" never mentions or checks on systemic adverse reactions to.
      sounds kinds criminal to me.
      What!? never heard of the FDA's Black Box Label seal of approval? EXACTLY!!
      Lastly, I'm dominating the meetings lately because I just gotta cut right to the chase over the "speak easy" coach who is too sweet & educated to relate.
      "The urgency to fix your latest mistake is rn!
      You're a good person, but pls, stop with the nonsense BS right now to self-exhonerate & deflect, cuz I ain't giving that to you!!
      Imma provide you with the path of least resistance, the healthiest method, & provide some easy SOLUTIONS for your trajectory towards peace & happiness & to veer you from your current path towards your & ur daughters emotional destruction.......so put on your Red Hot Cape, SuperMom & handle it ASAP.
      This is your opportunity! Here & now! Now that I provided you all that info, research, child psychology insight, & the easiest way to help her, NOW it's on YOU, MOTHER..........and not your distraught rebellious sassy, but good daughter's so it is absolutely YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY if you fail her again, & not just your teen's attitude, so choose wisely my friend, but self-loathing & guilt are soul sucking.
      Solutions!!! There's just no profit in that ridiculous concept!
      I give a 1,000 for every one I recv. Like a lottery!! You just said the exact opposing argument that I now need to effectively render invalid. sweet
      Are ENTPs the only type that see options, angles, opportunities, hope, indignation & refusal to shoulder the burden or imposition forced upon you, possess creativity in strategic planning, etc?
      Cuz I totally annoy most egos that my BF Mouth I can't just STFU to observe the professional & compassionate "train wreck" occurring, that's actually pretty ZZZZZZZ to me simultaneously!
      Never had composure, decorum, and any desire for tempering of my emotions or my reflexive approach of subtle, gentle, soft & calm verbal sparring that totally depends on the infractions, offending parties, ability to overcome, etc.
      Then, my tongue morphs into a forked condescending weapon to alert ppl to their own radical truths that they now hate me for cuz their broken 2 ton ego was given a shocking detonator of honesty that they must ruminate over, when they were so self-assured just before it.
      But I NEED to dial it back now! like Mrs Beaver, or better Alice Cramden!! Instead......
      Dr. & Mrs. House? LOL
      Searching for the greatest mystery in my life..........how to chill myself TF down in public without flinching at ppl's unkindness towards others! it's a real struggle for me.
      It seems that everyone has become soooo unamused by everything, after I just readjusted my vision to sunlight after seclusion & I'm a making my own party, dammit!!
      And worse, I retort to sideways comments like the village idiot to mitigate their professional yet irrelevant canned answer that everyone eats, that I find quite fun to do & that's to my detriment.
      I'll repeat them 2x each subsequent time &then remind them of what I just said five mins ago that negates that option. Like Pavlov's dogs.
      My tolerance for such runarounds & negligence, or even just tangential small talk will be the death of my ENTP Spirit!! NAHHHHH, not MY prob.
      Evasive maneuvering needs improvement.
      But, I go one autopilot & its reflexive because I assume its shitty ppls MO that usually never get called out on.
      it's like you saying, But Why? & they respond "because A comes before B then C, it's a process (theirs being totally outdated by decades but it's the law of the land, fallible or not. not my job to care!)
      Ewwww, idea!!!......what if I find an extremely MORE obnoxious & sarcastic, blunt, crass, & arrogant "copartner" to upstage my own indiscretions of wanton & perhaps enjoyable offensive communicating style. lol.
      See! Theres always hope inspiring opportunities!
      Disclaimer: Don't get all insulted or cling to narrow minded convictions about your perception of this.
      Just comprehend that you're totally clueless to which sentiments are truly authentic and which are comedic.
      Yes, I am an ENTP female!
      Inherently "atypical," exactly what we strive for.

  • @imfristyh4008
    @imfristyh4008 4 роки тому +195

    im literally the stereotype of entp life sucks to the point where im making my life a "game" in a way and i focus on how to make my character the best in the game xddd

    • @7imonUP
      @7imonUP 4 роки тому +5

      imFristyh wow it’s the same here!!

    • @toshsauce9533
      @toshsauce9533 4 роки тому

      watch wes watson on youtube if you are not gyming everyday i don't believe you can max out your character! without that sort of action!

    • @williammckinney5213
      @williammckinney5213 4 роки тому +5

      Yoooo! I see the same but I say the only stat I’ve maxed out is Luck. Because I’m a really lucky person.

    • @ssarniguet9320
      @ssarniguet9320 4 роки тому +4

      it's the funniest way to see it, and I need the fun to live

    • @imfristyh4008
      @imfristyh4008 4 роки тому

      @@ssarniguet9320 exactly :)

  • @miljanaantic8712
    @miljanaantic8712 3 роки тому +64

    As an ENTP, I often compare us to cats. You know how people say: "Curiosity killed the cat". Our instinct to explore life deeply often brings us into trouble. Because that is fun for us, we tend to forget about the consequences, often making us literally waste time on things that are kinda pointless, sometimes even harmful. There's the same trouble when it comes to dating because manipulative people are interesting to observe. Debating with them, asking provocative questions, analyzing, and connecting the dots in their mindset is very intimidating to us because manipulators would always give us something to think through about. I realized I was hanging out with many manipulators for years, just because I was really curious to learn more about their mindset. Unfortunately, I caught myself being emotionally bonded to some of them because exploring and learning were more fun than my "perfect" intuition.

    • @shanz4273
      @shanz4273 3 роки тому +2

      OMGGGGG I always talk about the "curiosity killed the cat or was the cat already dead?" in the same that if we aren't curious enough are we actually already dead? but also the same as if we're too curious it can get us dead... hahaha
      anyways I grew up with manipulative parents and im not sure if that was part of the influence of me being an ENTP love this commentary.

    • @sarahs8371
      @sarahs8371 3 роки тому

      Very true! For me though, I don't have as much interest in people.

    • @richsackett3423
      @richsackett3423 3 роки тому +2

      @@sarahs8371 Then you're likely not an ENTP.

    • @sarahs8371
      @sarahs8371 3 роки тому

      Rich Sackett That's hilarious, mbti is flawed though.

    • @richsackett3423
      @richsackett3423 3 роки тому +2

      @@sarahs8371 So is language. Still gonna use it.

  • @paulfadden8834
    @paulfadden8834 4 роки тому +79

    30:30 The getting intimate fast can be an emotional trap for an ENTP if the relationship doesn't work out or if the other person is wrong for you, because it is easy to get into, but much harder to get over, because of how deep we go. It's like the difference of jumping out of the plane and enjoying the free-fall, followed by parachute ride and enjoying the free-fall and then the canopy not opening.

    • @slimemold4767
      @slimemold4767 3 роки тому +3

      oh ya, I feel like Ill say too much and just instantly regret it and i hate myself for wanting to open up to people because I feel like i shouldn't need them

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +3

      @@slimemold4767 You should be careful who you open up to, as most people will not be able to deal with too much information or complex thought,, it's quite easy to see who you can and can not talk to. I learnt this because I have had an interest in psychic/supernatural things and people turn off from that much quicker. Why do you worry about saying too much? How do you define too much? (talking for too long or saying more than maybe you should have?) . What do you regret? not saying what you should? As much as we are able to rely on ourselves in a way that other types can not, doesn't mean we don't need people around us! We all have family, friends and or work colleagues who we interact with, humans are social animals and spending time with other people is important. The most important thing to remember is be yourself, and you will find out who your friends really are. I would rather have 4-5 really good friends than 100's of bad ones and no good one's. A friend isn't someone who will listen while you are helping them out and never finding time when you need them. However even with good friends they can't always deal with our complexity.

    • @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239
      @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239 3 роки тому

      Paul Fadden use western and eastern astrology along with personality tests right out the gate to help you choose your best mates. It helps.

    • @jannis9494
      @jannis9494 Рік тому

      Pretty much 😅

  • @ifonlyunu994
    @ifonlyunu994 4 роки тому +66

    The ENTP is a trailblazer. Most of the time they are pushed out of the system and become entrepreneurs as a result.

    • @deeveevideos
      @deeveevideos 4 роки тому +12

      They always push us out but then they come crawling back begging us for help LOL

    • @XandiXDs
      @XandiXDs 4 роки тому +8

      Or Philosophers/Politicians/Physicists

    • @csanadczanik9710
      @csanadczanik9710 4 роки тому +8

      I'm literally planning on not going to college and becoming an enterpreneur despite my parents pushing me to school.
      The trailblazing part is kind of easy but the fear of success, man that is pure pain.

    • @khantrollz5655
      @khantrollz5655 3 роки тому +2

      @@csanadczanik9710 use college as a data center to push your entrepreneurial pursuits. I promise it’ll give some wild pursuable ideas! Use it as steps

    • @csanadczanik9710
      @csanadczanik9710 3 роки тому +1

      @@khantrollz5655 I really thought it out since my last comment. The reason I don't want to go to college is mainly because of my controlling parents. You are right in the database part for college and I have thought about it a lot. But I couldn't stand more years being controlled and that's the most important for me. I want to live in creation no matter if i succeed or not.

  • @v3g499
    @v3g499 4 роки тому +67

    She’s a hero for telling her parents the ultimate truth despite knowing that they will leave her. You honestly inspired me.

    • @simonmitchell9596
      @simonmitchell9596 3 роки тому

      Chris Stuckman

    • @inkerikavantera
      @inkerikavantera 3 роки тому

      As a Finn the whole concept sounds funny. It's a cultural thing. People are more shallow in U.S. In Finland being honest comes with the package. You don't need to come up with a theory for that.

    • @jawadb9769
      @jawadb9769 3 роки тому

      Wrong, its not healthy. Live your own life, your a grown up. And let others live the way they want to live. Keep your connection with parents. Your going to have problems with your own kids and others unless you do that.

    • @jawadb9769
      @jawadb9769 3 роки тому

      Unless your a communist of course and you cannot accept others the way they want to live.

    • @inkerikavantera
      @inkerikavantera 3 роки тому +2

      @@jawadb9769 Wait what your comment makes no sense.

  • @RoopaDudleyPaintings
    @RoopaDudleyPaintings 5 років тому +52

    Having a solid truthful relationship with yourself is worth sacrificing other fake and shallow relationships.

  • @nickp3949
    @nickp3949 3 роки тому +15

    Trust me guys, work in sales. It’s the best life decision I’ve ever made. My job is actually very mundane typically, but because I interact with so many different types of people on a daily basis, able to show them the best qualities of who I am just by talking to them, it’s the most fulfilling satisfying thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even though I’m doing the same work, every day is completely different. And it’s not so much of a workload to where I get overwhelmed or annoyed, it’s just right. I mean it’s a job, there’s definitely pressure, but I’m 100% in my element. No joke, some people come back to buy something from me just because they want to talk to me. And yes, I’ve scored too from work. I get an ego boost every single day, because people just live talking to me. And because of my personality I can get away with saying pretty much anything (within reason of course, I’m not an idiot). I can flex my witty muscles. Trust me, just do it. You will become the best version of yourself.

  • @Marteen40
    @Marteen40 4 роки тому +27

    ENTP Woman here. Connected, relaxed and stimulated listening to this episode. New subscriber

    • @nikkiracks485
      @nikkiracks485 3 роки тому +1

      Thought this said “conceited, relaxed & stimulated” i was thinking YEP! Me too typical ENTP lmao

    • @Layniacsofficial
      @Layniacsofficial 3 роки тому

      @@nikkiracks485 lol

  • @dannyparkman9583
    @dannyparkman9583 4 роки тому +52

    He’s 100% correct. About looking for new insight. I’ll sift through a bunch of UA-cam videos just to learn one new thing. Hear one new piece of data.

  • @danielasalas1632
    @danielasalas1632 3 роки тому +17

    Omg i can not thank you enough for doing this. I'm extremely depressed because I felt like everything surrounding me is boring and set in stone. This helped me so much to look for a new perspective!

  • @markdesmond7630
    @markdesmond7630 4 роки тому +21

    Entp here and I’m so glad I clicked on this video. I actually feel understood and I’m glad I’m not alone.

  • @luckyempress7310
    @luckyempress7310 4 роки тому +36

    Omg yes the mental games that I played to keep myself from getting bored or to gain patience I definitely did the same thing at church. This really resonated with me

  • @paulfadden8834
    @paulfadden8834 4 роки тому +58

    28:00 because ENTPs rely so heavily on intuition we get to know people so quickly that I think a lot of people are intimidated by our intensity. I think Im right in saying we also have the see through people stare which contributes to that intensity. For me as an ENTP the intensity is exciting, where as for others it can be scary especially if they don't understand it.

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому

      @@sub.sa.3058 we love to talk! :)

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +3

      @@sub.sa.3058 Hi, Yes that makes sense, because that sounds very like me from the ENTP side, where I think INFP are scary is when they are extreme politically, because this is when they become feral! You have to base judgments on reality, not feelings! e.g. if the INFP was a vegan and therefore would chose to not save someones life because they ate meat, because that person was the enemy, or because they were a Trump supporter! In this situation, the reality is that person is about to die, the rest is irrelevant! I have been to India, Indonesia and Madagascar and seen real poverty. For many of those people they do not have the luxury of the privilege of choice, the way we do in the West, because they live hand to mouth!

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +2

      @@sub.sa.3058 As an ENTP I definitely spend a lot of time refining things, I would say I have an Agile mind. Some people find this hard because they like to agree some thing and have it stuck to, but if I see ways to improve I can't help myself. Also if I start a project I find it hard to keep it small. For example I am building a firepit. Most people would dig a hole, put bricks at the top and that's it. Mine is 3m diameter, dug 500cm into the earth, there will be air fed in below the fire like a rocket stove, and the hot air will flow through the bricks used for the seating area on the outside of the firepit which is 1m down. I also designed and got fabricated brackets for the sides of the area to hold the soil back. It's alot of work and has ended up being expensive, but it's going to be awesome.

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +1

      @@sub.sa.3058 I can accept there will be ENTPs out there who use their minds to take advantage of people, that is not why I do what I do! I do not think with my emotions, and therefore I do not tend to consider them when talking about things and have often ended up putting my foot in my mouth. This isn't because I don't understand peoples emotions, it's just because objectivity is more important to me, than subjectivity. If I am talking with someone about something I know is hard for them, like bereavement etc.. that's different, but especially when it comes to people who make life decisions and then lecture everyone else about why they should do the same, that's play time, and giving a FF at that point is out of the window! They are 100% allowed to make what ever decision that want in regards to themselves, but they have 0% right to do the same for me and the more they try the, further I will take it. However if I can see them getting to a vulnerable state I will back off, because going any further could have serious mental health effects, especially with religious people who use the religious structure to support themselves through their life! As an ENTP I will sometimes take a step back, but this is normally when the conversation is about something I know little about. However in a lot of situations I don't back down to think things through because I am thinking as we are talking. I don't tend to think about why I feel the way I do, because I know exactly why I feel how I do, there are things I question, but they tend to be external, not internal. I think this may be because I know who I am. What I may question is if an interaction went well, because I struggled to read the other person, e.g. if I am attracted to a biological women I might question how I think she felt.

    • @paulfadden8834
      @paulfadden8834 3 роки тому +1

      @@sub.sa.3058 I've hung round with stoners in the past and they always though it strange that I was on the same level as they were when they were high!

  • @ainsel98
    @ainsel98 4 роки тому +24

    50:00 -ish, not wanting to "look incompetent":
    my martial arts trainer always says "there are stupid questions, but it's better to be an idiot for two minutes than for the rest of your life"

  • @Layniacsofficial
    @Layniacsofficial 3 роки тому +4

    The whole talk about predicting the loss after being truthful is so relatable. I lost all my close relationship the day I spoke my truth. I ended up alone and if you ask me if it was worth it, my answer is hell yeah! I gained myself and I always felt untouchable now. Cant hurt someone who already died years ago and resurrected.

  • @Herenottherenow
    @Herenottherenow 3 роки тому +7

    As an ENTP you definitely nailed it. I don’t like people messing with my stuff and I’m very easily bored.

  • @TheSaigonSaint
    @TheSaigonSaint 4 роки тому +42

    Great podcast! I am ENTP and my only real interest is music, wanted to be a musician, but my family thought it is a waste of Time. So I received a degree in economics, a field I was never interested in just to make my parents proud, and to show them I am capable. I even work in the logistics industry because that is a normal job. Seems like that I drifted pretty far from my passion. After this, I Will do everything to be able stick to my standards and interests. I will start to become myself, and be proud of my uniqueness. Can't play roles anymore.

    • @imakro69
      @imakro69 4 роки тому +1

      same, i just dig music all the time, my prents always pushed me to play, but i never wanted to learn conventional instruments, i wanted and still want to learn the digital production, but man thats hard

    • @JstJaybeingJay
      @JstJaybeingJay 3 роки тому +3

      Why do we all ENTP's love music, Its my cocaine. Although I never wanted to be a musician.. but I love it so much. Definately don't want to do it as a profession more like something I like to do...

    • @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239
      @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239 3 роки тому

      TheSaigonSaint so fucko did you practice any new instruments lately? I own like 5 instruments but I don't play any of them particularly well. Might be time for me to get a music teacher. How about you?

    • @TheSaigonSaint
      @TheSaigonSaint 3 роки тому

      @@sub.sa.3058 I started to study music and progress pretty well. Practice and learn a lot.

    • @TheSaigonSaint
      @TheSaigonSaint 3 роки тому

      @@donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239 Fucko? Are you Joe Pesci ?... Well... Fuck you anyway.... On the other hand, no, I am guitar oriented not an instrument collector. Started to learn with a teacher a year ago. Overwhelmed and happy about it.

  • @emjhendrickson8290
    @emjhendrickson8290 5 років тому +19

    Wow i feel like you described my life Antonia. I just learned that im an ENTP. I always felt like there was something wrong me. I thought for a little while i might have aspbergers or a relating disability, which i dont. I do tend to be brutally honest and often have to bite my tongue. The good thing is i improve myself A LOT because of this behavior. So im beutally honest woth myself, not just seeing how others are. Being an ENTP ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! 😁😄😀😊😉

  • @scribs186
    @scribs186 4 роки тому +5

    40 year old ENTP here. Have spent the last 13 years working with the same very innovative tech company. What’s enabled me to remain here is Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose in the roles I have pursued. Also, finding roles which enabled ‘I’ntrepreneurship. The novelty of a new beginning is a real driving force. I’m now very aware that the novelty can burn out quickly so I tend to bolster my ranks with others who can help see projects through.

  • @Ahiseven
    @Ahiseven 3 роки тому +4

    I got ultimate goosebumps after hearing you guys mentioning the pillars of motivation, I have a forearm tattoo I got about 6 years ago with the words Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose embedded in a Compass (I’m a Surveyor).
    My fellow ENTP’s, follow your inner drive and seek REAL challenges, for me it was learning English and Migrating to Australia. After 4 years calling this beautiful country home, all I can say is, get your shit together and just go for it hahaha.

  • @ericwedin4154
    @ericwedin4154 4 роки тому +51

    I think ENTP’s are proned to atheism since we appear to always question everything, trying to find errors in the idea proposed. Just love to find conflicting proposals in concepts.

    • @Zingius
      @Zingius 3 роки тому +10

      I find myself in between since I also question atheism as much as religion.

    • @MiaumiauAffe
      @MiaumiauAffe 3 роки тому +6

      ENTPs should be agnostic my friend;)

    • @Zingius
      @Zingius 3 роки тому +2

      @@MiaumiauAffe that's the most stupid comment iv'e ever read! "should"

    • @sarahs8371
      @sarahs8371 3 роки тому +3

      I am a Christian ENTP, but yes I think we are more prone to being agnostic or atheistic.

    • @Abraham-gf1oi
      @Abraham-gf1oi 3 роки тому

      @@Zingius What’s there to question? I know it’s a difficult concept to grasp but there’s no alternative. Stories throughout religion have been copied and pasted throughout history with slight alterations and different names, that alone would be enough for me to mark off religion entirely. There are too many discrepancies, not to mention the contradictions and primitive way of life set up in the Bible… it’s honestly quite savage how we as a society and civilization can mark off Greek and Roman gods, but believe in Allah or Yahweh. The difference being the multiplicity in deities (lmao)

  • @ShakeITas
    @ShakeITas 3 роки тому +18

    As an ENTP I have 3 book tabs opened which I've read half through and I don't know which one to continue reading :D

    • @Layniacsofficial
      @Layniacsofficial 3 роки тому +1

      I drive my ISTP husband crazy with the tab thing so I found evernote. I clip all the articles and end up with hundreds of folders in there lol

    • @HateMeHard
      @HateMeHard 2 роки тому

      3 lol. As an ENTP-A, I have 111 windows open that are ½ read articles, political, crime, auto repair, borderline personality disorder, murder from 1968, Aquarius, how to, recipe, bulletproof vest isn’t knife proof etc. (that last one was super specific lol. I just learned that yesterday.) And that’s just one direction my boredom takes me. But we will eventually read them!

  • @dohaemoon6293
    @dohaemoon6293 5 років тому +5

    I’m ENTP working in multinational company and i think radical honesty is what really needed! Thank you Antonia i share a lot with you

    • @marioperez2879
      @marioperez2879 5 років тому +1

      Dohae Moon that’s why I always say, your internal truth gets revise and you can trust your gut more cause you learn not to lie to urself

  • @alexandralenzinger8482
    @alexandralenzinger8482 4 роки тому +17

    I admit that I can get hung up on semantics as an entp... especially if it’s some sort of directions that someone’s telling me. Not to be nit picky but to wrap my mind around exactly what I need to know. I totally relate to burn out when I’m done w something. I’m always the best at everything I try but then... ooo look! Something better!

  • @caligulawellington3171
    @caligulawellington3171 Рік тому +1

    Maybe being an ENTP is all about constantly trying to escape depression and failure while also constantly looking for validation, the truth and meaning with everything, but being hilarious about it at the same time as a way to cope and to feel validated.

  • @IssyVoca
    @IssyVoca 4 роки тому +4

    This describes my whole education/job history perfectly and all the struggle that comes with being bored too easily. Thanks for all the insights.

  • @thenashville5withchriseber738
    @thenashville5withchriseber738 4 роки тому +12

    "Intra-preneur"...I never realized why I was always making my own path at work. I am now an entrepreneur. I never had the opportunity to leverage it for my former employers. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @ienjoyapples
      @ienjoyapples 3 роки тому

      I'm a business owner and it's a great role for ENTPs. I have a team of 4, and my role is just to set goals, come up with plans to execute those goals, and delegate the busy work to my team. It's the perfect setup for an ENTP because you can think of the big picture while leaving the details to people who are more suited to that kind of work. You're constantly solving new problems and coming up with new solutions for getting around roadblocks. ENTPs can see how everything in a business is connected and how they affect each other. If you change one variable in a business it affects every other facet of your operations. ENTPs can can make sense out of this complex web of interconnected parts. It's very liberating being your own boss, setting your own schedule, creating your own projects. The hard part is being disciplined and holding yourself accountable, because you're not accountable to anyone else. Good luck with your business ventures!

    • @melphillips1608
      @melphillips1608 3 роки тому

      This! At times it just came naturally, other times I met great resistance but never gave up, but frantically panic if I sense this will be ‘taken’ away from me.

  • @cecidoo4003
    @cecidoo4003 4 роки тому +4

    Not even done with the video but wanted to comment on this before I forget: (I'm an ENTP) this whole video has been exteeemely relatable, and so satisfying to have you talk about so thank you :)
    But what I found especially relatable was what you were saying about the accuracy process, and getting extremely frustrated when someone or something gets in the way of our autonomy and power over a situation. I have struggled with this my whole life specifically when it comes to sharing space with other people.
    I cook a lot and so I'm in the kitchen a lot. When someone else comes in and leaves their dirty dishes and food everywhere it SETS ME OFF lol. It's not even that I care that much about things being clean. My room and personal space is actually quite messy and I don't care. But when I'm trying to operate in an environment in the most efficient and effective way possible( when cooking for example) and someone else interferes with that, it is very frustrating. I always kind of wondered why I cared so much about this when ENTPs are sort of known to be disorganized and messy, and now I know it's just because my autonomy and accuracy process is being messed with :)

  • @darkrebel123
    @darkrebel123 3 місяці тому

    When I was about 25 or 26 I made the conscious descision to embrace radical honesty and openness. Radical honesty with myself and others. It was hard. But now 10 years later at the age of 35, I can say that is one of the most important changes I ever made in my approach to life. It's a complete game changer. It's freeing and empowering, and it is ultimately an expression of authenticity, which makes you a much more interesting and charismatic person.
    One of the things I've always craved most in life is deep connection with people. The surface level connections bore me. Radical honesty and authentic expression have brought me to the place where I can actually connect deeply with almost anyone I meet and am interested in. Honesty and opennes leads to real connection.

  • @mprodesign1254
    @mprodesign1254 3 роки тому

    ENTP here. So much of what you said hits home on so many levels. I relate highly to getting back your sense of self. I had a major falling out with my family for a bit. I have been living with my parents again while looking for a house to buy out here and I literally feel like I lost completely who I am. They don't embrace my individuality of thought which is so pivotal my being and confidence. I can see myself drastically limiting my exposure to them once I finally find my property and get out of here. Oh and the being authentic through our radical honesty has helped me out so much lately. That confidence helps while dealing with those beginnings. Then people will know we crushed it without even knowing much about the subject but we learned it and put the puzzle together. Take on the modest leaning open mind.

  • @jefffairchild1854
    @jefffairchild1854 3 роки тому +4

    At 9 minute mark, it pretty much explains my whole life up until now. I've come back to stock trading several times after moving on to other businesses, but I think I've finally cracked it!

  • @paulfadden8834
    @paulfadden8834 4 роки тому +9

    12:30 I am an ENTP and can relate to everything you have said so far,, especially with direction. Where I think I differ is that I am ok as long as I am busy, even with repetition. However as soon as I am in a position where I don't have enough to do I get bored. I've even been sacked from jobs because they couldn't give me enough to keep me busy. Also because I worked as a contractor for 15 years and worked for so many companies, it now seems to be blocking me when I look for jobs.

  • @sarahelizabeth6053
    @sarahelizabeth6053 3 роки тому +1

    I definitely became a people pleaser and yet felt like at heart I wasn’t one. Ending an 18 year marriage that put me into a dark place and left me completely unfulfilled because none of my needs were meant has made me open my eyes. I have been acting like everything is fine and it wasn’t. Now is my time to truly find myself. Thank you for this lecture. I will be checking out the Radical Honesty book! ENTP here obviously!

  • @t.l1357
    @t.l1357 3 роки тому

    Omg. So glad I revisited my Myers Briggs results. This video is giving me much more confidence as a reformed people pleaser ENTP woman. I feel like my super power is exacting honesty in analysis of people's weaknesses. I hate that I can't wrap it up in a way that's more palpable naturally. I truly don't say things out of ego or malice. I've finally owned it and people have literally thanked me for identifying pain points about themselves and giving them hope through a list of ways for improvement. I normally only say things after relationships have had more time to build now. I'm also very accepting of other's criticisms of myself but I've always welcomed that. I think at a young age I realized other's don't like anything that can be perceived about them. I literally started suppressing not only my thoughts and actions but my way if life to be more acceptable. I almost list myself in that process. Great vid.

  • @robinguy7855
    @robinguy7855 2 роки тому +1

    Female Entp here. This definitely hits the nail on the head for me. The boredom and the having my own business. The getting 80 percent to the goal. The debating either side of An argument. It all definitely describes me. Never satisfied. If I complete one goal I’m ready to find a new one.

  • @sirbradfordofhousejones
    @sirbradfordofhousejones Рік тому

    That coloring page example immediately made me wince. I CANNOT handle that. My oldest kid was cool with that, but my youngest isn’t… and I have to REALLY grin and bear it. Excellent example.

  • @getyourmurderon
    @getyourmurderon 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks for this content. Maybe the only thing i'd suggest, add #entp to the keywords on the backend.
    Was refreshing to finally hear a non-toxic person discuss the matter. I've been that toxic entp, and i'd like to stay away from that.
    The Tuber that i first learned from, has tangents of toxic in their video. This makes the content, hard to digest because all i'm thinking "for a dude so aware, you're failing yourself".
    Thanks Antonia for your enlightenment and character. Joel, thanks for those breakdowns, questions, and observations.
    You two slayed it in this podcast.

  • @Berenartnet
    @Berenartnet 3 роки тому

    I really connected with your story half way in about losing your family. Not that I lost my own family, but I went through losing all my core friends, who, I thought, was a major emotional support network. After, I became very unapologetically "me". I felt no longer felt remorse or was made to feel bad or self-conscious about my "me-ness". Powerful stuff. Both liberating and also traumatizing, which also led to my current avoidant attachment style as a new challenge to overcome in my deeper relationships.

  • @Spearman1951
    @Spearman1951 4 роки тому +31

    As an aging ENTP, I try to suppress my urge to suggest. Suppressed suggestions cause indigestion for consumers who have no clue what's been eating at them? Listening to the respectful discourse between two intimates is a too passive activity for a type that is addicted to kibbitzing. Personally reflective modeling of abstract concepts might be an effective educational technique but it is not as fascinating as seeing ENTPs in debate or creative exchange. Watching William F. Buckley take on Gore Vidal or Christopher Hitchens used to put this ENTP on the Firing Line. Yelling correctives at a screen was always worth the price of admission!
    Drawing with your daughter might have been substantially different had you allowed for the creation of a new drawing game with mutually negotiated rules? Your Ti 'accuracy' rules accepted separate competitive activity as being a source of fun for you. Where was your daughter coming from? Could a blank sheet have been filled with: "What is the color of anger?" What might have come into shape and texture if you had a collaborative stroke by stroke free-form "finish my thought" art. This "can you top this" improv dialogue allows for weird creatures to emerge from the jungles of our imaginations.

    • @benisahengaming9063
      @benisahengaming9063 3 роки тому

      I’m 40 too lol

    • @Abraham-gf1oi
      @Abraham-gf1oi 3 роки тому

      I found it rather simplistic, and to say I was left dissatisfied would be an understatement. Your analysis truly bewilders me, however looking at the other comments- it appears this is just the norm. Perhaps it’s a matter of being polite?

    • @richsackett3423
      @richsackett3423 3 роки тому

      @@Abraham-gf1oi Mr. PajamaBottoms, you are rude and all wet.

  • @JeremiahHalpin
    @JeremiahHalpin 4 роки тому +3

    I'm a chemist ENTP. Work in QC at a manufacturing plant. I enjoy the freedom and respect I get. I do wish I go paid more.

  • @amylillybladart
    @amylillybladart 3 роки тому +1

    Hearing about coloring with your daughter was so validating because I'm the same way and I always feel guilty when I set a boundary with my kids when we do projects together. Or when I don't set the boundary and feel guilty about feeling annoyed when they mess up my work. Thank you for sharing.

  • @samsunggalaxys7806
    @samsunggalaxys7806 4 роки тому +3

    I'm a 23 year old guy entp, I've also had body dysmorphia and had pretty bad bulimia in the past as well, glad to hear your opinion

  • @myhappyabby
    @myhappyabby Рік тому

    As an ENTP I really appreciate these takes on this. I mean the debater is truish to a degree but there's so much more the general descriptors you get on the personality test. These takes and points really resonate with me and help me bring how the whole personality type overlaps my general lived experience and how it relates to me on a daily basis.

  • @marcelvandermeulen2219
    @marcelvandermeulen2219 3 роки тому +1

    One of the best on ENTPs ever. Really love it.

  • @bonniemasterjohn5440
    @bonniemasterjohn5440 3 роки тому

    Wow! This is the most accurate description of myself I have ever heard. I was the symbolic logic tutor at the university for about 10 years. Yes to the logic, yes to the pattern recognition, yes to coming unglued when someone could not see or understand my solution or systems and disregarded or ruined them! I am in the process of leaving a job because of this very thing. Thank you!

  • @arkkhamful
    @arkkhamful 4 роки тому +4

    I think gender is involved in picking what's best for you between respect and approval. As a male, I'm totally fine when someone's not approving me but i usually go in rage if someone disrespects me. One of my core belief is that everyone needs to be respected.

    • @INCAnitysy
      @INCAnitysy 4 роки тому

      As long as they deserve it.

    • @용식방토일이
      @용식방토일이 4 роки тому +1

      Giray Torun wow youve got the point! I always had trouble when i had to cope with irrational adults in early days.. and still, i cant hold on a situation which elder people wants me to blindly conform their ways. My opinion is that what they are expecting me is just COMPELLENCE Peoples ages are not always related with their wiseness.. Getting old without any experimental knowledge.

    • @leedledee
      @leedledee 4 роки тому +3

      So interesting! As a female ENTP I definitely obsess over approval more than respect. Not that I don't require respect but I do lean more towards wanting approval and having a hard time if someone doesn't approve. There might be a gender difference there. Thanks for bringing that up!

    • @arkkhamful
      @arkkhamful 4 роки тому

      Kelsie Saunders I guess we need them both. It depends on what we lacked in our childhood, also. Although, respect might be perceived as a male trait and approval as a female one. Somehow, approval has to do with our inner child and respect is more related to how we would like to be perceived. This could be a longer discussion about the primary needs and it’s curious that I see things a little bit different from my original comment. The hole subject is complex but interesting to be analyzed.

    • @arkkhamful
      @arkkhamful 4 роки тому +2

      전설의우산 I would suggest looking for some videos on narcissism. You might have a lot of them around you. For extremely detailed informations, Heinz Kohut is the best to read.

  • @ashleelmb
    @ashleelmb 3 роки тому +1

    Joel, you were spot on with how ENTP's are types who jump onto innaccurate detail. I do this with people all the time.

  • @sharonapersona2518
    @sharonapersona2518 4 роки тому +3

    Antonia is literally talking about my life. Even down to counting patterns in boring-church tiles.

  • @Beowulf002
    @Beowulf002 2 роки тому +1

    7:10 one thing I've noticed about the most brilliant ENTPs is that they valued their legacy more than their lives, and often the things that they are most remembered for was not their sole focus, just one of the things they just happened to do. Like electricity...LOL ok. I'll watch now haha

  • @immigrationlaw51
    @immigrationlaw51 3 роки тому

    ENTP's don't get nervous for a podcast. I got the shivers really early on. Hope UA-cam doesn't auto-play you guys again. Hope you're more secure in the wayyy more important parts of life [off UA-cam].

  • @everalvelast
    @everalvelast 3 роки тому +1

    Yo the way I cried when, she said she ended her relationships with her family because she was not willing to not be herself anymore. I felt that in such a deep level. My family and mother are so religious and I am bi, secretly married to a guy. I had always been the perfect child, and when I said that I didn't believe in their God, or the Bible and I was bi and married some of them walked out of my life and some of them stayed. It was so painful to see how the people who I though loved unconditionally just left so easily and the ones who I expected the least from stayed. I am Also relieved to finally be myself, and to have genuine relationships. I am relieved to have chosen myself.

  • @mak529
    @mak529 2 роки тому +2

    I thought I was the only one who read the labels of household cleaning products as a child!

  • @louiselarc9180
    @louiselarc9180 3 роки тому +1

    When she mentioned the story of her creating games in her head as she was sitting in the church for hours I remembered that I actually did the exact same thing just slightly different:
    My mom always travels a lot with me so it often happens that we’re on a looong train ride and as a kid I’d always get bored. I remember one day I made up a game where I would count for example every seat on the entire train, then I would count every person with black hair, then I would count every person with glasses etc...
    It may seem like a dumb thing to do but for me it was a fun little challenge so I wouldn’t get bored. It also was interesting for me to gather new facts or observations about things and people around me and in this case on this specific train. The rest of the people on the train probably thought what the fuck is she doing running around the train again and again but I didn’t care and just kept going.

  • @arkkhamful
    @arkkhamful 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks for this. I am really having a bad time at my current job and I feel I am pushed away by all means. Yes it's true that we seek approval but radical honesty, which is one of our superpowers, will always get us into trouble.

    • @용식방토일이
      @용식방토일이 4 роки тому

      Abel Bejan and that really sucks if a person in your family is isfj

  • @christaberit
    @christaberit 3 роки тому +6

    I'm an ENTP. I listened to the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy plus The Hobbit and the Silmarillion twice this year when my internet was out and they were the only audiobooks I had downloaded. Anything to avoid the boredom of silence.

    • @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239
      @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239 3 роки тому +1

      Christa Berit how about you go spend time in nature. :p lol. Nature is rarely silent if you set still and listen and observe. Birds show up. Bugs fly around. A plane flies over head. Squirrels and deer will show up to eat in the grasses.

    • @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239
      @donvandamnjohnsonlongfella1239 3 роки тому +1

      @Tony Stark Sounds like you need to fucking move mate. You complaining little shit. :p I love my birds here in California. Love watching the humming birds. This woodpecker stops by to kill this one tree regularly. And it rarely rains in California. The people are well :p Up to you to decide which people to associate with. I usually get along with fellow travelers that have moved from other states and other nations. I will mingle with the locals and they are okay people but still thing the travelers are my preferred company.

  • @conradsmith9441
    @conradsmith9441 3 роки тому +6

    Are you really an ENTP if your not listening to this at 2:30 in the morning and not studying for the 2 tests you have?

  • @piotrunofficial7126
    @piotrunofficial7126 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for this video, I'm radical honest and most of my life I thought it's something wrong with me(as you know it brings troubles to your life), even I tried to change, however, I couldn't. Now I know that's the way I should follow and be just me.

  • @mihiduli4055
    @mihiduli4055 2 роки тому +1

    they are so accurate, I'm really amazed by this video

  • @Alex-gn6ii
    @Alex-gn6ii 4 роки тому +2

    8:35 you are so extremely right. Anytime I feel I have learned enough or all I can from something, boredom sets in and it applies to everything in life. The numerous week and month long romantic relationships I've had with women I felt I figured out or couldn't keep up. My Associates of Science degree in computer science, the BS I never finished in Psychology that turned into a minor, the BA in Business, my one enlistment for four years in the USAF as an air traffic controller, my constant need and desire to bounce from position to position in a workplace. My first job was a busser at a restaurant, turned into being the only male host in that restaurant, then a takeaway/curbside server, then an in house server, then a bartender, then a dishwasher, than a prep chef, then got bored with restaurant and jumped around all over in retail. Did cashier, customer service associate work, specialist work and professional contractor service all in the same workplace. Programming got boring. Can't decide on any graduate degree programs. Working with building materials now (lumber, roofing, concrete, etc.) thinking a more physical job may be more fulfilling, but I'm already looking at other positions, projects and possibilities I can get my resume out to as I've learned a physical job just makes my body tired and my brain restless and unsatisfied. Perpetually cursed with knowing a little bit about a lot of bit and trying to find something challenging, rewarding and comfortable for every fancy. Turning twenty nine and still just as lost and floaty as I was in high school. And now I'm realizing how ranty and whiny this comment I just wrote is. Ah well. Still have the rest of the podcast to listen to, I can figure life out afterwards lmao

    • @randymcarn
      @randymcarn 3 роки тому

      Good comment. You're not alone. As an entp ex Navy communications collections specialist turned carpenter I got into everything to keep from getting bored and now I do remodels by myself and I still enjoy it ten years later. I love all the cool tools I get to use. Mastering them took some time and there are always new ones and new ways being invented to keep it interesting.
      I got into electrical, plumbing, finishing, sheetrocking mudding and tapping and then fancy texturing technique called Artexing, painting, framing, windows, doors and floors etc. I can't stand roofing or siding work. Lame sauce jobs. Too easy. No room for improvement or much artistry. Always something new to learn. Got a really old book of circular carpentry techniques so if I get bored I'll crack that and learn new and exciting techniques to keep work interesting.
      I work alone usually. I find its easier that way. I like to get the customer involved. We do the designing, layout, and if I need help on the project I ask them for a hand. Works out great so far because I'm very good and accurate at what I do. Nobody is gonna keep this entp down or bored lol.

  • @bartz5641
    @bartz5641 3 роки тому +1

    I am ENFP, but I recognize myself with my dominant Ne. Being authentic is very important, especially for me as an ENFP.

  • @paulfadden8834
    @paulfadden8834 4 роки тому +4

    14:00 when I was 18 - 20 I worked 4 miles from my parents house in pubs and clubs and would walk back early in the morning. When I got half way I used to start doing long division in my head to keep me occupied.

  • @entpbrain254
    @entpbrain254 2 роки тому

    I’m also an ENTP and I definitely became more in tune with my Radical honesty and accuracy function when I started to experiment with Shrooms. I’m only 20 but it definitely taught me to just listen to my body more and to really just be me fully. I definitely resonated when she said that she took back her when she stopped living in Dissonance. It’s hard to live life not being you.
    Also potential theory I think taking shrooms is a drug that brings out your secondary/ tertiary psychological functions

  • @efborkov
    @efborkov 3 роки тому +1

    "Gamification" Yes!! Its the only way!
    Competitive Spirit - Are many other ENTPs as Competitive as I am exceptionally so?

  • @bsggirb8692
    @bsggirb8692 3 роки тому

    How frustrating is it to see future outcomes many months before anyone else? Useful financially but frustrating when so many people don’t see what you do. Today I found out that I’m a ENTP-T. Thank you for helping me understand more about myself.

  • @mikekeathley1120
    @mikekeathley1120 3 роки тому +6

    “Clean data is really important to me.”
    *touching face in ecstasy*

  • @atlanteancherub2560
    @atlanteancherub2560 4 роки тому +5

    Oh gosh, Pastor's Kid here--TOTALLY similar experience.
    You guys are SPOT on.

  • @KalamariFromTheParty
    @KalamariFromTheParty 3 роки тому

    12 minutes in and y’all already spitting FAX 📠 thank you

  • @bobbyjackson6495
    @bobbyjackson6495 3 роки тому

    I appreciate the sincerity. I understand this is not the major point of the podcast but I also come from a deeply religious family. The difference though I believe is my family was about the relationship with God and not the loyalty to the religion. So they allowed me to explore to an extent to reach my own faith rather than their system.

  • @t.l1357
    @t.l1357 3 роки тому

    37:37 omg!!!!! I love travel and people r always like aren't u afraid of getting lost? I always say, " wherever u go, there you are!" I've been in other countries and literally not where I think I need to be but I'm able to quickly calm myself and enjoy the moment because we r actually always where we r supposed to he. Life is always showing us beautiful things...sometimes u r forced to take the scenic route. I'm now able to look around and enjoy it 💕💕

  • @theonlyplanetvenus
    @theonlyplanetvenus 3 роки тому +2

    listening to this in 1.5 speed scratched an itch in my brain

  • @mariopascalonline9052
    @mariopascalonline9052 3 роки тому +1

    Standing for my faith I lost alot of people to , but I got to know God and my self

  • @ritagordon9859
    @ritagordon9859 3 роки тому

    I am so flipping glad I found this video. I was a ENFJ until I stepped into my true authentic self which is an enforceable and your video explains so much more in detail as I am honest and ruffle feathers big time as I tend to point out the elephant in the room and catch myself with cog dissonance too but it cracks me up as I see it all as a game so make lots of things as games so it's fun! You're right with achieving only % as once it's sorted...I then get bored

  • @Sousukespirit
    @Sousukespirit 4 роки тому +1

    when I came back home I was really inspired to change my family views on life; we must always seek for the truth in every situation and not rely on emotion in making decision but all I received were hates. I guess I'm too intense when doing it.

  • @rorysirawesomeness8332
    @rorysirawesomeness8332 4 роки тому +2

    The radical honesty talk at 45 minutes. Holy shit that was a gut punch of reality with the accuracy process. I have been an ER RN since 23 yr old and I have two masters degrees one in Business Administration (MBA) & Nursing Administration (MSN) I'm 32 yr now and I'm so bored with being an ER RN. I just left my job and need get another job but I'm looking to do something different. I don't know what I should do with my career. I think nursing is an extremely overrated career and see the flaws with the complexities of the profession. I feel no other nurses see the these ridiculous flaws which makes me want to leave nursing. I get thrills talking shit about nurses/nursing and I can back up what I say. Many times though people see what I'm talking about and understand my concepts but I have really pissed off people too.
    I'm a male nurse that was single until age 30 plus I'm a very sexy dude so I knew how to pull the ladies with my charm. But yeah my ego has along side people judging inaccurately, I have gotten myself into shit in my nursing career and have really had difficulty reasoning/understanding with many things in nursing.
    I honestly thought about doing a podcast talking shit about nursing full on knowing how controversial that would be. I'm fairly confident I can back up what I say though with facts and basic logic. I'm extremely popular with patients in the ER and enjoy entertaining people. When I start talking about the brutal truths about being a nurse I know how to put a funny/lighthearted spin on it so it's entertaining for people to hear my complaining. Nursing students both high school and college love following around because I'm welcoming but also they enjoy my entertainment. I make sure they understand why it's awful being a nurse and they laugh but understand what I'm talking about.
    This is why I wanted to start a podcast starting shit about nursing but at the same time I understand I could be blacklisted as a nurse so I'm scared to doing it. Hospitals can be ruthless towards nurses and a podcast speaking the truth could absolutely destroy my career. At the same time if it was successful it could change a lot things for the positive in nursing and healthcare in general.

    • @AshJae
      @AshJae 3 роки тому

      Do it. I've realized I don't think I would succeed in real estate as I also will probably quickly get blacklisted as well. Mainly bc I'm single and won't play the game like they want me to, I just started a year ago and I'm pretty sure I've already frustrated a prominent man here in real estate and have also told another lady one that I will sue her for slander and defemation of character for a text she accidentally sent me meant for someone else. 😬🤐
      So hey, I think people are CRAVING the truth to be spoken about certain professions. Do it! 😁 I bet it will flourish

  • @artimusgordon398
    @artimusgordon398 2 роки тому

    My extraverted intuition, or trans-contextual thinking is off the charts. I spent years as a business consultant, and envisioned a number of industry-wide IT solutions without understanding any of this, and it almost killed me a number of times. Not sure if I'm an ENTP from reading the comments, because I actually got things done.

  • @christinamei514
    @christinamei514 4 роки тому +1

    Dang I felt this! Thanks for all these insights I really needed it :)

  • @thecrackedmoon9876
    @thecrackedmoon9876 2 роки тому

    As a kid when I was bored. I used to stare at the ceiling popcorn or wood grain lines on the floor, and just study one spot until I had to blink. I would look for shapes or discoloration, anything identifiable. Finally when I had to blink, id allow one blink, and then try to find the same spot before I had to blink again. I still do it! I'm pretty sure it's impossible, but I've done it like 4x today alone. I do it when I'm bored or tuning someone out 30yrs later.

    • @henkster6067
      @henkster6067 11 днів тому

      I played a similar game as a kid. Good to know someone else also did it and I'm not all that weird

  • @ibrahimnizamani4958
    @ibrahimnizamani4958 2 роки тому +1

    Just my take on 37:00, she was not being radically honest in this moment when she says it was worth leaving her parents. I do know she doesn't regret it but she doesn't seem sure it was the right decision to make. And, you can have yourself despite not being radically honest in religion contexts - if you do not identify yourself to yourself on the bases of your religious beliefs.

  • @cynthiamcclare9493
    @cynthiamcclare9493 3 роки тому +2

    "Advanced pattern recognition" - yes! "Triplicate form" - make it stop!

  • @jz7558
    @jz7558 3 роки тому

    I resonated so much to this but especially both of you! Antonia i too am often not boted and ive always thanked it on my imagination and creativity. I can sit like you and create enjoyment. Unfortunately with the internet and knowledge i actually have the struggle to get off endless learning to maintain health and social connection! Thanks for this

  • @ckniffen7111
    @ckniffen7111 2 роки тому

    I think one of the things that made this way was long periods of time alone as a child.
    Same was resonated by the lady in the podcast who was sitting in church.
    I used to play myself at checkers and chess and make up my own rules, too.

  • @HelloFreya
    @HelloFreya 2 роки тому

    Honestly as an entp i don't talk much but when I talk i talk FACTS.

  • @brookelahnan1748
    @brookelahnan1748 7 місяців тому

    I have never felt more heard and understood.

  • @Lifescapers
    @Lifescapers 2 роки тому

    Wow. This was fantastic. Hugely helpful. Thank you.

  • @1976LFonseca
    @1976LFonseca 3 роки тому

    The “fear” described in the beginning is SO ENTP: it’s looking at the issue, even international fear, from every possible side 😂

  • @Eric-yj5xg
    @Eric-yj5xg 4 роки тому +4

    give us project financing, we will choose one, create the plan and you guys run it and we keep a %. We are great at concrete brainstorming but we have cant grind. we grind the searching, not the doing. please find me an angel investor haha

    • @kavrilb
      @kavrilb 3 роки тому +1

      Omg.... Wish I could do this. Would have 20 start ups already by now.... I just can't see them through....😭😂

  • @RelaxedReadz
    @RelaxedReadz 3 роки тому

    This was extremely informative. I resonated so much with this podcast..I guess the end result speaks for itself. I thank you for this explanation. 🙏🏼

  • @magicmerls291
    @magicmerls291 3 роки тому +1

    How to spot another ENTP on UA-cam:
    When 1.5x speed feels comfortable. (Works about 80% of the time)

  • @gunjack2064
    @gunjack2064 4 роки тому +2

    As an intrapreneur, I can honestly say the novelty and excitement still dies. Projects/jobs last 1 year instead of 6 months. My company always took back control when I made enough progress to gain notoriety. Ownership felt they had to track metrics systematize for “accountability” lol. Intraprenuership is still just a job.

  • @Anduresta
    @Anduresta 3 роки тому

    The bit about Radical Honesty has always been one of the most difficult things in my life to deal with when it comes to other people. I am constantly being labeled a jerk, when I am trying my best to bring to someone information that no on else has the guts to speak. Thing that will better their lives and make them happier. It's frustrating to be dismissed as a villain when I am there to help.

  • @AshJae
    @AshJae 3 роки тому

    I'm just loving this so very much. You guys are fantastic 👏 ❤
    Half ENFP half ENTP (well actually 51% 49% respectively)

    • @Fitricson
      @Fitricson 2 роки тому

      How is that possible. ENFP use introverted Feeling and Extroverted thinking. ENTP use introverted thinking and extroverted intuition. We make conclusions completely different. I have a close ENFP friend. And there is a huge difference how each process datas….

  • @ashley6463
    @ashley6463 4 роки тому +1

    Wow.. thank you so much for this. So reassuring

  • @dunkelkatze9328
    @dunkelkatze9328 2 роки тому

    Ffs...at first I was thinking "although my result did say I am entp I don't feel like it" not even 5 minutes in and Mark Witt spitting out facts I relate to... lmao I think I'm listening to the right video