Are you serious? Who needs anyone to talk that slowly. I can’t pay attention because it’s soooooooooo sllllooooowwwwwwwww aannnnnnnnnnddddddd iiiiittts hhhhhhhaaaaarrrrrrdddddd tttttoooooo aaaaccttttiiivveeeelllly llllllliiiissssstttteeeennnn.
Have you experienced heart pain or do you know somebody who has? Tell me in the comments which symptoms you felt. Was it one of the symptoms I mentioned in the video or something different? I’ll be interested to know.
Constant anxiety for a few weeks now. Pain and hot pressure in the center of my chest. It's feels like anxiety is swirling around my chest cavity. Bubbling feeling. Heart Palpations and a hightened sense of the feeling heart beat. It's all Im able to focus on. Some random numbness and pain, daily, in wrists and mid biceps area. I stay awake all night long some nights because it feels like my heart will burst at any moment. Scared to fall asleep. It's ruining my life😔
@@Ayayuda hello how youre feeling now ? my 15year old son is experiencing the exact same thing as you described n it’s been 2 long months does it get easier ?
@@jessesanchez9102 hi Jesse I'm okay rn, but still dealing with the chest/heart issues. It hasn't really gotten better but the Palpations aren't as bad when the food that I'm eating doesn't have much salt in it. It seems like eating less sugar is helping too. I will definitely pray for your son Jesse tho. I relate to what he's going thru and hope everything is okay and he gets better very soon🙏
Hi Doc, I just watched your video; it gave me a lot of information. I had Hyperthyroidism and I think it affected my heart. Thank you for sharing this.😊
I had a heart attack a month ago. My pain was NOT in the center of my chest. It was only in my shoulder and arm. Took 3 days before the pain was in my center chest.
I’m having aching pain side of my heart radiates down my left arm. It’s been going on for about a week. I went to my doctor and he said there’s nothing wrong with me to go home.
I'm not overly concerned, but, I woke up in the morning, got up, and during the movement of sitting back down, I felt all of a sudden a sharp tearing pain stretch across my chest. I felt like I was being pulled apart. It quickly dissipated, but I found I had a hard time breathing because the pain grew as I took in the air. I think it has something to do with pressure on the chest from expanding lungs.
This has helped me out alot! Thank you, I have had chest pain and I thought it was a heart issue. But this doesn't apply to me. I think my pain is more from lungs, I've had covid and viral bronchitus in the past. Plus I was working out alot and not properly eating or hydrating. I've since started eating right and drinking lots of water. Anyways, this was awesome. Thank you.
@@TheHeartDoctorunrelated question but can this egg device called wiwe desighned by professor kozmsnn predict sudden death using qrst intergrals can it be relied on ?
Had a probably heart attack in 2009, a real heart attack in 2013 with 3 stents, a widow maker in 2022 with 3 more stents and another stent in my LAD widow maker a month ago that we caught before the heart attack. I have never felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and nothing ever felt weird in my left arm. The probable one was pain across the shoulder blades with profuse sweating. the second was pain in solar plexus that went to shoulder blades with profuse sweating. The widow maker started as pain across shoulder blades that went away with rest and ended with pain so bad I couldn't stand it across my upper chest after 2weeks of ignoring it. I begged for pain killers. The newest one was burning across my chest and mild sweating relieved by rest and the LAD was 99% blocked. I don't think there is one thing that says you are having a heart attack besides the symptom going away with rest. Before my 2013 one the main thing was if I did something strenuous My legs would give out and I would fall down but my Doc thought my SVT was not fixed from the 2006 surgery. Feelings of impending doom and paranoia also come into play the closer you get. When you get really close denial is the main thing that will kill you. Heart attacks are simple to a doctor(find the blocked artery and fix it) but complex to the person having one.
Had mild heart attack which was a very mild chest pain which did not go away for half of the day and all night. By morning I went in ER and was given (3) stints. I had no previous symptoms and in very good shape. I should have gone in sooner, but doubted the symptoms were not strong enough.
I’m having a same problem and im 26 years old I’ve been to cardiologist 100 times they say everything seems normal. But i have pain in my chest’ feels like heart attack
The hospital tells me I'm perfectly fine. Heart is an athlete's heart, lungs 100% and blood is fine. However I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Been going on for 5 days now. Idk what to do.
I’ve been in a&e twice in the last week, had bloods done,ecg and chest xray- all clear allegedly. I had chest pain, pinching in chest, palpitations, raised blood pressure, choking sensation, squeezing in throat, severe heartburn and stomach cramping. Hospital sent me home saying no emergency, they don’t care. I do suffer from occasional anxiety and GERD but never had it this bad although am on PPIs for 4 years so wonder if they not working anymore so changing to low fat diet to lose weight to see if it helps because doctors seem to think I’m imagining everything
Thank you very much .I have a percardial cyst the size of a grapefruit growing .. I also was told by the hospital one blocked artery .I also have a hiatus hernia large .What advice can you give me at this point ??
I've been watching a lot of heart videos and to summarize what I've understood is clean , no processed food etc 2.Exercise 3.Rest 8 hours(I know) 4.Be grateful 5.Drink lots of water 6.Take vitamins specifically for what u need. 7. Regular checkup That's basically what I found. If u know anything else that could help please would you share it?
I oftenly experience heat like pain radiating from the left breast, armpit to the upper left back what could it be Dr it's now two years down am in Uganda Africa
My pain is more related to higher blood pressure. I used to think of it as chest muscle pain. Turns out i had hypertension. Thankfully i took notice of it at the right time. Modified my eating habits and the blood pressure has significantly come down under 130.
Hi, Thank you so much for this very clearly described video. I have been under medication for my heart condition. Recently though I am experiencing some kind of pain which is confusing because : to me it feels like some muscle soreness on the left side of chest. Is there any thing you might hope to help me with? thanks
Well said doctor I am 53 years old my heartattack was like something had dropped exploded from my chest wall I need something done to my left shoulder blade
I'm a 14 year old guy. My pain is very weird. I have been experincing some sudden chest pains for a while when exercising but for the last 4 days its been completely different. I first felt it when i lied down to sleep and i felt like something was pressuring my heart (left side of my chest). When i woke up i felt a weird, pain towards the left side of my chest. Over the last few days the pain was changing a lot. Most of the times it was on the left side of my chest. Sometimes I felt pressuring, burning, stabbing, but most of the time discomfort. I have to hold my hand on the left side of my chest for a while to relax. Also while that i was very stressed and i even started crying, the pain felt worse when i did that. I was always overthinking shit. That pain was lasting for 2 days when i decided to go the doc. I did a blood test and ecg, the blood test turned out to be fantastic but at the ecg i was VERY STRESSED OUT, it turned out to be like 107 bpm or smt i think? Im pretty sure its not normal but at the first ecg i had it was way more, i was way more stressed by that time. When i did the blood test the nurse missed my vein at the left hand, and at the right hand she didnt. I took a nap for like 5 hours and slept for well over 10 hours that day. When i woke up today after that i felt dizziness, numbness in my left arm and i felt like my pain became slightly worse. My anxiety was insane. As im writing this its currently 3:30am and i can't fall asleep due to the annoying pain. I don't know what to do and i think i should go to a more proffesional doctor and seek more help to make sure its nothing that bad... what do i do??
Ive been having pain consistently for the past 2 months in my lower left breast. The pain some times is gone on it on. But with anxiety, it intensifies... My BP has also been abnormal lately
Same It just started 2 weeks ago it comes any time of the day and it's gone suddenly, it started with at least 1 time a day now it comes at least twice every 2 days or so
Hi sir im from india and 20 yrs old I m getting left chest pain and left arm pain dialy from 1 months its comming dialy pain Tmt is negative nd echo is normal ecg also normal plz tell is there any heart problem
Hello doc. I don't have any chest pain at all, but a have a heart pain. Can you explain what that mean. I search on internet for hours and didn't fine any information for that.
My chest is always feeling like it's being squeezed, sadly it doesn't ease because I'm a full time Carer for my daughter. Pushing her wheelchair uphill is getting harder. I also have back pain usually lower but has lately felt like a knot further up.
Can my chest pain be heart related condition? I'm 28 years old., My Dr prescribed that I should do x-ray, echo, ECG, and lipid profile blood tests and my tropin was 2.45 of which I was told I'm ok nothing is wrong with me. I feel heart palpitation and pain down the left side of my chest. And a Cold sensation in my chest, when I'm drinking water, I even feel the sensation moving on the left side of my heart. I don't have any other symptoms apart from this. Please help what could be this??
I have exactly the same symptoms you are describing, had the same tests done, still no answer. I even had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy done recently, no luck...
I get a pain in my chest around where the heart is that feels like a blockage. As the artery gets bigger the pain gets worse and worse until i feel it shot out. The way i can describe the build up without pain is like filling up a water balloon and then squeezing all the water out fast. With this i sometimes get the worst toothache pain over all my jaw and i regularly get pain and numbness in my left arm. Ive told my doctor this but because of my age he doesn't seem bothered even though he admits ive i told him this when i was 60, he would treat it as angina. Im 34 with serve copd.
How are you now? But I read jaw pain is a sign of an impending heart failure? I'm 35, I'm also having almost every day chest pain since March, done ECG thrice, everything came out right.
I feel like little electric shocks that have been happening. I've had two Ablations. One for bottom of chambers, my heart only pumping 30 percent blood. 2ND ONE afib
what medicine do you recommend to treat this symptom I’m only 17 and I’m having trouble breathing and have sharp pain/cramps in my heart when i breath in and feel like im not getting enough oxygen n think im bouta have a heart attack because of how serious it feels doctors took X-rays and EKG test of my heart/chest and said everything looks fine and there are no signs of heart attacks or diseases are there any medication i can take to make this feeling go away like aspirin ?
For months now my chest has been hurting and im nervous to tell someone because i don’t want to sound dumb because i could be over reacting (i am 12) but i have been getting a pain in the center of my chest which at first was kind of like a weight or burning but then it switched to a stabbing pain which didn’t last long and now the pain(which is like a burning pull) comes and goes often and is located where my heart is. It’s been happening for months now and i dont know if i should be concerned or not, should i? *By the way,* my dad vapes a *lot* around me like in the car house etc could it be because of that? (if it’s lung problems)
I have benn feeling pain in my heart for one year and still continues , also i over thinking a lot, i don't what reason, but i can't control this pain anymore😢😢😢
Thank you Doctor for your simple explanations. My son is 24 years old and complaining about heart palpitations, chest pain and breathing problem. We went to doctor and emergency room. EKG, blood,Throid results all normal. In your opinion what it could be? Thanks in advance.
Hello Sir, I am having uneasiness in the chest all the time. Some times in the middle and sometime in the left side. My arms also pain in intervals. Feeling low from left chest side . I have done TMT, ECHO and ECG many times. All tests are normal. Doctor gave me the medicine for nervous system and for stress. Secondly, I am taking High BP medicine as well. Kindly reply. Thankyou
Question: I’ve been in Severe Hypotension for well over 12 months. Tonight I have had 3 sharp stabbing pains move across to my right shoulder. When do I know to call 999 or just ignore it? I have no one to ask, sorry.
Had a pinching pain that got worse laying on the left side. Was light headed and felt like blood flow was in overdrive which made my neck and wrist veins start pounding. That pulsing pinch right near the left nip was matching and sped up standing up then slowed down laying down. Haven't gone into the Phoenix VA yet but was wondering what you might think it could be so I don't take a ER spot from another veteran
Doc can i ask .? Im feeling chest pain when im at rest. But i can go jogging even if 5 or more kilometer without feeling any chestpain.. is it heart related ..?
Do u smoke n drink?(it's a major contributor to health issues along these lines, quit and u will thank urself in the future)...U might have serious acid reflux issues or if unlucky might be related to ur lungs if ur a smoker,pancreas or spleen or worse colon as these are located in the left side. U should really do a checkup with a good doctor,do ur best to get a proper diagnosis as most doctors in this scenario tend to get what the issue is wrong until it's too late
Doc can i ask you a question... See we learn that the visceral pericardium is pain insensitive it is only the parietal which causes the sensation of pain.. and this occur mainly in pericarditis right.. So why in angina and MI we feel pain then
The pain felt from angina and a heart attack is due to the direct result of the heart muscle cells not receiving enough blood supply, called ischaemia. This is similar to when our skeletal muscles do not get enough oxygen while exercising, which can then use them to cramp. In angina there is still some blood supply to the heart muscle but in a heart attack the blood supply cuts off causing that area of muscle to die. I hope that explanation helps.
I have heart pain that nobody has really explained to me.. it feels like a sharp sudden sting of my heart and is located in the same spot.. just heart.. last for 2 seconds and goes away but hurts bad where it makes me yelp sometimes. Happens randomly throughout the day whether I'm laying in bed or doing whatever .. I have heart failure with about 25% EF at 35
My son died in 2020 and ive had heart problems since ecgs up at ane numerous times and its now getting worse feels like muscle is being pulled even when i do very little and its hurts. My jaw sore a nd upper back aswell 😢 i cant sit in a and e again 3 straight days i was sitting there and i cant why dont doctors boo us in for appointments at the hospital as an outpatient this is a nightmare we all have to work aswell 😢
It is broken heart syndrome, I too experienced this after my younger brother demise. Im 24, you just need to be calm and know that no matter what everyone is going to die one or the other day so we can only try to live our life as happy as possible even during our darkest days as there are some people who stills loves you even if they look rude because Im a kind of person who finds difficulties in expressing emotions so most of the people thinks that I'm rude to them.
@NewEra01-j8c awe bless you thank you yes I was told that about my heart. I know I've another son so I just keep going for him and try to be calm and I like your straight attitude your not rude your just honest and I appreciate you have a wonderful rest of the year may your lovely brother always look out for you x
Thanks for the insight sir. Sometimes and not all the time , i feel a sharp pain on my left side right under my breast, and it doesn't allow me breath in deep ,becos it looks like the pain intensifies wen i try to take in air. Please doc i hope it's not a serious issue.
My brother had first heart attack in April, but he didn't get stent as he didn't know what it is and panicked. His 1 LAD is 60% blocked. Later the doc also said that stent is not required as of now and refused to do it and told to have good diet and medicine. Is it fine or should he get the stent? He is 30 years old.
Dear doctor, I have to constantly hold my left arm up because it feels like my whole left chest area is swelling up from the inside or something. It feels like something is crushing my heart area like something is holding or grabbing it. Also when I move my left arm I get a sharp pain in the left chest. I also feel bubbling sensations in the heart area. Also when I wake up its all fine but the longer I stay awake the worse it gets like the swelling will amplify around the left chest area. I already checked and there is no swelling visible though. Am I in danger?
As salaam o alaikum, I m 49 heart attack last December and had bypass in February, started having stabbing chest pain in one point only near the heart ,should I worry , it’s been like this for past 6 weeks
I have this symptoms when I am tired and lack of sleep. Both of my arms feels like being squeezed by a BP cuff (the one you used when taking blood pressure) and it goes upward, from both of my arms going up to both shoulders and then it spread to my cheeks and then it will disappear for second, no chest pain. Do you think this is a heart related condition or nerve related?
I am still worried about my chest pain i get under my left breast, it's a stab pain that only lasts for about 2 seconds without doing anything physical. I have had this for about a year now. My cardiologist said it's not angina and blood tests show all my organs are fine. I just want to know what it is. It is so scary,
The pain I got when I had my heart attack was a very sharp pain in the middle of my back it was like a hot knife sticking in me then I got a very sharp pain in my throat I felt a clamy sweat on my forehead even though I was cold I felt weak dizzy and sick I had no chest pain or no left arm pain so it differs in some people but all upper body pain especially chest pain needs to be checked out as ive said there is a condition called costacondritis which attacks all the bones in your chest and back mimicking a heart attack it had me in a and e about fifty times but now I can sort of tell when it's a costacondritis flare up but still all chest pain needs to be checked out in a and e
I get pain that starts in the jaw on the right side only. It travesl down into my teeth and radiates down the centre, centre right lf my back and centre to centre right of my chest and upper abdomin. Its been on and off maybe 3 times a year for the last 5 years.. is this hearth related or something else.. ??? Im 30 years of age
What about the heart pain when I'm heart broken... The heart really pains ,.. making breathing difficult... Deep breathing is not at all possible... I have to small breathing... The heart cries .. it pains ... Along with that the whole body cries in pain ,..
Hello, I’m 12 years old, and I have this pain near my heart and it comes and goes but it isn’t intense it is small burns and squeezes. And also I think it’s causing stomach aces because I keep getting worried that I could have a heart attack do u know what is wrong?
If you, yourself, have never has a heart attack - then you don't know what it feels like. You only know how your patients describe it - and those descriptions very much depend on both education, and the general manner in which the particular person, reacts and responds, generally - to illness and pain.
Hi doc i juat woke up an my chest heart side start to feel like something is poking it an it hurt for a bit an now it stop but it feel like i am leaking now with a heat on my heart
Hi so with me I usually get it when ever I drown down my window. Most is nerve related so the doctor says. 2 days ago I woke up with upper left rib nerve pain from the back and yesterday and today I feel sharp pain on top right of chest. Only last about few seconds. Feels like I’m being stabbed. I was perfectly still playing video games when it happened.
hello pls i need a help i have that weird pain on my left side always since 3 years now i can feel it in the same positon on my back arm i already checked an generalist doctor he said thats not my heart but the pain is always with me , but im confused cause when i do sports i dont feel that pain any help pls and thank u ah btw he gave me some blood tests and he said they good idk ...
certain ingredients in smoothies may have potential benefits for cardiovascular health and may indirectly contribute to reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and supporting heart function, which could help alleviate discomfort over time. Here's an enhanced version of the heart-healthy smoothie with ingredients that may have additional anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties: Ingredients: 1 cup of spinach (fresh or frozen) 1/2 cup of mixed berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries) 1/2 medium banana 1/2 cup of low-fat Greek yogurt or unsweetened almond milk 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds or chia seeds 1/4 avocado 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness) 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon 1/2 cup of water or coconut water (adjust for desired consistency) Instructions: Add all the ingredients to a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy, adjusting the consistency with water or coconut water as needed. Taste and adjust sweetness if desired by adding honey or maple syrup. Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately. Here's how the additional ingredients contribute to potential pain relief and enhanced heart health: Ginger: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger may help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, including muscle and joint pain. Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a compound with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help reduce inflammation and support heart health. Cinnamon: Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and may help improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It's important to note that while these ingredients may have potential health benefits, they're not a substitute for medical treatment for heart pain or any other medical condition. If you're experiencing chest pain or discomfort, seek immediate medical attention from a healthcare professional.
I have a weird feeling in my upper chest the heart aere. I went got it checked a few times. They thought it was pneumonia. 29 days later if cleared up, now the wants to me to get some test on my heart. Echocardiograph. He says it wasnt pneumonia.
I just started adderall recently and prior to this for about a year suddenly get pressure under my sternum and now I get that and im ice cold even my eyelids feel cold.. and my hands go purple it feels like I have wire wrapped around both upper biceps the chest pain shoots torwards my RS from my heart and around my heart itself... My right SB will hurt on the left side. Happened a few times went to er ekg fine.... Tells me everything ok just ibs or something so keeps happening i go to walmart check my blood pressure it was 141/92 102 bpm while calm... Today i had pain and my blood pressure was good but my heart rate was at 102 Now when i lay down for bed i notice this weird feeling almost like a consisten tap or small beat that shouldnt be there
I just don't know what tests to ask for the ekg was okay and the chest x ray I forgot they took that but that was after a 3 hour wait when my symptoms were basically fading
I love the way you explain slowly and clearly ... I with all doctors were like you ... thank you so much.
Are you serious? Who needs anyone to talk that slowly. I can’t pay attention because it’s soooooooooo sllllooooowwwwwwwww aannnnnnnnnnddddddd iiiiittts hhhhhhhaaaaarrrrrrdddddd tttttoooooo aaaaccttttiiivveeeelllly llllllliiiissssstttteeeennnn.
@@diaryofarealmom3264 🥴
Very good delivery...Clear and easy to follow.
Thank you! The way you explain these big concepts makes it easy to understand
The introduction is 100% ,
Iff it is your 1st time here on the channel welcome"
Have you experienced heart pain or do you know somebody who has? Tell me in the comments which symptoms you felt.
Was it one of the symptoms I mentioned in the video or something different? I’ll be interested to know.
Doctor, I get a short sharp pain in my chest That's mimicked by my right wrist.
Constant anxiety for a few weeks now. Pain and hot pressure in the center of my chest. It's feels like anxiety is swirling around my chest cavity. Bubbling feeling. Heart Palpations and a hightened sense of the feeling heart beat. It's all Im able to focus on. Some random numbness and pain, daily, in wrists and mid biceps area. I stay awake all night long some nights because it feels like my heart will burst at any moment. Scared to fall asleep. It's ruining my life😔
@@Ayayuda hello how youre feeling now ? my 15year old son is experiencing the exact same thing as you described n it’s been 2 long months does it get easier ?
@@jessesanchez9102 hi Jesse I'm okay rn, but still dealing with the chest/heart issues. It hasn't really gotten better but the Palpations aren't as bad when the food that I'm eating doesn't have much salt in it. It seems like eating less sugar is helping too. I will definitely pray for your son Jesse tho. I relate to what he's going thru and hope everything is okay and he gets better very soon🙏
Just prayed for him, for a loving shield of protection around his heart and for full healing of anything needing repair❤️
Hi Doc, I just watched your video; it gave me a lot of information. I had Hyperthyroidism and I think it affected my heart. Thank you for sharing this.😊
Hi how are you? I have hyperthyroidism way back in 2017, and now I feel chest pain sometimes.
Hello doc thanks for your video. Make more videos please.
I had a heart attack a month ago. My pain was NOT in the center of my chest. It was only in my shoulder and arm. Took 3 days before the pain was in my center chest.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It shows how diverse heart attack symptoms are and this is really important for everyone to be aware of.
Hay I have a question
I'm glad ur alive. If u don't mind me asking, what did you do once you felt like something was happening?
@@susiequsie1980 got me I ate clean for a month lol chicken, brown rice , veggies, avocado oil , oats with honey N peanut butter powder
Get some asparin under your tongue . 3/4 tablets 👍
I’m having aching pain side of my heart radiates down my left arm. It’s been going on for about a week. I went to my doctor and he said there’s nothing wrong with me to go home.
Same here what should I do
@@MannongKD I don’t know about yall but I’m going for a run!
@@shimfyrr7003 what happened to you?
GPs are awful. Not all, but a fair few of them.
Congratulations! I love the accuracy in this 😂❤
Thank you very much for your talk. I enjoyed and learned from your talks. Listening from Vanuatu 🇻🇺, South Pacific.
Thank you this really helped me
Thanks Dr for your Information.
Jazaqullah Khair.
I'm not overly concerned, but, I woke up in the morning, got up, and during the movement of sitting back down, I felt all of a sudden a sharp tearing pain stretch across my chest. I felt like I was being pulled apart. It quickly dissipated, but I found I had a hard time breathing because the pain grew as I took in the air. I think it has something to do with pressure on the chest from expanding lungs.
You might want to go get that checked…a tearing pain can be a sign of dissection…very serious problem. Good luck.
So what happened?
Bro it also happens with me too. Did you went to doctor?
This has helped me out alot! Thank you, I have had chest pain and I thought it was a heart issue. But this doesn't apply to me. I think my pain is more from lungs, I've had covid and viral bronchitus in the past. Plus I was working out alot and not properly eating or hydrating. I've since started eating right and drinking lots of water. Anyways, this was awesome. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing and I'm happy to hear the video has helped you.
@@TheHeartDoctorunrelated question but can this egg device called wiwe desighned by professor kozmsnn predict sudden death using qrst intergrals can it be relied on ?
@@seanthundercock6770same here, when I push my body to much my heart hurts a little, it’s been going on for 3 days now I don’t know what to do/heal it
Had a probably heart attack in 2009, a real heart attack in 2013 with 3 stents, a widow maker in 2022 with 3 more stents and another stent in my LAD widow maker a month ago that we caught before the heart attack. I have never felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and nothing ever felt weird in my left arm. The probable one was pain across the shoulder blades with profuse sweating. the second was pain in solar plexus that went to shoulder blades with profuse sweating. The widow maker started as pain across shoulder blades that went away with rest and ended with pain so bad I couldn't stand it across my upper chest after 2weeks of ignoring it. I begged for pain killers. The newest one was burning across my chest and mild sweating relieved by rest and the LAD was 99% blocked. I don't think there is one thing that says you are having a heart attack besides the symptom going away with rest. Before my 2013 one the main thing was if I did something strenuous My legs would give out and I would fall down but my Doc thought my SVT was not fixed from the 2006 surgery. Feelings of impending doom and paranoia also come into play the closer you get. When you get really close denial is the main thing that will kill you. Heart attacks are simple to a doctor(find the blocked artery and fix it) but complex to the person having one.
How old are you sir?
I was about to find what pain i have had but forgot abt it when i saw such a handsome doctor 😅
Try plenty of fish
Had mild heart attack which was a very mild chest pain which did not go away for half of the day and all night. By morning I went in ER and was given (3) stints. I had no previous symptoms and in very good shape. I should have gone in sooner, but doubted the symptoms were not strong enough.
Dr dr please help me, my heart is disrupted ever since I saw and heard you! ♥️♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌹
i feel like my heart hurts but the docter says i’m fine
I’m literally in the same boat. Stressing about it more than I should.
I saw a grave stone which says, “ I told you I was sick” 😂😂
I’m having a same problem and im 26 years old I’ve been to cardiologist 100 times they say everything seems normal. But i have pain in my chest’ feels like heart attack
The hospital tells me I'm perfectly fine. Heart is an athlete's heart, lungs 100% and blood is fine. However I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Been going on for 5 days now. Idk what to do.
I’ve been in a&e twice in the last week, had bloods done,ecg and chest xray- all clear allegedly.
I had chest pain, pinching in chest, palpitations, raised blood pressure, choking sensation, squeezing in throat, severe heartburn and stomach cramping. Hospital sent me home saying no emergency, they don’t care.
I do suffer from occasional anxiety and GERD but never had it this bad although am on PPIs for 4 years so wonder if they not working anymore so changing to low fat diet to lose weight to see if it helps because doctors seem to think I’m imagining everything
Hafiz u r splended personality by look n degree apply on u long
Thank you very much .I have a percardial cyst the size of a grapefruit growing .. I also was told by the hospital one blocked artery .I also have a hiatus hernia large .What advice can you give me at this point ??
I've been watching a lot of heart videos and to summarize what I've understood is clean , no processed food etc
3.Rest 8 hours(I know)
4.Be grateful
5.Drink lots of water
6.Take vitamins specifically for what u need.
7. Regular checkup
That's basically what I found. If u know anything else that could help please would you share it?
Thanks be blessed
Thank you very much, it was very helpful.
Thanks for that info
I oftenly experience heat like pain radiating from the left breast, armpit to the upper left back what could it be Dr it's now two years down am in Uganda Africa
My pain is more related to higher blood pressure. I used to think of it as chest muscle pain. Turns out i had hypertension. Thankfully i took notice of it at the right time. Modified my eating habits and the blood pressure has significantly come down under 130.
Thank you so much I was getting worried I was going to die I’m now at the hospital
Hey How are you feeling now? May God care and give you a quick recovery❤
Hi, Thank you so much for this very clearly described video. I have been under medication for my heart condition. Recently though I am experiencing some kind of pain which is confusing because : to me it feels like some muscle soreness on the left side of chest. Is there any thing you might hope to help me with?
Hay bro I have a question
My chest feel the same as you, feel like my heart sore or something if I move a certain way or bend a certain way,
Did you find what it was bro?
@@gamingwitchutuu429is it gone?
Well said doctor I am 53 years old my heartattack was like something had dropped exploded from my chest wall I need something done to my left shoulder blade
I'm a 14 year old guy. My pain is very weird. I have been experincing some sudden chest pains for a while when exercising but for the last 4 days its been completely different. I first felt it when i lied down to sleep and i felt like something was pressuring my heart (left side of my chest). When i woke up i felt a weird, pain towards the left side of my chest. Over the last few days the pain was changing a lot. Most of the times it was on the left side of my chest. Sometimes I felt pressuring, burning, stabbing, but most of the time discomfort. I have to hold my hand on the left side of my chest for a while to relax. Also while that i was very stressed and i even started crying, the pain felt worse when i did that. I was always overthinking shit. That pain was lasting for 2 days when i decided to go the doc. I did a blood test and ecg, the blood test turned out to be fantastic but at the ecg i was VERY STRESSED OUT, it turned out to be like 107 bpm or smt i think? Im pretty sure its not normal but at the first ecg i had it was way more, i was way more stressed by that time. When i did the blood test the nurse missed my vein at the left hand, and at the right hand she didnt. I took a nap for like 5 hours and slept for well over 10 hours that day. When i woke up today after that i felt dizziness, numbness in my left arm and i felt like my pain became slightly worse. My anxiety was insane. As im writing this its currently 3:30am and i can't fall asleep due to the annoying pain. I don't know what to do and i think i should go to a more proffesional doctor and seek more help to make sure its nothing that bad... what do i do??
Same condition but my pain lasts for 4 seconds what
@@veliborbabic5905 did you receive help?
Same here bro, when I exercise too much my heart hurts, I don’t know if it’s anxiety are just straight pain. Lasting for about 3 days now.
@@LEVI-dk2eg bro don't be anxious we are in growing period don't think about it I also gets
@@LEVI-dk2eg what's your condition now can you answer me
Doc can anxiety cause chest? When i move or twist i feel this pain been having this since last year i'm 26
How are you now?
Same thing I'm 26 and I have chest pains. Doctors say it might be anxiety.
@@happygramps4412 sigh.. Does it hurt when you move your upper body?
yes same for me
Same problem
jazakhallah khairan
Hallo doctor i have chest pain on my left side down to my left arm, palpitations and and my ecg showed irregular heartbeat. What could be the cause
Get tested for Wolfe parkison whites syndrome.
Hello doctor some time my left chest is paining but no neck pain and no hand pain whats the reastion .
Ive been having pain consistently for the past 2 months in my lower left breast. The pain some times is gone on it on. But with anxiety, it intensifies... My BP has also been abnormal lately
Same It just started 2 weeks ago it comes any time of the day and it's gone suddenly, it started with at least 1 time a day now it comes at least twice every 2 days or so
@@bebesones my doctors told me is intercostal muscles strain or tear. I just pray its not a misdiagnosis for something major
@@bebesones now how are you
Hi sir im from india and 20 yrs old I m getting left chest pain and left arm pain dialy from 1 months its comming dialy pain
Tmt is negative nd echo is normal ecg also normal plz tell is there any heart problem
Tell the hospital to do an angioplasty test on you to see if you have any blocked arteries don't take no for an answer
?? But angio is risky wht to do@@StephenWeafer-ii1qd
شكرا. Wonderful. Thanks ❤
Thank you so much Sir.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Wow easy on eyes too thank you..
Hello doc. I don't have any chest pain at all, but a have a heart pain. Can you explain what that mean. I search on internet for hours and didn't fine any information for that.
@@tihomirtodorov4959 How were you able to solve it. I'm having the same feeling right now
My chest is always feeling like it's being squeezed, sadly it doesn't ease because I'm a full time Carer for my daughter.
Pushing her wheelchair uphill is getting harder.
I also have back pain usually lower but has lately felt like a knot further up.
Get checked plz
@@gauravsharma-ce6gq I've a stress test on March 16th .
@@djstumpy7399 good. Start taking allicin and vitamin K2 supplements also
Can my chest pain be heart related condition?
I'm 28 years old., My Dr prescribed that I should do x-ray, echo, ECG, and lipid profile blood tests and my tropin was 2.45 of which I was told I'm ok nothing is wrong with me.
I feel heart palpitation and pain down the left side of my chest. And a Cold sensation in my chest, when I'm drinking water, I even feel the sensation moving on the left side of my heart. I don't have any other symptoms apart from this. Please help what could be this??
I have exactly the same symptoms you are describing, had the same tests done, still no answer. I even had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy done recently, no luck...
It's Anxiety bro
I don't know my chest pain is due to high amounts of stress
@@TheDon667I have to get my first colonoscopy the summer of 2025 next year
@Hafiz, Hi. In general is a sharp short 2 second pain that is middle of chest that radiates into neck a sign?
I get a pain in my chest around where the heart is that feels like a blockage. As the artery gets bigger the pain gets worse and worse until i feel it shot out. The way i can describe the build up without pain is like filling up a water balloon and then squeezing all the water out fast. With this i sometimes get the worst toothache pain over all my jaw and i regularly get pain and numbness in my left arm. Ive told my doctor this but because of my age he doesn't seem bothered even though he admits ive i told him this when i was 60, he would treat it as angina. Im 34 with serve copd.
How are you now? But I read jaw pain is a sign of an impending heart failure? I'm 35, I'm also having almost every day chest pain since March, done ECG thrice, everything came out right.
I feel like little electric shocks that have been happening. I've had two Ablations. One for bottom of chambers, my heart only pumping 30 percent blood. 2ND ONE afib
what medicine do you recommend to treat this symptom I’m only 17 and I’m having trouble breathing and have sharp pain/cramps in my heart when i breath in and feel like im not getting enough oxygen n think im bouta have a heart attack because of how serious it feels doctors took X-rays and EKG test of my heart/chest and said everything looks fine and there are no signs of heart attacks or diseases are there any medication i can take to make this feeling go away like aspirin ?
For months now my chest has been hurting and im nervous to tell someone because i don’t want to sound dumb because i could be over reacting (i am 12) but i have been getting a pain in the center of my chest which at first was kind of like a weight or burning but then it switched to a stabbing pain which didn’t last long and now the pain(which is like a burning pull) comes and goes often and is located where my heart is. It’s been happening for months now and i dont know if i should be concerned or not, should i? *By the way,* my dad vapes a *lot* around me like in the car house etc could it be because of that? (if it’s lung problems)
Go and check it if you're unlucky it might be pulmonary embolism too
Tell the school nurse, kid
What causes sudden sharp pains in the heart or chest area?
Hi doctor y do they give injection in belly is it for the heart pain
I have benn feeling pain in my heart for one year and still continues , also i over thinking a lot, i don't what reason, but i can't control this pain anymore😢😢😢
Thank you Doctor for your simple explanations. My son is 24 years old and complaining about heart palpitations, chest pain and breathing problem. We went to doctor and emergency room. EKG, blood,Throid results all normal. In your opinion what it could be? Thanks in advance.
Could be anxiety or GERD (acid reflux disease) maybe request an endoscopy
But me I have a question is that i feel chest pain and back pain, headache and breathing problem when sleeping
You might have sleep apnea, might want to have a sleep study
Hello Sir, I am having uneasiness in the chest all the time. Some times in the middle and sometime in the left side. My arms also pain in intervals. Feeling low from left chest side . I have done TMT, ECHO and ECG many times. All tests are normal. Doctor gave me the medicine for nervous system and for stress. Secondly, I am taking High BP medicine as well. Kindly reply. Thankyou
Question: I’ve been in Severe Hypotension for well over 12 months. Tonight I have had 3 sharp stabbing pains move across to my right shoulder. When do I know to call 999 or just ignore it? I have no one to ask, sorry.
@@OfficialJGorman you should go to ER
Had a pinching pain that got worse laying on the left side. Was light headed and felt like blood flow was in overdrive which made my neck and wrist veins start pounding. That pulsing pinch right near the left nip was matching and sped up standing up then slowed down laying down. Haven't gone into the Phoenix VA yet but was wondering what you might think it could be so I don't take a ER spot from another veteran
Same here
Doctor Doctor I feel like a pair of Curtains. =. Pull you're self together young man. 😂😂
What is a dull ache pain in middle of your chest it lasted 3 minutes i also have Gerd disease....
Im having a chest Pain in the second rip which pain me so much
Sir could you elaborate on precordial catch syndrome
What if anytime I gasp I feel slight chest pain
Because I might have anxiety for stressing so much and yelling so much
Doc can i ask .? Im feeling chest pain when im at rest. But i can go jogging even if 5 or more kilometer without feeling any chestpain.. is it heart related ..?
Do u smoke n drink?(it's a major contributor to health issues along these lines, quit and u will thank urself in the future)...U might have serious acid reflux issues or if unlucky might be related to ur lungs if ur a smoker,pancreas or spleen or worse colon as these are located in the left side. U should really do a checkup with a good doctor,do ur best to get a proper diagnosis as most doctors in this scenario tend to get what the issue is wrong until it's too late
Doc can i ask you a question...
See we learn that the visceral pericardium is pain insensitive it is only the parietal which causes the sensation of pain.. and this occur mainly in pericarditis right..
So why in angina and MI we feel pain then
The pain felt from angina and a heart attack is due to the direct result of the heart muscle cells not receiving enough blood supply, called ischaemia. This is similar to when our skeletal muscles do not get enough oxygen while exercising, which can then use them to cramp. In angina there is still some blood supply to the heart muscle but in a heart attack the blood supply cuts off causing that area of muscle to die. I hope that explanation helps.
I have heart pain that nobody has really explained to me.. it feels like a sharp sudden sting of my heart and is located in the same spot.. just heart.. last for 2 seconds and goes away but hurts bad where it makes me yelp sometimes. Happens randomly throughout the day whether I'm laying in bed or doing whatever .. I have heart failure with about 25% EF at 35
My son died in 2020 and ive had heart problems since ecgs up at ane numerous times and its now getting worse feels like muscle is being pulled even when i do very little and its hurts. My jaw sore a nd upper back aswell 😢 i cant sit in a and e again 3 straight days i was sitting there and i cant why dont doctors boo us in for appointments at the hospital as an outpatient this is a nightmare we all have to work aswell 😢
Omg this is my suspicious, broken heart syndrome =actual heart issues 😢
It is broken heart syndrome, I too experienced this after my younger brother demise. Im 24, you just need to be calm and know that no matter what everyone is going to die one or the other day so we can only try to live our life as happy as possible even during our darkest days as there are some people who stills loves you even if they look rude because Im a kind of person who finds difficulties in expressing emotions so most of the people thinks that I'm rude to them.
@NewEra01-j8c awe bless you thank you yes I was told that about my heart. I know I've another son so I just keep going for him and try to be calm and I like your straight attitude your not rude your just honest and I appreciate you have a wonderful rest of the year may your lovely brother always look out for you x
@@suzihazlove4979 it's terrible but just have to keep going you try and be as happy and chilled as possible ❣️❣️❣️❣️
@@NewEra01-j8c Awe, just smile and tell them you are thinking of them. 😊😁
hi doctor please doctor i make operations in my heart and stomach between so when i week i tired small meter so tired
Thanks for the insight sir. Sometimes and not all the time , i feel a sharp pain on my left side right under my breast, and it doesn't allow me breath in deep ,becos it looks like the pain intensifies wen i try to take in air. Please doc i hope it's not a serious issue.
Hi doctor am haven heart pain for a week now what could be the problem please help me
I've had heart palpitations on the left side in the past. The last 2 weeks i been getting palpitations on right side of chest. Is it normal?
My brother had first heart attack in April, but he didn't get stent as he didn't know what it is and panicked. His 1 LAD is 60% blocked. Later the doc also said that stent is not required as of now and refused to do it and told to have good diet and medicine. Is it fine or should he get the stent? He is 30 years old.
hello question for u, i have a high hr when sleeping, every time i wake up my pulse is high up 2. 80 hbpm why is that
Dear doctor,
I have to constantly hold my left arm up because it feels like my whole left chest area is swelling up from the inside or something. It feels like something is crushing my heart area like something is holding or grabbing it. Also when I move my left arm I get a sharp pain in the left chest. I also feel bubbling sensations in the heart area. Also when I wake up its all fine but the longer I stay awake the worse it gets like the swelling will amplify around the left chest area. I already checked and there is no swelling visible though. Am I in danger?
I am feeling pin pain just near my heart and it feels like it is paining in my heart i haven't suffered this pain before.
@@KFC-WOW now fine ?
Yeah but out of nowhere i feel different types of my in left chest which comes amd goes
@KFC-WOW like how long u having this pain and which type of pain?
As salaam o alaikum, I m 49 heart attack last December and had bypass in February, started having stabbing chest pain in one point only near the heart ,should I worry , it’s been like this for past 6 weeks
I have this symptoms when I am tired and lack of sleep. Both of my arms feels like being squeezed by a BP cuff (the one you used when taking blood pressure) and it goes upward, from both of my arms going up to both shoulders and then it spread to my cheeks and then it will disappear for second, no chest pain. Do you think this is a heart related condition or nerve related?
I am still worried about my chest pain i get under my left breast, it's a stab pain that only lasts for about 2 seconds without doing anything physical. I have had this for about a year now. My cardiologist said it's not angina and blood tests show all my organs are fine. I just want to know what it is. It is so scary,
The pain I got when I had my heart attack was a very sharp pain in the middle of my back it was like a hot knife sticking in me then I got a very sharp pain in my throat I felt a clamy sweat on my forehead even though I was cold I felt weak dizzy and sick I had no chest pain or no left arm pain so it differs in some people but all upper body pain especially chest pain needs to be checked out as ive said there is a condition called costacondritis which attacks all the bones in your chest and back mimicking a heart attack it had me in a and e about fifty times but now I can sort of tell when it's a costacondritis flare up but still all chest pain needs to be checked out in a and e
25/10/24 lost my 17 yr daughter with a mitral valve prolapse. I could see she was in severe pain😭😭😭😭
Dear sir, can left ventricular hypertrophy be reversed with medication ?
There is potential for LVH to be reversed. There is currently an ongoing clinical trial exploring this further.
@@TheHeartDoctor thank you sir,... Can grade 1 systolic dysfunction be reversed with medications ?
I get pain that starts in the jaw on the right side only. It travesl down into my teeth and radiates down the centre, centre right lf my back and centre to centre right of my chest and upper abdomin. Its been on and off maybe 3 times a year for the last 5 years.. is this hearth related or something else.. ??? Im 30 years of age
What about the heart pain when I'm heart broken... The heart really pains ,.. making breathing difficult... Deep breathing is not at all possible... I have to small breathing... The heart cries .. it pains ... Along with that the whole body cries in pain ,..
Its an actual things I dont remember how they call it heartbroken syndrome?
Doctor i feel a pain beside my heart wen i belch
Hello, I’m 12 years old, and I have this pain near my heart and it comes and goes but it isn’t intense it is small burns and squeezes. And also I think it’s causing stomach aces because I keep getting worried that I could have a heart attack do u know what is wrong?
Look up coronary Artery spasm CAS. It’s overlooked, also look at the jump since the 💉
If you, yourself, have never has a heart attack - then you don't know what it feels like. You only know how your patients describe it - and those descriptions very much depend on both education, and the general manner in which the particular person, reacts and responds, generally - to illness and pain.
Hi doc i juat woke up an my chest heart side start to feel like something is poking it an it hurt for a bit an now it stop but it feel like i am leaking now with a heat on my heart
Holy hell. I’ve never seen someone naturally speak so slowly in my life. 😮
Sir i am feeling chest dull pain in center left side for more then 2 yr
Me too buddy how's your chest pain now
@@luckyrage1104me to , do your heart feel like it’s sore low key if you move a certain way like left top shoulder
Same mines a left side weird discomfort (not a pain) it feels it’s worse in the mornings then kinda settles down but can still feel it
Are you guys still alive I’ve been experiencing the same left side dull pain for 1.5 years
Hi so with me I usually get it when ever I drown down my window. Most is nerve related so the doctor says. 2 days ago I woke up with upper left rib nerve pain from the back and yesterday and today I feel sharp pain on top right of chest. Only last about few seconds. Feels like I’m being stabbed. I was perfectly still playing video games when it happened.
hello pls i need a help i have that weird pain on my left side always since 3 years now i can feel it in the same positon on my back arm i already checked an generalist doctor he said thats not my heart but the pain is always with me , but im confused cause when i do sports i dont feel that pain any help pls and thank u ah btw he gave me some blood tests and he said they good idk ...
Hello, do you have an update?
certain ingredients in smoothies may have potential benefits for cardiovascular health and may indirectly contribute to reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and supporting heart function, which could help alleviate discomfort over time. Here's an enhanced version of the heart-healthy smoothie with ingredients that may have additional anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties:
1 cup of spinach (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup of mixed berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries)
1/2 medium banana
1/2 cup of low-fat Greek yogurt or unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds or chia seeds
1/4 avocado
1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 cup of water or coconut water (adjust for desired consistency)
Add all the ingredients to a blender.
Blend until smooth and creamy, adjusting the consistency with water or coconut water as needed.
Taste and adjust sweetness if desired by adding honey or maple syrup.
Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately.
Here's how the additional ingredients contribute to potential pain relief and enhanced heart health:
Ginger: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger may help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, including muscle and joint pain.
Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a compound with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help reduce inflammation and support heart health.
Cinnamon: Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and may help improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
It's important to note that while these ingredients may have potential health benefits, they're not a substitute for medical treatment for heart pain or any other medical condition. If you're experiencing chest pain or discomfort, seek immediate medical attention from a healthcare professional.
I have cardiac vein spasms they tell me they don’t know what causes it
I have a weird feeling in my upper chest the heart aere. I went got it checked a few times. They thought it was pneumonia. 29 days later if cleared up, now the wants to me to get some test on my heart. Echocardiograph. He says it wasnt pneumonia.
Aoa Thank you doctor for sharing this informative info
Can you give me a tip bc I was in bed and I turned and I felt my heart like hurt and it like popped and I have a lack of breathing
Sometimes I feel pain in my heart ??
I just started adderall recently and prior to this for about a year suddenly get pressure under my sternum and now I get that and im ice cold even my eyelids feel cold.. and my hands go purple it feels like I have wire wrapped around both upper biceps the chest pain shoots torwards my RS from my heart and around my heart itself... My right SB will hurt on the left side. Happened a few times went to er ekg fine.... Tells me everything ok just ibs or something so keeps happening i go to walmart check my blood pressure it was 141/92 102 bpm while calm... Today i had pain and my blood pressure was good but my heart rate was at 102 Now when i lay down for bed i notice this weird feeling almost like a consisten tap or small beat that shouldnt be there
I just don't know what tests to ask for the ekg was okay and the chest x ray I forgot they took that but that was after a 3 hour wait when my symptoms were basically fading
Sir I am 20 years old and I am having pain in my left side for last 8 months. Is it a pin point? Can this be a problem?
Ab thk h?