Mass Recall (Starcraft 1 in SC2!) Queen of Blades Campaign - Part 6

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @manchovieclemmons2380
    @manchovieclemmons2380 2 роки тому +103

    "Mutas are so broken in MR, I dont know what to do about them!" Build them, Grant... Build them.

    • @connorsullivan1855
      @connorsullivan1855 2 роки тому +13

      Yup I beat this mission in MR without too much struggling but that was because I realized how hard the mission was and said fuck it lets go mass muta. I am pretty sure any other unit composition is impossible.

    • @connorsullivan1855
      @connorsullivan1855 2 роки тому +15

      @@Blazieth I completely understand why Grant does that. Mutas are pretty overpowered in MR. Really the only thing that can stop a big flock of mutas is irradiate. So it would get pretty boring if he did that for every game. I on the other hand, can just throw my hands up and build 40 mutas whenever things get too hard haha

    • @k-leb4671
      @k-leb4671 Рік тому +1

      Why are they so broken in Mass Recall anyway?

    • @Sorenzo
      @Sorenzo 5 місяців тому

      He inexplicably HATES the sound they make so he seems to be unwilling to build them even though they're awesome in every way.

    • @ezcyberpup
      @ezcyberpup 5 місяців тому

      @@k-leb4671 the direct counter to mutas is corsair and valkaries and devourer. the sc2 engine and mass recall has a rounding error in the damage calc which makes those units do less damage vs mutas so they can burn down enemies much quicker

  • @alexstewart9592
    @alexstewart9592 2 роки тому +78

    How hotkeys work is that you take your keyboard, find a conveient window facing towards the sun, and leave the keyboard in front of the window.
    Then you have hot keys.

    • @xobotun_
      @xobotun_ 2 роки тому +13

      Instructions unclear, we have a winter over here, and the sun is hiding behind the clouds. :D
      Still, the window faces towards the sun, I think I did everything as described! :D

    • @alexstewart9592
      @alexstewart9592 2 роки тому +9

      @@xobotun_ Maybe try near the heater/fireplace?
      Alternatively, you can try under the cat/dog/ect. but that might cause them to become fluffy keys instead.

    • @Marcus001
      @Marcus001 2 роки тому +7

      I wonder how you get sticky keys 😳

  • @bobbythefish4836
    @bobbythefish4836 2 роки тому +132

    Wow I am seeing so many comments of people saying this mission is really hard. So I had to edit this and invite people to play it the intended way. I dare anyone including Grant to try this again with the following in mind: Listen to Duran. If you try to go after the Zerg, you will have a bad time. It will be far more enjoyable I promise.
    So, when I did this mission I had similar trouble, and then realized after a restart that Duran literally tells me how to beat the mission. "Focus your attacks on the UED scientists."
    So I didn't worry about getting any expansions at all, I just saturated the main and massed enough mutas to take out missile turrets one by one, While spending my excess minerals on static defense. The inner UED base is poorly defended against air units so you can easy find and snipe down all the scientists and that is the win condition. The scariest thing is a couple science vessels. I won in under the 20 min mark with resources to spare and only one base.
    The Zerg bases are set to aggressively defend and rebuild the expansions, so they are a red herring.
    My SC2 instincts to mass my economy and grab every expo opportunity screwed me up too. The mission is designed to align with the story, that you can't hold back the Zerg, so you focus on the men behind the curtain controlling them.
    The design of this mission is to be a quick muta harass. It gives you enough resources to last about 20 minutes on your main before you run out of minerals. Which should be more than enough time and money to get enough mutas to clear the objective. Of course, with enough mutas you can do whatever you want though.

    • @vladimirtchuiev2218
      @vladimirtchuiev2218 2 роки тому +1

      I do think you can grab expansions, the northern side is easier with Mutas.

    • @tristannottrysten
      @tristannottrysten 2 роки тому +8

      Thank you sir for confirming my suspicion. At first I played it on hard and realized when trying to take expansions and defending them, the mission was much much much harder than normal. So after an hour of getting my ass handed to me, i just got bunch of guardians and scourges and went on to snipe the scientists. I didnt even bother building static defense, just built a bunch of evo chambers so that they act as a distraction for my army to wreak havoc

    • @AlphaWolf-is8zg
      @AlphaWolf-is8zg 2 роки тому +4

      I have done this mission in classic brood war and this strategy can work but it is far more risky as you only have one base to use. If you fail or make too many mistakes? You will have to start all over. If you engage the zerg broods one at a time however, the enemy AI is aggressive as hell but only from the brood that is attacked the most. The other will still poke but won't offer strong resistance to you unless provoked by attacking them. Once you manage to overpower one brood? Taking the UED science Corps. from the flank you exposed is easy, as is assaulting the other brood with their ally forces dead and the UED forces almost completely sticking to defense and refusing to move out so the Zerg focus you down. The only issue doing it my way is it probably takes much longer, but is safer since every base secured allows for more resources to use for continuously pressing the enemy positions.

    • @LordMalice6d9
      @LordMalice6d9 Рік тому +1

      I honestly had more trouble with this mission 2 decades ago when the game came out than with To Slay The Beast.

    • @LordMalice6d9
      @LordMalice6d9 Рік тому

      @@AlphaWolf-is8zg The only expansion worth taking in this mission if you have to, is the northern expo as it contains the most extra resources.

  • @Athelas952
    @Athelas952 2 роки тому +17

    "it's not a muta map"
    Back when I was 12, every map was a muta map in campaign

  • @QuestionableObject
    @QuestionableObject 2 роки тому +5

    I have never seen this map played this way lol
    Always built muta flocks while sinking excess minerals into sunks and spores and using the mutas to pick off the scientists

  • @Garryl367
    @Garryl367 2 роки тому +33

    32:20 - With +3 missile weapons vs. +3 armor small units (zerglings, mutalisks, marines, etc.), a SC:BW hydra does 5 damage, while a Mass Recall hydra does 3.5 damage (30% less).

  • @fare-5174
    @fare-5174 2 роки тому +9

    Grant once told us the story of him dropping his friends on an island map while they were massing air off of one gas. That was a fun story, but it feels like Grant learned the wrong lesson here; sometimes, it really is easier to just mass air and rush the objective. In fact, I think it's this mission that taught your friends that.

  • @luckylarry71
    @luckylarry71 2 роки тому +92

    It sucks that every new unit in BW except the Devourer, had at least some degree of introduction. This is the mission where it first becomes available, but the game does not in anyway signal it to the player. Considering its utility and resilience, I always thought that it would really work, if it had a pre-mission intro, spearheading an assault against some UED Wraiths and Mutas, slowing their attack and maybe even revealing any cloaking attempts, due to the effect of its splash attack.

    • @danpitzer765
      @danpitzer765 2 роки тому +10

      I actually remember exactly what I did in this mission in BW.
      I was making mutas and defending, and then realized that I could make devourers. I so started mixing in a few devs. Then I realized further that guardians would make short work of most of the terran base and scientists. So I ended up with 6 devs, 6 guardians, and a group or two of mutas, that then just flattened the terrans. Any attempt at stopping the guardians was met by devs crippling the air power and mutas tearing the now nerfed fliers apart, while the guardians removed all ground threats.
      Of course, to achieve all this, I had spores around the edge of my island so that only Guardians could attack me.

    • @bobbythefish4836
      @bobbythefish4836 2 роки тому +6

      This mission is designed to be a quick muta harass mission though. You can easily beat it without even getting a hive, so teching up to devourer could maybe help with defense from the air attacks from the north, but the limited resources make just massing mutas the better option. Even on hard mode the UED base has no air support other than a couple science vessels.

    • @luckylarry71
      @luckylarry71 2 роки тому +12

      @@bobbythefish4836 Yeah, I mean even Grant remarks at one point that this mission is forgettable, and that's very much the reason for it I'd say. Not even bothering to introduce a new unit and what its capable of makes the unit just seem uninterresting. Plus, at the start of the mission you're supposed to eradicate all opposition, but couple of minutes in, it throws a curveball saying oh wait, no - now all you gotta do is kill 30 unarmed civilians and you no longer need to worry 'bout anything.

  • @billman4226
    @billman4226 2 роки тому +25

    I remember watching Lowko playthrough this campaign, and I thing he said something along the lines of "this is one of the hardest missions in all of Starcraft"

  • @Whosaneca
    @Whosaneca 2 роки тому +21

    Grant says "Nobody likes to watch someone redo a mission for an hour" Me at rapt attention - "Nonsense!" Having over an hour of Grant today was awesome :D

  • @hannabelphaege3774
    @hannabelphaege3774 2 роки тому +38

    Oh I've been waiting for this mission! This is really memorable for me because this is where I gave up on Broodwar

    • @LordMalice6d9
      @LordMalice6d9 Рік тому +2

      Why did you give up at this mission?

  • @7thAce
    @7thAce 2 роки тому +42

    What interesting is that it seems like zerglings can only hit the center of the lurker here in Mass Recall, meaning they have much less surface area to hit. Looking at 40:30, it seems that only ~3 zerglings can hit a lurker at once, greatly increasing its survivability. In SC1, it's on the perimeter, so 8ish zerglings have no problem killing it. These differences (and *especially* the armor type issue) are things in MR are jarringly different from SC1 and take away from the "pure" remake.
    Also, yes. This mission has always felt like a pretty large difficulty bump starting on a low econ island and having to make a drop or nydus to a vulnerable island.

  • @ChannelMiner
    @ChannelMiner 2 роки тому +85

    I hope when Grant gets to omega, he turns on extra heroes.

    • @fare-5174
      @fare-5174 2 роки тому +13

      Better not because I found them kinda buggy with 0 respawn time; you had to make your comp specifically to snipe those and keep them sniped while the rest of your forces will deal with the mission as usual.

    • @OGRadion
      @OGRadion 2 роки тому +9

      @@fare-5174 Oooooh, that's what caused that bullshit. I was furious at this mission due to that

    • @Jacheka
      @Jacheka 2 роки тому +6

      It took me 3 hours to finish that mission, with the heroes, it was hell, but fun, I hope Grant tries it, so it's very challenging.

  • @wherethetatosat
    @wherethetatosat 2 роки тому +14

    In hindsight from watching you play and from my experience, this mission is designed to push you towards mutas, guardians and devourers. Since they can fly, you can send them to any of the bases. Mutas may be broken, but the devourer spores will slow down their attack rate and it makes the muta glaive damage SUUUUUUUPER good as each spore is another tick of damage. Corruptors also have better armor and HP.

  • @vaximillian9460
    @vaximillian9460 2 роки тому +25

    Watching Grant play Mass Recall made me buy the remaster and start the campaign. I actually have never beaten it legitimately, I have just used cheats to get through the story.
    Got to the Norad II chapter last night.

    • @ianc8266
      @ianc8266 2 роки тому +1

      Godspeed, friend.

  • @mrToglovski56709
    @mrToglovski56709 2 роки тому +7

    Turns out the counter to the broken mutas is more broken mutas! :D

  • @LPrulzcrossover
    @LPrulzcrossover 2 роки тому +3

    Don't excuse for that it's an 1 hour long video. It's much more enjoyable to see you finding out how to beat it than if you would get it first try with ease. Your videos are really refreshing, seeing content that is just too hard and stressful for a regular human. I'm so glad you have this archive channel in addition to the main one!

  • @joshwhite2764
    @joshwhite2764 2 роки тому +15

    Grant - maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't mind long videos. Keep it all comin man, no apology necessary

  • @jozef.majernik
    @jozef.majernik 2 роки тому +14

    No need to apologize, Grant. We find pleasure in your suffering.

  • @iosdrake3458
    @iosdrake3458 2 роки тому +42

    In Broodwar I'm pretty sure you can't build on larva, regardless of whose they are.

  • @luckybuns7628
    @luckybuns7628 2 роки тому +3

    Grant: "It's not a muta map."
    *sees thumbnail* It's a good mission today

  • @lilitheva286
    @lilitheva286 2 роки тому +7

    Grant honestly longer videos like this I enjoy, I know im probably not the majority, but dont beat yourself up about how you should have done better. Grant content is Grant content!

    • @LordMalice6d9
      @LordMalice6d9 Рік тому +1

      I have never had a problem watching a mission that can take up to an hour long to complete. The last few missions of any RTS campaign should be hard and require a lot of effort.

  • @ebadathar5066
    @ebadathar5066 2 роки тому +3

    Watching grant try every unit composition in the known universe besides mass muta is really something lol

  • @Evan-mt7bc
    @Evan-mt7bc 2 роки тому +17

    It's a shame mutas are so broken in Mass Recall. Their would be counters are non functional in the new engine calculations and Mutas are even stronger than they are in SC1 because you can Muta ball them so easily and effectively.

  • @ytdood
    @ytdood 2 роки тому +15

    You say it's not a muta map but I actually went for the bottom base first and expanded to the lower right one after as they're on the same island and kept defending with muta/hydra/ling until I reached a critical mass of mutas. It's one the more interesting maps for sure.
    Edit - well, it's what you did on the 3rd attempt :D

    • @hallymiao2825
      @hallymiao2825 2 роки тому +5

      It's totally a muta map, and can be cheese to hell with mutas. Going ground against lurker/ultra/guardian is what makes it hard.
      Muta Cheese:
      That little gas you get at the start can actually get you enough mutas (just 6) to cheese out the AI altogether: let the AI make hatches, and kill it off with mutas AFTER they start it (don't kill the drone); they will not rebuild or cover the place with defenders, and northern AI will only attack your main, from the same direction. You can then clean up the lurkers AI leave behind and take 2 northern expos that never get attacked.
      Meanwhile, since the only combat units you make are mutas, you'd get enough minerals to just put 6 sunks at the bottom left drop spot on your island, and 4 spores behind your gas and defend with 0 units loss, letting you easily hit muta critical mass and a-move the AI out of existence.

  • @siren1339
    @siren1339 2 роки тому +3

    You know almost EVERY mission of EP6 in MR is pure pain, imagine how it would be on Endgame. I cried.

  • @junningen
    @junningen 4 місяці тому

    Grant, I've been watching your content for some time, slowly progressing through it in chronological order, and I'd like to clarifiy that it's actually very inspiring watching you not giving up and doing the same mission for an hour.
    I'm excited about the remaining backlog and hope to catch up with you at some point in the future. See you around.

  • @alexrobinson3251
    @alexrobinson3251 2 роки тому +3

    Dont apologise dude, it is what it is, great video!

  • @xobotun_
    @xobotun_ 2 роки тому +2

    54 is a reference to you naming episode 5 as episode 4, for sure! :D

  • @phoenixmaggiore3120
    @phoenixmaggiore3120 2 роки тому +2

    1 hour+ of GGG is just more of that sweet, sweet content.

  • @vladimirtchuiev2218
    @vladimirtchuiev2218 2 роки тому

    I believe the easier path is actually attacking the northern side once you have a mass of around 16 Mutas from 1 base. You need to mass a bunch of static defenses and lings in the main protecting against drops, devote all gas to drop tech, Mutas and Muta upgrades. You go to the northern base directly and defend it by constantly reinforcing Mutas. Once you establish yourself an expansion straight up north and after an attack wave, you can get the back northern base. From there upgrade to 3-3, mass a big ball of Mutas and scour the Terran base for the scientists. No need to wrestle back and forth against massive ground armies as the Ultras and Lurkers will just ignore the Mutas and prevent you from establish the base if you go the bottom route.

  • @bruhhhhhh1
    @bruhhhhhh1 2 роки тому +4

    You're a champ, Grant. This mission always kicks my ass and I always bust out the cheat codes lmfao

  • @dragonhuman6484
    @dragonhuman6484 2 роки тому +3

    Devour is an amazing supplement to mutas for the muta fights, but man do they suck on there own. Also soft "detector" against cloaked air units if you can splash

  • @garrettvinson3376
    @garrettvinson3376 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the fun video. I always like these long vods ^_^

  • @diegosep.4201
    @diegosep.4201 2 роки тому +1

    A thumbnail describing your idea for a thumbnail could be a meta thumbnail easier to make than a regular thumbnail.

  • @gastoncoscia5031
    @gastoncoscia5031 2 роки тому +1

    Recomendation for tumbnail
    All my stuff:exists
    Mutalisks:is for me?

  • @alexwong3365
    @alexwong3365 2 роки тому +1

    26:40 the defiler shaking its mandibles pretending to be a drone in the mineral line

  • @becausereasons8507
    @becausereasons8507 2 роки тому +3

    I'm all for the hour long videos. I'm here as much for the strategy of the game as I am for hearing your voice.

  • @MrStealYoBeef
    @MrStealYoBeef 2 роки тому +1

    This video easily had one of your most meta thumbnails of all time.

  • @AxltheTemplar
    @AxltheTemplar 2 роки тому +2

    This an mind hawk's are what I have been going to sleep to for the last month or so. So if it's boring that's fine.

  • @HarmKaban
    @HarmKaban 2 роки тому +5

    Always played this map through muta/guardian in the original.... good times

  • @estellebright2579
    @estellebright2579 2 роки тому +10

    8:37 GGG experiencing the pain of custom games and the struggle to properly play mass recall with hotkeys.
    Too bad that no one working on Mass Recall bothered to fix this till the conclusion of the project.
    Btw, there's a hotkey profile for "Local players" on "C:\Users\\Documents\StarCraft II\Hotkeys" where it stores hotkey settings that are not default. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a default hotkey file but with enough tinkering, trial and error, it is possible to force bound each hotkey to a specific key.
    More importantly, I wish a modder could try to figure out how hotkey works for each action, so a fix might be possible, give the volatility of hotkey settings in custom campaigns.
    21:19 iirc in base game, one side nydus got killed the otherside got killed as well, as nydus canal doesn't store any unit. Nydus in SC2 loses that mechanic I think so it doesn't explode.
    iirc in original game, at the end there's a brief moment where those released red zerg start to attack your units as soon as they are being released. Guess not the case in Mass Recall.

  • @johndowell6028
    @johndowell6028 2 роки тому

    Good pronunciation for "PC 방"! 👍I'm not aware of how many folks are familiar with them outside Korea so it's cool to hear it pronounced correctly

  • @kewu313
    @kewu313 2 роки тому +10

    the damage reduction difference made hydras not as good and low eco makes mass spores less viable. whenever the AI sent mutas it's going to be miserable

  • @HyperFocusMarshmallow
    @HyperFocusMarshmallow 2 роки тому +2

    This game is just so good!

  • @Goldenfish300
    @Goldenfish300 2 роки тому +1

    I don't mind the longer videos. It's interesting to see failed attempts too

  • @Reaper9-4
    @Reaper9-4 2 роки тому +1

    i played through the whole massrecall campaign and man oh man is it alot harder than sc2 xD

  • @Sorenzo
    @Sorenzo 5 місяців тому

    In Starcraft 1 you could DEFINITELY not build on enemy larvae. I remember so many times waiting for them to die.

  • @MichelCarajo
    @MichelCarajo 2 роки тому +1

    Mandatory comment saying I love this playthrough and thank you so much for all the content you provide.

  • @UM96lol
    @UM96lol 2 роки тому +1

    I accidentally managed to cheeze this mission. By sending your small forces you start with at each base in a safe spot, you can snipe the hatchery drones and the enemy will NEVER rebuild them, which is kinda weird considering Mass Recall AI loves replacing units so much.

  • @h4hyena
    @h4hyena 2 роки тому +2

    Huh I thought you were supposed to go mutas. That's what I did on this mission

  • @IIITheDeadGamerIII
    @IIITheDeadGamerIII 2 роки тому +4

    In attempt #1 it seemed like the giant mass drop came from south. Then in attempt #2 it came from the base you destroyed to the right. It feels like those are the same timing. The same attack but coming from different bases if you destroy the right base or not.

  • @BlazingGlaceon
    @BlazingGlaceon 2 роки тому

    I know 54 is a meme in Final Fantasy 13 speedrunning, at least, I think it's 54? I might have the number wrong, but it's something-four. There's an obligatory farming part of the run, and one runner took 54 attempts to get the thing they needed, and it gained meme status that runners always shout _fifty foooouuuur!_ when they get to that part.
    .. I highly doubt the MR devs were referencing that, though lmao. Probably just a common asset that they pasted all over the town in that opening scene? Who knows.
    Also, I think the point of the Devourer is that you only have like, two or three in the back of your army, and they get their sticky goo all over enemy flyers from forever away 'cause they have a million range for no reason, and then your actual damage dealers can benefit from the bonus damage from the sticky goo. You can also have them tank a bit, since they have a ton of health and armor for, also no reason lol. But yeah, you definitely don't mass them up like with Mutas and Guardians, just keep a couple on hand as a supplement. They're, they're weird lol. They'd be cooler as a spellcaster, but I guess the Queen already fits that niche, so eh.

  • @joelebrown4355
    @joelebrown4355 2 роки тому +3

    As far as I can tell, the StarCraft 2 hotkey system is super broken, and touching it causes many problems

  • @MrDoomGape
    @MrDoomGape 2 роки тому +1

    i wana be clever say the 54 is a sammy hagar I Can't Drive 55 reference i think there around on jimmy's map when you get control of him too

  • @caspianvonliechtenstein6517
    @caspianvonliechtenstein6517 2 роки тому +4

    54 40 or fight was a slogan for annexing the Oregon territories.

  • @contrary845
    @contrary845 2 роки тому

    Best thumbnail.

  • @Dzharek
    @Dzharek 2 роки тому +6

    I know i played all of SC 1 campaigns but i cant remember for my life this mission even existing.

    • @yonokhanman654
      @yonokhanman654 2 роки тому +6

      It's one of the worse Broodwar missions, besides the start there is nothing memorable about it. And you have to find and eliminate 30 UED Scientists who like to hide most of the time. Mission 2 did that sort of mission already and way better.

    • @Dianbler
      @Dianbler 2 роки тому +1

      There are some like that. This one I think is actually pretty good though.

  • @cosminnegreanu6929
    @cosminnegreanu6929 2 роки тому

    54 might refer to the Jay-z song "99 problems"

  • @BesfrenOnlinegamerz
    @BesfrenOnlinegamerz 2 роки тому

    Grant: Man! Mutas are so broken in Mass Recall.
    Me: Use mutmuts then and clear all bonus objectives since my OCD is tingling

  • @wustenfuchsgaming1226
    @wustenfuchsgaming1226 2 роки тому

    Interesting Mutas in the Thumbnail 🤣

  • @poilboiler
    @poilboiler 2 роки тому +1

    Oh no, not "hundreds" of zerg!

  • @danpitzer765
    @danpitzer765 2 роки тому +3

    It looked to me like the attacks were triggered by your attempt to invade. Because they ALWAYS hit right after you tried to nydus out. Like you were flipping a trigger.

  • @AnubisHades
    @AnubisHades 2 роки тому

    Lurker? I hardly know her! :P

  • @MrStanDoesStuff
    @MrStanDoesStuff 2 роки тому

    the hitkeys are busted with MR, dont blame yourself :P

  • @shaunduggan8605
    @shaunduggan8605 2 роки тому

    That nydus @1 hr 4 ish must have went up literally the second you looked away... jeez

  • @jedenasty2226
    @jedenasty2226 2 роки тому

    This intro cutscene is axtually looking like in Company of Heroes 2

  • @BlackZethyr45
    @BlackZethyr45 2 роки тому +3

    Is this being balanced with having heroes in mind? Because this is insane!

  • @HyperFocusMarshmallow
    @HyperFocusMarshmallow 2 роки тому

    Now only mutas for the rest of time…
    -Spawn more overlords!

  • @noblehelium3794
    @noblehelium3794 2 роки тому

    I bet if they had just changed the Mutalisk to large size instead of small they wouldn't have needed to add an ATA unit for every race in the expansion. But then we would have been deprived of the Corsair which is responsible for many classic games of BW.

    • @noblehelium3794
      @noblehelium3794 2 роки тому

      @Dominotik Ivan Tulovskiy ATA is air-to-air.

  • @TheSeminole95
    @TheSeminole95 2 роки тому +1

    This level was really hard.

  • @Kazaki000
    @Kazaki000 2 роки тому

    "this is not a muta map"... the easiest way to win in this map is to go big muta energy, just muta + devourer, you can defend and attack pretty well cuz mutas are so f** fast, so you just need some static defence in the island, and your are good to go... and cuz you dont research any of the ground upgrades, yo can go 3+3 air no problem with the first gas and then you can add guardians when you take the second gas.

  • @riojulio9650
    @riojulio9650 2 роки тому

    when you know enemy is often attack your bases you should leave some to defend each of the bases not take them all for one command

  • @themoomaster787
    @themoomaster787 2 роки тому

    54 is a number, Grant.

  • @brandonsalt6668
    @brandonsalt6668 2 роки тому

    On easier I remember getting mutas and counter attacking asap and sniping buildings

  • @TheKrzywyHD
    @TheKrzywyHD 2 роки тому

    felt so good

  • @GCaF
    @GCaF 2 роки тому

    This mission was a pain... until I used all my main gas for mutas and defended with spores and sunks... then it was a breeze...

    • @offthedeepend3996
      @offthedeepend3996 Рік тому

      Isn't that what this map is designed for you to do? This map basically forces you to mass air in order to beat it.

  • @Vicioussama
    @Vicioussama 2 роки тому

    you can always build on enemy's creep as for larva, that I don't know... Pretty sure you can't build on the enemy larva in original SC

    • @Vicioussama
      @Vicioussama 2 роки тому

      I found, at least in base game, this is super easy because you can just destroy the 4 bases they take from you really early. Not sure it'd work in Mass Recall especially on the difficulty you are on lol. That seems like they'd stop it.

  • @Ghent_Halcyon
    @Ghent_Halcyon 2 роки тому +1


  • @Santisima_Trinidad
    @Santisima_Trinidad 2 роки тому

    It's probably outpost 54 on tarsonis.

  • @temrozela
    @temrozela 2 роки тому

    The true answer is Cracklings

  • @TheIlidius
    @TheIlidius 2 роки тому

    I don't think you're supposed to focus on the zerg on this map

  • @DeathFuryos
    @DeathFuryos 2 роки тому

    first min comment"
    I don't like the word used by our lovly Durhan, "massive wave of zerg". Using word "massive" he is suggesting that enemy forces are larger then oures, so is not posioble just for as to "secure our perimiter" and counterattack. Is not that easy (ike Kerrigan is saying) when you are facing a much bigger army. Just to that, she says.

  • @goliver9991
    @goliver9991 2 роки тому

    every map is a muta map in mass recall since nothing deals damage to it lol

  • @Talon771
    @Talon771 2 роки тому

    Random comment for channel interaction.

  • @ThanhLe-ti8nx
    @ThanhLe-ti8nx 2 роки тому

    BW ZvZ is so tedious to play. Mass muta (and some devourer) through the whole game
    And low economy doesn't make it better. I wish they give you 2 geyser at the beginning
    1 thing I prefer in SC2 campaign is that upgrade are completed by default (beside the attack, armor). Some upgrade are no-brainer while being expensive like Hydra's speed and range (300/300), and it just prolongs the game for no good reason.

  • @johndowell6028
    @johndowell6028 2 роки тому

    At 10:37, you say "16...2, 16...4, a pair is 6, a pair is 8." You're a Cribbage player too, aren't ya?

  • @benedictlim1275
    @benedictlim1275 2 роки тому

    Hey grant, may i request that you heighten the volume please, im deaf asf hehe

    • @GoldenArbiter01
      @GoldenArbiter01 2 роки тому

      seconded, but like, only for things that aren't Grant's voice, as I can't hear anything past it, lol

  • @ehk5948
    @ehk5948 2 роки тому

    This map is super dark and the dust storms are annoying. Cool otherwise though.

  • @Kerrigan-QOB
    @Kerrigan-QOB 2 роки тому

    Hey, why are you using me as thumbnail?

  • @irontorch4186
    @irontorch4186 2 роки тому +3


  • @The-jy3yq
    @The-jy3yq 2 роки тому


  • @ChannelMiner
    @ChannelMiner 2 роки тому +2
