This report is very out of date. As of today, all the SQ A380s have been back in service for months and the cabin upgrades that are mentioned, are already in services and SQ announced further upgrades recently with the the retrofits to be completed by 2030.
@tungteo1190 Thank you so much for your support, it really helps us and we appreciate it a lot!
the best news a380 is a beast
good news
Love A380 ,
what a beautiful airplane
Best news ever 😁😁😁😁😁😁
This report is very out of date. As of today, all the SQ A380s have been back in service for months and the cabin upgrades that are mentioned, are already in services and SQ announced further upgrades recently with the the retrofits to be completed by 2030.
When everyone is dumpingbthem means they will be able to purchase planes and parts at a great price, long term thinking
❤ li🤲🤝👈