Excellent review, very clear and concise. I've been a fan of Xiaomi scooters and this vid helped me decide if I need to upgrade. More power...Mabuhay! from the Philippines! 😄
Страхотно видео , за разлика от конкуренцията е изнесена пълната информация за скутера !!! Имам Pro 2 версията !! Единственият недостатък на версиите Mi-1S , Mi -Pro 2 , Mi-3 е сгъваемият механизъм , като смятам ,че е подобрен от гледна точка на ефикасност , но за жалост механизма го няма за поръчване като резервна част !!!!
Благодаря ти за комплимента и подкрепата, Вальо. Има известно подобрение, но като цяло смятам механизма на по-късните версии на всичките изброени модели за достатъчно ОК. Е, може би не съвсем достатъчно за качеството на тукашната инфраструктура, но определено се забелязва подобрение. Все още е рано за резервни части, така че се надявам рано или късно да стане възможно да се поръчат.
I have been riding the mi scooter 3 for about 2 months now, the only complain I have is the battery capacity... Just wish it's a bit more. Actual riding distance on flat surface at 25 km/h is around 16km. I'm 70kg.
@@TechMishka No mi scooter 3 has cruise control, my may 2020 build 1S did not have it with firmware 3.1, I downgraded to Xiaomi 2.2.1 firmware and cruise control is now available. No idea whether you can do it with the 3.
Здравей братле! Останах изненадан, че говорим един език. Много добро качество на видеата. Понеже изобщо не ги разбирам скутерите, искам да се допитам до теб, тъй като виждам че имаш опит с тях. За първи скутер какво би препоръчал. Насочих се към kugoo s1 pro, но има доста минуси, който ме отказаха. Главно търся нещо което да спира добре, да има около 25-30 км пробег и да е възможно най-мощно. Бюджета е мнохо тънък, затова и гледам от олх да изнамеря нещо, така че ако имаш някакъв съвет е добре дошъл
Ами, Кугоо е вариант. Може да почакаш някоя хубава оферта през месеците с намаления, или да се огледаш за някое запазено Mi скутерче, което е на малко километри. Стискам палци да намериш нещо, което да ти допадне
Man I'm looking for a scooter to buy, but the fact that you need the app to activate the scooter is so skechy. These apps are so shady and ask for basically full access to your phone. I might decide against this if there are even slightly worse options for scooters that do not need an app
3:52 This Scooter can climb 16% not 16°, which is only 9° or +16m of height per 100m of horizontal distance (16° would be 28.7%). But otherwise it's a good video, thank you.
I charged the battery and drove exactly 10 kilometers on the sport, in the information it says that I can exceed 20 kilometers, do you have the same case?
Man that's nice but I have the first gen and it rocks ☺️ only thing is that front clip were it folds the screws keep coming lose other than that it's fun to drive around especially at work ,ow and I change the tires to run flat tires no inner tube anymore don't have to worry about flat tires , it's great !!!
+1 sub :) гледам аз на А1 продуктите които мога да взема с един нов договор и излиза скутер ... викам си чакай да погледна някое друго ревю ... и какво да видя! Бг тубър с +100к събс! Евалата, Мишо! Продължавай все така!
Благодаря за Sub-a! Колко яко, дано и скутерът да ти хареса. Бях приятно изненадан от тройката, но и предните генерации са чудесни. Само ... малко кофти инфраструктурата за каране и често се пукат гуми. Поне при мен.
Since you had the M365 before, could you tell me if the accessories for the M365 (from Curious Joe for example) are compatible with the Electric Scooter 3?
Здравейте, двоумя се между Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 и Mi Electric Scooter 3, към кой модел ще ме насочите? Предимства недостатъци? Дневно ще се минават около 18-19 км. по велоалеи и тротоари, няма изкачване., килограмите ми са 83.
My F30 got a battery issue and now doesn't charge up to 100%. Its performance is fantastic, and much smoother riding. But: range of the Mi Scooter is almost twice better.
Мишо, аз имам М365 (от али-то от края на 2019-та и все още си е екстра) и не съм сигурен все още дали мога да си сложа по-голям капацитет батерия, за да издържа повече (като про версията или дори повече)... Ти правил ли си нещо такова и/или знаеш ли дали може да се надгради така тортинетката? В али-то гледах, че има такива батерии, но още не съм проверил дали ще пасват като размер и кои не са лъжливи обяви... Иначе евала, доста добре и качествено си правиш ревютата и като цяло видеата! :)
Здрасти Ники! Благодаря ти за коментара. Според мен - огледай българските фейсбук групи. Има доста готини идеи. Като цяло не съм фен на такива манипулации - по-скоро помисли за Про-версията. Инаги ще се притесняваш от жици и темподобни.
@@TechMishka Благодаря ти за отговора! Аз го харесвам този вариант с манипулациите, защото те от xiaomi са ги направили да можеш да си я правиш по твой вкус и буквално всяка една част от тортинетката можеш да си я купиш и я има в различни разновидности и тва да си я правиш както ти харесва си е добър плюс към удоволствието от тва да я имаш и караш тортинетката. И също заради факта, че се пре***х, че не си взех про версията още тогава и се изскръндзих за 200лв отгоре (класически българин :D) Но да, ще помисля по въпроса дали да се притеснявам с жиците (да не си подпаля петите :D) или направо да обмислям да премина на Про версията. То на мен идеята ми е да е малка, компактна, лека, да може да си я оптимизираш по твой вкус (както xiaomi), да вдига поне 30км/ч и да издържа, колкото се може повече пробег. Но точно на такива характеристики май няма такава, която да отговаря... Мерси отново, жив и здрав! :)
Здравейте! Бих препоръчал да си вземеш някое ПРО, което да надграждаш. Най-малкото защото дека е малко по-удобен и батерията е по-голяма. Ще е по-лесно да я направиш бегачка. Аз в момента карам 365 с флаш и наскоро сложих монорим окачване отпред. Ако няма много вело алеи, където караш си е абсолютен game changer. За бъдещи ъпгрейди мислех да слагам 500в мотор, допълнителна батерия за ускорението, окачване отзад и по-добра спирачка. Накрая като тегля чертата излиза по-добре да си вземеш готов скутер или някое про 2ра ръка с окачване (идва зима и цените ще паднат доста).
@@6thSense93 Мерси за отговора! Може да помисля и над този вариант с подобрена Про версия или стокова и аз да си я модифицирам, както искам. Полезно е да чуя от някой, който вече е направил някои от ъпгейдите, които си е направо задължително да си направиш като подобрение :) Между другото има ли някои бг групи в дискорд например (нямам социални мрежи), които да може да се питат такива въпроси? Мерси още веднъж!
I got Xiaomi essential and all I can say is that, it's kinda same just the color of cable, color of break caliper and big battery. I can upgrade mine to pro 3 just by buying the mentioned above. Hehe
@@c.j.gaming1378 I think it's pretty decent. On Turbo it allows me to reach about 16-17 km on one charge. It's enough for me to go to my office and back home and there is still about 20% left.
20 kilometers in sportmode are managable. If you are really careful and doesnt put "the pedal to the metal" all day you'll get a solid 25. It depends majorly on the road conditions and your weight. If you are 100 kg and the road goes uphill like crazy than its going to be challeging. If you are in a city however there shouldnt be much issues with the range. But I only have the scooter for a couple days now. I wonder how much the battery degrades over time.
Здравей, да те попитам, значи тежа 95 кг и там където живея има баирчета от около 30 градуса ще може ли този скутер да ги изкачи?Или трябва нещо по мощно?
Cool video! Waiting for you to make a video on the Motoretta D1 and D1 Plus. You know, I saw a lot of nice places there. You can make extra money if you add link to travel companies offering trips to Bulgaria.
Hahaha, that's a good idea, but the video editing and planning takes so much time that I prefer to reduce the other offline activities and focus on the content. I prioritize the fun part and the useful part over the monetary side at this point. But if you know a travel company that is keen on sponsorship - feel free to suggest :D
@@TechMishka well my friend you are right but I think the best choice perhaps is the Mi 3 scooter from the Segway it just its little Brother and I do like the Featurs better here we got more scooter competiton like the Rider is like The Xiaomi but little heavier any way 275 watt this is not joke and the eleltricity price is up but I do need a scooter to go to work and for my friends hang up is bettetr also my main question to you is if you ride in Germany Berlin in the rain it is to risky but for little drop no flood is okay I think so let me know about that ...Merry X mas and well done to the upcoming year of 2023 ...🙂
Wish I could find a place that sells these to the US I know they have a deal with ninebot but I don't want that I'm so mad that it's so hard to get around here
I still wish on their LED display that it would include the time, it's hard to look at the time on your watch when you're safely riding with two hands. Source: fell three times on my pro2 cos of a bloody pothole while looking at the time.
@@flygo4195 Will not work on mi scooter 3. If you have 1S you have to downgrade firmware. Xiaomi deleted cruise control in all countries due to an EU regulation and they got rid of it everywhere.
@@TechMishka OKAY friend Mikeal I think this is the better choice from others little beat upgrade but my quick question for you is it good to add more desigh maybe more wood for legs stadings or Monorim for sustane more , but anyway you convice me I wil buy it soon in my January paychek also you can take this to the train or the bus transportation ... i am not to tall for a guy just 175 cm with 64 kg so it is not problem to me ....😃
Hello, very nice video ! Can I use excerpts from the video (without sound) to illustrate what I'm saying in my video? This is for a french presentation video. Thank you for your reply. Yours sincerely 😉
@@TechMishka the battery is similar to the Xiaomi 1S. I think the Pro 2 is better in terms of price and even battery performance.. We are waiting for Pro 3 😉
Good but I'm still disappointed that Xiaomi didn't even bothered on updating the existing Mi e-scooter design from their predecessors (1S/Pro 2/Lite models). Minor incremental things they improved for the Mi electric scooter 3: + 300w motor (50w difference from the 1S), carried over from the Pro 2 + new Brake caliper + dual brake pads for stronger mechanical disc braking + singular LCD display (previous models had a split screen panel) + coloured cables (Blue & Orange), + added White colour model from the 1st gen Mi e-scooter + updated Folding Mechanism with better lock buckle (ditched the old plastic collar lock) Cons are: - no new e-scooter design (milking their old 1st-gen designs with various incremental updates) - no 10" inch tyres like the new Ninebot F30/F40 series - no upgraded IPXX rating Hoping for the Xiaomi Mi e-scooter Pro 3 or next years 2022 models will be different! 😁🛴
This is the most awesome comment I've seen around this video. Pretty much - most of it in a nutshell. I'd add the disabled cruize control - really miss it...
Lol, in our area this "new" 3rd version costs the same or even little bit more than Pro 2, which is almost the same but battery/ride range is more than than 3rd version😎So this "new" 3rd version is for those who choosing among 1s and 3rd version, if you want longer range Pro 2 is still unbeatable of their product line.
@@TechMishka 1S also removed cruise control after a while. Only old firmwares have it. 2.3 firmware update from Xiaomi home app removes cruise control...
i still use the xiaomi s1 🤣 it goes 29km and the motor is very good it's just a 250 watts full batterie 500 peak no problems no i wish they let the pro 4 goe to 35 km but just 25 i mean it's not the 80s any more
I honestly don'tcknow what to by.I have xiaomi 365 for 4 years now and want to by nkw a new scooter.I was thinking ninebot max but ot is too heavy comparing to xiaomi.that forcme is a big issue because all in house are small and thiny.But comparing to generation 1 all that have this new versions are complaining obout different things compare to the first generations.Batery durability....I don't know what to by .Still have to see ...
Excellent review, very clear and concise. I've been a fan of Xiaomi scooters and this vid helped me decide if I need to upgrade. More power...Mabuhay! from the Philippines! 😄
Warmest regards to the Philippines! A wonderful scooter indeed.
glad to see a video from Bulgaria on this
Me too! 😎👍
Hi from Turkey🇹🇷 Thank you for video. I Just buy this scooter, after watch your video. After use i will share my experience here.
Enjoy riding it, my friend!
Thanks for the review.. just bought scooter3 and excited to use it ☺️
Hope you enjoy it!
i have mi scooter 3 for month now. its very reliable and portable!
Страхотно видео , за разлика от конкуренцията е изнесена пълната информация за скутера !!!
Имам Pro 2 версията !! Единственият недостатък на версиите Mi-1S , Mi -Pro 2 , Mi-3 е сгъваемият механизъм , като смятам ,че е подобрен от гледна точка на ефикасност , но за жалост механизма го няма за поръчване като резервна част !!!!
Благодаря ти за комплимента и подкрепата, Вальо. Има известно подобрение, но като цяло смятам механизма на по-късните версии на всичките изброени модели за достатъчно ОК. Е, може би не съвсем достатъчно за качеството на тукашната инфраструктура, но определено се забелязва подобрение.
Все още е рано за резервни части, така че се надявам рано или късно да стане възможно да се поръчат.
The pro2 also has a bigger battery and up too 40km rage with a longer deck with a Gradeability up to 20% with taller handlebars
Good points!
Just bought this scooter. Great review and I love your owl t-shirt ❤
Awesome! Thank you!
I have been riding the mi scooter 3 for about 2 months now, the only complain I have is the battery capacity... Just wish it's a bit more.
Actual riding distance on flat surface at 25 km/h is around 16km.
I'm 70kg.
Great to hear you enjoy riding it!
Do you have cruize control on yours?
@@TechMishka No mi scooter 3 has cruise control, my may 2020 build 1S did not have it with firmware 3.1, I downgraded to Xiaomi 2.2.1 firmware and cruise control is now available. No idea whether you can do it with the 3.
Здравей братле! Останах изненадан, че говорим един език. Много добро качество на видеата. Понеже изобщо не ги разбирам скутерите, искам да се допитам до теб, тъй като виждам че имаш опит с тях. За първи скутер какво би препоръчал. Насочих се към kugoo s1 pro, но има доста минуси, който ме отказаха. Главно търся нещо което да спира добре, да има около 25-30 км пробег и да е възможно най-мощно. Бюджета е мнохо тънък, затова и гледам от олх да изнамеря нещо, така че ако имаш някакъв съвет е добре дошъл
Ами, Кугоо е вариант. Може да почакаш някоя хубава оферта през месеците с намаления, или да се огледаш за някое запазено Mi скутерче, което е на малко километри. Стискам палци да намериш нещо, което да ти допадне
Perfect review, thanks!
For me personally, the upgrades are too minor to change from Pro 2 to this one, unless my Pro 2 eventually breaks some day :D
Yup, well said!
@@TechMishka But if you had to choose now? Would you buy the pro2 or the 3?
@@robbertandringa im going for 3
@@ChiclaPeace why?
@@burakkaya6293 maybe firmware updates idk I still haven't bought one xD
when you listed water resistance as a drawback, does that mean you shouldn't ride under rain?
No. Just avoid heavy rain.
Thanks for this bro...it helps a lot...i purchased my first scooter mi3 just a minute a go..
Lol me 2
Enjoy riding it!
after two years i bought the scooter It preforms very good!
It is a great one. Enjoy responsibly
Man I'm looking for a scooter to buy, but the fact that you need the app to activate the scooter is so skechy. These apps are so shady and ask for basically full access to your phone. I might decide against this if there are even slightly worse options for scooters that do not need an app
You don't need the app to activate the scooter you only need it to lock the motor just got mine yesterday
It is a one-time activation. You can do it from any device and uninstall the app afterwards.
Totally agree! You don't want to allow access to your phone with these apps
They don't ask for full access on your phone. You can see that in Android. And who cares about your fucking phone? Xiaomi surely not. 😉
P sure it's to ensure it has the safest firmware available once purchased
just to say...
Take the Pro2 as the 3 just is too expensive... having only the blue wires and less battery
Agreed, makes perfect sense.
Exactly. Instead of upgrading the scooter they just degraded the battery and the cruise control thing. Pro 3 is nothing but a disappointment
Find out which areas have the fastest max speed for electrics and use a VPN , boom your covered when you activate and it sets the limits .
I have tried many, but ... so far no luck. Any recommendation about a country?
@@TechMishka i heard poland but i dont know bc i dont have scooter yet
@@TechMishka Top that the 3 will go is 25 km/h in sports and 20 in Drive. I am in australia and it goes to 25
Switch to Cyprus!
Used it in Cyprus and it also has cruise control
3:52 This Scooter can climb 16% not 16°, which is only 9° or +16m of height per 100m of horizontal distance (16° would be 28.7%). But otherwise it's a good video, thank you.
Thanks for the clarification!
Перфектно ревю, продължавай все така ;-)
Благодаря, Ники! Продължавам, разбира се. А освен това завърнахме и канала "Джаджи" :-)
Great background of the city of Sofia, Bulgaria 😉
How much is the price‽ ❤❤
Wait, he’s Bulgarian? Unsubscribed 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
Ps: it’s just a joke, I’m not maced*nian
@Heitor Krammel what 💀
The 3 actually has cruise control on the latest update, you can activate it via the app
Great news
1s or 3 which one should I buy?. Can buy them in the same price.
Get the 3
Great video and just bought one so good to understand the basics thanks
Glad you liked the video. And have a lot of fun with your scooter!
Im glad to see this video. Can you please help me choose between the Xiaomi 3 or the Ninebot F30e. Which is better to buy ?
i whould say mi3 cause is more durable
Are the tires pumped up when unboxing the scooter? i dont have anything at home to control the air pressure. ._.
Yes, they are pumped. I use a basic pump with a display
@@TechMishka Thanks for the reply. I have the scooter now and had no issues so far :)
Hello I want to replace my 1s and I think to buy the pro 2 or the mi3 ..
What you believe is better ...thanks
Maybe you can wait a few more days and see whether there will be some new announcements.
whats the difference between it and the lite version??
The lite has shorter range
I charged the battery and drove exactly 10 kilometers on the sport, in the information it says that I can exceed 20 kilometers, do you have the same case?
On the information it also says how you can reach these values. Try to use the dynamic mode and it will give you better range.
Which scooter would you recommend? Mi Pro 2 or this Scooter 3? Thanks
I with mi 2 can ride 36/38 km in ideal conditions
Man that's nice but I have the first gen and it rocks ☺️ only thing is that front clip were it folds the screws keep coming lose other than that it's fun to drive around especially at work ,ow and I change the tires to run flat tires no inner tube anymore don't have to worry about flat tires , it's great !!!
Yeah - there aren't that many reasons to upgrade in case you have the 1 or 2.
Say for example one of the tires got a puncture would you take it to a shop or would it be cheap and easy egnough to fix yourself
I am not that good fixing tires, so would prefer the second option.
@@TechMishka lol
+1 sub :) гледам аз на А1 продуктите които мога да взема с един нов договор и излиза скутер ... викам си чакай да погледна някое друго ревю ... и какво да видя! Бг тубър с +100к събс! Евалата, Мишо! Продължавай все така!
Благодаря за Sub-a! Колко яко, дано и скутерът да ти хареса. Бях приятно изненадан от тройката, но и предните генерации са чудесни. Само ... малко кофти инфраструктурата за каране и често се пукат гуми. Поне при мен.
how much time does it take to charge full, how many Kms did go on average?
Around 6 hours to a full recharge. As for range - depends on many factors.
Rear Wheel Drive is nicer to Ride than a Front Wheel Drive, So the Ninebot Max G30 or the InMotion-L9 (G30 with suspension) is my Choice
I tend to agree about that. But transportation and lifting up on stairs is a lot nicer with more weight on the front.
Just bought mine. Can’t wait!
@@TechMishka got it today and it’s pretty darn great 👍🏻
@@TechMishka For some reason I’m getting no where near 30kmh battery. Any tips on how to get more battery?
the ninebot has the option of driving automatically if you hold the lever down for 3 seconds, I think. is there such a function included?
Yeah, the Cruize control feature. It's gone. EU regulations...
@@TechMishka I just bought one in the UK and they still come with Cruise Control... so it's location dependent :)
Does this scooter have cruise control ?
I just ordered it and I realize that it’s maximum 100 kilo. I am 110 is that going to be a problem for me ? It’s my first one.
It will be fine, don't worry.
when is going to be released the pro 4? and does this 3 loose the top speed under 40% battery life?
Pro 4 also gets slightly weaker with battery percentage dropping. This has to do with the lower voltage.
Which one is better, this one or the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2?
Right now I believe Xiaomi Scooter 4 Pro > Mi Scooter 2 Pro >Mi Scooter 3
Since you had the M365 before, could you tell me if the accessories for the M365 (from Curious Joe for example) are compatible with the Electric Scooter 3?
Some of them are. I wanted to get the bottom cover, but now a friend uses it, so I can't move. Bit I think it's the same body dimensions.
Is it tubeless wheel?
It has tubes, 50psi allowed
Love the review! But where are you from because the background in some of the clips is from my home town- Sofia😅
Looks like I live in your home-town too! 🙃🙃
Is it possible to make it go a bit faster then 25km/h and not to damage battery etc? Would love to buy one but it is a bit slow for me.
Haven't found a way to do this myself yet...
Should I buy Xiaomi 3 or Mi scooter 3 lite?
The 3
mi scooter 3 or mi scooter pro 2 if the price differnce is 96 dollars?
They are quite similar. 2 Pro may have greater range.
двоумя се между Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 и Mi Electric Scooter 3, към кой модел ще ме насочите? Предимства недостатъци?
Дневно ще се минават около 18-19 км. по велоалеи и тротоари, няма изкачване., килограмите ми са 83.
И двата скутера ще се справят с предизвикателството. Все пак - ако са на еднаква цена, вероятно бих си взел Pro-то.
Hello Michael, do you believe that the actual Firmware /Sspeed hack for Mi Scooter 2 Will work with Mi Scooter 3 ? Thanks!
No. The motor is different, and maybe the electronics too. Let's wait until enough people properly crack it, if possible at all.
What are you thoughts between Xiaomi Scooter 3 and the Segway ninebot F30?
My F30 got a battery issue and now doesn't charge up to 100%. Its performance is fantastic, and much smoother riding. But: range of the Mi Scooter is almost twice better.
@@TechMishka what kind of battery issue? I was thinking of buying f30
Great video work on these scooters Michael. Indeed a lot of work.
Thanks mate! :) A lot of work, but quite enjoyable.
Мишо, аз имам М365 (от али-то от края на 2019-та и все още си е екстра) и не съм сигурен все още дали мога да си сложа по-голям капацитет батерия, за да издържа повече (като про версията или дори повече)... Ти правил ли си нещо такова и/или знаеш ли дали може да се надгради така тортинетката? В али-то гледах, че има такива батерии, но още не съм проверил дали ще пасват като размер и кои не са лъжливи обяви...
Иначе евала, доста добре и качествено си правиш ревютата и като цяло видеата! :)
Здрасти Ники! Благодаря ти за коментара.
Според мен - огледай българските фейсбук групи. Има доста готини идеи. Като цяло не съм фен на такива манипулации - по-скоро помисли за Про-версията. Инаги ще се притесняваш от жици и темподобни.
@@TechMishka Благодаря ти за отговора!
Аз го харесвам този вариант с манипулациите, защото те от xiaomi са ги направили да можеш да си я правиш по твой вкус и буквално всяка една част от тортинетката можеш да си я купиш и я има в различни разновидности и тва да си я правиш както ти харесва си е добър плюс към удоволствието от тва да я имаш и караш тортинетката.
И също заради факта, че се пре***х, че не си взех про версията още тогава и се изскръндзих за 200лв отгоре (класически българин :D)
Но да, ще помисля по въпроса дали да се притеснявам с жиците (да не си подпаля петите :D) или направо да обмислям да премина на Про версията.
То на мен идеята ми е да е малка, компактна, лека, да може да си я оптимизираш по твой вкус (както xiaomi), да вдига поне 30км/ч и да издържа, колкото се може повече пробег. Но точно на такива характеристики май няма такава, която да отговаря...
Мерси отново, жив и здрав! :)
Здравейте! Бих препоръчал да си вземеш някое ПРО, което да надграждаш. Най-малкото защото дека е малко по-удобен и батерията е по-голяма. Ще е по-лесно да я направиш бегачка.
Аз в момента карам 365 с флаш и наскоро сложих монорим окачване отпред. Ако няма много вело алеи, където караш си е абсолютен game changer.
За бъдещи ъпгрейди мислех да слагам 500в мотор, допълнителна батерия за ускорението, окачване отзад и по-добра спирачка. Накрая като тегля чертата излиза по-добре да си вземеш готов скутер или някое про 2ра ръка с окачване (идва зима и цените ще паднат доста).
@@6thSense93 Мерси за отговора! Може да помисля и над този вариант с подобрена Про версия или стокова и аз да си я модифицирам, както искам. Полезно е да чуя от някой, който вече е направил някои от ъпгейдите, които си е направо задължително да си направиш като подобрение :) Между другото има ли някои бг групи в дискорд например (нямам социални мрежи), които да може да се питат такива въпроси? Мерси още веднъж!
Do you need plates to ride this in germany?
As far as I know - yes, you do.
Can u do a video on cleaning and lubrication plz
u have try it on the rain how is going?
I have, and I generally avoid wet roads. It is fine, but cleaning is not great afterwards.
I got Xiaomi essential and all I can say is that, it's kinda same just the color of cable, color of break caliper and big battery. I can upgrade mine to pro 3 just by buying the mentioned above. Hehe
Random question what trainers are they? I got pro2 it's a lot quicker than s1
The trainers are a 2020 Puma model.
The Pro 2 is a brilliant scooter indeed. Could be that yours is unlocked 😎
@@TechMishka Thanks✊. I had the s1 and I could just turn it on and ride off and having same problem with pro2..
Nice review, but I've got a lot to think before buying it, as you said it's good for people under 1.8 M and I'm 1.82 M so . . .
Mhm... better try it first.
Don't worry buddy, I'm 182cm and it's totally fine to ride it. Just bought mine few days ago and I'm happy like a child😁
@@Rafffi76 hey Buddy, how happy are you with the battery capacity of your model 3 ? Does is it lasts long ?
@@c.j.gaming1378 I think it's pretty decent. On Turbo it allows me to reach about 16-17 km on one charge. It's enough for me to go to my office and back home and there is still about 20% left.
How tall are you?
I bought the scooter, and there is something wrong with it, because it won’t go up the hill and I’m not a heavy lady… Please help?
Maybe it is in Eco mode. Double press the power button
Is the battery easily die wen riding
It lasts for up to 30 kilometers
20 kilometers in sportmode are managable. If you are really careful and doesnt put "the pedal to the metal" all day you'll get a solid 25. It depends majorly on the road conditions and your weight. If you are 100 kg and the road goes uphill like crazy than its going to be challeging. If you are in a city however there shouldnt be much issues with the range. But I only have the scooter for a couple days now. I wonder how much the battery degrades over time.
Just wondering for people close to 100kg weight? Lol.. will the range be like 10km or not work at all? Cheers
The range will be more than 10km. I weigh around 88, and with all the gear and clothes - this is often 90+.
I have the Xiaomi 1S Electric Scooter from 2021 I am 120 kg. so the range is about 11km to 12km the max speed is 24kmh
I am 111-112 and i want to bay this scooter but i dont know can i ride it ? Becouse this is for people 100 kg max heavy.
Здравей, да те попитам, значи тежа 95 кг и там където живея има баирчета от около 30 градуса ще може ли този скутер да ги изкачи?Или трябва нещо по мощно?
Вероятно ще му трябва помощ от време на време. Единственият начин е да пробвате - но дори да успява, ще е с доста по-ниска скорост.
I have a question does mi electric scooter 4 pro waterproof
It has a waterproof rating and is fine to ride it even when raining. Just avoid heavy rain.
@@TechMishka ok thanks
Bro I am sorry I am asking so many questions how do we wash the mi electric pro4
Wow that sucks that it doesn't have cruise control nice video btw
Thanks Noah. Indeed - this is yet another weird regulation for the EU region... Guess the option will be available in other regions.
Cool video! Waiting for you to make a video on the Motoretta D1 and D1 Plus. You know, I saw a lot of nice places there. You can make extra money if you add link to travel companies offering trips to Bulgaria.
Hahaha, that's a good idea, but the video editing and planning takes so much time that I prefer to reduce the other offline activities and focus on the content. I prioritize the fun part and the useful part over the monetary side at this point. But if you know a travel company that is keen on sponsorship - feel free to suggest :D
Would u recommend the m365 or this cuz i can't choose lmao
THis is much newer and is a lot better. But if you get the m365 at a better price - it is a very good scooter too.
@@TechMishka thanks i will prob choose this i love the color overall
How can I turn on the eco mode?
Double press the power button.
how do u charge
I connect a charger and wait.
Maybe better choice then other brands like the Segway , you can ride really fast and check your cruise control .
Well - Segway Ninebot and Mi Scooter series are very close and some models - manufactured in the same factories...
@@TechMishka well my friend you are right but I think the best choice perhaps is the Mi 3 scooter from the Segway it just its little Brother and I do like the Featurs better here we got more scooter competiton like the Rider is like The Xiaomi but little heavier any way 275 watt this is not joke and the eleltricity price is up but I do need a scooter to go to work and for my friends hang up is bettetr also my main question to you is if you ride in Germany Berlin in the rain it is to risky but for little drop no flood is okay I think so let me know about that ...Merry X mas and well done to the upcoming year of 2023 ...🙂
Have they made it easier to change the tyre? Probably the biggest flaw in all the previous Xiaomi models!
I want one.
so my question, should i buy 3 or 2 pro ?
If price is the same, I'd probably go for the 2Pro due to the greater range.
@@TechMishka Thanks you so mutch.
@@murluss3928 I agree the pro 2 is the est they won't top that scooter the 3 is rubbish mate
@@jasonbarron3047 thx
@@murluss3928 pleasure my friend x
At the same price: mi 3 or mi pro 2?
That's the right question, isn't it... Pro 2 has greater range, so makes pretty good sense.
What was the recharge time 🇦🇺🤔
5 hrs at full charge.
Wish I could find a place that sells these to the US I know they have a deal with ninebot but I don't want that I'm so mad that it's so hard to get around here
Aliexpress might be a good way. Sadly, all these political scandals make it hard to have some tech globally...
New firmware update has cruise control now for the EU
Lovely news!
I still wish on their LED display that it would include the time, it's hard to look at the time on your watch when you're safely riding with two hands.
Source: fell three times on my pro2 cos of a bloody pothole while looking at the time.
Yeah, makes pretty good sense.
Maximum speed with hacking how fast delivers?
Haven't achieved hacking it yet.
what range does he have
Depends on the rider's weight.
@@TechMishka ok
Do i get it right that it's not very good for a 192 cm tall person? 🤔
It will be okay-ish, but there are other scooters which will better fit your size.
@@TechMishka, thanks. Do you have anything particular in mind? Ideally something similar to this one.
@@TechMishka is Xiaomi 2 Pro a better choice as it is a little larger? Isn't it a little weaker in climbing hills?
Thanks for your sharing
Mi pro 2 vs mi 3, which is better?
Pro 2 has greater range.
no cruise control for real? is it for all countries?
BS!! You can enable Cruise control via the Mi app setting.
@@gtone339 for this model? I couldnt find it. What country did you select?
Nah - not available here.
@@TechMishka Update the mi app?
@@flygo4195 Will not work on mi scooter 3. If you have 1S you have to downgrade firmware. Xiaomi deleted cruise control in all countries due to an EU regulation and they got rid of it everywhere.
This is almost the same as the S1 Xiaomi , only with better breaks and higher price tag .
Yeah, it is not a huge upgrade, but still a very good one.
@@TechMishka OKAY friend Mikeal I think this is the better choice from others little beat upgrade but my quick question for you is it good to add more desigh maybe more wood for legs stadings or Monorim for sustane more , but anyway you convice me I wil buy it soon in my January paychek also you can take this to the train or the bus transportation ... i am not to tall for a guy just 175 cm with 64 kg so it is not problem to me ....😃
Hello, very nice video ! Can I use excerpts from the video (without sound) to illustrate what I'm saying in my video?
This is for a french presentation video. Thank you for your reply. Yours sincerely 😉
Hey, thanks for the comment. Sure - if it is for a presentation video - go ahead and use it. I'll only ask for you to give credits to the author 🙃
Прекрасно ревю!
Ех, много благодаря, Алекс!
How to make it faster???
I am not aware of any working methods.
You can use scooterhacking. Ive got mine now capped to 33km/h at full charge. But not because of speed but other changes as well..
A lot of My neighbors’s Houses have one or two Of these
Same here 😊
My rear wheel just exploded 4 days after i bought it and you cant find other wheels
You probably mean the tire? It has a standard size, and many shops sell them.
@@TechMishka i bought the complett wheel from m365 pro it didnt fit in my scooter it was too big i will buy m365 now maybe its dit
Can i ride it , i am 111 kg ?
Yes you can.
Sports Mode 22 km at 88 kg? I took out 17 km at 80 kg in Sport Mode😉
I often support the scooter while starting the riding - during the first seconds of acceleration.
@@TechMishka the battery is similar to the Xiaomi 1S. I think the Pro 2 is better in terms of price and even battery performance.. We are waiting for Pro 3 😉
Good but I'm still disappointed that Xiaomi didn't even bothered on updating the existing Mi e-scooter design from their predecessors (1S/Pro 2/Lite models).
Minor incremental things they improved for the Mi electric scooter 3:
+ 300w motor (50w difference from the 1S), carried over from the Pro 2
+ new Brake caliper + dual brake pads for stronger mechanical disc braking
+ singular LCD display (previous models had a split screen panel)
+ coloured cables (Blue & Orange),
+ added White colour model from the 1st gen Mi e-scooter
+ updated Folding Mechanism with better lock buckle (ditched the old plastic collar lock)
Cons are:
- no new e-scooter design (milking their old 1st-gen designs with various incremental updates)
- no 10" inch tyres like the new Ninebot F30/F40 series
- no upgraded IPXX rating
Hoping for the Xiaomi Mi e-scooter Pro 3 or next years 2022 models will be different! 😁🛴
This is the most awesome comment I've seen around this video. Pretty much - most of it in a nutshell. I'd add the disabled cruize control - really miss it...
@@TechMishka Haha yeah well the Xiaomi E-scooters are still a all-rounder which is a good thing!
Lol, in our area this "new" 3rd version costs the same or even little bit more than Pro 2, which is almost the same but battery/ride range is more than than 3rd version😎So this "new" 3rd version is for those who choosing among 1s and 3rd version, if you want longer range Pro 2 is still unbeatable of their product line.
@@TechMishka 1S also removed cruise control after a while. Only old firmwares have it. 2.3 firmware update from Xiaomi home app removes cruise control...
i still use the xiaomi s1 🤣 it goes 29km and the motor is very good it's just a 250 watts full batterie 500 peak no problems no i wish they let the pro 4 goe to 35 km but just 25 i mean it's not the 80s any more
mine died after 12 km what went wrong🥺
Bring it to a repair shop and they will find out.
Personally I think the pro2 is better and the only thing what separates the pro2 from the 3 is that it has a better back break system
Yup, you are right about the brakes. Based on sales - looks like a lot of people share your opinion.
Gimme a brake.
At Sofia ?
I honestly don'tcknow what to by.I have xiaomi 365 for 4 years now and want to by nkw a new scooter.I was thinking ninebot max but ot is too heavy comparing to xiaomi.that forcme is a big issue because all in house are small and thiny.But comparing to generation 1 all that have this new versions are complaining obout different things compare to the first generations.Batery durability....I don't know what to by .Still have to see ...
Check the Ninebot models - they are very similar and still quite well built.
Версия 3, отличается от версии про 2 только синим цветом и меньшей батареей, как результат легче на 1кг
Pretty much sums it up.
Cant watch some videos anymore. UA-cam buffering a lot a month now on my 1000/1000 fiber. Sorry Tech4All, your channel is one of them.
Ouch! If you set the resolution to 1080p?
@@TechMishka Nope, many -1miljon channels doesn't work proper in month but now its better. Feiyu Pocket 2S Gimbal Camera Review works fine in 4K.
worth it for £330? which is 387 euro
Where you ordering this from 👀
@@TTWF24 got it from Amazon on a sale
It’s a good scooter in my first range test with a lot of stop and starting and mostly uphill and I’m a 90kg rider I got 9.3 miles
@@MotoBenn ye I'm 11.4 stone lol so I don't know abt kg but ye seems good