Sgeul/Story: How the Gaelic storytelling tradition lives on today

  • Опубліковано 7 чер 2023
  • In 1859, folklorist John Francis Campbell of Islay (1821-1885) began to collect stories from the people in the Highlands and Islands. Today these stories live on through contemporary storytellers and young people who are re-shaping the Gaelic storytelling tradition in ways that are relevant to 21st century audiences.
    Sgeul I Story: Folktales from the Scottish Highlands, the National Library's exhibition on John Francis Campbell is on until April 2024 in Edinburgh. For details and opening times visit
    Ann an 1859, thòisich an eòlaiche beul-aithris Iain Òg Ìle (1821-1885) a’ cruinneachadh sgeulachdan bho mhuinntir na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. An-diugh tha na sgeulachdan seo beò tro sgeulaichean an latha an-diugh agus daoine òga a tha a’ cur an cruth fhèin air beul-aithris na Gàidhlig ann an dòighean a tha freagarrach do luchd-èisteachd na 21mh linn.
    Sgeul I Story: Folktales from the Scottish Highlands: tha taisbeanadh an Leabharlainn Nàiseanta air Iain Òg Ìle a’ ruith gus an Giblean 2024 ann an Dùn Èideann. Barrachd fiosrachaidh


  • @LoneKuroRaifu
    @LoneKuroRaifu 10 місяців тому +4

    Creative story telling should be more emphasized in schools these days. Such a wonderful way to connect with the people and world around us.