Check out my other build guides! Thrower: Warlock: Cleric:
Something to add, there is a necklace or ilithid power you can use to add vulnerability to damage types. I one shot orin making her vulnerable to slashing, oathbreaker aura (slashing dmg), cloud giant potion, and I was using almost everything this build has.
Played a 7/5 oathbreaker sorcadin and the tankiness, sustained dpr and nova damage was insane. Got to bring one of the minotaurs in the underdark from full health to like 30 at lvl 4 on tactician and that fantasy remained consistent throughout my entire playthrough
Sorcadin is just amazing everywhere. I get that paladin 2 bard 10 with the swords bard is good in bg3, but oh boi. Pally 6 sorcerer 6 is just majestic combination.
i quite like warlock 4/paladin 8. you get a pretty powerfull eldritch blast. can go dump on both dex and str and use only charisma for melee damage. and you get 3 feats. which can let you get to 20 charisma incredibly easy. i even advise to start as a warlock first, so you get comand to force the fire sword drop. and then go full pally. if you want heavy armor, you can just respec later when you find a heavy armor worth using(which is something people often forget to talk about, most of the early ones is complete trash).
@@marcosdheleno First good heavy armor is adamantine I think. And second is probably the dwarven splint sold by Lann Tarv in Moonrise, then probably Ketheric's armor. Act 3 has Persistence and Helldusk.
@@marcosdheleno yeah though i wish there was HexBlade in Bg3 just to try it. Warlock 2, paladin10 Or warlock 1, paladin 6, sorcerer/bard 5 for more slots. Why don't you go sonething like warlock 5? For the extra attack with pact weapon and grt also extra attack from pally at 5 you basically attack 3 times.
I've kinda softened on Oath of vengeance. Oath of ancients gets a half spell damage aura at 7 which kind of negates the fireball thing since it works for all spell damage AND for your entire party. And getting level 5 slots via sorc doesn't matter as much since smite stops scaling at level 4 slots. You can pick up the Oath of vengence non-class spells via your sorc level ups. I think there is an argument for respeccing at 7 and doing vengeance for the first 6 levels, but you can also just go ancients from level 1 and pick up the early gear that gives you effects on healing (temporary hitpoints, bless, and blade ward) and then use your oath charge to pre-heal your party as a bonus action and then they can just wreck most fights in the 2 turns they are buffed (effectively the same thing as casting vow of enmity when factored over the entire party). Also for weapons Duellist's Prerogative is another good option if you're willing to give up great weapon master. As a trade off you can weaponize your bonus action using the weapons extra ability. Plus if you take Defensive Duelist you basically get a Shield reaction with no cooldown. You can even take an opportunity attack and still be able to react and shield yourself because of the sword's ability. As it stands with OoA + Duelist's Perogative, I'm getting hit only once every few battles which the reactions then tends to negate and spells which don't use attack rolls get halved from the aura. While I miss the big damage from GWM, I'm basically unhittable and my party takes a lot less damage.
The advantage of Vengeance is Vow of Enmity - melee advantage on EVERYTHING for the whole fight (90% of the time). OOV is the boss killer. Haven't tried it, but mixing OOV with Arcane Trickster for lots of smite spell slots + advantage + sneak attack... seems fun.
Thanks a lot, i am going to try this to beat HM, never used a guide in a build before and it seems a lot different to my usual playstyle, so i am very exited to try!
Be careful with Cull the Weak, and maybe delay taking it until level 12. Firstly, the invisible AoE for Cull the Weak will harm friendlies, too. Not a showstopper, but be aware. Secondly, CtW has had a bug (or maybe unintended consequence) that might seriously hamper your leveling progress. I don't believe the problem is fixed yet. The issue has been this: When your enemies die from the Cull the Weak damage finishing them off, the "credit" for the kill does not go to you or the Party. So, these kills do not give you XP. The XP loss from CtW is probably not going to account for even half of your kills, but it can be enough to keep you a level or so behind where you ought to be. This could make a significant difference in how difficult some late game boss fights are, and it could potentially mean the difference between completing or failing an Honour Mode run.
You missed saying where the Ring is located. It's also an Act 3 item and it's easy to miss as you only get it if you are teleported to the jungle by the djinni. I assume the best rings before this time are one of the ones that just add flat damage to your attacks.
He either missed it or already used it. Either way he doesn't mention it in the video. I'm not talking about other builds you could theoretically have, I'm talking about the one in the video at the timestamp. There's no reason to spend the points from that feat to bring you up to an odd number. If you end up getting something that increases it later, just go respec at Withers.
@Toyhouze So you built this in Custom mode... (Proficiency Bonus is +4) What impact is that going to have on later play if I decide to use this build for an Honor run? Will I see diminishing returns? How much of the build is reliant on that Proficiency Bonus bump? (+4 not being available until Lvl 9...)
you forgot to mention that, if you want to use the silver sword of the astral plane. For being able to actually get the 1d6 psychic dmg, you must disguised yourself firt THEN equip the weapon overwise the psy dmg wont trigger. And there is a cool note you could do to make the build even more dumb. In act two, if you got to moonrise you can meet Roah Moonglow (if you don't kill her before the finishing the goblin camp in act one) and if she make it to act two in moonrise, she's selling a weapon called "Drakethroat Glaive", a beatifull weapon that give you the possibility to infuse your weapon or a companion weapon (even weapon on ground) with the spell Draconic Elemental Weapon who can add a permanant +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls and deal a additional 1d4 of the element of you choice (between acid, cold, fire, lightning and thunder) for the rest of you day, that mean until long rest and without any concentration required. (you can also imbued two weapon by using metamagic twinned spell from sorcerer. You're welcome (sry if my english is not perfect, i'm french)
Half-orc gets intimidation as a class proficiency go with outlander for athletics an survival. Survival isn't bad and one more skill proficiency won't hurt.
Another favorite of mine is 6 Tiger Heart Barbarian, 2 Paladin, and 4 Sorcerer. Main features are maiming sweep attacks that target up to 3 targets, at once and that deal smite damage on each hit. Also you can even use the shield spell while raging.
10 sword bard, 2 paladin. use banishing smite critical (10d10)with divine smite and I'm pretty sure that's the strongest single burst attack in the game.
I think bhaalist armor and the thunder spear is a better combo. It tanks your armor rating pretty hard (although you could put the armor on someone else) and lets your melee hits do 60odd base dmg not 30.
Cloak of protection would work much better with aura of protection and helldusk armour as you'd be making saving throws all over the place, particularly if you chose war caster as a feat. Personally, I find blur using extended metamagic such a good use of concentration when using a Sorcadin as with blur, high AC and the saving throws mentioned above you're pretty much invulnerable. When fighting bosses you can always change up concentration use for hold person, but you'd have CC without concentration if you pick command. Best early on choosing Sorc as first pick in the version I say above for con save prof, but after getting helldusk armour you could respec to Pally 1st pick for heavy armour if you wanted that, or you could change 1 level Sorcerer for Cleric to still have con save prof and get heavy armour from Cleric. Best early build I've ever played, and I change build a lot, is 3 Sorc with blur and 1 war cleric for war priest charges and armour and shield prof. You whittle down enemies but barely anything hits you. Soloed attack on green grove and Act 1 with that. Level 5 you choose war caster to be more robust. Just buy up loads of health potions and use whispering promise to grant bless on a bonus when needed
Try going Pally 2 Swords Bard 10. Get banishing smite with one of your magical secrets. Use the helmet that grants you higher spell DC that you get in the mason's hidden room in act 2 and stack that with the ring from the jungle. That will make your spells basically irresistible after you hit your enemies a couple of times with extra attack and potentially elixir of bloodlust, allowing you to basically guarantee a big CC on your enemies turn 1. Hold person or glyph of warding sleep guarantees a crit. You can also use command approach for a cleave attack to stack your arcane acuities asap or to use some other AOE CC such as confusion. Stack all that with savage attacker feat, bhaalist armor and some piercing two hander such as Nyruna
You wanna be especially cheesy use the Diva Mace once you get to Act 3 for an additional 4d8 Radiant damage per hit. It's also a one handed weapon so you can use a shield to help boost your survivability.
My gripe with Paladin or spell based classes in general for that matter, is the need to long-rest often to replenish those spellslots. Not something I want to do often in general, but especially in the Honor mode playthrough I'm planning. Or are my concerns unfounded?
@@Toyhouze Angelic Reprieve is somewhat rare but yeah, sorcerer's creatre spellslots for this particular build should alleviate a lot of the need to long rest I guess ^^
@@krys-mp I havn't tried it, but nothing significant has changed in game, mostly bug fixes and minor things. Probably not the strongest as it would be some sword bard, but still an S tier class build.
sorcadin or honestly any kind of class with paladin will be great for dmg. paladin/bard, paladin/warlock, and paladin/sorcadin are all good builds if you want to play paladin and get good damage
if you weant something diferent, but still strong, try warlock 4/paladin 8. you get to go full charisma for damage, and can completely disregard both str and dex(still worth get dex to 10 for no -) the beauty is that you get a powerfull ranged cantrip with eldritch blast, and 3 feats(you can even use 1 for alert so you get alot of initiative which will be something you will lack otherwise). from there you can just do whatever you want with whatever oath you like. ancients is great for the tankness(and its not hard to maintain), and oathbreaker is very strong for added damage. it makes for an amazing MC, since you can easily get charisma to 20, with focus on persuasion. and like i said, you have alot of variations you can pick, from sword and board, to a 2hander. to support or even healer. or just stick with medium armor, sacrifice a bit of constitution for that dex, and gain the bonus ini.
Can someone help me out with his ability scores? How the heck does he get his charisma to 23? He makes his charisma 19 and then has no items to boost the stat. Also is he saying we basically need to rely on strength potions for the entire game for attack rolls?? I’m so confused I need help and I’m trying to not be dumb 😒
The disguise self from gold bloodline, is there anything special one can do with it besides getting advantage on some items? I wanna make my sorcadin a drow and have no real need of it that i know of. Looking more towards the white bloodline for armor of agathys. Just abit of a shame that ice storm is locked behind sorcerer lvl 7 :
Since you're taking 6/6 into Sorcerer, I would strongly suggest going Oath of Devotion instead. A. You can just take Hold Person and Misty step on your sorcerer levels anyway. To be fair, those two are really strong, so going Oath of Vengeance to begin with, and respeccing at lvl 9 is a viable alternative, though spell scrolls for those 2 spells are actually quite common, and you get 2 items in Underdark that grant a total of 6 uses of Misty Step per long rest for free, so it's up to you. B. Oath of Devotion actually has something that's equal-to-better to the Vow of enmity, that you can also pre-cast before the fight begins- Sacred Weapon. A bit of info to begin with, Advantage is worth +3.3- ie. it turns a 10.5 average roll into a 13.825 average. Realistically it's a bit better, going up to +5 when your base hit chance is somewhere between 40-65% but it very quickly goes down in usefulness as your base hit chance goes below or above that range. Oath of Devotion's "Sacred Weapon" (Also class action, uses the same resource as vow of enmity) on the other hand lets you add your charisma modifier to your weapon attack rolls, on top of your strength/dex modifier. Considering that you start with 16 charisma, at the very least it's roughly equal to vow of enmity; +3 vs +3.325 as the game progresses though, it gets better. Looking at your own example shown in the video- your Aura of Protection gave you +6 to saving throws, so Sacred Weapon would also give you +6 to attack rolls. That's better than advantage regardless of what's your base hit chance. And the best part about that bonus- It's NOT an advantage. Meaning, you can get other reliable sources of advantage on top of it, with things like Gloves of the Growling Underdog, Gloves of the Automaton, Risky Ring, and walk through the game with 99.75% hit chance against everything, like you have a tavern brawler for weapon attacks. (and no, it's not an exaggeration, 'expected accuracy' is 65%, with another +6 to attack rolls, your 'expected accuracy' becomes 95%, so with advantage it's 99.75%, this is mostly how/why Tavern Brawler, and Aspect of the beast:Tiger on Wildheart-Tiger Barbarian is so damn good in BG3, it basically guarantees that you *will* hit *all* your attacks) And it doesn't go both ways. To get basically-permanent Advantage, ie. to replace the boon given to you by vow of enmity, you just need to sacrifice 1 equipment slot- either ring or gloves. (or just play well, optimise your party, and use one of the dozens of ways of acquiring advantage that don't require wearing any specific items; like spells, Battle-Master fighter manoeuvres, or Open Hand monk stunning strike/flurry of blows:topple.) To get a flat +6 to attack rolls on the other hand you'd need to wear specific, otherwise-suboptimal, gloves (+2), specific, otherwise-suboptimal, helmet (+2), and... oh, there is no third equipment slot that will give you the remaining +2 attack rolls, and oh, both of those items are in act 3 anyway, while the gloves of the growling underdog are in early-mid act 1, and the mass-advantage-giver, Faerie Fire and Fog Cloud, are 1st lvl spells. Oh and the last part... using the vow of enmity this way is like 99.9% a bug, and will, eventually, be fixed. Sacred Weapon giving you +6 to your attack rolls, turning your base 'expected accuracy' from 65% to 95%, for all attacks, against any enemy you want to, is both Rules-As-Written and Rules-As-Intended, and won't ever be changed.
Agree on most of this except self-casting vow of enmity being a bug. Larian themselves admit it's intended to work like that, either in a patch note or a q&a somewhere iirc.
@@lamvutran9345 Self-Casting vow of enmity is a bug. It's not intended to work like that at, and doesn't work like that in 5e. Where has Larian admitted that the way it works is the way it's supposed to?
I am trying to build a charisma based support barbarian. It’s based around the Natures Snare staff and the Gloves of Power to debuff the enemies. I take the feat magic initiative: Druid to gain access to shillelagh and faerie fire. Then polearm master and either sentinel/savage attacker/shield master. Im using karlach, but a strong heart halfling tav would be better. How could I make this build better for honor mode? Bane and ensnare just from attacking, or when an enemy moves to you or away from you sounds nice. Cast shillelagh before rage and it seems like it would be a fun and useful way to use wild magic barb. I’d pair this with a ranger and way of the open hand monk off the top of my head, but I don’t know what else might work well with it. Open hand monk could get up close and personal to deal damage safely, ranger would get great use out of hunters mark on a locked down target.
I still wish they would had let Humans have extra feat at start... could use that for bonus is extra carry weight???, one would think that is a bonus for Half-Orcs not Humans FFs .. grrr
build is probably gonna struggle with spell save dc. not gonna be able to hold tougher enemies reliably. if you drop arcane synergy, you can swap it for hat of fire acuity. lv4 scorching ray will give you +10 spell save dc if you don't miss a ray.
Your initial stat spread should be 16 str 14 con, having three odd numbers starting stats is extremely suboptimal because you will never want to spend two feats on ASI.
Idk why you'd ever put a point in str if you keep up on hill giant and cloud giant potions every rest or lvl up stores restock and you're good I've done that with 2 characters this run and id never do it any other way especially in act 3 because you have a infinite long rest without resetting you buffs in the house of pain just don't take the hammer
I played a build similar to this. Same subclasses and splits, but I went half wood elf for increased speed. For my feats I chose GWM and alert. Gear, balduran's helm, cloak of protection, armor and boots of persistence, crusher ring, risky ring, hill giant gloves, greater health amulet, balduran's giantslayer and darkfire shortbow. Risky ring gives advantage on all attacks but comes with disadvantage on saving throws. My lowest saving throw is a +12 to intelligence. Because of the stone features passive, at a max roll I can have +15 to int, between +18-23 on strength, con, and charisma saves, a +17-21 wisdom save, and +15-18 dex save. Once I got everything online, I think I ended up failing all of one save that I got out of on the very next turn because I was given a chance to save (for CC effects, not damage rolls). With the armor and my weapons, I have a base 60 ft/18 meter walking speed, 23 AC, +7 initiative so I usually go first, 142 hp (I do 6th level aid and heroes feast on my party with shadowheart using gear to get free casts or replace spell slots so I have 179 hp), resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, fire, and cold damage, and I can't be paralyzed or magically restrained. I do about 35-40 damage on average with a 99% hit chance on the first hit for everything with less than like, 22 AC, and 90% on the subsequent hits and a free haste. When I go all out using haste and giant form, I I do 40-49 on regular hits. With all four hits and confirmed crits I did more than 300 damage to Raphael in one turn and took 80% of his health in two. And since I usually have +20 on my con saves and resistance to like, most of the damage types in game, I'm pretty sure the only time I broke concentration on my haste is when one of the mind players with fire shield hit me with like, a level six magic missile and made me roll an insane amount of checks until I critically failed one. And I still got haste back up, into the elder brains dimension, and soloed it in two rounds. It took a bit to really come on line, but there's a reason Sorcadin is considered one of, if not the strongest multi class in dnd.
I'm not sure about choosing Soldier as the background if you play a Half-Orc. Half-Orcs already get Intimidation proficiency, so if you want Athletics proficiency, go with Outlander instead.
Can someone explain why sorc over lock? Even if the extra attack from pact doesn't work on honor, you still get cha as main stat and refreshing spell slots for more smites.
How do you get your Charisma so high? Also do you think if I were to be a bit more focused on strength would it hurt the build. Personally I don’t like having to rely on strength potions
Mirror of Loss grants +3 CHA and this build gets the ASI Feat for +2 CHA. You can get +3 STR from Auntie Ethel's hair + Potion of Everlasting Vigour if you don't want to use STR Elixirs.
This build is really nice, beside all the stuff you need that this build work. Is mostly in act 3, littel bit sad. Anyways its good and it does what it does.....Kill everything!
One thing I would add that may not be popular opinion is that you want your paladin to have the lowest ac in your group. You will always be concentrating which makes enemies want to target you even more and if you use the adamantite medium armor you are immune to critical hits and have lower ac because you won’t have super high ac. Use the bow that adds initiative to help with going sooner.
That doesent make sense to me you have controdicting statements in this post like what?? Sure no cross but i'd rather just not get hit at all at that point.. this makes no sense the way its written
@@sparkypikachu7776 I believe the issue being referred to is that when your front-liner has insane ac, enemies often ignore him and attack the rest of your party instead. So as a front-line role, that's something you want to balance. You want survivability, but as a tank you also want to keep enemies away from the rest of your team.
@@Anthony0fFire ahhh okay that makes more sense. Still that depends what your other pastry is, most rouges can hide away and if you have a barb they can tank but it's smth to consider, it just kinda counteracts the whole point of concentrating on spells like hold person and stuff.. idk i get it but it seems counteracting imo
Honestly do not think I could go for under 10 in dex it pretty much ensures you go after all of your enemies go if you can go before some of the enemies you can set up faster or even just kill enemies before they get to attack you. There is not rly a big issue letting other party members going before you being last in the whole fight just means you or others eat more dmg than you have to.
Action surge is a garbage now. Sacrifice 2 levels for one attack per shot rest? Especially when there is a war domain cleric which gives the same 3 extra attacks per long rest, only at the FIRST level. And you can use all these extra attacks in one fight, which is much more flexible
I'm still not sure how you get to that +6 saving throw (from the aura of protection). The highest I can go is 18 (maybe 19 if I'm pushing it) and that's not easy either. anyone can explain?
The only build that doesn't really work in honour is Lockadin because deepened pact stacking doesn't work, Warlock in general is weak compared to the other classes specifically in honour
Why do you don't need to become fire dragon sorc and why you need to become cold dragon sorc. Because you already have fire resistance with equipment, don't need fireball at all and absolutely want armour of agathys(you will be always in melee, this spell is amazing for melee characters) and cold damage resistance. Last but not least - if you half orc, you shouldn't be ashamed of your heritage, be proud!
Tbh Vengence is pretty lax Oath when it comes to breaking it - it forgives you a whole lot of morally questionable decisions. There are two ways it - Guiding Evil Towards Victory against good or letting bad guy go away (there is also denying others Vengence) but let's keep that aside. Like really when it comes to Vengence breaking Oath is hardly a surprise - it's more like I can do it and not break it? Like really what do you expect to happen by Aiding the Goblins or letting Ethel go? Or by letting Nightsong be killed?
you are DPS melee so you need a tank (lae'zel/karlach/halsin/minthara), a caster or ranger (gale/wyll/astarion/minsc) and support (shadowheart/jaheira). the rest is by moral choices sinergy, for me is: tav, karlach, wyll, shadowheart
@@Toyhouze thankyou, one more question does our draconic ancestry gold also apply our charisma modifier to searing smite as well since it's a fire attack?
Went to get Ethel’s hair for this build, and dammit I should’ve let someone else lead the dialogue bc now I have to spend money on the oathbreaker guy lmAO oh well. It’s patch 6 and they haven’t fixed the merchant bug yet sooooooooo I have 16k gold.
Check out my other build guides!
"to get started choose half orc"
And with that I've already failed.
Choose any race you want really, race isn't really a huge deal tbh
The irony of Shadowheart transforming into a wolf is *chef’s kiss*
Something to add,
there is a necklace or ilithid power you can use to add vulnerability to damage types. I one shot orin making her vulnerable to slashing, oathbreaker aura (slashing dmg), cloud giant potion, and I was using almost everything this build has.
Played a 7/5 oathbreaker sorcadin and the tankiness, sustained dpr and nova damage was insane.
Got to bring one of the minotaurs in the underdark from full health to like 30 at lvl 4 on tactician and that fantasy remained consistent throughout my entire playthrough
Sorcadin is just amazing everywhere.
I get that paladin 2 bard 10 with the swords bard is good in bg3, but oh boi.
Pally 6 sorcerer 6 is just majestic combination.
i quite like warlock 4/paladin 8. you get a pretty powerfull eldritch blast. can go dump on both dex and str and use only charisma for melee damage. and you get 3 feats. which can let you get to 20 charisma incredibly easy.
i even advise to start as a warlock first, so you get comand to force the fire sword drop. and then go full pally. if you want heavy armor, you can just respec later when you find a heavy armor worth using(which is something people often forget to talk about, most of the early ones is complete trash).
@@marcosdheleno First good heavy armor is adamantine I think. And second is probably the dwarven splint sold by Lann Tarv in Moonrise, then probably Ketheric's armor. Act 3 has Persistence and Helldusk.
@@marcosdheleno yeah though i wish there was HexBlade in Bg3 just to try it. Warlock 2, paladin10
Or warlock 1, paladin 6, sorcerer/bard 5 for more slots.
Why don't you go sonething like warlock 5? For the extra attack with pact weapon and grt also extra attack from pally at 5 you basically attack 3 times.
It is a best build, but sadly it doesn't work on honour mode. No third attack from pact weapon.
@@KirDmA true i forgot about it
Check out the Eldritch Blast Sorlock Build too!
My favorite build everrrrrr
I've kinda softened on Oath of vengeance. Oath of ancients gets a half spell damage aura at 7 which kind of negates the fireball thing since it works for all spell damage AND for your entire party. And getting level 5 slots via sorc doesn't matter as much since smite stops scaling at level 4 slots. You can pick up the Oath of vengence non-class spells via your sorc level ups.
I think there is an argument for respeccing at 7 and doing vengeance for the first 6 levels, but you can also just go ancients from level 1 and pick up the early gear that gives you effects on healing (temporary hitpoints, bless, and blade ward) and then use your oath charge to pre-heal your party as a bonus action and then they can just wreck most fights in the 2 turns they are buffed (effectively the same thing as casting vow of enmity when factored over the entire party).
Also for weapons Duellist's Prerogative is another good option if you're willing to give up great weapon master. As a trade off you can weaponize your bonus action using the weapons extra ability. Plus if you take Defensive Duelist you basically get a Shield reaction with no cooldown. You can even take an opportunity attack and still be able to react and shield yourself because of the sword's ability.
As it stands with OoA + Duelist's Perogative, I'm getting hit only once every few battles which the reactions then tends to negate and spells which don't use attack rolls get halved from the aura. While I miss the big damage from GWM, I'm basically unhittable and my party takes a lot less damage.
The advantage of Vengeance is Vow of Enmity - melee advantage on EVERYTHING for the whole fight (90% of the time). OOV is the boss killer. Haven't tried it, but mixing OOV with Arcane Trickster for lots of smite spell slots + advantage + sneak attack... seems fun.
My favorite is still 2 Paladin, 6 Bard, 3 Sorcerer, and 1 wizard. Just crazy versatile build that can do just about anything.
so many great tips in this one. Now if only I can find a bunch of gold to remove oathbreaker from my paladin bard warlock
@DEVil-po5xz fixed in patch 7
@DEVil-po5xz just like me giving 1 week to mods get updated.
Thanks a lot, i am going to try this to beat HM, never used a guide in a build before and it seems a lot different to my usual playstyle, so i am very exited to try!
ahh wolf on shadowheart i see what u did there
Be careful with Cull the Weak, and maybe delay taking it until level 12. Firstly, the invisible AoE for Cull the Weak will harm friendlies, too. Not a showstopper, but be aware.
Secondly, CtW has had a bug (or maybe unintended consequence) that might seriously hamper your leveling progress. I don't believe the problem is fixed yet. The issue has been this: When your enemies die from the Cull the Weak damage finishing them off, the "credit" for the kill does not go to you or the Party. So, these kills do not give you XP.
The XP loss from CtW is probably not going to account for even half of your kills, but it can be enough to keep you a level or so behind where you ought to be. This could make a significant difference in how difficult some late game boss fights are, and it could potentially mean the difference between completing or failing an Honour Mode run.
Well that has to be a glitch. Ctw didn't use to harm allies
the best helm is the one that gives arcane acuity on melee attacks
No matter what build I do I always end up with the gloomstalker
Bro fr. Gloomstalker with arrow of many targets and titanstring bow and we're chilling, pimp
You missed saying where the Ring is located. It's also an Act 3 item and it's easy to miss as you only get it if you are teleported to the jungle by the djinni. I assume the best rings before this time are one of the ones that just add flat damage to your attacks.
7:58 You shouldn't put both points into charisma. Only even numbers increase your bonuses, so put one into either strength or constitution.
+1 charisma from Hag
He either missed it or already used it. Either way he doesn't mention it in the video. I'm not talking about other builds you could theoretically have, I'm talking about the one in the video at the timestamp. There's no reason to spend the points from that feat to bring you up to an odd number. If you end up getting something that increases it later, just go respec at Withers.
@@brettgreen5044 sure, odd numbers are useless. I just wanted to explain that in this menu hag's buff doesn't shown even if taken
I had no idea you could cast vow of enmity on yourself!!!😮 this is incredible, bye bye risky ring 😅
Soldier for intimidation proficiency is redundant with half-orc
So you built this in Custom mode... (Proficiency Bonus is +4) What impact is that going to have on later play if I decide to use this build for an Honor run? Will I see diminishing returns? How much of the build is reliant on that Proficiency Bonus bump? (+4 not being available until Lvl 9...)
you forgot to mention that, if you want to use the silver sword of the astral plane. For being able to actually get the 1d6 psychic dmg, you must disguised yourself firt THEN equip the weapon overwise the psy dmg wont trigger. And there is a cool note you could do to make the build even more dumb. In act two, if you got to moonrise you can meet Roah Moonglow (if you don't kill her before the finishing the goblin camp in act one) and if she make it to act two in moonrise, she's selling a weapon called "Drakethroat Glaive", a beatifull weapon that give you the possibility to infuse your weapon or a companion weapon (even weapon on ground) with the spell Draconic Elemental Weapon who can add a permanant +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls and deal a additional 1d4 of the element of you choice (between acid, cold, fire, lightning and thunder) for the rest of you day, that mean until long rest and without any concentration required. (you can also imbued two weapon by using metamagic twinned spell from sorcerer. You're welcome (sry if my english is not perfect, i'm french)
Twin spell on drakethroat… now my fighter and phalar cleric can do thunder dmg too!
Sorcadin is S tier but personally I think the 10/2 bard pally edges it out when built right. They’re both amazing though just a matter of preference.
Half-orc gets intimidation as a class proficiency go with outlander for athletics an survival. Survival isn't bad and one more skill proficiency won't hurt.
Great! Thank you!
one of my favorite gloves to combo with the diadem of arcane synergy is the gloves of absolute's bane.
Another favorite of mine is 6 Tiger Heart Barbarian, 2 Paladin, and 4 Sorcerer. Main features are maiming sweep attacks that target up to 3 targets, at once and that deal smite damage on each hit. Also you can even use the shield spell while raging.
What does 4 Sorc buy you here?
Spell slots to smite more with.@@MichaelCampbell01
10 sword bard, 2 paladin. use banishing smite critical (10d10)with divine smite and I'm pretty sure that's the strongest single burst attack in the game.
What ability score do you choose for hags hair? Charisma or Strength?
charisma, 17 + 2 from ASI and +1 from hags hair. with that you reach 20 charisma
Thanks for the Guide could you do one on your sorc lightning cleric too?
For this build, what ilithid powers would ya recommend for the paladin?
another great review!
I think bhaalist armor and the thunder spear is a better combo. It tanks your armor rating pretty hard (although you could put the armor on someone else) and lets your melee hits do 60odd base dmg not 30.
Is there anything i need to change playing this after the final updates?
Cloak of protection would work much better with aura of protection and helldusk armour as you'd be making saving throws all over the place, particularly if you chose war caster as a feat. Personally, I find blur using extended metamagic such a good use of concentration when using a Sorcadin as with blur, high AC and the saving throws mentioned above you're pretty much invulnerable. When fighting bosses you can always change up concentration use for hold person, but you'd have CC without concentration if you pick command. Best early on choosing Sorc as first pick in the version I say above for con save prof, but after getting helldusk armour you could respec to Pally 1st pick for heavy armour if you wanted that, or you could change 1 level Sorcerer for Cleric to still have con save prof and get heavy armour from Cleric. Best early build I've ever played, and I change build a lot, is 3 Sorc with blur and 1 war cleric for war priest charges and armour and shield prof. You whittle down enemies but barely anything hits you. Soloed attack on green grove and Act 1 with that. Level 5 you choose war caster to be more robust. Just buy up loads of health potions and use whispering promise to grant bless on a bonus when needed
I like the build so far but the low dex makes my tav always last in initiative which feels bad. Think im gonna try 16str/14dex/12con/8/8/16charisma
Try going Pally 2 Swords Bard 10.
Get banishing smite with one of your magical secrets. Use the helmet that grants you higher spell DC that you get in the mason's hidden room in act 2 and stack that with the ring from the jungle. That will make your spells basically irresistible after you hit your enemies a couple of times with extra attack and potentially elixir of bloodlust, allowing you to basically guarantee a big CC on your enemies turn 1. Hold person or glyph of warding sleep guarantees a crit. You can also use command approach for a cleave attack to stack your arcane acuities asap or to use some other AOE CC such as confusion.
Stack all that with savage attacker feat, bhaalist armor and some piercing two hander such as Nyruna
or just say "i was watching the Nizar GG" Build xD
@@MaxaraUD I made changes to that too. The Shadow option Spear of Shar is waaaaaay more powerful than the trident. Among other things
@@ManualdeSobrevivencia yes but... "shadow option" 😂
You wanna be especially cheesy use the Diva Mace once you get to Act 3 for an additional 4d8 Radiant damage per hit. It's also a one handed weapon so you can use a shield to help boost your survivability.
Naw big dick sword 🗡️
hmmm with this build is truly a spellsword class, so versatile.
My gripe with Paladin or spell based classes in general for that matter, is the need to long-rest often to replenish those spellslots. Not something I want to do often in general, but especially in the Honor mode playthrough I'm planning. Or are my concerns unfounded?
You can get near near infinite spell slots with potions of angelic reprieve and sorcerer create spell slot!
@@Toyhouze Angelic Reprieve is somewhat rare but yeah, sorcerer's creatre spellslots for this particular build should alleviate a lot of the need to long rest I guess ^^
@@MarkusAndersen96I like to open up the restoration faucets in HoH as soon as I get to act 3 to extend my time between long rests.
I'm actually doing it a little bit different. I'm going three vengeance paladin, 9 storm sorcerer. Cuz I still want vow of emnity and abjure enemy.
Could you do this with those four builds from your "Four OP Builds" video? One has the tavern brawler thrower.
Yeah this would work great with those other builds!
Does the low Dex create problems with initiative?
Thanks for the great vid. Looking forward to running this in HM.
Honestly this build is really bad for HM you are better off playing pure Paladin and Sorcerer separately.
The no alert plus negative dex is basically a death sentence in hm if you're playing on thst difficulty.
tbh i’m playing this build but sticking with the gloves of dexterity for the whole game to make up for it
I am new to this game, is it still good? Thanks for your hard work!
Yeah it's a great RPG!
@@Toyhouze thank you, and how about this build is it still good?
@@krys-mp I havn't tried it, but nothing significant has changed in game, mostly bug fixes and minor things. Probably not the strongest as it would be some sword bard, but still an S tier class build.
@@SabaqnoGaara Thank you very much for confirming. Doesn't need to be the strongest, it looks fun and if is good I am fine. Thanks
sorcadin or honestly any kind of class with paladin will be great for dmg. paladin/bard, paladin/warlock, and paladin/sorcadin are all good builds if you want to play paladin and get good damage
i feel like such a looser becuase i wanna play a dragon born so much but this is such a cool build for honour mode
I tend to do pal/barb. But I will try this build
if you weant something diferent, but still strong, try warlock 4/paladin 8. you get to go full charisma for damage, and can completely disregard both str and dex(still worth get dex to 10 for no -) the beauty is that you get a powerfull ranged cantrip with eldritch blast, and 3 feats(you can even use 1 for alert so you get alot of initiative which will be something you will lack otherwise).
from there you can just do whatever you want with whatever oath you like. ancients is great for the tankness(and its not hard to maintain), and oathbreaker is very strong for added damage.
it makes for an amazing MC, since you can easily get charisma to 20, with focus on persuasion.
and like i said, you have alot of variations you can pick, from sword and board, to a 2hander. to support or even healer.
or just stick with medium armor, sacrifice a bit of constitution for that dex, and gain the bonus ini.
I don't want to be half orc, ew. (proceeds to disguise self into a different green monstrosity)
Can someone help me out with his ability scores? How the heck does he get his charisma to 23? He makes his charisma 19 and then has no items to boost the stat. Also is he saying we basically need to rely on strength potions for the entire game for attack rolls?? I’m so confused I need help and I’m trying to not be dumb 😒
If you hold A on xbox or X on ps5 idk about pc but it will bring up a search area its game changing
on pc its alt
Figured it out yesterday 😂😂
Saved me alot of running around
What about 2 War Cleric, 6 Ven Pal, 4 Drac Sorc or 4 G. O. O. Blade Lock
The disguise self from gold bloodline, is there anything special one can do with it besides getting advantage on some items? I wanna make my sorcadin a drow and have no real need of it that i know of. Looking more towards the white bloodline for armor of agathys. Just abit of a shame that ice storm is locked behind sorcerer lvl 7 :
Since you're taking 6/6 into Sorcerer, I would strongly suggest going Oath of Devotion instead.
A. You can just take Hold Person and Misty step on your sorcerer levels anyway. To be fair, those two are really strong, so going Oath of Vengeance to begin with, and respeccing at lvl 9 is a viable alternative, though spell scrolls for those 2 spells are actually quite common, and you get 2 items in Underdark that grant a total of 6 uses of Misty Step per long rest for free, so it's up to you.
B. Oath of Devotion actually has something that's equal-to-better to the Vow of enmity, that you can also pre-cast before the fight begins- Sacred Weapon.
A bit of info to begin with, Advantage is worth +3.3- ie. it turns a 10.5 average roll into a 13.825 average. Realistically it's a bit better, going up to +5 when your base hit chance is somewhere between 40-65% but it very quickly goes down in usefulness as your base hit chance goes below or above that range.
Oath of Devotion's "Sacred Weapon" (Also class action, uses the same resource as vow of enmity) on the other hand lets you add your charisma modifier to your weapon attack rolls, on top of your strength/dex modifier.
Considering that you start with 16 charisma, at the very least it's roughly equal to vow of enmity; +3 vs +3.325
as the game progresses though, it gets better. Looking at your own example shown in the video- your Aura of Protection gave you +6 to saving throws, so Sacred Weapon would also give you +6 to attack rolls.
That's better than advantage regardless of what's your base hit chance.
And the best part about that bonus- It's NOT an advantage. Meaning, you can get other reliable sources of advantage on top of it, with things like Gloves of the Growling Underdog, Gloves of the Automaton, Risky Ring, and walk through the game with 99.75% hit chance against everything, like you have a tavern brawler for weapon attacks. (and no, it's not an exaggeration, 'expected accuracy' is 65%, with another +6 to attack rolls, your 'expected accuracy' becomes 95%, so with advantage it's 99.75%, this is mostly how/why Tavern Brawler, and Aspect of the beast:Tiger on Wildheart-Tiger Barbarian is so damn good in BG3, it basically guarantees that you *will* hit *all* your attacks)
And it doesn't go both ways.
To get basically-permanent Advantage, ie. to replace the boon given to you by vow of enmity, you just need to sacrifice 1 equipment slot- either ring or gloves.
(or just play well, optimise your party, and use one of the dozens of ways of acquiring advantage that don't require wearing any specific items; like spells, Battle-Master fighter manoeuvres, or Open Hand monk stunning strike/flurry of blows:topple.)
To get a flat +6 to attack rolls on the other hand you'd need to wear specific, otherwise-suboptimal, gloves (+2), specific, otherwise-suboptimal, helmet (+2), and... oh, there is no third equipment slot that will give you the remaining +2 attack rolls, and oh, both of those items are in act 3 anyway, while the gloves of the growling underdog are in early-mid act 1, and the mass-advantage-giver, Faerie Fire and Fog Cloud, are 1st lvl spells.
Oh and the last part... using the vow of enmity this way is like 99.9% a bug, and will, eventually, be fixed. Sacred Weapon giving you +6 to your attack rolls, turning your base 'expected accuracy' from 65% to 95%, for all attacks, against any enemy you want to, is both Rules-As-Written and Rules-As-Intended, and won't ever be changed.
some good points here
Agree on most of this except self-casting vow of enmity being a bug. Larian themselves admit it's intended to work like that, either in a patch note or a q&a somewhere iirc.
For sure, it still bugs me when the tooltip doesn't match the function, though that's just my neurosis.@@lamvutran9345
@@lamvutran9345 Self-Casting vow of enmity is a bug. It's not intended to work like that at, and doesn't work like that in 5e. Where has Larian admitted that the way it works is the way it's supposed to?
@@lamvutran9345 Pick or didn't happen.
I am trying to build a charisma based support barbarian. It’s based around the Natures Snare staff and the Gloves of Power to debuff the enemies. I take the feat magic initiative: Druid to gain access to shillelagh and faerie fire. Then polearm master and either sentinel/savage attacker/shield master. Im using karlach, but a strong heart halfling tav would be better.
How could I make this build better for honor mode?
Bane and ensnare just from attacking, or when an enemy moves to you or away from you sounds nice. Cast shillelagh before rage and it seems like it would be a fun and useful way to use wild magic barb. I’d pair this with a ranger and way of the open hand monk off the top of my head, but I don’t know what else might work well with it. Open hand monk could get up close and personal to deal damage safely, ranger would get great use out of hunters mark on a locked down target.
What's the most OP build for tactician
this or your warlock build? Which one is more fun?
@Toyhouze do you have to go Gold? Why not red or the other fire based bloodlines?
Gold gives you Disguise Self, Red gives Burning Hands and Brass gives Sleep
If you cast disguise self does it stay in cutscenes and party special scenes ?this whole thing looks great just i hate the half orc look
Where do you get initiative from with such low dex? Also this means using most of the tadpoles on your Tav.
I'm guessing through dex gloves through til house of hope. Then when done with house of hope respec con points into dex when swapping gear
I still wish they would had let Humans have extra feat at start... could use that for bonus is extra carry weight???, one would think that is a bonus for Half-Orcs not Humans FFs .. grrr
This is my canonical Dark Urge build
build is probably gonna struggle with spell save dc. not gonna be able to hold tougher enemies reliably. if you drop arcane synergy, you can swap it for hat of fire acuity. lv4 scorching ray will give you +10 spell save dc if you don't miss a ray.
Run this paladin with 3 gloomstalkers with drow poison that surprise enemies and use their extra attacks to sleep everything before they get a turn.
Your initial stat spread should be 16 str 14 con, having three odd numbers starting stats is extremely suboptimal because you will never want to spend two feats on ASI.
Idk why you'd ever put a point in str if you keep up on hill giant and cloud giant potions every rest or lvl up stores restock and you're good I've done that with 2 characters this run and id never do it any other way especially in act 3 because you have a infinite long rest without resetting you buffs in the house of pain just don't take the hammer
I played a build similar to this. Same subclasses and splits, but I went half wood elf for increased speed. For my feats I chose GWM and alert. Gear, balduran's helm, cloak of protection, armor and boots of persistence, crusher ring, risky ring, hill giant gloves, greater health amulet, balduran's giantslayer and darkfire shortbow.
Risky ring gives advantage on all attacks but comes with disadvantage on saving throws. My lowest saving throw is a +12 to intelligence. Because of the stone features passive, at a max roll I can have +15 to int, between +18-23 on strength, con, and charisma saves, a +17-21 wisdom save, and +15-18 dex save. Once I got everything online, I think I ended up failing all of one save that I got out of on the very next turn because I was given a chance to save (for CC effects, not damage rolls).
With the armor and my weapons, I have a base 60 ft/18 meter walking speed, 23 AC, +7 initiative so I usually go first, 142 hp (I do 6th level aid and heroes feast on my party with shadowheart using gear to get free casts or replace spell slots so I have 179 hp), resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, fire, and cold damage, and I can't be paralyzed or magically restrained. I do about 35-40 damage on average with a 99% hit chance on the first hit for everything with less than like, 22 AC, and 90% on the subsequent hits and a free haste.
When I go all out using haste and giant form, I I do 40-49 on regular hits. With all four hits and confirmed crits I did more than 300 damage to Raphael in one turn and took 80% of his health in two. And since I usually have +20 on my con saves and resistance to like, most of the damage types in game, I'm pretty sure the only time I broke concentration on my haste is when one of the mind players with fire shield hit me with like, a level six magic missile and made me roll an insane amount of checks until I critically failed one. And I still got haste back up, into the elder brains dimension, and soloed it in two rounds.
It took a bit to really come on line, but there's a reason Sorcadin is considered one of, if not the strongest multi class in dnd.
You can twin cast the element buff from drake throat glaive???????? That's crazy!!
I'm not sure about choosing Soldier as the background if you play a Half-Orc. Half-Orcs already get Intimidation proficiency, so if you want Athletics proficiency, go with Outlander instead.
Can someone explain why sorc over lock? Even if the extra attack from pact doesn't work on honor, you still get cha as main stat and refreshing spell slots for more smites.
Should i spec into oathbreaker? Will it work with this videos reccomendation or will it be worse? From a purely combat standpoint
It's not too much different. But i'd go oathbreaker later once you get Hold Person and Misty Step from Sorcerer so you won't need it from OoV.
so multiclass paladin and sorc?@@Toyhouze
do you multi class with this i herd running pally fighter and champ is busted
How do you get your Charisma so high? Also do you think if I were to be a bit more focused on strength would it hurt the build. Personally I don’t like having to rely on strength potions
Mirror of Loss grants +3 CHA and this build gets the ASI Feat for +2 CHA. You can get +3 STR from Auntie Ethel's hair + Potion of Everlasting Vigour if you don't want to use STR Elixirs.
I was just thinking about doing this build on wyll, full he’ll dusk set and 6/6. Or I’m putting the full set on my fire monk karlach
Need a pure fighter build with best gear for more actions
what illithid powers should i run for this build?
This build is really nice, beside all the stuff you need that this build work. Is mostly in act 3, littel bit sad.
Anyways its good and it does what it does.....Kill everything!
Aunt Ethl's hair to str or charisma here?
Hmmm wouldn’t Risky Ring work nice with this build?
Does this build use tadpoles or no?
Something ive always wondered. Does Vow of Emnity also give enemies advantage on attacking you if you cast it on yourself?
yes, is a double edge
Man I hate playing a Half Orc for RP purposes but that racial for a Paladin can’t be ignored. My half Orc Paladin crits like a god
Please make a general esdeath build if you can I beg
One thing I would add that may not be popular opinion is that you want your paladin to have the lowest ac in your group. You will always be concentrating which makes enemies want to target you even more and if you use the adamantite medium armor you are immune to critical hits and have lower ac because you won’t have super high ac. Use the bow that adds initiative to help with going sooner.
That doesent make sense to me you have controdicting statements in this post like what?? Sure no cross but i'd rather just not get hit at all at that point.. this makes no sense the way its written
@@sparkypikachu7776 I believe the issue being referred to is that when your front-liner has insane ac, enemies often ignore him and attack the rest of your party instead. So as a front-line role, that's something you want to balance. You want survivability, but as a tank you also want to keep enemies away from the rest of your team.
@@Anthony0fFire ahhh okay that makes more sense. Still that depends what your other pastry is, most rouges can hide away and if you have a barb they can tank but it's smth to consider, it just kinda counteracts the whole point of concentrating on spells like hold person and stuff.. idk i get it but it seems counteracting imo
Honestly do not think I could go for under 10 in dex it pretty much ensures you go after all of your enemies go if you can go before some of the enemies you can set up faster or even just kill enemies before they get to attack you. There is not rly a big issue letting other party members going before you being last in the whole fight just means you or others eat more dmg than you have to.
just a heads up be careful using friends in higher difficulties as they will get aggroed on site
I got nice finesse one handed weapons from act 3 , is there any way to adjust this build for 2x 1h ?
No. Delete your character. It will never beat honor mode.
@@Sinnixk I do not even want to start this mode ( bdw it's HONOUR mode ) , and I finished this game already
Would there be any benefit to sacrificing either of the 6 levels for 2 levels in fighter for action surge?
Action surge is a garbage now.
Sacrifice 2 levels for one attack per shot rest?
Especially when there is a war domain cleric which gives the same 3 extra attacks per long rest, only at the FIRST level.
And you can use all these extra attacks in one fight, which is much more flexible
I see, those are valid points. I didn't think of it that way.
I'm still not sure how you get to that +6 saving throw (from the aura of protection). The highest I can go is 18 (maybe 19 if I'm pushing it) and that's not easy either.
anyone can explain?
How do you get the glyph of warding?
Does the extra damage die work on honor mode? I know they limited all the damage rider stuff.
It's called a damage rider source and I'm not sure
You missed the location of the boots let me guess house of hope again?
They’re in a chest in the room you defeat Gortash.
Is this build for honor mode or a normal run?
The only build that doesn't really work in honour is Lockadin because deepened pact stacking doesn't work, Warlock in general is weak compared to the other classes specifically in honour
Why do you don't need to become fire dragon sorc and why you need to become cold dragon sorc. Because you already have fire resistance with equipment, don't need fireball at all and absolutely want armour of agathys(you will be always in melee, this spell is amazing for melee characters) and cold damage resistance. Last but not least - if you half orc, you shouldn't be ashamed of your heritage, be proud!
Running this build, but even with advantage, I am missing attacks like crazy! What gives??
Just don't play a Vengeance Paladin for the story stuff...unless you just like blowing money to stay one.
What do you mean by blowing money to stay one? I haven't played a paladin yet
@@iwillnotcomply1707 if you become oathbreaker and don't wanna be a oathbreaker. I'm pretty sure you have to pay to get your oath back
Vengeance is one of the more permissive oaths in the game, in reality
Ran a vengeance paladin had no issues with my oath. Even helping do some evil stuff didnt break it.
Tbh Vengence is pretty lax Oath when it comes to breaking it - it forgives you a whole lot of morally questionable decisions.
There are two ways it - Guiding Evil Towards Victory against good or letting bad guy go away (there is also denying others Vengence) but let's keep that aside.
Like really when it comes to Vengence breaking Oath is hardly a surprise - it's more like I can do it and not break it?
Like really what do you expect to happen by Aiding the Goblins or letting Ethel go? Or by letting Nightsong be killed?
Friends at upper levels will agro npcs
What are the 3 best companions for this character?
you are DPS melee so you need a tank (lae'zel/karlach/halsin/minthara), a caster or ranger (gale/wyll/astarion/minsc) and support (shadowheart/jaheira). the rest is by moral choices sinergy, for me is: tav, karlach, wyll, shadowheart
what is the second strongest race for this? (I really dont like orcs..)
Githyanki is really strong, and Duergar for the invisibility that can be used endlessly out of combat. I played it as a Drow and it was still great.
i think tiefling zariel cus free smites
How do you have 5 prepared spells at level 2? I'm only getting 4.
11:45 It's not "Jezerath" like you pronounce, it's "Jerezath"
If i play as an oathbreaker and lose hold person can i still relearn it from sorcerer?
Yes but you'll need to be at least a level 3 sorcerer
@@Toyhouze thankyou, one more question does our draconic ancestry gold also apply our charisma modifier to searing smite as well since it's a fire attack?
Don’t go soldier background since you already get intimidation proficiency from your racial feature. You can go outlander for athletics and survival.
for me guild artisan all the way, it suits me
Went to get Ethel’s hair for this build, and dammit I should’ve let someone else lead the dialogue bc now I have to spend money on the oathbreaker guy lmAO oh well. It’s patch 6 and they haven’t fixed the merchant bug yet sooooooooo I have 16k gold.