Important to address the damages caused by awful school lunches. Fast foods, cheap and processed food franchises everywhere in the USA. Hospital foods / nursing homes, daycare… all around s consistently making people sick. Kids taste buds get numbed earlier on… even through breast milk - moms unfortunately from generations of fast foods, junk, cheap, processed foods.
I wrote to state leadership, politicians and got a message back that said the school lunches were sufficient. It is not when you see what they feed then it is cheap food. Same for pregnant women in congregate care, food for health was not a consideration on the radar for meeting standards. Sad for babies already compromised.
I did the Feingold Diet with my hyperactive 3 year old son 43 years ago and it was like a miracle for him. Even in adulthood he could feel himself getting hyper with food that had food colors in it, especially red.
Wow! Dr. Song is a powerhouse! Her “Happy Belly Happy You” teaching should be explored to teach the masses. Children need to be educated if their parents won’t be.
I’m a young listener with a one year old and hoping for more. Thank you! Lol. You definitely have a young audience that loves your content! I refer all my friends and people I come across to your channel.
As marriage/ family /child therapist of 53+years as well as nutritionist and health counselor, I find this excellent! Thank you so much for all this valuable info that. i incorporate into my own life and for my clients.
We buy our meat/eggs from local farms, grow our herbs veggies and fruit (not all, but most), and make all of our snacks at home. I make big batches so it lasts for the week. No processed junk in the home. These things are not hard, and make a HUGE difference. Everyone is amazed at what my 3 year old eats. It’s nothing amazing, it’s what should be the norm.
From an emotional perspective, human and soulful - love listening to two kindly, conscious people, bright and impassioned about cutting- edge medical application/arsenal. Exciting way to treat the body, and live in one. Much respect, Mark.
I am so hooked on Dr Mark's podcasts, this stuff is so educational and informative! It bodes well with what I learn from the Wellness Company, its all about health, the testimonies are remarkable!
On the topic of vaccines, it's not so much the individual vaccine, it is the number that the pediatricians require at one time. We had to fire our daughter's pediatrician because they refused to spread out the vaccine schedule. Fortunately, we were able to find an office that was willing to spread out the schedule.
The dirty looks and sneers I would get from my children’s pediatrician for not allowing them to give 5 vaccines at one time was constant. Then when I refused to give them a flu vaccine she about pooped her pants! She says.. can I ask why you’re refusing, I said they don’t need it!
I remember meeting Dr Song at her first IFM convention! Bravo ! She's really taken off! I'd love to hear an interview with the subject of bariatrics. I'm finding patients who are NOT being told the truth of their future, post surgery! With several surgical options, how are we as practitioners supposed to help them? Their doctors and surgeons are not fully giving them information and with a compromised digestive tract, how exactly can we help them. So little help for such radical procedures and serious vitamin, mineral, EFA deficiencies! Oi!! These people need our help!! Please address this need!
Thank you! As a mother of 2 young children, this discussion was so impactful and encouraging. I, and some other core mom friends, have been educating ourselves on how to best nourish our families. It's a crazy world out there... Also, the vaccine talk was SO refreshing. Why can't we civilly discuss the pros and cons?? My husband and I 'went against the grain' and created a customized schedule for our kids. Zero regrets.
I’m so passionate about this subject especially educating the future generations. Would you consider sharing the curriculum you made for young children? I would love to pass this information on and educate other children.
My father was a doctor and he used to talk about the vagus nerve and I never paid attention to his words. I am not a doctor or anything scientific, but I now know he was on to something important.
This is hear breaking to listen to. You guys are so right. I teach pre k in a Charter school. It is so sad when i look at the food the kiddos eat. I wish the parents would just change their diet. They just don't realize how much thier behavior will change. It's so sad to watch.
My mom (GP) wanted to give my baby antibiotics before he is 6 months old. And I fought her like crazy. That is the genesis of my trouble. She afraid her grandson will have earache and become deaf. And her solution is always antibiotics. I bring my son to a rational used of medicine peditrician btw, so he saved.
Thats because grandma remembers how many children died or got brain abcesses or meningitis before antibiotics. It's a balance not either or. Don't be so anti antibiotics you put your child in harms way.just be prudent.
@@breathnstop Yes, my RUM pediatrician have a techniques to avoid earache. And true, high fever can cause brain damage and an earache could make u deaf and no available options before except given kids antibiotics. But antibiotics are overly prescribed by conventional medicine doctors. That is why I go to RUM doctors.
@@mayawidyasari6827- not only that .. Certain food contain antibiotics and what effects that will do.. to someone who is already on antibiotics? Was there any studies of GMO & modern antibiotics taking orally? …or any medication? .. No. If “emulsified” products are available, but facts that they disturb guts bacteria… that leads to all sorts of issues including behaviour problems etc. How much do we care about our health? - It’s like playing tennis.. in this case.
Public health issue; so is alcohol abuse, so is anti-nutrition provided by oligopolies that produce our high and ultra-high processed “food”. And growers taking over farming from small farmers.
Excellent discussion between Dr. Hyman and Dr. Song. This is how I wish more medical doctors would provide health and wellness care to their patients. Just like these two doctors, it amazes me how sick kids are these days, compared to when I was a kid and almost no one had autism or severe allergies. Maybe there would be a rare case of asthma or hay fever here or there, but that's about it. And peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were the number one lunch kids brought from home to school 50 years ago. I think the number of vaccine doses kids are given these days has much to do with the deterioration in kids' health, as does the proliferation of ultra-processed foods.
More pressure should be applied to governments on food labelling but also more taxes on unhealthy food and much less in healthy foods. Hopefully communities are getting better at shared garden spaces and education on growing your own seasonal vegetables& herbs. Educating our kids on growing food, cooking and developing healthy relationships with good healthy food. But also so important is healthy mind sets around food and lifestyle.
THANK YOU for discussing vaccines! Although I don't totally agree with everything said, I think both Dr. Hyman and Dr. Song made some very good points.
Very interesting podcast. I had chemotherapy during second and third trimester of my pregnancy. My son turns 18 years old next month. We breastfed-at the time no one had info, I later learned I likely had chemo still stored/releasing during that time period. He also received antacids from month 6-18. Striving to have healthy habits for him going forward No behavior or other issues, minor seasonal allergies
Let food be thy medicine is one the oldest quotes whether or not Hippocrates said it. We moved far from basics and are reaping what we had sown. I am glad nutrition is gaining importance but it is costly affair to eat right for most people. Not realizing they wouldn't spend at doctor's office later in life if they took charge now.
Yes, we packed lunch for our kids, avoid processed foods, junk / fast foods, airplane/ airport foods, etc. etc. Succeeded healthy now adults children with no chronic physical / mental illnesses with strong immune system all around. Unfortunately, it is difficult to help my patients, young / old... to educate parents to deal with the sad results of generational bad foods / lack of accurate food education. Many patients still believe vegan or vegetarian diets are healthier... with so many of ADHD/ADD, OCD, depression, anxiety prone youth ... due to this eating disorders... continue to create obesity, diabetic illnesses...and early onset of dementia.
I ate terrible as a kid . My kids ate terrible and my grandkids do the same . It's generational . I don't see how you can break the cycle . Especially how poor eating habits are promoted on all media platforms . Our holidays are based on unhealthy eating . I radically changed my diet in my early 50s because I did not want to go on medication. Kids have to be scared . Kind of like that show a long time ago called scared straight taking troubled kids to see what jail was like but today they need to see what poor eating habits look like .
More on the microbiome! This is great. Didn't Socrates say "the origin of illness is in the gut"? Or words to that effect. I am going to the library to find that book.
Good information. I fear people's brains are so addicted by the food industry that even when they are given these facts they literally cannot give up their junk. It is really sad. Guest speaker is very beautiful.
It would be interesting to study kids from different countries. I live in Southern Spain where most our food is grown here and we have lots of sun compared to my native country where I was brought up in Canada where I was brought up on all imported fruits and barely saw the sunlight all winter. I feel kids here have so much energy my kids are in school from 8:39-17:00 then train for 2 hrs for football and they still keep going. I never remember having that sort of energy😅
It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools. Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.
I fought for a vaginal birth for my son and put up with sneers from family for breadt feeding him until he was 2 years old.I send him messages now that he's finishing his masters degree "Your welcome for breastfeeding you😂" I get back an eeeewwww.Satisfaction!
None of my children got a hep B vaccine in the hospital. It never made any sense to me however I work in the medical field. Some parents just don’t know and that’s what’s so sad.
I dont even let my vet give my cat a bunch of vaccines all at once, i space them out. Mainly because i am worried about an overload of the preservatives in the vaccines. I decide which vaccine is most important, like what is my cat most likely to be exposed to. And thats the first vaccine i choose. My vet has a shot now that has all the vaccines in one shot, i want to know if that means less preservatives or more.
Will you please put your class, the one for little kids online because I’d love to show it to my college age daughter to convince her why she shouldn’t be drinking Boba
I think this next generation is going to be so knowledgeable on healthy foods and how to create a healthy biome that America is going to come out of the food health amnesia into a new era of longer living healthier humans on earth.
Tiny Health is an amazing stool testing company for infants, children and adults. They do customized reports based on the bacteria tested in your stool. Also, Smidge is the probiotic Dr Hyman was talking about. Small batch, infant probiotic that has colonizing Bifido bacteria. Highly recommend if you have a C-section delivery.
The Microbiome is an internal microcosm. It is a reflection of the state of health of our communities as a species. The dominant organizing principles of the last several centuries have been systemically anti-relational and anti-communal. What we see internally in children, adults, pets, all species, as well as externally in ecosystems, populations, species, etc, is all there to point out a dysfunctional worldview or paradigm that we need to step away from immediately if we are to rebalance and survive.
I wonder if we can do Fecal transplant with stool 100 years old so we avoid these problems i always have the classic symptoms of bad microbes wounds that take forever to heal muscle that don't grow
One other theory for the microbiome of today's breastfeed baby now being in line with the formula fed baby 100 years ago may be that the nursing mother herself was not was the case with myself. I wonder has the absence of breastfeeding in our generation left a devoid in our healthy microbiome therefore creating an absence of certain strains in our breastfed babies...just a theory
butyrate supplement or foods Legumes (beans, peas, and soybeans), fruits, nuts, and whole grains, butter and cheese. bifidobacterium supplement or foods apples, dates, lentils, blueberries, and broccoli
Please clarify: the serotonin made in the gut is not the same serotonin that is received in the brain. It is different receptors. I would love to know if there is additional literature for this because I feel like this could be one of those statements that are taken in the incorrect way to make head lines.
Im genx, we took Flintstone vitamins, and I loved the purple ones, so i wouldn't eat the other ones😅 i bet the dyes in the Flintstone vitamins were bad too.
No gonna lie. She hit a nerve when she said breastfeeding now is the equivalent of formula fed babies 100 years ago. Make me feel like the 2 years I breastfed my 3 year old was completely pointless. All that fucking stress for nothing. I'm now also breastfeeding my 3 month old. Maybe it doesn't fucking matter if I breastfeed him either. My 3 year old also is autistic and was incredibly difficult newborn/infant to soothe. I also ate very well during my pregnancy with him, it was a completely uncomplicated pregnancy.
You're doing great Momma! Don't worry she doesn't know what she's talking about. Breast feeding if you're able to is always better than formula and certainly better than the supposed formula they were feeding babies in 1924. Geezus
I think that's amazing. I think this is in reference to how bad our microbial gut health is in general...u said u ate healthy, your already ahead of 99% of pp. Just think of ways you could increase your gut healthy. I have 3 grown kids. I gave my kids no sugar drinks thinking I was doing good....listen being a mom is difficult enough. . Give yourself some grace. Your doing a great job! 😊
@stellaborromeo1340: Always choose organic food over conventional food. Conventional food is full of synthetic pesticides that the human body is not capable of processing and is what chronically affecting people in countries where processed and ultra processed food is coming from Big Ag. Grow your own food, Go to your local farmers market and support organic farmers. Ask for organic produce at your groceries.
She's still claiming a virus exists though there has never been any valid control methods to isolate and identify ANY virus ever. No complete genome sequence. I would love to see the control methods used to make the claim made.
SurTHRIVAL of the COLLABORATIONists Stay Forever CurioUS unfolding TRUTHS Choices and everchanging everevolving CHOICES WE get to make...🦠🫀🧠 HAPPIER HEALTHIER gutHEARTbrains are possible NOW and IT is UP to US to figure out what WORKs BEST for US allll Together Everyone Achieves More 💛🫶🏼YOUNG FOREVER CURIOUS 😊🤣💚🫂🧿 🌞🦠🫀👣💤🎶✨🧠 🪄💓
Important to address the damages caused by awful school lunches. Fast foods, cheap and processed food franchises everywhere in the USA. Hospital foods / nursing homes, daycare… all around s consistently making people sick. Kids taste buds get numbed earlier on… even through breast milk - moms unfortunately from generations of fast foods, junk, cheap, processed foods.
I wrote to state leadership, politicians and got a message back that said the school lunches were sufficient. It is not when you see what they feed then it is cheap food. Same for pregnant women in congregate care, food for health was not a consideration on the radar for meeting standards. Sad for babies already compromised.
Pack your kids and yourself healthy lunches. That’s what we do here ❤
I did the Feingold Diet with my hyperactive 3 year old son 43 years ago and it was like a miracle for him. Even in adulthood he could feel himself getting hyper with food that had food colors in it, especially red.
@@moosefox7799 totally agree 👍
Hi 👋 nice to meet you 😊 how are you doing
She’s such a calming doctor. Her voice soothes and her knowledge heals.
Wow! Dr. Song is a powerhouse! Her “Happy Belly Happy You” teaching should be explored to teach the masses. Children need to be educated if their parents won’t be.
I’m a young listener with a one year old and hoping for more. Thank you! Lol. You definitely have a young audience that loves your content! I refer all my friends and people I come across to your channel.
As marriage/ family /child therapist of 53+years as well as nutritionist and health counselor, I find this excellent! Thank you so much for all this valuable info that. i incorporate into my
own life and for my clients.
We buy our meat/eggs from local farms, grow our herbs veggies and fruit (not all, but most), and make all of our snacks at home. I make big batches so it lasts for the week. No processed junk in the home. These things are not hard, and make a HUGE difference. Everyone is amazed at what my 3 year old eats. It’s nothing amazing, it’s what should be the norm.
From an emotional perspective, human and soulful - love listening to two kindly, conscious people, bright and impassioned about cutting- edge medical application/arsenal. Exciting way to treat the body, and live in one. Much respect, Mark.
I am so hooked on Dr Mark's podcasts, this stuff is so educational and informative! It bodes well with what I learn from the Wellness Company, its all about health, the testimonies are remarkable!
On the topic of vaccines, it's not so much the individual vaccine, it is the number that the pediatricians require at one time. We had to fire our daughter's pediatrician because they refused to spread out the vaccine schedule. Fortunately, we were able to find an office that was willing to spread out the schedule.
The dirty looks and sneers I would get from my children’s pediatrician for not allowing them to give 5 vaccines at one time was constant. Then when I refused to give them a flu vaccine she about pooped her pants! She says.. can I ask why you’re refusing, I said they don’t need it!
As well as the CV jab they pushed. So many sick now.
We need this doctor in every country!!
I remember meeting Dr Song at her first IFM convention! Bravo ! She's really taken off!
I'd love to hear an interview with the subject of bariatrics. I'm finding patients who are NOT being told the truth of their future, post surgery! With several surgical options, how are we as practitioners supposed to help them? Their doctors and surgeons are not fully giving them information and with a compromised digestive tract, how exactly can we help them. So little help for such radical procedures and serious vitamin, mineral, EFA deficiencies! Oi!! These people need our help!! Please address this need!
@@sheilasmith1109 totally agree 👍
Hi 👋 nice to meet you 😊 how are you doing
Thank you! As a mother of 2 young children, this discussion was so impactful and encouraging. I, and some other core mom friends, have been educating ourselves on how to best nourish our families. It's a crazy world out there... Also, the vaccine talk was SO refreshing. Why can't we civilly discuss the pros and cons?? My husband and I 'went against the grain' and created a customized schedule for our kids. Zero regrets.
I’m so passionate about this subject especially educating the future generations. Would you consider sharing the curriculum you made for young children? I would love to pass this information on and educate other children.
My father was a doctor and he used to talk about the vagus nerve and I never paid attention to his words. I am not a doctor or anything scientific, but I now know he was on to something important.
One of my two favorite doctors together!!!❤️❤️❤️
Great video! I can’t wait to get the book!
This is hear breaking to listen to. You guys are so right. I teach pre k in a Charter school. It is so sad when i look at the food the kiddos eat. I wish the parents would just change their diet. They just don't realize how much thier behavior will change. It's so sad to watch.
My mom (GP) wanted to give my baby antibiotics before he is 6 months old. And I fought her like crazy. That is the genesis of my trouble. She afraid her grandson will have earache and become deaf. And her solution is always antibiotics. I bring my son to a rational used of medicine peditrician btw, so he saved.
Thats because grandma remembers how many children died or got brain abcesses or meningitis before antibiotics. It's a balance not either or. Don't be so anti antibiotics you put your child in harms way.just be prudent.
@@breathnstop Yes, my RUM pediatrician have a techniques to avoid earache. And true, high fever can cause brain damage and an earache could make u deaf and no available options before except given kids antibiotics. But antibiotics are overly prescribed by conventional medicine doctors. That is why I go to RUM doctors.
@@mayawidyasari6827- not only that .. Certain food contain antibiotics and what effects that will do.. to someone who is already on antibiotics? Was there any studies of GMO & modern antibiotics taking orally? …or any medication? .. No. If “emulsified” products are available, but facts that they disturb guts bacteria… that leads to all sorts of issues including behaviour problems etc. How much do we care about our health? -
It’s like playing tennis.. in this case.
Public health issue; so is alcohol abuse, so is anti-nutrition provided by oligopolies that produce our high and ultra-high processed “food”. And growers taking over farming from small farmers.
Protect small farms and organic farmers!
Excellent discussion between Dr. Hyman and Dr. Song. This is how I wish more medical doctors would provide health and wellness care to their patients. Just like these two doctors, it amazes me how sick kids are these days, compared to when I was a kid and almost no one had autism or severe allergies. Maybe there would be a rare case of asthma or hay fever here or there, but that's about it. And peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were the number one lunch kids brought from home to school 50 years ago. I think the number of vaccine doses kids are given these days has much to do with the deterioration in kids' health, as does the proliferation of ultra-processed foods.
I teach a homeschool co-op…. I am really interested in purchasing a copy of your “healthy belly happy you” curriculum!!! ❤❤
More pressure should be applied to governments on food labelling but also more taxes on unhealthy food and much less in healthy foods. Hopefully communities are getting better at shared garden spaces and education on growing your own seasonal vegetables& herbs. Educating our kids on growing food, cooking and developing healthy relationships with good healthy food. But also so important is healthy mind sets around food and lifestyle.
THANK YOU for discussing vaccines! Although I don't totally agree with everything said, I think both Dr. Hyman and Dr. Song made some very good points.
I'm glad that RFK Jr is on top of some of the stats they mentioned and wants to have studies on these causes.
Very interesting podcast. I had chemotherapy during second and third trimester of my pregnancy. My son turns 18 years old next month. We breastfed-at the time no one had info, I later learned I likely had chemo still stored/releasing during that time period. He also received antacids from month 6-18. Striving to have healthy habits for him going forward
No behavior or other issues, minor seasonal allergies
TG! 🌱
Let food be thy medicine is one the oldest quotes whether or not Hippocrates said it. We moved far from basics and are reaping what we had sown. I am glad nutrition is gaining importance but it is costly affair to eat right for most people. Not realizing they wouldn't spend at doctor's office later in life if they took charge now.
Yes, we packed lunch for our kids, avoid processed foods, junk / fast foods, airplane/ airport foods, etc. etc. Succeeded healthy now adults children with no chronic physical / mental illnesses with strong immune system all around. Unfortunately, it is difficult to help my patients, young / old... to educate parents to deal with the sad results of generational bad foods / lack of accurate food education. Many patients still believe vegan or vegetarian diets are healthier... with so many of ADHD/ADD, OCD, depression, anxiety prone youth ... due to this eating disorders... continue to create obesity, diabetic illnesses...and early onset of dementia.
I ate terrible as a kid . My kids ate terrible and my grandkids do the same . It's generational . I don't see how you can break the cycle . Especially how poor eating habits are promoted on all media platforms . Our holidays are based on unhealthy eating .
I radically changed my diet in my early 50s because I did not want to go on medication. Kids have to be scared . Kind of like that show a long time ago called scared straight taking troubled kids to see what jail was like but today they need to see what poor eating habits look like .
More on the microbiome! This is great. Didn't Socrates say "the origin of illness is in the gut"? Or words to that effect. I am going to the library to find that book.
Update - my library has it on order and one person is ahead of me for the hold
Good information. I fear people's brains are so addicted by the food industry that even when they are given these facts they literally cannot give up their junk. It is really sad. Guest speaker is very beautiful.
I ordered the book before I finished listening to the video
It would be interesting to study kids from different countries. I live in Southern Spain where most our food is grown here and we have lots of sun compared to my native country where I was brought up in Canada where I was brought up on all imported fruits and barely saw the sunlight all winter. I feel kids here have so much energy my kids are in school from 8:39-17:00 then train for 2 hrs for football and they still keep going. I never remember having that sort of energy😅
Dr. song is also a skilled homeopathic prescriber. She teaches with the CEDH, the center for the education and development of homeopathy.
It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.
Great episode
I fought for a vaginal birth for my son and put up with sneers from family for breadt feeding him until he was 2 years old.I send him messages now that he's finishing his masters degree "Your welcome for breastfeeding you😂" I get back an eeeewwww.Satisfaction!
None of my children got a hep B vaccine in the hospital. It never made any sense to me however I work in the medical field. Some parents just don’t know and that’s what’s so sad.
Soul, nutrition, exercise You can’t treat someone’s illness if they can’t treat themselves with positive energy.
I dont even let my vet give my cat a bunch of vaccines all at once, i space them out. Mainly because i am worried about an overload of the preservatives in the vaccines. I decide which vaccine is most important, like what is my cat most likely to be exposed to. And thats the first vaccine i choose. My vet has a shot now that has all the vaccines in one shot, i want to know if that means less preservatives or more.
Will you please put your class, the one for little kids online because I’d love to show it to my college age daughter to convince her why she shouldn’t be drinking Boba
Love this very helpful information. Doctor William Davis also talks about probiotics . The studies on the change of breast milk probiotics. Gut health
What is the best source of the Bifidobacteria for babies? I've been telling my daughter that our 18 month grandson needs probiotics.
I think this next generation is going to be so knowledgeable on healthy foods and how to create a healthy biome that America is going to come out of the food health amnesia into a new era of longer living healthier humans on earth.
Now these days peanut butter is more dangerous than an assault rifle on a middle school campus.
Tiny Health is an amazing stool testing company for infants, children and adults. They do customized reports based on the bacteria tested in your stool.
Also, Smidge is the probiotic Dr Hyman was talking about. Small batch, infant probiotic that has colonizing Bifido bacteria. Highly recommend if you have a C-section delivery.
The Microbiome is an internal microcosm. It is a reflection of the state of health of our communities as a species. The dominant organizing principles of the last several centuries have been systemically anti-relational and anti-communal. What we see internally in children, adults, pets, all species, as well as externally in ecosystems, populations, species, etc, is all there to point out a dysfunctional worldview or paradigm that we need to step away from immediately if we are to rebalance and survive.
I wonder if we can do Fecal transplant with stool 100 years old so we avoid these problems i always have the classic symptoms of bad microbes wounds that take forever to heal muscle that don't grow
One other theory for the microbiome of today's breastfeed baby now being in line with the formula fed baby 100 years ago may be that the nursing mother herself was not was the case with myself. I wonder has the absence of breastfeeding in our generation left a devoid in our healthy microbiome therefore creating an absence of certain strains in our breastfed babies...just a theory
❤thank you
Can someone name those brands of vitamins they said? I couldn’t hear what they said . Thank you !
butyrate supplement or foods Legumes (beans, peas, and soybeans), fruits, nuts, and whole grains, butter and cheese.
bifidobacterium supplement or foods apples, dates, lentils, blueberries, and broccoli
Thank you ! I think they listed a few brands but it was hard to make out
I haven't listened yet but I usually read along with the transcript while listening so I can pause and take notes.
Very good information!
What do you do about all of the vaccinations that are now being given to children?
Do you have any childhood diseases? I bet you don't because you were vaccinated.
Would you rather they got diseases unnecessarily, and dealt with the side effects, some serious stuff without have'n the protection of vaccinations? 🤫
Cant find the box to sign up from android
We need to teach children how to make kim chee and tempeh, and how to grow gardens.
key cause of stress and unneccessary worry is listening to uninformed podcasts
What is Dr. Song wearing oh her wrist? Anyone knows?
Please clarify: the serotonin made in the gut is not the same serotonin that is received in the brain. It is different receptors. I would love to know if there is additional literature for this because I feel like this could be one of those statements that are taken in the incorrect way to make head lines.
Google it. Go to Google Scholar & find the research yourself.
Im genx, we took Flintstone vitamins, and I loved the purple ones, so i wouldn't eat the other ones😅 i bet the dyes in the Flintstone vitamins were bad too.
No gonna lie. She hit a nerve when she said breastfeeding now is the equivalent of formula fed babies 100 years ago. Make me feel like the 2 years I breastfed my 3 year old was completely pointless. All that fucking stress for nothing. I'm now also breastfeeding my 3 month old. Maybe it doesn't fucking matter if I breastfeed him either. My 3 year old also is autistic and was incredibly difficult newborn/infant to soothe. I also ate very well during my pregnancy with him, it was a completely uncomplicated pregnancy.
I think she’s saying todays breastfed babies would have many more or worse health issues if given formula
You're doing great Momma! Don't worry she doesn't know what she's talking about. Breast feeding if you're able to is always better than formula and certainly better than the supposed formula they were feeding babies in 1924. Geezus
I think that's amazing. I think this is in reference to how bad our microbial gut health is in general...u said u ate healthy, your already ahead of 99% of pp. Just think of ways you could increase your gut healthy. I have 3 grown kids. I gave my kids no sugar drinks thinking I was doing good....listen being a mom is difficult enough. . Give yourself some grace. Your doing a great job! 😊
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤thank you
Where are those lactobicillus gg notes? 😂
Help me Dr Hyman
Please don’t interrupt AND let her speak, it is so annoying that you invited her to speak but you are constantly interrupting her train of thought
Are our food really that clean? The more the demand, the more farmers make the vegetation grow fast aka pesticides
Grow your own!
@stellaborromeo1340: Always choose organic food over conventional food. Conventional food is full of synthetic pesticides that the human body is not capable of processing and is what chronically affecting people in countries where processed and ultra processed food is coming from Big Ag. Grow your own food, Go to your local farmers market and support organic farmers. Ask for organic produce at your groceries.
Nothing should be “mandatory”
Our schools do a lousy job teaching healthy living.
She's still claiming a virus exists though there has never been any valid control methods to isolate and identify ANY virus ever. No complete genome sequence. I would love to see the control methods used to make the claim made.
Quick fix just don't have kids. Invest that money in Bitcoin instead. Kids are way too expensive and stressful.
Lost me at “fiber requirements”😔
My cigarettes have additives. I never think about it. Damn!
It's more than the additives, it's what smoke does to your lungs! 😕
@@les9058 Yeah, I know it is bad. But with this information it becomes double bad. Maybe I should finally decide to stop smoking.
@@mayawidyasari6827 you can do it!!!!
All this love or fat and meat low carb living, yet America continues to get fatter. When will people wake up!
Some gummy bear had artificial sugar, which is bad for microbes..So I believe real sugar is better.
Stay Forever CurioUS unfolding TRUTHS Choices and everchanging everevolving CHOICES WE get to make...🦠🫀🧠
HAPPIER HEALTHIER gutHEARTbrains are possible NOW and IT is UP to US to figure out what WORKs BEST for US allll
🌞🦠🫀👣💤🎶✨🧠 🪄💓