Sex should be the priority in your relationship

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2023
  • Adonis School :
    Instagram: @cultleaderhamza
    Twitter: @HamzaAdonis


  • @GoesbyAnas
    @GoesbyAnas 9 місяців тому +621

    I get what you’re saying brother, as a man it is your duty to keep the sexual tension alive in your relationship, and spend meaningful/present time with your lover. But memories aren’t made in the bedroom otherwise you are not different from the redpillers that preach ejaculation and kicking her out so you get to hustle.

    • @judekiv
      @judekiv 9 місяців тому +54

      I agree, I think its just as important to go and do things with your woman, build memories that make you inseparable

    • @flyzvfx
      @flyzvfx 9 місяців тому +84

      Quality time is the answer I guess. Staying around each other 12 hours at day for weeks doing nothing can quickly drop the sexual attraction to each other. Staying together 12 hours a day for weeks on an epic adventure is completely different

    • @tijj
      @tijj 9 місяців тому +81

      Hamza seems a bit contradictory with what hes saying. He ridiculing these red pill guys for their ideas of women and relationship advice when a lot of them preach what hes saying without the idea of being loyal to one person. And then selling courses, when he does the same, even if its better.
      If you really love someone and they love you they wont let you hanging out with them or the other way around diminish sexual tension. Me personally I want someone I can always rely on, who's loyal no matter what.
      Look at elderly couples who have been with each other for decades, or a good set of parents. Do you think their main priority and goal of their relationship was sex? No. Its important yes but its not just that.
      I'd rather listen to older couples who have been with each other for decades than someone whos been in and out of relationships and just came to an awakening.

    • @flyzvfx
      @flyzvfx 9 місяців тому +36

      @@tijj He is very good at a lot of things but relationship are so complex. You can see also by his videos he is changing his mind with the time, and its fine.
      He is just expressing what he believe its right to him NOW. He is a young human and relationship are the most complex thing that there is because is never the same and is a different experience for everyone. Just general rules apply, the core of redpill and basically not being a doormat and learn to stay at the world.
      Never let anyone tell you what to do in your relationship 1:1, appreciate his point of view, think and make yours what you think is right. Discard what you think is wrong

    • @tijj
      @tijj 9 місяців тому +1

      I agree, I just thought i'd state that. But i'll say one more thing that if someone truly loves you; they wont let that sexual tension diminish that easily because you act 'friendly' around eachother.@@flyzvfx

  • @facundosanchez261
    @facundosanchez261 9 місяців тому +107

    I really like seeing all the variety of opinions in the comments, people don't blindly follow or accept everything hamza said, some have their own opinions, some completely agree, and everyone tells their opinion with respect and some actual good reasons, top tier community

  • @KallosOfficial
    @KallosOfficial 9 місяців тому +189

    “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
    Ephesians 4 2-3

  • @manudaskanu111
    @manudaskanu111 9 місяців тому +153

    I feel like only those that read David Deida can understand this one.

    • @Axelbrando
      @Axelbrando 9 місяців тому +7


    • @the_Stoic627
      @the_Stoic627 9 місяців тому +2

      Can you explain what you mean please like did I misunderstand hamza

    • @JW0121
      @JW0121 9 місяців тому

      @@the_Stoic627Read the book , cant explain this with a paragraph

    • @PhoenixKrusader
      @PhoenixKrusader 9 місяців тому

      ​@@halox1bravo, Xbox profile picture. This helped!

    • @davidhonicky496
      @davidhonicky496 9 місяців тому +7

      Haven’t read it yet and fully understood, guess it just requires to think out of your bubble 🤷

  • @jacksonwilliams1262
    @jacksonwilliams1262 9 місяців тому +8

    Bro this might be the best Hamza video I've ever watched. Dude this is going to save my future relationships.

  • @greatwarrior234
    @greatwarrior234 9 місяців тому +9

    The literal difference between a relationship and a friendship it's sex

  • @musycnotsync6600
    @musycnotsync6600 8 місяців тому +8

    I started reading The Way Of The Superior Man as Hamza recommended in a video, so I get the picture of what Hamza meant. Now, I believe what most people got from this as well; the reason we went from friends to lovers with a girl was to cross the boundaries that separate them, being getting intimate and stuff that main thing we both wanted. As time goes by, we tend to focus on many projects and many areas in our lives at once that we barely give it a fraction of what we're capable of, and this applies to relationship as well. After establishing what boundaries we're not crossing due to faith, believes, etc. (And now I'm talking from my own case) I now realize that we're not friends anymore, we're a couple for a mutual reason, so we should be more intimate, of course, but also being fully for her when I'm with her. If we reached this point, Why not be as passionate as I am with my own goals while I'm with her? What was my intention of getting to this level with her in the first place?
    Anyways, if you're not willing to read everything it's ok, but as David Deida said in his book: "Everything you do, do so with love. Be as eager to reach your potential as you are eager to be there for her. Be as loving and strong-willed when mating or loving your partner as you are growing up as a man". Cheers
    PD: Sorry for not citing correctly for those who care, I hope the message was clear enough.

  • @willchills
    @willchills 9 місяців тому +53

    I somewhat disagree, I love my girlfriend and love to do everything with her. Jesus is what people need.

    • @Unwelcome172
      @Unwelcome172 9 місяців тому

      I agree but sex is still very important

    • @Kvartalss
      @Kvartalss 9 місяців тому +2


    • @placidity13
      @placidity13 9 місяців тому +1

      It’s good if you and her don’t get.into fights , understands and she is good woman . If she is like any other woman then she secretly have crush on other males as she sexually attracted to other man because of low sexual connection between them .

    • @user-sk4bn8ge3u
      @user-sk4bn8ge3u 9 місяців тому +5

      Based and Christpilled ☦️

    • @willchills
      @willchills 9 місяців тому +1

      @@user-sk4bn8ge3u Jesus said in the second testament that the only two rules that truly matter are treat others as you would like to be treated and to believe in your own god. All this masculinity stuff, this and that, all that matters is that you spread good in this world.

  • @mvp.seller
    @mvp.seller 9 місяців тому +7

    At least he said "That's my current belief... which might change in the future"

    • @pt31
      @pt31 9 місяців тому +2

      Lol watch it change next week! 😅

  • @ArtArt-tm8ii
    @ArtArt-tm8ii 9 місяців тому +83

    If you watch this video only - you will get his point wrong. Hamza is not saying that love is all about sex, most of his new videos he would say something like: “when you love her, your hearts beat in the same rhythm, it’s all about spirituality”
    It’s just that he formed the message a bit wrong here, it’s okay to disagree here, but a lot of what he said makes sense, especially when you watch more then just this one vid ❤

    • @davidt0912
      @davidt0912 9 місяців тому +10

      This needs to be a pinned comment.
      I've followed hamza's content long enough to know this video isnt promoting to treat women like a sex object or that a relationship is only about sex. If you think this then the purpose of the video went right over your head. Its about the bond you have with your women and not letting it die out through the nonsense of todays "relationship advice" that seems to be against marriage and the bond that is created through sex with your partner that forms a spiritual connection that we cannot fully understand. If we become one flesh through this act dont you think its important to not let the world get in between this. Its not like you cant spend any time with your women and only doing so through sex, thats not what has been said. You can spend time together but its about keeping the same polarities and attraction in the relationship and not letting too much time together change how you look and spend time with one another. Beginning to push each other away because of it. We must remember we are one but yet are also individuals that dont always %100 match because if that was the case how can you complete one another? What you lack or your partner lacks doesnt get fulfilled due to yall being the exact same. (Not saying there arent cases of couples in that situation that cant grown in said areas that they lack but thats the small % exception not the #1 blueprint to follow) Man and women are not the same, they complete one another like its supposed to be. This seems to be lossed now an days especially with the attack on both masculinity and femininity. Women being forced to take the mans role and men willingly taking the womens role messing up their psyche in the process. Its sad, and thats not even mentioning there are feminine men out there just like there are masculine women out there. But oh look what do you know there are still opposite attraction. God knows his creatures, things might have changed from the beginning due to the fall but that doesnt mean there isnt a blueprint to follow. There are masculine men for feminine women and masculine women for the feminine men still completing one another. The problem is the world straying away from God and his ways when its obvious even through history what happens to a society when this happens. Keep up the good content Hamza the world definitely needs its. I even dont always see eye to eye with Hamza, but i dont need to, we can agree and disagree without becoming enemies. There are hills to die on, times to divide and times to link arms, but you never divide over something when the main foundation is the same. Iron sharpens iron, I see hamza is helping his community as i myself am part of it too and have recieved help through him as well. Thank you for what you do Hamza, i hope i will one day do the same, no, i will do the same, simply through my testimony. You have taught me a lot brother, i have a long way to go but now i see progress the closer i get to God and persue self improvement and desire to live for more than just myself. I do have to say tho you need God in this process tho for a lot hangs on God and his word. Many teachings and ways of life come from it but people want to pull knowledge from the bible and separate it from its creator, and let me tell you it will become corrupt in due time. Call apon Chirst, he will save anyone who calls his name, seek his kingdom first, and all else will be added to you. Self improvement and all else Hamza teaches us doesnt matter if you dont have a way off this earth or hope after death. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? I dont mean to preach at anyone but i must give to anyone willing to hear, my reason for hope. Its Chirst, the only way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father except through him. Lord i ask that you plant the seed of faith into anyone who has read this far and i know the Spirit will do the watering and work in due time. Hamza i hope to meet you one day brother, to share with you the impact that you've had on me thoroughly, regardless of having never met too. Of course I'd love to talk about our faith as well tho as i know you'll never be able to understand or know someone like that if those conversations never happen. I was a broken lost man who had Christ but has been kept down and held back from my calling through trauma, lack of discipline and self control, leading to worse things. You have helped me with that, thank you for sharing your trauma and life experiences and how you bettered yourself. But i do have to say turning to God for strength, self control, discipline, prayer, meditation, healing, deliverance and much more just changes you completely. Thank you Jesus for Hamza.
      (Just realized this comment, basically, turned into a im greatful for...) Jesus, and Hamza. ❤

    • @PhoenixKrusader
      @PhoenixKrusader 9 місяців тому

      ​​@@davidt0912I struggle enough learning Linux, but this is a LOT to read.
      TL;DR (of the comment I replied to): Jesus (Religion) will lead you to greater meaning than anything you could imagine or experience here on earth (or other planets in the far future), and that men and women complete each other.

    • @montsarmahfoudh7683
      @montsarmahfoudh7683 9 місяців тому

      I'm finding difficulties understanding the point he's trying to make , cause where I live sex is not a topic of discussion until the person is married and even after that it is only used for reproduction not for pleasure

    • @craigmalcom6294
      @craigmalcom6294 9 місяців тому +1

      You would expect someone of his experience and knowledge and previous past videos to not make such an egregious misinterpretation in this video.
      It’s not that’s we’re interpreting it wrongly, he’s just of the mark with this. Previous vids he talks about spirituality and a deeper bond but now he’s talking about sex being the Pinnacle. Hamza just views sex differently!

    • @sander_official
      @sander_official 9 місяців тому

      i can vouch 4 this

  • @SaltPepperEconomics
    @SaltPepperEconomics 9 місяців тому +116

    If sex is all a relationship is about then what happens when you are 70, 80 or 90 plus years old?
    You cannot talk of spirituality and polarization and somehow not mention yin and Yang. Polarization is not healthy, it’s important for a masculine man to embrace some femininity and for a feminine woman to embrace some masculinity. It’s about balance, just like everything in life.
    Any man who has been with a feminine woman knows that if they start to feel like a relationship is starting to only be about sex they get anxious bc they feel like they might be getting exploited. This why feminine women feel horrible after sex if they don’t receive after care. Because it’s about more than sex. Love isn’t sex alone. Sex is making love. It’s the foundation for everything around it, which is friendship, dates and loving intimate moments.
    In your video on masculinity you defined it as stillness. To not be influenced. I’m enacting that right here hamza. You are flat out wrong on this one. And you might ruin relationships with this advice.

    • @janntyler5950
      @janntyler5950 9 місяців тому +10


    • @Zeni-th.
      @Zeni-th. 9 місяців тому +9

      Chadly. I agree, sex isn't everything in a long term relationship

    • @davidhonicky496
      @davidhonicky496 9 місяців тому +16

      @@janntyler5950nah u lost

    • @Miles_Dei19
      @Miles_Dei19 9 місяців тому +4

      This is what I was saying as well, as a married man I can clearly and proudly sex isn't everything.

    • @StrongestKryptonian
      @StrongestKryptonian 9 місяців тому

      He never said that sex should be what a relationship is all about. You put that straight out of your ass. He just said that sex should be the priority.

  • @beckz6696
    @beckz6696 9 місяців тому +79

    I disagree. I want to have a wife later on in life who can act as a pillar and that I want to spent time together. I get your point but I think a relationship is about more than just sex.

    • @Suhrab10
      @Suhrab10 9 місяців тому +16

      he never said not to spent time with her

    • @Eruptor1000
      @Eruptor1000 9 місяців тому

      I agree.
      Sex with my girlfriend is awesome, we both climax but I don't think it's that necessary.

  • @anish7183
    @anish7183 9 місяців тому +25

    Remember guys. Everything is nuanced and grey. Everything has some truth and opinion. So yes listen to him, but in the end make ur own choice. We value the personal advice hamza shares

  • @starkiller6294
    @starkiller6294 9 місяців тому +112

    Hamza, this is a hit and a miss, if you cannot be polarized, keep the tension, the desire for each other, and the desire to serve each other (within your respective roles as man and woman) alive WITHOUT sex, then it is simply because you do not love each other. Sex is important in the relationship for the reasons you mentioned in the vid, but it is not the goal of a relationship, important, but not the goal, it is a pillar, not the foundation. It is a tool to bond you two together, to bring you closer, but not the reason why you deal with each other's inevitable issues that will come up, given the never-ending need to constantly improve and check ourselves (lest we fall back into old habits, and sin). If your foundation is sex, then it will come crumbling down the moment you two lose the very ability to do so (menopause, and old age).
    Love as defined by; Willing the ultimate good unto the other
    In love; The desire to do good unto the other

    • @nivethonj5944
      @nivethonj5944 9 місяців тому +12

      I’m so glad someone brought this up…because there’s me who’s 19 yrs old wondering if it’s ok to be voluntarily celibate even if I’m part of relationship, because I’m the type of person who could wait until marriage. I believe in this because sex is not the goal of the relationship like you mentioned, it can be a bonding tool that can bring you closer to your partner but if the relationship is just built on sex then it’s not going be good in the long run…pls share your opinion on this.

    • @therealmen9906
      @therealmen9906 9 місяців тому +1

      I agree with this brother

    • @SkillzzAi
      @SkillzzAi 9 місяців тому +2

      I fully agree, I get the idea he was trying to make, but when it comes to a priority I believe that it can't just be one thing and that's final. It has to be something that can then branch off into other things as well (like what you said with the foundation and pillars) and with having a strong foundation, a pillar may slowly break apart, but can be rebuilt over time or with the right steps toward rebuilding it.

    • @Panzerfaust-ux8xb
      @Panzerfaust-ux8xb 9 місяців тому +2

      I personally think that the TENSION the sexual attraction brings is a must and a pillar not necessarily the sexual act itself. The act itself by definition is supposed to be the thing that manifests the love between the man and woman physically and spiritually which eventually creates a child out of loving magnification of the man s power by the woman. But it can be a double edged blade if used wrecklessly. It should happen, but under confines of responsability and delay. Anything too abundant loses value.
      Also, considering anything evasive from responsability fks things up, doesn't that mean that fucking even with contraceptives and any other way apart from vaginal intercourse can lead to fked up sht?

    • @Timo0469
      @Timo0469 9 місяців тому +1

      Very well written text,thank you.

  • @wickedpawnstudios
    @wickedpawnstudios 9 місяців тому +5

    Hamza I met this girl online in my city who knew some people in the same scene as me and we ended up hanging out at my house and she stayed the night long story short she just died in a car accident and I'm just trying to make sense of it right now I hope that you see this and remember to always keep your loved ones close

  • @mihaimunteanu2059
    @mihaimunteanu2059 9 місяців тому +25

    bro I m not gonna lie , a lot of your newer videos like the carnivore diet, the video about what masculinity really is and this video are based only on your current opinions and I think your way too blinded by your ego to realize you are actually wrong.Thank you for everything you ve done for me and others but I encourage people not to follow you anymore and find God through Church, prayer and The Holy Bilble

    • @shauncaruna387
      @shauncaruna387 9 місяців тому +2

      After following him for 3 years, he's definitely a grifter. Just taking us on his life journey just like Andrew Tate.

    • @mihaimunteanu2059
      @mihaimunteanu2059 9 місяців тому

      @@shauncaruna387 I wouldn't say grifter,but someone whose influence was too big for him to be able to keep his ego under control

    • @alexadillianaire
      @alexadillianaire 9 місяців тому +2

      100% agree.
      “what would Adonis do” is terrible
      *”what would Jesus do?”* is the ONLY way.

    • @alexadillianaire
      @alexadillianaire 9 місяців тому +2

      I really hope he finds Christ and uses his platform to spread the gospel. That would be great

    • @mihaimunteanu2059
      @mihaimunteanu2059 9 місяців тому

      @@alexadillianaire same dude

  • @arun_nahar
    @arun_nahar 9 місяців тому +6

    You can't sit down and have a rational discussion with women about what the priority of the relationship is.
    That in itself is a very masculine approach to problem solving.
    (And even if you did somehow manage to get through this discussion, the responsibility of enacting a plan of action always falls with the man... 'What are YOU gonna do to make it right?')
    Women don't want to have to explain to you 'how to be a guy'. They just want you to 'get it'.
    You must lead her through actions, not words.

  • @mc00396
    @mc00396 9 місяців тому +17

    Me and my ex girlfriend actually broke up 2 months ago after a 5 year relationship for this exact reason. We lived together at her parent’s home for the last 3 years, had sex maybe twice in the last 2 years. We spent every single day together, did everything together, had an amazing connection on a friendship level, but she had completely lost sexual interest in me. I stayed with her, hoping that things would change, telling her that I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for her to feel differently about me. It never changed and she broke up with me 2 months ago, saying that we should just be friends. Now that I look back at the relationship after watching this video and reading The Way Of The Superior Man, I realise how much I fucked up, because we were literally “just friends” for fucking years, I just didn’t want to accept reality, nor did I know what I needed to do in order to fix the relationship, like this video demonstrates.
    I keep wishing that I could have her back, but I know that we are too depolarised now because she sees how feminine my energy has been towards her as it’s clear that I want the relationship back more than she does. She just wants to be friends with me, whereas I want her as a lover and I fantasise about being the masculine man that I never was with her.
    I did everything wrong from a relationship standpoint and sacrificed the love and sex we could of had, by having an amazing friendship together were we did everything together and laughed together all the time. I neglected my responsibilities as a masculine man, and I paid the price for it. I wish I could try again with her and be the man I know to be now, but deep down I know that I let the sexual polarisation become too depolarised to the point that she can no longer see me as that masculine man that she needs to be her feminine self.

    • @MarBarkins
      @MarBarkins 9 місяців тому +5

      Damn, bro. Well, it is what it is. You've lost her, there's no two ways about that. I suggest you do well to grow your masculinity so it doesn't happen in your next relationship.
      I also suggest you forget about her. She might come back if she sees your masculinity bloom. But don't bet on it. Grow, brother. And keep growing. The good Lord knows best. *mwah

    • @MarBarkins
      @MarBarkins 9 місяців тому +1

      Damn, bro. Well, it is what it is. You've lost her, there's no two ways about that. I suggest you do well to grow your masculinity so it doesn't happen in your next relationship.
      I also suggest you forget about her. She might come back if she sees your masculinity bloom. But don't bet on it. Grow, brother. And keep growing. The good Lord knows best. *mwah

    • @mc00396
      @mc00396 9 місяців тому +1

      @@MarBarkins I appreciate the kind words brother, I’m doing as much as I can to grow and learn from this situation, I’m grateful for the breakup, despite how hard it has been to deal with, as it’s opened my eyes to so many mistakes I’ve made, so it’s a fantastic learning lesson for how I need to move on with my life, and it’s allowed me to find answers through spirituality and masculinity.
      Best of luck to you on your journey, I hope you forever continue to grow brother!

    • @lewiswilson4083
      @lewiswilson4083 9 місяців тому +2

      I’m so interested in this man. Might it be that you didn’t flirt, tease, or sexualize as much as you should of in your interactions?
      I can’t help but feel that even if I did develop an awesome friendship with a girl, as long as I flirted, teased, and sexualized frequently, as well as attempted to express my sexual hunger and desire for her (from my end at least), things wouldn’t deteriorate.

    • @mc00396
      @mc00396 9 місяців тому

      @@lewiswilson4083 hey man, so yeah I definitely did keep up the sexual interest on my part. I flirted, teased & sexualised as often as I deemed necessary, she was just never responsive to it.
      The thing that actually prompted her to say that she wanted time apart was in a moment of sexual connection. We started kissing and she climbed on top of me, and as things started getting more intense, she said to me that it didn’t feel right. That she had lost that feeling towards me. It’s like she was trying to see if that connection was still there, and when she knew it wasn’t, she told me that it felt wrong. That’s when we knew that we had to at least take some time apart. So from that day, we went on a break for 3 weeks and only saw each other once or twice a week for a few hours, like on a Friday night or something to go have dinner or whatever. Even then, I still complimented her beauty, flirted with her etc., she just didn’t respond to it and obviously just wanted to be friends. So after 3 weeks of trying to be more distant from each other, she told me that she thinks it’s best we just be friends and that we break up.

  • @haneenashraf7964
    @haneenashraf7964 9 місяців тому +103

    I think the Priority of the relationship should be « Peace
    bringing each other the peace. By any means but that should be the goal of having a relationship, to have a spouse i can go back to that would make me at ease and complete me

    • @improvingdaily6528
      @improvingdaily6528 9 місяців тому +1

      What would you say is the biggest contributor to achieving "peace"?

    • @tane4652
      @tane4652 9 місяців тому +11

      I firmly disagree. Men want peace. Women want excitement with a small helping of the man's peace

    • @WheyTooBig
      @WheyTooBig 9 місяців тому

      That quite vague. There should be alot of energy in a relationship. Desire, lust, LOVE especially, these emotions describe a loving relationship. Peace means a lack of them

    • @judekiv
      @judekiv 9 місяців тому

      I agree with this mostly

    • @victorlincurve675
      @victorlincurve675 9 місяців тому

      @@improvingdaily6528 sex

  • @anabolicman
    @anabolicman 9 місяців тому +13

    The main message is being totally 100% present with your woman, he's not saying that the only thing to do all day is just have sex... being present and 100% loving toward your lover is key to polarity, which is hard to do if you spend lots of time together... sex is one activity (if done with intention) will make you totally present and loving towards your woman, after all hamza has his lover over to his house and goes on dates a stuff he just doesn't do it ALL THE TIME...

    • @joshuaogunjiofor
      @joshuaogunjiofor 9 місяців тому +2

      This is the comment I was looking for. This is the summary of everything Hamza said here.

  • @mrbeefal0
    @mrbeefal0 9 місяців тому +103

    "Women need to be topped up with love every few seconds or they'll start to be insecure"
    "Spending too much time with ur gf is bad and depolarizing"
    Which is it Hamza??

    • @mvp.seller
      @mvp.seller 9 місяців тому +12

      Bro 💀

    • @zenkaizz
      @zenkaizz 9 місяців тому +22

      at this point what do we do lol...

    • @k3n179
      @k3n179 9 місяців тому +31

      You got it wrong bro, loving is not spending time together, you can be loving just by sending a message while far away just as you can be unloving by being sit at the same table and being with your face on the fucking phone instead of talking to her.

    • @Tamzid-Himel
      @Tamzid-Himel 9 місяців тому +23

      what he's saying is that every bit of time u spend with your your wife has to be polarizing and filled with love. and if the time u spend can't be polarizing then u shouldn't spend that time with her

    • @epaminontas6972
      @epaminontas6972 9 місяців тому +8

      The first statement only applies when you are spending time with her. Your strawman argument is flawed

  • @ztheshanks5950
    @ztheshanks5950 9 місяців тому +33

    nah hamza is wild for this. Bro there're 24 hours a day. Let's say 16 hours for sleep & work, then 8 hours are still left. 2 hours for hobbies and maybe 1 hour for eating or whatever. How would one spend 5 hours with their partner just having s*x and not talk/spend time with each other lmao?

    • @xanderwindeymusic
      @xanderwindeymusic 9 місяців тому

      Work out? Journal & meditate?

    • @ztheshanks5950
      @ztheshanks5950 9 місяців тому +2

      @@xanderwindeymusic ain't no way bro is meditating and journaling for hours💀 And didn't I write hobbies for workout?

    • @yashbemproving
      @yashbemproving 9 місяців тому

      @@ztheshanks5950Hamza dedicates st least 11 hours for sleep( by reading meditating etc) he works for more than 5 hours

    • @mxtafsa
      @mxtafsa 9 місяців тому

      No one’s day is perfectly split up like that😂😂😂

    • @yoohoo952
      @yoohoo952 9 місяців тому


  • @lilkomas6353
    @lilkomas6353 9 місяців тому +8

    Hamza fixed his sticking out ear

  • @slax4884
    @slax4884 9 місяців тому +5

    Have the same relationship for 10 years and some kids too and then give your take Bro

  • @joshuaogunjiofor
    @joshuaogunjiofor 9 місяців тому +7

    Way I see it, Hamza's point here is not that sex is the be-all and end-all of male-female relationships. It's that every single time you're with your woman, be 100% present. Only be with her when you can be 100% present.
    In other words, if you can't be 100% present (which is very normal since we have other things that constitute our lives), it's far better for you to take time away from her to go focus on that thing that has your mind preoccupied or whatever and then come back when you can be 100% present.
    It's not that you shouldn't at all be friendly with your woman; it's that even then, you must be intentional about it and be 100% present. It's that even then, you must not let that friendship take priority over the spiritual connection you have.
    So, you really shouldn't be working in the same room as your woman; it doesn't help your relationship because it pulls her into your masculine energy and upsets the delicate balance of your connection.
    The thing Hamza is trying to say is that it's so hard to maintain this 100% presence if you spend so much time with her. It's unsustainable.
    If you've read The Way of the Superior Man, you'll know that women exist almost solely as a receptacle for love. If you're not pouring love into them, you're useless to them from a spiritual POV. Therefore, every time you can't pour love into them, stay away to avoid diluting their perception of your masculine essence. If 20% of the time they're with you, you're 100% present and 80% of the time, you're not, what do you think the average would be? They'd overwhelmingly start to see you as absent because more often than not, you're absent. And that's the point.
    Sex is the culmination of masculine-feminine relationships which is why Hamza used it here as a beacon to show what true north should be in your relationship. There are other ways to foster that deep spiritual connection and the foundation of all of them is your 100% presence.
    YOU ARE LOVERS FIRST, FRIENDS A DISTANT SECOND, if at all. And the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship is sex. What sense does it make then if 80% of the time you spend together in a supposed romantic relationship, you're acting like friends? It should be the other way around.
    The bottom line: go to cafes with your woman, but be 100% present with her. Never let yourself be on autopilot when you're with your woman. Be there. Very hard to do, but extremely necessary. Even if you're not having sex, you can be handsy; you can focus your conversations around your love rather than on mundane things; etc.
    PS: I think this is what Patrice O'Neal (did I get that right? 🤔) meant when he joked about men wanting their women around but just not right there with them. Masculine men find it hard to stay around feminine energy when they can't be fully present; it's a contradiction they find hard to ignore deep down in their spirit, even though they might not be able to explain why.

    • @joshuaogunjiofor
      @joshuaogunjiofor 9 місяців тому +2

      Based on my understanding as outlined above, maybe a better title for this video would have been, "Romance should be the priority in your relationship, not friendship."

    • @Ryan-fx2pp
      @Ryan-fx2pp 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@joshuaogunjioforhello man thank you for making this video easier to understand, I was doubtful on a few points and your summary cleared everything I have, I really appreciate what you did and I just wanted to say thank you

    • @joshuaogunjiofor
      @joshuaogunjiofor 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Ryan-fx2pp Thanks for reading bro, cos that's one long-ass summary and most people won't bother 😂. You're awesome 🔥

    • @josephscott4564
      @josephscott4564 9 місяців тому +2

      My Brother 😊 you said it well... Just the way my sex mentor Andrew Mioch & my other mentor John Wineland said it. Superb!
      You should check these guys out

    • @joshuaogunjiofor
      @joshuaogunjiofor 9 місяців тому +1

      @@josephscott4564 Thanks. I definitely will

  • @ArthurMarrero
    @ArthurMarrero 9 місяців тому +23

    It can't be. Because you shouldn't have sex before marriage

  • @kingdavidnico
    @kingdavidnico 9 місяців тому +7

    Hebrews 13:4
    Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
    Proverbs 6:32
    But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.

  • @christiam1840
    @christiam1840 9 місяців тому +3

    Intellectual compatibility and a tendency to chase dreams, that's what's important to me.

  • @kidtheday
    @kidtheday 9 місяців тому +46

    bro what happened? he fell back into the sex trap?

    • @judekiv
      @judekiv 9 місяців тому +17

      No.... watch the video

    • @kidtheday
      @kidtheday 9 місяців тому +8

      @@judekiv i did. he literally said sex is the most important part of a relationship. thats wrong and haram. God should be the most important part of a relationship

    • @philosopher_kings
      @philosopher_kings 9 місяців тому


      @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому +1

      he sure did unfortunately, just circled back to the beginning. anyway Christ is King

    • @auresma
      @auresma 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@kidthedayYou're using words you don't know the meaning to. How is that haram

  • @xy2575
    @xy2575 9 місяців тому +17

    I dont know how I can profit from such a relationship as a men. I prefer being alone, I love deep bondages with women and there are some who dont lose attraction if you spend a lot of time together. He generalizes too much and maybe most of todays women are emotional uncontrolled. But there are still good raised women, who dont travelled around the world and have high dopamine standards. There are still women who can love you from their heart and not only for the feelings you give her. Who are listening to you, who cannot get enough from you no matter how much you already talked, because you have a special harmony and bondage. But in todays world it is a trend to behave like childs who dont develop spiritual, emotional and mentally

    • @tomasguilherme263
      @tomasguilherme263 9 місяців тому +7

      Totaly agree, he shouldnt be so extreme in general, i think hamza usually takes some extremes stances, not every one is equal, theres genuin good woman and man out there that can truly love you from their hearth and not because the way you make them feel.

    • @xy2575
      @xy2575 9 місяців тому +2

      @@tomasguilherme263 Yes and I think every intellectual human being has the power to love from his heart. In todays society, people dont get raised good enough, thats why most men and women are so uncontrolled like animals. An intellectual human being who is raised well and learned important principials will learn to control his urges and will do the things which is best for him. And women can do that too, they are not animals who are Controlled by their instincts and feelings. They are more emotional, yes. But thats not a reason for toxic behaviour. A women has to learn to control her emotions to a degree. And men has to learn to Control their urges, even if its difficult. If not we are prisoned by ourselves

    • @Panzerfaust-ux8xb
      @Panzerfaust-ux8xb 9 місяців тому

      ​​@@xy2575yes but for a woman to be able to do that she needs a father figure. If her first one is shitty and treats her badly then she will expect you to do the same. And apart from that her thoughts and actions are highly effected by he she decides to emotionally invest in because as an animal women highly depended on men superior than other men and themselves for survival genetically. Woman can be forgiven if they act irrationally but when men do that it usually means disaster. Hence why bad/absent fathers, sin and modern day comfort and distraction caused all this shit. Mind you we are talking about a feminine woman here not an indipendent wannabe.

    • @aaliyah3037
      @aaliyah3037 9 місяців тому

      You don't get it do you? Relationship is not the end goal. In fact, nothing that you could acquire on this earth is the end goal. No soul will truly be satisfied until it's buried in the ground. You're here to fulfill a purpose, not find happiness. There's no point trying to keep the spark alive. You need to find someone who understands this and is okay with it.

    • @xy2575
      @xy2575 9 місяців тому

      @@aaliyah3037 I never said that relationship is the endgoal? You completely missed the topic😂 if youre soul never statisfied than I am very sorry for you. I am 100% statisfied: God gave me a home, food, me and my family are healthy. I dont need more and I could die now happily. What you described maybe says something about yourself but thats not my problem :)

  • @selfimprovement3682
    @selfimprovement3682 9 місяців тому +52

    Let’s agree it’s good to see Hamza is back on the grind 🔥

    • @george_george390
      @george_george390 9 місяців тому +11

      Hamza clapping his girl's cheecks and then explaining why he does not have a sex addiction is not a grind.

    • @amalrajpr6800
      @amalrajpr6800 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@george_george390how do you know these? So wise of you

    • @AnujPatidar-dm8yi
      @AnujPatidar-dm8yi 9 місяців тому +1


  • @simbadooo9055
    @simbadooo9055 9 місяців тому +2

    Thank you hamza, you've helped me in life so much and you will continue to as long as I have internet.

  • @user-cz7hb6lv5k
    @user-cz7hb6lv5k 9 місяців тому +175

    Christ is King

    • @user-sk4bn8ge3u
      @user-sk4bn8ge3u 9 місяців тому +10

      Ave Christus Rex 🗿☦️

    • @davescramble8530
      @davescramble8530 9 місяців тому +5

      Zherka and hamza linkup would be insane

    • @ZoraFN
      @ZoraFN 9 місяців тому +5


    • @MilesLuwa
      @MilesLuwa 9 місяців тому +2

      Find islam instead of reading man made books

    • @newbiegain117
      @newbiegain117 9 місяців тому

      @@davescramble8530z is a degenerate

  • @rocksheezh4906
    @rocksheezh4906 9 місяців тому +3

    I'm still not getting over the stage 0 of SI and still clicking on these videos im dead inside

  • @NickLotti
    @NickLotti 9 місяців тому +11

    The masculine feminine dynamic is the priority regardless of sex. I see the goal here and the message but assuming that sex is the only way to be masculine in a relationship is not something I agree with. What about people that wait till marriage, are they sexually depolarized until marriage? Maybe some of them are but if it’s something they keep in mind this will not be a problem

  • @talika1484
    @talika1484 9 місяців тому +49

    If you’re religious and you can think at a very efficient level, you realize why arranged marriage/ early marriage is good in this sense. How ever it has been compromised we not Rome times anymore or something similar
    Edit : a lot of people think sex is in and out but there’s so much more that goes into it, god made sex and pleasure isn’t only what was accounted for. It’s waaayy deeper then that

      @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому +1

      sex is indeed just in and out. people confuse it with love because they release similar hormones. that’s why in this lonely society premarital sex becomes more tolerated.

    • @CA_786
      @CA_786 9 місяців тому +4

      Rare to see someone call arranged marriage as good

    • @evildead9377
      @evildead9377 9 місяців тому +2

      @@CA_786 Yap, glad to see that too.

    • @kidtheday
      @kidtheday 9 місяців тому +1

      lust is sin

      @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому

      real and agreed@@kidtheday

  • @js9994
    @js9994 9 місяців тому +5

    I think Hamza is kinda wrong here, for example, how will you get to know and how will you date your future woman? By doing 'friendship things'? By going on a trip with her? By going to a cafe and buying coffee for her? By buying flowers? Can't do these because there 'friendship things'... Seems a weird concept to me...

    • @floydontour
      @floydontour 9 місяців тому

      Exactly what I thought after watching this

  • @PureDiligence
    @PureDiligence 9 місяців тому +8

    I respect Hamza highly and he has a lot of valuable knowledge. But here is where we disagree. Sex is the greatest energy on Earth, the energy required to make a whole human life with a soul. The greatest scientist of modern times, Nikola Tesla didn't have sex once in his life due to that transferring of energy. This is what allowed him to prevail, and if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have a phone in your hand.

  • @lightningarrow4486
    @lightningarrow4486 9 місяців тому +2

    He will either reject this kind of thinking in the future, or he and his girl will break up again, sooner or later.

  • @eyesee1179
    @eyesee1179 9 місяців тому +1

    Absolute diamond of a video, better than most content on main channel

  • @TheLifeOfRaul
    @TheLifeOfRaul 9 місяців тому +8

    These are facts Hamza, you’re on point. Also I think not only sex but when you are together with your girl and you are not having sex or even if you do those things like coffee dates, while you are not having sex and just hanging out you should be super physical and touchy as possible with a lot of kissing also, just treating each other like lovers not like friends just holding hands or just talking lol. Is the same after you’ve had sex you need to cuddle your girl and make her feel loved cause if you are just there one meter away just talking she will feel sad fr.
    This way if you are with your woman 4 hours, the first 2 while being touchy, kissing, talking and treating each other like lovers like you are meeting her for the first time and you are trying to attract her you are stating that you are not friends and there’s tension that when you finally have sex it will be released and that’s what the beautiful experience of making love and bonding comes.

  • @thelordconstantine1464
    @thelordconstantine1464 9 місяців тому +4

    I want to make a point on what Hamza is saying, which does come from a military book but it was something that clicked in my mind with what he was saying. Presence with a leader, it is the feeling this man instills in people around them through *crafted experience*, how they regard him even. Every moment he is with them he is reinforcing a certain view of himself through his actions ("crafted experience"), and this extends to many areas of life:
    Your lover
    Your children
    Your family, even
    Not everything Hamza says is the best thing, it's meant to open your eyes and give something of advice from his path of education. Talking about relationships, yes you should spend time together. But these moments together should be amazing, which adds to the presence that *every moment* you spend with them means something extremely special. Your presence affects how the relationship is regarded.

    • @AsWithin
      @AsWithin 9 місяців тому

      What book is this?

    • @thelordconstantine1464
      @thelordconstantine1464 9 місяців тому

      @@AsWithin small units tactics handbook, leadership chapter. It's a really intriguing book

  • @Jonalius
    @Jonalius 9 місяців тому +4

    Sure it should be a priority over friendship, but i believe polarity from tension & the chemistry/bonding that builds from that, should be the main priority in a relationship, since that is the root of building sexual attraction

  • @dgk46
    @dgk46 9 місяців тому

    This is pure, pure gold!!!

  • @alaejndro
    @alaejndro 9 місяців тому

    im lovin dis new subtitles

  • @oscarsvgs
    @oscarsvgs 9 місяців тому +2

    yo im glad i wasnt making this mistake😂 even b4 self improvement i always thought it was bs like nah your girl is your girl not a friend she shouldn’t be your bestfriend and i explained to my girl like a 2 years ago that nah were not friends you’re my woman bc she asked if were best friends and explained how i dont think we should be like friends and she was legit in thought listening to me and she told me yeah you’re right that doesn’t sound right were not like friends that weird and boring and LAME not what she said word for word but it’s basically what i explained

  • @MonkeyDLuffy-my4hl
    @MonkeyDLuffy-my4hl 9 місяців тому +2

    Spitting Facts.

  • @yasirmontather
    @yasirmontather 9 місяців тому +5

    So whats the difference between a romantic relationship and friends with benefits?

    • @yoohoo952
      @yoohoo952 9 місяців тому +2

      romantic wears flowy skirt and benefit friend knows to repair her car

  • @D_TS_R17
    @D_TS_R17 9 місяців тому +1

    I'm questioning the possibility of being in a monogomas relationship while still being fully polarized

  • @jaxsoa5573
    @jaxsoa5573 9 місяців тому +5

    This is a good take, but to do this purely because she’ll cheat otherwise is a bad reason. It may be hamza projecting his insecurities as he’s talked about getting cheated on in the past and having that fear. This prioritization of sex in the relationship should come from a secure and loving place, not because u wanna hold on to her like some needy fuck.

  • @antek6635
    @antek6635 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you !!

  • @Aeterna71
    @Aeterna71 9 місяців тому +3

    I cant agree more with Hamza on this. I don't want to be friends with a girl. I have my male friends, we have a masculine brotherhood, we discuss topics and go forward to a goal.
    What I looking for a relationship with woman is sex and intimacy.

  • @saurabh7667
    @saurabh7667 2 місяці тому

    dude i agree man, i am glad someone is fking talking about it

  • @coolxuan
    @coolxuan 7 місяців тому +1

    this video might just saved my future relationship, thanks hamza.

  • @user-yt5mn1cd2s
    @user-yt5mn1cd2s 9 місяців тому +56

    i interpreted this as sex being a representation of the 100 percent involvement that man and women can and should have in a relationship. It is the pinnacle, the example, when a man and a woman have sex they are 100% involved and with each other, intimately giving both of their halves to make a whole. I think the message of sex being a priority is should be taken as a parallel rather than a contradiction to the message of not spending too much time with your woman but making certain it is 100% valued time. Being present in the moment, being that lover, giving each other what you cannot receive yourself as you are a man and she is a woman. And, in my interpretation you are using sex as that example of just how emotionally and physically involved you should be (although it may be hard) 100% of the time especially going along with the points you made in your last two videos. Of course different people have different priorities and express their 100% in different ways according to religion, principles, and world view. So, the ideas expressed from this video do not have to be taken strictly literally, but the message still does apply. Interpret it as you see fit. Real food for thought.

    • @krzysztofkaczorowski8713
      @krzysztofkaczorowski8713 9 місяців тому


    • @EmperorHero1
      @EmperorHero1 9 місяців тому +4

      I ain't reading all that

    • @stef84
      @stef84 9 місяців тому +5

      @Emperorhero Detox and fix your attention span then

    • @MiguelMedV
      @MiguelMedV 9 місяців тому +2

      @@EmperorHero1 Goldfish attention span. NPC moment 💀🤖...

    • @MiguelMedV
      @MiguelMedV 9 місяців тому

      I agree the ideas should not be taken strictly with no room for anything else, but the issue is Hamza has a history of contradicting himself even if involuntarily...

  • @xy2575
    @xy2575 9 місяців тому +17

    Hamza sorry to say that but I think you try everything to find a solution for your relationship and Generalize it. I met a lot of women and there are women who you dont have to manipulate to get their „love“. There are women who love you not for how much money you make, or for how alpha you are. There are women who are emotional and spiritual developed. Why not having relationship with this types of women?

    • @user-se1bc4wi9w
      @user-se1bc4wi9w 9 місяців тому +3

      Sorry to ask, but where have you met those type of women who are positive , as most of the women out there are narcissists, materialistic and egoic.

    • @xy2575
      @xy2575 9 місяців тому +2

      @@user-se1bc4wi9w It is hard to find bro, especially in western society maybe 1-2% only. The problem is people like hamza telling you: try to be a perfect men, so you can get fake love from these narcisstic women. Dont play these toxic games, ignore women and have standards. Dont be Independent from women, they need us more. We have to focus on control ourselves thats when women will change for us. If every men would think like that, women wouldnt dare to be narcisstic and egoistic. But they can because most men like hamza try to adapt to women. I rather die alone than taking a women who is narcisstic and lived a hoe life. thats not my job to change her, I am not her father who educated her. If a women had a shitty father who did not educate her well, you can throw her in the bin. You cannot change her, she will show her real face sooner or later. She will fake love as long as you give her a good life and when you have hard times you will see her real character. Dont risk your life for a broken women, you wont change her, no matter how „perfect men“ you are. If her father was not a real men and failed, it is too late.

    • @xy2575
      @xy2575 9 місяців тому +2

      @@rockyblumble Nope he is not. He is prisoned in his stone aged female and male roles. People are not animals, we are intellectual beings who have the power to Control their instincts and urges. Men and women can love deeply from their heart and you can be best friends with your chick if you have a deeper bondage, deeper then: I love him because, he is a real men or I love her because he is a beautiful women. Real love is based on your souls

    • @user-se1bc4wi9w
      @user-se1bc4wi9w 9 місяців тому

      @@xy2575 We'll find one bro, it's not the end of the world, just being patient

  • @tiakartatok145
    @tiakartatok145 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for this brother, i am pretty sure you just saved my relationship.

  • @heavyfromtf2208
    @heavyfromtf2208 9 місяців тому +1

    Havent watched hamza in a while and the way he talks to you as if you would dissagree just shows me how much I have learned because a year ago I would be totally on the opposite opinion

  • @yourgonnapay8063
    @yourgonnapay8063 9 місяців тому +5

    Great video Hamza, but I’m a Christian and I can’t just have sex with my future lover knowing that’s wrong in the eyes of God. Thought at the same time some part of me will feel guilty if I were to just leave my greatest creation crying while I have sex with her because I know what it feels like to not get and feel loved and just wanting peace and attention from the people that I consider my family.

  • @MarshaIII
    @MarshaIII 9 місяців тому +6

    We lost him... he s now doing things for more views like substitles and saying sex is priority. İ m sorry guys i m going to maintain my journey on my own because he was the only guy i trust about this stuff...

  • @AdonisCodes
    @AdonisCodes 9 місяців тому

    Dont't have time to watch this now.
    But gotta say hamzas advice made me start getting freelance clients

  • @guntherdasschaf336
    @guntherdasschaf336 9 місяців тому

    experienced this firsthand, learned a lot from it

  • @Grizzlyjesse
    @Grizzlyjesse 9 місяців тому +1

    polarization doesn't just involve sex. lasting long requires a partnership and being comfortable with each other's presence.

  • @AkimboVermon
    @AkimboVermon 9 місяців тому +1

    This is pretty much true. It’s like when you do business or work with someone. They can’t be seen as a friend they are your business partner. The only thing different from friends and a girl friend is you make love to your girlfriend.

  • @hp4667
    @hp4667 5 місяців тому

    This is pure gold.

  • @VocalsOfTheReturningOne
    @VocalsOfTheReturningOne 9 місяців тому +11

    You have to be on a certain level spirituality and masculinity to understand what he is trying say this is literally breaking down the feminine female psychology proud of you bro keep it up

  • @ancientastronauttheorists
    @ancientastronauttheorists 9 місяців тому +2

    Don't dislike this video guys itll feed the algorithm

  • @gabrielkennedy4908
    @gabrielkennedy4908 9 місяців тому +6

    Hamza's clearly thought a lot about this but the thing is he's never had kids. How can he know what married couple's priorities should be in their relationships? Has he talked to real based catholic or muslim couples who have been married for years?

  • @Atomic-Bird
    @Atomic-Bird 9 місяців тому +2

    This is why Christian Grey from 50 shades of is so loved by women

  • @Problemsou
    @Problemsou 9 місяців тому +1

    tbh your arguments are valid

  • @payfoe8591
    @payfoe8591 9 місяців тому

    Yeah man your right .. i have one I'm currently with... but how do I get her to do that I mean how do I make it with out sounding weird

  • @DivineLogos
    @DivineLogos 9 місяців тому +1

    Polarity over friendship.

  • @joshallanfilmandmusic
    @joshallanfilmandmusic 9 місяців тому +2

    "Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Corinthians 7:5. While intimacy isn't the only thing that makes a marriage work, it is key to make it a priority.

  • @johnmcallen8999
    @johnmcallen8999 9 місяців тому

    The ending hit me

  • @SG_LifeLessons-dt2eu
    @SG_LifeLessons-dt2eu 13 днів тому

    I'm proud of you Hamza! Hats off for your directness 👏

  • @Axelbrando
    @Axelbrando 9 місяців тому

    So deep
    I have to meditate and think about it

  • @trachbeba3488
    @trachbeba3488 9 місяців тому +30

    True. Finally a man who gets it.
    Once a woman stops being sexually wanted and conquered in a relationship, she is as good as gone.
    Yup, she may stay with you forever out of fondness/logistics, but will be miserable, disrespectful and get less attractive with time.

    • @tox_goblin
      @tox_goblin 9 місяців тому +1


    • @jaydriel2957
      @jaydriel2957 9 місяців тому +1

      I think The Man should always have control and upper hand of the relationship And realice you bishess are very Emotional but i would say sexual tension is Very important this this has worked well for me But once old age hits Then thats different story

    @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому +5

    Well, if you haven’t circled back to where you used to be.

    • @pt31
      @pt31 9 місяців тому +1

      Literally this! 😅

  • @DUBLL100
    @DUBLL100 9 місяців тому +9

    Unfollowing .. blokes lost his head 😂 deleating videos like the carnivore diet (probably because he realised he cant maintain it) and not going against things he’s said in the past.. I used to think he was becoming a better person and now it looks like he’s been spending to much time with ceo of testosterone. Relationships are for growing together. Yes sex is important but Christ this bloke sounds like someone who’s read a few two many books or listing to his ‘mentors’

  • @Ideadlift1234plates
    @Ideadlift1234plates 9 місяців тому +2

    What about alex hormozi’s relationship?

  • @frogelpe9871
    @frogelpe9871 9 місяців тому +2

    s3x is just the cherry on top, the tip of the iceberg. Shure it's the most pronounced part and it's sticking out, so there's definetly a certain emphasis on it, but to deny everything that exists around it, is to not look at the entire iceberg at all. That is just too short-sighted. There is a huge spiritual framework around this concept, that has also been described in many religions. It's worth looking into it and becoming even more masculine through practicing those principles.

  • @Reppintimefitness
    @Reppintimefitness 9 місяців тому +1

    Speaking facts

  • @justinhatfield9107
    @justinhatfield9107 9 місяців тому +1

    A relationship is a balance of loads of things, sex 100% isn't the most important, it's a combination of a load of things

  • @reptile6491
    @reptile6491 9 місяців тому

    Hamza is just a philosopher at this point

  • @allenm9
    @allenm9 9 місяців тому +4

    Bro I haven't watched you in a minute, I check your main channel and you have over 2M subs?? good shit dude that's insane

  • @Miles_Dei19
    @Miles_Dei19 9 місяців тому +2

    Maybe I'm falling to understand your points Hamza, but i cannot be agreeing on this, sex *isn't* everything-

  • @sezaiegok
    @sezaiegok 9 місяців тому

    You enlight me bro

  • @ugorton7345
    @ugorton7345 9 місяців тому +132

    youve lost me there bro

    • @george_george390
      @george_george390 9 місяців тому +27

      Hamza is not making videos because he wants us to succeed. He is making videos because he wants fame and money. He has started adding subtitles to his videos because he KNOWS that subtitles=more views. He used to be making videos with lots of edits , and he has said that it was a bad thing, but he has not deleted them. This guy honestly had my respect, but he is going to lose it.

    • @johnnyneptune2730
      @johnnyneptune2730 9 місяців тому

      ​@@george_george390if we can all agree that the message of self improvement is important than why is it bad if he "puts subtitles for views?" Why is it bad if he never deleted his old videos if those videos can attract the Jeffreys, can help grow the movement and give us advice? At the end of the day, if you buy courses from him, it's your choice. I receive a lot of value and education from the yt videos.

    • @LeanEnthusiast
      @LeanEnthusiast 9 місяців тому +29

      @@george_george390I’m not a Hamza Stan but why delete the vids it does promote degeneracy but it shows his progression imo and the subtitles could be there for deaf people they need help too but I agree he claims that these people who ask you to buy there money making course are bad but his community of the same people is diffrent just providing a diffrent pov

    • @TheSageOfSixPacks
      @TheSageOfSixPacks 9 місяців тому +2

      @@LeanEnthusiastbut not everyone knows it’s progression. It stays up as false information which is dangerous

    • @stef84
      @stef84 9 місяців тому +1

      What are you refering to? I dont understand

  • @jack.1.
    @jack.1. 9 місяців тому +1

    This isn't what i want. Love isn't just sex

  • @Whowhatidkbro
    @Whowhatidkbro 6 місяців тому

    Preach. Hamza.

  • @mmiischa
    @mmiischa 9 місяців тому +2

    crazy thing is I always thought like that until my so called friends called me out for leading my relationship with this one girl wrong and literally telling me I should spend more time with my girlfriend bcs she desired so. They put this weird modern day constellation into my mind while they were sexless themselves most of the time in their relationship. Way to go about the you are the sum of the 5 people you spent the most time with.
    End of the story my intimate partner wasn't intimate with me anymore

  • @berkoral801
    @berkoral801 9 місяців тому +22

    You speak so ill of other influencers who try to sell a program. Yet under each video, you tell us to join your "adonis school" these videos literally feel like a sales pitch trying to get more customers. I absolutely respect you wanting to make money, I also want to do so. But when you're saying "I wouldn't be able to sell a course on masculinity" "they tell you to make money just to sell a course" you're doing the exact same thing. "Yeah you have to be masculine, oh by the way I'm selling a masculinity guide, go check out the link and pay 600$ for that"

    • @muslim94727
      @muslim94727 9 місяців тому

      Yeah I've noticed this about him too, very fucking scummy
      He says some good things sometimes and we all have to make money but he's being disingenuous which is very unmasculine imo, being a rat like that isn't doing him or the side of his spirituality that he spouts about any good

  • @kakashihatake7216
    @kakashihatake7216 9 місяців тому +1

    i hope in your late 50s you still have that zest left to say that sex is everything.

    • @nafisxfit
      @nafisxfit 9 місяців тому

      There are people in their 60s still having a wild sex life

  • @thtony9744
    @thtony9744 9 місяців тому

    I totally agree!

  • @skator7356
    @skator7356 9 місяців тому

    i just read the title and i said "no hamza wouldn- OOOH hes just mocking some sentence and forgot to put parentheses LOL"

  • @348tacos7
    @348tacos7 7 місяців тому +1

    I agree in terms of spiritual connectivity. There are some things a man and a woman can’t do alone. As a masculine man I cannot give myself that feminine love. That merging of mind, body and soul.
    But that’s where it ends
    Sex is important. But should not be the main goal on its own. Coupled with other things yes, but to me, the soul importance of a relationship should be *presence*
    When you’re working on your business, in the gym, chilling with the boys and then come back to your babygirl fully present, the sex will come naturally.

  • @MothmanMotsu
    @MothmanMotsu 9 місяців тому +6

    100%. If the sex life is good, the relationship is going well. A relationship cannot exist without sex, so you should prioritize it above everything else (I shouldn't even have to say this, but exceptions are made for 90+ year old people, obviously).

      @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому +1

      Literally no.

    • @tomasguilherme263
      @tomasguilherme263 9 місяців тому +3

      Your argument falls to the ground when you take in consideration toxic relationships, theres people that hate eachother but stay together just for sex, thats not good. As someone that as been in a few relationships, i would say the most important thing is peace and loving eachother, good woman love the small things that her man makes for her. Also sex is important sure but never n1

    • @grubbyarmadillo9863
      @grubbyarmadillo9863 9 місяців тому +3

      @@tomasguilherme263that is because those toxic relationships are about treating each other like sex objects, which is what Hamza has pointed out that it shouldn't come to that.

    • @mentaru1961
      @mentaru1961 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@LONNESYRUPBITCHLiterally yes, sex is what gives people attraction to one another, prevents cheating and dissatisfaction with one another, make children exist, make the couple happy and the list goes on.

      @LONNESYRUPBITCH 9 місяців тому

      @@mentaru1961 Uh, no. Sex does not give attraction. It is shallow to be attracted to someone because of their genitals. It only gives short term pleasure with inevitable guilt and shame, especially when familiar with the fact that it is a sin. There is no reason to have sex unless you’re building a bloodline or something, and you can adopt children instead. You save them from a miserable fate and manage to keep your virginity, so that’s a true win-win. There are hundreds of ways to channel that energy into something more productive, beneficial and worthwhile. And if your woman will break up with you and let herself get banged by other “cHaDs” solely because her “sexual impulsive needs are not met”, my sincere apologies but you need to change your partner.

  • @MartinGarden
    @MartinGarden 9 місяців тому


  • @chadlift6723
    @chadlift6723 9 місяців тому +12

    I agree with this, but I feel like spending time together (say at a cafe or something) can create sexual polarity, you just need to do it in a way that builds sexual tension.
    For example, with Hamza’s example of going out with your girlfriend to pick a dress, there’s like dozens of ways you use that to create sexual tension - just use your imagination.

  • @TheEloquentEye
    @TheEloquentEye 9 місяців тому

    This is all true. Hard to actually see in real life but still true.