The "Average Person" Gets SQUASHED - You're BROKE, UNHAPPY & ALONE (+The Secret To Break Free)

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2023
  • Transform Your Life with
    This video will guide viewers on a journey to achieve freedom from the limiting constraints of the system. Through interactive and thought-provoking content, viewers will learn how to identify and overcome the systemic roadblocks that hold them back, ultimately leading them towards a path of liberation and empowerment. This video will inspire viewers to take control of their lives and reach their full potential. Whether you are looking to escape financial traps, societal expectations, or any other form of systemic confinement, this video is an essential resource on your road to freedom!
    Endless Motivation 2.0 is LIVE! - OWEN
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    Develop social confidence, improve your relationships and master magnetic high status social skills !
    A Guide To Social Skills (For Those Who Were Never Taught)
    How to improve your social skills! In this video, Owen Cook (Owen Cook Free Tour & Owen Cook High Status Communication & Owen Cook Success & Owen Cook Motivation - Owen Cook Social Skills) reveal how to learn social skills and how to improve your social skills!
    Discover advanced secrets to improve your social skills in this social skills training.
    #owencook #motivation #highstatuscommunication how to become high status


  • @OwenCookFreeTour
    @OwenCookFreeTour  Рік тому +38

    Transform Your Life with

  • @colinbeirouty4798
    @colinbeirouty4798 Рік тому +29

    Why is Tony Robbins so popular compared to you? Ur a freaking genius

  • @failuretolaunchdrums
    @failuretolaunchdrums Рік тому +43

    You’re one of the very few holistic and positive self-help teachers. Thank you for what you do.

    @FOURTEEFIVE Рік тому +17

    The amount of fear that runs through my body while watching these videos is intense.

  • @kebman
    @kebman Рік тому +4

    Owen, telling your kid "don't do that" is like telling your kid: "This is exactly the best way of opposing your father." So instead, tell them honestly about your experiences, or your friends experiences, what built them up, and more importantly, what built them down, and perhaps killed off a few of them. Your kids will get the picture. And they will do what's right.

  • @thegnarlyvagabond
    @thegnarlyvagabond Рік тому +4

    I know exactly what you are talking about in this video, and I want to say: They don't have it! There's been ancient texts, talking about these types of subjects since the dawn of humanity, and there's no way the power holders could possibly change our minds. We want what we want. That is, freedom, courage, and control over our own lives. There's always a struggle, and if you look at the history books: The bad guys always lose. Now we are the bad guys, and there's a precedent. The dog that wins the fight, is the dog that's in the right. They may be elites, but they not used to scrapping with us dogs.

  • @dayelu2679
    @dayelu2679 Рік тому +2

    Owen you are not demonize TikTok. The guy created TikTok is one of the most famous people in Chinese entrepreneur community, and he is most famous for his machine-like delayed gratification principal of life. So his product is the opposite direction of his life philosophy and belief. Even Zuckerberg would use his product, post and like other people's post on Instagram and allow his children doing so, but you'd bet Zhang yimin (the CEO of bytedance) wouldn't use TikTok.

  • @meyerjac

    Owen was a big influence on me when I was younger. He was part of what inspired me to travel, master my craft, and try starting my own business.

  • @KASUN_M

    It's so much more difficult to convince people that $ is infinite to part you from it than it is to sell drunk girl PU vids

  • @rempirejr8782
    @rempirejr8782 Рік тому +1

    i love my girlfriend

  • @QuixoticOdyssey
    @QuixoticOdyssey Рік тому +1

    I've been thinking about the part of the bible where Jesus said "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." I always found that hard to understand, like why would Jesus reject people that served God. I think it's because Jesus wants people who do what they love, not people who feel compelled to do good things because they're afraid. I think people who do what they love worship God more than people who do good works because they believe it's their duty. The difference is the first person is happy to exist, like a child. He's grateful. The second person believes he's owed something, and not that he's been given a gift.

  • @Viriyascybin
    @Viriyascybin Рік тому +129

    "There should really be something in your mind, that is conscious enough to be like- just because I don't have a bunch of dopamine and serotonin in my brain at this exact second, this is still an amazing experience." - Owen

  • @philosopher2king

    I grew up among several religious circles, which helps me understand what Owen is talking about, but the misguided spirituality of my youth also kept me trapped in a very sophisticated cage. This is by far the best and clearest understanding of spirituality I’ve come across. It’s grounded, it’s not denying the body and it’s not going into metaphysics to justify itself. Like he says, it starts with taking care of your “lower“ level needs (lower doesn’t mean less important, which is the mistake that 99.99999% of gurus misunderstand - ALL the levels have equal importance) and then progress to higher levels of understanding WHILE integrating and exercising each lower level. Transcend AND integrate.

  • @tahj420
    @tahj420 Рік тому +44

    Got the 10 commandments of the game three years ago. Attended a business seminar with Derek and then turned down a seminar with you and fell out of the whole community due to my insecurity and self pity. I'm at a low point in my life but I started watching you and it resonates a little. I've calmed down from masturbating and I'm about to hit my 7th night in a row going out. Thank you Owen.

  • @damienwelter4543
    @damienwelter4543 Рік тому +13

    This will NEVER be mainstream, what you've built is the equivalent to a mainstream audience for this topic. Honestly the day that THIS level of content IS mainstream....

  • @jordanthornton
    @jordanthornton Рік тому +11


  • @bobthebuilder9416
    @bobthebuilder9416 Рік тому +13

    DUDE I

  • @biggiesmalls3096
    @biggiesmalls3096 Рік тому +11

    Your videos are always therapy man, needed this badly today.

  • @Vasectomyjohn
    @Vasectomyjohn Рік тому +2

    I went ahead and clipped Owen saying help people change 30% because I know he low key wants me to share that 🔥

  • @joeycarlton238
    @joeycarlton238 Рік тому +5

    Owen I'm with you until the end, I made a huge mistake using your teachings just to become better spiritually, in social skills and strenght training and tottally ignored my finances. Just started reading Dan Kennedy because of you.... Not to ramble too much, thank you so much