The biggest issue I have regarding M. Night Shyamalan films is that they are almost always very interesting concepts but the execution always falls down and I'm left feeling so frustrated that more wasn't done with it. Even 'Old' has a great concept.
Yeah it was an OK movie not great typical for him. Really bad over acting in some parts, especially by the one guy when he was tied to the chair. Way over the top.
Your mention of Rupert Grint is awesome. Such a small role, but when he’s there, he’s all there and just fantastic. If you have Apple+, I recommend the series “Servant”. An M Night Shymalan executive produced thriller series in which Grint is a regular cast member. He is fantastic in that series and has a lot to do. He’s one of the best characters in the show. It’s a show going for the horror thriller vibe. I can see why Grint was cast in this movie based on his work in that series. Great review as usual, Cody.
I completely agree that adding brutality to the movie would’ve really benefited the story beyond just having some gore for the sake of gore. I think, particularly, if they would’ve had some really intense graphic, brutal moments, it would’ve elevated the contrast between the caring and supportive elements of the four intruders and their dedication to their task. I also agree with your opinion of the ending I was hoping for a jaw drop and instead I had a shoulder shrug.
As someone who read and enjoyed the book this movie completely bamboozled me. The first 50% is SO CLOSE to the book, and I was so fucking happy. Unfortunately, the second half was a complete disappointment for me. There was a scene in the book that they removed that is such an impactful moment in the book, and really influences how it ends. I honestly thought it was given the R rating just for this scene, so for it not to be present was bizzare. I also felt like there was no Shyamalan "twist". The movie was exactly what it said it was, and nothing more.
Did anyone else find the news broadcast through the movie really goofy? I was really hoping those who put more weight in what’s going on. They just weren’t executed properly at all. During the first sacrifice they show the tsunami approaching the beach and the newscast just casually shows several people dying without prompting the audience? Also how did they get that recording whenever that person clearly died? It al just seemed incredibly goofy.
Yes. The film Signs had believable news coverage. All of the stories here were reported calmly and without “special coverage” on multiple networks that would accompany a global crisis. Sounded like they were reporting a local car crash each time…the BREAKING NEWS never broke through anything 🤭
I think I would have liked it a lot more if the ending was left more ambiguous as to whether the apocalypse and their role in it was real or not. Idk that could just be me. I still enjoyed the movie overall and really liked Dave Bautista’s role in it.
Exactly how I felt, I thought more gore and brutality with the kills included in the this film adaptation. I would have loved a twist in which we didn’t know wether or not they were part of a higher plan or an extremist organisation.
I’m looking forward to seeing how people in the future will react to this movie having not seen any trailers, or have listened to all the reviews, or have any expectations. I enjoyed it because of the acting, and the straight forwardnees of the story. As a fan of the book, I’m glad he stayed on track.
If you noticed the color of their shirts,,,they represented the four horseman of the apocalypse! The red horse,black horse,pale horse(yellow) and the white horse! Since they never actually said it,,,I'm pretty sure that what was being conveyed!
I liked servant in the beginning but I hate what it set up for the first two episodes I thought he was going in a supernatural direction which I strongly would’ve preferred Instead he went with the *spoilers cult people direction
I REAAAAALLY wanted it to be fake. There was so much ambiguity with whether to believe in the world ending that I wanted it to either end with not knowing whether it was or not and having the viewing believe what they want to believe or end up the way they did with one of the characters sacrificing themselves and finding out there was no apocalypse to begin with. Sure both scenarios would have been evil but it could have worked better. Knowing that Dave Bautista's character was a bartender as well as a teacher could have tied in really well with the bar fight with Rupert Grint's character. That would have tied their characters together in how they met and that could have ended up being the classic M. Night twist. The last scene of the movie being Eric sacrificing himself, them realising the world was not ending, and cutting to a scene of how the character met and came up with a plan. I feel like either way there wasn't enough explanation on 'how' or 'why' this was happening. It was mentioned that they were chosen for their 'pure love' but that doesn't seem like enough for me. Out of 7 billion+ people, why them? Otherwise I enjoyed it and it left me questioning what I would do in that situation and understanding and realising the meaning behind the movie makes it even better. 3.5/5 for me.
(SPOILERS) I agree that this movie had the setup to be great, but fell flat in its final act. Although to be honest with you, I had a slightly different interpretation of the movie premise/plot. I viewed it as a clever mind game that M. Night was setting up as to whether these 4 people were telling the truth about their Apocalypse theory or whether they were playing a twisted game to target this family. At first it seemed straight forward that it was about the Apocalypse, but then when you realize that one of the 4 home invaders just randomly happens to be someone who attacked the couple at a bar in start to second guess whether there is more to the story and this is all just a sick game. They also brought into question whether they planned the timing of the news casts they were showing them. In fact, my main complaint was that they didn't play up this real vs conspiracy angle even more. Also, they had very limited backstory on each of the 4 home invaders (though Dave Bautista had an awesome performance). As you said, the flashbacks were not used effectively, and definitely seemed like they were going to be part of a bigger reveal, which they weren't. Finally, as you said, for all the buildup and intrigue, the ending was a plain as it gets. No twist or room for interpretation at all. Overall, this movie had the setup to be an A, but I have to give it a B-. Still enjoyable, but could have been so much better.
I agree about the ending. I do feel it was played abit safe because i was excited to see one of his signature twists and it just never really happened. Still his best movie since split. I do feel he is back on track.
I agree with most of your points . However I do think that it was a nice idea that this film didn’t have gore or torture . Mainly because that’s not the focus of the film . I appreciate how M.night doesn’t let us see what happened because we should be more focused on the victims of the acts . I also loved that we didn’t see much of the apocalypse cause that would transform this film into another . Overall , this film is pretty rich at mostly every filmmaking aspect
Me and my daughter saw this last night and we both loved it. I can now say that I could sit and listen to Dave Bastista talk about anything. He was so good.
I'm guessing you don't mean his actual first three films, as he made two films prior to The Sixth Sense that never went anywhere (I've never seen them, either.) I personally hated Signs, but thought The Village was decent, and then there was kind of a long dry spell until Split. Hoping it's at least as good as The Village, and doesn't go full Lady in the Water.
As a loyal subscriber I must say this to warn our community: if you see a bot with Cody's icon claiming that you won somthing, it is NOT him, I've seen one on the Infinite Pool review, flag it cause those comments are soo fucking annoying!
CODY!!! Dude i really enjoyed this movie. In my opinion this is one of his best. And Batista was great. I'll have to watch it a few more times. I like it as much as Signs.
I just watched the movie and I really liked it alot. I was waiting for the stupid twist ending he usually does to ruin his movies but he didn't do it this time, which is a very good thing. I highly recommend it. A very interesting and thought provoking film. Great acting as well by all involved.
The premise reminds me of the last of us. Joel has to either let ellie die to save humanity or doom humanity by saving her. Looking forward to seeing this. I never have any hopes for M Night movies actually being good so I'll be going in with 0 expectations and probably enjoy it.
I thought the movie was damn good. Left me wondering where everything was going, the suspense and anxiousness I felt drove the movie for me. None the less, greasy review Cody! Great review.
Before I watch the review. I saw it last night and I wasn't blown away but I thought it was good. I agree with your short though the ending was a wimper.
I read the book in one sitting; couldn't put it down. I read the ending of this movie on Wikipedia and will only watch it when it comes out on one of the streaming services I subscribe to just for Bautista's performance. Read the book. The movie ending is vastly inferior to the book ending. I think Shyamalan must have shied away from the book ending because he thought it would be too controversial, especially with the far-right crowd, and therefore the movie would fail at the box office. So sad he copped out for what I think was the pursuit of commercial success.
Yeah. But with how many risks he’s taken in his career it was interesting choice he neutered it when it was such a visceral premise. He could of really gone for that, made kill gory, wen dying, etc. played it almost too safe
It didn’t really have any sort of twist like his movies usually do. I enjoyed it but I wasn’t blown away. I like the question it makes you ask about your own choice. Bastista was great. Everything I have seen Rupert Grint do outside Harry Potter he has done consistently well. However I then watched Devil which is a fun movie.
I feel he didn't do the second part of the book because it would have been personally to hard for him to shoot. Batista..superb, everyone was great even Wren. Rupert is fantastic in Shyamalans The Servant as well.
The reason he had 2 other co writers was because he was only going to produce the film and not direct. But after stewing over it, he decided to direct with some tweaks to the script and different third act, which Paul Tremblay approved of
I really enjoyed this one, I'd say it's his best film in a while, but not quite as good as his first three movies. My only real issue with it was that one scene near the end was a little unnecessary.
Overall, I left the theater a bit frustrated with (IMO) the films anticlimactic ending. Partially, that’s my fault for having certain expectations with an M Night film over the years. That being said, I felt this was David Bautista’s best performance to date. I also agree that Rupert crushed it & wished he could have had more screen time. I’d give it a 3.25 out of 5
Batista was good… the movie was decent… but I felt like it was missing something. More gore would have made it better and also I felt like the couple should have never believed any of it and then boom… it happens. Tragic ending
I like the film quite a bit. Better than Old. The flashbacks are not there to explain the plot or create a twist ending, they serve a purpose to explain why Ben Aldridge's character never trusts/believes these strangers. His past affects his actions in the Cabin. Rupert Grint is bearly in the film. Although the whole cast was good, I really liked Ben Aldrige's performance. He was definitely the stand-out. I guess not all endings need to be surprising and bombastic. I like the ending, it is subtle and emotional.
Wife and ai went to see it yesterday and we both loved it! It was a strongly acted film that explored relationships and sacrifices in a meaningful way that managed to not explore its themes in a heavy-handed way and I felt like I had been on an emotional journey with the cast. I feel like the premise itself sets up unrealistic expectations of what the film COULD be, but I feel like if you watch it for what it is, it makes the experience all the richer. :-)
I enjoyed this film quite a bit more than I thought. Without giving anything away, the flashbacks add up when you understand why the character makes the fateful decision they do. I found the final act very meaningful and almost exactly right in execution. It stayed grounded and left us with conflicting emotions.
Though I liked this, I feel like the neutering of kills really does undercut the intensity of what is going on. In the book, ever death is terrifying, brutal and visceral and it really offers an incredible propulsion to the story, especially in regards to the couple and child. The ending of this book is INCREDIBLE and incredibly grim (for the most part). The ending to this was definitely the weakest part and felt like too safe a bet. I’d still recommend though.
I also read the book ending on Wikipedia too and I actually hated it. Unnecessarily dark and vague. I thought it wasn't an actual ending at all. I'm glad M Night changed it 😌
Tremblay loves slapping disappointing, overly ambiguous endings onto fascinating stories. If he could just figure out how to write a damn conclusion, he'd be a hell of an author.
The performances were great but uh.....maybe I missed something but nothing was explained. Why did they get visions, why was that family the one to be picked to safe the entirety of humanity. I dunno felt a little flat with it's execution. I was hoping for an iconic twist but it never came.
Split is my favorite M Night film, I wish it wasn’t connected to Unbreakable cuz ngl Kevin could’ve been a much more iconic horror character, that character was amazing and deserved more
Totally agree. The acting down the stretch from the two dads leading up to their ultimate decision I thought was extremely powerful. Sure they could have chosen to go the other way but I like how they addressed what that would mean for their little girl. So good and loved how much this movie surprised me. Great performances all over the place.
I don't know how much you read, but you should really read this book. They took out a lot of incredibly visceral violence and dropped an essential killing. I was so pissed that Shyamalan got the rights to this. I knew he would fuck it up but I wasn't sure how. Now I know.
Finished the book just before seeing this review was up, I was disappointed in it overall. Besides the ending that I hated, part of it may be that the trailer gives away the first half of the book and would've been better going in blind. Still excited to see how the movie differs!
I tell you what I’ve seen all his movies and between him and Martin Scorsese I don’t know what it is but for some reason I find every single movie they make to be absolutely hilarious with how they deliver lines throughout the movie.
Opposite ending of The Village! I wish it was reversed…the ending killed Old and the ending killed this (mostly because of so much bad CGI -maybe not Shaymalans fault). Overall I enjoyed it and all of his movies. I really liked Devil and Glass/ Split and The Visit…Happening was horrid lol Absolutely loved The Village
I was quite impressed towards the ending as it was pretty emotional and a solid way to wrap things up. Shyamalan actually stuck the landing this time which I liked. He played it safe and that was probably the better choice
Just saw it, thought it was pretty good and one of his best movies. No twist ending, just a old school concept followed through to the end. Good acting and cinematography in at as well
The biggest issue I have regarding M. Night Shyamalan films is that they are almost always very interesting concepts but the execution always falls down and I'm left feeling so frustrated that more wasn't done with it. Even 'Old' has a great concept.
Yeah it was an OK movie not great typical for him. Really bad over acting in some parts, especially by the one guy when he was tied to the chair. Way over the top.
I call it Shyamalanin'...
Yep. He can't nail the landing 70% of the time.
His ego gets in the way
Yeah good comment. The concepts are perfect. But it always turns out weak.
Your mention of Rupert Grint is awesome. Such a small role, but when he’s there, he’s all there and just fantastic.
If you have Apple+, I recommend the series “Servant”. An M Night Shymalan executive produced thriller series in which Grint is a regular cast member. He is fantastic in that series and has a lot to do. He’s one of the best characters in the show. It’s a show going for the horror thriller vibe. I can see why Grint was cast in this movie based on his work in that series.
Great review as usual, Cody.
I completely agree that adding brutality to the movie would’ve really benefited the story beyond just having some gore for the sake of gore. I think, particularly, if they would’ve had some really intense graphic, brutal moments, it would’ve elevated the contrast between the caring and supportive elements of the four intruders and their dedication to their task. I also agree with your opinion of the ending I was hoping for a jaw drop and instead I had a shoulder shrug.
I agree Dave did a great job, it's nice to see him take on different types of roles, & not just stick to action.
Rupert has really surprised me over the years. I have grown to really like his acting and he always picks really interesting roles imo.
I wish Rupert would have been in the movie longer, I was excited to see him in a bigger movie again.
Out of the younger HP cast I find he does the better American accent, I've seen him in atleast 3 projects now where he uses it and it surprises me.
As someone who read and enjoyed the book this movie completely bamboozled me. The first 50% is SO CLOSE to the book, and I was so fucking happy. Unfortunately, the second half was a complete disappointment for me. There was a scene in the book that they removed that is such an impactful moment in the book, and really influences how it ends. I honestly thought it was given the R rating just for this scene, so for it not to be present was bizzare. I also felt like there was no Shyamalan "twist". The movie was exactly what it said it was, and nothing more.
THIS! Where was the twist?
He is only 1 of 3 writers his name is only on the movie for sales
@@arnoldbrindza7601 Well he's also the director, so there's that.
I wanted to see the dark ending. Them walking the earth alone.
Same. I just saw it and really liked it though. But I would’ve loved that sending haha
Did anyone else find the news broadcast through the movie really goofy? I was really hoping those who put more weight in what’s going on. They just weren’t executed properly at all.
During the first sacrifice they show the tsunami approaching the beach and the newscast just casually shows several people dying without prompting the audience? Also how did they get that recording whenever that person clearly died? It al just seemed incredibly goofy.
Yes. The film Signs had believable news coverage. All of the stories here were reported calmly and without “special coverage” on multiple networks that would accompany a global crisis. Sounded like they were reporting a local car crash each time…the BREAKING NEWS never broke through anything 🤭
I think I would have liked it a lot more if the ending was left more ambiguous as to whether the apocalypse and their role in it was real or not.
Idk that could just be me.
I still enjoyed the movie overall and really liked Dave Bautista’s role in it.
Exactly how I felt, I thought more gore and brutality with the kills included in the this film adaptation. I would have loved a twist in which we didn’t know wether or not they were part of a higher plan or an extremist organisation.
I’m looking forward to seeing how people in the future will react to this movie having not seen any trailers, or have listened to all the reviews, or have any expectations. I enjoyed it because of the acting, and the straight forwardnees of the story. As a fan of the book, I’m glad he stayed on track.
If you noticed the color of their shirts,,,they represented the four horseman of the apocalypse! The red horse,black horse,pale horse(yellow) and the white horse! Since they never actually said it,,,I'm pretty sure that what was being conveyed!
This movie needed to be fleshed out, not a typical Hollywood Hour and 30 min. runtime.
M Night works with Rupert on all four seasons of Servant, he does great throughout that show too!
I liked servant in the beginning but I hate what it set up for the first two episodes I thought he was going in a supernatural direction which I strongly would’ve preferred
Instead he went with the *spoilers
cult people direction
@@Man_in_a_Gucci_Suit I agree! Also I could only watch the first season in full, after that it started to bore me.
Mama always said that an M Night Movie was like a box of chocolates you Never Know what your going to get.
ROFL. I love that Deniro "You blew it!!" scene from Copland.
I REAAAAALLY wanted it to be fake. There was so much ambiguity with whether to believe in the world ending that I wanted it to either end with not knowing whether it was or not and having the viewing believe what they want to believe or end up the way they did with one of the characters sacrificing themselves and finding out there was no apocalypse to begin with. Sure both scenarios would have been evil but it could have worked better. Knowing that Dave Bautista's character was a bartender as well as a teacher could have tied in really well with the bar fight with Rupert Grint's character. That would have tied their characters together in how they met and that could have ended up being the classic M. Night twist. The last scene of the movie being Eric sacrificing himself, them realising the world was not ending, and cutting to a scene of how the character met and came up with a plan. I feel like either way there wasn't enough explanation on 'how' or 'why' this was happening. It was mentioned that they were chosen for their 'pure love' but that doesn't seem like enough for me. Out of 7 billion+ people, why them? Otherwise I enjoyed it and it left me questioning what I would do in that situation and understanding and realising the meaning behind the movie makes it even better. 3.5/5 for me.
(SPOILERS) I agree that this movie had the setup to be great, but fell flat in its final act. Although to be honest with you, I had a slightly different interpretation of the movie premise/plot. I viewed it as a clever mind game that M. Night was setting up as to whether these 4 people were telling the truth about their Apocalypse theory or whether they were playing a twisted game to target this family. At first it seemed straight forward that it was about the Apocalypse, but then when you realize that one of the 4 home invaders just randomly happens to be someone who attacked the couple at a bar in start to second guess whether there is more to the story and this is all just a sick game. They also brought into question whether they planned the timing of the news casts they were showing them.
In fact, my main complaint was that they didn't play up this real vs conspiracy angle even more. Also, they had very limited backstory on each of the 4 home invaders (though Dave Bautista had an awesome performance). As you said, the flashbacks were not used effectively, and definitely seemed like they were going to be part of a bigger reveal, which they weren't. Finally, as you said, for all the buildup and intrigue, the ending was a plain as it gets. No twist or room for interpretation at all. Overall, this movie had the setup to be an A, but I have to give it a B-. Still enjoyable, but could have been so much better.
I watched this last night and had no clue it was Ron Weasley 🤦♀️🤦♀️
I’ve read the book. I love the twists and the ending. It made me think. I really hate what he did to the 2nd and 3rd act
Will you update your ranking of his films?
I agree about the ending. I do feel it was played abit safe because i was excited to see one of his signature twists and it just never really happened. Still his best movie since split. I do feel he is back on track.
Totally with you on your thoughts. I’m always up to give Shymalan a go. I enjoyed the movie, but that ending was rather underwhelming.
I agree with most of your points . However I do think that it was a nice idea that this film didn’t have gore or torture . Mainly because that’s not the focus of the film . I appreciate how M.night doesn’t let us see what happened because we should be more focused on the victims of the acts . I also loved that we didn’t see much of the apocalypse cause that would transform this film into another . Overall , this film is pretty rich at mostly every filmmaking aspect
great review! Hit this thing on the nose. All build up with almost ZERO payoff. Limp ass ending. Great acting from Bautista and camerawork though.
Couldn’t agree with you more Cody! Greet review!😁🙌🏻
I enjoyed this movie a lot more that I thought I would.
Glad to know my Uncle approved this movie
It was great honestly
Michael I hope your next Halloween movie for the next 3 - 4 decades later will be enjoyable
Is the reason you wanted to kill Jamie Lee Curtis because she has both a vagina and a penis?
@@merrickmyers27 Cody leech is your uncle?
If you want to watch more of Rupert Grint watch this very under-the-radar series named "Servant". It's a psychological thriller.
what movies do the cat and the pink bear in the background reference ?
Me and my daughter saw this last night and we both loved it. I can now say that I could sit and listen to Dave Bastista talk about anything. He was so good.
My daughter and I.
My daughter and I.
My daughter and I.
I'm guessing you don't mean his actual first three films, as he made two films prior to The Sixth Sense that never went anywhere (I've never seen them, either.) I personally hated Signs, but thought The Village was decent, and then there was kind of a long dry spell until Split. Hoping it's at least as good as The Village, and doesn't go full Lady in the Water.
One was a student film and nobody cares about Wide Awake. Lol But yes...technically you're right.
M Night Shamalan biggest twist yet is that there's no twist.
As a loyal subscriber I must say this to warn our community: if you see a bot with Cody's icon claiming that you won somthing, it is NOT him, I've seen one on the Infinite Pool review, flag it cause those comments are soo fucking annoying!
CODY!!! Dude i really enjoyed this movie. In my opinion this is one of his best. And Batista was great. I'll have to watch it a few more times. I like it as much as Signs.
I just watched the movie and I really liked it alot. I was waiting for the stupid twist ending he usually does to ruin his movies but he didn't do it this time, which is a very good thing. I highly recommend it. A very interesting and thought provoking film. Great acting as well by all involved.
Rupert works in M.Night Shyamalan series "Servant" on Apple TV... hes great!!!!! i total recomend it!
The premise reminds me of the last of us. Joel has to either let ellie die to save humanity or doom humanity by saving her. Looking forward to seeing this. I never have any hopes for M Night movies actually being good so I'll be going in with 0 expectations and probably enjoy it.
I thought the movie was damn good. Left me wondering where everything was going, the suspense and anxiousness I felt drove the movie for me. None the less, greasy review Cody! Great review.
Before I watch the review. I saw it last night and I wasn't blown away but I thought it was good. I agree with your short though the ending was a wimper.
What app do you use to make your thumbnails?
Damn I loved that intro! 😂
I read the book in one sitting; couldn't put it down. I read the ending of this movie on Wikipedia and will only watch it when it comes out on one of the streaming services I subscribe to just for Bautista's performance. Read the book. The movie ending is vastly inferior to the book ending. I think Shyamalan must have shied away from the book ending because he thought it would be too controversial, especially with the far-right crowd, and therefore the movie would fail at the box office. So sad he copped out for what I think was the pursuit of commercial success.
Yeah. But with how many risks he’s taken in his career it was interesting choice he neutered it when it was such a visceral premise. He could of really gone for that, made kill gory, wen dying, etc. played it almost too safe
Rupert was in a chapter of cabinets and curiosities series and did alright, I'm watching this tomorrow.
Idk, to me, I'll probably always think of Bautista from his 2014 run, when he went from Bautsta to Bootasta to Bluetista to Byetsta. 😉😂🤣
It didn’t really have any sort of twist like his movies usually do. I enjoyed it but I wasn’t blown away. I like the question it makes you ask about your own choice. Bastista was great. Everything I have seen Rupert Grint do outside Harry Potter he has done consistently well.
However I then watched Devil which is a fun movie.
Where is that T-Shirt available? It's awesome!
Holy shit, as soon as you tossed R. Lee Ermey in the mix (RIP), I was stuck, great review, looking forward to this one.
I feel he didn't do the second part of the book because it would have been personally to hard for him to shoot. Batista..superb, everyone was great even Wren. Rupert is fantastic in Shyamalans The Servant as well.
I disagree with your first 2 negatives this move did not need that gore oh and I loved the ending
I agree with pretty much everything you said. I watched it last night. I would give it 3/5
Rupert Grint is in another Shyamalan show on Apple tv! The servant! He's really good in it
I love M. Knight. He makes you think. Stop. His imagination is awesome.
The reason he had 2 other co writers was because he was only going to produce the film and not direct. But after stewing over it, he decided to direct with some tweaks to the script and different third act, which Paul Tremblay approved of
I really enjoyed this one, I'd say it's his best film in a while, but not quite as good as his first three movies. My only real issue with it was that one scene near the end was a little unnecessary.
Overall, I left the theater a bit frustrated with (IMO) the films anticlimactic ending. Partially, that’s my fault for having certain expectations with an M Night film over the years. That being said, I felt this was David Bautista’s best performance to date. I also agree that Rupert crushed it & wished he could have had more screen time. I’d give it a 3.25 out of 5
Batista was good… the movie was decent… but I felt like it was missing something. More gore would have made it better and also I felt like the couple should have never believed any of it and then boom… it happens. Tragic ending
With everything going on in the movie and all the signs ..u wanted them not ever to believe it even at the end ???
I was expecting a crazy twist and what we got was good but underwhelming.
I like the film quite a bit. Better than Old. The flashbacks are not there to explain the plot or create a twist ending, they serve a purpose to explain why Ben Aldridge's character never trusts/believes these strangers. His past affects his actions in the Cabin. Rupert Grint is bearly in the film. Although the whole cast was good, I really liked Ben Aldrige's performance. He was definitely the stand-out. I guess not all endings need to be surprising and bombastic. I like the ending, it is subtle and emotional.
Great review. Spot on
Best since Signs, does everyone hate Split now or something?
I think Split and Glass are both awesome
@@CodyLeachYT fuck yeah they are
I thought they were okay but I don’t think they’re anywhere near signs, the sixth sense, or unbreakable.
Rupert is also in the servant on apple tv its really good
I looked up the ending to the book after watching the movie and wow, it's a vast improvement. Big time whiff
Yeah, audiences overall would've detested the books ending.
@@kyleroberts1276 Probably but it's not much worse than the sanitized junk we got
@@Trill_Tour the end was anticlimactic, but I wouldn't say it was bad.
@@kyleroberts1276 It wasn't bad but it was frustrating
Been looking forward to this, will have to see if i agree with your take or not, as always @Cody I appreciate your real fandom and honest takes :)
Wife and ai went to see it yesterday and we both loved it! It was a strongly acted film that explored relationships and sacrifices in a meaningful way that managed to not explore its themes in a heavy-handed way and I felt like I had been on an emotional journey with the cast. I feel like the premise itself sets up unrealistic expectations of what the film COULD be, but I feel like if you watch it for what it is, it makes the experience all the richer. :-)
I’m surprised they you haven’t watched Servant which has Rupert Grint in it. He is awesome in that too.
Love that shirt Cody
I enjoyed this film quite a bit more than I thought. Without giving anything away, the flashbacks add up when you understand why the character makes the fateful decision they do. I found the final act very meaningful and almost exactly right in execution. It stayed grounded and left us with conflicting emotions.
Should def check out horror found footage anthology movie “Fear footage”
Would love a review
hahaha that Cop land clip tho!!!!
Though I liked this, I feel like the neutering of kills really does undercut the intensity of what is going on. In the book, ever death is terrifying, brutal and visceral and it really offers an incredible propulsion to the story, especially in regards to the couple and child.
The ending of this book is INCREDIBLE and incredibly grim (for the most part). The ending to this was definitely the weakest part and felt like too safe a bet. I’d still recommend though.
There will never be a movie better than Signs.
I also read the book ending on Wikipedia too and I actually hated it. Unnecessarily dark and vague. I thought it wasn't an actual ending at all. I'm glad M Night changed it 😌
Tremblay loves slapping disappointing, overly ambiguous endings onto fascinating stories. If he could just figure out how to write a damn conclusion, he'd be a hell of an author.
Really enjoyed this one. Thought it was really good and interesting
I don’t know about Signs but I got it as best movie since Split. The ending in Split was much more satisfying.
This is the third review I've seen that says it's a good film just underwhelming a bit. Still going to see it. Great review Cody.
The performances were great but uh.....maybe I missed something but nothing was explained. Why did they get visions, why was that family the one to be picked to safe the entirety of humanity. I dunno felt a little flat with it's execution. I was hoping for an iconic twist but it never came.
That's the problem , people always expect a twist with Shamalan movies. I thought this was one of his best movies
I love your impression of Forest Gump and I'm from Alabama by the way.
Spot-on, review. Thx much.
Split is my favorite M Night film, I wish it wasn’t connected to Unbreakable cuz ngl Kevin could’ve been a much more iconic horror character, that character was amazing and deserved more
He's pretty much the same as he is in the Servant TV show, which is also M. Night. Rupert I mean.
Honestly imo the ending is what solidifies this movie for me, it even made me a bit emotional.
Yeah, seeing that girls son almost made me shed a tear
@@jakoshi2763 it was them just turning the music on and off in the car that got my eyes a little misty.
Totally agree. The acting down the stretch from the two dads leading up to their ultimate decision I thought was extremely powerful. Sure they could have chosen to go the other way but I like how they addressed what that would mean for their little girl. So good and loved how much this movie surprised me. Great performances all over the place.
Rupert is good on the servant on apple tv. Also in sick note season 1 and 2 that was, and might still be on Netflix
U'll enjoy
If you like Rupert Grint's acting you should check out Shyamalan's TV series "Servant"
I don't know how much you read, but you should really read this book. They took out a lot of incredibly visceral violence and dropped an essential killing. I was so pissed that Shyamalan got the rights to this. I knew he would fuck it up but I wasn't sure how. Now I know.
Cody, review Snowtown 2011
can you do a top 10 horror movies you personally thought were great and are truly terrifying?
“Sling Blade”mixed with the killer from “True Detective” saying a “Forest Gump” line?
Rupert does really well in cabinet of curiosity's!
Going to see it tomorrow
If you’d like to see more of Ron, just watch Servant 👍
Seeing Bautista in Blade Runner 2049 however briefly convinced me of his potential
Who'd have ever thought that the twist... Was that there was no twist lol.
m night is like where’s Waldo lol 😂 he was in the info Mercial!
Finished the book just before seeing this review was up, I was disappointed in it overall. Besides the ending that I hated, part of it may be that the trailer gives away the first half of the book and would've been better going in blind. Still excited to see how the movie differs!
You haven't see The Servant from Night Shyamalan on HBO ? Rupert Grint is in it.
I tell you what I’ve seen all his movies and between him and Martin Scorsese I don’t know what it is but for some reason I find every single movie they make to be absolutely hilarious with how they deliver lines throughout the movie.
I would put this as Shyamalan's 3rd best. Just my opinion. It's definitely different from anything he's ever done.
Opposite ending of The Village! I wish it was reversed…the ending killed Old and the ending killed this (mostly because of so much bad CGI -maybe not Shaymalans fault). Overall I enjoyed it and all of his movies. I really liked Devil and Glass/ Split and The Visit…Happening was horrid lol Absolutely loved The Village
I really liked Bautista, but I thought that Grint was miscasted.
I was quite impressed towards the ending as it was pretty emotional and a solid way to wrap things up. Shyamalan actually stuck the landing this time which I liked. He played it safe and that was probably the better choice
Just saw it, thought it was pretty good and one of his best movies.
No twist ending, just a old school concept followed through to the end. Good acting and cinematography in at as well