Thank you for this one. I woke up with a terrible neck ache this morning. Found this routine and followed it. Now, my neck ache is gone about 90%. Love your little chicken.
I've had lots of injuries over the years and suffered with chronic pain in my neck,back,pelvis and shouler. Started doing a few of your routines a few times a day about 3 months ago and it's helped me so much. I'm sleeping much better now and the pain has been reduced by about 90%. I am very happy I found Qigong and your channel, thank you, keep up the good work🙏
That is so great to hear, thank you so much for sharing! Qigong is great for bodies that have accumulated a lot of little injuries. Keep up the good work!
I love that you show the movements before the routine and explain how to do them properly like ie pushing through palms. That separates you from others. You're a really good teacher. I had almost given up hope on learning qi gong on my own and I can't take classes until maybe the fall. I followed some videos with demos but I understood there was more to it. FINALLY I have found someone that actually teaches the basics! Thank you! It really is medicine, that has become clear now.
Wow, that's great to hear! Yes, it can be challenging learning independently. Good job persisting and find a way! It will continue to get easier as time goes on 🙂
Hi Jeff, I've been following you for a bit over two months, starting as an absolute Qigong beginner. (I live in the Australian bush with no real-life teacher anywhere closer than 1,000 km.) Your explanations make it easy for even such a choreographically challenged person like me (I've never got the hang of Tai Chi or ballroom dancing) to emulate the movements. I'm also finding all your short explanatory videos very helpful. - Throughout the day I often follow one of your exercises that I feel I need just then, but every night my very last practice before bed is one of your calming/grounding/relaxing exercises. I believe it's down to them that my waking-up-after-midnight-and-lying-awake-for-4-hours "routine" has decreased to 2 hours (here's hoping for less...) Thank you so much, Jeff!
After having been in hospital and losing a lot of wait....I have constantly suffered with neck and shoulder pains. These exercises you have shared, have been extremely beneficial to releasing the build up tension in the muscles and thereby the pain. Thank you so much for your teaching. 🌿
This is wonderful! I'm a full-time artist and I work at a desk easel - after a day of work, my shoulder is often really exhausted and sore. Immediate relief. I love your videos - thank you!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! My back, shoulders and neck were so tight due to my desk work. I thought I wouldnt be able to get through the whole session because the pain was so bad but after a few minutes things seemed to relax and the pain went = I will do this daily - Thank you, Thank You, Thank you - have a blessed day x
Gratitude. I have to agree with previous comment about your teachings. You are such a good teacher, explaining and demonstrating before doing the entire routine and on top of that it is delivered with humour.
Wonderful Qi Gong practice Jeff, this really did feel great first thing this morning, you are an excellent teacher and I love the locations you film in, adding to to the whole experience, very restoring and re energizing, thank you and peace to you!
I always get a lot from practising your routines. i am inspired to continue to discover and learn.i began about 2 years ago when diagnosed with high blood pressure which is now stable.
I've been dealing with soreness/strain in my right hand from too much computer/mouse work, and I started doing this routine. Within days, the pain disappeared, and it does not return, even if I spend all day at my computer (which I have to for my job), so long as I keep doing this routine pretty much every day. Thank you so much. I knew Qigong was good, but this is amazing!
Hi Jeff I have been a subscriber for years and I know I don’t comment that much but man you and your medicine of Qi Qong is absolutely beautiful 😍 ‼️ Truly your videos are life changing I automatically in the middle of doing your videos along with your incredible energy feel this shift where I feel present, joyful, and grateful 😇. Thank you so much for sharing one of your gifts to the world from my heart to yours 🙏🥰🦅❤️👽🎁✌🏽🙏‼️‼️
Thank you so much for being a subscriber and taking the time to comment! I'm so glad to hear the videos have been useful and I'm sure you're vitality is getting stronger every day! Thanks for the emojis as well! 🙂
HI Jeff! Thank you for this routine. I loved the background in your video(s). It is enjoyable to look at. Really appreciate your explanations and simplicity of the practices. Thank you :)
I love it...been a martial artist for years when teen I've pushed my body to its limits. And recently I've pulled out from strong man, so lot's of tension, around the area, as you taught u's to act upon. Plus Osteo😡. I love Tai Chi but' this one the way you teaching u's, is awesome. I'm getting a membership and challenge my self. Can't help it 😁😁Forris....Melbourne
Thanks so much. Been struggling with neck and shoulder pain for years. All on left side. Sleep disrupted. This one really helps. Thanks so much. I'm all the way in Cape Town, South Africa. Regards
I have a concussion in the cerebellum and parietal lobes. Used to be very active but now can't. Your Qigong was easy to follow, gentle enough on my body injuries but I felt the benefits and energy movement. Thank you.
Clear instruction and invigorating routines; this is a unique balance of meditation and light exercise that makes me feel great throughout the day. Thanks for taking the time to make and share these videos.
This has been a life saver during lockdown as I'm working so hard trying to find work using laptop and tension is significant. So thanks Jeff so being so generous and allowing us access to this free. I'm so grateful. All the videos here are supportive. Medicine indeed. With heartfelt thanks.
A nice little routine. Especially the muscle tendon changing. I did this routine, and could really feel my chi flowing! I got warm, I could feel the energy flowing throughout my body, I then did a sitting meditation session, and was so energized yet calm and focused. Thanks! 🙏🏼
excellent video! every day I do the exercises from 3 different videos of yours in a succession. Is that OK, or should one be aware of any particular order of when to do the exercises?
Hello. Thank you very much for your lessons. It's really easy to learn when you explain how to do it. I have a question. Is there any exercises to loss weight? If yes, could you share with us?
Jeff Chand, Discovered this routine just now. Mighty good for the shoulders and general energy, AND the fact that I'm recovering from a broken wrist. Cast or splint was on for 7 weeks and now It's been off for 7 weeks. Bones are well healed :) and now the ongoing work is to keep regaining strength and range of motion. Great routine, thanks.
Hi Jeff, I have been browsing your videos, trying them out when it seems like they apply to me. I have been using this to address a shoulder issue from an injury I sustained many years ago. I was thrown from a car and landed head and shoulder first. Decades of different pt treatment/exercises and yoga have helped but it is clear that Qigong is the way through to real healing. Although there may likely be other issues that pop up, this seems to me to be a pivotal healing process. Any thoughts, suggestions I would welcome. I just subscribed in the qicommuniqi so I will browse there also,
Recently I’ve been enjoying Jeff Xand Qigong exercises videos. He makes things simple, easy and pratical. I’ve a question, In the videos Jeff is using shoes that seems made from material that isolates him from the earth. Having bare feets or using conductor shoes will it help the flow of energy down into the earth?
I really like this one. Sometimes my arms, shoulders and neck hurt from me having to sleep sitting up sometimes. And when I do these kinds of exercises before bed. It seems to help me sleep. Nice video. :) Glad you didn't fall in. lol. New sub. :)
I'm so glad it helps! These really are great for neck, shoulders, and arms! Yes, it was close, I thought I was going to go for a swim :) Thanks for subscribing!
Hey love . If you have a condition that limits your range of motion and unable to raise your arms above the head , would you be able to guide on how to Go through this practice ? Thankyou
Thank you for this one. I woke up with a terrible neck ache this morning. Found this routine and followed it. Now, my neck ache is gone about 90%. Love your little chicken.
I've had lots of injuries over the years and suffered with chronic pain in my neck,back,pelvis and shouler. Started doing a few of your routines a few times a day about 3 months ago and it's helped me so much. I'm sleeping much better now and the pain has been reduced by about 90%. I am very happy I found Qigong and your channel, thank you, keep up the good work🙏
That is so great to hear, thank you so much for sharing!
Qigong is great for bodies that have accumulated a lot of little injuries. Keep up the good work!
From a 77 year ojd teacher - You are a great teacher.
Every time "little chicken" was mentioned I just had to smile! This was such a positive routine. Thanks Jeff!
I love that you show the movements before the routine and explain how to do them properly like ie pushing through palms. That separates you from others. You're a really good teacher. I had almost given up hope on learning qi gong on my own and I can't take classes until maybe the fall. I followed some videos with demos but I understood there was more to it. FINALLY I have found someone that actually teaches the basics! Thank you! It really is medicine, that has become clear now.
Wow, that's great to hear! Yes, it can be challenging learning independently. Good job persisting and find a way! It will continue to get easier as time goes on 🙂
Hi Jeff, I've been following you for a bit over two months, starting as an absolute Qigong beginner. (I live in the Australian bush with no real-life teacher anywhere closer than 1,000 km.) Your explanations make it easy for even such a choreographically challenged person like me (I've never got the hang of Tai Chi or ballroom dancing) to emulate the movements. I'm also finding all your short explanatory videos very helpful. - Throughout the day I often follow one of your exercises that I feel I need just then, but every night my very last practice before bed is one of your calming/grounding/relaxing exercises. I believe it's down to them that my waking-up-after-midnight-and-lying-awake-for-4-hours "routine" has decreased to 2 hours (here's hoping for less...) Thank you so much, Jeff!
After having been in hospital and losing a lot of wait....I have constantly suffered with neck and shoulder pains. These exercises you have shared, have been extremely beneficial to releasing the build up tension in the muscles and thereby the pain. Thank you so much for your teaching. 🌿
This is wonderful! I'm a full-time artist and I work at a desk easel - after a day of work, my shoulder is often really exhausted and sore. Immediate relief. I love your videos - thank you!!
Thanks from Brasília, Brasil!!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
My pleasure!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! My back, shoulders and neck were so tight due to my desk work. I thought I wouldnt be able to get through the whole session because the pain was so bad but after a few minutes things seemed to relax and the pain went = I will do this daily - Thank you, Thank You, Thank you - have a blessed day x
Jeff thank you so much. I'm 70yrs old, love this qigong movement. Peace and Blessings to everyone
You're most welcome!
I'm so glad I found your videos, easy to follow along & straight forward. Thank you for posting
Gratitude. I have to agree with previous comment about your teachings. You are such a good teacher, explaining and demonstrating before doing the entire routine and on top of that it is delivered with humour.
Ok - this one showed me how much I need to work on my arms and shoulders. I think it will also help the weakness in my neck. Thank you.❣️
Thank you so much master. Your exercise has helped to relieve my chest pain caused due to neck and muscle tension. Thank you!
Wonderful Qi Gong practice Jeff, this really did feel great first thing this morning, you are an excellent teacher and I love the locations you film in, adding to to the whole experience, very restoring and re energizing, thank you and peace to you!
These excercise helped me with my shoulder blade pain instantly. Especially the last exercise.
Thank you so much.
this has helped me so much with my neck pain... thank you!
Thank you so much, i can feel the benefits of the three exercises as i do them.
Thank you, really appreciate your videos and gentle instruction
I always get a lot from practising your routines. i am inspired to continue to discover and learn.i began about 2 years ago when diagnosed with high blood pressure which is now stable.
Thanks Jeffrey!
I've been dealing with soreness/strain in my right hand from too much computer/mouse work, and I started doing this routine. Within days, the pain disappeared, and it does not return, even if I spend all day at my computer (which I have to for my job), so long as I keep doing this routine pretty much every day. Thank you so much. I knew Qigong was good, but this is amazing!
Keep it up!! I'm a hairstylist, and I've been off work due to RSI. This is common for office workers, too :(
I'm going to start doing this routine
It was really good to see the slow movement of the energy exercises. Thank You so much for sharing 🙏😊
Your a star for sharing all of these practices - I use them daily 😊 bless you
Hi Jeff I have been a subscriber for years and I know I don’t comment that much but man you and your medicine of Qi Qong is absolutely beautiful 😍 ‼️ Truly your videos are life changing I automatically in the middle of doing your videos along with your incredible energy feel this shift where I feel present, joyful, and grateful 😇. Thank you so much for sharing one of your gifts to the world from my heart to yours 🙏🥰🦅❤️👽🎁✌🏽🙏‼️‼️
Thank you so much for being a subscriber and taking the time to comment!
I'm so glad to hear the videos have been useful and I'm sure you're vitality is getting stronger every day!
Thanks for the emojis as well!
First time, I feel so relaxed and peaceful. Thank you--I will be back many times!
Another very good routine and exceecises from the master. Thank you sir.🙏
I love that it goes SLOWLY. Thank you so much.
Gentle and strong. ❤
Thanks. I will include this in my routine.
This was lovely! My new fav! And the little chicken made me smile, which was really needed today.
Thank you. My shoulders feel great after doing this exercise.
This is a wonderful routine. Thank you so much for posting.
Routine begins at 6:22
Please can you do Qui on on safe during pregnancy. As these days they want to feel safe in the environment
HI Jeff! Thank you for this routine. I loved the background in your video(s). It is enjoyable to look at. Really appreciate your explanations and simplicity of the practices. Thank you :)
So great. Thanks, really helped with my tense shoulders and pain. And love the gentle style of your delivery
This was excellent after swimming, you are a great teacher, new to this but really enjoying it
I enjoy your approach, you’re a good teacher. I’ll be back for sure.
Thanks so much!
I love your video. The water background is so beautifil. thank you
Wonderful💜 Thank you
Thanks, Dr. Chand! This was so helpful! I have spine and shoulder issues, and I feel great already!
there's a spinal routine by Mingtong Gu floating around maybe you like that, too
Thank you 🙏
Thank you! I will definitely try this! I am experiencing shoulder discomfort and I believe this will greatly benefit me! Be blessed🙏🏻
Thank you so much Jeff. This has been VERY HELPFUL to me at this time. I love the images --water, chick and wild goose and the gentle movements...
I am feeling so wonderful, thank you very much.
Thanks so much for helping us to change our life.
You're very welcome! We are all working together 🙂
i have tendonitis from too much computer work, one workout already brought relief. love to you
I love it...been a martial artist for years when teen I've pushed my body to its limits. And recently I've pulled out from strong man, so lot's of tension, around the area, as you taught u's to act upon. Plus Osteo😡. I love Tai Chi but' this one the way you teaching u's, is awesome. I'm getting a membership and challenge my self. Can't help it 😁😁Forris....Melbourne
Definitely need to practice. But will do to get benefit!
Thanks so much. Been struggling with neck and shoulder pain for years. All on left side. Sleep disrupted. This one really helps. Thanks so much. I'm all the way in Cape Town, South Africa. Regards
I'm sorry to hear about the neck and shoulder issues. Keep persisting and you will find the right combination of practices that will help 🙂
thank you so much. Very helpful. I spend hours seated working, this routine provides me with great relief
I have a concussion in the cerebellum and parietal lobes. Used to be very active but now can't. Your Qigong was easy to follow, gentle enough on my body injuries but I felt the benefits and energy movement. Thank you.
Clear instruction and invigorating routines; this is a unique balance of meditation and light exercise that makes me feel great throughout the day. Thanks for taking the time to make and share these videos.
You're very welcome, I am so glad it was helpful!
This one was good. I am a crocheter who needs this exercise. Thank you Jeff.
I’m glad it was useful!
This has been a life saver during lockdown as I'm working so hard trying to find work using laptop and tension is significant. So thanks Jeff so being so generous and allowing us access to this free. I'm so grateful. All the videos here are supportive. Medicine indeed. With heartfelt thanks.
You're most welcome and I am glad it helped!
Good stuff man! Its great that you clearly explain The breathing patterns for each exercise
Jeff, thank you so much - thoroughly enjoy your channel - love the information, the demonstrations and the explanations - I love detail! x
You're most welcome!
A nice little routine. Especially the muscle tendon changing. I did this routine, and could really feel my chi flowing! I got warm, I could feel the energy flowing throughout my body, I then did a sitting meditation session, and was so energized yet calm and focused. Thanks! 🙏🏼
That's wonderful!
Thank you for explaining everything so well, it's awesome to feel how powerful this short routine is!
I like this one my shoulders and neck doesn't seems to stiff and it helps with the breathing too thankyou
This really is a favorite routine Jeff, it feels so opening and gets that Qi moving and energized, love it! Peace your way 🙏.
Some day I'll be a part-time online QiGong instructor, inspired by you Jeff.
Great! enjoyed listening to my joints pop and release.
The tendons in my thumb were on fire, and this helped to cool and settle the pain down a bit. Thank you!
I liked this alot and you taught us well. Thank you
here I am again- thank you Jeff- can't get enough- stay blessed- again sharing to Ashford Fitness Society-
Very good helps chest and shoulders
excellent video! every day I do the exercises from 3 different videos of yours in a succession. Is that OK, or should one be aware of any particular order of when to do the exercises?
I really love your videos, they are so helpful. Thank you !
I am so happy to hear that!
Thank you so much this is priceless ♥
Hello. Thank you very much for your lessons. It's really easy to learn when you explain how to do it. I have a question. Is there any exercises to loss weight? If yes, could you share with us?
Jeff Chand, Discovered this routine just now. Mighty good for the shoulders and general energy, AND the fact that I'm recovering from a broken wrist. Cast or splint was on for 7 weeks and now It's been off for 7 weeks. Bones are well healed :) and now the ongoing work is to keep regaining strength and range of motion. Great routine, thanks.
+Cheryl McKinney Thanks so much for sharing!
Keep up the great work healing!
jeff, i love your videos and they've supported me well during lockdown. huge than you. wondered, do you have any chi gong for broken arm please
Love this one to open up body and to release after being at computer all day.
Awesome thanks
Good reminder how great Qigong makes me feel. Thank you.
My pleasure!
Thank you!!! Very happy to have "found you" on UA-cam. :) Sandy Piltch
That's wonderful to hear!
Thanks ❤❤❤
thank you so much..I feel much routine every day!!!
Thank u very much, that was great 👍
Hi Jeff, I have been browsing your videos, trying them out when it seems like they apply to me. I have been using this to address a shoulder issue from an injury I sustained many years ago. I was thrown from a car and landed head and shoulder first. Decades of different pt treatment/exercises and yoga have helped but it is clear that Qigong is the way through to real healing. Although there may likely be other issues that pop up, this seems to me to be a pivotal healing process. Any thoughts, suggestions I would welcome. I just subscribed in the qicommuniqi so I will browse there also,
Lovely 😊 teacher. Love u.
Thank you, you're pretty great as well!🙂
Recently I’ve been enjoying Jeff Xand Qigong exercises videos. He makes things simple, easy and pratical.
I’ve a question, In the videos Jeff is using shoes that seems made from material that isolates him from the earth. Having bare feets or using conductor shoes will it help the flow of energy down into the earth?
Love your vids. Thanks so much for sharing Jeff! ❤
Great exercises. We practice every morning and finding it very beneficial. Do you have any specific routines for arthritis in the legs?
Awesome! Thankyou! so much Jeff, for sharing I love your routines you are a Great teacher and you have helped me so much!! I love you ❤ Blessings 🙏
nice and helpful
I really like this one. Sometimes my arms, shoulders and neck hurt from me having to sleep sitting up sometimes. And when I do these kinds of exercises before bed. It seems to help me sleep. Nice video. :) Glad you didn't fall in. lol. New sub. :)
I'm so glad it helps! These really are great for neck, shoulders, and arms!
Yes, it was close, I thought I was going to go for a swim :)
Thanks for subscribing!
Love your videos Jeff, they're helping me a lot! Much appreciated
That's great to hear!
Still smiling about the little chicken pic! As always, a very nice series-another favorite!
I try to be serious 🙃
Glad you liked it!
Hey love . If you have a condition that limits your range of motion and unable to raise your arms above the head , would you be able to guide on how to Go through this practice ? Thankyou
So needed & appreciated-
Awesome video, espiecially for office workers!
Absolutely! We all sit way too much these days!
Thanks for your comment!
this really helped my shoulders, wow. thank you.
That's excellent to hear!