No other like them. First time I heard them 1964… And the rest is history. Their catalog of music together as a group and solo, as they went on their own, can’t be beat
Even a lot of the generation today that does appreciate the Beatles, they truly don't appreciate and understand how much they changed music forever. A lot of people think if it wasn't them, it would have just been someone else but not necessarily true. Polka music is still polka music, jazz music is still jazz music, classic music is still classic, music blues music is still based in the Blues. Swing music is still swing music. Most music categories are still in a category of their own and restrained by basic structure. Before the Beatles, most of those categories were definitely restrained within a certain musical structure and remained that way for many many many decades or since created. The Beatles turned rock music into a total expressional artform that threw out all of the rule books. If your expression needed a choir or an oboe or a flute or overdubbing or some creative Electronics then it was now allowed to express your feelings / art. The Beatles most definitely changed rock music into a total expressionist art form.
I'm only 30 and listened to their full discography both mono and stereo, singles and all. Watched the movies, interviews, got their record first press UK on Parlaphone. I hope to say I really can appreciate The Beatles as much as anyone, just having not lived through the time period.
Paul McCartney was an absolute virtuoso on the bass guitar. His bass lines were just genius- not just in this song but plenty of other Beatles songs too.
Imagine coming up with one of the most instantly recognizable bass lines in music history. I imagine he just wakes up with all those notes in his head. If I was half as creative as he was I would be very happy.
It's weird Quincy Jones recently said Paul was the world's worst bass player and The Beatles stunk!!! Quincy called Paul to try to explain and Paul didn't care but was nonplussed by Mr. Quincy Jones and "Something is happening but you don't know what it is do you MR.Jones"
This song is a classic and has been covered by Ike and Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Kate Bush, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, Eurythmics, Soundgarden (This was where I heard this song first), Meatloaf, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Tom Jones and many other artists. Loved the reaction!
tom jones, meatloaf and diana ross did versions of "come together?" my god, that would be horrible! with a few exceptions never been a big fan of beatle covers. what's the point? you can't improve on them. beatles music is just so iconic and distictive hearing it from other sources just won't cut it. (emmylou harris did a version of "here, there and everywhere which is an exception.) "come together" - excellent song. one of the worst "videos" in history. who was the idiot who greenlighted that mess?
Interesting that you mentioned Kate Bush. Her cover was an unofficial recording in a live pub performance with the KT Bush Band prior to her first album release and before anyone really knew who she was (she was about 17 at the time). And it's one of the best covers of "Come Together" I've heard.
@@Ken-pi7qk ... its horrible ain't it? it cheapens the whole song. when i first saw there was a video of it on the dvd "beatles no. 1s" i think its called, i was thrilled to death. then when i saw it i was appalled. it was the stupidest thing i ever saw. cartoon beatles riding go-carts? its a travesty and should be removed from their catalogue. they made a video of "here comes the sun" which is really good.
In the 7 years they were making albums, the Beatles put out 12 albums featuring, 20 #1 hits, 34 top 10 hits, and arguably launched between 4 - 10 new genres of music, depending who you ask. These include heavy metal (Helter Skelter), hard rock (twist and shout), and doom/lommi (I want you (she so heavy)), prog ( Eleanor Rigby). Plus all their music is so timeless.
There will NEVER be anything like The Beatles EVER again. Technology and lack of human talent is taking over music. The Beatles had a creative chemistry that was TALENT and IMAGINATION driven, but let's not forget ... They quite simply Worked Their Asses Off for nearly 10 straight years. They put in the HARD WORK that very few young musicians are willing to invest today. Thank God for The Beatles 🎸🎤🎧🎥
I would argue that Chuck Berry is the father of hard rock and heavy metal, and rock and roll in general. John Lennon and all the 60s artists worshipped Chuck. They learned their craft from him
@@modoc97405 Chuck Berry is indeed the father of rock and roll. And I'm sure that he was inspired by other people before him as well. I'll admit I'm not as familiar with all of his music, but I was not aware that he had any hard rock songs. Which songs of his would have been considered hard rock?
Beatles have a song for everyone. Saw The Beatles as a kid on the Ed Sullivan show in the early 60’s. Them, Pink Floyd, CCR, Sabbath, Hendrix and Zeppelin changed my life. Don’t remember a bad Beatles song ever.
On April 4th, 1964, the top 5 songs on Billboard's weekly Top 100 chart went like this: #1) "Can't Buy Me Love" - by The Beatles. #2) "Twist And Shout" - by The Beatles. #3) "She Loves You" - by The Beatles. #4) "I Want To Hold Your Hand" - by The Beatles. #5) "Please Please Me" - by The Beatles. That same week, The Beatles had SEVEN other songs in the Top 100. Another week, they held 16 of the Top 100 songs. They were so big and so far ahead of everyone else, I don't think anyone's caught up to them yet. Or ever can.
Yeah Ringo's drumming here is so iconic. If you just played me the drums and nothing else, I would still recognize the song. That's how unique his style is.
This is how great the Beatles were. After four years of touring they just stopped. They didn’t go on the road to promote their new music, they just put it out and they all shot to number one. No one ever did that. They were only 28 when they broke up. And Abbey Road was their last and best album. They left their fans wanting more. There will never be another band like them.
The brilliance of John Lennon from "Abbey Road".The Beatles sounded like The Beatles, they had their own unique sound, never staying in the same lane and always advancing forward and always changing their sound. Happy too see you two beginning to appreciate this band. You haven't even scratched the surface yet with what these four did. Another great one of John's from this record is "I Want You (she's so heavy)" a total bluesy one that also rocks. I think that you guys would be blown away by this one, please consider this one. Also from this record McCartney's "Oh Darling" it's also incredible. If you check these out make sure you listen to the 2019 50th anniversary remixes, they will blow you away. The one that you just did and you dug McCartney's bass, on the remix it sounds much better, it will vibrate your head. One more nice one from the "Let It Be" album is John's "Across The Universe" which is just plain lovely. 2021 50th anniversary remix (released a year late due to covid) sounds great. 👌✌️☮️💕
When the Beatles arrived on the rock scene, rock'n roll was very primitive. It was already great, but it was limited to just a forms and it was highly unusual for performers to write their own music. They transformed rock into essentially its current form and created the modern rock group. Their effect was so strong, that after their first appearance in American TV in early1964, most rock performers went out of business, except for a very few who could adapt to the new style. Beatles recommendations: Some of the very best of their early work is on the album "A Hard Day's Night."
Hadn't listened to HDN in quite some time. Definitely their best early work. And even though Paul is my favorite Beatle, John's work is dominant on the album and wow, he was in excellent form. Every song is great. It's a seminal album imo, the bridge between their beginning, simpler stuff and what was to come with Revolver and Rubber Soul. Btw, just outside of Tampa here.
"Come Together" is on the Beatles' 1969 album "Abbey Road". This is one of my favorite albums. All the songs are great on it such as "Something", "Here Comes The Sun", "Oh! Darling", "Because", "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" etc.
LOove LOVE LOVE THIS SONG!!!!😎😎😎The Beatles were and are Pretty Cool!!!! And that is ust it They are trend setters!!! Massive following every where worldwide......Great Reactions....Asia is totally right in her comments....BJ reaction was totally Cool!!!! Next you guys do "I am The Walrus," from their "Magical Mystery Tour"....... album which also GREAT!!!
Smoooooooth. This bass line inspired me to pick up the instrument in 1984. The year I first heard this song. Many great memories, bands, friends, and experiences were a direct result of that buzz in my ear, many years ago. THANK YOU BEATLES!
Honestly, y'all need to just do all Beatles songs. Its so awesome and uplifting seeing a genuine first reaction to these songs. Y'alls reactions are great and The Beatles are widely agreed upon as the best band of all time. Y'alls views will skyrocket and you give fans like me joy knowing that the beauty and inspiration of the Beatles is still being discovered 60 years later. Ps. Want to talk about trend setters? Do Helter Skelter next. First Heavy Metal song. Done by The Beatles.
This song and the whole album it is from are so beautifully composed, played and recorded. A wonderful last effort for the band (last album recorded, though it came out before Let It Be). Thanks for doing this one.
I am in my sixties, did not influence my choice of music at all. I thought the stones far exceeded the beatles. but then again, I don't like pop music.
It’s not random. The first verse is about Ringo, with the flat top and being the goofy one. The second is about George referencing the Yogi I know You, You Know Me. . The third is about writer himself, John, the walrus with Yoko Ono, being the constant sideboard. The last verse is about Paul, the good looking one, and a bit of a mojo filter.
In early July 1969 while driving in Scotland, John and Yoko were in a serious car accident. It forced John to miss several weeks of recording sessions for what became the Abbey Road album. Upon his return the last week of July, John brought the song Come Together to the studio. John was particularly rude to Paul. Telling Paul he didn't want Paul to sing harmony or play piano on the track. Paul, instead of making a scene, simply left the studio for the day. As the days passed Paul wrote the electric piano line for the solo while John watched over Paul's shoulder. Paul did end up singing the harmony on the song, when John wasn't present in the studio. Such was the tension between John and Paul by this time. The unofficial break up of the Beatles was only weeks away. Great reaction Asia and BJ. Cheers, RNB
@@ianmclean6399 Hi Ian. Some claim it was John on the electric piano solo. But Paul flat out claims it was indeed him. Paul also said how pleased he was that John loved the electric piano solo. Paul's contributions to Come Together are essential for helping the song become one of the Beatles All Time Classics. Cheers, RNB
@@L.A55 April 20 1969 was the last Beatles session Billy Preston attended. He recorded the Hammond organ on John's song I Want You (She's So Heavy). Paul, on several occasions, stated he composed and recorded the electric piano on Come Together. RNB
Thanks so much for what your doing. Never forget,this was 4 young men making music. Someday add up the Beatles songs, and add up how many years they were together,,and you'll get an idea,how much great material they released,very quickly. It was song after song. Im telling you, listening to radio,was like going to Disneyland.
These two songs are rare because Ringo Star wrote them. "Don't Pass Me By" and "Octopus' Garden" He also did the singing of these songs. The Beatles did two Country Music songs "Don't Pass Me By" and a cover song by Buck Owen's called "Act Naturally".
There is no bad Beatles song. When they were makingmusic we all got excited waiting for their next sound, they were always different and of extreme quality and never diappointed.
The three most influential bands, overall, in the 60's and 70's were The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. But if you had to pick just one, it would be The Beatles. And songs like Come Together are the reason why. Creative, Interesting, Topical and Perfectly Played. John, Paul, George and Ringo. The Fab Four.
I'd put the Beach Boys with those four, because as know Paul was a huge fan of whatever Brian Wilson was doing. Not Rubber Soul no Pet Sounds, no Pet Sounds no Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
@@andrewft31 sorry to burst your bubble about Sgt P but Sgt P. was the beatles attempt to produce what Frank Zappa did with his album Freak Out.
That’s the thing about the Beatles it’s a matter of what they did for music in general not just rock or pop. Every genre today can look up to the Beatles or some type of inspiration.
Great reaction guys I'm glad you've discovered the Beatles the thing about them is that none of their songs sound the same they pioneered so much with their music check out some hard Beatles with Revolution, Back in the USSR and Helter Skelter
You lovely couple are making this old Beatles addict,very happy.So glad you are beginning to understand their genius and greatness.Rings drumming and Pauls base so unique and flawless.John's voice sooooo good.The other that artist that covered this song was Michael Jackson.Beatles at their best and showing as all why they were the greatest.Just Magical.
Great reaction Asia and BJ! If you want to hear a very trippy song from 1966, which was way ahead of its time (and still is), try 'Tomorrow Never Knows" from The Beatles 'Revolver' album.
Aerosmith did a cover of this song for the movie "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band". The movie also featured George Burns, The Bee Gees, Earth Wind and Fire, Alice Cooper, Steve Martin, and Billy Preston among others all doing Beatles songs. It really is a great watch if you ever have the time.
John Lennon is saying: Shoot me when you hear the drumroll. You guys should do a reaction to OH, DARLING by The Beatles. Paul McCartney does the lead singing. John Lennon wished that he wrote the song because he felt it was more a song he should have sang the lead to. It is a great vocal by Paul McCartney. See what you think of his vocals.
Recommend - This Boy, And I love Her, In my Life, Girl, Here there and Everywhere, She's Leaving Home, Helter Skelter, Get Back, Something,The whole second side of Abbey Road
What is phenomenal is the progression they went through, their first album was in 1963, and they hit the ground running, by the following year the whole world was experiencing 'Beatlemania' and from then on they were at the forefront of popular music and culture. Constantly experimenting with composition and studio techniques that had never been heard before. 'Come together' was from 1969, the final year they were all together in the studio, when they recorded the tracks for the final 'Abbey Road' and 'Let it be' albums. The progression from lovable 'mop top' boy band to this level of sophisticated artists was just six years, releasing at least one album a year, with additional hit singles which had tracks which were not on the albums. They even had many other hit songs that they never released themselves but instead gave to other artists to record. An astounding output, which extremely rarely dipped in quality, always catchy, even what they themselves considered throwaway filler tracks other performers would have craved to have written.
The Beatles, and many others had the perk of being from Liverpool. That was, probably still is, the main UK sea port to and from America. So with many ships coming and going there were a lot of Anerican only records brought here. This brought African American blues soul and jazz records for these musicians to hear and be directly influenced by.
John wrote "Come Together" initially for Dr. Timothy Leary, a California College Professor, who was well known for his advocacy in using drugs, especially LSD. "Come Together" was meant as a campaign song for one of Leary's political campaigns (think he wanted to run to become Governor of California).
This is the last song John offered the group on 21 July 1969. One month later would be the last date that all four Beatles were in attendance recording. The album, Abbey Road, named after their recording studio, was released on 26 Sep 1969. The album cover has them walking across the street outside Abbey Road studios. :) Paul, George and Ringo would come back to add more to the previous attempt at an album that had an accompanying movie still shelved, the Get Back album that ultimately became Let It Be, finally released in June 1970. End of an era. Thank you again Asia and BJ for rocking out to my fave, The Fab Four!
Joe Cocker did a great cover of Come Together. Remember, these guys were together constantly from 15 and 16 years old. George was 14 when they got together. John and Paul started writing songs together while learning every song they could. When they went Hamburg playing a club gig for about a year, they came back with a hell of a repertoire and tighter than hell. They were pros before they were twenty. All the Beatlemania and all the hits, the albums, concerts and movies took place between 1963 and 1970. John was the oldest of the four and he turned thirty after they broke up in 1970 a month after the rooftop concert.. So, they remain a phenomenon, musically, socially and intellectually.
LOVE your reaction, especially, Asia, when you said they were very creative, and unique, etc. You are SO right. Yes Arrowsmith covered it in the movie "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (not a great movie though) but I did like their cover of it. But still prefer the BEATLES version of it. SO GLAD you both LIKED it. There AREN'T any BAD Beatles' songs!!! I am 75 and I was one of those crazy teens that you have seen in the videos you have watched of "Beatlelmania" as it was called. From one who LIVED it, it was a WILD, CRAZY and FUN time, I am SOOOO HAPPY that I was THERE when it all happened and being 17 years old when they first came to the US in Feb 1964. I came down with a severe case of Beatlemania and have NEVER RECOVERED, and I DON'T want to. It will go to the grave with me. Their music, movies and video have gotten me through some very tough times in my life, and ALWAYS feels like a warm hug when I am sad and makes me feel SO HAPPY and actually makes me feel better when I am unwell. KEEP going down the Beatles "rabbit hole." I LOVE YOU GUYS and LOVE your reactions!
The Beatles pulled from all kinds of music styles and created all kinds of new and interesting sounds and sonic experience. It’s mind-boggling what they did in 10 years. I says this as a person who loves the Motown sound and R&B and jazz and country and classic rock and psychedelic and even classical. The Beatles tied so much of this together. They evolved too. They changed. So good to listen to how they changed and you cannot really grasp it until you listen to all of it and listen to it within the context of all the music of the time, which is hard to do because you’re talking about thousands of hours of listening
The Beatles were and still are the biggest band too have ever existed.Think what music was like before 1963 and then after ,forever changed.
No other like them. First time I heard them 1964… And the rest is history. Their catalog of music together as a group and solo, as they went on their own, can’t be beat
Even a lot of the generation today that does appreciate the Beatles, they truly don't appreciate and understand how much they changed music forever.
A lot of people think if it wasn't them, it would have just been someone else but not necessarily true.
Polka music is still polka music, jazz music is still jazz music, classic music is still classic, music blues music is still based in the Blues. Swing music is still swing music. Most music categories are still in a category of their own and restrained by basic structure.
Before the Beatles, most of those categories were definitely restrained within a certain musical structure and remained that way for many many many decades or since created.
The Beatles turned rock music into a total expressional artform that threw out all of the rule books.
If your expression needed a choir or an oboe or a flute or overdubbing or some creative Electronics then it was now allowed to express your feelings / art.
The Beatles most definitely changed rock music into a total expressionist art form.
I'm only 30 and listened to their full discography both mono and stereo, singles and all. Watched the movies, interviews, got their record first press UK on Parlaphone. I hope to say I really can appreciate The Beatles as much as anyone, just having not lived through the time period.
There will never be a band like that ever again.
I still think The Beatles version is best.
I think itvwas Michael Jackson who did a cover of "Come Together ", as well!
Paul McCartney was an absolute virtuoso on the bass guitar. His bass lines were just genius- not just in this song but plenty of other Beatles songs too.
@@echever7424 yes
Imagine coming up with one of the most instantly recognizable bass lines in music history. I imagine he just wakes up with all those notes in his head. If I was half as creative as he was I would be very happy.
It's weird Quincy Jones recently said Paul was the world's worst bass player and The Beatles stunk!!! Quincy called Paul to try to explain and Paul didn't care but was nonplussed by Mr. Quincy Jones and "Something is happening but you don't know what it is do you MR.Jones"
Try, "Rain," for one of Paul's best bass tracks.
This song is a classic and has been covered by Ike and Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Kate Bush, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, Eurythmics, Soundgarden (This was where I heard this song first), Meatloaf, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Tom Jones and many other artists. Loved the reaction!
Aerosmith's cover ain't too bad
tom jones, meatloaf and diana ross did versions of "come together?" my god, that would be horrible! with a few exceptions never been a big fan of beatle covers. what's the point? you can't improve on them. beatles music is just so iconic and distictive hearing it from other sources just won't cut it. (emmylou harris did a version of "here, there and everywhere which is an exception.)
"come together" - excellent song. one of the worst "videos" in history. who was the idiot who greenlighted that mess?
@@cjmacq-vg8um Couldn’t agree more. That stupid cartoon done decades after the song came out is a mess and gets in the way of appreciating the song
Interesting that you mentioned Kate Bush. Her cover was an unofficial recording in a live pub performance with the KT Bush Band prior to her first album release and before anyone really knew who she was (she was about 17 at the time). And it's one of the best covers of "Come Together" I've heard.
@@Ken-pi7qk ... its horrible ain't it? it cheapens the whole song. when i first saw there was a video of it on the dvd "beatles no. 1s" i think its called, i was thrilled to death. then when i saw it i was appalled. it was the stupidest thing i ever saw. cartoon beatles riding go-carts? its a travesty and should be removed from their catalogue. they made a video of "here comes the sun" which is really good.
McCartney’s bass line in this song is unreal!
Paul was a genius. He was always my fav Beatle.
@@davidcohen7146 MINE TOO
and his electric piano playing is pretty darn good too. :)
Even though he is considered top 10 I still feel he isn't appreciated as much. My favorite bass line is from "Don't let me down"
In the 7 years they were making albums, the Beatles put out 12 albums featuring, 20 #1 hits, 34 top 10 hits, and arguably launched between 4 - 10 new genres of music, depending who you ask. These include heavy metal (Helter Skelter), hard rock (twist and shout), and doom/lommi (I want you (she so heavy)), prog ( Eleanor Rigby). Plus all their music is so timeless.
There will NEVER be anything like The Beatles EVER again. Technology and lack of human talent is taking over music. The Beatles had a creative chemistry that was TALENT and IMAGINATION driven, but let's not forget ... They quite simply Worked Their Asses Off for nearly 10 straight years. They put in the HARD WORK that very few young musicians are willing to invest today. Thank God for The Beatles 🎸🎤🎧🎥
I would argue that Chuck Berry is the father of hard rock and heavy metal, and rock and roll in general. John Lennon and all the 60s artists worshipped Chuck. They learned their craft from him
22 numder one's,20 in the 60's and 2 in 1970 when they broke up.
Yeah That's actually a good call on Elanor Rigby
@@modoc97405 Chuck Berry is indeed the father of rock and roll. And I'm sure that he was inspired by other people before him as well. I'll admit I'm not as familiar with all of his music, but I was not aware that he had any hard rock songs. Which songs of his would have been considered hard rock?
This was the first song on abbey road... we knew that the whole album would be a masterpiece which it surety is ...
Agreed 1954!!
That medley is insane!!
My favorite. I have their silhouettes on the crosswalk tattooed on my back.
Yes - got the album back then, in 6th gr.
I love your Beatles reactions! Keep digging in, you’ll rarely be disappointed!
McCartney was at the top of his game on Abbey Road. The bass playing in Something is absolutely incredible.
Yep he was hitting on all cylinders on this album
fuck yeah he was...
Abbey Road is my favorite Beatle album, liked their early stuff but I became a real fan with Abbey Road
Beatles have a song for everyone. Saw The Beatles as a kid on the Ed Sullivan show in the early 60’s. Them, Pink Floyd, CCR, Sabbath, Hendrix and Zeppelin changed my life. Don’t remember a bad Beatles song ever.
That is so true! I love all those bands,they just don't write them like that anymore!😁 Before political correctness
On April 4th, 1964, the top 5 songs on Billboard's weekly Top 100 chart went like this:
#1) "Can't Buy Me Love" - by The Beatles.
#2) "Twist And Shout" - by The Beatles.
#3) "She Loves You" - by The Beatles.
#4) "I Want To Hold Your Hand" - by The Beatles.
#5) "Please Please Me" - by The Beatles.
That same week, The Beatles had SEVEN other songs in the Top 100. Another week, they held 16 of the Top 100 songs. They were so big and so far ahead of everyone else, I don't think anyone's caught up to them yet. Or ever can.
Ringo had that unorthodox style going from low toms to high toms because he was left handed playing on a right handed drum kit.
Super cool song!
Plus Ringo place tea towels over his drums to dampen the sound, which is SO cool!
@@patticrichton1135 it is... and creative
Yeah Ringo's drumming here is so iconic. If you just played me the drums and nothing else, I would still recognize the song. That's how unique his style is.
This is how great the Beatles were. After four years of touring they just stopped. They didn’t go on the road to promote their new music, they just put it out and they all shot to number one. No one ever did that. They were only 28 when they broke up. And Abbey Road was their last and best album. They left their fans wanting more. There will never be another band like them.
Without all the promotions that modern world offers
The brilliance of John Lennon from "Abbey Road".The Beatles sounded like The Beatles, they had their own unique sound, never staying in the same lane and always advancing forward and always changing their sound. Happy too see you two beginning to appreciate this band. You haven't even scratched the surface yet with what these four did. Another great one of John's from this record is "I Want You (she's so heavy)" a total bluesy one that also rocks. I think that you guys would be blown away by this one, please consider this one. Also from this record McCartney's "Oh Darling" it's also incredible. If you check these out make sure you listen to the 2019 50th anniversary remixes, they will blow you away. The one that you just did and you dug McCartney's bass, on the remix it sounds much better, it will vibrate your head. One more nice one from the "Let It Be" album is John's "Across The Universe" which is just plain lovely. 2021 50th anniversary remix (released a year late due to covid) sounds great. 👌✌️☮️💕
When the Beatles arrived on the rock scene, rock'n roll was very primitive. It was already great, but it was limited to just a forms and it was highly unusual for performers to write their own music. They transformed rock into essentially its current form and created the modern rock group. Their effect was so strong, that after their first appearance in American TV in early1964, most rock performers went out of business, except for a very few who could adapt to the new style.
Beatles recommendations: Some of the very best of their early work is on the album "A Hard Day's Night."
But many young guys saw that TV performance, and all of the screaming girls and ran out and bought guitars. 😎
Hadn't listened to HDN in quite some time. Definitely their best early work. And even though Paul is my favorite Beatle, John's work is dominant on the album and wow, he was in excellent form. Every song is great. It's a seminal album imo, the bridge between their beginning, simpler stuff and what was to come with Revolver and Rubber Soul. Btw, just outside of Tampa here.
@@abc456f I agree. Just inside Tampa.
Their debut album, "Please Please Me" had, I think, six original tracks, which, as you say, was highly unusual at the time.
@@phen277 And was recorded in a single sitting.
Song is 54 years old, and it’s still fresh and relevant. Timeless.
Killer reactions for you two!! Keep them Beatles songs comin'. This is a deep rabbit hole, they recorded like 298 songs! Thank you! 😁✌💛
"Come Together" is on the Beatles' 1969 album "Abbey Road". This is one of my favorite albums. All the songs are great on it such as "Something", "Here Comes The Sun", "Oh! Darling", "Because", "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" etc.
For another blues-y track from Abby Road: "Oh Darling." Paul's vocal on it is _off the charts._
LOove LOVE LOVE THIS SONG!!!!😎😎😎The Beatles were and are Pretty Cool!!!! And that is ust it They are trend setters!!! Massive following every where worldwide......Great Reactions....Asia is totally right in her comments....BJ reaction was totally Cool!!!! Next you guys do "I am The Walrus," from their "Magical Mystery Tour"....... album which also GREAT!!!
Paul doing magic on bass again. John playing with words again.
You know? Just being great again.
Smoooooooth. This bass line inspired me to pick up the instrument in 1984. The year I first heard this song. Many great memories, bands, friends, and experiences were a direct result of that buzz in my ear, many years ago. THANK YOU BEATLES!
Love this song! The music is so captivating! Who doesn’t love the Beatles anyway!
Honestly, y'all need to just do all Beatles songs. Its so awesome and uplifting seeing a genuine first reaction to these songs. Y'alls reactions are great and The Beatles are widely agreed upon as the best band of all time. Y'alls views will skyrocket and you give fans like me joy knowing that the beauty and inspiration of the Beatles is still being discovered 60 years later.
Ps. Want to talk about trend setters? Do Helter Skelter next. First Heavy Metal song. Done by The Beatles.
Honestly the look of enjoyment on this young ladies face , while listening to this , great Beatles track is quite overwhelming . And nice to see .
This song and the whole album it is from are so beautifully composed, played and recorded. A wonderful last effort for the band (last album recorded, though it came out before Let It Be). Thanks for doing this one.
There are no bad songs from them, The Beatles were absolutely genious, they changed everything from 60s till today. Biggest band ever!!!
The Beatles are the first band I actually became a fan of, and they have to many great tunes to mention.
I got this from my older brothers record collection and I was amazed how funky this track is. Great work you two Love and Respect
This song, like so many of theirs, never, EVER gets old!!! Badass.
Next time you see a 60 something year old….. remember they grew up with this music 🎶😎
I am in my sixties, did not influence my choice of music at all.
I thought the stones far exceeded the beatles.
but then again, I don't like pop music.
Errr but don’t forget us in our seventies
You just done hit the nail on its HEAD!!! The Beatles were indeed in their own lane....... beautiful reaction : )
a lennon composition,how he plays with words is unreal brilliance
This song proves John Lennon could just sing a bunch of random words and it would still be a mega hit
And did _I Am The Walrus_ to be a wiseass about it. 😉
It’s not random. The first verse is about Ringo, with the flat top and being the goofy one. The second is about George referencing the Yogi I know You, You Know Me. . The third is about writer himself, John, the walrus with Yoko Ono, being the constant sideboard. The last verse is about Paul, the good looking one, and a bit of a mojo filter.
@@0okamino Walrus came first.
@@abc456f That's true. I had it backwards.
I thought it was about Timothy Larry’s campaign to become governor of California.
I love tis song. It is from the Abbey Road Album. I believe was there best album.
Beatles will live forever. 😊❤
In early July 1969 while driving in Scotland, John and Yoko were in a serious car accident. It forced John to miss several weeks of recording sessions for what became the Abbey Road album. Upon his return the last week of July, John brought the song Come Together to the studio. John was particularly rude to Paul. Telling Paul he didn't want Paul to sing harmony or play piano on the track. Paul, instead of making a scene, simply left the studio for the day. As the days passed Paul wrote the electric piano line for the solo while John watched over Paul's shoulder. Paul did end up singing the harmony on the song, when John wasn't present in the studio. Such was the tension between John and Paul by this time. The unofficial break up of the Beatles was only weeks away. Great reaction Asia and BJ. Cheers, RNB
Interesting bro, i was just wondering who did the keys solo.
@@ianmclean6399 Hi Ian. Some claim it was John on the electric piano solo. But Paul flat out claims it was indeed him. Paul also said how pleased he was that John loved the electric piano solo. Paul's contributions to Come Together are essential for helping the song become one of the Beatles All Time Classics. Cheers, RNB
Niether. Billy Preston on piano..
@@L.A55 April 20 1969 was the last Beatles session Billy Preston attended. He recorded the Hammond organ on John's song I Want You (She's So Heavy). Paul, on several occasions, stated he composed and recorded the electric piano on Come Together. RNB
I'm pretty sure I read that Paul slowed the song down to give it the bluesy "swampy" feel. John presented it as an up tempo song.
Thanks so much for what your doing.
Never forget,this was 4 young men making music.
Someday add up the Beatles songs, and add up how many years they were together,,and you'll get an idea,how much great material they released,very quickly.
It was song after song.
Im telling you, listening to radio,was like going to Disneyland.
From His Solo Career,, Ringo Starr "It Don't Come Easy" & "Photograph"..Classics
These two songs are rare because Ringo Star wrote them. "Don't Pass Me By" and "Octopus' Garden" He also did the singing of these songs. The Beatles did two Country Music songs "Don't Pass Me By" and a cover song by Buck Owen's called "Act Naturally".
Paul wrote this song describing John 😮😮😊❤
The Beatles are THE trendsetters. Rock and roll was never the same after 1963. And then they were gone in 1970. It was an amazing time to be alive.
The stones and Beatles are the best ever, they just totally kicks efin ass! Just so many iconic hits!
There is no bad Beatles song. When they were makingmusic we all got excited waiting for their next sound, they were always different and of extreme quality and never diappointed.
The bass and drums in this song are unbelievable.
Love this song. My mom turned me onto the Beatles at a young age. Her office is All Paul McCartney
Love love love the Beatles.
Hard to express how cool this song was in 1969 when I was in high school. It still holds up.
True. They can’t be overestimated.
What gives a song legs are the amount of covers they have and the Beatles music gave life to a lot of covers from many genres of music.
The three most influential bands, overall, in the 60's and 70's were The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. But if you had to pick just one, it would be The Beatles. And songs like Come Together are the reason why. Creative, Interesting, Topical and Perfectly Played. John, Paul, George and Ringo. The Fab Four.
I'd put the Beach Boys with those four, because as know Paul was a huge fan of whatever Brian Wilson was doing. Not Rubber Soul no Pet Sounds, no Pet Sounds no Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
@@andrewft31 sorry to burst your bubble about Sgt P
but Sgt P. was the beatles attempt to produce what Frank Zappa did with his album Freak Out.
That’s the thing about the Beatles it’s a matter of what they did for music in general not just rock or pop. Every genre today can look up to the Beatles or some type of inspiration.
Great reaction guys I'm glad you've discovered the Beatles the thing about them is that none of their songs sound the same they pioneered so much with their music check out some hard Beatles with Revolution, Back in the USSR and Helter Skelter
The whole album is a masterpiece! When I start listening to it I can't stop.
Brother Billy Preston played keys on this. Thanks for playing this as one who watched them on Ed Sullivan…1964!
Always good to have another Beatle fan. Both of You enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been listening to the Beatles since 1964, and will keep doing so......
You lovely couple are making this old Beatles addict,very happy.So glad you are beginning to understand their genius and greatness.Rings drumming and Pauls base so unique and flawless.John's voice sooooo good.The other that artist that covered this song was Michael Jackson.Beatles at their best and showing as all why they were the greatest.Just Magical.
That video is Fk'n AMAZING!!
Great reaction Asia and BJ! If you want to hear a very trippy song from 1966, which was way ahead of its time (and still is), try 'Tomorrow Never Knows" from The Beatles 'Revolver' album.
Greatest Of All Time... I think you two will enjoy "Oh Darling".
Aerosmith did a cover of this song for the movie "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band". The movie also featured George Burns, The Bee Gees, Earth Wind and Fire, Alice Cooper, Steve Martin, and Billy Preston among others all doing Beatles songs. It really is a great watch if you ever have the time.
There have been so many covers of the Beatles, but no one was EVER bigger than the Beatles. Love to y’all. You are a beautiful couple.❤
Ringo's drumming - simply out-of-sight, towering genius.
the beatles have so many songs and their music covers so many DIFFERENT GENRES it's unbelievable
Everybody likes at least 1 Beatles song... that's what makes them so special and still one of the better selling bands 60 years on the scene.
John Lennon is saying: Shoot me when you hear the drumroll. You guys should do a reaction to OH, DARLING by The Beatles. Paul McCartney does the lead singing. John Lennon wished that he wrote the song because he felt it was more a song he should have sang the lead to. It is a great vocal by Paul McCartney. See what you think of his vocals.
no two Beatles songs are the same. the more you go down the rabbit hole, the deeper you want to get. they changed everything
I grew into teen-hood toward the end of The Beatles reign. This song, one of their latter is the first song I really loved by this band.
I just love the way Ringo makes the drums sound like one of those old rotary televisions.
Asia & BJ, their "Penny Lane" and "With A Little Help From My Friends" are next for you!!
Billy Preston did the keyboards.....he was the 5th Beatle......he took their music up, to another level.....
Recommend - This Boy, And I love Her, In my Life, Girl, Here there and Everywhere, She's Leaving Home, Helter Skelter, Get Back, Something,The whole second side of Abbey Road
All Beatles songs are so different! Amazing! Thanks!
You need to watch the Get Back film made over 50 years ago and then understand why they are still the most influential band of all time.👍
What is phenomenal is the progression they went through, their first album was in 1963, and they hit the ground running, by the following year the whole world was experiencing 'Beatlemania' and from then on they were at the forefront of popular music and culture. Constantly experimenting with composition and studio techniques that had never been heard before. 'Come together' was from 1969, the final year they were all together in the studio, when they recorded the tracks for the final 'Abbey Road' and 'Let it be' albums. The progression from lovable 'mop top' boy band to this level of sophisticated artists was just six years, releasing at least one album a year, with additional hit singles which had tracks which were not on the albums. They even had many other hit songs that they never released themselves but instead gave to other artists to record. An astounding output, which extremely rarely dipped in quality, always catchy, even what they themselves considered throwaway filler tracks other performers would have craved to have written.
The Beatles, and many others had the perk of being from Liverpool. That was, probably still is, the main UK sea port to and from America. So with many ships coming and going there were a lot of Anerican only records brought here. This brought African American blues soul and jazz records for these musicians to hear and be directly influenced by.
Ringo's best drum work. Perfect.
Huge Beatles fan since I was 11 years old, now I’m 70!
John wrote "Come Together" initially for Dr. Timothy Leary, a California College Professor, who was well known for his advocacy in using drugs, especially LSD. "Come Together" was meant as a campaign song for one of Leary's political campaigns (think he wanted to run to become Governor of California).
This is the last song John offered the group on 21 July 1969. One month later would be the last date that all four Beatles were in attendance recording. The album, Abbey Road, named after their recording studio, was released on 26 Sep 1969. The album cover has them walking across the street outside Abbey Road studios. :) Paul, George and Ringo would come back to add more to the previous attempt at an album that had an accompanying movie still shelved, the Get Back album that ultimately became Let It Be, finally released in June 1970. End of an era. Thank you again Asia and BJ for rocking out to my fave, The Fab Four!
Great song! Is like to suggest across the universe, obla-di obla-da, Eleanor Rigby, and paperback writer
I'm an old git at 63, and I was 10 when this was produced. Pioneering stuff indeed.
I saw a comment on another Beatles reaction video. "The amazing thing about the Beatles is that they are not overrated".
Which pretty much sums it up
I’d go next with “In My Life” or “Eleanor Rigby” for something different.
Keep diving into the Beatles
So diverse
So astounding
Try 'Hey Bulldog' for Pauls' bass line.
The Beatles spent more time in the studio working on one track than many bands spent for an entire album.. Especially the later albums.
Probably my favourite Beatles track of all time. Love it. Æx 🙏
This is one of the ones to play people who underrate Ringo. Very unique sound, interesting choices...
Ringo had an amazing sense of timing. He was a human metronome. Still is.
.... why the Beatles were the Beatles
still ahead of their time 🙏🌍🎸
Growing up with the Beatles they always created something new and took us on a new journey of music and culture
Joe Cocker did a great cover of Come Together. Remember, these guys were together constantly from 15 and 16 years old. George was 14 when they got together. John and Paul started writing songs together while learning every song they could. When they went Hamburg playing a club gig for about a year, they came back with a hell of a repertoire and tighter than hell. They were pros before they were twenty. All the Beatlemania and all the hits, the albums, concerts and movies took place between 1963 and 1970. John was the oldest of the four and he turned thirty after they broke up in 1970 a month after the rooftop concert.. So, they remain a phenomenon, musically, socially and intellectually.
After the Beatles stopped touring they put out videos of some of their songs. pre MTV MTV some would say
LOVE your reaction, especially, Asia, when you said they were very creative, and unique, etc. You are SO right. Yes Arrowsmith covered it in the movie "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (not a great movie though) but I did like their cover of it. But still prefer the BEATLES version of it. SO GLAD you both LIKED it. There AREN'T any BAD Beatles' songs!!! I am 75 and I was one of those crazy teens that you have seen in the videos you have watched of "Beatlelmania" as it was called. From one who LIVED it, it was a WILD, CRAZY and FUN time, I am SOOOO HAPPY that I was THERE when it all happened and being 17 years old when they first came to the US in Feb 1964. I came down with a severe case of Beatlemania and have NEVER RECOVERED, and I DON'T want to. It will go to the grave with me. Their music, movies and video have gotten me through some very tough times in my life, and ALWAYS feels like a warm hug when I am sad and makes me feel SO HAPPY and actually makes me feel better when I am unwell. KEEP going down the Beatles "rabbit hole." I LOVE YOU GUYS and LOVE your reactions!
The Beatles pulled from all kinds of music styles and created all kinds of new and interesting sounds and sonic experience. It’s mind-boggling what they did in 10 years. I says this as a person who loves the Motown sound and R&B and jazz and country and classic rock and psychedelic and even classical. The Beatles tied so much of this together. They evolved too. They changed. So good to listen to how they changed and you cannot really grasp it until you listen to all of it and listen to it within the context of all the music of the time, which is hard to do because you’re talking about thousands of hours of listening
The Beatles music changed from one album to the next. They just continued to evolve and expand and their musical horizons.
This and twist & shout I think are my faves by the Beatles. The true British Invasion!!!!!
Paul.. and Ringo.. don't forget Ringo.. made this groove happen.. That bass line.. omg.. but then that drum riff that goes along with .. yeah.. Magic.
I love that song from them, "Revolution" it's more than awesome.
And then (if I'm right) it leads to the fantastic "Something". Unbelievably original an talented.
This shows the genius of The Beatles
No other band in history has had so many groundbreaking styles of music