plot twist they only slightly change its damage falloff to be better at long range than the stock which would be nice if they also buffed the stock to keep the war going
If heavy and spy ever get musical instrument taunts I think they should also make it a group taunt like the dances where if one person is doing their instrument taunt, everyone can join in together.
Idea: change the panic attack to instantly change to it while revved up, however you literally fling your minigun and have to pick it back up afterwards
#BuffTheBeast - -100% movement speed for the user -Automatic aimbot -Add a secondary attack which makes you fire 4 missiles -Be able to be healed by only engineers -can be sapped _wait a sec_
Imagine if they added Uncle Dane's "The Ammo Reserv" weapon idea. That in conjunction with the Huo-Long Heater would make it a much more viable weapon and might even bring it into the meta. Make it happen, Valve. I want my Strange Huo-Long Heater to be viable after all these years I've owned it.
Its a horroble idea... first off, the jag is a direct upgrade as it thw tomislav, and should be nerfed to be more intresting... engineer = defend and the heavy is a sentry that can move... heavy should soak damage or be a meatshield or heavy dmg output/arena denial...
Valve: Guys we relased the Heavy Update Joey: did you add the things ı suggested in my video ? Valve : No we removed Heavy bkz he is too confusing for new players
If the heavy gets a instrumental taunt I feel like it should be a tiny piano. Seeing a giant Russia man playing a tiny piano is pretty funny to me anyways.
Nick Tin spy would also fit well with a piano but heavy is just more funny. Also winglet has made a taunt for the pyro called flamer’s Fiddle which I also like.
I have a really dumb idea. What if the ice cream gave you. -150 hp for heavy and 75 hp for teammates. -50% less damage from bullet and fire sources -Grants an aura of icicles that damages enemies and inflicts bleed for a short while.
Don't forget about attaching the sleazeball's strut as a taunt style for Scout (or just have it as its' own taunt all-together, whichever happens in the end).
Heavy update out yet? No Heavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? No
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I think that a Molotov is a great idea, but it should be a secondary. And the stats would be as followed: mouse 1 he takes the paper out of the bottle and chugs it for 100 or 150 health, and mouse 2 he lights the Molotov and throws it. If it were added as i suggest it would be the perfect mix of gun box and lunch box items.
A new secondary where Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 have different effects, one of them being an AoE fire effect? * looks at the existing Sandvich * * remembers how any players accidentally start munching the Sandvich instead of throwing it to their burning Medic, while the Medic accusingly burns to death in front of them as they watch in horror and shame * Yeah, there are going to be some _hilarious_ mishaps.
A lot of classes have weapons with a meter that can be filled by doing damage, what if heavy had one that could make up for his mobility. It would be a mini gun, it would have less ammo and possibly reduced damage and accuracy, but when you fill the meter, you can hit R to activate it. It would give Heavy a speed boost and remove his movement debuff while revved. If you died while the meter was charging it would all be lost, but if it was already full then it would persist between lives, that way the Heavy would have the choice of using the meter to try and get back up to the front lines quicker if there isn't a teleporter, or to try and save it for an offensive push.
Here me out, put this on a shotgun, that way, due to its increased mobility you might be able to buff Fat Scout into a semi-meta alternative due to heavy only really having 1 play style, but having a Shotgun that gives you a little extra health and a speed boost buff (maybe -50% ammo on primary or -50% Damage) and you have a subclass, maybe you could also add a primary that cannot deal damage but adds a 5-10% permanent speed-boost so it could combo with the new shotgun, like how the Persian is better in full demo-knight, obviously needs some changes but I would love it.
I'd love an update to MVM but at the same time with how you have to pay for tickets if you want any of the actual rewards out of it its simultaneously a good mode and a pain in the ass. I know the tickets aren't all that expensive but its still annoying to have to pay an entry fee just to get the cool rewards, even if the games F2P. ESPECIALLY if you end up in a game with some tacobot duchebag who tries to get you kicked for the slightest "misstep", won't stop complaining and bitching the whole match, or "allows you" to stay in until the last round where they'll try and get you kicked, so you did the work for them but don't get the possible reward.
Scout: bongos Soldier: trombone Pyro: bass guitar Demo: bagpipes/piano Heavy: *gets drums* Engie: banjo/acoustic guitar Medic: accordion/violin Sniper: didgeridoo/sax Spy: probably the FRENCH HORN (I'm not sorry.) Well I guess Valve should change the name to Band Fortress 2.
To make them all able to combine on a single song they may need to change some of the already existing ones into supporting beats, like the role the bass plays in a band. It is important that musical taunts still sound kinda good on their own, so they should be careful with that, maybe adding 2 different sounds: the lone taunter's song and the band song
@@marcelzed1154 The easiest solution would be to create an in-game system for the newer music taunts to always play on a set cue that's programmed into the game so they always play in order in the correct position of how long the song would be running, if that makes sense To make it a lil simpler for my own case it would be like having a full-time music sync on the server so the newer taunts work properly to be in sync
as an australian, big joeys lack of didgeridoos makes me laugh, especially when he starts moving his fingers around during the heavy drum showcase, thinking its some kind of flute hahahaha
@@moronichybrid one that isnt treated as a meme Demoknights are the oppositte of a meme and they wreck your face off Flare pyros often manage to kill snipers (well at least i die alot) And gunspies literally shift the whole way to play spy from well the spy to a more aggressive sniper on the frontlines Like a secondary that isnt a lunchbox item or shotgun like some sort of mobility gear like pyro thruster and demoman shield Or even substitute the minigun just like how demoman has the boots that takes his pills like some sort of heavier shotgun that lives up to the other games of the "weapon of mass destruction upclose but a tickling machine from far away"
I'm just imagining heavy charging at mock five speed in the normal walk animation for the legs, with his right hand ready to bich slap someone like a fat demoknight, just imagine what it will look like if he's strafing
I think a good way to buff the huo long heater would to make the ring of fire act as a weak air blast to make the ring of fire actually useful against spies and demoknights.
#BUFFTHEBEAST Personal buff/rework design for the Brass Beast: +20% Firing Speed, -20% Accuracy, -20% Rev-up Speed. If we replace the Brass Beast's stats with these, it will make the Brass Beast become literally a reverse-Tomislav. It'll finally be a BEAST close-range, buuuuuut... no sniping for hoovy. I mean, it's not like Heavy really needs to be sniping targets across the map anyway. One hidden downside: It will slightly burn through ammo due to that firing speed, so plan accordingly. As for your "Rushin' Russian" idea that actually falls in line with part of a shield idea I had for Heavy. Basically, he replaces his primary weapon with this bulky tank-like shield that, on right-click, allows him to do a short charge forward (and possibly shield-bash targets). The shield will also give Heavy resistance to various forms of damage (not stacking with other weapons), much like Demo's shields. Not only will this give Heavy an alternate playstyle, and possibly be an indirect buff to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, but since it replaces the Heavy's Primary weapon, it also makes Shotgun Heavy more of a viable necessity, thus answering the Shotgun Dilemma.
Nice work actually doing the homework, mate! Been a long ass time since I found someone who legitimately understood the lore of a game from the comics - outside of MVM or, maybe, the War updates.
@@meucas1115 it's nice that they made that a trait of his, people would think the russian would be obsessed with vodka like the demo with his brews, but no, he isn't a meat head that has a fun fetish he's a professional, and professionals have standards
The heavy update should be a community made update called "the Last stand" and its a war themed update, it could even include mvm, and its perfect for heavy.
Honestly, I feel there's two ways they could go at adding a Heavy Shotgun (heh) in-game: 1. Go the TFC route and add a Double-Barreled Shotgun replacing the primary, a *lot* more damage, slower rate of fire, and I'd say a tighter spread to not completely cripple the Heavy into being a worse Scout, same ammo pool as the shotgun, or... 2. Add a bandolier of unspecified (Australium, maybe?) high-power shells that buff the secondary shotguns in exchange of not having a Minigun, there's even a shotgun bandolier cosmetic in the Workshop already.
Team Musical 2 Featuring... Scout on bongos Soldier on trombone Demoman on bagpipes Heavy on drums Engineer on banjo Medic on accordion and Sniper on saxophone with choreography brought to you by Pyro and Spy.
Weapon Idea: *Russian Retaliator* (Heavy Secondary) (+) 30% More bullets per shot (+) 25% Faster reload (+) 50% More damage per shot (+) 25% More damage when overhealed (+) 50% bullet, explosion, and fire damage resistance when below 50% health and weapon is active (+) 100% More ammo (+) 50% Faster firing speed (-) This weapon holsters 75% slower (-) This weapon draws 100% slower (-) 33% Less rounds per clip (-) Large bullet spread (fast damage fall off) (-) No random critical hits (-) 50% Melee vulnerability (-) 30% Slower movement speed when weapon is active (-) 15% Slower movement speed when weapon is holstered (-) 50% Less ammo from ammopacks and dispensers while active (-) 10% Less health from Medics and dispensers while active The idea is that this shotgun would be big and heavy, but it’d pack a serious punch, and because it’s so large, it could be used to block damage. Plus, it would reload and shoot very fast to make up for the slow movement speed. And it would be effective when paired with a Medic, which is why I threw in “25% More damage when overhealed.” It’d be super powerful, but weak once somebody got a little far away. Also, I added the “50% Melee vulnerability” because it kind of makes sense that, if somebody were to somehow manage to land a melee hit in before being annihilated by this shotgun, it would deal more damage. Lastly, in order to balance the overheal stat, I added the “10% Less health from Medics and dispensers” stat. Now, obviously this weapon is weak at longer ranges, so the user would have to use either the Tomislav, or this weapon that could come with this shotgun in the update: Weapon Idea: *Bolshevik Beater* (Heavy Primary) (+) 50% smaller bullet spread (stronger at long range) (+) This weapon has a silent spin sound (+) 10% Faster movement speed while spun up (+) 25% Faster movement speed while holstered (+) 5% Faster movement speed while weapon is active (+) 25% Faster draw speed (+) 25% Faster holster speed (+) 50% Extra ammo (-) 30% Damage penalty (-) 15% Slower firing speed The idea of this minigun is that it’d be very similar to the Tomislav, but it’d be very light and effective at long range, making up for the *Russian Retaliator’s* weakness at long range. However, in order to balance the long range damage, the weapon would a deal much less damage, acting more as a pressure weapon rather than an actual threat. Also, this weapon would have 300 ammo instead of 200 so that the Heavy could keep on shooting for a good while before having to run back to a dispenser or ammopack. I really like to discuss weapon concepts if you couldn’t already tell. Also, if you think anything could be changed about by idea, feel free to reply with ideas (and names cuz mine are trash lmao).
Considering that you're boosting the pellet count as well as damage, if you do the math then a single meat shot literally deletes every class that isn't a Soldier or Heavy. It'd work better as an alternative primary choice, really padding out the Fat Scout playstyle. As a secondary, it's either overshadowed by any of Heavy's primary choices or stupidly powerful.
I think you may be going a bit too overboard with the number of stat changes. Remember, these would have to go on a normal TF2 stat card, so at best you're fitting 5-6 changes on at once. Instead of going for massively over-complicated stat spreads, here's a simplified/modified design of the weapons that I think could work well: Russian Retaliator (Secondary) (+40% more pellets per shot) (+25% damage resistance when below 50% hp when active) (+20% faster draw speed) (-25% holster speed) (-15% movement speed when active) This particular secondary would enable Heavy to quite literally retaliate, helping him suddenly change a bad situation into a much stronger one. When being pressured heavily by an opponent, the draw speed and increased pellets give Heavy a strong burst option to rival the Panic Attack, while the damage resistance means that when recovering from a bad situation, Heavy is extremely difficult to get rid of. This means that if the enemy commits too hard when expecting to finish off Heavy, they can be put on the back foot by a bunkered-down, very angry Heavy about to blow their heads off. Bolshevik Beater (Primary) Frankly, I think this infringes too far on the role of the Tomislav, acting as a longer-range minigun with lower close combat abilities but better mobility. Instead, let's mess with things a bit, shall we? (No speed reduction on spin-up) (+ 40% faster spin-up) (30% larger bullet spread) This minigun would be as aggressive as the name implies. The increased bullet spread would make playing at range a very bad option, but the lack of spin-up slow and the faster time until you can fire means that being a more flank-happy and independent heavy has never been easier. It gives you far more options to get the drop on someone, coming out of nowhere and chasing the opponent down just as fast. Pair it with the Banana and the GRU and you'll find yourself in the enemy backline before you know it!
Heavy is like the only class without a single fire primary so why not give him an artillery cannon and heres some stats btw im probabaly not good at balancing advantages: 1,000% DAMAGE bonus bullets are replaced with high explosive shells disadvantages: reload required clip size is 1 max ammo is reduced to 40 not an automatic shells can be reflected 50% slower move speed while active
@@EvilRaccoonDM 1000% isnt really that bad because i was thinking its gonna be 50 damage and besides clip size is 1 meaning reload for like 1 second between shots
Maybe if we get the heavy drums taunt, we can have him play "The Art of War", just imagine hearing that playing before a match beings. It would be soooo cool, man I hope this gets into the game.
ideas: 1) make the big drink a secondary. heavy could, instead of throwing the molotov, drink the alcohol and get back a bit of health. upon hitting the alt-fire, however, he lights it, starting a countdown. opon impact, or when the timer expires, it creates a small explosion, short area of fire, and then a lasting ring that heals teammates inside by a small amount. if exploded in the air, the heal coms down as rain. when healed by the molotov, you drip with magic alcohol that slowly douses fire and makes you wet for a short period of time. the molotov deal self-damage but not self-inflicted afterburn 2) make the rushing russian use the melee slot and have it do less damage than fists when punching. make the rushing russian able to use all fists reskins. make it so that, when under speed boosts, the rushing russian moves further and faster. also add a heavy primary that totally removes your minigun and, in return, gives heavy some crazy passive boosts. e.g. "sahsa's sash"/"sash-a", a sash that heavy wears that says "heavy weapons guy" or something of that accord, possible that you can choose what is written on it. it possibly gives a passive damage boost to your secondary and melee, a health boost, a slight speed boost or possibly two or even all three. not only does this bring fat scout out of the meme bin and into an actual viable playstyle, but when paired with the steak sandvich and/or rushing russian, you get *heavy knight.* (thus why i said to be able to put reskins of fists on rushing russian. imagine running around with the shasha's sash, steak sandvich and conscientious objector) thank you for listening to my bullshit that 100% will not be seen by valve
Imagine a taunt kill where Heavy rushes forward and if he's able to grab an enemy, he'll do Zangief's Spinning Piledriver you into next week. I'm thinking the Cyclone Grab. A nod to Zangief's nickname, Red Cyclone. It would need to have the obligatory charge up time (let's say it's half as long as Scout's Home run tauntkill), but would be dramatic and flashy. And to top it off, Heavy could possibly control where he lands, basically allowing him to jump to a higher location if it connects. It would be a bit longer than most Tauntkill's overall, and you would be left completely vulnerable for a few seconds if it misses (and yes obviously you'll still take damage during the duration of the taunt). But it would be funny and I could see some funny moments and could be a very rewarding method of getting to a higher location. Also just imagine seeing a bunch of Heavy's just rushing forwards with no sense of self preservation. Also funny idea to add on, when landing, Heavy and his victim could crush enemies if Heavy can land on them. Also possible idea to add on, maybe if it doesn't have to kill enemies, perhaps this could grab Allies as well. Obviously it wouldn't do damage to them, because let's be honest trolls would team kill their teammates and piss everyone off, but it could be useful for when you and your Medic girlfriend are corned and you need an escape method. And while yes Trolls could still jump into pits and the environment, it could be interesting. Alternatively it could be like the High Five taunt or Rock Paper Scissors taunt where you could offer to hug someone and you just jump into the air and piledrive them, like the idea above it deals no damage for both enemy and teammates alike and you have full control over it. These are two ideas (three technically) are probably my best bets for a nice interesting taunt related to this idea.
5:46 Not gonna lie I've seen to many heavy's get the gun for the first time use it for 10 minutes and then call it garbage. 11:56 I actually want in the game it sounds amazing.
@@Archieboiiii that's a dumb argument. I'm sure as hell no animator, but I know when an animation is stiff and doesn't match up with animations currently in the game. If it continues to look as sloppy as it does, it shouldn't be in the game.
See I can get behind this change. Halving its ammo would make it so it can't be spammed as easily, and it means heavy would still have some motion around the battlefield.
Maybe making the resistances always active but lower. Say, 15% damage resistance.the current stats basically make it no different to snipers. Fully charged headshot will still Kill over-healed brass beast cause the heavy isn’t below half Health. (At least I’m pretty sure of this)
Viini #BUFFTHEBEAST Half the ammo -15-20% resistance while rev/firing 30% slower rev speed -35% movement speed +15% damage bonus This allows Heavy to fulfill the tank role that the Brass Beast implies, the heavy has fewer bullets so it can't be spammed but also making heavy more resistant to snipers when slowed
imo steak should have an "slowly increases max health during the effect" to outheal(?) the eviction notice healthdrain and bring back jojo heavy, but also making it more useful with other melees
It would be cool if they made the new heavy update did expand on mvm but was also music themed, they could call it "heavy metal update" and each class would get at least 1 cosmetic referencing a famous rock singer or band that would be related to their origins and heavy would get his own instrument taunt along with the rest of the classes that don't already have an instrument taunt.
Hmmm. Like a manual gatling gun. 20% damage bonus, 20% resistance while spun up, Fire rate increases to 150% of the base minigun over two seconds, Base fire rate is 50% 30% slower rev speed Immobile while revved. Maybe the fire rate increases even without firing, but still needs to be revved.
Fucking uncle dane always ruin with Valve plans. He is the one making people bitch about random crits and autobalance. Don't get me wrong, I love this guy, but he always fuck up.
I came up with my own heavy weapon concept, "the icecream sandvich" I think the icecream sandvich would upon being consumed would grant you over heal and when thrown to your team mates it would grant then a small amount of over heal, and it has a recharge rate of 16 seconds being faster than the second banana and all the other sandviches, the down sides to the icecream sandvich would be that once the over heal is gone you'd be back to the health you originally ate it at and while your over healed you'd been a bit slower than usual, anyway this is my heavy weapons concept and I thought I'd share my idea
With the Brass Beast, I think all they need to do is to reduce the slower spin up time and movement speed while spun up to make it more viable and if they want to, they could give it the stat of immunity to all knockback and debuff effects to keep the title of the Defensive Minigun. #BUFFTHEBEAST Also on the topic of balancing Heavy, I think the best change for him would be to give him his own Lunchbox Slot so you can have a Shotgun and a Sandvich at the same time so you can still heal yourself while being able to defend your quickly with the Shotgun.
Yess, a 4th slot for the lunchboxes That's something I have been telling people for years They would definitely have to rebalance his inventory to do that but it would be such an improvement; it would mean they could finally do something with shotguns or make a new secondary weapon like the molotov in the vid
I have an idea. I’m on board with the shoulder bash, but the cocktail is kinda eh for me. Consider this, instead of countering the vaccinator by giving another mode of damage, we buff his melee/contact mode of damage. My idea is implement the shoulder bash, but only in a select weapon of multiple weapons in his secondary. Demo gets a demoknight subclass, I say we add a subclass for heavy called the tank heavy. 3 shield type weapons, and one of the weapons (similar to the tide turner) is weaker than the others, but provides a special aspect that gives a new way to play the subclass, that’s where I propose a shield that isn’t as strong or damage resistant as its other 2 brothers, but provides a shield bash ability, and everything described in the ‘rushin Russian’ could be applied here. It’s a wood shield that is strapped to his arm unlike being held in-front of him, and when he bashes someone, it breaks on contact, hence why it needs to be recharged. If it doesn’t hit someone, it would recharge at 2x the speed it normally does if it does hit someone. I do have more ideas for the other 2 shields, but this is getting way too long.
Just give him the fence, shield, thing that he had in that one comic, make it to where pills don't explode on impact, but bounce off as if it was a wall, takes less damage from rocket explosions, but it doesn't do much against bullets (only minor resistance), but the downsides are that he walks slower with it deployed, and it has a slow weapon switch time. Probably take up the secondary slot
Make it a primary weapon, makes heavy faster because reasons. As for what it does, it's a wall. Big enough to protect Doktor, crouch and look up a bit and anyone can use it as a ramp, block bullets and stop rockets. It should simply be a portable wall that allows heavy to move faster when not in use, but when engaged slows him right back down to revved speed.
The Heavy Update should be named Worth the Weight.
and it could be the update where they resurrect a bunch of shit weapons. (come back to me BFB and reserve shooter)
No No No the reserve shooter will remain shit forever
Reserve shooter isn't shit (at least in x10)
It won't be
Community: "Do not touch the tomislav."
TF2: "Hey guys let's rework the tomislav."
dmg -20%
And Valve nerfs the Tomislav and the community goes,
@@bowser3017 when did they do this change? it's -20% firing speed, not damage
@S not nessecairly, you got a better accuracy which shouldn't affect tomislav in mid and long range
plot twist they only slightly change its damage falloff to be better at long range than the stock
which would be nice
if they also buffed the stock to keep the war going
the fact that Big Joey called Sniper's Didgeridoo a "magical bong" is hilarious
wut it looks like: sniper playing somthing
wut it feels like:that's dope
Your profile pic gave me a fleeting second of joy for the first time in 3 years.
It’s also wierd bc it looks like he’s playing one himself
Angry upside down noises
Who doesn't?!
If heavy and spy ever get musical instrument taunts I think they should also make it a group taunt like the dances where if one person is doing their instrument taunt, everyone can join in together.
you're in luck
And when all classes play at once, it sounds like the TF2 theme
When you are about to detonate the stickys but hear 12 heavy drums getting closer
The end is nigh
The prosession
@the sewer pig I've seen you in TF2 I think...
@the sewer pig U G L Y
Have the Heavy update come with MVM updates and call it "Heavy Metal"
nice one
That is Genius my friend
I was gonna say use the Frontline stuff with the Heavy update and call it the "Heavy Artillery" Update, but that's a cool and good idea too.
You should join Valve
The only thing heavy needs in a heavy update is an australium sandvich.
Gold is not tasty
@@disc_00 australium probably is
NGL, those shiny golden weapons look mighty tasty.
Uhhh have you heard of the robot sandvich
That's still not a Sandvich made outta Australian Gold tho, that's a Sandvich made outta scraps from Grey Mann's robot army.
Idea: change the panic attack to instantly change to it while revved up, however you literally fling your minigun and have to pick it back up afterwards
Or we could make it so that when switching to the panic attack from rev, the heavy is forced to be fully still for the duration for the unrev
@@sud1881 but I wanna fling my minigun :(
- -100% movement speed for the user
-Automatic aimbot
-Add a secondary attack which makes you fire 4 missiles
-Be able to be healed by only engineers
-can be sapped
_wait a sec_
Lol seems legit
Lol seems legit
I'm late to the party, but you forgot "immune to critical hits"
-No random critical hits
This lol
As an Aussie, it's astounding to see Joey react to the existence of a didgeridoo.
australium aussie
We need a feature where if all the classes are playing there instrument taunts next to each other, it’s plays the main TF2 theme
That would take so much effort to get all instruments to do that (and give everyone an idol instrument animation) but it would be so worth it
DShobz Gaming if shotgun farmers can do it valve can do it
jj2d Community aid for the win!
We could have some other classes do the melody, while the current ones are more of a baseline-like thing.
The “ bong looking thing” that the sniper plays is a didgeridoo.
The Sniper also has a saxophone, the Scout has bongos, Soldier technically has a trumpet, and Pyro has a guitar.
@Suction cup Man its actually called a banjo
Its actually a banjo
Solder has a trombone
@@tf2oshaaa he has both.
Yoshibro26 i know he has both i was just clarifying what i thought he meant
"the perfect heavy update"
Honestly at this point _anything_ would be nice.
We average around 12k players on the weekends and 7k during the weekday. As much as I love this game, i think it's finally going to burn up soon.
@@audiowithdrawl5948 There are 13k players on at 2 pm on a Thursday and that's only accounting for people in game and not queueing for one.
AudioWithdrawl Honestly, that’s been said back in the early days. Tf2 isn’t going anywhere soon.
Uh oh, their nerfing the *BRASS BEAST.*
Imagine if they added Uncle Dane's "The Ammo Reserv" weapon idea. That in conjunction with the Huo-Long Heater would make it a much more viable weapon and might even bring it into the meta. Make it happen, Valve. I want my Strange Huo-Long Heater to be viable after all these years I've owned it.
I assume the Ammo Reserv is basically an ammo pack?
Its a horroble idea... first off, the jag is a direct upgrade as it thw tomislav, and should be nerfed to be more intresting... engineer = defend and the heavy is a sentry that can move... heavy should soak damage or be a meatshield or heavy dmg output/arena denial...
Jack Spedicy2 how does that relate to the original comment?
Joey playing the "didgeridoo" while looking like a homeless man high as a godamn airplaine is making me die of laughter
Valve: Guys we relased the Heavy Update
Joey: did you add the things ı suggested in my video ?
Valve : No we removed Heavy bkz he is too confusing for new players
> Simplest class
> Removed for being too confusing
@@OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa >snowplow gang
lmao remove medic to cause a time loop
Dexxus >Be pyro
Screaming Eagle lmao this is gold
11:01 The Heavy doesn't like to drink, he has said in past comics
But what if it's Vodka?
@@CaptainCFalcon He just doesn't like to have any alcohol in general. He says it gives him a headache
@@grits_taste_good415 wasnt it soda?.
@@PabloDonkeyBong2009 I am mostly certain it is not soda/pop/Coke
Or sandvich
If the heavy gets a instrumental taunt I feel like it should be a tiny piano.
Seeing a giant Russia man playing a tiny piano is pretty funny to me anyways.
Il vento d'oro
@@GGgentlemen you will capture the control point.
Wouldn't that be for pyro?
Nick Tin spy would also fit well with a piano but heavy is just more funny.
Also winglet has made a taunt for the pyro called flamer’s Fiddle which I also like.
Joey: "Some more war themed cosmetics"
Me: soviet items here i come!!
where is my ussr battle cap
shut up redditor
Fuck these type of items
@@ha9phtfpaehsshut, or I’ll shut you down.
What if we got an Ice Cream Sandvich, no afterburn and fire resistant
Only heal 150 health for heavy and 50 for Allies
@@Pogmit Yes, PLEASE
@@Pogmit welp it's decided then, let's use yours
I have a really dumb idea. What if the ice cream gave you.
-150 hp for heavy and 75 hp for teammates.
-50% less damage from bullet and fire sources
-Grants an aura of icicles that damages enemies and inflicts bleed for a short while.
@CallMeGabe it's not a gun
Also: throw in the catwalk taunt. HOW IS IT NOT IN THE GAME YET!?
Ikr! When i took a look at the workshop i just thought, Imagine a heavy walking at you like that xD
Greatest All-Class taunt that is worth your money
Agreed. How is it not?
Don't forget about attaching the sleazeball's strut as a taunt style for Scout (or just have it as its' own taunt all-together, whichever happens in the end).
I want heavy to have a piano that’s too small for him
He tries playing two keys, gets mad, and smashes it.
@@BeyondBaito perfect
@@BeyondBaito that's the shit i'd pay for
Give him a harmonica
That Has been suggested for pyro
Joey: “We are for sure getting a heavy update”
Me:*still sitting here curled up in a ball waiting for it*
Heavy update out yet? No Heavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? No
Heavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? NoHeavy update out yet? No
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I think that a Molotov is a great idea, but it should be a secondary. And the stats would be as followed: mouse 1 he takes the paper out of the bottle and chugs it for 100 or 150 health, and mouse 2 he lights the Molotov and throws it. If it were added as i suggest it would be the perfect mix of gun box and lunch box items.
Isn't the stuff inside a Molotov petrol?
@@acardboardbox3610 what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Nicronos yeah, but 100 proof grain alcohol can probably give off a big ol fireball if lit
A new secondary where Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 have different effects, one of them being an AoE fire effect?
* looks at the existing Sandvich *
* remembers how any players accidentally start munching the Sandvich instead of throwing it to their burning Medic, while the Medic accusingly burns to death in front of them as they watch in horror and shame *
Yeah, there are going to be some _hilarious_ mishaps.
@@TF2CrunchyFrog ayy malao
Big drums
The sound of war.
Scout: kazoo kid
dont forget pyro's air guitar
Pyros fiddle.
amen child, amen
@@ilimuninati4929 bro if they gave scout a kazoo XD
A lot of classes have weapons with a meter that can be filled by doing damage, what if heavy had one that could make up for his mobility. It would be a mini gun, it would have less ammo and possibly reduced damage and accuracy, but when you fill the meter, you can hit R to activate it. It would give Heavy a speed boost and remove his movement debuff while revved. If you died while the meter was charging it would all be lost, but if it was already full then it would persist between lives, that way the Heavy would have the choice of using the meter to try and get back up to the front lines quicker if there isn't a teleporter, or to try and save it for an offensive push.
Here me out, put this on a shotgun, that way, due to its increased mobility you might be able to buff Fat Scout into a semi-meta alternative due to heavy only really having 1 play style, but having a Shotgun that gives you a little extra health and a speed boost buff (maybe -50% ammo on primary or -50% Damage) and you have a subclass, maybe you could also add a primary that cannot deal damage but adds a 5-10% permanent speed-boost so it could combo with the new shotgun, like how the Persian is better in full demo-knight, obviously needs some changes but I would love it.
@@suomi5475 as a fat scout main, YES
You’ll have to get rid of less ammo because With less damage and or accuracy it would not be as rewarding
You have made the baby face minigun. That is all you have done.
It would be named “Anastasia”
The enemy heavy: pulls out steak sandvich
Me: laughs in sniper
Laughs in charged
Laughs in I can't play sniper I'm god awful
laughs in i cant even get out of spawn without dying immediately for the love of god please stop
"We want an update for Mann vs. Machine"
Ah, so an update to casual
It hurts.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer
I'd love an update to MVM but at the same time with how you have to pay for tickets if you want any of the actual rewards out of it its simultaneously a good mode and a pain in the ass. I know the tickets aren't all that expensive but its still annoying to have to pay an entry fee just to get the cool rewards, even if the games F2P.
ESPECIALLY if you end up in a game with some tacobot duchebag who tries to get you kicked for the slightest "misstep", won't stop complaining and bitching the whole match, or "allows you" to stay in until the last round where they'll try and get you kicked, so you did the work for them but don't get the possible reward.
this aged really bad ngl
Scout: bongos
Soldier: trombone
Pyro: bass guitar
Demo: bagpipes/piano
Heavy: *gets drums*
Engie: banjo/acoustic guitar
Medic: accordion/violin
Sniper: didgeridoo/sax
Spy: probably the FRENCH HORN (I'm not sorry.)
Well I guess Valve should change the name to Band Fortress 2.
600 coyotes I wanna see scout with a kazoo
Spy should probably get a violin or a piano, honestly! n.n
@@unholymackerel8072 Demo's on piano already
everyvone can play the guitar abviously because of the shred alert
@@fools7112 but it isn't unique to one class, also it's a promo item
What if all the instrument taunts play on the same rhythm so that people can play a song in spawn that would be so cool now I think about it
To make them all able to combine on a single song they may need to change some of the already existing ones into supporting beats, like the role the bass plays in a band. It is important that musical taunts still sound kinda good on their own, so they should be careful with that, maybe adding 2 different sounds: the lone taunter's song and the band song
If all instrument taunts would be played at russian server on a red spawn all at the same time and at 0:00 - the heavy update would be announced
@@marcelzed1154 The easiest solution would be to create an in-game system for the newer music taunts to always play on a set cue that's programmed into the game so they always play in order in the correct position of how long the song would be running, if that makes sense
To make it a lil simpler for my own case it would be like having a full-time music sync on the server so the newer taunts work properly to be in sync
@@marcelzed1154 More or less like auto tuning the taunts to the correct time frames
Make it a taunt you can join, much like a high five or a conga, and then make it a rythm minigame.
as an australian, big joeys lack of didgeridoos makes me laugh, especially when he starts moving his fingers around during the heavy drum showcase, thinking its some kind of flute hahahaha
The perfect heavy is
Giving him a subclass that isnt hoovy
Like gunspy demoknight flare pyros etc
Yeah, we have one. It's called Fat Scout
@@moronichybrid one that isnt treated as a meme
Demoknights are the oppositte of a meme and they wreck your face off
Flare pyros often manage to kill snipers (well at least i die alot)
And gunspies literally shift the whole way to play spy from well the spy to a more aggressive sniper on the frontlines
Like a secondary that isnt a lunchbox item or shotgun like some sort of mobility gear like pyro thruster and demoman shield
Or even substitute the minigun just like how demoman has the boots that takes his pills like some sort of heavier shotgun that lives up to the other games of the "weapon of mass destruction upclose but a tickling machine from far away"
@@miguelmialichi6367 Most of those subclasses aside from demoknight are debatably not legit.
Miguel Mialichi so fat scout,I got dominated a lot by them they are powerful af
Chicken boi (chickikiev and scout with chicken next to him)
"Oh man these weapons actually sound really cool"
*over a year ago*
I'm just imagining heavy charging at mock five speed in the normal walk animation for the legs, with his right hand ready to bich slap someone like a fat demoknight, just imagine what it will look like if he's strafing
I’m imagining them making the update
they still haven't???
*over a year and a half ago*
I don't even think that hopes for a Heavy Update made sense anymore... JUST LOOK AT HOW LONG WE HAVE WAITED
Gacc05 we've waited like this before.
We had a recent minor update which is a summer cosmetic drop, there's no harm in having a little bit of hope
scout'sleftnut you forgot the more important thing
They updated the localization files
But l4d2 get update after 10years so we have still hope
All I want is a update to end the aimbotting
I think a good way to buff the huo long heater would to make the ring of fire act as a weak air blast to make the ring of fire actually useful against spies and demoknights.
The spy can still jump over the ring
Join my discord - One of the biggest, most active tf2 groups around!
Big Joey Slap-Nuts ok
no its not
#buffthebeast only 100 ammo
would you be ok with stock minigun getting buffed in conjunction with a tomislav nerf?
#BUFFTHEBEAST Personal buff/rework design for the Brass Beast: +20% Firing Speed, -20% Accuracy, -20% Rev-up Speed.
If we replace the Brass Beast's stats with these, it will make the Brass Beast become literally a reverse-Tomislav. It'll finally be a BEAST close-range, buuuuuut... no sniping for hoovy. I mean, it's not like Heavy really needs to be sniping targets across the map anyway. One hidden downside: It will slightly burn through ammo due to that firing speed, so plan accordingly.
As for your "Rushin' Russian" idea that actually falls in line with part of a shield idea I had for Heavy. Basically, he replaces his primary weapon with this bulky tank-like shield that, on right-click, allows him to do a short charge forward (and possibly shield-bash targets). The shield will also give Heavy resistance to various forms of damage (not stacking with other weapons), much like Demo's shields. Not only will this give Heavy an alternate playstyle, and possibly be an indirect buff to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, but since it replaces the Heavy's Primary weapon, it also makes Shotgun Heavy more of a viable necessity, thus answering the Shotgun Dilemma.
All of this is great but that Molotov would need to be a secondary (anyway imagine it’s synergy with the hou long heater!)
The large drink should be called "The Bolshevik Bottle"
Yes, but is a vodka bottle
5 years ago..
>war themed heavy update
>not giving the Heavy USSR themed cosmetics
There is like, a millions of those already though lol.
the Heavy is a counter Revolutionary, so Tsarist and Resistance themed cosmetics would fit more.
Я тебя выслушал левак, а теперь иди к стенке
It will break his lore since he's against the ussr
@Francisco Pizarro González yeah but that's the joke for heavy
Huh. Recommended two years later. Nifty. I have watched the “TF2 isn’t dying” video, so I’m still holding out.
Wait wtf this was made in 2019 its 2020 how tf u in 2021
1 year*
Its 1 year old tho so.... how?
We’re living in 2020, this guy is living in 2021
how tf 2 years ago I’m 5 months ahead of you and it’s still a year old-
Heavy dosen't drink tho it gives him headaches, it's in the lore
If heavy would drink, everyone would die
Pretty sure drinking will give most anyone a headache. It's called a "hangover"
Nice work actually doing the homework, mate! Been a long ass time since I found someone who legitimately understood the lore of a game from the comics - outside of MVM or, maybe, the War updates.
He doesn't drink *beer* or any fizzy drinks because they give him headaches
@@meucas1115 it's nice that they made that a trait of his, people would think the russian would be obsessed with vodka like the demo with his brews, but no, he isn't a meat head that has a fun fetish
he's a professional, and professionals have standards
The heavy update should be a community made update called "the Last stand" and its a war themed update, it could even include mvm, and its perfect for heavy.
Honestly, I feel there's two ways they could go at adding a Heavy Shotgun (heh) in-game:
1. Go the TFC route and add a Double-Barreled Shotgun replacing the primary, a *lot* more damage, slower rate of fire, and I'd say a tighter spread to not completely cripple the Heavy into being a worse Scout, same ammo pool as the shotgun, or...
2. Add a bandolier of unspecified (Australium, maybe?) high-power shells that buff the secondary shotguns in exchange of not having a Minigun, there's even a shotgun bandolier cosmetic in the Workshop already.
I think it should be called heavy weapons heavy shotgun
#BUFFTHEBEAST and yeah I do agree Joey with your ideas of taunts, cosmetics, and weapons
Sniper had a saxophone 🎷 and scout has bongos.
Edit: and engineer has both a guitar and banjo.
and engineer has a banjo + guitar (played before taunt kill and in meet the engineer)
Team Musical 2
Scout on bongos
Soldier on trombone
Demoman on bagpipes
Heavy on drums
Engineer on banjo
Medic on accordion
and Sniper on saxophone
with choreography brought to you by Pyro and Spy.
@@dimensiondefender6785 heavy on heavy bass
I wonder what instrument pyro would have... That fiddle taunt maybe
Spy seems more like a violinist to me, what about you guys?
@@kylelockwood11 i think spy could get a flute
I can already imagine a row of heavy’s doing that drum taunt out of spawn
Weapon Idea:
*Russian Retaliator* (Heavy Secondary)
(+) 30% More bullets per shot
(+) 25% Faster reload
(+) 50% More damage per shot
(+) 25% More damage when overhealed
(+) 50% bullet, explosion, and fire damage resistance when below 50% health and weapon is active
(+) 100% More ammo
(+) 50% Faster firing speed
(-) This weapon holsters 75% slower
(-) This weapon draws 100% slower
(-) 33% Less rounds per clip
(-) Large bullet spread (fast damage fall off)
(-) No random critical hits
(-) 50% Melee vulnerability
(-) 30% Slower movement speed when weapon is active
(-) 15% Slower movement speed when weapon is holstered
(-) 50% Less ammo from ammopacks and dispensers while active
(-) 10% Less health from Medics and dispensers while active
The idea is that this shotgun would be big and heavy, but it’d pack a serious punch, and because it’s so large, it could be used to block damage. Plus, it would reload and shoot very fast to make up for the slow movement speed. And it would be effective when paired with a Medic, which is why I threw in “25% More damage when overhealed.” It’d be super powerful, but weak once somebody got a little far away. Also, I added the “50% Melee vulnerability” because it kind of makes sense that, if somebody were to somehow manage to land a melee hit in before being annihilated by this shotgun, it would deal more damage. Lastly, in order to balance the overheal stat, I added the “10% Less health from Medics and dispensers” stat.
Now, obviously this weapon is weak at longer ranges, so the user would have to use either the Tomislav, or this weapon that could come with this shotgun in the update:
Weapon Idea:
*Bolshevik Beater* (Heavy Primary)
(+) 50% smaller bullet spread (stronger at long range)
(+) This weapon has a silent spin sound
(+) 10% Faster movement speed while spun up
(+) 25% Faster movement speed while holstered
(+) 5% Faster movement speed while weapon is active
(+) 25% Faster draw speed
(+) 25% Faster holster speed
(+) 50% Extra ammo
(-) 30% Damage penalty
(-) 15% Slower firing speed
The idea of this minigun is that it’d be very similar to the Tomislav, but it’d be very light and effective at long range, making up for the *Russian Retaliator’s* weakness at long range. However, in order to balance the long range damage, the weapon would a deal much less damage, acting more as a pressure weapon rather than an actual threat. Also, this weapon would have 300 ammo instead of 200 so that the Heavy could keep on shooting for a good while before having to run back to a dispenser or ammopack.
I really like to discuss weapon concepts if you couldn’t already tell.
Also, if you think anything could be changed about by idea, feel free to reply with ideas (and names cuz mine are trash lmao).
Considering that you're boosting the pellet count as well as damage, if you do the math then a single meat shot literally deletes every class that isn't a Soldier or Heavy. It'd work better as an alternative primary choice, really padding out the Fat Scout playstyle. As a secondary, it's either overshadowed by any of Heavy's primary choices or stupidly powerful.
@@mothichorror446 this is good, i like this idea
Too much for a secondary ye, but primary? YES!
I think you may be going a bit too overboard with the number of stat changes. Remember, these would have to go on a normal TF2 stat card, so at best you're fitting 5-6 changes on at once. Instead of going for massively over-complicated stat spreads, here's a simplified/modified design of the weapons that I think could work well:
Russian Retaliator (Secondary)
(+40% more pellets per shot)
(+25% damage resistance when below 50% hp when active)
(+20% faster draw speed)
(-25% holster speed)
(-15% movement speed when active)
This particular secondary would enable Heavy to quite literally retaliate, helping him suddenly change a bad situation into a much stronger one. When being pressured heavily by an opponent, the draw speed and increased pellets give Heavy a strong burst option to rival the Panic Attack, while the damage resistance means that when recovering from a bad situation, Heavy is extremely difficult to get rid of. This means that if the enemy commits too hard when expecting to finish off Heavy, they can be put on the back foot by a bunkered-down, very angry Heavy about to blow their heads off.
Bolshevik Beater (Primary)
Frankly, I think this infringes too far on the role of the Tomislav, acting as a longer-range minigun with lower close combat abilities but better mobility. Instead, let's mess with things a bit, shall we?
(No speed reduction on spin-up)
(+ 40% faster spin-up)
(30% larger bullet spread)
This minigun would be as aggressive as the name implies. The increased bullet spread would make playing at range a very bad option, but the lack of spin-up slow and the faster time until you can fire means that being a more flank-happy and independent heavy has never been easier. It gives you far more options to get the drop on someone, coming out of nowhere and chasing the opponent down just as fast. Pair it with the Banana and the GRU and you'll find yourself in the enemy backline before you know it!
Instead of a big drum, he should materialize a full size grand piano and play something like rush b.
Maybe a piano cover of Boney M’s Rasputin song?
Hello cousin
Yeah these are good. Maybe if they felt like it, make a whole new song with a Russian tf2 feel to it.
Heavy is like the only class without a single fire primary so why not give him an artillery cannon and heres some stats btw im probabaly not good at balancing
1,000% DAMAGE bonus
bullets are replaced with high explosive shells
reload required
clip size is 1
max ammo is reduced to 40
not an automatic
shells can be reflected
50% slower move speed while active
That would outdate Lazypurple's Timeless Masterpiece Video. That is a Pet Peeve I have
Give it a 100% movement speed penalty.
Yeah that 1000% damage thing is too op, make it an 100%movement decrease while revved and have a slower rev speed
@@EvilRaccoonDM 1000% isnt really that bad because i was thinking its gonna be 50 damage and besides clip size is 1 meaning reload for like 1 second between shots
@@Noxillificus it sounds much more aggressive on paper but I stick by the slower rev
Its sad this came out 3 years ago and there is still on sight of the update on the horizon
Maybe if we get the heavy drums taunt, we can have him play "The Art of War", just imagine hearing that playing before a match beings. It would be soooo cool, man I hope this gets into the game.
It should be called "Iron Mann" for the lols
No it should be Heavy metal(not mine it's copied from someone else comment)
1) make the big drink a secondary. heavy could, instead of throwing the molotov, drink the alcohol and get back a bit of health. upon hitting the alt-fire, however, he lights it, starting a countdown. opon impact, or when the timer expires, it creates a small explosion, short area of fire, and then a lasting ring that heals teammates inside by a small amount. if exploded in the air, the heal coms down as rain. when healed by the molotov, you drip with magic alcohol that slowly douses fire and makes you wet for a short period of time. the molotov deal self-damage but not self-inflicted afterburn
2) make the rushing russian use the melee slot and have it do less damage than fists when punching. make the rushing russian able to use all fists reskins. make it so that, when under speed boosts, the rushing russian moves further and faster.
also add a heavy primary that totally removes your minigun and, in return, gives heavy some crazy passive boosts. e.g. "sahsa's sash"/"sash-a", a sash that heavy wears that says "heavy weapons guy" or something of that accord, possible that you can choose what is written on it. it possibly gives a passive damage boost to your secondary and melee, a health boost, a slight speed boost or possibly two or even all three. not only does this bring fat scout out of the meme bin and into an actual viable playstyle, but when paired with the steak sandvich and/or rushing russian, you get *heavy knight.* (thus why i said to be able to put reskins of fists on rushing russian. imagine running around with the shasha's sash, steak sandvich and conscientious objector)
thank you for listening to my bullshit that 100% will not be seen by valve
3 years late, but you are welcome nonetheless
i heard heavy updare is coming tomorow
it's coming this summer
@@merk-o-frik8394 it's not
Heavy doesn't need an instrument, he's the singer.
Do da da dididi do
Big joey: we are for sure getting a heavy update
Valve: *cancels support for tf2*
Big joey: am i a joke to you ?
this aged like milk
Valve never cancelled support for tf2
Canada Eh? That was a joke
Obi wan Kenobi ok you can woosh me now
@@mapleflag6518 I think he'd rather not. Forcefully finding Reddit users is lame and not equally as fun.
I would also like the "The Russian Street Fighter": Zangeif's mohawk.
Imagine a taunt kill where Heavy rushes forward and if he's able to grab an enemy, he'll do Zangief's Spinning Piledriver you into next week. I'm thinking the Cyclone Grab. A nod to Zangief's nickname, Red Cyclone.
It would need to have the obligatory charge up time (let's say it's half as long as Scout's Home run tauntkill), but would be dramatic and flashy. And to top it off, Heavy could possibly control where he lands, basically allowing him to jump to a higher location if it connects.
It would be a bit longer than most Tauntkill's overall, and you would be left completely vulnerable for a few seconds if it misses (and yes obviously you'll still take damage during the duration of the taunt). But it would be funny and I could see some funny moments and could be a very rewarding method of getting to a higher location. Also just imagine seeing a bunch of Heavy's just rushing forwards with no sense of self preservation.
Also funny idea to add on, when landing, Heavy and his victim could crush enemies if Heavy can land on them.
Also possible idea to add on, maybe if it doesn't have to kill enemies, perhaps this could grab Allies as well. Obviously it wouldn't do damage to them, because let's be honest trolls would team kill their teammates and piss everyone off, but it could be useful for when you and your Medic girlfriend are corned and you need an escape method. And while yes Trolls could still jump into pits and the environment, it could be interesting.
Alternatively it could be like the High Five taunt or Rock Paper Scissors taunt where you could offer to hug someone and you just jump into the air and piledrive them, like the idea above it deals no damage for both enemy and teammates alike and you have full control over it.
These are two ideas (three technically) are probably my best bets for a nice interesting taunt related to this idea.
We where so stupid thinking heavy update will come
*were 🤓
5:46 Not gonna lie I've seen to many heavy's get the gun for the first time use it for 10 minutes and then call it garbage.
11:56 I actually want in the game it sounds amazing.
Actually for the drum taunt it shoulf be lower pitched and louder. Its too blank as it is but the end is epic
Like the big drum in The Art Of War, right?
The "P E R F E C T" Heavy update is on the final day a secret link will be there that leads to his reveal trailer, for smash.
yes please
Fires his way in!!- in a 200$ custom cartridge”
God bless you magnificent basterd
Hell yeah
I'd honestly prefer Pyro for Smash, but heavy would be nice.
9:01 Welp, you're officially my favourite youtuber now.
I believe the "Steak Sandvich" should only heal 100+ hp. It would kinda remind me of the Dalokohs Bar, giving a temporary effect and healing 100+ hp.
Or maybe heal per hit.
Kinda like lifesteal. That would keep you going, but if the enemy is faster than you/you miss the hits, you're screwed
Sturtr Renaissance dont steal
Don't steal
No no
I actually suggested this name in the ask Joey channel on his discord.
StickyPudding _ I made this post before though
ZekoMeta TF2 same for too
Personally, I think the Drum taunt should get smoother animation putting on and taking off the drum.
Do it yourself then
@@Archieboiiii i agree with this person. You want it better, do it yourself.
@@2kkl4wz Why not update TF2 yourself then? Don't pretend the game doesn't need one
I also feel that the drum should sound deeper and have more of a boom to it. It's a big base drum, but it sounds like a toy.
@@Archieboiiii that's a dumb argument. I'm sure as hell no animator, but I know when an animation is stiff and doesn't match up with animations currently in the game. If it continues to look as sloppy as it does, it shouldn't be in the game.
Big Joey: "Chaser Heavy"
Me: "Fat Scout MKII
Im so offended, us yeti heavies are thrown out of society by chicken Kiev heavies. Make yeti great again
You *FILTHY PRIMATES* bring nothing but annoyance to our peaceful roosts
@@Peter_Turbo4 You slaughter our people because we are new and eat bannanas you feathery freaks
Imagine running out of minigun ammo, throwing your cocktail, and charging into someone
#BUFFTHEBEAST Half the ammo count but remove the speed debuff.
See I can get behind this change. Halving its ammo would make it so it can't be spammed as easily, and it means heavy would still have some motion around the battlefield.
Maybe making the resistances always active but lower. Say, 15% damage resistance.the current stats basically make it no different to snipers. Fully charged headshot will still Kill over-healed brass beast cause the heavy isn’t below half Health. (At least I’m pretty sure of this)
Half the ammo
-15-20% resistance while rev/firing
30% slower rev speed
-35% movement speed
+15% damage bonus
This allows Heavy to fulfill the tank role that the Brass Beast implies, the heavy has fewer bullets so it can't be spammed but also making heavy more resistant to snipers when slowed
@@roufailsgames7239 Make the resistances scale with how low your health is, that way a full overhealed heavy can still easily be 1shot.
Stardust Samurai why do you think it should scale with health.
Big Joey: WE ARE getting a Heavy Update
me in 2022: huh, that didnt aged quite well xD
imo steak should have an "slowly increases max health during the effect" to outheal(?) the eviction notice healthdrain and bring back jojo heavy, but also making it more useful with other melees
imagine pairing it with the gru to rush
@@elisttm it shouldn't be enough to outheal gru so it's not op, it should outheal evic notice just perfect
@@jellomaster5629 not really, it would drain your health half the original speed. gru has 30% speed bonus so it would still be useful
I'd kinda want Heavy to get a single shot option, or energy weapon of some kind. Maybe a giant Cannon of some sort.
11:28 the TF2 Musical Update. PLEASE!! Friendly servers are gettin boring and it needs some beats into it. heh
Engie and scout also have instruments, meaning the lack of one for heavy is even more unacceptable
@@AmigoPHD And spy should have something too
@@AmigoPHD spy pyro also need music i think for pyro that thing he has on his back in meet the pyro and for spy a harmonica
Spy needs a drum kit. Call it "The Knifemaster" in memory of the Rev (and of course, because Spy has a knife).
@@BearOfTheDead in the comic he was in jail and it looked like not his first time so i think harmonica also scout is the drum boy
And now we’re over here getting snakes, oh how I miss these hopeful ideas.
It would be cool if they made the new heavy update did expand on mvm but was also music themed, they could call it "heavy metal update" and each class would get at least 1 cosmetic referencing a famous rock singer or band that would be related to their origins and heavy would get his own instrument taunt along with the rest of the classes that don't already have an instrument taunt.
they should add ambient music too, even if they get cloaked by the loud gunshots and explosions
The Russin' Russian is Charger from L4D2 in TF2 lmao
11:35 didgeridoo (probably butchered the name) that's what the instrument Sniper plays
We are already having the second war between man vs machines in our servers.
#buffthebeast slightly lower base fire rate, increases over time spent spun up.
Hmmm. Like a manual gatling gun.
20% damage bonus,
20% resistance while spun up,
Fire rate increases to 150% of the base minigun over two seconds,
Base fire rate is 50%
30% slower rev speed
Immobile while revved.
Maybe the fire rate increases even without firing, but still needs to be revved.
someindistinct person good idea
The Second Bananna is better than Dragon's Fury, Gas Passer and Hot Hand.
I think Valve wanted the heavy to have the update first
But what the fuck, who prefeers pyro over heavy?
@@marcoeusse4769 it was because UA-camrs preached to vote pyro because flame particles were broken
@@claytons4690 *UA-camr. Dag gummit Dane.
Fucking uncle dane always ruin with Valve plans. He is the one making people bitch about random crits and autobalance. Don't get me wrong, I love this guy, but he always fuck up.
Dragons furry
I feel like this would be a fun combo
Huo Long Heater
Rushin Russian
Boxing gloves of running urgently
The Charging Chzekezlovakian loadout
Bowen Miller lubricated Lithuanian
The Charging Czechoslovakian Loadout
Sounds like a load out for zombie escape
This was the time Joey did not know of the bio breaker
I came up with my own heavy weapon concept, "the icecream sandvich" I think the icecream sandvich would upon being consumed would grant you over heal and when thrown to your team mates it would grant then a small amount of over heal, and it has a recharge rate of 16 seconds being faster than the second banana and all the other sandviches, the down sides to the icecream sandvich would be that once the over heal is gone you'd be back to the health you originally ate it at and while your over healed you'd been a bit slower than usual, anyway this is my heavy weapons concept and I thought I'd share my idea
I’m joking
It's fine if you make it just put my name in the bottom left of it "Toby guy"
Or the brand name "Toby"
Bruh it's just a shittier dalakovs bar. Although the slowing effect is a cool idea
@@lucagaibazzi2157 can you write me better stats, cause I just wanted a icecream sandwich
Just remove heavys legs it be perfect.
Russian Pewdiepie
Why does heavy even have legs?
*DEFENSE* class
Give him Brass Beast x10.
Yoh tot. Yoh tot. YOHTOTYOHTOTYOHTOTYOHTOT yoh tot. yoh tot.
With the Brass Beast, I think all they need to do is to reduce the slower spin up time and movement speed while spun up to make it more viable and if they want to, they could give it the stat of immunity to all knockback and debuff effects to keep the title of the Defensive Minigun. #BUFFTHEBEAST
Also on the topic of balancing Heavy, I think the best change for him would be to give him his own Lunchbox Slot so you can have a Shotgun and a Sandvich at the same time so you can still heal yourself while being able to defend your quickly with the Shotgun.
also I agree
That would be so cool!
Yess, a 4th slot for the lunchboxes
That's something I have been telling people for years
They would definitely have to rebalance his inventory to do that but it would be such an improvement; it would mean they could finally do something with shotguns
or make a new secondary weapon like the molotov in the vid
Dammit dammit dammit dammit!
#raw roast beast is a -feast- buff like none in the least
Dude, watching this and it's three years old. Ouch
I like Valve to change every heavy melee (fist only) stat:
after you punch with M1 , 10+ fire rate when you follow up the second punch with M2.
Phew I wasn’t the only person that knew that m2 is the right hands punch
Team Fortress 2 is the only game in this planet that does this voting system i actually love TF2
Team Fortress 2 Has a special place in my heart
'Shoulder Bash' and 'Molotov' would definitely be really cool. 👍
So basically, it's a fat demoknight and a fat pyro.
I'm in.
boi, rushi'n russian
I have an idea. I’m on board with the shoulder bash, but the cocktail is kinda eh for me. Consider this, instead of countering the vaccinator by giving another mode of damage, we buff his melee/contact mode of damage. My idea is implement the shoulder bash, but only in a select weapon of multiple weapons in his secondary. Demo gets a demoknight subclass, I say we add a subclass for heavy called the tank heavy. 3 shield type weapons, and one of the weapons (similar to the tide turner) is weaker than the others, but provides a special aspect that gives a new way to play the subclass, that’s where I propose a shield that isn’t as strong or damage resistant as its other 2 brothers, but provides a shield bash ability, and everything described in the ‘rushin Russian’ could be applied here. It’s a wood shield that is strapped to his arm unlike being held in-front of him, and when he bashes someone, it breaks on contact, hence why it needs to be recharged. If it doesn’t hit someone, it would recharge at 2x the speed it normally does if it does hit someone. I do have more ideas for the other 2 shields, but this is getting way too long.
cheers to 4 years of this video still being relevant because the heavy update still hasn't happened.
Joey: “Give heavy a Molotov”
Me: “that’s pyro”
Joey: “let heavy charge”
Me: “that’s demoknight...
also screw demoknight”
And screw pyro
Oh, about demoknight... *pulls out stock flamethrower* Emo-two?
Give him a buff, done.
@pb Demoknight tf2
TF2 Community: HEAVY UPDATE!
Valve: I don't know, Seems kinda gay.
Valve:*announces artifact 2*
Just give him the fence, shield, thing that he had in that one comic, make it to where pills don't explode on impact, but bounce off as if it was a wall, takes less damage from rocket explosions, but it doesn't do much against bullets (only minor resistance), but the downsides are that he walks slower with it deployed, and it has a slow weapon switch time.
Probably take up the secondary slot
Make it a primary weapon, makes heavy faster because reasons. As for what it does, it's a wall. Big enough to protect Doktor, crouch and look up a bit and anyone can use it as a ramp, block bullets and stop rockets. It should simply be a portable wall that allows heavy to move faster when not in use, but when engaged slows him right back down to revved speed.
Fat scout.
I hope this is what the summer update will be fingers crossed
Joey: *uses a fortnite weapon image *
Jojo fans: *WRRRRYYY*
TF2 community: "We don't do that here"
“The Iron Wall”
Blyat, that’s a perfect name
The Iron Curtain sounds nicer, but it's already being used, so...
With karma charger gone you'll be perfect to continue his job.
Y tf would that crybaby make his videos private tho, i was gonna rewatch em just like i do with TheBatesee
@@erieriderschillingcorner1595 becuase he wanted to trow away that reminds him of his oldself
No one can re0lace karma charger
@MISH4P I get what you mean, nothing can replace him but at least his job can be continued.
he has come back u idiot