It's an amazing feeling taking someone from full to 0 at level 2. And yeah other champs do this easier but she is special to me probably because I know alot of people can't jg with her
Václav Hartinger literally the reason I’m a supporter on sona. I got the DJ skin out of the box and I like the music. I didn’t even had her unlocked before.
@@JoJuPlays I definitely don't agree. LoL is more about macro than about micro (mechanics) so even if you are playing a champ with not many mechanics you can still having fun by winning a game with your good map decisions, kinda like chess.
I might be reading a little too deeply into this and I could very well be wrong, but maybe you're playing for a sense of accomplishment. You keep logging on every day to try and show to yourself that you are good at this game you've spent so much time in, this game that causes you so much pain and suffering. You want to prove that it isn't all for nothing and that you can in fact win. If so I suggest you please, please take a break. I'm 4 months late on this and idk how your mental well being is right now but you might end up burning yourself out. As for picking a champion, you'll want to look out for meta champions, pick what's strong, but don't forget the type of champions you like playing. Are you more aggressive or passive? Do you like having agency over every fight via cc or do you enjoy carry champions who kill important targets? Those are all questions you should be asking, and you can answer after you've had a healthy break.
@@ledlite9913 lol that was me in the first place but then I bought Xayah and started to play as adc main and now I play the game cuz I find it fun SOMETIMES
Literally same story with Jhin. "Oh, yeah, you can try him, but he's kinda hard and not friendly for begginers, you'll just have a bad time with him, let's try Ashe instead...". Nah, I love my artistic boi and always enjoy playing him because of his comebacks after losing lane. Also, sending love to Draven, Dravens always give me so much pain in lane
My main is Ahri.... Because I chose her in the fucking Tutorial when I had no idea what “lanes” or other basic things even meant and just thought she was pretty xD
Yup this was me and now I’m trying ekko but idk how I feel about him now.. I loved him at first but now idk.. I’m only lvl 10... he’s hard be I have to predict stuff
I consider myself a man's man. I love hunting, outdoors, firearms, beer, Swords. But I have been having a blast with Seraphine. So much so that when I play her I've been setting my LED ambience to pink. When its Yone who I main, red and white.
How do you think I got into Darius? I got God-King Darius from 10th anniversary And I also got Dark Cosmic Jhin on another account but I don't play him lol I try to but I suck at him x)
@@thenerdydudegamer75 do u have another goal in life other than reminding random persons about their mistakes ???? Especially when those people speak more languages than u do :) ?
Actually he's a celestial being that finds magic relics to keep them away from humans of runeterra so they don't use it in wars He's kinda stealing nukes
when i finally unlocked all the skins (mainly rerolling loot, saves money and garuntees new stuff, even hextech) they give you 1 limited skin of choice, i chose pax TF so if you're into that kinda thing theres always that
@@kheriga7725 Me too tbh But at the moment I just change runes depending on the matchup, if I'm against like a yas or kata I just go conqueror which is still good on Asol and the option for most situations. If I'm against something like a Xerath or Velkoz I go electrocute to burst them more easily and for easier in lane trades. I always rush Rod of Ages and Rylais no matter what tho. When you get conq you usually take Liandris next and one betwee zhonias or banshees, if I go electrocute I usually build spell binder.
Me as an evelynn one trick: "Let's See...Who's life shall i ruin today." Like, i literally say that at the beginning of games sometimes unintentionally, I've played her so much and i forgot she says that now i know why i say it and then i make it my entire goal to ruin the ADC's life that's the only thing i live for lol We all have our demon's bro.
as a zoe main myself - there's that .... and the constant cheery voice lines that keep me sane when the team i'm with starts getting tilted. been many a game where just singing ~wanna have fun - and chat with someone besides... my... self ~ kept me from becoming salty myself
Nah that is just idiot adcs...If u hate zoe just ban her. It is simple. As an adc main i constantly gank zoes to make her die like 10 times in 15 min. But to do that u ve to tryhard bot and kill them too, so u ve to know u r going to die some matches cause taking too much risk. In the end, u become a better player cause pushing the limit makes u find crazy mechanics and not be 3-0 in lane and later crying ur team fed. U must rotate and become a nightmare.
I enjoy when people are roughly on the same page; no complaining, people respecting the calls anyone makes, overall teamplay. Doesnt matter if we win or lose, its fun when ppl are proactive. Overall its easiest to achieve by playing roam sorts of champs, warwick, talon, tf, nauti/leona.
Me, a level 5: "Draven looks cool" Everyone ever: "Draven is too hard for you, start with someone like Darius" My stats now: 95% games played as Marksman. I will never look back.
Nikos Tsoup Maining Kindred as of late has made me want to blow my brains out. Champion feels awful to play as of late. And I’m not alone according to r/Kindredmains
I read Sett's abilities i was like "Huhh, so... he punch punch to punch punch then facebreak you to punch punch more?" Now he's my main. I loved him more when i learned that he is voiced by Dio 😂
"I'm used to this level of disappointment" or how I started to main Ornn. Actually, I started to main this or that champ sometimes for hell strange reason. Corki because I like Gyrocopter from Dota 2 (didn't play it, but know, what's there), Sion because of ult, Urgot because of his subname(or how it is called) "Dreadnought" (me is Warhammer fan, so it quickly attracted my attention), Kled because it's Kled, Udyr because got an absolute skin... Ornn is the only champ I started to main because of EVERYTHING. Cool design, skills, lines, lore, also giving that Salamanders' vibes from Warhammer 40000. "If all goes well, our paths will never cross again. It never goes well." (c)
I main Morgana... Her lore is a big reason to why I main her, and her quotes are heartfelt and you can feel her pain. "Do not conflate darkness with evil"
I looked to Warwick and said mmm Wolf now don't ask how the anemy team adc or support always scared from me and yeah I main fiddle and mord and thresh and Lucian and swain one champion for every role
ersonally id argue that sometimes helps. my partner mains jinx and whilst he is very good with her he can sometimes get stuck in bad game ruts and I think its because a part of him is bored/ tilted from previous games and just getting too familiar and making mistakes so every so often I encourage him to shake things up pick another adc or even play a different lane completely and it usually helps a lot plus reminds him that theres a bunch of other champions he loves too. I main right now but the way I do it is I main a champ for a while and then begin the process of learning another one and so if the one im starting to learn is banned or picked I stilol have another champ im comfortable with to fall back on
I main Singed and Kled. I like their Playstyles the most. Also the Champion Lore and how he is interacting with the World aswell as their Personality are very important to me. Not only are they cool characters ingame and have a fun kit but also Singeds Laugh when he flips you around and runs like a crazy madman in your Team and Kleds attitude are the best things in league :D
When I chose my main, I had a different mindset. I thought about what pisses me off the most, wich is: when my teammates int and i can't do anything to win, needing my team to make calls, loosing lane, being useless lategame, and specific champions in my main role (which is toplane) like Garen, Darius, Morde, some poke champs. Then i thought "how do I prevent being annoyed while playing this game", "what counters those champions" and "how do I win a game BY MYSELF". Since then Yorick became my greatest main and i never was annoyed while playing him. I also find out that he fits my playstyle EXACTLY. He provides everything i ever wanted from any game. I can go on and on and say why Yorick is the best champion ever in MY opinion, but that's not the point. The point is, that maybe you should also look at what you DON'T LIKE in the game and thinking: "How do I prevent this?" With that helpful piece of advice Peace! ☮️
I'm honestly glad to see people maining the rework Yorick... I personally cant stand it and wont play him anymore, but I'm glad there is a small group of Yorick faithful still.
Same here too dude. Was so frustrated with all the lane bullies and not able to 1v9, I chose Fiora. I'm enjoying the game way more because I just finish the game by myself :)
@@citizencj3389 thats not what i meant :) I meant that i play Evelynn BECAUSE i hate adc's ^.^ They seem so arrogant ^.^ But Lee and Rengar are annoying tho, thats right...
I use to be an Air main. His kit felt so natural, I loved his aesthetic, and was devoted to playing competitively with him... then riot absolutely gutted and rotisserie him.
My favorite part of league is definitely when you’re losing a game, the enemy team is toxic af and spamming ”ez” but then you make a comeback and win the game, possibly even say ”ez” as the defeat screen pops up for the enemy
In my second game of league, since I didnt know about buying items, the enemy smurf blue kayn ran around the map one shotting my team instantly, and I thought, "Wow! I want to click a button to win the game too!" Now im a kayn main and have fun hiding inside the enemy adc's body without their consent.
Picking a main is always difficult for me to do because every champ I become interested in turns out to be one of the hardest. The two champs I got drawn to when starting this game was Akali and Irelia. I would be playing these champs and feeding hard when I first began, so I was forced to learn mechanics of my champion before learning things about the game, doing this is something I suggest you avoid if you are a newer player. Start with a less mechanically demanding champ and gradually move into mechanically challenging champs as you get better. Don't make the same mistake I did. I main Irelia btw
Thats what i did when i started my friends all suggested to play an easy champ to learn the game now my favourites are all tanks :) soak dmg and stoll oneshot enemy adc hahaha i love it i just love how these champions have almost no couunterplay against if played correctly (yes i like stat checker champs) welcome to ww, shen, ornn, blitz, thresh,seju, cho, .... mains
Idk man, i haven't found as much enjoyment playing anyone else as much as Irelia. The people who make me feel like im always learning will probably be the only reason I continue to play.
That's me starting LOL a month ago with Gwen as my main, aside from Yuumi I didn't try anyone else before getting Gwen and the first games were absolutely MISERABLE But now I'm getting the hang of it and I love her
I found my main by going through the list before starting the game. I fell in love with Zyra's design and just because I love plants. I really like her personality and playstyle.
Me a few months earlier: *learning the game and mechanics in blind pick* One of my teammates in chat: "Ekko is a cheat" Me a few months later: Ekko main :D
"Never underestimate the power of the scout's code" Hut, two, three, four. Yes, sir! I'll scout ahead! Armed and ready. That's gotta sting. Reporting in. Size doesn't mean everything. Take the pain! Natural born killer. Turns out, I got a proficiency in killing. Let the poison do its work. Death has a name! This is where we draw the line. I settle my scores. This'll be messy. Time for a long nap. Sight, shoot, reload. I don't feel anything. Whose my next tally mark? Look alive! This is very personal. Smell that? That's fear. Killing's all I'm good at. I'm takin' everyone with me! This ones for Johnny. This ones for my helmet brother! Fighting fair is a good way to die. There's no such thing as collateral damage. One on three? Best odds yet. Time to put on my killing hat. Weed out the pain. Got teeth? You got a weapon. We all live in the jaws of the beast. Next time I see Nashor, I'll yank a couple more. Some masks you never take off. Let 'em die slow. This is gonna sting. This coulda saved a lot of good men. Two and a half seconds is all it takes. Sometimes, time stands still, and all you can do is watch. There's a mushroom out there with your name on it. Survive here a week, then you get a name. The war never ends, the battlefield just changes. Here you go little guy, you're my only friend left. You and I, are survivors buddy. They can never kill us. They won't make the mistake of thinking you're harmless again. We'll make them pay for what they did to your family, little guy. I've done things I'm not proud of. I'm the last scout standing. You don't know about war. You'd be surprised how quick fur ignites. One day there'll be a reckoning. War didn't change me, I changed war! Tall folk don't last long round here. Never. Get. Attached. Good men die. I choose to live. We aint all makin' it outta here. Peace is a fairy tail. Reinforcements aint comin'. Size is a liability. Nobody's innocent anymore. I used to live by a code. They been lookin' for yours truly. Survival aint pretty. Lots to do before I punch out. A part of you never leaves the jungle. I forget what started the fighting. You can't tell but uh, I've grown quite the beard under here. Coming in hot. Need to get patched up. There's nothing left here. Become one with the jungle! Now, we wait. Patience, now. Blind 'em! You want Teemo? Come and get him! Take a long walk through the jungle! My tears have all dried up, kid. You've got no idea what it's like on the ground, flyboy! Little guy's gone native! Wars are won with men, not machines. Rockets aint for jumpin', who gave you that? Everyone's on a clock, but only mine keeps ticking. Face toward enemy. Got a little suprise for 'em. I own this land. Another mushroom, another victim. Watch your step. More where that came from. Armed and ready. Teemo'd. I'm everywhere. I know everything that happens here. Never let your guard down. Nobody gets past Teemo. "Teemo Laugh"
pro guides: everyone is playable me: I played an aram with azir last time and his passive just stopped. working.. proguides: proguides: MOST PEOPLE are playable
I picked Ahri in the tutorial because pretty lady and then never stopped. Ended up working out because I love her play style and a year and a half later she’s still my main. Picked up some others too like Syndra and Morgana but Ahri will always be my number one.
I've been a support main for 5 years now, i got bored and stopped played a lot last year..and this year i started branching out to top lane and adc. ARAM definitely helped me find new interests i didn't know I had. I love playing Poppy, Mordekaiser, and Sejuani because i love giant hammer/mace weapons and tanks c:
I main Neeko because I like tricking enemies and surprise them with my ult and because her lore is funny and the fact that she may be the last of their kind. Also, I'm starting to love the support role because I always get the satisfaction whenever I heal my teammates and help them murder enemies >:)
I don't remember how I specifically fell into Warwick but ever since I started to be a Jungle otp early on he's become my favorite pick. I love his kit (which definitely carried me when I was bad and now I can carry using him). I love his aesthetic. His strong points have definitely influenced characters I love. (Ex. Amazing duelists or huge sustain) Not to mention ever since I've been watching Parnellyx my capabilities have gone through the roof. It's like as I grow with Warwick I grow as a player and vise versa. In a way Warwick is like growing up with the family dog to me.
@@peterd4047 Convenient date, considering my original thought was that we'd have to wait until 2999 for Riot to wake up. Would be a shame if this all turned out to be an elaborate prank. Hahaha
My old main was Mundo only played him for a couple months before the rework. I had over 100k mastery points in him and it was the best fun I've ever had with league, I could play my 2 favorite roles (jungle and top) I just loved every bit of it. However after the rework I looked at him, played one game on pbe and let my boy rest, not another mastery point was scored.. R.I.P old Mundo you will never be the same dear friend.
I love playing aganist pykes because lane suddenly turns into a mechanic fight, which is something I will almost never loose. Its just too risky and hit or miss champion, if you fail your lane is fucked.
Im a Ahri main literally got her at lvl 4 or smth and fell in love with her playstyle u can solo carry or play with ur team and i love that bc u can switch ur playstyle whenever u want without switching the champion obviously she isnt strong rn but im waiting
2 things. I love being an asshole in lane while also being relatively safe. (Kled, Renekton, Sett) and I love it when the champion I play has a lot of personality, usualy being an asshole or just saying that he/she is better than everyone else (Kled,Renekton, Sett) and that's how I picked my mains. (I main top btw). I just love wining lane what can I say. Edit: Ah yeah, I forgot to mention that I play Sett because he is a litteral jojo reference as well.
@Ale Mar She represents a philosophy of life. The story of why she's an appropriate host for the Aspect of Twilight has more to do with substance than with style. She's not a badass warrior, cold assassin, or watchful protector. She represents a perspective on life which is wholly unique to her character in the game, and that's to not take everything so damn seriously. By the way, the ball had significance. She was selected in the same way the Dalai Lama is chosen in real life. The child is placed in a difficult situation, given a box of tools to escape the situation, and a toy. The child who chooses the toy becomes the Dalai Lama.
@Ale Mar Morgana and Kayle are supposed to be incarnations of the "scales" of justice. Kayle represents punishment to the extreme, while Morgana represents mercy to the extreme. Their mother was an even balance of these two things. I don't like either of them very much, because the influence of the aspects basically dictates their personalities in a deterministic way. They basically have no free will to choose to be different. I don't have much to say about Leona. As for the Dalai Lama, this is what that is:
Any Camille mains here? :^)
i'm here...
They exist ?
Lol jk
Does camille jg count?
@Daddy Thanos you don't, red 2 lvl 2 gank, gromp, etc. Her clear isn't impossible especially if you can kite
It's an amazing feeling taking someone from full to 0 at level 2. And yeah other champs do this easier but she is special to me probably because I know alot of people can't jg with her
"What draws you to a champion?"
"Most people are drawn to champions because of their playstyle"
Me : "I like how they look"
Václav Hartinger literally the reason I’m a supporter on sona. I got the DJ skin out of the box and I like the music. I didn’t even had her unlocked before.
Václav Hartinger ya I look at both
Carl Hoefer I feel that. I was always a mid main but I got the KDA skin for Kai’sa and now I play ADC.
I'm just here for character lore
Pyke is the main reason i start lol
I have the extraordinary ability to be bad at every champion I main
I feel the same...😂
Don’t main a mechanical champion
Me too buddy.But before I bough the champ (while the champ was in free champ rotation) I was playing like faker
@@seraphinjaenike2586 Well if you play easy champ, you get easily bored on it.
@@JoJuPlays I definitely don't agree. LoL is more about macro than about micro (mechanics) so even if you are playing a champ with not many mechanics you can still having fun by winning a game with your good map decisions, kinda like chess.
"why are you playing?" Mate I ask myself every day I log on.
Honestly same
I might be reading a little too deeply into this and I could very well be wrong, but maybe you're playing for a sense of accomplishment. You keep logging on every day to try and show to yourself that you are good at this game you've spent so much time in, this game that causes you so much pain and suffering. You want to prove that it isn't all for nothing and that you can in fact win.
If so I suggest you please, please take a break. I'm 4 months late on this and idk how your mental well being is right now but you might end up burning yourself out. As for picking a champion, you'll want to look out for meta champions, pick what's strong, but don't forget the type of champions you like playing. Are you more aggressive or passive? Do you like having agency over every fight via cc or do you enjoy carry champions who kill important targets? Those are all questions you should be asking, and you can answer after you've had a healthy break.
@@TheRuneskald I like this
@@TheRuneskald I never thaught i was gonna get a revelation of how to play games like this... damn man
find a connection
lee sin is blind just like me
at least thats what my team tells me when they die
idc if I’m 5 months late this made me laugh out loud😂😂
I resonate with Senna, every time she dies she says” dying again? Must be getting good at it” which is like 20 times every match
honestly this voiceline is one of the only reasons i havent stopped playing her despite me being absolute dogshit with her LOL
Senna is best champ.
Only 20😂😂
@@letmein8388 ahhahaha
I wanna play her because I love her ulti like,, damn it's so satisfying seeing it
I looked at malphite, and went “ooooo rock man look cool”. He is now my favorite rock in all of league. I spiritually connected with a rock
I thought literally the same thing when I saw him, but then I saw Poppy 10 matches later.
Taliyah gang
Well, if you want a rock main your choices came down to Malphite and Taliyah 😅
Funny cuz my dude never looked cool 😭
@@almisami thats the beauty of it
Maybe lissandra too when youre a bit on the colder side of the spectrum
Just ask yourself: Do they look cool? Do their skins look cool?
Omg thats me with Ahri XD
@@ledlite9913 lol that was me in the first place but then I bought Xayah and started to play as adc main and now I play the game cuz I find it fun SOMETIMES
oh my God, literally me. I main fizz because he looks like a grown up bruni (frozen 2). that is my only logic.
Me: **looks through champions** **sees Mordekaiser**
“That one, i want that one“
I saw a Yasuo combo... my main
My story was simple. My friend told me draven is too hard for me to play, so I picked him.
Literally same story with Jhin. "Oh, yeah, you can try him, but he's kinda hard and not friendly for begginers, you'll just have a bad time with him, let's try Ashe instead...". Nah, I love my artistic boi and always enjoy playing him because of his comebacks after losing lane.
Also, sending love to Draven, Dravens always give me so much pain in lane
@@Персик-н2к I mained Jhin since 2016 and first ad champ i tried cause i like his mask.
*Laughs in aphelios*
lmao same here with viego i can feel my friend blaming me everytime i die xdddd
My story is simple too i said my friend i like adcs and now im a ezreal main
Pro guides: are you getting gank on your own lane?
ME: *skip* *skip* *skip*
At least it's themselves and not raid: shadow legends
@@skrubyboi7044 raid ads on internet historian are fucking great
Dude I was sooo the same
skip*4 actually!
I wanna play everyone so I play sylas
Vision Damned dude, that’s big brain
Big brain for me
You can play me
Sylas is just so funny i love to play him
My main is Ahri.... Because I chose her in the fucking Tutorial when I had no idea what “lanes” or other basic things even meant and just thought she was pretty xD
Ahri is fuckiing whack
So you're either a simple dude or a horny one
Same lol got the game today
@@rohannaidoo1117 dont feed please
Yup this was me and now I’m trying ekko but idk how I feel about him now.. I loved him at first but now idk.. I’m only lvl 10... he’s hard be I have to predict stuff
"You can feel their background story in their playstyle"
*laughting in seraphine*
Lmao i always impersonate her ulti
I started to play recently and I main her, her lore might suck but her design and that E range is what makes me want to play as her
Laughs in fiddlesticks
I consider myself a man's man. I love hunting, outdoors, firearms, beer, Swords. But I have been having a blast with Seraphine. So much so that when I play her I've been setting my LED ambience to pink. When its Yone who I main, red and white.
proud seraphine main since the day she was released :)) and i can actually carry games as “support” seraphine so i really enjoy her
4:47 “why specially do you want to main this campion”
Me: “well you see I recently got a REALLY cool skin shard...”
How do you think I got into Darius? I got God-King Darius from 10th anniversary
And I also got Dark Cosmic Jhin on another account but I don't play him lol
I try to but I suck at him x)
same xd
Well Sivir is my 2nd main cos of a Blood Moon skin XD
This is me when i got ezreal ultimate skin
That's me almost everytime
I’m insecure about my poverty that’s why I’m maining my Prestige Louis Vuitton Qiyana
I feel attaqued
HANAFI Diaa El Haq *attacked
@@thenerdydudegamer75 do u have another goal in life other than reminding random persons about their mistakes ???? Especially when those people speak more languages than u do :) ?
If u ain't gentleman Cho Gath u can't consider yourself rich
this is too real man
I Main Syndra, She got 3 balls.
She has way more with enough time
She makes me harny
*aurelion sol has joined the chat*
What an odd medical condition
More than me :(
"There is a story to all Champs and they are very interesting. "
Bard who cares about no one or anything besides his meeps...
God I love bard
Actually he's a celestial being that finds magic relics to keep them away from humans of runeterra so they don't use it in wars
He's kinda stealing nukes
Bard is Husbando
@@farmiluc bard= best
baed. is the most fun champ ive ever played
I main support, not because I like to babysit people but because I don't like last hitting.
Wip Zed Kay omg same
i am good at last hitting i main suport just cauz botlane only feeds and i make that ends
I play support to prevent bot lane from feeding
Then you can Also play jungle
A fun fact about Jhin:
I honestly don't know if this was intentional, but if you trace out Jhin's name on a keyboard you get the number 4
Mind blowing
Very confused
It is intentional
Robin Caluwaerts
4 symbolise stability
@@peepe4649 Depends on the culture. To some, 4 brings bad luck.
I need to stop buying skins before I play them.
I feel targeted lmao ! I'm encouraging the art team. :')
Hey, i get 995 skins ! Why ? ... Don't really know 😬
when i finally unlocked all the skins (mainly rerolling loot, saves money and garuntees new stuff, even hextech) they give you 1 limited skin of choice, i chose pax TF so if you're into that kinda thing theres always that
goddamn.. rich folks out here spending $1000 on skins :o.
@@assassin7250 These people have issues, they need help, nothing to envy about
"if you don't want to worry about landing your abilities, play renekton" can also be reworded to "if you're bad, but want free wins, play renekton"
Or Garen or Yi
Or annie
Renekton sucks late game tho so better finish quick
Me: I want to play Aurelion
Riot: How bout no
How bout we rework him for no reason :)
I am a former Aurelion main and I feel very lost now what do I do...what do I do ? :(
@@kheriga7725 Me too tbh
But at the moment I just change runes depending on the matchup, if I'm against like a yas or kata I just go conqueror which is still good on Asol and the option for most situations. If I'm against something like a Xerath or Velkoz I go electrocute to burst them more easily and for easier in lane trades.
I always rush Rod of Ages and Rylais no matter what tho.
When you get conq you usually take Liandris next and one betwee zhonias or banshees, if I go electrocute I usually build spell binder.
Dominik Schmidt They literally gutted a already not popular champion. I don’t understand Riot sometimes.
@@NikELbErGErBergel don't worry, it won't be long before rito rework 'Ryze'.
“Does this champion bring you Joy?” ~Marie Kondo
Riot: these champions do not bring me joy *dumps ASol, Kalista and Akali into trash.*
Sweetwater same, sucks that she is relatively shit compared to other assassins
"Resonate to the champion"
Me as an evelynn one trick: "Let's See...Who's life shall i ruin today."
Like, i literally say that at the beginning of games sometimes unintentionally, I've played her so much and i forgot she says that now i know why i say it and then i make it my entire goal to ruin the ADC's life that's the only thing i live for lol We all have our demon's bro.
Yea i main xayah and the thing that always makes me happy is geting feed and murdering enemy team.
what should I think as a fiddle main then ?
@@Malagaar73 you like crows
Yay another Kat main :D ✋✋
You know it's gonna be your main when you imitate their voice lines, my throat hurts because of fiddlesticks
Me, a girl: mains swain
Others with me in a voice chat: thinks i‘m a guy
always know when to make an entrance
Neeko is best decision
"Shes thicc and kills you with a ringblade"
I will never forget those words
Shes thicc and wears a void creatures skin
So... Qiyana, Kai'sa, Evelynn.
Evelynn is not from the void tho
I read incorrectly the title of the video:
I thought it said: How To Choose Your PERFECT MAN,
and I was like, well maybe i can learn something.
Lmao one day u will find the right video . U entered the wrong neighborhood
I read that too 😂
It’s simple, I see a pretty lady that tells her enemies she believes in them and then turns around and vaporizes them with a lazar and I main her.
So lux ok
*Lux laughter intensifies*
"Does it help if I apologize?"
@@blacksheep1610 no
"all these elements available and you choose to be salty" I love it
I looked at Jhin and loved everything about him, his music, his animations, his kit, his voice, everything.
Just started playing wild rift, and same. All his abilities are so much fun
"Play a lot of arams"
I'm liking this guide already
Username checks out
1:57 ''Find a roler or champion that you enjoy playing.''
My goodness, what an idea.Why didn't i think of that
This is not as obvious as it seems
@@andrewwoods564 you don't say
Underrated comment
"Reasonate to the champion"
Twitch:has never and never will get a bath
Me: I found my main
Holyshet me 2
Me 2
Tryndamere my right arm is stronger than my left arm
@@qatoxkils5280 Please take a bath.
Seraphine I'm annoying, useless, and annoying
Him: "unless it's teemo because he's a souless demon"
Me: "sooooo.... Main teemo?
I've literally spent so much time playing teemo after watching this video
"why do you play league", i got a crippling addiction to the game and its consuming me
200% lifesteal 👌
QOTD: My favorite part of playing League is when the game ends, not gonna lie
Best thing: being a Zoe main and hearing enemy adc cry about my damage.
as a zoe main myself - there's that .... and the constant cheery voice lines that keep me sane when the team i'm with starts getting tilted.
been many a game where just singing
~wanna have fun - and chat with someone besides... my... self ~ kept me from becoming salty myself
I'm bad at League. When I mained Caitlyn, Zoe's Q always kills me lol
PC Principal what can i say as a veigar main? I get most damage in basically every game.
Nah that is just idiot adcs...If u hate zoe just ban her. It is simple. As an adc main i constantly gank zoes to make her die like 10 times in 15 min. But to do that u ve to tryhard bot and kill them too, so u ve to know u r going to die some matches cause taking too much risk. In the end, u become a better player cause pushing the limit makes u find crazy mechanics and not be 3-0 in lane and later crying ur team fed. U must rotate and become a nightmare.
They wonder why your full combo kills them. Like it's the same with a lot of mages
I was chosen by a cat, Yuumi adopted me, as cats typically do
Same haha 👌🏻😂
You don’t the choose the cat, the cat chooses you lmao
If you don't like playing league of legends, you don't quit, you just play Yuumi. Boom now you don't have to play and can still rank up
I'm only kidding, though 🤓
I connect with Nunu mid, so I can spam in all chat " they see me Rollin"
10:13 I resonate with Zac because his voice lines are made by slapping a condom filled with dog food against a wall.
No way
They rlly should do that🤣
Its funny cause it is true😐
Not voicelines, his sound effects
I enjoy when people are roughly on the same page; no complaining, people respecting the calls anyone makes, overall teamplay. Doesnt matter if we win or lose, its fun when ppl are proactive.
Overall its easiest to achieve by playing roam sorts of champs, warwick, talon, tf, nauti/leona.
Timo this wouldnt be an issue to achieve if they implemented voice chat but nah rito cant pass up the opportunity to ban people
You must be playing on the Narnia server my guy
So you don't like league, Timo? Xd
@@Kurohiko2000 bruh...pretty sure he is playing in heaven or some shit
You must play a different game.
Me, a level 5: "Draven looks cool"
Everyone ever: "Draven is too hard for you, start with someone like Darius"
My stats now: 95% games played as Marksman.
I will never look back.
10:18 “because of how well their backstory fits them into their playstyle”
miss fortune: hOw do Ya lYk mY gUns ShOck & AaaUh
Greyven Dyoll “hueaaHAAHAAaAAAAaaahaehauwhweeeee”
I main Talon cause I'm a big fan of Assassin's Creed :D
Justin Mendoza welcome to veigar cage buddy. But for real watch out for this guy. He counters talon really hard.
Omg a Talon main , I though i was the only one , but i started to play Azir a bit more now
He was my main after reading the Night Angel trilogy
I assume you also beat your spouse?
Saaame !
I main Kindred.
Probably the only comment you’ll see saying this lol.
Wordson look up bluekind on instagram youtube and twitch
I main Zilean,Ornn and Ivern. Playing forgotten champs makes me feel good.
@Nikos Tsoup Gasp me too and I’ve been recently getting into Kindred
Nikos Tsoup Maining Kindred as of late has made me want to blow my brains out.
Champion feels awful to play as of late.
And I’m not alone according to r/Kindredmains
I'm main kindred too😍 love this champ
warwick is my main for two simple reasons:
-he is an wolf
-he has two skins that he is wearing an seal hoodie,and its so frickin amazing
I remember the first time i played league and saw Rakan. Damn, that champ can move.
And that is How I Met My Main.
do you have a xayah to your rakan tho? that makes him even more mobile and it’s such a fun comp to play as
I have so many mains that I don't even feel comfortable calling them my mains lol
I relate. I love playing too many people
Darlingo champions* right? 😐
I main Ivern.
Twigy boi is best Twigy boi
I have found a rare fellow specimen:D
You are Groot?
i main yuumi if she get banned on stuff or its twisted treeline i do annie
I main Kat... And ppl don't like me.
I read Sett's abilities i was like "Huhh, so... he punch punch to punch punch then facebreak you to punch punch more?" Now he's my main. I loved him more when i learned that he is voiced by Dio 😂
oh god we had to same thing u and me xDDD
vi go punchy punch
By Dio? I'mma get him if i have the chance
Haha sett is every weebs main. I'm a sett main
When you main a champion that gets banned every match
By any chance do you main yasuo lol
Darius main over here when he isn't banned I get first pick ._.
Illaoi lol I cannot believe how often she gets banned rip
"I'm used to this level of disappointment" or how I started to main Ornn.
Actually, I started to main this or that champ sometimes for hell strange reason. Corki because I like Gyrocopter from Dota 2 (didn't play it, but know, what's there), Sion because of ult, Urgot because of his subname(or how it is called) "Dreadnought" (me is Warhammer fan, so it quickly attracted my attention), Kled because it's Kled, Udyr because got an absolute skin...
Ornn is the only champ I started to main because of EVERYTHING. Cool design, skills, lines, lore, also giving that Salamanders' vibes from Warhammer 40000.
"If all goes well, our paths will never cross again. It never goes well." (c)
I also main ornn but cant play him because I usually play support
I see a fellow weeb here 😉
Ornn = big fiery fun demigod goat dude
"Kled because it's Kled"
Why can i relate to it so much
I main Morgana... Her lore is a big reason to why I main her, and her quotes are heartfelt and you can feel her pain.
"Do not conflate darkness with evil"
Thats why I mained Varus
Nice Lore and Nice qoutes
"The cost of your life is one arrow!"
I main her too but I just liked how she looked. But I really like her lore too
Say what you want about Morgana's lore but I bet you all laugh in a very evil way when someone gets the afk alert after getting rooted by Morg's Q
Thanks to all morgana mains, during the root time papa made a filler arc
That is why I main Rakan
i looked at yone, thought “sauske” and have yet to turn back
I looked at Yone, thought "Orochimaru" and started playing him support
I looked to Warwick and said mmm Wolf
now don't ask how the anemy team adc or support always scared from me
and yeah I main fiddle and mord and thresh and Lucian and swain
one champion for every role
no no kayn is sasuke
I main Lux mainly because I love how she would laugh in game.... “HIHIHI, HAHAHA, HOHOHA”
I can't main a spesific champion,i can play all the champions but issue is,I get bored after playing same champ for 4-5 games.
Holy shit we're actually the same, after every game i pick different champions
^^ this, after they reworked morde he is so boring, cant play the same champ for more than 5-6 games. Except Senna i really enjoy her.
If you really struggle to choose one, and as a result cannot climb, could actually try two or even three tricking
ersonally id argue that sometimes helps. my partner mains jinx and whilst he is very good with her he can sometimes get stuck in bad game ruts and I think its because a part of him is bored/ tilted from previous games and just getting too familiar and making mistakes so every so often I encourage him to shake things up pick another adc or even play a different lane completely and it usually helps a lot plus reminds him that theres a bunch of other champions he loves too. I main right now but the way I do it is I main a champ for a while and then begin the process of learning another one and so if the one im starting to learn is banned or picked I stilol have another champ im comfortable with to fall back on
iLuvYourWife yeah 😅
"Even Nightblue"
*shows nightblue*
*shows Doublelift*
All I saw was Soraka's heals and I was in love. I'm an adc babysitter now. I just wish she was more viable in ranked.
I main Singed and Kled. I like their Playstyles the most. Also the Champion Lore and how he is interacting with the World aswell as their Personality are very important to me.
Not only are they cool characters ingame and have a fun kit but also Singeds Laugh when he flips you around and runs like a crazy madman in your Team and Kleds attitude are the best things in league :D
Is she your waifu?
Yes = She’s your main now.
No = Keep looking
If rem was a champion
Who’s rem?
Yorick waifu?
Yeah, I can work with that.
Litterly me mining qiyana
Why are you telling people to main twitch and no one else tf
When I chose my main, I had a different mindset. I thought about what pisses me off the most, wich is: when my teammates int and i can't do anything to win, needing my team to make calls, loosing lane, being useless lategame, and specific champions in my main role (which is toplane) like Garen, Darius, Morde, some poke champs.
Then i thought "how do I prevent being annoyed while playing this game", "what counters those champions" and "how do I win a game BY MYSELF".
Since then Yorick became my greatest main and i never was annoyed while playing him. I also find out that he fits my playstyle EXACTLY. He provides everything i ever wanted from any game. I can go on and on and say why Yorick is the best champion ever in MY opinion, but that's not the point.
The point is, that maybe you should also look at what you DON'T LIKE in the game and thinking: "How do I prevent this?"
With that helpful piece of advice
Peace! ☮️
I'm honestly glad to see people maining the rework Yorick... I personally cant stand it and wont play him anymore, but I'm glad there is a small group of Yorick faithful still.
Same here too dude. Was so frustrated with all the lane bullies and not able to 1v9, I chose Fiora. I'm enjoying the game way more because I just finish the game by myself :)
Man, i hated darius, and then i locked in kled. Now, i just can't lose to darius (even if i'm not kled), I don't know how that works.
That's how I found my main, i like quick kills and hate dying so quickly, and for me Zoe is the best champ; her W makes her complete for me.
I dont like inting yasuo's on my team so now i play yasuo to int them : ^)
"damn, that kid with the hot glowstick looks fun, maybe i should try him out"
and thats the story on how i became an ekko main
mid or jgl ?
@@yanpoo7496 jg
“Who’s to say they won’t come back in the future” **azir cries**
*sad Kalista noises*
The clip of Azir going in and lee sin living 1 hit, was so relatable as a Azir main...
@@Ty1ore yup, hurts my soul
*Angry and sad aatrox noises*
*sad ivern noises*
Talking about Jhin’s voice comm’s; Eve interacts with basically everyone
I just like how jhin talks. And that is why i have 900000 points on him.
Well said my brother
Ah, I see, a man of fine taste you are..
Oh so we're both psychopaths lmao
Same for zed tho awesome voices
Me, just wanting to play aurelion sol:
Anybody with movement abilities:
"Hello there"
And A-sol getting nerfed now :(
I'm a Aurelion Sol main but i want to change my main , i still love him but idk everyone with movement abilities can counter me
Some dude: “How you find your main?”
Me: “uhhhh...”
My memories: “Try all the champion then see who im best at.”
When you're so early, nobody's flexing their own mains.
I main Zed hahaha i am sooo good call me faker
jk i am Eve main and hate adc's with passion :)
@@360nurse6 no dude. I play evelynn and i know we hate lee sins with a passion.
@@citizencj3389 thats not what i meant :)
I meant that i play Evelynn BECAUSE i hate adc's ^.^
They seem so arrogant ^.^
But Lee and Rengar are annoying tho, thats right...
@@360nurse6 do you visit the evelynn mains subreddit? Their memes having me rollin.
@@citizencj3389 im going to
Veigar's my main, I just love his personality and the video game references in his final boss skin
"try to play on each character" when I have like 2 characters
That's what Aram is great for :) I'm relatively new to league too, and now Im ok with like 50 champions thx to aram
I use to be an Air main. His kit felt so natural, I loved his aesthetic, and was devoted to playing competitively with him... then riot absolutely gutted and rotisserie him.
I too also main Air
When your main changes when they rework them.
I use to main the old mord when he a had a ultimate ghost it was so fun turning a 5v5 into a 4v6.
My favorite part of league is definitely when you’re losing a game, the enemy team is toxic af and spamming ”ez” but then you make a comeback and win the game, possibly even say ”ez” as the defeat screen pops up for the enemy
Person: What is your main
Me: Ahri
Person: why?
Me: ah.... Its complicated
They ask me and I say:
Darius. People say: huh... I got it
It's the death sound
Well .. who doesn't like a female naruto ? 👉👈
In my second game of league, since I didnt know about buying items, the enemy smurf blue kayn ran around the map one shotting my team instantly, and I thought, "Wow! I want to click a button to win the game too!"
Now im a kayn main and have fun hiding inside the enemy adc's body without their consent.
I too love going into people without their consent.
As a kayn main*
This...just picked up LoL after Arcane and the enemy Kayne bodied I'm saving up shards to unlock him😂
@@tedddenzel6769Glad to have you, just one thing: make sure not misspell it 'Kayne'. I'm not too bothered but the other Kayn mains would body you too
Picking a main is always difficult for me to do because every champ I become interested in turns out to be one of the hardest. The two champs I got drawn to when starting this game was Akali and Irelia. I would be playing these champs and feeding hard when I first began, so I was forced to learn mechanics of my champion before learning things about the game, doing this is something I suggest you avoid if you are a newer player. Start with a less mechanically demanding champ and gradually move into mechanically challenging champs as you get better. Don't make the same mistake I did.
I main Irelia btw
Thats what i did when i started my friends all suggested to play an easy champ to learn the game now my favourites are all tanks :) soak dmg and stoll oneshot enemy adc hahaha i love it i just love how these champions have almost no couunterplay against if played correctly (yes i like stat checker champs) welcome to ww, shen, ornn, blitz, thresh,seju, cho, .... mains
Idk man, i haven't found as much enjoyment playing anyone else as much as Irelia. The people who make me feel like im always learning will probably be the only reason I continue to play.
@@cameronw17 word
The same thing happens to me I swear
That's me starting LOL a month ago with Gwen as my main, aside from Yuumi I didn't try anyone else before getting Gwen and the first games were absolutely MISERABLE
But now I'm getting the hang of it and I love her
I found my main by going through the list before starting the game. I fell in love with Zyra's design and just because I love plants. I really like her personality and playstyle.
Me a few months earlier: *learning the game and mechanics in blind pick*
One of my teammates in chat: "Ekko is a cheat"
Me a few months later: Ekko main :D
"Never underestimate the power of the scout's code"
Hut, two, three, four.
Yes, sir!
I'll scout ahead!
Armed and ready.
That's gotta sting.
Reporting in.
Size doesn't mean everything.
Take the pain!
Natural born killer.
Turns out, I got a proficiency in killing.
Let the poison do its work.
Death has a name!
This is where we draw the line.
I settle my scores.
This'll be messy.
Time for a long nap.
Sight, shoot, reload.
I don't feel anything.
Whose my next tally mark?
Look alive!
This is very personal.
Smell that? That's fear.
Killing's all I'm good at.
I'm takin' everyone with me!
This ones for Johnny.
This ones for my helmet brother!
Fighting fair is a good way to die.
There's no such thing as collateral damage.
One on three? Best odds yet.
Time to put on my killing hat.
Weed out the pain.
Got teeth? You got a weapon.
We all live in the jaws of the beast.
Next time I see Nashor, I'll yank a couple more.
Some masks you never take off.
Let 'em die slow.
This is gonna sting.
This coulda saved a lot of good men.
Two and a half seconds is all it takes.
Sometimes, time stands still, and all you can do is watch.
There's a mushroom out there with your name on it.
Survive here a week, then you get a name.
The war never ends, the battlefield just changes.
Here you go little guy, you're my only friend left.
You and I, are survivors buddy. They can never kill us.
They won't make the mistake of thinking you're harmless again.
We'll make them pay for what they did to your family, little guy.
I've done things I'm not proud of.
I'm the last scout standing.
You don't know about war.
You'd be surprised how quick fur ignites.
One day there'll be a reckoning.
War didn't change me, I changed war!
Tall folk don't last long round here.
Never. Get. Attached.
Good men die. I choose to live.
We aint all makin' it outta here.
Peace is a fairy tail.
Reinforcements aint comin'.
Size is a liability.
Nobody's innocent anymore.
I used to live by a code.
They been lookin' for yours truly.
Survival aint pretty.
Lots to do before I punch out.
A part of you never leaves the jungle.
I forget what started the fighting.
You can't tell but uh, I've grown quite the beard under here.
Coming in hot.
Need to get patched up.
There's nothing left here.
Become one with the jungle!
Now, we wait.
Patience, now.
Blind 'em!
You want Teemo? Come and get him!
Take a long walk through the jungle!
My tears have all dried up, kid.
You've got no idea what it's like on the ground, flyboy!
Little guy's gone native!
Wars are won with men, not machines.
Rockets aint for jumpin', who gave you that?
Everyone's on a clock, but only mine keeps ticking.
Face toward enemy.
Got a little suprise for 'em.
I own this land.
Another mushroom, another victim.
Watch your step.
More where that came from.
Armed and ready.
I'm everywhere.
I know everything that happens here.
Never let your guard down.
Nobody gets past Teemo.
"Teemo Laugh"
Muhuhahaha(devil teemo laugh)
Teemo main here😈
pro guides: everyone is playable
me: I played an aram with azir last time and his passive just stopped. working..
proguides: MOST PEOPLE are playable
I saw shaco and figured I wanted to make people feel like their gonna kill me but I’m actually killing them
I picked Ahri in the tutorial because pretty lady and then never stopped. Ended up working out because I love her play style and a year and a half later she’s still my main. Picked up some others too like Syndra and Morgana but Ahri will always be my number one.
I've been a support main for 5 years now, i got bored and stopped played a lot last year..and this year i started branching out to top lane and adc. ARAM definitely helped me find new interests i didn't know I had. I love playing Poppy, Mordekaiser, and Sejuani because i love giant hammer/mace weapons and tanks c:
I am playing Shen.. he is like superman just there when u need him ;)
How I came to main Jhin story:
*sees Jhin skillset*
*sees lore*
"eeeeyyy this champs edgy AF.....oh well"
Edgy? Dude Kayn is edgy, Jhin is just awesome xd
@@MorDo207 yeah I'd say jhin has a more memeable style
Every thing in Jhin is 4 like every thing ask me some thing and I'll tell u how it ends up to 4
“How did you get your main?” The skin I got for her looked cool!
@Sorry, i dont Get it soo mee
I play Zoe. Because the world hurt me so I'm returning the favor
Do you like one shots as well?
@@zachzepter3251 unfortunately
@@zachzepter3251 always :^))
Dont forget she's a Loli :^))
I main Neeko because I like tricking enemies and surprise them with my ult and because her lore is funny and the fact that she may be the last of their kind.
Also, I'm starting to love the support role because I always get the satisfaction whenever I heal my teammates and help them murder enemies >:)
seeing darius gets ganked everytime in your intro is warming my heart up.
I don't remember how I specifically fell into Warwick but ever since I started to be a Jungle otp early on he's become my favorite pick. I love his kit (which definitely carried me when I was bad and now I can carry using him). I love his aesthetic. His strong points have definitely influenced characters I love. (Ex. Amazing duelists or huge sustain) Not to mention ever since I've been watching Parnellyx my capabilities have gone through the roof. It's like as I grow with Warwick I grow as a player and vise versa. In a way Warwick is like growing up with the family dog to me.
"Why do you even play League Of Legends"
I dont fking know.
@@mmjahann .K
"Passable", "your favorite champion is just kind of weak", I'll be here crying and waiting for my Fiddlesticks rework.
It's coming just wait a little longer my brother
@@beu9245 I'm utterly itching. I'm hoping he's playable in lane because I'm terrible in the jungle
April 1 my guy!
@@peterd4047 Convenient date, considering my original thought was that we'd have to wait until 2999 for Riot to wake up. Would be a shame if this all turned out to be an elaborate prank. Hahaha
"Are you getting ganked in your own lane?" where else are you gonna get ganked?
when you wat a bush and the whole team hug you .......
Someone else's lane duh
I get thanked in the jg cos none of my Lakers have priority.
In bed
My old main was Mundo only played him for a couple months before the rework. I had over 100k mastery points in him and it was the best fun I've ever had with league, I could play my 2 favorite roles (jungle and top) I just loved every bit of it. However after the rework I looked at him, played one game on pbe and let my boy rest, not another mastery point was scored.. R.I.P old Mundo you will never be the same dear friend.
I went too far trying to find out what my main was. I even made soraka as an jungler adc.
I used to build full crit Shen, and full movement speed Sion. I know what you mean.
I used to build full crit Shen, and full movement speed Sion. I know what you mean.
Ad soraka is my greatest enemy, maybe apart from full as bard
I enjoy league when you are playing with friends and dont care if you lose or win and are just having fun
Omg same
Agree.. I hate toxic people
it's all fun until someone goes 0/5 because everyone's tryharding in blind picks.
Main Role: Support
Champions: Pyke (Main), Senna, Yuumi
Those are my top 3 picks, yeah I'm cancer but at least I'm having fun.
Your enemies sure aren't having fun.
Neither are his teammates
I’m also support and my main champs are: Lux, Brand and Sona
Why no one likes pyke he is my favourite and the main reason
I love playing aganist pykes because lane suddenly turns into a mechanic fight, which is something I will almost never loose. Its just too risky and hit or miss champion, if you fail your lane is fucked.
Im a Ahri main literally got her at lvl 4 or smth and fell in love with her playstyle u can solo carry or play with ur team and i love that bc u can switch ur playstyle whenever u want without switching the champion
obviously she isnt strong rn but im waiting
2 things. I love being an asshole in lane while also being relatively safe. (Kled, Renekton, Sett) and I love it when the champion I play has a lot of personality, usualy being an asshole or just saying that he/she is better than everyone else (Kled,Renekton, Sett) and that's how I picked my mains. (I main top btw).
I just love wining lane what can I say.
Edit: Ah yeah, I forgot to mention that I play Sett because he is a litteral jojo reference as well.
Sett is a so evident jojo reference and my friend Mained it for this reason
Matteo Cesana same lmao
I, was going to say ofc you main sett cuz he is a jojo reference😂😂 after seeing the horny king crimson profile
10:10 look at Aatrox's lore. I personally think its the best in league and made me fall in love with the champion even more
yeah, yeah. but hAVE YOU READ KAYLE'S AND MORGANA'S LORE? Pure art.
Zoe has the coolest lore in my opinion.
@Ale Mar She represents a philosophy of life. The story of why she's an appropriate host for the Aspect of Twilight has more to do with substance than with style. She's not a badass warrior, cold assassin, or watchful protector. She represents a perspective on life which is wholly unique to her character in the game, and that's to not take everything so damn seriously.
By the way, the ball had significance. She was selected in the same way the Dalai Lama is chosen in real life. The child is placed in a difficult situation, given a box of tools to escape the situation, and a toy. The child who chooses the toy becomes the Dalai Lama.
@Ale Mar Morgana and Kayle are supposed to be incarnations of the "scales" of justice. Kayle represents punishment to the extreme, while Morgana represents mercy to the extreme. Their mother was an even balance of these two things. I don't like either of them very much, because the influence of the aspects basically dictates their personalities in a deterministic way. They basically have no free will to choose to be different.
I don't have much to say about Leona.
As for the Dalai Lama, this is what that is:
"Hey summoners"
My Wild Rifter butt waiting for LoL Wild Rift: H-Hey?