Most of the lane bullies don't fall off too hard, they stay relevant as a tank and can split push (trundle fucking takes turret faster than pretty much all champs ngl)
Just remember, ranged ad carry top laners are usually not the best mentally. Repeated jungle ganks and stomping them in lane may cause problems for them irl so be careful.
If you're new to playing midlane assassins and looking for a smoother start, I'd recommend avoiding Kassadin initially. Kassadin tends to struggle in the early game, lacking burst damage. Instead, consider starting with champions like Fizz or Ekko. They offer stronger early game presence and simpler gameplay strategies to help you get accustomed to the role.
@@Minizu4 i played a ranked game in November where we had 4 kills and the enemy had 41. i played malzahar, turned my brain off, and shoved waves. literal brain dead
Recommending Evelynn jungle for newcomers is a recipe for disaster for your team. You really need to watch a guide and play her a lot to get the hang of her like I did.
Though the same. Evelynn OTPs are (with Yuumi) the worst Teammates in High Elo cause they really cant play the game... just with their unique playstyles. Def. Try other jng assassins
@@JionZzyeah i’ve tried playing her because i play other assassins but she just feels bad to me. using her abilities feels so clunky because it’s just spamming them as fast they can come out and she doesn’t use auto attacks so she just feels bad to play. plus she’s completely useless when behind so i can see new players not only struggling with her but also learning a lot of bad habits.
good luck, my thoughts are that this item on galio might be like rylai on anivia. and i have feelings like galio is going to be nerfed (hopefully for u later than sooner)
@@mesa9724 id also pick Galio if jungle is AP and mid is range mage bully, a lot of sustain, can farm from range and good engage for ganks if pushed :)
Kled is a top specialist, he has a playstyle where you need to think "can i go in?" because when kled goes in you cant go out so if you have to little hp on kled then you cant go in, if you have full hp on kled but half on skaarl you need to think what champ your against since you could kill a singed but not a darius
I'm a Diana and Assassin build Is likes 90% of the time THE way to go: both mie and jungle. I use nashorn tooth, stormsurge, void staff and shadowflame with elettroshock runes and I Just Land few Qs and I go in with my kit for the kill(in mid 'cause it's where I play her most)
''Kled good in late'' i mean... he is falling out late so... His ultimate can be interesting for a tf but apart that he is kind of like renekton, strong early-mid then fall off late.
I love heimerdinger and azir, it’s interesting how they’re in the same ‘mid lane specialist’ bracket. Having something you place (turrets/soldiers) that does the damage for you feels so broken to me. I love it!
I would say i have a balanced set of champs for each class minus a few. Assassin: Akali, Naafiri, Kai'sa Mage: Ahri, Ezreal, yuumi Marksman: Ashe, Samira Tank: Kayle, Braum, Mordekaiser Jungle: Kindred, Evelynn Just for a few names
Hello, did you have a guide/idea to help choosing your main "Lane" ? I played all lane and i never main 1 lane and actually i don't really know what to do. I just know that i don't like mid lane, i'm hardstuck Gold since season 3 (i reached plat last season but it feels like it's new gold) I mainly played top/jungle/support and a little bit adc too T___T
Wanna deal damage to champions with high health? Mundo Wanna heal tons? Mundo Wanna deal more damage than the adc? Mundo Want to send the fk out minions or even chams? Mundo's E Wanna go where you please? Mundo Stonks meme? Corporate mundo Want to play goofy some games? Go MUNDO!!
tank meta is never ended, In the last game Mundo in my team was like 0 7, but he has the most dealed damage. Why we need adc? I wish someday is adc meta
Support Battlemage , you can add Malzahar. He's actually decent. Q is aoe silence, W and E for poke and R well.... need i say more ? I get flammed a lot for playing him support but he's crazy decent. Orianna and Galio support are not bad as well.
I mostly agree with what you say, but I couldn't help but notice you have put Nunu in the tank category - you didn't even mention him in the ap, or assassin category
A good control mage for mid is hwei. I personally had no problem learning his combos so honestly it shouldn't be that difficult for everyone else 😂 he kinda has a mix of all mage types with support, burst, and artillery. I think the only reason he is put in control is cause he has alot of AOE attacks.
Udyr is no longer an early game ganker after the rework. He is much more of a mid game fighter looking to have 1-2 items to fight since that’s when he is at his strongest. After many nerfs to his early game stats he is a champion who struggles in early skirmishes but he has good dueling potential early. Basically ur not looking for 3v3s or 2v2s early as udyr. He is not built for that anymore.
As a Shaco main, I have to say that it is difficult to really perfect your plays, but nothing is better than screwing with the enemies so much that they stop targeting you when you show up.
I choose fizz cuz well I kinda met him before playing lol through fan art, so he engaged me to get in the game, HE'S SUCH A CUTE GOOBER I HAD TO GET INTO LOL TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM 😭🐟💖
That category is specifically AD Carry support. Yes he does attack damage, and he can carry, but the combination of those two does not an ADC make. This is partially why the term was moved towards marksman. But, for this video, the AD Carry support category was specifically for those that can provide consistent attack damage at range. Pyke being melee already is a significant barrier to entry. Beyond that, the main reason you play pick is his catch and one shot potential, not continuous damage in a fight. Hence why he's placed in the catcher category.
I started playing LoL: Wild Rift a few months ago and have mainly been playing Nami (healer) but want to play a tank on pc, just personal preference, basically. What is a good beginner brawler type tank that has a lot of def? I also play Albion online (MMORPG) and I play a mix-role, I'm a tank and healer
If you want a sup that has both plenty of damage, both in teamfights and laning, and is quite tanky as well, I'd recommend swain, plus he's easy enough to try but not quite boring because of the many ways you can use some of your abilities.
@@ebox147 I mean kinda, he's his own thing mostly since he has soldiers to control in many different ways, that's why he's more considered a control mage, cause he has to control a lot of situations compared to adcs
@@Karpofcarp "He's his own thing mostly..." So... a specialist... I'd say he's pretty far away from being appropriate labeled as a control mage especially when considering other control mages. He has a slow and the ability to create terrain. His ult would fit a control mage archetype, but the entirety of his kit doesn't.
ap nunu is hard as hell tbh. he’s pretty much a very committal assassin. he has some self peel with his w and e, but your positioning has to be on point to make sure you can get as many ult kills as possible. you also have to be a lot more discerning with your snowballs because if you snowball into the middle of their team and try to press r you’ll get oneshot. most important thing for playing ap nunu is finding good snowball angles and ulting in bushes. watch keshaeuw if you want to see a very high-level ap nunu player. he has a very risky playstyle and he dies a lot, so you’ll be able to learn what to do and what not to do
All my playstyles and go to builds have been completed ruined with this season. I'm sure I'll figure it out but it's been the worst season for me in along time.
you forgot to say on the ranged ad carry chapter that if you play that, prepare to be hated by almost everyone except the people that play the same way
I would like to point out that I think Briar should be more in the fighter class than the assassin class. I know it is more popular to build her with lethality than with bruiser items, right now, but to me it feels more satisfying to be able to sustain yourself as Briar in big team fights rather than trying to make those picks on enemies that make a misplay, because if you make a mistake as her, you're going to be dead quicker with a squishy lethality build.
@@knoiltsu I play Heim support sometimes and I place turrets in the bush, and when they enter the bush, I stun them and they are in range of the turrets. Melted instantly. Free kills
@@knoiltsu sounds like there is a lot of fighting going on. Gold/Silver? Emerald elo in my region would never gank a Heimerdinger unless he is low on mana or hp. It’s very rare to see Heim getting ganked in my games
Coz she sucks at solo laning in general. Its not worth to sacrifice a lane to help your jungler with all the wall changes. They'll probably find a way by themselves.
can ahri play top? i play ahri top a lot and i have to say is pretty fun and good she have good poke, escape the only bad side is that she can only roam to mid and mid is a very short lane to gank
I think the reason they put Kayle is split push was because of the point "More impact late game". And she's not bad at taking towers. Definetly should be grouping as Kayle, but it's not wrong. Akali as lane bully... I mean Q poke with an auto does nice damage. At at 3 she gets a good amount of power. She can't kill you yet in 1 rotation, but if done right, she can bully you out.
Smolder would likely be considered a Hyper Carry because he's weaker in the early game and overtime becomes more powerful as he gains more passive stacks.
Your team still makes good moves ... my teams are just staring in panic don't know what to do ... my acc is either blacklisted or just very unlucky but to me this game is unplayable ... everyobody ranks up with friends on west (i'm nordic btw) there is no way you can rank up alone without hard carry nooo way hose bro
he’s a lane bully too lol. his main strength is actually dueling, not taking towers. taking towers is just a bonus with him lol. but his main strength is 1v1 fights, which is different from a champion like yorick who is actually a dedicated splitpusher
What qiyana lacks in tankiness she makes up for in literally deleting someone when she bursts them. Katarina is hard because she lacks damage output and range but still has burst potential when built right, former kat main after her mini rework I kinda fell off her tho mostly because Jhin released and I became a Jhin main
Brooo where is katarina from the mid laners she needed literally 2 games for me to love it and now im on 160k points with her she needs a little skill and mechanics but not that hard in my opinion
No way they recommend yone for mud instead of pan(for new players) after the 5th straight run it down yone and watching this vid im thinking i should ban him even though im jg. Pan is so ez to play. All you do is max stack w q e and if they are squ throw another q for the kill
I dunno how you guys did it but you have actually confused the fuck out of me even more than riot with their class system. How is poppy a defensive tank and a fighter tank!? Good one guys
Because she deals waaay too much damage to be a healthy champion, and is also nearly unkillable unless your champ is specifically designed to kill her lol
It is simple and the rule is same for all games, not only LOL: Choose something OP and avoid low impact champs, so You can climb even being weak and wont stuck in emerald. This is a common mistake which causes that good players are placed in emerald and bad players are in master. Doesnt matters how good You are as teemo shaco jayce, if u play against sylas gnar ornn etc (just examples).
or tryharding 30 minutes, winning 30:10 to watch how enemy trundle/garen/yorick hit their 0/10 powerspikes and destroy ur entire base in 15 seconds :P It is 10% luck, 20% skill and 70% of knowledge about the game and mechanics (and another 100% of mentality), remember, good luck
True, maining gragas top for example is very fun but your team mostly will lack good frontline and you cant hold lane late vs most top champs because they simply outscale you, mid here would be much better but there many champs who just do way better
What's the point on getting a high rank if you don't enjoy your games? Noone can brag about their rank on league unless you're chall, just focus on learning macro to win and play a champ that make you enjoy the game
Start Season 14 with Skill-Capped by your side! 💪💪💪💪💪
Are ur guides in ur homepage up to date for jungle patch 14 ? :)
Most of the lane bullies don't fall off too hard, they stay relevant as a tank and can split push (trundle fucking takes turret faster than pretty much all champs ngl)
Just remember, ranged ad carry top laners are usually not the best mentally. Repeated jungle ganks and stomping them in lane may cause problems for them irl so be careful.
Just a game Blud 💀
Draven top 🔥🔥🔥
ranged top laners are bastards 💯🤓☝️
vayne top road to challenger lets goooo
Melee top propaganda
defensive tank: protects teammates
offensive tank: can't hit teammates if you're dead or running
If you're new to playing midlane assassins and looking for a smoother start, I'd recommend avoiding Kassadin initially. Kassadin tends to struggle in the early game, lacking burst damage. Instead, consider starting with champions like Fizz or Ekko. They offer stronger early game presence and simpler gameplay strategies to help you get accustomed to the role.
kassadin is also boring as shit
Also Kassadin requires a lot of patience. Which a lot of people arent interested in having when playing a game.
or you know, play fucking malzahar and one shot their team without needing any kills
@@Minizu4 i played a ranked game in November where we had 4 kills and the enemy had 41. i played malzahar, turned my brain off, and shoved waves. literal brain dead
@@Walking_Softly fits with his lore he has a literal hole in his brain
I'm starting to believe that Specialists are so unique, they don't fit in any other class. But maybe that's just me.
And that after a singular game you'll know whether you love them or hate them
Recommending Evelynn jungle for newcomers is a recipe for disaster for your team. You really need to watch a guide and play her a lot to get the hang of her like I did.
Though the same. Evelynn OTPs are (with Yuumi) the worst Teammates in High Elo cause they really cant play the game... just with their unique playstyles. Def. Try other jng assassins
@@JionZzyeah i’ve tried playing her because i play other assassins but she just feels bad to me. using her abilities feels so clunky because it’s just spamming them as fast they can come out and she doesn’t use auto attacks so she just feels bad to play. plus she’s completely useless when behind so i can see new players not only struggling with her but also learning a lot of bad habits.
I tried her i almost fucking killed myself how dificult it was
Then which Jungle champions do u suggest I'm new here
Please make a video about good ward spots for all the lanes with a new map, thank you
My pocket pick this season is going to be galio mid against ap champs, the new mr item with the magic shield feels really nice.
good luck, my thoughts are that this item on galio might be like rylai on anivia. and i have feelings like galio is going to be nerfed (hopefully for u later than sooner)
It’s only good if they have 3 ap champs. Otherwise it’s overkill. Gallio already has an AP shield and mr buffs
@@mesa9724 id also pick Galio if jungle is AP and mid is range mage bully, a lot of sustain, can farm from range and good engage for ganks if pushed :)
@@WalkingNose That's the ideal for Galio, not something special lol
8:42 i see zyra morgana missing on jungler mage list
no morgana at all tho even in support
bel'veth must be in terrible shape to be put in early game jungle here... they even heavily nerfed her early game last season
Kled is a top specialist, he has a playstyle where you need to think "can i go in?" because when kled goes in you cant go out so if you have to little hp on kled then you cant go in, if you have full hp on kled but half on skaarl you need to think what champ your against since you could kill a singed but not a darius
No way they recommended Vladimir and anivia as starter picks 😂😂
They also placed Soraka as easier to play than yummi so... You know
I'm a Diana and Assassin build Is likes 90% of the time THE way to go: both mie and jungle. I use nashorn tooth, stormsurge, void staff and shadowflame with elettroshock runes and I Just Land few Qs and I go in with my kit for the kill(in mid 'cause it's where I play her most)
I would change Nashors tooth the death cap for Diana
''Kled good in late'' i mean... he is falling out late so... His ultimate can be interesting for a tf but apart that he is kind of like renekton, strong early-mid then fall off late.
I love heimerdinger and azir, it’s interesting how they’re in the same ‘mid lane specialist’ bracket. Having something you place (turrets/soldiers) that does the damage for you feels so broken to me. I love it!
Garen in the lane bully category :x
I would say i have a balanced set of champs for each class minus a few.
Assassin: Akali, Naafiri, Kai'sa
Mage: Ahri, Ezreal, yuumi
Marksman: Ashe, Samira
Tank: Kayle, Braum, Mordekaiser
Jungle: Kindred, Evelynn
Just for a few names
Dogshit list friend
no one does videos like this !! thats why i follow skillcapped ❤️
Hello, did you have a guide/idea to help choosing your main "Lane" ?
I played all lane and i never main 1 lane and actually i don't really know what to do.
I just know that i don't like mid lane, i'm hardstuck Gold since season 3 (i reached plat last season but it feels like it's new gold)
I mainly played top/jungle/support and a little bit adc too T___T
Wanna deal damage to champions with high health? Mundo
Wanna heal tons? Mundo
Wanna deal more damage than the adc? Mundo
Want to send the fk out minions or even chams? Mundo's E
Wanna go where you please? Mundo
Stonks meme? Corporate mundo
Want to play goofy some games? Go MUNDO!!
tank meta is never ended, In the last game Mundo in my team was like 0 7, but he has the most dealed damage. Why we need adc? I wish someday is adc meta
@@mistersergei Adc counter tanks they just not that good in low elo
wanna lose lane every game? mundo.
Is there a poster version of the list?
Remember guys this is just a broad generalization. A defensive support for example can still be aggressive think of taric flash e.
i got naafiri as soon as possible and started wrecking havoc in mid lane, fun
thank you so much for this. really appreciate it!
Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Support Battlemage , you can add Malzahar. He's actually decent. Q is aoe silence, W and E for poke and R well.... need i say more ? I get flammed a lot for playing him support but he's crazy decent. Orianna and Galio support are not bad as well.
As an Orianna support main I approve of this message.
i’m so sick of all these freak support picks
Malzahar and Karthus
"Crazy decent" is such an odd combination of words
I mostly agree with what you say, but I couldn't help but notice you have put Nunu in the tank category - you didn't even mention him in the ap, or assassin category
Xayah for beginners for hyper carry ADC??… I’d recommend jinx or twitch. And not putting Kai’sa is hyper carry is WILD.
Notice how AD Carry works in every role…
but reddit says they’re weak bro
@@eebbaa5560They are strong and good at poking but will get one shot if jungler focuses them more
I got focused by enemy jungler in every single game, my support and jungle are doing nothing all game 1 is farming and the other is saving mana
Pick an ap champion.. buy hearsteel - Titanic - warmogs... blindly press Q on cd and win
14:46 min.:
Kaisas Range: 525
Lucian Range: 500
Mmmmh :thinking
A good control mage for mid is hwei. I personally had no problem learning his combos so honestly it shouldn't be that difficult for everyone else 😂 he kinda has a mix of all mage types with support, burst, and artillery. I think the only reason he is put in control is cause he has alot of AOE attacks.
Udyr is no longer an early game ganker after the rework. He is much more of a mid game fighter looking to have 1-2 items to fight since that’s when he is at his strongest. After many nerfs to his early game stats he is a champion who struggles in early skirmishes but he has good dueling potential early. Basically ur not looking for 3v3s or 2v2s early as udyr. He is not built for that anymore.
I would put Jax under jack of all trades. He can split push or team fight and he is strong at all points during the game.
More of a Jax of all trades in this case
Great classification!
Where’s Mordekaiser jungle, he’s one hell of a threat with good CS, and he is very good at getting that amount of CS.
i might like the support enchanter, as i feel really good and used to main 7 of those champions XD
Why would you call Lissandra a Pick focused champion when her Ult & Passive (2 of her most important abilities) are geared towards teamfights?
Not having ranged ap carry consist of tf is crazy because thats what i do WHERE IS TWISTED FATE
As a Shaco main, I have to say that it is difficult to really perfect your plays, but nothing is better than screwing with the enemies so much that they stop targeting you when you show up.
Excellent video
I choose fizz cuz well I kinda met him before playing lol through fan art, so he engaged me to get in the game, HE'S SUCH A CUTE GOOBER I HAD TO GET INTO LOL TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM 😭🐟💖
great video, why isnt pyke in ad support though???
That category is specifically AD Carry support. Yes he does attack damage, and he can carry, but the combination of those two does not an ADC make. This is partially why the term was moved towards marksman. But, for this video, the AD Carry support category was specifically for those that can provide consistent attack damage at range. Pyke being melee already is a significant barrier to entry. Beyond that, the main reason you play pick is his catch and one shot potential, not continuous damage in a fight. Hence why he's placed in the catcher category.
Great guide but Azir isn't a control mage? Since when? Lol
For support i do Rakan, yuumi, Varus or neeko.
Might i ask, how is Garen a lane bully?
I started playing LoL: Wild Rift a few months ago and have mainly been playing Nami (healer) but want to play a tank on pc, just personal preference, basically. What is a good beginner brawler type tank that has a lot of def?
I also play Albion online (MMORPG) and I play a mix-role, I'm a tank and healer
If you want a sup that has both plenty of damage, both in teamfights and laning, and is quite tanky as well, I'd recommend swain, plus he's easy enough to try but not quite boring because of the many ways you can use some of your abilities.
id argue garen is a split pusher right now. hes at his best with PR ghost and going passive in lane if u watch palco
Just noticed that the donger can be played everywhere and anywhere as a specialist lol
I love how they put azir in the "specialist" category when hes considered a control mage
Colloquially, but Rito classified him as a specialist so they’re just saying the ‘official’ term
But he plays similarly to an adc as well
@@ebox147 I mean kinda, he's his own thing mostly since he has soldiers to control in many different ways, that's why he's more considered a control mage, cause he has to control a lot of situations compared to adcs
@@Karpofcarp "He's his own thing mostly..." So... a specialist... I'd say he's pretty far away from being appropriate labeled as a control mage especially when considering other control mages. He has a slow and the ability to create terrain. His ult would fit a control mage archetype, but the entirety of his kit doesn't.
Are your membership jungle tutorials still relevant for the current season or should we wait for some update?
Why their is never ap nunu mentioned. I wonder where u would put him (hard oder easy)
ap nunu is hard as hell tbh. he’s pretty much a very committal assassin. he has some self peel with his w and e, but your positioning has to be on point to make sure you can get as many ult kills as possible.
you also have to be a lot more discerning with your snowballs because if you snowball into the middle of their team and try to press r you’ll get oneshot. most important thing for playing ap nunu is finding good snowball angles and ulting in bushes.
watch keshaeuw if you want to see a very high-level ap nunu player. he has a very risky playstyle and he dies a lot, so you’ll be able to learn what to do and what not to do
is there any link where i can fix my bad ping?
let me know please thank you
Thresh should be in the "you better run" subclass for supports
All my playstyles and go to builds have been completed ruined with this season. I'm sure I'll figure it out but it's been the worst season for me in along time.
Please consider a Defensive Tank for your main. Signed- an ADC main.
you forgot to say on the ranged ad carry chapter that if you play that, prepare to be hated by almost everyone except the people that play the same way
I just watch highlights then try them out in game then boom I got a main
How is Kled good in the late game?
what champ is being played at 1:14?
I would like to point out that I think Briar should be more in the fighter class than the assassin class. I know it is more popular to build her with lethality than with bruiser items, right now, but to me it feels more satisfying to be able to sustain yourself as Briar in big team fights rather than trying to make those picks on enemies that make a misplay, because if you make a mistake as her, you're going to be dead quicker with a squishy lethality build.
I’m proud and grateful to be a Zilean Main. Specialist, he really is unique and like nobody else in league ❤❤
@@knoiltsu I play Heim support sometimes and I place turrets in the bush, and when they enter the bush, I stun them and they are in range of the turrets. Melted instantly. Free kills
@@knoiltsu sounds like there is a lot of fighting going on. Gold/Silver? Emerald elo in my region would never gank a Heimerdinger unless he is low on mana or hp. It’s very rare to see Heim getting ganked in my games
Many off picks missing like rengar top, 😒 was looking forward to the video
Not me watching knowing full well that I’ll just continue play teemo (900k+)
What champion is that 3rd easiest in jungle mid game fighters
i am also confused lol
I figured it out, it's a picture of Rhaast lol. It's Kayn.
Just throwing this out there, but why doesnt anybody take Kalista top your ult could help with all the jungle wall changes
Coz she sucks at solo laning in general. Its not worth to sacrifice a lane to help your jungler with all the wall changes. They'll probably find a way by themselves.
can ahri play top? i play ahri top a lot and i have to say is pretty fun and good she have good poke, escape the only bad side is that she can only roam to mid and mid is a very short lane to gank
I chose my main a long time ago. *Zilean*
Fiora and Yone not bullies?
Kayle as split pusher, and akali as lane bully Is the funniest thing ive seen in a while😂
Also yone in harder than Fiora Is wild ☠️
I think the reason they put Kayle is split push was because of the point "More impact late game". And she's not bad at taking towers. Definetly should be grouping as Kayle, but it's not wrong. Akali as lane bully... I mean Q poke with an auto does nice damage. At at 3 she gets a good amount of power. She can't kill you yet in 1 rotation, but if done right, she can bully you out.
Why is only Blue Kayn on there and not all 3 of them Kayn Assasine and Rhaast?
I can’t find the right agent in Val, now I can’t find a champion in league
So, can i still play lillia top? Or should i just return to jungle?
Do you want to earn your sanity back?
lillia top is strong. i can play her
You can still play lillia top she has good matchupa in top lane farms relatively well and if you get behind you can poke them down
I wish bel veth was somewhat a early game champ, she's useless until 3-4 items unfortunately
where would smolder fit in? The mobility class?
Smolder is an ADC, I think rito have him as a marksman
Smolder would likely be considered a Hyper Carry because he's weaker in the early game and overtime becomes more powerful as he gains more passive stacks.
great video
2:25 where is Gnar? Haven't seen him in any of the lists for top.
Specialist? Ehhh
17:08 min.: Miss Fortune? ._.
Is there a video like this for Dota 2? It’s so helpful for new players!
what if i want a jungle has speed and dame? ( i need help fr )
Twisted Fate the bid midlaner rn is not even included in their mid lane lol
Your team still makes good moves ... my teams are just staring in panic don't know what to do ... my acc is either blacklisted or just very unlucky but to me this game is unplayable ... everyobody ranks up with friends on west (i'm nordic btw) there is no way you can rank up alone without hard carry nooo way hose bro
Excellent video, but new players don't know champions from portraits only. :/
Why trundle is not in splitpushers top lol
he’s a lane bully too lol. his main strength is actually dueling, not taking towers. taking towers is just a bonus with him lol. but his main strength is 1v1 fights, which is different from a champion like yorick who is actually a dedicated splitpusher
Rengar is my main no mater the win rate or difficulty
thank u
how is kass beginner friendly ?
Bel veth erly game chempion?
So who should I main?
how is katarina harder than qiyana?????
Don't like both champs but Qiyana literally has aimbot so idk wtf you mean by hard.
What qiyana lacks in tankiness she makes up for in literally deleting someone when she bursts them. Katarina is hard because she lacks damage output and range but still has burst potential when built right, former kat main after her mini rework I kinda fell off her tho mostly because Jhin released and I became a Jhin main
@@Scyclo im a Katarina main and sometimes play qiyana but qiyana needs a lot more mechanics
Where is azir
ezreal is a joat and vayne isnt a hypercarry, kalista is a early game and mobility
vayne is a skirm
First?! Thx for you're content. It helping me in LOL in colosal way! Peace!
Aatrox is still doing well, so...
TRUE DUDE! Aatrox be ballin so hard this new season man!
Really ? Because of lethality change ?
Brooo where is katarina from the mid laners she needed literally 2 games for me to love it and now im on 160k points with her she needs a little skill and mechanics but not that hard in my opinion
tbh you can make Veigar a battle mage
No way they recommend yone for mud instead of pan(for new players) after the 5th straight run it down yone and watching this vid im thinking i should ban him even though im jg. Pan is so ez to play. All you do is max stack w q e and if they are squ throw another q for the kill
Also they recommend shen???? New player never NEVER look at mini map or their team. And your telling them to play shen……
Bring the old commentator back, his voice was captivating
I dunno how you guys did it but you have actually confused the fuck out of me even more than riot with their class system. How is poppy a defensive tank and a fighter tank!? Good one guys
Because she deals waaay too much damage to be a healthy champion, and is also nearly unkillable unless your champ is specifically designed to kill her lol
It is simple and the rule is same for all games, not only LOL:
Choose something OP and avoid low impact champs, so You can climb even being weak and wont stuck in emerald.
This is a common mistake which causes that good players are placed in emerald and bad players are in master.
Doesnt matters how good You are as teemo shaco jayce, if u play against sylas gnar ornn etc (just examples).
or tryharding 30 minutes, winning 30:10 to watch how enemy trundle/garen/yorick hit their 0/10 powerspikes and destroy ur entire base in 15 seconds :P
It is 10% luck, 20% skill and 70% of knowledge about the game and mechanics (and another 100% of mentality), remember, good luck
True, maining gragas top for example is very fun but your team mostly will lack good frontline and you cant hold lane late vs most top champs because they simply outscale you, mid here would be much better but there many champs who just do way better
Nah, pick whoever you genuinely enjoy playing, you can climb on any champ, sticking to the meta just means you enjoy the game less
What's the point on getting a high rank if you don't enjoy your games? Noone can brag about their rank on league unless you're chall, just focus on learning macro to win and play a champ that make you enjoy the game
I recommend watching Pianta and then try saying that again about Teemo 😂