I have one tip for everyone watching this video, you´re League experience will not improve just because you do. The toxicity stays ( even get´s worse in platinum ), the trolls, feeders and AFKers are still there and it takes a huge amount of time to actually become decent at the game. Keep it casual, keep it fun, don´t go for the hard grind because it will more likely ruin your day than improve it.
Agree. But the thing is that trollers, and feeders dont let u actually having fun at the game. (for example im trying to get away from bronze. I have 3 wins in a row and the i just go back to 0 lp and NOT because of my faults because i always have better farm, kill lead and participacion in objectives and team fights....)
@@neofytosoik6068-I know your pain dude! Ranked matches are actually more about luck then skill. If you have no luck with the team,you can play as well as a challenger on steroids,just to end up killed in a 1v5!!
I climbed from gold to diamond in over a month without even realizing it. What I know is that I'm so stressed in school that I just tried to take a bit of a break by playing league then out of nowhere I'm already in diamond. I didn't even cared about my rank or lp back then. I just tried to play for fun and I guess that was one of the fundamentals of the game.
I am bronze IV now, in 2nd month playing. How long did you play to improve your game? I am still eager looking tips for team fight, but I always win my lane. Top lane I should say, but I always suck at team fight and I keep saying to not group up but my team is starting to engage anyway without me, and dies, blame me. What should I do? I can’t fight in team, but I am forced to. Yes, I am newbie, but why those bronze player engage without adc or tanks when ever they wants when it is not necessary? I’m tired to fight with team. I never lose in 1 vs 1. Can I have my advice to let stopping my teammate engaging and get better at team fight?
@@christianmaurer96 yeah, destroyed 2 turrets in top, but I didn’t go for not. Thanks you for your advice. But I am not sure who should guard top after, because the previous top and enemy if pushes back.
@@無題6376 Sololaners (top&mid) are responsible for sidelanes from midgame. Your botlane should pressure mid since they are two people and they have most pressure there. Your botlane needs to move before you can take over their lane ofc.
Yeah especially when these retards can't do what they are supposed to do, thus leading to a throw. I've seen it so many times that in the end its better to just tilt them, maybe some of them will feel guilty after all.
This happens literally every game for me, and most of the times I get flamed for not accompanying my lane partner who solo pushed a whole teams, oops srry my bad I didn't kill both of us and just you. Like what bruh.
Being toxic doesnt mean youre a good player, but most good players are toxic, and the best are definitely toxic. But that doesn't mean that by being toxic you will not lower your winrate, you may be one of those guys who isnt good but is toxic, and while toxic people are insanely good and can carry even if youre tilted, you cant. I was really toxic, and I had some games where I flamed like crazy but I still carried those people hard, meanwhile in others I didnt really do much and lost. If you dont know if you can carry just mute all and move on
I’m silver 5 and my roomate is bronze 1, we’re both under level 50 and constantly get paired with Gold 3-5 people who’s account are almost level 200 and flaming us for losing the game before it even starts lol
Im sorry but my maximum rank was platinum. I dominate my lane almost every game!I play any role and lots of champs. Currently I'm stuck in silver and its exactly the same like in platinum... I need to play some champ that can win 1v9... It's impossible to climb with my account just because the game match me with enemy players close or better than my skill level and from my team i have people that don't know their spells... Even if i destroy my lane and have 20-50 minions its hard to carry when the enemy have 4 people like me (i disable the 5th)All that stupid things about meta champs is worth watching in diamond + I can outplay other people because i tested all champions and i know what they can/can't do... So the only possible way to climb is to make a new account.... This ranking and matchmaking is completely broken and after losing 10 games because I'm matched with plebs in my team i become toxic. In any moba game i can climb equally to platinum here without a problem. I have tons of experiences in that kind of games... Playing lol since s2, dota, hots, hon, smite even mobile mobas like mobile legends i was at the highest rank... Again this matchmaking and ranking system needs dramatic change! I regret i have spend money and time in lol!
If you’re stuck in silver you’ve never been to plat. Bad teammates are in every elo and how they play changes every game. The only constant variable is you so if you’re losing every game, YOU’RE the problem
QOTD: My friend who continued playing after i took a break cuz of college work, managed a 26 game win streak. Was spamming Jax top lane, and pretty much went from bronze to gold because apparently in a lot of games people didn't even realise he was on their inhibs when the other team and his own were staring down each other in mid lol.
Yup. That’s how I usually split-push too. Though it gets harder to split-push soon. Once you get into Low Platinum, you will feel the vision importance a lot more.
I’m an adc main, and my friend was a support main, and we ran twitch yuumi, twitch bringing teleport and flash. At the start of the game we would go and steal the enemy jg topside buff, back, and then tp yo lane without missing any cs.And then late game, our combo was insane because of twitchs hyper carry potential, and the fact yuumi has insane heals and attack speed buffs, and goes invisible WITH twitch. We went on a >15 game win streak
I kinda hate you for that. Once had to play against twitch yuumi as xerath support. I learned that twitch can get really bloody close to you before you can see through his camouflage. So close in fact that you die even when you instantly stun him and flash away at lvl 2
The reasons why everyone loosing ranked games: 1. Afk's 2. toxic players who tilting the whole team 3. Guy who flaming others in all chat instead of playing 4. Autofilled mid main supp 5. Bad ADCs
The reason why everyone loosing ranked games: They put the focus on other players and not on themselves, so they are telling you about other players bad gameplay and not their bad gameplay.
@Lone Wolf doest metter how bad ur jg is, just don't flame ur teammates when they feeding, cause u tilting others and urself and then loosing the match.
@@Jonas-rh4em Look at sports they compete against similar level opponents, sports been around for 100+ years enough surely they would know how to train new players right? Sometimes you put the talents with older players and they either sink or learn to swim, you dont do that with the average players.
@@soggz9190 well not really i played basketball for 12 years and we played against our seniors often specialy before tournaments u learn more and u push ur limits and same goes for many teams and players i know
I think the number tip for climbing is to actually play ranked. League at it's core is a coinflip game, and even if you think you don't belong in a certain area you have to spam queue if you want to get out. The thing is, yes, it probably is your teammates faults that you lost, but if you are actually able to keep up, and do better then your opponents in the elo you are in, eventually you will climb. But it takes alot of time, and alot of games. Just keep going, and remember to use /mute if someone is being obnoxious or a troll. No reason to tilt yourself.
@@leonardovangogh2098 void staff? Morelo?blade of ruined king? Mortal reminder? And a lot more core items for dogs like mundo, just build that items early because you dont want them in 40 mins
honestly it took me 5 years of weekend playing to figure out that after learning the basics i was supposed to pick 1-3 champs and focus solely on them rather than playing different champs all the time. i was an on/off player and i always somehow thought that i'd become better if i just learned to play more and more champions. everything it caused however was me never learning anything in depth and just getting exhausted to the game in few weeks because i never made any progress whatsoever. basically thought that i was supposed to learn to play 148 champions in a game to be good at it, but it turned out to be that there's actually 148 versions of the game that i'm just supposed to pick few to master. interesting stuff, i'm absolutely in love with this game now
Damn i hate players like you who try o play all the champs and play rank... everyone is trying their best and choosing their strongest role and champ to play in rank. But here you are playing your mediocre champs and thinking you can climb, holding other players back.
@@aceshadowins1310 if you are stuck in the same league with the players who play ranked with random champs you are either a bronze or iron, and one can only ever get stuck there because lack of skill.
The big issue I find in Gold is that you can have amazing macro, e.g. Knowing when to take Baron, knowing rotating around the map to farm, etc. The issue is - often the macro of the other 4 players is awful. You spam ping Baron and they run it down mid. You take mid wave cs knowing your midlaner can split and has TP up, but the mid literally only farms mid all game. You want to freeze and slow push, but your support keeps shoving, autoing and using abilities on waves. Feels like you can know what to do, but the team does not.
One important thing this video missed is: You will likely go on losing streaks even if you’re smurfing in lower elos. My main is Dia 3 atm, I peaked at EUNE Masters. I used to be stuck on my alt on Gold for a long time (the one I share with my girlfriend, her account actually but I play it too). I usually only play top Irelia, Jax or Mid Diana, Annie. And it was impossible for one reason: coinflip. This game has a high RNG to the teammates you’ll get - actual people who play, and how they resolve the situations, team comps and macro/micro themselves. U will likely lose many games because one person decides to feed, or cant play safe cuz hes unskilled, or simply is tilted from before and will ruin the match for you. I had games where I’d have bot lane Leona and Soraka (vividly remember the match) and we won so damn hard, and sometimes you get premade bot like Xayah and Rakkan with high win rate, but they lose, and enemy adc carries. So yeah. All these advice are ok, but take them with grain of salt. Not everything depends on these tips.
I first started playing league in the last two weeks of season 7. I decided I would main the hardest champion in the game which at the time most people said I knew said was Azir. So in bronze 4 I would play azir for about 200 games before I got above 50% rate with him. In that I did manage to go on an 18 game win streak with Azir Bot taking me from Bronze 3 to Silver 4 near the beginning of season 8. Was one the craziest times I ever had playing league. However once I got Silver 4 though I couldn't get it to work anymore.
I had a 23 win streak when i started playing jax jungle. Funny enough I had and have never mained jungle, I just found that my elo had shitty junglers so I played jungle myself.
Something that i find still so difficult to do is Using my items active skill. I usually go toplane or support, and as u may know thta as support u have a lot of itesm that need to be activate with pressing the buttom, sometime when fight break out i forgot to use my items and resulting with losing the fight.
So, I have played this game for a while now. Played for 3-4 months back in 2016, started playing again late summer 2019, and by season 10 I managed Bronze 1. I started out season 10 at Iron 4, climbed without any issues until Iron 1, where promo's got me a few times, but I made it out relatively easy. Now, I'm Bronze. I've played on and off this year, and I made it to Bronze 3. Struggled to advance to Bronze 2, but after 4 promos lost I managed to promote to B2. However now I'm stuck. I kind of know what I struggle with, but I don't always understand or know how to improve. This channel has greatly helped me climb and learn more about the game, especially this video. One thing I struggle with is playing aggressively. In my mind I tell myself that if I play aggressive and die, it means I'm inting, and I'll get reported, flamed, etc. However, I play too passively and wind up getting edged out of lane sometimes cause I'm afraid to trade or all in unless I have a heavy lead.
Iron: Git gud Bronze:Git gud Silver: Git gud Prestigious Silver: Git gud Platinum: Learn deeper lane management, priorities and better decision making become tilt proof and stop playing after losing 2 games. Diamond: Get a good otp duo and hope you win the coin tosses. Your skills dont matter at this point. (no one escapes diamond alive and everyone is stuck in D4 or D3) Master: Pray to god that you get a 3 game winstreak and stop playing after you have enough LP to jump to grandmaster. Grandmaster: Same as master. Challenger: Good luck finding a game!
The most difficult thing about climbing Iron and Bronze is the amount of people who have zero knowledge of the game - hence feeding unintentionally and making it impossible to carry, trolling - intentional feeding and also the lack of seriousness they have when playing - i.e. going BRB, playing on a bad PC or having a slow internet connected hence disconnecting often and so on. In low elo, I have also learnt that no one knows when to end the game. Almost all of the games go to late game (even if one team is incredibly fed),which leads to everyone being in the same waters (regarding items) and the game gets thrown away. I think that those who are stuck in Iron and Bronze and feel that they are better than the rank itself, I recommend to focus on one or two roles and one or two champs (like stated in the video) and also having another Duo partner. Having 2 people in the team who knows what they are doing is better than one. Good luck! Edit- Grammar
Focus on learning to CS and vision. Even if you can't 1v1 your opponent out csing everyone will put you miles ahead. At that point the main concern is having your lead cut short by the goon squad (5 man gank), which is what warding will help prevent. Then you need to figure out is your team competent enough that you can carry a team fight or are you better off just split pushing. Your teammates are going to be bad they are Iron and Bronze as well. Learning to work around your teammates regardless of their skill will really help you climb.
i main diana. i started playing rankeds a few days ago and i won my first 5 games straight and went from b4 to b2 imidiatelly. sometimes i really doubt myself that i can do anything. now im losing almost every game and can’t do anything about it:/ i will try my best tho
@@olaguacamola7993 If you find yourself on a losing streak it is okay to take a break. Check out Gbay99's videos on the mentality of League such as tilt.
I had a win streak back in season 7 where I went from silver 1 all the way to plat 4 with an 85% win rate. This was the first time I had actually gotten out of silver and also the first time I stopped blaming my teammates for all my loses. Of course I was still toxic but I learned to realize my mistakes and not just blame my teammates for all of them.
Qotd: i was on 17 win streak on Vladimir on my placements, lost once and went on a 6 win streak.. the cause of it was that in s9 i finished silver4 but on the preseason i just played for fun and somehow got to gold 2. And in s10 start i got placed in bronze 4 in my placements and went on a 23-1 winstreak and im silver 1 right now with 49-21
When i played LoL in season 7/8 i was plat 3, and i stopped playing till s10 and i started 2 days ago, i finished my placements in bronze 1, and i just cant climb with fucking kalista top, naut and aphelios bot, and panth mid. Super annoying(ik its ironic but i main yasuo)
Djordje_ MnE yas is not even a good champ in season 10 tho. Way too squishy... but yeah the meta is way too annoying and i hate playin vlad cus he is great in mid but i get autofilled way too many times.. and top is just cancer nowadays
im in EUW player, im realy confident with my level, but i dont play ranked, i just got placed in iron1 and i want to climb really fast, but my problem is that i tilt a lot and start throwing. and i dont really know what to start with
Just stop playing rank. Its not enjoyable, it requires a proper team and communication, and the most important: climbing the ladder IS POINTLESS. Ok if you wanna spit blood to raise your skill on a dying game sure, your choice your consequences. But no matter how high you climb there will always be those cows and pigeons that riot accepts to exist in the game and who ruin the whole game experience. Playing rank in 2020 is as bad as starting to smoke, no joke. Both are pure cancer.
Anyone new to the game, like myself I've had it nearly 2 weeks if that and I have learned a ton. ARAM, great for learning a large amount of champions and then you can pick what ones you like to master.
I hate it when people group, I know when there’s a time where you don’t need to group and they’re flaming me for not grouping like come on man. I need to split-push against a team that rely on team fight to win.
It's actually the first video of this kind that I found useful and interesting ! All the other I saw were really like "train to farm and learn only one champion"... These are not wrong advice but everybody knows that. Actually playing more agressive in low elo is a very good advice I don't hear so often , and wonder about your win conditions during champ select too
I'm hardstuck diamond 2 so I Smurf alot and what I've noticed is that you need to ping for assistance alot in low elo because people don't check the map so if you get in a fight closeby it's likely they won't even know but if you ping them then they will see and come to your aid
That was the biggest thing my jg diamond friend said. After playing a few games with him I'm constantly looking to mini map to make sure hes not in a fight without my help. But p much everyone in low elo mutes pings as soon as game starts, so nowntheres no way to get help
Got a Camille skin. Decided to start playing here(was when Camille was broken late season 10 and early season 11) got a 25 game winstreak and climbed to gold for the first time ever.
I won like 19 Games in a row after I started spamming Kayle mid in Iron this Season (didnt played like for a year) Im Silver 1 now with 70% Winrate and 80% Winrate Kayle
Back in the day they changed the jungle where the camps had effects when smited, the Gromp used to give you a "Poison Armor", which reflected damage based on your max HP. it happened that i used to play Sion alot back then, and when i found that out, i made him FULL HP and smited before every fighted. I remember a game where the enemy ADC hitted me ONCE and lost around 90% of his HP and was like "WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO???" But yeah, went from Gold V to Platinum 2 in around 3 days. Insane Rito Balancing stuff LOL
QOTD: I had a 16 win streak with Leona Support in Bronze, then I lost that win streak for 2 afks and the other two were toxic as hell. I was even fed, I could do 1v2s, but hey, my team decided I didn't deserve to continue my win streak
QOTD: my first foray into ranked, over 3 days I played 47 games with a 97.8% winrate (climbed from bronze 3 to plat 4) playing exclusively Sivir and solo split pushing. I can't remember if it was the transition between season 2 and season 3 or season 3 and season 4. I don't really play much anymore but it was pretty fun to have such an explosive climb.
Question: I always pick a champion that focuses on assisting teammates or filling the tank role. e.g. Shen, sejuani etc. And I always did my job to help out but I always lose my own lane turret while winning fights and turrets in other lanes. What can I do alternatively ?
That's the price that you pay as Shen with your global presence. Guess the way here is it to make worth it. You ult down, then kill them and try to take bot Tower together (except it's pretty early in the game and you all need to long to take the tower down ) , or your jungler could defend your tower (we all know this doesn't happen XD)
imagine i was dia 3 last season and i cant get out of gold... i lost the promo to plat 5+ times... atm im reeeaaaally mentaly unstable. i mute everyone every game and as soon as i die 1 time i tilt so hard that i might smash my fist against the wall till it bleeds..
in season 1, when i was about lvl 25 i played ww and went 42/0. Best half hour of my life. 3 pre-6 kills into frozen mallet. straight up ganking past 2 towers. Obv a freak case from 10 people with no idea how to play but goddamn it made me fall in love with LoL
If only my team didn't have something like a teemo jg troll each and every game. Was gold 1 last season , now I'm at 80 lp in iron after 40 games. Got to my promos 4 times already. It's fucking frustrating
The tips you have for gold and plat sounds like what my silver games are right now. Over the course of 20 games my whole team thinks the right thing to do is to ARAM mid or contest drag instead of playing for opposite tower or rift. I prioritize vision and usually have the highest vision score and I mute all to avoid getting triggered yet most of my games are a coin flip
Low elo tip: I spammed ziggs mid or bot. It’s a little hard landing his skill shot but, I got to hold four with him alone. The biggest reason is players in iron-silver don’t focus to much on wave management. So whenever our side lanes were being pushed in I just ult them to constantly keep them pushing
Me: Hold lane, help for dragon, kill other for not getting pushed, have a good kda, Carey the game first 15 min. My team: int, int,stay where ever they want, don’t push lanes, don’t clear waves, running from top to bot. GG bronze.
well, i was gold 1 in promos for plat 4-5 times. I mute all a lot of times, but no pings. I was mute pings only when one of my teammates start to tilting me. And i notice something. Every time i mute all, while im playing trynda and split push, im kinda more carefully with the map, the vision i got, where the eney team is. Even if i lose my lane, i try to scale up and go for split push, if possible. Coz teammates arent every time right !
me playing seriously: lose 5 game back to back me trolling and build weird item: win 5 game back to back yeah this game is a LOL for me...i'm fking tired play seriously because in the end still lose...
after 4 years of not playing i got to plat within 150 games. Feels like players just get mechanically better at their chosen champs but overall not smarter other than a few exceptions. What about diamond to master -> chall ? i peeked d1 back in my day id need some guidance. Game feels quite dull and easy sometimes tbh lol
It’s easy to say things like “don’t feel bad if ur in bronze” but when you actually get into a game, everyone is gonna be toxic no matter what. All of these tips are about the physical game, when you should be talking about the mental game.
I m stuck in Bronze still trying to figure what's wrong with my jungler role sometimes I can crush enemy players easily and giving them lots of pressure and I can win in a streak or sometimes lose in a streak
Longest streak I got was 27 games when I transitioned from Kalista to Vayne. When you get all familiar with how you should be making your hits count when you have the chance, it gets easier.
Qotd: I won 2 games in a row once. It was absolutely insane.
Best comment
Jesus dude! I need to step my game up. That's crazy gj man
Yeah me too. Never happened again, tho
@@nicsferatu86 Omg guys! I just won 3 in a row 😱😱
Aight so i took notes:
Iron: Dont feel bad
Bronze: Run it down
Silver: Learn the game
Gold&Plat: Mute all
Diamond: Watch Faker
Every game in diamond is a coin toss 50-50 chance, riot designed it specifically so that you dont win too many games back to back.
im gold 2, so I have to write /mute all?
@@bloatersnake9787 What about people who have 85-90% winrate?
*All ranks: Don't feel bad and mute all*
@@justoalvarez3940 Thats about .2% of the games population, assuming you mean the top lvl players, that can climb out of hell
Amumu : *misses Q and then ults the ground* everyone else : *flashes lvl 7*
I thought i was the only one who noticed this LOL
@@Hyungwonhoe same lmao
That was a mad play xD
Does anyone know the timestamp
Misses Q, ults the ground then proceeds to tax/fuck up the farm for Ezreal out of tilt 🤩
I have one tip for everyone watching this video, you´re League experience will not improve just because you do. The toxicity stays ( even get´s worse in platinum ), the trolls, feeders and AFKers are still there and it takes a huge amount of time to actually become decent at the game. Keep it casual, keep it fun, don´t go for the hard grind because it will more likely ruin your day than improve it.
Amazing advice
Agree. But the thing is that trollers, and feeders dont let u actually having fun at the game. (for example im trying to get away from bronze. I have 3 wins in a row and the i just go back to 0 lp and NOT because of my faults because i always have better farm, kill lead and participacion in objectives and team fights....)
@@neofytosoik6068 get new account us get cursed .
@@neofytosoik6068-I know your pain dude!
Ranked matches are actually more about luck then skill.
If you have no luck with the team,you can play as well as a challenger on steroids,just to end up killed in a 1v5!!
@@maestrulgamer9695 lets pray to god that there will be no brain dead teammates in ranked games
I climbed from gold to diamond in over a month without even realizing it. What I know is that I'm so stressed in school that I just tried to take a bit of a break by playing league then out of nowhere I'm already in diamond. I didn't even cared about my rank or lp back then. I just tried to play for fun and I guess that was one of the fundamentals of the game.
Giving 0 fuccs ?
I am bronze IV now, in 2nd month playing. How long did you play to improve your game? I am still eager looking tips for team fight, but I always win my lane. Top lane I should say, but I always suck at team fight and I keep saying to not group up but my team is starting to engage anyway without me, and dies, blame me. What should I do? I can’t fight in team, but I am forced to. Yes, I am newbie, but why those bronze player engage without adc or tanks when ever they wants when it is not necessary? I’m tired to fight with team. I never lose in 1 vs 1. Can I have my advice to let stopping my teammate engaging and get better at team fight?
@@無題6376 Just stay on your lane push both turrets. Then rotate bot do the same. Never group. Let enemies come to you to stop you.
@@christianmaurer96 yeah, destroyed 2 turrets in top, but I didn’t go for not. Thanks you for your advice. But I am not sure who should guard top after, because the previous top and enemy if pushes back.
@@無題6376 Sololaners (top&mid) are responsible for sidelanes from midgame. Your botlane should pressure mid since they are two people and they have most pressure there. Your botlane needs to move before you can take over their lane ofc.
eScApE yOuR eLo
Me: escape from bronze to iron
Also me: outstanding move
Path of least resistent
I like that
Sam_Hemala same
For me it's more painfull than than climbing
low elo has a correlation with low iq
@@dshizznitrb3 from where: league of legends university xD
Pro tip: stop being toxic to your own teammates tilting them dramatically lowers your chance of winning.
Yeah especially when these retards can't do what they are supposed to do, thus leading to a throw. I've seen it so many times that in the end its better to just tilt them, maybe some of them will feel guilty after all.
This happens literally every game for me, and most of the times I get flamed for not accompanying my lane partner who solo pushed a whole teams, oops srry my bad I didn't kill both of us and just you. Like what bruh.
Their 0/10 is already lowering their chances.
Being toxic doesnt mean youre a good player, but most good players are toxic, and the best are definitely toxic. But that doesn't mean that by being toxic you will not lower your winrate, you may be one of those guys who isnt good but is toxic, and while toxic people are insanely good and can carry even if youre tilted, you cant. I was really toxic, and I had some games where I flamed like crazy but I still carried those people hard, meanwhile in others I didnt really do much and lost. If you dont know if you can carry just mute all and move on
I’m silver 5 and my roomate is bronze 1, we’re both under level 50 and constantly get paired with Gold 3-5 people who’s account are almost level 200 and flaming us for losing the game before it even starts lol
1:11 iron
3:55 bronze
5:59 silver
8:00 gold+platinum
10:27 diamond
The legend that makes timestamps. A hero
Thank you for doing this every time there is sections
Im sorry but my maximum rank was platinum. I dominate my lane almost every game!I play any role and lots of champs. Currently I'm stuck in silver and its exactly the same like in platinum... I need to play some champ that can win 1v9... It's impossible to climb with my account just because the game match me with enemy players close or better than my skill level and from my team i have people that don't know their spells... Even if i destroy my lane and have 20-50 minions its hard to carry when the enemy have 4 people like me (i disable the 5th)All that stupid things about meta champs is worth watching in diamond + I can outplay other people because i tested all champions and i know what they can/can't do... So the only possible way to climb is to make a new account.... This ranking and matchmaking is completely broken and after losing 10 games because I'm matched with plebs in my team i become toxic. In any moba game i can climb equally to platinum here without a problem. I have tons of experiences in that kind of games... Playing lol since s2, dota, hots, hon, smite even mobile mobas like mobile legends i was at the highest rank... Again this matchmaking and ranking system needs dramatic change! I regret i have spend money and time in lol!
6:37 challenger
If you’re stuck in silver you’ve never been to plat. Bad teammates are in every elo and how they play changes every game. The only constant variable is you so if you’re losing every game, YOU’RE the problem
Everyone: talking about win streaks
Me: Wait, you guys are getting wins?
I feel the same u feel about being stuck in elo hell bcs of idiots
@@curveballshorts Pick a champ that can carry. Dont take dum fights. Track minion waves to try to get picks on stragglers.
1:10 Iron
3:54 Bronze
5:57 Silver
8:00 Gold/Plat
10:27 Diamond
Make this top comment
6:36 omg what is that amumu
I literally stopped listening after seeing that LMAO
He ulted because he thought he hit the Q but he didn't 😂
He lagged
Exactly what I was going to post 😂
"we aall know most champs have 4 abilites" *laughs in Aphelios*
*laugh in SYLAS*
*laughs in Jayce*
Might as well let Nidalee and Elise laugh I guess.
Laughs like nar
sylas wins. haha
QOTD: My friend who continued playing after i took a break cuz of college work, managed a 26 game win streak. Was spamming Jax top lane, and pretty much went from bronze to gold because apparently in a lot of games people didn't even realise he was on their inhibs when the other team and his own were staring down each other in mid lol.
Legit happened to me the other day, ally Jax, might have been your friend lol!
He's probably na
Yup. That’s how I usually split-push too. Though it gets harder to split-push soon. Once you get into Low Platinum, you will feel the vision importance a lot more.
@@KiyanPocket in my games people sometimes don't even see me when I go to gank and walk over a ward... It's insane
as a yorick main i can say that i ended a bunch of games while the ennemy team was trolling
6:35 that amumu play is what describes the entire low elo section
ah yes, every iron-gold player is playing like a bot
I’m an adc main, and my friend was a support main, and we ran twitch yuumi, twitch bringing teleport and flash. At the start of the game we would go and steal the enemy jg topside buff, back, and then tp yo lane without missing any cs.And then late game, our combo was insane because of twitchs hyper carry potential, and the fact yuumi has insane heals and attack speed buffs, and goes invisible WITH twitch. We went on a >15 game win streak
TylerStryker too bad Yuumi can’t tp with anyone anymore :/
EverZeal Gaming ugh ikr, of all the ways to nerd her they choose to remove that feature 🥱
@@tylerstryker3288 i mean thats busted. Imagine using 1 tp for two people thats just gay
Yummi is definitely the beast healing item in the game
I kinda hate you for that. Once had to play against twitch yuumi as xerath support. I learned that twitch can get really bloody close to you before you can see through his camouflage. So close in fact that you die even when you instantly stun him and flash away at lvl 2
How to get out of iron/bronze:
Me: 3/0 midlane feeling good, i might win a game
My botlane: 0/12 in the first 10min
maybe u should go down and help gank bot u lazy bum
@@dshizznitrb3 ending up in a triple kill cause I get 2 auto attacks in and im dead? 😂
@@kurtharmse4919 just messing with u dont beat me up
@@dshizznitrb3 lol I know man :) but is true tho
this is too true
"Chill guys I am challenger Amumu main we win this"
The Amumu 6:34
underrated comment
Really underrated comment
When i saw the clip, I tough all the comments would be talking about this XD
@@ledudequiventleshamwow7518 Lol we were so wrong
The reasons why everyone loosing ranked games:
1. Afk's
2. toxic players who tilting the whole team
3. Guy who flaming others in all chat instead of playing
4. Autofilled mid main supp
5. Bad ADCs
The reason why everyone loosing ranked games:
They put the focus on other players and not on themselves, so they are telling you about other players bad gameplay and not their bad gameplay.
@@Misufasil Yes
Ahh finally a true guide
or bot who feeds a fucking thresh who misses point blank grabs
@Lone Wolf doest metter how bad ur jg is, just don't flame ur teammates when they feeding, cause u tilting others and urself and then loosing the match.
6:39 he almost laughed at the amumu but he stopped lol
How to climb easily: purchase Star guardian Urgot
OMG it's here, it's actually here!!
Skin = win
dead joke
Asif Ahmed Old is Gold
pool party malphite
you know when your team gives a garen 12 kills at 13 minutes? Thats my favorite feeling
LeafyBonez great memories
When you get ten kills by 15 minutes and then you relise their nasus has 40
for some reason league really like pairing me with people who feed. i have not had a single balanced game in ranked so far
QOTD: silver 2 to silver 4 in an afternoon with about 11 consecutive lost :))
Aye that’s me right now. Now I’m sad
That's why I stop after 1 loss. There is always tomorrow.
Wake up 7am happy to play league, get camille jg with arcane comet, bans my champion goes afk lvl3 :D
Omg I had the exact same thing yesterday, I feel a bit less sad now I know that I'm not alone
11 Games? That is one long ass afternoon, dude.
As soon it takes only one more win until you rank up, that win is suddenly incredibly hard
.... XD
So true
This dude: Well if you're bronze congrats cause you escape iron
Me: Hehe weird I started at bronze
you can start in silber or gold if you won all games.
@@tttttt-sk2sq you cant start in gold even if u win all ur placements
@@kashiraenightcore8722 you can
@@bywiweit no
@@bywiweit 10/10 started in silver 3.
Completely new account
Not that easy to climb out of Iron when the matchmaking put you in a gold and silver lobby all lvl 500 mastery 7, not only iron...
if you play against better players you become better yourself, you cant expect to learn if you play against irons who make the same misstakes you make
Jonas for this comment I don’t have word to say 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Jonas nah all that happens is you get steam rolled and flamed and then want to stop playing the game
@@Jonas-rh4em Look at sports they compete against similar level opponents, sports been around for 100+ years enough surely they would know how to train new players right?
Sometimes you put the talents with older players and they either sink or learn to swim, you dont do that with the average players.
@@soggz9190 well not really i played basketball for 12 years and we played against our seniors often specialy before tournaments u learn more and u push ur limits and same goes for many teams and players i know
Amumu.exe has stopped working.
Filip Paprocki this is the shit I see in silver and just start inting😂
@@smike3833 then, my friend, i have to inform you that you are an asshole
*Flashing Iron 8 play*
When people smurf in silve/gold so you gotta play like diamond to even stand a chance I hate it
Kostas Galinos love being under level 50 silver 5 going against level 200 mastery level 7 gold 5 sweats
Doesn't happen often until end of season when people reach their desired rank and start trashing lower elo players
William Jones theres no silver 5? Go back to mobile legends
Fraser Donaldson could be iron tier like you
I had this in Iron.But I escape this stupid division of smurfs in 10-15 games.
I think the number tip for climbing is to actually play ranked. League at it's core is a coinflip game, and even if you think you don't belong in a certain area you have to spam queue if you want to get out. The thing is, yes, it probably is your teammates faults that you lost, but if you are actually able to keep up, and do better then your opponents in the elo you are in, eventually you will climb. But it takes alot of time, and alot of games. Just keep going, and remember to use /mute if someone is being obnoxious or a troll. No reason to tilt yourself.
Me seeing this video:
Challengers making smurf acc:
Best tip to climb out of ranks: Actually play ranked mode.
Andy Malik underrated comment
Practice new champs on ranked is big brain
@@animeandstuff5377 huge brain
Anime and Stuff that’s actually what I do lmfao
@@Damian-pi9wq lol thats why new champs are always banned in ranked
In season 3 I climbed to high gold by going by “Mundo goes where he pleases” no matter the lane I picked mundo
I can picture that
Literally just lost to a mundo top lane and yumi healing lol
@@MrChilley same LOL, that combo is fr unkillable.
@@leonardovangogh2098 void staff? Morelo?blade of ruined king? Mortal reminder? And a lot more core items for dogs like mundo, just build that items early because you dont want them in 40 mins
honestly it took me 5 years of weekend playing to figure out that after learning the basics i was supposed to pick 1-3 champs and focus solely on them rather than playing different champs all the time. i was an on/off player and i always somehow thought that i'd become better if i just learned to play more and more champions. everything it caused however was me never learning anything in depth and just getting exhausted to the game in few weeks because i never made any progress whatsoever. basically thought that i was supposed to learn to play 148 champions in a game to be good at it, but it turned out to be that there's actually 148 versions of the game that i'm just supposed to pick few to master. interesting stuff, i'm absolutely in love with this game now
Damn i hate players like you who try o play all the champs and play rank... everyone is trying their best and choosing their strongest role and champ to play in rank. But here you are playing your mediocre champs and thinking you can climb, holding other players back.
@@aceshadowins1310 if you are stuck in the same league with the players who play ranked with random champs you are either a bronze or iron, and one can only ever get stuck there because lack of skill.
@@ghoulunathics gold actually suckerrrrrrrr
@@aceshadowins1310 they say that low elo goes up to the end of platinum and that gold is the highest populated rank in the game. could be wrong tho:)
@@ghoulunathics guess your in it then cuz you suck:(
This video really helped me escape challenger I was hardstuck for so long....
The big issue I find in Gold is that you can have amazing macro, e.g. Knowing when to take Baron, knowing rotating around the map to farm, etc. The issue is - often the macro of the other 4 players is awful. You spam ping Baron and they run it down mid. You take mid wave cs knowing your midlaner can split and has TP up, but the mid literally only farms mid all game. You want to freeze and slow push, but your support keeps shoving, autoing and using abilities on waves. Feels like you can know what to do, but the team does not.
QOTD: in one night got drunk with my friends and climbed from gold 3 to plat 4 only playing Cho'gath mid
Lol, yes Chew'Gath is quite strong when played correctly.
@@kikikillian1208 Lol he was drunk
@@redgiraffe5484 making it even better
this never happened
QOTD: winstreak ?
me : i never met this word in my life
U my dog
I don’t know what those first 3 letters mean but recognize the last part. I think a “winstreak” might be somehow related to a lossstreak
I lost in solo q , lost flex , lost blind pick lost aram lost in tft lost my gf lost my feelings lost my will to live
Ah yeah also lost clash 0-3
@@Asonc1 its ok man we've all been there
0:29 lmao I was like not again XDDD that was funny smh
One important thing this video missed is: You will likely go on losing streaks even if you’re smurfing in lower elos. My main is Dia 3 atm, I peaked at EUNE Masters. I used to be stuck on my alt on Gold for a long time (the one I share with my girlfriend, her account actually but I play it too). I usually only play top Irelia, Jax or Mid Diana, Annie. And it was impossible for one reason: coinflip. This game has a high RNG to the teammates you’ll get - actual people who play, and how they resolve the situations, team comps and macro/micro themselves. U will likely lose many games because one person decides to feed, or cant play safe cuz hes unskilled, or simply is tilted from before and will ruin the match for you. I had games where I’d have bot lane Leona and Soraka (vividly remember the match) and we won so damn hard, and sometimes you get premade bot like Xayah and Rakkan with high win rate, but they lose, and enemy adc carries. So yeah. All these advice are ok, but take them with grain of salt. Not everything depends on these tips.
I first started playing league in the last two weeks of season 7. I decided I would main the hardest champion in the game which at the time most people said I knew said was Azir. So in bronze 4 I would play azir for about 200 games before I got above 50% rate with him. In that I did manage to go on an 18 game win streak with Azir Bot taking me from Bronze 3 to Silver 4 near the beginning of season 8. Was one the craziest times I ever had playing league. However once I got Silver 4 though I couldn't get it to work anymore.
0:28 first joke you've made that's made me laugh
That was some peak Amumu Silver Gameplay at 6:38
I CRINGED so hard, like I already know if I was that Ez I'd be pinging question marks all over
I had a 23 win streak when i started playing jax jungle. Funny enough I had and have never mained jungle, I just found that my elo had shitty junglers so I played jungle myself.
Yeah, I got so tired of bad jnglers I took matters in my own hands. Wasn't the worst choice.
nah u just got lucky
@@sohspencer567 don't think so tbh, i was carrying every game
Jax is op in low elo. You had bad mmr and were put against bad players. I guess after those 23 wins you had a 10 lose streak.
@@hubertinnovationdingo9708 nah i was in silver 3-4 got to gold played my own lane got to plat.
Something that i find still so difficult to do is Using my items active skill.
I usually go toplane or support, and as u may know thta as support u have a lot of itesm that need to be activate with pressing the buttom, sometime when fight break out i forgot to use my items and resulting with losing the fight.
Omg yess I main Quinn and I started using sanguine blade over bork because I always forget to use the active
So, I have played this game for a while now. Played for 3-4 months back in 2016, started playing again late summer 2019, and by season 10 I managed Bronze 1. I started out season 10 at Iron 4, climbed without any issues until Iron 1, where promo's got me a few times, but I made it out relatively easy. Now, I'm Bronze. I've played on and off this year, and I made it to Bronze 3. Struggled to advance to Bronze 2, but after 4 promos lost I managed to promote to B2. However now I'm stuck. I kind of know what I struggle with, but I don't always understand or know how to improve.
This channel has greatly helped me climb and learn more about the game, especially this video. One thing I struggle with is playing aggressively. In my mind I tell myself that if I play aggressive and die, it means I'm inting, and I'll get reported, flamed, etc. However, I play too passively and wind up getting edged out of lane sometimes cause I'm afraid to trade or all in unless I have a heavy lead.
10:47 what was that Aphelios interaction with the turret??
that's syndra's W
Syndra W, i believe.
Syndra took his turret and it killed her lmao
big brain
Syndra took his turret but at the same time aphelios shot her
6:39 the best amumu in the world he knows what to do xD
Iron: Git gud
Bronze:Git gud
Silver: Git gud
Prestigious Silver: Git gud
Platinum: Learn deeper lane management, priorities and better decision making become tilt proof and stop playing after losing 2 games.
Diamond: Get a good otp duo and hope you win the coin tosses. Your skills dont matter at this point. (no one escapes diamond alive and everyone is stuck in D4 or D3)
Master: Pray to god that you get a 3 game winstreak and stop playing after you have enough LP to jump to grandmaster.
Grandmaster: Same as master.
Challenger: Good luck finding a game!
The most difficult thing about climbing Iron and Bronze is the amount of people who have zero knowledge of the game - hence feeding unintentionally and making it impossible to carry, trolling - intentional feeding and also the lack of seriousness they have when playing - i.e. going BRB, playing on a bad PC or having a slow internet connected hence disconnecting often and so on.
In low elo, I have also learnt that no one knows when to end the game. Almost all of the games go to late game (even if one team is incredibly fed),which leads to everyone being in the same waters (regarding items) and the game gets thrown away.
I think that those who are stuck in Iron and Bronze and feel that they are better than the rank itself, I recommend to focus on one or two roles and one or two champs (like stated in the video) and also having another Duo partner. Having 2 people in the team who knows what they are doing is better than one.
Good luck!
Edit- Grammar
totally agree and thanks btw!!
Focus on learning to CS and vision. Even if you can't 1v1 your opponent out csing everyone will put you miles ahead. At that point the main concern is having your lead cut short by the goon squad (5 man gank), which is what warding will help prevent. Then you need to figure out is your team competent enough that you can carry a team fight or are you better off just split pushing.
Your teammates are going to be bad they are Iron and Bronze as well. Learning to work around your teammates regardless of their skill will really help you climb.
i main diana. i started playing rankeds a few days ago and i won my first 5 games straight and went from b4 to b2 imidiatelly. sometimes i really doubt myself that i can do anything. now im losing almost every game and can’t do anything about it:/ i will try my best tho
@@olaguacamola7993 If you find yourself on a losing streak it is okay to take a break. Check out Gbay99's videos on the mentality of League such as tilt.
I had a win streak back in season 7 where I went from silver 1 all the way to plat 4 with an 85% win rate. This was the first time I had actually gotten out of silver and also the first time I stopped blaming my teammates for all my loses. Of course I was still toxic but I learned to realize my mistakes and not just blame my teammates for all of them.
He be like: "Are you getting ganked in your own lane"
Me be like: "Constantly demolished..."
Gold elo: "we need to group"
no we do not!!! thank you for saying it!!!
Qotd: i was on 17 win streak on Vladimir on my placements, lost once and went on a 6 win streak.. the cause of it was that in s9 i finished silver4 but on the preseason i just played for fun and somehow got to gold 2.
And in s10 start i got placed in bronze 4 in my placements and went on a 23-1 winstreak and im silver 1 right now with 49-21
When i played LoL in season 7/8 i was plat 3, and i stopped playing till s10 and i started 2 days ago, i finished my placements in bronze 1, and i just cant climb with fucking kalista top, naut and aphelios bot, and panth mid. Super annoying(ik its ironic but i main yasuo)
Djordje_ MnE yas is not even a good champ in season 10 tho. Way too squishy... but yeah the meta is way too annoying and i hate playin vlad cus he is great in mid but i get autofilled way too many times.. and top is just cancer nowadays
im in EUW player, im realy confident with my level, but i dont play ranked, i just got placed in iron1 and i want to climb really fast, but my problem is that i tilt a lot and start throwing.
and i dont really know what to start with
Just stop playing rank. Its not enjoyable, it requires a proper team and communication, and the most important: climbing the ladder IS POINTLESS. Ok if you wanna spit blood to raise your skill on a dying game sure, your choice your consequences. But no matter how high you climb there will always be those cows and pigeons that riot accepts to exist in the game and who ruin the whole game experience. Playing rank in 2020 is as bad as starting to smoke, no joke. Both are pure cancer.
@@stixoimatizontas you sound hardstuck
Anyone new to the game, like myself I've had it nearly 2 weeks if that and I have learned a ton. ARAM, great for learning a large amount of champions and then you can pick what ones you like to master.
“are you getting gank-“
became a meme just like Raid Shadow Legends
I hate it when people group, I know when there’s a time where you don’t need to group and they’re flaming me for not grouping like come on man. I need to split-push against a team that rely on team fight to win.
QOTD: When i first got to master tier in season 10, me and my friend went on a 14 games winstreak from diamond 4 to diamond 2
16 win streak. Got carried in everysingle match..My best score from this winstreak was 7/12/20.
You just prove bad luck exist to me.
How can you be so lucky!I hate you!
It's actually the first video of this kind that I found useful and interesting !
All the other I saw were really like "train to farm and learn only one champion"... These are not wrong advice but everybody knows that.
Actually playing more agressive in low elo is a very good advice I don't hear so often , and wonder about your win conditions during champ select too
I’m having a win streak with Ezreal, my supports are doing so good to be honest. I’ll probably get to Silver I soon.
I'm hardstuck diamond 2 so I Smurf alot and what I've noticed is that you need to ping for assistance alot in low elo because people don't check the map so if you get in a fight closeby it's likely they won't even know but if you ping them then they will see and come to your aid
That was the biggest thing my jg diamond friend said. After playing a few games with him I'm constantly looking to mini map to make sure hes not in a fight without my help. But p much everyone in low elo mutes pings as soon as game starts, so nowntheres no way to get help
@@mzamnesia7190 not in my experiences most ping dont mute pings well it doesn't seem like it
@@mzamnesia7190 pffff, they're also ignoring your pings and flaming on you after being surprise buttsex-ed by roaming mid even if you're follow
12:49 i first thought whaaaat elise can q over the nami wave :O then i realized thats her team mate lmao
Went from iron 3 to plat 3 thanks to some of your vids and pro play vods. Keep up the good work!
Got a Camille skin. Decided to start playing here(was when Camille was broken late season 10 and early season 11) got a 25 game winstreak and climbed to gold for the first time ever.
“Hey Summoners!” = Proguide equivalent to, “Hey Sisters!”
QOTD: aphelios gun basically head in keyboard penta
Diavolo Aphelios isn’t even good?
@@rishijoshi7989 because you dont know how to play him?
I won like 19 Games in a row after I started spamming Kayle mid in Iron this Season (didnt played like for a year) Im Silver 1 now with 70% Winrate and 80% Winrate Kayle
Back in the day they changed the jungle where the camps had effects when smited, the Gromp used to give you a "Poison Armor", which reflected damage based on your max HP.
it happened that i used to play Sion alot back then, and when i found that out, i made him FULL HP and smited before every fighted.
I remember a game where the enemy ADC hitted me ONCE and lost around 90% of his HP and was like "WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO???"
But yeah, went from Gold V to Platinum 2 in around 3 days. Insane Rito Balancing stuff LOL
As someone who started not even a year ago it’s so satisfying to see what I already figured out by myself and what my mistakes are
this video should be called "how to play league of legends correctly" xd
QOTD: I had a 16 win streak with Leona Support in Bronze, then I lost that win streak for 2 afks and the other two were toxic as hell. I was even fed, I could do 1v2s, but hey, my team decided I didn't deserve to continue my win streak
happens all the time :(
The real question is: "Are you ganked in your own lane?"
QOTD: my first foray into ranked, over 3 days I played 47 games with a 97.8% winrate (climbed from bronze 3 to plat 4) playing exclusively Sivir and solo split pushing. I can't remember if it was the transition between season 2 and season 3 or season 3 and season 4. I don't really play much anymore but it was pretty fun to have such an explosive climb.
Question: I always pick a champion that focuses on assisting teammates or filling the tank role. e.g. Shen, sejuani etc. And I always did my job to help out but I always lose my own lane turret while winning fights and turrets in other lanes. What can I do alternatively ?
That's the price that you pay as Shen with your global presence. Guess the way here is it to make worth it. You ult down, then kill them and try to take bot Tower together (except it's pretty early in the game and you all need to long to take the tower down )
, or your jungler could defend your tower (we all know this doesn't happen XD)
QOTD: a friend of mine climbed from unranked to gold in 4 days with Zoe and Tryndamere
S6 spamming vayne from Silver 5 to Gold 1 in a month... then lost promo for plat two times😢
imagine i was dia 3 last season and i cant get out of gold... i lost the promo to plat 5+ times... atm im reeeaaaally mentaly unstable. i mute everyone every game and as soon as i die 1 time i tilt so hard that i might smash my fist against the wall till it bleeds..
@@riggedtroxaa8675 same
@@riggedtroxaa8675 it's because (probably) most of the Diamonds were dropped to your current elo and you are facing plat/diamond players
@@riggedtroxaa8675 S9 diamonds and masters are now hardstuck if you cant get back then you deserve ur current rank
@@TheMegaLeotv fuck you
i once got a 20 wins streak and the reason was the power of egirls
in season 1, when i was about lvl 25 i played ww and went 42/0. Best half hour of my life. 3 pre-6 kills into frozen mallet. straight up ganking past 2 towers. Obv a freak case from 10 people with no idea how to play but goddamn it made me fall in love with LoL
Neace: makes a role-specific video in how to climb each elo which lasts 40+ minute for a single role
Proguides: 13 minutes video. Take it or leave it
If only my team didn't have something like a teemo jg troll each and every game. Was gold 1 last season , now I'm at 80 lp in iron after 40 games. Got to my promos 4 times already. It's fucking frustrating
im with you brother
I was in silver promos for gold, then the new season started and now I've been hardstuck iron
@@rubentovar2695 T^T
Qotd: Yeah man I always get ganked in my own lane... - A darius main
I remember when it took me almost a year to reach level 30 and when you still had to buy runes😂
The tips you have for gold and plat sounds like what my silver games are right now. Over the course of 20 games my whole team thinks the right thing to do is to ARAM mid or contest drag instead of playing for opposite tower or rift. I prioritize vision and usually have the highest vision score and I mute all to avoid getting triggered yet most of my games are a coin flip
Low elo tip: I spammed ziggs mid or bot. It’s a little hard landing his skill shot but, I got to hold four with him alone. The biggest reason is players in iron-silver don’t focus to much on wave management. So whenever our side lanes were being pushed in I just ult them to constantly keep them pushing
The moment I start getting a win streak Rito decides to pair me up with some grade 1 horseshit bronze players.
how to escape ur elo: lose every game
Me: Hold lane, help for dragon, kill other for not getting pushed, have a good kda, Carey the game first 15 min.
My team: int, int,stay where ever they want, don’t push lanes, don’t clear waves, running from top to bot. GG bronze.
you are bad
well, i was gold 1 in promos for plat 4-5 times. I mute all a lot of times, but no pings. I was mute pings only when one of my teammates start to tilting me. And i notice something. Every time i mute all, while im playing trynda and split push, im kinda more carefully with the map, the vision i got, where the eney team is. Even if i lose my lane, i try to scale up and go for split push, if possible. Coz teammates arent every time right !
6:35 That amumu ult was next level
8:58 literally my team in 95 percent of my games.
البهن 😂😂
me playing seriously: lose 5 game back to back
me trolling and build weird item:
win 5 game back to back
yeah this game is a LOL for me...i'm fking tired play seriously because in the end still lose...
"watching profesional league" id rather watch paint dry
after 4 years of not playing i got to plat within 150 games.
Feels like players just get mechanically better at their chosen champs but overall not smarter other than a few exceptions.
What about diamond to master -> chall ?
i peeked d1 back in my day id need some guidance.
Game feels quite dull and easy sometimes tbh lol
It’s easy to say things like “don’t feel bad if ur in bronze” but when you actually get into a game, everyone is gonna be toxic no matter what. All of these tips are about the physical game, when you should be talking about the mental game.
i won 16 games with spamming urgot.Than ezrael came and feed the enemy.End.
QOTD : "are you getting ganked in tour own lane " lmao 😭😂😂
Qotd: ive won a game IT WAS INSANEEE
I m stuck in Bronze still trying to figure what's wrong with my jungler role sometimes I can crush enemy players easily and giving them lots of pressure and I can win in a streak or sometimes lose in a streak
Longest streak I got was 27 games when I transitioned from Kalista to Vayne. When you get all familiar with how you should be making your hits count when you have the chance, it gets easier.