When people say they want to make art, they normally mean they want to make "good" art. They mean they want to make exhaustive, disciplined, fundamentally improving, energy draining art and no one has the energy for that kind of productivity. Not for anything. If you want to be prolific, you have to allow yourself to produce bad art and I think partially people have either an ego problem or an insecurity problem where actively pursuing something that is creatively bad (because you know you dont have the energy to make something good) is either too soul-crushing or too beneath them to attempt.
@@nolannvegaTo add to this, I think the effect posting art online has also cannot be understated. We only ever see the beautiful finished worked with thousands or hundreds of thousands of likes; we dont as often see the hours of invisible labor and practice that goes in, and coupled with the fear of being seen trying (which thanks to cringe compilations, art fix videos, and only seeing the best works pushed to the top of the algorithm) I cant exactly blame someone for being hesitant to start. People ARE harsh and judgemental online and it was be dishonest to pretend like we dont subconsciously notice these things that cause us to hesitate picking up a pencil or drawing tablet. The act of learning something for the first time requires you to be vulnerable. You will make mistakes and it wont be perfect right away. Getting through that stage is the hardest but most critical part of growing and I think more people need to be honest and talk about that aspect of it because THATS the biggest struggle for most new artist or people who are afraid to make art but want to
It’s also really frustrating, because I want to do something that makes me feel good, but I just don’t have the energy nor time to do it, and when I try, and then I look back and see it’s not as good as I want it to be, I get extremely frustratred and my motivation to keep at it goes even lower.
@@dehacx This is another aspect that I don't think people acknowledge in themselves: The reasons for doing their art. I think in reality a lot of people want to do art for the 'genuine' reasons that all creative people throughout human history want to: expression, therapy, relaxation, relief. But I think that we have somewhat corrupted those perfectly valid purposes with the idea that our art has to be perfect for "everyone else" not just ourselves; with this imaginary critic that judges our art with the eyes of a stranger. Let's take a look: You do art because you want to "feel good". Which tells me that you are, at least in part, seeking some sort of psychological relief from it. But afterwards, you cannot feel the relief because the art isn't "good enough". My advice would be to split these two things. Making art that is therapeutic because you need a break or relief should never have the pressure and weight of making "good" art. Be kind to yourself, understand that art is a tool to help your mind and body, not something that has to be perfect for a display. And when you feel the energy you need to make such a perfection, then you can critique your art all you want. But when you just need to relax, draw like you're a child and don't question it. Don't judge it and don't ask for anything more from yourself. For example: When I'm stressed and want to "do art" but have no energy, I paint circles. Sometimes I try to paint "perfect" circles but most times I don't care and want to play with paint. I understand that painting circles could be interpreted as "childish and silly" but its exactly all I need at the moment. Sometimes I scribble or literally draw like a 4 year old. It's fun and not demanding and then soon after, I'm refreshed enough to actually do something artistically challenging. But I could never have accomplished that after a long stressful day, if I'd layered on even more stress of making the dreaded "good art", when all I needed was to have some fun :)
Very well said. I just finished writing my new book and I realized that a lot can be changed and made better during a 2nd draft, so just write and have fun without constant worry that it goes on the wrong rails. Write bad and write good. Even bad can be made better or at least to be learned from. Also your story might not have ”enough themes” but when you read through the whole thing, those themes start to surface almost by themselves. Then it’s just up to the writer to reinforce them during new drafts.
i think at this point inspiration is just picking up the pen and putting something down. inspiration doesn’t always have to leave me with a grandiose feeling, it’s just the ability to create in the moment (no matter if it’s good or bad) Amazing video, thank you for creating
The inspiration part is goated because I've been noticing this myself. It's such an unreliable thing that if I even wait 5 mins, get a text then completely forget, or even come back and just be like "what was I even thinking? It doesn't feel worth it.. Now I'm drawing as a chore, the picture will be really dull" My only hack is to at least indulge in more art-related procrastination. If I play games or text friends, it will take my mind far away from art. I need to force myself to watch movies (that I do like a lot) because after about 20 mins I get inspired and motivated to go and write stuff down/ make more pictures. Then after doing it for days, all I wanna do is draw. I just get so wrapped up in it that I'll be thinking of ideas when I'm out in public, still brainstorming. I just need to accept that it's gotta work like that, if I'm gunna do this. I need to get rid of this reflex where I snap myself out of it, to worry about boring mature people and what they might want. I'm just going to have to keep my head in the clouds if I'm going to do well. I could talk all day about how seeing art as a job/science and how that just ruins creativity. I guess this has always been about daydreaming so hard and unapolagetically that it pays off in the real world before people start worrying what we're doing with our time...
what many dont realize about inspiration is that it comes easier when you already have a good habit of doing the work regularly. the more output you produce the easier it gets to keep going. But building that habit is the difficult part - because there will be times where you have to pick up the pencil even if you dont feel like it
you have to keep pushing until the fear of failure turns into the enjoyment of failure, that's the constant idea we all struggle with every time we pick up the tools
What is failure to artists? I find for me, my struggle is the cost (time and money) invested with the same outcome (failure) every time. I don’t lack inspiration, I have too much inspiration perhaps and it overwhelms me. I lack skill. It makes me very sad.
@@Bobelsey11 yeah that's the issue, in theory, you can draw a circle, a few lines, make a stick figure on a wall with a rock, that in itself is enough, you did the thing, yeah its symbol drawing or w/e but so what? The steps to "get good" are just a series of experimentation and slow improvement, sometimes things will click and suddenly your technique skyrockets, other times you just don't get what it is that you're trying to do and you can't apply theory or do the shape the right way or lack some sort of understanding. We are enthralled with the idea of the genius beginner that is just naturally good at everything and can understand all concepts with one simple glance but that is not the case, failure as an aritst is just not meeting your expectations, you shouldn't lower them, but accept that this is where you are right now, and try to move towards the thing you want to make, too many things go on when you're trying to make the thing, we are no longer called to be good a one thing, we need to be the entire assembly line, and then on top of that know about marketing and social media managing and not be in your own echo chamber and socialize and get advice but make sure its the right advice, and is this even the thing you wanted to make? why are you doing this? We only fear failure because we teach ourselves, from seeing the world around us, that a lack of profit or attention is worthless, if what you're doing isn't making money or getting you fame you might as well not do it at all, that is the mindset we fight against every day, knowingly or not, there is no end goal, no promised reward, and that is terrifying.
What do I do about the detachment from faliure? I fully accept my fuckups, and I have other endeavors in my life I can pursue and care about even after making mistakes. When it comes to art, after I fuck up I just stop giving a shit completely. I don't get any reward mentally for doing the art, nor am I actually improving my skill after the fact. I'm not scared to fail, I just detach once I do. Don't know how to solve this
I wish every artist i know could see how enjoyable and relaxing making art is when you make a habit out of it. In artschool i’ve gotten to know so many other students who completely burn themselves out because they get so stuck up on creating the next best thing rather than letting go of these restrictions and just doodling and having fun. In other to get better at something, you have to make the “bad” stuff before the good stuff comes, but it comes eventually! Loved this video, i condone this message :) Make art!!
as someone who is CURRENTLY in art school i really understand this burnout feeling you're talking about. i think theres a lot of misinterpretation when it comes to art school because people going into it enjoying the concept of art, but don't understand the draining factor from it too, but like you said its also important to step back and doodle for yourself, life at school isnt everything! always referring back to why we started to create in the first place and going back to old roots and drawing what we love is also important to add to the mix :)
@@puppychroma I’m currently in artschool too! This was advice the teachers gave me. Yes the pretty, finished pieces are nice but they mostly want to see the process and ideas that you can come up with (At least the one that i go to)
@@joemps I notice for me in particular I do better when it comes to figure drawing when I just have to draw "what I see" but when it comes to other illustration projects where I have to create my own interpretations this is sort of where my perfectionism and overthinking comes into play, i worry that what im "exaggerating" is too much, or sometimes its not enough, i feel like sometimes i worry about the correctness/or how something might exist in a figurative space rather than thinking about "just making a piece look cool" - i struggle with that. Do you have advice or input on this struggle in particular? also :3 thanks for the reply !
@@puppychroma i relate to this sooo bad you have no idea. A tactic i use to loosen up and not worry so much about the final piece is by scribbling whatever idea i have in a thumbnail on paper first, preferably with ballpoint pen! I tend to want to render the little details way too early in the process when i work digitally because of how far it lets you zoom in, so i let the paper restrict me in my options so i can just focus on the forms, composition, etc. Now obviously this depends on what it is you want to draw but I’ve noticed that this method can apply to basically any illustration or artwork and even graphic design. Im still learning myself so im no expert hahaha but i hope this can be of use somewhat :)
I really think I need to realize that I'm past a lot of the stages where I do little bits and practice. I can make great studies and original pictures now. I just need to put out more good work to get a following and make a portfolio that's much newer and better, if I wanna apply for jobs rather than sitting there in that loop saying "just need to wait till I'm big online" That's just it for some of us. We have the skills but we're 2nd guessing and hovering around the same areas for too long. I nee to get started no, with good pictures. Keep my posts neat and sticking to a theme, build a portfolio and just keep applying for jobs since I've never actually been turned down. I just never thought I would ever be ready because I was always told the job is unrealistic and no one makes it, said by people who don't draw at all. It's not even about making it anymore. Why try and pin all my hopes on the chance I become one of the most popular people ever? I just need to get a job in art and make progress. That's how people establish themselves and go far. I know it can be done online but It helps to be direct while posting what I draw
you don't have to have inspiration 24/7 to make art. Studies are a great way to make art, and put time into your artistic skills, that can be done with 0 inspiration. Just plain old copying. And maybe from studies there will be a cool thing you learned through that, which then inspires something in you you wanna express. I think that's cool too
yes yes exactly! i was not trying to say you MUST have inspo 24/7 my main point is that putting yourself in the space either through inspo, doing anatomy studies, etc is what will guide you to that inspo eventually. it’s all about just putting yourself in that space!
I love this video, especially the journaling part. I love journaling because no matter what you write or add to it, it’s very validating to see that you’re officially bringing your thoughts and feelings into the world. I’ve started bringing my journal everywhere, and every time someone tells me something I like or something I find inspiring, I write it down. Even if you feel like your thoughts or ideas are dumb: write, write, write.
yes!!!!!! i love just making things that didn’t exist, then exist on paper and collecting (sometimes useful) “useless” information and things i see. it just makes everything more exciting
He speaks truth and I hate to hear him say it because I know it’s true. You’ll never have the perfect moment to create art. You just need to start creating it and it’s so frustrating, having to fight this perfectionism that I’ve placed as a goal for myself that’s impossible to reach.
Huge wakeup call for me. I've had this premise for a book I've bene mulling on for a few days, but I could never get a plot to work with it quite right. I watched this video, and it reminded me that I don't need a plan, I just need to write. So thank you for making this, I hope this idea bears some fruit, and if it doesn't, at least I got to write :)
you don’t need a plan!!!! they often do help, but if creating a plan is preventing you from creating then ignore making a plan until it works. the WORST thing you can do is not make the art. be messy and unorganized at the start, you can ALWAYS tidy up later and refine. your perspective is so valuable please don’t even lose it. the last sentence you wrote is key. we often get down on ourselves for things not working out but like you said “at least I got to write” !!!!!!! THAT PART!!!!!! good luck on your writing, plz update me with how it goes! :)
I think making art consistently is a lot less about making an inspired piece, your next best work, then it is about developing the muscle memory, hand-eye coordination, and control over your medium of choice. If you don't learn how to use your tools then you won't be able to make your magnum opus when inspiration finally hits you. I know I like the idea of being an amazing artist more than I like the work required to actually get those skillz. Good vid.
this was a fantastic video. I’m an author and sketchbook artist. I’ve always found my success in moments I least expected that I CHOSE to participate in. you’re much more likely to create greatness than have it come across you and choose you. you already have the ideas, and you’ll have way more. unlock that dormant creativity.
A lot of my 10-30 minute studies turn out to be full out projects that take days to complete (separated by 2-3 hour sessions). Just study the craft or art and you’ll be inspired. Also go out for long walks, go out in nature, get some vitamin D, and don’t listen to music. It can be boring but this is where your imagination will activate, and once you’ve captured an idea, quickly note it down and when you get home, work on it.
There’s a quote I heard earlier this year on writing: “Write your book before it becomes a book you used to want to write” Best creative advice I’ve ever heard, and ever since then, I feel a sense of urgency to create. Like I need to do it before the inspiration inevitably fades away. It’s like a race.
hi nolan! post election has me realizing that i don't want to die or see the world crumble before i make the art of my dreams. if it's in your mind you all owe it to yourselves to see it come to fruition. if it's in you it's worth making. i feel awaken to my lack of accountability for putting my art on the back burner and it's affecting everything in my being. making is so good for you. do it for your spirit. much love to every artist - you're valid no matter how long it's been since you've made something and it's never too late. ❤️
I just became an apprentice electrician that has such long hours in the day and taxing on my mental and physical health. I never have any time or energy to draw or create. That was my thing for the longest time up until I started my new job and my life had become something completely different. Almost becoming an entirely new being that I am forgetting what I had always loved to do. As soon as you mentioned to just draw something now in this moment, I finally dusted off my drawing table and just did a quick sketch of one of my characters. Wasn't 5 minutes, more like 30 but I became immersed in the process. I want to keep this up more frequently and I hope others do as well despite what you may be going through. Never forget what makes us happy in the moment.
sometimes i find myself locked into place by my desire for perfection and fear of failure. i think sometimes messages like these are important because it reminds me that my art is for me, it can be messy and doesnt have to be good, i just need to do right by myself by creating rather then let the time pass and feel regret. the first step is always the hardest
What a gentle soul. This video felt like a conversation that I've needed for YEARS (not exaggerating). I wanted to say “I'm gonna miss you when I scroll”, but truth is I'm gonna come back to this video many times. You made me feel like my artistic journey is not over ❤
About the keeping a journal thingy, I'd also recommend Obsidian and the second brain concept(lots of tutorials for it on youtube)! It helps link seemingly unconnected ideas, tips, etc and is a huuge help for the creative process and just improvement in general, it makes notes interactive and you'll revisit them often enough, rather than impossible to properly keep up with once you've stacked up enough of them like in a classic note journal or app.
I’m so glad this happened to come across my youtube algorithm. Art used to be my dream, my release, i was good at it. I don’t do it anymore, i mean i do, i sew, but i don’t do art like i used to anymore, it’s not a release. I used to draw every single day and now it’s maybe once a month and… i miss it. I love medicine and I know i chose the right path but sometimes i think of what it would be like if i chose to go to art school. I’m going to make more art, im going to make it my release again. Thank you for this
yes, make more art!!! you can also do both, there are no rules. let art find its way back into your life in a healthy and nurturing way, but in order to get back to that mindset you’ve got to be willing to push yourself there. you have to take steps. i hope you feel the love for art again!
I love when people say "I'm going to be harsh. Hard truths. Ruffle feathers and trigger some people" and is the most milquetoast words anyone could say. Nice, inspiring words, but they're as abrasive as a gentle breeze.
Finally wrote a big piece of plot for a comic I been contemplating lmao. Thank you! I find I can make time but I’d rather write nothing than something bad. I’m also a work in progress 😅
I needed this, after months of nothing been painting a few hours every other day and the progress has been slow but today i felt super crap and without any motivation and not feel like doing anything. After watching your whole video i have decided to paint for an hour before bed. Tomorrows me will thank me for it.
your voice is so soothing. also, thank you. i don't think i want to make my art into a career anymore, but i do want to keep it alive within me, no matter what. thank you for helping me reignite the belief that i'm going to be able to do that.
I always feel guilty because all day at work I think about working on my indie game, and then when I finally get home I have to get through the chores and I have to scrape together some motivation just to sit down and work on stuff lol.
Its always interesting and a bit frustrating to me that, every single time I sit down and actually do it, I can barely get myself to stop. But no matter how much I enjoyed it, the next day it takes discipline and not desire to force me to do it again. I really don’t get why my brain does this shit but I’m glad I can at least work past it
Perfectionism. The problem is perfectionism. Once I let that go, I realised it doesn’t matter too much what my art looks like so long as I keep making art and keep improving and honing my skills.
Just a warning to those in very severely depressed mindsets, this video may make you feel worse. It made me feel that way. Please be kind to yourself and separate your identity and sense of self worth away from your art. It will suck out all the joy and reward you will ever feel, and make videos intended to help you like this one hurt instead, beyond belief. Be gentle, rest, seek Christ, and spend time with friends/family who care about you and call 988 if you need help finding a therapist or feel very compelled. Please stay with us, and please create with joy after you take proper time for yourself to heal and restore your mental health. I love you ❤
THIS!!!!!!!! every video you see online needs to be taken in your own perspective with your individual life experiences as an aspect. this video was in no way to make people feel guilty for not making things, it’s to give a push to those who are ready but need a little boost!
@@nolannvega ❤ thank you for responding! You are doing the right thing to help those in good mental health by giving them a little push. We all hope to be happy in the grind because we’re wishing to make things bigger than ourselves, but we as artists are all due to also remember that it’s a balance and our instant gratification world is making us forget that making great things can sometimes feel like it won’t pay off. It does! This video is a gracious reminder that the only person that can make your art, is you! So take good care of yourselves to make sure it happens, because it matters to us artists in progress to see you make it, so that we know it’s possible, too 🤗
Almost made a similar comment before I saw this. Depression is an all consuming void, I can barely feed myself, I want to create, but even with references and all the tools at the ready, I cant seem to make anything. There are no ideas. When I try, my art is shit, my mind doesn't have the capacity to reproduce even the basic fundamentals that I know how to do, and theyre necessary to make something even half decent. it feels like I'm introducing bad practices to memory and I dont want to do that. So instead I do nothing
I mostly feel stalked by my creative ideas, they just poke me annoyingly for years and I mostly just wanna make them so they leave me the heck alone. XD
the inspiration part hits so true. I am so glad my first mentor, the teacher who got me into poetry, had such a good work ethic and made us write whatever at least once a week regardless of quality, its something i bring with myself even now. the amount of times ive been told that "writers cant force themselves to write, they have to wait for inspo, its natural" both from people who dont write and from amateur AND professional writers is insane, and my answer is always that you need to hone your craft so that when inspiration does strike you can do it justice, otherwise you are using that divine intervention as practice time. we need to live and create as if inspiration was never gonna come again
I went through a major mental health crisis this year. When i was in inpatient, all i could think about was that the story i've wanted to write since i was in fifth grade could've died with me. A few months later, i can read scenes that have only existed in my head. I wish i started sooner, but i'm proud that i started at all. (Also: 'five minutes isn't going to do anything' 'well five minutes is probably more than you're doing right now' aighttttttt damn)
I needed this. I spent the entirity of this video doodling things I saw on my desk. I recently graduated from art school (animation) and I've been feeling like a fraud for being unable to come up with any new ideas or projects. I figured I was just burned out and needed some distance from making art, so I've been doing a lot of reading and watching movies and doing physical exercise, sometimes photography when I go on walks. But every time I journal I express pain for how unable I feel to get back into an artist's mindset - while I've forgotten how nice it can be to simply doodle sometimes. Thank you.
I love art of all forms, types, mediums, … everything. I sketched other kids when I was 8 or 9 and it was fun until I was asked or pressured into drawing when I didn’t want to. I wonder if my own expectations about me making art is stopping me. I’m demanding that I do it and I tell myself “no, I don’t want to right now and will be ready later”
I also like to reframe it a little. Instead of "I HAVE to do this," I like to frame it as "I GET to do this." Like I am ALLOWED to put my fingers in paint and just play idly with a medium until something happens. It can bring me pleasure and it can be play, and it still makes art
I think it’s matter of artists putting this pressure on themselves to make some grand masterpiece by nightfall to where they overwhelm themselves through unrealistic expectations. What helped me was creating in increments, starting small and then working your way up which also lets inspiration flow in (It’s like those river breach videos) Rome wasn’t built in a day guys ❤️
i was listening to this video while drawing a sketch in my sketchbook. it was an idea that i though of this morning and had put in my notes app. i always would get demotivated by drawing because i have never been a technically great drawer and would always have to erase the same line over and over again to get it just right. even if i looked at references, i couldn’t get the hang of it. then i would put the sketchbook away for a few months until i got inspired again, rinse, wash, repeat. but i noticed i have been blossoming in ideas recently, and i’ve made some rlly cool mini projects that i’m quite happy about! and this video truly pushed me over the edge to fully start embracing inspiration and ideas everywhere i go. thank you so much!
No one says they need inspiration to hit when wanting to go to the gym. Art is exercise you need discipline to get good (not good for others but yourself). It takes work to put your ideas into something tangible and the more you do it the better it gets. I highly recommend doing projects with no music like the gym you’re making a muscle-mind connection and focusing on it without distractions make the improvement easier. Staying consistent is also key to improvement; make time for your art. If you really want to do art put your phone down and do it now!
Idk why I even clicked on this video bc I draw or\and write every single day all day but all I want to say is that deleting tik tok and instagram really helped me. I mean i still watch movies a series but I just realized that tik tok doesn’t make me really happy and it’s literally a waste of time for me. I think that was really important for me bc only then I could really focus on the things I love and guess what my art got so much better and I’m currently writing my second book. I’m only 16 but it you won’t get any younger. also age doesn’t matter. start and change something. Nobody is blocking you except you.
thank you so much for making this video. It's exactly what I needed to hear and this is my main goal for the new year. To just really keep this idea in my head and use my free time to actually make the art I've been wanting to make but have been too scared to. :)
You’re right. A long time ago I said that I wanted to do art and I did nothing because I couldn’t upgrade my skills. Then I got into school and doing homework for it. I hate it so much, I just hate being told what to do and the amount of rules they put into making art is insane. The art teachers are so hard to please that even artists themselves cant ever be satisfied with their own work and Ive met so many artists that feel that way. It so sux BUT- What he says its true! You don’t think about what you want to draw! YOU JUST TURN ON THAT LOUD MUSIC AND START GETTING INTO THE MOOD! Thats when the art hits! CREATE CREATE CREATE!
I’ve been thinking about this video for a while. Just the title, because I knew the video would call me out so bad. When I was younger, I would just create. I would just do. I feel like I’ve been paralyzed growing up, by myself, by fear, by perfection. Thank you for this video.
I appreciate this reminder. I create quite frequently, I at least doodle and write small blurbs every day, but I've had a lot of trouble getting myself to sit down and work on the project I desperately want to create. I've been planning it for three years now, but I can never get past the introduction. I think I've finally got a skeleton I can work with though, so I'm going to try to push on with it and just write all the other chapters even if I end up having to rewrite every single one. The best piece of advice you give in this video, in my opinion, is to try working on art with others. It's not something I actively think about, but having even a tiny bit of help from other people makes a giant endeavor feel a little more manageable. Anyway, I'm sure a lot of creatives will be thankful for the bluntness of this video, so thank you for making it!
One thing that helps me is thinking that the art I’m creating right now is just art fodder for me to redraw in a “redrawing my old art” type post or whatever. I need to have old art if I’m going to remake it.
Really good video that hit me hard. I've had so many side projects I've put on the shelf for literal YEARS waiting for the alleged "inspiration" to come for me to finally make it what I want it to be. It's like a weird ego thing: I don't want to waste time on ideas that end up not being "good enough". In the last couple of months I've started carrying a journal around with me and it's actually crazy how much it helps me feel more in control of my thoughts and feelings. I'm now realizing there are a lot of projects I'd love to keep working on that I inhibited myself from completing because I was trying too hard to plan everything instead of just actually creating. Hopefully this video serves to remind me again how much I just love creating. :) Thanks man.
Keep supplies handy. Record ideas on phone in the moment. Greek Goddess Nike has ' one foot in front of the other' & She wants your dreams to have wings. More art = Victory for all of us.🎉
Thank you for this. I’ve been a professional artist for about a decade now and this is a struggle I’ve faced continuously; I needed to hear this today.
2 seconds in a I had to pause bc u fr calling me out HEAVYY in this video. literally EVERYTHING u said I try to say to myself all the time so thank you for this reminder I appreciate it you’ve def helped! Take care man❤️
doing art is something I do everyday now. Some days it’s great and feels like a blessing being my own boss. On others I feel like I’ve created a prison for myself, creating feels like work when it’s everyday. I agree with you wholeheartedly though, being creative is a muscle and creating is working that muscle. I’ve only scratched the surface of what I’m capable of
Thank you for this video! You gave great advice and an actionable next step. There ARE so many things that inspire me through the day and I'm not capturing that moment anywhere. I appreciate you so much! Thank you again for the thought provoking video! 💛
I stopped drawing and painting about 5 years ago, i got into photography and stopped 3 years ago i was waiting for the "right time" to make my image in my head come to life but unfortunately i haven't picked up my camera or sketchbook ever since i know i have a passion but bc of school it hasnt been as strong as it was before almost like when we were kids we used to play and run but now we have grown up and left that joy with our younger selves.
This video is genuinely so right. 2 months ago, I decided to delete TikTok and try to draw for a bit once a day during my down time. I would just draw my surroundings or just doodle random things on a small pocket sized sketchbook that I had lying around for a while, and it’s helped me so much as an artist. Not every drawing is amazing, but I feel like it’s so much easier for me to tap into that creative zone than it was a few months ago. It’s genuinely helped my mental health too tbh.
God i really needed this you motivated me so much i almost wanted to use that 5 minutes to immediately quit school and dedicate myself to making art for the next 50 years
Real raw and true. I’ve been wanting to get a notebook or sketchbook to keep everything in. I’m always writing things down in my phone but I need it more tangible, more real. As proof, not even just for others. But it’s something I can feel, something I can smell, and remember. I need one
creative devotion reminded me of how much I love it. I started marking the days over a month ago. It feels so good to make whatever really. We can move out of guilt to create from love, like we did as children.
I used to spend years filling out a sketchbook with some sparse doodles. Made a goal of drawing everyday this year. Got through 5 sketchbooks (and a fat stack of printer paper when I needed a new sketchbook) Built the habit, suprisingly getting off social media (by that i mean insta and tiktok. Pretty much just youtube and discord, even then it's only on desktop) just focusing on my immediate life helped. Living in the moment, being mindful, doing some kind of drawing (even if its ass) and not consuming so much are what helped me On my 6th sketchbook, it definetly gets easier
thats what makes the cream of the crop, rise to the top. to be an artist you have to make art, and you have to do it without the expectation of getting anything in return. if you are working for commissions yes, you should be paid for your work absolutely. and you can sell your art for a price that someone out there will be willing to pay. you have to be willing to hone your craft and that means creating for creations sake. i think the high expectations artists set for themselves can stifle inspiration, i know its happened to me.
Naw. Damn I wish some tough love had worked for me, but turns out I needed stimulants to get my executive functions up and running to be able to do literally anything I cared about. All those years in art school, tough love was just well-meaning people with a lack of insight into other people's perspectives gently invalidating the passion and motivation of people like me. When I got on ADHD meds, it wasn't my desire to make art or my drive or motivation that changed, it was simply my capacity. I'm sure you mean well, and I know it can be frustrating to see people go on about how they wish they could create while not actually creating, but I think framing it as a matter of "if you REALLY wanted to make art, you'd just do it", is both reductive in how it ignores every other barrier an aspiring artist may encounter, and unfortunately, quite invalidating and condescending towards those who struggle with creating the things they want to create. It's just a repackaging of "people who fail have an attitude problem" rhetoric, as much as it may sting to hear so. I think you're coming from a place of good intentions with this reasoning, and I hope those who feel like they could use a kick in the ass to get started find your video helpful, but there's a risk that you may further discourage the people who are already getting told that they're just not serious enough about their passions. If you're trying to encourage more people to create, it might be valuable for you to further consider how you want to go about it.
I completely agree. Watching videos like this makes me just want to make a video providing practical advice for people like us who genuinely have medical issues and personal responsibilities preventing us from drawing. Some days, I can only find the strength and brain power to draw for THREE minutes in a single day. That's not because I don't actually want to draw. It's because I am neurodevelopmentally disabled and work 50 hours per week with no caretaker to help me at home. One of the only good advice videos i saw on how to find the time to draw was done by a single dad who would draw in his sketchbook while waiting to pick his daughter up after school. Some of us genuinely have the desire to draw, but lack the time and energy.
I also had ADHD he’s spot on, about everything, there is always someone in your position or worse and they are doing it. It’s an excuse and it’s to defend your ego. Reality is you aren’t obsessed with it the way the masters who inspired you were. Van Gough for example was mentally stricken his whole life but even when losing his mind there was a portion of time where he made 70 paintings within the span of 100 days. If you don’t have 5mins you simple don’t want it, people make time for things that are important to them. It’s all in your head, literally, so weather you can or can’t, you’re right.
@cowboyrha2164 executive dysfunction is not "an excuse to defend your ego." Its a chemical imbalance in the brain. You cant hard work your way out of your brain literally refusing to obey commands. I spent a large chunk of my childhood breaking down into tears because I felt like I was riding copilot in my own brain
@@cowboyrha2164 I am trying to imagine what kind of hardships you must have gone through to make you go out of your way to be a condescending sanctimonious asshole to a stranger, but I'm coming up short. Help me out here, tell me why you get to talk to me like this?
I picked up a sketchbook and start drawing you while listening to you. I just drew for 10 minutes, but its more then I have drawn for last 6 days. Thank you. Completely agree with everything you said. Damn
I’ve learned that when accepting criticism, don’t think about how it made you feel focus on the words that have been said and take it as a lesson that you will remember for next time. This is one of those videos where you have to open your mind and be honest about yourself. I want to make art and I had to go to school to force me to make art. But I know one day school will be done and I will be by myself and I only have myself to motivate me. I hope with the things I’ve learned in school I will have no excuse not to apply what I’ve learned and start making art has a career. ❤
i really appreciate this comment! 99% of people are reacting like this and taking it well but some people of course aren’t. my intentions were never to shame or bring guilt, but as you say, just like in an art critique it’s important to set your feeling aside and listen to the words being said. in the artists way book there’s a part where she says something about “we reject what we need to hear most” and i think this message might be that for some people. i hope people who need to hear it will hear it because it’s all with love and care!
The thing is i wanna be good at art but the cost benefit equation is churning out red numbers because no matter how much I improve i will never be done
My recommended has been popping off today, I really needed to hear this as someone who has been in an "art block" since early April. I thought that being an artist wasn't for me but that isn't the case. Thank you
i really needed this, thank you. i have for almost half a year now been in this constant loop of art block and it has been infuriating me, every time i try to make something i feel like i can't do it right or i am putting myself too much out there or whatever other dumb excuses... i think i need to start making art for myself again and not for others, so thank you for reminding me of that!
On the subject of inspiration, one can seek it out. Push yourself into a place where you’re able to meet strangers and don’t talk about yourself much. Learn about their life, their experience; listen to their words. People say profound things in plain everyday speech and I find myself writing bits and pieces of other people’s outward expression into my own creative notes. I too am a fledgling artist with no real work to show for it, so in no way an authority… but I’m on the precipice of making something good, I hope. Thanks for the video.
Not sure if anyone feels this way. Some context though, every now and then a wake up call is required for me to remember what art is really about. Five minutes, make something for its own sake, do it everyday and both learn a skill and to enjoy it. For some reason though, this advice always hits me at the time and is accompanied by a certain heaping of over-awareness that I tend to take too far. I tend to look at myself and think ‘damn, I’m not good enough for this’ or ‘man, at this rate, I’ll never have that kind of skill or passion.’ I begin to question my self worth everytime my lack of skill is brought up. It always starts with labelling myself as anything besides just me; whether that be an artist or something more specific. Anybody relate?
i am the exact same way. most of the video’s purpose was to serve as a reminder to myself because i often get in that same headspace. i always try to remember though that even if i make something and i HATE it and think its awful, i ALWAYS feel better than i did anything than had i not even done something at all. id rather make an ugly sketch and know that i at least tried sketching that day than to lounge around doing nothing!
i believe also that people who want to create art are worried that once they do, it won’t turn out as well as they expected it to be. we’re all our own worst critic, and nobody is an expert on the first try, so just give it a go.
I think people talk about "artistic inspiration" in a sense that's vague enough it means different things. I think of inspiration as having that idea of something you want to bring into reality, a vision you want to project from your mind onto canvas. What I think a lot of folks mean by inspiration is better described as motivation, that artistic *mood* to draw or create. You can partially solve the former by making thumbnail sketches any time you have a new idea pop into your head. Over time, most of us will amass more idea thumbnails than we'll ever realistically be able to draw. But that motivation to actually sit down and draw itself, that mood, that's something most of us eventually have to force ourselves to work without. It comes in waves and it's fleeting, and you cant rely on it to be the only time you work on art. Your art is... work. It takes work. Yes, it may be more enjoyable and more productive when you have that motivated artistic mood to draw, but you can still make progress on your *works* of art without it. And you'll likely have to if you ever want to start completing things and building up your gallery. You may not be in the mood to go to the gym today, youre really not feeling it. Your workout sessions are probably a bit more productive when youre really in the mood to lift. But you still go to the gym, and todays workout is still making progress towards your goal. And something I've noticed since I started taking a more... forceful approach to my art, is that often enough, on those days where I'm not motivated, I'm not in that mood to work on my designs etc, after awhile of sitting there with my tablet, listening to music and working in CSP or whatever, eventually that mood actually does kick in. I end up getting into a bit of a groove and being able to focus on and enjoy the process. It's just a matter of actually starting it in the first place. Not always, but often enough it's noteworthy. Except the next couple weeks. Leagues V dropped on OSRS and brother I am runescapin'.
I have literally been waiting for this video. For like the past two weeks. I actually planned on debuting a youtube channel with an essay about this lol. But, I probably would never have done it. I hope this video's message reaches a lot of other people that need to hear it.
More than a decade ago I read the book How to Get Ideas by Jack Foster, and after I did, I've always had in mind that if you want inspiration, you have be PROACTIVE in getting it. If you don't have ideas of what to create, then study the works of other creators you like, as well as works you haven't tried before. Also try to get out into the world, touch grass, and have a few new experiences if you can. From studying tons of different kinds of media, and from having experiences in the real world, comes the information necessary to get ideas and inspiration. And after studying and experiencing things for a while, you have to give your brain a rest so it can process all that information. That's how ideas and inspiration arise.
This was soo necessary to hear, thank you! I recently started the artist way and I’m journaling everyday and it’s really helping a lot. So yeah I agree with what you said in this video completely, and it definitely got me off my butt.
Yes. If you want to be a career artist You have to treat your art...as a career I don't know why so many people don't get this Also I recommend just using your offline notes app You already have your phone so get rid of even THAT resistance Then switch to a notebook if you actually write down stuff
Thank you. I needed the slight guilt and this was truthfully what I was afraid to tell myself is that I know I’m slacking and I know I have ideas and aspirations. But standing still will not move you forward and there is no time like now. Let’s lock in yalll!!!!!!!!!!
the way i was able to get out of my head with it was letting myself have as many sketches as I want on the go. it’s easy to find a reference i like and get the ugliest gesture of it down. once i have a few sketches i can see what i feel like working on more. if i want to color then i take something that has lineart already and go jam. if nothing calls out then i can just do another sketch. it’s different for everyone but for me being able to step back from one thing and juggle more drawings at once has made me less self critical. which makes me more likely to pick up the pen
i make art but not as much as i’d like. but for me, it’s because of factors i cannot control. i’m just at a point in life right now where i need to finish something (a country-wide exam in a few months, which my future depends upon) before i go to the excessive routine of making art. i’ll do it. and i’ll come back to this video right after that’s done.
I drew our everyday for 10 years. I had to stop for 4 months for the first time because the anxiety and physical repercussions of pushing myself caught up to me. I recently started again and I'm taking the approach more simply with more forgiveness. Art just happens.
I appreciate this im an artist and i have adhd i tend to be bad with my procrastination as a teenager than when i was younger, amd at first i hated it i thought i was doing something wrong but then i realized i hated the change in mindset about art, that my perspective was changing and it felt confusing so i took a break but still forced myself to do art. I think that it helps because i got better but really i just felt done with my art but realised i wasnt since the idea made me feel like crying. But now i just draw whenever its not same as when i was younger but i just do it even if its not long, or copying or studying which i hate but its fine, and to be honest its easier to make something that feels original when you step away from all the art you see online or just anything related to art. Sorry for the long rant or idk i just hope ot helps someone youre not alone, God bless you 🐦⬛🪷
i remember the time i accepted that i simply didnt like writing. I love reading and so i wanted to be able to create my own text. Hated everything about the process, and accepting that was so deeply liberating. I had to question myself the same way about art, and learn that i enjoy the act itself of putting pen to paper, past the end result, and come out better because of it
The part about how we can always go back and revise it even if it’s not the right conditions healed a part of my perfectionistic brain. Thank you for this video, I’m so grateful it showed up in my recommended!
For me new songs come when I am sad, so maybe I just don't want to chase that feeling that I did for so many years, unconsciously. Regarding drawing, however, the mood doesn't affect it that much. Sometimes I have vivid visuals of cool paintings that I never actually set out to paint 😅 What I enjoy most aside from making music is playing the piano. Sometimes I get in the zone and feel like a pianist (as a profession). The hands just do their thing and I start to sway unintentionally, with a whole lot of facial expressions 😅 I am transferring my pain and passion into the piece and it sounds 3x better that way. I hate that I am a little bit addicted to overthinking and pain because of that
When people say they want to make art, they normally mean they want to make "good" art. They mean they want to make exhaustive, disciplined, fundamentally improving, energy draining art and no one has the energy for that kind of productivity. Not for anything. If you want to be prolific, you have to allow yourself to produce bad art and I think partially people have either an ego problem or an insecurity problem where actively pursuing something that is creatively bad (because you know you dont have the energy to make something good) is either too soul-crushing or too beneath them to attempt.
@@nolannvegaTo add to this, I think the effect posting art online has also cannot be understated. We only ever see the beautiful finished worked with thousands or hundreds of thousands of likes; we dont as often see the hours of invisible labor and practice that goes in, and coupled with the fear of being seen trying (which thanks to cringe compilations, art fix videos, and only seeing the best works pushed to the top of the algorithm) I cant exactly blame someone for being hesitant to start. People ARE harsh and judgemental online and it was be dishonest to pretend like we dont subconsciously notice these things that cause us to hesitate picking up a pencil or drawing tablet. The act of learning something for the first time requires you to be vulnerable. You will make mistakes and it wont be perfect right away. Getting through that stage is the hardest but most critical part of growing and I think more people need to be honest and talk about that aspect of it because THATS the biggest struggle for most new artist or people who are afraid to make art but want to
It’s also really frustrating, because I want to do something that makes me feel good, but I just don’t have the energy nor time to do it, and when I try, and then I look back and see it’s not as good as I want it to be, I get extremely frustratred and my motivation to keep at it goes even lower.
@@dehacx This is another aspect that I don't think people acknowledge in themselves: The reasons for doing their art. I think in reality a lot of people want to do art for the 'genuine' reasons that all creative people throughout human history want to: expression, therapy, relaxation, relief. But I think that we have somewhat corrupted those perfectly valid purposes with the idea that our art has to be perfect for "everyone else" not just ourselves; with this imaginary critic that judges our art with the eyes of a stranger.
Let's take a look: You do art because you want to "feel good". Which tells me that you are, at least in part, seeking some sort of psychological relief from it. But afterwards, you cannot feel the relief because the art isn't "good enough". My advice would be to split these two things. Making art that is therapeutic because you need a break or relief should never have the pressure and weight of making "good" art. Be kind to yourself, understand that art is a tool to help your mind and body, not something that has to be perfect for a display. And when you feel the energy you need to make such a perfection, then you can critique your art all you want. But when you just need to relax, draw like you're a child and don't question it. Don't judge it and don't ask for anything more from yourself. For example: When I'm stressed and want to "do art" but have no energy, I paint circles. Sometimes I try to paint "perfect" circles but most times I don't care and want to play with paint. I understand that painting circles could be interpreted as "childish and silly" but its exactly all I need at the moment. Sometimes I scribble or literally draw like a 4 year old. It's fun and not demanding and then soon after, I'm refreshed enough to actually do something artistically challenging. But I could never have accomplished that after a long stressful day, if I'd layered on even more stress of making the dreaded "good art", when all I needed was to have some fun :)
Very well said. I just finished writing my new book and I realized that a lot can be changed and made better during a 2nd draft, so just write and have fun without constant worry that it goes on the wrong rails. Write bad and write good. Even bad can be made better or at least to be learned from.
Also your story might not have ”enough themes” but when you read through the whole thing, those themes start to surface almost by themselves. Then it’s just up to the writer to reinforce them during new drafts.
i think at this point inspiration is just picking up the pen and putting something down. inspiration doesn’t always have to leave me with a grandiose feeling, it’s just the ability to create in the moment (no matter if it’s good or bad) Amazing video, thank you for creating
Love this. Taking it with me. Thank u ninudreamz
The inspiration part is goated because I've been noticing this myself.
It's such an unreliable thing that if I even wait 5 mins, get a text then completely forget, or even come back and just be like "what was I even thinking? It doesn't feel worth it.. Now I'm drawing as a chore, the picture will be really dull"
My only hack is to at least indulge in more art-related procrastination.
If I play games or text friends, it will take my mind far away from art. I need to force myself to watch movies (that I do like a lot) because after about 20 mins I get inspired and motivated to go and write stuff down/ make more pictures. Then after doing it for days, all I wanna do is draw. I just get so wrapped up in it that I'll be thinking of ideas when I'm out in public, still brainstorming. I just need to accept that it's gotta work like that, if I'm gunna do this.
I need to get rid of this reflex where I snap myself out of it, to worry about boring mature people and what they might want. I'm just going to have to keep my head in the clouds if I'm going to do well.
I could talk all day about how seeing art as a job/science and how that just ruins creativity. I guess this has always been about daydreaming so hard and unapolagetically that it pays off in the real world before people start worrying what we're doing with our time...
what many dont realize about inspiration is that it comes easier when you already have a good habit of doing the work regularly. the more output you produce the easier it gets to keep going. But building that habit is the difficult part - because there will be times where you have to pick up the pencil even if you dont feel like it
This, and what’s your instagram cus ik your cooking up something good
@@allanredhill8682what’s your ig too man !!!!!🔥🔥🔥😤 y’all are spitting facts
you have to keep pushing until the fear of failure turns into the enjoyment of failure, that's the constant idea we all struggle with every time we pick up the tools
heavy on this
couldn't have said it better myself! :P
What is failure to artists? I find for me, my struggle is the cost (time and money) invested with the same outcome (failure) every time. I don’t lack inspiration, I have too much inspiration perhaps and it overwhelms me. I lack skill. It makes me very sad.
@@Bobelsey11 yeah that's the issue, in theory, you can draw a circle, a few lines, make a stick figure on a wall with a rock, that in itself is enough, you did the thing, yeah its symbol drawing or w/e but so what? The steps to "get good" are just a series of experimentation and slow improvement, sometimes things will click and suddenly your technique skyrockets, other times you just don't get what it is that you're trying to do and you can't apply theory or do the shape the right way or lack some sort of understanding.
We are enthralled with the idea of the genius beginner that is just naturally good at everything and can understand all concepts with one simple glance but that is not the case, failure as an aritst is just not meeting your expectations, you shouldn't lower them, but accept that this is where you are right now, and try to move towards the thing you want to make, too many things go on when you're trying to make the thing, we are no longer called to be good a one thing, we need to be the entire assembly line, and then on top of that know about marketing and social media managing and not be in your own echo chamber and socialize and get advice but make sure its the right advice, and is this even the thing you wanted to make? why are you doing this?
We only fear failure because we teach ourselves, from seeing the world around us, that a lack of profit or attention is worthless, if what you're doing isn't making money or getting you fame you might as well not do it at all, that is the mindset we fight against every day, knowingly or not, there is no end goal, no promised reward, and that is terrifying.
What do I do about the detachment from faliure?
I fully accept my fuckups, and I have other endeavors in my life I can pursue and care about even after making mistakes.
When it comes to art, after I fuck up I just stop giving a shit completely. I don't get any reward mentally for doing the art, nor am I actually improving my skill after the fact. I'm not scared to fail, I just detach once I do. Don't know how to solve this
I wish every artist i know could see how enjoyable and relaxing making art is when you make a habit out of it. In artschool i’ve gotten to know so many other students who completely burn themselves out because they get so stuck up on creating the next best thing rather than letting go of these restrictions and just doodling and having fun. In other to get better at something, you have to make the “bad” stuff before the good stuff comes, but it comes eventually!
Loved this video, i condone this message :) Make art!!
as someone who is CURRENTLY in art school i really understand this burnout feeling you're talking about. i think theres a lot of misinterpretation when it comes to art school because people going into it enjoying the concept of art, but don't understand the draining factor from it too, but like you said its also important to step back and doodle for yourself, life at school isnt everything! always referring back to why we started to create in the first place and going back to old roots and drawing what we love is also important to add to the mix :)
@@puppychroma I’m currently in artschool too! This was advice the teachers gave me. Yes the pretty, finished pieces are nice but they mostly want to see the process and ideas that you can come up with (At least the one that i go to)
@@joemps I notice for me in particular I do better when it comes to figure drawing when I just have to draw "what I see" but when it comes to other illustration projects where I have to create my own interpretations this is sort of where my perfectionism and overthinking comes into play, i worry that what im "exaggerating" is too much, or sometimes its not enough, i feel like sometimes i worry about the correctness/or how something might exist in a figurative space rather than thinking about "just making a piece look cool" - i struggle with that. Do you have advice or input on this struggle in particular? also :3 thanks for the reply !
@@puppychroma i relate to this sooo bad you have no idea. A tactic i use to loosen up and not worry so much about the final piece is by scribbling whatever idea i have in a thumbnail on paper first, preferably with ballpoint pen! I tend to want to render the little details way too early in the process when i work digitally because of how far it lets you zoom in, so i let the paper restrict me in my options so i can just focus on the forms, composition, etc.
Now obviously this depends on what it is you want to draw but I’ve noticed that this method can apply to basically any illustration or artwork and even graphic design. Im still learning myself so im no expert hahaha but i hope this can be of use somewhat :)
I really think I need to realize that I'm past a lot of the stages where I do little bits and practice. I can make great studies and original pictures now. I just need to put out more good work to get a following and make a portfolio that's much newer and better, if I wanna apply for jobs rather than sitting there in that loop saying "just need to wait till I'm big online"
That's just it for some of us. We have the skills but we're 2nd guessing and hovering around the same areas for too long. I nee to get started no, with good pictures. Keep my posts neat and sticking to a theme, build a portfolio and just keep applying for jobs since I've never actually been turned down. I just never thought I would ever be ready because I was always told the job is unrealistic and no one makes it, said by people who don't draw at all.
It's not even about making it anymore. Why try and pin all my hopes on the chance I become one of the most popular people ever? I just need to get a job in art and make progress. That's how people establish themselves and go far. I know it can be done online but It helps to be direct while posting what I draw
sitting my ass down to paint has been the hardest but i'm glad every time i did it
i love the little polite moon-man holding the mic for you
he says thank you!
I LOVE him.
picasso supposedly said “inspiration exists but it has to catch you working”
you don't have to have inspiration 24/7 to make art. Studies are a great way to make art, and put time into your artistic skills, that can be done with 0 inspiration. Just plain old copying. And maybe from studies there will be a cool thing you learned through that, which then inspires something in you you wanna express. I think that's cool too
yes yes exactly! i was not trying to say you MUST have inspo 24/7 my main point is that putting yourself in the space either through inspo, doing anatomy studies, etc is what will guide you to that inspo eventually. it’s all about just putting yourself in that space!
I do this lately everyday
I love this video, especially the journaling part. I love journaling because no matter what you write or add to it, it’s very validating to see that you’re officially bringing your thoughts and feelings into the world. I’ve started bringing my journal everywhere, and every time someone tells me something I like or something I find inspiring, I write it down. Even if you feel like your thoughts or ideas are dumb: write, write, write.
yes!!!!!! i love just making things that didn’t exist, then exist on paper and collecting (sometimes useful) “useless” information and things i see. it just makes everything more exciting
He speaks truth and I hate to hear him say it because I know it’s true. You’ll never have the perfect moment to create art. You just need to start creating it and it’s so frustrating, having to fight this perfectionism that I’ve placed as a goal for myself that’s impossible to reach.
the moon guy holding the mic is literally so cool and creative :)
Huge wakeup call for me. I've had this premise for a book I've bene mulling on for a few days, but I could never get a plot to work with it quite right. I watched this video, and it reminded me that I don't need a plan, I just need to write. So thank you for making this, I hope this idea bears some fruit, and if it doesn't, at least I got to write :)
you don’t need a plan!!!! they often do help, but if creating a plan is preventing you from creating then ignore making a plan until it works. the WORST thing you can do is not make the art. be messy and unorganized at the start, you can ALWAYS tidy up later and refine. your perspective is so valuable please don’t even lose it. the last sentence you wrote is key. we often get down on ourselves for things not working out but like you said “at least I got to write” !!!!!!! THAT PART!!!!!! good luck on your writing, plz update me with how it goes! :)
I think making art consistently is a lot less about making an inspired piece, your next best work, then it is about developing the muscle memory, hand-eye coordination, and control over your medium of choice. If you don't learn how to use your tools then you won't be able to make your magnum opus when inspiration finally hits you. I know I like the idea of being an amazing artist more than I like the work required to actually get those skillz. Good vid.
this was a fantastic video. I’m an author and sketchbook artist. I’ve always found my success in moments I least expected that I CHOSE to participate in. you’re much more likely to create greatness than have it come across you and choose you. you already have the ideas, and you’ll have way more. unlock that dormant creativity.
A lot of my 10-30 minute studies turn out to be full out projects that take days to complete (separated by 2-3 hour sessions). Just study the craft or art and you’ll be inspired. Also go out for long walks, go out in nature, get some vitamin D, and don’t listen to music. It can be boring but this is where your imagination will activate, and once you’ve captured an idea, quickly note it down and when you get home, work on it.
!!!!!! YES
There’s a quote I heard earlier this year on writing: “Write your book before it becomes a book you used to want to write”
Best creative advice I’ve ever heard, and ever since then, I feel a sense of urgency to create. Like I need to do it before the inspiration inevitably fades away. It’s like a race.
This has to be some of the best advice relating to art I've heard on the internet thus far; thanks for making this video!
hi nolan! post election has me realizing that i don't want to die or see the world crumble before i make the art of my dreams. if it's in your mind you all owe it to yourselves to see it come to fruition. if it's in you it's worth making. i feel awaken to my lack of accountability for putting my art on the back burner and it's affecting everything in my being. making is so good for you. do it for your spirit. much love to every artist - you're valid no matter how long it's been since you've made something and it's never too late. ❤️
I just became an apprentice electrician that has such long hours in the day and taxing on my mental and physical health. I never have any time or energy to draw or create. That was my thing for the longest time up until I started my new job and my life had become something completely different. Almost becoming an entirely new being that I am forgetting what I had always loved to do. As soon as you mentioned to just draw something now in this moment, I finally dusted off my drawing table and just did a quick sketch of one of my characters. Wasn't 5 minutes, more like 30 but I became immersed in the process. I want to keep this up more frequently and I hope others do as well despite what you may be going through. Never forget what makes us happy in the moment.
this is an amazing video, i was shocked when i looked at the view count. very straightforward and inspiring. thank you for putting this out!!
AH THANK YOU!!!! hope it helps!
Honestly yeah! Like it got me to face my bullshit and pick up my pencil in a way no other person did
sometimes i find myself locked into place by my desire for perfection and fear of failure. i think sometimes messages like these are important because it reminds me that my art is for me, it can be messy and doesnt have to be good, i just need to do right by myself by creating rather then let the time pass and feel regret. the first step is always the hardest
What a gentle soul. This video felt like a conversation that I've needed for YEARS (not exaggerating). I wanted to say “I'm gonna miss you when I scroll”, but truth is I'm gonna come back to this video many times. You made me feel like my artistic journey is not over ❤
About the keeping a journal thingy, I'd also recommend Obsidian and the second brain concept(lots of tutorials for it on youtube)! It helps link seemingly unconnected ideas, tips, etc and is a huuge help for the creative process and just improvement in general, it makes notes interactive and you'll revisit them often enough, rather than impossible to properly keep up with once you've stacked up enough of them like in a classic note journal or app.
@@nolannvega No problem!! I discovered it last week and its literally a LIFE changer ngl
I LOVE OBSIDIAN i use it as basically a 2nd journal at this point (i normally use my bullet journal)
I’m so glad this happened to come across my youtube algorithm. Art used to be my dream, my release, i was good at it. I don’t do it anymore, i mean i do, i sew, but i don’t do art like i used to anymore, it’s not a release. I used to draw every single day and now it’s maybe once a month and… i miss it. I love medicine and I know i chose the right path but sometimes i think of what it would be like if i chose to go to art school. I’m going to make more art, im going to make it my release again. Thank you for this
yes, make more art!!! you can also do both, there are no rules. let art find its way back into your life in a healthy and nurturing way, but in order to get back to that mindset you’ve got to be willing to push yourself there. you have to take steps. i hope you feel the love for art again!
Oww but you are well articulated and approach with empathy making this point hard to debate. Excellent video
I love when people say "I'm going to be harsh. Hard truths. Ruffle feathers and trigger some people" and is the most milquetoast words anyone could say.
Nice, inspiring words, but they're as abrasive as a gentle breeze.
ruffled other people’s feathers. guess i wasn’t degrading enough for you…
this straight up gave me motivation to keep working on the projects I've been pushing off out of spite, thank you
Finally wrote a big piece of plot for a comic I been contemplating lmao. Thank you! I find I can make time but I’d rather write nothing than something bad. I’m also a work in progress 😅
I needed this, after months of nothing been painting a few hours every other day and the progress has been slow but today i felt super crap and without any motivation and not feel like doing anything. After watching your whole video i have decided to paint for an hour before bed. Tomorrows me will thank me for it.
your voice is so soothing. also, thank you. i don't think i want to make my art into a career anymore, but i do want to keep it alive within me, no matter what. thank you for helping me reignite the belief that i'm going to be able to do that.
yay!!!! hope all goes well :)
I always feel guilty because all day at work I think about working on my indie game, and then when I finally get home I have to get through the chores and I have to scrape together some motivation just to sit down and work on stuff lol.
Its always interesting and a bit frustrating to me that, every single time I sit down and actually do it, I can barely get myself to stop. But no matter how much I enjoyed it, the next day it takes discipline and not desire to force me to do it again. I really don’t get why my brain does this shit but I’m glad I can at least work past it
Thats not to say I don’t get the drive to do it ever, just that its always weird to me why its so hard to
Perfectionism. The problem is perfectionism. Once I let that go, I realised it doesn’t matter too much what my art looks like so long as I keep making art and keep improving and honing my skills.
Just a warning to those in very severely depressed mindsets, this video may make you feel worse. It made me feel that way. Please be kind to yourself and separate your identity and sense of self worth away from your art. It will suck out all the joy and reward you will ever feel, and make videos intended to help you like this one hurt instead, beyond belief. Be gentle, rest, seek Christ, and spend time with friends/family who care about you and call 988 if you need help finding a therapist or feel very compelled. Please stay with us, and please create with joy after you take proper time for yourself to heal and restore your mental health. I love you ❤
THIS!!!!!!!! every video you see online needs to be taken in your own perspective with your individual life experiences as an aspect. this video was in no way to make people feel guilty for not making things, it’s to give a push to those who are ready but need a little boost!
@@nolannvega ❤ thank you for responding! You are doing the right thing to help those in good mental health by giving them a little push. We all hope to be happy in the grind because we’re wishing to make things bigger than ourselves, but we as artists are all due to also remember that it’s a balance and our instant gratification world is making us forget that making great things can sometimes feel like it won’t pay off. It does! This video is a gracious reminder that the only person that can make your art, is you! So take good care of yourselves to make sure it happens, because it matters to us artists in progress to see you make it, so that we know it’s possible, too 🤗
Almost made a similar comment before I saw this. Depression is an all consuming void, I can barely feed myself, I want to create, but even with references and all the tools at the ready, I cant seem to make anything. There are no ideas. When I try, my art is shit, my mind doesn't have the capacity to reproduce even the basic fundamentals that I know how to do, and theyre necessary to make something even half decent. it feels like I'm introducing bad practices to memory and I dont want to do that. So instead I do nothing
Thank you for making this post
@@neirbonitsuj84I completely understand this feeling.
I wrote the same thing for myself, almost word by word, about how you can't rely on inspiration. being reminded about it again is an amazing feeling
I mostly feel stalked by my creative ideas, they just poke me annoyingly for years and I mostly just wanna make them so they leave me the heck alone. XD
the inspiration part hits so true. I am so glad my first mentor, the teacher who got me into poetry, had such a good work ethic and made us write whatever at least once a week regardless of quality, its something i bring with myself even now. the amount of times ive been told that "writers cant force themselves to write, they have to wait for inspo, its natural" both from people who dont write and from amateur AND professional writers is insane, and my answer is always that you need to hone your craft so that when inspiration does strike you can do it justice, otherwise you are using that divine intervention as practice time. we need to live and create as if inspiration was never gonna come again
I went through a major mental health crisis this year. When i was in inpatient, all i could think about was that the story i've wanted to write since i was in fifth grade could've died with me. A few months later, i can read scenes that have only existed in my head. I wish i started sooner, but i'm proud that i started at all.
(Also: 'five minutes isn't going to do anything' 'well five minutes is probably more than you're doing right now' aighttttttt damn)
I needed this. I spent the entirity of this video doodling things I saw on my desk.
I recently graduated from art school (animation) and I've been feeling like a fraud for being unable to come up with any new ideas or projects. I figured I was just burned out and needed some distance from making art, so I've been doing a lot of reading and watching movies and doing physical exercise, sometimes photography when I go on walks. But every time I journal I express pain for how unable I feel to get back into an artist's mindset - while I've forgotten how nice it can be to simply doodle sometimes. Thank you.
I love art of all forms, types, mediums, … everything. I sketched other kids when I was 8 or 9 and it was fun until I was asked or pressured into drawing when I didn’t want to. I wonder if my own expectations about me making art is stopping me. I’m demanding that I do it and I tell myself “no, I don’t want to right now and will be ready later”
I also like to reframe it a little. Instead of "I HAVE to do this," I like to frame it as "I GET to do this." Like I am ALLOWED to put my fingers in paint and just play idly with a medium until something happens. It can bring me pleasure and it can be play, and it still makes art
I think it’s matter of artists putting this pressure on themselves to make some grand masterpiece by nightfall to where they overwhelm themselves through unrealistic expectations.
What helped me was creating in increments, starting small and then working your way up which also lets inspiration flow in (It’s like those river breach videos) Rome wasn’t built in a day guys ❤️
This is exactly what I have been learning. Seeing this video at the perfect time💯 Thanks🙏🏾
i was listening to this video while drawing a sketch in my sketchbook. it was an idea that i though of this morning and had put in my notes app. i always would get demotivated by drawing because i have never been a technically great drawer and would always have to erase the same line over and over again to get it just right. even if i looked at references, i couldn’t get the hang of it. then i would put the sketchbook away for a few months until i got inspired again, rinse, wash, repeat. but i noticed i have been blossoming in ideas recently, and i’ve made some rlly cool mini projects that i’m quite happy about! and this video truly pushed me over the edge to fully start embracing inspiration and ideas everywhere i go. thank you so much!
No one says they need inspiration to hit when wanting to go to the gym. Art is exercise you need discipline to get good (not good for others but yourself). It takes work to put your ideas into something tangible and the more you do it the better it gets. I highly recommend doing projects with no music like the gym you’re making a muscle-mind connection and focusing on it without distractions make the improvement easier. Staying consistent is also key to improvement; make time for your art. If you really want to do art put your phone down and do it now!
Idk why I even clicked on this video bc I draw or\and write every single day all day but all I want to say is that deleting tik tok and instagram really helped me. I mean i still watch movies a series but I just realized that tik tok doesn’t make me really happy and it’s literally a waste of time for me. I think that was really important for me bc only then I could really focus on the things I love and guess what my art got so much better and I’m currently writing my second book. I’m only 16 but it you won’t get any younger. also age doesn’t matter. start and change something. Nobody is blocking you except you.
thank you so much for making this video. It's exactly what I needed to hear and this is my main goal for the new year. To just really keep this idea in my head and use my free time to actually make the art I've been wanting to make but have been too scared to. :)
You’re right. A long time ago I said that I wanted to do art and I did nothing because I couldn’t upgrade my skills. Then I got into school and doing homework for it. I hate it so much, I just hate being told what to do and the amount of rules they put into making art is insane. The art teachers are so hard to please that even artists themselves cant ever be satisfied with their own work and Ive met so many artists that feel that way. It so sux
What he says its true! You don’t think about what you want to draw! YOU JUST TURN ON THAT LOUD MUSIC AND START GETTING INTO THE MOOD!
Thats when the art hits! CREATE CREATE CREATE!
I’ve been thinking about this video for a while. Just the title, because I knew the video would call me out so bad. When I was younger, I would just create. I would just do. I feel like I’ve been paralyzed growing up, by myself, by fear, by perfection. Thank you for this video.
I appreciate this reminder. I create quite frequently, I at least doodle and write small blurbs every day, but I've had a lot of trouble getting myself to sit down and work on the project I desperately want to create. I've been planning it for three years now, but I can never get past the introduction. I think I've finally got a skeleton I can work with though, so I'm going to try to push on with it and just write all the other chapters even if I end up having to rewrite every single one. The best piece of advice you give in this video, in my opinion, is to try working on art with others. It's not something I actively think about, but having even a tiny bit of help from other people makes a giant endeavor feel a little more manageable. Anyway, I'm sure a lot of creatives will be thankful for the bluntness of this video, so thank you for making it!
One thing that helps me is thinking that the art I’m creating right now is just art fodder for me to redraw in a “redrawing my old art” type post or whatever. I need to have old art if I’m going to remake it.
Really good video that hit me hard. I've had so many side projects I've put on the shelf for literal YEARS waiting for the alleged "inspiration" to come for me to finally make it what I want it to be. It's like a weird ego thing: I don't want to waste time on ideas that end up not being "good enough". In the last couple of months I've started carrying a journal around with me and it's actually crazy how much it helps me feel more in control of my thoughts and feelings. I'm now realizing there are a lot of projects I'd love to keep working on that I inhibited myself from completing because I was trying too hard to plan everything instead of just actually creating. Hopefully this video serves to remind me again how much I just love creating. :) Thanks man.
Keep supplies handy. Record ideas on phone in the moment.
Greek Goddess Nike has ' one foot in front of the other' &
She wants your dreams to have wings.
More art =
Victory for all of us.🎉
🎉 congrats on your channel growing! 🎉 im so excited for you and inspired by you!
thanks jazmine 🥹 hope you’re doing well too, we should get together soon!
Thank you for this. I’ve been a professional artist for about a decade now and this is a struggle I’ve faced continuously; I needed to hear this today.
Thank you! I didn't know how badly I needed to hear this.
2 seconds in a I had to pause bc u fr calling me out HEAVYY in this video. literally EVERYTHING u said I try to say to myself all the time so thank you for this reminder I appreciate it you’ve def helped! Take care man❤️
hope all goes well!! have fun creating, glad i can help out a little :)
doing art is something I do everyday now. Some days it’s great and feels like a blessing being my own boss. On others I feel like I’ve created a prison for myself, creating feels like work when it’s everyday. I agree with you wholeheartedly though, being creative is a muscle and creating is working that muscle. I’ve only scratched the surface of what I’m capable of
One of the most healing videos available on the internet.
you are my inspiration and motivation, and for that I thank youuu! coming from a burnt out college student, i needed this ;)
this hit me really hard for some reason… :) thank you for being here!
Thank you for this video! You gave great advice and an actionable next step. There ARE so many things that inspire me through the day and I'm not capturing that moment anywhere. I appreciate you so much! Thank you again for the thought provoking video! 💛
I just doodled for the first time again in roughly a year... I'm an art therapy student. thank you💕
I stopped drawing and painting about 5 years ago, i got into photography and stopped 3 years ago i was waiting for the "right time" to make my image in my head come to life but unfortunately i haven't picked up my camera or sketchbook ever since i know i have a passion but bc of school it hasnt been as strong as it was before almost like when we were kids we used to play and run but now we have grown up and left that joy with our younger selves.
This video is genuinely so right. 2 months ago, I decided to delete TikTok and try to draw for a bit once a day during my down time. I would just draw my surroundings or just doodle random things on a small pocket sized sketchbook that I had lying around for a while, and it’s helped me so much as an artist. Not every drawing is amazing, but I feel like it’s so much easier for me to tap into that creative zone than it was a few months ago. It’s genuinely helped my mental health too tbh.
Don't apologize for this you're 100% correct
God i really needed this
you motivated me so much i almost wanted to use that 5 minutes to immediately quit school and dedicate myself to making art for the next 50 years
Real raw and true. I’ve been wanting to get a notebook or sketchbook to keep everything in. I’m always writing things down in my phone but I need it more tangible, more real. As proof, not even just for others. But it’s something I can feel, something I can smell, and remember. I need one
creative devotion reminded me of how much I love it. I started marking the days over a month ago. It feels so good to make whatever really. We can move out of guilt to create from love, like we did as children.
also "I took my notebook to a Clairo concert" is a bar
yes yes yes
HAHAHAHAAHHAAH…i do take it everywhere
I used to spend years filling out a sketchbook with some sparse doodles. Made a goal of drawing everyday this year. Got through 5 sketchbooks (and a fat stack of printer paper when I needed a new sketchbook)
Built the habit, suprisingly getting off social media (by that i mean insta and tiktok. Pretty much just youtube and discord, even then it's only on desktop) just focusing on my immediate life helped. Living in the moment, being mindful, doing some kind of drawing (even if its ass) and not consuming so much are what helped me
On my 6th sketchbook, it definetly gets easier
thats what makes the cream of the crop, rise to the top. to be an artist you have to make art, and you have to do it without the expectation of getting anything in return. if you are working for commissions yes, you should be paid for your work absolutely. and you can sell your art for a price that someone out there will be willing to pay. you have to be willing to hone your craft and that means creating for creations sake. i think the high expectations artists set for themselves can stifle inspiration, i know its happened to me.
Naw. Damn I wish some tough love had worked for me, but turns out I needed stimulants to get my executive functions up and running to be able to do literally anything I cared about. All those years in art school, tough love was just well-meaning people with a lack of insight into other people's perspectives gently invalidating the passion and motivation of people like me. When I got on ADHD meds, it wasn't my desire to make art or my drive or motivation that changed, it was simply my capacity.
I'm sure you mean well, and I know it can be frustrating to see people go on about how they wish they could create while not actually creating, but I think framing it as a matter of "if you REALLY wanted to make art, you'd just do it", is both reductive in how it ignores every other barrier an aspiring artist may encounter, and unfortunately, quite invalidating and condescending towards those who struggle with creating the things they want to create. It's just a repackaging of "people who fail have an attitude problem" rhetoric, as much as it may sting to hear so.
I think you're coming from a place of good intentions with this reasoning, and I hope those who feel like they could use a kick in the ass to get started find your video helpful, but there's a risk that you may further discourage the people who are already getting told that they're just not serious enough about their passions. If you're trying to encourage more people to create, it might be valuable for you to further consider how you want to go about it.
yeah exactly, it’s for people who need that boost. just cuz you watch my video or anyone else doesn’t mean it’s for you or a message you need to hear!
I completely agree. Watching videos like this makes me just want to make a video providing practical advice for people like us who genuinely have medical issues and personal responsibilities preventing us from drawing.
Some days, I can only find the strength and brain power to draw for THREE minutes in a single day. That's not because I don't actually want to draw. It's because I am neurodevelopmentally disabled and work 50 hours per week with no caretaker to help me at home.
One of the only good advice videos i saw on how to find the time to draw was done by a single dad who would draw in his sketchbook while waiting to pick his daughter up after school. Some of us genuinely have the desire to draw, but lack the time and energy.
I also had ADHD he’s spot on, about everything, there is always someone in your position or worse and they are doing it. It’s an excuse and it’s to defend your ego. Reality is you aren’t obsessed with it the way the masters who inspired you were. Van Gough for example was mentally stricken his whole life but even when losing his mind there was a portion of time where he made 70 paintings within the span of 100 days. If you don’t have 5mins you simple don’t want it, people make time for things that are important to them. It’s all in your head, literally, so weather you can or can’t, you’re right.
@cowboyrha2164 executive dysfunction is not "an excuse to defend your ego." Its a chemical imbalance in the brain. You cant hard work your way out of your brain literally refusing to obey commands. I spent a large chunk of my childhood breaking down into tears because I felt like I was riding copilot in my own brain
@@cowboyrha2164 I am trying to imagine what kind of hardships you must have gone through to make you go out of your way to be a condescending sanctimonious asshole to a stranger, but I'm coming up short. Help me out here, tell me why you get to talk to me like this?
I picked up a sketchbook and start drawing you while listening to you. I just drew for 10 minutes, but its more then I have drawn for last 6 days. Thank you. Completely agree with everything you said. Damn
I’ve learned that when accepting criticism, don’t think about how it made you feel focus on the words that have been said and take it as a lesson that you will remember for next time. This is one of those videos where you have to open your mind and be honest about yourself. I want to make art and I had to go to school to force me to make art. But I know one day school will be done and I will be by myself and I only have myself to motivate me. I hope with the things I’ve learned in school I will have no excuse not to apply what I’ve learned and start making art has a career. ❤
i really appreciate this comment! 99% of people are reacting like this and taking it well but some people of course aren’t. my intentions were never to shame or bring guilt, but as you say, just like in an art critique it’s important to set your feeling aside and listen to the words being said. in the artists way book there’s a part where she says something about “we reject what we need to hear most” and i think this message might be that for some people. i hope people who need to hear it will hear it because it’s all with love and care!
The thing is i wanna be good at art but the cost benefit equation is churning out red numbers because no matter how much I improve i will never be done
bro: im not a cute patootie wtf dont call me that
literally bro:
thanks for making this, it means a lot. and i realise i also need this for my thesis (just write, just take the first step). again, thank you
Hmm, I really needed to hear this. Thank you!!!
My recommended has been popping off today, I really needed to hear this as someone who has been in an "art block" since early April. I thought that being an artist wasn't for me but that isn't the case. Thank you
you will always be an artist, for as long as you want to be wether you’re creating actively or not. it is always within you!
i really needed this, thank you.
i have for almost half a year now been in this constant loop of art block and it has been infuriating me, every time i try to make something i feel like i can't do it right or i am putting myself too much out there or whatever other dumb excuses...
i think i need to start making art for myself again and not for others, so thank you for reminding me of that!
the blue tuft of hair matching with the blue moon guy is iconic, though.
On the subject of inspiration, one can seek it out. Push yourself into a place where you’re able to meet strangers and don’t talk about yourself much. Learn about their life, their experience; listen to their words. People say profound things in plain everyday speech and I find myself writing bits and pieces of other people’s outward expression into my own creative notes. I too am a fledgling artist with no real work to show for it, so in no way an authority… but I’m on the precipice of making something good, I hope.
Thanks for the video.
Not sure if anyone feels this way. Some context though, every now and then a wake up call is required for me to remember what art is really about. Five minutes, make something for its own sake, do it everyday and both learn a skill and to enjoy it. For some reason though, this advice always hits me at the time and is accompanied by a certain heaping of over-awareness that I tend to take too far. I tend to look at myself and think ‘damn, I’m not good enough for this’ or ‘man, at this rate, I’ll never have that kind of skill or passion.’
I begin to question my self worth everytime my lack of skill is brought up. It always starts with labelling myself as anything besides just me; whether that be an artist or something more specific. Anybody relate?
i am the exact same way. most of the video’s purpose was to serve as a reminder to myself because i often get in that same headspace. i always try to remember though that even if i make something and i HATE it and think its awful, i ALWAYS feel better than i did anything than had i not even done something at all. id rather make an ugly sketch and know that i at least tried sketching that day than to lounge around doing nothing!
i believe also that people who want to create art are worried that once they do, it won’t turn out as well as they expected it to be. we’re all our own worst critic, and nobody is an expert on the first try, so just give it a go.
I think people talk about "artistic inspiration" in a sense that's vague enough it means different things. I think of inspiration as having that idea of something you want to bring into reality, a vision you want to project from your mind onto canvas. What I think a lot of folks mean by inspiration is better described as motivation, that artistic *mood* to draw or create. You can partially solve the former by making thumbnail sketches any time you have a new idea pop into your head. Over time, most of us will amass more idea thumbnails than we'll ever realistically be able to draw. But that motivation to actually sit down and draw itself, that mood, that's something most of us eventually have to force ourselves to work without. It comes in waves and it's fleeting, and you cant rely on it to be the only time you work on art. Your art is... work. It takes work. Yes, it may be more enjoyable and more productive when you have that motivated artistic mood to draw, but you can still make progress on your *works* of art without it. And you'll likely have to if you ever want to start completing things and building up your gallery. You may not be in the mood to go to the gym today, youre really not feeling it. Your workout sessions are probably a bit more productive when youre really in the mood to lift. But you still go to the gym, and todays workout is still making progress towards your goal.
And something I've noticed since I started taking a more... forceful approach to my art, is that often enough, on those days where I'm not motivated, I'm not in that mood to work on my designs etc, after awhile of sitting there with my tablet, listening to music and working in CSP or whatever, eventually that mood actually does kick in. I end up getting into a bit of a groove and being able to focus on and enjoy the process. It's just a matter of actually starting it in the first place. Not always, but often enough it's noteworthy.
Except the next couple weeks. Leagues V dropped on OSRS and brother I am runescapin'.
I have literally been waiting for this video. For like the past two weeks. I actually planned on debuting a youtube channel with an essay about this lol. But, I probably would never have done it. I hope this video's message reaches a lot of other people that need to hear it.
make the video!!!!!! i’m glad it reached you and helped :)
More than a decade ago I read the book How to Get Ideas by Jack Foster, and after I did, I've always had in mind that if you want inspiration, you have be PROACTIVE in getting it. If you don't have ideas of what to create, then study the works of other creators you like, as well as works you haven't tried before. Also try to get out into the world, touch grass, and have a few new experiences if you can.
From studying tons of different kinds of media, and from having experiences in the real world, comes the information necessary to get ideas and inspiration. And after studying and experiencing things for a while, you have to give your brain a rest so it can process all that information. That's how ideas and inspiration arise.
This is a very good point, and then I farted like a coward
This was soo necessary to hear, thank you! I recently started the artist way and I’m journaling everyday and it’s really helping a lot. So yeah I agree with what you said in this video completely, and it definitely got me off my butt.
If you want to be a career artist
You have to treat your art...as a career
I don't know why so many people don't get this
Also I recommend just using your offline notes app
You already have your phone so get rid of even THAT resistance
Then switch to a notebook if you actually write down stuff
Thank you. I needed the slight guilt and this was truthfully what I was afraid to tell myself is that I know I’m slacking and I know I have ideas and aspirations. But standing still will not move you forward and there is no time like now. Let’s lock in yalll!!!!!!!!!!
the way i was able to get out of my head with it was letting myself have as many sketches as I want on the go. it’s easy to find a reference i like and get the ugliest gesture of it down.
once i have a few sketches i can see what i feel like working on more. if i want to color then i take something that has lineart already and go jam. if nothing calls out then i can just do another sketch.
it’s different for everyone but for me being able to step back from one thing and juggle more drawings at once has made me less self critical. which makes me more likely to pick up the pen
This is exactly what I was supposed to hear tonight 💗
Thank you.
Thank you for this. I've been on an extended art break and needed a good reminder.
i make art but not as much as i’d like. but for me, it’s because of factors i cannot control.
i’m just at a point in life right now where i need to finish something (a country-wide exam in a few months, which my future depends upon) before i go to the excessive routine of making art. i’ll do it. and i’ll come back to this video right after that’s done.
I drew our everyday for 10 years. I had to stop for 4 months for the first time because the anxiety and physical repercussions of pushing myself caught up to me. I recently started again and I'm taking the approach more simply with more forgiveness. Art just happens.
yes! and just let it happens however it may be. there’s no right or wrong
Earned another sub my guy. PREACH🗣️
I appreciate this im an artist and i have adhd i tend to be bad with my procrastination as a teenager than when i was younger, amd at first i hated it i thought i was doing something wrong but then i realized i hated the change in mindset about art, that my perspective was changing and it felt confusing so i took a break but still forced myself to do art. I think that it helps because i got better but really i just felt done with my art but realised i wasnt since the idea made me feel like crying. But now i just draw whenever its not same as when i was younger but i just do it even if its not long, or copying or studying which i hate but its fine, and to be honest its easier to make something that feels original when you step away from all the art you see online or just anything related to art. Sorry for the long rant or idk i just hope ot helps someone youre not alone, God bless you 🐦⬛🪷
i remember the time i accepted that i simply didnt like writing. I love reading and so i wanted to be able to create my own text. Hated everything about the process, and accepting that was so deeply liberating. I had to question myself the same way about art, and learn that i enjoy the act itself of putting pen to paper, past the end result, and come out better because of it
The part about how we can always go back and revise it even if it’s not the right conditions healed a part of my perfectionistic brain. Thank you for this video, I’m so grateful it showed up in my recommended!
For me new songs come when I am sad, so maybe I just don't want to chase that feeling that I did for so many years, unconsciously. Regarding drawing, however, the mood doesn't affect it that much. Sometimes I have vivid visuals of cool paintings that I never actually set out to paint 😅 What I enjoy most aside from making music is playing the piano. Sometimes I get in the zone and feel like a pianist (as a profession). The hands just do their thing and I start to sway unintentionally, with a whole lot of facial expressions 😅 I am transferring my pain and passion into the piece and it sounds 3x better that way. I hate that I am a little bit addicted to overthinking and pain because of that