I agree, so nice to see the big wide smiles and easy chatting from him. We have Strawberry Shortcake dessert in America which is similar to this cake but we use a semi sweet biscuit instead of the cake. :-)
You make a wonderful couple.....Kirsten has a contagious laugh and it makes me smile thinking of how you both enjoy doing things together, like cake making....living in Italy there are some lovely fresh fruit cakes but usually the base is not made with sponge but usually has a pastry base. However, I love all you do together, keep making these super videos they bring so much happiness into our lives. Thank you.
Loved the wedding stories. My husband and I moved a lot over the years due to job demands. At each new house, I tried to make it as cozy and restful as quickly as possible. I put the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom together first, so it felt like a home. Our favorite meal cooking in oven, a nice tablecloth and favorite dishes set for dinner. The tea kettle on stove and tins nearby. Fresh, new towels in kitchen and bath, soft sheets, a favorite quilt and fluffed pillows on the bed. That way, when you walked in, you felt the sanctuary and love of home. I learned early, little touches, slippers by the door, a bouquet of wildflowers in a beautiful thrift stor vase...a candle or fire going in the woodstove...a pie warming in the oven...it all meant home. We married in our mid-thirties and were blessed with 30 years together before my dear husband passed in a tragic accident. I felt lost and adrift, but I slowly rebuilt my life, moving once again, "feathering my nest" with little touches of beauty, a tea set, a victorian chair, a flowerbed, a favorite wall color, my favorite lamp, a treasued photo of our wedding day....yes, I have once again, made a place into a home, and I cherish the memories I packed up with me as I hopefully experience each new day with love in my heart and share my welcoming home with family and friends, for I know my husband would want me to do this.
Thanks so much! Oh yes, so agree, you can create a real sanctuary with little things. So sorry that you lost your husband but also that you could slowly rebuilt your life.
You guys are simply ADORABLE 😍! Both of you!!! soulmates for sure. Thank you very much for sharing your life stories with us, 🤗 take care and eat more cake 🍰 I love how you spend time together and how much you enjoy each other’s company 💕💕💕💕
I just adore you both. It’s uncanny, how much my heart feels pure joy when I see your faces, hear your voices, learn more and more about you as a couple. The most perfect love match I have ever seen. Joerg, the way you continually turn and smile at Kirsten as she talks just melts my heart. All brides should feel so adored. The way Kirsten looks to you and honors your role as her precious partner...asks for your contribution to her story-telling...is beautiful. Forget the delicious strawberry cake. The sweetest treat of this film is the sight of the two of you, entertaining one another while entertaining us all. Till next time, take excellent care of one another... but I needn’t have said that. I already know you will. 💫✨❤️❤️✨💫
Thank you so much for sharing the photos and I love your wedding story! It's hard to believe that you've been married for 28 years because you both look so young to me! I'm German on my father's side. When I was a little girl we used to go to my grandparents house every Sunday after church. There was a German bakery and my father would buy several different pastries. One with cherries, one with apples, another with chocolate icing and finally one with vanilla icing. They were so good. Of course the chocolate was my favorite! We'd visit all day and have supper. Thanks for bringing back great memories! Take care!
Joerg was very funny trying to get the fly.The cake looks delicious ..here in USA that is a strawberry shortcake .Was lovely seeing your mother and your pictures and stories about your wedding.You guys are the sweetest couple.keep up the wonderful videos.
Oh another wonderful video, your cake looks beautiful and delicious. However I do not believe Joerg loves the cake more than you Kirsten! 💝 thank you both for being so kind and generous with your time. Loved seeing your mum too, but my fave in this one, Joerg vs the fly! Take care both of you, and everyone, everywhere. Live long and prosper! 😊
Lovely vlog! J doing his leaping fairy impersonation, Mum on Skype, lovely recipe and great photos and memories! Wonderful wedding, you both look gorgeous, beautiful gown Kirsten and Mum got the Groom's outfit spot on! Thankyou! XXX
You two are priceless. Love the stories from your past, the photos so endearing. Loved seeing mom and watching you bake. Always a treat each week. You're both a breath of sweet fresh air.
Joerg is finding his YT persona haha, And it's great! And Kirsten, you are one of many in the cake mix bowl-licker club haha. So relax on that. ;-) And you're Trekkies! Haha. Yay! Me too. All the way back to the original Star Trek with William Shatner. Yep, I'm that old hahaha....
Oh the strawberry cake looked so delicious and summery. Just a little suggestion: When I was in culinary school, years ago, we learned to keep a water spray bottle always handy. When a fly would enter the kitchens we would spray them with water, which would get them sogged down and they couldn't fly. They'd fall to the ground and we could squash them and into the garbage they'd go. The chefs told us if you hit them with the swatter they actually, sorry for this description, splatter and they get everywhere....not the best in a kitchen.
You are both so sweet and charming. Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us of your house in Germany and your wedding. It’s so kind of you to do this in such an unprivate venue like UA-cam. The cake was also deliciously tempting. ❤️😺🐠
This video was a real treat! A previous commenter mentioned strawberry shortcake which, in the south, is made with a large biscuit, similar to a scone. The biscuit is split in half to provide a bottom and top. The fresh berries are sliced and placed on the bottom half with their juices. The top is added and covered in fresh whipped cream. At least that's the way I remember it.
this was such a nice "visit"....during this time of staying home, this felt like we dropped in for some laughter, tea, a treat, and shared stories and photos, just like we do with friends and loved ones....thank you for a lovely time!
Another fantastic video I love you two you are great together and I loved hearing about your stories of the past and your Wedding photos. Cake looked yummy. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us you don’t realize how much joy you bring.
I am so glad you both decided to come to the UK. You have taken us to some wonderful places and share your home too. It was lovely to see some photos of you both and to leave a home which you had made especially must have been heart breaking. So glad you found another house which you are gradually making into your new home. The story of your wedding day and the flowers going to the wrong church could have turned out so bad but it was sorted out in the end. Lovely to see you both laughing so much. XXX
You were a lovely bride and groom. Still are! And from hearing your story, I think German mothers are a lot like Italian mothers haha. God bless them all. ;-) Thank you for sharing your special moment, and it's true, Time Flies!! And about your strawberry cake, There is a special treat in Pennsylvania in the US called strawberry shortcake. As you probably know, many Germans immigrated to Pennsylvania, and that's where the strawberry shortcake started. My first husband was of German descent, and his family lived in the gorgeous hilly region of northern PA. His grandmother, God bless her, used to make this cake. I can taste it now in my memory. It was that good!
What a lovely visit over tea seeing your beautiful wedding pictures and your previous home. I eloped at 20 my husband 25. My parents were very strict so I didn't have a wedding dress just a prom dress from High School. Lovely and enjoyable hearing you both share your memories. I feel Joerg is becoming more comfortable with being on camera and sharing more personality. Such relaxing enjoyable videos thank you for sharing. ❤
Oh, you two always make me laugh! So sweet, and lovely pictures. Twenty-eight and 32 years, blessings! I love that you are able to share both your German heritage and your love of the UK and it's history, it truly makes for such a unique experience. Danke!
This was delightful! Just so much like an in person visit during an unhurried time. In America, fruit topped cake is relatively common. I don’t think I could find the German cake mixture in Seacoast New Hampshire, but during June, there are strawberry festivals where strawberry shortcake is the star! I think women, generally speaking, have deep emotional ties to particular homes. I understood completely both your feelings in regards that home. It’s important to recognize all the experiences you’ve had in the UK might have been missed had the move not occurred. I have a childhood memory of a particular bedroom that I adored in an unremarkable house. I had a window seat and built in bureaus so all the floor space was mine. It was on the second floor, painted a buttery yellow. It received dappled morning sun as it was slightly shaded by a huge tree in front of the window so I could sit and read, dream, and have my solitude. Well, we moved. We moved a lot in those days as my Mother was always discovering a ‘better’ home even a few blocks away. It is a lovely memory I cherish and visit in my thoughts from time to time 🙂
Thanks so much! Yes, it's funny that's it not that common here, cakes are often far too sweet. German hardly ever give up their houses so it was quite something to do this but we are fine now.
Your cake turned out lovely. I think I shall try the recipe as I noticed it did not need butter. Your house was lovely, I can understand how you can miss it. A house is a home full of memories but you do end up taking those memories with you. Lovely wedding photos. I have been married to my lovely husband for nearly 37 years. Thanks for letting us share your memories with us. Take care ❤️
We have a very similar cake in Hungary, the difference is that we put vanilla pudding under the strawberries (and we make it with all different fruits, I love it with bananas as well). Thank you for another lovely video! 😊
Thank you for the lovely memory I remember making that cake in Germany with my German friend Marion and again here in England of which I haven't made it for years . I have also attended a wedding in Germany it went on for days before and after it was fantastic. Thank you for sharing your happy wedding day memories too. Take care keep safe and well xx
Greetings & Salutations from Philadelphia, PA. As a U S Army Retired (1982 - 2005) Iraq War Veteran, I traveled to Germany on December 21, 2003..... you guessed it..... Christmas time. Lol! I'm not a drinker and I don't smoke. However, I had the warmed Red Wine they sell in the tent villages (I believe it was in Munich) and let me tell you, I fell in love with it. (Only during that time). I've never been drunk or anything, but, I would love to go back to Germany around the holidays. And you are absolutely correct, they love drinking at that time. I stayed in Garmish at a ski resort. It was beautiful to say the least. I'm a new subscriber to your channel and love watching you two enjoying and sharing your lives. You two are absolutely adorable. Continue to do what you do and be the best at it! Remain humbled and watch how the Creator will continually pour out blessings in your favor. Share your knowledge and fun filled secrets of recipes. I love it! I am African American, but, my great grandfather is from Ireland. Maybe one day I'll get to visit Ireland as well. I fell so connected to the UK for some reason. Heritage I guess. You two stay who you are. Much respect. I'll keep watching. It gives me joy to do so. Peace & Blessings, Light & Reflections 💯
This sounds like strawberry shortcake! It was my grandpa's favorite. I've been making it a lot lately for my husband and remembering my grandpa. Cake with fruit is also really popular in the US. I love seeing you in your Star Trek uniform and your wedding photos. I made myself a Star Trek uniform also many years ago. It's amazing isn't it, how life changes in ways you could never imagine. Loved this video!
This has been so much fun! I felt like I was sitting at the table with you....having strawberry cake and tea....and looking at your beautiful wedding pictures! Thank you!!!
Eine Minute schaue ich zu und schon habe ich gute Laune, ihr beiden seid einfach so bezaubernd und umwerfend, ich weiß nicht, wie ihr das macht. Ihr habt eine so einzigartig positive Art. Macht weiter so, ich schaue eh schon lange jeden Video von euch!
So nice seeing your mother. Love the sponge cake with fresh strawberries. I've used heated up currant jelly as a glaze, which I learned from a friend. I enjoyed hearing about your wedding and Joerg saying you would have freaked out, which is an American expression. You both sound like Americans to me.
Cake looks yummy.... Loved your wedding stories... To buy a suit for a man could be a bit dodgy.... If all that needed altering was the trousers then that was very LUCKY... now if they had been too short.. Then there would have been a problem 😂😂😂❤️🙏🏼❤️you STAY SAFE TOO 💋
Love this video as I do all of your others! Thank you for sharing yourselves, English countryside, English villages etc. You allow me to travel from my own computer to a place I would love to see in person!!!
congratulations on the video, Kirsten and Joerg! I love your good mood lately; Your videos are always serene and inspiring, but lately you two have a different sparkle, I think! I wish you the best, with all my heart! I loved your mom, Kirsten and the photos! I could see you much longer; the longer the video time; the best! Keep going and stay safe!🎀👍🙌💖✨🍰👫💑🙏🦋🍀
My husband and I have been married 47 years and yes, time does fly! You're right Kirsten, when you're the bride the Wedding seems like a blur afterwards, due to anticipation and nerves. I loved seeing your Wedding pictures, you're the perfect couple. Now I'm craving some Strawberry Shortcake with whipped cream! Until next time, Cheers!~
I loved it you both have been very creative during these times thank you so much the world needs more Kirsten and Joergs to let us know life is still sweet no matter what
Lovely to share your special memories. In England we call that a fruit flan, I usually make mine with peaches in the summer. Harts of Stur make a nicely spaced flan tin so you have the ridge.
So lovely Kirsten and Joerg to be sharing baking in your kitchen .the strawberry cake looked delicious it was lovely having a chat at your kitchen table with a cup of tea. Showing photos of your wedding day .you looked beautiful Kirsten and Joerg looked good as well stay safe 🌻🌻🌹🌹🙂
I enjoy these videos; but, honestly my favorite thing is just listening to Kirsten's voice. I would love to hear that voice reading audio books. I could even listen to her narrate the phone book🤓 and be happy. 😊 And, she laughs from her gut- so good!
Yummy cake and i just love your old house ..but your now house is so beautiful.. my husband and I met when we were 15 years old.many years ago now.lol..so many lovely memories we make on the way... I agree about the blur ...I never ate a bite that day lol.. what a lovely video...thank you x
OMG, thank you for sharing your wedding and stories that go with it. Sweet house too. I don’t get really attached to that many things but when you have one built it has to be more special! You two are too cute! We’ve been married 46 years.
This video was such a treat. The lovely cake, the pictures and the stories were great. My favorite German cake has always been Swartzwelder Kirsch Torte. (Probably not spelled correctly) Black Forest cake. Yummy.
I love scraping the bowl too Kirsten, it's the best reward for the baker. Your mum sounds like an experienced cook and knows all the tricks of the trade, if you cook this again turn it round halfway through cooking time. Lovely cake guys. Lovely story both, thank you for sharing.👍👍👍❤️
Dear You Two, That was just delightful, and a calming end to our day. I am definitely going to try and bake your delicious cake. I wish to send you both a virtual, socially distanced hug to say thank you for being such lovely people xxx
Thank you Kirsten and Joerg for sharing your beautiful photos and memories. Please share more. Kirsten, I understand your sadness about having to leave the house you loved in Germany. I had to give up a house I loved and it was so hard. I love your channel. Your videos are what is getting me through the loneliness of this pandemic. Thank you so very much. 💕💕
That was a great video. Love the cooking and baking , especially when it’s German. It’s also nice to see photos and hear about your past. And...we got to see you Mother! Technology is great. She’ll have to send more family recipes for you to cook or bake. Thanks for sharing and take care 🇨🇦 ❤️
It was so delightful to visit with you today,I was giggling along with you..we all have days like that...nice to see Kirsten’s Mum also..glad you enjoy your crockery often...my Mum used to make a German Butter cake...have you ever made it? Your house in Germany was very nice,having been to Sweden, & Norway,I can see why you liked it so much..thanks also for sharing your mementoes 🇨🇦❤️
Thanks so much! Oh yes, German butter cake is so delicious, sadly doesn't really work with gluten free flour but it's amazing for people who can enjoy it with regular flour.
Joerg was so funny trying to get the fly. Such acute picture of you two. In California we have a strawberry pie or strawberry shortcake . The cake that you two were eating look very good. Thanks so much for sharing your video and have a wonderful evening 🍓🍓🍓🍓😄
I just adore this channel, my son and I love watching the both of you ♥️... we are watching now and dreaming our future trip to Europe! England is our favorite 🏴
What wonderfull stories and memories. Kirsten your dress was beautiful. You are both so sweet.guess what im going to buy at the supermarket tommorrow strawberries and cream to make the cake.
Thank you Kirsten and Joerg for sharing the pictures a cake I love strawberry cake too yeah it has to have the jelly LOL what up cute house in Germany and I left the backstory that's what makes it special. Isn't it great to look at old pictures as well?. Blessings and much love
Kirsten I’m a Trekkie too! Such a lovely picture of the both of you. My parents also planned our wedding as we were in grad school in the USA and my home is Canada. 33 years later we are each other’s best friend. So enjoyed the strawberry cake and trip down memory lane with the both of you!
The wedding pictures were beautiful. The strawberry cake looks yummy. I really enjoyed the video. Thank you for sharing your life you two are adorable. Bless you stay healthy and safe.
Cake looks so delicious. I had forgotten Iused to make this cake with a shop bought base and “quick jel” ...now I need to make this again❗️ *What a beautiful bride and The most gorgeous dress*
Joerg and Kirsten, you did very well, when decided to try plant based diet. Just try it at least for one month and you'll see amazing results, amazing body feeling. But better when it goes without sugar, flour and coffein (in coffee and tea)
As mentioned we aren't religious about it and try to stick to it during the week but allow us treats as well especially because I have to eat gluten free (for the past 22 years so no regular flour for me anyway). We love tea and still want to live.
Thank you both for sharing stories from the past! It is really nice to get to know more about the ones you see and listens to every week. The photo with you dressed in costumes was fabulous. See you next time!
ideal wife:you may not laugh at the sight of hurband trying to catch a fly. bad wife: Yay!it's funny and cute.Go jump and get it! Let's laugh together!😂 The cake looks delicious.
I really enjoy spending time with you "at your house" no matter what you're doing! You're just a lovely couple. The cake looked delicious. Here in the states, we make Strawberry Short Cake, which is very similar. The difference being, that the strawberries are cut up, sprinkled with sugar, stirred, and left to sit for a while before putting them over the cake. This makes them very juicy, which really moistens the cake so no gel is needed. Talking about it makes me want a piece!!! 😋 Thanks for another enjoyable video. Bettina from Connecticut
you could always make vegan cakes ! applesauce as egg replacer, and using soy or oatmilk instead of dairy, those are my favorite !! hope you and joerg are well 💗
Hallo liebe Kirsten; lieber Joerg 😍🙋♀️; gebürtig " an Katzaschprung vu Bitz uffgwa'sa; vum Heiberg obara 😄 😍 und seit 30 Jahren an der herrlichen Ostsee 🥰; schaue ich Video um Video. Ihr seid einfach der Hammer !! Ich kann so viel typisch Schwäbisches; typisch Deutsches; aber eben auch sooo viel "very british" 😍😍😍 wahrnehmen- es ist einfach f u n tastisch! Es macht so viel Spaß mit Euch 😄🤣😍 Noch schnell nebenbei: eine meiner Leidenschaften ist Backen; immer öfter sind auch Veganer am Tisch. Einige der Rezepte von "Bianca Zapatka" kann ich wirklich sehr empfehlen; sie backt und kocht sehr lecker. 😍 Selbst lebe ich dank Schilddrüsenproblemen 😉auch glutenfrei; falls Du mal nach weiteren Rezepten/ Inspirationen suchst; sag' gerne Bescheid; ich teile die Schätze gerne; ein kl. Dankeschön sozusagen für Euren herrlichen ! content! Danke! 🤗 Ihr Zwei; habt wunderschöne; gemütliche Advents- und Weihnachtszeiten ✨🎄🎁; vielleicht wird der typisch englische Regen ☂️🌧 dieses Jahr mal ein paar Tage von Schnee 🌨❄☃️ abgelöst- das wünsche ich Euch von Herzen. An liaebe Gruaß; bleibad g'sund; adele 😄🙋♀️😘
I'm on vacation and I'm binge watching all of your older videos that I've never seen. Honestly, I love them all! This one in particular I think because it was on a very personal level. Seeing your mom and sharing your photos and history was just lovely! Thank you so much for sharing that with us! ❤
@@KirstenJoerg I'm so incredibly sorry to hear that! I'm 57 and I lost my mother a week after my 20th birthday. There is nothing that can ever fill that void in your life, just hold on to these 2 things: She's always watching over you, and you will see her again one day 💝
@AnnTicipation18 You are so kind, thanks so much! I keep saying that to me too. And I’m so so sorry that you lost your beloved mom at such a young age.🙏
Joerg is really loosening up, talking more, laughing and smiling. I really like his contribution to the channel.
So happy to hear that, thank you.
I agree, so nice to see the big wide smiles and easy chatting from him. We have Strawberry Shortcake dessert in America which is similar to this cake but we use a semi sweet biscuit instead of the cake. :-)
Turk Same in Canada! Yummy treat.
They are very sweet together. Relationship goals!
@De St is it weird that my initial reaction was to say "he's off limits! He's Kirstens!" Lol. Clearly I'm getting too invested in their lives! 😁😁
The cutest couple ever and cake 🍰
Thanks so much!
You make a wonderful couple.....Kirsten has a contagious laugh and it makes me smile thinking of how you both enjoy doing things together, like cake making....living in Italy there are some lovely fresh fruit cakes but usually the base is not made with sponge but usually has a pastry base. However, I love all you do together, keep making these super videos they bring so much happiness into our lives. Thank you.
Loved the wedding stories. My husband and I moved a lot over the years due to job demands. At each new house, I tried to make it as cozy and restful as quickly as possible. I put the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom together first, so it felt like a home. Our favorite meal cooking in oven, a nice tablecloth and favorite dishes set for dinner. The tea kettle on stove and tins nearby. Fresh, new towels in kitchen and bath, soft sheets, a favorite quilt and fluffed pillows on the bed. That way, when you walked in, you felt the sanctuary and love of home. I learned early, little touches, slippers by the door, a bouquet of wildflowers in a beautiful thrift stor vase...a candle or fire going in the woodstove...a pie warming in the oven...it all meant home. We married in our mid-thirties and were blessed with 30 years together before my dear husband passed in a tragic accident. I felt lost and adrift, but I slowly rebuilt my life, moving once again, "feathering my nest" with little touches of beauty, a tea set, a victorian chair, a flowerbed, a favorite wall color, my favorite lamp, a treasued photo of our wedding day....yes, I have once again, made a place into a home, and I cherish the memories I packed up with me as I hopefully experience each new day with love in my heart and share my welcoming home with family and friends, for I know my husband would want me to do this.
Thanks so much! Oh yes, so agree, you can create a real sanctuary with little things. So sorry that you lost your husband but also that you could slowly rebuilt your life.
Home is our sanctuary 💕
I love how Joerg is really getting comfortable on camera and how you laugh!
Thanks so much, yes a lot more comfortable.
Lovely to see your wedding and hear your stories.
Thank you!
You guys are simply ADORABLE 😍! Both of you!!! soulmates for sure. Thank you very much for sharing your life stories with us, 🤗 take care and eat more cake 🍰 I love how you spend time together and how much you enjoy each other’s company 💕💕💕💕
Thank you so much!
Love your wedding stories!!😆😊
I just adore you both. It’s uncanny, how much my heart feels pure joy when I see your faces, hear your voices, learn more and more about you as a couple. The most perfect love match I have ever seen.
Joerg, the way you continually turn and smile at Kirsten as she talks just melts my heart. All brides should feel so adored. The way Kirsten looks to you and honors your role as her precious partner...asks for your contribution to her story-telling...is beautiful.
Forget the delicious strawberry cake. The sweetest treat of this film is the sight of the two of you, entertaining one another while entertaining us all.
Till next time, take excellent care of one another... but I needn’t have said that. I already know you will.
Thank you so much for sharing the photos and I love your wedding story! It's hard to believe that you've been married for 28 years because you both look so young to me!
I'm German on my father's side. When I was a little girl we used to go to my grandparents house every Sunday after church. There was a German bakery and my father would buy several different pastries. One with cherries, one with apples, another with chocolate icing and finally one with vanilla icing. They were so good. Of course the chocolate was my favorite! We'd visit all day and have supper. Thanks for bringing back great memories! Take care!
Thanks so much Laura! Oh that sounds simply amazing.
Lovely video..Lovely couple
Thank you.
Michelle Ann - our favourite couple! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️🇦🇺🐨
Joerg was very funny trying to get the fly.The cake looks delicious ..here in USA that is a strawberry shortcake .Was lovely seeing your mother and your pictures and stories about your wedding.You guys are the sweetest couple.keep up the wonderful videos.
That fly turned up the moment we started filming lol. Thanks so much for watching.
Çok tatlılar. İzlerken eğleniyorum.
Thank you for wedding pictures stories .And delicious strawberry cake.
Thank you for sharing your photos, you were an exquisite bride and how wonderful to have the RR.
Oh another wonderful video, your cake looks beautiful and delicious. However I do not believe Joerg loves the cake more than you Kirsten! 💝 thank you both for being so kind and generous with your time. Loved seeing your mum too, but my fave in this one, Joerg vs the fly! Take care both of you, and everyone, everywhere. Live long and prosper! 😊
Thanks so much! Oh yes, Joerg LOVED it, he ate almost all of it hahah. Hahah yes, Joerg vs the fly.
Lovely vlog! J doing his leaping fairy impersonation, Mum on Skype, lovely recipe and great photos and memories! Wonderful wedding, you both look gorgeous, beautiful gown Kirsten and Mum got the Groom's outfit spot on! Thankyou! XXX
Thanks so much!
You two are priceless. Love the stories from your past, the photos so endearing. Loved seeing mom and watching you bake. Always a treat each week. You're both a breath of sweet fresh air.
Thanks so much!
Beautiful wedding pictures
Joerg is finding his YT persona haha, And it's great! And Kirsten, you are one of many in the cake mix bowl-licker club haha. So relax on that. ;-) And you're Trekkies! Haha. Yay! Me too. All the way back to the original Star Trek with William Shatner. Yep, I'm that old hahaha....
Hahah yes, he does, so great. Thanks so much! Oh yes, Star Trek is great, we weren't just too mad about the last series but liked 'Picard'.
@@KirstenJoerg TNG, The Next Generation was the peak of it all and the best in my opinion.
@@ciaobella8963 Yes, TNG is my absolute fave.
There are more of us in the infinity of space...😉🛸
@@bookprincess612 Perfect!
The cake is like a "flan". We enjoy the various fruits one can use.
Flan is a favorite of mine. Delicious!
Oh the strawberry cake looked so delicious and summery.
Just a little suggestion: When I was in culinary school, years ago, we learned to keep a water spray bottle always handy. When a fly would enter the kitchens we would spray them with water, which would get them sogged down and they couldn't fly. They'd fall to the ground and we could squash them and into the garbage they'd go. The chefs told us if you hit them with the swatter they actually, sorry for this description, splatter and they get everywhere....not the best in a kitchen.
You are both so sweet and charming. Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us of your house in Germany and your wedding. It’s so kind of you to do this in such an unprivate venue like UA-cam. The cake was also deliciously tempting. ❤️😺🐠
This video was a real treat! A previous commenter mentioned strawberry shortcake which, in the south, is made with a large biscuit, similar to a scone. The biscuit is split in half to provide a bottom and top. The fresh berries are sliced and placed on the bottom half with their juices. The top is added and covered in fresh whipped cream. At least that's the way I remember it.
Thanks so much!
this was such a nice "visit"....during this time of staying home, this felt like we dropped in for some laughter, tea, a treat, and shared stories and photos, just like we do with friends and loved ones....thank you for a lovely time!
Thanks so much Regina.
Another fantastic video I love you two you are great together and I loved hearing about your stories of the past and your Wedding photos. Cake looked yummy. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us you don’t realize how much joy you bring.
Thanks so much Debbie!
Hi from Russia. Today I baked this German strawberry cake🍓 Thank you for the recipe, it's so simple and delicious👍
It's like I can smell the strawberries lol...good job guys.
They were the best ones we had in a while, they were from Scotland, so yum!
@@KirstenJoerg awwwww I WISH😋😋😋🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
I am so glad you both decided to come to the UK. You have taken us to some wonderful places and share your home too. It was lovely to see some photos of you both and to leave a home which you had made especially must have been heart breaking. So glad you found another house which you are gradually making into your new home. The story of your wedding day and the flowers going to the wrong church could have turned out so bad but it was sorted out in the end. Lovely to see you both laughing so much. XXX
Thanks so much!
You were a lovely bride and groom. Still are! And from hearing your story, I think German mothers are a lot like Italian mothers haha. God bless them all. ;-) Thank you for sharing your special moment, and it's true, Time Flies!! And about your strawberry cake, There is a special treat in Pennsylvania in the US called strawberry shortcake. As you probably know, many Germans immigrated to Pennsylvania, and that's where the strawberry shortcake started. My first husband was of German descent, and his family lived in the gorgeous hilly region of northern PA. His grandmother, God bless her, used to make this cake. I can taste it now in my memory. It was that good!
Thanks so much! Yes, we think the cake is quite popular in the US too.
What a lovely visit over tea seeing your beautiful wedding pictures and your previous home.
I eloped at 20 my husband 25. My parents were very strict so I didn't have a wedding dress
just a prom dress from High School. Lovely and enjoyable hearing you both share your memories.
I feel Joerg is becoming more comfortable with being on camera and sharing more personality.
Such relaxing enjoyable videos thank you for sharing. ❤
Thanks so much! That's about the same age when we got married, I was 21 and Joerg was 25.
Oh, you two always make me laugh! So sweet, and lovely pictures. Twenty-eight and 32 years, blessings! I love that you are able to share both your German heritage and your love of the UK and it's history, it truly makes for such a unique experience. Danke!
Thanks so much Nadine.
This was delightful! Just so much like an in person visit during an unhurried time. In America, fruit topped cake is relatively common. I don’t think I could find the German cake mixture in Seacoast New Hampshire, but during June, there are strawberry festivals where strawberry shortcake is the star! I think women, generally speaking,
have deep emotional ties to particular homes. I understood completely both your feelings in regards that home. It’s important to recognize all the experiences you’ve had in the UK might have been missed had the move not occurred. I have a childhood memory of a particular bedroom that I adored in an unremarkable house. I had a window seat and built in bureaus so all the floor space was mine. It was on the second floor, painted a buttery yellow. It received dappled morning sun as it was slightly shaded by a huge tree in front of the window so I could sit and read, dream, and have my solitude. Well, we moved. We moved a lot in those days as my Mother was always discovering a ‘better’ home even a few blocks away. It is a lovely memory I cherish and visit in my thoughts from time to time 🙂
Thanks so much! Yes, it's funny that's it not that common here, cakes are often far too sweet. German hardly ever give up their houses so it was quite something to do this but we are fine now.
Your cake turned out lovely. I think I shall try the recipe as I noticed it did not need butter. Your house was lovely, I can understand how you can miss it. A house is a home full of memories but you do end up taking those memories with you. Lovely wedding photos. I have been married to my lovely husband for nearly 37 years. Thanks for letting us share your memories with us. Take care ❤️
Oh yes, it was the best strawberry cake we had in years we think (taking your time with the dough really pays off). Thanks so much!
Such a lovely tea-time chat. There is an old song...”Twenty years, where’d it go? Twenty years, I don’t know”. 👰🏻
Thanks so much!
We have a very similar cake in Hungary, the difference is that we put vanilla pudding under the strawberries (and we make it with all different fruits, I love it with bananas as well). Thank you for another lovely video! 😊
Yes, we do that in Germany as well and also use different fruits like banana, this is just one version of a German cake that is so popular. Thank you.
Thank you for the lovely memory I remember making that cake in Germany with my German friend Marion and again here in England of which I haven't made it for years . I have also attended a wedding in Germany it went on for days before and after it was fantastic. Thank you for sharing your happy wedding day memories too. Take care keep safe and well xx
Thanks so much!
Perfect timing Kirsten & Joerg; I could use your smiling faces & a pick me up!🌞
Thanks so much!
Greetings & Salutations from Philadelphia, PA. As a U S Army Retired (1982 - 2005) Iraq War Veteran, I traveled to Germany on December 21, 2003..... you guessed it..... Christmas time. Lol! I'm not a drinker and I don't smoke. However, I had the warmed Red Wine they sell in the tent villages (I believe it was in Munich) and let me tell you, I fell in love with it. (Only during that time). I've never been drunk or anything, but, I would love to go back to Germany around the holidays. And you are absolutely correct, they love drinking at that time. I stayed in Garmish at a ski resort. It was beautiful to say the least. I'm a new subscriber to your channel and love watching you two enjoying and sharing your lives. You two are absolutely adorable. Continue to do what you do and be the best at it! Remain humbled and watch how the Creator will continually pour out blessings in your favor. Share your knowledge and fun filled secrets of recipes. I love it! I am African American, but, my great grandfather is from Ireland. Maybe one day I'll get to visit Ireland as well. I fell so connected to the UK for some reason. Heritage I guess. You two stay who you are. Much respect. I'll keep watching. It gives me joy to do so. Peace & Blessings, Light & Reflections 💯
This sounds like strawberry shortcake! It was my grandpa's favorite. I've been making it a lot lately for my husband and remembering my grandpa. Cake with fruit is also really popular in the US. I love seeing you in your Star Trek uniform and your wedding photos. I made myself a Star Trek uniform also many years ago. It's amazing isn't it, how life changes in ways you could never imagine. Loved this video!
Oh yes, so so good!
Very enjoyable! Thank you for sharing😎
Lovely pictures!
Thank you!
A treat for us to hear you speaking German!
Thank you!
Your videos are so joyful and a great watch!!
Thank you so much!
I really loved seeing Joerg laughing. Great video...thank you for sharing more of yourselves with us!
Thanks so much!
This has been so much fun! I felt like I was sitting at the table with you....having strawberry cake and tea....and looking at your beautiful wedding pictures! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much Rita!
Ja wirklich ,ich dachte eben auch ich sitze mit euch am Kaffeetisch ❤️
Eine Minute schaue ich zu und schon habe ich gute Laune, ihr beiden seid einfach so bezaubernd und umwerfend, ich weiß nicht, wie ihr das macht. Ihr habt eine so einzigartig positive Art. Macht weiter so, ich schaue eh schon lange jeden Video von euch!
Das ist so lieb, dankeschön liebe Simone.
So nice seeing your mother. Love the sponge cake with fresh strawberries. I've used heated up currant jelly as a glaze, which I learned from a friend. I enjoyed hearing about your wedding and Joerg saying you would have freaked out, which is an American expression. You both sound like Americans to me.
Thanks so much! That's a great idea, will give that a try.
Also Kirsten your laughter at the beginning was delightful...😊
Cake looks yummy.... Loved your wedding stories... To buy a suit for a man could be a bit dodgy.... If all that needed altering was the trousers then that was very LUCKY... now if they had been too short.. Then there would have been a problem 😂😂😂❤️🙏🏼❤️you STAY SAFE TOO 💋
Thank you! My sisters were already married and their husbands have the same height so they could test the length lol.
What a lovely video! LOVE the refreshments and beautifu .tea things. Thank you.
Love this video as I do all of your others! Thank you for sharing yourselves, English countryside, English villages etc. You allow me to travel from my own computer to a place I would love to see in person!!!
Thanks so much!
I wait for your monthly favourites..each time there are special...
This is my favorite video thus far ! I just adore you two ...thank you both so much for sharing your life stories with us.
That's so kind, thank you!
Yummy. And what huge teacups!
TY for sharing.
Naughty fly! 😂 Lovely vlog! The cake is looking delicious! 😍
Hahah I know, turned up the moment we sat down for filming :)
Hello Mom!!😊💞 Thank you for making such a charming and delightful person!!💞💞💞
Thanks so much!
congratulations on the video, Kirsten and Joerg! I love your good mood lately; Your videos are always serene and inspiring, but lately you two have a different sparkle, I think! I wish you the best, with all my heart! I loved your mom, Kirsten and the photos! I could see you much longer; the longer the video time; the best! Keep going and stay safe!🎀👍🙌💖✨🍰👫💑🙏🦋🍀
That's so kind, thank you! We try to film longer videos.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful wedding pictures and memories. Now you can laugh about your day. You're married happily and that's what counts.
The comments on this channel are so lovely and positive, it’s amazing 💞💞💞🤞😀 You must be so pleased and happy 🥰🥰
PS: love your pottery! 🙏
Thank you so much! Oh yes, we do appreciate this wonderful community so so much!
Lovely cake. Thank you for sharing your wedding photos! 💕
My husband and I have been married 47 years and yes, time does fly! You're right Kirsten, when you're the bride the Wedding seems like a blur afterwards, due to anticipation and nerves. I loved seeing your Wedding pictures, you're the perfect couple. Now I'm craving some Strawberry Shortcake with whipped cream! Until next time, Cheers!~
Oh that's so amazing! Yes, such a blur, it's crazy. Thank you so very much for watching.
I loved it you both have been very creative during these times thank you so much the world needs more Kirsten and Joergs to let us know life is still sweet no matter what
Thanks so much lady.
Lovely to share your special memories. In England we call that a fruit flan, I usually make mine with peaches in the summer. Harts of Stur make a nicely spaced flan tin so you have the ridge.
Thanks so much. Will check out Harts of Stur, thanks so much for the amazing tip.
So lovely Kirsten and Joerg to be sharing baking in your kitchen .the strawberry cake looked delicious it was lovely having a chat at your kitchen table with a cup of tea. Showing photos of your wedding day .you looked beautiful Kirsten and Joerg looked good as well stay safe 🌻🌻🌹🌹🙂
Thank you so much!
Very enjoyable lots of great memories ❤️
Thank you!
I enjoy these videos; but, honestly my favorite thing is just listening to Kirsten's voice. I would love to hear that voice reading audio books. I could even listen to her narrate the phone book🤓 and be happy. 😊 And, she laughs from her gut- so good!
Oh you are so kind, thank you so much!
Love the video. The cake looked so good. Thank you for sharing your life with us from the UK. Have a Blessed week!
Thank you so much, you too!
Thank you for sharing part of your lives with us. Funny the size of your tea cups. In the US we use the biggest ones we can find too!
Yummy cake and i just love your old house ..but your now house is so beautiful.. my husband and I met when we were 15 years old.many years ago now.lol..so many lovely memories we make on the way... I agree about the blur ...I never ate a bite that day lol.. what a lovely video...thank you x
Thanks so much Denise! Oh yes, I remember that too, I couldn't eat on our wedding day though we had such great food and a wonderful cake.
OMG, thank you for sharing your wedding and stories that go with it. Sweet house too. I don’t get really attached to that many things but when you have one built it has to be more special! You two are too cute! We’ve been married 46 years.
Thanks so much! Yes, since it was built from scratch and according to your own preferences, it makes a big differences. Congratulations to you.
This video was such a treat. The lovely cake, the pictures and the stories were great. My favorite German cake has always been Swartzwelder Kirsch Torte. (Probably not spelled correctly) Black Forest cake. Yummy.
Thanks so much! Oh yes, it's an amazing cake, Black Forest cake is my Dad's second favourite lol.
I love scraping the bowl too Kirsten, it's the best reward for the baker. Your mum sounds like an experienced cook and knows all the tricks of the trade, if you cook this again turn it round halfway through cooking time. Lovely cake guys. Lovely story both, thank you for sharing.👍👍👍❤️
Thanks so much! Yes, still learning so much from her.
Dear You Two, That was just delightful, and a calming end to our day. I am definitely going to try and bake your delicious cake.
I wish to send you both a virtual, socially distanced hug to say thank you for being such lovely people xxx
Thank you so much!
Thank you Kirsten and Joerg for sharing your beautiful photos and memories. Please share more. Kirsten, I understand your sadness about having to leave the house you loved in Germany. I had to give up a house I loved and it was so hard. I love your channel. Your videos are what is getting me through the loneliness of this pandemic. Thank you so very much. 💕💕
Thanks so much!
That was a great video. Love the cooking and baking , especially when it’s German. It’s also nice to see photos and hear about your past. And...we got to see you Mother! Technology is great. She’ll have to send more family recipes for you to cook or bake. Thanks for sharing and take care 🇨🇦 ❤️
Thanks so much Sue!
It was so delightful to visit with you today,I was giggling along with you..we all have days like that...nice to see Kirsten’s Mum also..glad you enjoy your crockery often...my Mum used to make a German Butter cake...have you ever made it? Your house in Germany was very nice,having been to Sweden, & Norway,I can see why you liked it so much..thanks also for sharing your mementoes 🇨🇦❤️
Thanks so much! Oh yes, German butter cake is so delicious, sadly doesn't really work with gluten free flour but it's amazing for people who can enjoy it with regular flour.
Kirsten & Joerg ....you have a receipe for the butter cake,I would like to know it
@@lindaking9222 I‘m afraid we don’t but we are sure you can find one on the internet.
I so enjoy seeing you together..delightful as always!
Thank you!
Joerg was so funny trying to get the fly. Such acute picture of you two. In California we have a strawberry pie or strawberry shortcake . The cake that you two were eating look very good. Thanks so much for sharing your video and have a wonderful evening 🍓🍓🍓🍓😄
Thanks so much!
I just adore this channel, my son and I love watching the both of you ♥️... we are watching now and dreaming our future trip to Europe! England is our favorite 🏴
Thanks so much!
Thank you for sharing these lovely moments. As always, I appreciate your videos.
Thank you!
What wonderfull stories and memories. Kirsten your dress was beautiful. You are both so sweet.guess what im going to buy at the supermarket tommorrow strawberries and cream to make the cake.
Thank you so much Kathleen.
What lovely memories! Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories!
Thanks so much!
@@KirstenJoerg, your welcome!
You looked beautiful & loved your wedding dress. The cake looks soooooooo yummy!! Love all your videos. You're both so cute together. 😁
Thanks so much!
Thank you Kirsten and Joerg for sharing the pictures a cake I love strawberry cake too yeah it has to have the jelly LOL what up cute house in Germany and I left the backstory that's what makes it special. Isn't it great to look at old pictures as well?. Blessings and much love
Thank you so much Rhonda!
Lovely to see you both ❤X❤
Went to Wollerton Old Hall the other weekend, truly beautiful, Hollihocks to die for!! Thanks for your recommendation ❤X❤
Thanks so much and how wonderful to hear, yay!
Kirsten I’m a Trekkie too! Such a lovely picture of the both of you. My parents also planned our wedding as we were in grad school in the USA and my home is Canada. 33 years later we are each other’s best friend. So enjoyed the strawberry cake and trip down memory lane with the both of you!
Yay, so great to hear!! And thanks so much.
I love your stories. You both are so adorable.☺️
Thanks so much!
Thank you for inviting me to tea and sharing your memories!
The wedding pictures were beautiful. The strawberry cake looks yummy. I really enjoyed the video. Thank you for sharing your life you two are adorable. Bless you stay healthy and safe.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing yourselves and your life. You are wonderful people, and so enjoy connecting with you!💕
Thank you!
Lovely video, brightened my day as always 💐💐
Thanks so much!
Sehr sympathisch seid ihr zwei. Tolle Fotos
Cake looks so delicious. I had forgotten Iused to make this cake with a shop bought base and “quick jel” ...now I need to make this again❗️
*What a beautiful bride and The most gorgeous dress*
Thanks so much!
Thank you for sharing 🌸
You are very welcome.
Joerg and Kirsten, you did very well, when decided to try plant based diet. Just try it at least for one month and you'll see amazing results, amazing body feeling. But better when it goes without sugar, flour and coffein (in coffee and tea)
As mentioned we aren't religious about it and try to stick to it during the week but allow us treats as well especially because I have to eat gluten free (for the past 22 years so no regular flour for me anyway). We love tea and still want to live.
Thank you both for sharing stories from the past! It is really nice to get to know more about the ones you see and listens to every week. The photo with you dressed in costumes was fabulous. See you next time!
ideal wife:you may not laugh at the sight of hurband trying to catch a fly.
bad wife: Yay!it's funny and cute.Go jump and get it! Let's laugh together!😂
The cake looks delicious.
I would have done it myself but was too short lol. That silly fly turned up the moment we started filming :)
Your husband is always kind and sweet.
He deserves three pieces of the cake, OK?(LOL)
@@azuki1150 He had more hahah.
I really enjoy spending time with you "at your house" no matter what you're doing! You're just a lovely couple. The cake looked delicious. Here in the states, we make Strawberry Short Cake, which is very similar. The difference being, that the strawberries are cut up, sprinkled with sugar, stirred, and left to sit for a while before putting them over the cake. This makes them very juicy, which really moistens the cake so no gel is needed. Talking about it makes me want a piece!!! 😋
Thanks for another enjoyable video.
Bettina from Connecticut
Thanks so much Bettina. Sounds really good!
you could always make vegan cakes ! applesauce as egg replacer, and using soy or oatmilk instead of dairy, those are my favorite !! hope you and joerg are well 💗
Thanks so much!
Hallo liebe Kirsten; lieber Joerg 😍🙋♀️; gebürtig " an Katzaschprung vu Bitz uffgwa'sa; vum Heiberg obara 😄 😍 und seit 30 Jahren an der herrlichen Ostsee 🥰; schaue ich Video um Video. Ihr seid einfach der Hammer !! Ich kann so viel typisch Schwäbisches; typisch Deutsches; aber eben auch sooo viel "very british" 😍😍😍 wahrnehmen- es ist einfach f u n tastisch! Es macht so viel Spaß mit Euch 😄🤣😍
Noch schnell nebenbei: eine meiner Leidenschaften ist Backen; immer öfter sind auch Veganer am Tisch. Einige der Rezepte von "Bianca Zapatka" kann ich wirklich sehr empfehlen; sie backt und kocht sehr lecker. 😍 Selbst lebe ich dank Schilddrüsenproblemen 😉auch glutenfrei; falls Du mal nach weiteren Rezepten/ Inspirationen suchst; sag' gerne Bescheid; ich teile die Schätze gerne; ein kl. Dankeschön sozusagen für Euren herrlichen ! content! Danke! 🤗
Ihr Zwei; habt wunderschöne; gemütliche Advents- und Weihnachtszeiten ✨🎄🎁; vielleicht wird der typisch englische Regen ☂️🌧 dieses Jahr mal ein paar Tage von Schnee 🌨❄☃️ abgelöst- das wünsche ich Euch von Herzen. An liaebe Gruaß; bleibad g'sund; adele 😄🙋♀️😘
I'm on vacation and I'm binge watching all of your older videos that I've never seen. Honestly, I love them all! This one in particular I think because it was on a very personal level. Seeing your mom and sharing your photos and history was just lovely! Thank you so much for sharing that with us! ❤
Thanks so much! It’s currently very hard for me since I lost my beloved mom last year. We had a very special and deep bond.
@@KirstenJoerg I'm so incredibly sorry to hear that! I'm 57 and I lost my mother a week after my 20th birthday. There is nothing that can ever fill that void in your life, just hold on to these 2 things: She's always watching over you, and you will see her again one day 💝
@AnnTicipation18 You are so kind, thanks so much! I keep saying that to me too. And I’m so so sorry that you lost your beloved mom at such a young age.🙏
@@KirstenJoerg Thank you 😇
Thank you Kirsten @@KirstenJoerg 💜