This is a very serious video. We hope that this helps those who are suffering from body dysmorphia. Please let us know what additional tips you have, and with that enjoy the time stamps. 0:33 3:47 7:10 9:46 12:08 15:40 PS: Check out the PART 1 that we filmed over a year ago!
AlphaDestiny I think that one of the most important thing when you have body dysmorphia is that someone make you notice that you are fucking focusing just on what confirm your idea that you are small. I notice it all the time. I am a novice but I am already better than the majority of people. But when I go out I totally ignore who has a bad phisique and I focus on someone who has a better phisique than me. Or even just a better body part and I feel like shit. I think that one of the most important thing is adjusting the focus on reality and not just what confirm your body-dysmorphia
àsper Not true at all. Hungers only were common in certain food epidemics or sometimes in the feudal systems under tyrant landlords. And the diets were composed of natural diets, based on eggs, bread, vegetables and meat, so on average definitely better off then today. Generally the people were well-fed, but only had what they needed, while working heavily most of the day, which in turn would lead to a thicker more muscular body. However Phil would still stand out as a big boy, but would not necessarily be uncommon.
I feel like you guys, didn't plan this video out as much, but in general your ideas are spot on. Guy's with body dysmorphia, need to understand Masculinity and power need not only be superficial. When it came to Combat sports, be a little more specific like Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, or start at an MMA gym, learn to be able to defend yourself or protect someone else. I feel like they'll hear that and looking for a bit of answers, and those are legit avenues. Hell tell them to approach women, practice game, it could be why they are focusing so much on their looks for women. Great collab video, and super important topic in this day and age.
@@slicktrips Goku was tall and big though, like Bardock as well, and Radish even more. Very much big. Nappa instead was just freakishly tall and wide, big. Vegeta instead, especially Saiyan saga Vegeta, was also pretty small with also being very short.
Alex you are absolutely one of the biggest influences on my life. Every single facet of my life has been in one form or another has been improved due to my applying your advice. Thank you so much.
Joe Tilling Been there man. I just try to visualize myself 6 months - 1 year from now and it keeps me motivated. Don’t let it bring you down, let it fuel your workouts haha
Minewire Fitness yeah mate I understand. Reality is I'm pretty big and strong vs. the rest of my gym but I'm still hanging on to some fat which brings me down
The most relatable video I’ve seen, I always hear that I’m bigger than most people my age and size (15 at 5’8) but I feel small when I look at myself or when I have a photo shoot
Fantastic video. I related a lot with the idea of being the top x%. I've realized and told people myself that we will always continue to compare ourselves to people who are better. (This can be anything, not just your physique) If you are in the top 5%, you'll look at the top 1%, and even if you reach the top 1%, you'll still compare yourself to the top 0.1%. The comparing never ends so you just gotta stop and realize that you are better than most. For sure I also see most people with pencil arms and I'm usually the biggest gym walking around when I'm not in the gym.
Really glad that you guys made this video. Body dysmorphia has become an epidemic in the "fitness" community. There are too many "UA-cam trainers" that make their audience feel alienated and are not "real". All around healthiness is what matters.
i'll have you know that you guys had already cured my body dysmorphia with your other video, very informative stuff. was focusing on cutting without even having my first 10 pounds of muscle on yet. thx guys
Im 35 now but when i was 20 i was so small random people would run up grab my anckles to see how small they are or pick me up to see how light I was. I got tired of it and eventaully joined a muay thai gym, put on 30lbs then confidence came with it. Even though i dont do it anymore it still has changed my life forever.
This video really helped I suffered to the point where I almost died of heart attack, I covered up all year round jumpers in 35degree heat, ate excessively, trained 7 days a week, I was like this from 15-23 (now) finally had the courage to wear t shirts in public again and to not cover up, it’s been a crazy journey, I still suffer with it but nowhere as bad as before, I learnt to accept myself and that it’s all a brain game, I would go into more detail but doubt anyone wants a further life story
Hey Mark. I dunno if you will get this reply as your post was so long ago but I am a researcher looking at how bodybuilders discuss muscle dysmorphia online (I've been working with bodybuilders online for the last 5 years) and I would love to talk to you. Can you please email me on or contact me through messenger (Mair Underwood-Researcher)? I'd love to hear your story
@@bodyofthoughts I literally went back to the video and saw this! I’m having issues copying the email address I can be reached on I’m so happy to share my story
Good point. I go to a hardcore gym with dudes on 'roids and competitive lifters, and when I'm there I feel small. Then I go to the walmart across the street after and I feel jacked. If you can do 10 pull ups you are stronger than a large percent of the male population (that can't do one or can maybe do 3 with extreme strain even though they are skinny fat).
Real talk! Thanks! It's my third year in a gym, built from 50kg to 72 (lean and muscular). That's already big tranformation actually. I remember when I was got to 61kg, I feel bigger than ever, the confidence just up there. But now, somehow, I feel like i'm small, like it's never enough. I even save a lot of figure picture to compare, but still confused what I tried to accomplish.
Hey Alex i am a few months into your novice program, and ive gotten great results. Many thanks brother. Also, with the 'Build a Body' series, are you doing more? and if so could you do one on Mike Tyson, i know hes a boxer not a lifter, but the only way for most people to attain his body would be with very heavy weights. Thanks again Alex
This is a serious thing thank you for making a vid on it I feel like a struggle with this a lot and no matter how many people friends and family say I look ok it still doesn't sink in
3:00 ... Despite me working on Alex novice program for 9 months people say I'm small. I'm 5'6" at 147. But, I want to be a bit proud of my self and say that before I started my arms was 11 inches FLEXED. Now there 13.5 inches. I'm sad that is that average but, happy because I got them up.
Thanks for raising awareness about this guys! It's something people don't really talk about so it's great that you've opened the conversation up :-) I'm sure this'll help lots of people out.
I am 17 years old. Started my fitness journey at 14. Was 5’10” 100lbs at the time. A walking twig. 2 and a half years later i am 6’0” 190lbs, very lean. Used to be 200lbs on the bulk a couple of months back. I am pretty strong for my age: 265lbs bench, 330lbs squat and 440lbs deadlift. Long story short, i have severe body dismorphia that completely interrupts with my happiness of life. I feel like i am still 100lbs to be exact. I feel an excruciating discomfort to wear a T-shirt or tank top in public. I have been circling in this endless spiral for pretty much a year now and don’t know what to do.
I feel like my mentality improved when I switched from bodybuilding to powerlifting. I can't relate to the guys wearing shirts with nipples hanging out who weigh 150 pounds. The biggest strongest lifters I met feel confident in baggy clothing. I build 19" arms but that was a byproduct of my training, not a focus. My passion is beating the log book, adding 5 pounds here and there.
Has Phil ever shown his belly? Obviously he's not super lean but I wonder how much bodyfat he carries around the gut/waist. It's hard to tell. He could be as lean as Alex or he could be kind of doughy.
Great video guys! Such a true concept. People tend to compare themselves with unrealistic athletes. The truth is everyone can achieve a great body with hard work and nutrition 💪
For the most part, everyone who steps in the gym for the first time is there cause you wanna look better, or you go with some friends w.e but down the road, things change. Some stay in the gym to look decent by just doing light volume work, others focus more on strength and what not, and a lot just stop going in general. For me personally, my body just doesnt function the same if im not giving it that stress everyday, I gotta bang out some weights man like shit, its almost like an addiction at this point. I feel sluggish, slow, my thoughts are all fucked up, I feel like I cant fucking move, all symptoms of depression is what I get if i dont lift and try to push myself.
I use to bodybuild and tracking macros and stuff made me my most insecure if I wasn't around 12% body fat. Then I started powerlifting because I felt weak af being a bodybuilder. After my numbers started to stall powerlifting I decided I wanted to test myself in a different way and I decided to learn to box so I joined a gym, 3 months in I had my first sparring session and I lost then 3 sparring sessions after that I fought 3 pros and they all beat me but I was holding my own with professional fighters. Then when a guy came to my gym with only 6 months of boxing experience (compared to my 4 at the time) I knocked him out in the second round and I started to see through hard work and learning to better myself and occasionally getting my ass beat I was becoming a better person and a better boxer and my confidence was at all time high! Yeah bodybuilding is cool and all but like Alex said better yourself in all aspects of life:
Problem is with average genetics your size is mostly down to your frame size as the amount of muscle you can put on isn't excessive. Small and medium framed guys will thus stay small or average at best no matter how much they lift. That's not body dysmorphia, just a realistic observation.
Love this video, the things you guys said hit home so hard, I've been living with it for 9 years now, it gets rough, I've used roofs, abused them, lost everything from the abuse & been building my physique and strength back up for the last 6 years, above everything else my opinion is to cut yourself some slack, it doesn't do you any favours constantly obsessing over yourself.
Hi Alex. I dunno if you will get this reply as your post was so long ago but I am a researcher looking at how bodybuilders discuss muscle dysmorphia online (I've been working with bodybuilders online for the last 5 years) and I would love to talk to you. Can you please email me on or contact me through messenger (Mair Underwood-Researcher)? I'd love to hear your story
Agreed until 15th minute: Also natural elites as standard can be problematic, they can have that 1% elite genetics and they dwarf many on gear, especially strength-wise, and for someone with not the same genetics who compares himself to them it can be frustrating. I would say that to take them as motivation is ok, not neccesarily comparing yourself with them. And don't be mistaken, I am not promoting mediocrity in setting the goals for yourself, you have just to be wise and realistic. I say thank you guys for your real talk and positive message. Liked, especially the part about different ways to express masculinity. Lifters in search for wisdom, that is a rare sight in the fitness industry.
forget about what you look like lift for power and enjoy the body that comes along with it you will be a lot happier and only thing you have to worry about is not hitting a new pr every other month lol
I think focusing on performance (strength) is key. Personally, I love trying to improve myself in that area and that does wonders for the body and mind combined. From the start of training for strength a few years back, I focused on this single aspect, along with technique and recovery. This would be my advice for others. I cared/care about improving my squat, deadlift, pull-up, and other lifts, not on leg or arm circumference or on how muthafucka shredded I am. No doubt a good thing anyway, as I am very wiry/lanky and I don't have the genetics of looking like a champion bodybuilder. Few do. However, most can drastically improve their physique by focusing on strength building, and it toughens you up mentally. A note worth making: I strive for balance as well, so I relate performance to bodyweight. It won't do to increase my squat and end up a lardass. I think some go overboard and pack on too much lard to create those bigger numbers. That will bite you in the ass in the end.
I love this though. It's true though, good positive perspective on things is everything. Presented in a factual but humorous way as well. Good job on the video guys!!
Alex you the man. One thing though man your shirt does not fit, obviously due to the massive trap gains. The sleeve seam should fall at the point of the shoulder where it starts heading south down your arm. As you can see your seam is 4" too high up your trap.
well this is it... the time has come... my grandpa passed away today 19 november 2017, i will remember this day to the rest of my life, he had a stroke and left us too early... im not saying this to make you feel bad for me, im just trying to get advice from someone who has been through the same shit, what can u tell me? what do i do? sometimes i feel very sad and alone and feel like no one around me understands me, im surrounded by snakes in masks who pretend they care when they really dont give a flying fuck. i try to focus on gym and food, because these are the only 2 things that really give me confort in my spirit right now share your pain with me because mine is too much to stand right now...
Great video. I am curious why you say strength dysmorphia isn't as bad though? The way I see it, it it seems less outright superficial. And like you said, it is obviously a lot less common; or when it happens, probably less severe usually. But if one person was severely body dysmorphic and one severely strength dysmorphic? I suppose the body dysmorphic one would feel worse or more insecure in public and all the time. As far as physical danger though, I think some one blasting a bunch of anadrol or some one blasting a bunch of tren and clen and shit are equally destructive. Also the strength dysmorphic may be more injury prone by trying to lift beyond their safe threshold with the heaviest weights possible.
I stop midtraining to eat cause im diabetic, I also have an option to eat a lot of slow carbs and have a worse but faster training, what do I think I should do cause I heared that you should never eat midtraining but if i eat during training i eat sugar (if i dont i eat slow carbs), so sugar mid training+1h45/2hmin or slow carb+1h15min training?
Yup :( In my college gym I'm considered 'big' but the moment I step foot into any shopping mall or movie theatre I can spot like 5 jacked ass juiced up mofos within an hour.
haha ive been on the fence about it man but hearing this cements it. Fuck steroids. I hear you all girls want is abs, chest, and arms their standards aren't that high. I guess it's more of an ego thing because you feel small and want to be the most jacked dude around
What about the other also very important version? Never being lean enough. Trying to be at an unhealthy bodyfat% year round and all the things that come with it: binge eating, doing cardio to make up for binges etc?
honestly its more for me i always feel fucken discustingly fat ive dieted hard when all the way to 6pack but felt good for a little bit but once i go back to maintenance i blow up n feel fat as hell iam always going up and down one month iam on my shit like crazy then on week ill just fall n fail n i just always feel pathetic inside
These words are sounds truths. When I was younger, just entered the Marine Corps @ 132lbs, I wanted to be 145lbs. After I reached that, no satisfaction. I wanted 155 lbs. I was okay for a few months then thought I'd be nicer at 168lbs. Kept working, never satisfied until I reached 186lbs @ 8% bfp. At this point, I was FINALLY satisfied and at 67.5" this height/weight combo allowed me to call it "Mission Completed" in my chase for muscular weight gain. For my frame and Marine Corps training requirements, I hit the Pinnacle. Guys and gals need to set Realistic goals, obtain the goals and learn how to be content. I ONLY learned this after I saw the results of the 186lbs mark being reached, obtained a great training sustainment level, and appreciated the journey from 132 - 186lbs. 54 pounds of muscle on a 67.5" frame is major to me, but it took me 8 years to EARN it. Be patient, stay hungry. 👍 Semper Fi!
hey alex i really liked the videos you did in the past on how to looklike a certain physique like you did about zyzz, jeff seid, etc can u make one for john skywalker
I like weight lifting for building a good looking body but I also persue archery for hunting and jiu jitsu for fighting proficiency, you got to have neat skills too man.
This is a very serious video. We hope that this helps those who are suffering from body dysmorphia.
Please let us know what additional tips you have, and with that enjoy the time stamps.
PS: Check out the PART 1 that we filmed over a year ago!
AlphaDestiny I think that one of the most important thing when you have body dysmorphia is that someone make you notice that you are fucking focusing just on what confirm your idea that you are small. I notice it all the time. I am a novice but I am already better than the majority of people. But when I go out I totally ignore who has a bad phisique and I focus on someone who has a better phisique than me. Or even just a better body part and I feel like shit.
I think that one of the most important thing is adjusting the focus on reality and not just what confirm your body-dysmorphia
AlphaDestiny z
Bro I send you an email a week ago. I want a custom 4 week plan. I know you are busy but I like to start the program. Thanks man...
draven draven Weighted Dips, All grip width variations, Floor Press, Band Bench Press, etc.
AlphaDestiny I love you man you're my hero ! (Nothing gay)
Phil up in here looking wider than the golden gate bridge
GFUNKMW Almost the same color too
@@TheEditorJosh no shit punk wad
Phil looks like he was in the middle of a irish Keltic war, and he time traveled to the present.
Not true at all.
Hungers only were common in certain food epidemics or sometimes in the feudal systems under tyrant landlords.
And the diets were composed of natural diets, based on eggs, bread, vegetables and meat, so on average definitely better off then today.
Generally the people were well-fed, but only had what they needed, while working heavily most of the day, which in turn would lead to a thicker more muscular body.
However Phil would still stand out as a big boy, but would not necessarily be uncommon.
He doesn't look Irish though.
Irish are Gaelic not celtic
SubZ Clan
And gaelics were a celtic subgroup...
An bhfuil a fhios agat cad a bhfuil tú ag caint, an bhfuil tú fiú Gaeilge?
Had a ton of fun shooting this and can’t wait for the training clip, btw good job on the contrast adjustment in the video to educate the viewers lol
I feel like you guys, didn't plan this video out as much, but in general your ideas are spot on.
Guy's with body dysmorphia, need to understand Masculinity and power need not only be superficial.
When it came to Combat sports, be a little more specific like Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, or start at an MMA gym, learn to be able to defend yourself or protect someone else. I feel like they'll hear that and looking for a bit of answers, and those are legit avenues.
Hell tell them to approach women, practice game, it could be why they are focusing so much on their looks for women.
Great collab video, and super important topic in this day and age.
FitWorldExposed had a ton of fun and he looks like he wants to die in the video
Lookin like Vegeta and Nappa
yoo thats true
Super underated comment 😂😂
i know its 3 years late but these two dwarf kakarot and vegieta, look up there cannon stats they are tiny 🤣
@@slicktrips Goku was tall and big though, like Bardock as well, and Radish even more. Very much big.
Nappa instead was just freakishly tall and wide, big.
Vegeta instead, especially Saiyan saga Vegeta, was also pretty small with also being very short.
Why is Phil looking at me like he’s about to murder my whole family?
Dude wtf
@@OGfromGst what
Got me weak
True lol
But of course he isn’t thinking that, who knows?
Alex you are absolutely one of the biggest influences on my life. Every single facet of my life has been in one form or another has been improved due to my applying your advice. Thank you so much.
I can agree completely.
SO TRUE. People are insecure because they're lacking in every other area in life so they obsess over the one that they have going for them.
So true
Damn bro you didn’t have to hurt me like that 😭😭😂😂
And I'll take it one step further - Phil 2017
This topic needs to be discussed more. You guys are doing a great job
Got an F on my math test, turns out that being bigger and stronger is not the same as being smarter and more intelagent
Mr. Perfect Cell Breh. Gotta do them Brain Curls and Rack Pulls Above The Prefrontal Cortex my man.
Did you get an F on your spelling test too?
@@TheEditorJosh rack pull abobe the prefrontal cortex lmfao funniest shit I've read in a while
This couldn't have come at a better time man. Been feeling pretty shit about myself lately
Hope this video benefits you Joe! 💪
I know how you feel man. Hang in there..So much of this culture can fuck up your mind if you let it. Best wishes man.
Joe Tilling Been there man. I just try to visualize myself 6 months - 1 year from now and it keeps me motivated. Don’t let it bring you down, let it fuel your workouts haha
Zach Sakamoto thanks man, best wishes to you too
Minewire Fitness yeah mate I understand. Reality is I'm pretty big and strong vs. the rest of my gym but I'm still hanging on to some fat which brings me down
You could tell at 1:00 Alex tries to keep himself from bustin out laughing when Phil says 5%! LOL
That feel when the pump fades. I think realising what’s actually possible naturally and being realistic can help to some degree.
The most relatable video I’ve seen, I always hear that I’m bigger than most people my age and size (15 at 5’8) but I feel small when I look at myself or when I have a photo shoot
This was an important issue...was waiting for this kind of video.Always compare your progress with yourself.
I'm one of the bigger guys in my gym but I still feel small because I just compare myself to influences.
Delete social media
Great video guys !! Greetings from Greece
I just wanna say thank you guys I’m struggling with body dysmorphia so thank you this helped a lot I’ll watch this daily
Fantastic video. I related a lot with the idea of being the top x%. I've realized and told people myself that we will always continue to compare ourselves to people who are better. (This can be anything, not just your physique) If you are in the top 5%, you'll look at the top 1%, and even if you reach the top 1%, you'll still compare yourself to the top 0.1%. The comparing never ends so you just gotta stop and realize that you are better than most. For sure I also see most people with pencil arms and I'm usually the biggest gym walking around when I'm not in the gym.
Really glad that you guys made this video. Body dysmorphia has become an epidemic in the "fitness" community. There are too many "UA-cam trainers" that make their audience feel alienated and are not "real". All around healthiness is what matters.
Thank you for keeping it real. I think we all been through the same shit. At different levels of course, but still. This video was very reasuring.
Guess where Phil is going to take it...
He's gonna take it one step further 😆
Fucken died bro
Lmaooooo brooo 😂😂😂😂
i'll have you know that you guys had already cured my body dysmorphia with your other video, very informative stuff. was focusing on cutting without even having my first 10 pounds of muscle on yet. thx guys
Im 35 now but when i was 20 i was so small random people would run up grab my anckles to see how small they are or pick me up to see how light I was. I got tired of it and eventaully joined a muay thai gym, put on 30lbs then confidence came with it. Even though i dont do it anymore it still has changed my life forever.
Good discussion, thanks for tackling this subject.
Be part of the 5%ers! Rip Rich Piana
Michael Harrilal R.I.P. Rich
Or naw
Natty anthem plays/
This video really helped I suffered to the point where I almost died of heart attack, I covered up all year round jumpers in 35degree heat, ate excessively, trained 7 days a week, I was like this from 15-23 (now) finally had the courage to wear t shirts in public again and to not cover up, it’s been a crazy journey, I still suffer with it but nowhere as bad as before, I learnt to accept myself and that it’s all a brain game, I would go into more detail but doubt anyone wants a further life story
Hey Mark. I dunno if you will get this reply as your post was so long ago but I am a researcher looking at how bodybuilders discuss muscle dysmorphia online (I've been working with bodybuilders online for the last 5 years) and I would love to talk to you. Can you please email me on or contact me through messenger (Mair Underwood-Researcher)? I'd love to hear your story
@@bodyofthoughts I literally went back to the video and saw this! I’m having issues copying the email address
I can be reached on I’m so happy to share my story
Looks like youre about to be hittin that 100k subs man, keep up the good content.
12:57 I love how the contrast immediately changed when the guys mentioned about editing contrast.
Excellent video,loved every minute guys.Two great men right there.
Good point. I go to a hardcore gym with dudes on 'roids and competitive lifters, and when I'm there I feel small. Then I go to the walmart across the street after and I feel jacked.
If you can do 10 pull ups you are stronger than a large percent of the male population (that can't do one or can maybe do 3 with extreme strain even though they are skinny fat).
MrShysterme u made my day im 16 been training for a couple months and i can do 11 dead hang pull ups (proper form ofc)
@FitzChivalry Farseer now?
@FitzChivalry Farseer for how long had he been training
@FitzChivalry Farseer how old r u both, and it's good for him but he wasted that time sadly
@FitzChivalry Farseer that's still young, and u do calisthenics?
So happy I found this youtube channel. You guys speak nothing but the truth!
Real talk! Thanks! It's my third year in a gym, built from 50kg to 72 (lean and muscular). That's already big tranformation actually. I remember when I was got to 61kg, I feel bigger than ever, the confidence just up there. But now, somehow, I feel like i'm small, like it's never enough. I even save a lot of figure picture to compare, but still confused what I tried to accomplish.
Hey Alex i am a few months into your novice program, and ive gotten great results. Many thanks brother.
Also, with the 'Build a Body' series, are you doing more? and if so could you do one on Mike Tyson, i know hes a boxer not a lifter, but the only way for most people to attain his body would be with very heavy weights.
Thanks again Alex
This is a serious thing thank you for making a vid on it I feel like a struggle with this a lot and no matter how many people friends and family say I look ok it still doesn't sink in
Amazing video - this is some real talk and something a lot of people need to really hear.
You guys really cracked open some deep points. Have mercy. Great video.
3:00 ... Despite me working on Alex novice program for 9 months people say I'm small. I'm 5'6" at 147. But, I want to be a bit proud of my self and say that before I started my arms was 11 inches FLEXED. Now there 13.5 inches. I'm sad that is that average but, happy because I got them up.
making all kinds of insecurity gains. aaaaall kinds.
Thanks for raising awareness about this guys! It's something people don't really talk about so it's great that you've opened the conversation up :-) I'm sure this'll help lots of people out.
For the first ten years of my training career, I actually thought that people were ironic or making fun of me when they told me I looked big
Great video Alex. Keep up the great work.
I am 17 years old. Started my fitness journey at 14. Was 5’10” 100lbs at the time. A walking twig. 2 and a half years later i am 6’0” 190lbs, very lean. Used to be 200lbs on the bulk a couple of months back. I am pretty strong for my age: 265lbs bench, 330lbs squat and 440lbs deadlift. Long story short, i have severe body dismorphia that completely interrupts with my happiness of life. I feel like i am still 100lbs to be exact. I feel an excruciating discomfort to wear a T-shirt or tank top in public. I have been circling in this endless spiral for pretty much a year now and don’t know what to do.
100k coming really soon. You deserve it bro!
I really appreciate you guys making this video. I think it's debatably the most important advice you can offer.
I feel like my mentality improved when I switched from bodybuilding to powerlifting. I can't relate to the guys wearing shirts with nipples hanging out who weigh 150 pounds. The biggest strongest lifters I met feel confident in baggy clothing. I build 19" arms but that was a byproduct of my training, not a focus. My passion is beating the log book, adding 5 pounds here and there.
Dominic DNO REAL SHIT, same for me in terms of going more into the powerlifting mindset. Fuck what I look like, how can I perform!
Hey guys, thanks for making this video that most men probably don't want to talk about.
Great video. Hit the nail square on the head! Great job guys 💪🏻
U guys are awesome keep the videos coming. all very helpful 💪
loving these collabs!
your video helped me alot. thanks
Has Phil ever shown his belly? Obviously he's not super lean but I wonder how much bodyfat he carries around the gut/waist. It's hard to tell. He could be as lean as Alex or he could be kind of doughy.
unlockthepower Check his insta: pg.coaching, he has posted some shirtless pics in there.
Great video guys! Such a true concept. People tend to compare themselves with unrealistic athletes. The truth is everyone can achieve a great body with hard work and nutrition 💪
Titan It’s a slow journey man, but I’m glad I even started!
For the most part, everyone who steps in the gym for the first time is there cause you wanna look better, or you go with some friends w.e but down the road, things change. Some stay in the gym to look decent by just doing light volume work, others focus more on strength and what not, and a lot just stop going in general. For me personally, my body just doesnt function the same if im not giving it that stress everyday, I gotta bang out some weights man like shit, its almost like an addiction at this point. I feel sluggish, slow, my thoughts are all fucked up, I feel like I cant fucking move, all symptoms of depression is what I get if i dont lift and try to push myself.
Sigma Spade That’s better than not doing it all, but make sure that it doesn’t fully consume you. You gotta make time for friends and family 👍
Most people step in the gym for the first time for sports.
Well hope to god you donr get injured. Youd be forced to be depressed, it sucks aszzz
ahowls fuck injuries were freaks baby
Sigma Spade i wish you the best of luck with that
Wake up,randomly open the pc and Alex just uploaded a video.Is it my lucky day or what?
I use to bodybuild and tracking macros and stuff made me my most insecure if I wasn't around 12% body fat. Then I started powerlifting because I felt weak af being a bodybuilder. After my numbers started to stall powerlifting I decided I wanted to test myself in a different way and I decided to learn to box so I joined a gym, 3 months in I had my first sparring session and I lost then 3 sparring sessions after that I fought 3 pros and they all beat me but I was holding my own with professional fighters. Then when a guy came to my gym with only 6 months of boxing experience (compared to my 4 at the time) I knocked him out in the second round and I started to see through hard work and learning to better myself and occasionally getting my ass beat I was becoming a better person and a better boxer and my confidence was at all time high! Yeah bodybuilding is cool and all but like Alex said better yourself in all aspects of life:
Problem is with average genetics your size is mostly down to your frame size as the amount of muscle you can put on isn't excessive. Small and medium framed guys will thus stay small or average at best no matter how much they lift. That's not body dysmorphia, just a realistic observation.
Miss these colab series
If these two were a couple who would be the dominant?
phil for sure
Daniel Mohr nah alpha. For sure.
lol wtf
They'd fight over the dominant role
Great vid alex, youre always making great content!
Alex and Phil are exploring uncharted territory. It is the Red Pill of fitness.
Abdullah Al-mehanna Fitness is a core aspect of TheRedPill
Clean up your rack, sort your above the knee out!
Abdullah Al-mehanna The two UA-camrs that UA-cam fitness needs, not deserves lol
This video has made my day.
13:59 Probably the first time I've seen Phil laugh or show any emotion #stonecoldkiller
tricepsish Lmao
1:46 also :D
So are you saying he never shows emotion?
Very awesome video. You guys are genuine as. Cheers. Xx
you'll never be happier than when you stop caring about what other people think of you and you just decide to be a good person and treat everyone well
I suffer body dysmorphia in my football team, I’m 250 6,1 and I see people smaller than me lift more and it crushes me. This video really helps
Alex, big fan. Much love
Alex has so big traps, his upper back looks like a high triangle.
Almost looks like a... trapezoid
Love this video, the things you guys said hit home so hard, I've been living with it for 9 years now, it gets rough, I've used roofs, abused them, lost everything from the abuse & been building my physique and strength back up for the last 6 years, above everything else my opinion is to cut yourself some slack, it doesn't do you any favours constantly obsessing over yourself.
Hi Alex. I dunno if you will get this reply as your post was so long ago but I am a researcher looking at how bodybuilders discuss muscle dysmorphia online (I've been working with bodybuilders online for the last 5 years) and I would love to talk to you. Can you please email me on or contact me through messenger (Mair Underwood-Researcher)? I'd love to hear your story
Badly waiting for a COLOSSAL QnA for 100K subscribers mark.
0:52 what if they don’t walk into the room ? Can I still be stronger than them?
Damn Alex, what a great video this is. Good job dude.
Agreed until 15th minute: Also natural elites as standard can be problematic, they can have that 1% elite genetics and they dwarf many on gear, especially strength-wise, and for someone with not the same genetics who compares himself to them it can be frustrating. I would say that to take them as motivation is ok, not neccesarily comparing yourself with them. And don't be mistaken, I am not promoting mediocrity in setting the goals for yourself, you have just to be wise and realistic.
I say thank you guys for your real talk and positive message. Liked, especially the part about different ways to express masculinity. Lifters in search for wisdom, that is a rare sight in the fitness industry.
Liking your vids more and more, keep it up!
phil out there taking it one step further
forget about what you look like lift for power and enjoy the body that comes along with it you will be a lot happier and only thing you have to worry about is not hitting a new pr every other month lol
I think focusing on performance (strength) is key. Personally, I love trying to improve myself in that area and that does wonders for the body and mind combined. From the start of training for strength a few years back, I focused on this single aspect, along with technique and recovery. This would be my advice for others.
I cared/care about improving my squat, deadlift, pull-up, and other lifts, not on leg or arm circumference or on how muthafucka shredded I am. No doubt a good thing anyway, as I am very wiry/lanky and I don't have the genetics of looking like a champion bodybuilder. Few do. However, most can drastically improve their physique by focusing on strength building, and it toughens you up mentally.
A note worth making: I strive for balance as well, so I relate performance to bodyweight. It won't do to increase my squat and end up a lardass. I think some go overboard and pack on too much lard to create those bigger numbers. That will bite you in the ass in the end.
Great commentary brother.
White Wolf A good philosophy.
White Wolf Yeah man, I agree. I ate waaaay too much as a novice trying to get “faster gains.” Dear gosh.
I love this though. It's true though, good positive perspective on things is everything. Presented in a factual but humorous way as well. Good job on the video guys!!
Great video man, what's your opinion on Omar isufs powerlifting programs? Are they worth buying?
Alex you the man. One thing though man your shirt does not fit, obviously due to the massive trap gains. The sleeve seam should fall at the point of the shoulder where it starts heading south down your arm. As you can see your seam is 4" too high up your trap.
thank you big bros the info i needed
well this is it... the time has come...
my grandpa passed away today 19 november 2017, i will remember this day to the rest of my life, he had a stroke and left us too early...
im not saying this to make you feel bad for me, im just trying to get advice from someone who has been through the same shit, what can u tell me? what do i do?
sometimes i feel very sad and alone and feel like no one around me understands me, im surrounded by snakes in masks who pretend they care when they really dont give a flying fuck.
i try to focus on gym and food, because these are the only 2 things that really give me confort in my spirit right now
share your pain with me because mine is too much to stand right now...
Great video. I am curious why you say strength dysmorphia isn't as bad though? The way I see it, it it seems less outright superficial. And like you said, it is obviously a lot less common; or when it happens, probably less severe usually. But if one person was severely body dysmorphic and one severely strength dysmorphic? I suppose the body dysmorphic one would feel worse or more insecure in public and all the time. As far as physical danger though, I think some one blasting a bunch of anadrol or some one blasting a bunch of tren and clen and shit are equally destructive. Also the strength dysmorphic may be more injury prone by trying to lift beyond their safe threshold with the heaviest weights possible.
I stop midtraining to eat cause im diabetic, I also have an option to eat a lot of slow carbs and have a worse but faster training, what do I think I should do cause I heared that you should never eat midtraining but if i eat during training i eat sugar (if i dont i eat slow carbs), so sugar mid training+1h45/2hmin or slow carb+1h15min training?
you never get bigger, everyone else just gets smaller
happy but never satisfied
this is a damn good video
Glad you enjoyed it bro
Deepak Rajotia I see this comment so dang much.
Great video guys!
In your Novice Program, can I replace Weighted Pull-Ups with Cable Lat Pulldowns? (unrelated question w your vid)
Seth Sanchez yeah if ur not able to do a pull up then go ahead. Otherwise stick to chinups
Great content from both of you
How is the vegan diet going?? Would you recommend?
I live in LA so there's a lot of jacked dudes everywhere
For real? I can go months without seeing a muscular guy. Most people in Montreal have shit physiques from what I have seen. Even in the gyms
Try to see fat people they are muc more trusht me
Yeah, here in LA your physical image is a huge deal. Even in commercial gyms there are at least a dozen guys on the juice and it's really obvious.
Yup :( In my college gym I'm considered 'big' but the moment I step foot into any shopping mall or movie theatre I can spot like 5 jacked ass juiced up mofos within an hour.
haha ive been on the fence about it man but hearing this cements it. Fuck steroids. I hear you all girls want is abs, chest, and arms their standards aren't that high. I guess it's more of an ego thing because you feel small and want to be the most jacked dude around
What about the other also very important version? Never being lean enough. Trying to be at an unhealthy bodyfat% year round and all the things that come with it: binge eating, doing cardio to make up for binges etc?
We're all beautiful just the way we are
honestly its more for me i always feel fucken discustingly fat ive dieted hard when all the way to 6pack but felt good for a little bit but once i go back to maintenance i blow up n feel fat as hell iam always going up and down one month iam on my shit like crazy then on week ill just fall n fail n i just always feel pathetic inside
These words are sounds truths. When I was younger, just entered the Marine Corps @ 132lbs, I wanted to be 145lbs. After I reached that, no satisfaction. I wanted 155 lbs. I was okay for a few months then thought I'd be nicer at 168lbs. Kept working, never satisfied until I reached 186lbs @ 8% bfp. At this point, I was FINALLY satisfied and at 67.5" this height/weight combo allowed me to call it "Mission Completed" in my chase for muscular weight gain. For my frame and Marine Corps training requirements, I hit the Pinnacle. Guys and gals need to set Realistic goals, obtain the goals and learn how to be content. I ONLY learned this after I saw the results of the 186lbs mark being reached, obtained a great training sustainment level, and appreciated the journey from 132 - 186lbs. 54 pounds of muscle on a 67.5" frame is major to me, but it took me 8 years to EARN it. Be patient, stay hungry. 👍
Semper Fi!
hey alex i really liked the videos you did in the past on how to looklike a certain physique like you did about zyzz, jeff seid, etc can u make one for john skywalker
Makos Tsi I enjoyed those as well. Also, I read that as “Luke Skywalker” the first time.
Can you make a video on how to deal with an inferiority complex?
I like weight lifting for building a good looking body but I also persue archery for hunting and jiu jitsu for fighting proficiency, you got to have neat skills too man.