For the woman who has never dated

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • It's so much more common than we often hear about. A heart-to-heart today, and if you want to share anything about your experience or story, share in the comments!


  • @emwilss
    @emwilss  Рік тому +85

    I share about this and many other related topics on Instagram at @emwilss! Join me over there if you're on Instagram!

  • @thegreatestoftheseislove1c379
    @thegreatestoftheseislove1c379 Рік тому +2109

    Thank you Emily! I needed this. I'm 37 and never been on a date. I mean, at this point, it hurts more to keep being open minded and hopeful. It's like I have to keep my heart open "just in case", and I'm just tired of it. Like a wound that won't heal. I think once I hit 40, I'm going to close the door to this whole thing. I hate to quit, but it's more painful to keep my heart open forever for something that is outside of my control. Each day I lean more towards full acceptance of my singleness. It is what it is. The important thing is as you said, our worth is not in a man. I am already loved by my heavenly Father and He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is my constant hope, rock and refuge.

  • @SavedByGrace402
    @SavedByGrace402 Рік тому +1533

    I definitely had my own pity party when I turned 33. I've never been dated, kissed, asked out, pursued, none of that. For me, I felt like a complete waste of a human being. Watching SO many younger-than-me adults get asked out was one of the hardest, most gut-wrenching recurring experiences of my life. The countless hours I spent crying out to God "Why not me?" seemed as if it would go on forever. I am still as single as a Pringle, but I'm trusting the Lord and leaning on Him more than my relationship status. It's hard and there are very hard days, but He is good.

  • @robinpelin3977
    @robinpelin3977 Рік тому +571

    I'm about to turn 24 in two days and I struggle a lot with this. Seeing all my friends going on dates and already married really hurts sometimes. It's the loneliness, the fear of thinking, "it's too late already". I mean, I know it's not too late but I can't help comparing myself to other women my age who already have their life settled, while I've never kissed or dated someone. I fear that, perhaps, if I wait too much, I won't be able to have children.
    But then, sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I don't see myself capable or mature enough to handle a relationship, taking care of my husband and fully devoting myself. I want to, but I don't think it's the time yet. I need to get closer and rely more on God first, before marrying someone.

    • @krystalm.4687
      @krystalm.4687 Рік тому +65

      Amen Im 24 too and have never dated. I also get negative thoughts on being unwanted or unattractive but I try to rebuke those thoughts in Jesus name. At this point Im growing in my faith and continuing my walk with Jesus.
      In terms of fearing getting to the age that its difficult to have children, I found comfort in that God redeems our time when we walk by faith and wait for His perfect timing.

  • @sydneynance9155
    @sydneynance9155 Рік тому +689

    This video speaks directly to my situation. I'm 25 years old, a believer, a virgin and I have such a strong desire to marry and have a family of my own. I've never been on a date and have a hard time meeting the right's lonely and frustrating, but I'm trusting in God that if it's meant to happen, it will. Thank you so much for posting this and for everyone out there dealing with the same struggles, please stay encouraged!

  • @danatookatumble
    @danatookatumble Рік тому +217

    My partner was 43 when we met and had never had a relationship. Happy to say we are deeply in love and have been dating for over a year! Keep your heart open. He is the best man I’ve ever known

  • @mariposarn8038
    @mariposarn8038 Рік тому +236

    This is beautiful! 💛 I'm 38 and have never been on a date. I used to think all sorts of awful things, wondered what was wrong, am I not approachable, etc 😞before surrendering to the Lord all aspects of my life, not just my work, finances, but including my relationship status. My worth is not in who I am, but who He is! Amazing response Emily. 🙂

    • @danceninja21
      @danceninja21 Рік тому +10

      Hi Mariposa. I'm 36 and in the same boat. I definitely don't underestimate my worth because I'm not in a relationship but it sure would be nice to be in a relationship haha Love what Emily said about raising the bar. My bar is high and definitely makes it harder to find a relationship when you're not willing to settle. My problem is that I have all the wrong guys chasing after me. Guys who I know where close to meeting my expectations of a guy worthy to be in a relationship with

  • @jazzyjake99
    @jazzyjake99 Рік тому +809

    I’m 28, a man, and I also struggle with dating and finding a woman in my life. I’m not here to complain, I just wanted the ladies to know that men struggle too, and that it is comforting to see that there are women in my position in life as well who would understand.
    I will admit, I wish church culture would do more to recognize how many people really struggle with just finding someone in their life, and did more to try to bring the younger generations together in dating. I especially wish the church would cater more to bring younger men in to help even the devide.

  • @candacedawn357
    @candacedawn357 Рік тому +325

    I've been on a date, but I'm a 43 year old black woman who's never been in a long-term relationship. I don't have much dating experience, but I've been disappointed by men who I've encountered that seem to be more interested in sex than having a relationship. There was a period where I was upset at God. However, I accept God's ultimate will for my life (but I do hope it includes marriage)! I remain optimistic and continuously pray for a husband and that God develop traits within me that will help me to be a good Christian wife. Most importantly, I know that I'm loved and special regardless of my relationship status. (:

  • @sumwhere08
    @sumwhere08 Рік тому +65

    Thank you for this!! I really needed this, I'm 32 and never dated, never been approached, it's been hard at times.

  • @MusicFreak61594
    @MusicFreak61594 Рік тому +689

    I am a Muslim women, and I love your piety. I relate to this video so much. I have never done anything with a man because it is a sin in my religion, and I’m not upset about that, but the idea of never finding someone is frightening. On the same note tethering myself to the wrong man is just as frightening. God knows best.

  • @00juls00
    @00juls00 Рік тому +369

    I am a 30 year old woman. I’ve been on dates but my first wasn’t until 28 and I’ve never had a boyfriend or been kissed, all that. The struggle to choose joy and surrender to God’s plan is profoundly difficult when you’re aching. And it’s so easy to feel alone when your mother and aunts and sisters and best friends (and like everyone else!) all got married before 25. But I gotta say, this video feels like a precious gift. 💗 This comment section alone is enough to heal wounds. So many lovely women with similar situations makes me feel less like I’m the lone single lady.
    By God’s grace, I find my worth in him and the path he’s set me on. This journey of life is weird, but it’s made beautiful if we focus on what God wants us to DO for him and less on what isn’t happening TO us.
    Thank you, Emily for shedding light on this topic. You’re right, it’s not talked about enough.

  • @jct9095
    @jct9095 Рік тому +191

    Hi.. I stumbled upon this conversation. I am the mom of 27 year old sons that are dealing with this. It is so hard as a parent too... My sons are deeply devoted to the Lord, and praying for God to send them a godly woman to walk this journey with.. it's so hard for them to even know where to meet women in this crazy culture we live in..

  • @christinal.5409
    @christinal.5409 Рік тому +267

    This was so encouraging! Thank you!! I'm 29, never dated, and am actually very at peace with being single and feel like this is where the Lord wants me right now. But it is definitely so easy to start thinking, "what is wrong with me??". So thank you for the reminder of how loved I am (and everyone is) by God, and that my relationship status has absolutely nothing to do with my worth. :)

  • @stephyedo3481
    @stephyedo3481 Рік тому +36

    Thank you so much for sharing this am 30 years old never been dated, kissed or had a boyfriend. This is something I had to hear

  • @Awall79
    @Awall79 Рік тому +149

    Thank you for this. I’m 42 and I’ve been on a few dates but I’ve never had a relationship and I’m still a virgin and this is a wonderful message you are sending.

  • @footyfan101ful
    @footyfan101ful Рік тому +34

    I'm 28 and never dated. I really want a special guy in my life. I know he is out there.

  • @hannah7280
    @hannah7280 Рік тому +94

    Such a great reminder! I have definitely struggled with this especially since I was so convinced I wanted to get married young. Now at 23 and never having dated I feel soooo behind and like no man will take me seriously. I think it was beautifully put that we need to recognize we are first loved unconditionally by God.

  • @kellycrazie8589
    @kellycrazie8589 Рік тому +35

    33 and struggling with this, would appreciate prayers to find a good godly husband soon, thank u so much Emily for this video!

  • @november132
    @november132 Рік тому +34

    It sucks, especially for those women who are getting older and have a desire to have children.

  • @leila9733
    @leila9733 Рік тому +259

    Thank you, Emily. I really needed to hear this 🥺❤️ I'm 26 and I've never been on a date. Sometimes I get so frustrated and feel like God doesn't even care about me anymore because He doesn't answer my prayers. The thought of being single forever or getting married "late" scares me. I just want to experience all the good and beautiful things that come with marriage while I'm still young, you know..

    • @sarahtucker2874
      @sarahtucker2874 Рік тому +30

      I completely understand, my friend. Keep your head up. Don't give up. Keep bringing those thoughts to the Lord. I'm 26, almost 27, and went on my first date this year. Being at this age and never dated has brought up a lot of insecurities and fears in me. I keep bringing it to God and I allow Him to comfort me. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, my friend.

  • @elizabethfeuerbach5006
    @elizabethfeuerbach5006 Рік тому +58

    This is the first video of yours I watched, and I can't thank you enough! I turned 22 a week ago, and never had a real date, a real boyfriend, or even a first kiss. I always had crushes, but none of them ever saw me as gf material. This video was so uplifting, and adding the fact that it also has Christian beliefs makes this 100x stronger. Thank you, and God Bless You.

  • @lubice97
    @lubice97 Рік тому +135

    "Opening up the pool to more people magnifies the amount of heartache" amen! Let's say that one again. ❤️❤️

  • @bgqueens6635
    @bgqueens6635 Рік тому +105

    So glad to see someone talking about this! I am currently 5 years married today, but I struggled for years in the single stratosphere. I went my entire college years without ever having gone on a date or been kissed. I seriously believed there had to be something wrong with me. It was so confusing because I was constantly working on myself as a person, and I knew I wasn’t bad-looking by any means. It was a deeply embarrassing and frustrating sore spot for me. So, I really wanna encourage other women - you are not alone! No, there is nothing wrong with you. Give it to God. It’s good to have a friend you can confide in.

  • @Lillymu961
    @Lillymu961 Рік тому +68

    Thank you for making this. I'm 28. Never dated, never been kissed, etc. On top of that my mom died last year and my dad got re-married two weeks ago, and due to several factors, I have never moved away from home either, and at present my step-mother is struggling with a lot of different things and can't show me any semblance of the unconditional love she promised stepping into my life. I feel like no matter how much love I show, all I get in return from many is scorn, persecution, and mockery. And the few who genuinely try to show me love have a hard time getting through my walls because I've been hurt so much. Before my mom died in Oct. 2021, I lost my grandmother in January 2021, and my best friend in September 2020. And that best friend, though there was no romance between us, loved me deeply. He showed me what real love was about, and losing him hurt really bad. Losing my grandmother was difficult because she was my dad's mom, and mom dying just broke both of us. And this new person that showed us so much compassion and love early is just not showing that right now. I love this lady just as I loved my mom that passed, and she looks at me as if something is wrong with me, which makes me feel even worse about my dating status. I'm hurting a lot, and no matter how much compassion and patience I try to extend, very few have any to give me and that hurts a lot. I know God is still with me. I know He sees me and loves me for all I am now and what I can be. I don't need the world to love me. And the right man, who loves and puts God first, will find me eventually. The waiting just hurts a lot more now because of grief and other things I've struggled with alone for a long time. I feel like I can't get anyone to understand my feelings, but I know I'll be alright in the end because God understands. That's enough to keep me strong and happy even in my suffering. And I am comforted in knowing that I'm not in that struggle for love by myself. As you said in the video, our identity doesn't come from our dating status. So what if the world mocks us or doesn't understand our dedication to putting God first in our lives. That connection to God is what's most important anyway. If you have God, no matter how difficult things feel in a moment, you win. God bless you for making this video and God bless everyone who has come to this video for encouragement. :) We'll make it through our seasons of loneliness and heartache. God has beautiful plans for all of us. Know it and live it. :)

  • @kiaraeijo
    @kiaraeijo Рік тому +40

    I just turned 30 almost a week and a half ago and I have never dated, never kissed , and have never ever been in love. I don’t want to say yes to just anyone; It has to be someone special. The last two guys that I had a crush were both taken (the most recent one which was almost seven years ago is married now to one of my friends but they started dating secretly before I had any interest in him romantically). A lot of people judge me for being now in my 30’s and having no romantic prospects

  • @ARWyYA
    @ARWyYA Рік тому +80

    "I think if we understood 2% of God's love for us, we would just spontaneously combust" PREACH!!

  • @flightforlight157
    @flightforlight157 Рік тому +28

    Say this, "I am valuable because God made me, in his image after man. I am valuable for simply being."

  • @alsmith7993
    @alsmith7993 Рік тому +63

    Thank you for this, Emily. I am 19, and your words are great to think about, especially as I prepare to go into my 20's. I am single and I have never dated/kissed/all that jazz. Actually, I've been pretty ill all of my teen years with what I recently found out is Lyme disease. I've been in a lot of pain and super sick, so even getting out of the house is very difficult for me. While I desire to get married one day and have a family of my own, it is a fear that even a strong Christian man may not be willing to come into a relationship with me because my body is sick and expensive. At the same time, I look around at the world and am glad I'm waiting until I am older to date. I have several friends who are 'boy crazy' and I don't see the point in that. Let's stay faithful to the King.

  • @naeco1602
    @naeco1602 Рік тому +33

    Im 23. I haven't had a first kiss, I haven't been in a relationship and I am happy being single. I am not searching for a partner. I love myself and my own time.We will meet each other at a perfect time. God loves you

  • @Keevus
    @Keevus Рік тому +28

    Wow! Holy spirit really speaking LOUD. That bit about ' I'm 31 and no man has ever found interest in me...' felt like it was cutting to the truth of the lies I believe. Thank you for speaking about this Emily. 💙

  • @carolinemurphy7327
    @carolinemurphy7327 Рік тому +70

    Yes ladies, you're not alone. I'm 26 and have never been on a date. I am currently very content with that. I haven't always been but am now.

  • @reyhanekhaksar5561
    @reyhanekhaksar5561 Рік тому +42

    hello from Iran. I just wanted to say that even though I`m not a christian, everything you said resonated with me. Thank you for sharing your love with us. Have a wonderful day💖

  • @ttenesirow8463
    @ttenesirow8463 Рік тому +33

    This honestly made me cry, for good reason but also for bad. It is sooo frustrating you know? You try your best to understand the concept of being single and live the best of your life. Yet, the moment you go outside and see this good relationship becoming you tend to ask... why can't be me? I also want to be hold, loved and aprecciated from a special someone. I dream to not feel alone whenever I have a problem or to celebrate milestones. I know problems would arrive, I understand the difficulty of it... so why can't I try?Is hard to don't see it for you. But the best you can do is keep going and learn how to battle those frustrations. So, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. For the first time in a long time I felt understood. Thank you

  • @vanzrox1
    @vanzrox1 Рік тому +23

    Im 31, and still havnt had a date (YET). But being patient will pay off :)

  • @smn647
    @smn647 Рік тому +35

    Preach it! Thanks for seeing us.
    I can get discouraged by all the talks addressing women who are wrestling in relationships and working through discernment but fail to acknowledge the category of women who can't even have the opportunity to discern a relationship yet because no one has ever asked her out. I am told by countless people (men and women) that I'd be a catch, am a gem, and will make a man very happy one day... But that doesn't mean it doesn't sting to still be in this place and it doesn't make it easier to fight off the lies of a lack of worthiness, since people affirm me but no one seems to have the desire, interest, or boldness to ask me on a date.
    Appreciate feeling seen in a place that feels forgotten.

  • @TokyoACR
    @TokyoACR Рік тому +161

    I'm 34, never had sex, and have never been pursued by a man. I have had 2 ex bfs. My longest relationship was 7 months. I'd hardly even call any of them a relationship though cuz it was always me doing the pursuing. :/ I got tired of the game playing and I'm currently putting dating on hold until I can find a man who acts his age. I question every day why no guy wants to pursue me. Am I just not desirable enough? Am I ugly? Are my views too strong? Is just being myself too much for him to handle? Why not me? Every time I try to date a guy, he never seems to hold any interest in me or give me a chance for something long term. I have desired a long term relationship ever since I finished high school. I don't have any unrealistic standards. My only standard is dating someone who is like minded. I'm remaining single and a virgin until I find that person. I will die this way if I have to. Thank you for posting this and helping other single people realize they're not alone.

  • @wolveswithin4444
    @wolveswithin4444 Рік тому +26

    Thank you. I am one of these women. I settled and got married at 19. Was never asked in a date. And now I’m 51. Still never asked on a date. Been divorced for 12 years. My heart breaks at times. So thank you. Hugs to the rest of you who are feeling this way

  • @nicvic1717
    @nicvic1717 Рік тому +68

    The crazy thing is that, even now as a wife and mother of 4, Satan still whispers these lies to me, especially when my husband and I aren’t doing so well. He was the only guy to ever show any romantic interest in me, so I took the first fish that bit. Not saying I regret marrying him, but I definitely thought my feelings of being unwanted or undesirable would go away once I got a boyfriend and then especially once I got married. Now I’m realizing it’s a me issue, not a husband/relationship issue. I need to look to God for my value and worth more than to the people around me, even the ones I love the most.

    • @lisaberchtold2248
      @lisaberchtold2248 Рік тому +8

      Thanks for sharing. I am 48 single and never dated. I have a large supportive Christian family who wanted only the best man for me and helped me to stay in reality. I had fantasies of married capabilities etc Good reminder to be whole in Jesus first. Peace

  • @americancapitalist9094
    @americancapitalist9094 Рік тому +60

    I think a growing majority of younger people in general are single these days. All the terrible dating stuff we hear and see on social media and dating apps seem to be a fairly small percentage of the population.
    Our society has ruined in-person human interactions so most people who want something real give up before we really have a chance.
    God can make anything happen as long as it’s his will. So focus on him no matter how bad things get.

  • @joannelucille
    @joannelucille Рік тому +26

    Being mad at God for not finding a significant other is exactly what the devil wants.
    My advice would be to set your mind and keep it set that Jesus is Lord and first place in your life. He doesn't want any of us to live joyless and in self-pity.
    Every day is a gift from Him. If it's His will for you to remain single, He will give you the grace to do that with a smile.
    If it is His will for you to marry, He will bring it to pass in due time.
    Be encouraged by the apostle Paul's words on this matter in 1 Corinthians 7.

  • @baileejo7663
    @baileejo7663 Рік тому +49

    As a 25 year old woman this is me. I’ve never been on a date and never really had a first kiss. I have had a couple of guys who were interested in me and wanted to date but it just didn’t happen. I see what my parents have and what my brother and sister-in-law have and I want that so bad. Just nothing happens for me. I finally feel like my life is together somewhat and I’m in a good place. I am ready for a relationship. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be single all of my life I want someone to be apart of it.

  • @socratesandstorybooks1109
    @socratesandstorybooks1109 Рік тому +122

    Im 26 and Ive been on 4 dates and never in a relationship. I feel like guys dont notice me. Its really hard to understand why this is happening. Please say a prayer for me. And thank you for the encouraging words ❤

  • @Mpiewizard
    @Mpiewizard Рік тому +28

    I’m 27 years old. I went on my first date last year when I was 26. Actually, I had two different dates with two different men. Hasn’t happened since. I’ve never had a boyfriend, never even got asked to prom.

  • @helenabelyakova7175
    @helenabelyakova7175 Рік тому +10

    Good to know I'm not alone. Thank you.

  • @jasminabudzinska2696
    @jasminabudzinska2696 Рік тому +9

    Thank you, Emily!☺️ Greetings from Poland!

  • @ObscureBooks9928
    @ObscureBooks9928 Рік тому +84

    Thank you for talking about this quiet struggle so many of us go through. This resonated with my own experience as someone who had never dated or been kissed at 24 to a happy healthy marriage at 29. As a christian black woman dating and finding a partner was quite challenging. It was embarassing to talk about with others and was quite isolating at times.
    As you noted, modern dating culture can really suck for those of us seeking marriage. Marriage rates have been declining for some time now but it's *especially* bad in the Black community where only 30% of Blacks are married compared to 52% of Whites 😣
    I prayed about it for years and I don't know if it was the holy spirit but I came to the realization that neither the secular or christian spaces I was moving in really set up young people for success in finding life long partners. I also noticed that a lot of churches and christian spaces around me tended to be disproportionately married families and single women which isn't helpful in finding a single male partner.
    In the end I decided to be more intentional in putting myself in proximity to men of character who shared my values. That meant getting involved with meaningful social activities, volunteering, and yes, online dating (Not Tinder!). After some thorough vetting I met some really nice quality guys, some of which resulted in relationships, and the last of which resulted in my husband. If I could do it all over again I don't think I would change much of anything. I was proactive but ultimately left it in gods hands for the right person to come along and I believe everything happened when it was ultimately supposed to ❤️

  • @chrissyquartly2893
    @chrissyquartly2893 Рік тому +39

    I’m 43 and never been on a date!

  • @Turtle_ducks
    @Turtle_ducks Рік тому +72

    It's so strange that intellectually I know many people in my life including my parents didn't find eachother until later in their life. But in my heart I feel unlovable because I'm 21 and no man has reached out. Thank you for reminding me my worth is so much greater! 💜

  • @loreman7267
    @loreman7267 Рік тому +141

    Be blessed, Emily. I was 27 when I met my wife - she's 5 yrs older than me! I had only ever had 1 (disastrous) relationship before her, in my late teens, was 'seeing a girl' in my mid 20s, asked another out before her family kiboshed it sometime after.
    I found it a 'cursed mystery' how my friends and family just seemed to hop from one relationship to the next, with little apparent trouble. I used to howl with loneliness in the night.
    I used to pray, 'Lord, I am one, but I want to be 2'. I left the country I grew up in, came to London, and met my wife the day after I landed, at a Life in the Spirit Seminar! I knew, a few hours after we met, that I would come to know her face better than I knew my own. Somehow.
    Don't give up hope, ladies. Your hubster may well still be looking for you.

  • @filmsbynix
    @filmsbynix Рік тому +10

    I'm 25 Catholic female and this video was recommended. Thank you for sharing I'm grateful for the comment section and seeing other women share their experiences.

  • @monica0991
    @monica0991 Рік тому +25

    I did have one on and off relationship for a few years from 21-25. Have not dated since and I am 32 now. This still spoke to me as I keep thinking “I keep getting older, it’s never going to happen”. But I have to remember, God has a plan. So thank you. I so needed this video. You are an inspiration. Thank you for all you do. ❤

  • @jackiej5384
    @jackiej5384 Рік тому +12

    Impeccable timing as always. Thank you so much for your ministry ❤️

  • @legendman97
    @legendman97 Рік тому +17

    You should do one for guys too…. Cuz its tough out here ngl 😢

  • @817Yankees
    @817Yankees Рік тому +47

    Thank you for making this Emily, I think a lot of us needed this. I'm 26 and have never dated or even come remotely close. It's tough because I feel such a deep desire for marriage. I've started praying that if marriage is not my vocation, that God would remove the desire for it from my heart. To me that would be an indicator of what His will is for my life.

  • @Ananenina
    @Ananenina Рік тому +20

    Wow this video is the first I’ve ever seen talking about this awful taboo secret I also been carrying. Thank you for letting me know I’m not the only one because in my circle I’m the odd one who never has dated. My best friends doesn’t know I’m never been with someone. Is just a big heavyweight on me because I wish I could find someone but I just haven’t. At 30 the hope starts to dwindle honestly. But I’m becoming more at peace with it.

  • @forever1433
    @forever1433 Рік тому +75

    Goodness this is definitely what I needed to hear because I have been asking God, “I am 31, why am I still single, never dated, never even came close to it? I must be the only one who has never experienced that.” And then you posted this video as if God is speaking directly through you to all of us who are struggling. God has put me on a path of spiritual vocation that I never thought I would travel on and is opening doors for me that I thought would never be opened. I have surrendered my life to King Jesus in everything and that has made me whole, but still I feel like there must be something incredibly wrong with me if I am still single, like somehow I am not doing my part as a woman. Sometimes I do, in my low points, feel unworthy of anything good, because I am not fulfilling my role as a woman and begin feeling pressure from other individuals commentary that I have heard that are negative. It’s not that I don’t want to date and get married, heaven knows I do, but the opportunity has never presented itself. I felt so low about myself as a woman that I have been worried if I had displeased God in some way by not fulfilling a role. Like I said, Jesus has made other things happen in my life that has and is drawing me closer to His beauty and glory, and He is the apple of my eye. We must remember that our identity and worth is in Him and Him alone, and trust in His plans that He has for each of us. Thank you so much for this video and allowing God to speak through you to remind all of us who are still single that we are not alone in this! You have such love in your heart for us all and it is very evident in the way you speak and may God bless you tremendously and thank you very much. ✝️

    • @BichPham-yq1fz
      @BichPham-yq1fz Рік тому +3

      God bless you!!

    • @forever1433
      @forever1433 Рік тому +2

      @@BichPham-yq1fz thank you very much from my heart, and may God bless you as well!

  • @gretchenortner
    @gretchenortner Рік тому +30

    I'm 22 and have never been on a date, let alone dated. I've never once been so interested in a guy that I wanted to go on a date with him. I am mostly at peace about it. But my whole life I thought marriage and children was my vocation. Now I'm starting to think I should discern religious life or celibacy, not because I think there is something wrong with me and I'm giving up, just that I want God's will to be done, and God *deserves* me discerning all my opitions and asking *Him* what He wants of me. Right now, I have a job I love and am ok being single. I like where I'm at. So I'm just letting God lead.

  • @milagroscapomasi8525
    @milagroscapomasi8525 Рік тому +20

    Hi, LOVED THIS. This is a reality for so many women I know and it is HARD. I love that you didn't put a specific age to this because this is a feeling that can happen to women at so many different points in their lives. And most women go through it at some point and the pain is real, and the doubts about yourself and God's plan are hard.
    I remember feeling like this, I was 22 when I had my 1st date an 1st boyfriend, prior to that I was having all these feelings and deep longing for someone . It ended up being a really toxic and abusive relationship. I am still healing from the trauma of that, so I know it's not time for me to date.
    All this to say, having been in a relationship isn't a trophy sometimes, like in my case, it is a burden, I wish I dindt have to carry. And 1000% it's better to be single than with someone that is not good for you, I assure you!
    Let's keep trusting God🧡💛

  • @1Hawting
    @1Hawting Рік тому +9

    I'm 24 and I've never dated but I simply don't want to

  • @anna-marieryan9748
    @anna-marieryan9748 Рік тому +50

    Thank you for publishing this, Emily. Like you said in the video, this isn’t everyone’s story but I went on my first date at age 25 with a wonderful Catholic man I am now engaged to. God knows our journey and no time is wasted when we are walking with Him. There are several other relationships and areas of my life that I’m grateful I had the opportunity to invest in while I was single, many of which helped equip me to date well and prepare for the vocation of marriage.

    • @marione.smedberg8062
      @marione.smedberg8062 Рік тому +6

      "No time is wasted when we are walking with Him" Love that!! 💛

  • @agneselizabeth8003
    @agneselizabeth8003 Рік тому +12

    This video popped up at a time when I needed to hear it so badly. Thank you endlessly 💗

  • @vanessadiaz7371
    @vanessadiaz7371 Рік тому +7

    Great talk, something that its a battle for a lot a woman in our society and specially at church. Blessings 🥰

  • @annacarinamorales4735
    @annacarinamorales4735 Рік тому +46

    This is such a beautiful and necessary reminder. I am someone who struggled with this exact idea: that my value was less than because of my perpetual relationship status as single. After many years of work on myself, prayer, patience and trying to understand God's timing, this finally changed for me early this year, well into my late twenties. This video, however, is as healing as can be to my younger self - I so wish she could have heard all of this: nothing was ever wrong with you, your timing is just as valid as everybody else's, nobody has the right to judge your worth based on your relationship status - especially yourself, it's completely okay to wait until you feel ready and it's completely okay to have a standard that the world doesn't agree with. I know my younger self wanted to hear it, and I'm so glad that anybody else that feels that way today can turn to this video. You're not alone, so many of us have gone through the same thing!! And it's okay, all of it is okay. Being you has always been more than enough.
    And just to add to this: I'm single again now and struggled so much with being labeled as such again, which is why this message is important to hear when being single at any age: your worth is not defined by having a significant other!! You're just as valuable and beautiful and loved by God in every single stage of your life.

  • @kiwi-jc7cp
    @kiwi-jc7cp Рік тому +19

    I turned 20 just a few weeks ago and I constantly worry about not finding someone who will date me. I know in reality I’m still very young and God will place a man in front of me when the time is right but I always feel so behind. All of my friends have boyfriends and one of my cousins (who’s my age) is already getting married soon. The only men who actively approach me are unfortunately much older men (including some which assume I’m a teenager as I look young for my age). Anyway, thank you for this video, the insight you provided has offered me a bit of peace in the matter.

  • @anacarlacesarsilva8342
    @anacarlacesarsilva8342 Рік тому +39

    Thank you Emily! First of all i’d like to say that i’m from Brazil and love your channel. Second, I needed hear this. I'm 31 and i’ve never been dated, kissed, asked out or never even came close to it! I used to think I must be the only one who has never experienced that! I'm just tired to listen mean comments about this and sometimes i feel guilty because i think God is punishing me for my faults even knowing that this is a complete lie! I know God loves me! I know that! But Sometimes it’s hard...I know God has the best for me and He is the reason of my life, thank You so much for remind me this! God Bless you and your Family!

  • @xohannahbananaa
    @xohannahbananaa Рік тому +37

    There was something about this video that made me feel like you were speaking directly to me. My heart was comforted and I felt seen. Thank you Emily ❤

  • @craigostertag
    @craigostertag Рік тому +38

    Let me preface by saying I have no idea why this video was recommended to me. However, I’m glad that I watched this because it’s so refreshing to read comments by women who feel, oddly enough, like I do. Today’s dating culture makes me sick and I’m so close to just calling it quits. All I want is a God lovin’ woman, who respects me as a man, and someone I can fully give myself to with Jesus. I feel that my options are even slim when I’m at church and I just don’t know how or where to find real women such as yourselves. Y’all keep fightin’ the good fight because you are cherished and God will deliver. God bless!

  • @sing-gently
    @sing-gently Рік тому +17

    Thanks so much Emily for the message. I couldn't express more how I feel as a 22 years old woman having disability, never dated in my life. Sometimes I feel totally OK with my current state, but once in a while that sort of "I'm worthless because of never having a dating experience" would just creep into my mind causing me to feel forlorn and helpless, especially when I see someone 18 has already married. And that feeling of inadequacy is like waves rushing toward me.
    I'm now in the bleak Winter of my relationship with God, I do experience tremendous confusion and doubt, really having difficulty trusting in His plans for me now and future- in multiple areas, not just the yearning to enter marriage...😢

  • @gremlin_bcl
    @gremlin_bcl Рік тому +10

    My hurt is being 2nd place. I can't explain to you the hurt. Always getting asked out as a backup or guys staying friends with me for a just in case. It's so hard.

  • @nidhi0211
    @nidhi0211 Рік тому +7

    You are a blessing. Thank you for such a deep and beautiful video.

    • @emwilss
      @emwilss  Рік тому +4

      You are so welcome.

  • @dianalopez321
    @dianalopez321 Рік тому +8

    Thank you Emily soo much for the encouragement and words of wisdom. I will be 34 and never had a boyfriend; kind of given up at this point 🙁

  • @HaleyMary
    @HaleyMary Рік тому +24

    I've only been on coffee dates a couple times and I'm 37. I want to be in a relationship and want to marry, but guys just don't ask me out. The few that have have just been interested in hook-ups and they lose interest fast once they find out I'm abstinent.

  • @gracew708
    @gracew708 Рік тому +16

    I really needed to hear this today. Thank you Emily!

  • @w.lvermaak9894
    @w.lvermaak9894 Рік тому +9

    I don't feel like it's always about self-worth. It's definitely not why I'm looking for someone or even thinking more about dating these days. I just want that romantic kind of love in my life. Really, as simple as that sometimes.

  • @kulakfamiliy966
    @kulakfamiliy966 Рік тому +10

    I wish the church was doing more to get young adults to meet. I pray all the time for my sons to meet a nice Catholic girl. And by these comments I can see they are out there.

  • @encodigofemeninoycatolicop4745
    @encodigofemeninoycatolicop4745 Рік тому +14

    I m 34 and never have a romantic relationship I ve learned to live for the other aspects in my life , men dont care so i dont care either

  • @tenishabotha6032
    @tenishabotha6032 Рік тому +43

    I am 27 now, I met my first boyfriend when I was 26 ❤️ keep praying and working on yourself. God will definitely provide when the time is right. We've got to trust and keep going, every single day. And yes, NOTHING is wrong with us at all. You're a whole beautiful and amazing single person!

  • @margiehalpern4573
    @margiehalpern4573 Рік тому +43

    Yep--over the years I have known so many great single women. When I was single and longing to date, a friend said, "I know some single men. But I LIKE you." Even through the frustration, longing, or sadness, as you say it IS important to know that you are whole and valuable. As is. Dating or not dating.

  • @RockeeMusikReads
    @RockeeMusikReads Рік тому +25

    Oof. This hits hard. It’s especially difficult when you’re constantly questioned about why you’re still single by family members. They mean well, but finding a partner is not as easy as buying a candy.
    But everything you said is 💯 percent correct! It’s all in God’s timing. Whatever is meant to be will be. Rejection is God’s protection. Settling will only lead to heartbreak. And being in a romantic relationship does not define a person’s worth!
    And like what Robin Williams once said, “it’s better to be happy alone than be with someone yet still feel alone.”

  • @ValePR91
    @ValePR91 Рік тому +8

    Thank you sister 🥹❤️

  • @marylatorre9517
    @marylatorre9517 Рік тому +17

    The Lord is good. I am 28 and I've never been kissed, but the Lord is still good.

  • @sibghaarif615
    @sibghaarif615 Рік тому +33

    Ooh I can relate- I’m 26 and never been on a date. I’m Muslim, so dating was never really a topic that was brought up in my household and now that I’m older, I never realized how lonely I get…. It’s tough bc a lot of friends of mine are getting married and I have yet to find someone…..

  • @faith4429
    @faith4429 Рік тому +6

    Thank you for sharing this Emily. This spoke a lot to so many of us including me. It's comforting to see we are not alone. And that our identity isn't in our circumstances.

  • @Natalia_85
    @Natalia_85 Рік тому +5

    This was a pleasent surprise to pop up in my YT algorithm.
    Thank you Emily and thank you Lord for sending this lovely message my way. Amen
    God bless you always 💕

  • @terracalvillo8029
    @terracalvillo8029 Рік тому +5

    You are such a beautiful soul Emily. Thank you for the gift of your ministry.

  • @maddybrown2320
    @maddybrown2320 Рік тому +8

    23, I’ve been on dates, but I’ve never dated. It sucks.

  • @SHannONpizzalover
    @SHannONpizzalover Рік тому +16

    This is a good reminder for the heart, I'm 28 and have been single for the last 7 years. Had a lot of growth, healing, fun hobbies and memories with friends in these years but sometimes the heart aches because I'd love to be married someday and share my life with someone, and it just seems like that may never happen

  • @yellowRose806
    @yellowRose806 Рік тому +36

    I've been crying lately about this if I'll ever find "the one." I just turned 31. I've had 2 relationships when I was younger but basically been single most of my life. Guys are never interested in me and I don't really have a crush on anyone. I don't want to date multiple people and I don't think I'm destined to do that . I think God gave me this video as an answer and I just prayed about it today. THANK YOU!!!

  • @Noor.taylor
    @Noor.taylor Рік тому +20

    I’m a 27 year old Muslim woman who’s JUST NOW having someone be interested in her and I’ve struggled so much with the fact I’ve felt so rejected romantically; I’ve usually been the only single friend, the one people talk to to get to another friend they thing is better, etc. Sometimes, with this person, I struggle with how to interact with him in a particular way because of it and I know that sounds *so* weird but alhamdulilah he is so patient and is also so faithful! I also like that you brought up high standards with how to date too. I’ve tried lowering my standards to no avail and started losing myself in the process.
    The fact we’re both religious is the major thing I see you and I have in common, but this really spoke to me on a different level-so thank you for this 🤍

  • @danceninja21
    @danceninja21 Рік тому +10

    Thank you so much for this Emily. I am 36 and have been engaged about 10 years ago but it didn't work out and I'm glad I realized this before the wedding. Since then I have not been in a relationship and my family is very persistent about finding me someone. I've listened to your video about family and friends pressuring you to have a significant other and I absolutely love it! I definitely don't underestimate my worth because I'm not in a relationship but it sure would be nice to find a good guy to be in a relationship with. My bar is high and like you said that does eliminate most guys since I'm not willing to settle for just anyone. I actually don't have a problem with men pursuing me it's just all the wrong men and recently I had a friend who expressed interest in me and it got to the point where he started harassing me at work and I had to get management involved. It's times like that when I just throw my hands up and say why can't I just attract a decent guy who meets all of my requirements for being in a relationship. Ha ha Thanks again for the video. Glad to know I'm on the right track and I will keep praying for that special someone

  • @sarahtucker2874
    @sarahtucker2874 Рік тому +19

    Emily, thank you. This video brought tears to my eyes. I NEEDED it. I am 26 years old. I went on my first date this year in March. The guy I was with said, "I'm really surprised you've never been on a date." I think he meant it as a compliment but in that moment and even to this day, that conversation brought up a lot of insecurities in my heart. I went on another first date with a different guy, he said the same thing. And then I think my head, "Is there something wrong with me?" I've really had to work through these thoughts and feelings. Counseling has helped too. You are so right in that it's easy to make dating/marriage our identity and worth. I'm learning that I am loved, valuable and whole as I am. I completely understand how women older and younger than me who have never dated and who long for marriage have these similar thoughts. All i know to do is to keep bringing those thoughts to God, keep my eyes on Him, rest in Him and let Him comfort me. Thank you so much for this encouragement!

    • @addtothebeauty
      @addtothebeauty Рік тому +12

      Maybe those men meant, “I’m surprised you’ve never been on a date [because you seem really amazing!]”??? 😊

  • @blubberbun
    @blubberbun Рік тому +18

    All I've seen are inconsistent, flakes, clowns and guys that want no compromise and want to have sex before marriage.

  • @lymitm3244
    @lymitm3244 Рік тому +8

    I was about to study when this video popped up into my recommendations, by the title i could relate so much so i came here to watch it. I'm 21 years old and i've never had a date or my first kiss, whatever. It's something i've wanted for so long to find someone good who i love and who loves me back but looks like my luck on love is so low because nothing happens and it's so frustrating sometimes. I see younger people already dating or people by my age already into long term relationships and i wonder what's wrong with me, am i that bad that no one will ever be interested on me. I try keeping my heart open and sometimes i meet someone who i genuinely get interested in but they never feel the same way, so looks like i'm onto a loop of liking someone but they don't feel the same, so i will feel heartbroken and take a time for my heart to heal and once it heals and everything is fine someone else will appear and make me go through the same thing again and it's something that hurts.
    I wanna keep my heart open for love because if i don't i might lose someone that would be good, but it's so painful sometimes keeping my heart open because looks like it only brings me frustrations.
    Well i'm mostly working on myself nowadays, trying to be a better person and focusing on my studies/career, it's the only thing i know that i'll never regret and no one can take it away from me.

  • @gilsongirl195
    @gilsongirl195 Рік тому +10

    Thank you so much Emily! This was much needed and welcome. I am 28 and I have higher standards and I’m starting to feel like it isn’t worth it at times. I know God approves of the standards but I’m feeling almost lost from the lack of good, godly men that come into my life. The fact that I haven’t ever been on a date while I see my friends and family marry and have kids makes me feel like a failure. Like my desire to be a good godly wife and mother will never be. Watching your video was a great encouragement. People like to sugarcoat things and I didn’t think you did. So thank you for this video. It was a blessing to all who watched it! ❤

  • @inez7609
    @inez7609 Рік тому +8

    I literally thought i was the only one. 😭

  • @Scoop2380
    @Scoop2380 Рік тому +15

    When I was 17 I thought no one will ever like me and never will ask me out. I am 21 now and I get asked out all the time by different men. I’ve ‘experienced’ several men but I do not see anyone who could support me as a woman and whose wife I could be. I’m just pretty. Im not sure I can be appreciated by men, I’m scared to be just a toy but that’s how I was treated in my family - not taken seriously as a person. I’m anxious about it.

  • @Katie_Jean
    @Katie_Jean Рік тому +7

    Thank you sharing your story! I am 29, about to be 30. I’ve been asked out once but it was someone that I did not feel the same for and I was so sad! I have waited for that moment for such a long time and it was a huge compliment but it was from the wrong person. I’ve been asking God to fulfill his purpose for my life and for my future (hopeful) family.

  • @aleshavandorn6175
    @aleshavandorn6175 Рік тому +10

    I really needed to hear this. Thank you Emily! 💕

  • @h.s.l6875
    @h.s.l6875 Рік тому +7

    I'm 31 and I've gone on a date for the first time a month ago.