Why Spiritual Teachers' Soft Spoken Voices Is Bull****

  • Опубліковано 13 лип 2024
  • Many spiritual teachers speak in a soft voice, but why do they really do it? Is it a natural results or rather a conditioned behavior passed on from generation to generation? As a former spiritual teacher myself, in this video I explain in detail what's really happening behind soft spoken spiritual teachers, the up and down sides of it and what's one of the essential problems of spirituality in general.
    As a former spiritual teacher, yoga instructor and self help guru I used to have a lack of critical thinking myself for years. I used to believe many things which had little evidence or truth behind them. These beliefs led me to decisions which did not turn out to my favor. Eventually I discovered critical thinking and changed my life for the better. Now I choose what I believe in with much more care. Make better, more informed decisions and enjoy the results. Yet it doesn’t take much time to see that many people still fail to separate true information from false. That’s why I created the Practical Critical Thinkers channel.
    If you are looking for a critical thinking channel - look no more and let's create a culture of practical thinking together!
    In this channel you will learn what is critical thinking, various critical thinking skills, find critical thinking exercises, learn how to use critical thinking in a debate, learn about the best critical thinking books out there, find critical thinking tutorials what results a lack of critical thinking has and much more.
    #spirituality #meditation #criticalthinkers


  • @BigManTate7364
    @BigManTate7364 3 роки тому +2

    I needed this. So good. The disillusionment I'm feeling with the spiritual world is off the charts. Everywhere I look it seems like there's fake spiritual people with huge egos talking the same way and acting better than everyone else. I want to be authentic and am even encouraged to be but when I am I am ghosted. Might be time to walk away and just be by myself for a while rather than keep trying to conform to a judgmental group who thinks they're superior to everyone else. Thank you for this channel 🙏

  • @becomingresilientwithJustin
    @becomingresilientwithJustin 3 роки тому +7

    I used to be part of the “martial arts cult” too. Found this channel through your other channel. So many connections between yogis and spiritual teachers, and martial art teachers. Speaking in riddles and myths, condescension and superiority to hide the fact they don’t understand fully themselves. Very interesting! Keep them coming

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +3

      It's a great point how many similarities there are between new age spirituality, yoga and martial arts. It's interesting that people get into them for similar reasons too!

  • @luzy2cold
    @luzy2cold Рік тому +1

    Really nice content. It's exactly this shit that is so annoying about those gurus. And everybody just believes and dosen't think anymore

  • @annalisagiostra11
    @annalisagiostra11 2 роки тому

    Peace can only come with Truth and being truthful! Prophets like Jesus's used to burst out, get upset and express the whole range of being human and authentic. So glad to have found you! Critical thinking will set us free:)

  • @SabreMc
    @SabreMc 3 роки тому +4

    The soft spoken voice has another use as well. I've been studying hypnosis for several years and just from my own observations, people associate that voice with being calm and opening their mind to things. As a result of that association, the voice, word choice and pacing all become tools in the ST toolbox for influencing students, whether they're intended that way or not. It's both fascinating and a bit creepy to see how easily we can be manipulated by seemingly tiny things without even realising it.
    As an aside, I'm curious as to your opinion on hypnosis in general, both in terms of clinical hypnosis, and in terms of the more hokey media portrayal (and its effect on expectations) of it? Is it something you've ever studied yourself or something that's never really crossed your radar?

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +1

      Great observation Sabre.
      I never actually properly bumped into hypnosis myself. My coaching therapist has expertise in clinical hypnosis and speaks highly of it, so I have an impression it can be a useful tool. But aside from hearing about it from other people I don't have much data about it.
      What are your personal thoughts on hypnosis?

    • @SabreMc
      @SabreMc 3 роки тому +3

      ​@@Rokasleo I think it's sometimes misrepresented by hypnotherapists who exaggerate what it can do or how quickly it can do it, but it is still a very effective tool when used properly and the right expectations are set. I can vouch for its use in pain management, having used self hypnosis to temper my response to receiving injections (much to the confusion of nurses at times). I cannot personally vouch for things like changing habits with it, but I can see how it would help with that.
      Stage hypnosis is a different beast and I suspect the setting has a lot to do with it working, but my only real opinion about that is that it's really cool, and the same goes for recreational hypnosis in general. It's a rabbit hole that leads to reading about all kinds of weird and wonderful things the brain can do.

    • @kimkillillasfuq8212
      @kimkillillasfuq8212 3 роки тому

      @@SabreMc there is also group hypnosis used by cults and religions. This is often done with chanting, mantras, songs, and prayers. Everyone speaking and acting in unison.
      Speaking in tongues, convulsing on the floor, all kinds of insane psychosomatic effects can be achieved through this type of hypnosis.
      This form of hypnosis often leads to conditioning or indoctrination.

  • @CarrickB
    @CarrickB 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for calling this out. It drives me nuts!

  • @TheJughead95
    @TheJughead95 3 роки тому +1

    As someone, who was into spirituality a lot, i really appreciate this! I am following your journey now for about 3 years, in the beginning because of your Martial Arts Videos. I myself swiched to BJJ after Practicing Wing Chun for 3 Years because i grew more and more sceptical. I feel like we have had a similar journey these past years, as i am now also more and more interested in critical thinking, being scientific & getting rid of a lot of "spiritual truths" i thought i knew. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration!

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому

      Thank you Lukas! Reading this means a lot to me. I really hope that my videos will reach people who have similar journeys and will be useful along the way, so it's really cool for me to read your message.
      What "spiritual truths" would you say you are most glad that you got rid of?

    • @TheJughead95
      @TheJughead95 3 роки тому +2

      @@RokasleoFor example believing that i create reality with my consciousness. I do believe that with a change of attitude you invite different situations, people etc into your life, but i feel in the esoteric field, this belief gets pushed to an extreme level. That you can manifest anything if you belief hard enough, that you can change reality on a quantum level and that i can change in an instant without needing to do the actual work, which would be needed for such a transformation (Did you notice that a lot of spiritual teachings are called something with "quantum" ^^). This is dangerous because if you dont manage to do it, its your fault, because you are not aligned enough or dont believe in it enough. This type of thinking makes you to the center of the universe, which is a very nice thing for the ego, but thats not how it works. There is a reality outside of you that has certain rules. We have to realize our limitations and work with them and i think martial arts are a very nice analogy for this. You can practice some Traditional Martial Art and be delusional about what you can do, or do the real thing, where you actually have to confront yourself.
      I also was into various conspiracy theories, past lifes, astral projection, telepathy and looking for enlightenment or getting into a higher plane of consciousness, just to name a few ^^ All very interesting topics, but one has to be very critical when talking about stuff like this.
      I realize now, that a lot of my beliefs were based in my desire to be special, or to possess some kind of "knowledge" others dont have. Why? Because i really wanted to make up for a deep rootet insecurity and not wanting to deal with the more "down to earth" problems of real life. I guess this is true for a lot of people who are looking for answers in spiritual teachings.
      Also, being spiritual is a very nice way not to deal with supressed emotions like anger. Because its not spiritual to be angry, right? ;)
      And here i stop. Jumped through many topics, but i hope it makes some sense :)

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому

      @@TheJughead95 Oh, you are so spot on on many things. I agree with you for sure. Also, great point about the usage of "quantum" :D
      Indeed I also believe that many people who want to feel special invest into these subjects, but in my thinking - life is special. It's just it's much harder to live it in a special way since you have to deal with reality. But if you are willing to work hard, question yourself and work towards your goals - incredible things can happen. But they will happen in a realistic way and not some - "I thought about it so it happened"

  • @dinamasteikiene7853
    @dinamasteikiene7853 3 роки тому +1

    Wonderful voice, I immediately fell in love with him, wonderful intonation, and when I heard Rokas "karaoke" singing in the voice of one of the rock singers, it struck me ... A spiritual teacher may not sing in his own voice ... Unique!

  • @archivesofarda986
    @archivesofarda986 2 роки тому

    The fundamental issue with "Self Help Culture" is that we shouldn't be helping ourselves..... we should help each other. It acknowledges structural society issues that create traumatised people who then seek out help...but instead of advocating for creating a better, more inclusive and less traumatising society they advocate coping mechanism and detachment for the victims literally feeding into a circle leading to an ever more hostile, inwards and cold society creating more and more traumatised people. I think its a huge disservice to society and very dangerous encouraging bad people to do bad things cause no one feels responsible for anything anymore because "we can only help ourselves"

  • @nazimhammiche4384
    @nazimhammiche4384 3 роки тому +1

    The ST joke aside. About all spiritual teachers acting similar, I was delivering a presentation about some companies and one of them was a popular self-help one, I remember saying to the audience, "yes We have that company in my country and Yes their trainers also have that same standardized fake smile". One thing that made realize that we should not be all the same was when I was learning about public speaking, which suffers a little bit about Gurus and stuff, I started watching Ted Talks and I noticed that each speaker has a style none of them was perfect or by the book and they could still deliver amazing presentations.
    Keep Up the Good Content

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому

      Really great points! I never thought about public speaking suffering from this same issue, but now that you said it it makes sense. I also love your Ted Talk example. It's a great example how authenticity can overcome standardized methods.

    • @kimkillillasfuq8212
      @kimkillillasfuq8212 3 роки тому

      Being open about one's own ignorance is a sign of intelligence and makes you seem more genuine and trustworthy.

  • @620ronin
    @620ronin 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your insight you share. I appreciate it. Keep up the great work.

  • @greenfloatingtoad
    @greenfloatingtoad Рік тому

    I think there is value to playing a role in general but we must not confuse the thing with its signifiers (scrubs don't make you a doctor).
    Especially hard in spirituality because it is so intangible. You can't peer into someone else's soul and see if they're truly good/spiritual/enlightened

  • @ackamack101
    @ackamack101 3 роки тому

    In my experience, I have seen with some of those soft spoken spiritual types, that when you scratch below that surface, are some of the angriest people (and non tolerant in a reverse sort of way) I have ever met.

  • @kenshirosama7227
    @kenshirosama7227 3 роки тому +1

    I'm in love with your channel keep up your hard work👍🏼

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +1

      Nice! Really cool to know that! 🙏

  • @MrMikkyn
    @MrMikkyn 2 роки тому

    Its called Charismatic Humility. Or Charismatic Benevolence.
    Devotional singer Jahnavi Harrison does it, and her guru Radhanath Swami does it as well. They’re both in the Hare Krishna Cult.

  • @lilowhitney8614
    @lilowhitney8614 3 роки тому +2

    I'm not sure I would call the soft spoken voice "bullshit" so much as a "status symbol". From what you're saying it sounds like spirituality is a culture that rewards mostly performative spirituality which is visible and easily recognized. Under those lens the soft voice is merely a signifier that reinforces the teacher's position as the students' superior in the social hierarchy. Granted, most cultures have a level of performative behaviour to them so it's not unique to spirituality.
    Talking in a calm/soft voice does have use; just as actions follow thought so do thoughts follow action. If I had to guess I would say that a lot of the original spiritual teachers did it because of it's usefulness, but because of the performative nature of the culture that developed people mimicked it without knowing the rational behind it (only knowing that speaking in a soft voice is what Spiritual People Do) and over time its value came from the image it projected to others. Honestly it sounds like that's true about a lot of the exercises, especially when they come with that "only those who are Spiritual Enough(TM) do them" bonus.

    • @hansybarra
      @hansybarra 3 роки тому

      ... You just reinforced Roka's argument.

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I think we are describing pretty much the same things. It's just that I'd add the argument that spirituality often claims to liberate people from conditioned behavior, that it will make them more authentic, liberated and free, yet in reality makes clones, probably more so than most organizations. Spiritual teachers in most cases are not free from cult like behavior and I think that continues to reinforce this pattern. Yet if you take a look at an organization which is not cult-like, you will notice that everyone is unique. They don't copy each other and simply express themselves as they are.

  • @julianwilliams9088
    @julianwilliams9088 3 роки тому +1

    “Used to speak softly” 😂

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +1

      😂😝 It was worse and more artificial 😜

  • @michaelnorris1051
    @michaelnorris1051 3 роки тому +1

    It is same with mma fighters and tattoos, 90% of them have tattoos but funny thing is that best ones have none or very little

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому

      That's an interesting idea

  • @MohseenLala
    @MohseenLala 3 роки тому +1

    I think the point is moot when "spiritual" itself is an undefined "alternative facts" type of thing. What DOES IT MEAN TO BE SPIRITUAL? And NOT what it means to you.

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому

      Could you elaborate?

  • @Breath_of_the_Thunder
    @Breath_of_the_Thunder 3 роки тому +3

    what are your thoughts on veganism and spirituality

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +4

      Good question. It would actually be a good idea to make a whole video about it. In short though, I don't have a radical opinion about veganism, but I find that it's not an uncommon event when a vegans are radical about it themselves, feel superior because of it, judge others for not being one and try to convert people. Of course, not all of them, but I think that there's a significant amount of vegans acting like that shows that it is a problem. It's not wonder that JP (Awaken with JP) has plenty of material for his content.
      About the veganism itself, I don't have enough data to say if it's good or bad, nor do I think that it's one or the other. The opinion I have developed is that it's an "art" to be a vegan and to be healthy. It's like playing a video game on hard level. You need to be really mindful of what you eat to make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need. And there are definitely those vegans who just don't eat meat, but do it without any intelligence. That's not very smart.
      Relationship between spirituality and veganism. That's a whole topic upon itself. To a degree it makes sense that a person who is deeply spiritual wouldn't eat meat based on their beliefs. Is it necessary not to eat meat to be spiritual? I personally don't think so.
      Anyway, these are just my thoughts :) What do you think?

    • @Breath_of_the_Thunder
      @Breath_of_the_Thunder 3 роки тому

      Critical Thinkers
      i do think that those who are more radical about veganism and “judge” others for not being vegans, stems from the understanding that we dont need meat to be healthy, and eating meat causes massive amounts of suffering and death towards innocent animals. similar to why alot of buddhist are vegan or vegetarian. there is an energy exchange with food and most people eat for enjoyment, which makes eating meat a cruel enjoyment and choice. based off nutritional studies and science, eating a whole food plant based diet offers protection against the leading causes of death (through diseases and cancers) compared to a meat and plant diet.
      there are rare situations where someone has to eat meat for health, but a majority if not all humans can thrive on a plant based diet. the issue is that humans have been eating way too much meat in the last 200 years and because of that, most peoples gut flora are not ready to digest fiber and plants so it makes it difficult (gas, bloating, etc..) when they cut out meat and dairy.
      the canadian food pyramid is basically vegan, also nutritionfacts.org has alot of good evidence based information on plant based eating and nutrition. even though i have been vegan for 5 years now, besides my diet i purchase some leather items because of the practicality of those items and research shows the biggest impact you can do on this planet is not eating animals. i do think that veganism is the future but understand that many people are conditioned to think we need meat and killing animals is justified, when you critically think about it its not

    • @kimkillillasfuq8212
      @kimkillillasfuq8212 3 роки тому

      @@Breath_of_the_Thunder a rounded plant based diet can also be very expensive. Especially in areas that don't cater to vegans and vegetarians.
      What are your thoughts on pescatarian diets?
      I've often heard people voice concerns over health risks in eating fish, but those people are usually woefully uninformed about pescatarian diets and don't really understand the differences between different species of fish.
      I'm personally quite fond of seafood, and often find myself eating less and feeling more full.

    • @Breath_of_the_Thunder
      @Breath_of_the_Thunder 3 роки тому

      one major concern with fish, outside of any ethical issue, is the high mercury levels, micro plastic, and toxins we've spilled in the ocean so many times. even factory farmed fish that are carnivore require wild caught fish to sustain them, leading to even more ocean dead zones across the world. its been shown that we really only have maybe a couple decades before fish become inedible, either due to scarcity and/or toxicity that get bio-accumulated through the food-chain.
      in a way, the developed countries ruined the opportunity to eat fish. in areas that are underdeveloped, they are going to eat whatever they can find. but soon the only fish available will be through local lakes or rivers because going out into the ocean to fish will not be an option due to ocean deadzones. which will drastically change the important ecosystem of the ocean that can damage the atmosphere of this planet.
      fish can be replaced with hemp seeds, chia, flax seeds, algae oil (same DHA/EPA as fish oil), root vegetables and nuts. ethically speaking a fish has a working nervous system and brain indicating they feel pain just like land animals and on-top of that fish are the most disrespected animals on this planet, given how people fish for fun and its widely accepted even though we also keep them as pets. it takes a strong cognitive dissonance to ignore the ethical value of fish. its easier to say, stop eating animal products all together, regardless of being vegan, but its easy to not care and be selfish for your health due to convenience. don't get me wrong fish was my favorite food, until I consciously realized I can be someones favorite food too; Food for thought

    • @kimkillillasfuq8212
      @kimkillillasfuq8212 3 роки тому

      @@Breath_of_the_Thunder evident suggests that fish have little to no higher brain function and operate on stimulus response, not consciously recognizing pain in the same vein as insects. As for the mercury and toxin concerns, I'd say just don't eat large carnivorous fish and fish that come from area that are heavily populated by humans. As for being something elses favorite meal, that's just the food chain, and humans aren't really at the top like we think. Some humans maybe, but not all

  • @MrMikkyn
    @MrMikkyn 3 роки тому

    Radhanath Swami from ISKCON does the soft voice.

  • @MohseenLala
    @MohseenLala 3 роки тому

    And speaking of spiritual stereotypes, what's the deal with soft new age music? Like the one you're using.

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +2

      🤣🤣 Heeyyy, that's unfair. It's not that new agey. It's just meant to create a suitable emotion for what I'm describing. I used three music pieces and one of them is more hip-hop 😛

    • @kimkillillasfuq8212
      @kimkillillasfuq8212 3 роки тому

      Chill vibes. That's all

  • @peternagy6067
    @peternagy6067 3 роки тому +1

    You still has this voice

    • @Rokasleo
      @Rokasleo  3 роки тому +1

      I think my voice is fairly soft spoken, but trust me it used to be worse 😄 Plus I avoided expressing any emotions or use of swear words in my speaking :)

  • @mars4842
    @mars4842 2 роки тому +1

    The problem taday is, western culter, made a religion, out of spirituellity, i think spirituellity, is about finding your own truth. Critical thinking, is a requirement, for you know, this stuff.

  • @petrairene
    @petrairene 3 роки тому

    It's also practiced by Catholic priests.

  • @MercedeX7
    @MercedeX7 3 роки тому

    5:02 spiritual teachers = STs ≈ STDs