There are two things to do daily (between dinner and bed) that make life way better: clean the kitchen up and put things left out back were they belong. 90% life improvement
1 clean up the space you spend your mornings in the night before 2 grab your outfit for the day the night before 3 get to bed on time (turn your tv off an hour before you go to sleep and set a bed time) 4 wake up early 5 drink 8-12 oz of water first thing in the morning 6 make a to-do list 7 get ready, even if you have no where to go
Even though I’m an empty nester, setting the b’fast table night before... choosing my am clothes, and deciding on the next day’s menus is STILL key to curing the chaos or even the doldrums!
Definitely choosing a menu for the next day is awesome. No staring into the fridge hoping something inspires you lol. Getting meat defrosted or prepping veggies for dinner is so helpful.
These videos are changing my life as a new sahm ,me and my husband got so depressed and stuck in a bad cycle. Even if we aren't able to keep up with every single thing even just being able to follow a few of ur videos little tips has made our days as 1st time parents to a 3 month old so much easier and happier.These really have been pushing me through this awful postpartum . Thank you calie ❤️
When my kids were babies, (now teenagers) I found getting up an hour before they did made a huge difference. I had time to think in the quiet of the morning, shower, dress and coffee. Made a happier mom! I still do this before leaving for work. Me time!
Totally agree! I have a 2, 5 and 13 year old and if my little ones are up there is no piece and quiet. I can't even get my coffee pot on before I hear mom, mom, mom
I am probably one of your weirdest fans, I got your humor right away, and appreciate it. I lost who I thought I was, but thats a long story, anyway, i was once more organized than I have been recently. I went through a huge thing, got deeply depressed and then so now I'm also not as mobile so I've been in need of this kind of help. I probably won't do it perfect or even close but it helps to know of the ideas other have. One of the endearing, if not annoying things my mom used to do was to call me every morning to try to help me in her way, she always asked me what I have planned for dinner. One of the actual few questions she ever asked me, so it's taken me a long time and many tears to get to where I can see that as a good tip to help me prioritize, and that's as nice as I can be for now. Thanks for your tips and I will really get good use of those tips that resonated with me. I'm much older than you so I don't have to deal with little ones anymore but I have to try to keep myself up and routines, plans, etc. help a great deal.
We set alarms for our son. Helps him know what's happening. We have an alarm for technology off an hour before bed. Half an hour before bed an alarm to say its book time and then an alarm for my little ones bedtime 😊has actually really helped. We've set them on our Alexa so it announces it so my son can hear too😊
I love that you're real with your advice and making sure you let your viewers know it won't happen overnight. I'm a person who wants to see results and change right now and hearing you say that helps tremendously. I've been a SAHM for 4 years and for the last 4 I've been the... clean on the weekend and lounge with my kids during the week but the last 3 months I've really been working on me and becoming more productive and happier with my environment for myself and family. Love your tips and listening to you
Great Tips! I also clean the night before, go to bed early and wake up an hour before my family. I also pre-cook/make our dinner for that night. As a teacher I need to know we can eat as soon as we come home, not wait for me to cook it. Half an hour to cook dinner, half an hour for me time in the morning. Cooking dinner in the morning has made all the difference.
Do you have any tips on how to do this? Been thinking I need to do something like this. Me & husband both work full-time and I'm always frantic to get us & our baby fed come dinnertime since I'm just getting home!
rslama912 Cook your meat and proteins ahead of time! Makes all the difference because it's usually the meats that take longer. Carbs and veggies are easy because you can always serve brown rice, pasta, breads, or tortillas. Veggies can be salad of frozen veggies quickly sauted. Cook ground beef and freeze in 1 pound batches, etc. Easy to make spaghetti or tacos when the meat is already cooked.
@rslama912 I meal prep for 2 weeks prior and choose food that is quick and easy to make. We have a rotation of meals and a dry-erase meal schedule, only on the weekends do we ever try new recipes. The night before, I take out whatever we are making (say ground beef for Tacos) and move it to the fridge. I make my tea and start on dinner immediately when I wake up. I've been doing the routine for so long its just second-nature. Check menu, take out food to thaw, go to bed, wake up, tea, cook dinner, get ready, work.
Got my planner in the mail yesterday and I love it. It has a cover can easily be wiped down. It is so simple and easy to use. Each month starts with a page to put goals for the month, next is the month at a glance, followed by each week at a glance. I love that there is lots of space for lists at the top of each day followed a schedule at the bottom to plan when I’m going to MAKE time to do it. I have lists on pieces of paper all over the place, but can’t find them when I have extra time to do something. There’s something about writing things down all in one place that makes this so attractive and functional. My phone calendar was not working for me. I feel so encouraged. I gave the same review to the seller. Thanks Kallie for introducing me to this organizer.
List works great for me. I am a morning person. I dont beat my self if I don't get something done. Tomorrow. Focus on my weight now. Started at 203lbs. 144goal. 171lbs now. 27lbs to go.
I plan weekly so I know what is to come. I have a running grocery list in the kitchen and add to it as the week progresses. Every night after the littles are to bed, I set everything out that will be needed in the AM. Bookbags, diaper bag, lunches, my purse, shoes, and coats. I organized it on the kitchen table and everyone grabs their items and we head out.
I am in college and I've had my own bedtime alarms for years! Idk why more people don't do it. What's harder than setting the alarm, like you said, is sticking to it!
Some useful tips for habits to end and start my day. I will start with one and add more. Waking up at 4:20! That's the middle of the night. I get up after my kids go to schol at 7:35 and that is early. I have been a night owl for more than 40 years and there is nothing wrong with that.
I would LOVE to get up before my kids. Take a shower, drink coffee, unload the dishwasher...sounds great. But by the time morning rolls around I'm stuck under my two sons.
I tried getting up at 5 every morning (my littles are up by 6 AM) and even if I don’t make a sound …it’s like they can smell me or something! They will wake up at 5 if they hear or sense that Mama is awake. Then I get sleepy/cranky littles that needed that hour of sleep. I’ve tried to think of many ways to get around this. Including dim reading lamp at my bedside, water bedside, coffee maker in my room. Even giving my husband full reign in the morning and leaving the house at 5 for a jog or workout. I get frustrated and even depressed when I can’t get my morning time. Sometimes I think I need to lower my expectations and just accept at this season in my life I don’t get morning time. One day I will……
@@mrs.t7254 so nice to hear someone with the same experience as me! I’m such a morning person and would love to get up before my kids, but it’s actually impossible unless I was to wake up at 3am every day. They are early risers so I almost never am able to get morning time to myself. Such a great idea to stop the battle and just accept it, one day they will be teenagers and we will have morning time to ourselves until midday 😂
I'm 64 and I understand the pain you feel, yes you will survive...and I couldn't find where to stop the madness. Wished I had adopted just some of these habits, it would have eventually become a habit. I appreciate her bravery and honesty.
I use my bedtime alarm on my phone and my phone will go on do not disturb from 8:00pm to 6:00 am, it’s helped me be able to wind down and actually go to sleep on time! Important calls are always able to go through, I set that in the settings!
My best personal habit is to put the dishes in to soak before retiring, them wash all the dishes in the morning. For ME, the idea of cleaning the dishes, sink, & counter makes me start my day feeing like I've already accomplished something. This actually sets me up motivated for whatever comes next. When I still had roommates, I even washed their dishes for them. I wasn't trying to guilt-trip them, just leave a nice kitchen. And I took joy in the accomplishment; it was no imposition. (Can't say my roommates appreciated this, though.) Your tip to wake up 'earlier' (then responsibilities require you to): I've actually been doing this for decades. It allows me to go at my own speed, gently instead of 'under the gun'. It lets me establish awareness of my environment and take time to appreciate it, to 'smell the flowers'. It lets me ease into the day and wake up naturally instead of being FORCED. We all need time to relax and exist and respect our own sensibilities. My day does not go well without this quiet, gentle 'launch' on my own time and on my own terms.
Thank you for reminding me that I still have plenty of reasons to use my planner, as a stay-at-home mom! Gonna start a running list in mine, too. Also, great idea with setting clothes out the night before - I always did that when I went to work!
Lists in the past have given me bad anxiety. But maybe it’s time to give them another shot! I implement most of these other tips. So good and make a huge impact.
Your tips make so much sense & simple enough for any personality to adopt. Sine the pandemic , we are working from home - My husband and I wake up well before the household, enjoying our coffee in bed ...making lists, chatting, watching the news, before engaging in the work day. Starting the day in a calm and organized fashion sets the tone for the whole day- used to think we were crazy but now I understand why its working for us💕 🙌🏻 Yes! to the clean kitchen sink ... really does make a huge difference in the mornings. 🤰🏻Sending many good wishes for a smooth going delivery...🤱🏻
My favorite routine I do every Sunday is food prep for the week, prep all snacks and lunches for my kids and my most favorite is laying out my kids clothes and also my work clothes for the whole week!
These are great tips!!! Getting ready is so key, it makes me feel completely different when I shower, put on freshly washed clothes and perfume, it’s a game changer ❤️ I feel sluggish when I keep the same clothes on that I slept in, or the same clothes from the day before.
I can't quite get behind the getting up at 445am thing but I do practice a lot of these and it makes a huge difference. Everyone's clothes are set out the night before, lunches packed, school stuff is ready and by the door, coffee is made... it makes a hurried morning just hurried, and not chaotic!
My husband would leave me if I said we're shutting television at 8:30 and going to bed at 9:30. He stops work at 7:00 and we eat dinner at 8:00. We need time to chill have a cocktail and talk about the day!
Thank you, I also throw make up on, and do my hair. Even when I'm home. Just makes me feel better and feel motivated. Also! I ALWAYS make my bed everyday.
I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos. I swear you could have been raised by me. Your tips today are exactly how I was as a mother with children still at home. Now that I’m retired & it’s just my husband & me, I’m not quite as strict with my habits, but still follow most of them. My husband still is in the workforce, so I have more me time & can plan things differently (like sleep in a bit longer, actually read a book in it’s entirety without letting other things slide & even take a few minutes to sit & have a cup of tea & do nothing @ all!). I have always liked making certain that things are straightened up & no dirty dishes before going to bed. I know that I will wake up with a calmness facing me. I also always swept & mopped the kitchen floors right before heading off to bed.
Great video. I do some of the things you suggest already. I've been setting an alarm in the mornings before my daughter wakes up just to have a shower. I was staying up at night to do that & waking up whenever she did. Now I make sure she's up at 7am daily (including weekends). I work late at night unfortunately & don't get much sleep because of it. By the weekend, I'm napping during her nap.
My wake up time to have ME time is 5:15am. It is not always easy, but YES...doing it does make it a more productive morning and day. I have two children under two - so, busy is BUSY!! I love that we have almost the same tips - but I have to be better at drinking water and making the lists in the morning...and getting my outfit ready the night before. And...totally going to put an alarm on my phone with time that I need to be in bed. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Thank You so much for the videos 7 habits for the morning. I am bad now that I do not work about putting on an "out fit" and make-up. I figure slouchiy cloths were fine but embarrassed if mailman or whoever come to the door and no make up because who would see me and I was wasting it for just me. But, I am worth it and it does make you feel better and of course look better. (Hey girls who are not my age yet it also helps take care of your skin better even if you do not ware any atleast please cleanse and moisturize it will have really paid off down the line.
Love your videos. When I was home with my 4 kiddos I used a huge desk calendar to organize, each kiddos had a highlighter color!. Now I use Google calendar, I love it! Still color coded and all. Only the youngest @ 18yrs old at home now! Love your organization tips, we are downsizing in 21'.
Love this video! Fantastic tips! I wrote down your quote for my "morning self." I think of her often, but I'm not always very good to her. I'm going to try and do better.
Strangely I can't drink water first thing in the morning, it makes me nauseous 🤪; but I do know I need to drink it after breakfast. And, I have been using making a list of what I want to accomplish and it really does help. I also love crossing those things off. Thanks for all the great tips.
I use the delay start function on my washing machine every night, setting a wash load to begin at around 4 am. I get up at 5:30 and throw the load in the easy shot in the arm to feel like the day is off to a great start
I used to pick out clothes night before going to school. It’s really helpful I learnt that from my sister and had forgotten until I got late to work few weeks a go for few days in the morning.
I had a nice water habit going for a while, but got lazy. I used to keep a bottle of water next to my bed that I would chug before I got out of bed every morning. I really need to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.😊
I have to have water too as soon as i wake up, i also have to make my bed immediately otherwise i feel so out of order lol cold water on my face and make the kids lunches for school The night before
Productive Mornings for the win! I love how you did this... Smiled all the way through. I love my early morning routine and aim to get something done for my home, heart (family), body (mental and physical) and soul (self-improvement) all before one of my four kids need me... I'm a work in progress though. Love your work - thanks for sharing. x Mel
Hey mother goose 🦋 those are some really grate habitats. I’m definitely thinking about picking some of these up. Thanks for making this video. Can’t wait to see more content.
I usually wake up between 5:30-6:30 everyday. I don’t do it on purpose but I can’t stay awake past 9-9:30 at night. I enjoy my coffee, sometimes meditate or watch videos. It is so much better than a hectic get up and get ready morning. And I always make my bed before work
You did a great job with this!! I appreciated especially what you shared about connecting your night person with your morning person - Makes so much sense!! I agree with the other comments that you do have a great sense of humor, and it was like you read my mind when you mentioned your planner and the link to it!! I need to listen to this a second time and take some notes!! Thanks so much!!
Great tips! I used to get up right when my son does (6am and he just turned 1) but then I developed a habit of getting up an hour before him to do a small workout, drink lots of water and then get my coffee going. It gave me a good push to get the day going. I usually get out of work at 8:30pm. So I typically come home, take a shower , eat dinner with my husband and then go to bed like an old lady. I actually like that we don't do the dishes every night cuz it's the very first thing I tackle after feeding my son in the morning. Gives me a fresh start to the day. I'm constantly making lists as well they definitely help.
I feed my fur baby at 5am every morning. Instead of going back to sleep till 7:30 (my work wake up time), I now do something like clean out a drawer, read a book while having tea, grab a few items at the store (milk, juice, tp), or, like now, watch your UA-cam videos (very inspirational, btw).
I always had to wake up early for work and school but I hated it. Now I can’t wait for dawn to ditch the covers. Since I started waking up at dawn, I enjoy my life so much better, I’m no longer stressed. I wake up a dawn every day including weekends. I got myself a professional espresso maker and I started to pray earlier than usual which makes me feel happy and balanced.
Love the humor in this. I am going to have to watch this a few times to get my mind in the mind set on doing this for being more productive was my New Year’s resolution I feel like some of these tips will help. I am a first time mom with a almost 2 year old I just need to start to be more productive.
I make my list before I go to bed and add to it the next morning. I sleep better not trying to remember what I want to do when I want to walk up. Sometimes I write down things I did that were not on the list so I can cross something off!
I needed to see this, thank you so much Kallie! 🤗 this past Monday I suffered some seizures so now I'm on a driving restriction for 3 months. 😞🤕 this little vid was full of nice encouraging words. Bless you Kallie! 🌈🤗💞
There are two things to do daily (between dinner and bed) that make life way better: clean the kitchen up and put things left out back were they belong. 90% life improvement
I thought everyone did that anyway. I could not imagine not doing it.
1 clean up the space you spend your mornings in the night before
2 grab your outfit for the day the night before
3 get to bed on time (turn your tv off an hour before you go to sleep and set a bed time)
4 wake up early
5 drink 8-12 oz of water first thing in the morning
6 make a to-do list
7 get ready, even if you have no where to go
Thanks, much appreciate it!
Yeah the last 4 are a huge NO thanks haha
Thank You! 🙂
1,2,5,7, I do already, gotta work HARD on 3,4,6!!!
Even though I’m an empty nester, setting the b’fast table night before... choosing my am clothes, and deciding on the next day’s menus is STILL key to curing the chaos or even the doldrums!
Doldrums! That’s what I live in!
Definitely choosing a menu for the next day is awesome. No staring into the fridge hoping something inspires you lol. Getting meat defrosted or prepping veggies for dinner is so helpful.
These videos are changing my life as a new sahm ,me and my husband got so depressed and stuck in a bad cycle. Even if we aren't able to keep up with every single thing even just being able to follow a few of ur videos little tips has made our days as 1st time parents to a 3 month old so much easier and happier.These really have been pushing me through this awful postpartum . Thank you calie ❤️
When my kids were babies, (now teenagers) I found getting up an hour before they did made a huge difference. I had time to think in the quiet of the morning, shower, dress and coffee. Made a happier mom! I still do this before leaving for work. Me time!
Totally agree! I have a 2, 5 and 13 year old and if my little ones are up there is no piece and quiet. I can't even get my coffee pot on before I hear mom, mom, mom
I do 3xactly the same thing.
I am probably one of your weirdest fans, I got your humor right away, and appreciate it. I lost who I thought I was, but thats a long story, anyway, i was once more organized than I have been recently. I went through a huge thing, got deeply depressed and then so now I'm also not as mobile so I've been in need of this kind of help. I probably won't do it perfect or even close but it helps to know of the ideas other have. One of the endearing, if not annoying things my mom used to do was to call me every morning to try to help me in her way, she always asked me what I have planned for dinner. One of the actual few questions she ever asked me, so it's taken me a long time and many tears to get to where I can see that as a good tip to help me prioritize, and that's as nice as I can be for now. Thanks for your tips and I will really get good use of those tips that resonated with me. I'm much older than you so I don't have to deal with little ones anymore but I have to try to keep myself up and routines, plans, etc. help a great deal.
I set a bedtime alarm for my 4 year old. Been helping get him in the mindset to go to bed
That’s a good idea! I’ll try that with my lil one... thanks 😊
I need to try this! My 3 year old HATES bedtime. Maybe, just maybe this will work as it's the one tip I have not yet heard! Thanks 😊
@@Mrs.J.D.B I bought a visual timer from Amazon. Helps littler kids who may not understand the concept of time. Good luck.
Great idea I’ll have to try this 😀
We set alarms for our son. Helps him know what's happening. We have an alarm for technology off an hour before bed. Half an hour before bed an alarm to say its book time and then an alarm for my little ones bedtime 😊has actually really helped. We've set them on our Alexa so it announces it so my son can hear too😊
I love the way you "Talk" to yourself while you give us hints!
I love that you're real with your advice and making sure you let your viewers know it won't happen overnight. I'm a person who wants to see results and change right now and hearing you say that helps tremendously. I've been a SAHM for 4 years and for the last 4 I've been the... clean on the weekend and lounge with my kids during the week but the last 3 months I've really been working on me and becoming more productive and happier with my environment for myself and family. Love your tips and listening to you
Your sarcastic sense of humor makes me wish we were best friends 🤣
I was thinking the same thing during the whole video lol
Im a 14 year old girl but I still love watching your videos
Great Tips!
I also clean the night before, go to bed early and wake up an hour before my family. I also pre-cook/make our dinner for that night. As a teacher I need to know we can eat as soon as we come home, not wait for me to cook it. Half an hour to cook dinner, half an hour for me time in the morning. Cooking dinner in the morning has made all the difference.
Do you have any tips on how to do this? Been thinking I need to do something like this. Me & husband both work full-time and I'm always frantic to get us & our baby fed come dinnertime since I'm just getting home!
rslama912 Cook your meat and proteins ahead of time! Makes all the difference because it's usually the meats that take longer. Carbs and veggies are easy because you can always serve brown rice, pasta, breads, or tortillas. Veggies can be salad of frozen veggies quickly sauted. Cook ground beef and freeze in 1 pound batches, etc. Easy to make spaghetti or tacos when the meat is already cooked.
@rslama912 I meal prep for 2 weeks prior and choose food that is quick and easy to make. We have a rotation of meals and a dry-erase meal schedule, only on the weekends do we ever try new recipes. The night before, I take out whatever we are making (say ground beef for Tacos) and move it to the fridge. I make my tea and start on dinner immediately when I wake up. I've been doing the routine for so long its just second-nature. Check menu, take out food to thaw, go to bed, wake up, tea, cook dinner, get ready, work.
Got my planner in the mail yesterday and I love it. It has a cover can easily be wiped down. It is so simple and easy to use. Each month starts with a page to put goals for the month, next is the month at a glance, followed by each week at a glance. I love that there is lots of space for lists at the top of each day followed a schedule at the bottom to plan when I’m going to MAKE time to do it. I have lists on pieces of paper all over the place, but can’t find them when I have extra time to do something. There’s something about writing things down all in one place that makes this so attractive and functional. My phone calendar was not working for me. I feel so encouraged. I gave the same review to the seller. Thanks Kallie for introducing me to this organizer.
List works great for me. I am a morning person. I dont beat my self if I don't get something done. Tomorrow. Focus on my weight now. Started at 203lbs. 144goal. 171lbs now. 27lbs to go.
My daughter always woke up at 5:30. I called her “the farmer”. It sure did make for some looooooong days!😴🥱😴
I plan weekly so I know what is to come. I have a running grocery list in the kitchen and add to it as the week progresses. Every night after the littles are to bed, I set everything out that will be needed in the AM. Bookbags, diaper bag, lunches, my purse, shoes, and coats. I organized it on the kitchen table and everyone grabs their items and we head out.
Same! The mind never stops for Moms lol
I am in college and I've had my own bedtime alarms for years! Idk why more people don't do it. What's harder than setting the alarm, like you said, is sticking to it!
No fluff & just the stuff
Love this planner
Some useful tips for habits to end and start my day. I will start with one and add more.
Waking up at 4:20! That's the middle of the night. I get up after my kids go to schol at 7:35 and that is early. I have been a night owl for more than 40 years and there is nothing wrong with that.
Before covid and working I’m from home, I always hung my outfit and jewelry on my closet frame. BEST TIP EVER for having a more relaxed morning!!
I’m not even a mom but these tips still relate to me as I am freshly into the working from home and housewife life. Thank you for this!!
I would LOVE to get up before my kids. Take a shower, drink coffee, unload the dishwasher...sounds great. But by the time morning rolls around I'm stuck under my two sons.
😂😂😂 I hear ya
I tried getting up at 5 every morning (my littles are up by 6 AM) and even if I don’t make a sound …it’s like they can smell me or something! They will wake up at 5 if they hear or sense that Mama is awake. Then I get sleepy/cranky littles that needed that hour of sleep. I’ve tried to think of many ways to get around this. Including dim reading lamp at my bedside, water bedside, coffee maker in my room. Even giving my husband full reign in the morning and leaving the house at 5 for a jog or workout. I get frustrated and even depressed when I can’t get my morning time. Sometimes I think I need to lower my expectations and just accept at this season in my life I don’t get morning time. One day I will……
@@mrs.t7254 so nice to hear someone with the same experience as me! I’m such a morning person and would love to get up before my kids, but it’s actually impossible unless I was to wake up at 3am every day. They are early risers so I almost never am able to get morning time to myself. Such a great idea to stop the battle and just accept it, one day they will be teenagers and we will have morning time to ourselves until midday 😂
I'm 64 and I understand the pain you feel, yes you will survive...and I couldn't find where to stop the madness.
Wished I had adopted just some of these habits, it would have eventually become a habit. I appreciate her bravery and honesty.
Me: watching a productive morning routine video to avoid getting out of bed and having an actual productive morning
👁 👄 👁
Same. I’m watching in my robe while eyeing my bed bc I’m considering getting back in it for another quick round 😴 😆
With you all the way!
Me too. The inspiration I sought from this video is just not coming 😂
That part
Hug my dog for 5 minutes then working out each morning even if it's only 20 to 30 minutes gets my day going💗
My dog is always soooooo happy it’s morning and he gets to see me, and I’m just as excited to see him too 🥲😅
I use my bedtime alarm on my phone and my phone will go on do not disturb from 8:00pm to 6:00 am, it’s helped me be able to wind down and actually go to sleep on time! Important calls are always able to go through, I set that in the settings!
My best personal habit is to put the dishes in to soak before retiring, them wash all the dishes in the morning.
For ME, the idea of cleaning the dishes, sink, & counter makes me start my day feeing like I've already accomplished something. This actually sets me up motivated for whatever comes next.
When I still had roommates, I even washed their dishes for them. I wasn't trying to guilt-trip them, just leave a nice kitchen. And I took joy in the accomplishment; it was no imposition. (Can't say my roommates appreciated this, though.)
Your tip to wake up 'earlier' (then responsibilities require you to):
I've actually been doing this for decades.
It allows me to go at my own speed, gently instead of 'under the gun'.
It lets me establish awareness of my environment and take time to appreciate it, to 'smell the flowers'.
It lets me ease into the day and wake up naturally instead of being FORCED.
We all need time to relax and exist and respect our own sensibilities. My day does not go well without this quiet, gentle 'launch' on my own time and on my own terms.
I love how honest you are!
Love this video! My best tip is to clean the kitchen & make my kids school lunches the night before. That makes our mornings more productive.
Your habit videos will eventually save my life. One day and one habit at a time.
Thank you for reminding me that I still have plenty of reasons to use my planner, as a stay-at-home mom! Gonna start a running list in mine, too. Also, great idea with setting clothes out the night before - I always did that when I went to work!
I used to be a morning person till this pandemic hit! Gotta get back on track.. Thank you!
Yeah being kind to future self, that's basically the key adulting super power
Lists in the past have given me bad anxiety. But maybe it’s time to give them another shot! I implement most of these other tips. So good and make a huge impact.
Your tips make so much sense & simple enough for any personality to adopt. Sine the pandemic , we are working from home - My husband and I wake up well before the household, enjoying our coffee in bed ...making lists, chatting, watching the news, before engaging in the work day. Starting the day in a calm and organized fashion sets the tone for the whole day- used to think we were crazy but now I understand why its working for us💕 🙌🏻 Yes! to the clean kitchen sink ... really does make a huge difference in the mornings. 🤰🏻Sending many good wishes for a smooth going delivery...🤱🏻
My favorite routine I do every Sunday is food prep for the week, prep all snacks and lunches for my kids and my most favorite is laying out my kids clothes and also my work clothes for the whole week!
I do this Monday mornings! So helpful!
Urrrggg that would kill me. I just grab sundering from the closet. I love choosing whatever i feel like on the day it takes literally 2 minutes
Who would give your video a thumbs down? You are such a relatable and enthusiastic UA-camr that gives great mom tips! Please keep the content coming😄
You're way too cute! haha omg this was funny and so good! I just came across your channel and I'm hooked! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
These are great tips!!! Getting ready is so key, it makes me feel completely different when I shower, put on freshly washed clothes and perfume, it’s a game changer ❤️ I feel sluggish when I keep the same clothes on that I slept in, or the same clothes from the day before.
The best video about morning routine and habits to adapt for a productive day❤️❤️❤️
Yes! I have started to do this routine as a new work at home mom of a 3 month old!
I can't quite get behind the getting up at 445am thing but I do practice a lot of these and it makes a huge difference. Everyone's clothes are set out the night before, lunches packed, school stuff is ready and by the door, coffee is made... it makes a hurried morning just hurried, and not chaotic!
My husband would leave me if I said we're shutting television at 8:30 and going to bed at 9:30. He stops work at 7:00 and we eat dinner at 8:00. We need time to chill have a cocktail and talk about the day!
Thank you, I also throw make up on, and do my hair. Even when I'm home. Just makes me feel better and feel motivated. Also! I ALWAYS make my bed everyday.
I never wear makeup. Hate the stuff
I love lists they've made a huge difference for me. It really makes me feel like I've accomplished somethig.
I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos. I swear you could have been raised by me. Your tips today are exactly how I was as a mother with children still at home. Now that I’m retired & it’s just my husband & me, I’m not quite as strict with my habits, but still follow most of them. My husband still is in the workforce, so I have more me time & can plan things differently (like sleep in a bit longer, actually read a book in it’s entirety without letting other things slide & even take a few minutes to sit & have a cup of tea & do nothing @ all!).
I have always liked making certain that things are straightened up & no dirty dishes before going to bed. I know that I will wake up with a calmness facing me. I also always swept & mopped the kitchen floors right before heading off to bed.
Great video. I do some of the things you suggest already. I've been setting an alarm in the mornings before my daughter wakes up just to have a shower. I was staying up at night to do that & waking up whenever she did. Now I make sure she's up at 7am daily (including weekends). I work late at night unfortunately & don't get much sleep because of it. By the weekend, I'm napping during her nap.
My wake up time to have ME time is 5:15am. It is not always easy, but YES...doing it does make it a more productive morning and day. I have two children under two - so, busy is BUSY!! I love that we have almost the same tips - but I have to be better at drinking water and making the lists in the morning...and getting my outfit ready the night before. And...totally going to put an alarm on my phone with time that I need to be in bed. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Thank You so much for the videos 7 habits for the morning. I am bad now that I do not work about putting on an "out fit" and make-up. I figure slouchiy cloths were fine but embarrassed if mailman or whoever come to the door and no make up because who would see me and I was wasting it for just me. But, I am worth it and it does make you feel better and of course look better. (Hey girls who are not my age yet it also helps take care of your skin better even if you do not ware any atleast please cleanse and moisturize it will have really paid off down the line.
Great tips! I drink water first thing, too. Lists are helpful!! Very helpful and creative content, thank you!!!
Love your videos. When I was home with my 4 kiddos I used a huge desk calendar to organize, each kiddos had a highlighter color!. Now I use Google calendar, I love it! Still color coded and all. Only the youngest @ 18yrs old at home now! Love your organization tips, we are downsizing in 21'.
Funny, but helpful! I watch u tube n do dishes. Need to set alarm to wind down cuz I binge watch too late at night
Love this video! Fantastic tips! I wrote down your quote for my "morning self." I think of her often, but I'm not always very good to her. I'm going to try and do better.
I LOOOOVE lists too. I make a Top 5 list every morning and feel super accomplished just getting 5 things off a list everyday.
Strangely I can't drink water first thing in the morning, it makes me nauseous 🤪; but I do know I need to drink it after breakfast.
And, I have been using making a list of what I want to accomplish and it really does help. I also love crossing those things off.
Thanks for all the great tips.
I use the delay start function on my washing machine every night, setting a wash load to begin at around 4 am. I get up at 5:30 and throw the load in the easy shot in the arm to feel like the day is off to a great start
Thanks! I really need to go back to lists. Even during pandemic, it feels like I have so much time. But I need to use my time more wisely.
LOVE the be kind to the future you tip.
Thanks so much! You’re the best! All great advice.
I used to pick out clothes night before going to school. It’s really helpful I learnt that from my sister and had forgotten until I got late to work few weeks a go for few days in the morning.
Tell me your BEST morning habits!
The water thing is a favorite of mine, as well as prepping the night before (I am not great about this one lol).
Water!!! I'm so Thirsty's first thing in the morning
I had a nice water habit going for a while, but got lazy. I used to keep a bottle of water next to my bed that I would chug before I got out of bed every morning. I really need to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.😊
calm music & i get ready for the day in my cozy clothes and change right before i have to leave
I have to have water too as soon as i wake up, i also have to make my bed immediately otherwise i feel so out of order lol cold water on my face and make the kids lunches for school
The night before
I love how down to earth you are!! You make me laugh!!
Your videos are so creative than the usual "just talking" videos...
Keeps me interested and entertained! Lol
Productive Mornings for the win! I love how you did this... Smiled all the way through. I love my early morning routine and aim to get something done for my home, heart (family), body (mental and physical) and soul (self-improvement) all before one of my four kids need me... I'm a work in progress though. Love your work - thanks for sharing. x Mel
Hey mother goose 🦋 those are some really grate habitats. I’m definitely thinking about picking some of these up. Thanks for making this video. Can’t wait to see more content.
I usually wake up between 5:30-6:30 everyday. I don’t do it on purpose but I can’t stay awake past 9-9:30 at night. I enjoy my coffee, sometimes meditate or watch videos. It is so much better than a hectic get up and get ready morning. And I always make my bed before work
Love your videos they r always so helpful n also so entertaining to watch. Love your sense of humor.
You did a great job with this!! I appreciated especially what you shared about connecting your night person with your morning person - Makes so much sense!! I agree with the other comments that you do have a great sense of humor, and it was like you read my mind when you mentioned your planner and the link to it!! I need to listen to this a second time and take some notes!! Thanks so much!!
The to-do list works great, usually when I try be productive I end having to much time, so know I can just check my list!
Great tips! I used to get up right when my son does (6am and he just turned 1) but then I developed a habit of getting up an hour before him to do a small workout, drink lots of water and then get my coffee going. It gave me a good push to get the day going. I usually get out of work at 8:30pm. So I typically come home, take a shower , eat dinner with my husband and then go to bed like an old lady. I actually like that we don't do the dishes every night cuz it's the very first thing I tackle after feeding my son in the morning. Gives me a fresh start to the day. I'm constantly making lists as well they definitely help.
I applaud you! This is super inspiring!
Thank you
The only morning habit I have is that I shower in the mornings.
Lots of love from Chicago ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Super fun video! You made me smile.
Love your videos and sense of humor!
You are an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT!!! I love watching you and I hope to try some of the things you show. God bless you, Sweetie 💚
I feed my fur baby at 5am every morning. Instead of going back to sleep till 7:30 (my work wake up time), I now do something like clean out a drawer, read a book while having tea, grab a few items at the store (milk, juice, tp), or, like now, watch your UA-cam videos (very inspirational, btw).
I Admire You! My daughter wakes up around 10 , she's the one to wake me up. Because of Your inspiration i put alarm 8.45 for tomorrow...
Simple and effective video. 👍🏽 I’ve been researching for a new planner. I’m so happy you elaborated on it. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this!! Tidying up at night has helped soooo much for my morning!!
4:30! No wonder you go to bed at 930pm lol. But I agree, waking up before the baby is nice
Yes! We drink 24ozs of water every morning. It's great and does help with waking up the body and mind. 😊
I always had to wake up early for work and school but I hated it. Now I can’t wait for dawn to ditch the covers. Since I started waking up at dawn, I enjoy my life so much better, I’m no longer stressed. I wake up a dawn every day including weekends. I got myself a professional espresso maker and I started to pray earlier than usual which makes me feel happy and balanced.
The flow of this video from “past” and “future” Kallie etc is super cute and I totally loved this video 🥰😇
Yes!! Super fun!
Yes, it's perfectly edited! Fun to watch!
I love your humor!
Binging your body of work for New Year's habits!!!
Totally freaked me out for a second when you said hello last night Kali 😂 I was like, “ oh my goodness, how does she know my name”? 😂😂😂
Me too 😂
Love the humor in this. I am going to have to watch this a few times to get my mind in the mind set on doing this for being more productive was my New Year’s resolution I feel like some of these tips will help. I am a first time mom with a almost 2 year old I just need to start to be more productive.
I make my list before I go to bed and add to it the next morning. I sleep better not trying to remember what I want to do when I want to walk up. Sometimes I write down things I did that were not on the list so I can cross something off!
Love this thank u!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao I love your humor 🤣 this video is very informative, thank you!
I love your sense of humour! If my toddler doesn't inflict self harm that's a great day! Great ideas, beautiful video. Nice water bottle
Omg! This gives me such motivation and hope! I am def gonna try this❣️
I needed to see this, thank you so much Kallie! 🤗 this past Monday I suffered some seizures so now I'm on a driving restriction for 3 months. 😞🤕 this little vid was full of nice encouraging words. Bless you Kallie! 🌈🤗💞
I really enjoyed this video! Thank you!
You're hilarious! I needed a good laugh and some good advice today! Thanks!
OH MYYY. 4:30? Before the kids??? This is a great challenge!
You're so funny! Loved this video and loved the tips shared!
Thank you so much for such great tips! Will definitely be trying them out! :)
When I was a kid, I noticed that my Grandmother would always set the table for breakfast before going to sleep. Great idea since I hate doing it.
“Get your booty into bed at a decent time”
As I watch a 2 am lol 😂 *sigh* ok man tomorrow is my day!
I haven't gotten to that part yet and it's only 1:45am, winning 😂 tomorrow is my day too lol
I was thinking the same thing, it’s now 3am.
4:41 am. I'm such a loser
@@dindog22 No, not a loser. Just getting started with something new. It takes awhile.
Its 2:55am and Im watching this...youre not alone 🙃
When you were putting on your lip color, you smiled in the mirror. Made me think of a Shea video on positive tips! Yay!