Haha well everything IS an OPTION. What matters is can you lift it? If it's a contest you don't want some sneaky stuff and want a control so you place rules, and you sign up for those rules. It's civil, and everyone is great. From a physics stand point, I enjoy why he promotes it. This I find is great for people that just want the exercise regardless for amount. If it gets them working out, its a great tip! (I literally tried both ways and I enjoy this way, from a physics standpoint I enjoy this a lot.
@@Mosababumarzouk Yeah I hate how Rippetoe says olympic athletes should ONLY do low bar squat because it carrys over to the first pull. By that logic why not high bar squat because it carrys over to the front squat and second pull? It's fucking stupid. Why not program both on different days?
@@ambatukoom he's unbelievably stubborn, I've followed him for like 10 years + but his tunnel vision is almost impossible to watch now. I've trained in many a different way over the last 15 years and what i have found is that the starting strength method of training is not as useful or functional as he believes. Not even close in my opinion!
@@jesmondo5785 I completely agree. I think starting strength and the texas method are awesome for establishing a base of strength and size, but linear periodization only goes so far.
That's what most Hispanics, South Europeans, and Africans have been saying for centuries. Finally the rest of our bretheren have come to accept the most holy of knowledge! Amen.
Equally as important to what Stan offered Juji in this video was Juji's willingness to learn and change, even despite being an incredibly strong guy and experienced squatter. There are plenty of dudes who can't squat 135 correctly and won't take a piece of advice. Speaks volumes about the mentality you should have if you want to improve. Kudos Juji!
you should always be willingly to listen and have an opinion of the matter. If it works or not for you doesnt really matter, as long as your mind is open to new things :) People could benefit from listening to others :P
Yeah that squat was horrible. I get that basketball players can actually benefit from squatting without actually getting full depth, as that simulates loading up a shot, but JEEZ!
I was squatting high bar decently with up to 350-375lb but certainly wasn’t fun. I’m at the gym right now after watching this and I’m so excited to blow past 400lb squats with this new movement. Feels 100x better. Ditto; thanks bald friend and Mark R
@Barney Fife those are coaching cues for high bar and aren't exactly wrong. This video displays the differences between high and low bar squats by highlighting their pros and cons. There are a TON of broscience references you could have used to demonstrate the misinformation that was created to manipulate large swaths of the population for $$$ that are actually legit examples, lol.
I have a weak lower back.. the wobble at the top of high bar kills me. I am super stoked to try this tonight. I miss squatting heavy. Been years since I went above 400.
This is exactly what mark teaches in his book. Senior year of highschool I read the entire thing and never thought of squatting any other way besides this. Low bar = stability. And when you have hip drive it just feels so much more powerful
Juji and Toms channel is just so good. They're always so open minded and willing to learn from every type of athlete, and allowing us as viewers to tag along and watch has really created such a massive collection of knowledge and tips
You wanna see something that'll really blow your mind? Look at the position a little kid like a toddler will take when they squat. Look up "toddler squat form" and you'll see exactly what I mean. On instinct their bodies just know what the most mechanically advantageous position to take is. Also, try to just bodyweight squat in the high bar and low bar positions, and see which one you can stay comfortably in the bottom position for longer.
Or you can mimic sitting down and getting up from the chair. You can also put weight on your back and experiment with body mechanics that make squats feel super easy that's will be your proper mechanics
4:56 - I have Starting Strength and followed Rip's approach. Until the standing from a seated chair maneuver, I didn't get it. Thanks for the light bulb Stan.
For me the natural use of the form dawned on me when someone showed me a picture of how toddlers squat, and it made perfect sense why this form feels so natural and stable.
@@JackgarPrime for me it was Chinese people. No joke. I saw video on UA-cam named "the Chinese squat" or something and it made sense. They weren't talking about weightlifting, but I saw the connection. Ever since Ive sounded racist when I try to explain my squat form
yeah the talking about how standing up from a chair is natural "low bar" doesnt make any sence because the 'chair' itself isnt natural at all...you just squat a the way down and up
reigh dela cruz I was the opposite. Was squatting 350 5x5. Wanted to go higher, watched some bad tips and hurt my back. For some don’t fix what’s not broken I guess. Too many “experts” on yt lol.
@@danielvelkovski3156 or maybe you implemented the advice wrong/imprudently and didn't practice first at lower weights, and so weren't physiologically prepared for that movement with that weight yet. Don't rush to conclusions
This is how my power lifting coach taught me to squat when i was in high school. it feels odd to have the weight lower on your back but i definitely saw improvements in my lifts when i got use to it. i then had to hear all my adult life how i squat improperly lol. glad to finally have some validation. looking good juji, love you tom, keep being real my guys.
I love how Juji is legit just taking in all the information and trying to understand himself the whole video. Its like you can see his mind working through his face :D The intake of knowledge is too real! Loved the video and I've always been scared of squatting because of lower back problems and I think this initial stance with a tight core is the way forward for me. Soo excited to go hit legs tomorrow, and I'm never excited for legs LOL Keep it up Guys
Dude same. I have issues with low back when doing any sort of squat or deadlift. This definitely gives me more insight into modifying form to fit function.
@@germandan5 I tried it and I felt much stronger, still felt a bit off (gonna record myself next time to check the form) but the low bar with the pinky under (Got bad wrists) felt soo much nicer then I've been doing before. A lot less pressure on my lower back until I decided to go heavier then a slight pain started creeping in. Gonna keep at it tho this vid helped loads
Not a good idea. This form is better for knee pain but worse for back pain. You are leaning forward more than a high bar squat causing more pressure to be put on your lower back. That's why it hurt when you added weight. It may be a more powerful position, but its definitely worse for your back.
Stan is one of the most intelligent lifters I've ever encounters. I would have paid for this video! I've changed my squatting to this style as well and it has saved my knees and back!
After ACL surgery many years ago, I found that squatting this same way reduced knee pain significantly. I'm very glad to hear that this is approved by a pro .
Mark Rippetoe: Hip drive. People: Oh no, that's a goodmorning, your si joint aaaaaaahhhhggg!! Stan Efferding: Quotes mark Rippetoe. People: So insightful, I'm gonna have to try this!
I mean Stan even says he's doing it exactly how Ripp says to do it. I need to try this because I hate high-bar as it's just really uncomfortable for me. Unfortunately I've been working out at home with only dumbbells for the last year or so.
You're always gonna have your naysayers but Mark has a huge following and people that use his techniques. It's not like he was widely shunned or anything
This video just changed my life. No bullshit. I was ready to give up squatting due to knee pain- I was having trouble bending down and getting into my car. I tried this today after a six week break from squatting and it felt amazing. Thank you Stan Efferding!
You should really try it. It has helped me a lot. I also feel like my dead lifts got stronger because of this technique too. One more thing is that by having a more horizontal back your hamstrings will lengthen with the momevent and you are able to use the stretch reflex of your hamstrings. Its really powerful
I started low bar after I watched Mark Bell talk about squating with Ed Chon, great advise was to open up the guch not knees. I also like to do banded face pulls to help warm up my shoulders, less pain and lower on the back.
I got my squat up to 330lbs over a year. I was doing high bar, full depth, wide stance. My knees would be stiff and aches when bending over, going up stairs, even when after I switched to a Wednesday light day. I switched to starting strength low bar squats to full depth and within a month I have 0 knee pain or stiffness. I feel kinda silly now for resisting the switch for so long.
@@CJHan --just words is what many a german child learned from Hitler...you really need to educate yourself on the dynamics of how society learns and does..
I think we still are unable to fully appreciate what Tom did for us. He really stitched together SO many fitness dimensions together through this channel! I think this is a truly historic time both for the real and virtual segments of athletics!
I squat like this because it’s the most comfortable for me and I feel stronger. When someone tells me to keep my chest up and knees out I end up arching my back and get low back pain. I’m glad I came across this video so I can keep doing it the way that feels best.
I began squatting like this recently sort of on accident. I wasn’t even sure if it was good form or not but felt much more power and stability and my knees weren’t nearly as sore afterwards. This is confirming, great video! Tons of help and insight.
84jamesp same brother. I wish I would have prioritized squatting before I turned 30 haha- I’ve got to swallow my pride before heading to the gym each time but I love really going after that range of motion.
I once had a guy come up to me saying I had shit form and then pretty much just showed me him doing this form and repping 315 for 10 but not telling how to change my form and what to do and he wanted to be a personal trainer. This was probably 3-4 years ago. If he properly taught me I probably could of been much stronger.
I've been squatting, low bar, for a bit over a year, and I always felt like I was doing it wrong. Now I see I've been fighting against what was naturally correct. Thank you.
This is the best squat video on UA-cam! Watched it couple of years ago my squat was never the same. More weight, never had pain in my knees, lower back. You instantly feel you have the stability in the lowest position.
Fantastic! Funnily enough after 35 years of squatting I changed my technique in exactly the same way and I agree. No more knee problems. When you are 20 you might not notice this, but when you get to 50 it’s a different ballgame and your joints will thank you. Neuromuscular education 👍
This video really encouraged me , after 25 years of experience that I can still learn and change my form and beliefs , that flexibility of the mind will keep me squatting in the next phase of my life .
Glad to see someone actually explaining lowbar the way it works. I've always known that's it's basically a standing legpress, but just hearing him say that and explain it is reassuring... 167BW 5"10 135x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x2 lowbar squatting
I have hated squats for almost 10 years. Its my worst lift and I have almost completely neglected squatting. I have struggled with butt wink, collapsing knees, and back pain during squats. Ive had multiple coaches and friends attempt to help me and nothing has worked for me. I can't wait to try this low bar technique. Thank you for posting this.
Yo I appreciate this video so much my knees usually kill me during legs but changing up my form just a little has made a world of difference thanks guys much appreciation
Thank all of you guys so much! I’ve had such bad knee pain in my left knee for yearsss. First time I did this and NO knee pain, none. I can’t thank you enough for this video. 👍👍👍
Being an ex- collegiate powerlifter, I was always told I only squatted like this because of “bad mobility” & “Hip issues”. Not once did I ever feel any pain or experience problems. Once you gets use to squatting like this, you’ll notice & feel a big difference in your power. Low bar+ wide stance = more power
Have a look at what it takes to be a qualified personal trainer. Then have a look at what it takes to be a moderately successful one. Notice how *really* knowing what you are talking about is not a requirement.
I find it incredible that after all these years, no one has noticed or bothered how teach Jon the quintessential power lifting squat, the lowbar squat. He is gonna be repping 600 in no time now.
Well, Stan himself said he squatted wrong and made world records and only changed his technique very recently. So I am sure we can forgive Juji for changing his form at a much younger age.
Probably because he's so big and strong, nobody ever figured it was something he needed to be corrected on. "Well this guy's huge, so he must be doing something right!" is the effect that goes in there, even with other fitness folks.
This is gold. As a tall man long legs this is the best form for me. I used to dread squat day. Now I squat 3 days a week, 2 heavy. No knee pain if I do this correct.
Before watching this video I believe I've learned to use this form of movement, which eliminated 90% of my lower back soreness. After watching this video I lowered the bar on my back and found it to be extremely comfortable and was able to increase the weight by a good amount. Thank you.
You can do it man!! I remember the first time I squatted 3 plates it felt so mentally relieving.. trying a different form helped tremendously, but it is definitely a huge mental hurdle. I was squatting 285 as a PR and it felt super heavy until one day I tried 315 confidently believing I could and I did. GOODLUCK man!
This posture seems to turn the squat into a bit more into a deadlift-type muscle recruitment, but I gotta say this guy is making a lot of sense- especially with the standing from a seated position cue.
oh no this little girl entire life is ruined... american dont mind bombing other country and killing children but oh god dont you dare saying fuck in front of a child. : D
So I watched this yesterday and have had bad knee soreness squating for a long time. Both ACLs replaced... I’m doing this style right now. No sleeves and my glutes are firing like crazy. Holy shit... Thank you.
22, lifting for 4 years now. THANKYOU, this is gonna keep me out of a wheelchair stg. Thought I just had bad knees and my squats were weak for my weight. This helps me recruit my kardashian esq. ass to squat instead of loading my knees up! Got some flat duck feet which I guess made squatting weird. This helped me hit depth and improved my squat immediately. ✊🏼
This only works when you have the sufficient posterior chain strength to maintain your torso in that position. If you have always been quad dominant and squat high bar, then you would likely be weaker with this new form, at least in the beginning.
Man!!! I just wanna thank both of you for this video. I thought I was either gonna have this pain in my knee the rest of my life or blow it out. Wow. Simple low bar position changed my life. Can’t say thanks enough!
@@brianadam5657 Yes, I know what the Vertical Diet is. I'm just commenting on the irony of having a shirt that says that when teaching a horizontal low bar squat form, where you want to not get too vertical.
I just want to thank this video. My back and knees have been suffering for years now and I’m only 19, this video saved my back and knees and even made my squat go up over a hundred pounds within a week with comfort. I know this comment will get lost but thank you.
I have had knee issues for years and found this way relives the pain. I figured it out from noticing how people at the gym stand up from sitting on bench's. I think we have been told incorrectly for years. 100% back this up👍
This helped me more than all the videos combined about right squat and its so easy to understand that guy deserves a freaking medal man... omg this was sso helpfull
I squat like this, I started to squat like this because it didn't hurt my knees. I didn't even know it was the right way, it just felt better to do it like that.
This might have saved my squat for life. I was struggling for Ballance in my squat for years, always got told it was my lack of dorsiflexion (ankle flexibility) and to lay off heavy weight until i sorted it. Months of trying different techniques from plates under my heels, resistance band placement and even physio didn't work but 2 weeks working off this video and my balance/confidence to squat is where it should be. I feel like a bit of a idiot as it seemed so simple and basic but either way me and my health are seriously grateful. Thank you Juji, Tom & Stan
I could not have found this video at a better time: I have been feeling pain in my knees lately during squats at the higher weights in a 5x5 program. I first heard the principle of loading the hips from Kelly Starrett’s BASL, but this video does an amazing job of queuing the movement with the “get out of a chair” idea, as well as demonstrating the scapula positioning with the low bar hold. So excited to start patterning this technique and hopefully take some of the load off of my knees. Thank you guys!
Found starting strength last February and Low bar helped so much. Higschool football squatting form killed me and low bar took away all my pain in neck, low back, and knees. Went from a max of 350 to 500 in 6 weeks.
@@lequack7130 It was. i find, as Stan shows when he has Juji sit down on the bench, that low bar is a natural squatting position and of course like everyone i had retarded coaches that didn't know what the hell they were doing and didn't care to teach you how to squat. Also the Novice effect if very profound as the starting strength book shows and how to program it.
@@laflamezz1907 I recommend buying the book Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training Volume 3. Its 27 bucks and teaches you everything including novice programming. Read it twice because you skimmed and watch the videos Mark Rippetoe has done. Alan thrall also made a good video and Art Of Manliness
I know this video is old now, but yeah damn I just had to say, such a good one; really glad I finally checked it out. Stan the man, laying it down there. I learned to squat from Starting Strength too, but yeah there are always, always new things to pick up when hearing such knowledgeable, experienced people coach. Excellent stuff guys.
Getting pro-tips from Stan all because he called an audible on your PR squat form. Lucky ducky! Hat tip to Stan for the help. Pat on the back to Juji for being the man and having an open mind to accept the guidance.
Juji & Tom
U should do a video with Martyn Ford ,Eddie Hall ,Athlean X.
Ask him about deadlifts, this guy is a wealth of knowledge. My knees have hurt for years and this actually feels good.
@@chickensguys fr. Stan has so much knowledge in lifting and nutrition he's honestly one of the smartest lifters out there
Juji: I've had knee problems up until past year and they're still achy sometimes.
Stan: *that's great*
Julian E i had to watch it again to notice hahha
I had a little chuckle at that myself 😆
Thats passion causing deafness lol!!
ha, yeah i caught that too
I have a knee problem on my left leg and that is not a issue much anymore the stronger I got.
Stan is so well spoken. Would make a great salesman. He could prob even sell me a cooler within a cooler.
Not sure about his "Get Vertical" logo though. Looks like some erection meme XD.
@@gtamike_TSGK Or it looks like it could interest someone who wants to dunk.
And I bet he could convince a shark to invest in said cooler in a cooler.
Cooler within a cooler is the cooler for coolers
Well, he selled steroids for his entire life, he knows this stuff.
Does this make anyone else want to immediately go out and squat!?
Yesterday was leg day, so no...
Don't worry A burrito and milkshake fixed this for me.
Yes, immediately!
@@Sluggernaut well that means tomorrow is leg day again!
I had to stop and watch the video while squatting
little girl coming out as stan was doing his russian impersonation and dropping the f bomb was a good start to the video.
Vaughn Santiago lol the girl got her Abb wheel and said later fellows
i instantly scrolled into the comments xD
dkd0m Same
all that did was put a smile in my face.
OH! I thought you meant she dropped an F-bomb lol (just the mouth movement or something). That would have been pretty funny.
It's good that Stan is promoting this as an OPTION instead of the ONLY way to squat
That's why people like this, while they hate the same technique when taught by Mark rippetoe
Haha well everything IS an OPTION. What matters is can you lift it? If it's a contest you don't want some sneaky stuff and want a control so you place rules, and you sign up for those rules. It's civil, and everyone is great. From a physics stand point, I enjoy why he promotes it. This I find is great for people that just want the exercise regardless for amount. If it gets them working out, its a great tip! (I literally tried both ways and I enjoy this way, from a physics standpoint I enjoy this a lot.
@@Mosababumarzouk Yeah I hate how Rippetoe says olympic athletes should ONLY do low bar squat because it carrys over to the first pull. By that logic why not high bar squat because it carrys over to the front squat and second pull? It's fucking stupid. Why not program both on different days?
@@ambatukoom he's unbelievably stubborn, I've followed him for like 10 years + but his tunnel vision is almost impossible to watch now. I've trained in many a different way over the last 15 years and what i have found is that the starting strength method of training is not as useful or functional as he believes. Not even close in my opinion!
@@jesmondo5785 I completely agree. I think starting strength and the texas method are awesome for establishing a base of strength and size, but linear periodization only goes so far.
11:09 "Big butts are good things"
This is truely a man of infinite wisdom
So it shall be written. So it shall be done
Seek not to be a smart ass but to be smart about asses.
I would follow this man anywhere with knowledge like that
That's what most Hispanics, South Europeans, and Africans have been saying for centuries. Finally the rest of our bretheren have come to accept the most holy of knowledge! Amen.
He talks about strength like a youth pastor does forgiveness.
Very hands on like a youth pastor too.
Then his daughter walk in the room at the wrong time and he says FUck...
Considering how this guy is it was pretty funny.
Who cares!
Well, yeah one must be strong to beat your slave, as it says in the bible.
You know you need to listen when Tom doesn't say shit for the first 9 minutes of the video.
Equally as important to what Stan offered Juji in this video was Juji's willingness to learn and change, even despite being an incredibly strong guy and experienced squatter. There are plenty of dudes who can't squat 135 correctly and won't take a piece of advice. Speaks volumes about the mentality you should have if you want to improve. Kudos Juji!
Seriously, I've tried to help people who desperately needed it. They didn't want to hear it at all
I don't know about you but a lot of people who gives advice at the gym has no idea of what they are talking about.
Prove vs Improve mindset.
you should always be willingly to listen and have an opinion of the matter. If it works or not for you doesnt really matter, as long as your mind is open to new things :) People could benefit from listening to others :P
I love how respectful he is when suggesting changes! What a great example of a human!
When Stan talks I listen. He's a wealth of knowledge and I've learned a ton from him. Love this collab Juji!
The wizard
So smart
My favorite fitness youtuber
Sounds smart when he speaks. Actually nothing but word salads and nonsense. Good salesman.
@@flabio7074 tell me where it hurts im here to listen
Lebron looked like he was warming up for a twerking contest.
@@scRUAM that shit made me scream looks like a fuckin dark entity lmao
You can see why some people say squats are bad for you after watching that Lebron clip 🤦♂️
Yeah that squat was horrible. I get that basketball players can actually benefit from squatting without actually getting full depth, as that simulates loading up a shot, but JEEZ!
I'm sure his trainer is not an idiot. There might be a reason he's doing that specific movement.
@@g4matic Yeah he is training for a twerking contest
Tom is like the Stan Lee of fitness now - bringing all the characters together to create UA-cam Fitness Creative Universe.
@Juji&Tom should do a collab with Avatar!!!!
Tom is acc my fave UA-camr he’s just wholesome and loveable
Kinda like the Paul Harrell of weightlifting. Even the mannerisms are similar.
@@Outland9000 Holy cow - you're right!!!
@@Outland9000 I have Paul's M17 video open in another tab for when this is finished
I can’t stop watching this video. No joke, this has allowed me to “squat” again. Thank you my bald brother
Tyler Bill same here
I was squatting high bar decently with up to 350-375lb but certainly wasn’t fun. I’m at the gym right now after watching this and I’m so excited to blow past 400lb squats with this new movement. Feels 100x better.
Ditto; thanks bald friend and Mark R
@Barney Fife those are coaching cues for high bar and aren't exactly wrong. This video displays the differences between high and low bar squats by highlighting their pros and cons. There are a TON of broscience references you could have used to demonstrate the misinformation that was created to manipulate large swaths of the population for $$$ that are actually legit examples, lol.
I have a weak lower back.. the wobble at the top of high bar kills me. I am super stoked to try this tonight. I miss squatting heavy. Been years since I went above 400.
This is exactly what mark teaches in his book. Senior year of highschool I read the entire thing and never thought of squatting any other way besides this. Low bar = stability. And when you have hip drive it just feels so much more powerful
Wow, this collab is so cool. A totally different side in terms of pacing and jokes. Never thought you guys and Stan would fit so well.
Yes! I super agree!
That's what's awesome about juji he goes with the flow and obsorbs all the knowledge
Juji and Toms channel is just so good. They're always so open minded and willing to learn from every type of athlete, and allowing us as viewers to tag along and watch has really created such a massive collection of knowledge and tips
Dropped the f bomb just seconds after the little girl walks in... lol
Yeah but, it was in Russian , so she wouldn’t understand.
@@denariusshekels ahhh your right
Why did it blow my mind when he got up from sitting
Most useful part of the video right there!
Man, I went straight to the comments to see if I was the only one! Powerful stuff.
Right? Natural movement is always the healthiest, and safest.
You wanna see something that'll really blow your mind? Look at the position a little kid like a toddler will take when they squat. Look up "toddler squat form" and you'll see exactly what I mean. On instinct their bodies just know what the most mechanically advantageous position to take is. Also, try to just bodyweight squat in the high bar and low bar positions, and see which one you can stay comfortably in the bottom position for longer.
Or you can mimic sitting down and getting up from the chair. You can also put weight on your back and experiment with body mechanics that make squats feel super easy that's will be your proper mechanics
4:56 - I have Starting Strength and followed Rip's approach. Until the standing from a seated chair maneuver, I didn't get it. Thanks for the light bulb Stan.
For me the natural use of the form dawned on me when someone showed me a picture of how toddlers squat, and it made perfect sense why this form feels so natural and stable.
@@JackgarPrime for me it was Chinese people. No joke. I saw video on UA-cam named "the Chinese squat" or something and it made sense. They weren't talking about weightlifting, but I saw the connection. Ever since Ive sounded racist when I try to explain my squat form
yeah the talking about how standing up from a chair is natural "low bar" doesnt make any sence because the 'chair' itself isnt natural at all...you just squat a the way down and up
Watched this video a week ago and tried my pr squat with this technique and I beat my pr. 320 to 335 just from changing to this technique. Great video
reigh dela cruz I was the opposite. Was squatting 350 5x5. Wanted to go higher, watched some bad tips and hurt my back. For some don’t fix what’s not broken I guess. Too many “experts” on yt lol.
@@danielvelkovski3156 or maybe you implemented the advice wrong/imprudently and didn't practice first at lower weights, and so weren't physiologically prepared for that movement with that weight yet. Don't rush to conclusions
Daniel Velkovski uh homie did you see this dudes creds? He knows what he’s doing
when that girl came out and Stan swore ahahaha
I didn't even notice the swearing. I had to go back and re-watch, but then again I swear a lot.
lol wut!? Judging from the rest of the video I don’t think Stan cares
The other kid getting in the way and climbing all over the rack was way more annoying and potentially dangerous.
I tried it I have more control on the bar.
This is how my power lifting coach taught me to squat when i was in high school. it feels odd to have the weight lower on your back but i definitely saw improvements in my lifts when i got use to it. i then had to hear all my adult life how i squat improperly lol. glad to finally have some validation. looking good juji, love you tom, keep being real my guys.
I love how Juji is legit just taking in all the information and trying to understand himself the whole video. Its like you can see his mind working through his face :D
The intake of knowledge is too real!
Loved the video and I've always been scared of squatting because of lower back problems and I think this initial stance with a tight core is the way forward for me. Soo excited to go hit legs tomorrow, and I'm never excited for legs LOL
Keep it up Guys
Dude same. I have issues with low back when doing any sort of squat or deadlift. This definitely gives me more insight into modifying form to fit function.
@@germandan5 I tried it and I felt much stronger, still felt a bit off (gonna record myself next time to check the form) but the low bar with the pinky under (Got bad wrists) felt soo much nicer then I've been doing before. A lot less pressure on my lower back until I decided to go heavier then a slight pain started creeping in.
Gonna keep at it tho this vid helped loads
Not a good idea. This form is better for knee pain but worse for back pain. You are leaning forward more than a high bar squat causing more pressure to be put on your lower back. That's why it hurt when you added weight. It may be a more powerful position, but its definitely worse for your back.
@GW M Care to explain why?
You should probably incorporate reverse hypers and glute ham raises to strengthen the lower back. I'd almost guarantee it's a strength issue
Stan is one of the most intelligent lifters I've ever encounters. I would have paid for this video! I've changed my squatting to this style as well and it has saved my knees and back!
After ACL surgery many years ago, I found that squatting this same way reduced knee pain significantly. I'm very glad to hear that this is approved by a pro .
I've listened to Mark Rippetoe say the words "hiip drahhhve" way too many times and now I will never hear those words the same again.
Hip drahve, fahves and a gallon o' milk, the Starting Str trinity :)
And nipples pointing to the ground 😂
shooove ya asss up outta the hole
@@clayjohnson233 is he some sort of pervert?
Just watching this I felt my squat getting stronger.
Mark Rippetoe: Hip drive.
People: Oh no, that's a goodmorning, your si joint aaaaaaahhhhggg!!
Stan Efferding: Quotes mark Rippetoe.
People: So insightful, I'm gonna have to try this!
It's the accent.
I mean Stan even says he's doing it exactly how Ripp says to do it. I need to try this because I hate high-bar as it's just really uncomfortable for me. Unfortunately I've been working out at home with only dumbbells for the last year or so.
For someone of Stan's caliber to say that he has changed the way he squats because of Rip is a huge deal.
@@joshuatate5671 Right?
You're always gonna have your naysayers but Mark has a huge following and people that use his techniques. It's not like he was widely shunned or anything
This video just changed my life. No bullshit. I was ready to give up squatting due to knee pain- I was having trouble bending down and getting into my car. I tried this today after a six week break from squatting and it felt amazing. Thank you Stan Efferding!
I immediately had to go to the gym. These cues just fixed my squat. I’m so dam happy.
I love Juji such a humble human being and must of all teachable. Keep it up.
1:28 - Saw a little girl stealing marchandise. It is ABnormal
Samuel Lapierre I was thinking how perfect the timing was.. she walked in on Stan dropping the f bomb 😂
Edit: @ 0:27
Man I gotta try this out I hate squatting because of my knees this could be technique I needed.
Same bro. deterioration of the miniscus, coupled with minor arthritis in my knees, scared me away from doing squats.
You should really try it. It has helped me a lot. I also feel like my dead lifts got stronger because of this technique too. One more thing is that by having a more horizontal back your hamstrings will lengthen with the momevent and you are able to use the stretch reflex of your hamstrings. Its really powerful
moris salas low bar is a similar movement to the deadlift so that makes sense. So much more comfortable than high bar in my experience.
Read starting strength.
I started low bar after I watched Mark Bell talk about squating with Ed Chon, great advise was to open up the guch not knees. I also like to do banded face pulls to help warm up my shoulders, less pain and lower on the back.
I use this exact squatting technique when I take a dump in public bathrooms.
Or in the street
@@hippo6billion811 bruh that ain't it
I got my squat up to 330lbs over a year. I was doing high bar, full depth, wide stance. My knees would be stiff and aches when bending over, going up stairs, even when after I switched to a Wednesday light day.
I switched to starting strength low bar squats to full depth and within a month I have 0 knee pain or stiffness. I feel kinda silly now for resisting the switch for so long.
0:26 that's what we call "perfect timing"
Александр Саминин wow
stan isn't that great of a role model...is he?
@@TVTruther Man it's just words. If his daughter ever asks what it means I'm sure he will educate her properly about it. If that is his daughter.
@@CJHan --just words is what many a german child learned from Hitler...you really need to educate yourself on the dynamics of how society learns and does..
@@TVTruther Comparing this to fucking Hitler lmao oooooook bud.
Tom has literally created the youtube fitness multiverse :D
I think we still are unable to fully appreciate what Tom did for us. He really stitched together SO many fitness dimensions together through this channel! I think this is a truly historic time both for the real and virtual segments of athletics!
Praise be Tom boyden!, seriously though he does an awesome job
Is Tom, Thanos?
@@gwansama9765 ...so after all he and Thor (Juji) ended up being best buddies. :)
I was thinking the same!
I squat like this because it’s the most comfortable for me and I feel stronger. When someone tells me to keep my chest up and knees out I end up arching my back and get low back pain. I’m glad I came across this video so I can keep doing it the way that feels best.
I think a video of them standing from a chair would prove them wrong, just as they did in this video.
I come back to this video every now and then. I still think this is one of the most underrated squat videos on UA-cam. Great stuff.
I began squatting like this recently sort of on accident. I wasn’t even sure if it was good form or not but felt much more power and stability and my knees weren’t nearly as sore afterwards. This is confirming, great video! Tons of help and insight.
Jim Garnett
Me 2. I go super low though like Martins does
84jamesp same brother. I wish I would have prioritized squatting before I turned 30 haha- I’ve got to swallow my pride before heading to the gym each time but I love really going after that range of motion.
This is how I've always squat. I also never never if it was good or not. It just always felt more comfortable.
ironmike southern delta male!
ironmike southern .... which means your a douche
My god I just realized this trainer guy at my gym like 5 years ago was trying to tell me this
I once had a guy come up to me saying I had shit form and then pretty much just showed me him doing this form and repping 315 for 10 but not telling how to change my form and what to do and he wanted to be a personal trainer.
This was probably 3-4 years ago. If he properly taught me I probably could of been much stronger.
Well it’s a good thing you learned now
That lebron squat lmfao! “Pro athlete” with top notch “trainers”
Lebron's squat looks like what a skinny freshman does his first time in a gym haha
Il let him off cos he 6’8
It's an intentional squat variation
@@JakeJacobs_ ha
@@MegaMrsuperawesome dont do this
I've been squatting, low bar, for a bit over a year, and I always felt like I was doing it wrong. Now I see I've been fighting against what was naturally correct. Thank you.
This is the best squat video on UA-cam! Watched it couple of years ago my squat was never the same. More weight, never had pain in my knees, lower back. You instantly feel you have the stability in the lowest position.
I love the way Stan talks, the way he formulates sentences is absolutely eloquent
He be a smart man
Stop making up words. Formulates, eloquent. I swear, the ridiculosity is off the charts.
@@ZedF86 go read a book kid.
@@joelbenoitthewanderingbiso4976 Will do. Good talk.
Fantastic! Funnily enough after 35 years of squatting I changed my technique in exactly the same way and I agree. No more knee problems. When you are 20 you might not notice this, but when you get to 50 it’s a different ballgame and your joints will thank you.
Neuromuscular education 👍
This video really encouraged me , after 25 years of experience that I can still learn and change my form and beliefs , that flexibility of the mind will keep me squatting in the next phase of my life .
Glad to see someone actually explaining lowbar the way it works. I've always known that's it's basically a standing legpress, but just hearing him say that and explain it is reassuring... 167BW 5"10 135x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x2 lowbar squatting
I have hated squats for almost 10 years. Its my worst lift and I have almost completely neglected squatting. I have struggled with butt wink, collapsing knees, and back pain during squats. Ive had multiple coaches and friends attempt to help me and nothing has worked for me. I can't wait to try this low bar technique. Thank you for posting this.
Yo I appreciate this video so much my knees usually kill me during legs but changing up my form just a little has made a world of difference thanks guys much appreciation
Stan looks super healthy for his age, theres no denying he knows what he's talking about.
He's a master of fitness and he knows a lot about nutrition too but he's also a climate change denier sooooo
@@thammar1990 Wow it seems that he did some work and searched about the subject from people in the field of climatology and not on headlines.
@@stefangoerke2692 have to the love the "Denier" label as well. As tho it's the ultimate truth and anyone who doesn't believe is a heretic.
Eric not a heretic but definitely ignorant
Thank all of you guys so much! I’ve had such bad knee pain in my left knee for yearsss. First time I did this and NO knee pain, none. I can’t thank you enough for this video. 👍👍👍
Being an ex- collegiate powerlifter, I was always told I only squatted like this because of “bad mobility” & “Hip issues”. Not once did I ever feel any pain or experience problems. Once you gets use to squatting like this, you’ll notice & feel a big difference in your power.
Low bar+ wide stance = more power
I always thought I was crazy squatting like this. No one else at the gym did this. I learned it from starting strength.
SS is like the bible of lifting
Most people at the gym don't know shit!
And everyone will tell you you’ll hurt your back doing it like this. Including the trainers.
Have a look at what it takes to be a qualified personal trainer. Then have a look at what it takes to be a moderately successful one.
Notice how *really* knowing what you are talking about is not a requirement.
What's the name of the exercise?
I find it incredible that after all these years, no one has noticed or bothered how teach Jon the quintessential power lifting squat, the lowbar squat. He is gonna be repping 600 in no time now.
NotSoFastDriver lmao
NotSoFastDriver seriously that’s what I thought. I at least would’ve thought he could’ve done a quick youtube search and solve his problem.
Well, Stan himself said he squatted wrong and made world records and only changed his technique very recently. So I am sure we can forgive Juji for changing his form at a much younger age.
Probably because he's so big and strong, nobody ever figured it was something he needed to be corrected on. "Well this guy's huge, so he must be doing something right!" is the effect that goes in there, even with other fitness folks.
At 5:00 as he gets up off the bench, man his back is humongous.
I was thinking the exact same thing. I thought he was rounding his back until I realized, oh SHIT, that's muscle
"You own the hole"
Yep, that's why I train too.
Has squatting helped _your_ micropenis too?
Is it hole or hull?
Yeah and your screen name goes right with the comment sir lmao 🤣
Damn, just as I'm relearning my squats this pops up. Your timing is impecable Tom!
This is gold. As a tall man long legs this is the best form for me. I used to dread squat day. Now I squat 3 days a week, 2 heavy. No knee pain if I do this correct.
Before watching this video I believe I've learned to use this form of movement, which eliminated 90% of my lower back soreness. After watching this video I lowered the bar on my back and found it to be extremely comfortable and was able to increase the weight by a good amount. Thank you.
I haven’t squated over 3 plates yet, using this technique I’m damn sure it’ll get me pass that 💯💪🏾
You can do it man!! I remember the first time I squatted 3 plates it felt so mentally relieving.. trying a different form helped tremendously, but it is definitely a huge mental hurdle. I was squatting 285 as a PR and it felt super heavy until one day I tried 315 confidently believing I could and I did. GOODLUCK man!
I’ve been practicing this form since this video came out. Works like a charm! No more knee pains on leg days
Hands down the best squat tutorial ever
This posture seems to turn the squat into a bit more into a deadlift-type muscle recruitment, but I gotta say this guy is making a lot of sense- especially with the standing from a seated position cue.
Great video guys, best part is Stan dropping the F bomb at .29 while the little girl walks in LOL
I was thinking the same, right at the wrong time
@@scrums4748 Or wrong at the right time.
oh no this little girl entire life is ruined... american dont mind bombing other country and killing children but oh god dont you dare saying fuck in front of a child. : D
It's pronounced "Hip draaaaaaahve" - Copyright M Rippetoe
Art & science of powerlifting! I really like Stan's approach to the matter!
So I watched this yesterday and have had bad knee soreness squating for a long time. Both ACLs replaced...
I’m doing this style right now. No sleeves and my glutes are firing like crazy. Holy shit...
Thank you.
Seriously probably one of the most educational videos if watched for squat. Thank you Juji and Tom for doing this.
I'm just sitting here nodding my head along in agreement while a bowl of Ben and Jerry's rests on my belly.
I'm poopin'
22, lifting for 4 years now. THANKYOU, this is gonna keep me out of a wheelchair stg. Thought I just had bad knees and my squats were weak for my weight. This helps me recruit my kardashian esq. ass to squat instead of loading my knees up! Got some flat duck feet which I guess made squatting weird. This helped me hit depth and improved my squat immediately. ✊🏼
I found rippetoe about 3months ago, and yeah that “hip draaahve” really helped me feel stable when squatting
This only works when you have the sufficient posterior chain strength to maintain your torso in that position.
If you have always been quad dominant and squat high bar, then you would likely be weaker with this new form,
at least in the beginning.
This changed my squad completely and made me fall in love with this exercise again, just wow
Holy shit, does that ever work. Thank you Stan. The standing leg press explaination made the change so easy.
DAMN, he is a good teacher! Lot of great ques! 😊👌
You look like a fucking iced gem
This is how I learned to squat haven’t had any sort of pains in my knees
Does it put stress on your lower back cause I wanna try it to take stress off of mine
Man!!! I just wanna thank both of you for this video. I thought I was either gonna have this pain in my knee the rest of my life or blow it out. Wow. Simple low bar position changed my life. Can’t say thanks enough!
Switching to low-bar squat changed everything for me. I love leg-days now, thanks to you guys. Much appreciated!
Ironically, he's wearing a shirt that says "Get Vertical" when lauding the merits of the more horizontal style of squat.
Moved the bar vertically. 💡
I thought exactly the same
Jack Nagy
I was just being a smartass. 🍻
JackgarPrime “get vertical” is a diet that Stan help make popular. Vertical dieting. Stan is very knowledgeable.
@@brianadam5657 Yes, I know what the Vertical Diet is. I'm just commenting on the irony of having a shirt that says that when teaching a horizontal low bar squat form, where you want to not get too vertical.
I just want to thank this video. My back and knees have been suffering for years now and I’m only 19, this video saved my back and knees and even made my squat go up over a hundred pounds within a week with comfort. I know this comment will get lost but thank you.
100 lbs in a week.... bull fucking shit. Or u used to squat barely anything
Congratulations on the 145lb squat !! 👏👏
Juji and Tom start to squat everyday like clarence?
If you squat everyday you get wizard powers.
Only from high bar squats though
Its changed my life
Clarence watching the advice in this video: Shoot me
danehb89 Yeah, but Clarence is a weightlifter. If you aren’t trying to be a weightlifter I don’t really see the benefit of forcing a high bar squat.
Watching this video has actually helped me fix my squat form, and has made my max higher than ever before just Bc I fixed my form.
Watched it today and did it with no back or knee pain. Amazing thank you so much!. Forever changed the way I do squats now.
Holy shit, I just tried this and I've had knee issues too from my early lifting days with bad form, feels great!!!!
Oh my God, Stan knows so much, more videos training with him, he's wiser than big wtf!
He's just passing on what he learned from Mark Rippatoe, you can learn it from the source by reading Starting Strength or going to a SS gym.
Is it just me or does anything training related seem to constantly come back to Starting Strength all of the sudden
I have had knee issues for years and found this way relives the pain. I figured it out from noticing how people at the gym stand up from sitting on bench's. I think we have been told incorrectly for years. 100% back this up👍
This helped me more than all the videos combined about right squat and its so easy to understand that guy deserves a freaking medal man... omg this was sso helpfull
Can't believe we got this for free. This man Stan is a legend!
lebron's squat form just looked nasty.
I squat like this, I started to squat like this because it didn't hurt my knees. I didn't even know it was the right way, it just felt better to do it like that.
This might have saved my squat for life. I was struggling for Ballance in my squat for years, always got told it was my lack of dorsiflexion (ankle flexibility) and to lay off heavy weight until i sorted it. Months of trying different techniques from plates under my heels, resistance band placement and even physio didn't work but 2 weeks working off this video and my balance/confidence to squat is where it should be. I feel like a bit of a idiot as it seemed so simple and basic but either way me and my health are seriously grateful. Thank you Juji, Tom & Stan
I could not have found this video at a better time: I have been feeling pain in my knees lately during squats at the higher weights in a 5x5 program.
I first heard the principle of loading the hips from Kelly Starrett’s BASL, but this video does an amazing job of queuing the movement with the “get out of a chair” idea, as well as demonstrating the scapula positioning with the low bar hold. So excited to start patterning this technique and hopefully take some of the load off of my knees.
Thank you guys!
Found starting strength last February and Low bar helped so much. Higschool football squatting form killed me and low bar took away all my pain in neck, low back, and knees. Went from a max of 350 to 500 in 6 weeks.
Throws Bear holy shit dude congrats. This motivates me to try lowbar :)
Wow, your form must have been very garbage to get such an increase. Im happy you you got it fix tho. Keep up!
@@lequack7130 It was. i find, as Stan shows when he has Juji sit down on the bench, that low bar is a natural squatting position and of course like everyone i had retarded coaches that didn't know what the hell they were doing and didn't care to teach you how to squat. Also the Novice effect if very profound as the starting strength book shows and how to program it.
@@laflamezz1907 I recommend buying the book Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training Volume 3. Its 27 bucks and teaches you everything including novice programming. Read it twice because you skimmed and watch the videos Mark Rippetoe has done. Alan thrall also made a good video and Art Of Manliness
@@throwsbear4334 nice
Anyone else always hear “hip draaahhve” in Rippetoe’s voice?
My favorite was the video he did on the Art of Manliness channel, where he's really going ham with "DRAAAAAHVE, BRET, DRAAAAAHVE! HIPS!"
The little girl in the back was waving that ab roller as it was proclaiming war 😂
I know this video is old now, but yeah damn I just had to say, such a good one; really glad I finally checked it out.
Stan the man, laying it down there. I learned to squat from Starting Strength too, but yeah there are always, always new things to pick up when hearing such knowledgeable, experienced people coach. Excellent stuff guys.
Getting pro-tips from Stan all because he called an audible on your PR squat form. Lucky ducky! Hat tip to Stan for the help. Pat on the back to Juji for being the man and having an open mind to accept the guidance.