Crazy CHEAP racecar build // RACE READY! + Race for free

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bradnerling7156
    @bradnerling7156 2 роки тому

    Love the color look. Can’t go wrong with red and black

  • @gavinbailey4004
    @gavinbailey4004 5 років тому +2

    Your videos gave me the perfect way to get myself into racing, hopefully this time next year I’ll be behind the wheel!

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      Glad we can help! Thats the whole point of what we do!

  • @bradnerling7156
    @bradnerling7156 2 роки тому

    I’m in. Whenever for whatever. You guys are great. Love the budget but livin the dream. Good luck going forward.

  • @dekodalong3640
    @dekodalong3640 3 роки тому

    I’m building a 98 prelude right now. Trying to figure out how I want to do the cage. Lol love the build man! Hoping I can get mine all finished up and be ready for next season

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  3 роки тому

      Use the proper tube. Make sure its welded well. Get the bars away from you as much as you can. Triangulate everything. Do that and you'll be golden! Good luck!

  • @mattsenft4810
    @mattsenft4810 5 років тому

    Loving the white wheels too.

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      Thanks man! My first racecar we did the wheels white. Havent done it since. I think it looks good on certain cars!

  • @codyportz8107
    @codyportz8107 5 років тому

    I’m in. Just got back from road America today.

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      Nice! I love Road America, such a great place! Got you down, good luck man!

  • @adamsadowski9397
    @adamsadowski9397 5 років тому

    I’m In!!!!

  • @haciendadefendini
    @haciendadefendini 4 роки тому

    I'm in.

  • @bradnerling7156
    @bradnerling7156 2 роки тому

    Do they allow tire stagger if they are stock tires ?

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  2 роки тому

      Every track and series have different rules. This particular series allows rear stagger, but not front.

  • @brandondorch8560
    @brandondorch8560 5 років тому


  • @adamd5530
    @adamd5530 5 років тому

    Im in!!

  • @mattsenft4810
    @mattsenft4810 5 років тому

    Best advice was leave the doors for last. When I did my car I welded the doors and boy what a pain it is to do anything in the car at that point.

  • @scottcomer1159
    @scottcomer1159 5 років тому

    Do you do lemons racing

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      I have done some in the past. Good fun! Just a bit pricey on the entry fee. Obviously I prefer road racing, but its just expensive.

  • @mattsenft4810
    @mattsenft4810 5 років тому

    How you get soooooo much done. It takes me a week just to do a fuel line. Also thanks to the rain Friday technically I'm not late for season start.

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      TV magic my man. Always seems easier when you see short cuts of the progress. Haha

  • @lemkelegion
    @lemkelegion 4 роки тому

    What paint did you use?

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  4 роки тому +1

      Rustoleum house paint and a roller. Lol

    • @lemkelegion
      @lemkelegion 4 роки тому

      @@thatracinglife I ask because i was trying to figure what brand you got to do a whole car for just 15 bucks lol, but i imagine enamel plus a little paint thinner should do the trick right?

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  4 роки тому

      @@lemkelegion This car didnt get a whole paint job, but the old one did. Pretty sure we used a quart of black and a quart of blue for the entire car! This one just used a quart of black. The roller works well for spreading it out.

  • @dvbs3608
    @dvbs3608 5 років тому

    Can I dirt track race while 14 I know how to drive stick and I’m pretty good?

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      It honestly depends on the track. Most tracks will let you. Some wont.

    • @dvbs3608
      @dvbs3608 5 років тому

      That Racing Life that’s for the response on the late comment

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      No problem!

  • @PrettyChrome
    @PrettyChrome 5 років тому

    I’m in!

  • @mikesivorot2272
    @mikesivorot2272 4 роки тому

    I am in

  • @nascarexperiencesbywilliam9488
    @nascarexperiencesbywilliam9488 5 років тому

    I'm in

  • @alexlam24
    @alexlam24 5 років тому

    My man Steve looking dummy thicc

  • @IspyGaming
    @IspyGaming 5 років тому

    im in

  • @slaughterhouseoutdoors2167
    @slaughterhouseoutdoors2167 5 років тому

    Im in

  • @RedSliceGaming34
    @RedSliceGaming34 5 років тому +1

    My car is 2/3rds of a bumper and a brake line bleeding from being RACE READY Atomic Speedway in Chillicothe Ohio here we come or i-77 in Ripley West Viriginia... I'll have to send you photos of it on instagram if thats cool?

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      Get'er done! Good luck out there and most importantly have fun!

    • @nickshabat258
      @nickshabat258 5 років тому

      My local is painsville speedway in painsville ohio

  • @nateweldgood
    @nateweldgood 5 років тому

    Hey, guess what. I’m in.

  • @mattsenft4810
    @mattsenft4810 5 років тому

    Yup roller paint job is best. I see people put hundreds of dollars of pro decals on a $500 build SMH.

    • @thatracinglife
      @thatracinglife  5 років тому

      Lots of people get the decals sponsored. That helps a ton!

  • @gavinbailey4004
    @gavinbailey4004 5 років тому +1

    I’m in!!!!!!!

  • @johnrichardson5816
    @johnrichardson5816 5 років тому

    I'm in

  • @kyleham5604
    @kyleham5604 2 роки тому

    I'm in