Debunking the Euphemisms: Nazis are Not Protesters

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @michaelgreaves2375
    @michaelgreaves2375 Місяць тому +5

    There is a world of difference between Protesters who are calling attention to an injustice, and Instigators who are fomenting violence in an effort to gain power.

  • @HiNickCares
    @HiNickCares Місяць тому +29

    Physiognomy check.

  • @hewhoneverdies001
    @hewhoneverdies001 Місяць тому +21

    I get the sense that Joan sees the word 'protester' as universally positive. I must have missed that memo.

    • @bennettgrimm2618
      @bennettgrimm2618 Місяць тому +3

      Yeah, i dont think they get that protest is a verb. You can protest human rights, it'd be weird but you could do it.

    • @HiNickCares
      @HiNickCares Місяць тому

      People do that all the time.

    • @lyrapsi
      @lyrapsi Місяць тому

      Or the dictionary definition of the word, might I suggest you pick one up.

    • @isk8nyc
      @isk8nyc Місяць тому

      This is basically I don't like the opposition goals, so I'm going to link it to a horrible organization from the 1930's in order morally violate human rights. The problem with this outlook is that it has two major flaws.
      1 The process of tying someone to the nazi movement is extremely subjective, and more often than not heavy handed in it's approach. Any evidence that may exist as to why someone is a nazi outweighs all evidence they exist that they are not.
      2 Buy trying to shutdown protests based on disagreement with the also links whomever is making the claim with the Nazi's as this was a key aspect of the Nazi's they would not suffer discenters. Furthermore is seeks to deprive people of a human right, another key aspect of Nazism.
      I don't think liberals learned the warning from Nietzsche, "Be careful when fighting monsters they you do not become a monster yourself. For when you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazed into you" Oh sure they may hate the racism of Nazi's but censorship, and punishment of the opposition of the Nazi's that's just fine with them. And the fundamental issue that once you consider another group inferior abuse is inevitable. "but this is morally justified" they will claim, as did just about every other group including the nazi's who became oppresive towards another group.
      This whole train of thought above falls apart once you accept the morality is subjective and that your views of morality may be wrong.

  • @Chobblesome000
    @Chobblesome000 Місяць тому +36

    protesters are people who protest. Simple as that. There is no inherent moral value in being a protester, it is only when they are protesting against injustice, the protest becomes morally justified.

    • @computergamescritical6917
      @computergamescritical6917 Місяць тому +7

      Agreed, this person holds a sentimental relationship with the term “protest” and so perceives that label being assigned to movements not protesting against actual injustice to be in some sense “inaccurate.” I don’t know where they picked up the idea that protesting was some sacred thing, but it literally just means *a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.*
      The media hasn’t hesitated to call these protests far-right, and so this person’s objection here stems from their fundamentally different feelings towards that word.

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara Місяць тому +1

      But rioting isn't protesting though.

    • @iancowan3527
      @iancowan3527 Місяць тому +1

      Thank you... I tossed more in post, but I think I said close to the very same thing... Our language and words are not locked terms! Only good people can be Protesters ~ bad people need not apply! Is hilarious, sad, and slightly scary ~ to think this guy thinks "being like them!" (And he doesn't catch that!) is how you counter them!!!

    • @Chobblesome000
      @Chobblesome000 Місяць тому

      ​@@iancowan3527 it is chilling to hear him talking like he alone is the only moral authority. Fortunately, I don't think this person is any good at pushing his agenda. He put too much emotion into the video and it turns obnoxious and cringe.

    • @iancowan3527
      @iancowan3527 Місяць тому +1

      @@Chobblesome000 ~ Anger does not often led to logically thinking... And many people who haven't researched the topic ~ Nazis were and are a political party ~ that rose up after World War 1... They were focused on Nationalism, Racially Separation, and Government Intrusion... Which was fostered by the economic pitfalls created by what were called War Costs ~ the national debt foreign nations imposed on losing country after a war! A practice America stopped doing after the War of 1812 I believe (I'm likely off on when, but by the time of WWI America had already stopped imposing such things!)... But it was the rage of a people who couldn't feed their families or make a working wage ~ fueled by a man that promised to give them 'better life again' and the rewards of revenge ~ that propelled a small obscure group to take power and the rest is history!

  • @zufalllx
    @zufalllx Місяць тому +20

    lol you complain that 'protester' is thrown around and has lost meaning while calling everything you disagree with 'Nazi'.
    The self own here is epic 🤣🤣

  • @mileslugo6430
    @mileslugo6430 Місяць тому +11

    Aren't you just idolizing protestors?
    Politics is violence, and your pride in your own political actions makes you into a crusader in the worse sense. The difference between a Violent self-aggrandizing protestors and a Non-violent Humble Marcher who works together to boycott a business or government program is your attitude.

  • @masscreationbroadcasts
    @masscreationbroadcasts Місяць тому +14

    I'm going to need to check with some people if this is or isn't 1:1 state propaganda.

    • @some_random_wallaby
      @some_random_wallaby Місяць тому

      Bruh, what? What did he say that was political? He didn't point to any specific protests or people. And by state, you do mean the Australian government? Because... seriously, what?

    • @masscreationbroadcasts
      @masscreationbroadcasts Місяць тому +6

      @@some_random_wallaby if you're telling me that someone making a video about Nazis are not protesters while there are protests in England decried by the government and media as far right and those two have zero connection, I don't know if your thinking is salvageable.

    • @jason59k55
      @jason59k55 Місяць тому

      yes bro not liking nzs, racists, and xenophobes is secret government mi-6 propaganda

    • @Eva-ez1ks
      @Eva-ez1ks Місяць тому

      ​@@masscreationbroadcastsThese "protests" are racist lynch mobs burning down buildings they associate with immigrants

    • @some_random_wallaby
      @some_random_wallaby 29 днів тому

      @@masscreationbroadcasts I'm completely unaware of what goes on in England. Did you watch the video? His whole point was that you shouldn't call N* merely protesters; call them what they are.

  • @user-rs6vc1xe5s
    @user-rs6vc1xe5s Місяць тому +21

    I support the current thing 🤘whooo... i also see baddies from ww2 everywhere and am also totally sane... you go girl!!!

    • @marycaine8874
      @marycaine8874 Місяць тому

      Exactly! In spite of 'Joan's' word salad his argument boils down to this: if you object to your country being demographically changed out of all recognition and don't go along with the current woke nonsense, I'll call you a Nazi. Nothing profound or original there.

    • @marycaine8874
      @marycaine8874 Місяць тому +7

      Exactly! In spite of 'Joan's' word salad, his argument boils down to this: if you object to having your country demographically changed out of all recognition or don't buy the current woke nonsense, I'll call you a WWII baddie. Nothing new or profound there.

    • @12many4you
      @12many4you Місяць тому

      I thought i would be happy when thei stopped raging against the Jews but its clearly just a hiatus to support their genocidal buddies

    • @isk8nyc
      @isk8nyc Місяць тому

      @@marycaine8874 Isn't it funny how any shred of evidence someone may be a nazi, outweighs all evidence someone isn't a Nazi, starting with there is no longer a organization called the Nazis on could be a member of even if they wanted to?

  • @leeadickes7235
    @leeadickes7235 Місяць тому +11

    Democracy protects the rights of the majority. The US's Constitutional Republic protects the rights of the minority. The individual is the smallest minority.

    • @mabus4910
      @mabus4910 29 днів тому

      Modern definitions of democracy inherently include protections for minority rights and individual freedoms, so when we discuss democracy today, we're not referring to the majority-rule model of ancient Greece.

  • @miloirvine5848
    @miloirvine5848 Місяць тому +7

    Who are the nazis? They legit dont ever explain in the video?

  • @TylerDunnYaMum
    @TylerDunnYaMum Місяць тому +31

    Stop calling everyone Nazis

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara Місяць тому +4

      This is cope, nobody does this.

    • @lyrapsi
      @lyrapsi Місяць тому

      The rioting Nazi's who set fire to a hotel with migrants were verbalizing on the media that they were Nazi's, so why don't you go email them and explain to them why they can't be called Nazi's and when they explain their mistake to the rest of us after you've clarified the people who are claiming to be Nazi's on their tiktok feeds while they rioted, and rioting under the word "protest" as Nazi's with the Nazi flag, that they are no longer allowed to identify themselves to the rest of us as Nazis and then we will stop calling them Nazi's. I'm sure a number of them will feel sheepish and have those swastikas tattoos removed.

    • @michaelgreaves2375
      @michaelgreaves2375 Місяць тому

      How about people who are anti-Semitic, who Idolize Hitler, demand white supremacy, and proudly wear swastikas in public? Can we call them Nazi's, or No?

    • @thomasleach6577
      @thomasleach6577 Місяць тому +5

      ​@@Khalkaraare joking

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara Місяць тому +3

      @@thomasleach6577 No

  • @funklelester8646
    @funklelester8646 Місяць тому +29

    The amount of projection and lack of self awareness of the liberal has no limit.

    • @12many4you
      @12many4you Місяць тому +4

      If they remembered anything before their last spoken sentence they wouldn't be lefties

    • @12many4you
      @12many4you Місяць тому

      Also stop calling them liberal. They are obviously authoritarian asshats

    • @lyrapsi
      @lyrapsi Місяць тому +1

      One could say the exact same thing about you.

    • @Iwantjewstodie
      @Iwantjewstodie Місяць тому +3

      @@lyrapsi they could, but they’d be wrong lol

    • @W333L
      @W333L 27 днів тому

      If this is the average liberal then Richard Spencer is the average conservative

  • @roopew62
    @roopew62 Місяць тому +6

    This is so far off base. And he calls would be free speech advocates faux intellectuals 😂

  • @goyoelburro
    @goyoelburro Місяць тому +2

    I think Richard Medhurst put it perfectly when he called them *POGROMS, NOT PROTESTS*
    Because that's what they are, Pogroms.

  • @llamabator
    @llamabator Місяць тому +19

    this has to be satire. 😂😂

    • @catkook543
      @catkook543 Місяць тому +2

      with the title, the description, and how straight faced he said everything with no sign of humor throughout the whole video
      i doubt it

  • @catkook543
    @catkook543 Місяць тому +11

    so, if we are to de-platform "Natzis", who's to say your not a natzi?

    • @some_random_wallaby
      @some_random_wallaby Місяць тому

      Anyone can say sh** and it won't matter unless a significant number of people agree. It does require a shred of historical awareness, but it's not hard.
      I suppose you're in favour of absolute free speech. I can sympathise, having been on the internet since ~2001, but you have to understand that essentially means letting ISIS post recruitment videos here. Surely, some deplatforming is a good thing.

    • @catkook543
      @catkook543 Місяць тому +3

      @@some_random_wallaby if we want to bring up historical awareness, might i bring up the red scare

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara Місяць тому

      Because one can look at what natzi's act like (read: what rhetoric/arguments they use) and compare it to what you're doing.

    • @LG123ABC
      @LG123ABC Місяць тому +1

      @@some_random_wallaby NO! Absolutely not! Deplatforming is NEVER a good thing! The only antidote for bad speech is MORE speech.
      Trying to deplatform someone you disagree with is actually saying: 1) My ideas are weak and can't compete with yours. 2) I am a coward.

    • @catkook543
      @catkook543 Місяць тому

      @@Khalkara and what if i want to instead compare what someone is doing to Joseph McCarthy

  • @AlexApol
    @AlexApol Місяць тому +11

    These Nazis. Are they in the room with you right now?

  • @Warcrimeenthusiast
    @Warcrimeenthusiast Місяць тому +6

    Are you off your meds again

  • @nachofish4477
    @nachofish4477 Місяць тому +7

    rent due

  • @MRCAB
    @MRCAB Місяць тому +15

    Holy shot this guy is soooo out of touch with reality. Either that or he’s lying. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @crashboykc1222
    @crashboykc1222 Місяць тому +4

    Bro you're collectively propagating the stupor.

  • @CanVultus
    @CanVultus Місяць тому +6

    What you’re doing is arguing a logical fallacy through semantics. By exact definition they are indeed protesting. Learn some grade school vocabulary. a person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to something. Nowhere in the definition does it say it has to be peaceful or by debate only. You have the comprehension skills of a toddler.

  • @dundabird3203
    @dundabird3203 29 днів тому

    But they are protesting something, which, by definition, makes them protestors. You may have positive connotations to the word, but it is a neutral thing to be. Protester is not necessarily a positive thing to be, and are frequently deeply emotional and ignorant, like bolshevists, communist revolutionaries, populists, or violent sectarians.

  • @scottfrazier8105
    @scottfrazier8105 Місяць тому +10

    The problem is that people like you calling protesters, Nazis.

    • @Eibesieg
      @Eibesieg Місяць тому

      show respect to ppl who know better than you.

    • @some_random_wallaby
      @some_random_wallaby 29 днів тому +2

      I thought he made that clear with the "you have to have a shred of historical awareness" and "if it looks like one, sounds like one..." He doesn't seem to be just whinging about people he disagrees with. It's about people who are ideologically fascist, especially if they're rioters.

    • @scottfrazier8105
      @scottfrazier8105 28 днів тому

      @Eibesieg I am guessing you're being sarcastic, but it's pretty funny either way.

    • @Eibesieg
      @Eibesieg 27 днів тому

      I mean, some political opinions don't deserve an intellectual platform. Sorry, if you are a nazi, you don't deserve to speak. That's just the way the world is gonna be from now on

  • @beanward_xd527
    @beanward_xd527 Місяць тому +6

    Are you ever going to do a video on the part of Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about preventing grooming gangs from popping up in German cities?

  • @alexlorda394
    @alexlorda394 Місяць тому +1

    Stop calling protesters Nazis. For that matter don't use "nazi" as a euphemism it makes one come across as an idiot.

  • @IGotN0
    @IGotN0 Місяць тому +1

    every time.

  • @MunchinMaQuchy
    @MunchinMaQuchy Місяць тому +2

    idgaf what you call them. they are citizens and have the right to protest. you can label them terrorists and they still can gather and march if they want. you are not special.

  • @etothez9898
    @etothez9898 Місяць тому +2

    I have watched enough right wing content and how they portray the left, but your depiction of the right is straight up delusional bs. You strived away to much from the middle dude.

  • @MartynDerg
    @MartynDerg Місяць тому +2

    the captions are wrong, why use them at all? youtube's auto generated captions are more accurate, I can't pay attention because of the massive captions with a bright moving box, and they have so many mistakes ;A;

  • @TheOriginalTPro
    @TheOriginalTPro Місяць тому +1

    Any examples of those Nazis maybe? Who exactly are you talking about?

  • Місяць тому +3

    whats your opinion on the genocide of Palestine?

    • @Icarus07c
      @Icarus07c Місяць тому +2

      There isn't one.

    • @YungStinkyWinky
      @YungStinkyWinky Місяць тому +1

      The genocide against Jews perpetrated by Hamas? It's horrible.

    • @some_random_wallaby
      @some_random_wallaby Місяць тому

      You're disingenuous. It's not right to ask that without also asking what his opinion of Oct 7th is.
      I can't imagine this bloke would defend the actions of either Israel or "Palestine" (whatever that means), although there is a discussion to be had about what Israel realistically could have and should have done.

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara Місяць тому +1

      @@some_random_wallaby You're being delusional.
      7th of Oct is an entirely different event than the genocide of Palestinians. Not to mention a hugely different level of scale.
      One can have an opinion on one of these events, without having to state an opinion on the other.

    • @jason59k55
      @jason59k55 Місяць тому

      ​@@some_random_wallabyoc7 was almost a YEAR ago and youre STILL talking about it while PLSTINAN MASS GRAVES or CHLDRN are CONSTANTLY being dug up as we speak. thats like getting mad at slves for the nat turner slve revolt and deciding slves want to kll all whte people. palestinian CHLDRN are being RPED and SLGHTURED by isrl and all you say is "but khamass khamass oc7 oc7 oc7 khamass terorism!!!" keep in mind isrl has being doing oc7s to palstne CONSTANLY "mowing the grass" where they go into plstne and just flatten them.
      and palestine defines the indigenous people of the region who are the closest descendants of the canaanites, phillistinians, and hebrew people; these people are currently being murdrd. but frankly why does that even matter, the fact is people in general are being mrdred by isrl. in fact what is isrl then, whatever that means?

  • @mullukkullum4929
    @mullukkullum4929 Місяць тому +1

    Look at him throwing Buzzwords around as if there's a fuckin Prize for it. Read your Comments and get educated.

  • @the_real_inquisitor
    @the_real_inquisitor 27 днів тому

    "Language shapes our perception of reality"
    * countinies to call everyone a Nawtzi that has a different opinion *

  • @AspiLeo
    @AspiLeo 27 днів тому

    Other way around. Stop calling everyone nazi. I’m not a Nazi. I’m simply not agreeing with how my country is ran. And so I’m demonstrating. I’m not violent, I’m not extreme. I’m not a nazi. But I’m not left enough for some people and so they label me a Nazi so they have an excuse to take action against me.

  • @gobbyy5
    @gobbyy5 Місяць тому +3

    ahh a take from a berg lolol

  • @MaestroMarc
    @MaestroMarc Місяць тому

    What Nazis are you talking about? Patriot Front? Thomas Sowell?

    • @deathpony698
      @deathpony698 29 днів тому

      normal people with reasonable concerns are nazis at this point

  • @rustyshack2349
    @rustyshack2349 Місяць тому +2

    We don't really protest you. You're talking about the English people misled by tommy Robinson. We change minds and we're winning.

    • @rustyshack2349
      @rustyshack2349 Місяць тому

      And if you actually listen to any fat person you're dumb

    • @marycaine8874
      @marycaine8874 Місяць тому +8

      I see. We have been 'misled' about imported grooming gangs, terrorism, knife and acid attacks. Well, it's a point of view, I suppose.

    • @Eshayzbra96
      @Eshayzbra96 Місяць тому

      Europe is white. Britain is white.

    • @Warcrimeenthusiast
      @Warcrimeenthusiast Місяць тому +1

      Your not changing anything

  • @jean-pierretanguay4810
    @jean-pierretanguay4810 Місяць тому +2


  • @leadbreastplate7496
    @leadbreastplate7496 Місяць тому


  • @davidpothier6823
    @davidpothier6823 29 днів тому

    Protestors burned a fire truck to slag here in MA a few years ago right after breaking in dozens of store windows and starting fights with onlookers should they be considered benevolent because their night began in protest?

  • Місяць тому +1

    APPRECIATE YOU! but your title is confusing. i wasnt sure if you were defending nazis as being protestors. keep it up though.

    • @nachofish4477
      @nachofish4477 Місяць тому

      imagine having to traverse life with a sub 80 iq

  • @BenLaakkonen
    @BenLaakkonen Місяць тому

    I'm viewer 666... Nice.

  • @danzilthard.7248
    @danzilthard.7248 Місяць тому +1

    There's an awful lot of people in here talking shit about denouncing Nazi's. Curious.

    • @flyingmonkeydeathsquadronc968
      @flyingmonkeydeathsquadronc968 Місяць тому

      It's because the new Nazi is on the "left" trying to silence the "right". Most of Hitlers ideas were socialist.

  • @Jamie_says_weirding_is_real
    @Jamie_says_weirding_is_real Місяць тому +1

    Yesssss! My fingers were crossed for a vid on this one. You're a remarkable writer.

  • @OrionDworkinORION
    @OrionDworkinORION Місяць тому +2

    Spot-on Joan.

  • @-handala-
    @-handala- Місяць тому


  • @theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329
    @theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329 Місяць тому

    Agreed, but I'd like to know what you think “the pale” is, and why being beyond it is such a bad thing?
    I literally live beyond the pale historically. You're basically saying these people are acting like uncivilized Irish, yet to be conquered by the English. That's what beyond the pale means. Like something is so bad, only those barbaric Irish would be into it.
    You did repeatedly say language matters, not trying to be an arse.

  • @bjjkickboxing7876
    @bjjkickboxing7876 Місяць тому +1

    I mean it is a protest.....against democracy💀😭🤣

  • @BitRaiser
    @BitRaiser Місяць тому

    Refreshingly honest. Well done.