I fitted the kit to my 09 Puma yesterday. It was all going well until trying to get the gearstick back on. I found that it was way too tight (even for a bigger hammer) after the prescribed two wraps of tape and wouldn't seat fully. The only way to get the stick off was to undo the grubscrew and split the new shaft, before putting the gearstick in the vice (using soft clamps) and getting the molegrips to pull the new shaft out. I removed the insulating tape, re-greased and then it fitted perfectly with a few taps of the soft hammer. After reassembly and refitting of the carpet etc it is a great improvement and highly recommended. Not sure if the new kit shaft is bigger than the old, or my gearstick was less worn, but it was definitely an "Oh sh1t..." moment.
Great video. Just fitted this to my ‘new to me’ 2008 Puma 110, combined with some fancy-schmancy new levers, they look great, but more importantly shift slickly with minimal travel and no stirring of porridge! Thank you both for the well made parts and the step by step video.
If you are buying this kit from this company they are really really great people and actually help you through the process, I am not a mechanic and I did it, very easy ! Buy from them ! I am not afflicated with this company just a great product and people
I really like your video, that’s exactly what my Landy needs too, thanks!!! Please could you tell me, where to order all necessary parts? Best would be a complete set 😊 with the article number, please!!!
Does the o-ring fit on the thicker main section of the upper shaft or does it sit in the step at the top of the newer style shaft (as opposed to the chamfer shown in the video)?
Hi Robbie - it can be assembled for both LH or RH. 2mins-3mins section of this video we talk about how to assemble it based on whether you want LH or RH 🙂
I fitted the kit to my 09 Puma yesterday. It was all going well until trying to get the gearstick back on. I found that it was way too tight (even for a bigger hammer) after the prescribed two wraps of tape and wouldn't seat fully. The only way to get the stick off was to undo the grubscrew and split the new shaft, before putting the gearstick in the vice (using soft clamps) and getting the molegrips to pull the new shaft out. I removed the insulating tape, re-greased and then it fitted perfectly with a few taps of the soft hammer. After reassembly and refitting of the carpet etc it is a great improvement and highly recommended. Not sure if the new kit shaft is bigger than the old, or my gearstick was less worn, but it was definitely an "Oh sh1t..." moment.
Great video mate. Simple to follow. Just picked up my puma yesterday so i'll be ordering one soon.
Great video. Just fitted this to my ‘new to me’ 2008 Puma 110, combined with some fancy-schmancy new levers, they look great, but more importantly shift slickly with minimal travel and no stirring of porridge! Thank you both for the well made parts and the step by step video.
Great video great bit of kit makes a remarkable difference, thanks for the upload 👍
Thanks! Glad you like it
If you are buying this kit from this company they are really really great people and actually help you through the process, I am not a mechanic and I did it, very easy ! Buy from them ! I am not afflicated with this company just a great product and people
Thanks for the kind words Robbie!
I really like your video, that’s exactly what my Landy needs too, thanks!!! Please could you tell me, where to order all necessary parts? Best would be a complete set 😊 with the article number, please!!!
Ups, I now have found the link to your website and the article (Land Rover Puma/TDCI Slickshift)…. Will order it right now 🥳
Very helpful 🤠👍🏾 thank you very much!! Great video! We’ll done ✅
Awesome - thanks for the comment. Glad it was helpful!
Just ordered but I have a optimil gear knob will it be ok?
Great kits 😊
After fitting it's very tight and doesn't self centre, whats the best way to correct this ?
Does the o-ring fit on the thicker main section of the upper shaft or does it sit in the step at the top of the newer style shaft (as opposed to the chamfer shown in the video)?
The O ring sits at the top of the shaft on the step.
So does it assemble for left hand drive I bought it and worried it will go in wrong 😮
Hi Robbie - it can be assembled for both LH or RH. 2mins-3mins section of this video we talk about how to assemble it based on whether you want LH or RH 🙂
Est-ce que c'est la même pièce pour un TD4 2L2 ?