How to Replace a Free Hub Body

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @themostlymikeshow
    @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +4

    Wanna help this channel out at no cost to you? Just click on the Amazon links in the description, before you buy anything from Amazon! It doesn't even have to be related to what I used in the video, and I will earn small commissions from anything that is ordered. Best of all, it doesn't cost you anything!

  • @아우빠
    @아우빠 4 роки тому +13

    UA-cam is son UNFAIR, one of the best videos about bikes I've seen, and I've seen hundreds

  • @tmhudg
    @tmhudg 2 роки тому +5

    This was really helpful. All the other videos I've seen gloss over the removal process. This is exactly what I was looking for. Well done.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Thanks Tom. I'm glad to help and get positive feedback. Many more like this to come.

  • @gardingh
    @gardingh 4 роки тому +7

    Great video, just stumbled across it. I've actually started carrying spare pawls along with me. They are fairly inexpensive and can be swapped out trail side if you have a wreck.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Nice! I have been tinkering around with freehubs for years, and I was unaware that spare pawls could be purchased! Thanks Gordon! Maybe a topic for a future video!

  • @RunBikeMike
    @RunBikeMike 4 роки тому +6

    That was great Mike. I always enjoy seeing stuff taken apart and put back together.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Mike! I will be moving my bike shop soon, so that might be the last one that I film in that setting. I bought the house next to me, and pretty much using most of it for doing video related stuff. It should be a lot more room, and better lighting. That little corner of my basement is dark and cramped, so hard to get good camera angles.

  • @jimknock
    @jimknock 3 роки тому +3

    I've watched many videos about this. Yours is the best by far. You show many details that others don't mention. You seem to cover everything.

  • @leninsamson3847
    @leninsamson3847 3 роки тому +1

    do you have any suggestion for bear pawl xd driver? thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Hi Lenin. I'm not familiar with Bear Pawl. Is that a brand of driver?

  • @LiesGov
    @LiesGov 3 роки тому +2

    LOL... I had the same accident in the same place! now we now where to find devil. It was 10 miles from my home I had use my legs like rowing to keep moving then I found that its possible to pedal on flat terrains if all gears set to hardest the radial friction was helping me!

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      Ha ha! That's for sure Lies. Gov! We do what we have to to get home the easiest. Improvise, adapt, overcome!

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    Trust Him.
    Trust The Father, Son
    And Holy Spirit,
    With Those Things
    That You Don’t Understand, Or
    That Are Out Of Your Control.
    When You Are Worried
    About Tomorrow,
    God Is Not Worried!
    He Knows What Will Happen
    If You Will Trust Him,
    If You Will Let The Son, Jesus Christ,
    Be In Control Of Your Life!
    For Jesus Guides And Protects Those
    Who Belong To Him,
    Who Choose To Believe His Promises.
    Have Faith In God.
    His Promises Are Sure.
    His Love Never Fails.
    He Is Not Worried About Tomorrow.
    ~David E. Taylor~
    “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    Trust Him.
    Trust The Father, Son
    And Holy Spirit,
    With Those Things
    That You Don’t Understand, Or
    That Are Out Of Your Control.
    When You Are Worried
    About Tomorrow,
    God Is Not Worried!
    He Knows What Will Happen
    If You Will Trust Him,
    If You Will Let The Son, Jesus Christ,
    Be In Control Of Your Life!
    For Jesus Guides And Protects Those
    Who Belong To Him,
    Who Choose To Believe His Promises.
    Have Faith In God.
    His Promises Are Sure.
    His Love Never Fails.
    He Is Not Worried About Tomorrow.
    ~David E. Taylor~
    “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    "Harboring offense, being unforgiving, bitterness, and betrayal are all forms of settling for LESS than the price Jesus paid with His life and Blood to make you eternally FREE!
    If everything that opposes you results in offense, unforgiveness, bitterness, and betrayal, you are not growing and maturing in the love of God. In fact, you are settling and cementing yourself in Satan's eternal traps and snares. You must learn that no matter what you go through, God ALREADY sent His Son to pay the price for your victory! Therefore, He will see you through EVERY controversy, if you believe, receive, and set your heart of love and thanksgiving upon Him!
    Don't forget that it was NOT your blood or life that paid the ultimate debt to set people FREE.. JESUS PAID IT ALL.. because He is LOVE!! Contrary to self-righteousness and religious opinion, He also paid it for those you have ought against..!
    “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law,” (Romans 13:8).
    Friends, more than ever before, develop a heart to LOVE others so you can look like Jesus and stay out of debt!! The world will know we are Christ's disciples by our love one for another, not by our knowledge, offenses, bitterness, unforgiveness, judgments, or jealousy.. Jesus came to SAVE, not to condemn.. What are you doing with the BLOOD that Jesus spilled to save you??
    “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses,” (Matthew 6:15).
    Salvation was FREE to us, and let's not forget that Jesus PAID the PRICE while we were yet sinners! It is completely arrogant and selfish for anyone to receive this kind of mercy, grace, and unfailing love, without understanding the need to GIVE it to ALL!!
    Many are foolishly settling and stewing in their debt of bitterness, offense, and unforgiveness, because they think they are right and everyone else is wrong.. The greater truth is: LOVE is ALWAYS right! Burn the scorecards you hold against others, because no matter how righteous you think you are, God won't forgive your debts until you forgive your debtors! Now, that’s the power of real love..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    "The Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth, and in addition to Jesus, He comforts us! He also shows us things that are to come. Which is why it is so important to develop the fruits of the Sprit in our heart and character. They will strengthen us in our process and help us attain our divine purpose and destiny.
    'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law,' (Galatians 5:22-23).
    Despite talking about how much we desire to be more like Jesus or answering the infamous question, 'what would Jesus do,' the truth is, without the fruit of the Holy Spirit operating in our lives we will fail miserably in our attempts to become more like Jesus, never mind understanding what He would do in every situation.
    Religion bases everything Jesus would do, on the law, but when we look at the fruit of the Spirit... 'against such there is no law.' Let's take a closer look at the meaning of each of these fruits.
    According to Strong's:
    • love is: love that is affection or benevolence; specifically (plural) a love feast: - (feast of) charity ([-ably]) dear love.)
    • joy is: cheerfulness that is calm delight: - gladness X greatly (X be exceedingly) joy (-ful - fully - fulness - ous).
    • peace is: Probably from a primary verb (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity: - one peace quietness rest + set at one again.
    • longsuffering is: longanimity that is (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: - longsuffering patience.
    • gentleness is: usefulness that is moral excellence (in character or demeanor): - gentleness good (-ness) kindness.
    • goodness is: goodness that is virtue or beneficence: - goodness.
    • faith is: persuasion that is credence; moral conviction (of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher) especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: - assurance belief believe faith fidelity.
    • Meekness is: gentleness, mildness, meekness
    • temperance is: self control (especially continence): - temperance. Thayer's: self-control (the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites)
    Can you recognize these characteristics in yourself? If not, the great news is, when you fellowship with the Holy Spirit and let Him fall on your life, HE WILL FILL YOU AND HE WILL HELP YOU!! Invite Him in today.. Call 1-877-843-4567 and agree with a prayer warrior now..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Women of Destiny,
    It is never too late to fulfill the assignment that God predestined for you!
    No matter what you’ve been through, how much you’ve backslidden or rebelled, or how off track of God’s path you are, there is always hope!
    “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end,” (Jeremiah 29:11).
    The world will “cancel” people when their sins are exposed, but God is a God of second chances! His love and compassion do not fail and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-23).
    Your current circumstances are not indicative of your future.
    Always remember, there is never any reason to give up!”
    -David E. Taylor

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Daughters of Destiny,
    You might ask yourself, ‘What does a Woman of Destiny look like?’ The truth is that the outside view, whether seen on social media or in person, will never answer that question.
    The statement, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is accurate and that’s why it's so important we remember whose we are. God is our creator and our beholder and He made us in His image!
    There are countless scriptures that will remind you just how beautiful He sees you:
    "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14).
    "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on his height or his stature....for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart, (1 Samuel 16:7).
    Be encouraged, daughters. No matter how the world sees you, or even how you may see yourself, God is El Roi, meaning “The God Who Sees Me.” He looks upon you, His creation, and sees what man cannot by looking at your heart and love walk toward Him, others, and yourself.
    “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love,” (Ephesians 1:4).
    Be encouraged today and walk confidently knowing that you were created by The One who makes no mistakes!”
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Have you ever been told that you or someone in your family is dysfunctional? Or have you ever made accusations or judgments against another person or family as being dysfunctional?
    ‘ Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?’ (Matthew 7:1-3).
    Self-righteous Christians can often be heard decreeing whether or not people are functional or dysfunctional based on knowledge they have.. Oh, this person is divorced, this one had a baby out of wedlock, this one committed adultery, this one was an alcoholic, this one smoked dope, the other one still smokes cigarettes... blah blah blah.. STOP IT!! Those are not thoughts or words Jesus says.. When the woman in the Bible was caught in the ACTION of committing adultery, Jesus questioned her persecutors.. “You without sin… cast the first stone..” The crowd dispersed.
    ‘And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity,’ (1 Corinthians 13:13).
    ‘A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another,’ (John 13:34).
    What the world and self righteous people deem “functional” still fails in comparison to the standard of God’s love. The greater truth is, if you are not working to become perfect in love like God is, you are dysfunctional!! Stop using your mouth to assault people and learn God’s heart and ways... the opinionated judgments you grant others will come back to you in the same measure!! Develop love and learn to see the best in everyone and give your best to everyone too..!”
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Daughters of Destiny,
    Did you know that fear is often what stops you from loving yourself or letting someone love you?
    Do you fear that you're not worthy of love? Did you love someone who turned from you or left you? Do you fear that you will be abandoned and be alone?
    Don’t let fear rule your life! As women, you sometimes hide from love and let bitterness and offense overtake you! A healthy woman fights for loving relationships, not against them!
    We all know God’s Commandment, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” (Matthew 22:39) but in the New Testament, Jesus also said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another,” (John 13:34).
    How are we supposed to obey the commandment of loving our neighbors as ourselves when we don’t even love ourselves? Jesus says to love as HE loves, not as we love.
    Go to God for your healing today, break free from fear and the “love” you know, and ask the Lord to fill you with His love.
    “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness,” (Isaiah 41:10).
    The Word says turn to God, for He is love and will strengthen and help you!
    How different the world would be if Eve fought for her relationship with God!
    Stand on the foundation and trust of GOD’S LOVE. There you will find true love and victory!”
    ~David E. Taylor

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    "Faithfulness tends to be a one-sided expectation for many believers. They expect God's faithfulness in their lives, but reciprocating faithfulness back to Him is not often portrayed or demonstrated genuinely..
    'His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord,' (Matthew 25:23).
    Many Christians claim to be faithful to the "work of God," but can't see that their faithfulness is really to the work they choose to do for God, not necessarily the work He desires to do through them, to fulfill His will.
    There is a great divide in where faithfulness lies among many believers in the Body of Christ. Some are faithful to their service to people above their service to God. How can you really love and serve God without considering what He desires? Without considering His will and His expected outcome? Being faithful to God should not be second place to anything else in our lives!! Without Him, we are completely nothing.. Walking with Him should be first! Seeking Him should be first! Loving Him should be first!! Only then will we truly be able to be faithful to the infamous quoted scripture, 'thy will be done!'
    Faithfulness is not just about what we receive from God, but it is how we serve and give back to Him..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Men of Valor,
    Let me remind you - this world is a constant battlefield and you must be ready at all times to stand and fight against the devils that wage war against our souls.
    'Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,' (Ephesians 6:10-11).
    'The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10).
    Don’t let the enemy steal, kill, or destroy you because you neglect to walk in God’s strength, power, and armor. Today, I am charging you men of valor to put on the whole armor of God, strengthen yourself in Him, and walk in the power of His might! Remember, you have access to an unlimited supply of strength, power, and impenetrable armor at your disposal to prevail in victory at all times..!" ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “You can appear to be Successful and not be Obedient, but you can’t be genuinely Obedient and not be Successful!!
    ‘But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you,’ (Jeremiah 7:23).
    Many are deceived by “success.” There is such a drive and a push for people to do things that make them appear successful before men, even if that means they are not obedient to God. It doesn’t just deceive the people around the seemingly successful person, it deceives the person who believes they are successful, without complete obedience.
    In this age, if people don’t see immediate success, it is common for them to quit abruptly or change their course. These traits are not that of a genuinely obedient person. Obedient people stay where God plants them.. they become rooted and grounded in love.. and they bear much fruit for the kingdom and for the harvest!
    ‘Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.
    They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing,’ (Psalm 92:13-14).
    My prayer for you today is that you do not choose to bypass the process of obedience to have an appearance of success, but that you endure and obey the process for your purpose in love, and receive the promises of God both here and for all of eternity..!!” ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    "It only takes one sleepless night for the king to find you..
    'On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. And it was found written, that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus. And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this? Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, There is nothing done for him. And the king said, Who is in the court? Now Haman was come into the outward court of the king's house, to speak unto the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him,' (Esther 6:1-4).
    Never put more confidence in the limited power of your position, just because your proximity is close to the one with full power.. Many people are walking in close proximity to their leader or other people God has called, but they are not in agreement with God for their life, purpose, and destiny. These same people today have not learned from Haman's arrogance concerning Mordecai, but don't fret saints, God will not let the plans of the wicked trump His plans for you!!
    'And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath,' (Esther 3:5).
    Mordecai was submitted to God, no matter what! He did the right thing before God even if he put his natural life in jeopardy with man. Friends, some of you are wondering when you will be justified in situations where you have been accused or hated for no reason.. Stay faithful to God because His faithfulness never fails. It only takes one sleepless night for Him to get the attention of the people who will need to be awakened on your behalf.. EXPECT IT..!!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Being humble does not mean that you are depressed, but that you are humbling yourself for the sake of others. You reduce yourself from your original position just to bless somebody else. That’s not easy, when the flesh is full of pride, because pride desires promotion, to be seen, and to show off. Humility is the opposite. Humility teaches you to voluntarily abase yourself.”
    ~David E. Taylor~
    “...he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:12)

  • @douglaspauley6115
    @douglaspauley6115 4 роки тому +2

    I took your guardian devil on my ride last night. Of course the day I watch your video my free hubs goes bad but at least I have a reference video .

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Cool! If you need any clarification, let me know! Thanks for watching!

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    “Words either produce a harvest or a famine. I’m sure that every person reading this has experienced the power of words whether they attributed to pain or pleasantness. For some, words of pleasantness provoked their hearts to shine brighter and stronger, high above the words of pain. For others, it has not been so easy to let go of the piercing pain that triggered rejection, insecurity, heartache, offense, bitterness, and even betrayal.
    ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof,’ (Proverbs 18:21).
    Your words have the power to produce life or to end it and they will carry on and last longer than we will. Will they reap a harvest or a famine? Will they shoot people down or raise them up? Will they kill or will they initiate & sustain life!!? Some people crave power so much, and to be in control, they use words to come against the lives of God’s people and their divine purposes.
    However, you have a choice and the power to overturn the verdict of negative and hurting words!! What will you choose? Life or death..?”
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 роки тому

    "The Bible tells us to do, whatever we do, heartily unto the Lord...
    'And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men,' (Colossians 3:23).
    Sadly, in this day, most people are more concerned with doing what they do, unto themselves or for people who they want to impress, for their own gain. Which leads me to the point that God also tells us to treat people the way we want to be treated. So, when we go through the motions with people and do the bear minimum of what we know is more pleasing to God, we are not doing it unto Him, but to ourselves.
    Have you ever worked for a company and only did enough to make it "look" like you were doing all of your work, but inside, you knew more was required of you? Maybe you worked with children and gave them less than your best, because you thought they would not know the difference? Perhaps you have worked with people that were not as talented as you or as productive, and you slowed your pace to fit in, rather than doing your best to be set apart?
    Many Christians are deceived by the outward appearance of works and fail to see the inner motive of the heart.. Precious friends, God is focused on your heart and looks to find people with hearts that are not deceived by their works but are purified by developing a heart after His.. It is time to come out of the deception and genuinely do all you do as unto the Lord! Remember, when you do what pleases you, you're still a "people pleaser," instead of being a God pleaser.. God never gives His less to you.. He always gives His best! You were created in His image and likeness to do the same.. and you can.. in Jesus' name..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @maxwarre
    @maxwarre 3 роки тому +1

    You sprayed degreaser on a bearing ?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Hi Just Joe! That video was from over a year ago, so I had to watch it again and see where you meant. Yes, I had a citrus degreaser called "Big Orange" that I sprayed on it. I just left it on briefly and wiped it out. It's not a very aggressive degreaser oh, so I don't think it got into the bearing at all. It has been well over a year, and several hundred miles later, with no issues. Not sure if it's the preferred method, but it got the gunk out of there. That was one of the Lesser produced earlier videos of mine, so there were mistakes made, like I don't know if you noticed, but I said Lefty Loosey on the part where I talked about a left-handed thread. It should have said righty Loosey. It's no way to go back and edit those mistakes other than to leave them in the description.

  • @bicyclist2
    @bicyclist2 Рік тому +1

    I don't have any through axle bikes. I've never ridden a fat bike. Unfortunately I've had this problem before on a GT mountain bike, back in the mid 90's. At the time, I took it to my local bike shop to fix. I now do all my own repairs. I really appreciate all the good repair advice. Most of the local bike shops where I live won't have this part in stock and tell customers "well have to order that". Or tell customers to, "just buy a new wheel". Please keep up the good work. Thanks.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching and the kind words bicyclist! In the 90s, you probably had a Freewheel (I believe that's what they were called) which had a ton of tiny balls that engaged the ratcheting action in the hubs instead of the pawls in this type. I have rebuilt some of those in the past. I'll make a video if I come across a friend's bike or maybe tear down my vintage Cannondale prophet. I believe that it's the only one of my bikes that still has that setup on it.

  • @fastsvo
    @fastsvo Рік тому

    Do you have the part number for cannondale free hub? I have a formula style hub.

  • @chubbydadietv9038
    @chubbydadietv9038 4 роки тому +1

    What fits in the Maxzone Agresor freehub newbie question.. Because the pawls install is broke.. Thank you badly needed

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Not sure. Maxxis Agressor is a tire brand and model. What brand of hub do you have? It should say on the inside.

  • @michaelblack4993
    @michaelblack4993 4 роки тому +1

    Unbelievable detailed. Better then Park tool videos...sorry Parktool but this guys amazing! Thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Thanks Michael! I appreciate the comments and kind words! I have been a little behind making new content, and hope to upload a new one this weekend. I'm working towards moving my shop, and the new spot will have much better lighting and room to get better camera angles. It's going to be a little while yet, but if you haven't subscribed, consider subscribing, because the best videos are coming up!

  • @PeacebyJesus
    @PeacebyJesus Рік тому +1

    Well-described, thanks. Good teacher. Now I may have a use for a 12mm Allen key for bikes! And I did not know that what I called "cogs" (like a Cog Railway) were referred to as "pulse." Note however that at about 4:53 in the vid the caption says, "This is a Left-handed thread. Lefty loosey," while it is actually Righty-loosey as you are indeed doing in the video at that time. Years ago in ignorance, I remember being perplexed when I tried to remove a pedal from the left side of a bike, but at least most pedals are marked with a L or R at the end. Yet you can tell thread direction by looking at them: if it slants to the left is it is standard right-handed thread, and vice-versa.

    • @firstmkb
      @firstmkb Рік тому

      I didn’t see it on the left handed nuts in the video, but the standard for LH nuts is to have a notch cut across the corners, at a right angle to the axis. The first pace I remember seeing them was on oxygen lines, because you do NOT want to attach those to acetylene tanks!

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching Kevin. That video was from a while back. I believe that I captioned it wrong in the video if I remember it correctly by writing "lefty loosey" instead of righty loosey.

  • @dawbool9552
    @dawbool9552 Рік тому

    Great vid, thanks 👍. Yet, I have an issue removing my Shimano cassette from the hub, a Mavic freehub ts-2 . I kann unscrew the lock ring with the help of a chainwhip and lock ring tool, but afterwards I can't pull the cassette off the hub. Anything I can do to overcome this? Thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching. Is it an "HG" or "XD" driver that your cassette is on? If it's an XD (from SRAM), there might be another step. It's been a while since I had the SRAM one apart.

  • @markjones7130
    @markjones7130 11 місяців тому

    Great video. My HG Freehub has roughly 1.5mm of play in the axial direction. Would this be due to a lack of tightening as shown at the 12min mark of the video? OR is it inside the freehub that is causing the problem.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  11 місяців тому +1

      Hi Mark. Thanks for watching. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure without seeing it. I've had the cartridge bearings break in mine before which caused lots of play, but it actually made the entire cassette rock sort of axially and radially... Plus it made lots of noise. I'm guessing that yours isn't making noise when you ride it, but just a little play? Sorry that I couldn't be of more help on this.

  • @MccrackenN
    @MccrackenN 3 роки тому +1

    I have a shimano mt400. Can I upgrade the freehub?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      I'm sorry, Nikolaus, but I'm not sure. As long as the freehub is compatible with your wheel hub, there may be an upgrade option available, as long as it fits your cassette. Most of the older Shimano hubs look like the one in this video on the exterior. The interior where it mates to the wheel hub is the important part. Do your hubs have a brand name and model number in the middle?

    • @MccrackenN
      @MccrackenN 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow FH-MT400-B

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      @@MccrackenN I looked up the number that you gave me. I haven't found any information about what's inside that freehub. Do you know what year that it was from? It almost looks like the older freewheel body that engages with steel balls instead of having 3 or 6 pawls. You may need to check with Shimano to see if there's anything available for upgrading. I'm not familiar with those.

    • @MccrackenN
      @MccrackenN 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow it's from the 2020 fuse

  • @MrElvean1203
    @MrElvean1203 3 роки тому +1

    This channel is underrated. You deserve more subscribers. This helped me a lot understanding more about hubs. Keep it up. 👍

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the kind words Elvean, and share with your friends and Facebook community! The channel has been growing, but not quickly. I try to improve on every upload, and the newer ones came a long way since this video. My goal in the later ones is to make every second count to get the information out in a shorter video but still keep the same humor that you would expect in my videos. Thanks again for watching and the kind words.

  • @johnbagofdoughnuts9610
    @johnbagofdoughnuts9610 Рік тому

    Great video. Questions: When you sprayed degreaser down into the hub at 7:30 didn't you just wreck the grease inside the bearing? Shouldn't you clean and grease the bearing? Thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching John. That was a pretty mild degreaser, and I didn't leave it in there for long. The bearing has a rubber seal on it, so if any of the degreaser had gotten into the bearing, it wasn't very much. This video was made three years ago, and I haven't had any issues. I would definitely use caution and not flood that area with degreaser, and use one that isn't real strong. Really, it could probably just be wiped out with a rag if there's any fear of damage. It's getting greased again anyway. I hope that this helps.

  • @scottl7500
    @scottl7500 3 роки тому

    That cassette should have been tossed with that free hub -
    It literally has 'meth mouth' (broken, missing and ground away teeth). It's not the devil/storm cloud following you around - it's your poor bike maintenance.

  • @jburnsdrummer
    @jburnsdrummer 2 роки тому

    Im wondering if the pawls are skipping in my hub. When i stand up to pedal and put Load on the drivetrain it skips. Almost like the chain is falling off and then catches again. 2021 kona lava dome 1 week old

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Thanks for watching Jordan. I'm thinking if the bike is that new, it probably isn't an issue with the pawls, especially if you haven’t been riding it hard around punchy steep climbs. A lot times on new bikes the cable tension requires adjustment, usually needing more tensioning.
      I usually back out the barrel adjuster and keep track of how many clicks, so that if it doesn't improve, or gets worse, you can return it to where you started.
      Without actually seeing what it's doing, I am kind of guessing at this point.
      I hope that this helps.

  • @johnnycee5179
    @johnnycee5179 3 роки тому +1

    If I gave you all the information possible would you be able to give me the information to replace my 10 speed freewheel body?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Hi John! I will try to, but can't make a guarantee! I would need to know the model of hub as well as whether your cassette is sram xd or Shimano HG style. Thanks for watching!

    • @johnnycee5179
      @johnnycee5179 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow I don't currently have the tools to break my wheel down to actually see the hub body but it's a Japanese made bike. Nishiki Olypiad sold by American Eagle. Shimano 333 in several places. A little research put it in a release date of 1972 or 3 at the latest, during the bike boom. I ordered a bike stand and tools which are on their way. I have a bunch of tools but not some of the stuff needed to work on a bike. I also had to special order a hub removal tool as my local bike shop had it but said it was old and didn't sell it. I'm not leaving my bike with them for two weeks, they are behind, evidentially busy, I the kind of guy that will do it myself, a jack of all trades master of none.

  • @basicnabasic3808
    @basicnabasic3808 3 роки тому

    Hi sir i just want to ask. What is the replacement of shimano hub HB M525?? TO MAKE it loud.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Hi Vincent! Thanks for watching. I'm not familiar with that hub, so I had to look it up for a picture, which I'm sorry to say that I don't have an answer to your question. I'm assuming that this is one of the older styles that has about thirty loose balls inside of it? I saw one on Amazon, and one of the comments said that it is the cure for loud hubs, so I'm guessing that it is the opposite of what you're going for. Why do you want it loud?

  • @morris2450
    @morris2450 2 місяці тому

    Doesn't spraying degreaser in the hub affect the bearing?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 місяці тому

      Thanks for watching Morris. Yes, it probably would in larger quantities. I arguably didn't use a large amount, and quickly soaked it up to get residual grease out to ensure that there was no more broken pieces of the pawls left in there which could cause further damage.
      Large amounts of degreser, especially more aggressive degreasers than what I used, would certainly break down the grease in the bearings. The bearings also have a rubber seal designed to keep water and dirt out, but should protect somewhat from the degreasers.
      I hope that this helps.

  • @crunchycrispybacon
    @crunchycrispybacon Рік тому

    ROFL I completely forgot about scootering a bike until I saw this. Did it many times as a kid when we’d get flats in the hills.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Ha ha! Thanks for watching. I had no idea that it was called scootering... Thought that I invented something new! 🤷

  • @lewf5685
    @lewf5685 4 місяці тому

    Great job explaining everything! Thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 місяці тому

      No problem! Thank you for watching and the positive feedback.

  • @JFomo
    @JFomo 3 роки тому +1

    2:46 I'm like DAMN this guy has the expensive Parktool freewheel hub removal tool, and then I see why he has it. Shit that sucks.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Yeah, JFomo, I usually upgrade when stuff breaks. Park tool was actually pretty good about this and sent a replacement which I added to a set of field tools that I leave in my van so that they are always there when I ride or camp at distant places in case of emergency repairs. I bought the "mack daddy" version for the home shop! 😁

    • @JFomo
      @JFomo 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow So the broken one is a Park Tool too? Shit, I have the FR 5.2G cassette lock ring coming in the mail. I hope I don't break it.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      The best way to avoid breaking that lock ring tool is to make sure that it's bottomed and straight. The biggest reason that mine broke was not being all the way in and a little crooked from rushing around probably.

  • @SnowroxKT
    @SnowroxKT Рік тому

    Could I swap from a HG driver on my Specialized Status to an XD driver this same way?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching Snow. I really don't know without actually seeing it. If it goes together the same way as the one I'm showing in the video, it probably would, but you would probably need that spacer. The final dimension has to be the same as what you started with for proper alignment for the back wheel.

  • @eduflavianotv9776
    @eduflavianotv9776 2 роки тому

    Wow you deserve a lot of subscribers

  • @harcherboy
    @harcherboy 9 місяців тому

    Why did your hub break anyway? Did you not put grease in it after it was completely soaked in water?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  9 місяців тому

      Nope, as you can see in the video, the grease was fine. That hill was super steep, and at the time, I weighed about 220 ish. Putting that much weight on the crank on a hill with a three pawl hub is not a very good combination. The pawls break. Thanks for watching.

  • @fastsvo
    @fastsvo 10 місяців тому

    After the free hub is removed, how does one knock out the axle on a formula hub in order to service the bearings?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  10 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for watching. I am not sure what you mean. The axle is a through axle. You pull it out to get the wheel off. I would have to take mine apart to see what holds the bearings in there.

  • @teofil2444
    @teofil2444 2 роки тому

    i have a 3pawl hub, if i change my freehub to a microspline/xd drive and it is also 3 pawl, will it fit?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      It seems like it should, but I'm sorry, I don't know for sure without knowing exactly what hub it is. They can sure get complicated.

  • @alanr4263
    @alanr4263 2 роки тому

    Mines a Shimano cassette to remove the cassette mine don't have Allen key I guess I have to remove axle to get in a the pawls?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Hi Alan. I believe that on one side or the other, there should be a place for a hex (Allen) key. It might be a different size than the one in this video. It's actually pretty hard to see them sometimes. It may be left hand threads. I hope that this helps.

  • @themostlymikeshow
    @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому +6

    *I'm taking a poll on what the next video should be about! Please enter your suggestions below!*

    • @billburns5713
      @billburns5713 4 роки тому +1

      Riding with friends at Raystown. 😉

    • @RunBikeMike
      @RunBikeMike 4 роки тому +1

      Some more rides. I would like to see more of your trail. I really enjoyed your bridge build you did.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      I was thinking about doing a "Final Dirt Fest" featuring highlights of both Raystown and Big Bear Lake WV. I only had the hero 4 when we rode there, so footage would be a little fuzzy.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      I will definitely do some more of My trails soon! There's 9.5 of them. Thanks for watching!

    • @leslieegle
      @leslieegle 4 роки тому +1

      I want to see more on the van build!

  • @mrleepads303
    @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

    I hope that i can complete Tools for fixing my Bike Nice Video Daddy Mike

  • @AndrewMoradpour
    @AndrewMoradpour 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this. Seriously helped me out!

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and the kind words Andrew! Glad to hear that it helped you out!

  • @stephendavis7707
    @stephendavis7707 Рік тому

    Hi just came across your content i thought it was very well articulated for those of us less knowledgable it was easy to follow .My question ,is it possible to change the free hub to a different type ? i have a 2x9 speed trek mtb and i was thinking for my terrain extremely hard up hills i would like a 1x12 i am unsure if i can convert this bike ,i would like to do this myself ! My weakness is my inexperience in knowing what parts to buy etc my local shop is saying i may need a new back wheel that may be true ? i woild like to just ask if i can change the free hub for something more accepting of 12 speed ?thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching and the kind words Stephen. That's not a real easy question to answer. If you look at the Hub itself and get the manufactures part numbers from it, then go to their website, they may provide a list of compatible free hubs and the range of cassettes that are compatible. I always preferred Shimano HG free hubs whenever possible being that there are varieties of economical cassettes that work with shimanos HG splines. Converting to 12 speed will involve derailers as well as the shifters themselves. I hope to make a video on how to set up a derailleur from scratch in the near future. If you're familiar with the berm Peak Channel, Seth just did a video a couple weeks ago which it's very helpful for setting up a brand new derailleur and showing what screw adjusts what. They can be frustrating at times even for advanced mechanics. I know this reply hasn't been really helpful, but I hope it steers you in the right direction.

    • @stephendavis7707
      @stephendavis7707 Рік тому

      i appreciate the reply ,the amount of parts available and with everybodys opinion i get lost with all the information and become confused

  • @samb2334
    @samb2334 3 роки тому +1

    Hi, I want to change my shimano hg body to sram XD, do I need a new hub or can I just buy the body?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      Hi Sam. I actually did the exact opposite in this video and went from XD to Shimano HG. You can get the XD driver body, but you also need to order both end caps to make the spacing correct. I used the XD end caps on mine, but I had to make a 3mm spacer to give the correct overall width. I am at work while I am writing this, but I believe that the name of the place that I ordered the parts from was
      I will try to check when I get home to verify that it was the place that I ordered the stuff from. Those parts are pretty hard to find. I hope that this helps! Thanks for watching!

    • @samb2334
      @samb2334 3 роки тому +1

      @@themostlymikeshow thank you for your help

  • @hindesite
    @hindesite Рік тому

    You can zip tie the larger gear to spokes to get you home, but no freewheel, so be careful.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching and the tip Hindesite. I hadn't thought of that but it seems like it would work. Just have to watch coasting.

  • @14TacomaDR
    @14TacomaDR 2 роки тому

    I am going into the 3rd week waiting for a delivery for a Shimano free hub for my 2020 Specialized Turbo Levo . They say in it shipping but can't say when it will arrive . Summer flying by and I can't ride. The number on mine is fh-mt510-b . Would any of the other models be compatible ?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Hi Alan. I hunted around, and they seem kind of tough to locate. I will keep looking, but I did find this one. Not sure how much delay would be from overseas, but you might be able to rush the order. Here's the link :,,en.php

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      This is the part number, I believe.
      Y-0KD 98040

  • @mndflwrs
    @mndflwrs Рік тому

    liked for "inverted radial smoothie" !!! LOL

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks so much for watching and commenting . The credit for that term goes to my friend Bob who is no longer with us. That was the name that he gave to a give me five that you do with your hand behind your back and the palm up. When I was thinking about funny names that popped into my head.

  • @11jontee
    @11jontee 4 роки тому +1

    Can i cange may 3 pawls to 4pawls?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Only if the four pawl freehub is compatible with that internal gear ring in your hub. You would need to research the number of your hub to if there's one available for your model. I hope that this helps.

  • @davidsetouchi8328
    @davidsetouchi8328 Місяць тому

    You sound like Cleveland sometimes

  • @aldwinpaulalaurin3900
    @aldwinpaulalaurin3900 4 роки тому +1

    What free hub did you use is it a steel or aluminum? Im having a problem in my chosen hubs because it has lots of cog bite its aluminum

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      Hey Aldwin! Mine are aluminum. I do get a lot of cog bite in it, but I just file off the rough edges when it gets bad and it doesn't seem to hurt anything. There may be some other brands of freehubs out there that are made of a better grade of aluminum, but I haven't tried them. What kind of problems are you having?

    • @aldwinpaulalaurin3900
      @aldwinpaulalaurin3900 4 роки тому

      My freehub has lots of cog bites and its started to sound scary everytime i pedal i already replace the pawls of the hubs and the spring at first its okay but 1 week after it sound the same sound again everytime i pedal

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  4 роки тому

      I have never experienced it that bad before. Is your freehub body pretty old? My other bike is making a "mystery sound" at different times when I am pedaling up a really steep hill or riding a wheelie. I am suspecting that it is coming from that area. It's a Shimano freehub body, but instead of the pawls, it has the DT Swiss star ratchet. I'll have to tear it apart and maybe make a video about cog bite if that's the case.

  • @noControl556
    @noControl556 3 місяці тому

    Really need to wash the bike or at least the parts around the area you are going to be working. Getting grit inside the hub when you take it all apart is a good way to wear it out fast. Also you do not want to spray degreaser into the hub and let it pool on top of that bearing, don't want any of that to get past the seal, just spray the degreaser on the rag and wipe it out

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 місяці тому

      Thanks for watching and the helpful tip! Yes, I definitely need to wash stuff up more before I work on it.

    • @noControl556
      @noControl556 3 місяці тому

      @@themostlymikeshow Great video! you can get away with it for like a tire change, but anytime you are messing around with sealed / greased parts with bearings etc. want to have any loose dirt/dust out of the area, same with workspace

  • @pentiuman
    @pentiuman 8 місяців тому

    It seems like this sHOW is mostly Mike. But I could be wrong. Have to see after several videos.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  8 місяців тому

      Ha ha! I welcome you to watch them all if you like! Thanks Pentium man.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  8 місяців тому

      The channel name is a play on words with my real name, LOL.

  • @Gledii
    @Gledii 6 місяців тому

    on my thru axle there is no place for hex key. after removing the axle i have only a smooth tube through the to remove such freehubs? cheers

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  6 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching. Do you know if your bike has cartridge style bearings or cone bearings? Cone bearings are the ones that have two Thin nuts right where they go against the frame that take up the slop in the bearings.

    • @Gledii
      @Gledii 6 місяців тому

      Hi. They are cartridges. I thought that I have just to pull it off, but there is not working....thanks for helping

  • @JohnKatiku
    @JohnKatiku 11 місяців тому

    Hey, thanks for being so meticulous and detailed even for the close ups. i have been thinkiing of chaning my Shimano 3-pawl system to a 36/54T Ratchet like the DT ones without changing the Hub. is this possible and what parts or kit do i need for this ... ?
    Would appreciate your response.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  11 місяців тому +1

      Hi John, thanks for watching and the kind words. I personally use DT Swiss star ratchet on my Santa Cruz tall boy. In my opinion it is the most bulletproof out of all of the free hub ratchets. I don't know this 100% for sure, but I think to go with that type of free hub, you may have to change your wheel hub to accommodate the star ratchet setup.
      Another thing that I recommend to people because they are economical to purchase aftermarket parts that are good is to go with the Shimano HG type driver instead of Shimano micro spline, or SRAM SD type drivers. I downgraded mine to a 10-speed sort of like Seth from Berm Peak used to do, but regardless of how many gears, there are many options in 10, 11, and 12 speed cassettes that you can get on Amazon for 50 or 60 bucks instead of spending an arm and a leg for the SRAM or the Shimano micro spine. I have one of those on my Santa Cruz that I paid 48 bucks for 4 years ago and it's still running strong. They may not be as lightweight, but they definitely hold up. Sorry for the long winded response. I hope this helps.

    • @JohnKatiku
      @JohnKatiku 11 місяців тому

      @@themostlymikeshow Wow! thanks for the prompt response and its ok it is detailed. I have a Shimano HG Hub as of now with a 11 speed cassette(just installed it) and may not be at a position to afford a full Hub replacement.
      Been considering a Conversion Kit(Don't really like the Pawl System) just not sure if they would fit as i saw the internal Gear and got a cautious before i commit.
      As for the After Market Hubs, would you have one that is ratchet based you can recommend..?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  11 місяців тому +1

      @JohnKatiku I have never really looked into hubs like that. I was always going to learn how to lace spokes, and bought a lot of tools to do it. After I seen what a bike shop charges to lace a wheel, I decided to let them do it if I ever got it done. To this day I have never had a custom wheel built. In my star ratchet Hub on the Santa Cruz tall boy, I tried replacing it with an aftermarket that had more teeth and it stripped on the first ride. The seller accepted the return and I've been running the DT Swiss brand for 4 years. I never get that long out of pawl type hubs. Industry nines are supposed to be really tough with more points of Engagement, but there's other things I'll spend that much money on before I get them. I also heard that the spokes are aluminum and they corrode in climates like we have in Pennsylvania dealing with road salt. It's getting harder and harder to buy new bikes with these older systems with economical parts. The 10-speed Shimano derailers are even economical to buy since I've downgraded from 11 speed. I can usually get them brand new for around 50 bucks for a Shimano XT.

  • @eduardoglez-nunez3222
    @eduardoglez-nunez3222 Рік тому

    Did you know if I can use a Industry nine free body hub instead?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Hi Eduardo. I'm sorry, but I don't know much about industry Nine stuff.

  • @costaslyras1980
    @costaslyras1980 3 роки тому

    he talks like Old Gregg!!..nice video though..

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching Costas! I'm not familiar with old Gregg. Who's that?

  • @Nunnyfcht
    @Nunnyfcht 3 роки тому

    Cable ties around spokes eouid have got you back

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks nunny! That's a great idea! That would work. I always carry them in my pack, but never thought of using them like that.

  • @magzire
    @magzire 3 роки тому

    2:48 that design is a million times better than a chain whip

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      I like the pliers. I used the whips for years until I learned of pliers.

  • @cognac8297
    @cognac8297 3 роки тому

    That happened to my 2021 Schwinn Ascension from target right after the receipt expired. Now the bike is in the closet waiting for me to dish out 200$ more dollars to Taiwan and eBay is getting rid of the all the group sets in July. No more bike parts .

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching Silent Strength. Sorry to hear about those issues. So on Ebay they used to carry the group set made for your Ascension and they are not anymore? I'm not familiar with those bikes, but I looked it up. What's exactly breaking on your bike? By looking at the pictures, it looks like most of the rear hub components can probably be purchased separately to rebuild, but without actually seeing it and taking it apart, I wouldn't know for sure. They look like a great bike for the price though. Lots of features that you don't normally see in that price point.

    • @cognac8297
      @cognac8297 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow yes it is a very very good bike omg it's thick and nice for the MTB trails , I let some air out of the 2.30 tires and the tires eat the roots of the trees and rocks and curbs , on the trails and the bike fits the right way ,full... I added a riser to the steering tho. The wheel hub and cassette freewheel is older. It don't screw in to the hub, it lays on it and with a locking nut , what broke is where it screws in the threats the hole shaft on the outer side of where the bold screws in to hold the freewheel. So I'll get a (freehub ok the rim already ) I found a 75$ double wall rim same as mine already. The group sets I was looking thru on eBay and a few said they are not bringing them into the usa anymore in July shipping container storage. . I'm going to buy the LT WOO group set off eBay beige there are no more. This bike is worth the upgrades. There no bike comparison to the Schwinn fully aluminum 36 pounds. Mine is 34 pounds now and going for 32 pounds. But man I'm so glad I spend the 400$ on this bike omg.. do you have any bike parts that will help my situation

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      I'm sorry, but I don't really have a lot of spare parts around, but also, not sure what it would take to fix. I looked up some review videos of the Schwinn Ascension and there's a pretty good UA-cam channel that works with Schwinn bikes a lot. It's called "Wolftick Videos". They seem to be really up on Schwinn stuff. I hope that this helps. Tell them that I mentioned their channel to you.

  • @albaniansk8er
    @albaniansk8er 2 роки тому

    Should have upgraded to 4 paws or even 6 Pawl

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      That's not an option for this without changing the hub, or I would have. If I changed the hub, DT Swiss star ratchet would be the most bulletproof option. I have that on my Santa Cruz Tallboy and it's taken tons of abuse. Thanks for watching!

  • @MrPinnokio
    @MrPinnokio 3 роки тому

    your voice sounds like John Malkovich

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      Ha ha! Thanks, I think... 🤔I had to actually look up John Malkovich to see. Its funny how he doesn't like the sound of his own voice, kind of like myself, but it's all that I have to work with to keep making videos so I deal with it! I constantly struggle to improve on the overall quality of these videos, but audio has been my biggest focus. This video is about a year old, I think. If you watch my latest, I think that there's a bit of a difference. I try to still sound like myself, but eliminate all background noise on the narrations, and to keep sounding less like I'm reading a script. Sorry about the long winded response.

  • @jason200912
    @jason200912 Рік тому

    It sounds like a vintage lawn mower

  • @dalj4362
    @dalj4362 2 роки тому

    Hi, is there any signs to look out for id the free hub is about let go? Or does it just happen unexpectedly?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Dal, I haven't really noticed much, except maybe an occasional skip, but that could also come from the derailleur being out. Most of the time mine just failed, but one time I was able to ride the rest of the weekend. When it did that, it was sticking and when I would coast, it would lightly engage the chain, so if I took my feet off the pedals, it would spin the crank. When it did that, if I tried to pedal backwards while coasting, the chain would come off. I hope that this helps.

    • @dalj4362
      @dalj4362 2 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow Thanks

  • @a-kazebo-z5139
    @a-kazebo-z5139 3 роки тому

    Great video,,,,,, who makes the bench wheel working gadget...?..?.??..???????????,,,,I’m tired on working on the floor....

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks Tony! That is a Park Tool WH-1 wheel holder. They are a little pricey, but they work well. Here's a link to my video reviewing it. Beware, it was my very first video, so it's not very well produced, lol.

  • @w5glsgary919
    @w5glsgary919 Рік тому

    very helpful. Thanks!

  • @rahulsony569
    @rahulsony569 2 роки тому

    I have Polygon Premier 5, purchased just 9 months ago. I had applied Motul lithium based grease one month ago in both the rear wheel hubs from outside. After that it malfunctioned. I am paddling but cycle not moving. Sometimes it will work. Mechanic said that hub needs to be changed. I can’t believe that it broken down in just 9 months. What’s your suggestion ?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Rahul. I am not familiar with Polygon Premier 5,or what hub it has. It sounds to me like the grease might be a little too thick for the hub, causing the engagement points to hang up from the thickness of the grease. Without actually looking at it to see what it is I might recommend getting it flushed out with solvent on the insides and instead of using Grease, I would use a light weight oil to lubricate the points of engagement. I hope that this helps.

  • @allanbuchan6947
    @allanbuchan6947 3 роки тому

    I like the family Guy music at the start.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Ha ha! Thanks Allan! I always try to do something different to add some humor.

  • @mobakdaleyeh2867
    @mobakdaleyeh2867 6 місяців тому

    What is model number

  • @mohamadhaikhal5860
    @mohamadhaikhal5860 3 роки тому

    Hi Mike, my current fat tyre size is 26 x 4.0.. and the stock GroupSet Shimano Tourney 10 speed is ready for replacement to 12speed type.
    In order to replace to 12speed either Shimano or SRAM, do I need to replace the Wheel set (wheel rim, hub & spokes) or just the hub itself??

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      Hi Mohamad, if your freehub is compatible with your wheel hub, you can just use a freehub that is set up for 11 or 12 speed cassette. Yours might be good for that, but I wouldn't know for sure. Keep in mind though, that you'll have to change out the shifter and derailleur as well. If the big cog on the new cassette is over 42 tooth, depending on your derailleur cage being short, medium, or long cage, you might need to install a "goat link". I might make a future video on goat links. I had to install on on my Santa Cruz Tallboy. I hope that this helps.

  • @michaelnotigan7796
    @michaelnotigan7796 2 роки тому

    Going through some issues with my Haibike Full FatSix's Evo-Pro rear free hub and your video helped clear up what I was looking at with my own fh. Many thanks! Subscribed.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching and the kind words Michael! Glad it helped!

  • @HB-yq8gy
    @HB-yq8gy Рік тому

    Thank you what causes the hub to get loosen? There is no way to tighten it up which causes my cassette to be loose. The axle is packed with new grease & wheel doesn't move only the cassette.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Sorry about the delay response. I'm not sure what would cause that without seeing what is happening. I'd be curious to see what you find out, or found out on that.

    • @HB-yq8gy
      @HB-yq8gy Рік тому

      @@themostlymikeshow I researched & found out that Calvin from the ParkTool video that a little play in the freehub is normal. My problem wasn't the cassette just the proper adjustment lubrication of the axle.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому +1

      I see. That's good to know. I'm glad that you got it fixed. Calvin and Truman are very knowledgeable.

  • @firstmkb
    @firstmkb Рік тому

    When I came back from the dust storms at Burning Man, drove through a day of rain, then ignored the bike for the next six months, I had a different problem. My free hub had turned into a “dead hub” and wouldn’t spin in either direction. I didn’t have the right tools to remove the cassette, so I took out the quick release axels, picked out what Playa dust I could, then laid the entire wheel down flat - with the cassette soaking in concentrated vinegar overnight. By morning, it would turn, and crunch a little bit! I exercised it under water to remove the remains of rust, and gave it a good shot of WD-40 to keep it from flash rusting. The Shimano hub looks almost new, and I just need to get some thicker mineral oil inside to replace the WD-40.
    Nice video - now I’m thinking about doing some maintenance on our other bikes!

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks Kevin. That dust can get like concrete when it mixes up with the lubricants and dries up...especially after long periods of time.

  • @grudzien9784
    @grudzien9784 2 роки тому

    Yes great video. I’ve noticed grinding from my freehub but only if I’m in the biggest 3 cogs. My hub still works but I wanted to figure out how to change it.
    I have a sram eagle NX 12 speed, my hub looks like yours. I couldn’t figure out how to take it off :) I will try your way when I get home from work. Thanks for a great video

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Thanks for watching Grudzien. I hope that it works for you.

  • @joebal9044
    @joebal9044 3 роки тому

    BTW, there are multiple methods of removing the freehub based on brand. For instance I have Winspace (Lun) Carbon Hyper Wheels and the freehub pulls off with a twist and pull. How do I know this? Well I did not have 11T cog aligned properly and I wound up stripping the threads on the female freehub lockring threads so I had to replace it ;-(

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      I have the DT Swiss star ratchet on my Santa Cruz Tallboy and it comes apart that way with a pull and twist. I really like that design. I was going to to make a video on the upgrade of the Star ratchet to get more points of engagement.

  • @lazysurf9
    @lazysurf9 2 роки тому

    Thank you for making and posting your video. I just had the same thing happen when I went riding last night. At first it was kind of skipping gears and I was thinking that the derailleur wasn't lined up. Then, later in the ride it was doing the same thing your bike was... I was pedaling but not going anywhere... Sigh... Good thing it was mostly down hill back. I didn't know what was going on and then I came across your video. Your video really helped me out! Sucks that it happened to you, but, it's helping people like me out (if that helps)! Thanks again for the vid!

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and sharing your experience Ray. I'm glad that the video helped you out.

  • @mrleepads303
    @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

    No one can defeat Shimano I think

  • @aarongraham4071
    @aarongraham4071 2 роки тому

    My cassette recently stopped spinning freely when coasting. There was a certain point in the wheel's revolution where the cassette would "stick" to the wheel. I suspected something was gummed up inside the freehub body. However, I haven't for the life of me been able to get the darn thing off, even following your video and numerous others. I can get the cassette off and take the axle out without issue, but the free hub body acts as if it's welded on. You pulled yours off by hand; I tried a pair of vice grips and still couldn't get it off. Any ideas what I might be missing?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Hi Aaron. What kind of free hub body does yours have? Is it the same as the one that I used in the video? I'm not sure what could be holding it without seeing a picture of it or the actual piece.

  • @xdi1733
    @xdi1733 3 роки тому

    Hey dude great video very helpful. This is my specs
    Shimano FH-MT200, 9x141mm QR, 32h, Center Lock™ disc
    Where can i get just the freewheel hub from & how much would it cost? Where did u get yours & how much did you pay? Mine has a little bit of the damage from the previous owner being rough with It i guess so i wouldn't mind replacing it to make sure it doesn't damage my brand new cassette. Thanks.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому +1

      First off, thanks xDi for the kind words! I will try to hunt some stuff up later tonight, and get back with you on what you will need for those Hub specs. That one that I had was made for a formula brand hub,(that may be what the FH in your part number stands for) and Cannondale had actually put a part number on it, which ordinarily adds to the price. I was lucky enough to find mine as New Old Stock on eBay and got a deal on it. I think it was about 32 bucks if I remember correctly. I would definitely hang on to your old one if you buy new to keep as a serviceable spare.

  • @EFreeman1970
    @EFreeman1970 2 роки тому

    Great video! Can you put a Shimano Freehub on a wheel that has a fixed gear hub? Specifically for an 11 speed Deore group set.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and the kind words Elaine! By fixed gear, do you mean a single speed (just one cog wheel) with spacers? Also, does the wheel hub have a model number. I'm not real good at this stuff without looking at the actual part, but I can try.

  • @joriz5869
    @joriz5869 2 роки тому

    I have a friend called Paul.. lol.. anyway thanks for the close ups on the parts especially the end caps and how to remove them....

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      No problem Jo! Thanks for watching and commenting. That helps the video do well.

  • @mrleepads303
    @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

    Thanks For this video sir Now i have Idea how to fix my Bike Hubs

  • @dianedumas8924
    @dianedumas8924 3 роки тому

    loved your script. you are excellent. i would like a quieter freehub. Any recommandation?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks so much Diane for watching and the kind words! I spend a lot of time trying to constantly improve the content, but it really makes my day when people tell me that it helped them out or made then laugh. As for a quieter hub, the most quiet that I know of is Onyx. I don't know anyone who has used Onyx, but they are not only silent, but supposedly have infinite engagement. I hope that this helps you. What kind of hub are you running now?

  • @ds2575
    @ds2575 Рік тому

    Unreal video that, clearest explanation of the back wheel workings I have seen..... and I have seen a few🙈👌

  • @biesczad
    @biesczad Рік тому

    Great job !

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching and the kind words Biesczad720. Glad you enjoyed!

  • @HighVybeTribe
    @HighVybeTribe 3 роки тому

    I thought FH stood for Free Hub ??

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      I'm not exactly sure. That would definitely make sense if it did.

  • @eduardoavalle2812
    @eduardoavalle2812 2 роки тому

    ha the comment he can count hahahahaah

  • @mikemcmo
    @mikemcmo 3 роки тому

    Great video, thanks. But whoops, when you're unscrewing the reverse threaded bit, the text says lefty loosey when it's really righty loosey.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Thanks for pointing that out Michael. I must have written that under force of habit. I wish that they would allow to make corrections on stuff like that without taking the video down, but as far as I know, there is no way to make any changes other than deleting or blurring after the video is uploaded. I will look into it, and at least add the mistake to the description. Thanks!

  • @dongarnier1336
    @dongarnier1336 3 роки тому

    Left handed threads are righty-loosey. Right handed threads are righty-tighty, left-loosey.

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      Yeah, I misprinted, and realized when it was too late to change it. Sorry about that Don! Thanks for watching!

  • @mrleepads303
    @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

    Do you have Bike Parts that youre not using sir. Give me hehehe

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  3 роки тому

      😂😁What kind of bike do you have?

    • @mrleepads303
      @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow As of now Sir Budget MTB 27.5 and My Hub is need Replacement already hehe

    • @mrleepads303
      @mrleepads303 3 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow su many to replace hehe. RD and Shifeter 9 speed hehe

  • @rockmountbmxer
    @rockmountbmxer 2 роки тому

    When you fit the new freehub does it pull straight out or if you pull it it stays in? Thanks

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      Hi Dave. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what your question is. Do you mean pulling on the cassette?

    • @rockmountbmxer
      @rockmountbmxer 2 роки тому

      @@themostlymikeshow when my freehub is on the turbo trainer i can pull it straight off. I'm guessing this shouldn't be the case? There is a nut that keeps it in place, but doesn't the freehub click into the hub body?

    • @themostlymikeshow
      @themostlymikeshow  2 роки тому

      There's only one scenario that I can think it by chance a DT Swiss Star Ratchet hub? They pull straight off, cassette and all, and have a quarter sized splined star Ratchet in place of the pawls.