Nancy Alexandria-Carreira. Your 100% right. Never feel secure that the Gossiper will never Gossip about you because the Gossiper's love to Gossip. Gossiper's don't have one special friend they don't Gossip about. Don't be deceived by a Gossiper ever.
Some people want to monitor their kids and employees. Also, people want to catch their cheating spouse . The technology helps all to have better and secret conversation with others. Therefore, it becomes difficult to catch employee or spouse in their cheating act. If you are finding any technique that can help you to catch someone’s cheat on you, then you must spy suspect’s cell phone. Spying someone’s cell phone enables you to get all the mobile activities on your dashboard in right time. With small formalities and precautions, you can understand whether the victim is reliable or not. Spy the cell phone of your target as well as monitoring. The best for you to use is acehackerlord for all your spying and hacking needs, you can Contact at acehackerlord @gmail com or Text +17329624964
I think we see it and somehow ignore it. Especially if we love someone and their true self starts to come through. I was with someone for a decade before their true narcissist self made its debut. A good idea is to really keep important things to yourself. Everything I ever told her was happily used against me whenever the need arose And always always be careful what you text or email. It becomes a record for these people that will be used against you
The most dangerous people are charismatic psychopaths . They are so charming but they have an ulterior motive to screw you over . Worst thing is people will believe him over you because charismatic people are so likeable
its worse than that. rather than having a motive, they are just waiting for the chace that a motive may come thier way, thats what makes them so hard to spot. someone with a motive is easy to spot.
I had a gut instinct once, to not trust a certain someone, but I went against it, everything turned out a very nasty business. Lesson learnt always trust your gut instincts.
Same. Gave them the benefit of a doubt then they stole money from me. Very surreal experience cause I knew it but let my guard down. My gut was warning me.
Betrayal is one of the worst things. It hurts so much especially when you have been friends for many years. In fact, when you realise they have betrayed you, looking back over the years, you realise they have always betrayed you. You just didn't know. Unfortunately at nearly 70 years old, I trust nobody now.
That's a sad thing, isn't it? I worked for the same company for over 25 years and did my job as if it were my own company making certain that all I did was as exact as possible because one mistake would cost the company a lot of money. When I retired it took but one week to learn how the women there began spreading untruths about me and before I knew it, those whom I had always considered as 'family' turned on me; all of them. I wasn't there to defend myself and I didn't feel I needed to defend myself; it was just shocking to see how quickly people can turn against others whom one thought they could trust. Sad.
Brenda Price I agree at my age of 65 going on 66 Aug. 1st. My ex husband now, is a 100% malignant narcissist! He betrayed me by everything he did, he betrayed me with my love, my honesty, my commitment, my trust and everything I'm sure you know. It's hard for anyone to imagine! He was, I thought was my best friend! Little did I know, he was really my worst enemy! He cheated on me for 5/12 years with another married woman, who was 34 years younger than him. While he's 15 years older than me, wasn't young enough for him. It really hurts more than anything in you're entire life! When you find out, you realize he's been doing it the whole time you were together! It seems too late to try and start a a new life without them. And it's so hard when I thought we'd grow old together. Take Care, God Bless. Hope you are enjoying your freedom, I know it's hard to enjoy anything when your heart is broken and you're broken. I hope things are going better at this time. My Prayers 🙏are with you. I'm still having a hard time with it. I'm divorced now 2/12 years, and I trust no one also. My Prayers go out to you.🙏 🙂💕 jrh
@@juliahash5038 I totally understand every word you've said. The betrayal is so thorough, so complete and unbelievable to anyone who has never been through it. My life now is void of trust in anyone. It is safer. And anyone who says oh you'll get over it, one day you'll meet blah blah blah is plain wrong. In the autumn of your life you do not have time (or the desire) to meet a man and be together. The thought of it is ridiculous! Life is unfair. There is no getting away from that. I take each day as it comes and read books. People/humans? Not for me. Except those such as yourself.
@@juliahash5038 I totally understand you. I know your pain 100%. It never seems possible to see an end to the despair these people cause. Time. That is the healer. And knowing how strong you are. You're amazing.
I try to be friendly to anyone but when it comes to getting to know people I would rather not know about them because alot of people carry alot baggage
Trusty people are not good talkers, rather silent. Trusty people don't wear a persona mask, they don't need it. Trusty people don't want anything from you, rather want to give you. Trusty people don't ask stupid questions. Most important, trusty people are very polite and sensitive.
Some people want to monitor their kids and employees. Also, people want to catch their cheating spouse . The technology helps all to have better and secret conversation with others. Therefore, it becomes difficult to catch employee or spouse in their cheating act. If you are finding any technique that can help you to catch someone’s cheat on you, then you must spy suspect’s cell phone. Spying someone’s cell phone enables you to get all the mobile activities on your dashboard in right time. With small formalities and precautions, you can understand whether the victim is reliable or not. Spy the cell phone of your target as well as monitoring. The best for you to use is acehackerlord for all your spying and hacking needs, you can Contact at acehackerlord @gmail com or Text +17329624964
@@angelinapetrelli261 Those are the type of people who feel a need to 'micromanage' everything in their lives because they have failed to learn how to delegate and trust others and that too is a very sad thing.
Its called “Giving the Benefit of doubt” is what caused me to end up into so many toxic relationships with people!!! My gut will tell me to run 🏃♀️ as fast 💨 as you can away from that person but the my good heart 💜 will say “Come on give that person a chance!”!!! I went with what my heart told me most of the time and went through hell!!! I did this only because if I went with my gut feeling I would have no one in my life!!! But I learned that it’s better to have no one in my life than to be surrounded by a bunch of demons putting me through hell!!! So now I listen 👂 to my guts over my heart 💜!!! My guts will protect my heart!!!
Bennie Camb, Yes, I call them demons also. People that have no feelings, no remorse for what they have done, no empathy towards others, and don't give a damn whether they hurt you or not, only concerned about themselves are SERPENTS and SNAKES in the grass! Yes, and I would rather be alone than with those demons! Take Care, God Bless. 🙂💕🙏❤
Trust issues could be a factor, consequences for misleading others, an ulterior motive could be used, gossip about you could manipulate the situation, if there's no empathy be weary, take responsibility for your life, don't play the blame game with mind games🖍
You're wrong. I have very poor judgement. My gut feeling very often tells me "Now, THAT'S a good person!", only to end up as a huge "oops." I used to want to trust, but now I refuse to trust. I've learned. It's taken many, many, many lessons, but I've finally learned.
I do too I'm breaking up with my boyfriend because that's all he does is lie and I can't trust them at all and I think he doing something behind my back but I'll be better off without him
everytime i didnt trust my insticts i ended up kicking myself for it. always trust your instincts even if everything you see goes against them. instincts are that subconscious part of your brain trying to tell you something
There's no way in hell I believe anything about what you just said. By the time we're in post adolescence our instincts are so clouded by distractions and outside influences that there's little left of them. Use your judgement - your observation - facts - information.
Trust no one and you are right. I trust one man and one man only and that is God. A person is better off with no friends at all because most of them just want to use you.
I agree with all of the above. I have been too open at times with people I do not know, which has caused some pain. I have also been stalked by people for a long time that do not really know me well at all. There are a lot of narcissists in the world and it is a good idea to be very careful what you disclose about yourself to others. Narcs want to destroy you and getting rid of bad people is difficult.
Same, my trust has to be earned! Trusted to many in past that only used it. May take a while but hey if you really care for me I'm worth it, don't break it tho!!!
I learned the hard way to always listen to my intuition about people. I rejected what it was telling me once. I ended up in a relationship with a narcissist for 2 yrs of pure hell. Seemingly charming people are always a red flag, I loved that it was first on the list.
Sharmaine Scott, I foolishly stayed in a marriage for 37 years! Time after time, listening to my narcissistic husband's lies and believing he would change. Meanwhile, my life was slipping by. One day I just woke up and I'm in the process of divorcing him.(I'll get half of everything) Already my life is improving! 😎
@Tiemen Weistra We're stronger than we think, we just get caught up in what happened in the beginning when he pretend to be someone he really wasn't. Once he feels he's hooked you, the demon comes. I'm glad you tossed the asshat in the trash!
@@sonofgod5290 'ofcourse, I don't wanna choose hell over heaven', this is my reply, but people won't accept this point, so ' i don't know'... But, who am I to decide things...I may dream of many, but God's decision over me will, "DON'T THINK MUCH, FOR GOD IS WITH US" :)
I've learned two things in this regard that have been foolproof: First, Trusting my gut instincts over everything and everyone else has never failed me and never will. Going against them has always cost me somehow; large & small. Someone once told me that our intuition is God's way of remaining anonymous; I found comfort in this, despite my shortcomings in faith. Second, the louder, more grandiose and "convincing" an individual is about "being real, loyalty & trust," or any story they're spitting in that moment, the more narcissistic and shady they are. The slickest serpents speak with silver tongues, but if you look closely, they cannot hide the slit down the center. Best way to figure it out right away is to be silent and observant ~most people show their intentions and personality stains within the first 30-60 minutes of meeting them. Others show it immediately... Just my 2 cents, gained from being an Empath with an extremely narcissistic younger brother and miserable relationships. 💙
I couldn't have said it any better! I can tell you within a couple mins. if I want to be around a person at first meeting them. I can read a person exactly by what you said. Just simply watch them and listen. But I have a habit of taking it one step farther. If/when they may be telling a story or talking about something they've done or experienced and you find it to be way far fetched, I enjoy "setting them out"! By this, I will ask questions and expect detailed answers in front of the others. Especially when you know what they just said is a bunch of bullarchy!! That always makes them nervous and you pretty much don't ever have to worry about them coming back around you, which is fine because who wants someone like that to be in their "circle" anyway? My circle is small enough to count on one hand. And to be in it, well, let's just say it's near impossible!! Only ones who I've known for many years and have proven their loyalty and trust worthiness can remain in my friend circle. I don't ever go out of my way to invite or increase it's numbers either. I'm content with it as is!
@@janieskelton-christian7652 I knew a person loosely. I introduced him to his other half. They may or may not be together. Anyway he had over 400 FB friends.
Yes, that intuition is right on target. Any time I've thought I couldn't trust someone, I was right. You're better off not telling anyone anything you don't want repeated, unless it's someone who has proven to be trusted in the past.
All so true. Choose your friends carefully, don't let them choose you. You have the right. People who are not perfect make good friends. Survivors make good friends, they suffered a lot. People who suffered a lot make good friends. Good friends are worthy of trust.
They dump on you but you can't dump on them, they tell you to get over it and change the subject, it's all about them and their victim mentality. They embarrass and humiliate you in front of others then when you stand up to them they ruin your reputation by telling people how mean you are.
I cannot count the times. People have acted ,as if, they wanted to be friends. Only to gain my trust. And use it to make me look poorly. So I'm use to that happening. That's why I don't try to hard to become close with too many anymore.
Codependent behaviors attract narcissistic cluster B personalities... learn to quit displaying codependent behaviors and you'll quit attracting douche bags into your life. Raise your vibration and better classes of people will come into your life...
Extremely well done! Learned these lessons the hard way one at a time over a lifetime. Sadly honor, integrity, and hence trustworthiness are rare among humans.
What if they ask for forgiveness ??and want you guys to be like before of which it's hard I know am rly stuck here cause some I even deleted their contacts but they texted me 🥺wish they never did
You are Soo right!! Paying dearly & painfully for just that kind of person. The signs were there but I ignored them. This 1 lesson I will NEVER forget!
Trust needs to be earned in my book. How many people has one trusted just to find out they lied the whole time. I'm naturally empathic, and I can usually read people when they aren't genuine and that they have an agenda that may not be in the best interest, personally, even to explore. When you meet someone and and just go on by their face value, like an onion they have layers and when you eventually peel back those layers you will find a completely different person. My advice: DON'T COMMIT ALL OF YOURSELF TOO SOON, JUST KEEP IT FRIENDLY FOR HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES UNTIL YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY SURE OF THEM. THIS ADVICE IS FOR THOSE LOOKING OUT FOR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. FRIENDS ON THE OTHER HAND COME AND GO UNLESS YOU DEVELOPE SOME KIND OF A BOND WITH THEM. BUT THE PROCESS OF FORMING ANY FRIENDSHIP HAS TO DO WITH A CERTAIN COMPROMISE ASWELL AS TRUST. MOST IMPORTANTLY, DON'T BE A DOORMAT BE ASSERTIVE.
I've just moved the moment I met one of my neighbors I got that feeling that has saved me so many times,it only took 4 months to see the real side,she had a complete meltdown over something that is trivial to me but the rage appeared,slandering, grandiose behavior, basically she got put in her place and got told no!
Number 8 is so true! Either follow your plans to meet others or don't agree at all. This is different from telling someone you can't meet in the first place after they ask.
My gut sent me a warning about a "friend" I've known the majority of my life. I tried to justify this feeling because this person is a people pleaser and a go with the flow type of person. It's the actions and superficial convo that I decided to trust my gut feeling. I fell back and started analyzing everything. This person voice, actions and behavior seems so wrong now. Follow your gut, always.
I wouldn't say "EVERYONE!" I, for one, have always been trustworthy. I keep confidences, and if i'm your friend, you can believe i'm just that, ride or die! Problem is, most of the people I know don't return that "friendlove" like I do, so I have dumped a bunch of folks!
Age 68 here. Good video, honest, accurate, no whitewashing. From my experiences, what someone does to someone else, that you witness - they will do, or eventually do - to you.
I have to say, I seen most of the signs in my now ex and wished I had walked away long before the relationship officially ended. Now, the deep scars that run within me has left me with a strong antitrust of most people. Listen to the gut instincts, they are never wrong. I know I should of done so at my very early stages of the relationship. Listen to those gut feelings and not the hormones.
@@KK-ri2gu I agree. I now listen more to my guy feelings than I do my hormones and keep my hormones in check. I admit I was not a perfect bloke, but then show me anyone that is perfect. Every one of us has something we don't like, and I admire those that have seen golden wedding anniversaries and so on. They stuck by their vows to each other, through the good, the bad, sickness and health. For rich or poor. Now a days that will be a hard hurdle to jump over. Too many swap, change and teach our children that promises and vows mean nothing when the rough comes.
After countless times of being used, and taken; regardless how lonely I may be; (at times), I’ll live he rest of my lifetime with myself and my Dog. This is the safest way!!!
Yank ee Perfection is flawed. Letting your gut be your guide doesn’t lead to perfection. It just lets you know something isn’t right and you should perhaps look more closely or not as the case may be.
@@danielsea6479 But ~ if u have a gut "feeling" that something is not right, & u end up finding out that ur gut "feelings" were right, then u definitely know, ucan't trust that person..!! Especially if it's happened a few too many times before. It could be anyone. At least u know, who u can & who u cant trust..!! In my own personal experience ..!!
@@spiritangel1367 It’s not about a gut feeling. It’s about self awareness. It is making a conscious decision in a situation based on facts. Ie: Chocolate cake. GUT yeah, U diabetic. SO NO! Apply Rule of 3: Is it legit, Is it good, do I have peace?
Trust is so fluid and elusive though. This makes it sounds like some solitary never-changing virtue. They will be your friend forever. The reality is, that trust will vanish when the friend feels threatened by your luck or success. Single or freshly divorced people will suddenly hate your stable long term marriage. Ones who find they cannot get that great job or have children will hate your big promotion or the announcement you are pregnant with your third child. This article only applies if the relationship remains unchanged.
It's frustrating when you see other people fall for those who seem charming, and these people tell you you're wrong about your hunch or you're thinking to much and that you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I've seen straight through these types of people, or aren't convinced like others are, they treat me worse behind closed doors... even just small petty actions against me that they can get away with. It is very satisfying though when people finally see you were right about them all along.
I scaled back a once very close long term friendship with someone who repeatedly flaked on me. I let it go at first but then it kept happening until I finally had enough and simultaneously had an epiphany that it was time to back away. Like this video said, if someone is always late or otherwise doesn’t respect your time, its because they probably don’t really like you and/or don’t really want to socialize with you - time to move on.
Actions matter… ppl can say whatever but their actions can tell you all! Who want you in their life they will show you and who don’t they will also show you! The older I am I get it
Trust that gut! Your instincts don't lie. I've run across a few examples in my life of people I sensed I couldn't trust and eventually discovered that I had good reason. Of these examples, the most common theme was that it was all about them being the center of attention whenever possible. It turned out in the biggest examples that the desire to be the star attraction also meant they didn't have much good to say about anyone else. In one case, the nonstop chatter coming from the individual led me to liken the experience to feeling the oxygen being sucked from the atmosphere. I'd sooner have fewer quality friends that I could trust, since having one's trust violated a lot tends to result in an even smaller pool of possible relationships being available.
Needed this video. Just deleted a friend who seems to be two faced and I had a deep conviction to immediately get away from her for physical safety reasons. It’s scary when she makes threats to kill and beats people up to others but acts totally different around you. Loss of trust.
Thank you. I put trust in the wrong person a Narcissist at that. Trying now to get myself back on track. It's the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Bout nothing into the relationship but lies, disrespect etc. Was so wonderful to start with. Now trying to take me for what I have worked my butt off. But grateful for the experience even though it was, is horrible, but I now know what to look for. Unfortunately my trust had now been tarnished I just hope not forever. Thank you so much for this. Have a fantastic day beautiful people. 🌞❣🙏
In a workplace there are so many people that are exactly have that trait (not trust worthy). They tend to get something out of you but once that you help them. In reality friends that is worthy of your trust are rare gems. one advise that i can give you "don't spill your beans to someone you do not know well". I often meet people that are AFRAID to be comfronted and at the same time "having medical conditions of some sort" to avoid confrontation.
I had a boss that had so many of these traits it was unbelievable. If only I had seen this before I took the job, it wouldn’t have led to such disaster, but in the end, I ended up I excelled after exposure to him and ended up with multiple certifications and more money in future jobs, so sometimes impacts to these evil people turns out ok. Remember….Life is what you make of it! You can either be a victim the rest of your life or turn your life around. You are in control.
Turned out miserable, speaking about me behind my back , lying to me that did it. Just deleted them . Thank you for reminding me I made the right decision-:))
Interesting list. I can usually judge people almost instantaneously. Where I fail completely is when dealing with an actual insane person, such as a schizophrenic.
Believe or not, I had a relationship with one person and most of the things in this video match, I am sad but definitely happy that I found out. Thank you again! The sooner you find out the better is rather than hurting yourself because of other idiots.
I know a person who displays all 10 signs. Everything and everybody else is to blame for their mistakes. I hate people like that and try to avoid them at all costs!!
I had a strong gut instinct that I could not trust my neighbor but I stayed friends with her anyway and spoke with her often mainly because I didn't have many friends at the time, later as time went by she stoled almost $250 off me but there was no way I could prove it. Then I'll be damned she got me again the very first day I got my disability check, she stole over $500 and again I could not prove it, she was a drug addict addicted to heroin within a year and a half after that happened she overdosed and died. Very sad story. But thank you because you explained everything perfectly, you were spot on!, 💯 Percent👍
In my case, she tried to sell me on this idea that she was spiritual and even an "empath." It's one thing to refer to yourself as empathetic, but to actually call yourself an empath? She turned out to be just the opposite; carnal instead of spiritual, cruel and insensitive instead of empathetic, and likely materialistic since I suspect she abandoned me only because she learned I was not wealthy despite my high level status. But then again, I typically draw in narcissistic personality types.
@@geralddecaire6164 -- Count yourself lucky. It could have been worse. I am widow about 2 years ago and dating for about a year. I always play down my income by saying I do OK, I earn a living. It took my, pretty much full time, Girlfriend six months to realize my watch is Rolex. With a new Women I try to get her to talk about herself. And, I pay very close attention to what she says and her body language. She can't hide who she really is, if we pay attention.
@@geralddecaire6164 There's nothing wrong with real empaths calling themselves empath, most people who are empaths are aware they are highly sensitive to others' energy so why should they lie about it? The problem is that narcissists falsely portray themselves as empaths and depending on the setting, it can be difficult to spot the fact that they are no such thing when one first meets them.
Turned out very badly not listening to my initial instinct Including being sent to jail because of four false family witness statements against me, and not one of those people were at the alleged scene So I will 100% be listening my gut from the start if there is a next time Great video and thanks for sharing
Brutally, I realised that really I had betrayed myself and that I could always trust the other to be themself & easily betray. I pondered deeply on "the hands of the betrayers"!
Learn who people are and only trust them to be who they are. Never give them the means or the reward to screw you over. Always keep the upper hand in your relationships. If it hurts them more to betray you than they will not.
I have been through some highly unusual situations and now know and can recognize that there are a lot of groups of people who are actually a band of criminals working together to use other people. What they do to them and how they hurt them varies, but the motive appears to be financial gain. This happens on so many levels and in so many different types of relationships. Most people are blind to it even occurring, even though it may be happening even to them. The sinister part is that this has been concretely planned, and a lot of times it involves destroying someone’s health, and apparently even killing the person. I don’t think most people would even believe that even if they were the victim. They just can’t see it. I think it probably is good to spend some time away from the people you know at least for a little while. That’s a start so you can see the signs of what I’m talking about.
"Who gossips with you will gossip of you"
Nancy Alexandria-Carreira. Your 100% right. Never feel secure that the Gossiper will never Gossip about you because the Gossiper's love to Gossip. Gossiper's don't have one special friend they don't Gossip about. Don't be deceived by a Gossiper ever.
Only if they have something about you to gossip about. Do they?
True 🤭
Yep. But on a lighter note, "the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about." --Oscar Wilde
Trust takes many years to build, but just seconds to destroy.
and once its destroyed its as good as FUBAR
I know Genetics
@@pyramidhead138Is that FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION ? And what does PyramidHead138 mean ?
Yeah that's for sure.
Every time I’ve had that gut feeling something was off, I’ve been right.
You're right. It's so important to listen. It's never wrong.. 😊
Some people want to monitor their kids and employees. Also, people want to catch their cheating spouse . The technology helps all to have better and secret conversation with others. Therefore, it becomes difficult to catch employee or spouse in their cheating act. If you are finding any technique that can help you to catch someone’s cheat on you, then you must spy suspect’s cell phone. Spying someone’s cell phone enables you to get all the mobile activities on your dashboard in right time. With small formalities and precautions, you can understand whether the victim is reliable or not. Spy the cell phone of your target as well as monitoring. The best for you to use is acehackerlord for all your spying and hacking needs, you can Contact at acehackerlord @gmail com or Text +17329624964
Out of 10 times your gut and instincts are right 10 times it's never wrong
I ignored that gut instinct once and I was right: the person was awful.
Always been right about every gut feeling ive ever had. Thats how ive survived by listening to my gut. Trust me when i say trust ur gut too...
"Trust is not given, trust is earned."
Grace is unearned favor
Curtis Comes exactly
If You don't give trust you won't get trust!
Trust,like respect,has to be is not automatic.
"just because they smile with you, it doesn't mean their happy for you"
they're * = they are
Biggest lesson
Pay attention to how they look at you ..People can’t hide hate!!!!💯
Yes true and they're the same ones that put their hand on your shoulder trying to come over as being caring when they are not.
I think we see it and somehow ignore it. Especially if we love someone and their true self starts to come through. I was with someone for a decade before their true narcissist self made its
A good idea is to really keep important things to yourself. Everything I ever told her was happily used against me whenever the need arose
And always always be careful what you text or email. It becomes a record for these people that will be used against you
They can’t it’s so hard for a hater
When someone shows you who they are the "first " time believe them. ..
Do you mean: Do not go back for the fourth time, as he/she will never change?
@@paulsdancing5429 Absolutely yes!!! Nothing's EVER their fault! NARCS! Run away and never look back!❤
@@judiezell4306 thank you. Keep on running....
@@judiezell4306 Right!!!
I've seen good people go bad, and bad people go good so naw this isn't true.
That's why my friendship list is so small, my gut is thoroughly accurate.
you have the gift of discernment!
My two best Friends are Music that i have, and my Shadow, especially my Shadow it Never leaves me, It's there in Good and bad Times. ;-)
Omg your like me you have the gift of discernment it’s hard to ignore we usually have less friends
The most dangerous people are charismatic psychopaths . They are so charming but they have an ulterior motive to screw you over . Worst thing is people will believe him over you because charismatic people are so likeable
its worse than that. rather than having a motive, they are just waiting for the chace that a motive may come thier way, thats what makes them so hard to spot. someone with a motive is easy to spot.
Sooooo true
Yep, this may have happened to me. Check out my comment.
@truth hurts well said
My ex wife everyone thought she was 💯. More like 1 out of 💯.
I had a gut instinct once, to not trust a certain someone, but I went against it, everything turned out a very nasty business. Lesson learnt always trust your gut instincts.
like when a daily horoscope predict your day, once a year. Aha, see! Horoscopes can be thrusted! 😢 The exception becomes the rule.
Same. Gave them the benefit of a doubt then they stole money from me. Very surreal experience cause I knew it but let my guard down. My gut was warning me.
Betrayal is one of the worst things. It hurts so much especially when you have been friends for many years. In fact, when you realise they have betrayed you, looking back over the years, you realise they have always betrayed you. You just didn't know. Unfortunately at nearly 70 years old, I trust nobody now.
That's a sad thing, isn't it? I worked for the same company for over 25 years and did my job as if it were my own company making certain that all I did was as exact as possible because one mistake would cost the company a lot of money. When I retired it took but one week to learn how the women there began spreading untruths about me and before I knew it, those whom I had always considered as 'family' turned on me; all of them. I wasn't there to defend myself and I didn't feel I needed to defend myself; it was just shocking to see how quickly people can turn against others whom one thought they could trust. Sad.
I trust no one now at 58 people who knew me who where friends say hey I just ignored them and kept walking never acknowledge them !!!!
Brenda Price
I agree at my age of 65 going on 66 Aug. 1st. My ex husband now, is a 100% malignant narcissist! He betrayed me by everything he did, he betrayed me with my love, my honesty, my commitment, my trust and everything I'm sure you know. It's hard for anyone to imagine! He was, I thought was my best friend! Little did I know, he was really my worst enemy! He cheated on me for 5/12 years with another married woman, who was 34 years younger than him. While he's 15 years older than me, wasn't young enough for him. It really hurts more than anything in you're entire life! When you find out, you realize he's been doing it the whole time you were together! It seems too late to try and start a a new life without them. And it's so hard when I thought we'd grow old together. Take Care, God Bless. Hope you are enjoying your freedom, I know it's hard to enjoy anything when your heart is broken and you're broken. I hope things are going better at this time. My Prayers 🙏are with you. I'm still having a hard time with it. I'm divorced now 2/12 years, and I trust no one also. My Prayers go out to you.🙏 🙂💕 jrh
@@juliahash5038 I totally understand every word you've said. The betrayal is so thorough, so complete and unbelievable to anyone who has never been through it. My life now is void of trust in anyone. It is safer. And anyone who says oh you'll get over it, one day you'll meet blah blah blah is plain wrong. In the autumn of your life you do not have time (or the desire) to meet a man and be together. The thought of it is ridiculous! Life is unfair. There is no getting away from that. I take each day as it comes and read books. People/humans? Not for me. Except those such as yourself.
@@juliahash5038 I totally understand you. I know your pain 100%. It never seems possible to see an end to the despair these people cause. Time. That is the healer. And knowing how strong you are. You're amazing.
"Friend of everyone.... is friend of no one"
*sigh* sadly its true.
YES I also say so!!!!!
True True ..
I fear such people
I try to be friendly to anyone but when it comes to getting to know people I would rather not know about them because alot of people carry alot baggage
When a person insults you around other people to make them self look good. They have personal issue.
You're spot on!
don't have anything to do with a moron like that, that's what I did and life is alot better's called being a dickhead 🤷😂
You just ddescribed my oldest brother
True. Still sucks though because not everyone knows that. Probably most don't think that way.
Never Ever go against your gut instincts - no matter how cute or charming they are. Lesson learned -
Me too! My recent situationship has showed me that. He was such a asshole. Lesson learned 😔💚💚
so true!!!
@@xw6475 sis sameeeeeee I wish I would have never met him or talk to him again
Never trust a narcissist!
I know a good orange one like that.
If you somehow put your trust in a narcissist, you're not paying attention. xD
You can't completely discount someone for any one negative trait - that's just asinine.
@@yankee2666 Narcissism isn't just ONE negative trait, bro... wat.
Trusty people are not good talkers, rather silent.
Trusty people don't wear a persona mask, they don't need it.
Trusty people don't want anything from you, rather want to give you.
Trusty people don't ask stupid questions.
Most important, trusty people are very polite and sensitive.
Okay the stupid questions one some people don’t know any better?
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Umm not always, my x is 9/10 of these traits, she least talker I know. Quiet can be clever. Clever doesn't mean good.
@@angelinapetrelli261 Those are the type of people who feel a need to 'micromanage' everything in their lives because they have failed to learn how to delegate and trust others and that too is a very sad thing.
There's a lot of truth to that......☺️
Its called “Giving the Benefit of doubt” is what caused me to end up into so many toxic relationships with people!!! My gut will tell me to run 🏃♀️ as fast 💨 as you can away from that person but the my good heart 💜 will say “Come on give that person a chance!”!!! I went with what my heart told me most of the time and went through hell!!! I did this only because if I went with my gut feeling I would have no one in my life!!! But I learned that it’s better to have no one in my life than to be surrounded by a bunch of demons putting me through hell!!! So now I listen 👂 to my guts over my heart 💜!!! My guts will protect my heart!!!
Same hey 😩
The heart is the one that decieves you the most
Bennie Camb,
Yes, I call them demons also. People that have no feelings, no remorse for what they have done, no empathy towards others, and don't give a damn whether they hurt you or not, only concerned about themselves are SERPENTS and SNAKES in the grass! Yes, and I would rather be alone than with those demons! Take Care, God Bless.
@@juliahash5038 I Love the way you put it!!! Those are the very people I’m talking about!!!🥳🤩😇God bless you to!!!
Very well said, sorry u had to learn that lesson so harshly
Gut feeling won't lead you wrong. We all have it.
Trust issues could be a factor, consequences for misleading others, an ulterior motive could be used, gossip about you could manipulate the situation, if there's no empathy be weary, take responsibility for your life, don't play the blame game with mind games🖍
You're wrong. I have very poor judgement. My gut feeling very often tells me "Now, THAT'S a good person!", only to end up as a huge "oops."
I used to want to trust, but now I refuse to trust. I've learned. It's taken many, many, many lessons, but I've finally learned.
So true 👍
When with a narcissist abuser in public they may be kind of nice, when in private they are abusive. They can never be trusted.
I hate one sided relationships
Can happen with all kind of people
I do too I'm breaking up with my boyfriend because that's all he does is lie and I can't trust them at all and I think he doing something behind my back but I'll be better off without him
Me too that my boyfriend
i hated one-sided families
I do to,I hate players like covid 19. Trust is earned.
Never tell anyone a secret
If you divulge a "secret" it isn't really a secret!
If you can't keep your secret, what makes you believe they will keep your secret.
If you tell someone a secret it is no longer a secret.
Except your pets
@@999sonder I don't think pets count in this conversation! ( although they are great confidants!)
The more I watch this channel, the more I learn about myself. I've learned more in the last month than I did in 14 years of therapy.
Me too 😊
Announce to you have done something wrong in front of everyone. When you haven't and you have to prove it. Soul crushing
everytime i didnt trust my insticts i ended up kicking myself for it. always trust your instincts even if everything you see goes against them. instincts are that subconscious part of your brain trying to tell you something
sadly, our thinking mind 'second guesses' our instincts and gets it WRONG every time
Me too but my instincts are to not trust just about everyone around me. What now?
This happens to me
@@valflo8321 maybe you should look at what kinds of people you are surrounding yourself with and why that is.
There's no way in hell I believe anything about what you just said. By the time we're in post adolescence our instincts are so clouded by distractions and outside influences that there's little left of them. Use your judgement - your observation - facts - information.
In this world full of evil things. Trust no one
JAYPEE TV be careful who you trust when comes to people, u have to test them to show if they are honest or not
Nobody trusts me so why should I trust them...
Very true
Trust no one and you are right. I trust one man and one man only and that is God. A person is better off with no friends at all because most of them just want to use you.
I agree with all of the above. I have been too open at times with people I do not know, which has caused some pain. I have also been stalked by people for a long time that do not really know me well at all. There are a lot of narcissists in the world and it is a good idea to be very careful what you disclose about yourself to others. Narcs want to destroy you and getting rid of bad people is difficult.
I’m glad it’s not just ne
I been hurt by people before I am really upset right now and I am positive person This is Rachella 🙂
I can strongly relate to that, Sheila!
I trust no one until they give me a reason to trust them
wondermutt I’m the opposite.
the only people looking to give you a reason to trust them are the ones you cant.
People should earn your trust and not to think it comes instantly. Today people take trust for granted when you meet them.
@@elizasmith5201 i agree however you have to trust people a bit to alow them to earn more. thats why having clear boundries is important
Same, my trust has to be earned! Trusted to many in past that only used it. May take a while but hey if you really care for me I'm worth it, don't break it tho!!!
I've been bullied so much over my life, so like 99.99999% can't be trusted... And most people seem to lack empathy too...
The coronarules has made the society ; ignorant, violent, selfish.....
@@willyholdsman3956 It already was, the pandemic only exposed it.
@@PhoenixtheII I hope that you stay safe and trust your heart and feelings ...: )
My papa said son dont let the man getcha and do what he done to me, cause hel getcha, hel getcha nana
Man I hear you .
I learned the hard way to always listen to my intuition about people. I rejected what it was telling me once. I ended up in a relationship with a narcissist for 2 yrs of pure hell.
Seemingly charming people are always a red flag, I loved that it was first on the list.
Thank God you're out of the relationship
Sharmaine Scott, I foolishly stayed in a marriage for 37 years! Time after time, listening to my narcissistic husband's lies and believing he would change. Meanwhile, my life was slipping by. One day I just woke up and I'm in the process of divorcing him.(I'll get half of everything) Already my life is improving! 😎
Thank you
@Tiemen Weistra
We're stronger than we think, we just get caught up in what happened in the beginning when he pretend to be someone he really wasn't. Once he feels he's hooked you, the demon comes. I'm glad you tossed the asshat in the trash!
@@vickvique3859 yes no matter what he says or does. I am RID OF THIS DEMON. Thank God
Yes your right if you want to stay single.
Meaning single for the rest of life 😅.
@@sonofgod5290 'ofcourse, I don't wanna choose hell over heaven', this is my reply, but people won't accept this point, so ' i don't know'...
But, who am I to decide things...I may dream of many, but God's decision over me will, "DON'T THINK MUCH, FOR GOD IS WITH US" :)
@@mylife_1001 Ellis Neer
Here’s the thing; listen to your guts and trust it.
Yes! Should have done this long time ago. Never too late to do so
God gave us that intuition! I’ve ignored it, and found myself in trouble.
Yup 💯
@@hikerhobby1204 its ok keep going i believe in u!!!
I've learned two things in this regard that have been foolproof: First, Trusting my gut instincts over everything and everyone else has never failed me and never will. Going against them has always cost me somehow; large & small. Someone once told me that our intuition is God's way of remaining anonymous; I found comfort in this, despite my shortcomings in faith. Second, the louder, more grandiose and "convincing" an individual is about "being real, loyalty & trust," or any story they're spitting in that moment, the more narcissistic and shady they are. The slickest serpents speak with silver tongues, but if you look closely, they cannot hide the slit down the center. Best way to figure it out right away is to be silent and observant ~most people show their intentions and personality stains within the first 30-60 minutes of meeting them. Others show it immediately... Just my 2 cents, gained from being an Empath with an extremely narcissistic younger brother and miserable relationships. 💙
I couldn't have said it any better! I can tell you within a couple mins. if I want to be around a person at first meeting them. I can read a person exactly by what you said. Just simply watch them and listen. But I have a habit of taking it one step farther. If/when they may be telling a story or talking about something they've done or experienced and you find it to be way far fetched, I enjoy "setting them out"! By this, I will ask questions and expect detailed answers in front of the others. Especially when you know what they just said is a bunch of bullarchy!! That always makes them nervous and you pretty much don't ever have to worry about them coming back around you, which is fine because who wants someone like that to be in their "circle" anyway? My circle is small enough to count on one hand. And to be in it, well, let's just say it's near impossible!! Only ones who I've known for many years and have proven their loyalty and trust worthiness can remain in my friend circle. I don't ever go out of my way to invite or increase it's numbers either. I'm content with it as is!
You are absolutely correct. Every time I ignore the gut ....I pay a big price in pain.
This is certainly accurate!
Works for you ladies. Most of us guys don’t have that!
@@janieskelton-christian7652 I knew a person loosely. I introduced him to his other half. They may or may not be together. Anyway he had over 400 FB friends.
Yes, that intuition is right on target. Any time I've thought I couldn't trust someone, I was right. You're better off not telling anyone anything you don't want repeated, unless it's someone who has proven to be trusted in the past.
I learned the hard way to always trust my gut feelings. They always turn out to be right.
Always ha? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don't trust THAT mentality......
Arrogant and shallow
All so true.
Choose your friends carefully, don't let them choose you. You have the right.
People who are not perfect make good friends.
Survivors make good friends, they suffered a lot.
People who suffered a lot make good friends.
Good friends are worthy of trust.
In some rare cases, people who have suffered a lot can't be trusted. I am dealing with this now.
@@thetinaexperience7000 Same here. A long time (now ex) friend who has been through more bad shit than most, has double crossed me.
I have been hurt far too many times from ignoring that gut instinct. I am determined to listen to it from now on.
They speak to other neighbours, not you. THey don't say helo to you. Distance. They only speak to you when they want something
So true!
They dump on you but you can't dump on them, they tell you to get over it and change the subject, it's all about them and their victim mentality. They embarrass and humiliate you in front of others then when you stand up to them they ruin your reputation by telling people how mean you are.
I learned that it is called: PROJECTION
A lot of people is doing this, because they think it will be useful for their career......
Coach Evy , You summed it up well.
Yep. Has happened to me
You just described a narcissist.
I cannot count the times. People have acted ,as if, they wanted to be friends. Only to gain my trust. And use it to make me look poorly. So I'm use to that happening. That's why I don't try to hard to become close with too many anymore.
@Hacke Grillspett everyone is a mirror. we see ourselves in others and hate them for it.
Yeahh bruhhh...scary sometimes..I just want to stay by myself all the dont even know who to trust these days
@@predater5017 Bullshit. That's a cliché. Stop using clichés - they'll destroy your life.
Maybe it's you.
Codependent behaviors attract narcissistic cluster B personalities... learn to quit displaying codependent behaviors and you'll quit attracting douche bags into your life. Raise your vibration and better classes of people will come into your life...
Extremely well done! Learned these lessons the hard way one at a time over a lifetime. Sadly honor, integrity, and hence trustworthiness are rare among humans.
If they talk behind your back don't do any business with them .I use this one a lot. Good video !!
What if they ask for forgiveness ??and want you guys to be like before of which it's hard I know am rly stuck here cause some I even deleted their contacts but they texted me 🥺wish they never did
You can forgive them but don't forget. Love yourself and don't give to much time talking about nothing. This is a bad sign.
If they are talking negitive about someone to you ,they are certainly talking negitive to someone about you 😒
The most dangerous thing about this is when we LIKE them, we think we KNOW them. IDK WHO is gonna be good enough to ever earn my trust again.
Your true nature is revealed every time that you act and speak and think honestly. It doesn't matter if you're benefitting from someone or not.
You are Soo right!! Paying dearly & painfully for just that kind of person. The signs were there but I ignored them. This 1 lesson I will NEVER forget!
Trust needs to be earned in my book.
How many people has one trusted just to find out they lied the whole time.
I'm naturally empathic, and I can usually read people when they aren't genuine and that they have an agenda that may not be in the best interest, personally, even to explore.
When you meet someone and and just go on by their face value, like an onion they have layers and when you eventually peel back those layers you will find a completely different person.
Thank you very much for sharing that. I am still learning
Never share a secret with someone you can't trust your life with
In my experience its the sudden interest in your business and how they talk about others...its about you when you can't be there to defend yourself
I've just moved the moment I met one of my neighbors I got that feeling that has saved me so many times,it only took 4 months to see the real side,she had a complete meltdown over something that is trivial to me but the rage appeared,slandering, grandiose behavior, basically she got put in her place and got told no!
never be a gossipers interest, walk away stay away and and always trust that gut brain it's your inner guide 😊
Number 8 is so true!
Either follow your plans to meet others or don't agree at all. This is different from telling someone you can't meet in the first place after they ask.
Yep big big big liers de
Lie about EVERYTHING!!!!
My gut sent me a warning about a "friend" I've known the majority of my life. I tried to justify this feeling because this person is a people pleaser and a go with the flow type of person. It's the actions and superficial convo that I decided to trust my gut feeling. I fell back and started analyzing everything. This person voice, actions and behavior seems so wrong now. Follow your gut, always.
Don’t trust anyone fully, everyone has an ulterior motive.
people are inherently selfish, it part of the human condition.
I wouldn't say "EVERYONE!" I, for one, have always been trustworthy. I keep confidences, and if i'm your friend, you can believe i'm just that, ride or die! Problem is, most of the people I know don't return that "friendlove" like I do, so I have dumped a bunch of folks!
@Eric Von Zipper nothing wrong with that, its the ones that lie about it are the problem.
Not true but still can't fully know their intentions so it's better to just not.
I don't trust 99% of people.
Good stuff. Let's start teaching this in elementary schools. Our lives could have been much more painless if we had known these things early on!
Age 68 here. Good video, honest, accurate, no whitewashing. From my experiences, what someone does to someone else, that you witness - they will do, or eventually do - to you.
I am able to trust a few because I am trust worthy and for those I cant trust, the wisdom was worth the gain. I grew from the pain
I have to say, I seen most of the signs in my now ex and wished I had walked away long before the relationship officially ended. Now, the deep scars that run within me has left me with a strong antitrust of most people. Listen to the gut instincts, they are never wrong. I know I should of done so at my very early stages of the relationship.
Listen to those gut feelings and not the hormones.
Well if you had known that will be a different story some times you can not tell
@@KK-ri2gu I agree. I now listen more to my guy feelings than I do my hormones and keep my hormones in check. I admit I was not a perfect bloke, but then show me anyone that is perfect. Every one of us has something we don't like, and I admire those that have seen golden wedding anniversaries and so on. They stuck by their vows to each other, through the good, the bad, sickness and health. For rich or poor. Now a days that will be a hard hurdle to jump over. Too many swap, change and teach our children that promises and vows mean nothing when the rough comes.
I can relate! I'm in same boat recently, ouch pain, and kicking myself for ignoring gut and red flags, cause attraction was high.
After countless times of being used, and taken; regardless how lonely I may be; (at times), I’ll live he rest of my lifetime with myself and my Dog. This is the safest way!!!
Yes I agree
It's hard living with a narcissist.
I always trust my gut instinct. You have neurons in there, it’s like a miniature brain. It knows. Just trust it and let it guide you.
So - you should have a perfect life then. ...Right.
Yank ee Perfection is flawed. Letting your gut be your guide doesn’t lead to perfection. It just lets you know something isn’t right and you should perhaps look more closely or not as the case may be.
That’s ridiculous. Trust is gained on facts not a feeling.
But ~ if u have a gut "feeling" that something is not right, & u end up finding out that ur gut "feelings" were right, then u definitely know, ucan't trust that person..!! Especially if it's happened a few too many times before. It could be anyone. At least u know, who u can & who u cant trust..!! In my own personal experience ..!!
@@spiritangel1367 It’s not about a gut feeling. It’s about self awareness. It is making a conscious decision in a situation based on facts.
Ie: Chocolate cake. GUT yeah, U diabetic. SO NO!
Apply Rule of 3: Is it legit, Is it good, do I have peace?
Trust is so fluid and elusive though. This makes it sounds like some solitary never-changing virtue. They will be your friend forever.
The reality is, that trust will vanish when the friend feels threatened by your luck or success. Single or freshly divorced people will suddenly hate your stable long term marriage. Ones who find they cannot get that great job or have children will hate your big promotion or the announcement you are pregnant with your third child. This article only applies if the relationship remains unchanged.
Always listen to yourself first..
You know better than listening to others..
It's frustrating when you see other people fall for those who seem charming, and these people tell you you're wrong about your hunch or you're thinking to much and that you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I've seen straight through these types of people, or aren't convinced like others are, they treat me worse behind closed doors... even just small petty actions against me that they can get away with. It is very satisfying though when people finally see you were right about them all along.
This vid along with: 15 ways intelligent people deal with difficult toxic people is a must hear. Very helpfull and eye opening.
I owe you one, for this, massively, I had given a lot of people my trust when they didnt in fact deserve it. now not anymore.
The truth always comes out. We can't hide who we are. It also takes time to get to know someone.
I scaled back a once very close long term friendship with someone who repeatedly flaked on me.
I let it go at first but then it kept happening until I finally had enough and simultaneously had an epiphany that it was time to back away.
Like this video said, if someone is always late or otherwise doesn’t respect your time, its because they probably don’t really like you and/or don’t really want to socialize with you - time to move on.
Actions matter… ppl can say whatever but their actions can tell you all! Who want you in their life they will show you and who don’t they will also show you! The older I am I get it
Trust is Earned never Given!
It’s about Self Awareness !
Daniel unfortunately not alot of people these days want to earn trust. X
Trust is like a vase. Once broken you can put it together but it's never the same. They have scars.
Got to say, I’ve had some instances where I was 100% sure I could trust someone with no doubts only to find out I was wrong...
Trust that gut! Your instincts don't lie. I've run across a few examples in my life of people I sensed I couldn't trust and eventually discovered that I had good reason. Of these examples, the most common theme was that it was all about them being the center of attention whenever possible. It turned out in the biggest examples that the desire to be the star attraction also meant they didn't have much good to say about anyone else. In one case, the nonstop chatter coming from the individual led me to liken the experience to feeling the oxygen being sucked from the atmosphere. I'd sooner have fewer quality friends that I could trust, since having one's trust violated a lot tends to result in an even smaller pool of possible relationships being available.
True! Gut instincts are always right!
Needed this video. Just deleted a friend who seems to be two faced and I had a deep conviction to immediately get away from her for physical safety reasons. It’s scary when she makes threats to kill and beats people up to others but acts totally different around you. Loss of trust.
Great. After watching this excerpt, I now have to give up on everyone in the world!
Your Hilarious 😂
I always keep secrets to myself.
I’ve learnt the hard way to listen to my gut now.. I keep a distance that keeps me sane ✌️
Thank you. I put trust in the wrong person a Narcissist at that. Trying now to get myself back on track. It's the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Bout nothing into the relationship but lies, disrespect etc. Was so wonderful to start with. Now trying to take me for what I have worked my butt off. But grateful for the experience even though it was, is horrible, but I now know what to look for. Unfortunately my trust had now been tarnished I just hope not forever. Thank you so much for this. Have a fantastic day beautiful people. 🌞❣🙏
I only trust 2 people
In this world. 1 of them is me, the other one ain't you.
I love it I'm gonna use it.
What movie is that from?
@@andrewwenner2781 Con-Air. Nicholas Cage.
Jesus I'm guessing the other person 🌤️ he'll shine the light if you stay on the rightous path
In a workplace there are so many people that are exactly have that trait (not trust worthy). They tend to get something out of you but once that you help them. In reality friends that is worthy of your trust are rare gems. one advise that i can give you "don't spill your beans to someone you do not know well". I often meet people that are AFRAID to be comfronted and at the same time "having medical conditions of some sort" to avoid confrontation.
I had a boss that had so many of these traits it was unbelievable. If only I had seen this before I took the job, it wouldn’t have led to such disaster, but in the end, I ended up I excelled after exposure to him and ended up with multiple certifications and more money in future jobs, so sometimes impacts to these evil people turns out ok. Remember….Life is what you make of it! You can either be a victim the rest of your life or turn your life around. You are in control.
Just listen to someone closely when they speak. It usually takes about 5 min of listening to someone and they will tell you exactly what there about.
Y’all This is gonna be really helpful in my life
I know how it feels to be bullied or talked about, that’s why I be careful of who I surround myself around. Be careful how you treat people
Najlepszym co możesz zrobić to ufać absolutnie sobie, swojemu rozsądkowi, swojej logice oraz przeczuciu. ⏳
Turned out miserable, speaking about me behind my back , lying to me that did it. Just deleted them . Thank you for reminding me I made the right decision-:))
Interesting list. I can usually judge people almost instantaneously. Where I fail completely is when dealing with an actual insane person, such as a schizophrenic.
Believe or not, I had a relationship with one person and most of the things in this video match, I am sad but definitely happy that I found out. Thank you again! The sooner you find out the better is rather than hurting yourself because of other idiots.
I know a person who displays all 10 signs. Everything and everybody else is to blame for their mistakes. I hate people like that and try to avoid them at all costs!!
I had a strong gut instinct that I could not trust my neighbor but I stayed friends with her anyway and spoke with her often mainly because I didn't have many friends at the time, later as time went by she stoled almost $250 off me but there was no way I could prove it. Then I'll be damned she got me again the very first day I got my disability check, she stole over $500 and again I could not prove it, she was a drug addict addicted to heroin within a year and a half after that happened she overdosed and died. Very sad story. But thank you because you explained everything perfectly, you were spot on!, 💯 Percent👍
Be careful of the person you first meet and they bring up their religion. This may be an attempt to misrepresent themselves as honorable.
Amen! 🤣
Good point.
In my case, she tried to sell me on this idea that she was spiritual and even an "empath." It's one thing to refer to yourself as empathetic, but to actually call yourself an empath? She turned out to be just the opposite; carnal instead of spiritual, cruel and insensitive instead of empathetic, and likely materialistic since I suspect she abandoned me only because she learned I was not wealthy despite my high level status. But then again, I typically draw in narcissistic personality types.
@@geralddecaire6164 -- Count yourself lucky. It could have been worse. I am widow about 2 years ago and dating for about a year. I always play down my income by saying I do OK, I earn a living. It took my, pretty much full time, Girlfriend six months to realize my watch is Rolex. With a new Women I try to get her to talk about herself. And, I pay very close attention to what she says and her body language. She can't hide who she really is, if we pay attention.
@@geralddecaire6164 There's nothing wrong with real empaths calling themselves empath, most people who are empaths are aware they are highly sensitive to others' energy so why should they lie about it? The problem is that narcissists falsely portray themselves as empaths and depending on the setting, it can be difficult to spot the fact that they are no such thing when one first meets them.
Turned out very badly not listening to my initial instinct
Including being sent to jail because of four false family witness statements against me, and not one of those people were at the alleged scene
So I will 100% be listening my gut from the start if there is a next time
Great video and thanks for sharing
1. they are excessively charming...
Good thing most of my friends are not so charming.
yeah my mates are absolute dick eds sometimes. sign of trustworthiness I guess.
Brutally, I realised that really I had betrayed myself and that I could always trust the other to be themself & easily betray.
I pondered deeply on "the hands of the betrayers"!
If they gossip about others to you, they'll gossip about YOU! I trust no one anymore.
i used to ask others advice, not trusting myself.....somtimes they were right.....Now I listen to my own intuition first...because it's always right.
Thanks for this, Brainy Dose! I really love watching your videos 👍
Learn who people are and only trust them to be who they are. Never give them the means or the reward to screw you over. Always keep the upper hand in your relationships. If it hurts them more to betray you than they will not.
These people also judge others by their standards...
I have been through some highly unusual situations and now know and can recognize that there are a lot of groups of people who are actually a band of criminals working together to use other people. What they do to them and how they hurt them varies, but the motive appears to be financial gain. This happens on so many levels and in so many different types of relationships. Most people are blind to it even occurring, even though it may be happening even to them. The sinister part is that this has been concretely planned, and a lot of times it involves destroying someone’s health, and apparently even killing the person. I don’t think most people would even believe that even if they were the victim. They just can’t see it. I think it probably is good to spend some time away from the people you know at least for a little while. That’s a start so you can see the signs of what I’m talking about.