The older one gets, the less friends you appear to have. I thought I was losing friends.. but I think the better reason is that we have less tolerance for fake and insincere.
So many people would say I was their only friend. I felt like they were merely someone I knew . I am thinning out these people. I don't have any close friends and don't really care.
This is true they don't love themselves if you have to treat another person mean and cruel period. I'm learning and I will be walking away from these types of individuals in my life for good. I was Nothing but loving and caring
"Another persons opinion of you is none of your business." I heard that quote a few years back. Then I realized that it was true and began to live my life accordingly. There are very few people who I dislike. Those that I do, truly earned it. But, they can always redeem themselves. Whether they do or entirely up to them.
@@chateaupig826 The Bible says, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." It applies to more than just physical whomping!! Have a good holiday, friend.
My family especially my parents hated me because they couldn't control me or get me to agree with their ignorance . They judged people on looks instead of personality. They wouldn't win any beauty contests.
@@chateaupig826 it depends on the person and what they do in life. i mean if you’re a politician obviously you need people to like and so change your attitude, but if you work at mcdonals whos gonna give the slightest f of how important or cool you are
@@talitalatu6516 Could being lonely just mean really that you haven't got anybody to talk to. ' A house is not a home unless there's someone there to turn the key' Dusty Springfield song. If you live alone where you live is just somewhere to hang your hat. Unfortunately, there are so many bad partners around.
Another is "don't tell your friends what you don't want your enemies to know" and a lifelong motto is "never write anything down" as this can also come back to haunt you when you least want it.
Cari your so right I had a fake friend who used me to get popular cause you know if u have a lot of friends I guess it considers you popular guess and she wanted all my friends and was jealous of how I made friends so easily guess she was just lonely
One of the first things I told my son when he was a small boy was, "Not everyone will want to be your friend." The best advice here is to move on and find people who want to be your friend.
That's right. But let him know that this applies to everyone. Unless we want to be one way. But that doesn't allow for individuality. Good lesson, imo.
Some people are very good at faking for a while, if it’s for their own benefit. After a while they trip up and you realize, you were just a doormat. Really good friends are hard to find.
It's not easy letting go of a toxic relationship -you get in deep with people who validate and stomp in equal measure -these are interesting people but are best kept at arms length
@@alegnalowe3679 Just as there is a difference in being sensitive or thin skinned, there is a difference in being straightforward or rude/harsh. Fine lines.
1:32 for me, that's the smile when you tell someone who also doesn't really like you in the first place, "hey i just got my tax return back!"' and then they try their very best to be happy for you and at the same time wanting kill you.
Years ago a coworker always treated me badly. I had tried several times to befriend her but it didn't work. Finally I asked another coworker who seemed to be friendly with her why the woman treated me badly, She simply said "she just doesn't like you" I said "thanks, I didn't know that".After that I never never spoke to the woman again and totally ignored her. The problem went away!!
That was the best way to handle it. When I sense that someone doesn’t seem to like me I just disengage from them. If this was someone I worked with I would be polite and civil with them when I was forced to interact with them but, for example, if I ran into them at the copy machine I would just smile and nod my head to acknowledge their presence but that would be all.
I love my own company and I'm so happy to be a loner. I can count my true friends on one hand and that will do for me. Less friends, less drama and BS to deal with!
Yes! I learned this a long time ago. And it still happens to me, time and time again. They are usually friendly because they love to gossip and try to ruin others lives. I had a friend once that ruined one of the best relationships i ever had. After we broke up, i learned she had been spreading lies about me to our mutual friends. I felt terriably hurt. She did this because of jealousy, which has tormented me most of my life. Good luck with all your relationships☘️
Said the guy with that avatar... Hee, jk, Bill Gates... (NOW i remember why I wrote that comment about "Office" -- I meant Microsoft!) Geez, I just deleted it too, cuz I thought I messed up!!
People are so hateful, intolerant, nasty, mean, and selfish these days. Fail to submit to them; fail to please them, coddle them, fail to surrender to them or do not allow them to hurt you, and you are in their cross hairs. Getting on their bad side is very easy to to. Just assert your rights as a person. Just mildly and politely disagree or refuse to accept their abuse, and you will get bullied and stalked. This is why many of us are not friendly to everyone and prefer to be alone
I don't understand why so many people are ......... self centered? Social media has kinda blanded out our culture. I feel very fortunate to have grown up before social media. You could have a conversation with anyone. Now some people don't understand the importance of having friends that aren't online. Sometimes you have to remember you are your own personal world, and not everyone will understand you. The computer has narrowed the lines of human behavior and exceptence of eachother. An old song United We Stand, Divided We Fall is a good song to sing and think about the lyrics.
Thank you for highlighting this bit of feelings from me. So live and let live. Try a little kindness.💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠
Some people are intolerant, impatient, and hardcore in their ways. Especially in this age of division and opposing ideologies. I am a very helpful good person, but when people find out I'm politically a hint right of center I'm dead to them.
There have always been hateful, mean, intolerant, selfish people in history. Social media just has merely showcased and amplified these people, so they *seem* more prevalent. You just have to carefully select people in your life and limit your exposure to toxic family members and colleagues.
The best indicator is seeing if your life is healthier and happier for them being in it. It doesn't take long to notice if your being used, or drained.
@Thomas Florio crazy you bring this up because this woman has been really nice to me since this post lol. If she wants to be more than coworkers she's going to have to make the first move.
An advice to everyone who will read this. Don't take this subject so seriously. Don't be liked by everyone around you is normal. We all have our likes and dislikes, especially when this is about relationships. Just avoid those you feel bad around or don't show you respect and love.
Great video! A great reminder that we must ....ALWAYS FOLLOW OUR GUT! It never lies. Don't cross an ocean to be with ANYONE who won't cross a puddle to be with YOU!!!!💕
@@leswehman11 Satan is TOXIC. - preying on anybody who is in a dark place, going through depression, loniless, sadness, going through something challenging in their life .satan wants couples to breakup. Puts desire in the heart tempting to cheat. Cheat in life, cheating people in business, even get hurt people. Aim is to destroy whats GOOD and binds communities. Witchcraft, Fortune telling, palm reading. Saturn encourages abortions by couples in Love. He temps people to try n deal drugs, sex before marriage. ( Remember your body is your Temple). Saturn's traps are set to harm and hate other races and animals. Hate is from Satan. PORN, fascism, ego, drug addictions sex addiction , rape, child abuse, jealousy is all a Stratergy to corrupt the mind to divert our attention from what's really happening so we dont reach our true potential. People that are toxic are living in 3D. People that have empathy and spread Love have WOKEN up and are living in 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D Congratulations. You people know more about what's happening with the vaccines, chips. You know what to do. Keep shinning your light and spreading Love n Light wherever you can. God made ONE RACE - THE HUMAN RACE.
One of my teachers said that if you do better in life, you lose old friends because they can't keep up with your success. I am constantly growing and I can see that is happening to me. It's hard to keep friends if they are either jealous or envy of your success. I've noticed the changes in body language and facial expressions of those people over time. People can change over time and become your enemies, but it's difficult to pinpoint 'when' in the process of change.
I’m the type of person that would give you the shirt off their back. But at the same time I know when people are trying to use me or be phony. Listen to your insides they are never wrong that even comes to family members especially. The main thing in life is appreciate everything that you do good for yourself.
It’s easy to sit behind a computer or phone and write those words, in the real world, one has to play the game of life as it’s presented to them. Sometimes pretending to enjoy something, like a bosses joke or a colleagues idea, can help in career prospects down the line. Everyone likes to pretend we live in a bubble, but you have to navigate through the world, and put up with less than ideal circumstances most days. That’s adult life.
I used to have a so-called friend that I would help as much as possible but it was never reciprocated. If someone would compliment me, she would, in an indirect way, belittle the compliment. I finally had enough and let her go. I realized how I just could no longer be around her. Some of these signs I have been aware of.
I had a "friend" like this, too. To add insult to injury, for her birthday, I'd always get her a gift and wish her a happy birthday. She never once wished me a happy birthday in our nearly 20 years of "friendship." Good riddance!
Life long friend whom I recently spent some time with. She flitting around while I was talking and I called her on it. She said "I was listening". Not so. Later I was talking while in the car and she abruptly pointed out a landscape. I said "You did it again". Her response "My God are u that sensitive?". I acquiesced and said "Maybe I am". I should have said "Are u that impolite?". Our relationship has cooled since then. I found she considers herself a princess and we should all bow down to her.
@@truthseekerlarge7713 Sadly, some people think it is only about their own needs when it comes to friendship. I don't think you were being too sensitive. You finally took a real look at your friend. Your feelings evidently don't matter to her. Perhaps you will want to consider moving on. Take care of yourself and find friends worthy of your friendship.
Not everyone is compatible with everyone. It takes time & effort. Also, good to just be kind & let go if people don't respond. Tough to befriend a jealous person.
I love being alone; and love my peace and quiet. I don't take people on a light basis. People can be difficult to bond with and be disappointing and Jealous and are extremely difficult to find
We had a Weimeraner that my wife got for us. I had to walk him and exercise him and she never helped in that. When he died she wanted another one. I told her no that I was going to sleep in from now on. Friends or not I like my sleep. Sweet dogs though.
Correct it's all about your gut feeling. Follow your own vibes and it always says if it's positive, negative, fake, genuine, shady, etc. So basically know yourself first and everything else is easy breezy.
Thanks, for this, as I am in so much pain, I tend to cut MY own contact with people short, and I think I make myself seem to sound and look uninterested in a friendship or relationship, and I am not. I just need to find a place to sit down, and the person I am talking to wants to stand and converse, and I am real pain, my legs going numb. I think from now on, instead of hiding my pain from my friends, and looking unfriendly, I will share it with them, and suggest we continue the conversation in a more friendly atmosphere, that will accommodate my disabilities. Thanks for making ME aware of MY shortcomings!! Oregon USA
I have an honorable mention: They sympathize with or befriend people who OPENLY dislike you, despite clearly knowing that said individual has beef with you. That's a sign that someone could dislike you.
Yeh you know your so right about not waisting your time with people that make you feel bad about yourself. Life is short and there should be more energy put on possitive energy. And people, places, & things are important in our everyday lifes. Ive spent years with realationships that were just a bad contract all the way around. I am more selective with my emediate inviroment around me. Its much more relaxing, and peaceful. So kudos to all you people that are being better beings. Cause it makes a world of diffetence.
i can usually tell if someone dislikes ME just by studying their behavior when their around me. if their behavior towards me doesnt seem inviting, thats the biggest warning sign
Would you ever consider that just maybe that other person wax going through or dealing with a whole steaming pile of 💩 and that maybe their preoccupied with something else or perhaps shy. That your not being inviting to them rather than just automatically assume they hate you?!!
@@angelm6497 im referring to someone who behaves like that whenever their around me period. sure, we all go through shit every once in a while, but if those ppl treat you like crap every time they see you then THEIR the problem
@@pyramidhead138 I'm well aware their are others that are the problem, it stems from their insecurity. But then I've also had people say to me that when the first met me they found me a bit off, it wasn't until they got to know me and understood what I had to deal with in a daily basis that they understood why I appeared off. I'm not saying your completely wrong I'm just asking you to consider alternative circumstances. People quite often interpret my fatigue and strain as a personal attack on them when really it's got nothing to do with them at all.
Wow.... this describes my doctor! I’ve always thought that she didn’t like me, for some reason, and I don’t know why. 😐..... Gonna find a new doctor that will actually listen to me, take what I say seriously, and not debate it, or down play my symptoms, won’t be abrupt and rude to me, or try to argue with me, and also look me in the eyes when talking to me, and stop indirectly putting me down. The only reason that I stay with her is because she gives me medication for migraines. I really need to find a doctor that likes me. My mother is a nurse and she told me that if you leave your doctor’s appointment feeling worse emotionally than you did before going there, then she/he is NOT a very good doctor. Bedside manner is of utmost importance, carries a lot of weight and really means a lot to people; especially when feeling sick! If you’re in this same situation as me, switch doctors, like I’m going to do, because our health and wellbeing is sooo important and we don’t need to waste time with this nonsense. To anyone reading this, please pray that I find a good, kindhearted doctor that actually likes me, listens to me and truly cares for my wellbeing! Thanks! 🙏🏻😊💕💜
"Close to you" aside from gossiping about you behind your back. The problem with this envious person is very bad try to take an action that will separate you from them. In addition, jealous people are insecure people and need to be close to the person who is the object of their jealousy so that they watch them up close. Protect your boundaries.
I agree with your statement whole heartily because I'm in a similar situation someone tried to convince me to forgive the persons jealousy I do forgive but it's safer for me to keep my distance.
The worst part though is when you try that strategy, but nothing is ever good enough. You avoid them and you're apparently "not being friendly/ antisocial," you talk to them and they still gossip about you. Constant everyday damn harassment. That was my obnoxious coworker; she would never leave me the hell alone.
I wouldn't care much if they would stop following me around everywhere I go and pretending to be my "friend" to take advantage of me because of their laziness. The worst is when you get passive aggression/ hostility and you can't get away from it nomatter how much you try! That was my experience/ 1st retail experience in the middle of covid with horrible/ hostile work place across the rest of their stores! I'm glad that you were lucky at that because I sure wasn't! Talk about Pure Hell and chaos! She even set up a group chat so I literally could never get away from her. Lol I roll my eyes at just the thought of those past memories. 🤦🙈😂 Worst job of my life!
@@limo9402 maybe to you . But for alot of times ppl go farther with themselves and get shit together Rather than have fake ppl dragging them down ..ppl be surprised how much a person can accomplish on their own.
Eye contact is over-rated. Making eye contact too intense can make a person uncomfortable. I come from a family of people with bad eyes and good hearing, and we often lower our eyes and listen very intently to what others say.
Thank God, as a Christian, I no longer go out of my way to make people that hate me like me. Most people who don't like themselves are quick to dislike someone else for the person they are not.
The easiest sign: the micro-expression on a person's face when you walk into a room or in the office or vice versa. The person who secretly dislikes, feels disdain toward, or hates you FROWNS at the sight of you. The eyes are instantly cold. If the person pretends to like you or is in a position where they have to pretend to like/get along with you, the frown lasts a nanosecond then is replaced by a false smile.
No matter how bad it feels when you realise that someone secretly hates you, remember - with all the bad energy they are harbouring, they are actually worse off than you are
I found out my own children were in "multiple people" text talking about ME. Having conversations with my oldest sister and lies being told . My son (drunk one night) decided to call me telling me all about these "conversations". while I was excluded from all of them conversations. He felt hurt and said I hated him and said I told them I felt "lied to and he was breaking my heart" ... SON, I wasn't involved nor knew ANY of those conversations. Those weren't EVER MY WORDS. HE refused to listen to me and just kept repeating "this is just between US, Mom" and you don't need to lie. I was so confused. Then he told me he "felt" like I never loved him. I just told him he needed to get to bed and I love ya, son. Ended that crazy. The VERY next 12 hours I had 3 different people that texted saying I was a horrible human for dismissing my only son and his "rightful emotional trauma". Over something I've never said, wasn't even aware of happening nor talked about any of the BS said. I freakin' HATE Facebook and these messager apps. Vile . To think I was excited to get to spend time with my son (making plans to meet up) and smiling for the first time in months to be told I was saying how "hurt" I was with his lying promises. Hmmm again I said NOTHING except he was planning a trip back home soon ish... 1-4 months away. When asked (by my oldest sister) dates I said zero dates have been set. He'll let me know when he sets them. I DIDN'T say he was lying NOR did I ever say I didn't believe him nor did I say "he was breaking my heart". I was just excited he was making arrangements. My oldest daughter swearing I said she ruined my life. Hmm she hasn't spoken to me in over a year.. I totally DIDN'T say shit to her. It's like everyone is holding some fake hatred towards me, talking about me and not including me. I found out (through my son's drunkeness) my oldest daughter and my sister they had a conversation and I ruined BOTH of their "very stressful".day . Hmmm I wasn't part of their conversation and I was alone scattering some ashes of my twin sister's ashes that day. I had zero conversations with ANYONE. My son thinks I've always hated him and never loved him. No matter what I said he hung up with "I'm not trying to break your heart, Mom" .... Hmm I FUCKIN' never said that!!!! They did!!! I even said you can send me the conversations and I can show you I never talked to them much less said such a thing. He refused saying I don't get the chats between them. I said but, aren't they about me? Should I not get a chance to defend myself against these lies? I'm tired.
Many people are profoundly sad and depressed. They simply have nothing to be happy about and the last thing they want to do is participate in small-talk and jokes. They want to be left alone with their own thoughts. Many people won't understand that, and may perceive it as rejection, but when you're suffering anxiety/depression, maybe you just don't want to be drawn into conversation with people. Also, some people are painfully shy/social phobic and just want to get the hell outta there, it doesn''t mean they don't like you, they can feel very overwhelmed and intimidated being around happy outgoing positive people.
Very true! I often find out later that some people thought I didn't like them when really I'm just quiet and suffer from social anxiety and I'm awkward with people as a result. Some people see my behavior as just being plain stuck up. I try to at least appear to be happy and bubbly but I think I either come off as being fake or it's just not enough.
@Dave Maybe that's because alcoholics and drug users have an altered perception of what's going on around them and what's real. If someone is drunk or doped up to the eyeballs, they probably have no idea that others find them repulsive and unpleasant to be around.
No did NOT feel in mine but unconsciously or... STILL HMMM flip the coin ALL U LIKE... NOT OF ARROGANCE but felt WHOLE heartedly i was dealing with a wind obviously you cant SEE wind: )
This just sounds like the behaviour of jealous people. A person cannot dislike another person for absolutely no reason at all. There's usually a reason, no matter how small. If a person dislikes you when you've done nothing to them, then the no.1 reason is because they are jealous of you and have been watching you from afar and have decided you are somehow "better" than them in some way.
@@elizabethsohler6516 ..I agree to a point. I know that someone can dislike someone because they're not their cup of tea personality wise. They simply don't mesh. But if someone has a burning hatred towards someone when it's not warranted, it's usually rooted in jealousy.
Everyone has time for the things they want to do..And if you really are in tune with your surroundings you can feel the energy..Trust your gut if your really in tune..
I don't entirely agree with the signs of how you can tell if someone doesn't like you.because people whom are shy with low self esteem and too self conscious do many of those signs so it doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you .It may be they have anxiety disorder and are really nervous because they are worrying what you think of them .
When I want to know if somebody is genuine I always give them a hug. Because I'm a hugger I love people. My best friend of so many years did not have a good hug and I put it out of my mind and it turned out later she was treacherous as they come. And I do that to this day. It's not always going to tell you but most of the time it will.
Always listen to your gut despite of your situation, it will never wrong you. I have learned this the hard way. A few years ago, I have always trusted people’s words instead of listening to my gut and now looking back, I’m tearful that I made a huge mistake and now I’m in big personal shit right now. 😔
Same happened to me, but I sought God and with His help I pulled myself out of that situation. It's been almost 5 years and I am super content with myself and my situation, boundaries well placed, not hating the people that I used to trust but aware of their truth and keeping a healthy distance. Don't give up!!! Many prayers to you!!!
That's right what I read below: relatives may be the worst. I speak from personal experience too. Sometimes it takes a long time to realize someone is sabotaging you all the time.
Im like that with my mother becus I know she doesn't like me.she's .jealous talks badly behind people's back and she knows I dnt tolerate her I limit 98% interaction with her..becuz I dnt trust her with anything so Im very standoffish with her!
@@mrsmaealtema5562 girl she is evil I'm telln u...always doing foul shit..I learn to get harder over time..wen I was much younger id just cry alot and never say nuthn ..but.wen u get tired of them doing stuff and just being f up to u ..u be like f this and one day u just stand up!!!!!..and wen u do..u get ur power!! They think twice b4 they say or do foul stuff..shes controlling and a bully so bullies will always do it behind ur back once they see ur not playing with them...wen u have ur stance they will never come for u.they'll think twice!!.see ur dealing with the devil that's in them..not the flesh! U can't show weakness theyll use that for there power!
We can be our worst critics sometimes. 😘 Thought I’d share this quote, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those WHO MATTER, DON’T MIND." Don’t forget- It’s almost impossible to tell what others are going through in their current lives. For example, I display these traits when I don’t know someone well enough. I really don’t mean to. Hurray for social anxiety! 😅 Plus, everyone I know right now are under a ton of anxiety & depression- especially with this pandemic. Most importantly right now- For those who don’t feel liked at the moment, I truly hope you give it some time & love yourself more because you are worth it to care enough to watch these videos in my opinion. 💕 I don’t know you, but hey, I LIKE YOU!
yes, it's really sad that despite whatever good you do, people simply don't like you--but I don't mind. Whether people like you or not, it's their prerogative, but this should not bother you as long as you believe you haven't done anything wrong.
You have to care that someone dislikes you.....I never have! I am who I am, and the friends I do have, love me as much as I love have to dump the negativity in your life, that is with situations, and people! If you are a secure person, and realize, not everyone will like you......they simply are a waste of time, and totally unimportant....if you like yourself, and you have a couple of true are blessed! And that's good enough! And I like me enough, that I'm comfortable in my own skin, and actually require certain lots of time alone.....we make some people and things, more important than they isnt important to be popular! It's important to be happy, and comfortable with who YOU are, not them!
My cousin would reveal things from my past when I was a kid to others to make me look bad. Or tried to turn my friends on me. But I now think ones closest to us keep it hidden well that they dislike us. But it slowly creeps up the way they speak to you, listen to your conversations, roll their eyes when you speak. They act like their better than you. I’m distant with this person. I stay courteous but am not close like before.
I hate em if someone secretly diskes me and openly acts of loving me. Who else agrees? Edit: thanks for the likes. I have a health channel, so if you like, you can follow us and keep in touch for some Healthy content 😗🥑
People that are constantly looking over your shoulder for someone more important to speak to when you are talking to them. Also people that smile with just their mouth and not their eyes.
One of the hardest things for me is when someone I admire clearly doesn’t like me. they just won’t look at me and give me short polite answers and find some reason to walk away. That’s rough.
maybe that is also anxiety or other cause, usually people who doesn't like you degrade in infront of people they're closed with and even point out things on you and degrade it, your body, grades, clothes, personality etc, and speak and do things you dont like. jokes about certain rude things that includes you. trust me I experience it all when i visited my boyfriends parents ➕ when im so already anxious and can't speak a word, the bf replied "why are you quite now?" infront of his relatives.. bitch what?! can someone give me advice, please
Here's a biggie this video didn't mention: They make subtle put-downs about you in conversation, often framing the put-downs as casual jokes. They'll draw attention to a quirk of yours or something that may not be a big deal, but it's something that embarrasses you. If you get offended, then you're oversensitive and not a good sport. Manipulators do this toward people in the workplace or in the periphery of their social group if they want to take them down a peg. Something else they'll do is ask for your opinion then talk over your response. This conveys that they don't respect your viewpoint.
I was raised by my grandmother and she told me ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.I have learned that if a person actions contradict what they saying.they must line up.
All the people who don't like me are not my problem. Being disliked, excluded, shunned, blanked, watched, followed to the degree of being stalked, threatened, nip picked, harrassed, bullied, attacked verbally and physically and chasesd away/pushed out is the story of my life. Some who I thought were my friends or people I got along with at one time would eventually sit away from me or cross the other side of the road if they saw me walk down the street. Welcome to my world. It's only because I live a happy life.
I've become disabled and in a wheelchair permanently. I'm alone almost all the time, and haven't been able to leave the house for a year. My son brings me food once a week. People I thought were friends disappeared. Weird how you can become invisible to others after a while.
When I used to talk my sister would just turn away and act like I wasn’t there. She’d tell me my clothes and hair were ugly. She called on the phone one day just to ask me my middle name and her and her friends were in the background laughing hysterically. She made up lies on me to make me look bad to others. Had to get the hell away from her.
Yeah my sister is an evil bitch so Zi can relate and that is why we haven't spoken for 26 years and I have no desire to talk to or see her she makes my blood boil
That is so so sad. My family became like that. I was so heart broken. It's taken me years to try to just accept it. My daughter recently crossed over and they are all so mean to me. I give up.
@@micheleluzius8590 I have given up as well. I realized that I am happier though. I’m still healing. I won’t lie though. My biggest comeback is my success. If you can’t beat ‘em, make ‘em even more mad. 🤣
Life has taught me a painful lesson. That I am better off alone. All people want to do is impose their ideas and seek control. The best medicine is to ignore. I am literally tired and drained by society. It's truly is not worth it anymore.
Besides my parents and my sister.. I only had one friend... in my 57 years and she's not here no more. I miss you Michelle Paige Isle . I cried every day. I cry everyday everyday.....
I know a couple people who I’ve questioned whether they actually like me or just being nice, I’m talking about platonic friendships but in my gut, I just have this feeling and this video answered my questions. Thanks!
Why would you ‘secretly’ dislike someone?? If I dislike someone, there will be no doubt about it. Life’s too short to waste time on people you dislike.
Some people have to work together. Teachers would secretly dislike me too. I have some family members that pretend to like me so I don’t go killing myself or because they don’t want my grandmother to know about it.
Sometimes its important to know why a person may not like you, as opposed to whether or not they do. For example, a narcissist may dislike another person for no other reason than that person does not cater to their every whim and/or bow down to worship them when they pass by. Those are unrealistic expectations, but not to the narcissist. Factoring in the reality that there are mentally unstable and egotistical individuals in the world, its important to know that it is not possible to please everyone.
I hate when are getting acknowledgement verbally from them...but when you look up, their eyes are in fact scanning the room...repeatedly. That’s when I realize they are on autopilot...and don’t actually care what I am saying.
My mom fits several of these. One day I woke up and wondered why I put so much effort into her. She doesn't like me and she doesn't want what is best for me? I struggle with these because I didn't learn it. My mom is gone now. I feel free to blossom the way she hated me to.
Don't allow anyone to make you miserable, and don't expect anyone to make you happy.
wise words
Kudos on this reply!! Only you can make yourself happy & whole!!!
Wise words 100%
Yep, happiness is a jumper that we have to knit ourselves..
Very wisely said
The older one gets, the less friends you appear to have. I thought I was losing friends.. but I think the better reason is that we have less tolerance for fake and insincere.
You can’t lose friends because they were never your friend anyway.
Mine are dying off.
You got that right!!
As we get older we have less of a need for friends, so I don't make a big effort, also our interests change as we get older, and as people move away.
Because when we are young we are naive and inesperianced
"Friend of everyone is friend of no one"
wow facts omg
So many people would say I was their only friend. I felt like they were merely someone I knew . I am thinning out these people. I don't have any close friends and don't really care.
Unfortunately, sometimes it's your own relatives who secretly don't like you. I have experienced it myself.
Me too
This is the truth! I continue to experience it even at age 60. Uggggggh...where are the nice people?
That is so true I've always felt that from certain family members.
Got that right. I haven't seen him in 20 years. If he doesn't want to be around me then brother can do whatever he wants without me around.
Seriously, i could care less who likes me or not. Most people don't even like themselves.
Smartest comment I've ever heard
I don't believe you AT ALL
This is true they don't love themselves if you have to treat another person mean and cruel period. I'm learning and I will be walking away from these types of individuals in my life for good. I was Nothing but loving and caring
@@DivineProphecy absolutely 100% 👍
"Another persons opinion of you is none of your business." I heard that quote a few years back. Then I realized that it was true and began to live my life accordingly.
There are very few people who I dislike. Those that I do, truly earned it. But, they can always redeem themselves. Whether they do or entirely up to them.
Interesting, and profound quote.
I must say I'm not very forgiving , if someone is cruel -thats it ! -live by the sword , die bitches
Kevin Jarchow - Well said, friend.
@@chateaupig826 The Bible says, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." It applies to more than just physical whomping!! Have a good holiday, friend.
Great attitude towards life !
Some people don't like you because you can't be controlled by their opinions of you.
It is none of our business what other people's opinions of us are...
My family especially my parents hated me because they couldn't control me or get me to agree with their ignorance . They judged people on looks instead of personality. They wouldn't win any beauty contests.
@@sarahnewcomb738 Sure it is. If I know that someone has a low opinion of me, I steer clear of him.
It's interesting getting these different camps -some couldnt care less what other people think of them and others seem mortified if they aren't liked
@@chateaupig826 it depends on the person and what they do in life. i mean if you’re a politician obviously you need people to like and so change your attitude, but if you work at mcdonals whos gonna give the slightest f of how important or cool you are
Being alone is better than being with some person who doesn't love you.
Or around fake people
Yeah but u just feel lonely 😩
@@talitalatu6516 Could being lonely just mean really that you haven't got anybody to talk to. ' A house is not a home unless there's someone there to turn the key' Dusty Springfield song. If you live alone where you live is just somewhere to hang your hat. Unfortunately, there are so many bad partners around.
My mama always told me never trust people. Never tell someone something about you that can come back to haunt you.
Another is "don't tell your friends what you don't want your enemies to know" and a lifelong motto is "never write anything down" as this can also come back to haunt you when you least want it.
My own mother throws things I've told her in my face
Sometimes people do not like you because they are jealous of you and who you really are.
Cari your so right I had a fake friend who used me to get popular cause you know if u have a lot of friends I guess it considers you popular guess and she wanted all my friends and was jealous of how I made friends so easily guess she was just lonely
This is very true, they will want to be the person you are.
their loss right?
Fear is a reason why one person may not like another person.
I can relate
One of the first things I told my son when he was a small boy was, "Not everyone will want to be your friend." The best advice here is to move on and find people who want to be your friend.
First rejection ?
I call it the 60-40 rule: You'll only ever find 40% of people to ever agree w you bc 60% never will.
That's right. But let him know that this applies to everyone. Unless we want to be one way. But that doesn't allow for individuality. Good lesson, imo.
@Dim Sum Lee No, he found other friends who like him and care about him.
So, he eventually became a serial killer?
There are worse things than being disliked. Keep a strong self-esteem and wait for those, who do want to like you.
Some people are very good at faking for a while, if it’s for their own benefit. After a while they trip up and you realize, you were just a doormat. Really good friends are hard to find.
I totally agree!!
It's not easy letting go of a toxic relationship -you get in deep with people who validate and stomp in equal measure -these are interesting people but are best kept at arms length
This is why I stay alone !! I can’t be fake or be around fake people!
I am too brutaly honest to be fake or try to cover up my feelings.People think being forthright is rude for some dumbass reason
@@alegnalowe3679 Just as there is a difference in being sensitive or thin skinned, there is a difference in being straightforward or rude/harsh. Fine lines.
Occasionally you bump into someone who likes you like that 😄👍
@@chateaupig826 yeah me myself and I 🤷🏿♀️
1:32 for me, that's the smile when you tell someone who also doesn't really like you in the first place, "hey i just got my tax return back!"' and then they try their very best to be happy for you and at the same time wanting kill you.
Robin Williams had some great advice to go along with this video, "It's far better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel alone."
Years ago a coworker always treated me badly. I had tried several times to befriend her but it didn't work. Finally I asked another coworker who seemed to be friendly with her why the woman treated me badly, She simply said "she just doesn't like you" I said "thanks, I didn't know that".After that I never never spoke to the woman again and totally ignored her. The problem went away!!
Good for you 👍 👏
I want this in my life apparently there are no more adults that I have to interact with
That was the best way to handle it. When I sense that someone doesn’t seem to like me I just disengage from them. If this was someone I worked with I would be polite and civil with them when I was forced to interact with them but, for example, if I ran into them at the copy machine I would just smile and nod my head to acknowledge their presence but that would be all.
@@bdflatlander would you not stand up and fight them? Just being curious
@@fcbokafor8273 : I don’t believe that would solve anything
Sometimes you're just not their type of person. That's ok.
Very true,
Just stay away from people, make contact only if you have to.
@@ThemysticsageLeeza Yes.
@@johnbockelie3899 Good advice.
I like breathing clean air.
I'm definately not everyones cup of tea
Someone wrote " Friends can turn on you like a Tasmanian devil." Love that and so true.
There's plenty of Judases in the world
I love my own company and I'm so happy to be a loner. I can count my true friends on one hand and that will do for me. Less friends, less drama and BS to deal with!
Yup tired of the drama.
I find your comment to be a breath of fresh air.
I'm tempted to say, I can count my true friends on my middle finger.
Thank God, that's not the case.
Sigmas Up
we are together
Same here! I prefer animals over humans except when I’m visiting some of my relatives! Or old friends from my past but that doesn’t happen very often!
If they talk about someone to you, they will talk about you.
Yes! I learned this a long time ago. And it still happens to me, time and time again. They are usually friendly because they love to gossip and try to ruin others lives. I had a friend once that ruined one of the best relationships i ever had. After we broke up, i learned she had been spreading lies about me to our mutual friends. I felt terriably hurt. She did this because of jealousy, which has tormented me most of my life. Good luck with all your relationships☘️
I agree totally!
This is absolutely true.
@@marytarantinoo9118 It happened to me too. Plus she was chasing a man I had liked and dated and he had liked me.
It's always better to walk alone than walking with fools.. .
Well said ramya p
Fake friends are toxic
I Was Never Interested In Having a Women In The First Place and It’s Not My Fault
@@deejs8652 I have one.
Family members too
@@msthang5366 Hell yh. Been to hell and back many times with them 😡.
Said the guy with that avatar...
Hee, jk, Bill Gates...
(NOW i remember why I wrote that comment about "Office" -- I meant Microsoft!) Geez, I just deleted it too, cuz I thought I messed up!!
People are so hateful, intolerant, nasty, mean, and selfish these days. Fail to submit to them; fail to please them, coddle them, fail to surrender to them or do not allow them to hurt you, and you are in their cross hairs. Getting on their bad side is very easy to to. Just assert your rights as a person. Just mildly and politely disagree or refuse to accept their abuse, and you will get bullied and stalked. This is why many of us are not friendly to everyone and prefer to be alone
I don't understand why so many people are ......... self centered? Social media has kinda blanded out our culture. I feel very fortunate to have grown up before social media. You could have a conversation with anyone. Now some people don't understand the importance of having friends that aren't online. Sometimes you have to remember you are your own personal world, and not everyone will understand you. The computer has narrowed the lines of human behavior and exceptence of eachother. An old song United We Stand, Divided We Fall is a good song to sing and think about the lyrics.
Thank you for highlighting this bit of feelings from me. So live and let live. Try a little kindness.💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠💙😇🍄🥠
Well said
Some people are intolerant, impatient, and hardcore in their ways. Especially in this age of division and opposing ideologies. I am a very helpful good person, but when people find out I'm politically a hint right of center I'm dead to them.
There have always been hateful, mean, intolerant, selfish people in history.
Social media just has merely showcased and amplified these people, so they *seem* more prevalent.
You just have to carefully select people in your life and limit your exposure to toxic family members and colleagues.
The best indicator is seeing if your life is healthier and happier for them being in it. It doesn't take long to notice if your being used, or drained.
Its true about your gut. I work with a woman who dislikes me for whatever reason since the moment we first met. Always trust your gut.
I've experienced this as well
Theres some jealous people out there
@Thomas Florio crazy you bring this up because this woman has been really nice to me since this post lol. If she wants to be more than coworkers she's going to have to make the first move.
Watch your back
Yup .felt burned..
An advice to everyone who will read this. Don't take this subject so seriously. Don't be liked by everyone around you is normal. We all have our likes and dislikes, especially when this is about relationships. Just avoid those you feel bad around or don't show you respect and love.
Avoiding those you feel bad about would actually be taking it seriously, otherwise you wouldn't avoid them. It's pretty important to me.
Imagine how many people they go through, meeting, disliking, devaluing, discarding; the endless cycle.
Great video! A great reminder that we must ....ALWAYS FOLLOW OUR GUT! It never lies. Don't cross an ocean to be with ANYONE who won't cross a puddle to be with YOU!!!!💕
Weed our the haters, life is too short.
Martine Sejour Just Smoke A Blunt!.....Stay Safe!
Time goes too fast to waste our times in haters
Don’t waste your times on hater, use that time to accomplish your dreams
I avoid people that I sense bad vibes from, it works every time 😁
yes my instinct works every time
Alice you are 100% right!! Works every time
So true !!
true,thanks Alice
@@leswehman11 Satan is TOXIC. - preying on anybody who is in a dark place, going through depression, loniless, sadness, going through something challenging in their life .satan wants couples to breakup. Puts desire in the heart tempting to cheat. Cheat in life, cheating people in business, even get hurt people. Aim is to destroy whats GOOD and binds communities. Witchcraft, Fortune telling, palm reading. Saturn encourages abortions by couples in Love. He temps people to try n deal drugs, sex before marriage. ( Remember your body is your Temple). Saturn's traps are set to harm and hate other races and animals. Hate is from Satan. PORN, fascism, ego, drug addictions sex addiction , rape, child abuse, jealousy is all a Stratergy to corrupt the mind to divert our attention from what's really happening so we dont reach our true potential. People that are toxic are living in 3D. People that have empathy and spread Love have WOKEN up and are living in 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D Congratulations. You people know more about what's happening with the vaccines, chips. You know what to do. Keep shinning your light and spreading Love n Light wherever you can. God made ONE RACE - THE HUMAN RACE.
The longer you're with the wrong person, the less available your are to the right person.
One of my teachers said that if you do better in life, you lose old friends because they can't keep up with your success. I am constantly growing and I can see that is happening to me. It's hard to keep friends if they are either jealous or envy of your success. I've noticed the changes in body language and facial expressions of those people over time. People can change over time and become your enemies, but it's difficult to pinpoint 'when' in the process of change.
Absolutely right
Then that's your chance to know they never were your friends. Real friends will feel happy with your success.
@@Reuvenification Yes, there are friends and friends ;)
Yeah, like if you join the Country Club, and I don’t, we really can’t be friends can we?
You r right about gossipers trying to be close friends when actually they r jealous
I think people gossip to make themselves feel better about themselves.
You r soooooo right.
@@MsOliveLeaf Those are probably the worst kind of friends.
I’m the type of person that would give you the shirt off their back. But at the same time I know when people are trying to use me or be phony. Listen to your insides they are never wrong that even comes to family members especially. The main thing in life is appreciate everything that you do good for yourself.
As long as you like/love yourself, everyone else, Be Damn....
In other words people can ____off
James Miller you absolutely right. Like and love yourself. The hell with other.if don't like a person. I don't like she's or he.
Brandon Neifert Not really, it depends on your constitutional make up.
@@ianholmes3761 Basically 😏😌
It’s easy to sit behind a computer or phone and write those words, in the real world, one has to play the game of life as it’s presented to them. Sometimes pretending to enjoy something, like a bosses joke or a colleagues idea, can help in career prospects down the line. Everyone likes to pretend we live in a bubble, but you have to navigate through the world, and put up with less than ideal circumstances most days. That’s adult life.
I used to have a so-called friend that I would help as much as possible but it was never reciprocated. If someone would compliment me, she would, in an indirect way, belittle the compliment. I finally had enough and let her go. I realized how I just could no longer be around her. Some of these signs I have been aware of.
I had a "friend" like this, too. To add insult to injury, for her birthday, I'd always get her a gift and wish her a happy birthday. She never once wished me a happy birthday in our nearly 20 years of "friendship." Good riddance!
@@sunshine9122 You did yourself a favor 👏 Take care and always respect yourself and know you are worthy as a human being. 🍻🥂
Life long friend whom I recently spent some time with. She flitting around while I was talking and I called her on it. She said "I was listening". Not so. Later I was talking while in the car and she abruptly pointed out a landscape. I said "You did it again". Her response "My God are u that sensitive?". I acquiesced and said "Maybe I am". I should have said "Are u that impolite?". Our relationship has cooled since then. I found she considers herself a princess and we should all bow down to her.
@@truthseekerlarge7713 Sadly, some people think it is only about their own needs when it comes to friendship. I don't think you were being too sensitive. You finally took a real look at your friend. Your feelings evidently don't matter to her. Perhaps you will want to consider moving on.
Take care of yourself and find friends worthy of your friendship.
@@copp214 Thank you Nancy. I needed that. So sad to see my friend for what she truly is. Your encouragement and support is greatly appreciated.
Not everyone is compatible with everyone. It takes time & effort. Also, good to just be kind & let go if people don't respond. Tough to befriend a jealous person.
Not everyone is going to like you, Usually it's jealousy or then again they don't like themselves.
This is why I stay to myself. I always have. It's not worth it sometimes.
I love being alone; and love my peace and quiet. I don't take people on a light basis. People can be difficult to bond with and be disappointing and Jealous and are extremely difficult to find
i have 3 great friends. all are dogs.
mans best friend and secretly i think they like women aswell.
We had a Weimeraner that my wife got for us. I had to walk him and exercise him and she never helped in that. When he died she wanted another one. I told her no that I was going to sleep in from now on. Friends or not I like my sleep. Sweet dogs though.
I heard the dogs talking and they can't stand you. talk about bite the hand that feeds you.
Thank you for the info, Ramón
@@GeorgeMinton-jb8ky Get a fenced in back yard and the dog can walk himself.
Correct it's all about your gut feeling. Follow your own vibes and it always says if it's positive, negative, fake, genuine, shady, etc. So basically know yourself first and everything else is easy breezy.
You cannot enslave manipulate nlp a mind that knows itself 🤯
4:22 electric hair?
Thanks, for this, as I am in so much pain, I tend to cut MY own contact with people short, and I think I make myself seem to sound and look uninterested in a friendship or relationship, and I am not. I just need to find a place to sit down, and the person I am talking to wants to stand and converse, and I am real pain, my legs going numb. I think from now on, instead of hiding my pain from my friends, and looking unfriendly, I will share it with them, and suggest we continue the conversation in a more friendly atmosphere, that will accommodate my disabilities. Thanks for making ME aware of MY shortcomings!! Oregon USA
I have also experienced all of this which is so true . I dont need fake people like this in my life .Be blessed always in Jesus Precious Name .🌹💖💖🎉
Not everybody is a Christian. Dont think that everyone in part of your religion with this god that you believe in.
No one needs someone is fake / and used you to gain ???????????? Ect ect ect 😤😤😤
I have an honorable mention: They sympathize with or befriend people who OPENLY dislike you, despite clearly knowing that said individual has beef with you.
That's a sign that someone could dislike you.
Their excuse is just because this other person dislike you doesn't mean they can't be their friend.
When they empathize or make excuses for people who misteat you or abuse you. That's when you know.
@@b-utifulbruiser3693 Their in on it. Don't care.
@@b-utifulbruiser3693 Two of a kind!
@Brandon Walker - VERY good point
Yeh you know your so right about not waisting your time with people that make you feel bad about yourself. Life is short and there should be more energy put on possitive energy. And people, places, & things are important in our everyday lifes. Ive spent years with realationships that were just a bad contract all the way around. I am more selective with my emediate inviroment around me. Its much more relaxing, and peaceful. So kudos to all you people that are being better beings. Cause it makes a world of diffetence.
Some people talk and laugh with you, but talk about behind your back. The best thing is to keep the conversation short and never bend to a bully.
i can usually tell if someone dislikes ME just by studying their behavior when their around me. if their behavior towards me doesnt seem inviting, thats the biggest warning sign
Would you ever consider that just maybe that other person wax going through or dealing with a whole steaming pile of 💩 and that maybe their preoccupied with something else or perhaps shy. That your not being inviting to them rather than just automatically assume they hate you?!!
@@angelm6497 im referring to someone who behaves like that whenever their around me period. sure, we all go through shit every once in a while, but if those ppl treat you like crap every time they see you then THEIR the problem
@@pyramidhead138 I'm well aware their are others that are the problem, it stems from their insecurity. But then I've also had people say to me that when the first met me they found me a bit off, it wasn't until they got to know me and understood what I had to deal with in a daily basis that they understood why I appeared off. I'm not saying your completely wrong I'm just asking you to consider alternative circumstances.
People quite often interpret my fatigue and strain as a personal attack on them when really it's got nothing to do with them at all.
Wow.... this describes my doctor! I’ve always thought that she didn’t like me, for some reason, and I don’t know why. 😐..... Gonna find a new doctor that will actually listen to me, take what I say seriously, and not debate it, or down play my symptoms, won’t be abrupt and rude to me, or try to argue with me, and also look me in the eyes when talking to me, and stop indirectly putting me down. The only reason that I stay with her is because she gives me medication for migraines. I really need to find a doctor that likes me. My mother is a nurse and she told me that if you leave your doctor’s appointment feeling worse emotionally than you did before going there, then she/he is NOT a very good doctor. Bedside manner is of utmost importance, carries a lot of weight and really means a lot to people; especially when feeling sick! If you’re in this same situation as me, switch doctors, like I’m going to do, because our health and wellbeing is sooo important and we don’t need to waste time with this nonsense. To anyone reading this, please pray that I find a good, kindhearted doctor that actually likes me, listens to me and truly cares for my wellbeing! Thanks! 🙏🏻😊💕💜
"Close to you" aside from gossiping about you behind your back. The problem with this envious person is very bad try to take an action that will separate you from them. In addition, jealous people are insecure people and need to be close to the person who is the object of their jealousy so that they watch them up close. Protect your boundaries.
That’s the scary part
A very profound comment and observation.
One that I can relate to, for real.
I agree with your statement whole heartily because I'm in a similar situation someone tried to convince me to forgive the persons jealousy I do forgive but it's safer for me to keep my distance.
A coworker was like this to me from the beginning so I used discernment and stayed as far away from her as possible!!
The worst part though is when you try that strategy, but nothing is ever good enough.
You avoid them and you're apparently "not being friendly/ antisocial," you talk to them and they still gossip about you. Constant everyday damn harassment.
That was my obnoxious coworker; she would never leave me the hell alone.
I wouldn't care much if they would stop following me around everywhere I go and pretending to be my "friend" to take advantage of me because of their laziness.
The worst is when you get passive aggression/ hostility and you can't get away from it nomatter how much you try! That was my experience/ 1st retail experience in the middle of covid with horrible/ hostile work place across the rest of their stores!
I'm glad that you were lucky at that because I sure wasn't! Talk about Pure Hell and chaos! She even set up a group chat so I literally could never get away from her. Lol
I roll my eyes at just the thought of those past memories. 🤦🙈😂
Worst job of my life!
When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom 😎 live it!!! 😁
It's none of my business what you think of me.
I only trust three people: Me, Myself and I 👍😎🤙
That's a bad thinking strategy bro
@@limo9402 maybe to you . But for alot of times ppl go farther with themselves and get shit together Rather than have fake ppl dragging them down ..ppl be surprised how much a person can accomplish on their own.
Yeah me too
Me too
@@sashaalexa8907 agree 100%
Eye contact is over-rated. Making eye contact too intense can make a person uncomfortable.
I come from a family of people with bad eyes and good hearing, and we often lower our eyes and listen very intently to what others say.
Same ,
Facts. I lower me head and turn my ear towards the person
In some cultures it is considered very rude
Honestly yeah. I don’t really like it
Thank God, as a Christian, I no longer go out of my way to make people that hate me like me. Most people who don't like themselves are quick to dislike someone else for the person they are not.
We are not talking about Christianity. Christians always have to insert that every where.
Why do you have to mention that you're a Christian? Regardless of religion humans are sinners. Always remember that.
I am a quiet observer so i know how to feel and read their faces and body languages, especially the ones I care about 👍😊
Sometimes some people dont like you for no reason or other people love you. I think they are jealous. Thank you for enlightened me
The easiest sign: the micro-expression on a person's face when you walk into a room or in the office or vice versa. The person who secretly dislikes, feels disdain toward, or hates you FROWNS at the sight of you. The eyes are instantly cold. If the person pretends to like you or is in a position where they have to pretend to like/get along with you, the frown lasts a nanosecond then is replaced by a false smile.
I have a gut instinct when someone dislikes me
Yeah I can always tell, even if they pretend to like me, little signs give it away.
just be yourself
3:51 that guy i wouldn't like!
I must agree to disagree. People who are shy, anxious or are afraid of being called stuck up portray these type of traits.
No matter how bad it feels when you realise that someone secretly hates you, remember - with all the bad energy they are harbouring, they are actually worse off than you are
I found out my own children were in "multiple people" text talking about ME. Having conversations with my oldest sister and lies being told . My son (drunk one night) decided to call me telling me all about these "conversations". while I was excluded from all of them conversations. He felt hurt and said I hated him and said I told them I felt "lied to and he was breaking my heart" ... SON, I wasn't involved nor knew ANY of those conversations. Those weren't EVER MY WORDS. HE refused to listen to me and just kept repeating "this is just between US, Mom" and you don't need to lie. I was so confused. Then he told me he "felt" like I never loved him. I just told him he needed to get to bed and I love ya, son. Ended that crazy. The VERY next 12 hours I had 3 different people that texted saying I was a horrible human for dismissing my only son and his "rightful emotional trauma". Over something I've never said, wasn't even aware of happening nor talked about any of the BS said. I freakin' HATE Facebook and these messager apps. Vile . To think I was excited to get to spend time with my son (making plans to meet up) and smiling for the first time in months to be told I was saying how "hurt" I was with his lying promises. Hmmm again I said NOTHING except he was planning a trip back home soon ish... 1-4 months away. When asked (by my oldest sister) dates I said zero dates have been set. He'll let me know when he sets them. I DIDN'T say he was lying NOR did I ever say I didn't believe him nor did I say "he was breaking my heart". I was just excited he was making arrangements. My oldest daughter swearing I said she ruined my life. Hmm she hasn't spoken to me in over a year.. I totally DIDN'T say shit to her. It's like everyone is holding some fake hatred towards me, talking about me and not including me. I found out (through my son's drunkeness) my oldest daughter and my sister they had a conversation and I ruined BOTH of their "very stressful".day . Hmmm I wasn't part of their conversation and I was alone scattering some ashes of my twin sister's ashes that day. I had zero conversations with ANYONE. My son thinks I've always hated him and never loved him. No matter what I said he hung up with "I'm not trying to break your heart, Mom" .... Hmm I FUCKIN' never said that!!!! They did!!! I even said you can send me the conversations and I can show you I never talked to them much less said such a thing. He refused saying I don't get the chats between them. I said but, aren't they about me? Should I not get a chance to defend myself against these lies? I'm tired.
Many people are profoundly sad and depressed. They simply have nothing to be happy about and the last thing they want to do is participate in small-talk and jokes. They want to be left alone with their own thoughts. Many people won't understand that, and may perceive it as rejection, but when you're suffering anxiety/depression, maybe you just don't want to be drawn into conversation with people. Also, some people are painfully shy/social phobic and just want to get the hell outta there, it doesn''t mean they don't like you, they can feel very overwhelmed and intimidated being around happy outgoing positive people.
Very true! I often find out later that some people thought I didn't like them when really I'm just quiet and suffer from social anxiety and I'm awkward with people as a result. Some people see my behavior as just being plain stuck up. I try to at least appear to be happy and bubbly but I think I either come off as being fake or it's just not enough.
That is an excellent statement
@Dave Maybe that's because alcoholics and drug users have an altered perception of what's going on around them and what's real. If someone is drunk or doped up to the eyeballs, they probably have no idea that others find them repulsive and unpleasant to be around.
then don't start relationships expecting a person to be all the stuff you're not willing to be (not you...just saying)
I feel in my gut.. its helped me several times
I agree You body can pick up positive or
Negative vibrations from a person.
No did NOT feel in mine but unconsciously or... STILL HMMM flip the coin ALL U LIKE... NOT OF ARROGANCE but felt WHOLE heartedly i was dealing with a wind obviously you cant SEE wind: )
@Richard Reuben yeah me too.
@Richard Reuben me too
That feeling is from GOD. Peace from England UK
Being alone is better than being with someone, that you don't trust enough to fall asleep in his arms!
This just sounds like the behaviour of jealous people. A person cannot dislike another person for absolutely no reason at all. There's usually a reason, no matter how small. If a person dislikes you when you've done nothing to them, then the no.1 reason is because they are jealous of you and have been watching you from afar and have decided you are somehow "better" than them in some way.
I think people can dislike someone for reasons they themselves don't completely understand, so the dislike may be unconscious on their part.
@@elizabethsohler6516 ..I agree to a point. I know that someone can dislike someone because they're not their cup of tea personality wise. They simply don't mesh. But if someone has a burning hatred towards someone when it's not warranted, it's usually rooted in jealousy.
Exerctly that has always been my point
Everyone has time for the things they want to do..And if you really are in tune with your surroundings you can feel the energy..Trust your gut if your really in tune..
I don't entirely agree with the signs of how you can tell if someone doesn't like you.because people whom are shy with low self esteem and too self conscious do many of those signs so it doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you .It may be they have anxiety disorder and are really nervous because they are worrying what you think of them .
When I want to know if somebody is genuine I always give them a hug. Because I'm a hugger I love people. My best friend of so many years did not have a good hug and I put it out of my mind and it turned out later she was treacherous as they come. And I do that to this day. It's not always going to tell you but most of the time it will.
Always listen to your gut despite of your situation, it will never wrong you. I have learned this the hard way. A few years ago, I have always trusted people’s words instead of listening to my gut and now looking back, I’m tearful that I made a huge mistake and now I’m in big personal shit right now. 😔
Same happened to me, but I sought God and with His help I pulled myself out of that situation. It's been almost 5 years and I am super content with myself and my situation, boundaries well placed, not hating the people that I used to trust but aware of their truth and keeping a healthy distance. Don't give up!!! Many prayers to you!!!
@@katherinegupta7611 l
It's true; if someone talks shit about other people with you, they will talk shit about you behind your back too.
That's right what I read below: relatives may be the worst. I speak from personal experience too. Sometimes it takes a long time to realize someone is sabotaging you all the time.
Sucks when your stuck with a person like this whose in your family 😢
@stephanie tell me bout it
Im like that with my mother becus I know she doesn't like me.she's .jealous talks badly behind people's back and she knows I dnt tolerate her I limit 98% interaction with her..becuz I dnt trust her with anything so Im very standoffish with her!
@@jerseygirl689 wow sounds like we have the same mother sadly except you seem bit stronger than me in your dealings with your mother
@@mrsmaealtema5562 girl she is evil I'm telln u...always doing foul shit..I learn to get harder over time..wen I was much younger id just cry alot and never say nuthn ..but.wen u get tired of them doing stuff and just being f up to u ..u be like f this and one day u just stand up!!!!!..and wen u do..u get ur power!! They think twice b4 they say or do foul stuff..shes controlling and a bully so bullies will always do it behind ur back once they see ur not playing with them...wen u have ur stance they will never come for u.they'll think twice!!.see ur dealing with the devil that's in them..not the flesh! U can't show weakness theyll use that for there power!
We can be our worst critics sometimes. 😘 Thought I’d share this quote, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those WHO MATTER, DON’T MIND." Don’t forget- It’s almost impossible to tell what others are going through in their current lives. For example, I display these traits when I don’t know someone well enough. I really don’t mean to. Hurray for social anxiety! 😅 Plus, everyone I know right now are under a ton of anxiety & depression- especially with this pandemic. Most importantly right now- For those who don’t feel liked at the moment, I truly hope you give it some time & love yourself more because you are worth it to care enough to watch these videos in my opinion. 💕 I don’t know you, but hey, I LIKE YOU!
Word up!! Should you permit others to make you sad inversely you are confirming their view. Never allow someone to do this.
Being surrounded by people and feeling alone is worst than being alone. Robbie Williams.
Two faced.* Humm it is what it is. Jealousy is evil.
Evil hates and envies the good and seeks to bring it down. Nature of evil.
yes, it's really sad that despite whatever good you do, people simply don't like you--but I don't mind. Whether people like you or not, it's their prerogative, but this should not bother you as long as you believe you haven't done anything wrong.
That's EXACTLY why it bothers me!
A minister once said, "Like means similar." Sometimes we're just dissimilar. That's no one's fault.
You have to care that someone dislikes you.....I never have! I am who I am, and the friends I do have, love me as much as I love have to dump the negativity in your life, that is with situations, and people! If you are a secure person, and realize, not everyone will like you......they simply are a waste of time, and totally unimportant....if you like yourself, and you have a couple of true are blessed! And that's good enough! And I like me enough, that I'm comfortable in my own skin, and actually require certain lots of time alone.....we make some people and things, more important than they isnt important to be popular! It's important to be happy, and comfortable with who YOU are, not them!
My cousin would reveal things from my past when I was a kid to others to make me look bad. Or tried to turn my friends on me. But I now think ones closest to us keep it hidden well that they dislike us. But it slowly creeps up the way they speak to you, listen to your conversations, roll their eyes when you speak. They act like their better than you. I’m distant with this person. I stay courteous but am not close like before.
Spot on with the analysis. The truth hurts alot of the times. But when ya know and accept the truth, things get better and better.
I don't care if I have anyone dislike me because I love myself. Waste of my energy.
Word up!!
You are absolutely right I agree with you 100%.
So why are you listening to this
I hate em if someone secretly diskes me and openly acts of loving me.
Who else agrees?
Edit: thanks for the likes. I have a health channel, so if you like, you can follow us and keep in touch for some Healthy content 😗🥑
I agree 😌
@@nyc21282 no sir. I don't backbite and when I know someone hates me, i stop hanging out with him/her immediately.
i also agree with you . as ive experienced the same from people. Be blessed always in Jesus precious Name . 🌹💖💖🎉
I despise such people because they are wasting my time, my life, for some their sick personal agenda.
People that are constantly looking over your shoulder for someone more important to speak to when you are talking to them. Also people that smile with just their mouth and not their eyes.
I can feel it, they give me fake laugh,smile, ignore me so I just keep it moving and be happy and don't say nothing at all. I'm good
One of the hardest things for me is when someone I admire clearly doesn’t like me. they just won’t look at me and give me short polite answers and find some reason to walk away. That’s rough.
yep. Been there also!
Listen to you gut.
maybe that is also anxiety or other cause, usually people who doesn't like you degrade in infront of people they're closed with and even point out things on you and degrade it, your body, grades, clothes, personality etc, and speak and do things you dont like. jokes about certain rude things that includes you.
trust me I experience it all when i
visited my boyfriends parents
when im so already anxious and can't speak a word, the bf replied
"why are you quite now?" infront of his relatives..
bitch what?!
can someone give me advice, please
@@aoikumina break up.
The most important thing is to learn to admire yourself.
Here's a biggie this video didn't mention: They make subtle put-downs about you in conversation, often framing the put-downs as casual jokes. They'll draw attention to a quirk of yours or something that may not be a big deal, but it's something that embarrasses you. If you get offended, then you're oversensitive and not a good sport. Manipulators do this toward people in the workplace or in the periphery of their social group if they want to take them down a peg. Something else they'll do is ask for your opinion then talk over your response. This conveys that they don't respect your viewpoint.
It really isn’t my problem if someone doesn’t like me, but I sure hope this tips will help me remove myself ASAP
Shadow Veil,you look stunning 🌹🌹🌷🌷
some people will fake a smile because of depression too doesn't mean they hate you they just hate life lol
Jane Fiddler. Wise words Jane, good observation. Anna Withers.
Tjats a point
that applys 2 eye contact as well
I was raised by my grandmother and she told me ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.I have learned that if a person actions contradict what they saying.they must line up.
All the people who don't like me are not my problem. Being disliked, excluded, shunned, blanked, watched, followed to the degree of being stalked, threatened, nip picked, harrassed, bullied, attacked verbally and physically and chasesd away/pushed out is the story of my life. Some who I thought were my friends or people I got along with at one time would eventually sit away from me or cross the other side of the road if they saw me walk down the street. Welcome to my world. It's only because I live a happy life.
You are not Alone.
What do you mean? You are a happy person and they are jealous?
I've become disabled and in a wheelchair permanently. I'm alone almost all the time, and haven't been able to leave the house for a year. My son brings me food once a week. People I thought were friends disappeared. Weird how you can become invisible to others after a while.
Yep know about this
Reach out to others!
(Lots of people who would love to meet you!)
Says much more about them! You are the better person.
@@bwilly4503 Completely agree, Betty
When I used to talk my sister would just turn away and act like I wasn’t there. She’d tell me my clothes and hair were ugly. She called on the phone one day just to ask me my middle name and her and her friends were in the background laughing hysterically. She made up lies on me to make me look bad to others. Had to get the hell away from her.
Yeah my sister is an evil bitch so Zi can relate and that is why we haven't spoken for 26 years and I have no desire to talk to or see her she makes my blood boil
Your sister sounds like my sister - gave her the heave ho many years ago.
That is so so sad. My family became like that. I was so heart broken. It's taken me years to try to just accept it. My daughter recently crossed over and they are all so mean to me. I give up.
@@micheleluzius8590 I have given up as well. I realized that I am happier though. I’m still healing. I won’t lie though. My biggest comeback is my success. If you can’t beat ‘em, make ‘em even more mad. 🤣
She sounds very immature
It doesn't matter if someone dislike me.
So why did you click this, Interested?
nima sherpa 💯
@Amy Shakalis ,😆
Well it should, the problem might be you. ..
@@thegoat3584 you're on here too!!
Relying on instinct is a perfectly way of knowing if someone doesn't like you. Leave them in the past where they belong.
Life has taught me a painful lesson. That I am better off alone. All people want to do is impose their ideas and seek control. The best medicine is to ignore. I am literally tired and drained by society. It's truly is not worth it anymore.
Besides my parents and my sister.. I only had one friend... in my 57 years and she's not here no more. I miss you Michelle Paige Isle . I cried every day. I cry everyday everyday.....
Do you miss yourself?
Once you develop the abundance mindset none of this matters
I know a couple people who I’ve questioned whether they actually like me or just being nice, I’m talking about platonic friendships but in my gut, I just have this feeling and this video answered my questions. Thanks!
Why would you ‘secretly’ dislike someone?? If I dislike someone, there will be no doubt about it. Life’s too short to waste time on people you dislike.
Some people have to work together. Teachers would secretly dislike me too. I have some family members that pretend to like me so I don’t go killing myself or because they don’t want my grandmother to know about it.
How is Blake?
Because they want something from you.
Sometimes its important to know why a person may not like you, as opposed to whether or not they do. For example, a narcissist may dislike another person for no other reason than that person does not cater to their every whim and/or bow down to worship them when they pass by. Those are unrealistic expectations, but not to the narcissist. Factoring in the reality that there are mentally unstable and egotistical individuals in the world, its important to know that it is not possible to please everyone.
Good job, not a chicken s*** person to be forthright like that.
I hate when are getting acknowledgement verbally from them...but when you look up, their eyes are in fact scanning the room...repeatedly. That’s when I realize they are on autopilot...and don’t actually care what I am saying.
As soon as someone does this - they never get an honest ear from me again. Take these instances as a time saver for you!
I have a friend who exactly like this and l feel insulted coz his eyes are roaming around. Next time, l will leave him ASAP.
My mom fits several of these. One day I woke up and wondered why I put so much effort into her. She doesn't like me and she doesn't want what is best for me? I struggle with these because I didn't learn it. My mom is gone now. I feel free to blossom the way she hated me to.
I Don't Fool With People I Don't Like Or Who Doesn't Like Me