Will The Church of England Be Committed?

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2024
  • The General Synod of the Church of England has received their papers, which include the new 10 commitments, which are to be debated. Will they get voted through? Not as they are, they won't! (Part 1 of 3)
    Second Video - • Which Way Will They Go?! Third Video - • Same Sex Civil Marriag...
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  • @caroldonaldson5936
    @caroldonaldson5936 5 місяців тому +33

    It's the classic consequence of trying to straddle the middle road - you end up pleasing no-one and almost everyone votes with their feet! And how on earth do they expect to hear from the Holy Spirit when they have blatantly ignored Him thus far?🤷

    • @LawrenceB123
      @LawrenceB123 5 місяців тому +6

      Amen exactly what i as going to say!

    • @haweavivian48
      @haweavivian48 5 місяців тому +7

      Ditto!🕊"Ichabod" ... the Holy Spirit departs.

    • @christopherflux6254
      @christopherflux6254 5 місяців тому +1

      An official split in the Church Of England would be the best thing for all parties. I’d be saying that even if I was on the liberal side.

    • @caroldonaldson5936
      @caroldonaldson5936 5 місяців тому

      @@christopherflux6254 I've actually thought that too - at least it would bring honesty & clarity. On the other hand, according to the '21 National Census, only 1.5% of the UK population claim to be LGBTQ+ - what percentage of that number are Christians/church attenders? It surely has to be tiny? Excuse me while I raise my voice - SO WHY ON EARTH DO THEY HOLD ALL THE POWER & CONTROL IN THE CofE?? Clearly Stonewall are the 'power behind the throne' here and their only agenda is destruction - not inclusion - and division is really a victory for them and yet another schism that further weakens the church, which needs to grow a backbone and show some resistance by actually "contending for the Faith..." instead of 'niceness' & 'kindness' & rainbow flags🏳️‍🌈 & unicorns 🦄& trans-bishops.....??🤷

    • @robertmiller1299
      @robertmiller1299 5 місяців тому

      Spot on - it is a recipe for chaos and continuing disastrous decline in CoE membership. The liberals seem to know better than St Paul in his statement about the sinfulness of same sex relations. If St Paul was wrong about that - then perhaps he was wrong about lots of other things too?

  • @Oaks_Drones
    @Oaks_Drones 5 місяців тому +21

    Many thanks, Dan. I'm a Baptist Minister, but in fellowship with many Anglicans. And in my own denomination we are approaching some crunch decisions on the same issue, though we don't have the complexities of being a state Church. I'm part of a group standing for orthodox marriage. Pray for us as an important Baptist Council meeting approaches next month.

    • @user-hi8rg7bl2s
      @user-hi8rg7bl2s 5 місяців тому

      Praying for holiness to prevail.
      Praying for boldness, great commitment to his Life-giving Word, and God to give a his wisdom and the words to proclaim with his authority.

  • @marksingleton7199
    @marksingleton7199 5 місяців тому +29

    Should not the question be What does God want.
    All I hear is what man wants.

    • @chrismaguire3667
      @chrismaguire3667 5 місяців тому +1

      @downenout8705 - this reply is *not* just for you, but...
      G-d is NOT 'silent' on the subject of homosexuality and it's variants. From Genesis through to Revelation, He is *very* definite about it - He may not be willing for any to perish, but those who choose to reject His tenets will both get His correction and chastisement to bring them back into the Fold - did you know that in the Parable of the Lost Sheep, it is inferred that the Shepherd returned carrying the Lamb on His shoulder, rejoicing, after finding it and *having broken one of its legs?*
      This was a common practice in the Middle East of the time - sheep were valuable commodities - and the lamb would be nursed to health by the shepherd, but will not leave his side again!
      Secondly, as such people were removed from the Camp, in Exodus, and stoned to death *under the Law,* now we live in the grace of *fulfilled* Law in Christ, so it doesn't happen that way.
      But Paul warns us in Romans that such would be left by G-d to their recidivist minds. John, and Peter, says such would not inherit the Kingdom of G-d, and *they are speaking of those within the Church!*
      Finally, Jesus Himself did not condemn the Adulterous Woman, especially as her hypocritical accusers (mostly her Pharisee customers - how else would they have known to 'catch her in the act'?), had eventually left. He said "Neither do I condemn you. *Go and sin NO MORE."* (emphasis mine).
      In 1 John 1, John writes there is a way back (7x70 a day, according to Jesus), if we repent and rely on Jesus as our Propitiation and Advocate on our behalf.
      So, there - G-d the Father, through His Word, is NOT silent, and one would do well to see that. Yes, we cherry-pick the Scripture to suit ourselves - we are all guilty of that - and there will be an accounting. What do one think Jesus meant when He said that *every idle word* would need explaining? Cussing? Snide remarks? Taking His Name (just wondering; do you actually know what G-d the Father's Name is?), in making promises, oaths and covenants with little or no intent of following through, lightly? And we have the Holy Spirit to more than prick our consciences when we do go off-track. And sexual sin, as I know to my own cost, is definitely that (adultery, physical and mental!).
      Here, I will leave it, and wish you G-d's grace and peace, and I will see you here, there, or in the air.

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 5 місяців тому +1

      That's the problem with religion - trying to please an imaginary being who is supposedly perfect but actually has all of humanity's faults.

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 5 місяців тому

      Finally, a comment from a sane person.@@downenout8705

    • @josevarney6873
      @josevarney6873 5 місяців тому +2

      Mark bang on the nail. All I will say to other replies on here be very careful of mocking God and his children. The Lord will not be mocked and the wicked are about to have a very nasty wake up call, one to let them know he is very real, and two he is definitely not silent to his children.

    • @odinsraven116
      @odinsraven116 5 місяців тому +1

      Exactly. 100 per cent, right. This is Gods club and his rules apply . If you dont like the rules, then please dont try to join.

  • @patriciasenior8487
    @patriciasenior8487 5 місяців тому +11

    I actually think it is inevitably that eventually the Church of England will embrace not just same sex blessings but same sex marriage ceremony. I am elderly and can remember when everything closed on a Sunday. When Sunday opening came in it was put into law that anybody with a religious belief would NOT be forced to work on a Sunday. Then within a few short years it was written into employees’ contracts that they would work Sundays. There were all sorts of other situations where Christians took a stand. However the law of the land was against them ie: abortions, euthanasia, fornication etc. The church no longer abides by the WORD but by the will of man.

    • @odinsraven116
      @odinsraven116 5 місяців тому

      I agree. It is a slippery slope . The church will inevitably slide into the pit . What is the matter with these people. They cant get all their own way. Either they follow the teaching of God, or they follow their own path. Snd i have no words to describe my scorn for people like the pope and Welby.

  • @danieltang1680
    @danieltang1680 5 місяців тому +8

    I left the Church of England on this particular issue.

  • @coffeebreaktheology2634
    @coffeebreaktheology2634 5 місяців тому +13

    It seems to me that more people will leave than might be attracted by these moves - it would be interesting to know how many have left already, and how many potential ordinands have been lost.

    • @johnhudghton3535
      @johnhudghton3535 5 місяців тому

      ...and how many are staying merely because their house, income and pension depend on working for a church which is turning into a heretical cult.

  • @jameschespy6892
    @jameschespy6892 5 місяців тому +8

    The church of England at the highest levels particularly in the house of Bishop's is trying to be everything to everyone but the problem with that is that you end up being nothing to no one

  • @clivehobbs2929
    @clivehobbs2929 5 місяців тому +6

    So now it is clear, that there will have to be a change of Canons to legitimise these proposals. But God's Word never changes. Let's keep to the Bible.

  • @Martin_Adams184
    @Martin_Adams184 5 місяців тому +6

    Thank you Dan -- a very helpful and informative piece.
    In this case (PLF etc.), one of the main difficulties preventing a wholesome relationship with those with whom we disagree is the that the direction of accommodation is always towards change. Those seeking change base their thought on concepts and language that are uncomfortably close to those of human rights and to the relativism that inevitably arise from placing individual rights above all other things. Although the very concept of human rights began with Christian faith, that we are all made in the image of God, it has become independent of that godly origin.
    So the 10 Commitments are an attempt to bring together two fundamentally different starting points in concepts of Christian faith, discipleship and church. Those starting points include the answers to fundamental questions, which include the following: what is Christian discipleship?; what is faith (faith in what or whom)?; what is godliness of life and conduct?; how does one love those brothers and sisters with whom one disagrees? The list goes on and on. I am inclined to agree with those commenting here and elsewhere who see these commitments as pleasing no-one and, if implemented, weakening the Church of England as an institution even more than it is in its present dismal state.

  • @brianhainsworth9967
    @brianhainsworth9967 5 місяців тому +4

    Hi Dan- we need a pastor at our church- non denominational, seeking to stay true to whole Word of God as infallible. If you decide to step out in scary faith we need strong yet humble leadership. Listening to all this Anglican strife, it can only come to a split at some point imo- you cannot compromise on some things when it comes to following Jesus. Love the channel to keep us up to date and praying for you.

  • @doorntreader7624
    @doorntreader7624 5 місяців тому +1

    It's a mess, isn't it? I'm with you, Rev'd Dan.

  • @johndennison3140
    @johndennison3140 5 місяців тому +4

    Galatians 1:6-10)
    “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
    For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.”
    There are many things that occur in churches up and down this land which are NOT acceptable to God! That is why Paul castigated, reproved, corrected and exhorted those who claimed to be following Jesus but who weren’t. And he exhorts you:
    Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose [reprove] them (Eph 5:11).
    Now as I see it you have two choices stay with a church that preaches a false Gospel or have no fellowship with them.
    The obvious choice is right in front of you in his word. Jesus warned us all that at this time of the end, shortly before His coming, ALL the bridesmaids would have fallen asleep, spiritually (Matt 25:5).
    Bigger fool you if you want to follow a church that’s in darkness and listen to all this ten commitments rubbish.remember what Gods word says
    For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths (2 Tim 4:3,4, NIV).
    Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

  • @steynglass1007
    @steynglass1007 5 місяців тому +2

    Apologies to the song... "It's only words and words are all THEY have to make you walk or stay."

    • @Bob.W.
      @Bob.W. 5 місяців тому

      Good one

  • @johnhudghton3535
    @johnhudghton3535 5 місяців тому +2

    The words "Bishop" and "Care" do not sit together well these days. They are managers and have forgotten how to pastor.

  • @clivedytor2069
    @clivedytor2069 5 місяців тому +3

    The Established church came into existence through the lust and pride of a king. Why is anyone surprised that the secular spirit is still the driving force?

    • @kenbeach5021
      @kenbeach5021 5 місяців тому +2

      I think you are visiting the sins of the fathers on to several generations too many!

    • @user-yc5bc8zb1h
      @user-yc5bc8zb1h 5 місяців тому

      At least we left Rome 😄

  • @paulsmith3966
    @paulsmith3966 5 місяців тому +3

    Same sex marriage (as authorized by Parliament) deliberately avoids including any sexual act in the relationship... How is that reconcilable with the Christian doctrine of marriage? How would that not be a most radical change of doctrine? So, how are some clergy claiming that the proposals wouldn't be a change of doctrine?

  • @kathrynvessey4659
    @kathrynvessey4659 5 місяців тому +2

    Laity need support… I don’t understand how I will be able to stay if/when PLF and stand-alone services get going. How does differentiation help me?

  • @user-ci3gw5bv1c
    @user-ci3gw5bv1c 5 місяців тому

    Which one love thy neighbour, if I don't have love I have nothing

  • @mikecrees9715
    @mikecrees9715 5 місяців тому +1

    Giving up the will tonlive with all this. I am very nearly done.

  • @richardduggan885
    @richardduggan885 5 місяців тому +4

    I have listened for some time to this - and I am tired
    The attraction of the many "so called" charismatic churches is the clarity of what they believe.
    The anglican church seems to be tied down with legalities (like the jews in the time of Jesus ?)
    This is not "making disciples "
    This does not help me in my evangelism in the bar I frequent - keep the Gospel simple
    Everyone wants a subject to discuss -
    rather than seeking the TRUTH

    • @kristinesharp6286
      @kristinesharp6286 5 місяців тому

      You never know what they believe though. They can change at the whim of staff. Often it is about entertainment, end times or prosperity. Here is the problem. Churches pick a topic and have a niche. Every generation it changes. Sometimes there is a bandwagon where all of them turn to the fad. Contraception would be an example.

  • @johnhudghton3535
    @johnhudghton3535 5 місяців тому +2

    Funny how some people think God was wrong about morality and has now changed his mind... Very convenient but utter tosh.

    • @Crucian1
      @Crucian1 5 місяців тому +1

      It's because they don't believe in such a thing as objective, unchanging moral truth.

    • @johnhudghton3535
      @johnhudghton3535 5 місяців тому

      @@Crucian1 correct.

  • @russ254
    @russ254 5 місяців тому +7

    Promises, from deceivers to fools

    • @steynglass1007
      @steynglass1007 5 місяців тому +2

      All dogma and in-fighting but neglecting the true role....to evangelize, spread the Gospel and grow the church.

  • @darren253
    @darren253 5 місяців тому

    The people and and COFE have strayed from the Ten Commandments. Hence why the world is in a mess

  • @surferatapollobay1341
    @surferatapollobay1341 5 місяців тому +2

    Rev Dan .
    Love your stuff ..could speak slower!

  • @johnworby5130
    @johnworby5130 5 місяців тому

    The C of E will still be debating their irrelevance will after the Messiah comes and they wont even notice His arrival and if they do will probably have to have a committee meeting about the relevance of His arrival and whether His doctrine is woke enough for them. Get real people and come out of her before its too late and the C o E lead you through the wide wide gate on the way to hell.

  • @michaeldurban9807
    @michaeldurban9807 5 місяців тому +1

    Dear Rev. Dan, Do We Stand On & In Agreement With GOD & HIS Ten Commandments or Now Should we follow & agree with the man-made ideologies of today's culture now called Ten Committments?
    No Way GOD Forbid!

    • @davidsprouse151
      @davidsprouse151 4 місяці тому

      Not to get pharisee-ical but what of the ten commandments are they abusing?

  • @susanhodge5608
    @susanhodge5608 5 місяців тому +1

    I always thought sodamy was a sin and woman must not preach in houses of God according to The Bible.

  • @TP-om8of
    @TP-om8of 5 місяців тому +1

    Wasn’t the Commitments a movie?

  • @douglaswilkinson452
    @douglaswilkinson452 5 місяців тому

    Lots of people are having their say, and wanting to be heard. But be reminded, God has spoken, His word is eternal - life, and soul saving. (Psalm 119)

  • @andyjames6664
    @andyjames6664 5 місяців тому +1

    just act upon biblical teachings and this all goes away.

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 5 місяців тому

      You mean Biblical teachings like stoning people to death for working on the sabbath?

    • @andyjames6664
      @andyjames6664 5 місяців тому


  • @user-ec4py9io3s
    @user-ec4py9io3s 5 місяців тому +1

    This started when the C of E accepted artificial contraception.

    • @Bob.W.
      @Bob.W. 5 місяців тому

      Yep. Resolution 15, 1930 Lambeth Conference.

    • @kristinesharp6286
      @kristinesharp6286 5 місяців тому

      Yes. The entire world shifted with artificial contraception being wildly available and accepted by pretty much everyone. The RC church does not accept it. Officially. When we stopped agreeing that it was a unitive act which could bring life if God determined to place a soul in the joined egg and sperm… sex became a whenever with whoever and whatever coupling. No more wife, husband, God joined together as one. Church became a venue. That said the laundries and scores of adoption scandals gosh awful stealing babies from people. The churches became the morality police instead of dispensers of Christ’s mercy. Each generation of the church takes on a different perspective of what it means to be christian. Some generation will say the most important thing is the environment, others will say sexual acts only in a legal marriage, others will say defeating Hitler, other saying killing witches, this generation forward is going to be all about the rainbow flag. Fortunately few bother going. While I am thrilled Hitler defeated, horrified people burned alive, what on earth does most of it have to do with people being close with God and being like Christ and mercy? Every age does this.

  • @johnhudghton3535
    @johnhudghton3535 5 місяців тому

    It has also been devisive because LLF and what led up to it, waa conducted in a dishonest and underhand way.

  • @louiseallen3583
    @louiseallen3583 5 місяців тому

    Have you ever thought about standing as a candidate for election to the Synod next time?

  • @davidwood4374
    @davidwood4374 5 місяців тому

    Written ambiguously and different churches will interpret it how they please. It can be used against Bible believing Christians and therefore poses the queation; Is it still a safe environment for Bible believing Christians to work in the Church? As time goes on, it could be more and more risky with progressives citing it to persecute faithful Christians.

  • @christinebeardshall1677
    @christinebeardshall1677 5 місяців тому +3

    Had enough of this nonsense. Finding a Church that upholds God's law is difficult these days.

  • @kristinesharp6286
    @kristinesharp6286 5 місяців тому

    Why is there no pressure to change other faiths to these things?

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 5 місяців тому

      There is no pressure to change in a country where faith has control, but would you want to be a woman in any of those countries - or a gay person?

    • @kristinesharp6286
      @kristinesharp6286 5 місяців тому

      I am not speaking of countries with theocracies. @@davepugh2519

  • @josephrankin2248
    @josephrankin2248 5 місяців тому

    Interesting how they use language to subtly pull people away from God. Ten Commitments, Ten Commandments. There is only one commitment and that is to God. I guess the bishops are more afraid of the gods of this world than Our God in Heaven. Because they do not fear him they have no wisdom

  • @Sean.hinchlffe
    @Sean.hinchlffe 5 місяців тому +1

    10 commitments of heresy. Try going back to what God’s word says. Ie women priests/pastors, Jesus’ teaching on marriage etc etc. I won’t be back until you get rid of liberals & woke ideology.
    Fighting for the faith means standing upto false doctrines & saying no.

  • @TP-om8of
    @TP-om8of 5 місяців тому +1

    Is this live? Hello?

  • @WarmasAsunnedcat
    @WarmasAsunnedcat 4 місяці тому

    God needs to modernise 😂

  • @josevarney6873
    @josevarney6873 5 місяців тому

    I'm sorry Rev but we follow the Lord not man. It was Jesus who died for us not man, not a denomination and until the church gets to grips with this, and stops putting mans plans first and putting men on pedestals we ain't going anywhere. The church needs to humble itself, repent at what it has allowed through it's doors, come together in unity with the Lords people and pray. The church has lost it's saltines and because it's allowed the world's doctrines into the church it has lost it's voice in the community. You want people to take notice of you, then it's back to basics, stop playing religious games and do what the Lord commissioned you to do.