I was having terrible leg cramps at night, could hardly sleep and had leg cramps EVERY morning. I was starting to get depressed because I was thinking, is this what the rest of my life is going to be like? I started doing research and it basically led me to Magnesium and potassium supplements. I get zero leg cramps now for the past year.
@@PrettyFaith35 Just be very careful, potassium can stop your heart, magnesium can have bad side effects also, you have to be careful how much you take. Also, there are different kinds of magnesium, each one has it's own side effects, so pick the one you want. Most people tend to be short on magnesium more than potassium.
Same here leg cramps every night then a Doctor told me to take 800 Magnesium daily . No more leg cramps during the night.that was 12 years ago, if i forget to take them after two days cramps will return .
I use magnesium and I stopped Pepto Bismol, Miralax, Antacids, milk of magnesia, ect. And my pain is gone and my gut moves all the time. I am going to take my evening dose right now!!!
Update: I have been on magnesium for a few months now and my Afib is gone. My cardiologist said all magnesium does is make you go to the bathroom but I’m here to tell you he’s wrong. I have a calm heart now and my endurance is so much better It really makes me mad thinking about all the different meds and procedures that did not work. WHY don’t doctors pay attention to minerals? For the first time in many years my Afib is being controlled effectively. I’ve had Afib off and on since 2009. I have had cardioversions and most recently an ablation. That ablation worked 4 months and today I had to go have a monitor to wear for 48 hours because Afib is back. I have 2 cardiologists and a EP and not once have any mentioned much less tested my magnesium. Todays medical system really fails us all and money is the most important thing. It’s disgusting!
Oddly enough, the health profession doen't include food/diet for the healing process. And in saying that, the food that is grown is crap. I suffer cramps, and Mg alleviates that
The medical industry does not make money off of good nutrition and nutritional supplements so they try to make you believe only their drugs and medical procedures can help you which of course is a big lie
One night my heart was all messed up with skipped beats, and irregular beats that woke me up. Scared the hell out of me. I knew magnesium was needed for the heart. Thank God I had ordered powdered magnesium. I put a spoonful in water and drank it down. Within about a half hour my heart rhythm became normal! TRUE STORY!!!!!
I turned a buddy on to this a couple months ago, because he was limping and moving slowly. He said it was probably arthritis. Once he started taking the mg-citrate powder; now he is feeling and walking much better! This stuff WORKS!
Tell your friend to have a full work up done on possible clogged arteries. His symptoms could be INTERMITTEND CLAUDICATIO which is a sign of an almost blocked leg artery.
@@SurujIsaacMagnezi nuk bën për stomakun,është i rëndë për të,prandaj nuk të ikën dhimbja e barkut,unë kam me stomak dhe nuk e përdor,megjithëse është e vërtetë që është shumë e mirë për kardiovaskularet.
So panic attacks and anxiety disorder were all linked to magnesium deficiency and the doc just shoves benzodiazpines down your throat until your so addicted to it
75 yo with “old aches and pains”. Mostly muscle aches and pains. I started using Magnesium Glycerinate. While 6 weeks later, l am still tweaking the amounts. (Good news on magnesium overdose😊) BUT SIMPLY AMAZED about PAIN RELIEF❤❤❤❤ Great pain relief, walking much more without a cane !!!💪🏼👍🏻💪🏼👍🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Every country has it s own herbs, just go to a plant market where local sell their products and talk to them, they know the old medicine and will share if you are capable of absorbing the info and understanding it
As a night shift nurse, I rely on magnesium glycinate to help me get more sleep during my day time sleeping hours. I noticed I slept for 1-2 more hours a day once I started taking it. As an ICU nurse, this is also a level we follow closely in our patients (along with potassium & sodium levels, among others).
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i have now seen different videos about magnesium and i am not sure which 1 i should take because all magnesium supplements are for different issues . just to pretend we absorbed magnesium properly would that mean people would have to eat certain foods for their issues or would it be different foodwise and be suitable for all . why is there no general magnesium for general issues and health that would be so easy . dr put me on d3 but no one told me to take k3 also
Thank you for sharing this valuable information about Magnesium. Magnesium has certainly improved my well-being: diminished arthritic pain, sound sleep, and eliminated irregular heartbeat. Please ignore those who make foolish comments about making shorter videos. The health info provided is meant to improve and may even lengthen life. We appreciate your thorough explanations on life-enhancing health info. 💚🙏🏾
Всё понятно. 10 лет назад сталкивалась с проблемами от последствий стресса. Были панические атаки, отсутствие сна, сердцебиение, повышенное давление. Я не люблю врачей, аптечные препараты и анализы. Но пришлось обратиться к ним. Ничего экстримального не нашли, и причину тоже не нашли, но начали разводить на деньги и на вредоносные лечения. Причину я нашла сама. Потому что ночью были судороги в ногах. У меня нет серьезных хронических болезней, нет лишнего веса, я полжизни занималась в фитнесе, тренажёрном зале, а тут - судороги в ногах! Конечно, это острая нехватка магния! Врачи этого не сказали! Нет! Но они выписывали мне успокоительное и таблетки от давления! Чтобы сломался желудок, почки и пр. Чтобы после лечить от новых болезней! Они говорили, что пора уже быть больной и есть таблетки, у вас же возраст 60 лет!!! Я просто сама пошла и купила Цитрат магния, органическую форму и стала принимать по инструкции. Всё! Судороги прошли, сон наладился. Давление в норме 120/80. Врачи говорили, что ваша норма 130/90, 140/100. Это нормально для 60 лет! Нормально?! Нет! Нормально, когда ты просто чувствуешь себя хорошо . Гимнастика и хорошее питание. Есть возможность пить природную воду. Родниковую. Экологически чистую. Также я сама выращиваю овощи на своём участке, собираю в лесу травы для чая. Покупаю у фермеров органические яйца. Когда приезжаю в город покупаю зелёную гречку, не варю её, проращиваю и перемалываю в блэндере, как смузи. Ем много зелени. Ещё есть кунжут. Если его перемолоть в кофемолке, а после с водою в блэндере, то это прекрасное кунжутное молоко. Там идеальное сочетание кальция и магния для усвоения. И это в 100 раз лучше животного молока. Коровье молоко в 60 лет - ненормально. Есть ещё много хороших продуктов. Но стрессы тоже случаются, даже в благополучной жизни. Бывают простуда или травмы. При этом теряется много микроэлементов. Тогда нужно вспомнить и о дополнительном магнии. У меня всегда есть в запасе баночка Цитрата магния. Тогда достаю её, чтобы не дожидаться проблем. И не надо никаких глупых анализов. Лишних встреч с алчными врачами. Просто своя личная профилактика.
Doc I've taken magnesium, D3/k2 etc for years. Last year changed from Mag Glycinate to Citrate for some reason. Started to have these weird, itchy crystal like bumps appear on the surface of skin. When I scratched, these white lumps fell off. Doctor was stumped. I read and read the literature and it turns out Magnesium Citrate can accumulate and come through the skin as crystals, especially in people with hypoparathyroidism which I have (surgically induced after thyroidectomy). Just something to be aware of for folks who develop this. Great channel.
I hope your niece keeps well too, it's a horrible condition. Tell her to avoid calcium supplements if at all possible, get it from the diet (vegetables and greek yoghurt are great) as the calcium supplements clog the arteries.@@auberjean6873
I have EDS/POTs/Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Magnesium Glycinate changed my life. I suffer from chronic pain and severe spasms. My pain centre puts everyone on Magnesium. If I miss 2 days of taking it I can tell the difference. It also straightened out a lifetime of stomach problems.
For sleep I take Magnesium Glycinate. It really works and I dream more. For heart, if it feels a bit rough, I take the Calm powder which is Magnesium Carbonate. Completely relaxes my heart. Incredible mineral.
Another internet doctor also pointed this out and when I started taking magnesium supplements along with potassium I saw my feet look normal for the first time in years. No longer swollen. Only took a couple days to see the difference. And still shocked at the simple change making that much difference.
@@marilyngrasd I usually take 2 595mg supplements daily & 1 magnesium citrate 250mg. Although dr. Burg recommends a higher dose. He stated that if people are salt-sensitive that usually means they don't have enough potassium. However the dose I take for me has been like a miracle to my once swollen feet
My dad had the same issues. His doctor said that his magnesium levels were fine! I got him magnesium and asked him to ignore the tests. Swollen feet went away in a few days.
On the other side of the coin, it took me months to see the differences, Just in case anyone expects quick results, you might have to stick with it or adjust how you dose.
Georgios Vlachos / 11th of Dec.2023 / Greece I have sleep problems for many years. Since I started to get magnesium sirup every night, my sleep problems have reduced and I sleep better. It has also helped me to feel more relaxed.
I was critically low on magnesium in August. I was standing on my porch talking to someone and i had this unbelievable muscle spasm. It knocked my knees out from under me and as I fell i landed on my right ankle and the fibula snapped just above the ankle. I was shocked. So after I found out that i was critically low i began taking magnesium. It seems to be helping
I was being wrecked in my 20's from magnesium deficiency. Taking a magnesium supplement helped so much. It ended 10 years of insomnia, heart palpitations, leg cramps, anxiety/panic attacks. If I stop taking it I notice I start getting leg cramps and hot feet when I sleep and reminds me I need to start again. You can get magnesium so cheap and I see people struggle with insomnia or panic attacks but hardly anyone wants to believe the fix could be so simple or cheap. Instead we just get medicated on crazy drugs.
Same. I had anxiety but it wasnt mental it was adrenaline rushes and exhaustion i knew i didnt have a psychological issue ...then I had stuff muscles eventually my heart started to sound like a telephone bringing instead of beating ...all it took was two magnesium and two days later it was totally gone...it came back when I stopped for a week on holiday shrotly after starting but now I can go weeks forgetting to take it and im ok. I still do try to remember ..but something so simple as that can cause all manner of things.. I took it for my heart and it eventually cleared the other stuff up too unexpectaedly.
@@GabrielaLtc Sorry I didn't see your comment. I have taken multiple forms, magnesium glycinate currently. I have not noticed a huge difference in different types. All of them keep me good and help me sleep. I believe you should take calcium with it. You can read up how calcium and magnesium are considered "sisters". Using each other for their functions. If you supplement magnesium and do not have sufficient calcium you may end up deficient in calcium. I personally believe by consuming a bunch of dairy without eating as much magnesium rich food is how I become magnesium deficient in the first place.
Doc, I suffer from chronic migraines, vascular and all kinds of Headaches and lived on handful of painkillers for 34 years. I began magnesium citrate and I left painkillers. No doc helped me but a close friend from US who practises nutrition. I take at times 20-40 gms during excruciating migraines
I am so very tired i have been talking to my PCP about all of these problems chronic migraine pain from head to foot an need help can't sleep well neither it sounds good i just want to be healthy an leave here happy
I couldn’t understand why I had headaches so often, but since I started to eat magnesium my headaches dropped significantly. From perhaps 7 times a month down to 1🇸🇪
I use magnesium oil (just crystals dissolved in water to form oil like consistency) and rub it on my hands after having Sharpe pains due to arthritis and now have NO PAIN AT ALL. I rubbed the xs on my knees and they are now cured of what the doctors said was wear and tear. I also tried on a leg rash that the doctor could not cure, and that too went in days. For me magnesium has been a miracle cure.
Personally started taking magnesium glycinate and threonate. Significantly reduced my ADHD symptoms. I can focus much more, way more confident for some reason, heavily reduced anxiety, great sleep (sleep quota actually went down), has stabilized my mood. I feel so happy all the time now, no random muscle twitches anymore, it’s like a relaxant. Obviously do your own research but if you’re on the fence about magnesium, let this be the sign that you should try it. It’s been a miracle mineral for me.
That is awesome to hear! I’m happy it’s working so well for you! What dosage did you take? That is what I’m confused with. I have one that’s 250 but I don’t thing s that that’s enough.
Thank for a great presentation! I am over 80 and I stay fit by riding 35 ks on a mountain bike in the local hills, every second day or so. I eat plenty of Bananas for my Potassium, and I take a Magnesium supplement after a bike ride. .. It also reduces possibility of cramps. Because I do steep hills I keep my heart fit . I go to 140 bpm on the hard bits and after about 2 minutes I am back at 80. bpm. Resting rate in 60 bpm. Use it or lose it!!
You are a great fan, and we appreciate you! Amazing share, thank you so much for your story. If possible, we would appreciate a quick review from you; these make a HUGE difference to us! g.page/r/CZWo3fJqJrVpEBM/review Thanks again for watching!
I had horrible palpitations that were very scary! I started taking Magnesium Glycinate and the palpitations disappeared. I also take Potassium Citrate powder in juice or water along with my Magnesium. Praise God!!!! I’m so grateful ❤
Amazing, so grateful you are feeling better! If reasonable, we would appreciate a quick rating from you, and a good rating makes a MASSIVE difference for us! g.page/r/CZWo3fJqJrVpEBM/review Thank you for being such a great fan; we appreciate you watching!
I enjoyed your video. Just wanted to mention that about 2 years ago I was having heart palpitations every night. One night I took a deep dive into UA-cam videos and found one about Magnesium helping with this problem. Within a day of starting to take magnesium citrate my heart settled down. I take it every day and have had no more problem since. It also helps move my bowels regularly. I had chronic constipation. I also started giving this to my husband. He has diabetes and would get severe muscle cramps. It took a bit more time but his muscle cramps have almost disappeared. It’s gone from severe every night to maybe once a month or so if he overexerts during the day.
Thank you for spreading this info. The best money I have spent in my life was on doing a personal training course. It really thought me how to take care of my body so even though I am not seeing clients anymore, I have kept up with all the good stuff that keeps the body young, supplementing with Magnesium is one of the things that I have been doing for years, same with vit D3 w/k2, vit C and Z w/copper. Train 3 times a week, walk at least 30mins a day, use a standing desk, drink 1 oz/lb of bodyweight of water, avoid sugar, bread, junk food and at 39 I can really tell some of my peers been again faster. And trust me it is not down to my genes, both my parents who did not take care of themselves look older than their age. The other thing that I think needs supplementation is protein, not for muscle mass but for all the enzymes that help the body and its many systems function well, is made out of the protein we eat. And what people ought to know is that plant proteins even when combined are inferior to animal sources due to the lower level of essential amino acids in them. The essential amino acid of the lowest level in a food source will determine how well the body can utilise all the other amino acids. There is a chart somewhere that shows the lever of essential amino acids found in all the foods that are considered protein sources. Can’t recall the name sorry. The last thing I would add is essential to good health and probably the most important is the quality and amount of sleep you get. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant In addition so when your sleep is optimal everything works better and your mood is better, there is no supplement that can replace quality sleep. All the above can aid it.
What brand of Magnesium may I ask? I am so lethargic lately, ever since I turned 59 I have been losing energy. We lost our medical insurance and I am trying to improve my health any way I can.
Awesome information from a medical doctor not trying to sell his brand of magnesium! Nice job Doctor! I figured out magnesium helps with sleep and foot cramps, but never knew which type to try. Going to buy some 'dirt cheap' MG@ + Citrate now and definitely going to watch more of this doctor's videos! 😀
Thank you for watching Diane! If reasonable, we would appreciate a quick rating from you, and a good rating makes a MASSIVE difference for us! g.page/r/CSudMUZfg68sEAI/review Thank you for being such a great fan; we appreciate you watching!
@@DrTomBiernacki I just read s comment from another video that claimed that we should take vitamin D3 in the morning and take vitamin K2 in the evening a full 12 hours later.. they claimed that the role of D3 in making Melatonin "could" affect the depth of rest.... But they did NOT explain WHY one should take the K2 so much later???? Is this true/valid???m
@@bushmaster2936 I have had best results with Doctors Best brand. I buy on Amazon with no issues.But I recently bought some brand in a foreign country where supplements are highly policed, and that was good stuff. I wish the FDA did a better job with supplements.
I am a registered nurse and about 12 years ago I realized that magnesium deficiency was wrecking my life. I had severe thigh cramps, could not keep my eyes open , and slobbered! All the while I was seeing a doctor for these symptoms. I am the one who figured out the magnesium deficiency. Let me add I also could not stay organized and felt mentally overwhelmed. A true test to see if you are deficient is to sip on Powerade and notice if your symptoms improve. I am tremendously improved. Thank you for this video.
This is a most complete & informative video, unlike some that I've seen that are just confusing. I appreciate the fact that you aren't on line selling your products, just providing information & links.
I took magnesium citrate to take care of restless leg syndrome and it worked wonderfully. A friend of mine had the same problem but was scared to take it because his doctor did not tell him about it. Well, he still had the problem . Many grains, including rice, have phytic acid and magnesium is lost so I make sure I take more magnesium when I have rice for dinner on a weekend.
5 to 6 handful of raw spinach when cooked becomes 1 cup. I eat this with either scrambled tofu or eggs for breakfast. I had a slight heart problem, and since I began having spinach for breakfast, this problem has now disappeared. Great video. Thanks
We appreciate you watching! If possible, we would appreciate a quick rating (hopefully good), as it makes a HUGE difference! g.page/r/CSzlpzp7G82TEBM/review We are working hard every day to make better and more meaningful content! This is what keeps us going, for sure.
Fantastic advice..... My only suggestion would be to change the supplement occasionally, that is citrate for a few days and glycinate for a few days just to avoid the dependency of citrate on bowel movements. Skipping the supplement in between for a few days will not create any impact as magnesium is stored in the body for some days. As rightly said in India too, many places with ground water abundant in magnesium, people live a healthier life with no fibromyalgia. And for those people who go out and have some sun exposure life is superb with home made food. This is reality and we ignore this reality ending up in disaster. Thanks for your valuable video Sir !!!
Really good video. I’ve taken magnesium citrate pretty much daily for years, partially because I tend to be constipated. I might’ve made myself dependent. Oh well. Too late now 😮
All thyroid patients with or without a thyroid should make sure their electrolytes/ minerals are in check! Magnesium and calcium are crucial. We can get calcium in almost everything we eat but magnesium is not easy to get and is not easily absorbed so it’s important to supplement. Potassium is also very important along with vitd3 and k2… vid3 increases with calcium and k2 puts the calcium in the bones instead of arteries.. god bless everyone! Everyone is different and our bodies requirements are different we have to listen to our bodies
Fortunately I have relocated to an Indian village where I get good ground water. It has plenty of magnesium. I don’t use any RO or filter to drink it. I just boil it and drink. I also go to the river nearby where I immerse myself everyday. I don’t have to take any magnesium supplements now. I was taking magnesium glycinate earlier.
I woke up one morning and saw there was an ugly purple blotch on my right thigh. I poked it and it didn't hurt, so it didn't feel like a bruise. That's when I thought it might be a blood clot and freaked out. Wasn't sure what I was going to do so I went about my usual day and started tidying my room. I was rummaging through my vitamin shelf and found my half-empty bottle of Magnesium Chelate that was going to expire next week. I decided if I take 2 daily I can get the full benefit before it expires. Literally the next day I noticed the purple blotch was much lighter. Every day I took it I watched as it quickly faded. Before the fifth day even came, the purple blotch was completely gone. I have been taking Magnesium every day ever since.
No wonder I have been so healthy for the last few years. Besides changing my eating habits, I started taking magnesium. I am 75 years old, lost 47 pounds, and have had no illnesses except a slight cold last year when I wasn't able to keep up with my vitamin C regimen for a week. The only problem I have is overactive sinuses and allergy to cigarette smoke. No sinus infections.
Take zinc [with a fatty protein] to help with allergies. I started it over 10 yrs ago, I rarely get a cold or bronchitis like I used to. Seldom use a Kleenex anymore, where I lived with one stuck to my face for years!
@@liberty8424 I swear by zinc to protect against allergies and even the common cold. During the pandemic, I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold. For two days, I took my zinc, vit c and drank only chicken bone broth. I was feeling good by the third day. At the time of the pandemic, I was 68 years old. 71 now and, so far, never had covid nor am I vaccinated but that's not up for discussion here. That's my choice. Not telling anyone else if they should or shouldn't. But yes. Zinc is good too. Magnesium is crucial to good health.
We appreciate you watching! If possible, we would appreciate a quick rating (hopefully good), as it makes a HUGE difference! g.page/r/CSzlpzp7G82TEBM/review We are working hard every day to make better and more meaningful content! This is what keeps us going, for sure.
New viewer here. Thank you for fantastic info, and especially thank you for NOT including awful background muzak like far too many other creators do. It's always refreshing to be able to clearly understand what is being said instead of witnessing a battle over whether the voice or music is actually the background track.
My husband has always suffered from migraines it’s hereditary his whole family are plagued with them awful !! He would have to inject himself weekly sometimes because of cluster migraines he would have to inject himself for 3 days in a row . so I have made him start taking magnesium every day and for the past 3 months he’s been migraine free !! Amazing ❤
June, that is definitely a tough situation to have. I am happy to hear that magnesium supplement seem to help your husband. However, if it doesn't get better over longer period just make sure to check with your primary care doctor to make sure there is nothing more serious going on. We really appreciate you as a fan and we hope to keep making better and more detailed videos for you going into the future. If possible, we would appreciate a quick review from you; these make a HUGE difference to us! g.page/r/CZWo3fJqJrVpEBM/review Thanks again for watching! All best to you and your husband.
I started on Magnesium about two weeks ago and this is the best thing I have done for myself. My anxiety,bowel movements,and appetite is so much better
THANK YOU. I just took a 250mg tablet of Nature Valley. I'll rewatch this to see how much I should get a day. Really like your presentation style, and NO annoying music.😎
Great video, unfortunately another important addition we need is iodine, as my grandparents said we no longer get it from anything grown in our soil, thanks for explaining 👍
I had a laundry list of mental health problems, including insomnia, and opted to get off all my medications since they were slowly ruining my life. I've been taking magnesium citrate supplements for years now and I went from a "good" night of sleep (6hrs) every week or so to consistently sleeping 6-8 hours per day. My husband also pointed out that none of my pregnancy symptoms so far have included chronic pain, sleep issues or mood swings, and I believe magnesium, selenium, and iodine have a lot to do with that!
I've been extremely low on Mg, to the point of having a stroke and heart problems. Magnesium Bisglycinate is about the fifth form of Mg I've tried and the first one that didn't cause severely loose stools.
could you share which brand of magnesium Bisglycinate you use? Because, I am using one which still gives me loose stool. Unfortunately, I am very prone in the direction of loose stool. I definitely have no problem when I do not take magnesium sad situation. Would you mind telling me which brand you use/doses, and with food or? Thank you very much!
here is a few references for you....LIFE EXTENSION...go to their site get their free magazine and read all their articles taken from health journals...Gary Null...go to his site and look around listen to his podcast....these are the 2 best sites there are.......
no one has mentioned Apple cider vinegar with meals . 3 teaspoons with 2 ounces water helps digestion a lot. I also take mag. malate which is highly absorable as per Dr. Steven Masley from Florida. ❤
It is truly sad. I believe all doctors are not taught half of what they need to know. They are constantly in competition on so many levels. They try to get it right, most of the time. But they are not educated in the right way. It seems so much goes against them and the environments. Especially in hospitals. Our best bet is to study on our own as much as possible about whatever is ailing us and find a doctors who will listen. They are out there.
Thank You. Finally, someone out there knows what they are talking about and want to help. ME Had a heart attack 5 years ago/ a relatively new low-end diabetic and have been following your recommendations to the letter. I feel better than I did 30 years ago! 'Got to double my magnesium' though thanks to this video of yours.150mg now/ going for 400-450/day. Good things come out of Detroit other than cars it seems. Bless you ... and I am exercising ( walking biking) every good day till it snows again!
Half a medium size avocado has 200 milligrams of magnesium and 400 milligrams of potassium. The magnesium seems to absorb really well. I have actually had it throw off my calcium. By the way we had a cat who had an irregular heart beat that completely resolved with a small amount of magnesium and B vitamins given daily.
I've been diagnosed start 2023 with A fib I've wanted to know what my lab is showing and my cardiologist asked me what do you want to know that stuff for so i told him ,to see what magnesium level was. He said why do you need to know that and I just shaking my head! I worked 20 years on a Ambulance went through Paramedic training, suffered cramps all kinds aches and pains and he questioned me on that, very sorry the way many doctors are trained!!!!
I started taking Mg half a year ago. Been migraine free since the first day of taking it. Had about 2 to 3 migraines per week for 2 years straight before that. Not sure if it's related, but my chronic syndrome of Tietze is also gone. I also took it during pregnancy because I had terrible belly cramps. Ofc doctors don't tell any of this, had to figure this all out myself from reading scientific reports.
I started taking magnesium L-theonate and there has been a study that proves it crosses some brain barrier . I am seeing an improvement in cognitive function !!! It is more expensive but was recommended for menopause problems
I had problems when I was a young adult with menstrual cramps. I went on an extended camping trip where my source of water was from a natural spring and the water was high in dissolved dolomite. At my next menstrual period I had no cramps! Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO3)2. The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is Dolomite. I highly recommend it as a supplement unless you have very severe chronic kidney disease.
Great video, older guy here, went Keto a year ago, down 60 lbs., prior to that suffered bad leg cramps, woke me up at night and had to jump outa bed and stretch out, carried on even as I lost weight. Was low salt as per my doctor, now after some research I salt my food, take potassium and magnesium, we need all 3. Started with magnesium citrate, played havoc with my guts, lotsa loose stool, to much for me, switched it up to magnesium bis-glycinate powder, made a world of difference (different strokes for different folks I guess, do what works for you), you got a like from me and a new subscriber too. Well done Doc and thanks for a well presented easy to understand video.
@@moniryousefian8782 I take a brand called CanPrev Magnesium Bis-Glycinate 250 Ultra Gentle. It comes in a flavoured powder form, 48 servings per jar at 257 grams per serving, I read somewhere that you should be getting about 400 grams per day (not sure where I read that though) so with that and some avocado, dark leafy greens and a few squares of dark 70% chocolate I'm probably getting enough. They also have an unflavoured option that is 400 grams per serving I believe? The city I live in claims that there is 8.5 mg/L of water so I think the real proof I get enough is that my leg cramps have disappeared for over a year or so now.
It's definitely worth your while to take. My grandfather has COPD and a few years ago I got him on Magnesium, and NAC. Breathing was significantly improved, blood flow, little to no cramping in his lower legs and feet during the night, and sleep improved as well. He couldn't thank me enough. I finally got him to cut out the daily 3 tall cans of beer, and his belt size reduced as a bonus. He is doing very well. Vitasave Magnesium Bis-Glycinate is what we have both been using.
@@skybabe2375 Magnesium it took 2 days (kicked in for the 2nd night he went to sleep). NAC it was almost instant (within the hour). So combined 1-2 days for both supplements. When he ran out of the first bottle (Magnesium) we were curious to see how long before the cramping returned without taking any, and it was about a week. His diet isn't the greatest though. He still does not drink water (mostly coffee all day) and he's not very active at all. So results would most definitely vary (in a more positive way) for someone who does. Hope this helps
@@Duhastmage Oh wow, that sounds nice 😊 Currently, I've been taking some magnesium supplements for about 2 months now, but I don't feel any impact, hence I'm curious to know if it takes like many months to show up or maybe as my symptoms have shown for a long time now(2yrs symptoms)🤷♀️ If you mind, how long did your brother' symptoms last before you guys opted for the supplements?
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About 8 years ago I discovered triple calm magnesium taurate. I had pretty regular PVC’s and other “palpitations”. They are gone. It’s quick acting and a much needed supplement, at least for me. I had a full cardio workup including a heart cath. Nothing ever found. In the end, mag saved me
I think my years of having periodic heart palpitations were from low magnesium levels. I have been taking magnesium. It appears my palpitations have stopped.
I had sleep issues and tried Natural Calm. Long story short, adding magnesium citrate gave me Restless Leg every night. I've since learned there are at least 10 different versions of magnesium and have found 2 that DO NOT give me RLS (threonate and glycinate). If you don't like one, try another. UPDATE: spoke with my brother and he recently experienced the same thing. Also, I've learned the magnesium in ZMA (aspartate and oxide) have no noticeable negative effects on me.
Thank you for your information. I have Neuropathy in my legs and feet which is very painful and is causing problems with walking. If the citrate does not work I will try the Glycinate...
I had wondered if my magnesium was working. Turns out it was not since I am using oxide. Just ordered a citrate powder. Looking forward to seeing how it effects me!
Theraworx is a great magnesium product it comes in a foam and a spray. I recommend it to a lot of my clients especially the ones that have leg cramps at night!!
@@tinahickman6300 I'm going to try that. I have terrible body cramps all over. The worst ones in my ribs. I take a lot of D3, so I need to take some Magnesium. Thanks!
Great video! I recently started taking cheap Mg. What a difference! No more brain fog, much more energy, plus regular bowel movements (which used to be rare). I added mineral oil which helped. Now I’ll add some K2. Thanks Doc!
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I started taking magnesium when I could feel my heart beating irregularly at times. Since starting magnesium, I don't have these feelings. And I haven't noticed my restless legs either.
As an ER nurse I noticed all the cardiac doctors ask for or added Mag to the cardiac test. And asked that, that one test b added to the Cardiac protocol. Yet Never was. So I would always add it to the test to hv a faster response to treatment. I also would ask for a small dose of a drug for anxiety. Like Ativan. Because anyone w this issue or just heart issues, it is painful and stressful. Ppl need to b aware of these issues so they or family need to b aware of these issues so u can act when needed.
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Great video! One other benefit of taking magnesium glycinate (my preference) or citrate is that it helps with the absorption of potassium. Potassium is critical for individuals living low-carb lifestyles. Just like magnesium, potassium is one of the main electrolytes within the body. Along with sodium and chloride, potassium is responsible for maintaining electrolyte balances. Electrolytes are responsible for sending electrical impulses around the body. Specifically, potassium assists in water balance, blood pressure control, muscle contractions, digestion, heart rate and rhythm, and pH balances.
I had to adjust the IU on my magnesium. Getting that right was great. You didnt havr to tell me it would make me sleep. I've discovered it myself. Thanks for all the info & tips!
Special greetings from Poland to your caring spouse, who cares not only about your condition, but also makes us aware of how important magnesium supplementation is
My blood magnesium was slightly high so my doctor said to not take any more supplements. After watching this, I'm going to start taking it again. Thank you.
@@river4462 I'm all for alternative docs, but as mentioned before, the blood (labs) is not a good indication of whether you are deficient or not due to the body's ability to pull magnesium from anywhere it can to maintain a reasonable blood level of magnesium.
I finally tried glycinate and had sleepless nights and extreme constipation. Never again. Always took malate form with no issues. Going back to malate.
Years ago, I was getting chronic migraines whenever my adrenaline would spike for weeks. I did a bunch of remedies that did not work. This persisted into me seeing my physician. We talked nutrition, and she told me to take magnesium supplements. It freaking worked!! :D
Harley, thanks for the great response! Good for you! Just use only doses suggested by your doctor to be on safe side. Some people are very sensitive to increase doses of Mg resulting in stomach problems. If possible, we would appreciate a quick and easy rating from you, and a good rating makes a BIG difference for us! g.page/r/CZWo3fJqJrVpEBM/review Thanks again for watching!
Please which magnesium did the doctor ask you to take and for how long did you notice improvement on your health with the magnesium supplements? I've been having problems with my head(don't know if it's migraines/headaches) especially at my left side of the head through my back neck and throat, severe pains for 2yrs now, doctors do not know the cause, have been taking different bp medications with no effects, I bought some magnesium(Citrate, L-threonate and Glycinate) supplements and have been taking for like a month plus now with no improvement, I'm in serious pains, don't know what to do or where to go for help😢
You are right on the money sir. I've been a big Mag promoter for 25 years. I MAKE my 99 year old grandparents take it for the last 25 years and my 78 year old mom (I purchase it for them and make sure they use it). I like a good citrate pill and a couple of squirts on my skin daily.
I have been saying this for years!! I started taking magnesium for migraines -which arrested about 60% of the occurrence within a year! I now have arthritis issues and chronic pain...I've just started taking on a regular basis...also have taken D3 with K2 for calcium efficiency and bone health!!❤
I hope that magnesium supplements will still be effective in pain management. Thanks for the great response! If possible, we would appreciate a quick and easy rating from you, and a good rating makes a BIG difference for us! g.page/r/CSudMUZfg68sEBM/review Thanks again for watching! All the best to you Jennifer!
I use Magnesium Citrate every night before bed… and I sleep like a ROCK. Even a few hours of sleep while taking my Magnesium pills feels like 10-12 hours most of the time. It’s extremely relaxing too!
I just was curious about your video, I take 500mg of magnesium every night when I go to bed and it helps with back pain & when I went to a doctor for a checkup I didn’t know all this that you explained, my doctor said that I was great on my heart condition & my blood pressure was good and that I’m in great shape for my age. I started taking magnesium supplements years ago when I did research on healing from a surgery. I reduced my dosage after I healed & continuously take them since. That was in 2009. Thanks for the very informative video. I will continue on.
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I've had COPD since April 2003, venous reflux procedure, other problems, lymphadema 1 1/2 years. Had a stroke Jan. and was told deficient in potassium and Magnesium. Ordered Magnesium Malate and Magnesium Glycinate from the Health Ranger. His lab is ISO rated and I've always pleased with putity. Started today. Am hopeful for progress. Thanks for your grreat advice.
You can also add magnesium glycerophosphate to plain water, which is highly absorbable or make magnesium bicarbonate using magnesium hydroxide, plain water and seltzer water. If you're supplementing vitamin D, make sure it's D3 in gel form for best absorption.
Nice video … only thing is I’ve seen multiple articles and videos saying Glycinate was best for migraines and headaches and is overall better than Citrate.
Anthony, thanks for the great response! There are personal variations in responses and some people feel better using citrate, oxide, or other types of magnesium supplement. Some people experience stomach problems while taking magnesium glycinate. So that is the reason for many magnesium compound used for magnesium supplementation. If possible, we would appreciate a quick and easy rating from you, and a good rating makes a BIG difference for us! g.page/r/CZWo3fJqJrVpEBM/review Thanks again for watching! All the best to you Anthony!
I just learned that water softeners and reverse osmosis also remove magnesium from drinking water! Also, if you drink alcohol, that removes magnesium from your body too.
This is great info for people who have been unaware of the importance of magnesium. However, I find it inexplicable that he neglected to mention Magnesium Chloride. It is one of the best forms to ingest and it's also very inexpensive. Magnesium Chloride is what is in sea water and other bodies of water where life originated. Our cells know what to do with it.
Magnesium chloride can have potentially worse side effects... like lowering core body temperature, reducing blood pressure (maybe not bad if you have hypertension?) and respiratory depression (stopping breathing is a pretty scary side effect...) Maybe these only happen at very high doses, but are serious. It can also cause flushing, similar to taking niacin.
No. MgCl2 is an inorganic salt and our bodies do not absorb magnesium that well from that compound. Sodium Chloride is just about the ONLY inorganic salt that we can use as is. Other necessary minerals are best taken as a organic compound. Magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate are two good ones.
Important video. Understanding how civilization and modernization ignores deficiencies due to modern methods. Dr. Tom’s video gives insight and source’s for improving health. Thank you!
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my palpitaions disappeared within couple of weeks after i started taking supplement.. that was not my reason for starting supplement, it was kind of motivated by caring for my bones really! the palpitations were bonus that i did not really zone in on, until i noticed they don't happen anymore!. and i had them for maybe 15 or 20 years! also started D3 and K2 at same time, so seems to being taking positive effect!!! 👍
I went through severe palpitations. Was on a low salt diet. I researched natural cures and found that I needed salt. One half tsp in water. Ten minutes later the Palos were gone. I now take salt on my food and supplement zinc, potassium, and magnesium along with other minerals. Take a look at iodine. There is less of that in our foods.
❤Thanks so much for this and all you do. Your saving lives improving lives and helping others in a beneficial honest way. Very rare in today's world we can count on our 8 fingers how many doctors would reach out like this the way you have. I thank you for the life altering reminders for my health. We all get lost in this system of failing health, especially after 2020. 😢 I could listen to you all day. 😊
Thank you for watching Paris, I appreciate you! If reasonable, we would appreciate a quick rating from you, and a good rating makes a MASSIVE difference for us! g.page/r/CSudMUZfg68sEAI/review Thank you for being such a great fan; we appreciate you watching!
Thank you for this article. I have been suffering from spasms of muscles in my leg (different places on different days) and then the muscle collapses putting me in danger of falling. I have tried a magnesium supplement. I don’t know which type but it didn’t help. So it’s nice to have a good recommendation. I have already ordered Magnesium citrate powder right away!
Magnesium is a muscle relaxant so it will not help your situation. If your muscles are weak, it will make them weaker. Look for something that strengthens your muscles and boosts your energy levels like Vitamin B complex, Calcium and Collagen
@@Accuface2000 thank you for the advice. The muscles in my left leg are generally strong and I only get that click and collapse thing when I first get out of bed. The muscles in my right leg are paralysed because of polio and that leg never collapses so I have no idea what is going on.
I was having a COPD emergency. They got me on O2 and a magnesium drip. Wow, what a difference.
@@danielmorse4213 💯💯💯
I was having terrible leg cramps at night, could hardly sleep and had leg cramps EVERY morning. I was starting to get depressed because I was thinking, is this what the rest of my life is going to be like? I started doing research and it basically led me to Magnesium and potassium supplements. I get zero leg cramps now for the past year.
Thank God I have read your comment 😢❤ I have the same symptoms 😢
@@PrettyFaith35 Just be very careful, potassium can stop your heart, magnesium can have bad side effects also, you have to be careful how much you take. Also, there are different kinds of magnesium, each one has it's own side effects, so pick the one you want. Most people tend to be short on magnesium more than potassium.
So many magnesium products to pick from!! Hard to know what to buy! This is a good video! Obviously food would be really hard to get it from!
Same here leg cramps every night then a Doctor told me to take 800 Magnesium daily . No more leg cramps during the night.that was 12 years ago, if i forget to take them after two days cramps will return .
@@vodkarage8227 💯💯💯💯💯
I use magnesium and I stopped Pepto Bismol, Miralax, Antacids, milk of magnesia, ect. And my pain is gone and my gut moves all the time. I am going to take my evening dose right now!!!
Which type u take
Which type and how much? Thank you
Magnesium citrate is what you would use for digestive problems
@@jeanieologist4456how long does it take for it to kick in and start working
Update: I have been on magnesium for a few months now and my Afib is gone. My cardiologist said all magnesium does is make you go to the bathroom but I’m here to tell you he’s wrong. I have a calm heart now and my endurance is so much better It really makes me mad thinking about all the different meds and procedures that did not work. WHY don’t doctors pay attention to minerals? For the first time in many years my Afib is being controlled effectively.
I’ve had Afib off and on since 2009. I have had cardioversions and most recently an ablation. That ablation worked 4 months and today I had to go have a monitor to wear for 48 hours because Afib is back. I have 2 cardiologists and a EP and not once have any mentioned much less tested my magnesium. Todays medical system really fails us all and money is the most important thing. It’s disgusting!
I’m a cardiology nurse, I feel you. I see it all the time, should be interesting to see what happens to your afib after an increase in mg. 🤔
Oddly enough, the health profession doen't include food/diet for the healing process. And in saying that, the food that is grown is crap.
I suffer cramps, and Mg alleviates that
The medical industry does not make money off of good nutrition and nutritional supplements so they try to make you believe only their drugs and medical procedures can help you which of course is a big lie
Your vaccines probably caused it .
@@MomMati145 so you should know how much damage covid vaccines caused.
One night my heart was all messed up with skipped beats, and irregular beats that woke me up. Scared the hell out of me. I knew magnesium was needed for the heart. Thank God I had ordered powdered magnesium. I put a spoonful in water and drank it down. Within about a half hour my heart rhythm became normal! TRUE STORY!!!!!
What form of magnesium is this
Wow I believe it… 🙏🏼
@@simbajohn1882. I have irregular beats also and magnesium taurate is what I use. It’s for heart health.
What kind of Mg was it?
That's so wonderful. Praise God you had ordered that mag powder. God bless you always 😁
I turned a buddy on to this a couple months ago, because he was limping and moving slowly. He said it was probably arthritis. Once he started taking the mg-citrate powder; now he is feeling and walking much better! This stuff WORKS!
Tell your friend to have a full work up done on possible clogged arteries. His symptoms could be INTERMITTEND CLAUDICATIO which is a sign of an almost blocked leg artery.
I am useding magnesium glycate and still stomach pain,any advice
@@SurujIsaacMagnezi nuk bën për stomakun,është i rëndë për të,prandaj nuk të ikën dhimbja e barkut,unë kam me stomak dhe nuk e përdor,megjithëse është e vërtetë që është shumë e mirë për kardiovaskularet.
How long until he started feeling better?
I had anxiety/OCD for over 20 years and magnesium changed my life. I can now live again.
Sir, Can you share more on this.... Which type of supplements you used?
@@Naveennci Magnesium citrate high absorption, 150g twice daily, 1st for breakfast and 2nd for supper.
So panic attacks and anxiety disorder were all linked to magnesium deficiency and the doc just shoves benzodiazpines down your throat until your so addicted to it
“You’re not going to have a heart attack and die” 😅 how did he know that is exactly where I went in my head. Lol
how long did it take to improve the anxiety?
I’ve not found any medical studies to back up my experience, but my asthma is improved when I take a magnesium supplement.
me as well!!
I’ve found when I’m constipated my asthma acts up. Magnesium helps keep things moving.
75 yo with “old aches and pains”. Mostly muscle aches and pains. I started using Magnesium Glycerinate. While 6 weeks later, l am still tweaking the amounts. (Good news on magnesium overdose😊) BUT SIMPLY AMAZED about PAIN RELIEF❤❤❤❤ Great pain relief, walking much more without a cane !!!💪🏼👍🏻💪🏼👍🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
What brand of magnesium are you taking?
I love how open you are with key information without selling something. You give great advice, backed by science, freely. Thank you!
It’s crazy no one here is talking about the hidden herbs by Anette Ray…
bc its hidden
Every country has it s own herbs, just go to a plant market where local sell their products and talk to them, they know the old medicine and will share if you are capable of absorbing the info and understanding it
Какой то сумасшедший комментатор!
Da comentatorul este un prost și un nebun
As a night shift nurse, I rely on magnesium glycinate to help me get more sleep during my day time sleeping hours. I noticed I slept for 1-2 more hours a day once I started taking it. As an ICU nurse, this is also a level we follow closely in our patients (along with potassium & sodium levels, among others).
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Yes!! I use up to 900mg Mag glycinate a day
i have now seen different videos about magnesium and i am not sure which 1 i should take because all magnesium supplements are for different issues . just to pretend we absorbed magnesium properly would that mean people would have to eat certain foods for their issues or would it be different foodwise and be suitable for all . why is there no general magnesium for general issues and health that would be so easy . dr put me on d3 but no one told me to take k3 also
How much do you take nightly?
@@DrTomBiernackiplease dr make video about hypermagnesemia and how to treatment it naturally?
Thank you for sharing this valuable information about Magnesium. Magnesium has certainly improved my well-being: diminished arthritic pain, sound sleep, and eliminated irregular heartbeat.
Please ignore those who make foolish comments about making shorter videos. The health info provided is meant to improve and may even lengthen life. We appreciate your thorough explanations on life-enhancing health info. 💚🙏🏾
Keep up the info videos
Those are Bots complaining about the length of video , Bots are not worth intelligent thoughts
Agreed, these are caring, well informed videos that we need.
Yes, need shorter, more concise videos.
I have MS I take magnesium I’ve seen a huge difference in my sleep and legs.
Всё понятно. 10 лет назад сталкивалась с проблемами от последствий стресса. Были панические атаки, отсутствие сна, сердцебиение, повышенное давление. Я не люблю врачей, аптечные препараты и анализы. Но пришлось обратиться к ним. Ничего экстримального не нашли, и причину тоже не нашли, но начали разводить на деньги и на вредоносные лечения. Причину я нашла сама. Потому что ночью были судороги в ногах. У меня нет серьезных хронических болезней, нет лишнего веса, я полжизни занималась в фитнесе, тренажёрном зале, а тут - судороги в ногах! Конечно, это острая нехватка магния! Врачи этого не сказали! Нет! Но они выписывали мне успокоительное и таблетки от давления! Чтобы сломался желудок, почки и пр. Чтобы после лечить от новых болезней! Они говорили, что пора уже быть больной и есть таблетки, у вас же возраст 60 лет!!! Я просто сама пошла и купила Цитрат магния, органическую форму и стала принимать по инструкции. Всё! Судороги прошли, сон наладился. Давление в норме 120/80. Врачи говорили, что ваша норма 130/90, 140/100. Это нормально для 60 лет! Нормально?! Нет! Нормально, когда ты просто чувствуешь себя хорошо . Гимнастика и хорошее питание. Есть возможность пить природную воду. Родниковую. Экологически чистую. Также я сама выращиваю овощи на своём участке, собираю в лесу травы для чая. Покупаю у фермеров органические яйца. Когда приезжаю в город покупаю зелёную гречку, не варю её, проращиваю и перемалываю в блэндере, как смузи. Ем много зелени. Ещё есть кунжут. Если его перемолоть в кофемолке, а после с водою в блэндере, то это прекрасное кунжутное молоко. Там идеальное сочетание кальция и магния для усвоения. И это в 100 раз лучше животного молока. Коровье молоко в 60 лет - ненормально. Есть ещё много хороших продуктов. Но стрессы тоже случаются, даже в благополучной жизни. Бывают простуда или травмы. При этом теряется много микроэлементов. Тогда нужно вспомнить и о дополнительном магнии. У меня всегда есть в запасе баночка Цитрата магния. Тогда достаю её, чтобы не дожидаться проблем. И не надо никаких глупых анализов. Лишних встреч с алчными врачами. Просто своя личная профилактика.
AMEN AMEN AMEN, Praise the #LORD🎉😂❤
Так и есть. Тоже собираю травы и много кунжута покупаю--килограммами. И в хлеб и в салат и молочко готовлю.
Doc I've taken magnesium, D3/k2 etc for years. Last year changed from Mag Glycinate to Citrate for some reason. Started to have these weird, itchy crystal like bumps appear on the surface of skin. When I scratched, these white lumps fell off. Doctor was stumped. I read and read the literature and it turns out Magnesium Citrate can accumulate and come through the skin as crystals, especially in people with hypoparathyroidism which I have (surgically induced after thyroidectomy). Just something to be aware of for folks who develop this. Great channel.
So which type do you use
Always use magnesium glycinate
@@yfdz6959 Glycinate
Thank you for your comment. That will really help my niece who is going through tje same thing! May you be well. ❤
I hope your niece keeps well too, it's a horrible condition. Tell her to avoid calcium supplements if at all possible, get it from the diet (vegetables and greek yoghurt are great) as the calcium supplements clog the arteries.@@auberjean6873
I have EDS/POTs/Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Magnesium Glycinate changed my life. I suffer from chronic pain and severe spasms. My pain centre puts everyone on Magnesium. If I miss 2 days of taking it I can tell the difference.
It also straightened out a lifetime of stomach problems.
Have you ever tested for sibo sifo Sipo or co infections
How much do you take daily please?😊
I take 1500 mg a day. 2000mg after any kind of back procedure or trigger points. @@MaggieG70
@jefferadus8582 no I have not been. I don't eat sugar or carbs and I have no stomach issues anymore. Been working on gut health for a few years.
How much do you take pls ?
For sleep I take Magnesium Glycinate. It really works and I dream more. For heart, if it feels a bit rough, I take the Calm powder which is Magnesium Carbonate. Completely relaxes my heart. Incredible mineral.
Another internet doctor also pointed this out and when I started taking magnesium supplements along with potassium I saw my feet look normal for the first time in years. No longer swollen. Only took a couple days to see the difference. And still shocked at the simple change making that much difference.
Duketinn how much potassium day?
@@marilyngrasd I usually take 2 595mg supplements daily & 1 magnesium citrate 250mg. Although dr. Burg recommends a higher dose. He stated that if people are salt-sensitive that usually means they don't have enough potassium. However the dose I take for me has been like a miracle to my once swollen feet
I started 99+99=198 after 1 week to 99.
My dad had the same issues. His doctor said that his magnesium levels were fine! I got him magnesium and asked him to ignore the tests. Swollen feet went away in a few days.
On the other side of the coin, it took me months to see the differences, Just in case anyone expects quick results, you might have to stick with it or adjust how you dose.
Georgios Vlachos / 11th of Dec.2023 / Greece
I have sleep problems for many years. Since I started to get magnesium sirup every night,
my sleep problems have reduced and I sleep better. It has also helped me to feel more
I was critically low on magnesium in August. I was standing on my porch talking to someone and i had this unbelievable muscle spasm. It knocked my knees out from under me and as I fell i landed on my right ankle and the fibula snapped just above the ankle. I was shocked. So after I found out that i was critically low i began taking magnesium. It seems to be helping
I was being wrecked in my 20's from magnesium deficiency. Taking a magnesium supplement helped so much. It ended 10 years of insomnia, heart palpitations, leg cramps, anxiety/panic attacks. If I stop taking it I notice I start getting leg cramps and hot feet when I sleep and reminds me I need to start again. You can get magnesium so cheap and I see people struggle with insomnia or panic attacks but hardly anyone wants to believe the fix could be so simple or cheap. Instead we just get medicated on crazy drugs.
What type of magnesium are you taking?
@@GabrielaLtcI think you can take any as long as it’s Mg
Same. I had anxiety but it wasnt mental it was adrenaline rushes and exhaustion i knew i didnt have a psychological issue ...then I had stuff muscles eventually my heart started to sound like a telephone bringing instead of beating ...all it took was two magnesium and two days later it was totally gone...it came back when I stopped for a week on holiday shrotly after starting but now I can go weeks forgetting to take it and im ok. I still do try to remember ..but something so simple as that can cause all manner of things.. I took it for my heart and it eventually cleared the other stuff up too unexpectaedly.
@@GabrielaLtc Sorry I didn't see your comment. I have taken multiple forms, magnesium glycinate currently. I have not noticed a huge difference in different types. All of them keep me good and help me sleep. I believe you should take calcium with it. You can read up how calcium and magnesium are considered "sisters". Using each other for their functions. If you supplement magnesium and do not have sufficient calcium you may end up deficient in calcium. I personally believe by consuming a bunch of dairy without eating as much magnesium rich food is how I become magnesium deficient in the first place.
@@winstonsmith2391 Thanks for answering. I didn't know dairy deplestes magnesium.
Doc, I suffer from chronic migraines, vascular and all kinds of Headaches and lived on handful of painkillers for 34 years. I began magnesium citrate and I left painkillers. No doc helped me but a close friend from US who practises nutrition.
I take at times 20-40 gms during excruciating migraines
So sad, Drs. Don't want you healthy. You will not be going to see them so often.
@@pear7554 I don't waste my money with so so bad doctors. Your sarcasm didn't fit well I tell ya
I am so very tired i have been talking to my PCP about all of these problems chronic migraine pain from head to foot an need help can't sleep well neither it sounds good i just want to be healthy an leave here happy
I couldn’t understand why I had headaches so often, but since I started to eat magnesium my headaches dropped significantly. From perhaps 7 times a month down to 1🇸🇪
😮Откажись от Глютена
I use magnesium oil (just crystals dissolved in water to form oil like consistency) and rub it on my hands after having Sharpe pains due to arthritis and now have NO PAIN AT ALL. I rubbed the xs on my knees and they are now cured of what the doctors said was wear and tear. I also tried on a leg rash that the doctor could not cure, and that too went in days. For me magnesium has been a miracle cure.
Personally started taking magnesium glycinate and threonate. Significantly reduced my ADHD symptoms. I can focus much more, way more confident for some reason, heavily reduced anxiety, great sleep (sleep quota actually went down), has stabilized my mood. I feel so happy all the time now, no random muscle twitches anymore, it’s like a relaxant. Obviously do your own research but if you’re on the fence about magnesium, let this be the sign that you should try it. It’s been a miracle mineral for me.
That is awesome to hear! I’m happy it’s working so well for you! What dosage did you take? That is what I’m confused with. I have one that’s 250 but I don’t thing s that that’s enough.
low mag causes anxiety
@@ladidodi8912You need 600 mg., also added Threonate, brilliant for “brain fog.
Magnesium decreased my TSH and healed thyroid tissue
Thank for a great presentation! I am over 80 and I stay fit by riding 35 ks on a mountain bike in the local hills, every second day or so.
I eat plenty of Bananas for my Potassium, and I take a Magnesium supplement after a bike ride. .. It also reduces possibility of cramps.
Because I do steep hills I keep my heart fit . I go to 140 bpm on the hard bits and after about 2 minutes I am back at 80. bpm. Resting rate in 60 bpm.
Use it or lose it!!
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Amazing share, thank you so much for your story.
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I’m 68 years old and I started mountain biking in Colorado also. It’s a great way to get in shape without causing any damage to your joints.
How much magnesium should we be taking daily, and what are the best magnesium foods should we be eating?
I had horrible palpitations that were very scary! I started taking Magnesium Glycinate and the palpitations disappeared. I also take Potassium Citrate powder in juice or water along with my Magnesium. Praise God!!!! I’m so grateful ❤
Amazing, so grateful you are feeling better!
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I enjoyed your video. Just wanted to mention that about 2 years ago I was having heart palpitations every night. One night I took a deep dive into UA-cam videos and found one about Magnesium helping with this problem. Within a day of starting to take magnesium citrate my heart settled down. I take it every day and have had no more problem since. It also helps move my bowels regularly. I had chronic constipation.
I also started giving this to my husband. He has diabetes and would get severe muscle cramps. It took a bit more time but his muscle cramps have almost disappeared. It’s gone from severe every night to maybe once a month or so if he overexerts during the day.
Thank you for spreading this info. The best money I have spent in my life was on doing a personal training course. It really thought me how to take care of my body so even though I am not seeing clients anymore, I have kept up with all the good stuff that keeps the body young, supplementing with Magnesium is one of the things that I have been doing for years, same with vit D3 w/k2, vit C and Z w/copper. Train 3 times a week, walk at least 30mins a day, use a standing desk, drink 1 oz/lb of bodyweight of water, avoid sugar, bread, junk food and at 39 I can really tell some of my peers been again faster. And trust me it is not down to my genes, both my parents who did not take care of themselves look older than their age. The other thing that I think needs supplementation is protein, not for muscle mass but for all the enzymes that help the body and its many systems function well, is made out of the protein we eat. And what people ought to know is that plant proteins even when combined are inferior to animal sources due to the lower level of essential amino acids in them. The essential amino acid of the lowest level in a food source will determine how well the body can utilise all the other amino acids. There is a chart somewhere that shows the lever of essential amino acids found in all the foods that are considered protein sources. Can’t recall the name sorry. The last thing I would add is essential to good health and probably the most important is the quality and amount of sleep you get. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant In addition so when your sleep is optimal everything works better and your mood is better, there is no supplement that can replace quality sleep. All the above can aid it.
Thank you so much ❤
I have been on magnesium for 2 months after being sick for a year...I feel so good... 😊
sick how
What type mag?
What brand of Magnesium may I ask? I am so lethargic lately, ever since I turned 59 I have been losing energy. We lost our medical insurance and I am trying to improve my health any way I can.
@@katrinagrammer2014 hey please get your testosterone checked
Awesome information from a medical doctor not trying to sell his brand of magnesium! Nice job Doctor! I figured out magnesium helps with sleep and foot cramps, but never knew which type to try. Going to buy some 'dirt cheap' MG@ + Citrate now and definitely going to watch more of this doctor's videos! 😀
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Magnesium glycinate
Magnesium Theronate is the best... check it
@@DrTomBiernacki I just read s comment from another video that claimed that we should take vitamin D3 in the morning and take vitamin K2 in the evening a full 12 hours later.. they claimed that the role of D3 in making Melatonin "could" affect the depth of rest....
But they did NOT explain WHY one should take the K2 so much later???? Is this true/valid???m
@@bushmaster2936 I have had best results with Doctors Best brand. I buy on Amazon with no issues.But I recently bought some brand in a foreign country where supplements are highly policed, and that was good stuff. I wish the FDA did a better job with supplements.
I am a registered nurse and about 12 years ago I realized that magnesium deficiency was wrecking my life. I had severe thigh cramps, could not keep my eyes open , and slobbered!
All the while I was seeing a doctor for these symptoms.
I am the one who figured out the magnesium deficiency. Let me add I also could not stay organized and felt mentally overwhelmed. A true test to see if you are deficient is to sip on Powerade and notice if your symptoms improve. I am tremendously improved. Thank you for this video.
Look into copper deficiency as well.
Slobbered?? WtH are you saying lol.. and Powerade!??.. wth are you talking about!??
@@therealdeal26 well 'RealDeal', shall I make it real?
Lol. I said exactly what I said.
I drank 2 powerades then my nose started bleeding. Idk
Powerade is mostly just sugar, drink water and take supplements instead.
This is a most complete & informative video, unlike some that I've seen that are just confusing. I appreciate the fact that you aren't on line selling your products, just providing information & links.
Magnesium has helped with my tachycardia and blood pressure. It’s wild that it helps more than the meds I’m prescribed.
What type of Magnesium do you take and dosage? Thanks
I took magnesium citrate to take care of restless leg syndrome and it worked wonderfully. A friend of mine had the same problem but was scared to take it because his doctor did not tell him about it. Well, he still had the problem . Many grains, including rice, have phytic acid and magnesium is lost so I make sure I take more magnesium when I have rice for dinner on a weekend.
5 to 6 handful of raw spinach when cooked becomes 1 cup. I eat this with either scrambled tofu or eggs for breakfast. I had a slight heart problem, and since I began having spinach for breakfast, this problem has now disappeared. Great video. Thanks
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Nutrients in spinach are almost entirely unavailable to humans due to the anti nutrients in spinach.
Spinach is high on oxalate that can cause kidney stones.
Be careful of the oxalates from eating too much spinach.
Bad for your thyroid
High oxalates
Fantastic advice.....
My only suggestion would be to change the supplement occasionally, that is citrate for a few days and glycinate for a few days just to avoid the dependency of citrate on bowel movements. Skipping the supplement in between for a few days will not create any impact as magnesium is stored in the body for some days. As rightly said in India too, many places with ground water abundant in magnesium, people live a healthier life with no fibromyalgia. And for those people who go out and have some sun exposure life is superb with home made food. This is reality and we ignore this reality ending up in disaster. Thanks for your valuable video Sir !!!
Interesting about mg in the water in India.
Body does not absorb citrate. That's why it makes you poo.
To get rid of Fibromyalgia eat Whole Food Plant Based
No nan made or processed foods! It works!!
Really good video. I’ve taken magnesium citrate pretty much daily for years, partially because I tend to be constipated. I might’ve made myself dependent. Oh well. Too late now 😮
@@tootstoyou1 It's not too late. I have had good success with whole leaf aloe vera. I take 2oz twice a day.
adding mag totally cured my massive migraines monthly and panic attacks !
Which form of magnesium you used for migraines,I have also migraines for about 3 years with symptoms also,and it worst in winters
А какую дозировку пьете магний? Спасибо
All thyroid patients with or without a thyroid should make sure their electrolytes/ minerals are in check! Magnesium and calcium are crucial. We can get calcium in almost everything we eat but magnesium is not easy to get and is not easily absorbed so it’s important to supplement. Potassium is also very important along with vitd3 and k2… vid3 increases with calcium and k2 puts the calcium in the bones instead of arteries.. god bless everyone! Everyone is different and our bodies requirements are different we have to listen to our bodies
Absolutely excellent tip! Have a merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and amazing 🎊!
God bless you and your genuine concern for other people's health. I wish you were my doctor. Keep doing what you're doing Sir. I'm a fan!
Fortunately I have relocated to an Indian village where I get good ground water. It has plenty of magnesium. I don’t use any RO or filter to drink it. I just boil it and drink. I also go to the river nearby where I immerse myself everyday. I don’t have to take any magnesium supplements now. I was taking magnesium glycinate earlier.
Shortly after taking magnesium my whole body relaxes and I sleep like a baby!
I woke up one morning and saw there was an ugly purple blotch on my right thigh. I poked it and it didn't hurt, so it didn't feel like a bruise. That's when I thought it might be a blood clot and freaked out. Wasn't sure what I was going to do so I went about my usual day and started tidying my room. I was rummaging through my vitamin shelf and found my half-empty bottle of Magnesium Chelate that was going to expire next week. I decided if I take 2 daily I can get the full benefit before it expires. Literally the next day I noticed the purple blotch was much lighter. Every day I took it I watched as it quickly faded. Before the fifth day even came, the purple blotch was completely gone. I have been taking Magnesium every day ever since.
No wonder I have been so healthy for the last few years. Besides changing my eating habits, I started taking magnesium. I am 75 years old, lost 47 pounds, and have had no illnesses except a slight cold last year when I wasn't able to keep up with my vitamin C regimen for a week. The only problem I have is overactive sinuses and allergy to cigarette smoke. No sinus infections.
Take zinc [with a fatty protein] to help with allergies. I started it over 10 yrs ago, I rarely get a cold or bronchitis like I used to. Seldom use a Kleenex anymore, where I lived with one stuck to my face for years!
@@liberty8424 I swear by zinc to protect against allergies and even the common cold. During the pandemic, I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold. For two days, I took my zinc, vit c and drank only chicken bone broth. I was feeling good by the third day. At the time of the pandemic, I was 68 years old. 71 now and, so far, never had covid nor am I vaccinated but that's not up for discussion here. That's my choice. Not telling anyone else if they should or shouldn't. But yes. Zinc is good too. Magnesium is crucial to good health.
Honey locally produced helps sinuses fyi from Tennessee veteran
I have a over sensitivity to smells. Do you have the same?
@@Versiongurl I wish I did--lost 75-85 % with COVID type flue-- only got back some of it after doubling BENEDRYL every night for 8 months.
Glory to God. Bless this Doc for sharing and all other testimonies.❤🎉
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New viewer here. Thank you for fantastic info, and especially thank you for NOT including awful background muzak like far too many other creators do. It's always refreshing to be able to clearly understand what is being said instead of witnessing a battle over whether the voice or music is actually the background track.
My husband has always suffered from migraines it’s hereditary his whole family are plagued with them awful !! He would have to inject himself weekly sometimes because of cluster migraines he would have to inject himself for 3 days in a row . so I have made him start taking magnesium every day and for the past 3 months he’s been migraine free !! Amazing ❤
June, that is definitely a tough situation to have. I am happy to hear that magnesium supplement seem to help your husband. However, if it doesn't get better over longer period just make sure to check with your primary care doctor to make sure there is nothing more serious going on.
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All best to you and your husband.
#Wow, I'm A chronic debilitating MIGRAINE sufferer , too, started @ #7 n I'm #52 years old 🎉
I started on Magnesium about two weeks ago and this is the best thing I have done for myself. My anxiety,bowel movements,and appetite is so much better
Can you please share more details how much do you take, how long have you been using? Where can I find these supplements?
I ordered it from Amazon I took the whole syringe full twice daily it’s made by Zeta
@@QuayahIsrael thanks for the quick reply. Which mg you are using ?
THANK YOU. I just took a 250mg tablet of Nature Valley. I'll rewatch this to see how much I should get a day.
Really like your presentation style, and NO annoying music.😎
Great video, unfortunately another important addition we need is iodine, as my grandparents said we no longer get it from anything grown in our soil, thanks for explaining 👍
Selenium also, especially if your in Australia
@@Pidgeys in table salt ( which I won't have ), and Himalayan salt is unrefined....I'd prefer eating strawberries !
@@Pidgeys yes, I agree
Prawns for iodine
Lugols Iodine
I had a laundry list of mental health problems, including insomnia, and opted to get off all my medications since they were slowly ruining my life. I've been taking magnesium citrate supplements for years now and I went from a "good" night of sleep (6hrs) every week or so to consistently sleeping 6-8 hours per day. My husband also pointed out that none of my pregnancy symptoms so far have included chronic pain, sleep issues or mood swings, and I believe magnesium, selenium, and iodine have a lot to do with that!
Well done.
Thank You 🦢💜🦢👵🏽✌🏾
idfdude9387, what kind of magnesium do you take and at what time of the day? Thank You in advance for your reply.
@@diose0078 Mg glycinate an hour after dinner in the evening.
@@diose0078 - Butting in - Sorrv - MG Threoate - High absorption
I've been extremely low on Mg, to the point of having a stroke and heart problems. Magnesium Bisglycinate is about the fifth form of Mg I've tried and the first one that didn't cause severely loose stools.
I am glad you found the one that works best for you :)
could you share which brand of magnesium Bisglycinate you use? Because, I am using one which still gives me loose stool.
Unfortunately, I am very prone in the direction of loose stool. I definitely have no problem when I do not take magnesium sad situation.
Would you mind telling me which brand you use/doses, and with food or?
Thank you very much!
You are answering questions that pop into my head every day. I have health problems and get anxiety over my diet and lifestyle. Trying to get better.
here is a few references for you....LIFE EXTENSION...go to their site get their free magazine and read all their articles taken from health journals...Gary Null...go to his site and look around listen to his podcast....these are the 2 best sites there are.......
no one has mentioned Apple cider vinegar
with meals . 3 teaspoons with 2 ounces water helps digestion a lot.
I also take mag. malate which is
highly absorable as per Dr. Steven Masley
from Florida. ❤
Believe it or not we have a lot of uneducated doctors in America
Oh they are everywhere , disgrace how much they dont know.
It is truly sad. I believe all doctors are not taught half of what they need to know. They are constantly in competition on so many levels. They try to get it right, most of the time. But they are not educated in the right way. It seems so much goes against them and the environments. Especially in hospitals. Our best bet is to study on our own as much as possible about whatever is ailing us and find a doctors who will listen. They are out there.
🤔...It's the same in the UK. I'm starting to think that "GP" stands for "Generally Pathetic" ?!? 🙄😏
Yes, but at least they make great business men. I know, wrong line of work but same profit.
Not uneducated...taught wrong FOR big pharma. All about money. The big few own everything.
Thank You.
Finally, someone out there knows what they are talking about and want to help. ME
Had a heart attack 5 years ago/ a relatively new low-end diabetic and have been following your recommendations to the letter.
I feel better than I did 30 years ago! 'Got to double my magnesium' though thanks to this video of yours.150mg now/ going for 400-450/day.
Good things come out of Detroit other than cars it seems. Bless you ... and I am exercising ( walking biking) every good day till it snows again!
Half a medium size avocado has 200 milligrams of magnesium and 400 milligrams of potassium. The magnesium seems to absorb really well. I have actually had it throw off my calcium. By the way we had a cat who had an irregular heart beat that completely resolved with a small amount of magnesium and B vitamins given daily.
That's not true. One whole avocado has 58 mg of magnesium..
@@juliettb1565 I just looked it up. You are right on.
One ounce of pumpkin seeds has 156mg of magnesium.
I've been diagnosed start 2023 with A fib I've wanted to know what my lab is showing and my cardiologist asked me what do you want to know that stuff for so i told him ,to see what magnesium level was. He said why do you need to know that and I just shaking my head! I worked 20 years on a Ambulance went through Paramedic training, suffered cramps all kinds aches and pains and he questioned me on that, very sorry the way many doctors are trained!!!!
Potassium and magnesium are not reflected accurately in the blood. You have to know symptoms of deficiency. And excess.
I started taking Mg half a year ago. Been migraine free since the first day of taking it. Had about 2 to 3 migraines per week for 2 years straight before that. Not sure if it's related, but my chronic syndrome of Tietze is also gone.
I also took it during pregnancy because I had terrible belly cramps. Ofc doctors don't tell any of this, had to figure this all out myself from reading scientific reports.
What type of magnesium did you take to help with your migraines?
@@tjcmay6363 yo también quiero saber
Topical magnesium also works wonders for proper absorption
I started taking magnesium L-theonate and there has been a study that proves it crosses some brain barrier . I am seeing an improvement in cognitive function !!! It is more expensive but was recommended for menopause problems
Wow amazing, how much are you taking and how quickly did it help? Thank you, and have a merry Christmas and an amazing New Year! 🙏😊
I had problems when I was a young adult with menstrual cramps. I went on an extended camping trip where my source of water was from a natural spring and the water was high in dissolved dolomite. At my next menstrual period I had no cramps! Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO3)2. The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is Dolomite. I highly recommend it as a supplement unless you have very severe chronic kidney disease.
That’s good news. My cramps kill me
Great video, older guy here, went Keto a year ago, down 60 lbs., prior to that suffered bad leg cramps, woke me up at night and had to jump outa bed and stretch out, carried on even as I lost weight. Was low salt as per my doctor, now after some research I salt my food, take potassium and magnesium, we need all 3. Started with magnesium citrate, played havoc with my guts, lotsa loose stool, to much for me, switched it up to magnesium bis-glycinate powder, made a world of difference (different strokes for different folks I guess, do what works for you), you got a like from me and a new subscriber too. Well done Doc and thanks for a well presented easy to understand video.
May I ask which brand of mg bis glycinate are you taking n how much?! Thanks !!!
@@moniryousefian8782 I take a brand called CanPrev Magnesium Bis-Glycinate 250 Ultra Gentle. It comes in a flavoured powder form, 48 servings per jar at 257 grams per serving, I read somewhere that you should be getting about 400 grams per day (not sure where I read that though) so with that and some avocado, dark leafy greens and a few squares of dark 70% chocolate I'm probably getting enough. They also have an unflavoured option that is 400 grams per serving I believe? The city I live in claims that there is 8.5 mg/L of water so I think the real proof I get enough is that my leg cramps have disappeared for over a year or so now.
It's definitely worth your while to take. My grandfather has COPD and a few years ago I got him on Magnesium, and NAC. Breathing was significantly improved, blood flow, little to no cramping in his lower legs and feet during the night, and sleep improved as well. He couldn't thank me enough. I finally got him to cut out the daily 3 tall cans of beer, and his belt size reduced as a bonus. He is doing very well. Vitasave Magnesium Bis-Glycinate is what we have both been using.
Like how long did you start seeing the improvements after taking the magnesium supplement?
@@skybabe2375 Magnesium it took 2 days (kicked in for the 2nd night he went to sleep). NAC it was almost instant (within the hour). So combined 1-2 days for both supplements. When he ran out of the first bottle (Magnesium) we were curious to see how long before the cramping returned without taking any, and it was about a week. His diet isn't the greatest though. He still does not drink water (mostly coffee all day) and he's not very active at all. So results would most definitely vary (in a more positive way) for someone who does. Hope this helps
Oh wow, that sounds nice 😊
Currently, I've been taking some magnesium supplements for about 2 months now, but I don't feel any impact, hence I'm curious to know if it takes like many months to show up or maybe as my symptoms have shown for a long time now(2yrs symptoms)🤷♀️
If you mind, how long did your brother' symptoms last before you guys opted for the supplements?
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Can that be as good or in place for the citrate though?
About 8 years ago I discovered triple calm magnesium taurate. I had pretty regular PVC’s and other “palpitations”. They are gone. It’s quick acting and a much needed supplement, at least for me. I had a full cardio workup including a heart cath. Nothing ever found. In the end, mag saved me
I think my years of having periodic heart palpitations were from low magnesium levels. I have been taking magnesium. It appears my palpitations have stopped.
How much Magnesium are you taking, and when are you taking it? I have Mag Taurate, and Mag Glycinate
@@MrsKunis what form of magnesium are you taking
I had sleep issues and tried Natural Calm. Long story short, adding magnesium citrate gave me Restless Leg every night. I've since learned there are at least 10 different versions of magnesium and have found 2 that DO NOT give me RLS (threonate and glycinate).
If you don't like one, try another.
UPDATE: spoke with my brother and he recently experienced the same thing. Also, I've learned the magnesium in ZMA (aspartate and oxide) have no noticeable negative effects on me.
Calm works great for me!
Arsenic in this supplement. Stick to bisglycinate.
Threonate works great for me
Makes sense. Every body has different needs and reactions, and there isn't one type right for every single person.
Thank you for your information. I have Neuropathy in my legs and feet which is very painful and is causing problems with walking. If the citrate does not work I will try the Glycinate...
I had wondered if my magnesium was working. Turns out it was not since I am using oxide. Just ordered a citrate powder. Looking forward to seeing how it effects me!
I was told glycinate is a good magnesium, I've been taken it for about 16 months , my anxiety has gone
I can’t take magnesium but I can apply Magnesium Oil topically on aching joints. It helps & you can make your own from magnesium flakes.
Theraworx is a great magnesium product it comes in a foam and a spray. I recommend it to a lot of my clients especially the ones that have leg cramps at night!!
@@tinahickman6300 I'm going to try that. I have terrible body cramps all over. The worst ones in my ribs. I take a lot of D3, so I need to take some Magnesium. Thanks!
Thank you so much :)
I not only stopped my heart palpitations it stopped my restless leg syndrome which had me half crazy .
Great video! I recently started taking cheap Mg. What a difference! No more brain fog, much more energy, plus regular bowel movements (which used to be rare). I added mineral oil which helped. Now I’ll add some K2. Thanks Doc!
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Put some on your shoes , it'll help
Zinc is worth having
@@TNT-km2egneyi koymali ?
I started taking magnesium when I could feel my heart beating irregularly at times. Since starting magnesium, I don't have these feelings. And I haven't noticed my restless legs either.
Which magnesium did you take for this? Thanks.
As an ER nurse I noticed all the cardiac doctors ask for or added Mag to the cardiac test. And asked that, that one test b added to the Cardiac protocol. Yet Never was. So I would always add it to the test to hv a faster response to treatment. I also would ask for a small dose of a drug for anxiety. Like Ativan. Because anyone w this issue or just heart issues, it is painful and stressful. Ppl need to b aware of these issues so they or family need to b aware of these issues so u can act when needed.
am taking Magnesium L-Threonate--and I think it helps. I loved your information. Thanks
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Great video! One other benefit of taking magnesium glycinate (my preference) or citrate is that it helps with the absorption of potassium. Potassium is critical for individuals living low-carb lifestyles. Just like magnesium, potassium is one of the main electrolytes within the body. Along with sodium and chloride, potassium is responsible for maintaining electrolyte balances. Electrolytes are responsible for sending electrical impulses around the body. Specifically, potassium assists in water balance, blood pressure control, muscle contractions, digestion, heart rate and rhythm, and pH balances.
I do Magnesium L-threonate which is for the brain too.
Magnesium oil rub and Magnesium taurate for me.
What if you have CKD kidney disease would taking magnesium hurt the kidneys?
What food or liquid you use to get your potassium???
@@MissionaryForMexico My potassium has been high.My kidney dr.put me on Veltassa 8.4 g. Started back on Magnesium 400 grams / serving.
I had to adjust the IU on my magnesium. Getting that right was great. You didnt havr to tell me it would make me sleep. I've discovered it myself. Thanks for all the info & tips!
Special greetings from Poland to your caring spouse, who cares not only about your condition, but also makes us aware of how important magnesium supplementation is
Love this Dr.Love his videos. Very smart ,very informative, sounds very compassionate ,the kind of Dr. any one would love to have . Thank you sir!
My blood magnesium was slightly high so my doctor said to not take any more supplements. After watching this, I'm going to start taking it again. Thank you.
@@river4462 I'm all for alternative docs, but as mentioned before, the blood (labs) is not a good indication of whether you are deficient or not due to the body's ability to pull magnesium from anywhere it can to maintain a reasonable blood level of magnesium.
I finally tried glycinate and had sleepless nights and extreme constipation. Never again. Always took malate form with no issues. Going back to malate.
Years ago, I was getting chronic migraines whenever my adrenaline would spike for weeks. I did a bunch of remedies that did not work. This persisted into me seeing my physician. We talked nutrition, and she told me to take magnesium supplements. It freaking worked!! :D
Harley, thanks for the great response!
Good for you! Just use only doses suggested by your doctor to be on safe side. Some people are very sensitive to increase doses of Mg resulting in stomach problems.
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Please which magnesium did the doctor ask you to take and for how long did you notice improvement on your health with the magnesium supplements?
I've been having problems with my head(don't know if it's migraines/headaches) especially at my left side of the head through my back neck and throat, severe pains for 2yrs now, doctors do not know the cause, have been taking different bp medications with no effects, I bought some magnesium(Citrate, L-threonate and Glycinate) supplements and have been taking for like a month plus now with no improvement, I'm in serious pains, don't know what to do or where to go for help😢
The Canadian headache society recommends a daily dose of 600 mg of magnesium citrate for migraine sufferers.
Elimina il glutine e farine
You are right on the money sir. I've been a big Mag promoter for 25 years. I MAKE my 99 year old grandparents take it for the last 25 years and my 78 year old mom (I purchase it for them and make sure they use it). I like a good citrate pill and a couple of squirts on my skin daily.
I have been saying this for years!! I started taking magnesium for migraines -which arrested about 60% of the occurrence within a year! I now have arthritis issues and chronic pain...I've just started taking on a regular basis...also have taken D3 with K2 for calcium efficiency and bone health!!❤
I hope that magnesium supplements will still be effective in pain management.
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All the best to you Jennifer!
I use Magnesium Citrate every night before bed… and I sleep like a ROCK. Even a few hours of sleep while taking my Magnesium pills feels like 10-12 hours most of the time.
It’s extremely relaxing too!
Dose? 500mg?
I just was curious about your video, I take 500mg of magnesium every night when I go to bed and it helps with back pain & when I went to a doctor for a checkup I didn’t know all this that you explained, my doctor said that I was great on my heart condition & my blood pressure was good and that I’m in great shape for my age. I started taking magnesium supplements years ago when I did research on healing from a surgery. I reduced my dosage after I healed & continuously take them since. That was in 2009. Thanks for the very informative video. I will continue on.
Magnesium glycinate is just wonderful for sleep, anxiety.
Thank you for sharing.🎉🎉🎉
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I've had COPD since April 2003, venous reflux procedure, other problems, lymphadema 1 1/2 years. Had a stroke Jan. and was told deficient in potassium and Magnesium. Ordered Magnesium Malate and Magnesium Glycinate from the Health Ranger. His lab is ISO rated and I've always pleased with putity. Started today. Am hopeful for progress. Thanks for your grreat advice.
🙏for you .
You can also add magnesium glycerophosphate to plain water, which is highly absorbable or make magnesium bicarbonate using magnesium hydroxide, plain water and seltzer water. If you're supplementing vitamin D, make sure it's D3 in gel form for best absorption.
I take vitamin D in dry vegetarian form. Feel the difference. High oil based gave me kidney stones.
D must be with K2 for correct absorbtion!
Nice video … only thing is I’ve seen multiple articles and videos saying Glycinate was best for migraines and headaches and is overall better than Citrate.
Anthony, thanks for the great response!
There are personal variations in responses and some people feel better using citrate, oxide, or other types of magnesium supplement. Some people experience stomach problems while taking magnesium glycinate. So that is the reason for many magnesium compound used for magnesium supplementation.
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All the best to you Anthony!
I just learned that water softeners and reverse osmosis also remove magnesium from drinking water! Also, if you drink alcohol, that removes magnesium from your body too.
Thats good to know
It does. Processed foods & alcohol deplete Mg levels x x
This is great info for people who have been unaware of the importance of magnesium. However, I find it inexplicable that he neglected to mention Magnesium Chloride. It is one of the best forms to ingest and it's also very inexpensive. Magnesium Chloride is what is in sea water and other bodies of water where life originated. Our cells know what to do with it.
Magnesium chloride can have potentially worse side effects... like lowering core body temperature, reducing blood pressure (maybe not bad if you have hypertension?) and respiratory depression (stopping breathing is a pretty scary side effect...) Maybe these only happen at very high doses, but are serious. It can also cause flushing, similar to taking niacin.
No. MgCl2 is an inorganic salt and our bodies do not absorb magnesium that well from that compound. Sodium Chloride is just about the ONLY inorganic salt that we can use as is. Other necessary minerals are best taken as a organic compound. Magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate are two good ones.
@@michaelpeters364 Not when it's applied through skin...
I take this every day REMAG CHLORIDE. Liquid form, no pills to swallow.
@@michaelpeters364 WATER does the same !! its the dose stooopid
Important video. Understanding how civilization and modernization ignores deficiencies due to modern methods. Dr. Tom’s video gives insight and source’s for improving health. Thank you!
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I’m attempting to use the link. A few google hoops to jump thru🤣
my palpitaions disappeared within couple of weeks after i started taking supplement.. that was not my reason for starting supplement, it was kind of motivated by caring for my bones really! the palpitations were bonus that i did not really zone in on, until i noticed they don't happen anymore!. and i had them for maybe 15 or 20 years! also started D3 and K2 at same time, so seems to being taking positive effect!!! 👍
I went through severe palpitations. Was on a low salt diet.
I researched natural cures and found that I needed salt. One half tsp in water. Ten minutes later the Palos were gone. I now take salt on my food and supplement zinc, potassium, and magnesium along with other minerals.
Take a look at iodine. There is less of that in our foods.
❤Thanks so much for this and all you do. Your saving lives improving lives and helping others in a beneficial honest way. Very rare in today's world we can count on our 8 fingers how many doctors would reach out like this the way you have. I thank you for the life altering reminders for my health. We all get lost in this system of failing health, especially after 2020. 😢 I could listen to you all day. 😊
Thank you for watching Paris, I appreciate you!
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Thank you for this article. I have been suffering from spasms of muscles in my leg (different places on different days) and then the muscle collapses putting me in danger of falling. I have tried a magnesium supplement. I don’t know which type but it didn’t help. So it’s nice to have a good recommendation. I have already ordered Magnesium citrate powder right away!
You should try potassium tablets but get the pure no fillers works for leg cramps.
Magnesium is a muscle relaxant so it will not help your situation. If your muscles are weak, it will make them weaker. Look for something that strengthens your muscles and boosts your energy levels like Vitamin B complex, Calcium and Collagen
@@Accuface2000 thank you for the advice. The muscles in my left leg are generally strong and I only get that click and collapse thing when I first get out of bed. The muscles in my right leg are paralysed because of polio and that leg never collapses so I have no idea what is going on.
Thank you so much,Doc🤗I find out that I have been taken the ones I should not,so that why my restless legs is still awaken me..
Hugs from Norway💜
Another thing is that soil depletes over time of magnesium, and I actually add a bit of epson salt to my garden every year for my food plants.
I had Heart and stomach palpitation and anxiety. Since taking Magnesium and Vitamin b complex I am myself again. I can only recommend it
With regard to tap-water, you can get a canister that you install under the sink that remineralizes the water, adding back magnesium.