Identifying the Restrainer // THE RAPTURE & ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • MARANATHA Global Bible Study //
    The Rapture and the Endurance of the Saints Episode 33: Identifying the Restrainer
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  • @scbt2888
    @scbt2888 Рік тому +22

    Even during my pretrib days, I had issue with the teaching that the Holy Spirit is removed. I knew there was no way someone could be a Christian and endure the tribulation without the Spirit.

    • @jessicaagallantt
      @jessicaagallantt Рік тому

      this is so true!!!

    • @archangel_one
      @archangel_one 11 місяців тому +1

      In a way, they don't. They are beheaded. Spiritually, they do endure to the end.

    • @donhaddix3770
      @donhaddix3770 9 місяців тому +1

      believers endured in the ot without the spirit.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 5 місяців тому

      Guys, here is The Savior
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      YaH was Crucified on an Almond TREE
      - Ancient Semitic Cuneiform of Moshe (Moses)
      - Isa Scroll (The Original Isaiah)
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”
      Isaiah 43:11
      “I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.”
      Isaiah 45:5
      “I am YaH, and there is none else.”

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 місяців тому +1

      Through studying the greek concerning this passage, it has come to my attention that a part of the passage in particular vs7 of the line: until he be " taken" out of the "way"is mistranslated, confusing greatly the meaning of 2 thess2:1-8 causing a plethora of false interpretations. Although I would say for many out of ignorance because every english version i have come across has universally used the mistranslation either deliberately out of there own presuppositional agenda and or in lacking wisdom ,copy and pasted the previous work of others without investigating in the greek.
      Everything we need to know of what and who the restrainer is and who is being restrained , is found in 2 thess 2:1-8 within the greek.
      the Great apostasy of the Faith must occur first before the antichrist comes out and reveals himself so the climax of the fallen away of the faith is what keeps the antichrist from revealing himself. but the focus of Paul is not who or what is restraining the antichrist but what and specifically who is restraining the 2nd return of Messiah Yeshua. sense the letter concerns the Day of the Lord as the parousia of Yeshua and our gathering to Him while reminding the thessalonians of that appointed time because many were sending written reports that the day of YAHVH had already occurred.
      A.T. Robertson explains that an idiomatic use of the neuter singular may appear when an abstract expression is used to sum up a whole mass of ideas or expressions. (A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research, Nashville: Broadman, 1934, p.409
      So Paul was reminding them what restrains(neuter) as a whole concerning both awaiting events and who restrains(masculine) in particular Yeshua's 2nd final and climactic return. the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in those two awaiting events and will not come to its climax until the masculine restrainer comes out of the midst into being of where he is(not taken out of the way) to then reveal himself. then Yeshua is no longer restrained to return to then destroy the antichrist.
      Which will be as a thief in the night during the 6th vial to catch the unforgiven off guard.
      How 2 thess 2:1-8 should be understood with the correct translation is:
      1.Now we beseech you, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him,
      2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the Day of the Lord is at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
      4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god, or that is worshipped; so that he as god sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
      5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
      6 And now ye know what restrains(neuter vs.3) that He(Messiah Yeshua) might be revealed in His time.
      For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he(the antichrist) who now restrains(masculine) will do so until he comes out of the midst into being(of where he is).
      8 And then shall he be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

  • @BobF321
    @BobF321 Рік тому +15

    If God the Spirit is removed,who gets saved in the period after He is removed...without the Spirit no one gets born again.❤

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому +1

      And that is why the Restrainer is Not the Holy Spirit !
      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      His own Time is the Restrainer !

    • @aprilfinniss3946
      @aprilfinniss3946 11 місяців тому +4

      The Bible specifically talks about the people who get saved during the tribulation ❤. They may be beaheded for their faith, but there are people who get saved.

    • @donhaddix3770
      @donhaddix3770 11 місяців тому

      no one was born again in the old testament or indwelt by the holy spirit.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 11 місяців тому +1

      @@donhaddix3770 they were still Saved By Faith just as Abraham Was Saved by Faith in God and Jesus Christ and the Word of God, and By Faith We are the Seed of Abraham and the Promise of God and Jesus Christ, and what is the Promise of God and Jesus Christ ? Being Filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit ! And being Saved through Faith in Jesus Christ and the Word of God !

    • @scott596
      @scott596 11 місяців тому

      @@donhaddix3770 the Holy Spirit Lead those in the Old Testament from Without ! They were not Indwelt with the Power of the Holy Spirit, they had the Holy Spirit without, to Lead Them and Help them, ! We have the Holy Spirit Within to Empower Us !
      No One can be Saved, without being Lead By God and Jesus Christ through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

  • @ShamelesslyRed
    @ShamelesslyRed Рік тому +3

    Thank you Joel. You're an excellent teacher and I appreciate you 🎉

  • @19nineteenthirteen19
    @19nineteenthirteen19 Рік тому +6

    God bless you my friend. I really appreciate all of these teachings. They definitely help me stay rooted in the Word. Maranatha

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому +3

    Joel Throughout the word of God things were shown in the heavenly realm and earth (Daniel for example) - sometimes in His word something can mean both -
    We shall wait on the Lord and see as it unfolds - Daniel 12
    It is the glory of God to conceal a matter
    It is the glory of kings to search it out :) Praise Him

  • @jac4YouTube
    @jac4YouTube Рік тому +12

    Wow, you made me re-think what i believed about the Holy spirit restrainer, because i always wondered how the tribulation saints would get saved if the holy spirit is removed. Michael being tbe restrainer does make the most sense.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому +2

      Why do you think, that Michael is removed? Dan 12 says, that he comes to help Israel.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time !

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      ​​@@benny-yj7pqMichael the Protector of Israel, Stand's Up, Stand's Aside, Allowing the Antichrist and Beast to Invade Israel.

  • @stevenklinkhamer9069
    @stevenklinkhamer9069 Рік тому +3

    The very question that has been on my mind lately. Nice timing. Tend to agree with this interpretation. Makes the most sense in light of what we "know," in my view. Well done.

  • @careywatchmenhieatt1079
    @careywatchmenhieatt1079 Рік тому +2

    Maranatha brother I love you

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому

    Doing a word search on
    the Most High is a blessing :)

  • @nhaggs8971
    @nhaggs8971 Рік тому

    How interesting. I love these studies!

  • @ThePlagueGameing
    @ThePlagueGameing Рік тому +26

    The teacings are always excellent. I'm sure all involved at FAI realize that there's other teachings on end time events. Many are sure they're correct and never ADMIT that they could be wrong. One can listen to great teaching all day long on these things BUT if you die in the middle of the night without Jesus as savior the teachings mean nothing right?. I appreciate it when Joel says he's willing to be shown where he's wrong. Thanks to all who make the broadcast possible. ❤❤

    • @aprilfinniss3946
      @aprilfinniss3946 Рік тому +1

      He is wrong, GOD has NOT appointed us to wrath! Those Born again DO NOT go thru any part of the tribulation.

    • @christinec1674
      @christinec1674 Рік тому +4

      ​@@aprilfinniss3946The Most Highs wrath is NOT the tribulation. And furthermore, He can preserve us through the tribulation just as He preserved Noah. The "pretrib rapture" is a false doctrine. Yeshua explained in the gospels that the tares will be gathered up FIRST and thrown into the fire to be burned THEN the wheat will go into His barn.

    • @esperanza210
      @esperanza210 Рік тому

      You talking about the God in the Bible..God says He will blot your name out also...

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 Рік тому

      ​@esperanza210 That wasn't to the Body of Christ. It was to Israel but also includes any believer in Israel's 70th week. But the Body of Christ Church won't be in Israel's 70th week, it's for them, not for us.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 Рік тому

      ​@@christinec1674Romans 2:8-9 both Tribulation and Wrath are for the unbelievers, not for the Body of Christ Church.
      It's Israel's 70th week, not ours. The only reason their 70th week didn't come right after their 69th week is because Paul was called and sent with a different message to the Gentiles. He was given a Dispensation of Grace. And this Dispensation of Grace for the Gentiles will be over (the Restrainer) before their 70th week begins. Romans 11:25
      And we see that happening in Revelation 7 with the 144,000 Jews and the Great multitude. The 144,000 Jews are preaching their Gospel of the Kingdom all over the world before the end comes. Matthew 24:14.
      Pretty simple stuff with a little right division.

  • @eveyprice1742
    @eveyprice1742 11 місяців тому

    Awesome. Amen

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 10 місяців тому +1

    The RESTRAINER will not be REMOVED by God... but it is like "CATCH (withhold) and RELEASE (free)" by/of the RESTRAINER in God's appointed time... the same analogy... Amen.

  • @annequinn3734
    @annequinn3734 Рік тому +1

    Seriously excellent teaching, brother. Thank you.

  • @SpiritReboot
    @SpiritReboot 10 місяців тому

    Great channel and well articulated.

  • @johntandy8918
    @johntandy8918 Рік тому +6

    Would appreciate a link to Dalton's teaching on the restrainer please ❤️🙏

    • @heatherklees9583
      @heatherklees9583 Рік тому +1

      Came here looking for that…

    • @JoelRichardson
      @JoelRichardson Рік тому +1

      Google Mystery of Israel Reggie Kelly and Restrainer.

    • @debrajohnson545
      @debrajohnson545 Рік тому


    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.

    • @johntandy8918
      @johntandy8918 Рік тому

      So I guess that's a NO then

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому

    And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
    Genesis 6:3

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому

    who (the Son)being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had [c]by Himself [d]purged [e]our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high - Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power - Gods power in the consummation of all things Hebrews 1:3

  • @karenandrews1051
    @karenandrews1051 10 місяців тому

    I'd like to listen to Dalton's message you referred to at the beginning. The one where he talks about the restrainer. I can't find it.

  • @JCneverFails
    @JCneverFails Рік тому +2

    The word arise I've read can translate not just as get up, stand up, but to move out of the way...He gets out of the way, to arise out of the way. So the Arch angel michael moves out of the way.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      No, Michael comes to help Israel. Paul tells you who hinders WHAT, the coming of the Lord. Stick with the text and do not read something into the text, what is not written. The "he" in verse 7 is a masculine article in Greek, that belongs to the Lord or the Antichrist, no others are mentioned.

    • @JCneverFails
      @JCneverFails Рік тому

      @@benny-yj7pq you're using a limited understanding of the greek to interpret scripture and your conclusion is it's either Christ or the Anti-christ? Thanks for narrowing the scope. How about taking Jesus' advice and using scripture to interpret itself. Using Daniel 12:1
      1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people-everyone whose name is found written in the book-will be delivered.
      Notice it says EVERYONE. It's not just for Jews and Michael is the he who arises that kicks off a time a great distress (great tribulation). People get caught up in bad dispensationalism thinking that end tim events are only for Jews. And come up with weird theology like the Antichrist is his own restrainer.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      I never said, that the Antichrist is his own restrainer, nor did you understand my comment. Everyone of Daniel's people is very clear, who they are.
      The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 years and not 7 and is a worldwide event (Rev 3:10).

    • @Locustandhoney
      @Locustandhoney 9 місяців тому

      The Greek word in question can also mean sit down or to cease/desist.
      Michael’s war is ongoing and has been being waged since creation right? So it only makes sense that when he stops restraining or takes a back seat that the adversary then seizes his opportunity to destroy the saints.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 9 місяців тому

      @@Locustandhoney As usual, you create a wrong argument, to twist the whole message of Paul. The subject of 2.Thess 2 is not, who restrains the Antichrist, but His arrival, advent with the Rapture and what hinders it (verses 1-3). It is not about WHO hinders, but What (neuter) hinders IT, namely the coming of the Lord. You twist the whole subject to take somebody out of the way, but that is not scriptural, to take is a far stretched meaning, out of the way is an invention, not in the Greek. And the previous masculine article has to relate to a Person, mentioned before. This can only be the Lord or the Antichrist. The AC is the one, who hinders the coming of the Lord, he has to be revealed, before the Lord can return. The Greek word means to come, to arise or to go. The best translation is the literal one, He (the AC) comes out of the midst.

  • @pentecostalsofmadison8788
    @pentecostalsofmadison8788 Рік тому +6

    He got it right. I tried to explain it to pre-fibb and they wanted to scrap

  • @christopherjohnson7768
    @christopherjohnson7768 Рік тому +1

    Revelations 12:7-12 - I thought this was a verse that reflected satan was cast out of heaven back when he tempted Adam and Eve. From what you are saying, satan still has access to heaven and is going to be cast out in the final 3.5 tribulation? Help me understans.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      Yes that's correct. Satan the Great Red Dragon the Great Serpent that Old Serpent the Devil Satan Lucifer Allah the Fallen Crescent Morning Star Cast Out of Heaven, Was Cast Out of Heaven Partially, and Satan still has Access to Heaven and the Counsel of God and Jesus Christ to Accuse the Brethren, and to ask Permission to Persecute the Believer's as he did with Job ! He will be Cast Out of Heaven Permanently loosing all Access to Heaven and the Counsel of God and Jesus Christ. And he will be Cast Alive down to the Earth for a Short time. Then when Jesus Christ Return's Satan will be Cast Alive into the Pit for a Thousand Year's, and Released again for a short time to Lead astray a Third of the population, and then Satan Lucifer Allah will be Cast Alive into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone Forever where the False Prophet and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit are, and Cast into Outer Darkness Forever and Ever Without End.
      When Satan is in the Pit for a Thousand Year's, the people will look upon Him and say, This is the Man Whom The Nation's Did Fear ?

  • @voiceofreason4907
    @voiceofreason4907 Рік тому +4

    I like the way you presented various views and lean towards the most logical views, but keep an open mind. I wish God didn’t make this so hard to discern, but He must have reason for keeping the details hidden for now, perhaps to keep His plans hidden from Satan, until the last minute.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      The restrainer is the church. Once we are raptured, then all hell breaks loose.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      @@seanc2788 That is right, the intercessors and the prayers of the church restrain the spirit of the Antichrist, who is still working. When we are raptured, according to Mat 24:29-31 after the Great Tribulation, all hell breaks loose, because the moment we are raptured, the great earthquake happens, the cities of this world are destroyed, big tsunamis roll into the land, large stones of hail are falling to the earth, the planet is moving to and fro, even coming out of its place, mountains and islands are moved, the surviving people see the Lord on His throne and hiding fearful in caves, wonder what will come upon them. That is what the bible says, study it. After the AC is coming, there will be 3 1/2 years of peace, you can read it in Dan 8:23-25.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      His own Time is the Restrainer

  • @donmiles5080
    @donmiles5080 9 місяців тому

    Which video is it that Dalton did on the restrainer?

  • @sarelvanloggerenberg2307
    @sarelvanloggerenberg2307 Рік тому +4

    Hi, my brother love to listen to you. I am however going to disagree with you on this point. The answer is in the text. He is the man of lawlessness. What is restraining lawlessness? The law. This is the reason the falling away will first take place. The church will become lawless. By taking away God's law in our consciousness and each person do what is right in his own eyes the world will become lawless. The reason that is first something then a He is that it is God's law in the conscience. By denying the conscience you will deny God and will remove Him from your life like He is being removed from the government, schools and our houses. Lawlessness paves the way for the man of lawlessness. Think about the mystery of lawlessness. It is all in the text. It will be like the days of lot and of Noah.

    • @mikefortier3476
      @mikefortier3476 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. Satan has been working on the lawlessness, and it shows in society and in the church

    • @maryrose6203
      @maryrose6203 11 місяців тому

      The Church has already fallen away. They've chosen pastors and teachers that tickle the ears and false doctrines.

  • @michaeldenney5016
    @michaeldenney5016 Рік тому

    Can someone explain the belief in a 7 year tribulation?

  • @Caderdi
    @Caderdi Рік тому +1

    If the Holy Spirit is the restainer and leaves at the rapture how would anyone be saved after the rapture since it's the HS that draws them and is an inner witness they are saved.🤔

    • @jamescole3152
      @jamescole3152 Рік тому

      Actually after the rapture the wrath of God begins. So no one is saved. Just like the days of Noah and Lot.
      Rev 6 shows the wrath of God starting. The day of the Lord. The world has watched as Christians were killed. They saw the rapture.

    • @mikehaney6922
      @mikehaney6922 Рік тому +1

      @@jamescole3152 I think Stormy is talking about those who believe in the "pre trib" rapture of the HS and church
      and why it makes no sense for all those left behind having no chance to be saved.

    • @Caderdi
      @Caderdi Рік тому

      @@jamescole3152 I'm referring to those who believe pre trib

  • @robertbrown7470
    @robertbrown7470 7 місяців тому

    I think the restrainer is either Alfred E. Nueman or Peregrine Took (as noted on the outside of your laptop computer).

  • @WaimakBibleChapel
    @WaimakBibleChapel Рік тому

    Please post link to Daltons video on the restrainer. Have looked and looked? What is the title?

  • @sagetajr
    @sagetajr 3 місяці тому

    Can christians attend family secular parties?

  • @formless4541
    @formless4541 9 місяців тому

    One thoery is the restrainer is the abyss, as the beast arises from it

  • @brb1050
    @brb1050 Рік тому +1

    A restrainer in law is an order, not necessarily a person.

  • @watchmanbob3864
    @watchmanbob3864 Рік тому

    I appreciate your balanced approach, but I think you are mistaken. The restrainer is the Holy Spirit, not that He will be taken out of the world or out of the Church, but His influence as the One who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8) will be removed so that the Antichrist will be unrestrained in deceiving the world into following and worshipping him (Revelation 13:4-8). Michael's job, according to Daniel 12:1 which you mentioned, is to protect God's people Israel, which he will do when he stands up (for them) at the time of the great tribulation. It's not to restrain the false messiah before that time.

  • @troyzebulon6996
    @troyzebulon6996 Рік тому +1

    My sister believes the church is the restrainer
    I disagree with her. I think the restrainer is Jesus
    She thinks the church will be raptured and the Holy Spirit will remain to help people convert during the tribulation

    • @troyzebulon6996
      @troyzebulon6996 Рік тому +1

      Daniel says the tribulation will start when the power of God’s holy people is finally broken
      2 thess 2 says the tribulation will start because people believe the lies of the world instead of God’s truth. I think the power of God’s people breaks because of the division in the church where the affluent and influential Christian’s begin believing lies instead of standing up for truth (ie. the lies of globalism and lgtbq, etc)

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому

    One of the definitions of falling away is rebellion (God will give them over - they reject the truth (Jesus) and believe the lie (Satan/ac) and worship his image ( idolatry- 1JN5 ) Rev 13
    Just thinking out loud :)

  • @charlenebeard4123
    @charlenebeard4123 Рік тому

    Could the apostasy be the rejection /departure from the truth Rebellion against God They believe the lie -God gives them over

  • @brucemoon3130
    @brucemoon3130 Рік тому +1

    Michael the Archangel

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr 11 місяців тому

      No. The One who restrains is not Michael the Archangel in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-7.
      The Restrainer is the Holy Spirit .

    • @thetreasureinthefield
      @thetreasureinthefield 5 місяців тому

      @@jayjay-bz3rrdid you listen to this video?

  • @MsVal1986
    @MsVal1986 Рік тому

    After reading and praying- the restrained is Michael. The Archangel messenger of God. So God is withholding until he sends Michael

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      The Restrainer ? 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      His own Time is the Restrainer. His own Appointed Time, Appointed By God and Jesus Christ !

  • @1nchr15t7
    @1nchr15t7 11 місяців тому +1

    I’ve thought it’s Gods moral agency in the minds of mankind.

    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie 9 місяців тому

      The RESTRAINOR is the Bread of Life, OUR Holy Spirit, saw the Holy Spirit represented by Shredded wheat standing waist tall waves his arms and leads me around the corner to a wheat harvest, on Purim in the year 2020.
      We fly soon.

  • @chericandream
    @chericandream Рік тому +1

    sWORD Spirit and Truth -- 7th day sAbbAth's Seal -- Covenant IN Loyalty
    The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah= Spirit= AbbA Creator Father.
    Yahu'Sha Hebrew Anointed SonShip= sWORD and Head(ROCK) to body(stones) of congregation covenant loyal (be)living IN earth, that adhere TO His voice: (Yashra'Al)
    ...The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign saves. Emet ❤️
    Praise and thanks to the Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah for His 'Saving Will' Testimony IN His anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah.
    Prayers, blessings, and peace (restoration) of the ❤️, for those that adhere TO His voice, covenant, and commandments.
    Love you Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign of my breath, soul, and the blood IN my veins (DNA).

  • @LyleCooper
    @LyleCooper 23 дні тому

    "And you know what is restraining Him now..."
    Paul wrote "And NOW YOU KNOW."
    WHY did Paul write this? Because HE JUST TOLD US who the restrainer was. He wrote: "And now you know," in verse 6, so if we back up verse by verse and look for something "taken out of the way," we will KNOW - beyond any doubt - WHO the restrainer is.
    WE find NOTHING "taken out of the way" in verse 5, nothing in verse 4. But consider verse 3:
    Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for, except there come a departing first, and that man of sinne be disclosed, euen the sonne of perdition. (1575 Geneva Bible)(Added words removed.)
    If something had departed, perhaps it was "taken out of the way," or "gone from the midst." From Paul's theme, the departing is the gathering. So the true restrainer is the church or the Holy Spirit working through the church.

  • @lindseywalker6925
    @lindseywalker6925 Рік тому +3

    Anyone trying to understand the rapture mentioned in II Thess 2 :
    Try substituting RESURRECTION for RAPTURE. No RESURRECTION, NO RAPTURE. Read Daniel 12: 1,2,3.....theres your rapture. Daniel said there'd only be 2 resurrections. One for the just, one for the unjust. If pretrib rapture doctrine is true, this would mean that God hid it from the church for 1500 years. Pretrib rapture rescue is a pulpit doctrine. Its Darbyism.

  • @LyleCooper
    @LyleCooper 23 дні тому

    "No one has put forth a satisfactory background for these verses [2 Thes. 2:6-7] (Charles Wanamaker.)
    6 And NOW YOU KNOW what is restraining him [from being revealed at this time]; it is so that he may be manifested (revealed) in his own [appointed] time.
    7 For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way.
    HOW Paul? How can we now know? Why would Paul write "and now you know?" I don't believe we need any "background" knowledge to understand. I believe Paul wrote this passage as he did, so that if his letter was read by a roman soldier, he would not understand it at all.
    Why then did Paul write, "and now you know?" I believe He JUST TOLD the reader, but told in in a very cloaked manner, so the reader would go back and read it again and again until he or she got it.
    From verse 7 we understand that the man of sin CANNOT be revealed until this restraining power is taken out of the way. Now read verse three again:
    3 Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for, except there come a departing first, and that man of sinne be disclosed, euen the sonne of perdition. (1575 Geneva Bible) (Words added my translator removed.)
    Many English translators have it "IS revealed." How did the man of sin get revealed in verse 3? (His is only revealed in Paul's argument, not in reality.) The only explanation can be that somewhere in verse 3a, the power restraining him was "taken out of the way."
    Again, the ONLY word in verse 3a that could possibly be something "taken out of the way," would be the departing of the church in the gathering, which is Paul's theme.
    Now can you see why Paul wrote, "and now you know?" He really did tell us! I think he wrote it this way so ONLY those who had hear him speak and/or had his first letter, would understand him. What is soon to "depart" or be taken out of the way? No need to wonder, just look back at Paul's theme: the gathering. Will the church depart at the rapture? Certainly!

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 Рік тому +1

    To me your time line is off quite a bit. Referring to the devil being loosed for a short time as the last 3.5 years of the tribulation doesn't add up. Rev 20:3 refers to this time as at the end of the 1000 yr reign. Now if you are not on board with a literal 1000 year reign then yeah I guess it makes sense. Also, the fallen angels of Satan, the ones who created the giants, God has reserved in chains in outer darkness unto the judgment of the great day. I'm a little confused to say the least.

  • @joshuareturns9907
    @joshuareturns9907 Рік тому +1

    "Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to Him, we ask you, brothers, 2not to be easily disconcerted or alarmed by any spirit or message or letter seeming to be from us, alleging that the Day of the Lord has already come. 3Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness-the son of destruction-is revealed. 4He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship. So he will seat himself in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
    5Do you not remember that I told you these things while I was still with you?
    6And you know what is now restraining him, so that he may be revealed at the proper time."
    In context it's the Coming of the Lord Jesus and the gathering that is being restrained by the revealing the antichrist and the apostasy.

    • @patriciadavid3197
      @patriciadavid3197 Рік тому +2

      Absolutely agree WHAT is being restrained is Christs Return/ Day of the Lord, by reading in context from the beginning of the conversation.

  • @LaurenHPotts
    @LaurenHPotts Рік тому

    Interruptions are too many sorry

  • @markanthony3275
    @markanthony3275 7 місяців тому

    Start with the basics...something is removed. What does the Holy Spirit do? Convicts the world of sin and unrighteousness, so that people accept Jesus Christ and salvation. Will there be people saved during the Tribulation ? Yes there will the Holy Spirit won't be removed. Then what is the most likely answer to the question "what will be removed"? The Church...the Holy Spirit working through every believer in the Church. That means there will be a rapture before the Tribulation.

  • @colinbarnes1255
    @colinbarnes1255 Рік тому

    "but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way." If Satan is now restrained by being in heaven, and not cast down to earth, where his arrival would reveal the antiChrist, then he is fighting to stay in heaven where he can accuse the brethren night and day. The revealing of the antiChrist is then a consequence of his defeat, forcing his hand in a last desperate act. Makes sense, but Michael is not removed, he is victorious (Revelation 12:7-9). So satan is not being restrained now, he is where he wants to be, and needs to be defeated to be removed, and Michael is not taken out of the way, he is victorious. Satan is not restraining evil now (1 Peter 5:8), but it is his removal from heaven that seems to reveal the antiChrist. Neither seem to fit with Thessalonians, where one who is presently restraining evil on earth needs to be removed (from earth?) for evil to be fully revealed. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated, God bless, Colin

  • @ThePlagueGameing
    @ThePlagueGameing Рік тому +1

    Don't the words THE restrainer denote a person not a thing?. ❤

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      There is no "THE restrainer", The one that hinders is the one WHAT hinders in verse 3, the coming of the Lord at the Day of the Lord, which is one day (Zech 14:7; Luke 17:29+30; Mat 24:40+Gen 7:13).

  • @jimcarwest
    @jimcarwest 9 місяців тому

    Why don’t you present the view you believe is biblically accurate and why rather than list so many generally discredited views that aren’t even held today. In other words, teach the truth and support it with Scripture. You really need to acquaint yourself with the videos of Dr Andy Woods, which expounds the subject that has the greatest support of a literal interpretation of Scripture.

  • @musseda999
    @musseda999 Рік тому +1

    Holy Spirit and the Church. When the Church is raptured, the Holy Spirit will be removed since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Pre-trib. We’re not appointed to wrath.

  • @nickstaxfree9604
    @nickstaxfree9604 Рік тому

    In verse 7, go back to the Greek text and you will see the King James translators made an error by adding the 'He' before 'who now restrains' -- which changes the pronoun object of the next 'He" before 'is taken out of the way'. The transliteration has 'the one' who now restrains, but that was added for better understanding. The 'HE' who is taken away is Satan being removed from out of the Midst of the Throne room of Heaven from before God and cast down to Earth by Michael the Archangel as found in Rev. 12: 9-10 --
    That is what Paul was talking about. He must of had the scroll of Daniel with him when he visited the Thessalonians. For Daniel 10:21 "But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince."
    Notice the word 'holdeth' has the same meaning as withholdeth and/or Restrain as in Restrainer.
    There is NO one else that helps Jesus fight against Satan than Michael.
    Great teaching, more have to wake-up to this fact.

  • @michaelnewton3506
    @michaelnewton3506 Рік тому

    Whoever the restrainer is (Holy Ghost, angelic being), he is clearly from God. I believe the more important truth, which is constantly misunderstood, is from who, or what, the restrainer is removed. It seems pretty clear that the restrainer is removed from one man; the man of lawlessness. i.e. Judas.
    Not removing restainer from an area or the world. Just one man. Just like Judas, "...and satan immediately entered him".

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      His own Time is the Restrainer,.
      His own Appointed Time, Appointed By God and Jesus Christ.

  • @anjalE30
    @anjalE30 11 місяців тому

    The holy spirit is the restrainer, which she is EVE
    Adam and Eve are the 2 anointed olive trees to prophesy in revelation
    But as it is written - the 2 will be killed by the beast from the abyss - and the world rejoiced and celebrated their death!!!
    The world REJOICED at the death
    of God's 2 most anointed......SMH
    So u see, allowing darkness to reign is only the final judgment for the world
    They refused The light Of Christ - and CHOSE THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD
    so darkness will be allowed to reign , without being restricted by the law
    And what a dreadful dark time it will be

  • @victortaylor1405
    @victortaylor1405 11 місяців тому

    Yahshua must Conquer in heaven and earth when he Comes The accuser of the brethren is kicked out of heaven. To the Earth. Where he knows his time is short and he will be revealed. Working through the lawless one with all lying signs and great wonders. Satan did not want to be dethroned from heaven. Where he could accuse us. And be hid. Then you see what tells us how he will deceive the world. When he is working through the ant messiah brother.

  • @vwbustube
    @vwbustube Рік тому

    I have a new theory that runs parralel to much that's being said. In the Book of Daniel Chapter 9, it's clear that the angel who is speaking with Daniel is Gabriel, as he is named. However, the one who appears in Chapter 10 is described like Jesus from Revelation Chapter 19. In typical Jesus fashion, He doesn't answer Daniel's questions directly, He simply tells him not to fear. It is He who was fighting against the Prince of Persia (a demon), and was returning to do so again. He also must resist the Prince of Greece this time around as well. He states that only the angel "Michael" had joined him in this fight. So, could it be Jesus himself who is restraining (albeit with angelic help)?

    • @dwellinj1513
      @dwellinj1513 Рік тому

      Are you saying that Jesus (God the Son) needs help from an angel in defeating a demon?

    • @tonuiben4136
      @tonuiben4136 Рік тому

      You are almost right except that the person talking to Daniel in chapter 10 is Gabriel. Many people don't realize it, but Daniel encountered two persons in this chapter. The glorious person in the middle of the river( who is Jesus) and one ' like the sons of men' who is besides the river and who came to give Daniel explanation. So Gabriel is the restrainer helped by Michael. This is the one portion of scripture that should clear all doubts as to who the restrainer is.

    • @tonuiben4136
      @tonuiben4136 Рік тому

      You are almost right except that the person talking to Daniel in chapter 10 is Gabriel. Many people don't realize it, but Daniel encountered two persons in this chapter. The glorious person in the middle of the river( who is Jesus) and one ' like the sons of men' who is besides the river and who came to give Daniel explanation. So Gabriel is the restrainer helped by Michael. This is the one portion of scripture that should clear all doubts as to who the restrainer is.

    • @vwbustube
      @vwbustube Рік тому

      @@dwellinj1513 His words not mine. Does He NEED our help?

    • @dwellinj1513
      @dwellinj1513 11 місяців тому

      @@vwbustube -
      No, not Jesus. A glorious heavenly being for sure.
      I never said Jesus needed our help. Where did you get that idea?

  • @Lydia4Jesus_
    @Lydia4Jesus_ 11 місяців тому

    Angel (malach) is a Hebrew word meaning messenger. It means the same in Arabic and Greek. The tradition of angels begins with an encounter of an angel as a messenger. An angel can be divine being or human being. Anyone delivering Gods messages.
    Do you know what the name Gabriels name means biblically?
    From Latin Gabriel, from Ancient Greek Γαβριήλ (Gabriēl), from Hebrew גבריאל (Gavrie’l, “MAN of God”), from גֶּבֶר (géver, “man”) and אֵל (el, “God”).
    Who was the Prince of Persia? A divine being or a man? possibly King Cyrus? Yes, there is a battle in Heaven, being mirrored here on earth.

    • @seasquawker
      @seasquawker 9 місяців тому

      I agree. That's why Satan knows his time is short in Revelation 12. If he loses in heaven, he knows he also loses on earth. There is somewhat of a delay. Seemingly about 3.5 years.
      There is Hebrews 10:37 though and Revelation 10:5-7 which speak of there no longer being any delay. Curious? Does God do something to alter time and the normal delay which normally exists between heaven and earth?
      Habakkuk 2
      It's a riddle.
      "write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
      How does something tarry, but at the end, it doesn't tarry?
      "He may run who reads it."
      2nd Samuel 18:23
      The message overtakes and arrives sooner than it should have arrived. Some kind of a short cut was taken? Across the plain.
      23rd of Sivan. Esther 8:8-10
      The king's degree overtook the evil plot of Haman. Message went out by couriers on royal horses bred from swift steeds.
      Jeremiah 4:13

  • @ruthtopete4691
    @ruthtopete4691 Рік тому

    Paul shared with them and identified the restrainer. Paul also preached not to go beyond what is written 1 cor 4:6. This means the old testament speaks of the restrainer. When this dawned on me I then went and read Daniel. Rev 12 talks about Michael warring with the dragon. I am 99.99999% sure Paul was referring to Michael. I haven't listened to this video yet. Daniel 10:21 But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince. Question. Every time the bible mentions Michael. He stands out as the angel that wars. I don't see him as anything else. In Revelation 12 it's appears that Michael restrains him until he is thrown down. So Paul said don't go beyond what is written. I am sure he didn't sin when he preached and identified the restrainer

  • @car-tunesrvadventures7084
    @car-tunesrvadventures7084 Рік тому +1

    the restrainer has nothing to do with the Trinity. All text in Scripture points to this by the lack of capitalization of the "he" spoken of. There is no pre-trib as per Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21

    • @Mathetes1
      @Mathetes1 Рік тому +1

      There was nothing equivalent to capitalization in the original Greek texts. Indeed, they lacked punctuation and even spaces between words.
      Any capitalization you see I'm an English Bible has been added by the translators, based on their interpretation of the text's meaning.

  • @mrm0303
    @mrm0303 Рік тому +2

    You say you are sorry for interrupting…are you? Really? Why do you insist on interrupting a good message with adds/promos? That’s what your Maranatha promos really are. Since this ia church for some of us I have to ask; would you stop your sermon at a church to promo your book? Come on guys you are better than this, put the adds/promos at the beginning and stop breaking up the flow of the Spirit. You make it hard to want to listen to your message.

  • @phillipevans6448
    @phillipevans6448 Рік тому

    Revelation 12:1-2. It was Israel, from a certain seed, that brought forth the man child, that is, the Christ. Compare Revelation 12:1 with Genesis 37:9. Genesis 3:15. She is taken to "the wilderness". *Revelation 12:6, 14.*
    Revelation 12:3-4. The dragon consistently tried to destroy the promised seed, either by death or by the corruption of the seed line, e.g. the murder of Abel, mixing with the fallen angels, Herod's slaughter of all children under 2 yrs in Bethlehem, etc. Therefore, the woman travailed in birth. *Revelation 12:2. Jeremiah 31:15. Matthew 2:17-18.*
    Revelation 12:5. Christ was born and eventually ascended into heaven. *Luke 24:51. Acts 1:9.*
    Revelation 12:7-8. Now, the dragon fights desperately to keep his place in heaven. He knows that if he is cast to earth that "he hath but a short time." *Revelation 12:2. Thessalonians 2:6.*
    Revelation 12:9-12. The dragon is cast out of heaven. Heaven rejoices that "the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.", finally taken out of the way. *2 Thessalonians 2:7.*
    Revelation 13:1-4. The dragon gives power to the beast, and the beast is revealed to the world. *2 Thessalonians 2:8-10.*
    _The restrainer is the dragon._

  • @samueljennings4809
    @samueljennings4809 Рік тому +1

    Iirc, the early church fathers believed that it was Roman power, civil and spiritual. After the West fell, that role was taken by the Byzantines in the East (also descended from the Roman Empire, and technically could call themselves Roman) and the Latin Roman Papacy (received religious power from Byzantine/Roman emperor in 538). This led to centuries of religious and political strike that eventually led to the Great Schism as the Papacy consolidated political power that previous Bishops of Rome never had.
    If that interpretation is correct regarding the restrainer being taken out of the way, there can be two possible scenarios:
    1) The Byzantines being conquered in 1453 by the Ottomans
    2) The Papacy softening and distancing themselves from the Latin right and thus removing themselves from that spiritual role. Rome growing increasingly involved in interfaith co-operation and distancing themselves from traditional Catholicism (there is a whole debate amongst Catholics rn about the Pope cracking down on the Latin rite) could be the restrainer gradually being removed from the place of power and hindrance to the eventual rise of the Antichrist.
    Idk, maybe I’m just rambling, but I’m curious about what you think.

    • @samueljennings4809
      @samueljennings4809 Рік тому +1

      And if it was Roman power, it would explain why Paul never explicitly mentioned it in letter but told them in person, so if anyone intercepted the letter then the church wouldn’t be left vulnerable and seen as scheming the downfall of Rome.

  • @JulieKnegt
    @JulieKnegt Рік тому

    I recently heard a theory that makes me think it might be the blood of Christ on the mercy seat (ark of the covenant on earth) that is the restrainer. And that would be removed by the antichrist when he defiles the sanctuary. So that makes it all of-a-piece with the abomination of desolation. Thoughts?

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      The restrainer is the Christian church world wide but more importantly in America. Once you take 40 million people out of our economy there will be defaults all over the place. Home mortgages, car payments, credit card bills, taxes and more will not get paid within 30 days. That will cause the stock market to crash. They can't bail out that large of a loss this time and the economy will implode. That will take down the rest of the world economy and that is when the Anti-Christ rises up to take control. Hence the restrainer is the church of God. When we are gone we will be hated because we will be blamed for causing the world wide collapse.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      No, the AC comes before the last 7 years and the abomination of desolation is mid-week. Why do you look for a restrainer in 2.Thess 2, look for the parousia and the Rapture and what hinders it in verse 3, the revealing of the AC is the one (Greek masculine article), the "he" in verse 7 that hinders until he (AC) comes out of prison in the midst of the earth, the bottomless pit.

  • @archangel_one
    @archangel_one 11 місяців тому

    That great power that withholds the power of Satan, that keeps the Antichrist at bay, can only be the Holy Spirit. Look at the next verses...
    2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, *whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,* and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
    2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
    2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    See also, the spirit: Job 4:9; Psalms 18:15; Isaiah 11:4; Hosea 6:5; Revelation 1:16, Revelation 2:16, Revelation 19:15, Revelation 19:20-21
    The pronouns make sense, it's like saying, "there is one who restrains" and don't forget the next verse which mentions the Holy Spirit. No where is Michael mentioned.

  • @scott596
    @scott596 Рік тому

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
    6 . And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time !

  • @VinceGuthrie
    @VinceGuthrie 9 місяців тому


  • @aprilfinniss3946
    @aprilfinniss3946 Рік тому +2

    GOD has not appointed us to wrath. Those born again DO NOT go thru the tribulation.

    • @Mathetes1
      @Mathetes1 Рік тому +1

      The fundamental flaws in the pre-tribulation theory stem from: (1) a misinterpretation of 1 Thessalonians 5:9:-
      _For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ_
      as meaning Christians cannot be present when God pours out His wrath, coupled with; (2) a quite erroneous conflation of wrath with tribulation.
      In the NT, two Greek words are used in reference to God's wrath:
      *ὀργή* (orgé), meaning 'settled anger'; and
      *θυμός* (thumos), meaning 'fury, violent outburst of anger'.
      There are 27 references to God's ὀργή (orgé) throughout the NT. All nine references to God's θυμός (thumos) occur in Revelation.
      The NT passages that actually say who *God* does or does not pour His wrath out on are: Matthew 3:7; Luke 3:7; John 3:36; Romans 2:18; 2:5, 8; 3:5; 5:9; 9:22; 12;29; 13:4-5; Ephesians 2:3; 5:6; Colossians 3:5-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2:16; 5:9; Revelation 11:18; 14:9-10, 19; 16:1-21; 19:11-21. What is clear is that God's wrath is only ever poured out on the wicked, even in the presence of His saints, just as He did when He afflicted the Egyptians but not the Israelites with plagues.
      The Greek noun θλῖψις (thlipsis) and verb θλίβω (thlibó), denoting tribulation, persecution, and affliction, together occur 55 times in the NT, 47 of which refer to the suffering of the saints at the hands of Satan, the Anti-Christ/Beast/Man of Lawlessness and the wicked. Only twice does it apply to the suffering of sinners (Romans 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:6).
      God's discipline & chastisement (cf. Hebrews 13:5-11) is not to be equated with His wrath. And neither tribulation (Matthew 23:18-33; 24:3-30; John 16:33) nor Satan's wrath and warring against the saints (Revelation 12:9-13:17) is to be confused with God's wrath.

  • @dalmc4370
    @dalmc4370 Рік тому +2

    You’re wrong. Verse 7 is mistranslated. The last line that says taken out of the way actually in Greeks says arises out of the midst. There is no 3rd party restrainer stopping the man of perdition. It is the waiting for the man of perdition to arise that is restraining the coming of Jesus

  • @jacobdrollinger4802
    @jacobdrollinger4802 Рік тому

    I still think that it's the church, who is the restrainer. I seriously doubt that God would entrust his own word with one angel, albeit an extremely powerful one.

  • @debbiebowman1830
    @debbiebowman1830 Рік тому

    The holy spirit is the restrainer and it lives in every born again christian

    • @Mathetes1
      @Mathetes1 Рік тому +1

      Wrong! There is an excellent excellent discussion of this by 'Berean' earlier in this thread.

  • @williamwhite6502
    @williamwhite6502 Рік тому

    I would suggest you consider how the Holy Spirit is called a man, a person, just like Jesus/Yehoshua was a man on earth. The Holy Spirit lives and will be removed before the Tribulation.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      No not.

    • @williamwhite6502
      @williamwhite6502 Рік тому

      I will wish you well, but for now I will say goodbye from me. @@scott596

  • @julianaallen8477
    @julianaallen8477 Рік тому +1

    Well maybe the roman Empire fell, but Rome has kinda always ruled. Catholicism and what not.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 Рік тому

      Yes, the Roman Empire was turned over to the Papacy, who have ruled it since then. Also explains all the Roman god idolatry in the Roman Catholic Church.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      The Roman Empire never died. It just took a head wound.

    • @julianaallen8477
      @julianaallen8477 Рік тому

      @seanc2788 yeah when Joel said that the early church believed it was the Roman Empire.. I could see it.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      @@julianaallen8477 The last beast that will oppress the Jewish people will be the revived roman empire. This empire will be a mix of Catholicism and Islam. A mix of iron and clay. They will partner for 3.5 years until Islam no longer needs the Catholic church. Then it will devour the Vatican and strip her naked when they take over the world.

  • @davidboyer2290
    @davidboyer2290 Рік тому

    Since WW2 who has been the world police?
    Sounds like that police force would be restraining lawlessness.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      Correct and once the rapture happens and 10-15% of the USA population is removed that will cause catastrophic failure to our economy. Which will start the death spiral to the global economy. The restrainer is the believers around the world, but more importantly the believers in the USA. When they default on their mortgages, car payments, credit cards, the financial system will melt down. Then once the global economy is in shambles the Anti-Christ will rise from those ashes.

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 Рік тому

    has to be the holy spirit.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      The Moadeam Appointed Time's.

    • @donhaddix3770
      @donhaddix3770 Рік тому

      the ac not the restrainer.
      The Man of Lawlessness
      1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters,
      2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us-whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter-asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
      3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
      4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
      5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
      6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr 11 місяців тому +1

      @@donhaddix3770. The Holy Spirit is definitely the One who restrains.

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому

    The restrainer was Pagan Rome.

  • @paulhowson8744
    @paulhowson8744 Рік тому

    Who endures the Wrath of God?? Does God beat his bride? NO. Can you prove your worth to him? No. We are not worthy. We are all sinners. Salvation is a gift. The church is absent from Revelation. Disciples didn't ask Jesus how to survive his wrath. Jesus never spoke of having to do it.
    We are not appointed to Wrath but salvation through Jesus.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      Who Beats Up the Bride ? The Ex-Boyfriend Satan Lucifer Allah the Great Red Dragon, the Great Serpent that Old Serpent the Devil Satan, ! The Reason Jesus Christ Return's in His Wrath, and in His Vengeance !

  • @gregorymyers9072
    @gregorymyers9072 Рік тому +1

    Keep your adds till the beginning or end rather than in the middle. Stop forcing us to listen to your money grabbing

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 Рік тому

      Because it's such hard work to grab that little dot at the bottom of the video to "fast forward" to the rest of the video...
      No one is "forcing you" to listen to anything...
      But there are places that ARE forcing people NOT to listen to Yah's Word...
      Soon there will be a famine of the Word...
      Those "ads" are asking for your support to bring the Word of Yah to people who are not as fortunate as you...

  • @BoyWanderer1988
    @BoyWanderer1988 Рік тому

    The Restrainer is €lijah.
    He's the last martyr.
    None greater than John, for he only will be twice Martyred.
    Revelation 11:9

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      The Two Prophet's Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist False Prophet Isa Jesus and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit Apollyon Abandon Invades Israel to Stop the Sacrifices and take over the Temple and to Kill the Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ.

  • @seanc2788
    @seanc2788 Рік тому +1

    The restrainer is the church. Once we are raptured, then all hell breaks loose.

    • @jamescole3152
      @jamescole3152 Рік тому +2

      Oh yeah. Then fit these verses into what you just wrote.
      Mat 24
      “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
      Fifth Seal: The Cry of the Martyrs
      9 When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.
      Rev 17
      I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
      Rev 13
      7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.
      Rev 13
      15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
      Rev 20
      Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for [a]a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

    • @Strongtower
      @Strongtower Рік тому +4

      I'm confused on how the restrainer is the church. 2 thess 2 says that for the coming of the Lord and our gathering to Him, two things must happen before that. The two things are the apostasy and the man of lawlessness being revealed. The man of lawlessness can not be revealed until the restrainer is taken out of the way.
      So if your interpretation is correct, then the rapture can not happen until the apostasy/lawlessness is revealed and that can't happen until the rapture happens. Think of it like this. The rapture is 4 o'clock. 4 o'clock can not happen until 2 and 3 o'clock pass. 2 and 3 o'clock can not happen until 4 o'clock happens? Doesn't make sense. 2 and 3 o'clock can't happen until 1 o'clock happens. The rapture is 4 o'clock, not 1 o'clock. Therefore the church can not be the restrainer because the rapture happens after the restrainer, the apostasy and the man of lawlessness being revealed.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      @@jamescole3152 Matthew 24 is when the Muslims hate the Jews and kick them out of Israel for 3.5 years. The Anti-Christ issues a kill on sight order and unfortunately they wipe out two thirds of the Jewish people. The one third that make it to Petra are supernaturally protected by God. Once Satan is kicked out of heaven for good, he knows his time is short, so he will spend that last 3.5 years trying to eliminate all the Jewish people. He thinks if he is successful then he will prevent Christ from coming back to fulfill Matt 13:39. Unfortunately God will save a remnant from the land. And then send his angels to the four corners to gather them up and bring them back to Israel once the beast is slain.
      5th seal- that is the church part 2. They missed the rapture but now are devoted to God and the only way they get to heaven is to die for the name of Christ. The Bible says that the number of saints coming out of the Tribulation will be greater than those raptured before then. Notice how the people who convert are attributed to the work of the 144k Messianic Jews that God raises up after the rapture to preach the gospel to all the nations. Pretty cool eh? It makes sense, because if there will still a billion Christians on the planet during the Tribulation, God would have no need to raise up 144k Jews.
      Rev 17- yup pretty much the Catholic church teams up with Islam to slaughter the converts to Christianity. They don't want anyone going against their new climate change religion. More saints die all the way through the Tribulation. Too bad they didn't listen to us before hand, they could have gone in the rapture. But hey, some like to do it the hard way.
      Rev 13- yup again. When Islam rules the world, the only way to heaven is to get on Al Jazeera network and get your head cut off for Christ.
      Rev 20- All those tribulation saints who had their heads cut off get their bodies back when we all come back to rule and reign with Christ. They are still part of the brotherhood, but they missed the 7 year honeymoon. They missed the Bema Seat of Christ and they don't get their crowns, rewards, or their geographical place on the planet that Christ wants them to rule from. Only those in the rapture get those items. So again it pays to believe in Christ before the rapture versus after it occurs.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      @@Strongtower That's very clever and it works as long as the rapture and second coming are the same event.
      If the church doesn't get raptured before the Tribulation then how does it begin? In order for the Anti-Christ to rise and build his system there has to be massive collapse all over the globe. What creates that collapse? Well it's not a virus produced in a lab. It has to be something much much larger and more damaging than that.
      You want world wide chaos and collapse? I give you one billion people suddenly disappear over night. Can you imagine just in the USA alone, 40 million people don't make next month's mortgage, car, or credit card payment. The default rate skyrockets, the financial markets crash. Wall Street collapses. The rest of the international exchange markets collapse. After all, the rest of the world is still tied to our economy (that is why BRICS is desperate to find an alternative solution before we collapse). Not to mention the chaos from people disappearing right in front of the plane, at the restaurant, in the elevator, in the car etc. All the children under the age of accountability are gone from the planet. Parents are beside themselves looking for them but to no peace. Once the financial markets collapse, it won't take long for the Anti-Christ (man of lawlessness) to emerge as an angel of light for the first 3.5 years as he restores the world order. And by the way, the church of Laodicea is the church of apostacy. It rose to prominence in 1900AD with the emergence of Humanism on the world stage. So your woke church today is the apostacy (or great falling away). And the man of lawlessness emerges as soon as the righteous church is removed from the planet. I guess the "coming of the Lord" in 2 Thess 2 must be talking about the rapture and not the physical return that Revelation chapter 19 describes. Might want to study closer.

    • @Strongtower
      @Strongtower Рік тому +1

      The rapture and the second are the same event. Paul clearly says this in 2 Thessalonians 2:1.
      “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him". Jesus has 1 second coming and we are gathered to Him at this time. Paul pairs these 2 things together in verse 1. He then says these events will not happen until the apostasy happens first and the man of lawlessness is revealed.
      No offense brother, but I think it is you who needs to study closer. Do what I did, I read the new testament with no preconceived notions about the end times and just took it for what it said. I stopped believing in pretrib after that.

  • @monalisa6264
    @monalisa6264 Рік тому

    Yahweh aka Satan is the restrainer. The dragon who the woman aka the ark of the covenant fights off. The same one in the beginning who made himself like god but was a liar and murderer from the start.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 Рік тому +4

      Yahweh and Satan are not the same. Please look into this so you can escape the deception.

    • @monalisa6264
      @monalisa6264 Рік тому

      @@christincommon5496 you go and write down everything Yahweh did and told others to do and then look again

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 Рік тому

      @@monalisa6264 what He did and told others to do is already written. Please heed my warning to you. You are under deception.
      God destroyed whole people groups because they were contaminated with demon seed. Do you even understand what happened in Genesis 6?
      He doesn’t need your permission or approval to wipe out perversions of His creation. He is God. Consider what I am saying and heed my warning.

    • @cat-bg3rv
      @cat-bg3rv Рік тому

      HE saved me from myself, a sinner, who was in need of a Saviour. May Yahweh be glorified because of it. He sent His Son, Yeshua to save a wretch like me. Now I am found and free. King & Lord of all. He is "I AM" forever. His law shows us our sin. His Son shows us salvation. Blessed is the name of Yahweh. Religion is tradition and various in beliefs such as Gnosticism. Jesus loves and desires for anyone to come to Him and follow Him daily. His Holy Spirit dwells within once you believe and trust in Him by faith and His grace ( justification ). We repent of sin, turn from old life and follow Him ( continuous sanctification ). Does not mean we will not sin again. His grace is sufficient, and by relationship, we pray to Him and ask His forgiveness. Jesus finished work on the cross paid in full. Everlasting life. The opposite is eternal damnation in hell. Read The Book. The Holy Word. Bible. Book of John (John 14:6) Romans 1:16. ✝️

  • @Sit_tight_Ubu
    @Sit_tight_Ubu Рік тому

    So, Satan is now still in HEAVEN??????

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      Satan still has Access to Heaven and the Counsel of God and Jesus Christ, has not been Cast Out of Heaven Permanently Yet

    • @Sit_tight_Ubu
      @Sit_tight_Ubu Рік тому +1

      @@scott596 thanks bro...

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      @@Sit_tight_Ubu your very welcome, ! God Bless you

  • @Steblu74
    @Steblu74 Рік тому +21

    I appreciate your opening clip with the gears, etc. It is helpful to know that God has meticulously planned times and events for His own purposes and our benefit...

    • @ringlora2
      @ringlora2 Рік тому +3

      This comment gives me hope for what is going on in my life right now..thank you so much for this 😇

    • @aprilfinniss3946
      @aprilfinniss3946 Рік тому +1

      God has NOT appointed us to wrath! Those who are born again DO NOT go thru the tribulation.

    • @tarlakramer258
      @tarlakramer258 Рік тому

      Do love the intro

    • @chadrourke7745
      @chadrourke7745 Рік тому +3

      @@aprilfinniss3946 Biblically, there is no specific period of time referred to as the "tribulation." There is the "Great Tribulation," also known as, "Jacob's Trouble." That time is not God's wrath. It is the persecution of Jews and Christians (and of those who don't take the mark of the beast), perpetrated by satan via the anti-christ. We have been promised that we will face persecution in life. True - we are not appointed unto God's wrath. His eschatological wrath begins with the blowing of the first trumpet.

    • @flcougar
      @flcougar Рік тому

      ​@@aprilfinniss3946The tribulation is NOT God's wrath any more than the plagues of Egypt were His wrath. God's wrath WILL be after the rapture which happens after the tribulation. The great and terrible day of the Lord (wrath) will be directed at the Antichrist and his armies. We will be tested.

  • @Berean_with_a_BTh
    @Berean_with_a_BTh Рік тому +5

    Neither the Holy Spirit the grace of the Holy Spirit, nor the church can be the restrainer in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 on Greek grammatical grounds - or on scriptural grounds.
    Because of the way Greek works, whoever/whatever the restrainer is would have to be a single entity having the same Greek grammatical number and gender as the restrainer has.
    The Greek grammatical number and gender of the restrainer is singular and masculine - which is why some translations use language like "he who now restrains". Spirit is grammatically neuter in Greek and both grace and church are grammatically feminine, so it can't be any of those. It could be an angel or government in a broad sense, both of which are grammatically singular and masculine - or something else that is grammatically singular and masculine. Although the Thessalonians apparently knew, that knowledge has been lost.
    Nowhere in Scripture does either the Hebrew text or the Greek text apply a masculine or feminine pronoun to the Holy Spirit. Only neuter pronouns are ever used. That's because Spirit in both languages is neuter and the biblical writers always followed standard grammatical rules when referring to spirit. In the NT, the only time the Greek text uses a masculine pronoun in connection with the Spirit is when referring to the paraclete - but only because paraclete is itself a grammatically masculine noun.
    For a detailed discussion, see _Greek Grammar and the Personality of the Holy Spirit,_ by Greek scholar Daniel Wallace. It's available online in PDF format at no charge.
    In Latin, however, Spirit has masculine grammatical gender and that's the path by which it came into English as 'he' and 'him'. Pronouns used in an English _translation_ of the Bible - which is not the Bible itself - have no bearing on the meaning of the Greek text.
    Likewise, the scriptural reason is that both the Holy Spirit and the church continue to be present throughout the tribulation period. Nothing in Scripture supports the notion that the Holy Spirit is ever present without grace. The saints are repeatedly referred to throughout Revelation and Jesus assured _us_ (not 'them', as in the supposedly differentiated 'tribulation saints') of the Holy Spirit's continued support then:-
    _when they bring _*_you_*_ to trial and deliver _*_you_*_ up, do not be anxious beforehand what _*_you_*_ are to say; but say whatever is given _*_you_*_ in that hour, for it is not _*_you_*_ who speak, but the Holy Spirit._ (Mark 13:11 RSV)
    Note all the references to 'you'.
    Other suggestions have included:
    • the Gospel (grammatically neuter), but that fails grammatically;
    • Satan/devil/serpent (all grammatically masculine), but that fails scripturally (Matthew 12:26; 2 Thessalonians 2:9); and
    • the prostitute of Revelation 17:1 but that fails on grammatical gender grounds, since the Greek noun πόρνη (porné), meaning 'prostitute', is feminine.
    What's going on in Revelation 12:7-12 is a war in heaven, not a restraining action on earth. Moreover, that battle and Satan's fall from heaven happened in Jesus' day (Luke 10:18, John 12:31). Evidence suggests the 'mystery of lawlessness' (2 Thessalonians 2:7) - which isn't Satan as such (2 Thessalonians 2:9) - is still being restrained. What 2 Thessalonians 2:7 plainly says is that the restrainer must leave the scene, before the man of lawlessness emerges (2 Thessalonians 2:8). The man of lawlessness will be slain by the returning Lord Jesus but, in the interim, will be empowered by Satan (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). Empowerment by Satan wouldn't be possible if he's no longer on the scene.

  • @shirazisit
    @shirazisit Рік тому +9

    Good job Joel. I remember the first time I heard Marv Rosenthal first teach about the restrainer being Michael. I thought long and hard about it. Also, when I read Reggie's article about the Devil himself being the restrainer. I learn more towards Reggie views but... hard to tell. Again appreciate the series.

    • @deanmuhl7417
      @deanmuhl7417 Рік тому +1

      I love the discussion! In Revelation 12 when the dragon goes to war and Michael defeats him he is cast to the Earth and it seems like there are two opposite kingdoms that are released. The lawless Kingdom which is the beast that must continue for a short time is in power simultaneously as the kingdom of God is beginning to be established on Earth. It sure does seem like Satan being cast out with his angels is a necessity in order for God's kingdom to be manifest on earth.

  • @dougbell9543
    @dougbell9543 Рік тому +4

    When future events do not unfold as interpreted by the novel dispensationalists, the faith of many will be utterly destroyed. ✔️

  • @wjdyr6261
    @wjdyr6261 Рік тому +10

    The church is always spoken of in the feminine and the restrainer is spoken of in the masculine. So, the restrainer isn't the church.
    Ultimately, the restrainer is God. If Satan is any influence then it's because he belongs to God and even God commands him as he sees fit.

    • @marymcmullen5644
      @marymcmullen5644 Рік тому +1


    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      The restrainer is the church. Once we are raptured, then all hell breaks loose.
      God can't be the restrainer, because he cannot be removed from anywhere, otherwise he is not God.

    • @wjdyr6261
      @wjdyr6261 Рік тому +1

      @seanc2788 got scripture? The church is always spoken of in the feminine. The restrainer is in the masculine.
      God can do whatever he wants, including removing his restraining power. Has nothing to do with a removal from a space or area

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Рік тому

      @@wjdyr6261 Gender is irrelevant. It's all about the true Christian story. Once you understand it you will be set free. God can't contradict his own nature, otherwise he is not God. He can't be removed from anywhere. So that means the Holy Spirit is still on the earth during the Tribulation. How else do men get drawn to Jesus and convert after the church is gone? The Holy Spirit has to remain at work on this planet.
      When the church is removed that creates the economic collapse around the globe that is necessary for the Anti-Christ (man of lawlessness) to arise and start to take control. When 40 million people get removed from the USA, and mortgages, cars, credit cards all default within 30 days, that will send the stock market into a depression from which is probably won't recover. Once the USA implodes then the rest of the world gets taken down with it. That allows the Anti-Christ to partner with the Vatican to stabilize the new world monetary base. But it all starts with the hard working tax paying Christians who are suddenly not contributing to the economy. And that by the way, is why the world hates believers who convert after the rapture, because everything will be blamed on the Christians who are not around to contribute to the 33 trillion dollar debt payments this country has amassed.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому +1

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-6.
      6. And now you know what is Restraining that He May be Revealed in His own Time.
      His own Time is the Restrainer ! His own Appointed Time, Appointed By God and Jesus Christ !

  • @Gazman67
    @Gazman67 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Joel. I appreciate the view that it ends up being, until God's appointed time, regardless of the detail. Nevertheless, He will be revealed at the midpoint , signifying the beginning of the Great Tribulation, prior to the 2nd coming of Messiah

  • @debbiewareing1178
    @debbiewareing1178 Рік тому +6

    Thanks Joel, as always, humble and sincere.

  • @TheLocalChurchExperience
    @TheLocalChurchExperience Рік тому +3

    To simplify this: the devil is the one being removed while the Arch Angel Micheal is the remover. The restrained is the one being removed.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq Рік тому

      And know you know, WHAT restrains, says Paul. What does Michael restrain? The coming of the Lord? No. The coming of the Antichrist? No. Paul does say, that the revealing of the AC, who hinders the coming of the Lord, is through the miracles of Satan. But that is the falling away, that comes first in the first 3 1/2 years and that triggers the revealing of the AC, not the casting down of Satan out of Heaven. The fact is, no one has to be removed, but contrary, the Greek word says, that the Antichrist comes out of the midst of the earth. Do not be deceived.

  • @fowlplayfunnyfarm1234
    @fowlplayfunnyfarm1234 7 місяців тому +1

    Rev 9:4. What are Gods people doing in the middle of the tribulation having the seal of God on their forehead? They were protected !!

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 10 місяців тому +1

    The Biblical context and meaning of "TAKEN OUT of the WAY" does not mean "TO REMOVE"... Remember the original manuscript was in the Ancient Greek Language and translated only into ENGLISH... most appropriate translation is "RELEASING" ... The analogy... The Accountant is WITHHOLDING your Tax Account for some time then afterward RELEASING your assessments, assets, and liabilities in due time... or a Policeman is WITHHOLDING you for questioning, but afterward, you are been RELEASED... the same analogy...
    The RESTRAINER is not going to be REMOVED but he (male gender according to the scripture) is "WITHHOLDING the I.D. of the AntiChrist and the Power of Satan UNTIL eventually he will be RELEASING the I.D. of the AntiChrist and the Power of Satan be allowed to inflict his persecution in the RIGHT TIME (Due time/God's appointed time)...
    Archangel Micah-El/Michael who once defeated and threw Satan (former Lucifer/Highest Angel) out of Heaven... I believe he is the one who is still now WITHHOLDING the I.D. of the AntiChrist and Satan's Power from unleashing his anger to God's People and Michael will be the one who will be RELEASING in due time (in God's appointed time).
    In conclusion, the CONTEXT of the passage 2 Thessalonians 2:7 is not about the Restainer "HOLDING and REMOVING"... but instead... "WITHHOLDING (hiding) and RELEASING (revealing) of/by the Restainer... it is like "CATCH (withhold) and RELEASE (free)."
    Glory, Praise and Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus' name... Amen and Amen...

  • @charitylewallen4861
    @charitylewallen4861 10 місяців тому +1

    Is it Jesus? In God’s time. We have Jesus. We are to be sheep 🐑 of Jesus. Jesus and church together married as one ? Then we go to marriage supper 🍽 and in this time we inviting other's to come also. The invitation to Supper. When he was in his tomb he folded his napkin and place it where he has Risen for when he comes back. He send us the helper the Holy Spirit. So he is within the time of Our Father in Heavenly realm.

  • @Tomi-D
    @Tomi-D Рік тому +1

    It is funny really. Long after this issue of the Gentiles not needing to become Jews or to practice Judaism, to become accepted by God had been settled in the early Church in the Acts 15, some modern day 'teachers' are slyly and stylishly resurrecting the issue. Now this teachers are twisting the bible to create a distinction between Jews and Gentiles when the bible says accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, either as a Jew or a Gentile makes you a new man, and that their is no distinction between us anymore due to the work of Christ, we are all one in Christ. The One New Man in Christ Jesus clearly supercedes what the Jew or Israelite was under the old covenant. He is born again, has access to the Spirit of God to live in him and not to be shut off in the Holy of Holies. He has right and privileges under the new covenant that the Israelite under the old Covenant could only dream of. These are all revealed in the New Testament.
    Now, all of a sudden, we are having new teachers like this teacher promoting a strange doctrine that places a superiority of the biological Israelite or Jew over the Spiritual Israel i.e. the believer in Christ Jesus. Suddenly what matters is being a Jew, not being a believer and follower of Christ Jesus, the Messiah. Suddenly the word of God that states 'God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him' Acts 10: 34, no longer matters to these new teachers with their agendas. Suddenly Romans 10:12 ' For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him' , also doesn't matter to these teachers. And make no mistake, their agenda is to propagate the doctrine that God is really only interested primarily in Israel , Gentiles are really just second class citizens. Their agenda, including this teacher is to create a distinction between Jews and Gentiles in our relationship with God, a distinction that has been done away with in Christ. Paul already revealed this in his epistles and the matter was already settled in the early church in Acts 15. The one new man in Christ Jesus whether he be Jew or Gentile is a child of God, he is the child of Abraham spiritually, he is Spiritual Israel, he is king and priest to God. He is given authority to use the name of Jesus, he is a member of the body of Christ. He is many things that an unbeliever, whether Jew or Gentile is not. And any one who reads the bible can see a clear distinction between the Church and Physical unbelieving Israel. A Jew, if he dies today, without accepting Jesus Christ is going to hell. His destination is no different from the destination of an unbelieving Gentile. A child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ, whether Jew or Gentile who dies today is going to heaven. Enough of these false teachings and unbiblical doctrines that slyly places biological Israel over the body of Christ. That twists scriptures for a political agenda. The Word of God clearly teaches that the Church i.e believers and followers of Christ is the bride of Christ.

  • @CryptoComics
    @CryptoComics Рік тому +2

    Absolutely phenomenal video, Joel. Love when you guys dive deep into the text and history, relentlessly digging for the truth of God. You're on point like the late great Doc Heiser! May the Spirit continue you to bless you with wisdom to spread truth and defeat inaccuracies as we approach the world to come!

  • @LaurenHPotts
    @LaurenHPotts Рік тому +2

    But the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost and was not there at one time

  • @RedRobinson-o4g
    @RedRobinson-o4g Рік тому +1

    Matthew 24 says there is no rapture PERIOD

  • @craneinsaneusa1289
    @craneinsaneusa1289 Рік тому +2

    Thank you, Lord! Thank you for my Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ, that we can learn from each other and praise and worship you! I pray for everyone who reads this, that you know Jesus and have been saved by his grace. I love you all and I am blessed that I am able to spend eternity together with you and our Lord Jesus Christ!

  • @normmcinnis4102
    @normmcinnis4102 5 місяців тому +1

    This version muddies things

  • @denisebuzzelli3676
    @denisebuzzelli3676 Рік тому +1

    If “He” who restrains is the Holy Spirit indwelling the “church” or “Bride-of Christ” wouldnt the personal pronoun SHE instead of HE be used??? Pre tribulationists always say it is us, The Church, The Bride of Christ that is restraining by the Holy Spirit indwelling us.
    Another thing, although I personally have believed for many years that it is Michael that restrains I have now thought that it could be Jesus as the One Worthy to OPEN the scrolls and that as He opens them one at a time and ALLOWS judgement NOT WRATH to fall on mankind, as He opens that last seal and the scroll UNFURLS the antichrist takes his power

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      No God speaks in the Masculine, in Fact All Believer's are Refered to as Son's of God ! Their is Neither male nor female All son's of God ! Just as in Genesis The Fallen Son's and Daughters of God the Watcher's came down unto the son's and Daughter's of Man and Married them and had Children with them.
      No it says the Fallen Son's of God the Watcher's came down unto the Daughter's of Man and Married them and had Children with them.
      Even though We know that they we're both Son's and Daughters of God the Watcher's, from Addisonal Writings, Books, and Written on Temples Even written on Temples hundreds of feet below Sea level.

  • @jameschaffey6458
    @jameschaffey6458 Рік тому +1

    Himself up in the temple to be worshipped as god. All that will be necessary for him to get to that place will reveal who he is. So the tribulation needs to start 3.5 years before that. We don’t know the day or hour but will know the season. To many things will take place that will open are eyes to the truth through the Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truths, not just some truths. I believe God wants us to know and understand in time. So if you seek the truth even about end times you will find it.