• @richardyoung871
    @richardyoung871 4 дні тому +7

    In this video they talk about Army field kitchens, but when I went into the Army in 1975,the field equipment was my responsibility from the Buffalo, which was 300 gallons of water, hauled by a dues and a haif,fire units with korasene,cabinets,with cradels,mermite containers,poratable freezer box,tents ,and cots,and we sent up camp in the forest,back then we had c-rations,and a portable latern,but sometimes we had fresh meat,chickens, pork,eggs,from Garrison and our job was to make food for the out lining troops as well as for our troops as we feed the whole company some 250 people men and women all in fatigues. But I had everything under control in the cabinets you could do anything that we had in the mess hall and controlling the fire unit's were very easy too regulate. And I didn't care how many people we had to feed,as long as they were happy and content, and after the maneuver was over we went back to Garrison to clean up all the mess gear,and wait for the next time we had to go back to the field and when it came to the IG,I made sure all equipment was operational, if not tag it,and write piece on order.And we passed with flying colors as was part of my duties.

  • @MichaelEasterday
    @MichaelEasterday 6 днів тому +4

    I was a U.S. Army, Military Police . When we had to go to the field , we called it hot slop! The last night , of the operation , we were great full to trailer Cooks . They worked their butts off ! Always great steak dinner ! I don't know how they did it!

  • @ms.annthrope415
    @ms.annthrope415 10 днів тому +12

    The unsunf heroes to folks in the field. Nothing cheers a soldier up walking in from a tiring day in the dirt than seeing a culinary specialist cooking a batch of hot eats. Fills the stomach, warms the spirits, fires up the morale. And if the field kitchen is up, that means things are under control and looking decent.

    • @ichbins3158
      @ichbins3158 4 дні тому +1

      Der Ami ist nur ein Salonsoldat mehr nicht wir Ossis hätten diese Schauspieler in den Atlantik getrieben

  • @RetArmy1SG
    @RetArmy1SG 10 днів тому +6

    I've never seen the Air Force set up a field kitchen, much less eat from one!

    • @dsch522
      @dsch522 9 днів тому +1

      Promise I saw it and ate from it.

  • @marcie6022
    @marcie6022 11 днів тому +4

    WHY I love your videos so much is they always offer much more than the original content has stated. They are so astoundingly thorough too. I've learned so much and am getting better at remembering as there is so much to learn.

  • @gilraine1225
    @gilraine1225 7 днів тому +3

    i believe it was Napolean that said an army marches on its stomach. there are few things that can improve morale than a hot, hearty meal.

  • @jerryumfress9030
    @jerryumfress9030 10 днів тому +4

    I'll have to say, I got hungry just watching this video 😂

  • @war_moose5814
    @war_moose5814 8 днів тому +5

    My brother started a s cook ( cross trained in the medical and Security Forces) in the Airforce 30 years ago now he is an E-9 in charge of all the enlisted medical personnel in the eastern part of the US.

  • @kennylee9959
    @kennylee9959 2 дні тому

    Look so good...Now I'm hungry.

  • @Themuffinman1820
    @Themuffinman1820 16 годин тому

    This is enjoyable to watch when you dont have KP 😂😂

  • @charlespowell5847
    @charlespowell5847 10 днів тому +3

    Love these Army and Air Force culinary professionals 👍

  • @RichardDoc-z8c
    @RichardDoc-z8c 6 днів тому

    When I was in the Marine Corps, I was stationed at Ft. Lee for a few months back in 1985. The Marine Corps mess hall was best on base at that time.

  • @Snargfargle
    @Snargfargle 7 днів тому +1

    When I was in during the 70s, the best we could expect from a "field kitchen" was that they would heat up a trash can of water so that we could thaw out our frozen C-Rations. We moved around too much for them to actually have time to cook anything. Not that it would have been any good if they did. Only privates and poor specialists like me who were still living in the barracks to save money ate at the mess hall, which in my unit's case was an old, roach-infested, WWII-era building. The NCOs and officers all ate at the clubs or had their wives cook food for them. Even my unit's mess hall sergeant didn't actually eat mess hall food. I will have to say that the mess hall at Ft. Sam during my AIT was great though. Nothing ensures good meals like having a bunch of officers eating at the same mess hall as the medic trainees.

  • @stephengoldberg334
    @stephengoldberg334 3 години тому

    It's an excellent action to support troops and related. But they should be in shape. In the Marines in Afghanistan, as an officer in combat, no Marine was often allowed to have a waist over 30 inches. Or you would be off the line and running in safe areas until you lost it.
    First, they are combat soldiers. Their job is as culinary specialist(s)-quite the supply chain. But there could be times when they had to pick up a rifle and fight. I can't be 20 lbs overweight. I only weigh 2 lbs more after six tours. They can be called to the lines at any time.
    Their skills are magnificent supply chain efforts to see.

  • @russellterral29
    @russellterral29 18 годин тому

    At 3:13 your comment says all cooking is done with propane. Unless something has changed in the last 10 years since I got out of the army as cook we never ever ever used propane. We used burners that were pretty much little mini jet engines that ran on JP8 fuel. MBU is what its called (Modern Burner Unit)

  • @divemasterben
    @divemasterben 2 дні тому

    Those are actually U.S. Air Force personnel setting up at field kitchen. Army Soldiers are cooking @6:54.

  • @RETUSAF1995
    @RETUSAF1995 2 дні тому +1

    2 places i didn't want to work, the Kitchen or motor pool.

  • @lomelinovander7986
    @lomelinovander7986 11 днів тому

    Admirável organização, muito profissional.

  • @SR-bh5jd
    @SR-bh5jd 9 днів тому +1

    You would think they would be taught the proper way of using a knife for slicing.

  • @rodnewcombe1120
    @rodnewcombe1120 16 годин тому

    food looks delicious

  • @mannyfit75
    @mannyfit75 11 днів тому +2

    That's the U.S. Air Force in the first segment .

  • @dallasyap3064
    @dallasyap3064 10 днів тому

    I'm not sure how many cooks are there in a team in a field kitchen, but I remember a standard team can prepare a meal that can feed up to 1000 people, roughly a battalion size.

  • @garygsp3
    @garygsp3 2 дні тому

    I'll tell you what. The Army taught them how to cook the food fast and efficiently. What they didn't teach them was how to cook it with any kind of give a shit.
    Veggies being sliced with your fingers out where you can cut them instead of the finger tips tucked under the first knuckle.
    Eggs being cooked on a surface that's too hot and they're sticking
    Rice that has so much water is looks like soup.
    A griddle cooking meat that isn't being scraped and there is burnt coating of food particles on it.
    Steaks that are more stewing in a puddle of juice than promoting any type of searing as the griddle isn't level and draining grease away.
    Yeah... they've made food and it will fill bellies and keep the men moving. It most certainly reminds me of the comment in Band of Brothers. "This isn't spaghetti. I like to think of it more like noodles with ketchup." Yeah... That's this. It's better than an MRE, but from what I've heard about MRE's. I might rather prefer them over that.

  • @yolanda231000
    @yolanda231000 11 днів тому +1

    The Air Force eats MREs AND has field kitchens? They don't don't hire out catering services anymore?

  • @terryvallis1436
    @terryvallis1436 10 днів тому +1

    It’s called boil a bag

  • @sirxavior1583
    @sirxavior1583 10 днів тому

    It all comes together. What makes the US army special is it's logistics. It's the only army in the world were you can send almost any type of equipment from one place in the world to any destination in the world. So that means these field kitchens will be well supplied with everything. The last step is having the culinary professionals cooking meals from the supplies sent from home and boasting moral of the soldiers.

    • @dallasyap3064
      @dallasyap3064 10 днів тому

      Ya about bringing supplies and equipment to anywhere in the world, the act of transporting itself is done by the Air Force or Navy.

    • @Hurst6969
      @Hurst6969 4 дні тому

      This isn't Army they are USAF

  • @gigawattbeehot0913
    @gigawattbeehot0913 11 днів тому +1

    Impressive .

  • @burkhardproksch637
    @burkhardproksch637 10 днів тому +1

    All American food is contaminated with harmful chemicals and other substances.
    The question now is whether it is the same for the soldiers what they get to eat there, it would be really interesting to know whether these foods are different.

  • @stanmans
    @stanmans 11 днів тому

    OMG Back in the late 50's and early 60's our precooked food was brought to us in trucks. Almost all of it came from cans boiled in water in large garbage cans. We had little portable can openers. I don’t remember what was in the cans. Some good and some really bad. Even when we ate in the mess halls the food was not the best. Tables and cover in the field. If it was raining our ponchos became our tent and the ground was our table. What, no white table cloths or white gloves?? You wanted to shave, fill your helmet with hot water if you were lucky. Go to the bathroom, find the slit trench

  • @allenashley4852
    @allenashley4852 11 днів тому +1

    Some of the personal in the video were USAF personal

  • @ursulasmith6402
    @ursulasmith6402 6 днів тому

    Oh it's the Air Force.

  • @timothyj67
    @timothyj67 10 днів тому +1

    wow those knoves are dull they are using..struggling to cut a tomato..the knife prob cost US Taxpayers 100.000 USD, and wearing non sanitary gloves?? and no cut gloves..

  • @jc-tu6pg
    @jc-tu6pg 8 днів тому

    That spaghetti looked cook to hell and like spackle. Who is training these cooks?

  • @NAFO_MythicPlague
    @NAFO_MythicPlague 11 днів тому

    This is a great video in the eyes of not only cooking in the field. It also shows the logistics needed to service all these men and women. There is only one part of this that I do not understand why it is not still being done to this day. Used to be each soldier was issued fieldware for eating. A fork Spoon and knife were issued before deployment. They could also be bought at the BX. So why create more trash for the people to haul away. The cost when you add it up are outrageous. 9 pieces of equipment per day per soldier. Just in silverware. Add the plates a cup now your upto 15 pieces which add a lot of weight to haul around. Why not make it more efficient? Look when your out in the field your not at summer camp. It would be nice but its not it.

  • @coastroad_7886
    @coastroad_7886 11 днів тому +1


  • @The_Comedian556
    @The_Comedian556 10 днів тому +1

    4:51 lol

    • @johnny_3514
      @johnny_3514 19 годин тому

      She burnt the 💩 out of her hand 😂

  • @edjarrett3164
    @edjarrett3164 9 днів тому

    Most of the hot food appeared overcooked which means it’s going to be dry and without much flavor. Their training and supervision leaves much to improve. Sure it’s a field kitchen, but cooking techniques are universal. I cook for hundreds and am a vet, so my remarks come from a strong background in culinary arts. They can do better.

  • @cracknoir8397
    @cracknoir8397 День тому

    What's the 1st rule never upset the chefs or cooks !!!!!!!!

  • @sanfuji8462
    @sanfuji8462 10 днів тому +1

    Is the food served in the US military delicious?

    • @ms.annthrope415
      @ms.annthrope415 10 днів тому +4

      Depends. In thr Navy, food is legendary. Every ship has a galley for the cooksnro prepare food and they get good food. Air Force work from air bases wirh full support systems. Marine and Army units have to be in the field so it can get uneven in quality. Just depends on what level of facilities you're in. It will never be gourmet cuisine. It will be standard institutional cooking based on prescribed recipes and ease of preparation.
      If you're in a full garrison base, it can be good. If you're in the field, it can be decent to adequate. Or it can be MREs.

    • @lelandgaunt9985
      @lelandgaunt9985 9 днів тому +1

      If you do not like what is on the mainline there is a short order grill available to get burgers and hot dogs, taco bar. This is on a base though.

  • @johnwallace9662
    @johnwallace9662 6 днів тому

    The Air Force people I’m surprised it’s not catered.

  • @erpipuru
    @erpipuru 7 днів тому

    やっぱ生食すんのは日本ぐらいだわな あたりまえだけど

  • @kvanc9278
    @kvanc9278 7 днів тому

    It is very interesting that the soldiers who cook do not wear aprons in the kitchen. If you respect your uniform, and above all you should be hygienic

  • @kitten_anakin
    @kitten_anakin 10 днів тому

    looks like a delicious steak

  • @skullandbones1832
    @skullandbones1832 11 годин тому


  • @towdjumper5
    @towdjumper5 2 дні тому

    MKT “AATW”.

  • @yindu_Weige888
    @yindu_Weige888 День тому


  • @crisaoki
    @crisaoki 11 днів тому +3

    This chopped spaghetti doesn't look good

  • @ditchi1000
    @ditchi1000 4 дні тому

    Saw only fast sugars .😕

  • @jackshaftoe1715
    @jackshaftoe1715 8 днів тому

    I know it's illegal but IMHO they ought to sweep the streets for homeless/jobless people, and say "This is what you're doing for the next three years". Kinna like the Press Gang in "Old England". They learn a skill, while at the same time freeing more qualified troops for combat, while beautifying our streets ALL at the same time.😊

    • @garymathena2125
      @garymathena2125 7 днів тому

      Because of drug use or a criminal history many are not able to join the military. According to the DOD only about 26% percent of people aged 18-24 are eligible to enlist. That is the prime draft age.

  • @danielserrano591
    @danielserrano591 4 дні тому

    army estimate ' ser folder

  • @yellowboot6629
    @yellowboot6629 2 дні тому


  • @sandib4234
    @sandib4234 8 днів тому


  • @user-wy2hx7fu5p
    @user-wy2hx7fu5p 11 днів тому


  • @kenkoscielski1409
    @kenkoscielski1409 2 дні тому

    This is Air Force not Army

  • @xapoh213
    @xapoh213 9 днів тому

    Повар не умеет ножом пользоваться

  • @xiaopinghu4188
    @xiaopinghu4188 11 днів тому


    • @brokenwrench404
      @brokenwrench404 11 днів тому

      3 hots and a cot

    • @mkidd8806
      @mkidd8806 11 днів тому

      Lucky! Just the right country. Luck has nothing in play except your were born USA citizen or you came to this country and took this route which helps you becoming USA citizen. 😊

  • @ralfe2212
    @ralfe2212 7 днів тому

    These "culinary specialists" look so bored and unhappy.

  • @Matto_Harvo
    @Matto_Harvo 10 днів тому

    If the USA Olympic team wouldn't eat it; the USA forces shouldn't either.

  • @brokenwrench404
    @brokenwrench404 11 днів тому +11

    Report the fraud savings/investment spammers

  • @user-xp3md8wz6t
    @user-xp3md8wz6t День тому

    вы в это верите?

  • @nelsontragura1441
    @nelsontragura1441 11 днів тому

    You guys need FIlipino food like caldereta, bakareta, corned beef, lechon baka, bulalo -- yeah its all beef from Bill Gates' farm.

  • @misterbig9025
    @misterbig9025 11 днів тому

    Can they still order KFC?

  • @audi3275
    @audi3275 2 дні тому

    Ешьте больше и жирнее,чтобы не смогли нормально воевать

  • @user-zs7pl4ds4k
    @user-zs7pl4ds4k День тому

    какую гадость едят одно масло и химикаты!потом жиреют !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @peterkennedy5596
    @peterkennedy5596 4 дні тому

    Gee the amerikan woke nail polish wearing military. Doesn’t always eat tofu. And veggie burgers. Weak miltary that has not won a war since WW2. Not very impressed.

  • @user-dl2ly7hk4s
    @user-dl2ly7hk4s День тому

    )))))) ну и армия как на пикник собрались )))))))

  • @Hurst6969
    @Hurst6969 4 дні тому

    NOT ARMY How could you get it so wrong and discredit your site!
    USAF Services personel in the video

  • @alexanderbetter8172
    @alexanderbetter8172 6 годин тому

    Con pasta e merda sicuramente vinceranno le battaglie!😂😂😂