The Thing I Couldn't Stand About Modesty Talks

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2017
  • Social media : @emwilss
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  • @oliviavincent7817
    @oliviavincent7817 6 років тому +115

    i love how she jumps right into it and skips all of the intro crap

  • @artistry_15.17
    @artistry_15.17 6 років тому +362

    We had a pool party for our youth group. It was expected of me and all the girls to wear full swim suits, and be modest. But the boys were allowed to wear just shorts. I'm a girl, I have hormones too. When I was going to be baptised my pastors told me to wear modest swim clothes and maybe a shirt over the top. I kept on thinking about how no one told the boys at the pool party to put a shirt on. Girls are visual too.

  • @miasemidey
    @miasemidey 7 років тому +716

    I totally agree! Another thing that I think could be potentially harmful with the "because men are physical/lustful/visual, etc." reasoning is that it tends to send a message to both women and men about a man's ability to have self control and maintain purity within themselves. It just kind of sets men up to think that they're victims to their mindsets/biology and can't do anything about it, and that's just not true. If their thoughts are sinful/lustful/impure (which also doesn't even apply to all men), God can still work in them to deliver them from that. Sometimes that message in itself can cause a stumbling block to men and their belief in their ability to combat these supposed "natural/inevitable" tendencies.

  • @bellebonebag8096
    @bellebonebag8096 6 років тому +93

    I get catcalled even when I wear long skirts and loose shirts. Men will lust after anything. That isn't our problem.

  • @matthewsapp3627
    @matthewsapp3627 7 років тому +158

    As a Christian Guy, I can agree with this. It almost feels like girls are taught to be ashamed of their bodies because a guy might stumble. When it comes down to the reality of it all it is that guys responsibility to lean on his relationship with God and make a personal decision not to fall into sin. I am not saying that as a Christian guy I never sin because that would be untrue. I do believe that it is an everyday journey for us to work toward being more Christ-like.

  • @zoenutakor7137
    @zoenutakor7137 7 років тому +788

    She is clothed with strength and dignity - Proverbs 31:5 😊

  • @christyheimbrecht1384
    @christyheimbrecht1384 7 років тому +395


  • @Muslimah33
    @Muslimah33 6 років тому +310

    As a Muslim woman, we are also told that this is the main reason. It makes no sense. Especially when our holy book, the Qur'an, it instructs men first to "Lower your gaze". That tells me that the responsibility is on them first.

  • @ReginaFortune
    @ReginaFortune 7 років тому +57

    I dress "classy" mainly because this body is not my own. My body is a temple of Christ and he gave his life down for me. So I honor him with what I wear.

  • @QuitaSays
    @QuitaSays 7 років тому +272

    I dress as a woman of class and dignity as a means to honor God. Me come s second, guys third. I believe in laying my body down as a living sacrifice so I don't mind making a small sacrifice in covering up more to be pleasing to God. Great video.

  • @ericazielinski2860
    @ericazielinski2860 6 років тому +29

    I am not a Christian but I absolutely love your perspective on this. I grew up Christian and was always told that my body was too distracting for men and it made me feel dirty and like my body didn't belong to me. It was a factor that drove me away from religion along with others. But it is so refreshing to hear this thought and it seems to be picking up popularity among Christian women and I am so happy to hear it. Thank you for sharing this!

  • @micaela_c
    @micaela_c 7 років тому +89

    “I have adopted the idea that in my life that there are two parallel lines and one is the amount of skin I show and one is the amount of power I have, and they are not ever ever things that intersect."

  • @wayawuffin
    @wayawuffin 7 років тому +140

    Whoa, that just clicked something in my mind! I've been approaching modesty the same way you used to ("Would this outfit cause my brothers to stumble?") and have been having a hard time figuring it out and staying passionate about it -- aiming to dress with clas and dignity is a much more clear and attainable goal!! Thank you!!!!!

  • @angeliamercer5556
    @angeliamercer5556 7 років тому +72

    We also do a great disservice to men painting them as animals who cannot control their thoughts or actions. Men do not all have the same thoughts or reactions, and some men find immodest women unattractive. I agree the whole narrative needs to change.

  • @Amedo98621
    @Amedo98621 6 років тому +30

    Side note to many girls watching this: you don't HAVE to dress classy in the sense of dresses, jewelry, and fancy shoes everyday. I am a tomboy. I love street-style clothes. I hate dresses. And that is PERFECTLY okay. There's absolutely nothing wrong with sneakers, t-shirts, ripped jeans, and no jewelry. God loves you for YOU, not for the clothes you wear, darling. Women of God don't all fit into one shape or size, nor do they fit into one style or wardrobe. BE YOU & BE LOVED.

  • @trav3ll3r
    @trav3ll3r 7 років тому +140


  • @vicky_la_france
    @vicky_la_france 7 років тому +61

    Thank you, Emily! :) It's for this very reason I can't stand the popular phrase “modest is hottest.” I don’t choose to dress modestly because I think it’ll attract more guys or because I’m ashamed of my body. I choose to dress modestly because it makes me feel comfortable and beautiful - not “hot,” beautiful.

  • @nastassjam9168
    @nastassjam9168 7 років тому +173

    I completely agree with you! And honestly, a man could have lustful thoughts about you even when you're dressed modestly, which is his problem. As long as I do my part in dressing classy, I don't concern myself being a temptation to someone. I also think that God created us as beautiful women and it is good for the world to see that.

  • @esthertshimanga6588
    @esthertshimanga6588 7 років тому +64

    Say it again for the people in the back 👏👏

  • @katiehouck6335
    @katiehouck6335 7 років тому +105

    The first thing, really and truly, that you should ask yourself concerning your clothing is: Does this honor God. Not for yourself, not for guys, for God.