Contact your state representatives to remove their Tax Exempt status now! Victims of Scientology should join together and file a Class Action lawsuit against the "church".
Tony is incredibly well informed about Scientology as he's been writing about then for nearly 25 years. I do appreciate John Sweeny's humour in this talk.
Got to be honest - I find John Sweeney pretty dislikeable - too many puerile, non-value adding interjections. Tony however is likeable, knowledgeable and highly credible.
NUMBER ONE PROBLEM OF THE WHOLE DAMN THING. "Scientology NEVER get's investigated for it or prosecuted." THAT. IS THE SHADIEST PART OF THE WHOLE SITUATION. They should have been investigated or shut down forever ago. Yet here we are, fighting to get people to leave this place.
also, David is not the only bad guy. Hubbard was a Racist. There is proof if you research it online. He simply was not a moral man, everything he lived and as was a lie.
I totally agree, and the most significant obstacle blocking investigation is their tax-exempt status, which they fought tooth and nail to obtain. Miscavige realized the overall importance of obtaining it. As a religion, it gives them almost total carte blanche to do anything they want behind closed doors. If anything is to happen in the way of incisive investigation the tax-exempt status must be withdrawn.
These statistics from The Netherlands might make you smile: Estimated Scientology-members *100-200* Since 2015 no tax exempt Since 2016 Amsterdam (failing)Org. turned into bookstore and 12 appartments New 'office' next to a paper-recycle center in Amsterdam (Google-maps) So very glamorous! Also not referred to as 'religion' by the High Courts, but as a Commercial Enterprise ( This is how cheap we Dutchies are, we do not pay for our beliefs. But we are practical.
Scientology is in over 300 countries, has over 500 million members just in the USA (not including children), and has generated over $10 trillion dollars! The church has the best super stars on planet earth 🌏 and is the only way to reach infinity ♾️
If anyone is interested, there's a German film on here called 'Until nothing remains' which is a dramatised version of stories from various ex-scientologists-worth a watch if you're interested in this subject
This was an absolute excellent seminar presentation on Scientology that every current and new member should listen to and really decide if they still want to be member of this so called religion.
@Nyree Harris He was a typical narcissist. The narcissist don't have any healthy relationship to themselves. Let alone to others. So he was simply not capable of communicating with this children - he lacked 'the tools'. That is why he justified dealing with kids as with adults. He lacked the emotional relatability totally.
He could not give a Damm..Its Money orientated and Supernatural beliefs in making it. Money Materialistic! Who cares what happens to the followers- who gives a shxt. If anyone beieves the total crap made up they must be deluded or thick. End of Story.
A few months ago, I read Tom o'Dowd's book, Chaos, about Manson's run-in with the CIA's programme, MKULTRA. Don't think it's mentioned in there but o'Dowd has said he had far more material that leads off into many streams that aren't central to the main theme.
A matter of time before ex-members outgrow the active members....and then the table turns...mass group funded lawsuits the other way round...and that might prove interesting.
The ex-members already outnumber the current members! What needs to happen is the tax exemption to be removed and the CULT banned in country's around the world because when members have to escape to leave and are subject to illegal activities against them with the stalking and harassment and the CULT spending millions on private investigators it's NOT a religion it's a CULT especially when it's ruining families and only cares about ripping off people it needs to be banned!!!
I was thinking the very same thing. As for the OSA, I believe their operations intended to seriously disable and utterly destroy opponents are not recorded, as in files or in any such form that might incriminate the OSA. Black Ops, in other words.
I could listen to these guys all day. Fascinating , but to hear Tony talk about an d explain the OT4 level Omg 😮 that the hell is this cult talking about
58:18 John's prediction of the future of Scientology sounds right. and particularly he says it is a "...fantastically rich confidence trick....." and it just won't be able to hold together. Great prediction.
@Jon Goat Excellent. So it still remains unresolved. They sent John Travolta there in the Nineties, was it? He called them hypocrites, considering their past. He pissed them off pretty good. An appearnce bedore their federal body.
as bad as scientology is, it is only possible because the human mind is wired in a certain way. a determined business corporation can exploit this human weakness for monetary ends. a sane society goal is to expose these charlatans for what they are and prevent them from prospering rather than tolerating them as crackpots with free reign to harm the vulnerable.
Such a shame John Sweeney discredited himself and was forced to leave Panorama. I have trouble accepting any of his journalism after seeing his techniques filmed undercover.
1:21:30 John Sweeney makes a stunning point, that is so vital to appreciate. The copper Sweeney once knew told Sweeney that the con man who really believed in the con were the really good con men. That is so relevant to L. Ron Hubbard, and to the answer of does David Miscavige today believe in Hubbard's Scientology. Yes is the answer, they really believe in their subject, and they don't think they are conning the world with what to outsiders obviously is a con. Not to them, not to Hubbard though, this wasn't a con.
Yeah, Miscavige is recorded to be 5' - 1", or "4-13" as Headley likes to joke. I always thought it was interesting when you hear these stories of him physically assaulting these much larger and taller men. That must be some powerful mind control that stops someone much bigger from just swatting "Midge-cavige" and splattering him against a wall.
These other large churches, show their financial reports on their websites. They show where their money goes; and shows they are non profit. That is one big difference -- also they do not have prisons on property; and nor hold people against their will. There's many things that are big differences. I know any church has to have monies coming in or they cannot keep the doors open. But there is a way to handle all of this; and these churches should not dictate how much families has to give...Scientology makes their people BUY these classes, so they are made to give so much money.. There is no choices here --
1:10:08 funny comment, "'s a classic example of Scientology tweaking a minor victory into a colossal universal global success......" John Sweeney's great humor on Scientology's way with history reframing events for it's members' benefit.
Question to put to those looking for people wishing to address the matter of child labour, contracts, etc. Is a contract with a minor in any way legally binding? I thought people had to be a certain age to even be considered legally able to sign a contract. Therefore, Sea Org contracts w/ minors should ALL be counted as null and void and the child slavery charges could progress from there.There's also the matter of informed consent with all of these things that needs to be taken into consideration.
1:03:05 The "Ideal Orgs" current poshing up their dozens and dozens of "small and failing" orgs (Ideal Orgs are their "churches") I firsthand having seen the orgs statistics starting in 1977 when I was a Sea Org staff at Clearwater, up through 1989 when the management middle echelon had transfered to the Los Angeles Hollywood Guarantee Building middle management operation, I witnessed the "small and failing" org feeder system successful arrangement. It matters not how many people are aboard, but rather the amounts of money they donate to keep their multi echelon Hubbard system of organizations afloat. "Small and failing" has been there since 1977 when I was the part-time Org Flag Officer, where anyone at the Flag Management level does an hour a day duty paperwork attending to one or several "small and failing" Scientology organizations. In the 1977-1983 period I dutifully did my daily "OFO" (Org Flag Officer) duties, and I daily saw the plight of the then majority of the Scientology fake "churches" and they have since then ALWAYS been "small and failing" as dismal bad as they were then, and as dismal bad false reported for their supposed higher participation. The actual participation was equally dismal then, despite the ex members pronouncements. I recall even with Flag Service Org's massive over 100,000 central files files numbers (I was on a project with Ralph Hilton in Jan 1976 where Ralph and I split the review of ALL of Flag's Central Files Folders, we two looked into EVERY SINGLE one of Flag's client's "CF-Central Files" folders, and saw how much or how little was the participation of EVERY single one of the top clients of Scientology as of that date, January 1976), and the participation for even that gross high total of over 100,000 folders was actually dismally far far less. The numbers of Scientologists if honestly broken down by actual participation of what exact services, for which exact times in those client/participants' lives, would confirm what I've speculated, which is Hubbard perfected a "feeder system" but that the numbers of participants have ALWAYS been almost irrelevant. The proof of my speculation is borne out by Scientology still pulling in sufficient funding from its smaller number of dupes. Smaller numbers of dupes in their fold, but adequate money being grifted off those dupes. That's relevant to Scientology's continuing. Adequate numbers of dupes grifted, to keep the ludicrous Scientology operation of existing dupes happy and going. We need fresh defectors from the "upper middle management" and the "top management" ranks to alert us Scientology observers to any real dent in this financial model that appears to work viably keeping the top levels of Scientology (while slightly lower in staff numbers) still adequately functioning. By the poshness of their buildings, while smaller in members overall, the fact that they have a stable pool of longer range wealthier (and or wealthy enough) dupes aboard their hierarchy of these "small and failing" but posher "Ideal Orgs" (fake churches), their buildings show they have money to keep up their show, allowing some new suckers born every day to still find this hopeful fake church (which enough dupes don't learn quickly enough or they care NOT to learn that they will NOT become the super soul flying superpeople that Scientology/Hubbard falsely but hopefully claims they will become).
Scientology and the leaders that continue to promote it have the love of power rather than the power of love. And that is the difference between light and darkness. And what it really boils down to is do you believe in God or don't you? Do you believe Jesus is who he said he's is? That's not to say there haven't been false religions created in His name that He warned us about. He also warned about the traditions and doctrines of men that make the word of God of no effect.
Tony bravo, now let's talk about the abuse to children by the 'church' members and executives, current and ex. Also what happened to Shelly Miscaviages mum, how did she really pass away?
11:21 - I appreciate what Ortega has done regarding Scientology , but he needs to tone down the hyperbole. To equate these Sea Org people & their work for 20 cents an hour to slavery is RIDICULOUS.. Slaves don't get paid, whether its 20 cents or 20 dollars an hour. They are owned by another human being.
So because they're paid 20 cents an hour, it's OK what CoS is doing to them? I'd like to see how long YOU would stay with an employer who did that to you.
You make a great point and people need to get a grip. Moreover, by pointing this out does not mean one condones Scientology or how it treats people. I bristle when people call Miscavige "Stalin", or the Hemit base as a "slave camp". It is as if we have lost all sense of historical perspective and proportion and let outrage justify any use of language. The irony is that these same people who use hyperbole then criticize Scientologists when they use similar hyperbole to describe their condition, how they are treated, or their critics: genocide, bigots, etc,
1:20:58 is the last question, and John Sweeney's answer is so important and informative. A copper Sweeney knew, 1:21:30 Sweeney says the copper said that the really good com men believe in the con. The ex member's stories of Hubbard's whole end of life final months provide ample convincing evidence of Hubbard's belief in his own Hubbard Scientology counseling/exorcism practices. The "Going Clear..." HBO documentary has Sarge Steven Pfauth telling of Hubbard's final thoughts, and that confirms Sweeney's insights.
Oh goodness! Could you imagine Ms. Savage of we DID allow beheadings in the US? The hole would be filled with partial portions of people instead of being an enslavement camp!
hopefully it will shrink to the point that only David Miscarriage and Tom Screwloose are left and they can both with the spirit of L Ron Blubber go to the same electro-magnetic mountain that Xenu is at. LOving John Sweeney here btw.
John Sweeney made some good points, but I was a little surprised by the coarse language and how he told the guy in the middle to shut up. For a journalist, and a good one at that, I was a little surprised at his brashness.
That seems like their rapport to me. If you heard me and a few of my closest friends talking to one another, you'd think we hated each other, but we all know where the lines are and how to dance up to them without crossing them. The way that they smiled after he said it seems to me that that's how they show affection, by teasing at being awful to one another when they're really not.
@@rjsampsonrs No one expects the Scientologal Inquisition! Its chief weapons are surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and IP addresses.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and IP addresses...and a fanatical devotion to LRH.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.
Why does it always, I mean why is the memory or mems always that the person was doing evil things?!!! That’s the weird thing. I always hear them say they were doing evil shit in their memories. Never that they were doing anything good millions of years ago.
It seems historically that most religious traditions emerge from the spiritual experiences of their founders (whether viewed as 'real' or 'psychogenic') they then all too frequently become socially manipulative tools of unprincipled powerphyliacs who utilise them for personal gain. Scientology skipped the first step in this process becoming at it's outset a power/money accruing machine, as was Hubbard's stated intent during a lunch conversation with and subsequently reported by his interlocutor, Robert Heinlein . Hubbard and Heinlein had on numerous occasions discussed the ease with which peoples' beliefs can be manipulated, Hielein favoring the idea that educated people are not as manipulable as Hubbard insisted. A wager was proposed, if Hubbard could entice people into believing in a new and bogus religion , Heinlein would concede the point. Scientology was born. The rest is history.
+DayTripperID2 Scientology does that on purpose...the cure is simple! It's called Ad Block Plus. Free and youtuvbe ads are gone forever. Google, takes seconds to download.
Thank God my grandparents saw the 'light' years ago. The minute my grandma saw them coming down the street or approaching the front door she would shut the door. Too bad more people didn't decide to do the same thing. She knew they were a bunch of rubbish the minute they opened up their mouth As a child I can remember back in the '70's when LRH's 'disciples' used to go around door-to-door selling, their book "Dianetics" throughout residential neighborhood's. The minute grandma saw them coming down the street or approaching the front door she'd shut the door. Too bad more people didn't decide to do the same thing.
+Neil Milliner I don't understand why they post people talking about clips they don't include. It's confusing, irritating, and normally I don't bother trying to decipher, just trying here since I have seen about all there is to see on the subject....
The US Supreme Court has already ruled that donations to Scientology are NOT tax deductible, why does the IRS let this continue?
Contact your state representatives to remove their Tax Exempt status now! Victims of Scientology should join together and file a Class Action lawsuit against the "church".
Tony and John are two of the most likable journalists anywhere, and the work they do is as important as it is excellent.
Get a room already!
Tony is incredibly well informed about Scientology as he's been writing about then for nearly 25 years.
I do appreciate John Sweeny's humour in this talk.
Got to be honest - I find John Sweeney pretty dislikeable - too many puerile, non-value adding interjections. Tony however is likeable, knowledgeable and highly credible.
I have no credit for my life because of them.
There are alleged SA's towards both adults and children from that supposed "Church"
Yes and the ones that are adults now are speaking up and Tony doesn't like it.
Wonderful that some intelligent people are revealing the truth. This video rocks!
Thank you, again.
NUMBER ONE PROBLEM OF THE WHOLE DAMN THING. "Scientology NEVER get's investigated for it or prosecuted." THAT. IS THE SHADIEST PART OF THE WHOLE SITUATION. They should have been investigated or shut down forever ago. Yet here we are, fighting to get people to leave this place.
also, David is not the only bad guy. Hubbard was a Racist. There is proof if you research it online. He simply was not a moral man, everything he lived and as was a lie.
I totally agree, and the most significant obstacle blocking investigation is their tax-exempt status, which they fought tooth and nail to obtain. Miscavige realized the overall importance of obtaining it. As a religion, it gives them almost total carte blanche to do anything they want behind closed doors. If anything is to happen in the way of incisive investigation the tax-exempt status must be withdrawn.
What does that tell ya??? Right there in front of everyone’s face!
wow. One of a kind evening, thankyou for presenting this talk.
Thankyou journalists for even taking all your time to even get into this subject!
A fascinating and disturbing look at Scientology by two authors who have written about this cult in great depth.
That door bell sound drive me to look at my door every time.
These statistics from The Netherlands might make you smile:
Estimated Scientology-members *100-200*
Since 2015 no tax exempt
Since 2016 Amsterdam (failing)Org. turned into bookstore and 12 appartments
New 'office' next to a paper-recycle center in Amsterdam (Google-maps) So very glamorous!
Also not referred to as 'religion' by the High Courts, but as a Commercial Enterprise (
This is how cheap we Dutchies are, we do not pay for our beliefs. But we are practical.
I hear in Germany that it's banned :D Based Europe
@@judyhopps9380 Unfortunately it isn't. But the authorities try to inform the public, schools and so on.
But you'll still goto Hell
@@helluminati pffff doom troll :/
Scientology is in over 300 countries, has over 500 million members just in the USA (not including children), and has generated over $10 trillion dollars! The church has the best super stars on planet earth 🌏 and is the only way to reach infinity ♾️
I could listen to Tony and John all day 💚
If anyone is interested, there's a German film on here called 'Until nothing remains' which is a dramatised version of stories from various ex-scientologists-worth a watch if you're interested in this subject
Ich bin echt froh, dass es überhaupt was auf Deutsch gibt. There are not many documentaries out there.
This was an absolute excellent seminar presentation on Scientology that every current and new member should listen to and really decide if they still want to be member of this so called religion.
As a psychologist, I feel it's VASTLY understated how Hubbard's inability to raise his own daughter plays entirely into his view on children
@Nyree Harris He was a typical narcissist. The narcissist don't have any healthy relationship to themselves. Let alone to others. So he was simply not capable of communicating with this children - he lacked 'the tools'. That is why he justified dealing with kids as with adults. He lacked the emotional relatability totally.
Indeed..... says a LOT about it all doesn't it??
Since there is an exemption in the dsm under delusion for religious beliefs you can't say he's clinically delusional.
He could not give a Damm..Its Money orientated and Supernatural beliefs in making it. Money Materialistic! Who cares what happens to the followers- who gives a shxt. If anyone beieves the total crap made up they must be deluded or thick. End of Story.
Please elaborate on this Freudian viewpoint.
A guy i was in The Navy with joined Scientology while he was in then when he got discharged he joined the Sea Org and no one has heard from him since.
I did not know Charles Manson was a scientologist, but it makes sense.
Paxout Outname even he thought it was too crazy
A few months ago, I read Tom o'Dowd's book, Chaos, about Manson's run-in with the CIA's programme, MKULTRA. Don't think it's mentioned in there but o'Dowd has said he had far more material that leads off into many streams that aren't central to the main theme.
@@flirtwithdanger_les Tom O'Niell. I think there will be a sequel to CHAOS.
They approached him in prison...
A matter of time before ex-members outgrow the active members....and then the table turns...mass group funded lawsuits the other way round...and that might prove interesting.
so true man. it is a fascinating thing to watch as it crashes and burns
The ex-members already outnumber the current members!
What needs to happen is the tax exemption to be removed and the CULT banned in country's around the world because when members have to escape to leave and are subject to illegal activities against them with the stalking and harassment and the CULT spending millions on private investigators it's NOT a religion it's a CULT especially when it's ruining families and only cares about ripping off people it needs to be banned!!!
I was thinking the very same thing. As for the OSA, I believe their operations intended to seriously disable and utterly destroy opponents are not recorded, as in files or in any such form that might incriminate the OSA. Black Ops, in other words.
You must have been a fortune teller.
Yes thats how it goes seems this might happen to Kanye and his church group
Tony is amazing the way he explains it
Hatred breeds bigotry!
Destroying electronic devices and computers and phones and stealing inheritance and murdering witnesses is inappropriate.
I could listen to these guys all day. Fascinating , but to hear Tony talk about an d explain the OT4 level Omg 😮 that the hell is this cult talking about
Start taxing churches and so much of this nonsense goes away. After all the damage they have done, why everyone has to pay their way is beyond me.
It has unwavering government protection for some reason
great interview . Thank you for exposing it .
58:18 John's prediction of the future of Scientology sounds right. and particularly he says it is a "...fantastically rich confidence trick....." and it just won't be able to hold together. Great prediction.
Thank you.
I don"t know if it still is. It was banned in Germany; no militaristic totalitarian organizations.
@Jon Goat Excellent. So it still remains unresolved. They sent John Travolta there in the Nineties, was it? He called them hypocrites, considering their past. He pissed them off pretty good. An appearnce bedore their federal body.
I don't get why they give the money if they want to get out. All they do is refuse to give them the money, surely they will throw you out?
Not that easy unfortunately. They emotionally blackmail you
That gentleman who chose his wife over CoS, he's a good man. That's what anyone should do when asked to choose an organization over a loved one.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:6
Someone get the door!
Yeah... what's with the ringing doorbell?
It's just another prank ringer
Tony Ortega is an amazing speaker about Scientology, he knows his shit.
as bad as scientology is, it is only possible because the human mind is wired in a certain way. a determined business corporation can exploit this human weakness for monetary ends. a sane society goal is to expose these charlatans for what they are and prevent them from prospering rather than tolerating them as crackpots with free reign to harm the vulnerable.
Such a shame John Sweeney discredited himself and was forced to leave Panorama. I have trouble accepting any of his journalism after seeing his techniques filmed undercover.
Where is the RICO case against scientology?
I just went down the RICO checklist and scientology scored pretty damn high!
good point. somebody needs to travel back in time and get 1986 rudy on the case 😀
I adore Neil Gaiman. I never knew he was a Scientologist. ☹️. I hope that one day, his family will wake up and leave the organization.
Well said and awesome facts!
I love getting scientology ads while watching anti scientology stuff
ryan sanchez those algorithms know what we are searching 😫
John Sweeney is an absolute hero guys. seriously the best journalist i have ever seen!!!!
Hes spot on.
1:21:30 John Sweeney makes a stunning point, that is so vital to appreciate. The copper Sweeney once knew told Sweeney that the con man who really believed in the con were the really good con men. That is so relevant to L. Ron Hubbard, and to the answer of does David Miscavige today believe in Hubbard's Scientology. Yes is the answer, they really believe in their subject, and they don't think they are conning the world with what to outsiders obviously is a con. Not to them, not to Hubbard though, this wasn't a con.
Space coke,lol. I really like this guy. He just speaks well. Good talk...informative
I love it, Tom Cruise is an empty chair, much like his brain!!
The ex-members should sue the church of Scientology (I use “church” loosely here) for misrepresenting their beliefs/intentions.
Most brilliant
The Mercurial Midget Miscavidge is even smaller than Tom Cruise!
Derek Stynes I though I was the only one who noticed! the guy must be four ft tall! And you best believe Tom wears lifts in his shoes
Yeah, Miscavige is recorded to be 5' - 1", or "4-13" as Headley likes to joke.
I always thought it was interesting when you hear these stories of him physically assaulting these much larger and taller men. That must be some powerful mind control that stops someone much bigger from just swatting "Midge-cavige" and splattering him against a wall.
This chat is good by the way! These lads are politically funny and well informed!! 📣❤📣❤
These other large churches, show their financial reports on their websites. They show where their money goes; and shows they are non profit. That is one big difference -- also they do not have prisons on property; and nor hold people against their will. There's many things that are big differences. I know any church has to have monies coming in or they cannot keep the doors open. But there is a way to handle all of this; and these churches should not dictate how much families has to give...Scientology makes their people BUY these classes, so they are made to give so much money.. There is no choices here --
1:10:08 funny comment, "'s a classic example of Scientology tweaking a minor victory into a colossal universal global success......" John Sweeney's great humor on Scientology's way with history reframing events for it's members' benefit.
+Chuck Beatty 1:01:08 not 1:10:08 sorry
Question to put to those looking for people wishing to address the matter of child labour, contracts, etc. Is a contract with a minor in any way legally binding? I thought people had to be a certain age to even be considered legally able to sign a contract. Therefore, Sea Org contracts w/ minors should ALL be counted as null and void and the child slavery charges could progress from there.There's also the matter of informed consent with all of these things that needs to be taken into consideration.
1:03:05 The "Ideal Orgs" current poshing up their dozens and dozens of "small and failing" orgs (Ideal Orgs are their "churches") I firsthand having seen the orgs statistics starting in 1977 when I was a Sea Org staff at Clearwater, up through 1989 when the management middle echelon had transfered to the Los Angeles Hollywood Guarantee Building middle management operation, I witnessed the "small and failing" org feeder system successful arrangement.
It matters not how many people are aboard, but rather the amounts of money they donate to keep their multi echelon Hubbard system of organizations afloat.
"Small and failing" has been there since 1977 when I was the part-time Org Flag Officer, where anyone at the Flag Management level does an hour a day duty paperwork attending to one or several "small and failing" Scientology organizations. In the 1977-1983 period I dutifully did my daily "OFO" (Org Flag Officer) duties, and I daily saw the plight of the then majority of the Scientology fake "churches" and they have since then ALWAYS been "small and failing" as dismal bad as they were then, and as dismal bad false reported for their supposed higher participation. The actual participation was equally dismal then, despite the ex members pronouncements. I recall even with Flag Service Org's massive over 100,000 central files files numbers (I was on a project with Ralph Hilton in Jan 1976 where Ralph and I split the review of ALL of Flag's Central Files Folders, we two looked into EVERY SINGLE one of Flag's client's "CF-Central Files" folders, and saw how much or how little was the participation of EVERY single one of the top clients of Scientology as of that date, January 1976), and the participation for even that gross high total of over 100,000 folders was actually dismally far far less.
The numbers of Scientologists if honestly broken down by actual participation of what exact services, for which exact times in those client/participants' lives, would confirm what I've speculated, which is Hubbard perfected a "feeder system" but that the numbers of participants have ALWAYS been almost irrelevant.
The proof of my speculation is borne out by Scientology still pulling in sufficient funding from its smaller number of dupes.
Smaller numbers of dupes in their fold, but adequate money being grifted off those dupes.
That's relevant to Scientology's continuing.
Adequate numbers of dupes grifted, to keep the ludicrous Scientology operation of existing dupes happy and going.
We need fresh defectors from the "upper middle management" and the "top management" ranks to alert us Scientology observers to any real dent in this financial model that appears to work viably keeping the top levels of Scientology (while slightly lower in staff numbers) still adequately functioning.
By the poshness of their buildings, while smaller in members overall, the fact that they have a stable pool of longer range wealthier (and or wealthy enough) dupes aboard their hierarchy of these "small and failing" but posher "Ideal Orgs" (fake churches), their buildings show they have money to keep up their show, allowing some new suckers born every day to still find this hopeful fake church (which enough dupes don't learn quickly enough or they care NOT to learn that they will NOT become the super soul flying superpeople that Scientology/Hubbard falsely but hopefully claims they will become).
Wow 😳 I am glad you are out.
What a lovely thing to watch! 😁🤣
Scientology and the leaders that continue to promote it have the love of power rather than the power of love. And that is the difference between light and darkness. And what it really boils down to is do you believe in God or don't you? Do you believe Jesus is who he said he's is? That's not to say there haven't been false religions created in His name that He warned us about. He also warned about the traditions and doctrines of men that make the word of God of no effect.
The most watched documentary on HBO and won a Grammy I think, but not even up for a Oscar I wonder why.
Oscar don’t really award tv/made for TV movies / docs. They are not excluded but I don’t think ones ever won.
Tony bravo, now let's talk about the abuse to children by the 'church' members and executives, current and ex. Also what happened to Shelly Miscaviages mum, how did she really pass away?
Love This! Best!!💜
I wish they had put a booster seat on Tom's chair...
11:21 - I appreciate what Ortega has done regarding Scientology , but he needs to tone down the hyperbole. To equate these Sea Org people & their work for 20 cents an hour to slavery is RIDICULOUS.. Slaves don't get paid, whether its 20 cents or 20 dollars an hour. They are owned by another human being.
So because they're paid 20 cents an hour, it's OK what CoS is doing to them? I'd like to see how long YOU would stay with an employer who did that to you.
You make a great point and people need to get a grip. Moreover, by pointing this out does not mean one condones Scientology or how it treats people. I bristle when people call Miscavige "Stalin", or the Hemit base as a "slave camp". It is as if we have lost all sense of historical perspective and proportion and let outrage justify any use of language.
The irony is that these same people who use hyperbole then criticize Scientologists when they use similar hyperbole to describe their condition, how they are treated, or their critics: genocide, bigots, etc,
They are slaves. Keep your politics out of it. These people are suffering desperately.
They are modern day slaves. And if they leave they have to pay for the board and food. So yes they are slaves - they don’t come away with anything.
funny that there was a ad for $cientology before this video.
+chipmunktubetop They make ads now? omg thats weird!
Taryn Lalala The mor(m)on faith has been advertising for years. They are a corporation.
I noticed that sometimes, but I guess I didn't really pay attention.
+chipmunktubetop targeted ads based on some metadata embedded into the link title i bet somehow
+Robert W - I click because it costs them! :-)
1:20:58 is the last question, and John Sweeney's answer is so important and informative. A copper Sweeney knew, 1:21:30 Sweeney says the copper said that the really good com men believe in the con.
The ex member's stories of Hubbard's whole end of life final months provide ample convincing evidence of Hubbard's belief in his own Hubbard Scientology counseling/exorcism practices.
The "Going Clear..." HBO documentary has Sarge Steven Pfauth telling of Hubbard's final thoughts, and that confirms Sweeney's insights.
There is no such thing as a million or billions of years man has only been on the earth 6000 years .
put all of your
Also real counseling is always anonymous
Hubbard had awful rotted teeth. Hardly an advanced being....
Why would the CIA investigate itself!?
Oh goodness! Could you imagine Ms. Savage of we DID allow beheadings in the US? The hole would be filled with partial portions of people instead of being an enslavement camp!
hopefully it will shrink to the point that only David Miscarriage and Tom Screwloose are left and they can both with the spirit of L Ron Blubber go to the same electro-magnetic mountain that Xenu is at. LOving John Sweeney here btw.
what's up with the doorbell?
John Sweeney made some good points, but I was a little surprised by the coarse language and how he told the guy in the middle to shut up. For a journalist, and a good one at that, I was a little surprised at his brashness.
I was there and I think he was joking.
That seems like their rapport to me. If you heard me and a few of my closest friends talking to one another, you'd think we hated each other, but we all know where the lines are and how to dance up to them without crossing them. The way that they smiled after he said it seems to me that that's how they show affection, by teasing at being awful to one another when they're really not.
We're also dealing with Brits, and they tend to have a lot thicker skins than we wussy Americans.
@@rjsampsonrs No one expects the Scientologal Inquisition! Its chief weapons are surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and IP addresses.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and IP addresses...and a fanatical devotion to LRH.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.
what's with the doorbell? I though it was mine and after seeing no one at my door I realized it was this video....
This John bloke loves himself a bit too much I think.
It would be nice to hear a modicum of regret from these former members...they need something akin to de narzification
Why does it always, I mean why is the memory or mems always that the person was doing evil things?!!! That’s the weird thing. I always hear them say they were doing evil shit in their memories. Never that they were doing anything good millions of years ago.
OT: When will the Church of England become the Church in England?
No, Tommy! No!
Scientology is like the Fairy Tale = The Emperors New Clothes!
Who is Ortega's mentor mentioned at 38:18 ? Jon Atack?
1:06:33 what??? 1:08:10 what???
It seems historically that most religious traditions emerge from the spiritual experiences of their founders (whether viewed as 'real' or 'psychogenic') they then all too frequently become socially manipulative tools of unprincipled powerphyliacs who utilise them for personal gain.
Scientology skipped the first step in this process becoming at it's outset a power/money accruing machine, as was Hubbard's stated intent during a lunch conversation with and subsequently reported by his interlocutor, Robert Heinlein .
Hubbard and Heinlein had on numerous occasions discussed the ease with which peoples' beliefs can be manipulated, Hielein favoring the idea that educated people are not as manipulable as Hubbard insisted.
A wager was proposed, if Hubbard could entice people into believing in a new and bogus religion , Heinlein would concede the point.
Scientology was born.
The rest is history.
Where is the FBI
Thank you for fighting the good fight! God bless and protect you all!! In Jesus’ name!!
Jesus needed scientology! 🙏
Wow! Why didn't you include John's Sweeney's name and Tony Ortega's in your title?
The guy on the right is annoying. He keeps interrupting and seems a bit drunk.
Is anyone else getting scientology ads before these videos? Talk about irony.
+DayTripperID2 Yes. I think they're trying to cash in on the hits. I wonder if it counts if we click off within 20 seconds.
+DayTripperID2 Scientology does that on purpose...the cure is simple! It's called Ad Block Plus. Free and youtuvbe ads are gone forever. Google, takes seconds to download.
DayTripperID damn, I am in Scotland and I never got one. disappointed really. I could have pointed and laughed!!
The guy in the center sounds a lot like Benedict Cumberbatch
Scientology,seems to be Mankind's greatest subject ever!?
someones at the door..
God said your wickedness will be revealed and His word will not come back to Him void .
Actually, not all muslims are entirely honest about the content of their religion. Investigate Tequia. (taquia?)
Thank God my grandparents saw the 'light' years ago. The minute my grandma saw them coming down the street or approaching the front door she would shut the door. Too bad more people didn't decide to do the same thing. She knew they were a bunch of rubbish the minute they opened up their mouth
As a child I can remember back in the '70's when LRH's 'disciples' used to go around door-to-door selling, their book "Dianetics" throughout residential neighborhood's. The minute grandma saw them coming down the street or approaching the front door she'd shut the door. Too bad more people didn't decide to do the same thing.
UA-cam played a Scientology ad to open this; ironic, no?
Umm, because they PAID for it and it’s subversive and deliberate. Hello? Do you get it now?
Right, that one got through. Another post tomorrow.
The clips have been clipped.
+Neil Milliner I don't understand why they post people talking about clips they don't include. It's confusing, irritating, and normally I don't bother trying to decipher, just trying here since I have seen about all there is to see on the subject....
+MsYogaGrrrl fair use for educational purposes
+Robert W We don't have fair use for educational purposes. Unfortunately the BBC's rules are very clear on that.
awe that sucks
no wonder it is hard to get old dr who's that arent already from a pbs station here
Many but it is all BS. Heard of the placebo effect?
the operative word is Totalitarian .
why did we not see the clips. being as they are being referenced?
One question.........WHERE is the SCIENCE in Ziontology?
I'd love to go out for a pint with John Sweeney, bless him
He might be rough around the edges, but he's got guts and brains, and those are enough, :)
ye would wanna clear my calendar for the next day 🍻🍻🍻🍻
Yeah its a cult period