I've just turned vegan and my family was very surprised and they thought I was bonkers. If I told them I was going fully raw and wasn't going to cook anything, I think they would stage an intervention.
They were just concerned for you while loving you and knowing your character enough not to try to reason. You are just like my very disciplined stepfather, who went full keto, and we are concerned he will hey gout from it ^^'
I tried to go raw for a month, and within the 9 days I survived, I ate more than I ever thought I could. 2 hours after my meal, my head was spinning and my stomach had a major symphony going. I spent my day eating, going to the potty, and being hungry; however, my skin cleared up so fast!
Just by going FullyRaw Vegan (Low Fat) for 7 days I got rid of a wart I'd had for over a year! I don't think I've ever done Low Fat Raw properly before, and the results were just been fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration Kristina!
i have been raw for three days and it feels amazing! im so excited to continue a new lifestyle and journey! I never could have done it without your help!
I been thinking about slowly changing my eating habits to vegan. I don't like that banana chick but I like you. I like how you have videos like this. you are very positive and you have such a bright personality.
What a lovely video, and sot spot on. Last summer I did a two week vegan challenge after 20+ years of being a vegetarian. On day three, I was frequently doubling over at work, as my colon decided to cleanse itself. It was neither pleasant nor pretty but I pushed through. I have now been vegan for six months and I have incredible blood work numbers to prove what the plant based diet has done for my body. My energy is through the roof, and my skin is amazingly clear. Rock on Kristina. Keep sharing.
Ive been eating about 50 percent raw for about 4 days now and my skin is breaking out but Im going to eventually go fully raw because I know that in the long run, my skin will IMPROVE
everything gets worse before it's gets better for example would I stop taking a fundamental medicine because it makes me feel like crap for the first few days? because it works now.
I've been vegetarian since I was 12 but only vegan for 18 months or so. I've been thinking about going down the raw vegan route but I've been a bit wary. Now I've found your channel I feel more positive about it and tomorrow is going to be my first raw vegan day. I'm looking forward to the new change!
Hi Kristina! After watching some of your videos I tried eating fully raw for 1 week. I lost 6 lbs during that week, I didn't get bloated once (I normally get bloated after every meal) but I did get migrains that made me have to lay on the couch and I couldn't drive because I was feeling dizzy. I am really wanting to give this lifestyle another try and do it for atleast 1 month. Another thing I want to add...I seriously had no dishes while eating raw! as a mommy of two that was a blessing!
I have been a vegetarian for 8 years, and I was feeling that there was something not working in my diet, I recently read the 80/10/10 book, which makes a lot of sense to me, I am officially making my transition on monday, I'm very excited about it and I love the way you portray the raw world...
What a refreshing, uplifting message! THANK YOU! I've been vegan for awhile, but am new to going fully raw, and your tips/advice is very helpful and wanted. PLUS, you're a very positive person who doesn't feel the need to use foul language to get her message across. I love that! I can watch your videos with my kids in the room, unlike some others I found! Keep it up! I'll keep tuning in!
Thank you so much!! I recently discovered your channel. I am a 2 year vegan and I really want to commit to raw:) I was so inspired by some vegans in my life who are in my AR activist community and I was surprised how positive they are. Going raw will not only benefit your health but I notice some sort of positive energy and vibe raw vegans carry! Although I am doing it for weight reasons, I want to appreciate the natural abundance of fruits and vegetables and really connecting at a spiritual level. It will be a struggle at first, especially going out (when I crave vegan junk foods), and I will be travelling in 2 months>.< I will be persistent. I will continue watching your videos for inspiration:)
Mariya Kuyan Yes genetics have a lot to do with it... but when you eat these wonderful foods for people with genetics of skin problems, they are sure to be cleansed and have better skin. It's all about the hormones, or maybe even about cleansing the skin from germs, which this lifestyle helps you fight off. :)
Thanks for having a very balanced approach to raw veganism. I love that you say, "if you want to incorporate more raw foods or if you're going fully raw...". It's great that you understand people are all on different journeys. :)
Marie Alex Well on a fully raw diet (I believe) that most protein comes from dark green vegetables like Kale. Also nuts and seeds but if you are low fat raw it's mostly the greens. Protein shouldn't really be too much of an issue as long as you are eating a balanced variety of raw foods like Kristina does. Protein isn't actually as big of an issue as people make it out to be most 'standard' eating americans get roughly 30g more than they actually need. All that being said, if you are feeling bad for an extended period of time you may want to do more extensive research from a more reliable source (aka not me :P) I have been vegan for almost a year and am on the journey to eating more raw so although I do a lot of nutritional studies research in my free time I am not a professional :) Hope this helped a little bit
This video came at the perfect time for me. I'm gearing up and stocking up to make the transition next week. Your videos are incredibly helpful and answered many questions I had. There were a couple of points that really spoke to me and have helped eliminate some fears. You're an inspiration and a beautiful example of the possibilities....
It's difficult to become fully raw when you live with your parents and when you live in canada... Fruits and vegetables are not always in season and the cost is very high..:(
Those are excuses! I'm in Toronto and honestly once you give up going out to eat and stop buying meat which is super expensive it's very doable! And why can't you eat raw when you live with your parents? There is always a way if you really want to do it!
kittytat2 Fully raw is not cheap. Here in the US you can spend $400 a month fully raw. Since I am on disability that would be close to half my monthly income. Where as a regular vegan diet can be done cheap. Beans and rice and very cheap and loaded with calories. From what I can tell there is no significant benefit of a fully raw diet over a regular vegan diet. The raw diet movement feels to me more like a cult than a healthy lifestyle. Raw food is good, but it shouldn't be 100% of your diet.
purplemutantas I completely agree with you. Although I am not vegan or raw. I am perfectly healthy with what I eat now, so I am not changing a thing! Also, if you went raw vegan here in Croatia, people would think there is something wrong with you (and so would I). Just not a part of our culture.
Cassandra Lafontaine i completely i agree with you. especially with the fact that your not the one buying the food you eat, and they might not agree with your lifestyle. Try to raise money on your own and choose to eat the fruits and vegetables they buy.
Hello Nancy, I have the very same problem here. Thinking and believing that outside beauty is everything in life (no matter what) made me do awful things to my body, just to have that typical skinny body every girl wants. Now I have been gaining a lot of weight, but looking at Kristina's videos has inspired and motivated me a lot to try a healthy raw diet.
I felt like I was on speed or something the first day I went raw. I had so much energy, I felt like a little kid who ate a candy store (I never crashed, though). It was better the second day. I still have a lot more energy than I used too, but it's a good amount. I also found that instead of getting sick of bananas (I eat 6 a day), I become addicted to them. I never even liked bananas before! You definitely don't get sick of eating the same fruit every day (not that you have to, but I usually do lol). I'm less gassy and bloated, too. Eating raw is awesome!
JaHaddy Jael I was fully raw for about 4 months, then I started eating the occasional cooked meal (kind of like raw til 4). I've been like that for almost 2 years now.
Ahmed.a_94 Scars are an epidermis problem, so no diet could help with that. You should try vitamin E oil or almond oil for old scars. That's what I use (and oil is actually good for your skin). Lemon juice as a toner also helps a lot. Getting rid of store bought moisturizers and face washes has made a HUGE difference in my skin. That said, a vegan diet DOES help clear skin up. I rarely break out anymore, whereas before I used to have moderate acne. Having clearer skin will help prevent new scars from forming. The lemon juice helps even skin tone and fade scars, while oil (I recommend almond oil) as a moisturizer also helps fade scars. A vegan diet and natural skin care routine has given me the clearest skin I've had since I was a kid.
Thanks SO MUCH for all this advice! It's extremely helpful. Tomorrow, I start my true Day 1 of RawVegan for the rest of my life!! I want to make my life a long, healthy, productive and happy one. Thanks so much for helping me get there! You're so inspirational!!
Kristina you are absolutely AMAZING. You have truly inspired me to eat healthier and become more aware of the benefits of going fully raw. I love your energy and your infectiousness of helping people to becoming more healthy. You're the best! Keep up the videos!
I was a vegetarian for a while and I ended up stopping because I got too thin and unhealthy. I really want to try a raw food diet and I think I might, even though I'm scared to do it. You've really inspired me to try it
you need more protein, simply cutting meat out of you diet and just eating veggies will not work for everyone. Cut the meat and substitue it with protein.
THE501to859 Nobody in the west is suffering from protein deficiency - quite the contrary, actually. And I am not getting your point here - are you suggesting that protein is fattening..? Kelsea was concerned over losing weight and you asked her to add on the protein. Johnny above is correct. Going vegetarian (not even raw vegan...) and losing weight without wanting to is simply an effect of eating too little/ too bad food. Learn to cook, broaden your culinairy repertoire.
I am on my 3rd day of going fully raw and the detox was killing me so I am happy to know it may be over now. I almost let it get to me and stop someplace and eat something bad but I am doing this for me and no matter how many times I have been in the bathroom this last 3 days I am not turning back because I already see the improvements in my health. I used to always be sore and my knee always hurt but not anymore and I sleep so much better without all the pain. I dd not know that was a benefit but it is for me.
Loo my detox never ended so I am now about 70% raw. One I added things like grains and eggs I started feeling much better. I still get bad tummy troubles when I try to do complete fruit meals. At least I am eating tons of fruit still
Kristina listening and watching was a joy. Love the fresh lush gardens that surround you too! I have changed my eating habits too this past year. Lost 65 pounds doing so. This week is particularly special, May 13, breast cancer lumpectomy. So I challenge myself this week to eat fully raw until my surgery date. Yesterday I had prepared a bit of white Dover sole. Like you I prepared my brocoli, beets, onions, tofu ahead of time. So when I prepare my meals it takes only minutes, no fuss and simple
I stumbled across your channel a few days ago and this was the first of your videos that I have watched, since then I have been watching more of your videos. I have been wanting to change my lifestyle and my diet for a month or so since I realised I had gained some weight and wasn't feeling my best. I didn't realise that being raw vegan was a way of life, since I started watching your videos a few days ago I have decided to gradually ease myself into being raw vegan, I have stopped eating all the junk food and instead opted for fruits, for the past few days I have eaten one raw meal per day and today have been completely raw and so far not given in to any of my cravings. I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you but I have no support system so changing my lifestyle is going to be a difficult process for me, thank you for your channel is proving to be very inspiring for me x
Another really timely (for me!); articulate, smart & compassionate video - thanks Kristina! Also - the link for the fruit combining is not working now. Do you have a new one? :-)
thank you for this video, I am so inspired. I trust started dieting and exercising to lose weight and I found myself eating more fruits and veggies than meats. So, I thought I should try going fully raw. Your video hit all of my concerns in one thanks. i am more equipped now for this journey. Hugs
I have a few questions, Kristina. 1. Do you ever use carrots? 2. How about dehydrating to prepare for the cold season? What about freezing? 3. What do you think of foods like sweet chestnuts, see-weed, spirulina, sprouts, soaked grains, chia seeds, nutritional yeast, supplement enzymes and salt? 4. What would be the first priority for you: a food processor, juicer or a proper mixer like vitamix? Thx and many Hugs!
I stumbled on your channel today and it's been a huge help. I went from SAD last January to juicing, smoothies and a failed attempt at raw vegan. You have made it so simple though! I'm going to get the book 80 10 10 devour it. I was so tired of all of the dehydrating and nut cheeses and all of the superfood hype. So the holidays came and I put back on 15 of the 30 pounds I lost earlier that year. This year I took up cycling and relost the weight but my diet isn't right. Now I'll fix it this way.
I have realized recently that there are so many health problems that come with eating processed foods. As an athlete I really want to do what's best for my body and I want to eat what can help me perform the best. That's why I have decided to think about going raw vegan. I am already a vegetarian and I'm lactose intolerant so I think I can make this life style change. Thank you!
I am so glad I found your site, you are full of vital information with lots of pointers to succeed in ones goal, most of all, you are mesmerizing, I could stare at you forever, you could recite the phone book and I would tune you in, but, clearly, you are an inspiration to many of us especially me. I have poisoned my body with alcohol, junk food and many other toxins, I have suffered the result, until I found this simple yet committed solution, going Raw. Kristina, THANK YOU!! Sincerely!! You motivate me every day and give me the drive I need to continue, maybe one day I will meet you in person, until then, take care and keep feeding us all this information, bye for now!
Thank you. My whole family and I are trying to go vegan, but didn't know where to start. I want this. I want to be healthy. I am finishing off my bad habits after my next paycheck. I can't wait.
you wont regret it - but high raw is the only way to feel and look really great. amazing. i wish the whole world could know - it would be so much a better world. imagine.
I know but I have just gone fully raw - after a few segues into cooked over the past two years, just trying to fit in, decided I don't so went through the food detox - one or two emotional upheavals go with that but I think it's cathartic - starting to feel better, stronger, more confident in a way unexpected - and calmer.
I was shocked at skin breakout I had when I made the transition 30+ days in. I really hope this is temporary because I never had a skin reaction like this until now.
Nancy, it's understandable how you're feeling. One of the largest challenges facing our planet at this moment is the majority of people on Earth giving up their own power in their lives in the hope that "someone else will fix me." This is not the way the universe prefers to work. It is preferred that we each make our own decisions about how we wish to live. Kristina is a beautiful spirit but so are you (so are we all). You are capable of helping you by simply trusting your heart, not your head.
Why should getting a lot of vitamins and nutrients be bad for anything? Teenagers (and twelve year olds, too ;)) are not babies anymore. Have a go, but make sure to have a guide. :)
I'm not sure if I can help too much. But as someone who was/is addicted to certain bad foods (like most people) trying to go a healthier route, and someone with pretty bad social anxiety all I can say is : "Baby steps", that's really the key to pretty much anything I've found. Just take it one day at a time, and do your best to be consciously aware of your body and state of mind as much as you can during the day (this takes some practice but does wonders), try writing down how/what you feel.
Thank you for this helpful video. I am not 100% raw yet. I still eat one bowl of oatmeal a day it's my comfort food while I transition. I hope to eliminate the oatmeal soon. I love your enthusiasm.
I've been vegan for about 10 years, and am very interested in going raw. Oatmeal has been a huge breakfast staple for me. Would a raw diet eliminate completely or just keep it uncooked? Why/why not?
I do find that raw and living food does take more time to prepare and eat. You can't walk away and do something else while it's cooking on the stove. But when I see things like your eyes changing colour, that's very encouraging and keeps me going. Thank you for the information (eg. it's okay to multi-task when eating that large supper salad) and inspiration Kristina.
Kristina, you really did succeed to inspire me to give raw food another try even though I am living in western Europe and you embody the american stereotype of the juicing lady by the pool amid of the thriving greens of the subtropical climate. Big thank you for sharing all your work and especially for setting a shining post-growth example with your non-profit food-coop!
To anyone on a low fat vegan diet: Have you noticed cellulite increasing or decreasing? Some people on the internet say it's disappeared, some say it got stronger.. I'd really love to hear about some of your experiences.
you only love it because the casein in it makes you addicted.. get educated on cheese and how awful it is and cut it out for 30 days because it takes 30 days to break a habit
Ok, I have to add one more good thing about my experience while going raw! My 1 year old son usually has the worst smelling diapers and bad gas all day...while eating raw (our whole family did it together) his diapers did not have a strong odor...we couldn't even tell he had a poopy diaper! My 1 year old and 2 years old loved eating this way and I can't wait to try it again! thank you for your positive energy and amazing inspiration.
iv went vegan from a high meat bodybuilder diet and my body is kicking off! im still hitting 3000+ cals but im always farting and bloated and feel dizzy! its really anouying its my second attempt at teying vegan diet, i really hope these symptoms go away soon, is there anyone who has gone through this who can help me? i dont no how long i can continue feeling like this its only been about 10days!
+Ryan Jones Try out some lemon water and probiotics to combat the bloating. I've never experienced dizziness so I can't speak on that aspect. But it sounds like you're eating plenty. Perhaps it's part detox? How long has it been since you've given up animal products? Do you eat cooked food as well?
+Jasmina Mujcinovic yeah i agree, changing from such a strong lifestyle to going vegan would be hectic! stick with it, and i reckon it will go away in no time, its just your body flushing out the toxins and cleansing yourself
+Ryan Jones thumbs up for the effort! I have heard - transitioning isn't about elimination, it's about addition of raw foods and then saying 'no' to old animal food habits. But you also can transition drastically and it will be harder depending on your age and physical state. Some say that water-fasting helps the transition, but you have to remember to enter and exit the fasting with a whole day (or more depending on how long your fast is) just on clear fresh pressed juices (clear = not from starchy veggies).
Yes it is! While eating 100% raw gives you maximum health benefits, incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet will still provide you with some great health benefits.
***** Hardly. The Mayo, Harvard, American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association all states that those who follow a vegetarian diet are less likely to be obese, have certain forms of cancer, develop diabetes, have heart disease, and strokes. According to my PhD nutrition professor meat is full of fat and cholesterol whereas plant matter is not. These ingredients are what causes the majority of America's health issues (including heart disease, the leading cause of death). The only two nutrients found in meat are: protein and iron. You can easily find these plant material. There is no reason to eat meat.
Correct! My overall goal is well being, energy and vitality! Just like everyone else. The reason I mentioned the age of my child is because I don't want any change in my milk supply due to a drastic diet change! I've never had a problem with my weight...energy is my quest!
Thank you so much for this video.I am planning to go on a 7 day raw challenge then go on a plant based diet...you have eased my nerves as I am the only one in my household planning to do this...Thank You again you just got a new sub
I´m really feeling like trying fully raw...I´m pretty sure I will soon try to do it for a week to start with and then I´ll see how I feel. I´m really excited, raw meals always make me feel incredible :) Thank you for this video FullyRawKristina ! Much love ♥
Although I don't plan on going fully raw, thanks to your videos I have increased my fruit and veggie intake by 500%. And I plan one fully raw meal a day.
Hey Kristina, love these videos, really helping me with my journey to reverse my diabetes! Although I am not eating RAW, your videos help immensely! Day 15 today and i have been off my diabetes meds for 7days!!!! Check my channel for updates on my journey! Thanks again for your vids, keep em up!
Kristina, you're a true inspiration. You certainly bring the light in ♥ Sorry if you've already covered this (which I'm sure you have cos you one smart laydee) but fruit & it's juices aren't for anyone with health concerns.A good quality low sugar green juice should be standard for everyone really. Celery cucumber base + whatever kind of veg that lives above the ground + leafy greens. For more out of a juice adding the baby plants of sunflowers. Pure majeek. For those of course that aren't
*hands to the left, hands to the right* ok one more time *hands to the left, hands to the right" ok, come on, one more *hands to the left, hands to the right"
Don't make a comment like this, Sierra without a basic understanding. The stomach contains smooth muscle cells which allow long contractions that you need for digestion. This is creates muscle LAYER within the organ, connected by connective tissue. Therefore, the stomach is not a muscle
Thank-you so much Kristina, this video really helped me now how to get started and know what will happen in advance. I'm so excited to become healthy and know that I am doing good for myself! You got a new subscriber! :)
Kristina: I love your videos so keep them coming. Oddly, I went raw and really didn't have any problems doing it. It would be fair to say I was pretty raw to start so it was easy doing it full time. Also, I am not spending bundles of money. I think I spend about 300 dollars a month. Keep us posted Kristina!
I've just turned vegan and my family was very surprised and they thought I was bonkers. If I told them I was going fully raw and wasn't going to cook anything, I think they would stage an intervention.
Darian Amber LOL....I know what u mean. "Intervention"...lol
lol same- but I'm probably going to give it a go anyway
They were just concerned for you while loving you and knowing your character enough not to try to reason. You are just like my very disciplined stepfather, who went full keto, and we are concerned he will hey gout from it ^^'
😂😂😂 exactly I’m with you
Going raw vegan in the summer was the best decision I ever made!
I tried to go raw for a month, and within the 9 days I survived, I ate more than I ever thought I could. 2 hours after my meal, my head was spinning and my stomach had a major symphony going. I spent my day eating, going to the potty, and being hungry; however, my skin cleared up so fast!
Just by going FullyRaw Vegan (Low Fat) for 7 days I got rid of a wart I'd had for over a year! I don't think I've ever done Low Fat Raw properly before, and the results were just been fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration Kristina!
I had a marathon of your videos and I just decided that I'm going raw. I need this I'm my life
like me now
I was vegetarian for 6 months and this is my second year of being a vegan. Thank you so much for this video I plan to go raw soon
You are the perfect balance between professional and conversational. Thank you for your channel. You're changing the world!
Mary M she ( kristina) is such an idiot
I don't understand why there's so much hating going on here. She looks gloriously vibrant!
Jealousy....envy...jealousy envy ...jealousy ...envy
i have been raw for three days and it feels amazing! im so excited to continue a new lifestyle and journey! I never could have done it without your help!
I been thinking about slowly changing my eating habits to vegan. I don't like that banana chick but I like you. I like how you have videos like this. you are very positive and you have such a bright personality.
I'm going raw for a week and then I'll decide whether I can keep up with it or not. I have successfully passed my first day.
Ankita Singh did it work?
Keep it up
Ankita Singh did you lose any weight? Cause I wanna try this lifestyle to lose weight
2 days for me!
What a lovely video, and sot spot on. Last summer I did a two week vegan challenge after 20+ years of being a vegetarian. On day three, I was frequently doubling over at work, as my colon decided to cleanse itself. It was neither pleasant nor pretty but I pushed through. I have now been vegan for six months and I have incredible blood work numbers to prove what the plant based diet has done for my body. My energy is through the roof, and my skin is amazingly clear. Rock on Kristina. Keep sharing.
I am eating a 90% vegan diet, and will work to increase my intake of raw foods! Thank you Kristina!
Ive been eating about 50 percent raw for about 4 days now and my skin is breaking out but Im going to eventually go fully raw because I know that in the long run, my skin will IMPROVE
I heard from somebody it breaks out first, but then gets better...
everything gets worse before it's gets better for example would I stop taking a fundamental medicine because it makes me feel like crap for the first few days? because it works now.
@@connorjensen443 nonsense - it's a sign of detoxing!
I've been vegetarian since I was 12 but only vegan for 18 months or so. I've been thinking about going down the raw vegan route but I've been a bit wary. Now I've found your channel I feel more positive about it and tomorrow is going to be my first raw vegan day. I'm looking forward to the new change!
I have been raw vegan for 5 days now. I feel great!
Hi Kristina! After watching some of your videos I tried eating fully raw for 1 week. I lost 6 lbs during that week, I didn't get bloated once (I normally get bloated after every meal) but I did get migrains that made me have to lay on the couch and I couldn't drive because I was feeling dizzy. I am really wanting to give this lifestyle another try and do it for atleast 1 month. Another thing I want to add...I seriously had no dishes while eating raw! as a mommy of two that was a blessing!
I have been a vegetarian for 8 years, and I was feeling that there was something not working in my diet, I recently read the 80/10/10 book, which makes a lot of sense to me, I am officially making my transition on monday, I'm very excited about it and I love the way you portray the raw world...
What a refreshing, uplifting message! THANK YOU! I've been vegan for awhile, but am new to going fully raw, and your tips/advice is very helpful and wanted. PLUS, you're a very positive person who doesn't feel the need to use foul language to get her message across. I love that! I can watch your videos with my kids in the room, unlike some others I found! Keep it up! I'll keep tuning in!
Thank you so much!! I recently discovered your channel. I am a 2 year vegan and I really want to commit to raw:) I was so inspired by some vegans in my life who are in my AR activist community and I was surprised how positive they are. Going raw will not only benefit your health but I notice some sort of positive energy and vibe raw vegans carry! Although I am doing it for weight reasons, I want to appreciate the natural abundance of fruits and vegetables and really connecting at a spiritual level. It will be a struggle at first, especially going out (when I crave vegan junk foods), and I will be travelling in 2 months>.< I will be persistent. I will continue watching your videos for inspiration:)
Hang in there. My mother wanted to pretty much abandon me for 2 years. Now, she's on board and SO supportive! It takes time. :)
Im so Inspired!!!!!! Im planning on becoming raw vegan
Just like a lot of people make New Years resolution plans?
+Richard W what a rude, negative comment. Keep the negativity to yourself.
Richard W
Has anyone else noticed how vegans have such clear skin? No zits or the spots like so many people have?
i know a bunch of meat eaters who have very beautiful skin.. i really think genetics play the biggest role!
Mariya Kuyan Yes genetics have a lot to do with it... but when you eat these wonderful foods for people with genetics of skin problems, they are sure to be cleansed and have better skin. It's all about the hormones, or maybe even about cleansing the skin from germs, which this lifestyle helps you fight off. :)
Yes because they have way less parasites in their bodies
This made so much sense! On day 2 of going fully raw I got extreme flu like symptoms and was very tired the first few days
Thanks for having a very balanced approach to raw veganism. I love that you say, "if you want to incorporate more raw foods or if you're going fully raw...". It's great that you understand people are all on different journeys. :)
I am having the flu like symptoms.. My feet and body hurt like I have a cold. I am not giving up because I know it is the junk coming out my trunk
Also make sure you are getting enough calories :) Best wishes!!
Katrina A Where do I get my protein?
Marie Alex Are you fully raw?
Yes except today veggie sushi rolls
Marie Alex Well on a fully raw diet (I believe) that most protein comes from dark green vegetables like Kale. Also nuts and seeds but if you are low fat raw it's mostly the greens. Protein shouldn't really be too much of an issue as long as you are eating a balanced variety of raw foods like Kristina does. Protein isn't actually as big of an issue as people make it out to be most 'standard' eating americans get roughly 30g more than they actually need. All that being said, if you are feeling bad for an extended period of time you may want to do more extensive research from a more reliable source (aka not me :P) I have been vegan for almost a year and am on the journey to eating more raw so although I do a lot of nutritional studies research in my free time I am not a professional :) Hope this helped a little bit
This video came at the perfect time for me. I'm gearing up and stocking up to make the transition next week. Your videos are incredibly helpful and answered many questions I had. There were a couple of points that really spoke to me and have helped eliminate some fears. You're an inspiration and a beautiful example of the possibilities....
It's difficult to become fully raw when you live with your parents and when you live in canada... Fruits and vegetables are not always in season and the cost is very high..:(
Those are excuses! I'm in Toronto and honestly once you give up going out to eat and stop buying meat which is super expensive it's very doable! And why can't you eat raw when you live with your parents? There is always a way if you really want to do it!
kittytat2 Fully raw is not cheap. Here in the US you can spend $400 a month fully raw. Since I am on disability that would be close to half my monthly income. Where as a regular vegan diet can be done cheap. Beans and rice and very cheap and loaded with calories. From what I can tell there is no significant benefit of a fully raw diet over a regular vegan diet. The raw diet movement feels to me more like a cult than a healthy lifestyle. Raw food is good, but it shouldn't be 100% of your diet.
purplemutantas says Dr.Purplemutantas,....lol
purplemutantas I completely agree with you. Although I am not vegan or raw. I am perfectly healthy with what I eat now, so I am not changing a thing! Also, if you went raw vegan here in Croatia, people would think there is something wrong with you (and so would I). Just not a part of our culture.
Cassandra Lafontaine i completely i agree with you. especially with the fact that your not the one buying the food you eat, and they might not agree with your lifestyle. Try to raise money on your own and choose to eat the fruits and vegetables they buy.
I'm already vegan you inspire me to go raw. Thank you :)
I can't choose because of my mom she says that I need dairy and fish ! And so says my dietision! Help I wanna go fully raw or just vegean !!
I love the love and messages you spread
Can you share a picture of you before you went raw vegan?
Hello Nancy, I have the very same problem here. Thinking and believing that outside beauty is everything in life (no matter what) made me do awful things to my body, just to have that typical skinny body every girl wants. Now I have been gaining a lot of weight, but looking at Kristina's videos has inspired and motivated me a lot to try a healthy raw diet.
I have been a raw vegan for 4 days today! I feel great!
I felt like I was on speed or something the first day I went raw. I had so much energy, I felt like a little kid who ate a candy store (I never crashed, though). It was better the second day. I still have a lot more energy than I used too, but it's a good amount. I also found that instead of getting sick of bananas (I eat 6 a day), I become addicted to them. I never even liked bananas before! You definitely don't get sick of eating the same fruit every day (not that you have to, but I usually do lol). I'm less gassy and bloated, too. Eating raw is awesome!
How long have u been "raw" for?
JaHaddy Jael I was fully raw for about 4 months, then I started eating the occasional cooked meal (kind of like raw til 4). I've been like that for almost 2 years now.
+chapachuu does going vegan clear up acne marks/scars?
Ahmed.a_94 Scars are an epidermis problem, so no diet could help with that. You should try vitamin E oil or almond oil for old scars. That's what I use (and oil is actually good for your skin). Lemon juice as a toner also helps a lot. Getting rid of store bought moisturizers and face washes has made a HUGE difference in my skin.
That said, a vegan diet DOES help clear skin up. I rarely break out anymore, whereas before I used to have moderate acne. Having clearer skin will help prevent new scars from forming. The lemon juice helps even skin tone and fade scars, while oil (I recommend almond oil) as a moisturizer also helps fade scars. A vegan diet and natural skin care routine has given me the clearest skin I've had since I was a kid.
+chapachuu 👍
Thanks SO MUCH for all this advice! It's extremely helpful.
Tomorrow, I start my true Day 1 of RawVegan for the rest of my life!!
I want to make my life a long, healthy, productive and happy one.
Thanks so much for helping me get there! You're so inspirational!!
Kristina you are absolutely AMAZING. You have truly inspired me to eat healthier and become more aware of the benefits of going fully raw. I love your energy and your infectiousness of helping people to becoming more healthy. You're the best! Keep up the videos!
I have tried being completely raw for a while... i think its a great feat and that's awesome that you are able to do it!!!
I was a vegetarian for a while and I ended up stopping because I got too thin and unhealthy. I really want to try a raw food diet and I think I might, even though I'm scared to do it. You've really inspired me to try it
Then you were not eating enough.
you need more protein, simply cutting meat out of you diet and just eating veggies will not work for everyone. Cut the meat and substitue it with protein.
THE501to859 Nobody in the west is suffering from protein deficiency - quite the contrary, actually. And I am not getting your point here - are you suggesting that protein is fattening..? Kelsea was concerned over losing weight and you asked her to add on the protein.
Johnny above is correct. Going vegetarian (not even raw vegan...) and losing weight without wanting to is simply an effect of eating too little/ too bad food. Learn to cook, broaden your culinairy repertoire.
***** You get some, not plenty.
you are a moron.
I am on my 3rd day of going fully raw and the detox was killing me so I am happy to know it may be over now. I almost let it get to me and stop someplace and eat something bad but I am doing this for me and no matter how many times I have been in the bathroom this last 3 days I am not turning back because I already see the improvements in my health. I used to always be sore and my knee always hurt but not anymore and I sleep so much better without all the pain. I dd not know that was a benefit but it is for me.
Loo my detox never ended so I am now about 70% raw. One I added things like grains and eggs I started feeling much better. I still get bad tummy troubles when I try to do complete fruit meals. At least I am eating tons of fruit still
I'm going to do it, fully raw this week,!!!!
Angie Reyes me too, starting monday!
Angie Reyes How is it going... has it been a challenge? please share your experience.
me every fuiching day
Kristina listening and watching was a joy. Love the fresh lush gardens that surround you too! I have changed my eating habits too this past year. Lost 65 pounds doing so. This week is particularly special, May 13, breast cancer lumpectomy. So I challenge myself this week to eat fully raw until my surgery date. Yesterday I had prepared a bit of white Dover sole. Like you I prepared my brocoli, beets, onions, tofu ahead of time. So when I prepare my meals it takes only minutes, no fuss and simple
Free lee should learn from here
I stumbled across your channel a few days ago and this was the first of your videos that I have watched, since then I have been watching more of your videos. I have been wanting to change my lifestyle and my diet for a month or so since I realised I had gained some weight and wasn't feeling my best. I didn't realise that being raw vegan was a way of life, since I started watching your videos a few days ago I have decided to gradually ease myself into being raw vegan, I have stopped eating all the junk food and instead opted for fruits, for the past few days I have eaten one raw meal per day and today have been completely raw and so far not given in to any of my cravings. I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you but I have no support system so changing my lifestyle is going to be a difficult process for me, thank you for your channel is proving to be very inspiring for me x
Another really timely (for me!); articulate, smart & compassionate video - thanks Kristina! Also - the link for the fruit combining is not working now. Do you have a new one? :-)
Thank you SO much for being here! Sending back all my love and hugs! :)
thank you for this video, I am so inspired. I trust started dieting and exercising to lose weight and I found myself eating more fruits and veggies than meats. So, I thought I should try going fully raw. Your video hit all of my concerns in one thanks. i am more equipped now for this journey. Hugs
I’m just starting, I’m 17 .I’m soooooo excited for this long life journey 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💕💕💕💕💕💕
it made me lose 3 sizes in 1 month
Charleen Hopkins Congratulations 🎊
I have a few questions, Kristina.
1. Do you ever use carrots?
2. How about dehydrating to prepare for the cold season? What about freezing?
3. What do you think of foods like sweet chestnuts, see-weed, spirulina, sprouts, soaked grains, chia seeds, nutritional yeast, supplement enzymes and salt?
4. What would be the first priority for you: a food processor, juicer or a proper mixer like vitamix?
Thx and many Hugs!
I was just wondering if you drink tea because you heat the water up so technically it's not raw but I don't know if I can give up tea
Tea is not a cooked food. I still make my tea. If you want you can make sun tea.
I stumbled on your channel today and it's been a huge help. I went from SAD last January to juicing, smoothies and a failed attempt at raw vegan. You have made it so simple though! I'm going to get the book 80 10 10 devour it. I was so tired of all of the dehydrating and nut cheeses and all of the superfood hype. So the holidays came and I put back on 15 of the 30 pounds I lost earlier that year. This year I took up cycling and relost the weight but my diet isn't right. Now I'll fix it this way.
Your hair is really pretty.
I have realized recently that there are so many health problems that come with eating processed foods. As an athlete I really want to do what's best for my body and I want to eat what can help me perform the best. That's why I have decided to think about going raw vegan. I am already a vegetarian and I'm lactose intolerant so I think I can make this life style change. Thank you!
Great video!
Thanks for posting, Kristina! It's great to get advice from people that have been at this for a long time and are so clearly thriving on raw :)
Kristina, thanks so much for all you do! You've helped me so much on my journey to health. Could you make a video about your exercise routine?
I am so glad I found your site, you are full of vital information with lots of pointers to succeed in ones goal, most of all, you are mesmerizing, I could stare at you forever, you could recite the phone book and I would tune you in, but, clearly, you are an inspiration to many of us especially me. I have poisoned my body with alcohol, junk food and many other toxins, I have suffered the result, until I found this simple yet committed solution, going Raw. Kristina, THANK YOU!! Sincerely!! You motivate me every day and give me the drive I need to continue, maybe one day I will meet you in person, until then, take care and keep feeding us all this information, bye for now!
Thank you. My whole family and I are trying to go vegan, but didn't know where to start. I want this. I want to be healthy. I am finishing off my bad habits after my next paycheck. I can't wait.
you wont regret it - but high raw is the only way to feel and look really great. amazing. i wish the whole world could know - it would be so much a better world. imagine.
It's hard to go full raw when you go out, it kills me when I leave my snack bags and have a small slip up, if,my friends don't have veggies. :{
I know but I have just gone fully raw - after a few segues into cooked over the past two years, just trying to fit in, decided I don't so went through the food detox - one or two emotional upheavals go with that but I think it's cathartic - starting to feel better, stronger, more confident in a way unexpected - and calmer.
Francescka Bronte Yes! That's how I felt. I felt more in tune with things. I am making sure that I don't slip after I go food shopping.
Kristina, I'm 70-75% raw. I've been having recurring really bad rashes that itch and burn. Any suggestions?
I was shocked at skin breakout I had when I made the transition 30+ days in. I really hope this is temporary because I never had a skin reaction like this until now.
Nancy, it's understandable how you're feeling. One of the largest challenges facing our planet at this moment is the majority of people on Earth giving up their own power in their lives in the hope that "someone else will fix me." This is not the way the universe prefers to work. It is preferred that we each make our own decisions about how we wish to live. Kristina is a beautiful spirit but so are you (so are we all). You are capable of helping you by simply trusting your heart, not your head.
would going fully raw at age 12-13 be bad for growing? please answer this i do wanna try going raw! thanks!!
Why should getting a lot of vitamins and nutrients be bad for anything?
Teenagers (and twelve year olds, too ;)) are not babies anymore. Have a go, but make sure to have a guide. :)
I'm not sure if I can help too much. But as someone who was/is addicted to certain bad foods (like most people) trying to go a healthier route, and someone with pretty bad social anxiety all I can say is : "Baby steps", that's really the key to pretty much anything I've found.
Just take it one day at a time, and do your best to be consciously aware of your body and state of mind as much as you can during the day (this takes some practice but does wonders), try writing down how/what you feel.
Thank you for this helpful video. I am not 100% raw yet. I still eat one bowl of oatmeal a day it's my comfort food while I transition. I hope to eliminate the oatmeal soon. I love your enthusiasm.
I've been vegan for about 10 years, and am very interested in going raw. Oatmeal has been a huge breakfast staple for me. Would a raw diet eliminate completely or just keep it uncooked? Why/why not?
Caroline Mills don't eliminate oat meal cause it taste so good
I do find that raw and living food does take more time to prepare and eat. You can't walk away and do something else while it's cooking on the stove. But when I see things like your eyes changing colour, that's very encouraging and keeps me going. Thank you for the information (eg. it's okay to multi-task when eating that large supper salad) and inspiration Kristina.
My question is how do you like all these vegetables ..
Getting used to them
Slowly increasing the amount of them in your diet until your taste buds change :)
Kristina, you really did succeed to inspire me to give raw food another try even though I am living in western Europe and you embody the american stereotype of the juicing lady by the pool amid of the thriving greens of the subtropical climate. Big thank you for sharing all your work and especially for setting a shining post-growth example with your non-profit food-coop!
To anyone on a low fat vegan diet: Have you noticed cellulite increasing or decreasing? Some people on the internet say it's disappeared, some say it got stronger.. I'd really love to hear about some of your experiences.
You are young, beautiful, smart and you have the power of speech. Your videos are great.
We need more fat vegans. feel for them.
I want to do this but I love cheese. How do you say good bye to the foods you really love that are not in your new diet plan?
there's raw cheeses and cashew/nut cheese
Just search " dairy industry truth " watch and never touch cheese again
say hello to nutritional yeast
you only love it because the casein in it makes you addicted.. get educated on cheese and how awful it is and cut it out for 30 days because it takes 30 days to break a habit
+Zoe Harvey thanks Zoe! And thank you everyone for giving your advice
Ok, I have to add one more good thing about my experience while going raw! My 1 year old son usually has the worst smelling diapers and bad gas all day...while eating raw (our whole family did it together) his diapers did not have a strong odor...we couldn't even tell he had a poopy diaper! My 1 year old and 2 years old loved eating this way and I can't wait to try it again! thank you for your positive energy and amazing inspiration.
iv went vegan from a high meat bodybuilder diet and my body is kicking off! im still hitting 3000+ cals but im always farting and bloated and feel dizzy! its really anouying its my second attempt at teying vegan diet, i really hope these symptoms go away soon, is there anyone who has gone through this who can help me? i dont no how long i can continue feeling like this its only been about 10days!
+Ryan Jones Try out some lemon water and probiotics to combat the bloating. I've never experienced dizziness so I can't speak on that aspect. But it sounds like you're eating plenty. Perhaps it's part detox? How long has it been since you've given up animal products? Do you eat cooked food as well?
+Ryan Jones Try ginger pills for dizziness. Google it.
+Jasmina Mujcinovic yeah i agree, changing from such a strong lifestyle to going vegan would be hectic! stick with it, and i reckon it will go away in no time, its just your body flushing out the toxins and cleansing yourself
it takes a while for the body to adjust to all the fiber in your food.
+Ryan Jones thumbs up for the effort! I have heard - transitioning isn't about elimination, it's about addition of raw foods and then saying 'no' to old animal food habits. But you also can transition drastically and it will be harder depending on your age and physical state. Some say that water-fasting helps the transition, but you have to remember to enter and exit the fasting with a whole day (or more depending on how long your fast is) just on clear fresh pressed juices (clear = not from starchy veggies).
Thank you Kristina!!! We love u♥️💯🍉🍇
it helped me so much to lose weight few years ago and recently too
You Motivated me to go Fully Raw. :D I try to make a video a day to talk about it :)
is it ok to eat raw for breakfast and lunch but then eat a 'normal " dinner with my family?
ok thank you
Yes it is! While eating 100% raw gives you maximum health benefits, incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet will still provide you with some great health benefits.
thank you so much!
***** Hardly. The Mayo, Harvard, American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association all states that those who follow a vegetarian diet are less likely to be obese, have certain forms of cancer, develop diabetes, have heart disease, and strokes. According to my PhD nutrition professor meat is full of fat and cholesterol whereas plant matter is not. These ingredients are what causes the majority of America's health issues (including heart disease, the leading cause of death). The only two nutrients found in meat are: protein and iron. You can easily find these plant material. There is no reason to eat meat.
***** Raw till 4, then they eat vegan, but not raw. Not "normal".
I've been vegan for 2 years and I want to go to raw I'm going to start right now! thank you so much for this video!!
she is so inspiring
Correct! My overall goal is well being, energy and vitality! Just like everyone else. The reason I mentioned the age of my child is because I don't want any change in my milk supply due to a drastic diet change! I've never had a problem with my weight...energy is my quest!
woah where does she live? that garden is amazing!!
I know! I was focused on the garden more than what she was saying XD
Texas i believe
Houston, Texas
Wow. This person really went out their way to try to help you and answer a question for you. You should be very thankful for that.
The ad for this video was for milk smh. Product placement! Damn UA-cam
Thank you so much for this video.I am planning to go on a 7 day raw challenge then go on a plant based diet...you have eased my nerves as I am the only one in my household planning to do this...Thank You again you just got a new sub
You sound like Adrienne Bailon
That's what I also thought when I first heard her 😅
I love the way Kristina uses her hands in this video!!
I don't think you're wearing enough bracelets.
I´m really feeling like trying fully raw...I´m pretty sure I will soon try to do it for a week to start with and then I´ll see how I feel. I´m really excited, raw meals always make me feel incredible :) Thank you for this video FullyRawKristina ! Much love ♥
Do you feed your dog a vegan diet? Doggies love blueberries!
Although I don't plan on going fully raw, thanks to your videos I have increased my fruit and veggie intake by 500%. And I plan one fully raw meal a day.
Hey Kristina, love these videos, really helping me with my journey to reverse my diabetes! Although I am not eating RAW, your videos help immensely! Day 15 today and i have been off my diabetes meds for 7days!!!! Check my channel for updates on my journey! Thanks again for your vids, keep em up!
Kristina, you're a true inspiration. You certainly bring the light in ♥
Sorry if you've already covered this (which I'm sure you have cos you one smart laydee) but fruit & it's juices aren't for anyone with health concerns.A good quality low sugar green juice should be standard for everyone really. Celery cucumber base + whatever kind of veg that lives above the ground + leafy greens. For more out of a juice adding the baby plants of sunflowers. Pure majeek. For those of course that aren't
*hands to the left, hands to the right*
ok one more time
*hands to the left, hands to the right"
ok, come on, one more
*hands to the left, hands to the right"
Day 7 ! Stocked my fridge with lots of fruits and veggies today :-) ready for week 2
great! thank you! but the stomach is an organ, not a muscle
This made me face palm...
Ellen Angus its an organ completely covered in muscles.
yes it is, exactly. It is a muscular organ not a muscle, there is an important difference
Don't make a comment like this, Sierra without a basic understanding. The stomach contains smooth muscle cells which allow long contractions that you need for digestion. This is creates muscle LAYER within the organ, connected by connective tissue. Therefore, the stomach is not a muscle
So cool that your background music is the "First Train Home" instrumental from Imogen Heap!! Love love love her!
Do I also become extremely attractive?
Thomas Gill becoming raw vegan, can make your skin glow,loose weight and change eye color
Birty Catapilla really?
Change eye color? Like from what to what? Or just shades (blue to teal or something)? I like my brown eyes. :)
Thank-you so much Kristina, this video really helped me now how to get started and know what will happen in advance. I'm so excited to become healthy and know that I am doing good for myself! You got a new subscriber! :)
idk how I got here but I would never give up meat I Love my bacon and burgers to much. props to anyone who can do it.
Kristina: I love your videos so keep them coming. Oddly, I went raw and really didn't have any problems doing it. It would be fair to say I was pretty raw to start so it was easy doing it full time. Also, I am not spending bundles of money. I think I spend about 300 dollars a month. Keep us posted Kristina!