"Yes, sir. No, sir." He was so polite, listened carefully, and didn't take anything you said as a personal attack. He was absolutely there to learn from you. Just awesome! Thank you for the free lesson, Erik, and good luck with your shooting, Remington!
"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you." Zig Ziglar. And the reward is that you have new tools to help you get better. This was a joy to watch and I learned too. Thanks!
This is the first time I have ever heard of you or your channel. The fact that you took a significant amount of time to grant the wish of a spouse giving a gift to their partner is commendable to say the least. To say nothing of the actual instruction and expertise. Thank you for posting this, it is a great example of being a good person.
Erik, you should do a few follow up videos getting him ready to shoot a local/one day prs match. And then a match video. It would make a great series. As I'm sure you know, instructing/mentoring is very rewarding. I wish I had filmed the fellow and our journey bringing him from a novice to where he finished in our PRS regional matches this year.
A few easy things for everybody to do: DONT skip the basics, slow down and don't shoot until your ready and repeatability! This is what I learned and that has nothing to do with the type of riffle, the brand of riffle or your skill level! Good information!!
I think you learn more in a video buy teaching someone who is also learning as to someone just explaining his own methods and missing stuff. This was one of the most educational entertaining videos in a long time.
Call my gf, my birthday is on the 11th... I really need help getting my rifle out to long distance..... thanks for giving back to a younger and up and coming shooters...much respect
I was this young guy, even though I’m old enough to be his dad! A friend of mine named Todd Baker walked me down this path at a 600 yard range! I shot my stuff, then his! We weren’t even on the same planet! Todd’s equipment was amazing, but it was his teaching that was most amazing! This one on one teaching is the bomb. Don’t know if you(Eric) felt like you were wasting your time when you easily could have been doing something else, but brother this is what new longe range shooters need! You can’t even put a price on it! Even if the young man picked up on only 1/4 of the critiques you gave, he is a richer young man now for sure😇
You can see @14:28 there are some deep marring spots outlining where he used to have the rings. never a good thing. I've never seen any rings that I have used recommend over 20"lbs. I've seen rings break at 18"lbs, and had my buddy's cantilever mount from PA strip the bolt before getting close to their recommended torque on the cross screw. Personally I go 20/30"lbs on cross screws and no more than 18"lbs on rings. That and a dab of blue thread locker, never had an issue.
In all honesty I think I like his rifle a lot more than Eric’s. He seems like a really cool dude, I do really appreciate Eric’s hospitality, taking in a viewer and teaching hands on. I had previously purchased a full thermal hog hitting kit, expecting to hunt in Texas. So I emailed a UA-cam hunter and asked him nicely if he would care to take me out for a night of hog hunting. And all he did was ghost me. I still watch him anyways but I’m still bummed
You teach the same way, I do.... different hobby, Throw away the crap (gadgets), learn the basics, let them learn by doing and gaining confidence... and the math is never wrong...AWESOME VIDEO!!!!!
When he stacked those shots at 556 on the ram you could tell he reached a personal goal. These moments are the ones that matter.... and make great UA-cam videos.
I usually avoid watching videos this long, and this time I enjoyed watching Remington learn the art of long range shooting and I learned one or two things bout how to make a better shot. Thanks
Thanks for posting this and and thanks to Remington’s wife for initiating this because I learned a lot about the basics that I was missing. Thanks also for pointing out the ballistic app.
I was impressed with Remington's speed with target acquisition with accuracy having never shot over 400 yards before. Looked like a good time for both of you. You are an outstanding mentor Erik. :D
Remington is the envy of a lot of people right now. I very much appreciate the patience you had teaching someone starting out in long range when you are at the top of your game. You were curt but authentic in your teachings. I learned a few things today from this video. Thank you
First off Thanks. Being a coach is full of interesting challenges. One being able to deal with A B C type personalities. Remington fits the B type. One can Look these up if you don't know the difference. Erik uses good judgement on his calls to help Remington. A good coach will always use the KISS method on equipment setup and use a shot sequence. He or she will will also help you learn to coach yourself . Last a good coach will never teach you what your doing wrong. Just a proper shot. Great Job Erik
@@wilfdarr Correct. That why in apprenticeships you don't spend you time with one journeyman. But a good coach will find help for his student and not just take your money
Balancing the coin took me way back to M-16 BRM training on Fort Sill, that's a great way to dry fire practice at all levels. Great video as always Erik!
Oh boy now you started something nice, what a champ, more time spent shooting makes you a better shooter, as long as you have good equipment and good fundamentals, what a great teacher, good luck 308 guy.
Thanks for you taking your time to help someone. Especially as busy as you are. It’s good that you could help him. You are good Man for helping this guy.
I love it. Once again showing just how humble you are and how you always help other shooters. But yeah, you definitely opened a can of worms for people wanting classes LOL.
This guy is so down to earth and humble. Made me feel bad when he was ragged on. I like people like him that drops the ego with a open mind to learn. You don't meet many people like that in the shooting community.
I’m glad you were able to do that for Remington Erik. He learned a lot in a little bit and I hope he was able to retain that knowledge.....if I was him, I’d be on forums reading and researching a bunch or at least contact you for any questions he may have. First thing is how to role quality ammo and load development for those shots, second would be to at least get a weather meter for wind and then third, trigger time, he seemed uncomfortable although I’d say I would be too if I had to shoot around you Erik!! Great job!
This is probably the most useful video out. Can talk reloads and micro measure all day. But if you can’t shoot. Don’t matter how accurate your loads are. Once again massive respect here. Very good this
Very sweet gesture indeed Erik, also Remington was such a great guy so here is hoping Remington enjoys his shooting even more now after having such a great day with you Erik, well done indeed.
This is one of your best videos yet. The information, knowledge and validation (When he shot and hit the Ram first round impact) you gave him will stay with him for ever. We all could use a hands on instruction like this. GREAT JOB ERIK
Now nobody else needs to ask you for a one on one lesson with you. You covered a lot for me to take at least. Thanks for doing this Erik and all the other content that you take time to share with us. You’re a good man! Best of luck Remington😂👍🏻
By far the most bad a** video I’ve watched in a long time!! Thank you Erik for taking the time from your family, your job, and your time. A lot of us viewers pick up on all the small details, equipment aside, fundamentals can help all of us. Thank you for helping to educate all of us. I can’t wait for your next video!
You did a good thing. I think one of the problems we have with our sport is that sometimes we get too caught up in 'winning' and lose sight of bringing our sport forward by getting more young people involved to take our place when we have to pack it in. I have seen it first hand in Canada, and now that I am here in the UK I see the same problem. Good Luck and Good Shooting. Ps. If you ever get the chance come over to Bisley for a little shooting holiday. World's best tend to show up. Sometimes American teams show up. Lots of F Class. Look up Match Rifle if you want to try something unique. You shoot 1,000 at 8:30, 1,100 at 9:30, then 1,200 after lunch. Very civilized and you will meet the nicest people you have ever been with. Only a couple of rules. 308 Winchester, any sight, any position, 6.5 pound max barrel weight, rest allowed but hand must support rifle, no rear support. You shoot at the standard UK NRA 1,000 yard target face. Some matches no sighting shots allowed. There are high school students shooting along side billionaires. It is a beautiful discipline dating back to the 1800's. Try it if you get the chance. My wife can clean 1,000 and 1,100 on a regular basis but struggles at 1,200. No doubt it is my load. Look up Supine position, which is the proper position for women to shoot in wearing a skirt or dress. You hold the rifle with a cord which you bight on with your teeth while you lie on your back. Most stable for long range precision shooting.
@@markmtbrider Ya I've heard Ray say in his video you have to have Strelok installed and know how to use it before showing up to the course. I'm not sure if he means just the free one or the $7 or the $14 though.
I believe whomever saw this video REALLY APPRECIATES what Erik was teaching ... and we LEARNED along with Remington. I felt I was there with you guys....taking notes! LOL Thank you for the lesson....PRICELESS
That is truly amazing Erik, that’s how I got started was someone taking the time just to show me the basics, I appreciate what you just did and I know for a fact Remington will be a better shooter because of it. Guys like you are what make the shooting community great, PRS guys are about as good as they come and I guess I can say the same for BR guys now
as a new prs style shooter this is the best video. This just proves again that Mr Cortina is just like other shooter ive dealt with, will teach you, help you and then let you run their gear. I really enjoy long range shooting and the people.
That was great to watch, tear 'em down and build 'em up. Between the wind and wet and the equipt tuneup and the chrono and app lessons, enough hits to keep him interested, and watching you troubleshoot your issue when missing at 1000--- he learned a lot, the right way. Next question---How did you enjoy what transpired?
Student was attentive and respectful. Definitely got educated on difference between "tacticool" gear and practical necessity equipment. Good job by both parties.
Thanks Erik, for bringing us along. That was awesome. Coin on the barrel... I didnt think anyone still did that. Brings back some old memories. Awesome video, you should do more.
I enjoyed this so much. When you let him shoot yours I got chills. I've been following you for awhile & I know the attention to detail. This gave me the itch to get on the trigger again.
Hey Eric! just stumbled across you here! hope all is well with you & your family/company! man i sure miss those barndo vids brother! you are the master barndominium builder!
Refreshing to see such a respectful demeanor and enthusiastic attentive focus payed to the instructor by the student. Nowadays it's getting rarer than it should be, and I just wish this was the norm, and not the exception. Great video with a lot of practical knowledge straight from an OG.
I'm learning a ton from you without even being there. I was having case headspace inconsistent with my .223 wildcat round, with variations up to +/- .0015. Following your lead, I bought an annealer and reset my dies and now I'm hitting my case headspace target =/-.0005--consistently! Between you and F-Class John, I am really getting schooled. I don't a 1000-yard range available, or even 400 yards, but I'm determined to get the best out of my rifle at 200 yards. One hole!
Watching the teacher teach a student seemed to show me more than just the teacher showing how to do it. Seeing how unrefined a students skills are and the teacher identifying those areas and how to improve or correct, is almost like what you would get from a course in person. Also the student learning to use those skills in an outdoor environment with real time changes in wind shows how much the average person can improve with the right equipment setup. Of course knowing what your ammo is would have helped.
"We'll saw it off if we have too." lol *Priceless* I absolutely agree. You'll never shoot well if you can't stabilize yourself SOLIDLY. Thank you Erik for doing this for Remington and for all of us who also want to learn from you, just as Remington is. Remington, hats off to you bro! You're the bravest man I know bro for willing to do this so publicly here in the UA-cam land of trolls. Great job Brother! #Respect I know I'm learning from this episode too. Thank you both!
That was very good of you to help this shooter. It's also helping others too. Enjoyed the show and the information you have provided to the all who are watching your instructions.
His Christmas present ended up being a present for all of us. You have a true talent for teaching. Please take time to show more of these if you end up teaching others. Not everyone has the ability to effectively communicate what needs to be done, but you sir have teaching down to where it makes learning fun.
Wow Eric! First, good on you for fulfilling the Christmas wishes of a young wife to her beau. Remington was a respectful young man which, is lacking in today"s world. Talking about going above and beyond. Second, as a reloading gun guy, I sure learned A LOT as I do with all of your videos. You substantiate much of what I have learned through all of my trials and errors and obviously, learn through your experiences as you teach them. This is priceless info that you are offering to us for free. As Gomer Pyle (old tv show) has said many times, Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya.
That was flat frickin cool.. I think once he gets the load setup correctly, it's on like donkey kong. Kudos for spending time with him.. I think you need to follow up with him, I see some respect in his personality and manners..
Eric, you remind me of Army range trainers, range officers back in the day. You were kind of a hard ass, in a good way. Called it like you see it. Didn't let him "yes" you . End of the day he'll be better for it. Good job Erik .
Great video. Good instructions and I'm sure Remington will be hitting 1100 yds. and beyond in the near future. Nice to see a polite young man like that.
Once again thank you for sharing your knowledge not just for Remington but for all of us. I’m 64 and didn’t start shooting F-Class until 2 years ago. Kind of a late start but I’ve been able to fast track thanks to you and others willing to share your knowledge on public forums on shooting and reloading. A personal mentor would have been great but not always available. I hope to be “High Master” in FTR MRP once the NRA catches up. I’d hate to think where I’d be without folks like you!
Erik, I really enjoyed this video. You’re not only teaching your student but helping us out as well. Remington was very humble throughout this video. I would certainly enjoy more of these videos. Thank you sir.
Everything about this was great. Remington had a wonderful attitude but it was also nice that you never belittled him. Many of us don't have a live resource, and we are at the mercy of the internet basically. It's great to see explanation behind the suggestions too. Thank you Eric!
I am always learning. Anybody that says they are not is mistaken. I picked up several points I will use to become better. That is what I like about you and Matt. Yall strive for constant improvement. I wish I could meet both of you. Please do more videos like this one. Be safe.
Very nice of you, Erik. I love the Vid very much. Not to insta-shiny, very human. You treated him with respect but gave him direct feedback/coaching. He took it and his confidence „exploded“ - Pretty cool to see. I keep watching your vids because they are very informative and I like your style. All the best, Erik!
awesome video mr. Cortina; truly enjoy seeing folks being introduced to the shooting sports- and enjoy the safety first displayed and your candor and insight! I want get my 308 out now!
This is nothing less than AWESOME for you teaching this guy. I know he paid you but still. It's awesome that you're willing to teach. Erik, You are my new favorite long range shooter.
I just discovered this channel i learned of this gentleman through the demo ranch HQ build as im sure alot of people did but I didn't know he was a shooting enthusiasts and now all I can think of is a colab with demo matt and you can show him a thing or e about distance shooting!! Im now subscribed and can't wait to check out more videos
We all start somewhere and we all understand we never quit learning . So thank you so much you taught us all something about shooting and you confirm that being a good person is as important as every other skill we learn in life.
Erik Cortina - Pro Shooter perfect attitude, I agree. But and only but, if we have to lose and we lose to our student, did we really lose? We all strive to beat our teacher or master so we can one day make them proud.
Just found your channel via Matt Risinger. Thank you for taking the time to help a newer young shooter (in this case Remington) as well as all of us who can learn virtually via your UA-cam channel. If you are ever in the UK you should pop up to Wales to visit Andrew Venables at his WMS, which is probably the best long range civilian training facility in the UK.
Time with a pro is invaluable but I think this dude could shoot already. I think you gave him confidence and showed him a better way to get it done. I think we all learned a thing or three too.
great video, Mr. Cortina. It was awesome seeing him learn & get excited about getting results. hope to see more of these. very generous of you to give up your time & resources.
Thank you! Remington, you are an excellent student and put constructive criticism to use very well. Erik, I’m sure that was all just simple basics to you, but coming from someone who is self taught and never had anyone to show me right or wrong technique, you made it very easy to self improve. You don’t know what you don’t know until you find it or someone tells you. Thank you for sharing!
Remington is the most respectful human and I appreciate his humble.
Great young man.
"Yes, sir. No, sir."
He was so polite, listened carefully, and didn't take anything you said as a personal attack. He was absolutely there to learn from you. Just awesome!
Thank you for the free lesson, Erik, and good luck with your shooting, Remington!
The fan was a great shooter! Paid attention, and learned from the coaching. Shot pretty well too!
Don’t see this much anymore, kind of refreshing.
Remington came off as a humble individual with a willingness to learn, this was a joy to watch.
He had a great attitude for sure, I bet he soaked up so much information that day
More people need to have rems aspect in life
Learning to shoot
You made a man very happy. And we all learned from the process.
"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you." Zig Ziglar. And the reward is that you have new tools to help you get better. This was a joy to watch and I learned too. Thanks!
Coolest video you have ever made. Just letting him shoot your rifle was. Wow!!! You gave him lots of confidence. Eric Bravo!
The guy clearly needs a little work on his reloads, but Erik dialed him in.
Good work man!
Nice job of helping a fellow shooter do better.
I was also impressed with how courteous the young man was. Always called you sir.
Agree Marc! And Remmy’s wife! Remmy you have a keeper!!!!
@@donaldanderson4139 didn’t look to young
@@donaldanderson4139 Yes Sir he did
You’re teaching us for free already! Much appreciated!
yes he certainly is
I really enjoyed this video. I thank Erik and all this like him that devote their time and skills to keeping our firearm heritage alive!
I think Remington has his hands full trying to top his wife’s gift in return this year. That was a awesome gift!!! Eric is such a great guy!!!!!
Reminton wife wants a night out with Demo
Kudo’s to you Eric! - Remington will never forget the day, a dream a lot of us have!
Grt vid
This is the first time I have ever heard of you or your channel. The fact that you took a significant amount of time to grant the wish of a spouse giving a gift to their partner is commendable to say the least. To say nothing of the actual instruction and expertise. Thank you for posting this, it is a great example of being a good person.
Erik, you should do a few follow up videos getting him ready to shoot a local/one day prs match. And then a match video. It would make a great series. As I'm sure you know, instructing/mentoring is very rewarding. I wish I had filmed the fellow and our journey bringing him from a novice to where he finished in our PRS regional matches this year.
I do not think he would mind that at all!!!
Yes, we need a follow up!! He’s been practicing for the last year!!
Thank you so much again Erik Cortina! Remington had a great time!!!! He is right though..... I don't know how I am going to top this next year!!!!
Very cool video! Hats off to the student also, very respectful, yes sir no sir!
A few easy things for everybody to do: DONT skip the basics, slow down and don't shoot until your ready and repeatability! This is what I learned and that has nothing to do with the type of riffle, the brand of riffle or your skill level! Good information!!
I think you learn more in a video buy teaching someone who is also learning as to someone just explaining his own methods and missing stuff. This was one of the most educational entertaining videos in a long time.
Praat jy
Awesome brotha you are a true patriot in the shooting community.
Thanks Erik for helping the man out. It looks like he will be building on what he learned from you.
Remington's wife is going to call Demo next on how to paint his truck gold 🤣🤣
Call my gf, my birthday is on the 11th...
I really need help getting my rifle out to long distance.....
thanks for giving back to a younger and up and coming shooters...much respect
I was this young guy, even though I’m old enough to be his dad! A friend of mine named Todd Baker walked me down this path at a 600 yard range! I shot my stuff, then his! We weren’t even on the same planet! Todd’s equipment was amazing, but it was his teaching that was most amazing! This one on one teaching is the bomb. Don’t know if you(Eric) felt like you were wasting your time when you easily could have been doing something else, but brother this is what new longe range shooters need! You can’t even put a price on it! Even if the young man picked up on only 1/4 of the critiques you gave, he is a richer young man now for sure😇
Vortex recommends 18 in lbs on scope rings. Dime/Washer drill. Nice bringing me back to my Drill Sergeant days
Ya I thought 40 sounded high.
You can see @14:28 there are some deep marring spots outlining where he used to have the rings. never a good thing. I've never seen any rings that I have used recommend over 20"lbs. I've seen rings break at 18"lbs, and had my buddy's cantilever mount from PA strip the bolt before getting close to their recommended torque on the cross screw. Personally I go 20/30"lbs on cross screws and no more than 18"lbs on rings. That and a dab of blue thread locker, never had an issue.
The torque specs might be why he wasnt getting on target consistently right?
Yea I think he confused the ring torque with the torque specs for the base.
I usually do 18"lbs with a drop of blueloctite. It will essentially be about 20 when dried. I have had a factory rails work loose. 😒
Remington is a good and polite dude. Good for him for getting out there, learning, and applying. Great vid.
In all honesty I think I like his rifle a lot more than Eric’s. He seems like a really cool dude, I do really appreciate Eric’s hospitality, taking in a viewer and teaching hands on. I had previously purchased a full thermal hog hitting kit, expecting to hunt in Texas. So I emailed a UA-cam hunter and asked him nicely if he would care to take me out for a night of hog hunting. And all he did was ghost me. I still watch him anyways but I’m still bummed
I appreciate Remington's attitude and willingness to learn without making excuses. I have no doubt that he is capable of being a great shooter.
No doubt once he gets his gear dialed
You teach the same way, I do.... different hobby, Throw away the crap (gadgets), learn the basics, let them learn by doing and gaining confidence... and the math is never wrong...AWESOME VIDEO!!!!!
Thanks for letting us ride “fly on the wall” on this one. Clarified a lot of things I've been reading lately.
When he stacked those shots at 556 on the ram you could tell he reached a personal goal. These moments are the ones that matter.... and make great UA-cam videos.
I usually avoid watching videos this long, and this time I enjoyed watching Remington learn the art of long range shooting and I learned one or two things bout how to make a better shot. Thanks
Thanks for posting this and and thanks to Remington’s wife for initiating this because I learned a lot about the basics that I was missing. Thanks also for pointing out the ballistic app.
I was impressed with Remington's speed with target acquisition with accuracy having never shot over 400 yards before. Looked like a good time for both of you. You are an outstanding mentor Erik. :D
Remington is the envy of a lot of people right now. I very much appreciate the patience you had teaching someone starting out in long range when you are at the top of your game. You were curt but authentic in your teachings. I learned a few things today from this video. Thank you
First off Thanks. Being a coach is full of interesting challenges. One being able to deal with A B C type personalities. Remington fits the B type. One can Look these up if you don't know the difference. Erik uses good judgement on his calls to help Remington. A good coach will always use the KISS method on equipment setup and use a shot sequence. He or she will will also help you learn to coach yourself . Last a good coach will never teach you what your doing wrong. Just a proper shot. Great Job Erik
Yup. And not all coaches are a good fit with all students/athletes. Doesn't make you a bad coach just because you didn't jive with your first student.
@@wilfdarr Correct. That why in apprenticeships you don't spend you time with one journeyman. But a good coach will find help for his student and not just take your money
Balancing the coin took me way back to M-16 BRM training on Fort Sill, that's a great way to dry fire practice at all levels. Great video as always Erik!
Oh boy now you started something nice, what a champ, more time spent shooting makes you a better shooter, as long as you have good equipment and good fundamentals, what a great teacher, good luck 308 guy.
Thanks for you taking your time to help someone. Especially as busy as you are. It’s good that you could help him. You are good Man for helping this guy.
Come to Alaska and teach a class and do a caribou or moose hunt at the same time ....just sayin. Thanks for sharing
I love it. Once again showing just how humble you are and how you always help other shooters. But yeah, you definitely opened a can of worms for people wanting classes LOL.
This guy is so down to earth and humble. Made me feel bad when he was ragged on. I like people like him that drops the ego with a open mind to learn. You don't meet many people like that in the shooting community.
That was Awsome to see you help a feller out with some tried and true knowledge.
I’m glad you were able to do that for Remington Erik. He learned a lot in a little bit and I hope he was able to retain that knowledge.....if I was him, I’d be on forums reading and researching a bunch or at least contact you for any questions he may have. First thing is how to role quality ammo and load development for those shots, second would be to at least get a weather meter for wind and then third, trigger time, he seemed uncomfortable although I’d say I would be too if I had to shoot around you Erik!! Great job!
This is probably the most useful video out. Can talk reloads and micro measure all day. But if you can’t shoot. Don’t matter how accurate your loads are. Once again massive respect here. Very good this
Very sweet gesture indeed Erik, also Remington was such a great guy so here is hoping Remington enjoys his shooting even more now after having such a great day with you Erik, well done indeed.
It’s truly a pleasure seeing two folks get together and work together. Good on both of you.
This is one of your best videos yet. The information, knowledge and validation (When he shot and hit the Ram first round impact) you gave him will stay with him for ever. We all could use a hands on instruction like this. GREAT JOB ERIK
Now nobody else needs to ask you for a one on one lesson with you. You covered a lot for me to take at least. Thanks for doing this Erik and all the other content that you take time to share with us. You’re a good man! Best of luck Remington😂👍🏻
By far the most bad a** video I’ve watched in a long time!! Thank you Erik for taking the time from your family, your job, and your time. A lot of us viewers pick up on all the small details, equipment aside, fundamentals can help all of us. Thank you for helping to educate all of us. I can’t wait for your next video!
You did a good thing. I think one of the problems we have with our sport is that sometimes we get too caught up in 'winning' and lose sight of bringing our sport forward by getting more young people involved to take our place when we have to pack it in. I have seen it first hand in Canada, and now that I am here in the UK I see the same problem. Good Luck and Good Shooting. Ps. If you ever get the chance come over to Bisley for a little shooting holiday. World's best tend to show up. Sometimes American teams show up. Lots of F Class. Look up Match Rifle if you want to try something unique. You shoot 1,000 at 8:30, 1,100 at 9:30, then 1,200 after lunch. Very civilized and you will meet the nicest people you have ever been with. Only a couple of rules. 308 Winchester, any sight, any position, 6.5 pound max barrel weight, rest allowed but hand must support rifle, no rear support. You shoot at the standard UK NRA 1,000 yard target face. Some matches no sighting shots allowed. There are high school students shooting along side billionaires. It is a beautiful discipline dating back to the 1800's. Try it if you get the chance. My wife can clean 1,000 and 1,100 on a regular basis but struggles at 1,200. No doubt it is my load. Look up Supine position, which is the proper position for women to shoot in wearing a skirt or dress. You hold the rifle with a cord which you bight on with your teeth while you lie on your back. Most stable for long range precision shooting.
This was a nice thing to do. Shows the kind of guy you are. I would love to get your coaching but we are in PA. A bit far to come.
Ray from the X-ring puts on seminars out east, NC IIRC: a bit of a drive from PA but doable I'd wager. Certainly a short hop on an airplane.
@@wilfdarr I am from Ohio, that might be do able. Ray like strelok pro ballistics? I might give the geo stuff a go.
@@markmtbrider Ya I've heard Ray say in his video you have to have Strelok installed and know how to use it before showing up to the course. I'm not sure if he means just the free one or the $7 or the $14 though.
Fantastic video! Spot On!
I must say, at 65 I learned several things.
I believe whomever saw this video REALLY APPRECIATES what Erik was teaching ... and we LEARNED along with Remington. I felt I was there with you guys....taking notes! LOL Thank you for the lesson....PRICELESS
That is truly amazing Erik, that’s how I got started was someone taking the time just to show me the basics, I appreciate what you just did and I know for a fact Remington will be a better shooter because of it. Guys like you are what make the shooting community great, PRS guys are about as good as they come and I guess I can say the same for BR guys now
as a new prs style shooter this is the best video. This just proves again that Mr Cortina is just like other shooter ive dealt with, will teach you, help you and then let you run their gear. I really enjoy long range shooting and the people.
That was great to watch, tear 'em down and build 'em up. Between the wind and wet and the equipt tuneup and the chrono and app lessons, enough hits to keep him interested, and watching you troubleshoot your issue when missing at 1000--- he learned a lot, the right way. Next question---How did you enjoy what transpired?
Erik you are great man, really. For this guy it must be one of favorites day in his life.
Prob Redding
Student was attentive and respectful. Definitely got educated on difference between "tacticool" gear and practical necessity equipment. Good job by both parties.
I'm impressed with him for listening so well and his wife for getting this kind of time with you.
Love the honesty, telling it like you see it. Unfiltered is rare in 2A community.
Thanks Erik, for bringing us along. That was awesome. Coin on the barrel... I didnt think anyone still did that. Brings back some old memories. Awesome video, you should do more.
I enjoyed this so much. When you let him shoot yours I got chills. I've been following you for awhile & I know the attention to detail. This gave me the itch to get on the trigger again.
A FANTASTIC video. Totally real! Not everyone can shadow a skilled shooter, but simple pointers can help everyone.
Hey Eric! just stumbled across you here! hope all is well with you & your family/company! man i sure miss those barndo vids brother! you are the master barndominium builder!
Thank you. :)
Refreshing to see such a respectful demeanor and enthusiastic attentive focus payed to the instructor by the student. Nowadays it's getting rarer than it should be, and I just wish this was the norm, and not the exception. Great video with a lot of practical knowledge straight from an OG.
I'm learning a ton from you without even being there. I was having case headspace inconsistent with my .223 wildcat round, with variations up to +/- .0015. Following your lead, I bought an annealer and reset my dies and now I'm hitting my case headspace target =/-.0005--consistently! Between you and F-Class John, I am really getting schooled. I don't a 1000-yard range available, or even 400 yards, but I'm determined to get the best out of my rifle at 200 yards. One hole!
I learned not only what but why.
That is a good teacher.
This is very nice that you did this Eric. It shows it meant a lot to him. Good job.
Thank you kindly
Watching the teacher teach a student seemed to show me more than just the teacher showing how to do it. Seeing how unrefined a students skills are and the teacher identifying those areas and how to improve or correct, is almost like what you would get from a course in person. Also the student learning to use those skills in an outdoor environment with real time changes in wind shows how much the average person can improve with the right equipment setup. Of course knowing what your ammo is would have helped.
"We'll saw it off if we have too." lol *Priceless* I absolutely agree. You'll never shoot well if you can't stabilize yourself SOLIDLY. Thank you Erik for doing this for Remington and for all of us who also want to learn from you, just as Remington is. Remington, hats off to you bro! You're the bravest man I know bro for willing to do this so publicly here in the UA-cam land of trolls. Great job Brother! #Respect I know I'm learning from this episode too. Thank you both!
Well done Eric. The young man has the basics now he will run will it.
That was very good of you to help this shooter. It's also helping others too.
Enjoyed the show and the information you have provided to the all who are watching your instructions.
Erik, you knocked it out of the park again! Outstanding! Remington is a fast learner, but then again, you are always an effective teacher!
His Christmas present ended up being a present for all of us. You have a true talent for teaching. Please take time to show more of these if you end up teaching others. Not everyone has the ability to effectively communicate what needs to be done, but you sir have teaching down to where it makes learning fun.
Wow Eric! First, good on you for fulfilling the Christmas wishes of a young wife to her beau. Remington was a respectful young man which, is lacking in today"s world. Talking about going above and beyond. Second, as a reloading gun guy, I sure learned A LOT as I do with all of your videos. You substantiate much of what I have learned through all of my trials and errors and obviously, learn through your experiences as you teach them. This is priceless info that you are offering to us for free. As Gomer Pyle (old tv show) has said many times, Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya.
That was flat frickin cool.. I think once he gets the load setup correctly, it's on like donkey kong. Kudos for spending time with him.. I think you need to follow up with him, I see some respect in his personality and manners..
Ya, when he gets the neck tension figured out it'll half his groups.
that was a generous act you did. I know he is grateful as well as us.
Thanks for putting that on film.
Eric, you remind me of Army range trainers, range officers back in the day. You were kind of a hard ass, in a good way. Called it like you see it. Didn't let him "yes" you . End of the day he'll be better for it. Good job Erik .
He did a great job listening and learning. You took him through all the steps a new shooter needs. Great video.
Great video. Good instructions and I'm sure Remington will be hitting 1100 yds. and beyond in the near future. Nice to see a polite young man like that.
Once again thank you for sharing your knowledge not just for Remington but for all of us. I’m 64 and didn’t start shooting F-Class until 2 years ago. Kind of a late start but I’ve been able to fast track thanks to you and others willing to share your knowledge on public forums on shooting and reloading. A personal mentor would have been great but not always available. I hope to be “High Master” in FTR MRP once the NRA catches up. I’d hate to think where I’d be without folks like you!
Wow I love this a humble student and an instructor that knows what he is talking about. Really enjoyed this thanks.
Thanks for taking the time to work with Remington. Just watching and listening to your directions it helps me connect dots in my shooting. Great job!
Says a lot about you that you would take the time to take a fan out to shoot and give him some direction! Great job Eric!!
Eric, I really enjoyed this-this young man was very respectable and a dry sponge soaking up everything!👍
Very cool content. It’s humbling to watch. I’m relatively new to the long range shooting sports as well. Good stuff,
Erik, I really enjoyed this video. You’re not only teaching your student but helping us out as well. Remington was very humble throughout this video. I would certainly enjoy more of these videos. Thank you sir.
First time to watch your channel. This was great to see. You should be proud at how much you changed his life.
Everything about this was great. Remington had a wonderful attitude but it was also nice that you never belittled him. Many of us don't have a live resource, and we are at the mercy of the internet basically. It's great to see explanation behind the suggestions too. Thank you Eric!
This was great. Thank you for videoing it! Nice job Remington. I bet his Christmas present this year isn’t that awesome!
I am always learning. Anybody that says they are not is mistaken. I picked up several points I will use to become better. That is what I like about you and Matt. Yall strive for constant improvement. I wish I could meet both of you. Please do more videos like this one. Be safe.
Very awesome of you to do this. It's the hard lessons we learn about the gimmick but it's a lesson needed. Great work!
Very nice of you, Erik. I love the Vid very much. Not to insta-shiny, very human. You treated him with respect but gave him direct feedback/coaching. He took it and his confidence „exploded“ - Pretty cool to see. I keep watching your vids because they are very informative and I like your style. All the best, Erik!
awesome video mr. Cortina; truly enjoy seeing folks being introduced to the shooting sports- and enjoy the safety first displayed and your candor and insight! I want get my 308 out now!
This is nothing less than AWESOME for you teaching this guy. I know he paid you but still. It's awesome that you're willing to teach. Erik, You are my new favorite long range shooter.
I just discovered this channel i learned of this gentleman through the demo ranch HQ build as im sure alot of people did but I didn't know he was a shooting enthusiasts and now all I can think of is a colab with demo matt and you can show him a thing or e about distance shooting!! Im now subscribed and can't wait to check out more videos
We all start somewhere and we all understand we never quit learning . So thank you so much you taught us all something about shooting and you confirm that being a good person is as important as every other skill we learn in life.
This guys going to be your competition soon! Loved the video
I hope so. Nothing better than getting beat by my own students. :)
Erik Cortina - Pro Shooter perfect attitude, I agree. But and only but, if we have to lose and we lose to our student, did we really lose? We all strive to beat our teacher or master so we can one day make them proud.
Just found your channel via Matt Risinger. Thank you for taking the time to help a newer young shooter (in this case Remington) as well as all of us who can learn virtually via your UA-cam channel. If you are ever in the UK you should pop up to Wales to visit Andrew Venables at his WMS, which is probably the best long range civilian training facility in the UK.
Time with a pro is invaluable but I think this dude could shoot already. I think you gave him confidence and showed him a better way to get it done. I think we all learned a thing or three too.
great video, Mr. Cortina. It was awesome seeing him learn & get excited about getting results. hope to see more of these. very generous of you to give up your time & resources.
Thank you! Remington, you are an excellent student and put constructive criticism to use very well. Erik, I’m sure that was all just simple basics to you, but coming from someone who is self taught and never had anyone to show me right or wrong technique, you made it very easy to self improve. You don’t know what you don’t know until you find it or someone tells you. Thank you for sharing!
Very cool! I love how much people in the shooting community share. This is of course next level.