I still don't get it and I'm trying. How does someone feel more like a man or a woman? Are we talking about the stereotypical things which are assigned to a man or woman? I thought we were past those stereotypes? I am a 'man', but I don't feel like anything other than 'me'. This is what I don't get and want to learn.
i mean... it's kinda _just_ a feeling. if you don't feel a connection to any gender, then you might not _be_ any gender. or you might be. who knows!!! it's a mess, but as long as you're comfortable calling yourself by whatever label you want, then it's fine
@@RichConnerGMN If it's only identifiable as "just a feeling" couldn't I say I feel like I'm already 70 and want my pension early? Or I feel like I'm from a different country so I deserve a passport and the right to live there? I'm trying to understand too but I can't see how wanting to be a different gender can be anything but based on stereotypes either... 🤷🏽♀️
The reason you don’t get it is because logic is incompatible with stupidity. Stop wasting your time with these clowns. All they are saying is that your status as a man or a woman is determined by your personality traits (if you’re masculine you’re a man, if you’re feminine you’re a woman) which is a sexist lie all by itself. It is the literal equivalent of claiming that I might not actually be a Black woman because because I don’t like hip-hop and didn’t grow up poor. If you know better than that then you know better than to accept this sexist garbage spewed by gender ideologues. They just might have white supremacists beat with how proudly regressive and stupid they are. Besides, Most of these “transgenders” are trans-PRETENDERS anyway, aka basic azz white kids seeking to forge an identity as an oppressed minority. Talk about privilege- when you literally have nothing to worry about in life other than typical growing pains so you just start making up crap to paint yourself as “marginalized”. Pathetic!
@@roweme it’s pretty much a natural feeling that’s just there that stays the same. Like how you naturally like men or women (Edit) forgot to account for gender-fluid people. I’m not sure how to really analogize that, and I’m not gender-fluid myself. Sorry
Well, someone hasn't realised this is an advertisement. Ever seen an advert for washing powder where they hurl it across the room in a temper and say it makes their clothes stink? No. Of course these kids look happy - they're trying to SELL you the 'gender' nonsense.
Thank you! I’m 71 and this issue got ahead of me so quickly. I really want to get it right and not offend. I will watch this again as you all packed a lot in. Hopefully as time goes on, the world will appreciate the nuances and be more accepting.
"Assigned?" Are we assigned ear size, eye shape, hair color, etc? Aren't we all just "born" with features as opposed to assigned? Who does the "assigning" of body parts/features? Apart from rare hermaphrodites, there are only 2 physical sexes. Male and Female - in EVERY species. I don't care about someone's internal feelings about themselves. It shouldn't affect my interactions with you.
@Arabella Willette A physically white person may may think/feel they’re black but to the rest of the world the person IS white, regardless of their feeling black. It’s their feeling about themselves despite what everyone else SEES. What someone feels about themselves has nothing to do with me. It’s none of my business. People can feel about themselves what they want/need to, it just doesn’t change what PHYSICALLY is regardless of the politically correct terminology/descriptors used by other caring people. Everyone has their own cross to bear. I feel/think I’m slim but the rest of the world knows I’m not but some may humor me because they are really caring individuals and don’t feel that their “accepting” my view of myself doesn’t impact them. 🤷🏻♀️
@@Earthomo The difference with the example you give here is that if that white person who identifies as black physically altered their appearance to "look black", entered a black community and said "I'm like you now, I understand what it's like to be you because I dress and 'feel' black based on stereotypes I've seen in the world and you must accept this and I want you to call me a "New black" and I've decided that you must call yourselves "Old black"" and the people of the black community took offence, the world wouldn't side with the white person and lambaste the people of the black community for being "racist". They would recognise this was only furthering the oppression the black community has faced from white people. Whereas women are being lambasted for saying "Don't call me a cis woman, or a person who menstruates, I'm a woman". Or are being called transphobic for saying that it only furthers the oppression of a minority group who have been historically (and are still!) oppressed to force them to change their own identity language to please others. Or we're "transphobic" for identifying that the experience of being a woman is different to the experience of being a trans woman, and we are equal, but different. We're not even allowed to speak out as ourselves, as people with lived experience in the category being debated, without being called transphobic!
So telling someone "be a man!" or "you're such a girl" is wrong, because it forces someone to behave in a way they might not be comfortable with. But telling someone that has feelings of being any other gender than what they are, based on their body, that they are trans is good, despite the fact that you use the same exact gender stereotypes to reach that conclusion? What do you suppose drives a young boy to grow his hair long and put on makeup and dresses, if not to swap one set of gender stereotypes for another? Shouldn't we instead just conclude that gender stereotypes are irrelevant, and shouldn't be used as a basis for determining our behavior or indeed anything in our lives? Is the solution to eliminating the "boxes" of male and female behavior to create a third box to put people into? Couldn't we instead just ignore gender stereotypes and live as we wish, laughing at those who stubbornly adhere to them and pointing out their absurdity? Couldn't we stop "teaching" children that they have accept this new third box, and instead teach them to ignore the entire concept of boxes by living virtuous lives, free from the arguments around gender conformity? I invite you to consider that there is a higher road to be taken that the one presented in this video.
@@SaintMarianne Not at all. By transitioning from one gender identity to the other you are validating the thesis according to which your sex implies a certain gender, otherwise if you truly believed every human being can do what he wants with his preferences and his personality you wouldn't even care to switch, because your sex would not limit you at all in your actions. What the comment above is saying is true: the entire concept of "gender" is just nonsense, not because it's too complex to understand or too progressive, as the LGBT people usually like to say to make themselves feel better, but because it clearly contradicts itself to the core. If you think gender identity is a thing, it means you belive you can't get long pink hair just because people see you as a male, and you think you need permission from them first, that can be obtained just if you make yourself appear as a female to others. It's an incredibly conservative way of seeing the world, yet it's inexplicably brought on by leftists.
That’s false though. You can absolutely get long pink hair or dress femme and still identify as a man, if you want, that’s part of what breaking the traditional gender boundaries is all about, whether you’re a femboy or a tomboy or a twink or butch or whatever. Sex doesn’t determine what you are and how you choose to be, our gender identity and how we express it is completely within our control. There’s nothing even remotely conservative about removing birth sex from the equation and allowing people to define gender on their own terms instead, and that’s what transition is all about.
So basically a person can do nothing to change their appearance and just claim to be anything they want. Yeah, that will go over real well..... Lol that is exactly why people have concerns about this topic. I used to think they were wrong, but now people like the ones in this video make me see how far that slippery slope is headed. I care more about safety and freedom than I care about hurting your feelings, or whether or not you throw "transphobe" at me. Also, calling it "assigned" gender implies that it's normal not to relate to your genitalia. No. That is highly unusual, as you even admitted. And nobody is 100% masculine or feminine, so the term nonbinary is irrelevant and meaningless.
I don't see how this affects safety and freedom? This is just them expressing themselves in a way that makes them happy. So honestly if using pronouns and acknowledging their gender identity is what makes them happy, then sure I'll do it! As a cisgender man, I really never got the vibe that the word "assigned" made identifying as the gender you were born with as wrong or abnormal. It's just stating the fact that you just chose to stick with the gender that you were given at birth And also, I think the term non-binary does have a use and purpose for existing
@Niqabi Kafira Some really valid points. I want everyone to feel respected but there has to be a line somewhere. Could I commit a crime as an adult but identify as a 12 year old and get tried as a minor (without being classed as having mental issues)? Could I identify as a paraplegic and claim disability benefits? Could I identify as a 70 year old and get my pension early and a free bus pass? Could I identify as someone from a different country and demand I deserve a passport and the right to live there?
@@roweme Fair points, Im here to learn what the other side has to say and hopefully we can come to a consensus as to how to address the concerns of citizens of a country while being inclusive. On a personal standpoint I support anyone's right to present yourself as you see fit if you cannot conform to your "assigned" gender at birth then that's fine too and you are free to do as you wish as long as you are a decent human being and a productive member of society. I do disagree with the point/laws saying that mig-gendering someone is an act of violence punishable by law and sentenceable to prison for speaking what you thought was right on an observation. You can be corrected and educated on the proper pronouns and that's how we move forward as a society but to go to the extreme of imprisioning someone just because of that is a little too much. This will always happen (everywhere around the world) unless people wear their pronouns on their forehead or face, you will be misgendered ALL THE TIME. Does that mean every person who you come across needs to be imprisoned for that, I dont think so. What about formal documentation when someone is writing a paper to a general audience are they conformed to list out every pronoun list that is growing everyday and changing will that person be criticized about what pronouns were used rather than focusing on the topic the person actually wanted to present when the writer had no bias or objection to how a person should live their life. Calling/labelling someone as transphobic for speaking their mind about some of these concerns isn't right either, we're simply trying to find common ground.
This feels like the gender bending 80’s is back, but it’s been re marketed and rebranded. Having grown up through the the glam rock era, punk, Goth, New Romantics and of course the whole gender bending 80’s, non if this is actually new, apart form the language being used. There was no denial of biological reality back then. Gender non conformity, breaking gender stereotypes is all about going against gender expectations which is based on your sex. Once you deny sex exists, well you are not really “gender non conforming”. What I see now is a movement that promotes gender conformity. “I’m feminine, therefore I must not be a man”. Rather than “I’m a feminine man, deal with it”. I understand though. Society can not stand gender non conformity and they were outraged by the gender bending 80s. They hate masculine women and feminine men. As a butch lesbian, who came out in the 80s, I know only too well what society thinks of women like me. Who don’t conform to gender stereotypes. Who don’t dress for the male gaze. It has told me over and over I am not a real women. However I stand my ground. I will not let society take away my womanhood simply because I don’t conform. The medical world has largely ignored the female body. Research has revolved around males. Women are treated like mini males, despite our 6500 genetic differences. No matter how I dress, or my sexuality, or how l identify, it won’t change the fact that the medical world doesn’t give a shit about half the worlds population and the more we deny biology, the more we shoot ourselves in the foot and allow the medical world to keep on not giving a shit about Us.
I could pick a few bones about what you say here, but I won't because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What I will say though is that you ARE a real woman, and anyone who thinks differently isn't worth your time. (Spoken by a trans-female and advocate for the transgender community) Stay safe. :)
@@tishwolfsong2869 are you sure you are transgender and advocate for transgender community? There's no such thing as real women. Cis women are women, trans women are women. Some where assigned female at birth, some weren't and need external help. We are all valid.
@@muumu0 Precisely my point. jo Go says "[Society] has told me over and over I am not a real woman." and I'm supporting her position that she is, in the same way as you say "We are all valid", which we are. "real" and "valid" are synonyms. www.thesaurus.com/browse/real
@@allyouneedisperfume758 then technically its a similar struggle. When talking about trans and cis women the main "fact" which transphobes spew is that they're real women because most of them fit a cisheteronormative viewwhich falls in a women being feminine and being heterosexual, and also because they where assigned female at birth.
I might get some hate for this, but understand that this is not coming from the place of hate, but concern. I feel like a lot of these people seem to be confusing aesthetics and personality with gender identity. Men and women have been dressing in gender non-conforming ways since forever, it`s part of growing-up and experimenting with your fashion, or being part of different subcultures. Also, by definitions of femininity and masculinity changes throughout cultures and history, what is considered masculine in XXI. century Korea is not the same as what is considered masculine Scandinavia during the viking era. None of that makes anyone transgender tough without having gender dysphoria and having the desire to physically change their biological gender to match the gender they identify with. Bluntly put, unless I at least to some degree want to transition into the another gender (aka want cut off what I was born with and replace them with the opposite genitalia), I am not transgender, sorry. I somehow feel like trans and gender identify in general somehow became the new fashionable thing for young people to rebel against societal norms with, but being trans is not a subculture or fashion choice like being goth, rocker, Lolita etc., and it can a very painful experience for a lot of actually trans people. It made into "this", is actually quite disturbing. I am not coming from a place of hate or anything like that, do not misunderstand, please. I fully support the trans community and always have. However, I am worried that there inherent dangers to seeing being trans, nonbinary etc. as a fashion statement or special, to the community and on the individual level as well.
I think you're the one who is confused. Saying this kind of stuff clearly shows that you *don't* fully support the trans community. You have *zero* say in how anyone else self-identifies. Also gender expression =/= gender identity.
It has nothing to do with personality. It’s just how you feel. It’s like wearing two left shoes your entire life. Pretty fucking uncomfortable. The clothes part is more to help them feel more masculine or feminine to help mellow out the dysphoria.
@@mars6742 Everyone has a right to their opinion. It’s legal in any country with free speech. I invite everyone to share their opinions on all issues no matter who they are we are all human. :)
What?! No. Let's unpack this. Unfortunately, even in my native Sweden, lol where they tend to be more accepting of us, the suicide rates have still been measured at 19x. We're hurting ourselves.
@@yermomLeslie What?! No. Let's unpack this. I was juxtaposing this particular statistic with your claim that they aren't hurting anyone. Do you not consider Trans people as people? You need to DO BETTER or take off that pfp, pal. De-personing the Trans diaspora with such precarious statements is literally violence. My understanding also is that lol stood for "lord, oh lord". That is my truth and I refuse to stop living it.
@@The-Autistic-Rat Yeah you definitely can read very well. Apparently me criticizing transphobes for hurting trans people and making them more suicidal, and laugh at them for killing themselves because of this, is just me depersonalizing trans people eh?
@@yermomLeslie What?! No. Let's unpack this. You said nobody gets hurt. I simply suggested a new perspective, albeit a difficult one to embrace. YOU are the one denying Trans people their autonomy and personhood by diminishing the gravity of this particular statistic. Do better.
I like to explain it like this: Sex and gender are completely different. Someone with a penis may identify as a man. Another person with a penis may identify as a woman. And another person with a penis may identify as both and neither! It’s not the genitalia that makes gender, it’s how we perceive and think of ourselves. The chromosomes and genitalia are under that “sex” label. I am genderfluid. So at one time I might feel more masculine and sometimes I physically present that way and other times I present neutrally or feminine. Everyone is different though! The ‘gender unicorn’ is an incredible diagram that lists a multitude of things and I find it SUPER helpful for those wanting to understand but getting a confused or overwhelmed :)
All right that's it! I'm done I've tried to understand. But when you start telling me that I have to be very careful how I say or what I say I'm out. With all that's going on in the world my attention and help is needed else where. No offense to anyone.
I have an honest question, and I really don't want to upset anyone or be edgy, just trying to be more informed! What makes it so that instead of choosing to be male or female, you would choose to be for example non-binary, without body dysphoria? In case it has to do with social norms, why would you not just choose to behave as feminine or masculine as you prefer at any given time? I consider myself to have quite a few feminine traits, being a man, and if anyone has a problem with that, it's theirs to deal with if they want to remain in any kind of relationship with me. Thanks in advance, looking forward to your insights!
I've read your comment several times and I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. I would say that I think everyone should be free to express their gender identity in any way they see fit, with the usual caveat that doing harm to others is not acceptable. So, if you are happy being a man who has feminine traits that is fine as far as I am concerned.
@@MilesDavisKDAB well I guess I'm genuinely asking why someone would choose to identify as non-binary, besides not having to conform to certain norms considered as typically feminine or masculine? Once again, just trying to be informed 😁
So three things: 1, identity is not a choice, but labels are. To use an analogy, if you were feeling tired, you probably didn't choose to feel tired, but you might choose a way to describe that if someone asked you depending on how you felt, e.g. "I'm feeling sleepy/tired/exhausted." So for me I didn't choose to be nonbinary, but I did choose to start describing myself as Nonbinary/Genderqueer/Androgyne, because those words best match how I feel. It's kinda confusing, but basically think of it as "born this way", same as sexuality. 2, nonbinary people can have dysphoria. It can be similar to the dysphoria experienced by binary trans people e.g. I have dysphoria around my body being too feminine, which trans men may also experience. It can also be different to the dysphoria experienced by binary trans people e.g. I have dysphoria over not be called by they/them pronouns, and I have dysphoria around not being able to look "feminine in a boyish way". I don't imagine that many binary people would feel like that. 3, gender identity =/= gender roles/norms. I like pop music and the colour purple and having long hair. Doesn't make me a woman. I also like electric guitar and the colour blue and male-dominated STEM subjects. Doesn't make me a man. What I think does make me the gender that I am is the way I want to be perceived. I want to look in the mirror and look androgynous, and I want people to see me as neither a man or a woman. So to me it doesn't matter what traits you have - if you're happiest being perceived as a man by yourself and by others, you're a man. Hope that helped!
There is no evidence of any kind for "an internal sense of self" separate from the body. This "internal sense of self" is nothing more than a thought in the brain, which is part of the body. Thoughts just take place in the brain, there is no such thing as a thought separate from a body. The brain-body system is one system, there are no thoughts outside it.
I don’t want to attack anyone here but gender isn’t a label. It’s purpose is to say what you have between your legs, not to express your personality. It’s like me being a white person painting myself black and saying I’m a black person, it doesn’t work to me. Again this isn’t to attack anybody don’t get angry at my comment, I’m just saying genders aren’t a label of personality or originally meant as. If you want to be labelled as something else then change your name.
why do you want strangers to know what your genitals are? kinda weird ngl... gender has always been a label, and always will be. we are just changing what that label entails to make it more accepting of those who were forced to not know who they are.
@@ClosetDemon it seems trans are obsessed with what's between peoples legs, constantly gas lighting people by saying what they have or others have between their legs doesnt define your gender or sex. its crazy. its not progressive. its utter crazy nonsense and it will eventually turn around again .
Nope! Nope! Nope! Gender to this generation means stereotypes. We've worked hard to smash these stereotypes and be whoever we are. Your definitions are regressive and means that I'm trans! Hey have fun with this kid's, but your activism infringes on women's rights and child safeguarding.
People are born as one or the other, they can behave however they want…who you are is far more important than what you are…when you tell people what they should think…they WILL resent it
I'm trans as well, I wanted to thank you for this comment because there's been a lot of hate that I've spotted surrounding People like us... It really bums me out, I try my absolute hardest not to let others judge who I am and not let it get me down, I know who I am, and I know nobody can take that away from me, thank you!
@@fujiwaranonekobiodrando1257 if you don't like support/trans people, then why are you on a video about the subject? It doesn't make any sense, you're just going around saying random shit lol
It's ok not to understand at first. learning something new is not always easy. The most important thing to remember is treat people the way they would like to be treated. feel free to watch again, find out more, and definitely talk to those within the community. Ask questions and be considerate.
Well done! I wanted to find a video for my DEI class that helped to effectively describe terms, experiences, and inclusive language. This was extremely well done. Thank you to everyone who participated. Great conversation starter.
I don't understand, I'm trying my darnest and I do not understand. So because you don't FEEL like your assigned gender, you'll change your whole entire body to fit the gender you FEEL like you actually are? Like a man feeling more like a woman and the same goes for the opposite, or smth, isn't that just a personality thing? Not a gender thing, but just a man liking something you don't usually see a man likes sometimes, a man acting like a woman can also just be because of the media or experiences he absorbed throughout life or he genuinely just took a liking to certain things, like to dolls and pink stuff. It's not that huge of a deal, so I don't get why transgrender is a thing and I'm really trying my best here, I am, but my child brain can't wrap around this whole trans thing. Rather than gender or sex problem I think it's just how people can and have varying personalities made genetically or by the medias and experiences they had… It's the best I can do to understand this.
You're doing pretty good I think. Gender is a societal construct. We as a society at some point decided that "females" played with dolls and "males" like cars. If you are a male who likes dolls and she/her pronouns, then you're not a male. This is entirely arbitrary and stereotypical. However, unfortunately, we do live in a society. And this society runs on a binary system, whether we like it or not. Almost everyone has lived with this for so long that it is hard to understand that this system doesn't actually make much sense. Afterrall, we're just all humans with three different types of biological sexes. Why does the way we dress and things we like have to matter in that? To fit into society, we are expected to fit the standard of "male" or "female" boxes. However, if your sex is male but you're not one internally, then you do not fit the box. An error in the binary system. The term to use then is "Trans" (think biology class, when you were learning about cis and trans golgi bodies in Cell). A person whose gender doesn't fit their biological sex is labelled as Trans. They can "transition" into their gender to fit in the other binary box. (or maybe, fit into both boxes, or none at all) You said gender as a personality thing. To slightly correct it, "it is an identity thing." Being trans is about *who you are* as opposed to *who you are wrongfully perceived by society to be.* If society considered gender to not be limited to binary then there wouldn't be this conversation at all. Let everyone be who they are. At the end of the day, if we're all nice and kind to each other, then why do stereotypical gender labels have to matter? We're just people, man. We're all gonna die one day and what's in someone else's pants isn't gonna matter then.
Raises and partially answers the question of what happens when our identity is defined by feelings (or for those evolutionary psychologists out there...chemicals floating around in our head). One of the speakers actually states there is no explicit end or limit to someone on their identity journey. Can't help but think from a science perspective here - if the same individual's gender or "internal sense of self" would in fact be the same if they were raised with different family, societal constructs, experiences that lead to different feelings (chemicals). Conversely the Christian world view is that your identity exists outside of your feelings/chemicals, "The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can really know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 which probably explains with the steady decline or polarisation of the Christian perspective from society we are seeing a corresponding increase in definitions, societal challenges and instability.
The degree to which this presentation depends upon and reinforces gender stereotypes is concerning. Basically, but the definitions used here, I don't think I've ever met a human who is cisgendered, as in completely in alignment with all gender stereotypes. (Watch for yourself, I am not exaggerating how they frame it). So we are all trans. And any young person who doesn't completely identify with the stereotypes is encouraged to consider themselves trans. That's not helpful to anybody. It misrepresents the trans experience, as well as the experiences of most other humans as a false binary: if you are completely in alignment with every concept your society currently associates with your birth sex, then you are cis; otherwise you are trans. That is not inclusion or good sense.
Cis: your gender aligns with your sex Trans: your gender doesn't align with your sex Non-binary: something that falls under the trans umbrella, but is specific to people who identify outside of the gender binary Simple as that.
@@hiimapenguin So how is gender described in this video, other than as a set of stereotypes? Note that it defines cis as completely aligning, but I've never yet met anybody who completely aligns, so I think that makes everybody trans. That is not a service to trans folks, nor to anybody else. I've fought against gender stereotypes my entire adult life, and now I'm seeing them reified as the gold standard. Do you believe that gender is not binary but a spectrum? If so, then we can logically infer that nobody has a binary gender since that doesn't even exist, and we are all non-binary but rather on a spectrum.
@@zephsmith3499 in a way, yes, gender is a spectrum, but for a large amount of people it is quite binary, thus the binary gender system that is female and male. Also along with what you are saying, sex is also technically a spectrum, with slight (or not so slight) variations between person to person, that's just how it is, does that make everyone intersex? No, it does not. The system of binary and non binary sex and gender is so unfathomably complex, physiologically, that we simplify it down to the nearest binary or non binary, similar to how 1/3x3 is simplified to 1 instead of 0.9 with the 9 indefinitely repeating, of course there are larger leaps than that, but for the majority, that's how it is. To addon, technically all people who were born male are trans, or at least some form of intersex, seeing as we all start out as females until the Y chromosome is activated leading to male genitalia and whatever is Y chromosome specific. Of course, like most things, I have simplified this quite a bit by taking trace variables out and only going with the basics, though it would change very little, if anything, if I include them, it would just be a whole lot more typing. P.S. anyway, I'm going to go to sleep now and will check to see if there is a response sometime in the late evening tomorrow. P.P.S. as a side note, gender is how you identify, say a person is AMAB and identifies as male, are cis, but if someone is AMAB but identify as female or other they are trans, the second of the 2 would more specifically be non-binary. P.P.P.S. this is getting way so long it's lagging my phone so I'll make this short and sweet, sex is how you are identified, gender is how you identify.
@@hiimapenguin Since gender is about socially constructed stereotype clusters, and nobody fits all the stereotypes, I can understand that one simplified model is to think of it as a spectrum. (I personally far prefer to abolish the stereotypes and let people have whatever mixture of stereotyped or non-stereotyped traits they wish, but I nevertheless can understand how the simplified 'spectrum' model would appeal to some people). Biological sex on the other hand is at heart about reproduction; all else is just secondary markers associated with sex. There are exactly two gametes. There is no third gamete, and no gamete which is 1/4 sperm and 3/4 ovum. The only way for mammals to reproduce is to combine exactly a gamete from each type; not two of the same type, not two of one type and one of the other, exactly one of each. That's as binary as it gets, and biologically this goes far beyond homo sapiens. Of course, there are sometimes genetic and development errors which cause some of the secondary and tertiary markers typically associated with (but NOT comprising) sex to be atypical. A tiny proportion of humans is born with truly ambiguous genitalia, for example, and this is called "intersex". But intersex people do not comprise a third sex, or produce gametes which are 1/3 male and 2/3 female. There is no spectrum of sex - though one might find a spectrum in such markers as penis size or clitoris size, but those are not sex, they are markers statistically associated with sex. Some people accidentally or deliberately confuse secondary markers of sex with sex itself, and I am familiar with their arguments but find them scientifically unsupported, closer to the old debates about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin - abstract word games divorced from physical reality. None of that wordplay matters to sexual reproduction which still requires exactly one male gamete to fuse with exactly one female gamete, period. No postmodern philosophy changes that binary reality. Gender does not become binary, or biologically determined, just because some people personally think of it that way; gender is still socially constructed and they are still somewhere on that socially constructed gender spectrum. And sex does not become a spectrum just because some people confuse it with the secondary traits typical of a sex; they are still mammals with no third gamete type nor intermediate gametes for biological reproductive purposes. I'm not saying this to harm anybody, it's just trying to be rational and thoughtful. These facts are 100% compatible with treating all people (of *any* combination of sex and gender) kindly and compassionately. Being kind and compassionate does not require ignoring the factual universe. Nor does it require us to reinforce gender stereotypes, telling people what social constructions are only for women or only for men. It is not hateful to reject coercive stereotyping. I am advocating acceptance and tolerance and appreciation of human diversity - and also factual honesty, and there is no conflict whatsoever in that approach.
This commercial should include asking questions such as... 1. Are there any long term effects from the medications I am going to be taking? 2. What if I decide to go back to my original gender? 3. Is this a mental condition instead and I need medicine? 4. Is the way I am feeling because of peer pressure from who I am hanging out with? 5. Should I make medical decisions based on my feelings? 6. Should I make medical decisions based on what is popular right now? 7. Am I going through a defiant stage in my life because of people around me? 8. Can I have children later if I change my mind? 9. Should I talk to someone who changed their mind to find out why they changed? 10. Will this decision cause a population decline in the future? 11. Could this decision cause other people to want to change species, become polygamist, etc. ? These are serious questions that should be asked and the new science studies have not had enough time to truly know the effects. My advice: be a kid first. Ask teen mothers what they have gone through as a result of their decisions. Talk to a variety of people from all walks of life before deciding on something that may not be reversed and may not bring you joy 20 years later.
And then tell them no you will not be able to have children after taking puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, no it will not fix your mental health, yes it will destroy your bones and endocrine system. Why are people detransitioning and why is that not ok in the trans community? Why are they denying that this is happening? Yes and no you can change back but the damage is irreversible, no you should not be making decisions based on what is popular right now...then ask why are all these questions not asked and answered in this video?
they always skip those, I wonder why ;) my advice? don't do surgery, why risk complications over changing genitalia? play your gender at the outside world, inside your home act whatever gender you want. This makes things easier.
@@yol_n bruh that's literally the same as saying "there's no problem in being gay, except if you show it to the world". Get educated and stop spreading hate on the internet
@@kadiejb The detransition rate is EXTREMELY small. The majority of those that detransition, later on end up retransitioning. Trans people, self included, are completely accepting of people that detransition because the entire idea behind being trans is becoming and being who you want to be, not 'converting' as many people as possible Everything you said about hormones and blockers is bullshit, I'd know, I'm on them.
yes i believe you should be careful, but regardless of whether you have dysphoria or not. just because you have dysphoria doesn't mean you should go and do it too, everyone should be careful when deciding things like that. also not all who don't have dysphoria will regret it
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
@@MisaChan101 gender dysphoria isn't anorexia. Countless streams of science back up trans people's existence and legitimize their identity. Treatment for trans people is gender affirming care and acceptance. Being trans isn't not loving yourself. Dont be condescending and act as if you have the moral high ground for dismissing everything we know about providing Healthcare to trans people. You clearly don't know what you are talking about, so don't comment on it 👍
@@lixonplays758 no you’re the one who’s wrong here…it IS exactly like anorexia in that it’s body dysmophia. The person experiencing both are perceiving feelings that do not reflect reality. Both of these feelings are beliefs about themselves that are contrary to reality. Affirming a man by telling him he can transform into a woman is a lie. No one can change sex. NO ONE
Im not entirely sure how NB people are trans? How are they transitioning into a gender? Arent they trying to be outisde of a gender identity all toghether?
Well if genders were colors, it might be like going from red to purple. Red isn't purple, and purple isn't red, so while red is very similar to purple, it isn't the same color, and generally needs to be seen as it's own color.
So if you look at it from seeing nonbinary people as just another gender, yes it is possible to physiologically transition into being intersex. It's fairly uncomplicated and simple to do.
+lakon childs The term "trans" originates from a Latin etymology which means "across". When referencing the term "transition", it describes a process where something changes from one state to another. People who claim to be non-binary do not tend to undergo a solid transition, rather, they usually simply choose to dress slightly differently from most people. There is nothing inherently wrong with expressing one's self how they choose, but people seem to be conflating gender with self expression. Gender does concern some internal conceptions of an individual about themselves, but it is also a method of categorizing an individual into a biological sex, based upon secondary sexual characteristics. Transgender individuals will usually attempt to undergo hormonal and/or surgical procedures in order to adopt these secondary sexual characteristics in order to be perceived as the opposite sex, even if their biological sex does not actually change. Moreover, there are some very real biological discrepancies between men and women -- psychologically, actually. This is not indiscriminately true for every man or woman, but there are general tendencies for men and women to possess certain personality characteristics, behaviors, and interests. It is precisely this discrepancy which makes gender dysphoria a very real concern, where someone whose fundamental psychology is not compatible with their physical body. Perhaps some people who claim to be non-binary do experience dysphoria, but it is also true that many individuals to adopt this label do so on behalf of a political fad. In fact, the same can be said of certain traditional cases of transgenderism; however, there is significantly less repercussion in changing one's wardrobe than changing one's physical body. For some people, non-binary is an easy way to claim the status of "transgender", even if their attempts to actually transition into anything are extraordinarily limited if existent at all. It really overshadows the legitimate concerns of many authentic transgender individuals. I think it important to promote further research into the topic of non-binary identity, but it is important to differentiate between those who truly feel dysphoria versus those who simply wish to dress differently and/or gain political status.
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
Even if you don't fully understand it, at least you've tried educating yourself, most people don't even the to understand these kind of things, just please be respectful to people, even if you don't really get it yourself
@@MisaChan101 ???What an odd response. This person was saying they don't understand the subject matter, and you tell them to "seek treatment" to "love themselves more"
When the speakers use "male" and "female", they seem to be referring to gender stereotypes, which I hope all of us can rise above. This definition of "non-binary" doesn't help anyone rise above; instead, it reinforces those stereotypes. Also, when I hear "using the right language", I can't help but think of George Orwell.
What would be the best way to come out to my parents im 13 and a boy but I feel more like a girl in a boys body and I want to switch to what my true gender is
@@Iowanredneck88 my thoughts will be with you! I hope everything goes well, and that you get the support you need and deserve as an amazing young person.
@@juliehornick609 thx you are also an amazing person and I hope that you live a long and happy life I go to others for support and i get laughed at while you help me i have depression bad because of it and you just made my day a lot better
*Why is it so important for many young people today, to be able to **_'label themselves'?_** For generation after generation, by which I literally mean hundreds and hundreds of years, activists in the developed world have fought - in many cases (sadly), up to and including it costing them their own lives, to be "accepted" in and by society, just like everyone else, i.e. to be considered **_"normal"_** regardless of gender, sexuality, creed, color, religion, skin color and so on.* *Our Uncle Frank was a staunch gay activist in the UK through the 1950s and 60s. He and his friends used to march and protest for equal rights for everybody. Bare in mind that being gay in the UK was still a **_'criminal act'_** at the time in the UK, and as a result, our Uncle Frank spent several short periods in prison as a result of that. In fact he played a part (in his own little way) in helping to decriminalize homosexuality in the UK in 1967. Incidentally, for those of you too young to know, being gay in the US was only decriminalized (finally) as recently as 2003 by comparison!* *Yet since around the year 2000, and yes, it really is as recently as that, the whole notion of wanting, fighting for, or demanding that we all be treated with the same respect and dignity as the rest of society, seems to have been turned on its head completely. Whereby young people today, now fight for, and OBJECT TO being seen as the same as the majority within society. So my question is a very simple one... what changed over the last 20 or so years? It's not that I'm against it. I just want to understand why and how the whole thing appears to have done a complete 180?* *I'm 81 by the way, so please don't be offended by any of the terminology I've used if it's no longer seen as acceptable. I would NEVER set out to INTENTIONALLY offend ANYONE. Thank you all for your understanding folks. PS - Also, I have to type in bold because I can't see what I type otherwise. I have cataracts and glaucoma in both eyes. Again, thank you all in anticipation of your understanding. God bless you ALL and thank you for reading to the end.*
@Cian MacGana *Hello Cian. Thank you for replying. I notice you say **_"It's just..."_** as if it's neither here nor there, or no big deal or whatever. But surely it's a very big deal, because many new laws are now being introduced all over the western world, literally making it a criminal offense to say the wrong or inappropriate thing to **_"trans"_** people for example?* *Many schools, colleges and employers have, or are legally doing away with Male and Female toilets/restrooms, in favor of all-gender toilets and restrooms. I just wonder where it will all end? Even more bizarre, from today throughout Scotland, M to F trans people will legally be considered Female. In effect meaning that for the first time ever in law, a woman can be charged with **_"Rape"._* *I'm almost tempted to say that surely this is political correctness gone mad... but I won't! I'll just think it inwardly instead LOL. Maybe I've simply become too old for, and out of touch with the world we live in today? It's one thing to demand equality in society, but it's a very different thing to demand individuality. That's just not how an advanced society functions. It's utterly impractical.* *The obvious next stage to this madness is that if a person chooses to self-identify as... say a dolphin, you'll end up facing criminal charges and being stuck with a lifelong criminal record if you dare to refer to them as anything else! This way madness lies in my opinion! Anyway thanks very much again for responding. Take care Cian (is that an Irish name by the way, I'm just curious?)*
@Cian MacGana well not sure why I have to explain this to you, but when we were born our private parts indicate our sex, but it doesn't mean we have to completely create all of these pronouns and different personality types, hair, etc just because of our private parts, some people wouldn't like the stereotypes and they dont have to change their private part, become trans or anything, but they shouldn't have to deal with faking all of their personality yk?
An astute observation. I believe that it's part of fragmentation of Western culture, losing cultural coherence and a shared concept of "us". As a different but related trend, today's concept of multi-culturalism has become more about balkanizing into competing tribes, with more identification and loyalty to the tribe, than to the society as a whole. Having cultural variation within a shared "meta-culture" has given way to anti-assimilationism. Emphasize/celebrate differences much more than commonalities. So being accepted as a respected part of a shared social identity ("bigger us") is giving way to finding an identity group as one's core locus ("smaller us"). Being un-assimilated is valorized, while the old goals of becoming one flavor of the whole is disparaged as assimilation, a bad thing. This appears to be an accelerating trend in recent years. I think that having peace and relative prosperity will foster ever more of it; perhaps having shared hardship like a massive war would reverse the trend as we discover that our very survival depends on transcending tribalism.
So given this language, what is a man and what is a woman? I genuinely want to know how this language interprets those words/symbols. Thank you to anyone who can explain it to me.
Lessons on how to exclude yourself by having some bonkers obsession, so that you can complain about not being included. "It isn't about appealing to other people" was the only part I can agree with. I hope these kids grow up soon.
Yeah. I have slipped into suicidality quite a few times in my life because of how bad my dysphoria can get. Nobody wants this. Please just be respectful and educate yourself.
I mean no disrespect, but why does gender and personality have to be related? I mean isn't that all gender stereotypes? It seems to me that people who are transgender just don't fit into those stereotypes. It seems kinda sad that people have to change their bodies because they don't fit the stereotype of the gender they were born as.
It's not a personality thing, more of a sense of self. I have a friend who's trans and when she came out, her mom wanted to buy her dresses and stuff, but she wasn't into it. She doesn't dress in a super "girly" way and is pretty into "guy" stuff, but still thinks of herself as female. Just like how cis women can be into stereotypically male things like cars and hunting for example, trans women can too. It doesn't make either any less of a woman, it's just that they're expressing what it means to be a woman differently than the stereotype. Hope that explanation helped :)
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
@@taintedmyth0s636 That is NOT how the video portrayed it. It suggested that anyone who is not "completely" aligned with conventional stereotypes is not cis but trans. I'm not saying you are wrong, only noting that you are not agreeing with the video.
honest question as someone who is curious and wants to get along with you "guys" (trans people) - how do i deal with my internal disgust towards gender "fluidity"? i have recently made a friend with a trans person, i really like them and they dont present in a crazy/exaggerated way, they dress as a man allthough they are biologically woman.. i am watching videos like these to get an idea about the whole thing and i am trying to not be hurtful but when i see how you guys dress or act, it repulses me internally (against my will). the same way for example, how a straight man would be repulsed by homosexuality, in the same way i am repulsed, when men dress up like women or wear make up or vice versa. do i simply need to get desensitized to it, does it go away with time by being exposed to people like that? i dont wanna hurt my friend because of my ignorance or natural inclination against what you people stand for... my friend has been suffering a lot, i wanna ease his pain, but i have to address this issue within myself. i think im ok when women dress as men and men as women, *if* they pass as the gender they represent. if they dont pass, i have a really hard time to "accept" (internally, i do already mentally), because they stand out like a sore thumb. its hard to explain... what do i do, can anyone help?
Why conflate 'gender' and 'sex'? The speakers are confused because they view gender and sex as the same. Sex is simply biology, gender is subjective. Sex is just fact while gender requires a faith-based belief. What about those of us who aren't into faith? We know our sex cos it's just biology but we don't embrace faith. Why exclude us?
I’m not transgender, so I can’t relate. But my question is, why can’t people just accept their gender like you have to accept your height, ethnicity, and other biological stuff? In my opinion, just take whatever gender you’re given at birth.
Okay, most trans people feel "trapped" within their own bodies, not only because how they feel inside but because of the roles and such that society associates to them, what their close circle expects from them, it's a burden that can eat your sanity out the more time you have it hidden, transition is a step towards getting out of there
grew up in a very permissive environment with a language that does not have gender specifiers (no he/she), I don't understand what is all the fuss in US about how someone chooses to dress or who people choose to marry!?!?! Is this because of Christianity & English language limit?
I wish English was like this! I'm envious of speakers of gender-neutral languages like Finnish, where the third person singular pronoun hän can refer to any gender.
The USA was built on hatred and cruelty, and that ideology follows us through time. English has "they/them" as a gender neutral pronoun & literally none of our words are gendered like we see with French or Spanish for example. People here are just bigots and/or lazy. There is literally no other explanation for this.
@@stickinug they/them are used in plural, singular is only possible through a plural bridge which makes it plural again. The only thing Singular they/them would do is blow up the structure of most germanic languages Also there are only Penises and Vaginas anyone who disagrees is mentally ill
How does a person know "what's right for them"? Sometimes people do what is "right for them" only to realise afterward that it wasn't "right for them" after all.
That’s the beauty of genderfluidity. Though detransitioning is uncommon, it happens sometimes. And that’s totally ok! As people we grow and change through our life and so does our perception of who we are. If this makes me happy and I’m not harming anyone or myself, why not?
People know what's right for them because they freaking feel it in their bones. It's called being true to yourself, something you might not be familiar with. And yes, sometimes people make mistakes, but that's called learning and growing. It's not an excuse to deny someone's identity or invalidate their experiences. So why don't you take several seats and educate yourself on the struggles that trans folks go through instead of questioning their basic human rights? Okurr?
@@yol_n Being transgender isn't just about "aesthetic changes," as you put it. It's about a person's gender identity not matching the sex they were assigned at birth. It's about feeling like you were born in the wrong body, and the emotional pain and confusion that comes with that. But let's talk about those "aesthetic changes" you seem to be so dismissive of. Transitioning isn't just some frivolous cosmetic procedure, it's a crucial part of many trans people's journeys to living authentically as themselves. And let me tell you, honey, nobody's doing it for funsies. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and downright dangerous in some parts of the world. So when you say that "aesthetic changes" aren't human rights, you're completely missing the point. Access to healthcare, including transition-related care, is a basic human right. Nobody should have to suffer because they can't afford or access the medical treatment they need to live as their true selves.
Can I ask a question to you guys? I hope asking to you will be useful and informative, unlike the video. I really don't get the core concept of "gender". I'm biologically a male. Let's say tomorrow I want to paint my nails, make my hair pink and wear makeup. What prevents me from doing that? Nothing, should be the correct and most logical response. In an actually progressive and inclusive society, nobody would feel the need to judge another person based on their sex, and more in general nobody would assume that certain things and behaviors are for men and some are for women, simply because it's clear that sex and behaviors are not mutually implied in any way. In a society like this, where everybody can feel and act as they want and desire, why would anyone feel the need to change sex to get "permission" from people to do and be certain things? If the "masculine" and "feminine" stuff is just a social construct (and it is, in fact) and not an actual consequence of your sex, why validate this construct by switching sex to pair your gender identity with the sex you think it's associated with? I really really don't get it. And please don't elude the question by saying "trans people don't hurt anyone, they just want to be happy", because as you know this topic has many other potential implications on a large scale that should be carefully considered.
I know it would seem funny because I'm 60 years old but I truly do not understand what transgender is That's why I'm going to watch this My daughter would laugh if if you saw me post this comment but she tried to explain it and I just got me more confused so I'll give the video a shot maybe I'll understand after watching it I hope
Heartbreaking 💔. Society needs to accept gender non-conforming people a lot more. It is a social construct. They are not in the wrong body. They do not to be medicated. They do not need to change their bodies. They are beautiful and unique just the way they are.
@@narcodium I don't deny the reality of biological sex. There is no evidence however for some inner feeling of masculity/ feminity. The idea that you can feel like 'a man trapped in a women's body' or vice versa finds not root in science. Gender is the socially constructed behaviours and expectations that come with being male/ female.
"We're expected to act a certain way based on what's between our legs." Like... When? Advanced countries who have time to worry about this stuff have so much freedom to do and act as you please. Gender dysphoria is serious and can lead to so many terrible things, even countless surgeries where the results are always unknown. Please stop pressing for people to embrace such risks and urge them to get help. I've had 2 of the most common surgeries that we have been doing since the 1700s and I still got botched. So many people are regretting/will regret listening to people like this instead of just going to therapy and learning how to cope.
I had to rewind the point at 6:35 a couple of times to grasp it. Is the point that it’s correct/better to say “x has a uterus”, instead of “x is a woman”? Surely, right? The point is not to equate “has uterus” with “is a woman”? Apologies for the dumb question 😅 I have come here for education and am trying my best to understand, as I felt I had a real knowledge gap on this topic.
I do not believe in imaginary gender identities. It is a very strange faith. It is cruel and misleading to tell children that their bodies are incorrect, and that they should chemically and surgically alter themselves. People need to start thinking of excuses for why they supported this.
They briefly mentioned that trans people may go down the avenue of medicalisation or surgery and completely left out the very important consequences: long term ill health, sometimes irreversible interventions that may leave people sterile or with increased pregnancy/birth risks, or unable to breastfeed or enjoy sex, becoming a longterm and often lifelong customer of B1g Ph4rm@... I hope any kid, or any adult, reading this, get fully informed before any important decisions are made.
It's not a "faith" to recognize and accept that transgender people exist and have valid gender identities. It's called science and basic human decency. And as for telling children that their bodies are "incorrect," that's a total misrepresentation of what's actually happening. No one is saying that a trans child's body is wrong or bad, but rather that their gender identity doesn't match the gender they were assigned at birth. It's a subtle but important distinction that you clearly missed. And let's talk about "excuses" for supporting transgender people. How about this one: because it's the right thing to do. Because every person deserves to live as their true and authentic self without fear of discrimination or harassment. Because denying someone the right to transition can have devastating consequences, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide. So yeah, maybe it's time for you to do some self-reflection and educate yourself on what it means to be transgender before spouting off ignorant and harmful comments on the internet. Just a thought.
@@own4801 it is very cruel and unethical to interfere with a child's natural puberty. It is immoral and causes lifelong harm when people are given wrong sex hormones. It strips women of the right to exclude men when you pretend that men are women. These are all reasons not to play along with your ideology. Nobody is saying that people don't exist, or that they don't have mental illnesses.
My son just came out to me as trans. He wants to be a woman. He is 20 years old. I dont get it.. but I am willing to learn. I love my child. My child deserves happiness. So many emotions are flooding my brain.
Well he’s old enough to do what he wants but he should thoroughly research what he’s assuming and be objective about it and not just look at studies or statistics that were done in bias just to reinforce his already echo chambered ideology. He needs to look at suicide rates of trans both before and after operation as well as the “very un-talked” about consequences of the operation such as ingrown hairs in surgical vaginas, infections, high risk of cancer taking hormones, etc…. Unfortunately gender dysphoria does not get proper research these days because of ideological morons who care more for image and profit over actual well being. Good luck and god speed
i think a good first step to accepting your child and loving them is to find out what name or pronouns they want to use and to practice using them! if you mess up just quickly correct yourself and move on. it can be hard to change what you refer to someone as especially if they’re very close to you but do your best to make them feel comfortable and happy :)
Lmao some of y’all in the comments are way too concerned about the lives of other people and it shows. 😂 Trans people are beautiful, and you’re only mad because you’re jealous that you’ll never have as vibrant and welcoming of a community as ours. If you’re seriously that mad about people trying to live a life that makes them happy, I think you should look at how happy you are with your own life. Go to therapy or something. Harassing people on the internet isn’t gonna cure your depression 🤡
From what I am understanding from this video is that your gender is based on personality and emotion. Your choice of gender seems to be based off what the traits of a certain gender are based off of what society views those genders as. But my question is why does the gender norms even matter? It seems that switching gender based off of how one feels makes gender obsolete. It seems like those who decide to transgender feel the need to assign themselves a name such as transgender due to gender norms. Why can't you just be a person who feels feminine or masculine in some aspects? Why should how you feel have to place you into a gender category? Why can't you just be a person who feels whatever you wanna feel? People are just people, I don't understand why gender norms even exist when in today's society people can look and be anything.
Being transgender is not about "switching gender based off of how one feels." It's about a deeply felt sense of incongruence between one's assigned sex at birth and one's gender identity. It's not just about personality and emotions, it's about a fundamental sense of who you are. And as for your question about why gender norms even matter, well, have you ever heard of something called "systemic oppression?" Yeah, that's kind of a big deal. Gender norms and expectations are deeply ingrained in our society, and they often lead to discrimination and violence against people who don't conform to them. And as for your suggestion that people should just be able to feel whatever they want without having to place themselves into a gender category, well, that's a lovely idea in theory, but it's not how the world works. Gender is a social construct, but it's a powerful one, and it affects everything from how we're treated in the workplace to whether or not we're safe walking down the street at night.
Congratulations on knowing yourself, and all the best for your coming out! No matter how it goes with your dad, you are *you*, and there are so many other trans folks out here to support you. 🥳✨👍
The comment above from @Mc. MushTrippy puts it into words better than I can, but I also wanted to add: I mostly focus on upvoting the non-shitty comments and adding some more trans/non-binary positive messages. The transphobic and lgbtq-phobic shit is still there of course, but I'm happy to see other trans/NB folks and supportive allies in the comments. 💛💜🖤
@I was born in this pain not actually true at all. Cis Hets speak from perspectives not of their own often times forcing their beliefs on Trans/NB Folx. I’ve met a lot of positive Cis Gays that are supportive of Trans/NB and the. I’ve met the ones who also force their opinions on Trans/NB. It’s one thing to have an opinion, but then being ignorant and refusing to accept something your brain might not be able to comprehend and still argue is when you should be quiet and not cause problems you don’t comprehend nor experience.
@@fraided88 ???? you must be a very lonely bored person, sad for you. Harassing people on YT must give you a thrill. Seek help dear. No need to be so bitter.
@@user-ld7uj9pv8e no clue what you are talking about, "protected" spaces? WTF is that? English must not be your mother tongue. Community colleges have ESL classes, usually free.
@@lorelailaval7676like all female spaces. These genetic women can sometime get anxiety from genetic men in their space…. Seriously tho how do you not understand?
My only issue it this works for the trans community but once they try and use this and apply it to all society this doesn't work. You can't impose this onto sports that are by sex. Just because trans live with in a reality where gender doesn't apply doesn't make it true in reality that non-trans or cisgenders live by. I mean no disrespect making this observation, I see the glimpse into the the transgender dysphoria but you can't impose this onto others who don't exist in that world. I am happy you all have each other and are finding a way to manage and express your experiences together, feeling understood is amazing.
Being transgender isn't abnormal or unnatural, but it's also not the most common experience. It's just another variation of human existence, like being left-handed or having green eyes. So, no, we're not saying it's not "normal" to be trans. We're saying that it's not the societal norm, but that doesn't make it any less valid or real.
These are the videos and messages of positivity the Trans community needs. I myself am a trans female and I wish when I came out that the people who judge me would watch this. Thank you
There are people who will judge you for just everything under the sun gender aside depending on which side of the bed they got out of ✌️ after 27 years I've only just realised that actually what other people think doesn't really matter at all and yes, it's a cross to bear but so are many other walks of life. you just gotta follow your heart and put YOU first over anything else. easy to say but true. have a blessed week ahead 🙏
@Cian MacGana it has nothing to do with attention. Quite the opposite actually. The fact that you claim it's about attention shows just how little you know about trans people. Trans people transition so they CAN be comfortable in their skin as well as many other reasons.
Intersex people aside, people are indeed born a boy or a girl; gender isn't assigned, sex is observed, not assigned. These days we can act however we like. A biological male can act in a traditionally feminine way if he chooses, a biological female in a traditionally masculine way if she chooses. It doesn't matter. But this doesn't negate the fact that while that man is acting feminine, he is still a man; and a woman is still a woman if she acts in a masculine way. You are male or female; you can act masculine or feminine; you can dress however you want; project whatever gender signals you wish. But ultimately, however you present, and whatever you think, you are still male of female. Your clothing and psychology cannot override biological reality.
As a liberal I am tolerant to all people regardless of lifestyle and difference in personality. I expect the same tolerance in return but that doesn’t mean that I demand that they must have the same values and opinions as I do. That’s also respect.
I am always confuse about being neutral for everything around, how do people set criteria of right n wrong then, what standard do they follow, just interested.
I can call someone else a cow all day long. Does that make them a cow? If this is trans 101, I've just failed the class, because I can't understand the material presented to me.
Just respect people. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, you dont need to say that. Its unnecessary and you are doing NOTHING helpful. Use correct pronouns and be kind
First of all, being transgender has nothing to do with identifying as a butterfly, that's just a silly strawman argument. And secondly, biology isn't as black and white as you seem to think it is. Gender is a complex interplay between biology, psychology, and culture, and not everyone fits into neat little boxes. But don't worry, it's okay to be a little confused if you're new to all this. That's why there are resources like Trans 101 - The Basics to help educate people like you. So go ahead and watch the series, maybe you'll learn a thing or two and come out of your cocoon a little more enlightened. Peace out, hun.
*To all of my fellow trans people out there, especially the ones who are struggling:* Please stop scrolling. Drink some water and remind yourself that you will be okay. You don’t need the negativity in the comment section. You are perfect as you are 💜 Watch One Topic’s trans Reddit videos here on UA-cam or something. Do anything but linger in the negativity here. Your mental health will thank you for it. Please stay safe lovely and take care of yourselves 💜💖
on a side note, do your due dillengece and research the topic, don't listen JUST to the opinion of trans people as they will always hide certain facts, if you wanna make a NO GOING BACK DECISION make sure you know ALL THE FACTS FIRST
@@yol_n Transitioning does have it's share of pain and awkwardness, but my life pretransition was significantly more painful and miserable. If I had not been able to transition, I likely would have committed suicide in the near future. I can't speak for everyone, but that's generally how it feels to be trans. Transition is not always amazing, but it is a relief from the agony of dissociating and faking your life. The fact that transition sounds inherently unpleasant is a good sign you're not trans, you're lucky not to struggle with that aspect of your sense of self. The reason the majority of people detransition is because OTHER people made their life miserable while transitioning, be it their parents, their former friends, or harassment from bigoted people like you.
Being trans isn't some kind of optional request that trans folks are making of you. It's who they are, whether you remember their name or not. And secondly, understanding and respecting someone's gender identity isn't about memorizing some complex algorithm. It's about basic human decency and treating people with respect. It's not that hard to use someone's correct pronouns or call them by their chosen name. So next time you feel like complaining about how "difficult" it is to acknowledge someone's gender identity, take a step back and consider how much harder it is for trans people to live in a world where people refuse to respect who they are.
Gender is not been "assigned at birth". Gender is a social construct. Here the people speak about sex and it is an "objective biological reality" determined at conception and observed at birth, rather than assigned. And CIS is a word, "non-CIS" invented for heterosexual-nontrans people. What would transpeople say if non-trans just invent a word for them?
One of these days, even people who were brainwashed into believing this abnormality will shake their heads in disbelief, of just how mindbogglingly idiotic the whole concept is. Stay strong, you will find yourself.
True source of tra ns movement. We really need to wake up to what is going on in the world before it's too late. ua-cam.com/video/tLXdoqXbC6k/v-deo.html
@@elputas meh, the roles we assigned to genders are pretty interchangeable in the grand scheme of things, reproduction isn't even a vital necessity in the XXI century as an individual, you can be whatever you want
@@elputas On a personal scale? Yeah, it isn't a necessity now. In most first world countries the birth rate is going down, this is because people aim for stuff that they perceive as more important, job, happiness, etc. Instead of devoting 18-25 years raising another human. You guys have been saying it all around this comment section, trans people are a minority, why do you even care then? It's not like a minority not having off-spring is gonna destroy the human race.
@@elputas Yeah again. *Biology* What does it matter if a fella feels trapped within their own body? the excuse yall keep saying is how "they don't have functional reproductive organs" "muh biology" so what? a woman that has passed her menopause is no longer a woman because she can't reproduce? How about an infertile woman? Men with infertility? Are they still men? Like come on. Does it matter if a minority is aiming for happiness in their lives? How miserable do you have to be to constantly search for content talking about them just to spread your negative thoughts about it all over the place? Go touch grass fam, you probably need it.
@@elputas UA-cam ain't censoring anything, just based on your first comment I think I'm expecting what that second one is, if you can't take the time to read about the topic, have empathy and pop out of your "fuck everyone that doesn't think what I think" bubble, why would I take the time to translate that?
This question will likely create a flame war, but, is it really fair to ask people to identify trans people with the “garden grown” words? If they aren’t part of the English language, wouldn’t those words be just as unknown as, say, Spanish is to an English speaker? Not making a political statement or anything, just curious and trying to learn.
You mean like "he" "she" and "them" ?? We've been using those words since before Shakespeare's time. None of this is foreign if you've gone to 1st grade English class. In every day life, you're not going to need to say "my non-binary demisexual trans co-worker" you're just going to say "my co-worker"
Hi there, yes entirely fair. in the same way that some terms become outdated and other things are brought into existence language needs to be reflective of the word it's used to describe. In the same way people have had to unlearn words like colored, oriental, mongoloid, calling things "gay" or "retarded." I supposed yes, these words would be unknown but new words are introduced into the lexicon all the time. At one point guacamole wasn't a household term, nor was salsa or even cherry coke but as we recognize them we need to identify them accordingly. Ze / Xe / Ey have actually been introduced into the English language as non-binary pronouns several times but they're not commonly taught because of how repressed/ isolated the trans population has been. You likely don't need to know the names of cheeses they don't sell in your local markets or plants you rarely encounter. When they become part of your world they deserve their own proper linguistic terminology : ) Hope that helps!
@@Sprayfaint I disagree about why neopronouns have had such trouble historically. It's a long time interest of mine. I've been seeking to get some neutral pronouns established for many decades, long preceding the more recent non-binary identification (my reason was more about feminism and avoiding presumptions of male defaults). There have been LOTS of attempts over the decades (you've probably never heard of "co" and "per" and such, which came and went with few ripples), but each has only been used in some small context - nobody could agree to standardize them, each group made up their own, there was no accumulated momentum. The recent surge in neo-pronouns also ran into almost the same problems. Except this time, rather than different sets of pronouns scattered sparsely over time and place, there were dozens hitting at once and in effect competing with each other. Again, no ability to agree and compromise and push one consistent set. It's hard historically to change structure words like pronouns; we add nouns and verbs and adjectives (or new meanings of existing ones) all the time, but pronoun changes tend to take literally hundreds of years to change. When you combine that human tendency with a plethora of proposed new varieties, and expect people to remember every person's individual and *current* preferences, it's a really hard sell, at least among this species. This involves an imposed cognitive load which does not resonate with people as justified. Sure, we can learn whatever pronoun a daughter uses, but for everybody we meet - when many are barely able to remember names? Not going to happen broadly and sustainably. However, even more recently, "they/them" has gotten by far the most traction I have ever witnessed as an acutely interested participant/observer. This is not a neo-pronoun, it's a variant on an existing usage. Yay! In my quest to avoid unnecessary he/she assumptions but also communicate well, I settled on using "they" when I could several decades ago. Like "if a user wants to delete their answer, they can click on the red X at the bottom". If done well, few people will notice, and this use of "they" to represent an unknown or unspecified person actually goes back centuries (tho its popularity has varied over time). The most recent usage has expanded that historical usage to incude a new thing -known persons who identify as non-binary. Semantically, there is a difference between "person of unknown gender" and "person of known non-binary gender". But "they/them" has recently become used for both, a small linguistic innovation. To be honest, I was rooting for standardizing on a neopronoun set like "zie/zim" because it would preserve the semantic nuance described above and avoid singular/plural ambiguities. I like expressive language. But since no such neopronoun is winning out linguistically, I'm happy enough to have "they/them" as the new standard, and hoping it succeeds for the long run. But the core reason we may settle on "they/them" is that we as a community have been utterly unable to come to any consensus about a single neo-pronoun set. If we were more cooperative and collaborative, more of a real functioning community, we could do that - and I'd be glad to throw my full support on the new standard as well. This is a historic moment where the language might permanently shift - but only if we could form consensus. Failing that, "they/them" is ok. I believe that (whether we like it or not) the approach of everybody choosing idiosyncratic neo-pronouns from a large set of options, is going to be in the end a temporary and forgotten historical fad, known someday only to specialists in linguistic history as an amusing quirk of the early 21st century. (Read up on the roots of "okay" to get the flavor of that). But the usage of "they/them" for indeterminate and neutral gender may just stick around for the long run. I'm not advocating this so much as predicting it.
I still don't understand what "gender" is or its function. It seems divisive labeling people based on their preferences. Sex is a medical term and I thought gender was just a synonym. I'm honestly confused; Can a man identify as a woman without taking on traditional female traits? Is it sexist to change your gender based on outward portrayal? These are real questions, I came here to understand.
In this video sex (biology) is being confounded with gender (social construct). I think you're spot about the divisiveness. If there ever was a hidden agenda behind 2SLGBTQIA+ it has gotta be the intention to divide. I mean how about that acronym for goodness sake! No, a man can identify as anything but that will never change his sex. Yes it's sexist to portray gender if it is based on sterotypes. I am a woman and never dress like a drag queen.
It seems like you're struggling with the concept of gender, but don't worry, I got you. Gender is not just a synonym for sex, sweetie. It's a complex and multifaceted social construct that goes beyond your anatomy. And no, it's not just about "preferences." It's about identity, expression, and how we relate to ourselves and others. So, labeling people based on their gender is not divisive, it's just a way to acknowledge and respect their lived experiences. As for your question about a man identifying as a woman without taking on traditional female traits, the answer is yes, absolutely. Gender identity is not about conforming to societal norms or stereotypes. It's about how you feel inside, boo. So, if a man identifies as a woman, he is a woman, regardless of how he looks or acts. And no, changing your gender is not sexist. It's a personal choice that people make based on their own experiences and feelings. It's not about outward portrayal or trying to fit into a certain box. It's about being true to yourself, bae.
@@own4801 So I, a masculine presenting heterosexual male, can just say I'm a woman and gain access to women's only spaces, women's sports, and government grants for women? Your identity is who you are not what you want to be. Is a rose not a rose when called by any other name? -Shakespeare
@@amaruonyx390 It's not just about "saying" you're a woman or a man, it's about identifying and living as the gender that aligns with your true self. Gaining access to women's only spaces, sports, or grants is not some kind of perk or privilege that comes with being transgender. Transgender people face numerous challenges and discrimination every day just for existing, let alone accessing basic rights and services. And as for your Shakespeare reference, well, let me remind you that the Bard also said "To thine own self be true." So maybe instead of policing other people's identities, you should focus on being true to yourself and educating yourself about the experiences of others. Just a thought.
People seem to be saying gender is a social construct, however it seems more accurate to me that *gender roles* would be a construct instead. In my opinion at least people should be able to express themselves and act the way they want without having to change their gender to explain their behaviour. Because a few years back people would say when a boy acts feminine, it would be breaking gender norms. However nowadays people would assert that it means the boy is actually a girl. What I’m saying is that it seems like people transition because they don’t fit the gender norms of their biological sex. But it is still very possible for a boy to act feminine and a girl to act like masculine? Secondly, is being transgender a choice or is it something you are born with like gay or lesbian people? I’m not very knowledgable about gender or sex and I would like some clarification about this… I’m not trying to attack anyone I would just like to understand better :)
Why can’t we just like what we like? Why do we need to be categorized based on that? You say this is promoting inclusion, but it just sounds like it’s dividing people into unnecessary groups. There is something very suspect about a trend that clearly does the opposite of what it claims. Very political. Very dishonest. Shame on all of you. Be who you want to be, but also love what you ARE. No one else is responsible for your self image.
well if we can be what we like then I don't think things like this are necessary. We should be able to express our gender any way we want but the reason why these kinds of educational videos exist is because ppl who are trans are discriminated against in society. In parts of the US you can be relatively safe being trans but in other parts like in the deep south you can be ostracized by friends and family. And then there are other countries where talk of being trans or LGBT is so suppressed and criminalized that kids growing up that express themselves differently from others will be bullied and never realize that there are others like them out there. So until the world is able to allow me and other trans ppl to live as normal human beings, these educational videos will continue to exist.
It's not bad if you don't already struggle with gender dysphoria. It's also not bad if it isn't done maliciously like it so often is done toward trans people.
This video didn’t help me as it was speaking of consequence instead of development. I want to understand how and why? I want to know why most trans people become the stereotype of their gender? I want to know why gender is even a part of their identity? I have yet to meet a “cisgendered” person who makes their gender their identity or gets offended by incorrect pronouns. I have so many questions, help me
You don't have to put other trans people down to make yourself feel better. This is not the oppression olympics, let's not turn on each other. There's already too much community infighting, aside from people from outside of the trans and nb community.
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
Something that helped me on my journey that might help you was the phrase "just because you're non-binary does not mean you owe anybody androgyny, femininity, or masculinity." We are all free to express ourselves how we feel most comfortable and true to ourselves. Heck, there are plenty of cis people with purple hair, too. Doesn't mean every cis person needs purple hair or that being cis is weird because some of them have purple hair.
Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it any less true. You know, like how the earth is round, vaccines prevent disease, and climate change is real - just because some people don't believe in those things doesn't mean they're not backed up by solid evidence and scientific consensus. Similarly, the experiences of transgender individuals are valid and real, and denying their existence or validity just because you don't believe in them is not only ignorant, but also harmful. It takes a lot of courage for someone to come out as transgender and to live their truth, and the least we can do is show them respect and acceptance. So instead of clinging to your narrow-minded beliefs, how about you open your mind and educate yourself on the experiences of others? Who knows, you might just learn something new and become a more compassionate person in the process. Peace out.
I honestly do not know what in the hell you are talking about. I have outlived my time on this earth. I do not recognise people and this world any longer, and I will be VERY grateful once my time on this earth is over. I pity the generations that came after me. We may have thought the 1930s, 1940s, 1960s, etc. were totally screwed up, but they had NOTHING on the nonsense, the sheer insanity and pathology that is being espoused today. I just bloody well hope that reincarnations is NOT real because I never want to come back to this insane asylum EVER again..
I loved it I would have loved if everyone spoke for a little longer, it was a little distracting to change the speaker every five seconds : ) but it was cool and awesome of course
I still don't get it and I'm trying. How does someone feel more like a man or a woman? Are we talking about the stereotypical things which are assigned to a man or woman? I thought we were past those stereotypes? I am a 'man', but I don't feel like anything other than 'me'. This is what I don't get and want to learn.
i mean... it's kinda _just_ a feeling. if you don't feel a connection to any gender, then you might not _be_ any gender. or you might be. who knows!!! it's a mess, but as long as you're comfortable calling yourself by whatever label you want, then it's fine
Dont think about it man its all just bullshit meant to confuse you
@@RichConnerGMN If it's only identifiable as "just a feeling" couldn't I say I feel like I'm already 70 and want my pension early? Or I feel like I'm from a different country so I deserve a passport and the right to live there? I'm trying to understand too but I can't see how wanting to be a different gender can be anything but based on stereotypes either... 🤷🏽♀️
The reason you don’t get it is because logic is incompatible with stupidity. Stop wasting your time with these clowns. All they are saying is that your status as a man or a woman is determined by your personality traits (if you’re masculine you’re a man, if you’re feminine you’re a woman) which is a sexist lie all by itself. It is the literal equivalent of claiming that I might not actually be a Black woman because because I don’t like hip-hop and didn’t grow up poor. If you know better than that then you know better than to accept this sexist garbage spewed by gender ideologues. They just might have white supremacists beat with how proudly regressive and stupid they are. Besides, Most of these “transgenders” are trans-PRETENDERS anyway, aka basic azz white kids seeking to forge an identity as an oppressed minority. Talk about privilege- when you literally have nothing to worry about in life other than typical growing pains so you just start making up crap to paint yourself as “marginalized”. Pathetic!
@@roweme it’s pretty much a natural feeling that’s just there that stays the same. Like how you naturally like men or women
(Edit) forgot to account for gender-fluid people. I’m not sure how to really analogize that, and I’m not gender-fluid myself. Sorry
I want to be as happy as these people in the video seem to be someday. It's proof that acceptance and support for trans folks does wonders for us.
Well, someone hasn't realised this is an advertisement. Ever seen an advert for washing powder where they hurl it across the room in a temper and say it makes their clothes stink? No. Of course these kids look happy - they're trying to SELL you the 'gender' nonsense.
@@crumblyduckling403 chill out and be respectful
@Natsume how acceptance and support for trans does wonder??
@@crumblyduckling403 jajajajaj... I want to be as happy as cereal comercial`s women .....
You will be happy hang ın there
Thank you! I’m 71 and this issue got ahead of me so quickly. I really want to get it right and not offend. I will watch this again as you all packed a lot in. Hopefully as time goes on, the world will appreciate the nuances and be more accepting.
Are you kidding me... you've lived all this time and your worried about accidentally calling a boy a girl or a girl a boy are you kidding me
I really want to understand but this raises more questions than it answers for me
Thank you for saying the words I needed to say. I was hoping to understand 😆 more thoughts than answers.
I feel like this is kind of the point though! It’s better to have at least some understanding than absolutely none at all.
I absolutely DONT want to know
@@quanta2770a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. So is a lot.
"Assigned?" Are we assigned ear size, eye shape, hair color, etc? Aren't we all just "born" with features as opposed to assigned? Who does the "assigning" of body parts/features?
Apart from rare hermaphrodites, there are only 2 physical sexes. Male and Female - in EVERY species. I don't care about someone's internal feelings about themselves. It shouldn't affect my interactions with you.
@Arabella Willette A physically white person may may think/feel they’re black but to the rest of the world the person IS white, regardless of their feeling black. It’s their feeling about themselves despite what everyone else SEES. What someone feels about themselves has nothing to do with me. It’s none of my business. People can feel about themselves what they want/need to, it just doesn’t change what PHYSICALLY is regardless of the politically correct terminology/descriptors used by other caring people.
Everyone has their own cross to bear. I feel/think I’m slim but the rest of the world knows I’m not but some may humor me because they are really caring individuals and don’t feel that their “accepting” my view of myself doesn’t impact them. 🤷🏻♀️
@@Earthomo The difference with the example you give here is that if that white person who identifies as black physically altered their appearance to "look black", entered a black community and said "I'm like you now, I understand what it's like to be you because I dress and 'feel' black based on stereotypes I've seen in the world and you must accept this and I want you to call me a "New black" and I've decided that you must call yourselves "Old black"" and the people of the black community took offence, the world wouldn't side with the white person and lambaste the people of the black community for being "racist". They would recognise this was only furthering the oppression the black community has faced from white people.
Whereas women are being lambasted for saying "Don't call me a cis woman, or a person who menstruates, I'm a woman". Or are being called transphobic for saying that it only furthers the oppression of a minority group who have been historically (and are still!) oppressed to force them to change their own identity language to please others. Or we're "transphobic" for identifying that the experience of being a woman is different to the experience of being a trans woman, and we are equal, but different. We're not even allowed to speak out as ourselves, as people with lived experience in the category being debated, without being called transphobic!
Those crystal earrings are cool as hell
These were a great group of friendly individuals, I enjoyed this positive message and learning about being trans!
@OzarkoBlam no their actually is
And no it's not pretending
I should know
@David Vanpatten wdyk
@OzarkoBlam Transexuals definitely do exist. There's only pretending they don't exist.
So telling someone "be a man!" or "you're such a girl" is wrong, because it forces someone to behave in a way they might not be comfortable with. But telling someone that has feelings of being any other gender than what they are, based on their body, that they are trans is good, despite the fact that you use the same exact gender stereotypes to reach that conclusion? What do you suppose drives a young boy to grow his hair long and put on makeup and dresses, if not to swap one set of gender stereotypes for another? Shouldn't we instead just conclude that gender stereotypes are irrelevant, and shouldn't be used as a basis for determining our behavior or indeed anything in our lives? Is the solution to eliminating the "boxes" of male and female behavior to create a third box to put people into? Couldn't we instead just ignore gender stereotypes and live as we wish, laughing at those who stubbornly adhere to them and pointing out their absurdity? Couldn't we stop "teaching" children that they have accept this new third box, and instead teach them to ignore the entire concept of boxes by living virtuous lives, free from the arguments around gender conformity? I invite you to consider that there is a higher road to be taken that the one presented in this video.
totally agree!!!
I mean that’s what trans is. It is by definition moving outside of the “box” that out sex and society decides to put them in.
@Toddv1 I 1000% agree! ❤️
@@SaintMarianne Not at all. By transitioning from one gender identity to the other you are validating the thesis according to which your sex implies a certain gender, otherwise if you truly believed every human being can do what he wants with his preferences and his personality you wouldn't even care to switch, because your sex would not limit you at all in your actions. What the comment above is saying is true: the entire concept of "gender" is just nonsense, not because it's too complex to understand or too progressive, as the LGBT people usually like to say to make themselves feel better, but because it clearly contradicts itself to the core. If you think gender identity is a thing, it means you belive you can't get long pink hair just because people see you as a male, and you think you need permission from them first, that can be obtained just if you make yourself appear as a female to others. It's an incredibly conservative way of seeing the world, yet it's inexplicably brought on by leftists.
That’s false though. You can absolutely get long pink hair or dress femme and still identify as a man, if you want, that’s part of what breaking the traditional gender boundaries is all about, whether you’re a femboy or a tomboy or a twink or butch or whatever.
Sex doesn’t determine what you are and how you choose to be, our gender identity and how we express it is completely within our control. There’s nothing even remotely conservative about removing birth sex from the equation and allowing people to define gender on their own terms instead, and that’s what transition is all about.
So basically a person can do nothing to change their appearance and just claim to be anything they want. Yeah, that will go over real well..... Lol that is exactly why people have concerns about this topic. I used to think they were wrong, but now people like the ones in this video make me see how far that slippery slope is headed. I care more about safety and freedom than I care about hurting your feelings, or whether or not you throw "transphobe" at me. Also, calling it "assigned" gender implies that it's normal not to relate to your genitalia. No. That is highly unusual, as you even admitted. And nobody is 100% masculine or feminine, so the term nonbinary is irrelevant and meaningless.
I don't see how this affects safety and freedom? This is just them expressing themselves in a way that makes them happy. So honestly if using pronouns and acknowledging their gender identity is what makes them happy, then sure I'll do it!
As a cisgender man, I really never got the vibe that the word "assigned" made identifying as the gender you were born with as wrong or abnormal. It's just stating the fact that you just chose to stick with the gender that you were given at birth
And also, I think the term non-binary does have a use and purpose for existing
Well the vast majority of trans people is not gonna do that. Most of is wanna change the outside to match the inside.
@Niqabi Kafira Some really valid points. I want everyone to feel respected but there has to be a line somewhere. Could I commit a crime as an adult but identify as a 12 year old and get tried as a minor (without being classed as having mental issues)? Could I identify as a paraplegic and claim disability benefits? Could I identify as a 70 year old and get my pension early and a free bus pass? Could I identify as someone from a different country and demand I deserve a passport and the right to live there?
@@roweme Fair points, Im here to learn what the other side has to say and hopefully we can come to a consensus as to how to address the concerns of citizens of a country while being inclusive. On a personal standpoint I support anyone's right to present yourself as you see fit if you cannot conform to your "assigned" gender at birth then that's fine too and you are free to do as you wish as long as you are a decent human being and a productive member of society. I do disagree with the point/laws saying that mig-gendering someone is an act of violence punishable by law and sentenceable to prison for speaking what you thought was right on an observation. You can be corrected and educated on the proper pronouns and that's how we move forward as a society but to go to the extreme of imprisioning someone just because of that is a little too much. This will always happen (everywhere around the world) unless people wear their pronouns on their forehead or face, you will be misgendered ALL THE TIME. Does that mean every person who you come across needs to be imprisoned for that, I dont think so. What about formal documentation when someone is writing a paper to a general audience are they conformed to list out every pronoun list that is growing everyday and changing will that person be criticized about what pronouns were used rather than focusing on the topic the person actually wanted to present when the writer had no bias or objection to how a person should live their life. Calling/labelling someone as transphobic for speaking their mind about some of these concerns isn't right either, we're simply trying to find common ground.
Thanks! A member of my family recently has transitioned and I want to be as supportive as possible. I appreciate there’s a video like this!
This feels like the gender bending 80’s is back, but it’s been re marketed and rebranded. Having grown up through the the glam rock era, punk, Goth, New Romantics and of course the whole gender bending 80’s, non if this is actually new, apart form the language being used.
There was no denial of biological reality back then. Gender non conformity, breaking gender stereotypes is all about going against gender expectations which is based on your sex.
Once you deny sex exists, well you are not really “gender non conforming”.
What I see now is a movement that promotes gender conformity. “I’m feminine, therefore I must not be a man”. Rather than “I’m a feminine man, deal with it”.
I understand though.
Society can not stand gender non conformity and they were outraged by the gender bending 80s.
They hate masculine women and feminine men. As a butch lesbian, who came out in the 80s, I know only too well what society thinks of women like me. Who don’t conform to gender stereotypes. Who don’t dress for the male gaze. It has told me over and over I am not a real women. However I stand my ground. I will not let society take away my womanhood simply because I don’t conform.
The medical world has largely ignored the female body. Research has revolved around males. Women are treated like mini males, despite our 6500 genetic differences. No matter how I dress, or my sexuality, or how l identify, it won’t change the fact that the medical world doesn’t give a shit about half the worlds population and the more we deny biology, the more we shoot ourselves in the foot and allow the medical world to keep on not giving a shit about Us.
I could pick a few bones about what you say here, but I won't because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
What I will say though is that you ARE a real woman, and anyone who thinks differently isn't worth your time.
(Spoken by a trans-female and advocate for the transgender community) Stay safe. :)
@@tishwolfsong2869 thank you Tish.
@@tishwolfsong2869 are you sure you are transgender and advocate for transgender community? There's no such thing as real women. Cis women are women, trans women are women. Some where assigned female at birth, some weren't and need external help. We are all valid.
@@muumu0 Precisely my point.
jo Go says "[Society] has told me over and over I am not a real woman." and I'm supporting her position that she is, in the same way as you say "We are all valid", which we are. "real" and "valid" are synonyms. www.thesaurus.com/browse/real
@@allyouneedisperfume758 then technically its a similar struggle. When talking about trans and cis women the main "fact" which transphobes spew is that they're real women because most of them fit a cisheteronormative viewwhich falls in a women being feminine and being heterosexual, and also because they where assigned female at birth.
I might get some hate for this, but understand that this is not coming from the place of hate, but concern.
I feel like a lot of these people seem to be confusing aesthetics and personality with gender identity. Men and women have been dressing in gender non-conforming ways since forever, it`s part of growing-up and experimenting with your fashion, or being part of different subcultures. Also, by definitions of femininity and masculinity changes throughout cultures and history, what is considered masculine in XXI. century Korea is not the same as what is considered masculine Scandinavia during the viking era. None of that makes anyone transgender tough without having gender dysphoria and having the desire to physically change their biological gender to match the gender they identify with. Bluntly put, unless I at least to some degree want to transition into the another gender (aka want cut off what I was born with and replace them with the opposite genitalia), I am not transgender, sorry.
I somehow feel like trans and gender identify in general somehow became the new fashionable thing for young people to rebel against societal norms with, but being trans is not a subculture or fashion choice like being goth, rocker, Lolita etc., and it can a very painful experience for a lot of actually trans people. It made into "this", is actually quite disturbing.
I am not coming from a place of hate or anything like that, do not misunderstand, please. I fully support the trans community and always have. However, I am worried that there inherent dangers to seeing being trans, nonbinary etc. as a fashion statement or special, to the community and on the individual level as well.
I think you're the one who is confused.
Saying this kind of stuff clearly shows that you *don't* fully support the trans community. You have *zero* say in how anyone else self-identifies. Also gender expression =/= gender identity.
It has nothing to do with personality. It’s just how you feel. It’s like wearing two left shoes your entire life. Pretty fucking uncomfortable. The clothes part is more to help them feel more masculine or feminine to help mellow out the dysphoria.
It's to do with dysphoria, not personality.
if ur not trans don’t give ur opinion on trans issues
@@mars6742 Everyone has a right to their opinion. It’s legal in any country with free speech. I invite everyone to share their opinions on all issues no matter who they are we are all human. :)
Imagine being butthurts for people being themselves while not hurting anyone.
What?! No. Let's unpack this. Unfortunately, even in my native Sweden, lol where they tend to be more accepting of us, the suicide rates have still been measured at 19x. We're hurting ourselves.
@@The-Autistic-Rat Imagine laughing out loud when people kill themselves, most likely due to bigotry and people like you.
@@yermomLeslie What?! No. Let's unpack this. I was juxtaposing this particular statistic with your claim that they aren't hurting anyone. Do you not consider Trans people as people? You need to DO BETTER or take off that pfp, pal. De-personing the Trans diaspora with such precarious statements is literally violence. My understanding also is that lol stood for "lord, oh lord". That is my truth and I refuse to stop living it.
@@The-Autistic-Rat Yeah you definitely can read very well. Apparently me criticizing transphobes for hurting trans people and making them more suicidal, and laugh at them for killing themselves because of this, is just me depersonalizing trans people eh?
@@yermomLeslie What?! No. Let's unpack this. You said nobody gets hurt. I simply suggested a new perspective, albeit a difficult one to embrace. YOU are the one denying Trans people their autonomy and personhood by diminishing the gravity of this particular statistic. Do better.
it took me the entire video to notice that the person w the purple hair and lipstick has a shirt with korra and asami im crying i love it sm
I'm crying too how they fucked up the show
Yeah! 👩❤️👩🏳️🌈❤️ It's such a lovely sweet detail!
I like to explain it like this:
Sex and gender are completely different.
Someone with a penis may identify as a man. Another person with a penis may identify as a woman. And another person with a penis may identify as both and neither!
It’s not the genitalia that makes gender, it’s how we perceive and think of ourselves. The chromosomes and genitalia are under that “sex” label.
I am genderfluid. So at one time I might feel more masculine and sometimes I physically present that way and other times I present neutrally or feminine.
Everyone is different though!
The ‘gender unicorn’ is an incredible diagram that lists a multitude of things and I find it SUPER helpful for those wanting to understand but getting a confused or overwhelmed :)
All right that's it! I'm done I've tried to understand. But when you start telling me that I have to be very careful how I say or what I say I'm out. With all that's going on in the world my attention and help is needed else where. No offense to anyone.
you're just having different emotions. this just solidifies gender stereotypes.
@@blakechristy1472that emotion is gender! :D
only 2 genders/sexes exist
But is that feeling of confusion so strong because it usually happens that we don't seem to be like girls. I want to understand about this
I have an honest question, and I really don't want to upset anyone or be edgy, just trying to be more informed!
What makes it so that instead of choosing to be male or female, you would choose to be for example non-binary, without body dysphoria?
In case it has to do with social norms, why would you not just choose to behave as feminine or masculine as you prefer at any given time?
I consider myself to have quite a few feminine traits, being a man, and if anyone has a problem with that, it's theirs to deal with if they want to remain in any kind of relationship with me.
Thanks in advance, looking forward to your insights!
I've read your comment several times and I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. I would say that I think everyone should be free to express their gender identity in any way they see fit, with the usual caveat that doing harm to others is not acceptable. So, if you are happy being a man who has feminine traits that is fine as far as I am concerned.
@@MilesDavisKDAB well I guess I'm genuinely asking why someone would choose to identify as non-binary, besides not having to conform to certain norms considered as typically feminine or masculine?
Once again, just trying to be informed 😁
So three things:
1, identity is not a choice, but labels are. To use an analogy, if you were feeling tired, you probably didn't choose to feel tired, but you might choose a way to describe that if someone asked you depending on how you felt, e.g. "I'm feeling sleepy/tired/exhausted."
So for me I didn't choose to be nonbinary, but I did choose to start describing myself as Nonbinary/Genderqueer/Androgyne, because those words best match how I feel. It's kinda confusing, but basically think of it as "born this way", same as sexuality.
2, nonbinary people can have dysphoria. It can be similar to the dysphoria experienced by binary trans people e.g. I have dysphoria around my body being too feminine, which trans men may also experience. It can also be different to the dysphoria experienced by binary trans people e.g. I have dysphoria over not be called by they/them pronouns, and I have dysphoria around not being able to look "feminine in a boyish way". I don't imagine that many binary people would feel like that.
3, gender identity =/= gender roles/norms. I like pop music and the colour purple and having long hair. Doesn't make me a woman. I also like electric guitar and the colour blue and male-dominated STEM subjects. Doesn't make me a man. What I think does make me the gender that I am is the way I want to be perceived. I want to look in the mirror and look androgynous, and I want people to see me as neither a man or a woman.
So to me it doesn't matter what traits you have - if you're happiest being perceived as a man by yourself and by others, you're a man.
Hope that helped!
@@thylacina5989 I see! Thanks for the explanation!
@@thylacina5989 all that Mumbo jumbo goes out the window when identifying a dead body. Your biology determines your gender not your feelings
There is no evidence of any kind for "an internal sense of self" separate from the body. This "internal sense of self" is nothing more than a thought in the brain, which is part of the body. Thoughts just take place in the brain, there is no such thing as a thought separate from a body. The brain-body system is one system, there are no thoughts outside it.
Get your facts out off this delusional channel.
I don’t want to attack anyone here but gender isn’t a label. It’s purpose is to say what you have between your legs, not to express your personality. It’s like me being a white person painting myself black and saying I’m a black person, it doesn’t work to me. Again this isn’t to attack anybody don’t get angry at my comment, I’m just saying genders aren’t a label of personality or originally meant as. If you want to be labelled as something else then change your name.
why do you want strangers to know what your genitals are? kinda weird ngl... gender has always been a label, and always will be. we are just changing what that label entails to make it more accepting of those who were forced to not know who they are.
Trans is not the same as personality.
@@ClosetDemon it seems trans are obsessed with what's between peoples legs, constantly gas lighting people by saying what they have or others have between their legs doesnt define your gender or sex. its crazy. its not progressive. its utter crazy nonsense and it will eventually turn around again .
Nope! Nope! Nope! Gender to this generation means stereotypes. We've worked hard to smash these stereotypes and be whoever we are. Your definitions are regressive and means that I'm trans! Hey have fun with this kid's, but your activism infringes on women's rights and child safeguarding.
People are born as one or the other, they can behave however they want…who you are is far more important than what you are…when you tell people what they should think…they WILL resent it
Hey :) A trans woman here - just wanted to tell other trans people everything will be fine. You are valid.
Thanks for the video, i needed it :]
😭💗💙💛💜🖤 Thank you, and 100% back at you!
so are you a woman?
I'm trans as well, I wanted to thank you for this comment because there's been a lot of hate that I've spotted surrounding People like us... It really bums me out, I try my absolute hardest not to let others judge who I am and not let it get me down, I know who I am, and I know nobody can take that away from me, thank you!
@@McMushTrippy You are weak
@@fujiwaranonekobiodrando1257 if you don't like support/trans people, then why are you on a video about the subject? It doesn't make any sense, you're just going around saying random shit lol
Why do I still not understand
Same here
As a transmasc person, I think the video does not cover the basic basics and assumes and understanding of too many terms and ideas.
Because anyone can dress or act in any way?
Yeah honestly I got even more confused than before
It's ok not to understand at first. learning something new is not always easy. The most important thing to remember is treat people the way they would like to be treated. feel free to watch again, find out more, and definitely talk to those within the community. Ask questions and be considerate.
Well done! I wanted to find a video for my DEI class that helped to effectively describe terms, experiences, and inclusive language. This was extremely well done. Thank you to everyone who participated. Great conversation starter.
I don't understand, I'm trying my darnest and I do not understand. So because you don't FEEL like your assigned gender, you'll change your whole entire body to fit the gender you FEEL like you actually are? Like a man feeling more like a woman and the same goes for the opposite, or smth, isn't that just a personality thing? Not a gender thing, but just a man liking something you don't usually see a man likes sometimes, a man acting like a woman can also just be because of the media or experiences he absorbed throughout life or he genuinely just took a liking to certain things, like to dolls and pink stuff. It's not that huge of a deal, so I don't get why transgrender is a thing and I'm really trying my best here, I am, but my child brain can't wrap around this whole trans thing.
Rather than gender or sex problem I think it's just how people can and have varying personalities made genetically or by the medias and experiences they had… It's the best I can do to understand this.
You're doing pretty good I think. Gender is a societal construct. We as a society at some point decided that "females" played with dolls and "males" like cars. If you are a male who likes dolls and she/her pronouns, then you're not a male. This is entirely arbitrary and stereotypical. However, unfortunately, we do live in a society. And this society runs on a binary system, whether we like it or not. Almost everyone has lived with this for so long that it is hard to understand that this system doesn't actually make much sense. Afterrall, we're just all humans with three different types of biological sexes. Why does the way we dress and things we like have to matter in that?
To fit into society, we are expected to fit the standard of "male" or "female" boxes. However, if your sex is male but you're not one internally, then you do not fit the box. An error in the binary system. The term to use then is "Trans" (think biology class, when you were learning about cis and trans golgi bodies in Cell). A person whose gender doesn't fit their biological sex is labelled as Trans. They can "transition" into their gender to fit in the other binary box. (or maybe, fit into both boxes, or none at all)
You said gender as a personality thing. To slightly correct it, "it is an identity thing." Being trans is about *who you are* as opposed to *who you are wrongfully perceived by society to be.*
If society considered gender to not be limited to binary then there wouldn't be this conversation at all.
Let everyone be who they are. At the end of the day, if we're all nice and kind to each other, then why do stereotypical gender labels have to matter? We're just people, man. We're all gonna die one day and what's in someone else's pants isn't gonna matter then.
Raises and partially answers the question of what happens when our identity is defined by feelings (or for those evolutionary psychologists out there...chemicals floating around in our head). One of the speakers actually states there is no explicit end or limit to someone on their identity journey. Can't help but think from a science perspective here - if the same individual's gender or "internal sense of self" would in fact be the same if they were raised with different family, societal constructs, experiences that lead to different feelings (chemicals).
Conversely the Christian world view is that your identity exists outside of your feelings/chemicals, "The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can really know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 which probably explains with the steady decline or polarisation of the Christian perspective from society we are seeing a corresponding increase in definitions, societal challenges and instability.
The degree to which this presentation depends upon and reinforces gender stereotypes is concerning.
Basically, but the definitions used here, I don't think I've ever met a human who is cisgendered, as in completely in alignment with all gender stereotypes. (Watch for yourself, I am not exaggerating how they frame it). So we are all trans. And any young person who doesn't completely identify with the stereotypes is encouraged to consider themselves trans.
That's not helpful to anybody. It misrepresents the trans experience, as well as the experiences of most other humans as a false binary: if you are completely in alignment with every concept your society currently associates with your birth sex, then you are cis; otherwise you are trans. That is not inclusion or good sense.
Agreed. I have yet to hear a definition of "non-binary" that does not reference gender stereoptypes.
Cis: your gender aligns with your sex
Trans: your gender doesn't align with your sex
Non-binary: something that falls under the trans umbrella, but is specific to people who identify outside of the gender binary
Simple as that.
@@hiimapenguin So how is gender described in this video, other than as a set of stereotypes?
Note that it defines cis as completely aligning, but I've never yet met anybody who completely aligns, so I think that makes everybody trans. That is not a service to trans folks, nor to anybody else. I've fought against gender stereotypes my entire adult life, and now I'm seeing them reified as the gold standard.
Do you believe that gender is not binary but a spectrum? If so, then we can logically infer that nobody has a binary gender since that doesn't even exist, and we are all non-binary but rather on a spectrum.
@@zephsmith3499 in a way, yes, gender is a spectrum, but for a large amount of people it is quite binary, thus the binary gender system that is female and male. Also along with what you are saying, sex is also technically a spectrum, with slight (or not so slight) variations between person to person, that's just how it is, does that make everyone intersex? No, it does not. The system of binary and non binary sex and gender is so unfathomably complex, physiologically, that we simplify it down to the nearest binary or non binary, similar to how 1/3x3 is simplified to 1 instead of 0.9 with the 9 indefinitely repeating, of course there are larger leaps than that, but for the majority, that's how it is. To addon, technically all people who were born male are trans, or at least some form of intersex, seeing as we all start out as females until the Y chromosome is activated leading to male genitalia and whatever is Y chromosome specific. Of course, like most things, I have simplified this quite a bit by taking trace variables out and only going with the basics, though it would change very little, if anything, if I include them, it would just be a whole lot more typing.
P.S. anyway, I'm going to go to sleep now and will check to see if there is a response sometime in the late evening tomorrow.
P.P.S. as a side note, gender is how you identify, say a person is AMAB and identifies as male, are cis, but if someone is AMAB but identify as female or other they are trans, the second of the 2 would more specifically be non-binary.
P.P.P.S. this is getting way so long it's lagging my phone so I'll make this short and sweet, sex is how you are identified, gender is how you identify.
@@hiimapenguin Since gender is about socially constructed stereotype clusters, and nobody fits all the stereotypes, I can understand that one simplified model is to think of it as a spectrum. (I personally far prefer to abolish the stereotypes and let people have whatever mixture of stereotyped or non-stereotyped traits they wish, but I nevertheless can understand how the simplified 'spectrum' model would appeal to some people).
Biological sex on the other hand is at heart about reproduction; all else is just secondary markers associated with sex. There are exactly two gametes. There is no third gamete, and no gamete which is 1/4 sperm and 3/4 ovum. The only way for mammals to reproduce is to combine exactly a gamete from each type; not two of the same type, not two of one type and one of the other, exactly one of each. That's as binary as it gets, and biologically this goes far beyond homo sapiens.
Of course, there are sometimes genetic and development errors which cause some of the secondary and tertiary markers typically associated with (but NOT comprising) sex to be atypical. A tiny proportion of humans is born with truly ambiguous genitalia, for example, and this is called "intersex". But intersex people do not comprise a third sex, or produce gametes which are 1/3 male and 2/3 female. There is no spectrum of sex - though one might find a spectrum in such markers as penis size or clitoris size, but those are not sex, they are markers statistically associated with sex. Some people accidentally or deliberately confuse secondary markers of sex with sex itself, and I am familiar with their arguments but find them scientifically unsupported, closer to the old debates about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin - abstract word games divorced from physical reality. None of that wordplay matters to sexual reproduction which still requires exactly one male gamete to fuse with exactly one female gamete, period. No postmodern philosophy changes that binary reality.
Gender does not become binary, or biologically determined, just because some people personally think of it that way; gender is still socially constructed and they are still somewhere on that socially constructed gender spectrum. And sex does not become a spectrum just because some people confuse it with the secondary traits typical of a sex; they are still mammals with no third gamete type nor intermediate gametes for biological reproductive purposes.
I'm not saying this to harm anybody, it's just trying to be rational and thoughtful. These facts are 100% compatible with treating all people (of *any* combination of sex and gender) kindly and compassionately. Being kind and compassionate does not require ignoring the factual universe. Nor does it require us to reinforce gender stereotypes, telling people what social constructions are only for women or only for men. It is not hateful to reject coercive stereotyping. I am advocating acceptance and tolerance and appreciation of human diversity - and also factual honesty, and there is no conflict whatsoever in that approach.
Why are there so many dislikes, are they saying anything wrong?
Nope, just transphobic trolls in the dungeon.
Yes the whole video is wrong
Yes, they're saying you don't need dysphoria to be trans implying that trans is a choice when it really isn't
because some of us aren't part of your cringe, satanic brainwashing campaign.
@@Seven-p7s So we should listen to the person who is not qualified to speak on the subject l?
The person with the shaved head and amethyst weights is so astoundingly beautiful
North Coast Dweller she looks like a girl. Plus I don't thinks she's a trans woman. She might be a they/them.
they used to have a youtube channel and i'm devastated that they stopped making videos
SpiritDragonite yesss
No. Repulsive.
look at me go
Or an it
This commercial should include asking questions such as... 1. Are there any long term effects from the medications I am going to be taking? 2. What if I decide to go back to my original gender? 3. Is this a mental condition instead and I need medicine? 4. Is the way I am feeling because of peer pressure from who I am hanging out with? 5. Should I make medical decisions based on my feelings? 6. Should I make medical decisions based on what is popular right now? 7. Am I going through a defiant stage in my life because of people around me? 8. Can I have children later if I change my mind? 9. Should I talk to someone who changed their mind to find out why they changed? 10. Will this decision cause a population decline in the future? 11. Could this decision cause other people to want to change species, become polygamist, etc. ? These are serious questions that should be asked and the new science studies have not had enough time to truly know the effects. My advice: be a kid first. Ask teen mothers what they have gone through as a result of their decisions. Talk to a variety of people from all walks of life before deciding on something that may not be reversed and may not bring you joy 20 years later.
And then tell them no you will not be able to have children after taking puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, no it will not fix your mental health, yes it will destroy your bones and endocrine system. Why are people detransitioning and why is that not ok in the trans community? Why are they denying that this is happening? Yes and no you can change back but the damage is irreversible, no you should not be making decisions based on what is popular right now...then ask why are all these questions not asked and answered in this video?
they always skip those, I wonder why ;)
my advice? don't do surgery, why risk complications over changing genitalia? play your gender at the outside world, inside your home act whatever gender you want. This makes things easier.
@@yol_n bruh that's literally the same as saying "there's no problem in being gay, except if you show it to the world". Get educated and stop spreading hate on the internet
@@grxlxs3264 I am getting educated, that's why I'm here. How the hell what I'm saying is spreading hate?
@@kadiejb The detransition rate is EXTREMELY small. The majority of those that detransition, later on end up retransitioning.
Trans people, self included, are completely accepting of people that detransition because the entire idea behind being trans is becoming and being who you want to be, not 'converting' as many people as possible
Everything you said about hormones and blockers is bullshit, I'd know, I'm on them.
You need dysphoria to be trans. If you don't have dysphoria you should not physically transition, you will regret it. Please be careful.
yes i believe you should be careful, but regardless of whether you have dysphoria or not. just because you have dysphoria doesn't mean you should go and do it too, everyone should be careful when deciding things like that. also not all who don't have dysphoria will regret it
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
@@MisaChan101 gender dysphoria isn't anorexia. Countless streams of science back up trans people's existence and legitimize their identity. Treatment for trans people is gender affirming care and acceptance. Being trans isn't not loving yourself. Dont be condescending and act as if you have the moral high ground for dismissing everything we know about providing Healthcare to trans people. You clearly don't know what you are talking about, so don't comment on it 👍
@@lixonplays758 no you’re the one who’s wrong here…it IS exactly like anorexia in that it’s body dysmophia. The person experiencing both are perceiving feelings that do not reflect reality. Both of these feelings are beliefs about themselves that are contrary to reality. Affirming a man by telling him he can transform into a woman is a lie. No one can change sex. NO ONE
@@judeesee894 dysmorphia isn't dysphoria and you're literally just wrong countless scientists have proved otherwise lmao
Im not entirely sure how NB people are trans? How are they transitioning into a gender? Arent they trying to be outisde of a gender identity all toghether?
trans* means not aligning to your birth gender.
Well if genders were colors, it might be like going from red to purple. Red isn't purple, and purple isn't red, so while red is very similar to purple, it isn't the same color, and generally needs to be seen as it's own color.
So if you look at it from seeing nonbinary people as just another gender, yes it is possible to physiologically transition into being intersex. It's fairly uncomplicated and simple to do.
+lakon childs
The term "trans" originates from a Latin etymology which means "across". When referencing the term "transition", it describes a process where something changes from one state to another. People who claim to be non-binary do not tend to undergo a solid transition, rather, they usually simply choose to dress slightly differently from most people.
There is nothing inherently wrong with expressing one's self how they choose, but people seem to be conflating gender with self expression. Gender does concern some internal conceptions of an individual about themselves, but it is also a method of categorizing an individual into a biological sex, based upon secondary sexual characteristics. Transgender individuals will usually attempt to undergo hormonal and/or surgical procedures in order to adopt these secondary sexual characteristics in order to be perceived as the opposite sex, even if their biological sex does not actually change.
Moreover, there are some very real biological discrepancies between men and women -- psychologically, actually. This is not indiscriminately true for every man or woman, but there are general tendencies for men and women to possess certain personality characteristics, behaviors, and interests. It is precisely this discrepancy which makes gender dysphoria a very real concern, where someone whose fundamental psychology is not compatible with their physical body.
Perhaps some people who claim to be non-binary do experience dysphoria, but it is also true that many individuals to adopt this label do so on behalf of a political fad. In fact, the same can be said of certain traditional cases of transgenderism; however, there is significantly less repercussion in changing one's wardrobe than changing one's physical body. For some people, non-binary is an easy way to claim the status of "transgender", even if their attempts to actually transition into anything are extraordinarily limited if existent at all. It really overshadows the legitimate concerns of many authentic transgender individuals. I think it important to promote further research into the topic of non-binary identity, but it is important to differentiate between those who truly feel dysphoria versus those who simply wish to dress differently and/or gain political status.
Non binary people are not trans and it’s an insult to real transgender people.
I tried educating myself on this subject, and im sorry, but this doesnt make a whole lot sense to me
Watch out. You might get publicly humiliated as a bigot and transphobe for that!
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
Even if you don't fully understand it, at least you've tried educating yourself, most people don't even the to understand these kind of things, just please be respectful to people, even if you don't really get it yourself
@@MisaChan101 ???What an odd response. This person was saying they don't understand the subject matter, and you tell them to "seek treatment" to "love themselves more"
It’s okay! It’s difficult to fully understand this sorta thing. The main thing to know is to not judge a book by its cover,
When the speakers use "male" and "female", they seem to be referring to gender stereotypes, which I hope all of us can rise above. This definition of "non-binary" doesn't help anyone rise above; instead, it reinforces those stereotypes.
Also, when I hear "using the right language", I can't help but think of George Orwell.
What would be the best way to come out to my parents im 13 and a boy but I feel more like a girl in a boys body and I want to switch to what my true gender is
@@juliehornick609 thank you so much you are really helping me out
@@juliehornick609 after reading what the website has offered im coming out to my larents on Monday
@@Iowanredneck88 my thoughts will be with you! I hope everything goes well, and that you get the support you need and deserve as an amazing young person.
@@juliehornick609 thx you are also an amazing person and I hope that you live a long and happy life I go to others for support and i get laughed at while you help me i have depression bad because of it and you just made my day a lot better
Be yourself in also trying to come out ❤️🥺
So Its all about feelings?
Hey i identify as a 70 year old, hard working war veteran where is my pension?
Bored. Tried to listen got into first few seconds......then bored. Time to block. Uninterested.
*Why is it so important for many young people today, to be able to **_'label themselves'?_** For generation after generation, by which I literally mean hundreds and hundreds of years, activists in the developed world have fought - in many cases (sadly), up to and including it costing them their own lives, to be "accepted" in and by society, just like everyone else, i.e. to be considered **_"normal"_** regardless of gender, sexuality, creed, color, religion, skin color and so on.*
*Our Uncle Frank was a staunch gay activist in the UK through the 1950s and 60s. He and his friends used to march and protest for equal rights for everybody. Bare in mind that being gay in the UK was still a **_'criminal act'_** at the time in the UK, and as a result, our Uncle Frank spent several short periods in prison as a result of that. In fact he played a part (in his own little way) in helping to decriminalize homosexuality in the UK in 1967. Incidentally, for those of you too young to know, being gay in the US was only decriminalized (finally) as recently as 2003 by comparison!*
*Yet since around the year 2000, and yes, it really is as recently as that, the whole notion of wanting, fighting for, or demanding that we all be treated with the same respect and dignity as the rest of society, seems to have been turned on its head completely. Whereby young people today, now fight for, and OBJECT TO being seen as the same as the majority within society. So my question is a very simple one... what changed over the last 20 or so years? It's not that I'm against it. I just want to understand why and how the whole thing appears to have done a complete 180?*
*I'm 81 by the way, so please don't be offended by any of the terminology I've used if it's no longer seen as acceptable. I would NEVER set out to INTENTIONALLY offend ANYONE. Thank you all for your understanding folks. PS - Also, I have to type in bold because I can't see what I type otherwise. I have cataracts and glaucoma in both eyes. Again, thank you all in anticipation of your understanding. God bless you ALL and thank you for reading to the end.*
@Cian MacGana *Hello Cian. Thank you for replying. I notice you say **_"It's just..."_** as if it's neither here nor there, or no big deal or whatever. But surely it's a very big deal, because many new laws are now being introduced all over the western world, literally making it a criminal offense to say the wrong or inappropriate thing to **_"trans"_** people for example?*
*Many schools, colleges and employers have, or are legally doing away with Male and Female toilets/restrooms, in favor of all-gender toilets and restrooms. I just wonder where it will all end? Even more bizarre, from today throughout Scotland, M to F trans people will legally be considered Female. In effect meaning that for the first time ever in law, a woman can be charged with **_"Rape"._*
*I'm almost tempted to say that surely this is political correctness gone mad... but I won't! I'll just think it inwardly instead LOL. Maybe I've simply become too old for, and out of touch with the world we live in today? It's one thing to demand equality in society, but it's a very different thing to demand individuality. That's just not how an advanced society functions. It's utterly impractical.*
*The obvious next stage to this madness is that if a person chooses to self-identify as... say a dolphin, you'll end up facing criminal charges and being stuck with a lifelong criminal record if you dare to refer to them as anything else! This way madness lies in my opinion! Anyway thanks very much again for responding. Take care Cian (is that an Irish name by the way, I'm just curious?)*
@Cian MacGana No, your comment above is still there Cian?
@Cian MacGana well not sure why I have to explain this to you, but when we were born our private parts indicate our sex, but it doesn't mean we have to completely create all of these pronouns and different personality types, hair, etc just because of our private parts, some people wouldn't like the stereotypes and they dont have to change their private part, become trans or anything, but they shouldn't have to deal with faking all of their personality yk?
An astute observation.
I believe that it's part of fragmentation of Western culture, losing cultural coherence and a shared concept of "us".
As a different but related trend, today's concept of multi-culturalism has become more about balkanizing into competing tribes, with more identification and loyalty to the tribe, than to the society as a whole. Having cultural variation within a shared "meta-culture" has given way to anti-assimilationism. Emphasize/celebrate differences much more than commonalities.
So being accepted as a respected part of a shared social identity ("bigger us") is giving way to finding an identity group as one's core locus ("smaller us"). Being un-assimilated is valorized, while the old goals of becoming one flavor of the whole is disparaged as assimilation, a bad thing.
This appears to be an accelerating trend in recent years. I think that having peace and relative prosperity will foster ever more of it; perhaps having shared hardship like a massive war would reverse the trend as we discover that our very survival depends on transcending tribalism.
If we are to believe that everything is a construct, then why define it so specifically with how you talk about and express said identity.
TLDR; language is important to people and it helps us communicate our previously undefined experiences better with people who don’t understand.
So given this language, what is a man and what is a woman? I genuinely want to know how this language interprets those words/symbols. Thank you to anyone who can explain it to me.
Overdoing hair and make up or vice versa doesnt make you that gender
fr lmao
Perhaps being that gender makes one do their hair or makeup in a specific way
Lessons on how to exclude yourself by having some bonkers obsession, so that you can complain about not being included. "It isn't about appealing to other people" was the only part I can agree with. I hope these kids grow up soon.
@ULGROTHA i love you lmao
Okay boomer. 🙄
Yeah. I have slipped into suicidality quite a few times in my life because of how bad my dysphoria can get. Nobody wants this. Please just be respectful and educate yourself.
You're a trans person in denial
Zoomer here. Grow up.
I mean no disrespect, but why does gender and personality have to be related? I mean isn't that all gender stereotypes? It seems to me that people who are transgender just don't fit into those stereotypes. It seems kinda sad that people have to change their bodies because they don't fit the stereotype of the gender they were born as.
It's not a personality thing, more of a sense of self. I have a friend who's trans and when she came out, her mom wanted to buy her dresses and stuff, but she wasn't into it. She doesn't dress in a super "girly" way and is pretty into "guy" stuff, but still thinks of herself as female. Just like how cis women can be into stereotypically male things like cars and hunting for example, trans women can too. It doesn't make either any less of a woman, it's just that they're expressing what it means to be a woman differently than the stereotype. Hope that explanation helped :)
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
@@taintedmyth0s636 That is NOT how the video portrayed it. It suggested that anyone who is not "completely" aligned with conventional stereotypes is not cis but trans.
I'm not saying you are wrong, only noting that you are not agreeing with the video.
i as a catholic dont think being trans gay les etc is not good bc of my believes but i wont spread hate for people part of lgbtqia+++
Can I jsut say I love the person with the amythest earrings. the shaved head and earring look is amazing
Yea I love their style :]
I know, right?? Their style is just gorgeous! 💜
It looks like a genetic experiment gone wrong XD
@@Seven-p7s so true 😂😂😂
honest question as someone who is curious and wants to get along with you "guys" (trans people) - how do i deal with my internal disgust towards gender "fluidity"?
i have recently made a friend with a trans person, i really like them and they dont present in a crazy/exaggerated way, they dress as a man allthough they are biologically woman..
i am watching videos like these to get an idea about the whole thing and i am trying to not be hurtful but when i see how you guys dress or act, it repulses me internally (against my will).
the same way for example, how a straight man would be repulsed by homosexuality, in the same way i am repulsed, when men dress up like women or wear make up or vice versa.
do i simply need to get desensitized to it, does it go away with time by being exposed to people like that? i dont wanna hurt my friend because of my ignorance or natural inclination against what you people stand for... my friend has been suffering a lot, i wanna ease his pain, but i have to address this issue within myself.
i think im ok when women dress as men and men as women, *if* they pass as the gender they represent. if they dont pass, i have a really hard time to "accept" (internally, i do already mentally), because they stand out like a sore thumb. its hard to explain...
what do i do, can anyone help?
I had the same thing, just remind yourself their gender when talking about them, it's just gonna stick eventually.
*Bro give your friend the D*
it takes time to adapt to change. with enough time it gets a lot easier
Why conflate 'gender' and 'sex'? The speakers are confused because they view gender and sex as the same. Sex is simply biology, gender is subjective. Sex is just fact while gender requires a faith-based belief. What about those of us who aren't into faith? We know our sex cos it's just biology but we don't embrace faith. Why exclude us?
I’m not transgender, so I can’t relate. But my question is, why can’t people just accept their gender like you have to accept your height, ethnicity, and other biological stuff? In my opinion, just take whatever gender you’re given at birth.
The hell is wrong with you...
@@percy4339 I was merely asking a question.
I agree i am confused too
Okay, most trans people feel "trapped" within their own bodies, not only because how they feel inside but because of the roles and such that society associates to them, what their close circle expects from them, it's a burden that can eat your sanity out the more time you have it hidden, transition is a step towards getting out of there
I feel like a pirate, so thats how you must adress me matey
grew up in a very permissive environment with a language that does not have gender specifiers (no he/she), I don't understand what is all the fuss in US about how someone chooses to dress or who people choose to marry!?!?! Is this because of Christianity & English language limit?
I wish English was like this! I'm envious of speakers of gender-neutral languages like Finnish, where the third person singular pronoun hän can refer to any gender.
Yeah, most of it’s about religion. The other half is people’s wack social views.
@@senseisleepyhead English is like this though. We have "they/them"
The USA was built on hatred and cruelty, and that ideology follows us through time. English has "they/them" as a gender neutral pronoun & literally none of our words are gendered like we see with French or Spanish for example. People here are just bigots and/or lazy. There is literally no other explanation for this.
@@stickinug they/them are used in plural,
singular is only possible through a plural bridge which makes it plural again.
The only thing Singular they/them would do is blow up the structure of most germanic languages
Also there are only Penises and Vaginas anyone who disagrees is mentally ill
How does a person know "what's right for them"? Sometimes people do what is "right for them" only to realise afterward that it wasn't "right for them" after all.
That’s the beauty of genderfluidity. Though detransitioning is uncommon, it happens sometimes. And that’s totally ok! As people we grow and change through our life and so does our perception of who we are. If this makes me happy and I’m not harming anyone or myself, why not?
@@copper.canary trans people create the bathroom problem so yes they are harming other people even if not direct harm
People know what's right for them because they freaking feel it in their bones. It's called being true to yourself, something you might not be familiar with. And yes, sometimes people make mistakes, but that's called learning and growing. It's not an excuse to deny someone's identity or invalidate their experiences. So why don't you take several seats and educate yourself on the struggles that trans folks go through instead of questioning their basic human rights? Okurr?
@@own4801 aesthetic changes are not "human rights"
@@yol_n Being transgender isn't just about "aesthetic changes," as you put it. It's about a person's gender identity not matching the sex they were assigned at birth. It's about feeling like you were born in the wrong body, and the emotional pain and confusion that comes with that.
But let's talk about those "aesthetic changes" you seem to be so dismissive of. Transitioning isn't just some frivolous cosmetic procedure, it's a crucial part of many trans people's journeys to living authentically as themselves. And let me tell you, honey, nobody's doing it for funsies. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and downright dangerous in some parts of the world.
So when you say that "aesthetic changes" aren't human rights, you're completely missing the point. Access to healthcare, including transition-related care, is a basic human right. Nobody should have to suffer because they can't afford or access the medical treatment they need to live as their true selves.
please don't think every transperson is like this, im literally cringing at some of the things they say.
Same here. Don't worry.
Can I ask a question to you guys? I hope asking to you will be useful and informative, unlike the video.
I really don't get the core concept of "gender". I'm biologically a male. Let's say tomorrow I want to paint my nails, make my hair pink and wear makeup. What prevents me from doing that? Nothing, should be the correct and most logical response. In an actually progressive and inclusive society, nobody would feel the need to judge another person based on their sex, and more in general nobody would assume that certain things and behaviors are for men and some are for women, simply because it's clear that sex and behaviors are not mutually implied in any way. In a society like this, where everybody can feel and act as they want and desire, why would anyone feel the need to change sex to get "permission" from people to do and be certain things? If the "masculine" and "feminine" stuff is just a social construct (and it is, in fact) and not an actual consequence of your sex, why validate this construct by switching sex to pair your gender identity with the sex you think it's associated with? I really really don't get it. And please don't elude the question by saying "trans people don't hurt anyone, they just want to be happy", because as you know this topic has many other potential implications on a large scale that should be carefully considered.
They speak as if they wish to be individuals, yet they all want to belong to a group.
I know it would seem funny because I'm 60 years old but I truly do not understand what transgender is That's why I'm going to watch this My daughter would laugh if if you saw me post this comment but she tried to explain it and I just got me more confused so I'll give the video a shot maybe I'll understand after watching it I hope
Being gay and being transgender are two different things, right? I'm sorry, I'm confused:/
yes. Being gay is the attraction to the same gender. Trans is when you are born diffferent to the way you feel
Homosexuality is being attracted to the same sex. Someone who is transgender wishes to identify and be identified as the opposite gender.
Okayyy, I get it now. Thanks!
But they often come together.
A man may be straight, but after becoming a woman - she is now gay.
Gender can be anything you want it to be; male and female is not a question of choice.
Heartbreaking 💔. Society needs to accept gender non-conforming people a lot more. It is a social construct. They are not in the wrong body. They do not to be medicated. They do not need to change their bodies. They are beautiful and unique just the way they are.
It is not a social construct it’s biology
Your characteristics could be more masculine or feminine but biology is biology
And that is SCIENCE
@@narcodium I don't deny the reality of biological sex. There is no evidence however for some inner feeling of masculity/ feminity. The idea that you can feel like 'a man trapped in a women's body' or vice versa finds not root in science. Gender is the socially constructed behaviours and expectations that come with being male/ female.
The one thing that you can do is leaving the world
One word biology
@Crust on Bread Gaming yes
"We're expected to act a certain way based on what's between our legs." Like... When? Advanced countries who have time to worry about this stuff have so much freedom to do and act as you please. Gender dysphoria is serious and can lead to so many terrible things, even countless surgeries where the results are always unknown. Please stop pressing for people to embrace such risks and urge them to get help. I've had 2 of the most common surgeries that we have been doing since the 1700s and I still got botched. So many people are regretting/will regret listening to people like this instead of just going to therapy and learning how to cope.
You shouldn't have stopped the video after they said that. Maybe you would have learned something and been empathetic.
@@bcarroll03 I watched the whole thing and even re-watched multiple parts.
@@bcarroll03 I AM empathetic. Things like this hurt the lives of impressionable people.
Yeah you don't have to cut your dick off to play Barbies!
But... they are going to therapy and learning how to cope, and sometimes there is no coping, there is a treatment
I had to rewind the point at 6:35 a couple of times to grasp it. Is the point that it’s correct/better to say “x has a uterus”, instead of “x is a woman”? Surely, right? The point is not to equate “has uterus” with “is a woman”?
Apologies for the dumb question 😅 I have come here for education and am trying my best to understand, as I felt I had a real knowledge gap on this topic.
I do not believe in imaginary gender identities. It is a very strange faith.
It is cruel and misleading to tell children that their bodies are incorrect, and that they should chemically and surgically alter themselves.
People need to start thinking of excuses for why they supported this.
They briefly mentioned that trans people may go down the avenue of medicalisation or surgery and completely left out the very important consequences: long term ill health, sometimes irreversible interventions that may leave people sterile or with increased pregnancy/birth risks, or unable to breastfeed or enjoy sex, becoming a longterm and often lifelong customer of B1g Ph4rm@... I hope any kid, or any adult, reading this, get fully informed before any important decisions are made.
It's not a "faith" to recognize and accept that transgender people exist and have valid gender identities. It's called science and basic human decency.
And as for telling children that their bodies are "incorrect," that's a total misrepresentation of what's actually happening. No one is saying that a trans child's body is wrong or bad, but rather that their gender identity doesn't match the gender they were assigned at birth. It's a subtle but important distinction that you clearly missed.
And let's talk about "excuses" for supporting transgender people. How about this one: because it's the right thing to do. Because every person deserves to live as their true and authentic self without fear of discrimination or harassment. Because denying someone the right to transition can have devastating consequences, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide.
So yeah, maybe it's time for you to do some self-reflection and educate yourself on what it means to be transgender before spouting off ignorant and harmful comments on the internet. Just a thought.
@@own4801 it is very cruel and unethical to interfere with a child's natural puberty. It is immoral and causes lifelong harm when people are given wrong sex hormones.
It strips women of the right to exclude men when you pretend that men are women.
These are all reasons not to play along with your ideology.
Nobody is saying that people don't exist, or that they don't have mental illnesses.
My son just came out to me as trans. He wants to be a woman. He is 20 years old. I dont get it.. but I am willing to learn. I love my child. My child deserves happiness. So many emotions are flooding my brain.
Well he’s old enough to do what he wants but he should thoroughly research what he’s assuming and be objective about it and not just look at studies or statistics that were done in bias just to reinforce his already echo chambered ideology. He needs to look at suicide rates of trans both before and after operation as well as the “very un-talked” about consequences of the operation such as ingrown hairs in surgical vaginas, infections, high risk of cancer taking hormones, etc…. Unfortunately gender dysphoria does not get proper research these days because of ideological morons who care more for image and profit over actual well being. Good luck and god speed
Don't go along with it. Inform yourself. Get him out of this cult.
i think a good first step to accepting your child and loving them is to find out what name or pronouns they want to use and to practice using them! if you mess up just quickly correct yourself and move on. it can be hard to change what you refer to someone as especially if they’re very close to you but do your best to make them feel comfortable and happy :)
@@cycledance so make them feel like dirt and like they aren't allowed to be themselves?? NO.
You failed him as a parent. Poor guy is fucked for life now.
Wow such a real and totally not insane ideology. I bet it hasn’t changed it all since then because it’s so based in reality
Lmao some of y’all in the comments are way too concerned about the lives of other people and it shows. 😂
Trans people are beautiful, and you’re only mad because you’re jealous that you’ll never have as vibrant and welcoming of a community as ours.
If you’re seriously that mad about people trying to live a life that makes them happy, I think you should look at how happy you are with your own life. Go to therapy or something. Harassing people on the internet isn’t gonna cure your depression 🤡
From what I am understanding from this video is that your gender is based on personality and emotion. Your choice of gender seems to be based off what the traits of a certain gender are based off of what society views those genders as. But my question is why does the gender norms even matter? It seems that switching gender based off of how one feels makes gender obsolete. It seems like those who decide to transgender feel the need to assign themselves a name such as transgender due to gender norms. Why can't you just be a person who feels feminine or masculine in some aspects? Why should how you feel have to place you into a gender category? Why can't you just be a person who feels whatever you wanna feel? People are just people, I don't understand why gender norms even exist when in today's society people can look and be anything.
Being transgender is not about "switching gender based off of how one feels." It's about a deeply felt sense of incongruence between one's assigned sex at birth and one's gender identity. It's not just about personality and emotions, it's about a fundamental sense of who you are.
And as for your question about why gender norms even matter, well, have you ever heard of something called "systemic oppression?" Yeah, that's kind of a big deal. Gender norms and expectations are deeply ingrained in our society, and they often lead to discrimination and violence against people who don't conform to them.
And as for your suggestion that people should just be able to feel whatever they want without having to place themselves into a gender category, well, that's a lovely idea in theory, but it's not how the world works. Gender is a social construct, but it's a powerful one, and it affects everything from how we're treated in the workplace to whether or not we're safe walking down the street at night.
Some things make no sense , i wont judge anyone , may God bless all of you
If u let it be u might have to follow the things that don’t make sense to u youthbe c16 bill cannada
@@maniac3607 that doesn't happen.
This video is really helpful since I'm going to come out as a trans boy to my dad by writing a note and show this video!! Great job :)
How old are you
@@theoutcast229 13-15
@@blueberrystrawberry4261 you have two ages?
Good luck my guy, even if it goes south be aware you have many many more oportunities to be happy and to be yourself
Congratulations on knowing yourself, and all the best for your coming out! No matter how it goes with your dad, you are *you*, and there are so many other trans folks out here to support you. 🥳✨👍
Because transphobic and lgbtq phobic people don't like to leave us alone, they like to stir up hate to get attention.
The comment above from @Mc. MushTrippy puts it into words better than I can, but I also wanted to add: I mostly focus on upvoting the non-shitty comments and adding some more trans/non-binary positive messages. The transphobic and lgbtq-phobic shit is still there of course, but I'm happy to see other trans/NB folks and supportive allies in the comments. 💛💜🖤
@@senseisleepyhead 👍❤️
@@McMushTrippy ✌😁
@I was born in this pain not actually true at all. Cis Hets speak from perspectives not of their own often times forcing their beliefs on Trans/NB Folx. I’ve met a lot of positive Cis Gays that are supportive of Trans/NB and the. I’ve met the ones who also force their opinions on Trans/NB. It’s one thing to have an opinion, but then being ignorant and refusing to accept something your brain might not be able to comprehend and still argue is when you should be quiet and not cause problems you don’t comprehend nor experience.
I don't understand the subject, but I feel we must respect all human beings for who they are.
Yes, huge respect to Charlie Manson.
@@fraided88 ???? you must be a very lonely bored person, sad for you. Harassing people on YT must give you a thrill. Seek help dear. No need to be so bitter.
Not when they invade, appropriate, and violate necessarily protected spaces. Sex based reality matters.
@@user-ld7uj9pv8e no clue what you are talking about, "protected" spaces? WTF is that? English must not be your mother tongue. Community colleges have ESL classes, usually free.
@@lorelailaval7676like all female spaces. These genetic women can sometime get anxiety from genetic men in their space…. Seriously tho how do you not understand?
My only issue it this works for the trans community but once they try and use this and apply it to all society this doesn't work. You can't impose this onto sports that are by sex. Just because trans live with in a reality where gender doesn't apply doesn't make it true in reality that non-trans or cisgenders live by. I mean no disrespect making this observation, I see the glimpse into the the transgender dysphoria but you can't impose this onto others who don't exist in that world. I am happy you all have each other and are finding a way to manage and express your experiences together, feeling understood is amazing.
3:44 so your saying its NOT normal to be trans?
Being transgender isn't abnormal or unnatural, but it's also not the most common experience. It's just another variation of human existence, like being left-handed or having green eyes. So, no, we're not saying it's not "normal" to be trans. We're saying that it's not the societal norm, but that doesn't make it any less valid or real.
@@own4801 I know, I'm trans.
1) Ace representation!!!
2) Doing some research for a trans character I'm writing. Definitely helped. Thanks!
I wish in my province would accept us kinds. I’m sick of this binary rule.
These are the videos and messages of positivity the Trans community needs. I myself am a trans female and I wish when I came out that the people who judge me would watch this. Thank you
Watching this won't change my mind everything they say is wrong and proofless
There are people who will judge you for just everything under the sun gender aside depending on which side of the bed they got out of ✌️ after 27 years I've only just realised that actually what other people think doesn't really matter at all and yes, it's a cross to bear but so are many other walks of life. you just gotta follow your heart and put YOU first over anything else. easy to say but true. have a blessed week ahead 🙏
@@dhiachouket9308 you can find lots of actual medical studies that prove all of this. Get off social media and go learn something.
I came here to try and understand this whole trans issue and I still don't get it after watching this video?
@mohammad alamin Please elaborate
@mohammad alamin nope we know exactly who we are
@@buttermepancake3613 and that is?
@@jeanniemaycrawford4466 whomever that person says they are
It varies per person
@Cian MacGana it has nothing to do with attention. Quite the opposite actually. The fact that you claim it's about attention shows just how little you know about trans people.
Trans people transition so they CAN be comfortable in their skin as well as many other reasons.
Intersex people aside, people are indeed born a boy or a girl; gender isn't assigned, sex is observed, not assigned. These days we can act however we like. A biological male can act in a traditionally feminine way if he chooses, a biological female in a traditionally masculine way if she chooses. It doesn't matter. But this doesn't negate the fact that while that man is acting feminine, he is still a man; and a woman is still a woman if she acts in a masculine way. You are male or female; you can act masculine or feminine; you can dress however you want; project whatever gender signals you wish. But ultimately, however you present, and whatever you think, you are still male of female. Your clothing and psychology cannot override biological reality.
As a liberal I am tolerant to all people regardless of lifestyle and difference in personality. I expect the same tolerance in return but that doesn’t mean that I demand that they must have the same values and opinions as I do. That’s also respect.
I am always confuse about being neutral for everything around, how do people set criteria of right n wrong then, what standard do they follow, just interested.
It has nothing to do with values. It has to do with not being a bigot. Some opinions are not valid ie. Racism, homophobia, transphobia
@@arronbenit5660 You expect me to be your slave and think the way you do. I won’t be your slave.
0:11 This person is fabulous.
No he is not you know how pethatic he is stop lying to your self
I dunno if you’re joking, but did you really come to this video to insult everyone in it
@@robirrito i came for that !! I use the power of logic to insult everyone
ikr!!! i wish i could pull off that style as well as they did
@@dhiachouket9308 pathetic*
I wanted to learn about trans fats. But okay. I hear you. LOL
That's a good one!!
@A0 a type of callorie
I can call someone else a cow all day long. Does that make them a cow? If this is trans 101, I've just failed the class, because I can't understand the material presented to me.
Then you probably didn't listen well
I guess it takes one to know 1
If someone tells you to use whatever pronouns just respect their wishes. It's not a big deal
Just respect people. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, you dont need to say that. Its unnecessary and you are doing NOTHING helpful. Use correct pronouns and be kind
Confused people. If identify myself as a butterfly it doesnt make me a butterfly same with the gender. Simple biology facts.
First of all, being transgender has nothing to do with identifying as a butterfly, that's just a silly strawman argument. And secondly, biology isn't as black and white as you seem to think it is. Gender is a complex interplay between biology, psychology, and culture, and not everyone fits into neat little boxes. But don't worry, it's okay to be a little confused if you're new to all this. That's why there are resources like Trans 101 - The Basics to help educate people like you. So go ahead and watch the series, maybe you'll learn a thing or two and come out of your cocoon a little more enlightened. Peace out, hun.
*To all of my fellow trans people out there, especially the ones who are struggling:* Please stop scrolling. Drink some water and remind yourself that you will be okay. You don’t need the negativity in the comment section. You are perfect as you are 💜
Watch One Topic’s trans Reddit videos here on UA-cam or something. Do anything but linger in the negativity here. Your mental health will thank you for it. Please stay safe lovely and take care of yourselves 💜💖
on a side note, do your due dillengece and research the topic, don't listen JUST to the opinion of trans people as they will always hide certain facts, if you wanna make a NO GOING BACK DECISION make sure you know ALL THE FACTS FIRST
@@yol_n You can always go back, transition isn't a one way path
@@Gahhhhhhhhhhh ah yes a SECOND TRANSITION how wonderful like the first transition isn't already so painful how about a second one?!
@@yol_n Transitioning does have it's share of pain and awkwardness, but my life pretransition was significantly more painful and miserable. If I had not been able to transition, I likely would have committed suicide in the near future. I can't speak for everyone, but that's generally how it feels to be trans. Transition is not always amazing, but it is a relief from the agony of dissociating and faking your life.
The fact that transition sounds inherently unpleasant is a good sign you're not trans, you're lucky not to struggle with that aspect of your sense of self.
The reason the majority of people detransition is because OTHER people made their life miserable while transitioning, be it their parents, their former friends, or harassment from bigoted people like you.
Lucky for you most trans people are responsible.
everyone in this video is so cute help
right!!? xD babes for days
I think trans ask for too much. I can’t even remember names. You want me to remember what you feel on the inside ?
Being trans isn't some kind of optional request that trans folks are making of you. It's who they are, whether you remember their name or not.
And secondly, understanding and respecting someone's gender identity isn't about memorizing some complex algorithm. It's about basic human decency and treating people with respect. It's not that hard to use someone's correct pronouns or call them by their chosen name.
So next time you feel like complaining about how "difficult" it is to acknowledge someone's gender identity, take a step back and consider how much harder it is for trans people to live in a world where people refuse to respect who they are.
Is my existence optional to you
@@reanimationeas342 Yes.
Gender is not been "assigned at birth". Gender is a social construct. Here the people speak about sex and it is an "objective biological reality" determined at conception and observed at birth, rather than assigned. And CIS is a word, "non-CIS" invented for heterosexual-nontrans people. What would transpeople say if non-trans just invent a word for them?
One of these days, even people who were brainwashed into believing this abnormality will shake their heads in disbelief, of just how mindbogglingly idiotic the whole concept is. Stay strong, you will find yourself.
True source of tra ns movement. We really need to wake up to what is going on in the world before it's too late.
So, the director insisted that everyone smiled all the way through. Kind of annoying.
I am having a difficult time understanding the trans community so thank you for making this video!!!
I can't speak for others, but I just wanted to personally say thanks for trying to learn/understand! :)
@@elputas meh, the roles we assigned to genders are pretty interchangeable in the grand scheme of things, reproduction isn't even a vital necessity in the XXI century as an individual, you can be whatever you want
@@elputas On a personal scale? Yeah, it isn't a necessity now. In most first world countries the birth rate is going down, this is because people aim for stuff that they perceive as more important, job, happiness, etc. Instead of devoting 18-25 years raising another human. You guys have been saying it all around this comment section, trans people are a minority, why do you even care then? It's not like a minority not having off-spring is gonna destroy the human race.
@@elputas Yeah again. *Biology* What does it matter if a fella feels trapped within their own body? the excuse yall keep saying is how "they don't have functional reproductive organs" "muh biology" so what? a woman that has passed her menopause is no longer a woman because she can't reproduce? How about an infertile woman? Men with infertility? Are they still men? Like come on. Does it matter if a minority is aiming for happiness in their lives? How miserable do you have to be to constantly search for content talking about them just to spread your negative thoughts about it all over the place? Go touch grass fam, you probably need it.
@@elputas UA-cam ain't censoring anything, just based on your first comment I think I'm expecting what that second one is, if you can't take the time to read about the topic, have empathy and pop out of your "fuck everyone that doesn't think what I think" bubble, why would I take the time to translate that?
This question will likely create a flame war, but, is it really fair to ask people to identify trans people with the “garden grown” words? If they aren’t part of the English language, wouldn’t those words be just as unknown as, say, Spanish is to an English speaker? Not making a political statement or anything, just curious and trying to learn.
You mean like "he" "she" and "them" ?? We've been using those words since before Shakespeare's time. None of this is foreign if you've gone to 1st grade English class. In every day life, you're not going to need to say "my non-binary demisexual trans co-worker" you're just going to say "my co-worker"
@@stickinug No, I’m talking about the “Z” pronouns and everything
Hi there, yes entirely fair. in the same way that some terms become outdated and other things are brought into existence language needs to be reflective of the word it's used to describe. In the same way people have had to unlearn words like colored, oriental, mongoloid, calling things "gay" or "retarded." I supposed yes, these words would be unknown but new words are introduced into the lexicon all the time. At one point guacamole wasn't a household term, nor was salsa or even cherry coke but as we recognize them we need to identify them accordingly. Ze / Xe / Ey have actually been introduced into the English language as non-binary pronouns several times but they're not commonly taught because of how repressed/ isolated the trans population has been. You likely don't need to know the names of cheeses they don't sell in your local markets or plants you rarely encounter. When they become part of your world they deserve their own proper linguistic terminology : ) Hope that helps!
@@Sprayfaint I disagree about why neopronouns have had such trouble historically. It's a long time interest of mine.
I've been seeking to get some neutral pronouns established for many decades, long preceding the more recent non-binary identification (my reason was more about feminism and avoiding presumptions of male defaults). There have been LOTS of attempts over the decades (you've probably never heard of "co" and "per" and such, which came and went with few ripples), but each has only been used in some small context - nobody could agree to standardize them, each group made up their own, there was no accumulated momentum.
The recent surge in neo-pronouns also ran into almost the same problems. Except this time, rather than different sets of pronouns scattered sparsely over time and place, there were dozens hitting at once and in effect competing with each other. Again, no ability to agree and compromise and push one consistent set.
It's hard historically to change structure words like pronouns; we add nouns and verbs and adjectives (or new meanings of existing ones) all the time, but pronoun changes tend to take literally hundreds of years to change. When you combine that human tendency with a plethora of proposed new varieties, and expect people to remember every person's individual and *current* preferences, it's a really hard sell, at least among this species. This involves an imposed cognitive load which does not resonate with people as justified. Sure, we can learn whatever pronoun a daughter uses, but for everybody we meet - when many are barely able to remember names? Not going to happen broadly and sustainably.
However, even more recently, "they/them" has gotten by far the most traction I have ever witnessed as an acutely interested participant/observer. This is not a neo-pronoun, it's a variant on an existing usage. Yay!
In my quest to avoid unnecessary he/she assumptions but also communicate well, I settled on using "they" when I could several decades ago. Like "if a user wants to delete their answer, they can click on the red X at the bottom". If done well, few people will notice, and this use of "they" to represent an unknown or unspecified person actually goes back centuries (tho its popularity has varied over time).
The most recent usage has expanded that historical usage to incude a new thing -known persons who identify as non-binary. Semantically, there is a difference between "person of unknown gender" and "person of known non-binary gender". But "they/them" has recently become used for both, a small linguistic innovation.
To be honest, I was rooting for standardizing on a neopronoun set like "zie/zim" because it would preserve the semantic nuance described above and avoid singular/plural ambiguities. I like expressive language. But since no such neopronoun is winning out linguistically, I'm happy enough to have "they/them" as the new standard, and hoping it succeeds for the long run.
But the core reason we may settle on "they/them" is that we as a community have been utterly unable to come to any consensus about a single neo-pronoun set. If we were more cooperative and collaborative, more of a real functioning community, we could do that - and I'd be glad to throw my full support on the new standard as well. This is a historic moment where the language might permanently shift - but only if we could form consensus. Failing that, "they/them" is ok.
I believe that (whether we like it or not) the approach of everybody choosing idiosyncratic neo-pronouns from a large set of options, is going to be in the end a temporary and forgotten historical fad, known someday only to specialists in linguistic history as an amusing quirk of the early 21st century. (Read up on the roots of "okay" to get the flavor of that). But the usage of "they/them" for indeterminate and neutral gender may just stick around for the long run. I'm not advocating this so much as predicting it.
You can't control others, so no, having such an expectation will lead one quickly to disappointment.
I still don't understand what "gender" is or its function. It seems divisive labeling people based on their preferences. Sex is a medical term and I thought gender was just a synonym. I'm honestly confused; Can a man identify as a woman without taking on traditional female traits? Is it sexist to change your gender based on outward portrayal? These are real questions, I came here to understand.
In this video sex (biology) is being confounded with gender (social construct). I think you're spot about the divisiveness. If there ever was a hidden agenda behind 2SLGBTQIA+ it has gotta be the intention to divide. I mean how about that acronym for goodness sake!
No, a man can identify as anything but that will never change his sex.
Yes it's sexist to portray gender if it is based on sterotypes. I am a woman and never dress like a drag queen.
@@TheTxana You're right, I knew gender seemed sexist in it's existence. Why don't most people see it though?
It seems like you're struggling with the concept of gender, but don't worry, I got you. Gender is not just a synonym for sex, sweetie. It's a complex and multifaceted social construct that goes beyond your anatomy.
And no, it's not just about "preferences." It's about identity, expression, and how we relate to ourselves and others. So, labeling people based on their gender is not divisive, it's just a way to acknowledge and respect their lived experiences.
As for your question about a man identifying as a woman without taking on traditional female traits, the answer is yes, absolutely. Gender identity is not about conforming to societal norms or stereotypes. It's about how you feel inside, boo. So, if a man identifies as a woman, he is a woman, regardless of how he looks or acts.
And no, changing your gender is not sexist. It's a personal choice that people make based on their own experiences and feelings. It's not about outward portrayal or trying to fit into a certain box. It's about being true to yourself, bae.
@@own4801 So I, a masculine presenting heterosexual male, can just say I'm a woman and gain access to women's only spaces, women's sports, and government grants for women? Your identity is who you are not what you want to be.
Is a rose not a rose when called by any other name? -Shakespeare
@@amaruonyx390 It's not just about "saying" you're a woman or a man, it's about identifying and living as the gender that aligns with your true self.
Gaining access to women's only spaces, sports, or grants is not some kind of perk or privilege that comes with being transgender. Transgender people face numerous challenges and discrimination every day just for existing, let alone accessing basic rights and services.
And as for your Shakespeare reference, well, let me remind you that the Bard also said "To thine own self be true." So maybe instead of policing other people's identities, you should focus on being true to yourself and educating yourself about the experiences of others. Just a thought.
People seem to be saying gender is a social construct, however it seems more accurate to me that *gender roles* would be a construct instead. In my opinion at least people should be able to express themselves and act the way they want without having to change their gender to explain their behaviour. Because a few years back people would say when a boy acts feminine, it would be breaking gender norms. However nowadays people would assert that it means the boy is actually a girl.
What I’m saying is that it seems like people transition because they don’t fit the gender norms of their biological sex. But it is still very possible for a boy to act feminine and a girl to act like masculine?
Secondly, is being transgender a choice or is it something you are born with like gay or lesbian people?
I’m not very knowledgable about gender or sex and I would like some clarification about this… I’m not trying to attack anyone I would just like to understand better :)
Why can’t we just like what we like? Why do we need to be categorized based on that? You say this is promoting inclusion, but it just sounds like it’s dividing people into unnecessary groups. There is something very suspect about a trend that clearly does the opposite of what it claims. Very political. Very dishonest. Shame on all of you. Be who you want to be, but also love what you ARE. No one else is responsible for your self image.
well if we can be what we like then I don't think things like this are necessary. We should be able to express our gender any way we want but the reason why these kinds of educational videos exist is because ppl who are trans are discriminated against in society. In parts of the US you can be relatively safe being trans but in other parts like in the deep south you can be ostracized by friends and family. And then there are other countries where talk of being trans or LGBT is so suppressed and criminalized that kids growing up that express themselves differently from others will be bullied and never realize that there are others like them out there.
So until the world is able to allow me and other trans ppl to live as normal human beings, these educational videos will continue to exist.
I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Im not vet, but I know a dog when I see one. Famous quote directed at Mr. Lia Thomas
I say do what you want but don't expect me to keep up or care. I've been misgendered multiple times. It wasn't that bad.
It's not bad if you don't already struggle with gender dysphoria. It's also not bad if it isn't done maliciously like it so often is done toward trans people.
Reality is malicious to you.
Two possibilities and only two. Believe the science, not feelings. Feelings are issues of the mind not rooted in true biology.
This video didn’t help me as it was speaking of consequence instead of development. I want to understand how and why? I want to know why most trans people become the stereotype of their gender? I want to know why gender is even a part of their identity? I have yet to meet a “cisgendered” person who makes their gender their identity or gets offended by incorrect pronouns.
I have so many questions, help me
No one: Me with crippling gender dysphoria having to see purple haired gnc people about how they're the same thing as me.
You don't have to put other trans people down to make yourself feel better. This is not the oppression olympics, let's not turn on each other. There's already too much community infighting, aside from people from outside of the trans and nb community.
@@verymuchgay no one is putting down in a free country we are well within our freedom to give our opinions
Seek treatment to learn to love yourself the way you are. We don't operate or feed into the thoughts of people with anorexia so they're as skinny as they feel comfortable with. We get them help so they learn to love themselves and so should you!
Oof, frigging dysphoria. Wishing you all the best with that tough stuff.
Something that helped me on my journey that might help you was the phrase "just because you're non-binary does not mean you owe anybody androgyny, femininity, or masculinity." We are all free to express ourselves how we feel most comfortable and true to ourselves. Heck, there are plenty of cis people with purple hair, too. Doesn't mean every cis person needs purple hair or that being cis is weird because some of them have purple hair.
The person with the pink hair is so cute.
Are u ok?
What are you? Gay?
@@ajg2201 why’s that any of your business?
@@BramptonAnglican because you put it out there talking about a dude with pink hair is cute lol
@@BramptonAnglican You are bit aggressive for being "woMAN"
Believing something doesn't make it true.
Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it any less true. You know, like how the earth is round, vaccines prevent disease, and climate change is real - just because some people don't believe in those things doesn't mean they're not backed up by solid evidence and scientific consensus.
Similarly, the experiences of transgender individuals are valid and real, and denying their existence or validity just because you don't believe in them is not only ignorant, but also harmful. It takes a lot of courage for someone to come out as transgender and to live their truth, and the least we can do is show them respect and acceptance.
So instead of clinging to your narrow-minded beliefs, how about you open your mind and educate yourself on the experiences of others? Who knows, you might just learn something new and become a more compassionate person in the process. Peace out.
I honestly do not know what in the hell you are talking about. I have outlived my time on this earth. I do not recognise people and this world any longer, and I will be VERY grateful once my time on this earth is over. I pity the generations that came after me. We may have thought the 1930s, 1940s, 1960s, etc. were totally screwed up, but they had NOTHING on the nonsense, the sheer insanity and pathology that is being espoused today. I just bloody well hope that reincarnations is NOT real because I never want to come back to this insane asylum EVER again..
I loved it
I would have loved if everyone spoke for a little longer, it was a little distracting to change the speaker every five seconds : ) but it was cool and awesome of course