At the age of 60, people with these six habits can basically live to 90! Hope you are too

  • Опубліковано 27 кві 2024
  • In this insightful video, we delve into the fascinating topic of longevity and good health in the elderly. Join us as we explore the six signs that indicate overall good health and are associated with a longer lifespan. From thick hair and bright eyes to good sleep quality and strong bones and joints, learn how these signs reflect the state of one's health and provide valuable insights into aging gracefully.
    Discover the traditional Chinese medicine perspective on maintaining health and vitality as we discuss practical tips and remedies for addressing common health issues such as insomnia, poor appetite, and digestive problems. Whether you're looking to improve your own health or support the well-being of loved ones, this video offers valuable knowledge and actionable advice for promoting longevity and vitality at any age.
    Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the secrets of living a long and healthy life. Watch now and embark on your journey towards optimal health and longevity!
    #aging #happiness #life #elderlyhappiness |
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  • @kidvision564
    @kidvision564 20 днів тому +1

    Very important information but difficult to remember - maybe a board with the data to help visualization?

    • @BuddhaZenWishdom
      @BuddhaZenWishdom  20 днів тому

      Here are the six key points discussed in the video:
      1. **Thick Hair and Bright Eyes:** Thick, lustrous hair and bright, clear eyes are indicators of good health. They reflect proper levels of protein, vitamins, and hydration in the body, which are essential for immune function and overall well-being.
      2. **Good Sleep Quality:** Quality sleep is crucial for maintaining health and vitality. Poor sleep can lead to various health issues, including weakened immunity and cognitive decline. Implementing healthy sleep habits and seeking appropriate treatment for sleep disorders can improve overall health and longevity.
      3. **Healthy Appetite:** A healthy appetite is a sign of proper digestion and nutrient absorption. It indicates that the body is receiving essential nutrients to support its functions and maintain optimal health. Addressing underlying digestive issues and maintaining a balanced diet can promote a healthy appetite and overall well-being.
      4. **Normal Bowel and Bladder Movements:** Regular bowel movements and normal urinary function are important indicators of digestive and urinary health, respectively. Any disruptions in bowel or bladder habits may indicate underlying health issues that need to be addressed. Maintaining hydration, dietary fiber intake, and pelvic floor muscle strength can support healthy bowel and bladder function.
      5. **Strong Bones and Joints:** Healthy bones and joints are essential for mobility and overall well-being, especially in old age. Engaging in weight-bearing exercises, consuming a calcium-rich diet, and seeking appropriate medical treatment can help prevent bone and joint disorders and maintain musculoskeletal health.
      6. **Positive Attitude and Adaptability:** A positive attitude, adaptability, and resilience are crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being as we age. Embracing change, cultivating a sense of purpose, and seeking social support can contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life in the later years.
      These six points provide valuable insights into the factors that contribute to longevity and overall well-being in the elderly. Implementing strategies to support these aspects of health can help individuals lead longer, healthier lives.

  • @mariarajn8574
    @mariarajn8574 20 днів тому +1

    No comprehend the Chinese medicines what are the 6???

    • @BuddhaZenWishdom
      @BuddhaZenWishdom  20 днів тому

      Here's a summary of the traditional Chinese medicines mentioned in the content along with their uses:
      1. 百合 (Bai He - Lily)、郁金 (Yu Jin - Curcuma) 和莲子 (Lian Zi - Lotus Seed):
      - These herbs are used to treat insomnia caused by heart deficiency.
      2. 龙胆泻肝丸 (Long Dan Xie Gan Wan) 和朱砂安神丸 (Zhu Sha An Shen Wan):
      - Long Dan Xie Gan Wan is used to clear liver heat and calm the mind, while Zhu Sha An Shen Wan is used for calming and tranquilizing purposes, treating insomnia, and memory loss.
      3. 归脾汤 (Gui Pi Tang):
      - Gui Pi Tang is used to treat deficiency of yin and blood, and deficiency of both the heart and spleen.
      4. 安神补脑液 (An Shen Bu Nao Ye):
      - An Shen Bu Nao Ye is used to nourish the nerves, improve sleep quality, and treat symptoms such as insomnia and forgetfulness.
      5. 理中丸 (Li Zhong Wan):
      - Li Zhong Wan is used to regulate stomach cold, promote digestion, and treat symptoms such as poor appetite and indigestion caused by stomach cold.
      6. 参苓白术散 (Shen Ling Bai Zhu San):
      - Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is used to invigorate the spleen and eliminate dampness, treating symptoms such as poor digestion and loss of appetite caused by spleen and stomach dampness.
      These traditional Chinese medicines and their uses illustrate a holistic view of Chinese medicine, and they play an important role in promoting health and longevity.

  • @MacMacPherson
    @MacMacPherson 20 днів тому

    Part interesting tradition, part complete bollocks

    • @BuddhaZenWishdom
      @BuddhaZenWishdom  20 днів тому +1

      Thank you for sharing your perspective! Traditional practices often blend centuries of wisdom with cultural beliefs, and it's understandable that views may vary. While some aspects may seem unconventional or even questionable to certain individuals, many traditional practices have stood the test of time and continue to offer valuable insights into health and well-being. We appreciate your input and encourage open-mindedness in exploring different approaches to health and longevity. If you have any specific concerns or questions about the content discussed, feel free to share them, and we'll be happy to address them.