Season 6 or 7: MY NAME IS GOSPEED, and that any version of you pulled that savitar crap angers me so. Because he never was and never will be the god of speed, I am! Iris: The flash is right over there "points to barry or even kid flash wally"
Danny Benhur i personally think they suck Barry's dick too much. Too the point they had to write out Wally. They literally said they can't use Wally because theyd need to have a reason Barry couldn't save the day. YET THE REST OF THE SEASON WE HAVE BARRY FAILING EVERY FUCKING TIME. Wally could've been so helpful in back half of the season. They literally had the balls to not put him in the god damn flash family episode. You can't have flash family without fucking kid flash
NV Comics LMAO FOR REAL!!! in the first season I understood why Barry was at the center. Season 1 was supposed to be about us seeing him use and develop his powers. But now the whole show revolves around him to the point that other great characters never get a convincing and complex storyline
Danny Benhur people say he has little personality but that's because they sacrifice his character development for pointless things like Iris getting powers or Cecile being pregnant and getting powers. Its not about the personality he has now its about the potential he has
Remember when Team Flash was just Wells, Caitlyn, Cisco, and Barry? It was so nice and simple! But now it’s gotten out of control. Who isn’t apart of Team Flash now?!
Iris in Season 1: I'm a semi-annoying girl who is Barry's best friend and also a competent reporter Iris In Season 2: I'm a not annoying reporter who likes to take risks for Team Flash due to my connections in Central City news Iris in Season 3: I'm a bland love interest who is used as a plot device for 16 episodes this season. Iris in Season 4: I'm a very annoying impossibly competent brat who thinks that I'm better than all of Team Flash due to my marital status. Iris in Season 5: I'm more than okay with the fact that my daughter was working with a speedster psychopath that killed my husband's mother, and I berate him for not trusting that very same person. :)
@@gus195 yes but it doesnt make logical sense for Barry to trust either of them. And it makes even less sense for Iris to just blatantly take the opposite viewpoint on it, like asking him to just blindly trust Nora. That is well and truly bad, shallow writing so that they don't need to give characters any depth or personality beyond the shallow objectives they have for the current episode in question.
Actually when Barry comes out the speed force he says “Nora isn’t supposed to be here” so one thing did circle back around from Barry coming out the speed force. As everyone thought he was talking about his mother while in reality he was talking about his daughter
As soon as nora first appeared at the wedding we all knew that was barry's daughter so we knew that quote was for his daughter nora. That also doesn't make this season any less terrible.
Hey, remember when Wally (The second fastest speedster on the show who'd go on to go toe to toe with a time demon) got bodied by a Samuroid but Joe handled one with nothing but a sword? Good times on the CW I tell you.
D. San Yet Wally was fast enough to both perceive and counter projectiles before. The show was on that bullshit and I'm not excusing it because "All shows do it." That's a weak excuse that not only throws what's not being criticized under the bus but gives bad writing a pass. I'll have none of it.
For me, Iris ruined this season. She made everything about herself, somehow became the leader of the team when she legit does nothing, and the “we’re the flash” was so cringy argh. Also, when they were in therapy and Iris said she was closer to Ralph than Barry was I was LIVID.
Well, season 5 is looking pretty ok, to me. 5 episodes in or so and I'm enjoying the new developments and I'm kinda glad that they've returned to formula
@@regularusername5516 I mean so far so good but let's be honest they have kind of rushed Nora and iris relationship she went from hating iris to being her bff just because iris did one heroic ( said heroic thing was kind of stupid and illogical but if I get into that I'd be typing for and hour ) it should have last for at least half of the season... or more but I'll admit there are some good points such as Nora the ONLY good thing to come from wa I'm glad she takes more after her father rather than she does iris but they are rushing her character a bit... overall yeah it's an improvement but can improve much more.
Scarlett Evans Ok, I think there were other problems with this season that didn’t really have to do with Iris. That hate has to stop. Unlike Ross McIntyre here, I’m actually not bitter at The Flash. Well, ok...I spoke a little too soon (Don’t blame me!! He sounded that way at the beginning). The main characters still have good moments and stuff, but there was a disappointingly lower amount of stakes. The entire villain does feel like a side character. Even when the villains weren’t the best, they did at least have some threat factor to them, and this guy didn’t get to do a whole lot. There isn’t a whole lot of emotional moments with this season either, and does get a lot more sidetracked that the third season.
"We are the flash" was so cringy. Why was Iris the team's leader she had no science background she should have kept her job as a reporter she was shoe horned into team flash. Maybe they could have used to sway public opinion in a positive light for Barry in the court case? She was poorly utilized
"Why was Iris the team leader?" Probably because she fucks the boss. Worse idea so far on the show, whoever wrote that has 100% job security guaranteed, not a single worry in the world about producing good material.
The worst parts are when iris somehow appears to gain scientific knowledge that should take years of study to understand and the next minute returns to her normal state from previous seasons where she clearly understood little about high level science. I wish she would serve some purpose in the show right now, but wells, caitlin and cisco can do everything she is doing and could do it significantly better. She would be much better as a recurring character rather than a main character, as her skill set doesn't allow her to make constant contributions to the team or the show.
Marc Duncan yess man I hoped Cecile died in Season 3 or 4, just to really give an impact to the team. Hr died in S03 but every one moved on(unlike Ronnie and Eddie which affected Team Flash during season 2). I hope they raise the stake and keep it as good as season 1 and 2.
I wanted to see more of "crazy" Barry. He was back to normal in 1 episode and that was kinda disappointing. But it's no suprise, because they always fix everything in one episode
My biggest problem with the newer seasons is the fact that everybody who is on the team has some sort of power. Sort of like on Arrow when everyone is a Master combatant it just nullifies the main characters or the original members and dumbs the stories down to a pointless level.
"They showed Danny Trejo fighting vampires and he didn't kill a single one!" I'm 99% certain you threw that line in there just to mess with people who didn't watch season 4.
I agree with practically all of these points. I will say though, the Crossover is like it's own different thing. It's VERY worth it. I almost feel like the reason this season suffered so much is because all of their time, energy, and budget, went into making it happen. I'd give it a watch. I think you'd bare-minimum at least be entertained by it.
I was deeply disappointed the resolution to the Crossover. It had great opening, awesome ideas... aaaand then the stupidity kicked in: bad guys with guns unable to aim at very close range, bad guys with guns running towards our heroes instead of shooting at them and Overgirl (im not sure its her nickname, I mean evil Supergirl) exploding with the force of a dying star (sth like that). Again, her exploding is a fine idea, but building up the force of her exploding and then negating it by throwing her up in the air is just stupid. All it would take to avoid it, was say she was gonna explode like a normal bomb, like a star.
"Your not the Flash Barry, we are." Every time they tried to shove Iris down our throats instead of letting the other characters do things instead. She's Barry's bed bunny CW. Get over it.
@@bladehardy I'm pretty sure if Iris died it mean's Barry is still alive and the Flash 50,000 years in the future - which presumably mean's he's either not part of the crisis crossover or he is but Oliver doesn't have to give up his life to save Barry - but since Arrow is having it's series finally at the same time they sorta have to write Oliver out (even though I'm sure he'll return as a guest star occasionally in the future somehow)...
I HATED the way every actor who played The Thinker after the first two played him. It's like they didn't understand that changing bodies doesn't change your accent or speech pattern. Thank you for touching on that.
@@dashiefiles it would change his voice, not the accent. He's used to the accent he's been using his whole life, so the mannerisms and accent wouldn't change. We don't have the accents that we have because our vocal cords have developed a certain way. Our accents come from the way we use them: people whose accents change aren't morphing their vocal cords.
Darien Darkhouse True, they should have kept DeVoe with Neil Sandilands. This whole body swapping trope was getting ridiculous and I couldn’t take the character seriously.
@@edennara sorry to break it you but snowbarry isnt a thing😭. Not in the comics, not in the movie, not in the tv series. Grant ships west-allen & Danielle ships west-allen. Boohoo, cry!
Season 1 was so good. But the show isn’t the same anymore. The characters are not the same, the season is full of filler episodes, and the story is bad. Reverse Flash was intimidating and dope, and I wanted to watch the next episodes right then and there because I was invested. I am just not invested anymore.
"Reverse Flash was intimidating and dope, and I wanted to watch the next episodes right then and there because I was invested" Guess who's back, back, back, back again.
1. Iris West 2. "we are the flash" 3. The cringe is real 4. Too many filler episodes 5. Everything is so stupid and dumb. 6. Too many things going on at the same time 7. Season feels unfinished
The worst part I think was Devoe. He was not a very interesting or compelling villain. And his motives make no sense? He wants to make everyone dumber and eliminate technological advancement to make the world better? Seriously?
Oldest Legend but meta powers can’t be contained in your mind; they spread to the rest of your body, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use them. The real question is how DeVoe was able to keep the powers of all the bus metas even as he switched bodies. Being metahuman is a gene, not a neurological condition, so switching bodies should’ve caused him to lose one meta’s power and gain another
It's the CW. They're capable of producing one or two good seasons, just long enough for the teenyboppers on Tumblr to start shipping, at which point pre-teen girls become the writers. I don't want to watch television shows produced by One Direction's fan club. The very, very last show on the CW I was still watching was iZombie, and I stopped watching halfway through last season when characters' personalities started discombobulating just to create fights for romantic subplots. The CW, not even once.
@@dimlylitcityslick5123 The show isn't just digging its own grave, it's filling it back in on top of itself. For the villains, they didn't get actors and actresses that could commit for as long of a time as Team Flash, which is a GRAVE mistake. We want to see the villains evolve as much as the heroes, but NO: Captain Cold? DEAD, AND/OR REPLACED BY JOKEY VERSION FROM EARTH-X. Heatwave? HERO NOW I GUESS. Weather Wizard? DONE FOR. Trickster? CAN'T AFFORD MARK HAMILL. Grodd? GONE NOW. Golden Glider? ACTRESS SIGNED OFF. Dammit, now all we have is "Gridlock", "BLOCK", and some asshole with a Meta-PHONE. SERIOUSLY??
Why do they keep doing a copy and paste of their own villain plans in this show? The final plan going into motion and it involves energy beams in the sky?
Same with Arrow with the big bad wanting to destroy or take over Star City.....Season 5 was amazing to me cause Prometheus just wanted to ruin Oliver's life personally not Star City.
Tony Lawliet that one was interesting, because it wasn't typical, he wanted to humiliate that "hero" he sees everyday on the news. He wanted to break him emotionally
I think that Wally was much better in legends mainly because in The Flash he was just a worse Barry but in legends he is an actually useful member of the team
Legends of Tomorrow is literally the only show that hasn’t killed me inside yet. Arrow was garbage in 3, 4 and 6. The Flash was horrible and sad in 3, 4 and 5 (so far) and Supergirl was never good. Ever.
Yea season 5 of flash was pretty good, that should be watched. Not sure what your going on about with legends of tomorrow. The first season was honestly good, the second was dumb. That spear of destiny literally is more overpowered than Barry's flashtime abilities, which did make the story interesting, and then the legends got it, and did nothing, when something like that exists, it makes everything pointless. Season 3 was good until they killed the demon with bebo, that was so dumb. Season 4 is all about the comedy, which is pretty nice, it's kinda weird tho, I'm midway through it.
People saying Flash season 5 is good... The main villain's acting was insanely bad. Both male and female ﹰCicada were awful. Nora became Iris 2.0 and the actress did some bad acting here and there. Especially in the episodes that were supposed to develop her character. Everything in season 5 was mediocre at best. Just like season 4, it didnt resemble a superhero tv show anymore. Season 1 is still the only good season of The Flash with Season 2 being decent with a bad finale and then 3-4-5 being just mediocre in general. As for the new season. There are still some issues that honestly at this point I just erase from my mind cause the writers clearly dont give a fuck anymore... The only thing I really want to see is how Crisis is developed. If anything, Ramsey/Bloodwork has been a better villain in few episodes than the Cicadas in an entire season. Not diggin how he went from a good guy saving the world to literally cold villain that doesnt give a fuck about what is right. Althought he still thinks he can save the world, but lost any sense of morality in a matter of 2 episodes, which is a drastic change for someone who tried to do good in the first place. But again, now that he went villain, he atleast gives a vibe of becoming a potential decent villain, unlike the Cicadas. Hopefully they dont fuck it all over again.
What are your thoughts on the current seasons? Surprisingly, I’ve liked the current seasons of all of these shows more than any of their previous seasons (or at least the more recent ones). The most disappointing parts of these seasons so far has unfortunately been the overhyped, fan servicing, cameo overfilled Crisis Crossover.
That’s true I hate it when someone from the team gets mad and is about to leave and someone just talks to them and they get better which pisses me off like over and over afain ugh
This show has slowly degenerated season after season. Season 1 was great. Season 2 was good but had a weak finale. Season 3 was needlesly dark and miserable, by I was at least intrigued by Savitar. Season 4 was just boring, I gave up half way through. Sad to see a show you love go this way, reminds me of what happened with Heroes.
Personally thought season 4 was good. You just can’t take it seriously and have fun with it! I gave up on it a couple episode in also, but recently picked it back up. It’s because thy always have to do fuller episodes that the audience has to wait so long for meaningful content, but hey, they tied it all together in the end. It’s funny because season 4 was very much like season 1 in tone
Because season 3 was absolute hot garbage and everything explained in this video leads me to believe that hasn't changed with season 4. So the bad i'm referring to was the state of the last season i watched. Which is why in conjunction with this 'review' im glad i stopped watching.
I remember when this show was the flash, not the justice league. I also remember when I knew that Caitlin was a better love interest for Barry, they had more in common. And just like in season 3 every time I look at Barry and Iris’s relationship I cringe and pop a cap in my head
We’ve seen Barry hold multiple conversations, walk around casually and throw lightning while a nuclear bomb was in the process of exploding. Which takes a microsecond. Yet DeVoe is still able to turn his head and pin him down easily, even though that takes about 2 seconds. Super speed y’all.
Jesse Schoedel in flashtime he moves at 99.99999997% of the speed of the goddamn light. I’ll give the writers a pass before that, but since that episode no excuse for the super speed inconsistency is valid because we’ve already seen it
his superspeed hasn't made much sense since even season 1. He seemed to move reaally fucking fast in the early episodes but react to things slower than a regular human being would, mostly for some kind of conflict. Oh they have a gun that fires a projectile that should be incredibly slow in comparison to you that you can dodge? better get hit by it and spend half an episode getting told to run fast without anyone telling him "maybe move slightly to the left then slap it out his hand"
I can't stand the inconsistency of his matter how hard I try to turn off my brain the plot becomes so silly you can't ignore that they keep wildly varying how fast he can run. Sometimes it feels like he's running at the speed of a regular athlete except with lightning around him
sampler md that seems to be a mode he has to turn on. They even say he didn't know he could do it at first and they were still experimenting with it by the last episode. So it's not his base speed or anything. Plus a character with super speed would be too op if they didn't
Please do not even try to compare her to Felicity: Olicity was actually good before it was a thing, they had chemistry before getting together, Barry and Iris never had any chemistry and Iris was never as funny as Felicity
About twice a year, on a day off when I’m alone with my son and we are watching cartoons, I will listen to your flash and arrow videos and just relax. Today is one such day! Love your videos and your original songs lol!
The biggest problem with these shows is their over abundance of characters. I like these shows but still. There needs to be a much smaller central cast, but there are so many characters that the focus constantly keeps getting tossed around. Do some more character pruning and have a much more focused and original story.
I don’t understand how shows that spend so much time on romances are so bad at writing them. Felicity, Iris and Mon-El seem to be despised by fans. Other superhero shows do romances really well so why can’t they.
In the case of Felicity, it seems more that the main hero is submissive to her and that the show should be called Felicity. With Iris, at least she became the leader of the team when Barry left. With Supergirl, I think they haven't found her main guy yet. She keeps going through new dudes. Still waiting on Felicity to die then they bring in Earth # Felicity or something so they can reboot their relationship to being associates.
Delayed Abortion I liked early Felicity before she had the idea that she could take charge of the team because she was involved with Oliver. She was just the tech/hacker of the team. Once she got the idea that Oliver will do what she says, it was all over. I mean, it got to the point she'll complain that she shouldn't be something away from the computer because she's not a field member of the team, then run out into danger because she was told not to. The Olicity version of Felicity needs to go. I'd rather Oliver was with Black Siren than Felicity.
A Self Called L Iris has a very toxic hatedom. Sure, there were poor decisions around her, but she is not all that terrible. Just a victim of the STAR Labs toxic dynamic.
being a CW Arrowverse fan starts off being entertained and eager and becoming invested only to become disappointed as to what is happening to the verse as a whole and it feeling like a chore to watch weekly
I get what you mean, people can really enjoy stuff but then watch a critical video and it changes everything... I had the same thing (Also love ur vids btw)
Has anyone noticed how the Flash ruins classic stories? Like look at how butchered Flashpoint and Trial of the Flash were. These should have been season long arcs! But they’re reduced to 3 episodes at most.
Flashpoint was impossible to do without it being a half season long crossover idea. The whole storyline involved all the DC Universe with half the world in War due to the Amazons and the Atlanteans warring, Thomas Wayne and Captain Cold being heroes (instead of Bruce and Barry),and that was only the tip of the iceberg. Even if they tried it in a minor scale with the characters they have in the Arrowverse (subbing Green Arrow for Batman for example,and adding the Legends into the mix) you still need over six episodes to do it justice. Basically they had to do something akin to Crisis on Earth X, but longer and better focused, and considering they had yet to do a crossover of that magnitude yet (even the Collectors was relatively small scale), they just tried to do Flashpoint too early without having the resources or vision to pull it off.
i laughed my ass off when a murder trial was over by the end of the week barry was caught with a man who he was supposedly harassing was for some reason in barrys house. that whole thing was hilariously bad
This is the season where the writers without a doubt tried the least. The Flash is by far the most watched out of the 5 Arrowverse shows. They tried the least because they knew that it would be picked up for a season 5 no matter what
Yes despite the flaws of this season, one thing they did do right was their excellent choice in villain selection. Devoe has the best backstory of any Flash villain. It wasn't just a note tacked on for the sake of making him the villain like it was for Zoom and Savitar. And the fact that he wasn't a speedster was the best thing that they could have done. It was a nice way to break the cycle of constant speedster villains for Flash to become faster than. So even though the season didn't come out perfect it was certainly a step in the right direction for the show to take and keep going in the future because Devoe was one of the things they did right this season. Easily the second best Villain in the Flash and probably top 5 in the entire Arrowverse.
The problem with Devoe was that they made him too overpowered with all the body jumping and getting more and more powers out of it. He should also have been a sympathetic villain who was desperate and willing to do anything to cure his crippling who slowly became more and more evil as the things he was willing to do got worse and worse. Instead it was just "I'll make everybody stupid so I can reteach them."
What they did With Killer Frost was so Wack So out of Place Like Why did the Writers Chosen to Make Killer Frost a Split Personality anyway? Why Can't they Allow Caitlin to Control her powers by the end of Season 3 She went from a Badass Supervillian to a Nerfed Anti hero Like they Need to Get better writers Who have brains to handle there Characters Not to mention That They also for the Flash Now they Give us too MANY Characters For season 4 It Felt Comedic it was overkill and Repetitive
OtakuMetal 17 At the end of season three, she couldn't control them. She had become person who isn't Caitlin or Killer Frost. Another thing they never bothered to explain.
Her lack of accountability for her misdeeds is also worrying. Should Barry throw a napkin to the floor, he will be shown as a monster. But Caitlin participated in a conspiracy to kill a friend and worked for a human trafficker but she has shown little willingness to atone for her misdeeds aside from her apology to Joe. No, the comeback that she did it with a split personality is not valid, for the writers did show her Killer Frost side had moral agency.
I honestly thought that we would get at least an episode or two without Barry coming back, but then he did come back, but as a fragment of his former self. And then I was like, "Okay, Barry's back, but he isn't himself. If he's like this for at least a few episodes where it takes Team Flash a while to 'restore' him, I can get past him immediately being brought back from the Speed Force..." And then because of plot armor, he somehow comes back and then saves the day. So that was two major blows dealt to me in the span of 40 minutes.
Hayden Dietzman I'm still gonna watch this season of Flash, just like I'm still going to watch Arrow, but even after 15 episodes in, I doubt I'm going to like this season as much as I liked season 5, much less season 1. It's already been somewhat ruined for me.
Remember The Flash ‘90, and how they ditched Iris because they realized that it didn’t work and then moved the love interest role to a better, already established side character...... “Hey Caitlin......How’s your day?”
Really? They are both sooo cringy and obviously. Every episode of both shows follow the same formula. 1. Boring fight scene. 2. Man hating political bs. 3. Horrible and cringeworthy jokes. And 4. A character doubts themselves and needs a pep talk.
kcabyats * u clearly don't watch arrow and flash properly to think that there like that they do the same thing arrow and flash are very different and and are good in their own way which is why people like the shows
I really feel like the show is tied-down by being a live-action. Superheroes are all about people doing amazing and extraordinary things. The Arrowverse shows are about people doing ordinary things and then some extraordinary things when they have some special-effects budget to burn.
The Flash seasons have been following Arrow. Arrow and Flash Season 1: Good Arrow and Flash Season 2: Good Arrow and Flash Season 3: Bad Arrow and Flash Season 4: Bad Arrow Season 5: Good Maybe Flash Season 5 will be good? God I hope.
Mostly agreed, but I would argue that *Flash Season 2 was also bad* . It certainly had some good moments and episodes (just like Arrow Season 3), but in the end it just copied season 1 (poorly). All the Zoom reveals and twists and plotpoints towards the end were soooooo stupid and nonsensical... That's why I stopped having faith in the show a long time ago, everything points to it being a one-trick pony.
chars_78 Agree to disagree I guess. Myself and many others (the creator of this video included apparently) found that *the second season was a big drop in quality* , especially in regards to the overarching plot-line which was just soooo dumb and pointlessly convoluted.... At one point Barry gave away his speed to Zoom for no reason at all I think, and there was a lot more of hilariously moronic shit like that: *it was the season that cemented Barry's status as the "dumbest man alive"*
I liked season 1 a lot, and then I continued watching because I was being optimistic, and it took me the first half of season 4 to realize that no, nothing is gonna change and I can't watch 3 seasons of a show only because i think it will get better. It's sad, really.
@@Iliadic it's better than season 3 and 4, but it's still no where near as good as season 1 and 2. Iris is still annoying especially when she said "go team westallen". The villain is awesome so as long as they don't mess him up then i will call this good, but it will never be better than great unless they get of the useless trash known as iris.
@@Riskofrain527 why do people hate Iris and felicity so much? I really don't understand. I mean sure, neither are accurate to their comic counterparts, but neither are Barry or Oliver!
The CW should hire you to work on these shows. I wish they would do multiple story arcs like Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D season 4 did. With Ghost Rider/LMD/Framework. Instead we got the big bad guy for the whole season. Which to me kinda ruins the suspense. Oh they are about to catch him, oh no wait, he's gonna get away because there's still like 10 more episodes left and we need him for the rest of the season. Otherwise we would have to be creative and do something different. And i agree with you on Iris. I feel like in these shows is mandatory to have an anoying love interest. And the person gotta be dating someone else and that other person is gotta be anoying too. It started with Lana Lang on Smallville. Felicity on Arrow, Iris on this one.
the thinker was honestly so irritating. i started the season out thinking that team flash could actually find a way around his plans, but it just got monotonous and tiring to pretend that they had any chance. he was too overpowered, and it just got tiring.
The constant outsmarting them was bad enough. It should have been him being ahead of them sometimes and them catching him out at others. But no he was just always too smart for them. And the body swapping didn't help matters. Powerful villains with weaknesses are great. Overpowered Villain Sues like Thinker not so much.
Yeah I think this season is worse than season 3 and I hated season 3. Ralph didn't work for me at all, he went through the same arc 3 times, with the same conclusion. I wanted the season too be lighter than season 3 as well, but they went from dramatic moments to straight silliness in within sometimes 5 minutes of one another, which was jarring. It was like watching Batman 66. Also, some of the storylines were flat out stupid, Amulet was a waste of time and not threating at all. They had some good ideas, but always went 3 steps too far. Also, can Iris please stop saying, "we are The Flash", I rolled my eyes everytime she says it. I loved The Flash first season, this show has been on a downward spiral every since.
Honestly, season 3 was not near as bad as season 4. Season 3 was not impressive but season 4 was far worse. Im just gonna make a list of the things I hated and somewhat enjoyed this season. 1. Somehow Iris is fit to be team leader, 2. the forced feminism on Iris (aswell as Felecity on Arrrow) was just unbearable to watch, the speedster episode was just uncalled for and her character was literally useless this season, 3. Devoe didnt seem like a real menace at all, his plan just seemed stupid and the ending was god awful, 4. they didnt follow through on the speed force symbols AT ALL (im not counting the nora allen notebook because that hasnt been followed up on), 5. Wally, which is a character with so much potential, is still benched and treated poorly to the team, and he barely had a spotlight in the beginning of the season when Barry was in the speed force, 6. Caitlins story was very poor, it all just didnt make sense how Killer Frost can team up with a speed "god" last season and then be all cooperative with team flash this season, 7. Harry was really good this season, but the ending of his plot was very poor. Its beginning to feel like these characters arent getting real consequences. Like just losing his intelligence? Cmon. 8. The repetition of the bus metahumans got old really easily, 9. the trial of the flash was terrible. just terrible. Barry literally chose to go to prison, instead of just cleaning up the body with his superspeed. the ending was just dumb too, like yea okay he looks like devoe thats good enough, youre free to go barry. WTF! (I can probably think of more things I dont like but im gonna stop myself here and move on to the things I did like). THINGS I LIKED: 1. I liked the shift in tone from season 3, the show is much more enjoyable with the season 1 lighter tone feel, 2. the new suit was pretty cool ngl, a little baggy bit thats not a big deal, 3. the ralph character was a really fun character to watch throughout the season, even though it was a little predictable, 4. the switch up in villain from a speedster was really refreshing, even though it was not executed properly, 5. the counsel of Wells was a really minor plot but was one of the few enjoyable and well executed plots this season, 6. THE CROSSOVER WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!! I have barely anything to complain about for the crossover. And yea thats it for me. Hope you enjoyed reading this lol
BlueberryJam - Several of the things you complained about here are ongoing plots for season 5. The reason you didn't get the answers to the speed force symbols and for a few other things is due to the fact that it was planned to be revealed in this coming season. As for Wally, there were reason they did use Wally that couldn't be helped and he is now leaving the series altogether. He is supposed to be in like 2 episodes next season and that is all, unless they can talk him to come back. Killer Frost's past will be further explored as well. Honestly, you are bitching about things that really shouldn't be bitched about because they were meant to give you suspense for the next season. Yes they started the Speed Force symbols at the beginning of season 4 but when they set down and planned season 4, they had planned season 5 too and hoped that the show would not be canceled because they knew that they would not be giving all the answers to everything they started in Season 4. If you had paid any attention at all to what the producers and writers have been saying all summer, you would know this by now!
@@jd7062 J D J D so out of all my points your only response as to why I'm wrong is that I didn't pay attention and season 5 is going to answer all these questions? Lol. So season 5 is going to answer why iris somehow became team leader? If you're going to tell me I'm wrong at least back it up with some evidence. Also, I wrote this comment before any of the Nora Allen leaks came out about her because a season regular in season 5 and all the sicada stuff, so if YOU were to pay attention, you would easily realize that and not use that as your only point against me. Nice try though
I got so sick and tired of the Iris bullcrap... is stopped watching midway through season 4... i loved it for a while but it went to complete garbage pretty quick. that and all the CW's "Be different" campaign... ughh...
Season 4 was way worse than S3. So many fillers and comedy in this season, it was hard to watch. Season 3 was bad as a whole but at least it kept me at the edge of my seat during most of the episodes.
Theory: Flashpoint made KF apart of Caitlin since childhood but all memories of KF were blocked out by Caitlin because she was scared of what was going to happen and that is why she had the flashback and why she doesn’t remember it.
You should watch the crossover it has some of the funniest lines, like when supergirl said Oliver queen was ten times the man that hitler was. In all seriousness
I believe that Devoe's true goal SHOULD have been making Barry stronger in order for Barry to fight of some threat in the future (let's say the season 5 villain..) that only Devoe, due to his intellect, could see comming and knowing that only Barry can defeat that threat. But it should have been known only to Devoe himself, untill the last moments of the season. Marlize should have believed the whole "enlightenment"-plan etc. So let's say having the entire finale play out exactly the same way, but the only difference would have been Devoe's AI clone should have simply congratulated Barry for winning and then told them the truth, apologised to Marlize etc. That would have been a more fitting end for the man who's title was "The Thinker".
The irony is your reasons for him not being threatening and not being able to connect is what made him threatening, the fact he could literally turn up in any body. Ok wasn't the best season but was good, it was a nice change of pace not having a speedster as main villan.
The Flash is ass now. I want to have hope for season 5 just like I did for season 4, but with Barry's daughter being set up for it I'd rather kill myself than watch that garbage. Honestly when I finished the season I had one thought, "well that was a waste of time."
Mysterious Enigma who cares? It's not like the CW follows the comics as gospel. They seem to only add the worst things and leave out the best things lately.
BenT your mean the personality swaps? That was good. And the effect on his wife. The reflection of the story from the wife in general added a good element. And she was gorgeous.
@@Riskofrain527 come on he beat the flash without lifting a finger and he wasn't a speed villian, I get the what your saying about body switching though that was pretty dumb.
@@lking1540 not being a speed villain doesn't make him a good villain that's like saying godspeed would be a bad main villain just because he's another speedster
Everyone wants a lighter tone until they get it. I honestly loved the savitar storyline. You can go dark as long as you make it interesting and meaningful. Making something have a lighter tone does not make it better at all. It’s in the writing and acting not the tone.
shoaib kayani it was time travel first of all which gives the writers sooo many things to play with and every episode really left you guessing who savitar was and why he was doing what he was doing and that to many and other people was fun to watch and try and figure out. Goofy episodes with cheesy villains are not interesting at all and kind of cringy. Barry could have literally yanked Defoe out of that chair and ran him into the desert in a split second. This show straight nerfs the flash to accommodate weaker villains instead of villains who could realistically in the that universe who can go toe to toe with the flash. People forget how fast the flash is. He moves so fast other people look frozen in time yet he gets trapped or beaten in the dumbest ways. It makes the flash look weak as fuck and not fun to watch.
@@jaycrimson3007 everyone knew savitar was barry. Savitar's backstory doesn't make sense. Iris killing savitar with a gun was very stupid. Season 3 was very bad.
noob saibot to each his own and and wouldn’t say everyone knew people had theories it was him but no one knew for sure. There weren’t any definitive proof
I never got bored of Arrow. It's so intense , dark and interesting. On the other hand flash really got boring after 4th season. Supergirl was never meant to be great , it sucked from the very beginning and then there are Legends ! Not a single flop season !
it’s ok but season 8 isn’t the best season and the only thing i hate about arrow is how it’s all about the stupid list or his dad. and i loved slade but then he was somehow beat by thea queen on the island. and when roy left it kinda got bad.
Y'all can stop asking now
Ross McIntyre thank you I have been waiting for this since it came to Netflix.
Thanks when I saw this in my sub feed I was so happy. Are you gonna do one on Arrow season 6?
Ross McIntyre But....... if you’re not going to make videos on the CW superhero shows anymore, what am I going to watch from you?
Our lord and father, Ross has finally answered my prayers!
Ross you didn’t like Flashtime or Barry’s suit??? Wtf
Barry: I am the Flash
Iris: No Barry, we are the flash.
Zoom: I'm here to kill the Flash
Iris: No, you are the flash barry.
flashpoint did it
Season 6 or 7: MY NAME IS GOSPEED, and that any version of you pulled that savitar crap angers me so. Because he never was and never will be the god of speed, I am!
Iris: The flash is right over there "points to barry or even kid flash wally"
Darth Vader lol
Barry ur ah wizard
Savitar: I am the future flash!
Iris: no barry, we are the future flash
Arence Macalintal Savitar: Your lanuagage sounds like it comes from a teen drama community
Iris and Barry both agreed, So stop hating so much in iris.
Thanks for a good laugh man😂
azenzioanthony lanuagage?
@@ariannamatthews218 Iris is cancer, deal with it
I hate how Iris constantly reminded people that she was the leader.
She’s the least qualified person to be the leader.
I think it always should’ve been Cisco
@@romanzzland it was supposed to be cisco
@@romanzzland she helped in no way possible
@@svrmaster103 yes
And I wanted cisco to be the leader
Iris: WE are the Flash
Barry: Honey, I am the Flash, YOU are a cult leader
It fails when they forget that Barry Allen is the Protagonist...
It also fails when they forget it's a Superhero show not a Teen Drama show...
Luckily for us it is a superhero show, and Barry is the protagonist!
Danny Benhur i personally think they suck Barry's dick too much. Too the point they had to write out Wally. They literally said they can't use Wally because theyd need to have a reason Barry couldn't save the day. YET THE REST OF THE SEASON WE HAVE BARRY FAILING EVERY FUCKING TIME. Wally could've been so helpful in back half of the season. They literally had the balls to not put him in the god damn flash family episode. You can't have flash family without fucking kid flash
NV Comics LMAO FOR REAL!!! in the first season I understood why Barry was at the center. Season 1 was supposed to be about us seeing him use and develop his powers. But now the whole show revolves around him to the point that other great characters never get a convincing and complex storyline
NV Comics I agree, removing Wally is worst thing ever...
Danny Benhur people say he has little personality but that's because they sacrifice his character development for pointless things like Iris getting powers or Cecile being pregnant and getting powers. Its not about the personality he has now its about the potential he has
Remember when Team Flash was just Wells, Caitlyn, Cisco, and Barry? It was so nice and simple! But now it’s gotten out of control. Who isn’t apart of Team Flash now?!
And Joe too
Yeah... also, how many people know Barry is the Flash at this point? I'm gonna guess over 30.
Diego Augusto Iris, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, Cecile, Ralph, Oliver, Felicity, John, Laurel, Dinah, Rene, Curtis, Malcolm, Sara, Rip, Wally, Nate, Zari, Jax, Stein, Amaya, Henry, Jay, Jesse, H.R, Harry, Eddie, Ronnie, Eobard, Snart, Mick, Hunter, Marlize, Clifford, Nora, Other Nora, Cynthia, Josh. Barry sucks at keeping secrets, Am I missing someone else?
@Eobard Thawne Lyla... and I think, Ray from Earth-X. Also Grodd probably knows since he was in his mind.
Iris in Season 1: I'm a semi-annoying girl who is Barry's best friend and also a competent reporter
Iris In Season 2: I'm a not annoying reporter who likes to take risks for Team Flash due to my connections in Central City news
Iris in Season 3: I'm a bland love interest who is used as a plot device for 16 episodes this season.
Iris in Season 4: I'm a very annoying impossibly competent brat who thinks that I'm better than all of Team Flash due to my marital status.
Iris in Season 5: I'm more than okay with the fact that my daughter was working with a speedster psychopath that killed my husband's mother, and I berate him for not trusting that very same person. :)
Aaaand then that person who I yelled at my husband for not trusting *gasp* turned out to bad bad still🤦🏼♀️😂
Pretty accurate ngl
2nd Airborne Productions well Nora was working with thawne cause he helped her a lot and they were close
@@gus195 yes but it doesnt make logical sense for Barry to trust either of them. And it makes even less sense for Iris to just blatantly take the opposite viewpoint on it, like asking him to just blindly trust Nora. That is well and truly bad, shallow writing so that they don't need to give characters any depth or personality beyond the shallow objectives they have for the current episode in question.
@2nd Airborne Productions come back, I need for S6.
Iris: we are the flash
Devo: what are you talking about
Only the flash is the flash👌🏻
walking dead we are Negan vibes but worse
even he couldn't predict that
Actually when Barry comes out the speed force he says “Nora isn’t supposed to be here” so one thing did circle back around from Barry coming out the speed force. As everyone thought he was talking about his mother while in reality he was talking about his daughter
Oh shit I didn't even peep that
As soon as nora first appeared at the wedding we all knew that was barry's daughter so we knew that quote was for his daughter nora. That also doesn't make this season any less terrible.
Yh I noticed that
Young Dedicated Cynosure at the end of season 4 where Harry loses his intelligence he also says Nora shouldn’t be here
YDC Triste yeah but we had to wait a year for just a tiny piece of payoff
Hey, remember when Wally (The second fastest speedster on the show who'd go on to go toe to toe with a time demon) got bodied by a Samuroid but Joe handled one with nothing but a sword? Good times on the CW I tell you.
Mr.Wolfchamp 1999 But he held Mallus off long enough for everyone to escape while Mallus was in his true form
Well Wally got suckered by that energy blast while he was asking g the dude to surrender. But all shows have dumb moments. superhero shows and comics
D. San Yet Wally was fast enough to both perceive and counter projectiles before. The show was on that bullshit and I'm not excusing it because "All shows do it." That's a weak excuse that not only throws what's not being criticized under the bus but gives bad writing a pass. I'll have none of it.
barry in elseworlds: guys i’m the green arrow now
iris: No WE ArE ThE GReEn ARrOw
Thawed: oh I’m nothing like the flash
Some would say I’m the reverse
Iris: no thawne we are the reverse
Thawne: wot
For me, Iris ruined this season. She made everything about herself, somehow became the leader of the team when she legit does nothing, and the “we’re the flash” was so cringy argh. Also, when they were in therapy and Iris said she was closer to Ralph than Barry was I was LIVID.
Scarlett Evans it became "The Iris Show ft Flash cameo"
Well, season 5 is looking pretty ok, to me. 5 episodes in or so and I'm enjoying the new developments and I'm kinda glad that they've returned to formula
@@regularusername5516 it was great and iris seemed like she wouldn't be a tumor this season until she said "go team westallen".
@@regularusername5516 I mean so far so good but let's be honest they have kind of rushed Nora and iris relationship she went from hating iris to being her bff just because iris did one heroic ( said heroic thing was kind of stupid and illogical but if I get into that I'd be typing for and hour ) it should have last for at least half of the season... or more but I'll admit there are some good points such as Nora the ONLY good thing to come from wa I'm glad she takes more after her father rather than she does iris but they are rushing her character a bit... overall yeah it's an improvement but can improve much more.
Scarlett Evans Ok, I think there were other problems with this season that didn’t really have to do with Iris. That hate has to stop. Unlike Ross McIntyre here, I’m actually not bitter at The Flash. Well, ok...I spoke a little too soon (Don’t blame me!! He sounded that way at the beginning). The main characters still have good moments and stuff, but there was a disappointingly lower amount of stakes. The entire villain does feel like a side character. Even when the villains weren’t the best, they did at least have some threat factor to them, and this guy didn’t get to do a whole lot. There isn’t a whole lot of emotional moments with this season either, and does get a lot more sidetracked that the third season.
"We are the flash" was so cringy. Why was Iris the team's leader she had no science background she should have kept her job as a reporter she was shoe horned into team flash. Maybe they could have used to sway public opinion in a positive light for Barry in the court case? She was poorly utilized
"We are the Flash" was definitely cringeworthy every time they said it.
"Why was Iris the team leader?" Probably because she fucks the boss.
Worse idea so far on the show, whoever wrote that has 100% job security guaranteed, not a single worry in the world about producing good material.
Probably for meh diversity again
The worst parts are when iris somehow appears to gain scientific knowledge that should take years of study to understand and the next minute returns to her normal state from previous seasons where she clearly understood little about high level science.
I wish she would serve some purpose in the show right now, but wells, caitlin and cisco can do everything she is doing and could do it significantly better. She would be much better as a recurring character rather than a main character, as her skill set doesn't allow her to make constant contributions to the team or the show.
Top 5 issues with Season 4:
1. Iris
2. Iris
3. Villains
4. Writing
5. Iris
Tajai Norton 6. Iris
7. Iris
What about Cecile? she is not only not needed but is fucking annoying.
Marc Duncan yess man I hoped Cecile died in Season 3 or 4, just to really give an impact to the team. Hr died in S03 but every one moved on(unlike Ronnie and Eddie which affected Team Flash during season 2). I hope they raise the stake and keep it as good as season 1 and 2.
Idk I kinda disagree with Iris... Writing: eh , oh yes Iris of course.
I think you forgot to mention Iris 😏😏😏
I wanted to see more of "crazy" Barry. He was back to normal in 1 episode and that was kinda disappointing. But it's no suprise, because they always fix everything in one episode
Remember when Melting Point decided to join Team Flash, and then he was never seen again, until he died?
Literally triggered me
fg same with the girl with the floating ability was in a cell then next episode devoue had her powers and they never explained dit
Its Fading bro, ralph literally walked in on devoe with all of the metas dead body’s just laying at his feet
Wow what a waste of a character
My biggest problem with the newer seasons is the fact that everybody who is on the team has some sort of power. Sort of like on Arrow when everyone is a Master combatant it just nullifies the main characters or the original members and dumbs the stories down to a pointless level.
Also just fuck the existence of wild dog, such a shitty character, season 1 Oliver would've killed the shit out of him.
Well technically two people do now 😂
Am I wrong to think that his favorite actor in the flash is Tom Cavanagh
I think he played Reverse Flash so good ww give him a pass 😆
Bikim Brown he plays all the Harrisons really well
@@violetlavi2207 The other ones seem so forced. I guess as long ashis name appears on the credits he has to be in the sgow.
Bikim Brown Harry and Thawne were definitely good, and I personally like HR
@@violetlavi2207 I was so sad when he died
“Which brings us to the demon.... IRIS”
I laughed way to hard😂
Time stamp?
@@noonelikesyou1480 17:25
Cue Finn Balor theme
"They showed Danny Trejo fighting vampires and he didn't kill a single one!"
I'm 99% certain you threw that line in there just to mess with people who didn't watch season 4.
Andrew Newmark but... he didn’t. Right?
Nope, I’m pretty sure that actually happened in the season
Well he lost his powers so he couldn't
I agree with practically all of these points. I will say though, the Crossover is like it's own different thing.
It's VERY worth it. I almost feel like the reason this season suffered so much is because all of their time, energy, and budget, went into making it happen. I'd give it a watch. I think you'd bare-minimum at least be entertained by it.
Hey, Kuro, I'm a subscriber!
Kuro The Artist. Flash Easter Egg in 5YL???
I was deeply disappointed the resolution to the Crossover. It had great opening, awesome ideas... aaaand then the stupidity kicked in: bad guys with guns unable to aim at very close range, bad guys with guns running towards our heroes instead of shooting at them and Overgirl (im not sure its her nickname, I mean evil Supergirl) exploding with the force of a dying star (sth like that). Again, her exploding is a fine idea, but building up the force of her exploding and then negating it by throwing her up in the air is just stupid. All it would take to avoid it, was say she was gonna explode like a normal bomb, like a star.
Kuro The Artist huh You, are, here. Love you.
No Benophobic.
Well the crossover was like it's own separete show, thats why it was so good, altought suffered from the weak ending like always
"Your not the Flash Barry, we are." Every time they tried to shove Iris down our throats instead of letting the other characters do things instead. She's Barry's bed bunny CW. Get over it.
give Iris the middle finger
You just summed up my thoughts on Alex and Maggie in S2 of Supergirl.
@@TF2Fan101 alex is annoying and maggie was a tool the cw used to support the LGBT community.
@Notre Aira yes!! Finally!!! Someone that understands!!!
@@bladehardy I'm pretty sure if Iris died it mean's Barry is still alive and the Flash 50,000 years in the future - which presumably mean's he's either not part of the crisis crossover or he is but Oliver doesn't have to give up his life to save Barry - but since Arrow is having it's series finally at the same time they sorta have to write Oliver out (even though I'm sure he'll return as a guest star occasionally in the future somehow)...
Barry: Runs at ridiculously crazy speed to stop a bomb.
Also, Barry: Manages to get hit by literally every villain.
Me: -_-
I HATED the way every actor who played The Thinker after the first two played him. It's like they didn't understand that changing bodies doesn't change your accent or speech pattern.
Thank you for touching on that.
@@dashiefiles it would change his voice, not the accent. He's used to the accent he's been using his whole life, so the mannerisms and accent wouldn't change.
We don't have the accents that we have because our vocal cords have developed a certain way. Our accents come from the way we use them: people whose accents change aren't morphing their vocal cords.
@@dariendarkhouse8538 I agree also, I feel like all of the next bodies, except maybe Ralph Dibney, really had no idea what they were trying to do
Diggle had a good accent when Devoe broke into Argus.
Darien Darkhouse exactly, you can be American by blood, but you live in Britain your whole life, you will have a British Accent.
Darien Darkhouse True, they should have kept DeVoe with Neil Sandilands. This whole body swapping trope was getting ridiculous and I couldn’t take the character seriously.
But you gotta admit that seasons one and two were amazing
Yes, of course they were. That's why he didn't get on them.
I miss zoom
@@Shadow-uj1qv we all do, him dying in s3 was just wrong
Damn really? I stopped halfway through S1!!
Season 1: AMAZING!
Season 2: Alright.
Season 3: I think I’m done.
Season 4: What’d I miss?... Nothing? Cool.
I appreciate your opinion
Only thing I would change for S1 its fun and enjoyable, s2 okay, s3 Bad s4 tried 1 episode officially gave up
i have seen meybe 12 or 13 episodes of season 4 and it got so fuckin bad i stopped watching
2 was amazing
I actually loved the first few episodes, when the show was still focused on Barry and his speed, *uniquely high* speed. But then...
she pisses me off so badly
@Haku infinite One minute he can fight giant gorillas, the next he can't speed after a criminal walking away at normal speed.
kaden3434 omg ill love that. finally some snowbarry weve waited for for 6 years
@@edennara sorry to break it you but snowbarry isnt a thing😭. Not in the comics, not in the movie, not in the tv series. Grant ships west-allen & Danielle ships west-allen. Boohoo, cry!
Season 1 was so good. But the show isn’t the same anymore. The characters are not the same, the season is full of filler episodes, and the story is bad. Reverse Flash was intimidating and dope, and I wanted to watch the next episodes right then and there because I was invested. I am just not invested anymore.
Except season 5 is actually good so far.... In fact, a majority of fans agree, so the writers are clearly doing something write.
Season 2 was lit too. To me it was better than season 1
and since I heard rumors that Thawne is in other show, I hoped that he was back and things get interesting, NOPE. 20:40
"Reverse Flash was intimidating and dope, and I wanted to watch the next episodes right then and there because I was invested"
Guess who's back, back, back, back again.
watch season 5 gets good at 100th episode but worth sitting through others
1. Iris West
2. "we are the flash"
3. The cringe is real
4. Too many filler episodes
5. Everything is so stupid and dumb.
6. Too many things going on at the same time
7. Season feels unfinished
Nailed it.
The worst part I think was Devoe. He was not a very interesting or compelling villain. And his motives make no sense? He wants to make everyone dumber and eliminate technological advancement to make the world better? Seriously?
@@GeneralKenobi75 lmao good point maybe I should add it to the list
You should. I think that should really be number one.
sophia i need to tell you something! LOL! you dont know what clif hangers are!
Iris: no we are the flash Barry
The speed force needs an occupant
Iris:Second thought you’re a The flash
if Ralph took his body back from devoe at the end of the season, wouldn’t that mean he has all the powers from the metas devoe killed
L D yeah that is a good point
No, the different powers were trapped in devoe’s mind, so when he destroyed devoe, he destroyed the powered too.
Oldest Legend but meta powers can’t be contained in your mind; they spread to the rest of your body, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use them.
The real question is how DeVoe was able to keep the powers of all the bus metas even as he switched bodies. Being metahuman is a gene, not a neurological condition, so switching bodies should’ve caused him to lose one meta’s power and gain another
Violet Wynters Bad writing
that was exactly my question about the finale.
It's the CW. They're capable of producing one or two good seasons, just long enough for the teenyboppers on Tumblr to start shipping, at which point pre-teen girls become the writers. I don't want to watch television shows produced by One Direction's fan club. The very, very last show on the CW I was still watching was iZombie, and I stopped watching halfway through last season when characters' personalities started discombobulating just to create fights for romantic subplots.
The CW, not even once.
At least arrow and legends are looking good
Flash is meh
shoaib kayani no just no..
@@ieatcupsbreeeh981 legends is a good show.
lol by what metric? it's just a shitty crossover tv series with leftover extras the writers don't know what to do with @@Riskofrain527
@@greyghostinfinite YES, EXACTLY THIS
They must have smoked a lot more Speed Weed for this season
In my opinion, King Shark still has the dumbest line "you're not as fast as i am in water!"
But he is a shark lmao
He has the SharkForce!
not to be confused with the shart force, which is the writers super power.
It’s not a season finale without a sky beam/portal 😂
I wish they had kept Patty Spivot as the love interest
I agree
I agree too
@@dimlylitcityslick5123 The show isn't just digging its own grave, it's filling it back in on top of itself. For the villains, they didn't get actors and actresses that could commit for as long of a time as Team Flash, which is a GRAVE mistake. We want to see the villains evolve as much as the heroes, but NO: Captain Cold? DEAD, AND/OR REPLACED BY JOKEY VERSION FROM EARTH-X. Heatwave? HERO NOW I GUESS. Weather Wizard? DONE FOR. Trickster? CAN'T AFFORD MARK HAMILL. Grodd? GONE NOW. Golden Glider? ACTRESS SIGNED OFF. Dammit, now all we have is "Gridlock", "BLOCK", and some asshole with a Meta-PHONE. SERIOUSLY??
She was nice. But now, looking back, I found her annoying.
Honestly like, any other love interest. He has more chemistry with like, every other girl on the show. Including Amunet. And like. Everyone.
Why do they keep doing a copy and paste of their own villain plans in this show? The final plan going into motion and it involves energy beams in the sky?
TitanWar93 savitars wasnt about his main plan though, he just saw an oppurtunity to kill team flash, it didnt have to do with becoming a god.
Same with Arrow with the big bad wanting to destroy or take over Star City.....Season 5 was amazing to me cause Prometheus just wanted to ruin Oliver's life personally not Star City.
Tony Lawliet that one was interesting, because it wasn't typical, he wanted to humiliate that "hero" he sees everyday on the news. He wanted to break him emotionally
TitanWar93 Exactly as much as i thought Diaz was a solid villain, i can see why folks weren't fond of him.
Well devoe was a different villain and I thought it was great but although that still isn’t enough to fix a season
I think that Wally was much better in legends mainly because in The Flash he was just a worse Barry but in legends he is an actually useful member of the team
I dislike the acting skills of the guy playing Wally. But I agree with the rest, at least they made him sort of useful there.
Legends of Tomorrow is literally the only show that hasn’t killed me inside yet. Arrow was garbage in 3, 4 and 6. The Flash was horrible and sad in 3, 4 and 5 (so far) and Supergirl was never good. Ever.
U NO TOUCHA MY SPAGET season 5 is good wym
season 5 is pretty good far...supergirl?okay at best arrow?season 3 was okay to bad 4 was trash 6?eh.....
Yea season 5 of flash was pretty good, that should be watched. Not sure what your going on about with legends of tomorrow. The first season was honestly good, the second was dumb. That spear of destiny literally is more overpowered than Barry's flashtime abilities, which did make the story interesting, and then the legends got it, and did nothing, when something like that exists, it makes everything pointless. Season 3 was good until they killed the demon with bebo, that was so dumb. Season 4 is all about the comedy, which is pretty nice, it's kinda weird tho, I'm midway through it.
People saying Flash season 5 is good... The main villain's acting was insanely bad. Both male and female ﹰCicada were awful.
Nora became Iris 2.0 and the actress did some bad acting here and there. Especially in the episodes that were supposed to develop her character.
Everything in season 5 was mediocre at best.
Just like season 4, it didnt resemble a superhero tv show anymore.
Season 1 is still the only good season of The Flash with Season 2 being decent with a bad finale and then 3-4-5 being just mediocre in general.
As for the new season. There are still some issues that honestly at this point I just erase from my mind cause the writers clearly dont give a fuck anymore... The only thing I really want to see is how Crisis is developed. If anything, Ramsey/Bloodwork has been a better villain in few episodes than the Cicadas in an entire season. Not diggin how he went from a good guy saving the world to literally cold villain that doesnt give a fuck about what is right. Althought he still thinks he can save the world, but lost any sense of morality in a matter of 2 episodes, which is a drastic change for someone who tried to do good in the first place.
But again, now that he went villain, he atleast gives a vibe of becoming a potential decent villain, unlike the Cicadas. Hopefully they dont fuck it all over again.
What are your thoughts on the current seasons? Surprisingly, I’ve liked the current seasons of all of these shows more than any of their previous seasons (or at least the more recent ones). The most disappointing parts of these seasons so far has unfortunately been the overhyped, fan servicing, cameo overfilled Crisis Crossover.
Imo, this season just felt incredibly lifeless, it was like in every scene, the director said "No Grant, you have too much energy, be more depressed"
That’s true I hate it when someone from the team gets mad and is about to leave and someone just talks to them and they get better which pisses me off like over and over afain ugh
This show has slowly degenerated season after season. Season 1 was great. Season 2 was good but had a weak finale. Season 3 was needlesly dark and miserable, by I was at least intrigued by Savitar. Season 4 was just boring, I gave up half way through. Sad to see a show you love go this way, reminds me of what happened with Heroes.
Javed Ahmed Season 2 weak finale??????
Javed Ahmed It was an awesome finale probably the best Flash finale
I love u talking trash abuout Flash but dont ever talk about Heroes.....
Personally thought season 4 was good. You just can’t take it seriously and have fun with it! I gave up on it a couple episode in also, but recently picked it back up. It’s because thy always have to do fuller episodes that the audience has to wait so long for meaningful content, but hey, they tied it all together in the end. It’s funny because season 4 was very much like season 1 in tone
Flash season 4
You have failed this city
Iris: No we have failed this city
Caleb Queen 💀
Arrow: FLASH! You have failed this season!
@@oneandonlysound99 😂🤣😂
Arrow: CW, you have failed this series! *pulls out bow and arrow*
Iris is definitely up there with Jar Jar
Fives lmao
Fives and Felicity
Yah but iris is hot af
Mr.Fancy Sir
Still annoying af
@@thatoneguy779 looks d ont make up for character
It annoys me how bad this show got. And it was all so avoidable. Im glad i didnt watch this season.
Grizzlegoist then how do u know it’s bad?
Because season 3 was absolute hot garbage and everything explained in this video leads me to believe that hasn't changed with season 4.
So the bad i'm referring to was the state of the last season i watched. Which is why in conjunction with this 'review' im glad i stopped watching.
Grizzlegoist ok. S4 was pretty stupid, except for “entering flash time,” which was genuinely good. But enjoyed the hell out of it anyway.
Firesonic 123 word of mouth. If season 4 was good you'd hear about it.
Count Weatherface I’ve read about it. Does that count?
I remember when this show was the flash, not the justice league. I also remember when I knew that Caitlin was a better love interest for Barry, they had more in common. And just like in season 3 every time I look at Barry and Iris’s relationship I cringe and pop a cap in my head
Felt like Barry really learned nothing from his LIFETIMES in the fucking speed force
SomeGuyOnUA-cam yeah well he kinda had no memory of his time there
We’ve seen Barry hold multiple conversations, walk around casually and throw lightning while a nuclear bomb was in the process of exploding. Which takes a microsecond. Yet DeVoe is still able to turn his head and pin him down easily, even though that takes about 2 seconds.
Super speed y’all.
Jesse Schoedel in flashtime he moves at 99.99999997% of the speed of the goddamn light. I’ll give the writers a pass before that, but since that episode no excuse for the super speed inconsistency is valid because we’ve already seen it
his superspeed hasn't made much sense since even season 1.
He seemed to move reaally fucking fast in the early episodes but react to things slower than a regular human being would, mostly for some kind of conflict. Oh they have a gun that fires a projectile that should be incredibly slow in comparison to you that you can dodge? better get hit by it and spend half an episode getting told to run fast without anyone telling him "maybe move slightly to the left then slap it out his hand"
Also his weakness is getying sukcer punched and marbles
I can't stand the inconsistency of his matter how hard I try to turn off my brain the plot becomes so silly you can't ignore that they keep wildly varying how fast he can run. Sometimes it feels like he's running at the speed of a regular athlete except with lightning around him
sampler md that seems to be a mode he has to turn on. They even say he didn't know he could do it at first and they were still experimenting with it by the last episode. So it's not his base speed or anything. Plus a character with super speed would be too op if they didn't
Remember when Iris was basically just discount Laurel? I miss those days. Now she's discount Felicity.
Kieren Campbell maybe THAT’S why Iris is so into Oliver 😂
just be glad shes only "discount".
@@venatic1581 Yeah, her ass has nothing on Felicity's.
Please do not even try to compare her to Felicity: Olicity was actually good before it was a thing, they had chemistry before getting together, Barry and Iris never had any chemistry and Iris was never as funny as Felicity
@@topino1262Right, that doesn't mean that Iris isn't incredibly comparable to Felicity at this point in the show.
About twice a year, on a day off when I’m alone with my son and we are watching cartoons, I will listen to your flash and arrow videos and just relax. Today is one such day! Love your videos and your original songs lol!
The amount of times there was a 'They got away' moment annoyed me so much 😂😂
Joel Wills that should never happen he a.speedster
I appreciate your opinion
Made me wanna flip a table everytime that bs happened
Season5 ain't no better
The biggest problem with these shows is their over abundance of characters. I like these shows but still. There needs to be a much smaller central cast, but there are so many characters that the focus constantly keeps getting tossed around. Do some more character pruning and have a much more focused and original story.
I don’t understand how shows that spend so much time on romances are so bad at writing them. Felicity, Iris and Mon-El seem to be despised by fans. Other superhero shows do romances really well so why can’t they.
Thomas Grindol it's still on the CW so still written for a young teens who enjoys rom coms and teen dramas piggybacking on the superhero trend.
In the case of Felicity, it seems more that the main hero is submissive to her and that the show should be called Felicity. With Iris, at least she became the leader of the team when Barry left. With Supergirl, I think they haven't found her main guy yet. She keeps going through new dudes. Still waiting on Felicity to die then they bring in Earth # Felicity or something so they can reboot their relationship to being associates.
Delayed Abortion I liked early Felicity before she had the idea that she could take charge of the team because she was involved with Oliver. She was just the tech/hacker of the team. Once she got the idea that Oliver will do what she says, it was all over. I mean, it got to the point she'll complain that she shouldn't be something away from the computer because she's not a field member of the team, then run out into danger because she was told not to. The Olicity version of Felicity needs to go. I'd rather Oliver was with Black Siren than Felicity.
Thomas Grindol Mon-El season 2 is the bane of my fucking existence. Season 3 he was a lot more tolerable
A Self Called L Iris has a very toxic hatedom. Sure, there were poor decisions around her, but she is not all that terrible. Just a victim of the STAR Labs toxic dynamic.
It's so super sad that CW kids can't handle criticism. predictable
being a CW Arrowverse fan starts off being entertained and eager and becoming invested only to become disappointed as to what is happening to the verse as a whole and it feeling like a chore to watch weekly
Great,Thanks for making me like The Flash Season 4 less...
I get what you mean, people can really enjoy stuff but then watch a critical video and it changes everything... I had the same thing
(Also love ur vids btw)
I’m subscribed black lion hahahah
The Black Lion Hey I love your videos!
Once Iris said “Your not the Flash, We are the Flash” I gave up on the show
Don’t make his opinions change yours
Has anyone noticed how the Flash ruins classic stories? Like look at how butchered Flashpoint and Trial of the Flash were. These should have been season long arcs! But they’re reduced to 3 episodes at most.
You can say that about most of the classic elements. The Rogues? Wally becoming Kid Flash? Potential season arcs of material just gone.
Flashpoint was impossible to do without it being a half season long crossover idea. The whole storyline involved all the DC Universe with half the world in War due to the Amazons and the Atlanteans warring, Thomas Wayne and Captain Cold being heroes (instead of Bruce and Barry),and that was only the tip of the iceberg. Even if they tried it in a minor scale with the characters they have in the Arrowverse (subbing Green Arrow for Batman for example,and adding the Legends into the mix) you still need over six episodes to do it justice. Basically they had to do something akin to Crisis on Earth X, but longer and better focused, and considering they had yet to do a crossover of that magnitude yet (even the Collectors was relatively small scale), they just tried to do Flashpoint too early without having the resources or vision to pull it off.
I mean trial of the flash had to be reduced for timekeep sake.
i laughed my ass off when a murder trial was over by the end of the week barry was caught with a man who he was supposedly harassing was for some reason in barrys house. that whole thing was hilariously bad
Then why did they put Flashpoint in the first place?
He does know Clifford devoe isn’t a scientist he’s a history teacher
Who watched this after watching the season 3 one.
Me lil😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
This is the season where the writers without a doubt tried the least. The Flash is by far the most watched out of the 5 Arrowverse shows. They tried the least because they knew that it would be picked up for a season 5 no matter what
At least we can all celebrate the fact that Daredevil season 3 is happening soon.
I appreciate your opinion but I hated daredevil
josh fluharty I will admit, I didn't like season 1, but season 2 did a lot right so I am excited for the next season.
ARC-77 Fordo I'm looking forward to it too!
ARC-77 Fordo wow anyone who didn’t like daredevil or daredevil season 1 must just be stupid
The MultiMediaMan there's no reason to be offensive man. Besides, that first season was pretty boring at times.
Personally, I enjoyed the season. Just the finale was terrible. That finale was God awful.
Also, I really enjoyed Devoe as a villain.
I appreciate your opinion
I was glad the main villain wasn’t another speedster
Yes despite the flaws of this season, one thing they did do right was their excellent choice in villain selection. Devoe has the best backstory of any Flash villain. It wasn't just a note tacked on for the sake of making him the villain like it was for Zoom and Savitar. And the fact that he wasn't a speedster was the best thing that they could have done. It was a nice way to break the cycle of constant speedster villains for Flash to become faster than.
So even though the season didn't come out perfect it was certainly a step in the right direction for the show to take and keep going in the future because Devoe was one of the things they did right this season.
Easily the second best Villain in the Flash and probably top 5 in the entire Arrowverse.
Damien Darhk this season was fucking trash
The problem with Devoe was that they made him too overpowered with all the body jumping and getting more and more powers out of it. He should also have been a sympathetic villain who was desperate and willing to do anything to cure his crippling who slowly became more and more evil as the things he was willing to do got worse and worse. Instead it was just "I'll make everybody stupid so I can reteach them."
What they did With Killer Frost was so Wack So out of Place
Like Why did the Writers Chosen to Make Killer Frost a Split Personality anyway?
Why Can't they Allow Caitlin to Control her powers by the end of Season 3 She went from a Badass Supervillian to a Nerfed Anti hero Like they Need to Get better writers Who have brains to handle there Characters Not to mention That They also for the Flash Now they Give us too MANY Characters For season 4 It Felt Comedic it was overkill and Repetitive
OtakuMetal 17 At the end of season three, she couldn't control them. She had become person who isn't Caitlin or Killer Frost. Another thing they never bothered to explain.
that's what im saying!!!!
OtakuMetal 17 what the fuck is with your Random capitalization In Your comment Dude?
OtakuMetal 17 agreed. I could see at first like only coming out when scared or mad but be one or the other. Caitlin with powers or killer Frost.
Her lack of accountability for her misdeeds is also worrying. Should Barry throw a napkin to the floor, he will be shown as a monster. But Caitlin participated in a conspiracy to kill a friend and worked for a human trafficker but she has shown little willingness to atone for her misdeeds aside from her apology to Joe. No, the comeback that she did it with a split personality is not valid, for the writers did show her Killer Frost side had moral agency.
I honestly thought that we would get at least an episode or two without Barry coming back, but then he did come back, but as a fragment of his former self. And then I was like, "Okay, Barry's back, but he isn't himself. If he's like this for at least a few episodes where it takes Team Flash a while to 'restore' him, I can get past him immediately being brought back from the Speed Force..." And then because of plot armor, he somehow comes back and then saves the day. So that was two major blows dealt to me in the span of 40 minutes.
yep, ruined it for me after that
Hayden Dietzman I'm still gonna watch this season of Flash, just like I'm still going to watch Arrow, but even after 15 episodes in, I doubt I'm going to like this season as much as I liked season 5, much less season 1. It's already been somewhat ruined for me.
Delayed Abortion Exactly. It's almost as if they forgot that "he was faster than ever before." Or maybe they just don't give a shit.
Well the show is called "The Flash" after all. Would be kinda weird to have a Flash show without the Flash, even if for just a few episodes.
Garren the flashlikes to.mess with expectations and not drag things out. That's fair because at least it doesn't drag things out
Remember The Flash ‘90, and how they ditched Iris because they realized that it didn’t work and then moved the love interest role to a better, already established side character......
“Hey Caitlin......How’s your day?”
At least then there would be a lot less dead love interests.
The season went downhill after the season 3 premier. Season 2 was AWESOME. But I feel like season 5 is rising the show up.
Finally, someone who sees good writing, action, characterization, and storytelling
Honestly it was so good because it’s so simple then they wanted to add relationship problems.
“You’ve got a big storm coming.” (In reference to season 5 comment)
I liked Arrow season 6 a lot more than Flash season 4. You should watch it.
Diggle vs Oliver. Had some weight to that episode.
REDcelestialOMEGA And that episode where Oliver puts on his old suit. I thought that was so cool.
Really? They are both sooo cringy and obviously. Every episode of both shows follow the same formula. 1. Boring fight scene. 2. Man hating political bs. 3. Horrible and cringeworthy jokes. And 4. A character doubts themselves and needs a pep talk.
kcabyats * u clearly don't watch arrow and flash properly to think that there like that they do the same thing arrow and flash are very different and and are good in their own way which is why people like the shows
I really feel like the show is tied-down by being a live-action.
Superheroes are all about people doing amazing and extraordinary things.
The Arrowverse shows are about people doing ordinary things and then some extraordinary things when they have some special-effects budget to burn.
That's why I've never understood the fixation on live-action. You can do _so much_ more with animation.
The acting of the first person the Thinker jumped into was good enough to make me believe it'd be his permanent body.
Me: *immediately hits subscribe button*
Jar Phipps 😂
We know why season 4 failed iris west
ZegetaX1 But We r the Flash!!!!
Shut up zegetax,1
The Flash seasons have been following Arrow.
Arrow and Flash Season 1: Good
Arrow and Flash Season 2: Good
Arrow and Flash Season 3: Bad
Arrow and Flash Season 4: Bad
Arrow Season 5: Good
Maybe Flash Season 5 will be good? God I hope.
Mostly agreed, but I would argue that *Flash Season 2 was also bad* . It certainly had some good moments and episodes (just like Arrow Season 3), but in the end it just copied season 1 (poorly). All the Zoom reveals and twists and plotpoints towards the end were soooooo stupid and nonsensical...
That's why I stopped having faith in the show a long time ago, everything points to it being a one-trick pony.
LedPESRule Nope. S2 was actually pretty good.
Agree to disagree I guess. Myself and many others (the creator of this video included apparently) found that *the second season was a big drop in quality* , especially in regards to the overarching plot-line which was just soooo dumb and pointlessly convoluted.... At one point Barry gave away his speed to Zoom for no reason at all I think, and there was a lot more of hilariously moronic shit like that: *it was the season that cemented Barry's status as the "dumbest man alive"*
LedPESRule I agree with you about season 2. But I really am enjoying season 4
+LedPESRule heyyyyyy I like flash season 2 its my most favorite season
Ah man the skybeam part killed me lmao
I actually think S4 was worse than S3
Most dumbest comment I’ve seen in my life.
Stephen Vazquez which one?
Yeah, I agree, I was yelling at the TV while watching S4 but S3 I didn't really care.
KaijYT your’s
Stephen Vazquez most dumbest. Stupidity or joking?
I liked season 1 a lot, and then I continued watching because I was being optimistic, and it took me the first half of season 4 to realize that no, nothing is gonna change and I can't watch 3 seasons of a show only because i think it will get better. It's sad, really.
Season 5 is Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy betterer dude
@@Iliadic it's better than season 3 and 4, but it's still no where near as good as season 1 and 2. Iris is still annoying especially when she said "go team westallen". The villain is awesome so as long as they don't mess him up then i will call this good, but it will never be better than great unless they get of the useless trash known as iris.
@@Riskofrain527 why do people hate Iris and felicity so much? I really don't understand. I mean sure, neither are accurate to their comic counterparts, but neither are Barry or Oliver!
Luuk iris is just annoying, intrusive, and damn near uselessz
The CW should hire you to work on these shows. I wish they would do multiple story arcs like Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D season 4 did. With Ghost Rider/LMD/Framework. Instead we got the big bad guy for the whole season. Which to me kinda ruins the suspense. Oh they are about to catch him, oh no wait, he's gonna get away because there's still like 10 more episodes left and we need him for the rest of the season. Otherwise we would have to be creative and do something different. And i agree with you on Iris. I feel like in these shows is mandatory to have an anoying love interest. And the person gotta be dating someone else and that other person is gotta be anoying too. It started with Lana Lang on Smallville. Felicity on Arrow, Iris on this one.
Christian Garcia bad bad idea. Season 2 of Riverdale had so many storylines going at once and look where that got it...
Don't Read My profile pic i haven't seen that one yet. I heard it wasn't good.
AoS S4 was excellent! The ways the writers execute that show is perfect. AoS>cw shows.
MTYT Mixes
And on AoS they know how to write romances
the thinker was honestly so irritating. i started the season out thinking that team flash could actually find a way around his plans, but it just got monotonous and tiring to pretend that they had any chance. he was too overpowered, and it just got tiring.
The constant outsmarting them was bad enough. It should have been him being ahead of them sometimes and them catching him out at others. But no he was just always too smart for them. And the body swapping didn't help matters. Powerful villains with weaknesses are great. Overpowered Villain Sues like Thinker not so much.
Yeah I think this season is worse than season 3 and I hated season 3. Ralph didn't work for me at all, he went through the same arc 3 times, with the same conclusion. I wanted the season too be lighter than season 3 as well, but they went from dramatic moments to straight silliness in within sometimes 5 minutes of one another, which was jarring. It was like watching Batman 66. Also, some of the storylines were flat out stupid, Amulet was a waste of time and not threating at all. They had some good ideas, but always went 3 steps too far. Also, can Iris please stop saying, "we are The Flash", I rolled my eyes everytime she says it. I loved The Flash first season, this show has been on a downward spiral every since.
The demon... “IRIS” 🤣
Luigi Villacorta i laughed way too hard at that 😂
Honestly, season 3 was not near as bad as season 4. Season 3 was not impressive but season 4 was far worse. Im just gonna make a list of the things I hated and somewhat enjoyed this season. 1. Somehow Iris is fit to be team leader, 2. the forced feminism on Iris (aswell as Felecity on Arrrow) was just unbearable to watch, the speedster episode was just uncalled for and her character was literally useless this season, 3. Devoe didnt seem like a real menace at all, his plan just seemed stupid and the ending was god awful, 4. they didnt follow through on the speed force symbols AT ALL (im not counting the nora allen notebook because that hasnt been followed up on), 5. Wally, which is a character with so much potential, is still benched and treated poorly to the team, and he barely had a spotlight in the beginning of the season when Barry was in the speed force, 6. Caitlins story was very poor, it all just didnt make sense how Killer Frost can team up with a speed "god" last season and then be all cooperative with team flash this season, 7. Harry was really good this season, but the ending of his plot was very poor. Its beginning to feel like these characters arent getting real consequences. Like just losing his intelligence? Cmon. 8. The repetition of the bus metahumans got old really easily, 9. the trial of the flash was terrible. just terrible. Barry literally chose to go to prison, instead of just cleaning up the body with his superspeed. the ending was just dumb too, like yea okay he looks like devoe thats good enough, youre free to go barry. WTF! (I can probably think of more things I dont like but im gonna stop myself here and move on to the things I did like). THINGS I LIKED: 1. I liked the shift in tone from season 3, the show is much more enjoyable with the season 1 lighter tone feel, 2. the new suit was pretty cool ngl, a little baggy bit thats not a big deal, 3. the ralph character was a really fun character to watch throughout the season, even though it was a little predictable, 4. the switch up in villain from a speedster was really refreshing, even though it was not executed properly, 5. the counsel of Wells was a really minor plot but was one of the few enjoyable and well executed plots this season, 6. THE CROSSOVER WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!! I have barely anything to complain about for the crossover. And yea thats it for me. Hope you enjoyed reading this lol
BlueberryJam - Several of the things you complained about here are ongoing plots for season 5. The reason you didn't get the answers to the speed force symbols and for a few other things is due to the fact that it was planned to be revealed in this coming season. As for Wally, there were reason they did use Wally that couldn't be helped and he is now leaving the series altogether. He is supposed to be in like 2 episodes next season and that is all, unless they can talk him to come back. Killer Frost's past will be further explored as well. Honestly, you are bitching about things that really shouldn't be bitched about because they were meant to give you suspense for the next season. Yes they started the Speed Force symbols at the beginning of season 4 but when they set down and planned season 4, they had planned season 5 too and hoped that the show would not be canceled because they knew that they would not be giving all the answers to everything they started in Season 4. If you had paid any attention at all to what the producers and writers have been saying all summer, you would know this by now!
@@jd7062 J D J D so out of all my points your only response as to why I'm wrong is that I didn't pay attention and season 5 is going to answer all these questions? Lol. So season 5 is going to answer why iris somehow became team leader? If you're going to tell me I'm wrong at least back it up with some evidence. Also, I wrote this comment before any of the Nora Allen leaks came out about her because a season regular in season 5 and all the sicada stuff, so if YOU were to pay attention, you would easily realize that and not use that as your only point against me. Nice try though
BlueberryJam I agree but I don’t agree to the lighter tone. The comedy this season was way too much and almost unbearable to watch!
I got so sick and tired of the Iris bullcrap... is stopped watching midway through season 4... i loved it for a while but it went to complete garbage pretty quick. that and all the CW's "Be different" campaign... ughh...
Season 4 was way worse than S3. So many fillers and comedy in this season, it was hard to watch. Season 3 was bad as a whole but at least it kept me at the edge of my seat during most of the episodes.
Kofi Afram agreed, I love the flash but after season 4 I don't think I can bring myself to finish watching it or even feel excited for season 5
I appreciate your opinion
Comedy is a bad thing? People are crazy...
Kofi Afram The worse part is that the comedy was not funny at all.
JustAFan Fave exactly! So cringey, especially with the Cecile ‘mind-reading’ scenes. Comedy for kids to laugh at
Theory: Flashpoint made KF apart of Caitlin since childhood but all memories of KF were blocked out by Caitlin because she was scared of what was going to happen and that is why she had the flashback and why she doesn’t remember it.
But as long as they got sPeEd WeEd working on the show, it's automatically great
“WhY sEAsoN 5 faiLeD” when season 5 is out
MGA GOD it’s out
It really failed
The answer is always Iris.
Season 5 worse that 4
SSN MGA GOD season 1 2 and 6 have been the best episodes
You should watch the crossover it has some of the funniest lines, like when supergirl said Oliver queen was ten times the man that hitler was. In all seriousness
GravestoneXD thats funny to u?
overgirl said it?
Iris is the real Heir to the Demon not Nysa she’s Merlyns enemy Iris is Iris Al”Gual”
I believe that Devoe's true goal SHOULD have been making Barry stronger in order for Barry to fight of some threat in the future (let's say the season 5 villain..) that only Devoe, due to his intellect, could see comming and knowing that only Barry can defeat that threat. But it should have been known only to Devoe himself, untill the last moments of the season. Marlize should have believed the whole "enlightenment"-plan etc. So let's say having the entire finale play out exactly the same way, but the only difference would have been Devoe's AI clone should have simply congratulated Barry for winning and then told them the truth, apologised to Marlize etc.
That would have been a more fitting end for the man who's title was "The Thinker".
That is really a good idea
CW. . . Hire this person
The irony is your reasons for him not being threatening and not being able to connect is what made him threatening, the fact he could literally turn up in any body. Ok wasn't the best season but was good, it was a nice change of pace not having a speedster as main villan.
The Flash is ass now. I want to have hope for season 5 just like I did for season 4, but with Barry's daughter being set up for it I'd rather kill myself than watch that garbage. Honestly when I finished the season I had one thought, "well that was a waste of time."
I want time traveling back so I think it's good just hope it's better then season 4
I appreciate your opinion
She's in the comics you know...
Mysterious Enigma who cares? It's not like the CW follows the comics as gospel. They seem to only add the worst things and leave out the best things lately.
Frog Holding Machine Gun what's garbage about Barry's daughter? He has two kids in the comics. And so does Wally.
*cough cough We Are The Flash cough cough DeVoe and those weird actors trying to act like him cough cough so many fillers cough cough*
BenT your mean the personality swaps? That was good. And the effect on his wife. The reflection of the story from the wife in general added a good element. And she was gorgeous.
17:27 “the demon” is so accurate
I seriously think that all the villains hide in the vents because that's the only excuse that makes any type of sense
The villain was pretty good, everyone has to agree on that, long live the thinker, just wish he had a better evil plan.
The was ok until he started switching bodies and no nobody has to agree that he was a good villain because he wasn't.
@@Riskofrain527 come on he beat the flash without lifting a finger and he wasn't a speed villian, I get the what your saying about body switching though that was pretty dumb.
@@Riskofrain527 *tries making everyone agree the season is shit*
He sucked
@@lking1540 not being a speed villain doesn't make him a good villain that's like saying godspeed would be a bad main villain just because he's another speedster
Everyone wants a lighter tone until they get it. I honestly loved the savitar storyline. You can go dark as long as you make it interesting and meaningful. Making something have a lighter tone does not make it better at all. It’s in the writing and acting not the tone.
What about s3 was interesting and meaningful to you?
Just curious
shoaib kayani it was time travel first of all which gives the writers sooo many things to play with and every episode really left you guessing who savitar was and why he was doing what he was doing and that to many and other people was fun to watch and try and figure out. Goofy episodes with cheesy villains are not interesting at all and kind of cringy. Barry could have literally yanked Defoe out of that chair and ran him into the desert in a split second. This show straight nerfs the flash to accommodate weaker villains instead of villains who could realistically in the that universe who can go toe to toe with the flash. People forget how fast the flash is. He moves so fast other people look frozen in time yet he gets trapped or beaten in the dumbest ways. It makes the flash look weak as fuck and not fun to watch.
@@jaycrimson3007 everyone knew savitar was barry. Savitar's backstory doesn't make sense. Iris killing savitar with a gun was very stupid. Season 3 was very bad.
noob saibot to each his own and and wouldn’t say everyone knew people had theories it was him but no one knew for sure. There weren’t any definitive proof
How about god writting AND a lighter tone?
You should watch the first 7 episodes of Arrow season 7. They are amazing
Yes that's so right, thank you. I loved those episodes.
I never got bored of Arrow. It's so intense , dark and interesting. On the other hand flash really got boring after 4th season. Supergirl was never meant to be great , it sucked from the very beginning and then there are Legends ! Not a single flop season !
it’s ok but season 8 isn’t the best season and the only thing i hate about arrow is how it’s all about the stupid list or his dad. and i loved slade but then he was somehow beat by thea queen on the island. and when roy left it kinda got bad.
@@saph306 Thea didn’t beat slade
I wish Barry came in a quarter through the season and stayed crazy for 13 episodes